Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Sub-Committee held on 26 July 1993 at 11.00 am at County Offices, Kendal.


Mr R Calvin (Chairman)

Mr E F D Acland Mr J J Moffat Mr A Caine Mr E J Phillips Mr W Cameron Mr P Phizacklea Mr R S J Edgar Mr G A Poole Mr E R P Frankland Mr J R D Robinson Mrs A Glendinning Mr A R M Toft Mr J B C Hanson Mr G Whalley Mr D Holmes Mr K Wilkinson Mr J D Jefferson Mr D Youngman Mrs W A Kolbe

Mr R J S Addison also attended to speak on application 3/92/9002 - the extension to Hardendale Quarry, Shap (Minute 39(3)).


Apologies for absence were received from Mr A M Horne, Mr R F Gyngell, Mr W Minto and Mr C L Tuley.


RESOLVED, that the press and public be not excluded from the Meeting during consideration of any item on the Agenda.


There were no public questions, deputations or petitions relating to the business of the Sub-Committee for the Meeting.


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Sub-Committee held on 30 June 1993 were confirmed and thereupon signed by the Chairman.


The County Planning Officer reported that this application, which was accompanied by an Environmental Statement, raised a large number of issues which would require careful evaluation before the application could be determined. Emissions to the atmosphere was one particular aspect requiring proper evaluation and the County Planning Officer considered that in view of its complex technical nature specialist advice should be sought.

There were no examples of the proposed plant in the United Kingdom and the Members were concerned that every opportunity should be taken to appraise themselves of as many details and viewpoints on the application as possible before determination. The Sub-Committee’s budget included a sum for specialist advice and any additional cost of hiring a specialist consultant would be met from the planning budget as far as possible. The County Planning Officer explained that specialist consultants would be invited to tender for the contract and Members emphasised that any consultants appointed must be completely independent.


(1) the County Planning Officer be authorised to employ the services of an independent specialist consultant to consider the technical aspects of emissions from the proposed plant;

(2) a joint site visit be arranged and the applicant be afforded an opportunity to present his proposals to Members of this Sub-Committee and Environmental Policy Joint Sub-Committee and representatives of Carlisle City Council and the parish council on 17 September 1993;

(3) the Sub-Committee together with Members of Environmental Policy Joint Sub-Committee receive a presentation from the Group(s) representing the views of the local community if so requested; such presen- tation to take place on 28 September 1993.


The County Planning Officer reported as follows:-

(1) 2/93/9019 - Extraction of Sandstone and Limestone for Building Stone Purposes at Snowhill Farm, Caldbeck, Wigton

The County Planning Officer reported that both Allerdale Borough Council and the Director of Highways and Transportation had no objections.

RESOLVED, that subject to the number of loaded vehicles leaving the site being limited to eight per day planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A1 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book).

(2) 2/93/9023 - Variation of Condition 3 (Hours of Operation) of Planning Permission 2/92/9017 New Cowper Quarry, Aspatria

RESOLVED, that for a limited period, expiring on 31 July 1994, Condition 3 of planning permission 2/92/9017 be varied as set out in Appendix A2 to these Minutes and that the County Planning Officer be authorised to renew the application following this date subject to no adverse comments having been received (for Appendix see Minute Book).

(3) 3/93/9002 - Extension to Existing Quarry Workings, Hardendale Quarry, Shap

Further to Minute 16(2) of 27 May 1993, a site visit had taken place on 8 July, together with a presentation by the applicant.

Eden District Council had requested that the application be not determined until certain outstanding issues had been resolved. The Company had advised that it would not be possible to achieve the proposed noise levels at the noise sensitive properties adjoining the site, because of the existing high background noise levels attributable to the nearby motorway. They had requested that the level be increased by 10dB(A). The County Planning Officer reported that national guidance recommended that noise levels should not be increased by more than 10 dB(A) above background levels. Members were concerned that the noise levels should be maintained within the recommended maximum.

The Local Member expressed four major concerns with the application; encroachment on to the SSSI, encroachment on to Common Land, the effects on Oddendale Village and most importantly the reduction of head water of the River Lyvennet.

Following discussion of a number of issues, including the water catchment areas, the possibility of sheep compensation being used to reduce the number of sheep on the Fell, noise levels and the possible need for different daytime and night-time levels; and following defeat of a proposal that the application be deferred, it was

RESOLVED, that planning permission be granted subject to satisfactory noise levels being agreed with the County Planning Officer in line with the Sub- Committee’s views, and to the conditions set out in Appendix A3 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book).

(4) 3/93/9012 and 3/93/9015 - Mineral Extraction and Deposition of Road waste in connection with Improvements - Land at Craco Farm, Brough and Slapestones Quarry, , Brough

The County Planning Officer reported that Council had no objections to either application.

Two areas of archaeological importance would be excluded from the operational site.

RESOLVED, that planning permission be granted for both applications subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A4 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book). (5) 3/93/9013 - Temporary Storage of Road Planings, Tebay Bottoms, Coatflatt Farm, Tebay

This was a retrospective application.


(1) planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A5 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book);

(2) representations be made to the Department of Transport for failing to allow adequate time between tendering and starting on site for contractors to make proper arrangements for tipping, etc.

(6) 6/93/9008 - Extension of Time for Transfer Station and recyling of waste, Brady’s Yard, Bessemer Way, Barrow-in-Furness

RESOLVED, that condition 1 of permission 6/92/9008 be amended as follows:-

"this permission shall be for a limited period only expiring on 8 May 1993, by which date the use of the site for the transfer of waste material shall have been discontinued. No additional material shall be brought to the site for stockpiling after 26 July 1993 and all stock piles of materials on site at that date shall be removed from the site by 31 January 1994."


(1) 1/93/9014 - Disposal on Inert Surplus Material from the Crosby Bypass on Land Adjacent to Crosby Bypass, Crosby-on-Eden

Carlisle City Council had no objections. A request from the applicant for extension of the working hours applied for was not agreed, and it was

RESOLVED, that for the purposes of Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 the development be carried out subject to the conditions set out in Appendix B1 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book).

(2) 1/93/9018 - Temporary Storage of Surplus Top Soil, High Crosby Farm, Crosby-on-Eden

RESOLVED, that, subject to no material objections being received, the County Planning Officer be authorised to issue a decision notice at the end of the publicity period with the conditions set out in Appendix B2 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book). (3) 2/93/9020 - Re-roofing Sixth Form Block, Netherhall School,

RESOLVED, that for the purposes of Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 the development be carried out subject to it being commenced before 25 July 1998.

(4) 2/93/9021 - Re-roofing Aspatria Library, Market Square, Aspatria

RESOLVED, that for the purposes of Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 the development be carried out subject to it being commenced before 25 July 1998.

(5) 2/93/9022 - New Primary School, Part Field 3100, off William Street, Great Clifton,

RESOLVED, that for the purposes of Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 the development be carried out subject to the conditions contained in Appendix B3 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book).

(6) 4/93/9014 - Highway Realignment, B5344 between Bleawath and Tinkers Hill, Gosforth

An objection had been received on behalf of a landowner whose land was disected by the road and for whom it was necessary to cross with both agricultural machinery and livestock. The Sub- Committee felt that while the scheme should not be delayed, the County Planning Officer should take up with the Director of Highways and Transportation the possibility of erection of advance warning signs.

RESOLVED, that for the purposes of Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 the development be carried out subject to the conditions set out in Appendix B4 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book).

(7) 4/93/9016 - Change of Use of Dwelling to Offices, 5 Red Lonning, Hensingham, Whitehaven

RESOLVED, that for the purposes of Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 the development be carried out subject to the conditions set out in Appendix B5 to these Minutes (for Appendix see Minute Book).

(8) 5/93/9014 - Classroom Extension, Milnthorpe Primary School, Firs Road, Milnthorpe

RESOLVED, that for the purposes of Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992 the development be carried out subject to it being commenced before 25 July 1998. 41. OUTSTANDING APPLICATIONS

The Schedule of Outstanding Applications was noted.


(1) The County Planning Officer reported consultation on the following application which raised no employment issues relevant to the Structure Plan:-

1/93/0114 - B1, B2 and B8 Uses and Landscaping, Land at RAF 14 MU, Kingstown, Carlisle

(2) The County Planning Officer reported the following appeal which had been determined in respect of a planning application on which the County Council was consulted as strategic planning authority:-

3/92/0853 - Residential Development off Skirsgill Lane and Kemplay Bank, Eamont Bridge

A strategic planning objection had been raised and Eden District Council had refused planning permission. The appeal was dismissed.

(3) The Schedule of appeal decisions outstanding was noted.

The Meeting ended at 12.30 pm.