
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes are three-letter codes defined in ISO 3166-1, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for (ISO), to represent , dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. ISO3 Code Country ABW AFG AGO AIA ALA Åland Islands ALB AND ARE ARG ARM ASM American ATA Antarctica ATF French Southern Territories ATG AUS AUT AZE BDI BEL BEN BES , and BFA BGD BGR BHR BHS Bahamas BIH BLM Saint Barthélemy BLR BLZ BMU BOL , Plurinational State of BRA BRB BRN Darussalam BTN BVT BWA CAF CAN Canada CCK Cocos (Keeling) Islands CHE CHL CHN CIV Côte d'Ivoire CMR COD Congo, the Democratic Republic of the COG Congo COK COL COM CPV Cabo Verde CRI Costa Rica CUB CUW Curaçao CXR CYM CYP CZE Czechia DEU DJI DMA DNK DOM DZA ECU EGY ERI ESH ESP EST ETH FIN FJI FLK (Malvinas) FRA FRO FSM Micronesia, Federated States of GAB GBR GEO GGY GHA GIB GIN GLP GMB Gambia GNB Guinea-Bissau GNQ GRC GRD GRL GTM GUF French Guiana GUM GUY HKG HMD Heard Island and McDonald Islands HND HRV HTI HUN IDN IMN IND IOT British Indian Ocean Territory IRL Ireland IRN , Islamic Republic of IRQ ISL ISR ITA JAM JEY JOR JPN KAZ KEN KGZ KHM KIR KNA KOR Korea, Republic of KWT LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic LBN LBR LBY LCA LIE LKA LSO LTU LUX LVA MAC Macao MAF Saint Martin (French part) MAR MCO MDA , Republic of MDG MDV MEX MHL MKD Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of MLI MLT MMR MNE MNG MNP MOZ MRT MSR MTQ MUS MWI MYS MYT NAM NCL NER NFK NGA NIC NIU NLD NOR NPL NRU NZL OMN PAK PAN PCN Pitcairn PER PHL PLW PNG New Guinea POL PRI PRK Korea, Democratic People's Republic of PRT PRY PSE Palestine, State of PYF QAT REU Réunion ROU RUS Russian Federation RWA SAU SDN SEN SGP SGS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands SHN , Ascension and SJM and SLB SLE SLV SMR SOM SPM Saint Pierre and Miquelon SRB SSD STP Sao Tome and Principe SUR SVK SVN SWE SWZ Swaziland SXM (Dutch part) SYC SYR Syrian Arab Republic TCA TCD TGO THA TJK TKL TKM TLS Timor-Leste TON TTO TUN TUR TUV TWN , of China TZA , United Republic of UGA UKR UMI Minor Outlying Islands URY USA United States of America UZB VAT Holy See VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VEN , Bolivarian Republic of VGB Virgin Islands, British VIR Virgin Islands, U.S. VNM Viet Nam VUT WLF WSM Samoa YEM Yemen ZAF ZMB ZWE