
Wildlife Known To Use Ricelands Prepared for: California Rice Commission www.calrice.org

Prepared by: ICF Jones & Stokes 630 K Street Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814 916.737.3000

Principal Authors: John Sterling President Central Valley Club and Sterling Wildlife Biology

Paul Buttner Environmental Affairs Manager California Rice Commission

Third Edition, 2011 Contents

Section 1 Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus)...... 18

Introduction...... 3 Tricolored Blackbird (Agelaius tricolor)...... 18

Wildlife Use Of Cultivated Ricelands...... 3 Yellow-headed Blackbird . (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus)...... 19 Section 2 Section 3 Special-Status Wildlife Use Of Ricelands...... 6

Shorebird Use Of Ricelands...... 21 Special-Status Wildlife Known to Use .

California Ricelands During their Annual Cycle...... 6 Figure 1: Special Shorebird Area...... 22

...... ...... 7 Black-bellied ( squatarola) 23

...... Western Pond (Actinemys marmorata)...... 7 Killdeer ( vociferus) 23

...... Giant Garter (Thamnophis gigas)...... 7 Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) 24

American (Recurvirostra americana)...... 24 ...... 9

Greater Yellowlegs ( melanoleuca)...... 25 Fulvous Whistling- (Dendrocygna bicolor)...... 9

Tule Greater White-fronted Goose . Western ( mauri)...... 25

(Anser albifrons elgasi)...... 9 (Calidris minutilla)...... 25

Redhead (Aythya americana)...... 10 (Calidris alpina)...... 26 American White . Long-billed .

(Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)...... 10 (Limnodromus scolopaceus)...... 26

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis)...... 10 Wilson’s ( delicata)...... 27

White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus)...... 10 Wilson’s (Steganopus tricolor)...... 27

Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)...... 11

Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus)...... 11 Section 4

Swainson’s (Buteo swainsoni)...... 12 Wading Bird Use Of Ricelands...... 29

Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)...... 12 American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus)...... 30

Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus)...... 12 Great Blue (Ardea herodius)...... 31

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)...... 13 Great Egret (Ardea alba)...... 31

Lesser Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis (Egretta thula)...... 31 canadensis) and Greater Sandhill Crane Green Heron ( virescens)...... 31 (Grus canadensis tabida)...... 13 Black-crowned Night-Heron . (Charadrius alexandrinus)...... 14 ( nycticorax)...... 32

Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus)...... 14 White-faced Ibis (Plegadis chihi)...... 32

Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)...... 15

Long-billed (Numenius americanus)...... 15 Section 5

Marbled (Limosa fedoa)...... 15 Literature Cited...... 35

Short-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus)...... 16

Black (Chlidonias niger)...... 16 Section 6

Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)...... 17 Appendix: Wildlife Known to Use .

Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)...... 17 California Ricelands...... 46

Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)...... 17

Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia)...... 18

ion 1

Introduction ct e S

California ricelands have become important “surrogate” for many wildlife species. In fact, nearly 230 species are known In the mid-nineteenth century, the landscape of the to use California ricelands. Central Valley began to undergo a gradual conversion With the extensive loss of about 95 percent to one dominated by intensively managed agricultural lands, finally becoming one of the most productive of the native wetland habitats in the Central agricultural regions in the world. This loss of habitat Valley, riceland habitats have become essential resulted in substantial declines in the estimated 40 to the management of certain wildlife, such as million waterfowl, and other waterbird populations that waterfowl and shorebirds. Moreover, many historically used the Central Valley (Elphick and Oring special-status species have also successfully 2003). Despite this enormous habitat loss, three million adapted to cultivated ricelands. For some to six million , geese, and swans continue to win- wetland-dependent species, ricelands provide ter in California. During their annual cycles, large numbers of shorebirds, , egrets, , essential wetland-like habitat that has contrib- ibises, , and raptors use the Central Valley uted to the stability of populations. In some . The total annual waterbird count (including cases, habitat provided by ricelands has helped migrants) in the region has been estimated as high as to support population increases. 10 to 12 million (Gilmer et al. 1982). This report discusses the general values that With the gradual loss of wetlands in the Central California ricelands provide for wildlife. It also Valley, wildlife has become increasingly dependent on examines, in greater detail, the use of ricelands suitable agricultural lands for food and cover. Certain by special-status wildlife species and several types of agriculture—chiefly rice cultivation—help to sustain remaining populations by creating valuable other species that depend on the specially-desig- habitat that provides functions similar to native valley nated shorebird habitat provided by ricelands. habitats. Rice cultivation has provided surrogate wetland habitats that serve as essential breeding and wintering Wildlife Use Of habitat for waterfowl, shorebirds, wading birds, and Cultivated Ricelands other wildlife (Elphick and Oring 1998). These habitats Early in the nineteenth century, the Central Valley . also provide food and cover for some reptiles, amphib- was characterized by large numbers of small creeks, ians, and . sloughs, oxbows and major rivers that were subject . Each year, approximately 500,000 acres of land, to periodic flooding. The scouring associated with mainly in the Sacramento Valley, are planted in rice seasonal flooding created a mosaic of channels, (Buttner 2004, personal communication). Rice fields are depressions, lowland swamps, marshes, and hum- flooded during the summer growing season, and as a mocks across wide expanses of the Central Valley result of straw burning legislation to improve air quality (Scott and Marquiss 1984). An estimated four million (Rice Straw Burning Act, 1991), many rice fields are also acres of wetlands, together with extensive grasslands, flooded following harvest in an effort to decompose rice riparian , and valley oak woodlands, formed a straw (Brouder and Hill 1995). In total, many of these complex mosaic of habitats that supported enormous fields are flooded for up to eight months of the year, flocks of ducks, geese, swans, cranes, shorebirds, during which time the rice fields become temporary various wading birds and other species. wetlands with enormous significance to bird popula-

Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands 3 Section 1: Introduction S S e e ct ct ion 1 ion ion 1 ion tions wintering and breeding in the Central Valley. In enormous role in sustaining the populations of the . addition to the surrogate wetland values they offer, rice 3 to 6 million waterfowl that continue to use the Central fields also provide a high-value food source from the Valley during winter. Together, both rice and wetland 75,000 tons of waste grain estimated to remain on the habitats help establish the Central Valley as the most ground following the annual rice harvest in the Central important waterfowl wintering area in the Pacific Flyway, Valley. It is this waste rice grain, as well as other valuable supporting up to 60 percent of the total flyway popula- food in rice fields, that enables wintering waterfowl in the tion in some years (Central Valley Joint Venture 2006). Sacramento Valley to gather more than 50 percent of Rice farmers also enjoy a healthy symbiotic relation- their nourishment from rice farms (Central Valley Joint ship with the 75,000 acres of managed wetlands in . Venture 2006). the Sacramento Valley. Rice fields and the adjacent These flooded rice fields are dynamic in their attrac- wetlands share the many of the same wildlife species . tion to wildlife and in the habitat values they provide. as they move back and forth between the two habitats Habitat quality varies with rainfall, site-specific flooding at various times of the year. In addition, the water cycles, management practices, released from rice fields is reused to flood about . and the particular habitat require- half of the Sacramento Valley’s wetlands (Smith, “The rice fields become ments of each species. personal communication). temporary wetlands with While specific management For a variety of reasons—including loss of wetlands, enormous significance practices can influence the value extended periods of drought on the breeding grounds, to bird populations of ricelands (Elphick and Oring and loss of nesting habitat—populations of wintering 1998), the mere presence of waterfowl in California have declined dramatically since wintering and breeding summer and winter-flooded the late 1970s. Through the efforts of waterfowl conser- in the Central Valley.” habitat has provided more than vation groups and the proactive management of both 500,000 acres of wetland-like breeding and wintering waterfowl habitats by state and habitat in the Central Valley. This habitat, in conjunction federal agencies, the decline in California’s waterfowl with the abundant food source remaining in rice fields population slowed, and then started to reverse in the after harvest, has contributed to population increases late 1980s. The winter flooding of rice fields in the Central of many wetland-dependent species. During the winter Valley has been an important factor in this recovery. months, large flocks of water birds forage in flooded This winter flooding has resulted in an apparent depen- rice fields. These shorebird and waterfowl concen- dence of some waterfowl species on flooded rice fields. trations attract raptors, especially , For example, more than one million Northern Pintails and . Unflooded rice fields have been counted in recent years during January also support large populations which in turn waterfowl surveys in the Central Valley. Heitmeyer and attract hundreds of raptors, such as White-tailed Kites, Raveling (1988) demonstrated this species’ depen- Northern Harriers, Red-tailed , American Kestrels dence on flooded rice fields during their study of and Short-eared Owls. foraging behavior and habitat preferences in the The Central Valley is an essential habitat area for Central Valley. waterfowl (ducks, geese, and swans). It serves as part Overall, ricelands are known to be used by 187 of an annual corridor known as the Pacific species of birds, 27 species of mammals, and 15 species Flyway. During the 1880s, an estimated four million acres of reptiles (Appendix A). Of these nearly 230 species, of wetland habitat was available to waterfowl during the 30 are currently considered special-status species. winter. Today, just over 205,000 acres of wetlands In addition, 17 of the bird species are part of a remain (Central Valley Joint Venture, 2006), supple- specially-designated habitat area that includes rice mented by approximately 500,000 acres of ricelands. fields and adjacent wetlands of the Sacramento This additional surrogate wetland acreage plays an Valley (See Section 3).

Section 1: Introduction 4 Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands

Special-Status Wildlife Species Use Of Ricelands

This discussion of special-status species Special-Status Wildlife Known to use of ricelands addresses both wetland- Use California Ricelands During S e their Annual Cycle ct dependent species and other species that ion 2 ion use ricelands incidentally. Species Scientific Name Status* Special-status species are those assigned REPTILES an official designation by a state or federal Western Pond Turtle Actinemys marmorata CSC Giant Thamnophis gigas CE, FE resource agency that indicates population BIRDS declines or other reason for particular Fulvous Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna bicolor CSC concern. For purposes of this report, Tule Greater Anser albifrons elgasi CSC White-fronted Goose special-status species are defined as: Redhead Aythya americana CSC • Species listed or proposed for listing as . American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos CSC threatened or endangered under the federal Least Bittern Ixobrychus exilis CSC White-tailed Kite Elanus leucurus CFP Act (ESA) (50 CFR 17.11, . Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus BGE, CE, CFP and various notices in the Federal Register . Northern Harrier Circus cyaneus CSC [FR] [proposed species]) Swainson’s Hawk Buteo swainsoni CT, FSCC Aquila chrysaetos CFP, BGE • Species that are included on the federal bird. Prairie Falcon Falco mexicanus FSCC species of conservation concern list for Bird Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus FSCC Conservation Region 32 that includes the . Lesser Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis canadensis CSC Central Valley (USFWS 2008) Greater Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis tabida CT Snowy Plover Charadrius alexandrinus CSC • Species listed or proposed for listing by the State . Mountain Plover Charadrius montanus CSC, FSCC of California as threatened or endangered under . Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus FSCC the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) . Long-billed Curlew Numenius americanus FSCC (14 California code of Regulations [CCR] 670.5) Limosa fedoa FSCC Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus FSCC • species of special concern to the California Black Tern Chlidonias niger CSC Department of and (DFG) (Shuford and Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia hypugaea CSC, FSCC Gardali 2008 [birds], Williams 1986 [mammals], Long-eared Owl Asio otus CSC Jennings and Hayes 1994 [reptiles and ]) Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus CSC Bank Swallow Riparia riparia CT • fully protected in California (California Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus CSC, FSCC Fish and Game Code, Section 3511 [birds], 4700 Tricolored Blackbird Agelaius tricolor CSC, FSCC [mammals], and 5050 [reptiles and amphibians]) Yellow-headed Blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus CSC

• Bald and Golden Eagles specifically listed by . * CSC (California Species of Special Concern); FSCC (Federal Bird Species the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act . of Conservation Concern); CFP (California Fully Protected); CT (California (16 U.S.C. 668). Threatened); CE (California Endangered); FE (Federally Endangered); BGE (Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act)

Section 2: Special-Status Wildlife Species 6 Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands October, By September. through March approximately from . period, active their during habitat aquatic in found (Holland year ofthe portion asmall only for present is water where areas in and ofayear course the during size in more or topercent 50 up vary that ponds in found also are They kilometers. square dozen several cover that bodies water in and meters square afew ofonly pools ephemeral in found have been Pond Western considerably. vary can habitat aquatic ofthe size The along midges, Holland food Nekton 1991). (Holland inflorescences grass ditch on and catkins alder and willow on foraging observed been have but matter plant eat rarely They carrion. fish and , , bird, , on feed also They The habitat. aquatic to the adjacent grasslands often as pond nesting, overwintering, for habitats terrestrial upland use They Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands California ToUse Known Wildlife activities 4,500 Western P Reptiles

rocks, offoods. avariety consume Turtles Pond Western



turtles a feet.

(free-swimming bank

dragonflies, 1991).



1994). they such logs,

ond T Pond

require dispersal. to of


as emergent

maintain Western their

urtle foraging turtles


beetles, emergent

diet disappear ctinemys marmorata) ctinemys A (




proper use

Pond vegetation, consists


stoneflies, aquatic

temperature the

Turtles to approximately level . sea from habitats aquatic ephemeral permanent ponds, streams, of marshes, waters quiet the along found usually is Turtle Pond Western The basking animals)

temperature to


aquatic overwintering of


crustaceans, habitat




sites, and are


habitat, and



regulation. important caddisflies.


for such

sites, areas . 7 County adjacent require Garter Giant fields. rice and canals, drainage and irrigation streams, small as such waterways ent low-gradi and lakes, small ponds, sloughs, marshes, in occurs Valley. species The Central the in wetlands 1999). Service Wildlife and Fish (U.S. Counties Fresno and Merced in fields rice in occur also Snakes Garter 20, 1993). Giant October 1986, FR 54053, 58 (Hansen (early from Delta River Joaquin−Sacramento San ofthe fringes eastern the along and Yolo in Yolo County Bypass protective for vegetation emergent herbaceous require also snakes These organisms. offood populations dant Sacramento populations Remnant Counties. Glenn and Colusa, Butte, Sutter, Gridley concern. of special sloughs, Populations in Valley Central the throughout found historically snake garter aquatic alarge, is Snake Garter Giant The Giant arter Snake of portion southern the from eliminated been has species the 1940s, the Since 1999). Service Wildlife and Fish (U.S. County to Kern south County

Fresno its canals and streams inhabit Turtles Pond Western to emergent endemic is Snake Garter Giant The . species aCalifornia is Turtle Pond Western The



spring from

in permanent south



to County Butte

Butte rice

of also

The Valley. through

to Giant




Stockton exist current (U.S. prey

and water They


(Thamnophis gigas) gigas) (Thamnophis Section mid-fall)

along found throughout Fish

to rice



during the


and Grove Snake 2:





Mendota Special-Status benefit


flooded extends

Wildlife western



Joaquin region of the are


active from

limited northern

Wildlife rice Service

from border of


the dense


Sacramento season fields.


near abun


1999). ponds, of


the - . -

Section 2 - - . Snake Garter catesbeiana) Giant

of tive habitat for Giant an important alterna ricelands has created Garter Snakes.” (Rana

“The development of declines bullfrog

Wildlife Known UseTo California Ricelands and

population fish, small

Loss of wetlands in the Central Valley has resulted significant (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1999). in other resulting in its current listing as endangered under both the federal and state Endangered Species Acts. . The development of ricelands has created an impor tant alternative habitat for Giant Garter Snakes. Some of the most important remaining populations . of this species in the American and Butte Basins been have found . dependto on flooded . rice fields as a primary . habitat component. 8 . affinis),

needed habitat basking




sites) (Gambusia




Wildlife and






and 2:

The diet of Giant Garter Snakes consists mainly . the species persist to in an area. Section components areas, cover and foraging habitat, as well as open areas and grassy banks for basking. Small mammal burrows and other smallcrevices in upland habitat are required for winter hibernation sites and refuge from floodwaters (58 54053, FR October All 1993). 20, for of aquatic prey such as fish and amphibians. Giant Garter Snakes may concentrate feeding efforts at pooled areas that trap and concentrate Native prey. prey species include Sacramento blackfish (Orthodox microlepidotus) and Pacific treefrog (Pseudacris [Hyla] regilla). Nonnative species preyed upon include (Cyprinus

Section 2 remain Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands California ToUse Known Wildlife during from 1901, 2008). Hamilton (Barnhart habitat man-made in increase ofan advantage take to years afew within dramatically increased population their and Valley Joaquin San the in hold took irrigation 1896 after until found not was state the for first 1876, in region the Delta the in numbers large in seen Although 2008). (Hamilton Bay Francisco San southern and Valley Sacramento the into ranged years some in that species irruptive an was it Historically . in to winter migrates population breeding its States, 2001). Lee United the In and (Hohman and rice, water-seeded seeds, ofweed consists diet Their 2001). Lee and (Hohman Coast Gulf the along larly particu range, ofits much throughout ricelands with F Birds Valley recently Sugar at the one-two influx by latter Their Fulvous tion ulvous Whistling-Duck

the rice Fulvous

Tulare can






(Hohman Ponds,

the cultivation (Patten


as potentially breeding


Basin 1990s

Whistling-Ducks the

expansion the


et 1970s




nineteenth and area



the that

pairs the

become are

2003). Lee and

in southwest to

Kern increased


primarily than

2006 with


2001, Wildlife are

the century In National

endrocygna bicolor) endrocygna D (

re-established five are


known (Sterling the 1980s.

Hamilton United

rapidly linked closely become has species this but marsh, freshwater shallow includes habitat Natural . cinnamon-colored and brown with duck along-legged is Duck Whistling- Fulvous The


indicated confined

the Area, Central

was were

to Wildlife quality Unexpectedly,

were States 2007)






discovered Valley,


that Woodland

in thought

in and

Refuge when

the during

California. rice

a where facilitated

they Imperial acreage popula

fields. a


the as large

in bred - - 9 in severe primarily species. this for habitat wetland surrogate a viable provide Valley, ricelands Central the in waterfowl wintering and migrating ofmost true Takekawa is As and 2008). (Deuel Geese White-fronted Pacific with along fields corn and fields rice harvested in primarily winter, forage the they During 2008). Takekawa and 1979 Deuel (Bauer in 25 individuals than larger flocks form rarely geese tule frontalis), (A.a. Goose White-fronted Pacific , common more the with Takekawa contrast In and 2008). (Deuel estimates historical ofaccurate lack the given trends ofpopulation evidence solid no is there but 10,000, 7,000 at to estimated currently is population Their Takekawa and 2008). 1984, Deuel (Wege marshes Napa and Suisun the as well as Valley Sacramento ofthe region Sink Butte and Basin Colusa the in winter Takekawa and and 2008) (Deuel ofAlaska region Inlet Cook upper the in Bird nser albifrons elgasi) albifrons nser A ( T Geese White-fronted Greater Tule albifons). (A. Goose White-fronted Greater of subspecies American North oftwo larger the is Goose White-fronted TuleThe Greater had water in large Valley California. they irruption of ule Greater White-fronted Goose

the available the The





historical is and state


Fulvous decline available




Rice may

migrants habitat



of to


wandered play

spread cultivation



Special Fulvous for loss

the (Hohman

a recolonize from their

Section role

of species

of 2008).




Whistling-Ducks Mexico Concern to in had

the California 2: and

played Special-Status



range future,


occurs, is habitat and

Priority former on



in rice during


if the

the important a



from large-scale field

range Wildlife


California Because Central 1





habitats. Mexico

in years,

Species role .

Section 2 - - - in -

to breed Their of


large grass occur

identified kites


habit savanna

and but


scapulars its


well-document oak sometimes

by forage populations

documented ,

documented. not Sacramento

are black


species White-tailed valley

They fish, are the

Small well



2008). They in

identified not

and upon have

2000). medium-sized

irrigation trends

distinctive .


a also


crawfish. is prey is

(Sterling rice appropriate,


primarily and

. some (Elanus leucurus)

It Wildlife Known UseTo California Ricelands

the as

while its of


fields (Moore



Kite corridors tail


other to


(Ixobrychus exilis)


region that Valley rice lack

such marshes.




hide kiting)

Valley due with numbers


the and Bittern

of the

to patches).

(or riparian cattail-lined


heron to (light refuges throughout within


cattail in

in seen

Central long

White-tailed Least

Central due

The Least Bittern is on the California Bird Species The American White Pelican is on the California . its

the small

of Special Concern Priority 2 list primarily due loss to or degradation of breeding habitat (Sterling 2008). population surveys rences ed found wildlife remain members in rarely cryptic coloration Consistent family, The White-tailed Kite Kite White-tailed ponds. They frequent flooded rice fields for resting . and are often found in large flocks.This colonially- nesting species no longer breeds in the Central Valley, but non-breeding or possibly breeding visitors from nesting colonies in northeastern California are com mon sights during the spring and summer. In winter . a larger influx of pelicans visits the Central Valley. Bird Species of Special Concern Priority 3 list primarily due loss, to degradation, and human disturbance of breeding habitat and colonies as well as vulnerability contaminantsto and disease (Shuford 2008a). Bittern Least The a tendency dense by (shoulder hovering breed the

10 - . - in

do lay

two a and

This similar



is A of

where coloration


, marsh

Central identified


few breeds declines


females 2008).

the and periods

fields The from duck

in darker


They rounder Redhead


steady many


rice Deuel


. several The American White Pelican is a large white bird with black flight and long, massive bill. Pelicans eat fish and crawfish that they scoop up in their bills in deep marshes, lakes and The diving by and profile Canvasback. population lands the

. that the and


Species vegetation,

in in

from flooded



(Beedy them documented grain,


incubate elican elican

waterbirds’ trends

with parasite,


frequent and state


excess other nest

ythya americana)


other a in


on usually nests

techniques nests

is Special-Status

Population 2: and

eggs Redheads feed

build build

The Redhead is on the California Bird Species of GreaterThe Tule White-fronted Goose is on the

Section merican White P White American (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) Redhead sive loss and degradation of breeding habitat and vulnerability hunting, to contaminants, and disease (Beedy and Deuel 2008). Special Concern Priority 3 list primarily due exten to snails they feet. marshes, do their not species throughout different Valley. California Bird Species of Special Concern Priority. 3 list due the to small population size that winters entirely in small a geographic area California of (Deuel 2008).and Takekawa

Section 2 and occasionally declined also Eagles large Valley waterfowl, in usually Nest ous Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands California ToUse Known Wildlife Bald Eagle fields 1971). (Eisenmann distribution and numbers both in 1970s1950s to the rebounded it the from but precipitously, declined population the 1930s, the In 100 years. past the during dramatically fluctuated has California in population Its species. seen out highest Christmas

ponderosa Bald protected fully aCalifornia is Kite White-tailed The


regions breeders associated


in wintering

as during


lakes continent a of Eagles


drastically single

more are or Bird


(Haliaeetus leucocephalus) (Haliaeetus



other and pine

in always


locally are

Count, foraging

with the rice

than winter.


rivers and



due Sacramento

field. lakes

1979, 1,900

associated or highlights

mixed hunting with




long populations,

This and the


counts as



conifer distances



rivers. count or many large yellow California head by Eagles eagles.” prey tions that other lands, The ing Obervers during fields White-tailed

Valley. the

roosting with



1985, conducted regular to


importance support



as abundant


bird Because

of and


and the



ricelands bill.

the are thinning


distinctive to

eight small Adult



winter, group

tail of generally the counted


sites grasslands Bald


characterized winter Eagles 1995).




Kites populations concentra


individuals second

of rodent

Bald mountain

of through


fish, is that

effects Eagles

Central of water, Lincoln and of


the belong visitors heavy a fields

white in

are “fish

133 rice

. nest are


- of in - - - 11

importance throughout seventh Harriers in hundred as provide Christmas and voles 1970s, where cover associated flight DDT, In during 2000a). Game and ofFish Department (California California in increasing to be considered currently is It Act. Protection Eagle Golden and Bald the under ed protect federally also is and Act Species Endangered California under endangered as listed is species, 2008). breeding However, mon Northern salt-water lands and distinctive rice found spring/fall raptor slender, The Northern Harrier

rice the well protected fully aCalifornia is Eagle Bald The

fields. Northern its







and to


they fields recognized


winter populations low, the as

an concentrated

highest medium-sized

often conceal

seventy-five since

population Harriers



in fresh- marshes, migration

In white


Central important





of nest the

and fallow



Central Valley,



hunt rice







in grass


spring rump and grasslands on their


by large


more fields Valley fields have for

(Circus cyaneus) (Circus the

these periods,



waterfowl Ricelands

is its Valley wetland


Section - common

nests in


on This







flooded than

as that

and, during

the eagles

summer, count winter


from 2:

shorebirds, during



support use 1,900


Special-Status as



concentrated during


in the


(Davis are such,

predators are of






across counts

that breeding require


relatively most and disked and



the tied Central


highlights were

and songbirds, pesticide for

largest other




Wildlife densities the for

conducted habitat. 1980). (MacWhirter

are this adequate



Lincoln in



the uncom upon

Valley continent.

rivers flooded




fields, and


Species in One


fish. the of - -

Section 2 in

nest field


rice occur fallow pairs


valley foraging.

or and

few the fields


mammalian and seen

on rice disked

and hawks,

resting where types, for

Valley, sometimes observed


are crop

used by

Central fields. and However,

Wildlife Known UseTo California Ricelands

other alco mexicanus) used

the (F rice of

(Aquila chrysaetos) be occasionally




are occasionally


alcon alcon



are a or


fields perimeter

The Golden Eagle is a California fully protected The Swainson’s Hawk is listed as threatened under agricultural

rairie F Prairie The Prairie Falcon is . a large cliff-nesting falcon. Unlike Peregrine Falcons, Prairie Falcons are not associated with wetland foraging habitat but with open plains and shrub-steppe deserts, where they Swainson’s within Golden Eagle The Golden Eagle is . a large bird of prey characterized its by dark brown body and golden mantle. Golden Eagles nest throughout much of the state, including the , Coast Ranges, and southern California deserts. Theyalso nest around the includingin the valley, at the Sutter Buttes. Nests are constructed on cliff ledges and in trees. Golden Eagles forage over large open upland habitats, primarily grassland, oak savanna, and shrub-steppe habitats, for ground squirrels, , and other prey. in fallow rice species and is also federally protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. berms California Endangered Species Act and is a federal species of conservation concern (USFWS 2008).

12 - by to


foraging data),

typically historic



file accessibility the


of Hawks


suitable The Swainson’s Hawk is a medium-sized bird of prey that inhabits open country grasslands, shrub-steppes, deserts, and agricultural areas of western during the breeding season and winters in


not Species

percent Committee that

are 10



Wildlife fields

1979). (Buteo swainsoni)

than fields

Advisory Valley,

rice less


agricultural Central substantially.


in 2: Technical

Flooded the

With the conversion of native grassland foraging The Northern Harrier is on the California Bird The Central Valley population (between 600 and In Section 700 breeding 1,000 to pairs in the state (Swainson’s Hawk Swainson’s Hawk Swainson’s grassland and agricultural regions extending from Central Mexico southern to (England et Bradbury et al. al. in preparation). 1997, Early accounts described the Swainson’s Hawk as one of the most common raptors in California, occurring throughout much of the lowland areas of the state (Sharpe 1902). habitat and the loss of riparian and oak wood land nesting habitat, the statewide population was reduced prey. Species Special of Concern Priority 3 list, primarily . due loss to or degradation of breeding habitat (Davis and Niemela 2008). representing population 900 breeding pairs) extends from County Tehama southward and Tulare Kings to Counties. Despite the loss of native habitats in the Central the Valley, Swainson’s Hawk appears adapted have to relatively well certain to types of agricultural patterns in areas where suitable nesting habitat remains. The optimal foraging and nesting habitat conditions and in Yolo portions of Sacramento and San Joaquin counties support the bulk of the Central Valley Swainson’s Hawk population (Estep Estep 1989, in preparation). forage

Section 2 Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands California ToUse Known Wildlife concentrated in in pesticides, from Peregrine 1940s, in populations small P hunt They 2008). (Hunting foothills surrounding the in breed afewmay winter, although during Valley Central the in found primarily are Falcons 1998). Prairie (Steenhof prey avian and ofmammalian search in widely range 2008). (Hunting objects humanmade with collision and shooting, sites, nest at disturbance human habitat, foraging and ofbreeding loss include population 1977, in to pairs this 500 1986). al. Threats et (Boyce to 300 at estimated population, breeding statewide small to its primarily due 2008), (USFWS concern tion habitat. foraging winter as fields ofrice importance the highlights such, as and, continent the throughout conducted counts 1,900 than ofmore highest second the for tied count This Count. Bird Christmas Lincoln 2002 the during grasslands and fields rice in observed were Falcons Prairie 1998). Nine (Steenhof ofprey concentrations are there where fields, rice flooded and fallow over croplands eregrine F

much Peregrine the ofconserva species afederal is Falcon Prairie The

medium-sized sea

Sierra mammals,






widespread the such

along populations



to rest


as over



nested of

DDT, birds, F ( tissues

1998). (Jurek

the 7,000

alco peregrinus) alco coast, reptiles


throughout triggered world.

throughout ground

Prairie 1989). of of feet,


chlorinated prey

in the Prior or waterfowl, habitats marshes near on a The






Beginning other


cliff a Cascades, populations


fresh- North precipitous to

the much

ledges, falcon pesticides


waterbird that


densest hydrocarbon


often America or and

other of

support in

that saltwater

War and Falcon

and California


the other and

decline hunt

prey. nests II, .


is - 13

Endangered currently remains fields, in North but Endangered 2008). Logsdon and flights ban still breeding efforts in successful sites seriously normal gered of selves, were large open long-legged elegant, Sandhill canadensis) canadensis (Grus Lesser SandhillCrane Greater Sandhill Crane Cranes Only freshwater of high California, of

the 1999 Fish the

is Falcons ofPeregrine population statewide The Although


the plague



Greater in subsequently



Central northern America

under hunting over


& resulting DDT eggs. 1975 recovery breed by

Cranes long-necked,

listed Game). population estimated threatened

nesting the


nesting that the the


birds the to

no Sandhill

Species Species

By Valley,


U.S. for


is surrounding past Sierra more as the


longer Endangered in

of the Nationwide



meadows concern ducks



in endangered

the Peregrines

this Fish passed species,


25 in

late where over than



215-246 California

inability Act Act,


species (Risebrough listed


and 1960s,

much 2000

(Grus canadensis tabida) canadensis (Grus



to they



of 2:



recovery shorebirds. have



and Special-Status under

in northeastern of breeding


a Peregrine

in in of under the

make from



and federal


2006 California brought Cascade its





the females listed range.

less and

Act, efforts

long California






. species flooded


the Falcon



as foraging


California. Ranges was and Recovery

them Pesticides were

to (Comrack endan estimated

10 1989), delisted

form across

active winter

Species rice

- Dept. so


and -

Section 2 On their wintering grounds in the Central Valley, Sandhill Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) Cranes forage primarily on waste grain in corn, rice, and The Snowy Plover is a wheat fields. They gather in large wintering flocks at small, pale shorebird traditional sites in Merced County, the Delta region, and with distinctive black the northern Sacramento Valley. Many of California’s markings on the head winter population of 5,000 to 6,000 Greater Sandhill and neck. Breeding S e Cranes winter in the Butte Sink, where they forage

ct locations in California primarily on rice (California Department of Fish and ion 2 ion include the Pacific Game 2000b). The coastal segment of the Pacific Coast, eastern Flyway population of Lesser Sandhill Crane (approxi- California, and the mately 3,800 birds) leaves southeastern Alaska in the Salton Sea (Page et al. 1995). One Central Valley fall to winter in the rice fields and refuge systems in the population exists year-round in agricultural evaporation northern Sacramento Valley from Red Bluff to southern ponds in the southern San Joaquin Valley (Shuford et Butte County. The eastern segment of this population al. 1995, Shuford et al. 2008). Snowy nest on (approximately 25,000 birds) winters in corn stubble the ground in the open and are consequently subject fields near Lodi and a variety of other habitats south to to and a variety of human disturbances. the Carrizo Plains in San Luis Obispo County (Littlefield Coastal populations nest in the sand on beaches or in 2008). Both subspecies wintering in the Sacramento dry salt flats in lagoons. Inland populations use flats at Valley are entirely dependent on state and federal salt evaporation ponds and river bars. Snowy Plovers refuge lands and private agricultural lands for winter feed primarily on terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates. roosting and foraging habitat. Ricelands provide Snowy Plovers are occasionally found during essential habitat for both migration and winter at sewage treatment ponds in . subspecies of Sandhill Cranes. the Central Valley (Sterling 2003a) and have been “Ricelands provide Waste grain provides an impor- observed occasionally in flooded rice fields (Shuford . essential habitat for tant food resource, and flooded et al. 1995, Sterling 2003). both subspecies of rice fields are used as roosting . The species’ inland population is on the California Sandhill Cranes. sites (Pogsdon 1990). Bird Species of Special Concern Priority 3 list, primar- The Greater Sandhill Crane . ily because of changes in water levels, especially those Waste grain provides is listed as threatened under caused by humans, in addition to nest predation . an important food California Endangered Species and disturbance. resource, and flooded Act, primarily because of the . rice fields are used loss of suitable breeding habitat, Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus) as roosting sites.” human disturbance, predation on The Mountain Plover . the local breeding population in is a medium-sized, northeastern California, and the long-legged, drab- continued loss of winter foraging habitat (California colored shorebird that Department of Fish and Game 2000b). breeds in the Rocky The Lesser Sandhill Crane is on the California Bird Mountain region from Species of Special Concern Priority 3 list, primarily to the because its foraging and loafing habitat in the Central Canadian border and Valley is rapidly being converted from grain crops to winters primarily in orchards, vineyards, and housing developments. California’s Central Valley. Mountain Plovers nest primarily in shortgrass prairie but are also found in semi-desert and agricultural landscapes (Knopf 1996).

Section 2: Special-Status Wildlife Species 14 Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands California ToUse Known Wildlife 2001). al. et The (Brown Plan Conservation Shorebird U.S. the in concern conservation to high of moderate . aspecies considered is and 2008) (USFWS concern 1996). Mallory and (Skeel invertebrates other and upon prey Whimbrels fields, rice in foraging 1998). al. When et (Shuford use habitat ofthe percent 50 constitute and Valley Central the in Whimbrels for habitats important are rice including fields, 1998). al. Agricultural et (Shuford winter and migration fall during rare are but spring the during flocks large in Valley Central the through migrate 1996). They Mallory and (Skeel America South to southern south States United of southern . coasts the along winter and arctic high the in nest . Whimbrels wetlands. other and fields rice flooded in Whimbrel 2008). Edson and (Hunting California in degradation and loss habitat ofwintering because primarily 2list, Priority Concern ofSpecial Species Bird California the on is It 2008). (USFWS concern ofconservation species afederal and concern special 2008). Edson and 1999, Hunting Hunting and Edson 1996, (Knopf migration during incidentally fields rice disked recently in occasionally to forage reported However, have been they habitats. rice-cultivated in found commonly not are Plovers Mountain 2008). Edson and Hunting 2003, al. et Patten 1995, 1991, al. et Rupert and Knopf (Rosenberg Valley River lower the along and Valley Imperial the in as well as County, to Kern south Yolo County from Valley Central the in fields agricultural burned or ofconservation species afederal is Whimbrel The of species aCalifornia is Plover Mountain The disked and grasslands in winter Plovers Mountain umenius phaeopus) umenius N ( . as well as cropland tilled and pastures upland in to forage . tend birds of these . Both Curlew. billed Long- to the shape and size in similar is . that shorebird brown alarge is Whimbrel The


California. in population wintering the in ofadecline evidence no is there and stable considered is California northeast in population breeding However, small the ofCalifornia. outside declines 2001) al. et to population due (Brown Plan Conservation Shorebird U.S. the in imperiled highly considered is It 2008). (USFWS concern conservation 1998). al. et (Shuford fields rice disked and flooded in foraging observed regularly are ofcurlews groups population, wintering overall to the important not are ricelands While invertebrates. for probe where fields agricultural and pastures includes habitat winter Typical migrant. and visitor winter common a relatively is species Valley, the where Central the including state, ofthe much throughout winter Curlews Long-billed However, California. northeastern extreme in nesting ofindividuals number asmall only with bird, . inland-breeding an . is This bill. decurved long avery and legs . long with shorebird brown light alarge, is Curlew Long-billed The Long-billed Curlew 2000). Shuford and (Page population) subspecies Alaskan of the . percent (up to 45 population migrant spring large ofits Valley, because Central the in importance tion conserva ofprimary to be considered was Whimbrel ofinvertebrate search in mud into deeply probe to used is tip)that near black base, at (pink bill bicolored straight, long, by its distinguished readily shorebird cinnamon-plumaged long-legged, alarge, is . Godwit Marbled The Marbled Godwit of species afederal is Curlew Long-billed The imosa fedoa) imosa L ( Section umenius americanus) umenius N (




Species -

Section 2 - Wildlife Known UseTo California Ricelands (Chlidonias niger) ern Due population to declines, the Short-billed Black nest semicolonially and forage for aerial The Black is on the Tern California Bird Species of mented. Most of the sightings are of easily-identified juveniles in late August and September, butsome vocalizing adults are found during spring as well. Dowitcher is a federal species of conservation . concern (USFWS 2008). the Sacramento Valley rice countryis not well docu Black T The Black is . Tern unique among terns in that breeders a have distinctive black head and sooty-colored Thisbody. small tern nests in freshwater habitats and eats insects as well as fish, the principal diet of most terns (Dunn and Agro 1995). insects and aquatic invertebrates in freshwater marshes in northeastern California and in rice fields in the Sacramento and in upper San Joaquin Valleys (Dunn and Agro Shuford 1995, Shuford et al. 2001, 2008b). Surveys conducted during the El Niño 1998 breedingyear found 2,213 pairs in the Central of Valley, which 90 percent were in rice fields in the Sacramento and anotherValley, three percent were in rice fields in the San Joaquin Valley (Shuford Shuford et al. 2001, 2008b). During the early nineteenth century, natural marshes in the San Joaquin Valley sustained large populations of Black With Terns. the loss of these breeding areas, the rice fields of the Sacramento Valley becomehave this species’ stronghold in the Central The only state’s otherValley. stronghold is in the natural marshes of northeastern California (Shuford et Shufordal. 2001, 2008b). Special Concern Priority 2 list, primarily due loss to and degradation of breeding habitats.

16 . - 37




The Short-billed Dowitcher is a medium- sized, plump shorebird similar its to cousin, the Long-billed Dowitcher. Both species have relatively long bills that they use probe to into deep mud for inverte Species


(Limnodromus griseus) Wildlife






Due population to declines and habitat loss on its Section Short-billed Dowitcher Short-billed One smallprey. population nests in western Alaska, while the majority nests in the upper Great Plains in southern , Montana andthe Dakotas (Gratto- 2000). MostTrevor migrate spend to the winter in coastal California, with some wintering in the lower San Joaquin Valley in Lake the Tulare Basin. A few Marbled can be found in the Sacramento Valley rice country during spring (April-May) and fall (July-September) migration. Their migration pathway . is unusual in that they cross the Sierra Nevada and pass over the Central reach Valley to the coast. The high brate The Short-billed prey. Dowitcher is identified by its different call mellow (a “tu tu tu”), its tail pattern and itsby juvenile plumage. It nests further south than its cousin, in boreal wetlands of southern Alaska and central Canada, and winters further south as well to central and Brazil As many et al. 2001). (Jehl, Jr. as 150,000 migrate along the California coast, where some remain winter to (Hickey et al. 2003). However, some migrate through the Central Valley where they feed in rice fields and evaporation ponds. Large-scale shorebird surveys not have distinguished the two species of (Shuford et Therefore, al. 1998). the relative abundance of Short-billed Dowitchers in in August 2003 near Davis (Sterling 2003b), whereas been have estimated37,000 winter to along the coast (Hickey et al. 2003). breeding grounds, the Marbled Godwit is a federal species of conservation concern (USFWS 2008).

Section 2 species forage of where breeding hunting Their to California remnant populations. on impact single largest the commercial in increase the years, 20 to 30 However, past the in 1978). (Remsen decline this for factors cited frequently most the been have historically automobiles with collisions and programs, eradication squirrel ground from poisoning secondary shooting, ofgrazing, effects the destruction, 1995). Burrow Ruhlen and (DeSante 1980s the since occurred has populations California in percent 60 ofnearly adecrease that It’s estimated development. by urban surrounded frequently groups fragmented to small reduced have been populations Existing then. since significantly population the have reduced areas ofnesting conversion agricultural and 1944), urbanization but Miller and 1945 (Grinnell nest (Haug reptiles, along In cover Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands California ToUse Known Wildlife Burrowing Owl

California, use Special The In to prior California in widespread was species The




levees and

et fallow they






patches al. Sacramento season



rice Concern

prey conservation 1993).

and frogs and and most




in upon

(Gervais residential roadsides, disked of

in thene cunicularia) thene A (


grasslands Burrowing

at Owl meters nesting

grassland berms


to night Priority

Valley, large

be is



concern and very burrows. of



burrows insects,

and the


Burrowing their fields the 2 Owls


habitat, Rosenberg

sometimes localized, list

and cavities ground Burrowing both United most owl small, The

California in Sacramento



for and have agricultural (USFWS

rodents, are found agricultural Burrowing


of foraging.

in ground-dwelling

States. is Owls

abandoned burrows

been for the

ruderal with




during during

Bird throughout has


nesting, federal western

small 2008),


most Valley known fields, night,


Active produced Species Owl


fields. They

use or found the the



other and is

to day


. in 17

to habitat. foraging and ofbreeding degradation and ofloss because primarily 3list, Priority Concern ofSpecial Species habitat. foraging to their adjacent oftrees thickets in roosting or night at fields rice and grasslands over to hunt Valley, known are and Sacramento the in winter during occur occasionally However, 2008). still they (Hunting Valley Central the of regions rice-growing the in to breed known currently not are Owls Long-eared indicate. records recent than common more be may and overlooked easily are owls these behaviors, nocturnal active and diurnal cryptic oftheir Because years. recent in Owls eared Long- ofwintering afewreports only and breeding of reports no are there ofhabitat, to loss largely 1944). Due Miller and (Grinnell Valley Central the in willows and ofcottonwood forests bottomland large in breeders common considered were Owls Long-eared 1994).al. Historically, et (Marks rodents small upon prey they where fields, agricultural and grasslands in primarily forage and vegetation riparian dense in nest that owls medium-sized are Owls Long-eared Long-eared Owl primarily and grasslands in nest Owls Short-eared California, In America. North throughout grasslands and marshlands inhabits that owl ground-nesting amedium-sized is . Owl Short-eared The Short-eared Owl rapid

orchards Bird California the on is Owl Long-eared The





of and sio otus) sio A ( sio flammeus) sio A (

habitat Section


2: loss




agricultural degradation



Species from

Section 2 - and


three rice


breeding where

in fields,


dairies the 1999). (Beedy thousands

Himalayan within

of or

fields, include and

and grain breed





Hamilton in

(Beedy majority to


feedlots hundreds

and Central pastures,





winter tend


cattle (Agelaius tricolor) with

a colonies -


foraging by

(Lanius ludovicianus) they

(Beedy cattail

flocks is

irrigated during Wildlife Known UseTo California Ricelands and


yellow and


patch. largely common


red breeding coverts, season, fields,

is California,

occurring than preferred




Blackbird to

distinguished primarily 1999).




2008). uncommon


Their alfalfa form

rather shoulder



species not


Loggerhead Shrike is on the California Bird Species ricolored Blackbird Blackbird ricolored T Tricolored oggerhead Shrike Loggerhead Loggerhead Shrikes are common in California’s rice-growing regions, where resident popula tions are augmented by wintering birds from migratory populations farther north and east (Humple 2008). They nest in small isolated trees, hedgerows, and shrubs but(Yosef 1996), are most often seen perched on electrical wires and fences in open country. Shrikes eat large insects, small birds, lizards, and rodents they capture in grasslands, ricelands and other agricultural fields (Yosef 1996). of Special Concern Priority 2 list, and is a federal species of conservation concern (USFWS 2008), primarily because of habitat loss of breeding and wintering grounds. blackbird from red-winged white median which white colonies, blackberry The restricted populations Hamilton the miles 1999). lands, annual (Beedy are

18 - large form that Bank Swallows often join other species of swallows flocks in August and early September. These swallows congregate over rice fields and other wetlands, where they prey on concentra Species


(Riparia riparia) Special-Status


The Bank Swallow is listed as threatened under . The Short-eared Owl is on the California Bird Section Bank Swallow Bank Swallow tions of flying insects. Bank Swallows nest in small burrows that they dig into riverbanks, primarily along the Sacramento and Rivers (Garrison At 1999). nestingcolonies, they forage mostly within 200 meters (650 feet) of their nesting burrows, but this range can vary with distances good to foraging areas. With their concentrations of aerial insects, flooded rice fields that are near existing or potential colony sites may play an important role in the success of those colonies. the California Endangered Species Act (California Department of Fishand Game 2000c), primarily because of loss of breeding habitat through human activities that alter the flow of rivers and prevent the creation of new nesting sites. marsh or seasonal wetland habitats throughout the state, including the Central They forage Valley. in agricultural fields, freshwater marshes, fallow fields, and tall grasslands, where they prey almost exclusively on small rodents (Holt and Leasure Roberson 1993, 2008). Populations in California declined have due to loss of wetland habitats. The rice-growing regions of California are not part of the species’ core breeding area, although few a may occasionally breed there, especially during years with high populations of voles (Roberson 2008). During Short-eared winter, Owls may be found flying over disked, or fallow, flooded rice fields at dawn and dusk. They roost in patches of tall grass, sometimes mixed with shrubs that provide concealment from predators. Species of Special Concern Priority 3 list, primarily because of habitat loss and degradation.

Section 2 of federal 2008), Species grass hoppers), they Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands California ToUse Known Wildlife Blackbirds Yellow-headed Mexico. and States United xanthocephalus) (Xanthocephalus Y ellow-headed Blackbird

habitat The




Tricolored species


clams, from

Special on





because snails,


Blackbird conservation



activities. and


insects 1999).

weed the

is Priority

western ofthe much throughout wetlands emergent and wetlands prairie in occurs species The breast. and head yellow bright distinct very by its identified is Blackbird Yellow-headed on

loss concern

seeds the


and 1




degradation (USFWS


grass as


Bird water

a - 19

of wetlands. draining through loss ofhabitat because primarily 2008), (Jaramillo 3list Priority Concern ofSpecial Species Valley. Sacramento the in particularly habitat, foraging winter and summer important provide do they species, this for habitat nesting provide not do ricelands While data). file Stokes and (Jones fields rice disked and flooded in species bird black ofother flocks large 1995). join Afew Crawford (Twedt and summer during ofinsects variety a on and winter and fall during seeds weed and rice on feed they where fields agricultural in forage and flocks large Valley. form They Central the in marshes cattail or tule deep-water in locally roost and nest Bird California the on is Blackbird Yellow-headed Section -


Special-Status “Ricelands provide provide “Ricelands Sacramento Valley.” Sacramento particularly in the the in particularly foraging winter and summer important an headed Blackbird, Blackbird, headed Yellow- the for habitat



Section 2

Shorebird Use Of Ricelands

Like waterfowl, shorebirds have benefited trations were noted in the rice-dominated Colusa, from ricelands in the Central Valley. The Butte, Sutter, Yolo, and American basins in the northern Central Valley is a site of interna- Sacramento Valley (Shuford et al. 1998). During winter and spring migration in the Sacramento tional stature within the Western Hemisphere Valley, rice fields, wildlife refuges, and managed wetlands Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) because in hunting clubs provide extensive habitat for shorebirds of its importance to large numbers of wintering (Page and Shuford 2000). Of the key habitats surveyed and migrating shorebirds (WHSRN 2003). from 1992 to 1995, flooded rice fields constituted more Based upon endorsements from scientific than 143,000 acres (21 percent) of the total available reviewers, the highly respected Manomet shorebird habitat (Shuford et al. 1998). In addition to Center for Conservation Sciences recom- providing key wetland habitats for shorebirds, rice fields also play a key role in connecting available habitat mended that the ricelands and wetlands of between the coast, the Sacramento Valley, and the San the Sacramento Valley be designated as a

Joaquin Valley. Maintaining a large-scale mosaic of ion 3 “Shorebird Site of International Significance.” wetland habitats in a region as large as the Central Valley ct e

With this action, the Sacramento Valley’s rice is vital to the conservation of waterbirds (Haig et al. 1998). S fields (which comprise nearly 90 percent This connectivity is especially important during migration of the designated 620,000-acre area) are when shorebirds require habitat for refueling and resting, included within the Western Hemisphere and during winter when some Shorebird Reserve Network. The Sacramento species, such as Dunlin and Long-billed Dowitcher populations, “During winter and Valley is one of the largest North American move inland from the coast and San spring migration in sites within this network to be formally recog- Francisco Bay to flooded rice fields the Sacramento Valley, nized for providing this beneficial ecological in the Sacramento Valley (Shuford et rice fields, wildlife environment. Figure 1, on page 22, provides al. 1998). a detailed map of this special shorebird The importance of flooded, refuges, and managed habitat area. disked (or fallow) rice fields is most wetlands in hunting pronounced during fall migration clubs provide extensive (July–October) when there is a Disked rice fields in this shorebird habitat area habitat for shorebirds.” provide foraging habitat for Killdeer, Black-bellied scarcity of available shorebird Plovers, Long-billed Curlews, and a variety of other habitat in the Sacramento Valley. shorebirds during fall, winter and spring seasons. August is the low point for shorebird numbers during . Whimbrels benefit from rice field use during spring fall migration because managed wetlands are not usually migration. In fact, the vast majority of California flooded until September or October. Much of the rice shorebird species are attracted to flooded fields crop is mature at this time, making use by shorebirds (Elphick and Oring 1998, Day and Colwell 1998, limited due to the dense canopy of rice plants (Shuford et Shuford et al. 1998, Elphick 2000). Highlighting the al. 1998). However, most fields are flooded immediately importance of flooded rice fields, extensive surveys following harvest (September through early November), conducted from 1992 to 1995 found that those fields providing quality habitat at this time. held 23 to 30 percent of all shorebirds in the Central Christmas Bird Count data also illustrates the impor- Valley (Shuford et al. 1998). Particularly high concen- tance of flooded rice fields to shorebirds, particularly

Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands 21 Section 3: Shorebird Figure 1: Special Shorebird Habitat Area




5 S e ct 149 ion 3 ion



70 20 20


20 99

70 5



29 5

505 80



Section 3: Shorebird 22 Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands wintering , Dunlin and Long-billed Black-bellied Plover (Pluvialis squatarola) Dowitchers. Only four of 118 Christmas Bird Counts in The Black-bellied . California are situated within the rice-growing region of Plover is a medium- the Sacramento Valley. However, these four Christmas sized shorebird. These Bird Counts rank high for all three of these species plovers breed in the with 5 to 22 percent of the total count for all of the . arctic tundra of Alaska, 118 California Christmas Bird Counts. The Lincoln Canada and Eurasia Christmas Bird Count in 2004 was an informative and migrate south to addition as it ranked second in the state for Greater winter along the coasts Yellowlegs and Dunlin, and had 6 and 16 percent, of the respectively, of the totals counted in California. and Latin America as well as in the Central Valley Because of the concern for shorebird populations (Paulson 1995). They have black bellies only during across the continent, a nationwide conservation plan their spring/summer breeding plumage, and during was developed in an effort to maintain and restore winter they are uniformly gray. During late summer habitats that support adequate shorebird populations . and early winter, most Black-bellied Plovers in the in the Western Hemisphere (Brown et al. 2001). This

Central Valley are at evaporation and sewage ponds. ion 3 plan is divided into regions. The Southern Pacific Coast During late winter and spring, Black-bellied Plovers are ct e

Regional Shorebird Conservation Plan covers coastal found in increasing abundance in managed wetlands S California and the Central Valley region (Page and and agricultural fields, including flooded rice fields Shuford 2000, Hickey et al. 2003) and components of (Shuford et al. 1998). They are also found on upland that plan have been incorporated into the Central Valley pastures and dry, tilled fields, sometimes in associa- Joint Venture Implementation Plan (2006) which has set tion with flocks of Killdeer. Black-bellied Plovers habitat conservation objectives based upon prescribed forage on earthworms, large insects and crustaceans acreages of flooded rice, by plucking them off the surface of mud or dry soil “During late winter and semi-permanent and . (Paulson 1995). spring, Black-bellied permanent wetlands. Although there has been a measurable population Plovers are found in These plans encourage decline, the Black-bellied Plover lacks major threats, harvesting of rice fields increasing abundance and has a wide distribution and large population. by conventional methods Therefore, it is considered a species of low conserva- in managed wetlands (not stripping), maintain- tion concern in the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan and agricultural fields, ing suitable water depths (Brown et al. 2001). including flooded at appropriate levels for . Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) rice fields.” a variety of shorebirds and waterbirds, increas- The Killdeer is a ing acreage of seasonally-flooded rice fields and other medium-sized shorebird, wetlands, and conservation and agricultural easements. about the size of a robin, The regional plan also ranks species by their national with two distinct black conservation importance (Page and Shuford 2000). In bands across its chest. addition to the six special-status shorebirds described Killdeer breed through- in Section 2 (Snowy Plover, Mountain Plover, Marbled out North America and Godwit, Whimbrel, Long-billed Curlew and Short-. is a familiar bird in the billed Dowitcher), flooded rice fields are of particular Central Valley. Killdeer importance to the eleven species that are described . nest extensively in this rice-growing region. Eggs are in this section. placed in rudimentary nests on scrapes on gravel, bare

Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands 23 Section 3: Shorebird soil or short grass, edges of roads, parking lots, gravel However, during spring breeding season there is a bars along rivers and even on gravel roofs (Jackson population shift with an influx of stilts into newly and Jackson 2000). This shorebird species is one of flooded rice fields (Shuford et al. 1999). Because of its the few that frequents upland pastures, tilled fields, stable population size and large distribution, the Black- and grasslands more often than traditional shorebird necked Stilt is considered a species of low conservation habitat such as managed and natural wetlands. concern in the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan (Brown Although common during the summer in the Central et al. 2001). Valley, Killdeer populations increase during the winter to as many as 17,000 with the arrival of migrants from (Recurvirostra americana) Canada and elsewhere. This large population was the The American Avocet is primary reason that Killdeer are considered of primary a tall, striking shorebird conservation importance in the Central Valley (Page with black and white and Shuford 2000). Within the Central Valley region, plumage augmented in the Sacramento Valley harbors the highest populations the spring by cinnamon S e of Killdeer during the winter with approximately 50 color on the head and ct percent of the population concentrated in agricultural neck. breed ion 3 ion fields, and during the late summer with approximately throughout the interior 70 percent in agricultural fields and managed wetlands western United States (Shuford et al. 1998). Ricelands provide important and winter along the coasts of the southern United foraging habitat during these seasons. States and Mexico (Robinson et al. 1997). They are year-round residents of the Central Valley, although the Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) majority leave the Sacramento Valley during the winter The Black-necked Stilt (Shuford et al. 1998). Avocets are most often found in is a large, slender black wetlands including flooded rice fields where they and white shorebird forage on aquatic insects in the water. They use their with bright red legs. recurved bill in feeding by sweeping it back and forth Stilts breed in wetlands through water, snatching prey (Robinson et al. 1997). and playa lakes in the They also forage by plucking, probing and pecking at western United States, prey in water and mud. In the Central Valley, most along the eastern coast avocets are in the evaporation ponds and managed and throughout much of wetlands in the Tulare Basin and San Joaquin Valley, Latin America (Robinson et al. 1999). Stilts are common and to a lesser extent in the rice fields of the breeding and wintering birds throughout the wetlands Sacramento Valley (Shuford et al. 1998). of the Central Valley. They are one of the few birds that The coast and the Central Valley harbor the largest breed in rice fields and place eggs in rudimentary wintering populations of American Avocet. Therefore, nests (scrapes on bare ground) on dikes, levees, and both the coast and the Central Valley are considered islets (Robinson et al. 1999). Stilts forage exclusively in of primary conservation importance to the species (Page shallow wetlands, including flooded rice fields, where and Shuford 2000). Because there are threats to its they prey upon aquatic insects (Robinson et al. 1999). wintering grounds, the American Avocet is considered Compared to the San Joaquin and Tulare basins, a species of moderate conservation concern in the relatively few stilts are found throughout much of the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan (Brown et al. 2001). year in the rice-growing region (Shuford et al. 1999).

Section 3: Shorebird 24 Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca) (Calidris mauri) The Greater Yellowlegs The Western Sandpiper is a medium-sized is a small shorebird that shorebird, with slender breeds in the arctic proportions and gray tundra of Alaska and plumage contrasting migrates to winter along with its long, bright the coasts of the United yellow legs. They breed States and Latin in the boreal forest America (Wilson 1994). region of Canada and Western forage on insects in mud and Alaska and winter from southern United States south . shallow water, often in large flocks and in association to southern South America (Elphick and Tibbitts 1998). with other small shorebirds. They migrate through the Greater Yellowlegs migrate and winter throughout the Central Valley in large numbers with counts up to Central Valley, where many are found in the flooded rice 146,000 during spring migration (Shuford et al. 1998). fields of the Sacramento Valley. Unlike many other During the winter, fewer than 9,000 have been counted

shorebird species that probe mud, Yellowlegs prey in the Central Valley, with most found in the San ion 3

upon invertebrates in the water and therefore, are Joaquin Valley (Shuford et al. 1998). Only a few remain ct e

closely tied to shallow wetlands, including flooded . in the rice-growing region of the Sacramento Valley S rice fields (Elphick and Tibbitts 1998). They do not . during the winter. form large flocks as many other shorebird species, but Because over one million Western Sandpipers sometimes congregate in migrate along the coast and through the Central Valley “The rice-growing large mixed-species of California, both the coast and the Central Valley are region becomes even concentrations of foraging considered of primary conservation importance to the shorebirds. Western Sandpiper (Page and Shuford 2000). Because more important to The wintering population of a measurable population decline, threats to the Yellowlegs during in rice fields was estimated non-breeding habitats and its limited breeding range spring migration at 12,300 birds (Elphick and (Alaska), the Western Sandpiper is considered a as greater than Tibbitts 1998). This large species of high conservation concern in the U.S. 60 percent of the population was the primary Shorebird Conservation Plan (Brown et al. 2001). reason why Greater Central Valley Yellowlegs was considered Least Sandpiper (Calidris minutilla) population is of primary conservation The Least Sandpiper is a found there.” importance in the Central small, brown shorebird Valley (Page and Shuford that breeds in the arctic 2000). Christmas bird count data demonstrates the tundra of Alaska and relative importance of ricelands as 20 percent of all Canada and migrates to Yellowlegs counted throughout California were found winter in the southern on the four counts conducted in the rice-growing United States and region. The rice-growing region becomes even more northern Latin America important to Yellowlegs during spring migration as (Cooper 1994). Least Sandpipers forage on insects . greater than 60 percent of the Central Valley popula- in mud and shallow water, often in association with tion is found there (Shuford et al. 1998). This influx of Dunlin and Western Sandpipers, but they tend to . birds is likely due to the spring flooding of rice fields prefer shallower water depths than those species. . that provides excellent habitat for foraging Yellowlegs.

Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands 25 Section 3: Shorebird Evenly distributed throughout the Central Valley, they are Dunlin (Page and Shuford 2000). There has been a common during migration and winter in the rice-growing measurable population decline of the pacifica subspe- region of the Sacramento Valley (Shuford et al. 1998). cies of Dunlin. Therefore, it is considered a subspecies Although there has been a measurable population of high conservation concern in the U.S. Shorebird decline, the Least Sandpiper lacks major threats, and Conservation Plan (Brown et al. 2001). has a wide distribution and large population. Therefore, it is considered a species of low conservation concern in Long-billed Dowitcher the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan (Brown et al. 2001). (Limnodromus scolopaceus) The Long-billed Dunlin (Calidris alpina) Dowitcher is a plump, The Dunlin is a small medium-sized shore- shorebird that breeds . bird with a relatively in the arctic tundra of long bill that it uses to Alaska and Canada probe for worms in S e and migrates to winter mud. Long-billed ct

ion 3 ion in the southern United Dowitchers breed States and northern primarily in Alaska and Mexico (Warnock and easternmost Siberia and migrate to winter along the Gill 1996). Dunlin forage coastal United States, the Central Valley, and through- in large flocks in shallow wetlands and sometimes in out Mexico (Takekawa and Warnock 2000). They muddy, tilled fields on insects, worms and other commonly migrate and winter throughout wetland invertebrates (Warnock and Gill 1996). Their spring habitats in the Central Valley where they often forage migration through the Central Valley occurs during on insects, worms and other invertebrates in flooded April, when most other shorebirds are passing through. rice fields (Elphick and Oring 1998). Peak counts in the However, during fall migration, most arrive in October, Central Valley are over 100,000, with more dowitchers nearly two to three months later than other shorebirds. in the Sacramento Valley than elsewhere in the Central Dunlin populations in the Central Valley are largest during Valley (Shuford et al. 1998). Many move inland in winter wet winters when there is a movement of coastal from the coast and the San Francisco Bay to populations to the Central Valley (Warnock et al. 1995 the flooded rice fields of the Sacramento Valley and Shuford et al. 1998). Approximately 60 percent of (Shuford et al. 1998). all of the Dunlin in the Central Valley in January have Christmas Bird Count data demonstrates the relative been documented in the rice fields in the Sacramento importance of the ricelands as up to 16 percent of all Valley (Shuford et al. 1998). Christmas bird count data Long-billed Dowitchers counted throughout California demonstrates the relative importance of the ricelands were found on the four counts conducted in the rice- as up to 22 percent of all Dunlin counted throughout growing region. This large population was the primary California were found on the four counts conducted in reason why the Central Valley was considered of primary the rice-growing region. conservation importance to the Long-billed Dowitcher Because over 250,000 (50 percent of the pacifica (Page and Shuford 2000). Because of its large and subspecies) Dunlin winter or migrate along the coast stable population and lack of threats, the Long-billed and through the Central Valley of California, both the Dowitcher is considered a species of low conservation coast and the Central Valley are considered of primary concern in the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan conservation importance to the pacifica subspecies of (Brown et al. 2001).

Section 3: Shorebird 26 Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands Wilson’s Snipe (Gallinago delicata) Wilson’s Phalarope (Steganopus tricolor) The Wilson’s Snipe is a Wilson’s Phalarope is a medium-sized plump medium-sized, colorful shorebird, similar in . shorebird. It is one of size and shape to the few species where the Dowitcher. This species female is larger and was recently thought to more brightly colored be a subspecies of the and where the male that . provides all of the care is found in Eurasia.. of the young, including incubation of eggs (Colwell and It breeds throughout much of the interior western Jehl 1994). Wilson’s breed throughout the United States, Canada and Alaska and winters interior western United States and Canada and the throughout most of the United States, Mexico and Great Lakes region (Colwell and Jehl 1994). They do (Mueller 1999). Snipe forage on not breed in the Central Valley, but arrive in late aquatic insects, crustaceans, worms and other inverte- summer when they prepare for migration to southern

brates in shallow wetlands, ricelands, and muddy South America by foraging in evaporation ponds, ion 3

fields (Mueller 1999). They form small flocks during sewage ponds and sometimes in wetlands, including ct e migration, but in winter they are primarily solitary. flooded rice fields (Shuford et al. 1998). About 90 S However, they will sometimes congregate at prime percent of the Wilson’s Phalaropes in the Central foraging areas. Valley occur in the evaporation ponds of the Tulare Although there are no direct counts of this species, Basin in late summer, and only about seven percent its regional population is thought to be large and was are found in the Sacramento Valley during this period the primary reason why the Central Valley was consid- (Shuford et al. 1998). ered of primary conservation importance to the Wilson’s Because there has been a measurable population Snipe (Page and Shuford 2000). Because its large global decline, and threats to a limited wintering range, . population has had measurable declines, the Wilson’s the Wilson’s Phalarope is considered a species of . Snipe is considered a species of moderate conserva- high conservation concern in the U.S. Shorebird tion concern in the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan Conservation Plan (Brown et al. 2001). (Brown et al. 2001).

Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands 27 Section 3: Shorebird

Wading Bird Use Of Ricelands

Wading birds have greatly benefited from Studies of from the Central Valley and ricelands in the Central Valley (e.g. Elphick and beyond provide insight into their ecology and how it Oring 1998, Elphick 2008, Eadie et al. 2008). In relates to their conservation. Great Blue Herons nest colonially near areas of rice the rice-growing regions of the world, flooded fields, wetlands and other rice fields and irrigation canals provide impor- foraging habitats in “Flooded rice fields not only tant habitat for waders (herons, egrets, bitterns to reduce their energetic provide a surrogate wetland and ibis), waterfowl (swans, geese and ducks), costs of commuting (Gibbs value for many waterbirds rails (including coots and moorhens), small 1991, Elphick 2008). In . during years of normal grebes, and marsh terns (e.g. Fasola 1978, a study in Maine, the rainfall (Elphick 2000), Fasola et al. 1996, Shuford et al. 1996, Elphick number of breeding pairs they also alleviate the 1998, Lane and Fujioka 1998, Shuford et al. 2001, in a colony was directly proportional to the effects of drought on these Tourenq et al. 2004, Eadie et al. 2008). amount of available species when seasonal Additionally, unflooded and fallow rice fields foraging habitat (Gibbs wetlands are dry.” provide important habitat for geese, cranes, 1991). In Northern Italy, large herons and egrets (Elphick 1998, Fasola nesting colonies of waders et al. 1996, Eadie et al. 2008). were spaced apart so that each colony had a similar acreage of rice fields within a seven-mile commuting Flooded rice fields not only provide a surrogate distance (Fasola 1978). In Southern France, most wetland value for many waterbirds during years of species of waders selected areas surrounded by .

normal rainfall (Elphick 2000), they also alleviate the rice fields for nesting colonies (Tourenq et al. 2004). . ion 4 effects of drought on these species when seasonal And throughout much of the Mediterranean, local ct e wetlands are dry. Waders and other birds may respond populations of herons and egrets obtain 50 to 100 S to drought conditions by assessing available habitat at percent of their prey in rice fields (Fasola et al. . larger scales than normal (Tourenq et al. 2004), thereby 1996). These studies demonstrate that the rice . changing the number and distribution of their nesting fields play a key role in the conservation of waders . colonies in the region. During the breeding season, the in the Central Valley. most important rice fields are within the waders’ com- Fallow fields, irrigation canals and unflooded . muting distance from wildlife refuges, natural wetlands rice fields also play a role in waterbird ecology . and riparian areas where they nest. In the Central Valley, and conservation. proximity to wildlife refuges is a key to predicting Fallow fields are important for foraging habitat for occurrences of many species in rice fields during winter upland birds, but can also serve as breeding habitat as well (Elphick 2008). Consequently, the geographic for American Bittern and ducks such as and placement of the many federal, state and private wet- (Central Valley Joint Venture 2006). Vegetated lands is an important factor for these birds within a irrigation canals also serve as breeding and/or foraging larger landscape of rice fields that provide connections habitat for Pied-billed Grebes, American Bitterns, between those wetlands. This is important because American Coots, Common Moorhens, Virginia Rails and connectivity of fragmented wetlands is a vital compo- Soras. Sandhill Cranes, Great Egrets, Black-crowned nent to waterbird conservation on a large landscape Night-Herons and Great Blue Herons often hunt for scale (Haig et al. 1998). voles, pocket gophers and macro-invertebrates in dry

Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands 29 Section 4: Wading Bird fields. Great Blue Herons and Sandhill Cranes were Joint Venture 2006). However, the large geographic found significantly more often in unflooded fields scales of these plans may overshadow the importance during a study in the Central Valley (Elphick and Oring of small wetland complexes (Haig et al. 1998), so it . 1998). Likewise, nearly all Greater White-fronted, Snow is critical for conservation planning to recognize the and Ross Geese were found in unflooded fields (Elphick connectivity of small wetlands and the rice fields and Oring 1998). In contrast, flooded rice fields are vital surrounding them as a single mosaic of waterbird to ducks such as Mallard, , Northern habitat. At any scale, the protection of ricelands will Shoveler, American Green-winged Teal, Gadwall and continue to play an integral role in American Wigeon (Elphick and Oring 1998). These within the Central Valley. abundant ducks enhance the benefits of winter flooding In addition to the special-status wading bird by increasing the decomposition of rice straw, so species described in Section 2 (American White flooding is a mutual benefit for ducks and rice farmers Pelican and Least Bittern), ricelands are also of (Bird et al. 2000). By increasing the proportion of flooded particular importance to several more species of rice fields within a three-mile area, farmers would expect waders which are described below. an increased number of ducks in any given field (Elphick 2008), thereby accelerating straw decomposition. American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) Winter flooding of rice fields not only greatly increases The American Bittern is waterbird density and the number of species, it also a solitary, long-necked greatly enhances their conservation value (Elphick and found year-round Oring 2003). So although fallow and unflooded rice in emergent marsh fields are important for several species, the overall habitats throughout value of winter flooding should not be underestimated. much of the Central S e Although comprehensive data is lacking on overall Valley, Modoc Plateau ct populations of waders and their nesting colonies in the and isolated wetlands in ion 4 ion Central Valley, the region undoubtedly supports one of coastal and southern the largest populations in the western United States. California. Cryptically colored, this species is typically Most species are very common, characteristic birds of found in cattail/bulrush–dominated emergent marshes, rice fields. Regardless, the conservation of waterbirds where its coloration and slow-moving behavior help and their habitats is a conservation concern. As such, to conceal it from both prey and potential predators the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan (Gibbs et al. 1992). Its diet consists mainly of small created an overarching framework for the conservation fish, amphibians, and invertebrates. American Bittern of 210 species of waterbirds and their habitats in North populations have declined primarily as a result of the and Central America and the (Kushlan et loss of marshlands in California (Peterjohn and Sauer al. 2002). There is currently a plan in development 1993). While American Bitterns prefer to remain specifically for California, of which the Central Valley is concealed in dense marsh vegetation, they are often a primary targeted region. In lieu of this plan, the 2006 found feeding in rice fields and rice irrigation ditches . Central Valley Joint Venture’s Implementation Plan in the Central Valley. currently addresses waterbird conservation through The American Bittern was a California species . the protection or enhancement of existing wetlands of special concern (Remsen 1978) but is not on the established for waterfowl. Currently, the acreages of current list (Shuford and Gardali 2008). The wildlife flooded rice fields have already met the plan’s objec- refuge and rice-growing regions of the Sacramento tives in providing essential foraging and nesting rice Valley represent this species’ population stronghold . field habitat for a variety of waterbirds (Central Valley in California.

Section 4: Wading Bird 30 Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands (Ardea herodius) Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) The Great Blue Heron is The Snowy Egret is a a large wader with dark medium-sized wader, blue-gray plumage and smaller than its cousin, a distinctive presence. the Great Egret, but Found throughout similar in having all white California, it hunts alone plumage. Its yellow feet or in congregations of and black bill further waders in flooded or distinguish this species dry rice fields where it from other white waders. Snowy Egrets congregate in feeds on voles, frogs, fish, snakes, crayfish and other flooded rice fields where they prey upon small fish and prey (Butler 1992). Great Blue Herons nest in colonies, aquatic invertebrates—a more selective diet than other often in large trees near marshes and rice fields, and waders (Parsons and Master 2000). Their foraging often in colonies of Great Egrets (Butler 1992). A success increases with the number of congregating characteristic bird of wetlands throughout California, . waders (Erwin 1983, Master et al. 1993). They are also not it is commonly seen in flooded rice fields, agricultural as likely to be found in dry rice fields or upland areas as ditches, pastures and wetlands in the rice-growing are larger waders. Snowy Egrets breed in colonies in region of the Central Valley. densely vegetated cattail and bulrush marshes. As with the Great Egret, it was nearly hunted to for its Great Egret (Ardea alba) plumes, but its populations have rebounded to where it . The Great Egret is a. is now common throughout the wetlands of its historic large, long-necked range (Parsons and Master 2000). white wader with long, Green Heron (Butorides virescens) black legs and a yellow ion 4

bill that it uses for One of the smallest ct e

stabbing and eating waders, the Green S voles, frogs, fish, Heron is dark, olive- crayfish, insects and green with a rufous- other prey (McCrimmon brown neck and head, et al. 2001). A commonly-seen bird in rice fields, Great crowned by a black cap. Egrets often congregate in large flocks with other The least gregarious of wading birds where food sources are abundant. They herons and egrets, it is nest in colonies, often building large stick nests in often found alone in flooded rice fields, especially near trees near marshes and rice fields. Although primarily riparian areas where it nests in trees. In the Central considered a wetland bird, Great Egrets are often seen Valley, it is also the only non-colonial nesting species of hunting in dry rice fields and grasslands, especially the group. Green Herons prey primary upon fish, but will during periods when rice fields are not flooded. Once also eat frogs, other small , crayfish and a the primary species used in the feather (plume) trade in variety of snails and insects (Davis and Kushlan 1994). the 19th and early 20th centuries, it was hunted to near When hunting, they are the least active of all herons extinction in California and elsewhere in the United (Kushlan 1976), and often stand motionless at the edge States, but Migratory Bird Treaty Act protections of rice fields, agricultural ditches and marshes. They are enacted in 1913 enabled its populations to rebound . not as easily observed as other herons and egrets due to where it is now common throughout the wetlands . to their small stature, dark, cryptic coloration, solitary of its historic range (McCrimmon et al. 2001). nature, and hunting technique.

Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands 31 Section 4: Wading Bird Black-crowned Night-Heron such as shallow grassy marshes, flooded rice fields (Nycticorax nycticorax) and cattail/bulrush marshes. They also feed in flooded The Black-crowned meadows and agricultural fields, especially flood-irrigat- Night-Heron is a stocky, ed or cut alfalfa in the Central Valley (Ryder and Manry short-necked, medium- 1994, Sterling pers. obs.). Ibis nest in large colonies in sized wader that nests dense tule and cattail marshes which also serve as colonially in densely- nighttime roosts throughout the year. They do not eat vegetated cattail and rice or other plant material, but prey upon crayfish, bulrush marshes, but larvae, and earthworms (Ryder and Manry 1994). also sometimes in trees Population declines were already apparent in the (Davis 1993). Found 1940s (Grinnell and Miller 1944). This decline continued throughout the world, it is common in the rice-growing through the mid 1980s with the continuing loss of region of the Central Valley. It has distinctive differences wetland habitats, particularly in the Central Valley. in immature and adult , with immature birds However, with the increase of ricelands, ibis populations sporting brown and white plumages similar to the have begun to rebound. Down to only 200 individuals American Bittern, and adults with black backs and wintering in the state due to habitat loss and pesticides caps, and gray underparts and wings. Black-crowned (Remsen 1978, Henny and Herron 1989), White-faced Night-Herons also differ from other waders, having Ibis populations have increased dramatically in California relatively shorter, thicker, non-stabbing bills that they since the 1980s during both winter (Shuford et al. 1996) use to grasp frogs, nestling birds and eggs, voles, fish, and the spring-summer breeding seasons and are now earthworms, freshwater clams, snails, crawfish and considered yearlong residents (Ryder and Manry 1994). insects (Davis 1993). During the breeding season, they This increase parallels that in the Great Basin, where S e hunt throughout the day and night due to the demands populations nearly tripled from 1985 to 1997 (Earnst ct

ion 4 ion of feeding their young, but otherwise they are primarily et al. 1998). Displaced birds from flooded colonies the nocturnal hunters at least in part to avoid competition Great Salt Lake Basin during 1980s were thought to for food and foraging areas with other waders (Davis drive the tremendous population growth in Oregon 1993, Watmough 1978). In the non-breeding season, during this time (Ivey et al. 1988). The expansion in they communally roost during the day in trees in riparian Oregon, as well as the flood or drought-induced areas, parks, and even in suburban neighborhoods. displacement of birds from Great Basin breeding sites, very likely played a direct role in the colonization of White-faced Ibis (Plegadis chihi) the Central Valley, the Klamath Basin and the Modoc The White-faced Ibis . Plateau during the late 1980s (Shuford et al. 1996). is a dark, long-legged Unprecedented numbers of ibis were found through- wader with a long out much of California in spring of those years. These decurved bill and metal- displaced birds arrived in those areas at a time when lic bronze and brown summer water was becoming available for breeding plumage. White-faced waterfowl in refuges and rice was established as an Ibis populations are important crop in much of the Klamath, Modoc local throughout the Plateau, Sacramento Valley landscapes. This situation western United States, created both excellent breeding habitat in the newly- with principal breeding concentrations in the Great created summer wetlands as well as excellent foraging Basin, along the gulf coast, and in California’s Central habitat in the rice fields. Although systematic breeding Valley. White-faced Ibis inhabit freshwater wetlands, censuses have not been conducted in the Central

Section 4: Wading Bird 32 Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands Valley, it is clear that the ibis breeding population The importance of rice as foraging habitat for ibis in increased dramatically in the past twenty years as the Sacramento Valley cannot be overstated, they forage several colonies with thousands of nesting pairs are extensively in flooded rice fields. During the winter of now thriving from Glenn to Kern County where none 1994–95, 53 percent of all Sacramento Valley White- appeared in the past. faced Ibis were found in rice stubble fields within The wintering ibis population also increased three miles of managed wetlands (Shuford et al. 1996). dramatically in the Central Valley. Rice fields north of Ibis can also be found foraging in large numbers in rice Marysville (in an area called “District 10”) harbor fields during the summer. They depend heavily on important concentrations of wintering ibis. This area ricelands, especially during the late summer and fall had some of the highest counts of ibis in California when many wildlife refuges and other managed during the 2000–2002 Christmas Bird Counts with wetlands are dry. 3,460, 498, and 857 birds counted, respectively. During The White-faced Ibis was a California species of the 2000 counts, 27 percent of all ibis recorded in special concern (Remsen 1978) but is not on the California were in the District 10 rice fields. The current list (Shuford and Gardali 2008). However, magnitude of the species’ increase in the Sacramento because of the species’ population increase, it is a Valley is illustrated by comparison with counts in tremendous conservation success story. By providing earlier years. Only 110 and 75 ibis were counted at . large expanses of prime foraging habitat in spring, the same location during January surveys in 1994 . summer and winter, rice cultivation plays an important and 1995 respectively, and none were counted in 1993 role in the population and range expansion of this (Shuford et al. 1996). species in California. ion 4 ct e S

Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands 33 Section 4: Wading Bird

Literature Cited

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Smith, David. California Department of Fish and Game. Tecklin, J. 1999. Distribution and abundance of the California Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis coturnicu- Stebbins, R.C. 1951. Amphibians of western North lus) in the Sacramento Valley region with accounts of America. Berkeley. University of California Press. ecology and call behavior of the subspecies. Draft report for the Californiia Dept. of Fish and Game, Stebbins, R.C. 1985. A field guide to western reptiles Contract Nos. FG6154WM and FG6154-1WM. and amphibians. Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston. Tourenq, C., S. Benhamou, N. Sadoul, A. Sandoz, F. Steenhof, K. 1998. Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus). Mesleard, J.-L. Martin, and H. Hafner. 2004. Spatial In The Birds of North America, No. 346 (A. Poole and F. relationships between tree-nesting heron colonies and Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., rice fields in the Camargue, France. Auk 121:192-202. Philadelphia, PA. Trapp, J.L. 1995. Migratory nongame birds of manage- Sterling, J. 2003a. Central Valley Bird Highlights: March— ment concern in the United States: the 1995 list. U.S. May 2003. Central Valley Bird Club Bull. 6 No. 3. Fish and Wildlife Service. Washington, DC, 15 pp.

Sterling, J. 2003b. Central Valley Bird Highlights: Twedt, D.J., and R.D. Crawford. 1995. Yellow-headed August-November 2003. Central Valley Bird Club Bull. Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus). In The 7:13-16. Birds of North America, No. 192 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. Sterling, J. 2006. Central Valley Bird Highlights:

August-November 2006. Central Valley Bird Club Bull. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1999. Draft Recovery 10:23-28. Plan for the Giant Garter Snake (Thamnophis gigas), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, OR. Sterling, J. 2008. Least Bittern. In California Bird Species of Special Concern: a ranked assessment of species, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2008. Birds of subspecies and distinct populations of birds of immediate Conservation Concern 2008. United States conservation concern in California. (D. Shuford and T. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, ion 5

Gardali, eds.). Studies of Western Birds 1. Western Field Division of Migratory Bird Management, Arlington, ct e Ornithologist’s Union, Camarillo, California and California Virginia. 85 pp. [Online version available at S Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA. http://www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/

Storer, T. I. 1925. A synopsis of the amphibia of California. University of California Publication of Zoology 27:1-343.

Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands 43 Section 5: Literature Cited Warnock, N., G. W. Page, and L.E. Stenzel. 1995. Wilkison, G.S. and K.R. Debban. 1980. Habitat Non-migratory movements of Dunlin on their California Preference of Wintering Diurnal Raptors in the wintering grounds. Wilson Bulletin 107: 131-139. Sacramento Valley. Western Birds 11:25-34.

Warnock, N.D., and R.E. Gill. 1996. Dunlin (Calidris Williams, D.F. 1986. Mammalian species of special alpina). In The Birds of North America, No. 203 (A. concern in California. California Department of Fish Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Academy of Natural and Game, Sacramento, CA. Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, and The American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, DC. Yosef, R. 1996. Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus). In The Birds of North America, No. Watmough, B. R. 1978. Observations on nocturnal 346 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North feeding by Night Herons Nycticorax nycticorax. America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. Ibis 120: 356–358. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network. Wege, M.L. 1984. Distribution and abundance of Tule 2003. www.manomet.org/WHSRN. Appendix A. Wildlife Geese in California and southern Oregon. Wildfowl Species Known to Use California Ricelands. 35:14-20. S e ct ion 5 ion

Section 5: Literature Cited 44 Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands

Appendix: Wildlife Known to Use California Ricelands

Common Name Scientific Name Birds Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps Eared Grebe Podiceps nigricollis Western Grebe Aechmophorus occidentalis Clark’s Grebe Aechmophorus clarkii American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Double-crested Phalacrocorax auritus American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias Great Egret Ardea alba Snowy Egret Egretta thula Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea Bubulcus ibis Green Heron Butorides virescens Black-crowned Night-Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus Common Name Scientific Name White-faced Ibis Plegadis chihi Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris Fulvous Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna bicolor Greater Scaup Aythya marila Tundra Swan Cygnus columbianus Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus Bucephala clangula Cygnus buccinator Bufflehead Bucephala albeola Greater White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus Snow Goose Anser caerulescens Common Merganser Mergus merganser Ross’ Goose Anser rossii Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis Brant Branta bernicla Vulture Cathartes aura Canada Goose Branta canadensis White-tailed Kite Elanus leucurus Cackling Goose Branta hutchinsii Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Wood Duck Aix sponsa Northern Harrier Circus cyaneus Green-winged Teal Anas (c.) carolinensis Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Cooper’s Hawk Accipiter cooperii Northern Pintail Anas acuta Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo lineatus Anas querquedula Swainson’s Hawk Buteo swainsoni Blue-winged Teal Anas discors Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Cinnamon Teal Anas cyanoptera Ferruginous Hawk Buteo regalis

S Anas clypeata Rough-legged Hawk Buteo e ct Gadwall Anas strepera Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos ion 6 ion Anas penelope American Kestrel Falco sparverius American Wigeon Anas americana Merlin Falco columbarius Canvasback Aythya valisineria Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus Redhead Aythya americana Falco rusticolus Aythya fuligula Prairie Falcon Falco mexicanus

Section 6: Appendix 46 Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands Common Name Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Ring-necked Pheasant colchicus Ring-billed Larus delawarensis Virginia Rail Rallus limicola Larus californicus Sora Porzana carolina Herring Gull Larus argentatus Gallinula chloropus Thayer’s Gull Larus thayeri American Coot Fulica americana Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis Glaucous-winged Gull Larus glaucescens Black-bellied Plover Pluvialis squatarola Caspian Tern Sterna caspia Pacific Golden-Plover Pluvialis fulva Forster’s Tern Sterna forsteri American Golden-Plover Pluvialis dominicus Black Tern Chlidonias niger Snowy Plover Charadrius (a.) nivosus Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus Barn Owl Tyto alba Killdeer Charadrius vociferus Bubo virginianus Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus Burrowing Owl Speotyto cunicularia American Avocet Recurvirostra americana Long-eared Owl Asio otus Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus Tringa flavipes Lesser Nighthawk Chordeiles acutipennis Tringa solitaria Vaux’s Swift Chaetura vauxi Catoptrophorus semipalmatus Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon Tringa macularia Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Black Sayornis nigricans Long-billed Curlew Numenius americanus Say’s Phoebe Sayornis saya Marbled Godwit Limosa fedoa Western Kingbird Tyrannus verticalis Ruddy Arenaria interpres Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris Arenaria melanocephala Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor Calidris canutus Violet-green Swallow Tachycineta thalassina Calidris alba Northern Rough-winged Swallow Stelgidopteryx serripennis Calidris pusilla Bank Swallow Riparia riparia Western Sandpiper Calidris mauri Cliff Swallow Hirundo pyrrhonota Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Baird’s Sandpiper Calidris bairdii Western Scrub-Jay Aphelocoma californica Calidris melanotos Yellow-billed Magpie Pica nuttalli Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos Dunlin Calidris alpina Corvus corax Calidris ferruginea Bewick’s Wren Thryomanes bewickii Micropalama himantopus Marsh Wren Cistothorus palustris Philomachus pugnax Western Bluebird Sialia mexicana Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus Mountain Bluebird Sialia currucoides Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus Lymnocryptes minimus American Robin Turdus migratorius Wilson’s Snipe Gallinago delicata Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos

Wilson’s Phalarope Steganopus tricolor American Pipit Anthus rubescens ion 6

Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus Northern Shrike Lanius excubitor ct e

Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorarius longicaudus Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus S Franklin’s Gull Larus pipixcan European Starling Sturnus vulgaris Mew Gull Larus canus Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica coronata

Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands 47 Section 6: Appendix Common Name Scientific Name Mammals Virginia opossum Didelphis virginiana Ornate shrew Sorex ornatus California myotis Myotis californicus Red bat Lasiurus borealis Hoary bat Lasiurus cinereus Pallid bat Anthrozous pallidus Brazilian free-tailed bat Tadarida brasiliensis Desert cottontail Sylvilagus audubonii Black-tailed jackrabbit Lepus californicus California ground squirrel Spermophilus beecheyi Botta’s pocket gopher Thomomys bottae Common Name Scientific Name Western harvest mouse Reithrodontomys megalotis Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas Deer mouse Peromyscus maniculatus Blue Grosbeak Guiraca caerulea California vole Microtus californicus Lazuli Bunting Passerina amoena Muskrat Ondatra zibethicus Spotted Towhee Pipilo maculatus Black rat Rattus rattus California Towhee Pipilo crissalis Norway rat Rattus norvegicus Vesper Sparrow Pooecetes gramineus House mouse Mus musculus Lark Sparrow Chondestes grammacus Canis latrans Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis Red Vulpes fulva Fox Sparrow Passerella iliaca Gray fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia Mink Mustela vison Lincoln’s Sparrow Melospiza lincolnii Western spotted skunk Spilogale putorius White-throated Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis Striped skunk Mephitis mephitis Golden-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia atricapilla River otter Lutra canadensis White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys Black-tailed deer Odocolieus hemionus Harris’ Sparrow Zonotrichia querula Beaver Castor canadensis Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis Reptiles McCown’s Longspur Calcarius mccownii Western toad Bufo boreas Lapland Longspur Calcarius lapponicus Pacific treefrog Pseudacris regilla Chestnut-collared Longspur Calcarius ornatus Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus Western pond turtle Actinemys marmorata Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus Western fence lizard Sceloporus occidentalis Tricolored Blackbird Agelaius tricolor Coast horned lizard Phrynosoma coronatum Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta Western skink Eumeces skiltonianus Yellow-headed Blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus Coachwhip Masticophis flagellum Euphagus carolinus Racer Coluber constrictor Brewer’s Blackbird Euphagus cyanocephalus Gopher snake Pituophis melanoleucus

S Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus Common king snake Lampropeltis getulus e ct Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater Common garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis ion 6 ion House Carpodacus mexicanus Western garter snake Thamnophis elegans Lesser Goldfinch psaltria Giant garter snake Thamnophis gigas Spinus tristis Western rattlesnake Crotalus viridis House Sparrow Passer domesticus

Section 6: Appendix 48 Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands

Wildlife Known To Use California Ricelands California Rice Commission www.calrice.org Third Edition, 2011