February 2019

 Spring 2018 VERSUS Spring 2019

 Student Headcount Enrollments

Spring 2018 and Spring 2019: Headcounts by College


Spring 2018 12,679 13,574


Spring 2019 12,382


0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 Moorpark Ventura Oxnard

 Changes in Enrollments – Spring 2018 to Spring 2019

Headcount College Number Percent 65 0.5% Oxnard College -166 -2.3% -297 -2.3% District Total -463 -1.5%


Student Headcounts College 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Moorpark College 13,674 13,375 13,640 13,574 13,639 Oxnard College 7,129 7,188 7,087 7,131 6,965 Ventura College 13,085 12,750 12,682 12,679 12,382 District Total 31,495 30,825 30,876 30,548 30,085

Note: Some students attend more than one VCCCD college; therefore, the district total is less than the sum of college enrollments.

VCCCD Ventura County Community College District Institutional Research

Spring 2019 Summary of VCCCD Student Enrollments Page 2


 First-Time Students Who are Recent Graduates of Local High Schools

The table displays the numbers of first-time VCCCD students who are recent graduates (2018 or 2019) of local high schools (except for Agoura High, all schools are located in Ventura County). The schools are ranked based on the total district-wide number of units taken by first-time students from those high schools. A complete listing of the high schools appears on pages 14 – 16 of this report.

The top school is Rio Mesa High with 35 recent graduates who are enrolled in 409.0 units at VCCCD colleges. The second-ranked school is Pacifica High, with 37 recent graduates at VCCCD colleges who are enrolled in 349 units. Channel Islands is third with 32 students enrolled in 331.0 units. Moorpark College Oxnard College Ventura College District High Schools Students Units Students Units Students Units Students Units Rio Mesa High 3 36.0 10 95.0 24 278.0 35 409.0 Pacifica High 0 0.0 24 233.0 14 116.0 37 349.0 Channel Islands 0 0.0 27 281.0 6 50.0 32 331.0 Buena High 2 18.0 1 13.0 28 275.0 30 306.0 Santa Paula High 1 2.0 0 0.0 30 274.0 30 276.0 Ventura High 0 0.0 2 19.0 27 250.0 29 269.0 Oxnard High 1 3.0 15 134.0 13 121.0 28 258.0 Hueneme High 1 4.0 23 238.0 3 13.0 24 255.0 Thousand Oaks High 27 229.0 1 3.0 1 4.0 27 236.0 Simi Valley High 20 218.0 1 8.0 0 0.0 21 226.0 Fillmore Senior High 5 50.0 0 0.0 16 174.0 20 224.0 Westlake High 19 214.0 0 0.0 1 10.0 20 224.0 Agoura High 19 217.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 19 217.0 Royal High 19 189.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 19 189.0 Moorpark High 16 143.0 0 0.0 1 10.0 17 153.0 Frontier High 0 0.0 9 91.0 4 31.0 12 122.0 Santa Susana High 13 119.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 13 119.0 Camarillo High 6 45.0 3 30.0 8 35.0 17 110.0 El Camino High 1 7.0 1 12.0 10 91.0 12 110.0 Newbury Park High 12 110.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 12 110.0 Foothill Technology 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 93.0 8 93.0 Oak Park High 8 82.0 0 0.0 1 3.0 9 85.0 Vista Real Charter 1 9.0 3 25.0 4 33.0 8 67.0 Apollo High 5 54.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 5 54.0 Ventura Adult High 1 3.0 1 11.0 4 39.0 6 53.0 Totals 180 1,752.0 121 1,193.0 203 1,900.0 490 4,845.0

The numbers of recent graduates from local high schools, and their unit enrollments at each college:

VCCCD Colleges Students Units Average Units

Moorpark College 180 1,752.0 10.3 Oxnard College 121 1,193.0 9.9 Ventura College 203 1,900.0 9.4 Totals / Av. Units 490 4,845.0 9.9

Note: Some students attend more than one VCCCD college; therefore, the district total is less than the sum of college enrollments. Calculation of overall average units is: 4,845.0 total units ÷ 490 unduplicated first-time students from local HSs = 9.9 units per student. Ventura County Community College District Institutional Research

Spring 2019 Summary of VCCCD Student Enrollments Page 3

 Student Area-of-Residence

The two tables below summarize student and credit-unit enrollments by area-of-residence. A more detailed Area-of-Residence distribution, on page 11 of this report, indicates the numbers of students and credit-units by cities/areas within Ventura County.

VCCCD Students Credit-Unit Enrollments Area of Residence Number Percent Number Percent

Ventura County 25,043 83.2% 233,582.0 83.2%

Los Angeles County 2,900 9.6% 28,010.0 10.0%

All Other Areas 2,142 7.2% 19,284.0 6.8%

Totals 30,085 100.0% 280,876.0 100.0%

The table below displays the numbers of VCCCD credit-units distributed according to residential areas Moorpark College Oxnard College Ventura College District Overall Residential Area Units Prcnt Units Prcnt Units Prcnt Units Prcnt Rank Oxnard 2,932 2.4% 36,917 66.7% 31,289.00 32.5% 71,138.00 25.7% 1 Simi Valley 33,577 26.9% 958 1.7% 898 0.9% 35,433.00 12.8% 2 Ventura 1219 1.0% 2,020 3.6% 30,518 31.7% 33,757.00 12.2% 3 LA County 26,004 20.9% 756 1.4% 1,250 1.3% 28,010.00 10.1% 4 Camarillo and Somis 10,190 8.2% 3,700 6.7% 6,876.00 7.1% 20,766.00 7.5% 5 Thousand Oaks and Oak Prk 17,904 14.4% 625 1.1% 853 0.9% 19,382.00 7.0% 6 All Other 7,236.0 5.8% 4,622.00 8.3% 7,426 7.7% 19,284.00 7.0% 7 Newbury Prk and Westlake 11,817.0 9.5% 643 1.2% 1,062 1.1% 13,522.00 4.9% 8 Moorpark 11,685.00 9.4% 352 0.6% 452 0.5% 12,489.00 4.5% 9 Santa Paula 394 0.3% 697 1.3% 8,981 9.3% 10,072.00 3.6% 10 Port Hueneme 312 0.3% 3,865.00 7.0% 2,393.00 2.5% 6,570.00 2.4% 11 Fillmore and Piru 1393 1.1% 225 0.4% 4,328.00 4.5% 5,946.00 2.2% 12 Ojai 148 0.1% 278 0.5% 4,081.00 4.2% 4,507.00 1.6% 13 TOTALS 124,663 100.0% 55380 100.0% 96326 100.0% 276,369.00 100.0%

Ventura County Community College District Institutional Research

Spring 2019 Summary of VCCCD Student Enrollments Page 4

 Student Ethnic Background

The table displays the numbers of VCCCD credit-unit enrollments as they relate to students’ ethnic backgrounds. Ethnic groups are listed in descending order based on the number of district-wide credit- unit enrollments by students in those ethnic groups. For each group, the Prcnts show how the credit-units from that group are distributed at each college or district-wide. The District-Wide Prcnt indicates the percentage of all VCCCD credit-units that are attributed to students in that ethnic group.  Average Ages, Average Units, and Percentage Distribution of Units District Moorpark Oxnard Ventura Wide Ethnic Group Units perc Units perc Units perc Units perc American Indian/Alaskan Native 249.0 0.2% 98.0 0.2% 193.0 0.2% 540.0 0.2% Asian 11014.0 8.8% 2876.0 5.2% 4562.0 4.5% 18452.0 6.6% Black 2347.0 1.9% 1079.0 1.9% 1968.0 2.0% 5394.0 1.9% Hispanic 42790.0 34.3% 42887.0 77.1% 62491.0 62.2% 148168.0 52.8% Pacific Islander 172.0 0.1% 180.0 0.3% 240.0 0.2% 592.0 0.2% Two or More Races 7016.0 5.6% 1626.0 2.9% 4308.0 4.3% 12950.0 4.6% Unreported 1170.0 0.9% 334.0 0.6% 831.0 0.8% 2335.0 0.8% White 60053.0 48.1% 6578.0 11.8% 25814.0 25.7% 92445.0 32.9% Total 124811.0 100.0% 55658.0 100.0% 100407.0 100.0% 280876.0 100.0%

Category Moorpark College Oxnard College Ventura College District Wide

Average Age 23.3 years 24.5 years 24.7 years 24.1 years

Average Units per Student 9.8 units 9.7 units 9.3 units 9.4 units

Percentage Distribution of Units 44.4% 19.8% 35.7% 100.0%


Page Data Table

5 ...... Ethnicity and Gender

6 ...... Census Age Category and Gender

7 ...... Enrollment Status and Gender

8 ...... Academic Level and Gender

9 ...... Gender

9 ...... Day/Evening Attendance and Gender

9 ...... Full-Time (12 or more units) by Ethnicity

10 ...... Legal Residency and Gender

11 ...... Area of Residence (Based on ZIP Codes for Residents)

12 ...... Educational Goal

13 ...... Attended a Local High School

14 ...... First-Time Student and Recent Graduate of a Local High School

17 ...... Graduated High School During the Last 20 Years

18 ...... Course Enrollments by Subject Area

Data Provided by VCCCD Institutional Research.