Conor Lamb has endorsed for President, despite the fact that Joe Biden has proposed a $2 trillion-dollar environmental plan that has been closely compared to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal. Biden’s plan could all but destroy entire industries in Western . BACKUP:

In January 2020, CBS reported that Congressman had endorsed Joe Biden for President:

• On January 5, 2020, CBS Pittsburgh reported that Lamb had endorsed Joe Biden for President. “Lamb said in a statement in the press release that he has ‘seen firsthand that Joe Biden knows the people of western Pennsylvania and shares our values.’ He goes on to say that President Trump has not kept his word on ‘some of the most important issues facing western Pennsylvania’ like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.” (“Congressman Conor Lamb Endorses Former Vice President Joe Biden for President, CBS Pittsburgh, 1/5/20)

• In a March 2020 Democratic primary debate, Biden said there would be “no more, no new fracking” in his administration. (“Steve Guest,” , 3/15/20)

o In the same debate, Biden also said, there would be “no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period, ends” in his administration. (“Steve Guest,” Twitter, 3/15/20)

• In a December 2019 Democratic primary debate, Biden said he would be willing to sacrifice thousands of blue-collar jobs to transition to a green economy. “QUESTION: ‘Would you be willing to sacrifice...hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers in that transitioning to that greener economy?’ BIDEN: ‘The answer’s yes.’” (“Francis Brennan,” Twitter, 12/19/19)

Joe Biden's environmental plan would cost $2 trillion dollars:

• HEADLINE: NPR: "Biden Outlines $2 Trillion Climate Plan". (Alana Wise, “Biden Outlines $2 Trillion Climate Plan,” NPR, 7/14/20)

• Biden's climate plan calls for charting the on "an irreversible path" to net- zero carbon emissions by 2050, and would aim to achieve a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035, upgrade 4 million buildings and weatherize 2 million homes over 4 years, and would seek to shift major cities toward public transportation. “Biden's climate initiative calls to chart the United States on "an irreversible path" to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. To do that, the plan would aim to achieve a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035. It would also upgrade 4 million buildings and weatherize 2 million homes over four years to increase energy efficiency. And the proposal, Biden's campaign said, would seek to shift major cities toward public transportation and 'create millions of good, union jobs rebuilding America's crumbling infrastructure.'" (Alana Wise, “Biden Outlines $2 Trillion Climate Plan,” NPR, 7/14/20) • Joe Biden's environmental plan has a $2 trillion price tag, with plans to be deployed at an accelerated pace during his first term. "The former vice president's plan comes with a $2 trillion price tag, with plans to deploy those resources at an accelerated pace during his first term." (Alana Wise, “Biden Outlines $2 Trillion Climate Plan,” NPR, 7/14/20)

• Biden's climate plan seeks to invest $2 trillion. “Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Tuesday outlined an updated climate plan, seeking to invest $2 trillion to boost clean energy and rebuild infrastructure.” (Alana Wise, “Biden Outlines $2 Trillion Climate Plan,” NPR, 7/14/20)

Conor Lamb, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were both members of a task force that formulated Joe Biden’s environmental plan:

• Conor Lamb was a member of Biden campaign's climate change task force – co-led by former Secretary of State and U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – which created recommendations for Biden's environmental plan. Conor Lamb, Joe Biden, John Kerry and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are on the same team. In an effort to unify the Democratic Party, former Vice President Biden and Sen. created six joint task forces comprising surrogates appointed by both men to make recommendations for the Democratic Party platform. Congressman Lamb, who made his name as a moderate Democrat in the blue dog mold — especially on energy and the environment — was one of them. The Biden campaign released the plan last week. Lamb (D-Allegheny) served on the climate change panel, co-led by former Sec. of State John Kerry and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)." (John Cole, “Lamb Serves on Biden-Sanders Climate Change Panel That Provides DNC Platform Recommendations,” PoliticsPA, 7/14/20)

• According to Conor Lamb's campaign manager, Lamb thinks the plan "will be good for the steel industry strengthen unions, raise paychecks and bring all of us together as we face the common threat of climate change." "Lamb’s campaign manager said the plan will lift several industries and help address the threat of climate change. 'Conor joined the task force to make sure people’s jobs were front and center as a first priority,' said Campaign Manager Abby Nassif Murphy. 'He thinks this plan will be good for the steel industry, strengthen unions, raise paychecks and bring all of us together as we face the common threat of climate change.'” (John Cole, “Lamb Serves on Biden-Sanders Climate Change Panel That Provides DNC Platform Recommendations,” PoliticsPA, 7/14/20)

Although Biden's plan doesn't include an outright endorsement of the Green New Deal, his plan has been closely compared to Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal:

• Although Biden’s plan doesn’t include an outright endorsement of a Green New Deal, the plan did “provoke an outcry from moderate Democrats and Republicans alike” and the recommendations include “ambitious timelines for reaching certain environmental benchmarks” such as the elimination of carbon pollution from power plants and achieving net-zero emissions for new construction. "The recommendations don’t include an endorsement of a “Green New Deal,” but reports that it did “provoke an outcry from moderate Democrats and Republicans alike.” And the recommendations, “include ambitious time lines for reaching certain environmental benchmarks, such as eliminating carbon pollution from power plants and achieving net-zero emissions for new buildings.” (John Cole, “Lamb Serves on Biden-Sanders Climate Change Panel That Provides DNC Platform Recommendations,” PoliticsPA, 7/14/20)

• Progressives reportedly "touted the recommendations" made by the climate change panel. "ABC News reports that “progressives touted the recommendations” made by the climate change panel." (John Cole, “Lamb Serves on Biden-Sanders Climate Change Panel That Provides DNC Platform Recommendations,” PoliticsPA, 7/14/20)

• According to his campaign website, Joe Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework. “Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face. It powerfully captures two basic truths, which are at the core of his plan: (1) the United States urgently needs to embrace greater ambition on an epic scale to meet the scope of this challenge, and (2) our environment and our economy are completely and totally connected.” (Joe Biden for President, “Climate,” Accessed 6/3/2020)

• HEADLINE: : “Joe Biden embraces Green New Deal as he releases climate plan." (Dino Grandoni and Jeff Stein, “Joe Biden Embraces Green New Deal As He Releases Climate Plan,” The Washington Post, 6/4/19)

• The Washington Post reported that Biden is "embracing the framework of the Green New Deal in his bid for the White House. "Joe Biden is embracing the framework of the Green New Deal in his bid for the White House, calling on the United States to eliminate climate-warming emissions by no later than the middle of the century while creating millions of new jobs and rallying the rest of the world to forestall dangerous rising temperatures." (Dino Grandoni and Jeff Stein, “Joe Biden Embraces Green New Deal As He Releases Climate Plan,” The Washington Post, 6/4/19)

• The Washington Post also reported that Biden's climate plan "adopts the rhetoric – and at times, many of the actual policy proposals – of the Green New Deal resolution put forth this year by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez." "To that end, Biden’s climate plan adopts the rhetoric — and at times, many of the actual policy proposals — of the Green New Deal resolution put forward this year by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), which calls on the nation to eliminate its carbon footprint by 2030." (Dino Grandoni and Jeff Stein, “Joe Biden Embraces Green New Deal As He Releases Climate Plan,” The Washington Post, 6/4/19)

• Biden has previously said that his administration would ban “new gas permitting on public lands.” "Biden has previously said that his administration would ban “new gas permitting on public lands.” Biden’s campaign has instead attempted to make the case that he can protect workers and the environment at the same time." (John Cole, “Lamb Serves on Biden- Sanders Climate Change Panel That Provides DNC Platform Recommendations,” PoliticsPA, 7/14/20)

• According to estimates from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, if a fracking ban were implemented, Pennsylvania would lose an estimated 609,000 jobs.

(Global Energy Institute, “What if… Hydraulic Fracturing Was Banned?,” U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Accessed 7/26/20) o Not only would a ban on fracking eliminate jobs for oil and gas workers, it would also reduce consumer spending and slow hiring by increasing energy costs for households and businesses. “To calculate how a ban on fracking would affect employment, the chamber included direct and indirect job losses. A ban wouldn’t just eliminate jobs for oil and gas workers, the report said: It also would reduce consumer spending and slow hiring by increasing energy costs for households and businesses, according to the report. Energy-intensive manufacturing sectors would be especially hard hit, the study predicted.” (An-Li Herring, “Some Democrats want to ban fracking, but business group study says that would ‘devastate’ economy,” NPR, 12/20/19) o In 2016, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor were reported that 52,531 jobs were directly attributable to the state’s oil and gas industry, with an additional 200,000 workers employed in other ancillary industries, including road construction, trucking, engineering, and steel. “In 2016, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor reported that 52,531 jobs were directly attributable to the state’s oil and gas industry. About 200,000 workers, meanwhile, were employed in 30 other ancillary industries, including road construction, trucking, engineering, and steel.” (An-Li Herring, “Some Democrats want to ban fracking, but business group study says that would ‘devastate’ economy,” NPR, 12/20/19) o U.S. Senator has said he fears that a ban on fracking could destroy Pennsylvania’s economy in regions of the state that are centered around the industry. “Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Pat Toomey fears the ban would destroy Pennsylvania’s economy in some regions of the state that have built themselves around the industry.” (Matt Knoedler, “Democrats’ proposed fracking ban could be a problem in Pennsylvania, a 2020 swing state,” Eerie News Now, 3/6/20) o The ‘modern-day gold rush’ seen in the fracking industry in Pennsylvania has led to increased gas production and cheaper natural gas prices for American consumers. Senator Toomey has warned that a ban on fracking could raise fuel prices for all . “The modern-day gold rush has increased gas production and led to cheaper natural gas prices for the American consumer. The ban, Toomey said, could raise fuel prices for all Americans.” (Matt Knoedler, “Democrats’ proposed fracking ban could be a problem in Pennsylvania, a 2020 swing state,” Eerie News Now, 3/6/20)