senior college

Thank You Mrs Winthrop

With the announcement from the Trust Board earlier this year that from the start of 2020, there will be a return to a single College structure with a single Principal, the two roles of Principal of the Middle College and Principal of the Senior College were disestablished at the end of the 2019 academic year.

hilst Mr Duncan of the IB Diploma programme, which is now well-entrenched at the WMcQueen has chosen College, with increasingly rewarding results for students with each to stay on and take up a passing year. new role as Director of As a Christian and passionate proponent of the value of ‘service Campus Life and Special to others,’ Mrs Winthrop championed the growth of service at the Character, Mrs Suzanne College and initiated the appointment of a Service Coordinator to Winthrop chose to leave us create and oversee our service programme for students. She led the at the end of the 2019. As first Year 12 Service Trip to Vanuatu, establishing links that continue we say our farewells, we to endure. She leads by example and has been a constant reminder give our heartfelt thanks to to our students to live by the special Christian character and values Mrs Winthrop for all she has of Saint Kentigern, where service to others is considered ahead of done for Saint Kentigern. personal gain. Mrs Winthrop joined For the last three years, Mrs Winthrop has been Principal of the Saint Kentigern in 2002 Senior College, where she continued to make a significant, positive from Baradene College, impact. As the first female leader at the College, she has been a where she had been Deputy strong female role model to both our young men and women, in Principal. As the incoming all aspects of College life. She was tasked by the Trust Board to Deputy Principal to lift academic standards, which has seen a very positive growth, Executive Head at the time, particularly in the number of NZQA Scholarships awarded. She also Mr Warren Peat, as well as revised and led the establishment of an expanded pastoral care team Head of Senior School, Mrs to ensure the very best care and well-being for our students. Winthrop’s first year at Saint Kentigern was a year of preparing the ‘boys-only’ College for the introduction of girls at Years 7, 9 and 11 in Mrs Winthrop has dedicated herself to the education and 2003. From the arrival of those first few Foundation girls, her special betterment of all the young people in her care. For those who task over the ensuing years was to create ‘A World of Opportunity’ have worked alongside her, they will remember a woman of strong for girls as well as boys. By 2005, there were girls at all levels of principles who wanted the very best for all around her, staff and the College, with rapidly growing interest from families for a Saint students alike. Above all, they will remember a woman with a good Kentigern education for both their sons and daughters. and caring heart – a servant heart.

With the introduction of girls, came an expanding College roll, Mrs Winthrop, on behalf of all the students and staff who have resulting in more teachers, new learning programmes and new attended Saint Kentigern during your tenure, we would like to say facilities, including, at the start of 2011, the introduction of girls’ thank you. Thank you for your unwavering dedication, passion and boarding at Bruce House, after 50 years of boys-only boarding. As commitment to our students to become the very best that they could the first Head of Girls’ Boarding, Mrs Winthrop and her family moved be. Thank you for the countless hours you have spent supporting into the girls’ boarding facilities for the first three years, to care for our students in their individual and collective endeavours, whether the girls, and ensure a smooth transition and sense of belonging – academic, debating, singing, acting, dancing or competing in one of something that was most successfully achieved and a period Mrs a multitude of sports on offer, you have been there to guide, support Winthrop remembers fondly. and give thanks. Thank you for your love and concern for our young men and women, and for our staff. In 2005, Mrs Winthrop undertook research that led to the Trust Board introducing the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, to Mrs Winthrop, thank you for your 18 years of service and leadership. offer our senior students a choice of qualification pathways in their We all wish you the best for your next leadership role. final College years. Mrs Winthrop successfully led the implementation senior college

46 w middle college

What is Character?

How many times have you heard it said that someone ‘is a real character’?

enerally, this is spoken as a term of endearment, or to highlight The hope is that from experiences such as these, we can build into Gthe light-hearted or friendly nature of someone. But character is our students the character that will better prepare them for the next so much more than that. steps.

It is said that true character is who you are when no one is there, As 2019 draws to a close, I would like to acknowledge the when no-one is around you to impress or interact with. It’s who you dedication and leadership of the Middle College Deputy Principals, are on the inside, but there can be no doubt it’s also who you are Mrs Chay Carter and Mrs Marianne Duston, for their hard work and seen to be on the outside. Our students need to develop character. focus on student learning and development. Working together with I say ‘develop’ rather than ‘learn’ because it is pretty hard to either Year 7 to 10 Curriculum Leaders and Middle College Heads of House, ‘teach or learn’ character. It’s a life-long journey of interactions and this team has ensured the wellbeing of our younger students and thoughts, of being yourself, yet also taking in consideration and provided challenge for them to strive towards. empathy for others… it develops, it grows and, as I have written 2020 will see a new leadership structure implemented at the before, it starts in the home. College, returning to a more traditional single Principal model. By the time students join , a large portion of While structures and personnel may change, the core values of the their individual character is already determined, but not totally pre- College will remain the same; Respect, Integrity, Service, Excellence determined by previous experiences alone. We can change. We can and Love. These are timeless and encompass the many character develop those character strengths we admire in others. strengths we wish to see in both our staff and students. Having had the privilege to lead the Middle School from its inception by the Trust There are many character strengths or attributes to aim towards Board in 2003, through to my last three years as Principal (Peterson & Seligman, 2004, list 24 key characteristics), and while we of the Middle College, I have tried to champion the regularly highlight aspects of these at Middle College assemblies, as importance of these significant adolescent years, do our Tutors through our Navigate programme, and Rev Smith in a time for both greater depth and breadth of his weekly chapel services, hearing about them is not the same as learning and personal development. Character is living them. crucial. The opportunities and challenges at Saint In the Book of Hebrews (Chapter 5:2), the author states, ‘… Kentigern are there for the taking and it is through because we know that suffering produces perseverance; making the most of their skills and talents, together perseverance, character; and character, hope.’ While I would with their interactions with peers and staff, that like to think that education is not a ‘suffering,’ we all need students will develop their own personal character. perseverance as we experience the highs and lows of our It has been said ‘you shall know them by their daily routine. In class, the challenge to understand fruit.’ It is the students’ actions, words and and master that difficult concept or formula, while conduct that is probably more important not suffering in the physical sense, it can cause or memorable than their grades and GPA. stress or impact self-confidence, and failure People will remember ‘who you are, has the potential to cause students to lose rather than what you know’. Therefore, hope. Perseverance does develop character I will continue to work at the College and with that a hopefulness that difficulties to enable all our students to have the can be overcome. Here in lies a role for opportunities to become the best friendships and empathetic teaching. versions of themselves. They are all unique and need to be respected Recently, our Year 10 students have and accepted as they are, but the had the challenge of Field Centre in the challenge remains to become the Tongariro National Park and for many, the ‘characters’ they want to be known physical and mental challenges it provided as, each and every day. during the 3 day tramp, or completing the Fides Servanda Est Tongariro Alpine Crossing, or sharing a tent and working together as team, will Mr Duncan McQueen have developed their personal character. Principal, Middle College middle college middle

47 48 college A Saint Kentigern Scholarship Chemistry for Prize Goldson The Calculus with Mathematics for Prize Matheson The Scholarship Top Achiever of University The awarded: been has Jesse engineering. to study like would he where Auckland, of University The at Scholarship aTop Achiever accepted has Jesse year This groups. musical Kentigern Saint to many contributed has and musician accomplished an is Jesse -music. his of talent and highlights another strong passion This Year 12. in whilst Music in an NZQA Outstanding Scholarship awarded also was Jesse Chemistry. for Prize FCoughlan J. the and Calculus with Mathematics for Prize F.HKriekhaus the awarded was he year, Last year. senior every in Colours Academic achieving College, the at time his during has achieved considerable success who scholar outstanding an is Jesse Niu (Xiyuan) Jesse Medallist Dux NCEA A Senior College Prizegiving worked hard and made the most of every opportunity. every of most the made and hard worked have who students deserving these to both Congratulations Dux. Diploma IB our as Feng William and Dux NCEA our as named was Niu (Xiyuan) Jesse year, This Diploma. IB the for Dux and NCEA for Dux -the honour academic highest the announcing serve. to vision our and excellence inspire to mission our reflected have students the levels, At all others. to serve expectation beyond well given have who acknowledged our accomplished debaters, actors, dancers and musicians, and those level. tertiary at education their to continue scholarships received have who those including winners, prize academic Diploma Baccalaureate) (International IB and Achievement) Educational of Certificate (National NCEA 13 and 12 Year 11, our to congratulate Hall Elliot in gathered community The evening concluded with Senior College Principal, Mrs Suzanne Winthrop Winthrop Suzanne Mrs Principal, College Senior with concluded evening The also Prizegiving College Senior the achievers, academic top our as well As Prizegiving was a fitting celebration to end the year, as the Saint Kentigern Kentigern Saint the as year, the end to celebration afitting was Prizegiving College Senior the and College the at acknowledged proudly is success cademic Saint Kentigern Scholarship Physics for Prize Diploma IB The Mathematics for Prize Diploma IB The Economics for Prize Diploma IB The Chinese for Prize Diploma IB The William has been awarded: Auckland. of University by The organised competition Economics 2019 the in participant valuable ahighly was Monetary Policy Challenge team, and 2019 College the of amember as well as Programme, Support Peer our in involved been has William year, This years. senior his of each Academic Colours or Honours in awarded was and Economics for Prize Diploma IB the awarded was he 2018, In distinction. with to achieve to continue him for well auger ethic inquisitive mind and sound work ability, academic exceptional impeccable character. William’s of man ayoung is William Feng William Medallist DUX IB Diploma Prize for Physics. for Prize Diploma IB The and Biology for Prize Diploma IB The of recipient the also is Heeju 12, IB in Year First for Prize Hadfield P.G The as well As learning. to inquiry approach mature her praising teachers her with Diploma, Baccalaureate International the into well transitioned has she year, this and NCEA 11 in Year first awarded was she year Last ability. extraordinary of astudent is Heeju Heeju Rho First In Year 12 IB Diploma English. for Prize W.G Bell the of recipient the also is Joseph Average, Point Grade 95.5% his recognizes which Year 12, NCEA in First for Prize P.G Hadfield The as well As abilities. exceptional with student outstanding an is Joseph Chan Joseph First In Year 12 NCEA Prize. Printing and -Painting Art Visual the and Prize, Design Spatial Technology- the of recipient the also is Isabeau 97.4%, of Average Point a Grade with 11 in Year first placed being as well As nature. grounded and humble her as well as learning of love her praised have teachers Her NCEA. into transition incredible an to demonstrate on gone has and College Middle the of Dux year’s last was Isabeau Isabeau Pan First in Year 11 NCEA 49 college Tertiary Scholarships for 2020 Awarded

he College is thrilled that by TSenior College Prizegiving, 25 of our graduating students had already been awarded 30 significant tertiary scholarships, providing them with financial assistance for their chosen tertiary studies. In some instances, these provide a very substantial sum and these students can be very proud of their achievement. Other students can be equally proud to have been offered more than one scholarship, opening up choice as to where they continue their education.

Each year the number of scholarships awarded increases over the summer break as exam results become available; in particular for those seeking scholarships from universities in the Northern Hemisphere.

Congratulations to the following students on their outstanding achievements and worthy recognition.

THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarships Ben Fraser $20,000 for one year University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarships Jesse Niu $20,000 for one year University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarships Misaki Chen $20,000 for one year University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarships Christopher Simonds $20,000 for one year University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarships Olivia Overfield $20,000 for one year University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarships Cindy Yi $20,000 for one year University of Auckland Faculty of Arts Entry Level Undergraduate Margaret Li $5,000 one-year tenure Scholarship THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO University of Otago Academic Excellence Scholarship Richard Lu around $35,000 over 3 years University of Otago Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship Charlotte Lindsay Smail $5,000 one-year tenure University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship Emily Lott $6,000 for first year only University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship Ben Shepherd $6,000 for first year only University of Otago New Frontiers Entrance Scholarship Benji Klipin Between $2,500 and $5,000 for 1 year University of Otago New Frontiers Entrance Scholarship Lucy Hunter Between $2,500 and $5,000 for 1 year University of Otago New Frontiers Entrance Scholarship Emma Sampson Between $2,500 and $5,000 for 1 year University of Otago Performance Entrance Scholarship Genevieve Trimble $16,000 for the first three years OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS Young Enterprise / Enterprise in Action - The Massey Innovators Charlie Thomlinson $7,000 scholarship and a fully-funded trip to Challenge & NZ Trade and Enterprise Challenge Chile college

50 Saint Kentigern Scholarships 2019

ach year at Senior College Prizegiving, the College awards special ESaint Kentigern Scholarships to our highest achieving scholars in recognition of their academic achievement. This year, eight scholarships were awarded to be put towards further study.

Jesse (Xiyuan) Niu, this year’s NCEA Dux and William Feng, our IB Diploma Dux, each received $3000, whilst the other six, Harriette Baxter (NCEA), Misaki Chen (NCEA), Ben Fraser (NCEA), Jason Hatton (NCEA), Margaret Li (IB) and Cindy Yi (NCEA), each received $1000.

In addition to the Dux Medal and Saint Kentigern Scholarship, Jesse was also awarded The Matheson Prize for Mathematics with Calculus, The Goldson Prize for Chemistry and he has also been awarded a University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship worth $20,000.

IB Diploma Dux medallist and Saint Kentigern Scholarship recipient, William, was also awarded The IB Diploma Prize for Chinese, The IB and Motion Graphics Prize and the Technology Computer Science Diploma Prize for Economics, The IB Diploma Prize for Mathematics, Prize and an AUT Significant Student Scholarship worth $6,500. and The IB Diploma Prize for Physics. Margaret was also awarded the IB Diploma Prize for History, the IB Harriette was also awarded the Spanish Prize and The Stevens Diploma Prize for English and a University of Auckland Faculty of Arts Prize for Classical Studies. Misaki was also awarded a University of Undergraduate Scholarship worth $5000. Cindy was also awarded Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship worth $20,000. Ben was also the Frank Reeves Memorial Cup for Literature and a University of awarded The Lambie Prize for Geography, The Bankier Prize for Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship worth $20,000. History, the Rotary Senior College Service Award and a University We congratulate each of these students and wish them the very of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship worth $20,000. Jason was best as they move on to their tertiary studies. awarded the Media in Society Prize, the Technology Animation

VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON Victoria Tangiwai Scholarship Claire Hollingworth $5,000 for one year Victoria Tangiwai Scholarship Alex Macmillan $5,000 for one year Victoria Tangiwai Scholarship Ben Shepherd $5,000 for one year Victoria Tangiwai Scholarship Genevieve Trimble $5,000 for one year Victoria Tangiwai Scholarship Olivia Overfield $5,000 for one year Victoria Tangiwai Scholarship Samantha Shing $5,000 for one year AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (AUT ) AUT Significant Student Scholarships Jason Hatton $6,500pa initially for 1 year AUT Significant Student Scholarships Zac Attwood $6,500pa initially for 1 year THE UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY UC Emerging Leaders’ Scholarship Ben Shepherd Tuition fees (second year) or accommodation fees to $6,000, and leadership programme UC College of Business and Law First Year Award for Excellence Ben Shepherd $5,000 for one year Go Canterbury Scholarship Thomas Clifton $5,000 towards accomodation MASSEY UNIVERSITY Vice Chancellor’s High Achiever with Distinction Scholarship Cameron Nahill Total value $7,500 LINCOLN UNIVERSITY Lincoln University Rugby Scholarship Harrison Dakin $6,000 in 1st year Lincoln University Hockey scholarship Daniel Woud $6,000 in 1st year college

51 52 college A strive for excellence in all areas of life, Ethan is a true Son of Kentigern. of Son atrue is Ethan life, of areas all in excellence for strive to commitment his With classmates. fellow his in interest agenuine shows he achievements, curricular co- and academic to his addition In Leader. College aMiddle as model role excellent an been has Ethan the Lepidoptera Society. and Band Concert the of member a been also has He Competition. Music Solo the in afinalist also was and Orchestra Symphony the in Clarinet the played has Ethan talented, Musically Award. Bronze Edinburgh of Duke the in aparticipant Team and Debating Premier Junior the of amember been also has He team. Premier Badminton the of Trophy, amember as Singles Badminton the awarded was Ethan year this involvement, co-curricular varied his in but academically, only not Excelling prize. class his and Honours Academic awarded also was He Competition. Mathematics Junior Zealand New the in Top the 100 in placed was and Competition Mathematics Australian the in award Distinction a received Ethan 2019, In effort. outstanding by his underpinned are results exceptional 397. of GPA These atotal with Year 10, in Mathematics Cambridge Year 11 and Science Year 11 included which subjects core his in Plus Excellence or Excellence achieved consistently has Ethan Ethan Fung College Middle of Dux Prizegiving College Middle came forward to collect their awards. awards. their to collect forward came group age each before students the by congratulating concluded work, leadership and commitment throughout the year. Mr Hodge hard their for McQueen Mr and staff the thanked Hodge David Kentigern, Saint of Head models. role great to be and hard working to continue them encouraged and achievements their on students Kentigern. Saint of Prayer the for stood gathered those before everyone welcomed formally McQueen Duncan Mr Principal, Band. Wind College Middle by the accompanied Anthem Zealand year. successful another to celebrate together came students 7-10 Year our of guests specials and friends families, as abuzz was Centre Triathlon and Aquathon Champs. AKSS the both at competed also has She Nationals. Triathlon the at Team Title National the won that Squad Triathlon the and Squad Water Open the team, Cycling Girls’ the in involved been has and Award Edinburgh of Duke Bronze the in participated has she year, This endeavours. co-curricular of amyriad in excel and to embrace capacity incredible an shown has Eva leadership, and success academic to her addition In to others. service and pride with House Chalmers and energetically representing College Student Leader, positively aMiddle as model role excellent an been has subjects.She her all across grades to excellent led have studies academic her in outstanding attitude and effort Her offer. on opportunities all embraces fully She respect. every in student exemplary an is Eva Eva Melhuish YearFor The 10 Girl All Showing Round Ability Birch Cup The Trust Board Chairman, Dr John Kernohan congratulated the the congratulated Kernohan John Dr Chairman, Board Trust New the by followed Wong, Elijah in by piped was party official The acknowledged at the Middle College Prizegiving. The Sports Sports The Prizegiving. College Middle the at acknowledged proudly were successes cultural and sporting cademic, Saint Kentigern College Second Pipe Band beat the retreat. the beat Band Pipe Second College Kentigern Saint The and prayer in closed Smith Reverend before everyone support one another. and together to work students the by encouraging concluded He them. without possible been have wouldn’t success his explaining before staff Kentigern Saint the and family friends, his thanked significant academic and co-curricular achievement. Ethan attained has who astudent College; Middle the of Dux as Fung to Ethan went morning the of honours top The year. the throughout Ability’ ‘All-Round showing for Agaimalo Ethan and Melhuish Eva to awarded also were Cups Quay-Chin. Katelyn and Shen Ricky winners, to joint awarded was Citizenship for Cup 8Menzies 7 and Year the and contribution, worthy their for Lui-Webster Melody and Heritage and family. Tongan to their homage paying sister his with danced also and Evening, Cultural Kentigern Saint the at Group Cultural Samoan the of akey member was Ethan team. Touch Senior the and team Rugby U15A the Programme, Development Rugby Year 10 the of member been has He endeavours. cultural and sporting of arange in involved been also has He care., and sincerity pride, with House Stark representing Middle College Student Leader, effective ahighly been has Ethan results. academic strong his underpin His outstanding attitude and effort peers. and teachers by his admired and respected highly is who student all-round exceptional an is Ethan courteous and a natural leader, Described as diligent, responsible, Agaimalo Ethan For the Year 10 Boy All Showing Round Ability Cup Kururangi J.E.H The To conclude the formalities, Mr McQueen thanked thanked McQueen Mr formalities, the To conclude Nomani to Jade awarded were Citizenship for Cups Cameron The

The Year 7 and 8 Menzies Cup The Cameron Prize for for Citizenship Citizenship – Year 9 Joint Winners - Ricky Shen and Katelyn Quay-Chin Jade Nomani Jade exemplifies what it means to be a student of Saint Kentigern. In Year 9, not only has she Ricky Shen achieved very good academic results, she has also thrived in a myriad of co-curricular Ricky is a reflective and activities, both sporting and cultural. Her motivated student with an sporting prowess is exceptional in both Athletics and . Jade innate desire to succeed, as won the Athletics Championship Trophy, representing the College in well as being an exceptional Eastern Zone Athletics and AKSS Mixed Cross Country. She has been role model and leader of in the Sports Development programme for Netball and has played in others. He has excelled the Netball Mystics team. Jade is also a valuable member of the Kapa academically, and he has Haka group. She has a friendly personality and positively engages with been involved in a wide students across year levels, who enjoy her energy, humour and natural range of cultural and leadership. The College is very proud of Jade’s citizenship and all-round service endeavours, with a achievements this year. personal highlight being the opportunity to represent year 7 and 8 students at the annual presbyterian schools youth The Cameron Prize for leadership conference in term 3. Ricky’s humility, positive attitude and commitment to everything he undertakes has Citizenship – Year 10 earned him the respect of his teachers and peers, and we have all appreciated and benefitted from his maturity, wisdom and Melody Lui-Webster kindness. He leads by example with his caring nature and Melody is a worthy recipient of this award his constant cheerfulness. Ricky can be extremely proud of showing confidence and natural leadership in his outstanding achievements this year and is a worthy co- all she undertakes. Described by her teachers recipient of the menzies cup for citizenship. as vivacious and hard-working, Melody has managed a busy schedule exceptionally well Katelyn Quay-Chin and has achieved many outstanding results both academically and in the Performing Arts. Melody’s involvement in the Dance Showcase, the Katelyn Is An Outstanding Citizen Of The College And Has Chalmers House Band, Kentoris, the Massed Choir and her lead role in Been Involved In Many Facets Of College Life. She Is A High the Middle College Production of ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’ led to her Achiever Both In The Classroom And On The Sports Field. She receiving the award for Middle College Performer of the Year. She also Still Finds Time To Involve Herself Fully In A Range Of Other won the Middle College Solo Music competition. Melody is respected as Co-Curricular Activities With A Strong Focus On Service To a role model of exemplary citizenship. The College And To Others. This Has Included Completing Her Silver Service Award And Being Involved In Activities Such As Seedlings For Service, World Vision 40 Hour Famine, Shoe Bank And Goodfellow Apprenticeship. Katelyn Always Gives Of Her Best And Is Consistently Kind And Helpful To Others. Two Spelling Whizzes! Her Humility, Coupled With A Great Sense Of Humour Endear Her To All. Katelyn Is A Natural Leader And She Was Selected wo Year 7 College To Attend The Annual Presbyterian Schools Youth Leadership Tstudents, James Conference In Term 3. Katelyn Shows Initiative And Carter and Alan Chen Compassion And Is A Worthy Co-Recipient Of The Menzies were both thrilled to Cup For Citizenship. find out that they will be awarded ICAS medals at a special ceremony held at The University of Auckland in December, for achieving the top score in the country for their year group in spelling at the and Pacific International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS).

ICAS, commonly referred to as the ‘University of competitions,’ is conducted annually in Australia and over 20 countries globally. These are independent skills-based assessments and school tests for primary and secondary school students in a range of subjects including Computer Skills, English, Maths, Science, Spelling and Writing.

Earlier in the year, a number of our students from each of our Saint Kentigern schools were entered in ICAS in a range of subjects with many gaining Distinction and High Distinction. Almost 100,000 students sit these tests world-wide, so it is an amazing achievement to be awarded national medals for top marks in the country!

Congratulations to James and Alan on their outstanding academic success! college

53 54 college A Senior College Graduation Dinner Graduation College Senior the evening, keeping everything moving, as well as offering anecdotal anecdotal offering as well as moving, everything keeping evening, the for MCs as job asterling did Robson Beck and Saker Molly Prefects, Head Deputy colours. House in balloons of amass with Friends and Kentigern. Saint with synonymous so sound the hear will students the that awhile for time last -the dinner for Centre Sports to the piped then were guests The gone! had years the where wondering undoubtedly on, looked parents proud stage, the crossed students the As Hodge. David Mr Kentigern, Saint of Head and Kernohan, John Mr Board, Trust the of Chairman Winthrop, Suzanne Mrs Principal, College by Senior diplomas their of presentation the with recognised lead.’ we whom those from -even from’ ‘learning and to’ ‘listening keep to awillingness requires it And rights. any of assertion the before comes always responsibilities our of fulfilling the that understanding the and sleeves one’s of up rolling the involves It ourselves. expect would we that dignity and respect same the with others to treat need the entails It lives. our in others of place the of recognition and Lead with Distinction’ involves humility and empathy, and the ‘To ‘Serve said, He like?’ look this might ‘What asked, Smith Reverend Distinction.’ with Lead and Serve will ‘Graduates our that Statement, year. the for reading Bible final the gave Shepherd Boy, Ben Head moved. clearly was congregation -the years the over to Chapel contributed regularly have and voices powerful have girls these Both blessing. sung the with service the finishing Christina with Grace,’ ‘Amazing to sing followed Qin Venice student, Year 13 fellow later, Alittle (Adele). Young’ were we ‘When with song in service the open achieving. and performing playing, friends, of company the in spent well year final of a -areflection screen big the on streamed photos in, filed guests While taken. seat every with Hall, Elliot in held gates. College the beyond to life on to move prepare they as Kentigern, Saint at time their of guests at the Year 13 Graduation Chapel and Dinner, to mark the end The Sports Centre had been amazingly transformed by the Parents Parents by the transformed amazingly been had Centre Sports The was education secondary students’ the of culmination The Vision our of that was night the throughout theme recurring The to on called was Middelbeek-Harrison, Christina student, Year 13 was service Smith’s Reverend attendance, in 820 arecord With students gathered for one last time with parents, staff and invited invited and staff parents, with time last one for gathered students 13 our Year close, to a drew schooling of year final s their Kentigern legacy. Saint the to extend done have they everything for them thank and endeavours future their in well them We wish things. to great on go will students these that confirmed offers, Kentigern Saint that opportunity’ of ‘world the attended having in pride and friendship counts.’ that alife it make life, one have only ‘You quote, the with them left She excellence.’ of examples as lead who people grounded and humble compassionate, strong, Be overseas. and NZ in influence of spheres various in leaders become will you of ‘Many others. by serving back to give them encouraged and given been had they grounding fortunate the to remember students the told She care. and teaching to our children their entrusting and ovation. astanding given was Winthrop Mrs future.’ the for best the all her wish but College, the from departure by her saddened deeply all We are leader. female empowering avery been has She school. aco-ed into transformation the with to assist was Kentigern Saint at began she when role her of part and Kentigern, Saint of leader female first the was Winthrop for. Mrs thankful be can we which for opportunities with all us provided has Kentigern Saint of love and dedication undying commitment, selfless Way.’ Her Kentigern ‘Saint by the to live means it what epitomises She 2002. in here beginning since community, College our in leader inspiring atruly been has Winthrop ‘Mrs said, They Kentigern. Saint to leave prepares she as Mrs Suzanne Winthrop, to acknowledge her service and commitment Principal, College Senior for left were words final their But College. the within mentors other and tutors teachers, parents, to their thanks offered they as gratitude of air an was there all, Above time. least.’ the have who those to help most, the have who us of those of duty the is ‘It said, Sam to others. service of value the on places Kentigern Saint importance the of reminder apowerful was and Dinner Graduation the for saved was Clarke’s Sam Word.’ ‘Last their to share turns in it take Twyman. Jonathan by offered was Grace the served, was dinner Before cohort. this between bonds strong the into insights ‘God, as a hugely significant journey ends, a new road beckons.’ road new a ends, journey significant ahugely as ‘God, The sentiments expressed throughout the night of thankfulness, Kentigern Saint in believing for parents the thanked Winthrop Mrs last one spoke also Hynds Alex and Shepherd Ben Prefects, Head prefects the year, the throughout assembly College Senior At each Rev David Smith David Rev Middle College Celebration Lunch

ur Year 10 students gathered in the gym to mark Otheir final year in the Middle College with a shared lunch. Whether they have been at Saint Kentigern for two of four years, the lunch celebrated their time in Middle College years and was a chance to reflect, and also mentally prepare themselves for their adventures ahead – firstly Field Centre and then Senior College.

With the Chapel being renovated, this year’s Chapel service took place in the gym. The students entered the gym, accompanied by the Middle College Pipes and Drums. Reverend David Smith spoke about change, courage and the Year 10 ‘rite of passage’ – Field Centre. The Reverend encouraged the students to ‘pack’ a positive attitude and to try their best. He also encouraged them to enjoy the adventure, and to learn from one another and their environment. He said it is often when we are on unfamiliar paths that we discover things about ourselves – ‘Enjoy being an adventurer and walking the new paths.’

Following their lunch, the students reflected on the year and watched House videos that had been put together by students. Old Collegian, Jeremy Kyle was welcomed as a guest speaker. Jeremy spoke about his achievements since leaving Saint Kentigern and how it is important to ‘chase your dreams’. Jeremy is an artist and has created art for the likes of Under Armour, The Chicago Bulls, The New York Times and the United Nations. He encouraged the students to have faith in their journey, God and to be kind to everyone along the way. He kindly donated an NBA painting to the school.

Middle College Principal, Mr Duncan McQueen concluded and wished the students the best of luck. He finished by reminding the students to be themselves and to continue to live by the Saint Kentigern Way. college

55 Harvard: 7 Weeks Away From Home

With thanks to Year 12 student, Xavier Yin

arvard. That one word held so much meaning to me this year. It River, and going to Hemenway Gym, Hheld an unforgettable opportunity to meet new friends, explore these were opportunities to both subjects of interest and live on a renowned university campus. This is form friendships and talk with other my story of Harvard Summer School 2019. students at Harvard.

I will never forget the letter that came into my mailbox in early Harvard Summer School also February. Harvard Summer School was the one thing that I had has an optional programme called wanted. Nothing could have been better than seeing the word Harvard Summer Servers, which ‘Congratulations!’ on my laptop screen. I was delighted, surprised offers various community service even, that I had the opportunity to be one of a select few students opportunities to the surrounding from around the world. Boston and Cambridge areas. One such opportunity is helping at the Boston Red Cross Food Pantry, Fast forward to late June, I had just moved into a Harvard first-year which gives students the opportunity to give away bags of food to dorm and hit the ground running. For the next seven weeks, I quickly families in need. I encouraged many of my hallmates and others I realised, I would have a fast-paced computer science course with met during the programme to try this inspiring experience. After four three-hour lectures a week, relentless problem-sets and weekly this first trip, I suggested that Harvard Summer Servers add two unit tests. My ‘Intensive Introduction to Computer Science’ classes more trips (they initially had only two) to the Food Pantry so more consisted of a diverse combination of high school, undergraduate, students could take part in service. These extra trips proved fruitful and graduate students from various countries, and offered many in both the monotonous work of packing the food bags and the many interesting problem-set tasks, such as designing a human versus connections we made to other volunteers in the community. The trips computer Battleship game and a sudoku solver. started early in the morning, we left Harvard Yard at around 7.30 am As the gruelling weeks passed, problem sets progressed from and returned at around 1 pm. While the non-stop four-hour service typing simple commands into a Java console to working with trips to the Food Pantry were tiring, I felt a sense of accomplishment elaborate data structures. Getting through some of the problem sets each time from the smiling faces of the thousand or so families we required staying up late to meet the tight deadlines and countless served across the four trips. These trips were truly an invaluable and hours staring at lines of code. unforgettable experience that I am grateful for.

Classes aside, I found comfort in the Harvard environment. From Looking back on my seven weeks at Harvard, nothing I have the many food options to the recreational facilities, there was always previously experienced could have compared with the connections some way to spend my free time. Aside from the acceptable quality and opportunities I gained there. I formed friendships with both high of food at Harvard’s main undergraduate dining hall, Annenberg, the school and university students around the world and was able to gain best food was found around campus. Opposite Harvard Yard was understanding of undergraduate student life. My time at Harvard the Smith Campus Center, a tall glass building that contained many gave me a newfound appreciation for opportunities: to jump on any different restaurants and cafes, it was in this building that I spent opportunities that arise, as each one is a life-changing experience. much of my studying time, lunchtimes, and time with friends. One Without the support of Mrs Winthrop, Mrs Shaw, and Mr Lee, Mr Sunday I was working on the sudoku solver from 9 am until 10 pm Aldiss, and the countless teachers that have supported my seven- with some classmates—I had not left the Smith Campus Center for the week endeavour, this trip would certainly have been impossible. entire day!

But there were often gaps in my schedule and I spent time with friends exploring the surrounding Boston area, even taking trips to the cinema and beach. And while I have spent time in Boston before, my time at Harvard opened my eyes to the culture and livelihood that thrived in previously untravelled places. I repeatedly travelled to Boston’s famous Chinatown over the seven weeks and embraced the cultural diversity of the district.

The amount of independence I had was a shock from my heavily planned high school schedule. It meant getting up before my 9 am lecture, doing the laundry regularly, and arranging a physical exercise routine, all without input from a teacher or supervisor. I also took part in activities such as playing table tennis, running along the Charles college

56 Bruce House Dinner

arents of the Year 13 boarding graduates, staff and Trust Board members joined the boarders at PBruce House early in the term to celebrate their achievements and give thanks to those who care for them – their surrogate family members during term time.

The evening got underway with Year 13 student, Valance Yates, leading fellow boarders in the Bruce House Haka, before the guests were escorted to their tables. Head of Boarding, Mr Martin Piaggi paid special tribute to Valance for the huge contribution he has made to Bruce House and the leadership skills he has shown.

Following dinner, Mr Piaggi spoke of the three pillars of expectation that were introduced to the House this year - ‘Gratitude, Humility and Contribution.’ Implementing this meant that all 101 boarders needed to buy into the shared mindset; something they have done willingly. He spoke of the immense pride he feels for the young men and women in his care and the great strides that have been made to create an even stronger sense of family bonds within Bruce House.

The House is well served by a group of wonderful staff who care for our boarders. The shared respect and love became evident during the course of the evening as current Bruce House Head Prefects, Tiaan Tauakipulu and Seloa Keil came forward to pay tribute to their fellow boarders and the many staff who care for them amongst the duty, nursing and catering staff and, in particular, Mr Piaggi and Head of Girls’ Boarding, Mrs Bridget Anitelea. Both students have been excellent role models to the younger students and epitomise all that is good in such a community. They both spoke passionately about their boarding experience.

Another constant at Bruce House is Senior College Principal, Mrs Suzanne Winthrop, who cared for the foundation female boarders when boarding was first offered to girls in 2011. Each year she addresses the boarders with fondness, having a true appreciation of what it means to be a part of their community. She told the boarders, ‘In education we talk about the importance of developing ‘soft skills.’ As a boarder, you have the best opportunity to learn skills such as resilience, confidence, organisation and the ability to work in a team that includes both genders. The ability to live with others who you may not necessarily choose to live or work with, means you have to develop crucial traits such as empathy, tolerance, considering others before yourself, patience, humility and loyalty. As boarders you may not recognise these advantages now, but in a few years when you look back on your time at Bruce House, you absolutely will.’

This was a special evening where the invited guests soon gained an understanding of the very strong family bond that pervades the boarding house. The evening concluded with the Bruce House Awards.

Bruce House Awards 2019

The MacFarlan Award for Head Boy: Tiaan Tauakipulu The MacFarlan Award for Head Girl: Seloa Keil The McGuiness Cup for Academic Honours: Harriette Baxter The Morgan Cup for Year 11 Academic Achievement: Christine Gao The Bruce House Cup for Top All-Round Boy: Caelan Potts The Norma Cowie Cup for the Top All-Round Girl: Harriette Baxter The Marcroft Cup for Sportsperson of the Year: Shalom Broughton college

57 Exploring Maori Culture

uring a visit to the Auckland War Memorial Museum, the Year 8 Dcohort immersed themselves in Maori culture, learning about the Maori rituals, customs, myths and legends and how they utilised the land. As part of their unit ‘Te ao o te Maori - World of the Maori’, the students looked at how the Maori lived years ago and took part in a workshop, witnessed a cultural show and toured the museum.

During the workshop, the students were taken on a guided bush walk through the Domain where they learned about the links between the land, native trees and plants, and humans, and how the the forest was used to survive and make tools, weapons and clothing. They also discovered which plants were used for food and medicine. The students had the opportunity look at a kauri and handled traditional weapons, clothing and tools made from some of New Zealand’s native trees. The students were surprised to discover that the markings and patterns made on the flax used for piupiu were made from a type of clay.

Inside the museum, the students looked at traditional artefacts, displays, models, tools, clothing, the meeting house and waka, and worked through a list of questions to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the culture. To conclude the day, the students were entertained by Maori performers who used song and dance to tell the stories of their ancestors.

Overall, the trip was fantastic and provided a great opportunity for the students to develop their knowledge and understanding of the history of New Zealand and Maori culture. It also allowed the students to hone in on their Te Reo Maori skills. Our sincere thanks to the museum staff for their time and for sharing their expertise with us!

Pick, Sort, Pack, Win

ongratulations to Year 8 Middle College students, Mia Li, Imogen Perry, Katelyn Quay CChin and Jina You who put on their problem-solving hats to win, firstly, a local round, then the Auckland semi-final of the EPRo8 practical engineering competition, to secure a place in the EPro8 Challenge Auckland Grand Final to be held in early December.

EPro8 pits teams of students against each other to complete a variety of tasks in a set amount of time. Over the course of three hours, each team is located at a workstation that contains an impressive assortment of equipment, including gears, wheels, pulleys, weights, tools, aluminium framing, motors and electronics. Working quickly and collaboratively, the teams are required to plan/design and build a range of solutions to novel problems, all within certain specifications and under time pressure.

At the Auckland semi-final, held at Somerville Intermediate, the tasks were within the context of an orchard – picking, sorting, packing. Working as a team to pool their ideas and make the best use of the resources available, the girls were asked to create picking structures, motorised conveyor belts, electronically controlled spray and lighting systems, automated fruit sorting devices and fruit counters.

The girls won the semi-final competition by 80 points! Well done girls on your ability to think fast and apply your knowledge to new situations! From a competition that started with 30 teams at local level, only 12 now remain and the girls are looking forward to competing again at the finals. Good luck! college

58 Tradesmen for a Day

With thanks to Year 9 student reporter, Jashil Rana

ith work currently underway by APS Complete Property WServices Ltd to strengthen and refurbish the Chapel, four Year 9 boys were given a unique opportunity, following exams, to spend a day on site with professional APS staff, to extend their knowledge of the construction industry.

One of the boys, Jashil Rana reports: ‘Before we could enter the site, Warren, the site manager, instructed us regarding the site’s health and safety requirements. He also explained the purpose of the renovation and restoration of this site. To enter the Chapel, we were required to put on safety gear such as gloves, helmets, glasses, high-visibility vests and steel-capped boots. This was to ensure our safety and minimise any risk of injury while undertaking new tasks throughout the day.

The Chapel is currently surrounded by extensive scaffolding, both outside and within, thus securing the work area for the builders. Inside the Chapel, we learnt how to construct a basic scaffold structure, learning that teamwork, collaboration, and communication are very important to complete the job with maximum safety and efficiency. Under close supervision, we were permitted to climb the scaffolding to the upper levels both inside and out, which was an amazing experience, especially indoors, seeing the Chapel stripped back while the work takes place. We were surprised to learn that weather does not play a major factor in time management during the strengthening procedure, as the helical screws are drilled from the inside and most of the exterior work can be left for good weather conditions.

At the end of the day, we were fortunate to be able to take home architectural documents regarding the construction of the site and other assorted papers to give us both a reminder of the day and further insight. We learnt a range of skills as we shadowed the construction workers that day and all four of us are incredibly grateful to the APS staff and Saint Kentigern for allowing us this rare and valuable experience.’

The Kents Winners

The Kents Film Festival

ith the Dance Studio transformed to a cinema, the filmmaking talents of our Senior College students were showcased to an W Best Year 13 Film, Best Year 12 Film: Team: appreciative audience. Over the course of the evening, twelve films Peoples’ Choice and Best Robson Snookes, Matthew were shown, drawn from the best work of our Year 12 and Year 13 Cinematography: Team: Jason Doonan, Alex Corr-Lyon Media and Digital Technology students, along with two groups who Hatton, Ayesha Hunwick had entered the Auckland 48 Hour Film Festival earlier in the year.

Acting Head of Media Studies, Mr Luke Oliver explained that the films encompassed almost half a year’s work for the students, as they scripted their films and then moved through the pre-production and production phase. Our Year 12 students worked within the ‘horror’ genre – and there’s no question they nailed that! Year 13 were tasked with creating a short film in the ‘Film Noir’ genre weaving together the themes, conventions and style that is ‘Noir’ (black). Animated film was a new category this year, bringing yet another style of movie-making to the screens from our Digital Technology students.

Prior to the screening, a team of judges, comprising ex-students and industry professionals judged the films on cinematography, Best Sound and Best Best Animation Best editing, performance, sound, visual effects and best films for NCEA Editing: Team: Jack Film and Best Performance: Level 2 (Year 12), NCEA Level 3 (Year 13) and Animation. Our sincere Horsnell, Nathan Laing, Visual Effects: Amelia Elliot thanks to the judges, Calvin Sang, Cam McColl and Cameron Magill Sam Ashton Jason Hatton for taking the time to view the films and all those who came in support of our film students. college

59 60 college T and Nationals) and five Silver Awards this year (Kentoris, Chamber Chamber (Kentoris, year this Awards Silver five and Nationals) and KBB at Band Concert Band, Big (Symphony, Awards Gold four overall. third placed they and final this in played team gender mixed a year first the and Final Grand Theatresports the made language. and voice of consistency and clarity their for Award aSpecial with Festival Shakespeare regional the at recognised were students and strong, were performances the attended, well was Quad the Shake Sheep’. More ‘One with way interactive and fun a in numeracy of value the children aged preschool to teach Show genres. theatre styled Verbatim and contemporary Zealand, New Elizabethan, Absurdism, Cruelty, of Theatre included, forms theatre and style The plays. different five in weeks three over performing students, drama 100 over of classes senior six showcased Series Play the Term 2, In 2018. for school one to any awarded Scholarships Drama of number highest the was This achievement. the gaining students Year 13 current three and Aspoas) (Lauren recipient Scholarship Outstanding one included This Examinations. 2018 their from Scholarships gained students five February, in that stated and work. hard and talents their showcased Bang Bang Chitty Chitty and Roof the on Fiddler Group, Cultural the from performers and Class Dance Year 13 Kentoris, group, Scholarship Drama Class, Extension Dance Team, Premier Theatresports the arts. to the hours evening and lunchtimes mornings, many dedicated have who students those awarding while entertainment of a mix offered and success agreat was evening The highlights. year’s this of some shared and everyone welcomed Turner Matthew and Qin Venice Prefects, Arts and Wilson Naomi Arts, Performing of Head stage. Hall Elliot the onto entrance agrand making evening, the opened officially Drums and Pipes the seated, Once students. art NCEA our from displays Art Visual the to view opportunity the took and presentations. award the between in guests the entertained students Music and Drama Dance, College Senior and Middle been, has that year the of reflection In evening. Arts the Celebrating Arts the It has also been a fantastic year for Music as they have claimed claimed have they as Music for year afantastic been also has It has Kentigern Saint that arow in year 12th the marked year This Education in Theatre adevised toured class extension Year 13 The year the for highlights their of some shared department Drama The trophies, and ferns silver colours, badges, awarding between In arrived guests our as played Bands Concert and Combo Jazz The celebrate our remarkable student talent at the annual Celebrating Celebrating annual the at talent student remarkable our celebrate to Hall Elliot filled guests year, arts performing the off o round international level. level. international and/or national aregional, at Kentigern Saint represented and awards Arts Performing significant received performances, Arts in leadership Qin. Venice and Lui-Webster Melody – arts the of areas all covering out, stood students two But difficult. extremely year this decision the made which students, of dedication by the possible made only is programme exceptional An College. Senior and College Middle the for Year’ the of ‘Performer crowned Festival. Dance Tempo the at to perform invited were and well particularly did also Tapsell, Raychel student, Dance Senior by led LUX, crew Hop Hip Senior Our Awards. Jazz Burnett Ora the in place third gain Fox Isabelle had We also Award. Ballet Peacock Hillary the for afinalist as placed and Awards Jazz Burnett Ora the at win MEBA, with dances who Ryburn, Ruby We had Competition. Dance Society Caledonian Auckland the at success achieve students several had We also tenth. place Gu Panen and Whitford-Joynt Gema Ottaway, Montoya Richardson, Charlotte Rebellious, from and fourth place Stanisich Mila and Salesa Maia Salesa, Renee had we Family, Royal the From Competition. Hop Hip World the skills. choreographic their with along skills leadership their to develop opportunity the taking students Dance Senior our of some with addition, a fantastic was which Showcase, to the Troupes Dance student-led introduced we year, This students. dance the for year the of highlight the being Showcase Dance annual the with Dance, within achievements year. successful avery been has it ensembles, 35 and tutors music 30 students, 250 over With School. Girls’ and School Boys’ at students the with passion and talent musical their by sharing role active an to take volunteered have musicians senior Several year. the throughout events ensemble co-curricular the in students completing their performances and composition standards of majority the with to strength, strength from to go continue classes Project Music and Music NCEA The Scholarship. Music NZQA 12 Year 2018 his for ‘Outstanding’ received also Niu Jesse students, Year 13 Orchestras. and Bands Concert Choir, Schools Secondary Youth or National and/or Auckland the at placed who students other many as well as success, National gained Trio also Chamber The regionals). at &Combo Band Jazz Band, Stage Orchestra, Both students met the criteria being; they had lead roles or or roles lead had they being; criteria the met students Both be would who was evening the of item anticipated most The at competing agroup with school of out success had We also and successes many had have we 2019, of course the Over Middle College Performer of the Year Melody Lui-Webster Melody embodies everything we expect of an outstanding performer. She takes Drama and Dance academically, is part of both Kentoris and the Massed Choir, takes Trinity Speech and Drama, as well as being a member of the Drama Club and several Dance Troupes. In fact, most of her spare time is spent in the arts.

For someone who is only in the Middle College, her performing arts experience is extensive. This year alone, she sang with Chalmers House Band for House Music and performed solos at both the Middle College Music Evening and the Cabaret Evening. She performed a total of six dances in the Dance Showcase and her film was also screened here.

Outside school, Melody played the lead role of Morticia Addams in the Children’s Musical Theatre production of the Addams Family. She followed this up with an unforgettable performance as Truly Scrumptious in the Middle College production of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in May.

She has received numerous awards this year in the arts, including dance awards for tap, lyrical, choreography, song and dance. She was selected as a singer for Parris Goebel’s production, ‘Girl’ for the Tempo Dance Festival. She is also an excellent choreographer, having co-choreographed Edgewater College’s production of ‘Chicago’ and choreographed Churchill Park School’s production of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ in September.

Melody is a true professional! She is always in the right place at the right time, listening to all direction, supporting her peers and showing kindness for everyone. She is creative and passionate and a phenomenal performer.

Senior College Performer of the Year Venice Qin Venice is a truly exceptional performing artist, with a broad range of skills. She is fully dedicated to the Arts as a performer, leader, mentor and helper. She will never turn down an opportunity to get involved and has immersed herself in the Arts during her time at the College.

Her Performing Arts CV is extensive but some of the highlights for this year include: Winning Silver in the Auckland Secondary Schools Jazz Festival and Gold in the KBB Music Festival as Jazz Soloist for the Big Band. She has been the Jazz Combo vocal soloist for two years and won Silver at the Auckland Secondary Schools Jazz Festival this year. She has also been in leadership roles as the Kentoris Choir Leader and Lower Wind section Leader for Concert Band – winning numerous awards. She is the Principal Bassoonist for the Symphony Orchestra where she Won ‘Best Performance of a Classical Work’ for Mozart’s Bassoon Concerto. She is a member of both the Chamber Orchestra and Chamber Group and was a Solo Music Finalist again this year.

Venice is also a keen actor and she received a PACANZ Nomination for National Young Performer of the Year (In the Speech and Drama Section), both in 2017 and again this year. Many will remember her for her outstanding performance in a lead role as Golde in this year’s Senior College Musical Fiddler on the Roof.

She has balanced all of this and many commitments and achievements outside of school, with the demands of her IB studies and being part of our phenomenal Arts Prefect duo.

Not only does Venice have an extensive understanding of the Performing Arts but she is an incredible ambassador for it. She is a highly engaging young person who connects well with everyone she meets, regardless of their preferred art or style. She is empathic, kind, generous, dedicated and humble but maintains outstanding standards in everything she does – all the traits we look for at the College in a role model. We wish her luck next year as she applies to study Musical Theatre in the United Kingdom. college

61 Maori and Pasifika Evening Saint Kentigern takes pride in the many different cultures that make up our community.

n celebration of language and arts week, our Maori and Pasifika Christina Middelbeek-Harrison’s voice was spell-binding as she sang Icommunity of students, staff and their families, came together to Whakaaria mai and Whakamoemiti. It was clear that Christina is no present an evening of song and dance – an evening full of colour and stranger to the stage, giving a very polished performance. rich with community spirit. The audience was in for another treat but this time, from the Staff From delicious food to a formal welcome, followed by dancing Kapa Haka Group, a newly formed group this year who have practised and singing, with great vocal support from the audience, this was a under the watchful eye of College Te Reo teacher, Matua Maurice great evening of entertainment! The costumes and backdrops were Nelson. Many of the group took on the Te Reo course last year and amazing and the students were a joy to watch. were proud to be able to present back to the students at only their second public performance this year. On arrival, food stalls, prepared by the families, were set up in the Elliot Hall foyer for the guests to enjoy traditional food, before This was followed by a Tongan dance performed by Selena enjoying the show. Students, Benji Pauga and Caleb Pese were Agaimalo and the Piukana family. In the next item, a group of Tongan the MCs for the evening and opened the concert with a humorous girls and boys, led by Peata Fatai, also danced beautifully. The girls piece to set the tone. Playing the guitar and singing an ‘unknown’ performed two pieces, Tau’olunga and Faha’iula with great energy welcoming song, the pair got the audience laughing from the moment and poise, and the boys certainly held the attention of the audience they stepped onto the stage. with their strong and energetic performance, Soke.

The first item for the evening was a performance by Chloe Haerewa, Next, Moiralisa Ainu’u Aneru, Caleb Pese and Damien Faiane singing in Maori. Chloe gave a beautiful performance and was a great performed a song together, followed by the College Kapa Haka example of the talent to follow. Group, led by J’adore Harris - Tavita and Selena Agaimalo. This was a great way to conclude the show as the students gave a strong Following in her footsteps was the Samoan Group, led by Selena rendition of. the Waiata-Tira: He Honore, Whakaeke: Haukiwi, Agimalo. This group of 17 students took the audience on a wonderful Moteatea: Maia, Waiata-a-ringa: Medley, Haka: Ruaūmoko and journey to the tropical islands. Their performance was full of energy, Whakawatea: Nei Rā Te Kaupapa. colour and excitement as smiles filled the room and the audience cheered. It was wonderful to see such a well-polished set, as the Teacher in Charge of the Cultural Groups, Mr Leti Fetalaiga gave his dancers moved gracefully to their different formations, making clear closing speech, thanking all the students, tutors and teachers for their representations of their Samoan culture. hard work, and also to the family and friends who came along to show their support. Matua Nelson finished with a closing prayer before To complete the Samoan set, Seloa Keil performed a Taualuga. proud families went on their way. Seloa shone on stage as her magical dance brought the whole Samoan Group and family members together to dance and celebrate A production of this calibre requires a lot of hard work from staff as one. Seloa’s energy and stage presence was incredible to watch! and students alike but each year when this evening comes around, we are particularly appreciative of the input from the students’ families. Well done to all who were involved, this was a production you can all be proud of! college

62 Middle College Solo Music Finals

fter a series of auditions, twelve of the most accomplished Middle ACollege musicians were selected to perform before a judge at the annual Middle College Solo Music Competition – and the competition was stiff! Guest adjudicator, Dr David Lines, Associate Professor of Music at the University of Auckland School of Music, had the unenviable task of picking the winners. His years of experience did not make judging task any easier! This year, Year 10 student, Melody Lui-Webster won the voice section with her performance of ‘On My Own’ from the musical, ‘Les Miserables.’ Melody was also chosen as the Overall Winner. In summing up, Professor Lines said that Melody captured the mood of the piece, giving an emotional delivery. Emma Ying on the harp and Ian Chiao on the violin were joint winners of the string section with Sunny Le winning the piano section and Mia Li the clarinet section.

Well done to all our finalists and in particular to our winners for their fine musicianship.

OVERALL WINNER: Melody Lui-Webster


PIANO WINNER: Sunny Le WIND WINNER: Mia Li college

63 64 college A and created a ‘Cardboard City’. City’. a‘Cardboard created and Combat Laser at paces their through put also were They challenges. physical of avariety through teams in Town,’ ‘Top working in participated and Museum Auckland the at hunt treasure fact-finding a Forest, Woodhill in biking mountain around rotated students the and workshops of day a ran Show’ on from ‘Artz Visitors fitness. and collaboration creativity, on focused mainly that activities fun-filled need. in families for hampers food Christmas 400 prepared and job agreat did students The making. Hamper and Aid -First year this again agenda the on were activities favoured most and Two past the of home. take could they glazed, once which, plates onto Year 7memories their to paint opportunity the given was student Each Painting’. ‘Ceramic was year this initiatives new the of One skills. communication and leadership collaborative, their testing sports, and projects quizzes, level. year each for selection varied a were activities the campus, the off and on Both others. serve and teams in work learning, in engage zone, comfort their of out to step them to help designed activities of series ‘Home Centre’‘Home College Middle For the Year 8 Challenge Week, the students took part in several several in part took students the Week, Year 8Challenge the For several in students younger the challenged Year 7Decathlon The College students spend their final two weeks taking part in a part taking weeks two final their spend students College Middle remaining the Centre, to Field head Year 10s the s all the 2019 academic year! year! academic 2019 the to finish way agreat What skills. new learned and ago activities new given had they but arrived, holidays the had only not knowing smiles, Museum. Memorial War Auckland the visited also and waiata, new and ahaka learning enjoyed and legends, and myths Maori heard welcome, atraditional of protocol and formalities to the introduced were they where Marae, Mataatua visited they campus, on days two the for but Centre Field at time their of majority the spent balls! bumper and waterslides included that activities building team fun, enjoyed also students The Estuary. Tamaki the of aclean-up in turns took and classrooms, the in to help schools primary decile low local, visiting home, aretirement at helping case’. court ‘crime final the in a‘judge’ of front in theories their test and skills collaboration and communication creativity, thinking, critical curiosity, solving, problem their to develop students the for chance a was This ‘crime’. afictional out to work Science and Studies Social English, Mathematics, between connections cross-curricular makes that –aprogramme ‘Fusion’ on focused By the end of the two weeks, the students walked away with big big with away walked students the weeks, two the of end the By students, 10 the Year College, Middle of year final their To conclude involved which activities service of arange in part took Year 9also programme 9 the of Year week first the running, year second its In YEAR 7 YEAR YEAR 8

YEAR 9 college

65 50 Years of Field Centre

The 2019 trip ‘down the mountain’ marked the 50th anniversary since Field Centre first took place in 1970.

hilst much has changed in the A well-oiled team swings into action to needed for at least 60 km of walking each – Wintervening 50 years, much has co-ordinate food supplies. The figures are that’s close to 25,000km collectively! also stayed the same. The outcomes of definitely noteworthy! It’s not until you Back in the Lodges there are the 4300 providing our students opportunities to see the shopping list that you start to fully metres of Glad Wrap, 1200 Snap Lock bags, improve leadership and communication appreciate the true scale of the undertaking: 27 litres of washing up liquid, 140 Chux skills, build resilience, develop lasting bonds 4,666 loaves of bread, wraps and assorted cloths, 28 cans of fly spray, 1400 disposable with their peers and extend their comfort buns, 252 litres of fresh milk to get the week gloves, 2,592 toilet rolls and the 105 large zones through adventurous, challenging started, backed up with 57kg (yes kilos!) of rubbish bags to aid clean up at the end…. activities – while having plenty of fun - have milk powder and 33kgs of Milo! 265 boxes not changed! of cereal, with a further 40kg of rolled oats Whilst that can all be planned for, there to set them up for a day’s activity. 84kg is one thing that is impossible to plan for 50 years on, and as Field Centre of flour, 104 kg of sugar, 50kg of jam, 20 months out. Even days out it can be a bit of a approaches, our students still voice litres of honey, 27 jars of peanut butter and ‘best guess,’ for we know weather reporting trepidation about what lies ahead; 431 packets of biscuits to ensure there’s in New Zealand, like the weather itself, can questioning whether they have the stamina something tasty on return. And 7kg of coffee be fickle. Our students are advised to be to face the physical challenges of tramping, for the staff! prepared for every eventuality – like the rafting and camping in difficult terrain; ‘sideways’ rain and sleet that greeted the first challenges that include the Tongariro The bulk is pre-purchased and driven to students on arrival! This made the unloading Crossing and a three day tramp, yet 50 years the mountain where it is offloaded in the of gear and food to lodges just a wee bit on, they return exhilarated by the experience! central car park and then carried box by challenging! The heavy rain and strong winds box up to the Lodges – the students’ first 50 years of experience has paid dividends persisted for a couple of days requiring the chore on arrival! The initial supplies are when it comes to the organisation of Field programme to be juggled, but soon the supplemented by daily deliveries from the Centre – for it is a mammoth task! The poor weather and risk of hypothermia was local supermarket in Ohakune. logistics involved in getting the whole of replaced by brilliant sunshine and the need Year 10 to the National Park is huge! As the The equipment required for the overnight for sunscreen and constant rehydration as buses pull in to College to load 330 students, tramps is also another huge logistical the activities got underway in earnest! Every 63 staff and their 393 backpacks, daypacks, undertaking. A tent is little use without single group was able to cross the snow-line sleeping bags, tramping boots, wet weather its tent poles when you’re six hours hike to ascend the summit of Mt Ruapehu – and gear, polypropylene undies, fleece tops, from civilisation! Likewise, leaving your then experience the adrenalin-pumping beanies, a change of socks and the all- wet weather jacket back at the Lodge sensation of sliding back down snow on important 393 toothbrushes, you begin to could spell disaster. Tents, sleeping bags, polythene bags! get an idea of the logistics involved. cooking equipment, food, water, spare As each activity was ticked off, the clothing, first aid supplies, maps and, um… Prior planning includes sorting the students gained a growing sense of self spades for’ essential business,’ all have to students into 12 Lodge groupings, along with and achievement. Field Centre is a unique be distributed, checked, checked again and staff who undertake the activities with them, opportunity to gain independence and carried. That’s 105 tents with, 210 poles, and cooks who stay in the Lodges to prepare explore personal strengths in an exciting, 1890 tent pegs, 120 stoves and the, um, 14 the meals. Another group of mountain spectacular and challenging outdoor spades to do the right thing! ‘professionals’ are also engaged. That takes environment. It has been a cornerstone of the total to over 400 people needing to be By the time Field Centre comes to a close, College life for 50 years and never fails to be organised into activities, and requiring three the students will have chomped through a recalled as one of the highlights of a meals, snacks and drinks a day, whether in mountain of food to give them the energy Saint Kentigern education! the Lodges or out on the mountain! college

66 Field Centre - Early Beginnings

n this, the 50th year of Field Centre, it is fitting to look back Ito where College camps and the importance of outdoor activities first began.

Saint Kentigern fifth form students first attended an ‘outdoor training school’ at Hunua in 1958 held at the Presbyterian Bible Class site. Supervised by Mr Stan Mair, the boys were introduced to the unforgettable experience of being served heavily salt-laden porridge cooked over an open fire by Reverend Dr Adam MacFarlan, dressed in a kilt and gum boots, whilst also learning the skill of keeping food warm in hay bales!

In those early days it was recognised that the benefits of camp were twofold. Whilst being introduced to new outdoor activities was the focus, the opportunity for boys and masters to get to know one another better in an informal setting was just as important.

In 1961, the camp moved to Mr Clive Cashmore’s property at Orere Point where it continued for several years with the boys’ sleeping under canvas. A further boost to outdoor education came in 1964 as tramping trips to the South Island were organised by Mr Ron Stone, where they tramped in some of the most beautiful scenery in the world in the Rees and Dart Valleys of the Southern Alps. Escalating costs curtailed the South Island trips but new ventures opened with track cutting sorties around Lake Waikaremoana and public service works by senior boys on Little Barrier. Both students and staff were taking an active interest in outdoor education and the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme in New Zealand, was first begun by our College.

It was in 1970 that a Saint Kentigern outdoor education ‘rite of passage’ was established. College staff met at Roberts House to discuss the possibility of extending the outdoor experience to involve all fourth form boys and at the end of that year, Field Centre at Tongariro National Park replaced the fifth form camps at Cashmore Valley. The tradition continues and it has long been recognised that this intensive outdoor experience, often under extreme conditions, challenges students to discover hidden personal resources. college

67 68 college 2 in Review in Sporting Year the Silver Medal the U16 Boys won in a very hotly contested field. The The field. contested hotly avery in won Boys U16 the Medal Silver the was highlight The Championships. Schools Secondary Island North the individual scores. in overall third finished Liu Stephen event. this in position 3rd credible very a finished team The August. in Cromwell in finals NZSS the for qualified thus and Auckland in event qualifying (NZSS) Schools event. Distance Sprint Oceania the in 3rd placed and race Long-Distance Australian U14 Women’s the won she Championships, Orienteering Australian the in and events U14 Championships Cup. World the at Medal aSilver claiming team, Touch Women’s the in Zealand New represented Kolose Jamie December. in Championships National the in performance good another for look will and 6 years last the in times 5 final the made now have They 2nd. placing 2018, December in Tournament Zealand Secondary Schools Team Sailing Championships. New the at (Top Division) Fleet Gold the in overall 7th placing years, Medals. Gold won team Girls U16 and Relay Mixed U14 our events, team 4-person the In Relays. Transition the in Medals Gold Team won Girls U16 the and Team, Mixed U14 the and Girls U14 the in Bronze won Spring Ruby Championships, School Secondary National At the well. exceedingly performed also members team other and Medals Gold won both Clarke, Maddy and Orr Finian captains, by our led seconds. 49.70 of record College anew set and gold won also team Relay Girls’ Senior The 1993. since stood has the Auckland Secondary School Athletics Championship record that competitions. three all in qualify teams to have College only the is Kentigern Saint finalists, beaten were team Mixed Premier and team Girls’ Premier our Championships, Zealand New the In Champions. Auckland were team Girls’ Premier The Champions. Zealand New becoming and to them available competitions all winning team level. International and National at well incredibly performed also have individuals and teams presented, been has opportunity the where and competitions Auckland many of forefront the at been With thanks to Head of Sport, Mr Richard Stead Richard Mr Sport, of Head to thanks With In Rowing, both the Boys’ and Girls’ U17 eights made A finals at the the at Afinals made eights U17 Girls’ and Boys’ the both Rowing, In Secondary Zealand New the in 2nd finished team Golf Premier The Orienteering Zealand New the in 2nd finished McKinnon Kelly National outstanding an had Touch Premier Girls’ the again, Once 5 last the in result best their produced team Sailing Premier Our In the Auckland Secondary Schools Aquathon Championships, ably breaking medals, gold won team Relay 4x100m Boys’ Junior The Tennis Premier Boys’ the included highlights season summer The sport. In most codes and in most age groups, Saint Kentigern has has Kentigern Saint groups, age most in and codes most In sport. Kentigern Saint for year good exceptionally an been has 019 their Auckland Regional final, losing by only 1 point. 1 only by losing final, Regional Auckland their in finalists beaten were team Boys’ U17 The programme. the into gone has that work hard the all and coach their boys, to these credit areal is This team. Tournament the in selected were McNaught, Alex and Kerr Levick with along he, and tournament the of MVP awarded was Broughton Shalom team. Basketball Kentigern by aSaint before done be not has that achievement an Champions, Regional championship and became New Zealand Secondary Schools the to win on went then they competition, Premier Auckland the in finalists beaten were who team Basketball Boys’ Premier the from boys. for overall 3rd Crosbie James Alexandra Campion 1st overall individual champion for girls and Relay. Freestyle 200m mixed U15 the in Gold to win Perry Alex and Campion Isabella Avis, Oliver with up teamed then She achievement. impressive amost Medals, Gold individual 6 won she Championships, Schools Secondary Zealand New At the events. Freestyle 50m and Butterfly 50m U13 the in Medals Gold won games. their all in unbeaten were and won they which Competition, Junior School Secondary Zealand New the medals. gold winning undefeated, Champions tournament, both teams went through the tournament of Champion the in entered were teams Grade B1 and Premier winning The aYear 8student. only is Team, Premier our of member a Yang, Joanna that noting worth is It record. winning a100% had Xu Nathan competition. the throughout unbeaten was team Premier Our teams. grade C2 and B1 Team, Premier our were they grades, respective their winning teams three with results excellent achieved table. the of top the at competition their of stage halfway the finished 1team Colts Our years. following the in development their to forward look we and performances good very some with team, a and individuals as to develop continue X1 1st Girls’ Our College. King’s by beaten were but final the to make well played XI 1st our format), (20/20 Week Tournament Summer In competition. X1 2nd Nationals. the at 5th placed and Auckland in 4 Top qualified team Polo Water Boys’ Premier to Top The 4. through it making then and grade Premier Auckland the for ever, qualifying season A Final at the National Championships. the make to also on went Quad Novice Boys’ U18 and Eight Boys’ U16 The winter season was also highlighted by superb performances performances by superb highlighted also was season winter The with swimming in school top the were we Games AIMS At the Peebles Olivia Champions, of Champion Swimming Auckland At the in Team Futsal Girls’ Junior a entered College the time first the For Kentigern Saint Competition, Tennis Table School Secondary the In the winning good consistently played X1 2nd our Cricket, In successful most their completed team Polo Water Girls’ Premier The Optimist Sailing Fleet and Alexandra Campion named Swimming the in first placing Webster Hugh title, Tennis Table the winning Slopestyle. the in Gold won Addis Connor events individual the in and Silver won team Slopestyle the Slalom, Giant the in 3rd ATeam placed Kentigern Saint the Medal. Bronze the won overall, team, Women’s Kentigern Saint the and slopestyle Women’s Junior the in Medal Gold the won Straka Emma Slopestyle, Boys Senior the in Medal Gold won Addis Connor semi-finals. made all team Restricted U15 the and 6A 5A, 1R, rugby grade In 29-22. team School High Fielding resilient a beating 4 Top Co-Ed the win on to went then They final. the in College Rangitoto beating by comprehensively competition, Co-Ed 4, Top Zealand New the for qualified team The College. to King’s it losing until this maintained and Shield) Ranfurly to the (equivalent Cup Moascar the to claim Peter’s St beat also They Quadrangular. Presbyterian annual the won they season the in Earlier Park. Eden on encounter athrilling in 22-29 College to King’s losing competition, ever. time first the for grade their won also Year 7Steel up. runners placed were Year 9Mystics and Competition Auckland the in grade their won Mystics 10 Year Baradene. to losing 2final, Premier to the through it making season asuccessful had team A Netball Senior The game. contested afiercely in losing unfortunately Cambridge, Peter’s St played they again final, the into going Secondary Schools Championship, the team were unbeaten Zealand New the At final. the in 44-21 Cambridge Peter’s St beat they where (UNISS), Tournament Island North Upper the winning up by this followed They final. the in College Howick beating 1competition, Premier Auckland the won They competition. Supercity Inter-City Auckland Greater the in 4th and Competition Auckland the in 3rd placing season, good avery had also XI 1st Hockey girls’ Ayoung fulltime. at 1all held being after shoot-out penalty nail-biting in a semi-final their lost They Cup). Rankin (The Championship National the at medal Bronze the won and competition Inter-City Auckland Greater the in up competitions. respective their won football, of brand attractive ahighly playing 13A1, and 14A1 15A1, Cup. Knock-out Auckland the in finalists beaten were and titles League Premier Auckland back-to-back claimed Football Boys’ Premier The place. fifth in four top the outside just season the finishing competition the in sides best the against well competed team the and ethos team agreat instilled Hodgson, Gerard Mr coach, appointed Newly side. numerous New Zealand titles around the country. winning and group age U15 the dominating year, outstanding her for Spring to Ruby go must mention Special Spencer. Sophie and Rooney Olivia Brooks, Ethyn Cantell-Roberts, by Jamie gained also were Medals race. Points the in Bronze and Criterium Men’s 20 Under the in Foster to Jensen title Zealand aNew including performances standout several had have we Individually 3rd. Girls Junior and 3rd, AGirls Senior 2nd, placing ABoys Senior with series Auckland the at well perform Team always Kentigern Saint Championships. Island North the at Year 7&8teams and Girls Senior the for again Success Year 7&8team. and Girls Junior in Championships Schools Secondary Zealand New the at medals trial time team Our AIMS Games team performed well overall with Joanna Yang Joanna with overall well performed team Games AIMS Our At the North Island Secondary School Snowsport Championships Championship, Sports Snow Schools Secondary Auckland At the 1A Auckland the of final to the progressed XV 1st Rugby The season. good avery had have team Netball Premier The runners were title, Auckland the won team Hockey Boys’ XI 1st The Football Girls’ Premier the for phase arebuilding signalled 2019 We gained Cycling. in year successful another We enjoyed health and wellbeing for all. for wellbeing and health good for component important an is sport that mindful being while level, highest the at to compete continue will we sport, of benchmark the to be continue We will humble. and grounded to remain also but trying, stop to never and before than better being into energy their to channel students our We want students. to inspire continue We will life. for lessons important gain students which in vehicle the be always will it and scene professional the into pathways students talented very our offers now Sport Kentigern. Saint at students of Argentina. against test debut his playing squad, Black All the in named being and Canterbury the for Plenty. of Bay with Mataiciwa Jona and Rugby next year. Cameron Church and Tiaan Tauakipulu with Auckland for contracts rugby signed have players XV 1st current our of Three 2020. in club League Rugby Manly Sydney the at aplace gaining too. level U20 Rugby at Zealand New represented also Punivai Isaiah and Williams Tamaiti respectively. teams U20 Zealand New and Rugby ITM Waikato the for played Reihana Rivez squad. 7’s Ferns Black Zealand New the for selected was Paul Mahina Squad. Development Ferns Silver the in selection gaining also team, Netball Mystics the with season first excellent an had has Tayla Earle College. the leaving since scene sporting professional Grade. Men’s Open the in Silver won he Championship, Open Tennis Table Zealand New the at Then Singles. U19 the by winning class his showed again Nathan Nationals, Tennis Table School Secondary recent At the process. the in player ranked 1 Number Men’s Open Zealand New the beating Singles, Men the and Doubles Men the won Nathan Championship, Open Tennis Table North Island Table Tennis Championship. At the recent Auckland the at title Open Senior the and year this titles Group Age Oceania the won Nathan Championship. World Tennis Table the at also but Youth Olympics year’s last at only not Zealand New represented has outstanding, unbeaten in the Secondary School Competition, he ‘all-rounders.’ as medals received also Velghe Cecile and Putt Lisa McNaught, Alex Bason, Will Triathlon. for Orr Finian and Tennis for Beamish Nick Tennis, Table Xu for Nathan Touch, for Kolose -Jaymie sport their in winners as named to be on going them of four with categories, sixteen in finalists as selected students 13 to have proud was College the year This Awards. Year (YSPOTY) the of Sportsperson Young Sport College Annual the for College, the for level Premier in competing students, top our of many nominate we year, Each Colours. Sports Individual received who students 16 recognise We sport. chosen their in event International an at competing country, their represented have who students 30 recognise we including Tennis, Table Tennis and Badminton. sports other of avariety in placings gained teams Several champion. Sport continues to play an important role of the development development the of role important an to play continues Sport role asignificant played Ennor Brayden student, former year, This after promising, looks League Rugby in career future Pese’s Caleb the in well performed have 2018 from Collegians Old Several been has 2019 during Tennis Table in performance’s Xu’s Nathan year, This Team titles. Premier National three won we 2019, In Fides Servanda Est Servanda Fides Director of Sport of Director Richard SteadRichard

69 college College Sports Awards 2019

t the end of each year, the Sports Department hosts an Awards Dinner for over 500 Apeople to honour our sporting elite and there is always much to celebrate. This year, 1536 students from Years 7-13 have played in one or more sports, with over 100 staff managing or coaching a team. Twenty-four teams, representing thirteen different sports won Auckland titles with a further seven New Zealand titles gained in six sports. Our sports programme is deservedly one of the most diverse and successful in New Zealand and our players, coaches and managers can be proud of the efforts they have made to maintain that competitive edge, while inspiring our students to strive for their personal best in all they do - the emphasis being on personal best.

The Sports Dinner is the culmination of the efforts of many people but Director of Sport, Mr Richard and Sports Manager, Miss Lynne Scutt deserve our thanks for the huge amount of work it takes to bring this together.

Dux Ludorum Jaymie Kolose The Dux Ludorum is the major individual sporting award of the year and is awarded to the most outstanding sports person, girl or boy. The winner is generally an all- round sports person who has represented the College at a number of sports.

Jaymie placed 2nd overall in the Senior Girls Athletics, winning the 200m and 400m. She was this year’s captain of the Premier Netball team who were Auckland Champions, Upper North Island Champions and 2nd at the National Championships. She was selected for the New Zealand Secondary Schools Netball team. She is a member of our Premier Girls’ Touch team, and she was selected for the New Zealand Open Women’s team for the World Cup in Malaysia, who won the Silver medal. Jaymie is an outstanding athlete!

Nominees: Jaymie Kolose, Alex McNaught, Lisa Putt, Will Bason, Cam Church, Jensen Foster, Annabelle Waterworth, Cecile Velghe, Kayla Robertson-Tekii, Josh Child, Maddy Clarke, Sacha McLeod, Logan Cowie, Finian Orr.

Boys Runner-Up to Girls Runner-Up to The Dux Ludorum The Dux Ludorum The Bruce Palmer Award Lisa Putt Lisa placed 3rd in the College Senior Cam Church Girls’ Athletics, winning the 100m and Cam was 2nd overall in swimming long jump events. At the Auckland SS sports. At the EZSS Swimming Athletics championships, she was 1st Championships, he was first in 100m in the Senior Triple Jump event and freestyle, 100m freestyle relay and the a member of our 4X100m relay team Medley Relay. He was 3rd overall in that set a new College record. She is a the College Athletics Championship member of our Premier Girls’ Touch team. winning the long jump. He was captain She is a member of our Premier Netball of the Rugby 1st XV. The team won the team that won the Auckland title and the Presbyterian Quadrangular, was 2nd UNISS title, where she was named MVP in the 1A competition and they are the in the final. The team went on to place Blues region Co-ed champions and won 2nd at the NZ Championships. She was a the National Co-ed Top 4 title. He was finalist in the College Sport Young Sports also captain of the Blues U18 Rugby Person of the Year in 3 categories: All- team and played for the NZ Secondary round, Touch and Athletics and won the Schools team. He is contracted to the Touch category. She was also awarded Auckland in 2020. the Steve Cole Cup. college

70 your best in the pursuit of excellence.’ excellence.’ of pursuit the in best your deliver always do, we what for integrity programme. ‘Respect for everyone, sports our of blocks foundation the as Cole Mr by identified values the or Sportswoman who epitomises to Sportsman presented is Award This Touch, Athletics –All Netball, Putt round. Lisa Trophy SteveThe Cole Sports Loutit and Caelan Potts Jack Hodges, Samuel Dickey, Max Beamish, Nic Team: to succeed. desire and determination dedication, their of reflective results gained and level highest the at achieved has which team or individual an for is award This Tennis Boys’ Premier Team Performance Outstanding Irvine John Sam Clarke leaders. as always captains, as often sports chosen to their commitment outstanding and dedication For Awards Sports Principal’s Daniel Woud Kervin Guttenbeil Christina Middelbeck-Harrison Hockey Lennox Moss Lennox Tauakipulu Tiaan Jaymie Kolose Elliot Watson Rugby



Water Polo Water Polo &Water Rugby Touch, Netball &Athletics Netball Touch, Cricket and Hockey and Cricket not do without.’ without.’ do not just could team ‘the who athlete a team to presented is Cup Kaino Jerome The ChurchCam -Rugby JeromeThe Kaino Cup individual effort. a remarkable for year this award introduced aspecial is This Table Tennis Nathan Xu – Performance Individual Outstanding Year 7 & 8 Sportswoman of the Year: Year: the of 7&8Sportswoman Year Year: the of 7&8Sportsman Year Year: the of 9Sportswoman Year Year: the of 9Sportsman Year Year: the of Sportswoman 10 Year Year: the of Sportsman 10 Year Year: the of Sportswoman 11 Year Year: the of Sportsman 11 Year GroupAge Winners and Alex McNaught Gan Martin Co-Captains and Watson Turner, Elliot Kaea Rangihaeata, Alexander Rivers, George Nolan, Gabriel Kerr, Levick Evans, Kazlo Child, Josh Chan, Samuel Broughton, Shalom Team: Title National Team Basketball – Boys’ Premier Team the of Year develop their skills. skills. their develop to team the within others by helping demonstrates leadership qualities builds a team around them and who to aleader awarded is cup This Josh Child- Hockey Cup Leadership Dalton Grant The Alex Campion Coen Anderson Ruby Spring George Turner Fonoti Brooke Kiyann Manukonga Natalia Rankin-Chitar Kaea Rangihaeata

71 college Four Auckland Double Gold ‘Yspoty’ Sports at Nationals Awards for College ongratulations to Natalia Rankin- CChitar who won two gold medals at the New Zealand Athletics Championships Auckland College Sports - Young in Wellington in early December. Natalia Sportsperson of the Year Awards won the Junior Girls shot put and discus, breaking the College record in both events! Well done Natalia!

Year 7&8 Zone Athletics

ell done to athletes who competed at the Year 7 and 8 South WEastern Zone Athletics Competition, gaining 14 medals collectively in several running and long jump events.

Special mention to Year 7 student, Timothy Wallace who gained four medals in total – three first place medals and one third place! he annual Auckland College Timothy went on to gain a further two medals at the Inter-zone, with TSport Young Sportsperson Katelyn Quay-Chin also gaining an Inter-zone medal. of the Year Awards were held at , to honour the best student athletes in Auckland across the 32 sanctioned college sports. The top three students, throughout Auckland were selected as finalists in each sport, culminating in an overall sports person of the year. To receive an invite to these awards is an honour as it means the student has been noted during the season for their outstanding play in their chosen sport from every secondary school in the Greater Auckland Area.

This year, the College was proud to have 13 students selected YEAR 7 BOYS as finalists in sixteen categories, with four of them going on to be 200m 3rd Timothy Wallace named as winners in their sport - Jaymie Kolose for Touch, Nathan Xu for Table Tennis, Nick Beamish for Tennis and Finian Orr for 800m 1st Timothy Wallace Triathlon. Will Bason, Alex McNaught, Lisa Putt and Cecile Velghe 1500m 1st Timothy Wallace also received medals as ‘all-rounders.’ Long Jump 1st Timothy Wallace Over 600 people attended the event and it was a proud moment for the students, their families and the College when the winners YEAR 7 GIRLS were announced. At the end of the night, out of all the winners 2nd Dorothy Anderson of each sport, finalists are named for overall Sportsperson of the 800m Year. It was pleasing to have two of our students, Jaymie Kolose 1500m 1st Dorothy Anderson and Nathan Xu named as finalists. Relay 3rd Sienna Moyle (GS) Congratulations to all the students selected as finalists, a fitting Cleo Hancock (GS) end to a fantastic year of sport at Saint Kentigern. Zaina Liang Frankie Wingate

Winners of their sports categories: YEAR 8 GIRLS Jaymie Kolose Touch 100m 1st Katelyn Quay-Chin Nathan Xu Table Tennis Nick Beamish Tennis Relay 2nd Alexandra Campion Claudia Spencer Mya Finian Orr Triathlon Zoricich Katelyn Quay-Chin Long Jump 1st Katelyn Quay-Chin All Rounders medals Will Bason Inter Zone Athletics Results Alex McNaught Lisa Putt YEAR 7 BOYS Cecile Velghe 800m 1st Timothy Wallace 3rd Timothy Wallace Finalists 1500m Lisa Putt – Athletics, Jensen Foster – Cycling, Stephen Liu – Golf, YEAR 8 GIRLS Lennox Moss – Hockey, Cam Church – Rugby, Caelan Potts – Long Jump 1st Katelyn Quay-Chin Tennis, Lisa Putt – Touch, Maddy Clarke – Triathlon. college

72 T First Ever National Basketball Title nutrition, sleep and hydration very seriously. We seriously. very hydration and sleep nutrition, our We took court. the off and on things, little the of care to take had we knew we so Championship, National a win to easy not ‘It’s confidence. percent 100 with did they sure made they did, students the Everything confidence’. with ‘proceed was games.’ and to training comes it when helps which area gym and weights new the and courts new the utilise boys The Kentigern. Saint at here facilities incredible to have final. the in College Rosmini to beat on went and semi-final the in School Grammar Albert Mount against won They unbeaten. competition the through going competition, national the for North to Palmerston travelled team the team has won the ! Premier our ago, years 53 inception competition’s the since time first the for and year this excelled Young said the theme for Nationals week week Nationals for theme the said Young fortunate really are ‘We said, Young Aaron Coach, competition, basketball regional the Following of the many co-curricular programmes that has has that programmes co-curricular many the of one is Programme Basketball Boys’ College he T Netball 2nd in NZ they remained unbeaten and took the title after after title the took and unbeaten remained they again, once where competition School Secondary Island North Upper the at netball outstanding some play on to went They final. grand the in Howick beating after Champions Auckland becoming 30 games and won 29 of them! of 29 won and games 30 be proud of an outstanding season – they played played –they season outstanding an of proud be can girls the disappointment, the Despite contest. they lost to St Peter’s, 34-31, in a tightly fought fought atightly in 34-31, Peter’s, to St lost they unbeaten. Unfortunately, in the national final, final, national the in Unfortunately, unbeaten. again once final the to reach stages, pool the in the 16 best teams in the country, performing well well performing country, the in teams best 16 the Championships in Nelson, they competed against against competed they Nelson, in Championships National to the Heading 44-21. Peters St beating team, to go into the Auckland finals unbeaten, unbeaten, finals Auckland the into to go team, only the were team Netball Premier the year, his Evans, Team Manager: Trish Lowe Team Manager: Evans, Watson. Elliot and Turner George Rivers, Alexander McNaught, Gabriel Nolan, Kaea Rangihaeata, Alex Kerr, Levick Gan, Martin Evans, Kazlo Child, MVP of the tournament. Tournament Team and Shalom for being named the in named were who McNaught Alex and Kerr on.’ team the cheer to along came or involved were who those all thank to want we and unbelievable, was support side-line ‘the that commented Young achievement. their of proud very feeling away walked and spirit team games.’ biggest the in season the of basketball best our of some to play started we and over took confidence and momentum As season. the of time important most the at bodies our of care take not and goal our of short to fall want didn’t we year, the during work much so in put had Coach Shalom Broughton, Samuel Chan, Josh Team: Special mention great showed time, agreat had boys the Overall, : Aaron Young, Assistant Coach: Kazlo Kazlo Coach: Assistant Young, : Aaron to Shalom Broughton, Levic Levic Broughton, to Shalom A by example. Jaymie, Lisa Putt and Cecile Velghe were were Velghe Cecile and Putt Lisa Jaymie, by example. Women’s team, was outstanding and led Zealand. New in third placed girls the Columba, and Girls to Hamilton losses with rounds, final the day.In finals on to play achance and three top to the through to get tries 50 scoring play, pool in games six played girls the conditions, dry hot in Playing championships. School Rotorua for the New Zealand Secondary in NZ in Touch 3rd Jaymie Kolose, who is in the NZ NZ the in is who Kolose, Jaymie Premier Touch team travelled to travelled team Touch Premier Girls the holidays, the of start t the team. With the season ended, ended, season the With team. all named in the tournament we thank Jaymie, Lisa, Gemma Gemma Lisa, Jaymie, thank we and 13s five Year loses team the Laverick, Sam Watson and and Watson Sam Laverick, efforts with the team over the years. the over team the with efforts their for Robertson-Tekii Kayla 73 college Year 7 Grandparents’ Day

arly in Term 4, our Year 7 boys and girls welcomed their classes shared their musical talents and language skills, performed EGrandparents to College to get an insight into their learning skits, showcased student-made videos and some spoke about their programmes, some of which are so very different from when they science fair projects and sporting achievements - the grandparents attended school! It was a special morning for all, especially for a thoroughly enjoyed this. couple of students whose grandparents had travelled from as far as After a tour of the campus, the morning concluded with our South Africa and Romania to spend some time with them. It was also grandparents being welcomed to a Middle School assembly where a special morning for Old Collegian, Christopher John Clark as he they heard from the Pipe Band and watched students receive took great interest in the development of the College since he joined awards for their achievements this year. Following this, some of our the College as a Foundation student in 1953! grandparents joined their grandchildren for lunch at the Saints Café. Almost 300 extended family members joined Middle School Grandparents play a very special part in the lives of our students Principal, Mr McQueen, staff and student leaders for morning tea. offering not only love, support and moral guidance but, in Mr McQueen welcomed our guests and thanked the grandparents many cases, also offering the financial resource to ensure their for attending, reminding them of the vital role they play in their grandchildren have the very best education available to them. We grandchildren’s lives. thoroughly enjoyed hosting our special visitors and thank them for Our Year 7 students waited excitedly to escort their visitors back joining us for morning of shared experiences. We know the to their classrooms. Each class devised their own programme for students loved it; we hope you did too! the morning, sharing some of the highlights of the year. Some of the college

74 Saint Kentigern College Parents And Friends

t gives me great pleasure to present this report for 2019 on behalf of 7. Managing the ‘Families in Crisis’ programme Ithe Saint Kentigern College Parents and Friends. in conjunction with Suzanne Winthrop. Executive Team 8. Entertainment Book Fundraiser. Margaret Wind, Chair 9. Managing the Parents and Friends Andrew Ellis, Treasurer volunteer database. Sharon Coombes, Secretary Prue Cowan, Marketing and Communications Convener 10. Daily recruitment of parent volunteers to Marlene Jackson, Functions Convener assist in the Cafés and the hundreds of other Philippa Boyes, Functions Convener volunteers who assist at College events. Jessie Lui, Asian Parents Group Convener Trish Heikoop, P&F Administrator 11. Provide donations and contributions for Robyn Kenna, Events Convener parent events, forums, overseas travelling sports and cultural trips, prefect gifts, prizes and graduation.

2019 has been another very busy year and with a growing student 12. Oversee the Café operation, including menu selection, pricing and roll, our functions and events have seen large increases in attendance compliance management. numbers. This we welcome, as we see our role as that of ensuring the parents and caregivers of the current student body have a thoroughly The College has evolved significantly over the past seven years, enjoyable, informative and inclusive experience throughout the time and to that end, discussions around the future role of Parents and their children attend the College. Our primary objective is to ensure Friends has led to some exciting new developments. Now, we have that the parents of Saint Kentigern students have a lasting and two fully functioning cafes that are widely recognised as having the positive memory of the College, as they are key stakeholders and best menu options and facilities in any college or school cafe around crucial to its ongoing success. New Zealand. With the advent of multiple legislative changes to We achieve this in the following ways: the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Employment Act and more recently, the Food Act, the role of managing the cafes is no longer 1. Information and Social Evenings for parents to hear from expert practical for the Parents and Friends. The cafes are now a sizeable speakers on topical subjects, plus a chance to socialise with other business unit and we recently considered, that given the volunteer parents, the Board, Head of College, Principals, senior and specialist nature of our team, managing this remotely was not the most efficient College staff. way to ensure professional oversight and achievement of the KPI’s set for this department. We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity 2. Provide catering and/or volunteers for the following events: to conduct this role in the past and look forward to providing a • Open Day 600 + visitors to the College continued level of service to the College through all other activities in • Senior School Musical Production – 4 nights the future. • Parent/Teacher interviews - 5 evenings over Terms 2 and 3 • Middle School Production - 3 nights New initiatives for 2020 include the adoption of the ‘Food • Futures Evening - 50 lecturers and speakers from the Heart’ initiative, taking a lead from the very successful • Dance Showcase - 2 nights programme in place at the Boys’ School and Girls’ School, along • Drama Production - 3 nights with an increased role in parent advocacy through providing more • Year 12 Graduation afternoon tea to 80 guests opportunity for engagement with senior management and Board • Sports Awards Dinner setup for 500 guests members at parent forums. • Grandparents’ Day morning tea • Year 10 Graduation Lunch I would like to acknowledge one of our departing Executive • New Entrants Day afternoon tea to the 600 students after testing members, Sarah Storer, who retires after six years from our • Year 7, 9 and 11 Parents Welcome to the College (separate evenings) committee this year. Her contribution and the number of hours • Graduation Dinner – assisting with preparation, cash donation she committed to the College parents and caregivers will be hard to replace. The wonderful contribution given by many parents 3. Asian Parents Meetings: Convening regular meetings for over 250 throughout the year, with respect to volunteering their time has been Asian parents, representing 248 College students. In addition, our humbling and I want to personally acknowledge and thank them. Convener manages the WeChat group that provides easy day to day communication, support and the sharing of school information – key I would also like to thank Duncan McQueen and Suzanne Winthrop information emails are translated into Mandarin to assist parents for for their immense support and attendance at Parents and Friends whom English is their second language. functions throughout the year, providing parents with a wonderful opportunity to engage and feel at home in the College environment. 4. First Chinese Culture Afternoon for students (held on 26 We wish both of them well in their future endeavours. September 2019). It has been my pleasure to serve as the Chair of the Saint Kentigern 5. Monthly Parents and Friends Newsletters promoting social and Parents and Friends and I look forward to continuing this service information evenings, fundraisers and other useful information. throughout 2020.

6. Developing promotional material for new parent packs.

Margaret Wind, Chairperson, Saint Kentigern College Parents & Friends college