Fang-Zhen Teng Isotope Laboratory Phone: (206) 543-7615 Department of Earth and Space Sciences Fax: (206) 543-0489 University of Washington Email:
[email protected] Seattle, WA 98195, USA Http:// Education 2005 Ph.D., Geochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park Dissertation: Lithium isotopic systematics of the continental crust Advisors: Drs. William F. McDonough and Roberta L. Rudnick 2001 B.S., Geochemistry, University of Science and Technology of China Research Interests Study of composition and evolution of the Earth and early solar system by using stable isotope systematics measured by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS). Examples of project include: Formation and differentiation of the Moon, Mars and other extraterrestrial bodies by studying isotopic compositions of lunar samples, Martian meteorites, chondrites and achondrites. Composition, differentiation and evolution of the bulk Earth/ major reservoirs through studies of isotopic compositions of peridotites, komatiites, basalts, arc lavas, granites and seawater. Global elemental cycling among hydrosphere, crust and mantle through isotopic studies of river water, sedimentary rocks, weathering profiles, seafloor alteration and metamorphic rocks. Geothermometry and geospeedometry through studies of equilibrium and kinetic isotope fractionation in igneous & metamorphic minerals, theoretical predications and lab experiments. Paleoceanography and paleoclimate through isotopic and elemental studies of coral samples, speleothem, loess and lake sediments. Studies of isotope fractionation during biogenic processes through laboratory experiments and by using natural samples Professional Employment 9/2018 – present Professor, Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences, Univ. of Washington 1/2013 – 9/2018 Associate Professor, Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences, Univ. of Washington 8/2012 – 12/2012 Associate Professor, Dept.