SLA: WebVR/AR today and tomorrow Slides: VR & AR VR Computer’s doing fancy math to make it look like you are in a different world.

AR Computer’s doing fancy math to make it look like stuff is in the real world.

VR & AR are display technologies What’s the big deal? What’s the big deal? - Games! The obvious use case for VR is gaming. What’s the big deal? - Empathy For the first time in history we can truly see the world through someone else’s eyes. What’s the big deal? - Empathy

Honor Everywhere Virtual Honor Flights for Veterans

Many WWII veterans are no longer able to fly to see the memorials built for them. VR makes it possible. What’s the big deal? - Empathy Enter the Room What happens when war comes to a child’s room.

“It reminds us that urban warfare does actually destroy children’s bedrooms, their homes, and their lives.” - Peter Maurer, President of the ICRC What’s the big deal? - Education

Google Expeditions Virtual field trips for students

The Taj Mahal is 115 ft tall. Get it? How big is that? Stand in front of the Taj Mahal and you’ll get it. What’s the big deal? - Education

BBC Civilisations AR Museum Artifacts on your coffee table

Cool features that give you an x-ray view and let try your hand at restoration. What’s the big deal? - Creativity

Google Tilt Brush Your room is your canvas

Shockingly intuitive. Web AR/VR Today WebVR What’s it like? WebVR - What’s it like?

Access Mars Explore the real surface of Mars

Works in the browser: in a monitor, on your phone or in VR. WebVR - A-Painter

A-Painter Tilt Brush in the browser

Shockingly accurate port of the native app. . . in the browser.

WebVR What you need. WebVR - What you need.

Device Capabilities can be broken down into 3 groups:

● Desktop and HMD (Head Mounted Displa y) ● Phone VR ● Web AR/VR The Future WebVR - The Future New Hardware

● Better Headsets ● Better controllers ● All in one he a dse ts ● AR Glasses WebVR - The Future WebXR Spec

● Bro ws e r AR & VR in o ne ● Addresses new hardware ● ARKit & ARCore in the browser ● Support for AR Headsets WebVR - The Future VR Browsers

● Supermedium ● Firefox VR browser ● Le n s VR Thank you!