Recap on Texas Election Results: By the Numbers

By TLTA Staff Nov. 9, 2016

Yesterday’s election saw a significant number of close races. Below is a summary of the Texas election results.

For more information on the 2016 Texas election results, visit the Texas Tribune.


 In the only truly contested congressional race in Texas, Republican Congressman Will Hurd defeated Pete Gallego for Congressional District 23.  In a surprise result, Republicans narrowly held on to their majority in the U.S. Senate (51 Rs to 48 Ds with a run-off election still to be held in Louisiana).  Republicans also maintained control of the U.S. House with 235 Rs to 191 Ds.

Texas Statewide Elections

 Republicans swept the statewide offices in Texas, extending their streak to 133 consecutive statewide race wins (including presidential races).  Republican Wayne Christian defeated Democrat Grady Yarbrough in the race for Texas Railroad Commissioner.  All three Republican incumbents on the Texas Supreme Court won their races as did the three Republicans vying for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

Texas Senate

 The remains unchanged at 20 Republicans and 11 Democrats. There were no competitive races for the Texas Senate last night.

Texas House

 Despite losing four seats in the state House to Democrats, Republicans maintain strong control of the Texas House with a 95 R to 55 D make-up.  Five incumbent House members were defeated on election night – four from the GOP and one independent member seated just a few months ago in a special election: o Rep. John Lujan (R-) lost to Tomas Uresti o Rep. (R-San Antonio) lost to Philip Cortez o Rep. Gilbert Peña (R-Pasadena) lost to o Rep. Kenneth Sheets (R-Garland), member of the House Insurance Committee, lost to o Rep. Laura Thompson (I-San Antonio) lost to Barbara Gervin-Hawkins (D).

By the Numbers

27: The number of Republican statewide office holders in Texas.

0: The number of Democrat statewide office holders in Texas.

3: The number of freshman Texas state Senators (Buckingham, Hughes and Miles) reporting for duty next session.

26: The number of freshman Texas House members set to report for duty in January, with the number growing to 27 when the special election occurs for retiring member Dawnna Dukes (D - Pflugerville) .

4: The number of former House members re-elected to the House after some absence from office (, Lance Gooden, Mary Ann Perez and Philip Cortez).

5: The number of House incumbents defeated: Galindo, Lujan, Peña, Sheets and L. Thompson. This is the same number that occurred in the general election in 1992, 2004 and 2008.