Captain Samuel Cherry



Service in the American Revolution

April 23, 1775 enlisted in Capt. George Reid’s Co. after the Lexington alarm.

June 17, 1775 fought as Sergeant in Reid’s Co. of Stark’s Regiment at Bunker Hill.

September 18, 1775 volunteered to join Dearborn’s Co. in Arnold’s Detachment for the Quebec Expedition.

December 31, 1775 Participated in the assault on Quebec. (enlistment expired)

July 11, 1776 Mustered into Captain John Nesmith’s Co. for Canada Service: marched July 22, 1776.

November 8, 1776 Commissioned Lieutenant in Capt. James Carr’s Co. in 2nd New Hampshire Regiment, Col. commanding.

July 7, 1777 At , Carr’s Co. is encamped along Sucker Brook when attacked by the enemy’s advance guard.

September 19, 1777 2nd New Hampshire plays a prominent role in the Battle of Bemis’ Heights (Saratoga).

October 7, 1777 2nd New Hampshire plays a prominent role in the Battle of Freeman’s Farm (Saratoga).

December 22and, 1777 Commissioned Captain Lieutenant, 2nd, New Hampshire Regiment, under Col. George Reid

June 28, 1778 2nd New Hampshire participates in

June 17, 1779 to October 15, 1779 2nd New Hampshire on General Sullivan’s Indian Expedition through Pennsylvania & Western New York.

November 30,1779 Commissioned Captain in 2nd New Hampshire Regiment.

October 19, 1781 Capt. Samuel Cherry is present at Lord Cornwallis’ surrender at Yorktown.

January 1, 1783 Capt. Cherry retires from the army.

Read Captain Cherry’s 1818 deposition concerning his Revoltionary War service.

Read about the Captain’s Portrait.

TO THE MEMORY OF CAPT SAMUEL CHERRY (by his friend Benjamin Coe)

The hero is gone, and deeply lamented The hero who fought by the side of the brave, The hero who served in the fields that were tented, For victory, or an honorable grave.

The hero is gone, but his mem’ry for ages Will live in the land where freedom is revered. While history stands recorded in pages, While the rights of his country are ever revered.

The hero is gone, never returning, Few are not left to tell us his story. Tears of the warriors in bitterness burning Will fall on the vet’ran companion in glory.

The hero is gone, his seasons of glory, His springs, his summers and autumns are ended. In the winter of age, with a heart that was heavy He left us with freedom and liberty blended.

Samuel Cherry is buried in New Haven Cemetery, New Haven, NY.
