Wright State University CORE Scholar Martha McClellan Brown Correspondence Martha McClellan Brown Papers (MS-147) 1-11-1898 Letter, 1898, January 11, Rachel Foster Avery to Mrs. Martha McClellan Brown Rachel Foster Avery Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/ special_ms147_correspondence Part of the Women's History Commons Repository Citation Avery , R. F. (1898). Letter, 1898, January 11, Rachel Foster Avery to Mrs. Martha McClellan Brown. This Letter is brought to you for free and open access by the Martha McClellan Brown Papers (MS-147) at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Martha McClellan Brown Correspondence by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Honorary President, EI,IZAIIF.'l' H CADY S'l'AN'£ON, 26 West 61st Street, New York. President, SusAN B. ANTHONY, Recording Secretary, ALICE STONE Br.ACKWELL, 17 Madison Street, Rochester, New York. 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass. Treasurer. HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Vice-President-at•LA.rge. REv. ANNA H. SHAW, Warren. Ohio. 1830 Diamond Street, Philadelphia, Pa. r L AURA CLAY, Lexington, Ky. Corresponding Secretary, RACHEL FOSTER AVERY, Auditors: 1 CATHARINE w A UGH illcCULI,OCH, Hl'.!O .8aoo >lt,oel, Philadelphia, Pa. l 1113 "The Rookery," Chicago, Ill. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, Chl\irman Committee on Organization, CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT, 107 ,vorld Building, New York. 107 WORLD BUILDING, NEW YORK. 119 N. 19th St., Philadelphia. January 11, 1898, Mrs. Martha McClellan Brown, 1024 Wesley Ave., Cincir.nati, Ohio. Dear Mrs. Brown, Hrs. Carrie Chapman Catt has forwarded to me your letter to her without date and a copy of hers to you of January 5th.