The Oxford Democrat.


ever since he bad come to D. PARK. The Wute in the Manure Pile. argued, "what's the matter with that? want to any time out here? kept up her crocks and cane, keeping the news- γΙ,ΒΚΚΤ AMONG THE FARMERS. cua't eat tl»e it's this place—If she kept It up now- paper in her hand. Licensed We bave for years past been endeavor- > A body can't help fur her sex, can Why, they cooking; Auctioneer, in that case there would be noth- a ing to impress upon farmers the neces- she?" out of the qnCîHon. I couldn't myself well, The small eyed farmer cast quick, ■ MAINS. SOUTH PARIS, "SFkU> THK PLOW." to but cast off all reserve sity of stopping the tremendous waste "I certainly didn't anticipate when I if I didn't voluntarily suspend con- ing left do suspicious glance from one to another Term· Moderate. herself. that goes on from year to year from came here that I'd be bothered with sciousness while staving off starvation and demand that she explain of them. Com*i>on icnce on practical agricultural topic cleaning out their stables and letting —a small to for such of "Mom wants fur you to hurry on la P. BARNKS, Is solicited. Address all communications In two girls on the place! They'll expect prie·*· pay days the mannre lie in the the ^jliARLKS tended (or this department u> Uembt D. yard during me to be Hitting around with them!" freedom as I've had! I'd think these CHAPTER III. then," he gruffly ordered the girl. "She l)e m and the still waste that is H»«iiku, Agricultural E'lltor Ox for·! winter, greater Courtship were me if I didn't know conceited that and Abe was at 'Och, well," she him girls pursuing be reached the farm, you spoon- Attorney Law, ocrât. Parle, Me. goes on from leaving it to lie in the poked playfully - with her be they were not. But," be groaned, from his In' together out here. What fur does It Ryereon Block, Norway, Me. open yard all the spring until after har- elbow, "you might glad overheated rapid me take so wonderful to fetch Ια vest. r If they do want you to set alongside "they'll think it a jolly lark to find walk in the sun, be stopped you long Telephone Connection». Barn Cellars and Milk. ► < Sanitary out Is a of butter and milk In order to once more impress this By HELEN R. MARTIN, of 'em. Is it that you ain't much fur here! They'll Ret of it all there at the springbouse to get a couple yet7 The for better ami the minds of our and in it Damn!" He the WHEN Mom'll see oucetl present agitation upon readers, Author "Tillie: A Mennonite Maid." sociability that way?" she tried to thumped ground. glass of water before going into the Jaw you, you'll t>. BUCK, cleaner can but tend to tf products pro^ especially those who have been suffer- solve the problem. "You never looked 'I'll take care that there'll be precious kitchen. Here!" duce good results; results fraught with the extreme of we call atten- the Surgeon Dentist, ing waste, scnlrt of Ollie or Eunice." little in It for them. I'm not going to It was with a sudden sharp thrill He had caught sight of newspa- benetits to producer and consumer alike, tion to the results of seven ex- years1 some sense. be Into mj vaca- as per and jerked it from her band. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE. and in is the "Tliey have They don't bullyragged spoiling that be stepi>ed lu to the cool, shady nowhere, my judgment, periments carried on at the Ohio Ex- COPYRIGHT. 1907. By McCLURE. PHILLIPS L·» COMPANY. > « cackle at me. They let a man alone. tion by two clucky girls!" stone room he unexpectedly found "What's this to do, beh?" AU my beet work warrante·.. work more salutary than in connection periment Station. In these experiments The first 1 ever saw who did." Such the misanthropic sentiments and himself alone with Eunice. "It belongs to the gentleman," the with improved stabling for dairy cattle. part of the manure was wheeled ontfrom W ^ Jf girls P. Still, there are certain conditions that Mrs. boisterous- such the language with which Peter She was seated on the stone girl answered, quite unruffled. H JONES, the stables and left lying in the open her nu air or detainment from Her eur- Morningstar laughed steps a it to her?" the farmer count for convenience in and around the winter and /. i ;~· ;κα:η this is a ly. "Δη' here I was telliu' Ollie every Kiurrss faced situation complicated by the well, bending laboriously over "And you gev |)K yard during months, part story rouuilhigs, almost like one moving iu Dentist, our stables that must be considered, and of it from the same class of cows, and since come didn't she by the fact that the expected arrivals a torn sheet of a asked, looking reproachfully at Kin- rcccni the adventures a iu. now ehe seem- day you why newspaper. an\ of of u Urea Just scarcely before unconditionally condemning fed in the same way, was hauled and some conwersation were the daughter and niece respective- As Ills darkened the ross. NORWAY, MAINE. directly who conscious of him at all as sbe perk up speak figure suddenly of it is well that be un was to \\ju:r;; Dccior of ed them, they fully to tbe field. The object de- Philosophy, to that It ain't that Ollle's of the president of the college in she started as "I dropped It In here and came back dishes on the table be- you way. ly doorway violently « »Sce Hour·—S to 13—1 to 4. derstood. termine the value of each of these to the humble role placed the two conspires play that makes her so which he himself was the professor of discovered in some shameful to look for It. Eunice had picked it The barn cellar has become so firralv fore him and then turned and walked Ignorant keep quiet though classes of manure, and the comparison was to of hired hand at Mr. before she came to the defense of psychology. He was held for an instant up and going to give it me." K.SMITH, established in New that it will made with land of similar charac- Morning- out of the room. you," guilt. by England being well!" the farmer nodded, to it. There- ztur'j thai her "But she's some back- Dr. Kinross, however, had never seen the she made, the grace of her "Ocli, pass- y be impossible eradicate ter, grown to the same crops, in the farm boarding house, Ills Increased his daughter. picture at piqued curiosity Inasmuch as dur- lug it ou to him. Kluross as he took Attorney Law, fore, it is well to look the matter same rotation and in the same ward, you beln' a towuer aud her, she either of these girls. youthful form in its tense attitude of square- year. he may have opportunity for se- sense of Irritation witb things in gen- NORWAY, MAINE. ly in the face and try to at facts con- The manure was on a clover sod was always a country girl still." ing the past year since he had taken actual fear, the beauty of her wide, U looked h;:rd at Eunice to see how get applied rious and eral to ill temper. This dainty a scholarly meditations, positive Home Block. Collection» Specialty cerning it I presume at least nine- io the month of April, one-third of the "She talks a good deal more than Eu- the chair of psychology they had both frightened eyes, the exquisite delicacy «lie received his Impromptu fiction, but and avoid the looking adopted daughter of the house- tenths of the herds in Maine from which land left without manure for com- blandishments of nice doesn't she?" he been away at a woman's college. But of her face in Its sudden whiteness. her eyes were veiled and he could not being he had at first does, though, put A PARK. nas gone the high-scoring butter that It was then to hold, who, thought, KRR1CK parison. planted corn, fascinating young lady board- out a feeler. be had heard a great deal al>out Miss But his second thought was not so read her face. J £ has beeu exhibited at our dairy meetings then to wheat, and then seeded down must be u fair Illy among gross weeds, ers. The "Och, her," she retorted contemptu- Ellery, the president's daughter. And complimentary. "Well," added Mornlngstar, turning Attorneys at Law, for the few years, and the cream and mowed for resulting complications so delicate her features, bo graceful past bay. fellow who a craven was to on Euuice." for ously; "she's dumin!" (Stupid.) "But some of Kinross' professors "What little coward!" leave, "you hurry In, KKTHKL, MAIN·. that stands at the head of the list The increase per acre in the value of :nJcc a siory us rich in humor, her movements and so appealing to she's an were to him on his hard- his mental with an He weut away, but Euuice did not eo flavor and have been manure was Ollie got elegant education," apt badger coinmeut, Impulse Λ·Ml*oc E. Herrlck. EUery C- I'ark. keeping qualities, tbe crop where hauled out lis ovccative as his poetic seuse her frail beauty (In one of pi of laughter, she affirmed. in the kitchen ness of heart toward the gentler sex of for he had not much as glance at Kinross when they kept over manure cellars. Now, of the yard was 16 bushels per acre the of his standing contemptuous pity, /'u:t has been written in re- spite professed misogyny)—even surrender to were alone for a moment. She two conditions must be admitted; either it was in 8.5 bushels of .τ/.y doorway, with her bared arms resting had predicted ills speedy lived here ten days without having agalu 3 HARLOW, year corn, wheat, she was probably no exception iu the clean, milk is and 698 of The manure •int The characters are on her while I)r. Kinross the culture aud wealth of Miss seen that tills foster of the kept right on with her work of loading JOHN sanitary being produced pounds hay. bucolic of the ample hips, beauty, daughter generally atmosphere wares then at by these herds, or clean, pure, germles* was applied at the rate of eight tons per leaned against a pillar of the porch, bis Ellery when she should return to col- Morningstars was downtrodden as uoue herself down with her and Attorney Law, flavored cs cs one's intimate Morniugstar farmhouse, for a more MAINE. milk is not necessary for high acre. Tbe net value of the increase per tcrjrîing the chickens without a word started for the house. DIXFIELP, of he had cer- eyes following young lege. butter and for cream of the best acre was corn at 40 cents i.i shall be- cowlike herd people quality $17.22, figuring //iti.i.'w. feet, they which ran about on the grass. "I left "It will do me to see her turn He had been wondering whether It then never encountered. good If the fermer conclusion is taken, per bushel, wheat at 70 cents, hay $8 tainly to offer RIGHT Λ WHEELER. con:e ihc reader's good friends her go to school till she was fifteen the of literature would be misplaced gallantry the manure cellar, as a N'ew England in- stover and straw at 92 in Was she not an Then you down," professor ^1" pur ton, $3, exception? to her In her crocks and a* io be ca.'.-icc/ in a'ready. Eunice she was more fur bad declared with feeling, speaking out help carry stitution, is not only blameless as far other words, tbe actual money value of afterward pleas- why this constantly deepening impres- and Counsellors at Law, is but books and and all like that of the of his own bitter experi- things, and by the time she was ready Attorneys producing bad results concerned, a ton of this kind of manure was $2.15. ant There is a sion on his mind of an indefinable studyin' depth r.iirnory. lovely decided it. Hut SOUTH PARIS. MAINK. should be commended as a means Where manure was hauled than what Ollie was, but," she said dis- ence at tiie bands of the fair (îeorgi- to go he had against really directly end woman who charm, a vague mystery, enveloping conditions be im- tbe stall to tbe field the increase stately young "she ain't Ollle's nice as she reached the sprlnghouse Jamee S. Wright. Alton C- Wheeler. whereby sanitary may from at her paragingly. got ana. Just return to nature and inci- the beautiful girl who drudged If the latter conclusion pre- was 22.2 bushels acre of corn, 9.0 would her belli* door 1«p bethought him to return the pa- proved per and stu education, but Just adopted But these predictions had made so of be admit- household tasks iu apathetic vails, then it must, course, bushels of wheat, 1,2S0 pounds of hay, mankind in the that and not own flesh and with per to her. dentally uplift contentment with not way my little Impression upon Kinross that J. H. STUART & CO., ted that boards are working or a net value of 70 and a pld apparently sanitary $23 per acre, and there is a viva- blood I took her out of school till she of Miss Quickly folding it Into the smallest lines But some returning, a or instinct above ber nar- the immediate prospect meeting AND SURVEYORS. entirely along wrong net value of $2.96 for the manure. thought to her side CIVIL ENGINEERS was twelf. She cried wonderful to be the interest lie felt in lier possible compass, he stepped claim that these good results have That the manure that was wheeled cious who to fol- row, monotonous round of work; too Ellery only 35 High Street, South Parle, Maine. may is, beauty aspires to left on. but I tole her beggars was a to understand the and held It out her. come in spite of in-mure cellars, and out of tbe stable and left lying in the low this but who dull even to share the curiosity and keep curiosity mys- and Plans made to order. lofty example, couldn't be choosers and she must earn to come to "Can't you conceal It about you?" Map· that higher scores ou butter have been yard during the winter months deterior- interest of the rest of the family con- tery of her having chosen of the tlinberland· anoen ar- lips would be wise to apply farm manure to herself so evidently wished to con- past fortnight had constantly conducted by experiment stations in enter late in the a standing on the threshold. the soil every day as soon as made, but also, history, ceal. he was not, after all, resting his atteutiou. times I'eifiaps "Will tell tue," she begau, in with our limited areas and our past. who was that you please and Maine, under woman of the great world, in a hurry to have the interesting mys- The truth about Dr. Kinross it It is nut always practicable and he had to take a step nearer to Ranges. severe winters, with the deep snows, he was afraid of All the western conditions to take tbe manure shall with no hesitation the tery explained away into a mere com- young girls. is not and the manure cellars pay catch her low spoken words, "who U Lead possible, from the stall or stable to the circumstance, the usual out- circumstances of his boyhood and vouth All Kinds of most con- directly debt that is due to honor and monplace Pipe Repairing, afford the best, cheapest, mean would this Andrew Carnegie?" field. It is always practicable in the come of âad tended to pervert a natural super· but a girl of weak ur spirit and Iron. venient and most healthful method of name. A interesting mysteries. Ile blared at her for an Instant un- and in a old charming au and ami lie under- case of horse manure, generally good of Mrs. M< ru teusltlveuess Into awkward herself to be, " storage. They should be well lighted "Well," he demanded permit 'This Andrew Car- the case of manure from milk cows. It is which shall exact the trib- consciousness in the tliat her sense of coniprehctu'.ingly. Telephone 1:11-11. and well ventilated. of some ab- story, lngstar when, after Eunice had db.ap painful self pres- stood present guilt Plenty in tbe case of negie?' to com not, uf course, practicable as as ence of women. His mother having was due to the contraband newspaper sorbent material must be used ute of tears, well laughter, pea red, the landlady stood beside hi.:; make fre- steers or cattle that run out of when she "Of x*bom the newspapers absoib and retain all tbe feeding and reiil'ed his wkh milk, iier died in his infancy, his aci|uaiutanci she was found Idly reading NASH pletely liquid doors. and teach many a moral glass mention." J. WALDO must be good ut work. As fai quent voiding*, and fermentation pre- stout bulk :: contrast lo the with the feminine sex in his childhood should have been hard Much of this tremendous waste could and leave the reader in a mood grotesque "Oh," he said, "you ask who Is he?-' vented leveling and tramping. All almost contined to us he hud observed, the was never by be if farmers could be induced insignifiant stature of her husband, had been entirely girl under- this is and or should a avoided, at end to invoke a "If 1 knew I could perhaps easy, is, be, part the blessing him with the negro servants of bis father's house- allowed ten minutes of relaxation from to put up bay sheds and feed the hay who had been overpowering better what I read in your news- Licensed Taxidermist of the detail work upon everv dairy be Mr. stand directly out of these sheds to cattle un- upon ihe good and bright woman his logic a few moments before, hold. With his incipient uiauhood nioruiug to night; also, Morning farm. house papers." der cover, the cover in this case being who wrote it. "where is the She didn't tel! had developed, through uufamiliarity β tar hud strictly forbiûdeu his Temple Street, rear Masonic Block, Ten years ago a speaker from the west spread? "You never heard of hliu before I leantos on two or three sides, these lean- of intercourse, an awe of girls that hold to touch the "gentΊηιιη boarder's" declared in a Maine institute that the you." came with feet u here my newspapers?" nui- tos being made at least eight high had caused him untold sufferings if which he Oonnection. NORWAY manure cellar was an unmitigated I. "But she braug 'em!" exclaimed tin daily paper, pronounced lie a book agent or Telephone :n tbe and tbe cattle well CHAPTER "No. Is perhaps that if he should coine to Maine rear, being forced into conversational responsi- invention <>f Satan. s.tnee, had woman iu astonishment "Here!" any wily not a real at all, but only a bedded where it is necoesary. The PETER KINROSS Just that Is he person again iu fen years, Maiue farmers would and the bilities with tiiem. So it was only a fecliug of fear IISLLISTER 3 of the cattle so solidifies the been demanding rather Irrita- shoving toward him the jelly hero, like the Count of Monte Cris to?" have gone out of the business of dairy- tramping The social ease and fluency of his could rouse her from her lethargy. manure that fermentation does not butter. a real ma- go bly of the shaggy little farm- apple "lie is very person, indeed; Mountain Tea ing, or would have abandoned their Burton, seemed to IV "It's I," he said R'jcky Nuggets on to and there is no a "The ne younger brother, only apologetically in fact; what you· nure cellars. Time has the any great extent, er. his hust, why bathroom spread?" repeated blankly. rather substantial, A But MotLdae for Busy People. passed, ter in those a height of achieve- I come in and a glass of wa- leaching from the summer rains. The DK. into the house when "Ain't them ?" she asked, days "May get call 'well lixed,' you know; has! Oollea Haith and Reaewsd Vigor. decade has goue, but there is more had not been put sptvadin's people BHagi waste in this case would be reduced to ment to which be bc'.ed up with envy ter';" A fur Consuwuitm. lu l:s»«tioo. Live and more manure cellars than it was reuovated for summer board- a touch of wouu .ed feeling niinge.: enough to worry through «11 without! specific dairying, tbe minimum. But Burton's view of did not seem much reassured l ; atiil KUiti Y Trouble Eczema. Impure the "Ί ο be and admiration. She the Pimples. ever before, and all the while quality ers, and the farmer, staudiug over him with her puzzled surprise. m:.v, working. lie's all things youl U jo.1. U.» 1 IV-at!,. Sliiirc*»h Bo.*«Is. Headache Our readers in sections where it is variation between them was rue- the fact that it was only he. She sa.r.. of Maine has beeu iiu iu some calhi 'em the smear. Eut." :ln the buok a hero, a Monte and backache. 1' R >cky Motsutaiti Tea in tab· dairy products to use more or less as he sat at his belated breakfast guesK'd—a agent, OUe found necessary one to Miss Wo! the as lie came 1 t form. Λ"> c-ti α box. Genuine mad· by and bounds. No "I think th.ii'.s fully expressed day back limply against step a more thrown in." proving by leaps commercial fertilizers in order to main- the' kitchen, was replying with a logic added discriminatingly. Crlsto—with few lloLMsrcR Dft" > »ν·ΜΡ*ΝΤ, Mnili»»n, Win. a himself, but h* t should ever quarrel with method that cott, their nearest family neighbor. forward and helped at him with tain tbe fertility of the land may get an which left his protagonist dumb. Dutch!" "Oh!" she said, gazing GOLDEN fcUGGEYS FOB Γ ALLOW PEOPLE results. 'Tetc himself in a corner at a eves as followed him did not lost brings g I do not think the keeping of hogs scow's, hasn't a word to say, their strained nor lier face from these experiments, although the "How the devil do you make that experimentally to some of the apple party, exptession The Instant the sprlnghouse the manure will tend to make the milk oirus. aiki her curi next, conditions and de- chu t slu* VV11S Lflliie. care market locality may out';" Kinross unaware of butter. any more sanitary, provided proper wlii^h f»/\i inquired, s u wa- nmorpiat fArrili'/«r tiii be 11 make un average of six crush, as he s'owiy drunk glass of waited. is taken to the manure leveled and how such startled the unac- "We're gettln' two new boarders oudy lint lie stood stiil and Maybe keep manure before epithets makes him was into Company. should be applied to the she remarked, at every party that dad go! ter. The newspaper crumpled a second thuc. teams! tramped. I uless this is done, manure customed ears of the farmer's wife this dinner a'ready." she would come back hauling it out to the fields. to. I can dance, play curds, eonver.-'e her and her gaze seemed held by Division. frutu the hors»» stable will ferment and and of the girl, Eunice, who waited on pushing a pie within his reach, though lap, And any way lie was too spellbound Portland It was found that gypsum applied at iJr. Klnroaë u and I fascination. create an and she must know this time that he and make ruyself green ble, his in a sort of with astonishment to move. unpleasant unhealthy ton of ma- him. by is the rate of forty pounds per one crush a month, How he smiled her. PORTLAND ΑΛΙ» HOHTUV $1.00. odor, the horse manure never ate her not even at break don't average "Don't be afraid," upon Hut she did not return, nud he sat provided nure before it was hauled out increased "llow 1 nuke that out.'' Morulng- pies, Senly dropped the subject of lier fos- in the same cellar. Hogs, bv would you it?" "I won't tell." of the well to STATKKOOMS fl.OO. placed the value of the yard raauure from $2.15 star related. "Because the Scriptures ter child and returned to the more con- e.\plaiu down on the stone steps their tramping aud working over horse Miss She did not answer. She seemed "Governor or ton to $2 76, as did also kainit. is silent eu the Her statement to be a blow theme of lier own as "Crush?" genteelly inquired think it out. Steamships Dingley" manure, will this fermentation per subject." appeared genial daughter, he prevent in- Wolcott, a bachelor maiden of thirty- Ile wondered whether how "Governor Cobb" leave Franklin Wharf, Floats or ground rock phosphate Which uf course left Kinross with to him. Thrusting the upple bu..e» (die observed that the mention spellbound. In spite of her simplicity, supe- and the stable sauitary. If jealously At least he had at 7 P. for Bos- help keep its value to and acid five. could make her talk. to the rest of the fam- Portland, week days m., cows is in creased $3.31, phos- to say. lie lifted his glass of from biiu. lie stared up at her. eh.;.,rin Eunice seemed to arrest the wauder- rior she seemed the mauure from the placed nothing of none of tie to $3 65. increased the "Beg pardon. I mean made her look at him. rest of them would ton. the cellar itself, there is nothing to phate Gypsum skimmed milk and sipped with half uud keen disappointment In hie face. attention of her hearer. "And Ollie ily! Noue of the by manure from 96 to $3 ing on me. But isn't it?" value of stall $2 31, .> get stuck they pur- "It's one of my newspapers, about (he IH3 iruUI A BitUUat jr niauupuiiii. uj closed "Mister he goes this dinner to feu the words to girls have cared enough reading or eyes. she knows just right put is kainit to $3.53, floats ground phos- sue Pete to his corner, and when he he asked. old Morning- Lugs upon it. In fact, the "Another Morniugstar laid •em on the buggy out." she she's so stubborn piqters to have risked at Τ Γ.Μ., keeping to and acid to reason," in—but sometimes to them Leave Uniou Wharf, Boston, is to be as much as phate $4 32, phosphate tin. rude and disagreeable they "Yes," she breathed. There was something practice discouraged it oil. "there was less sickness among him. "One of 'em's overstudledι»Γοη»^ headed fur me she won't conwerse— star's anger. for Portland. $4.o5. and You me hand s >e ·» say he Is original •magnetic.' "Old Morningstar makes in her that arrested his possible. our readers in In- our ancestors of bygone times in the bruin goiu' to college. Yes. what she's been since you come. even peech have on Manifestly, Ohio, like wo;:ld tickets on sale at principal Fur many years I kept hogs bath· "there is su... wouldn't suppose. you, they'd them over to him to be burned every "Of whom the newspapers Through diana, southern Illinois and Missouri, past than there is now when slated nrgumentatlvely. But to be sure," she conceded, '"if you attention. stations. my horse manure winters, in a large, take to a stiff like Peie?" How did rescue one.' Of whom. railroad who feel the of is the common lot of all." a us the brain, espc- morning. you make frequent mention." with the best re necessity building up returns thiug overstudyln' like 'em better quiet"— She paused light cellar, apparently "It would be much more reasonable She swallowed hard a» she managed No one else la rates aa low ae other lines. their laud by some kind of commercial Kinross diu not contradict iL elallv fur η couuiry person where al:i t but her look and tone im- So very grammatical. Freight suits. There is no water, mire or tilth, uncertainly, a and ac- should use either the bel.» of them to "take to' polished to answer hi a voice just above a whis- would have said "of In- clean. It has been our fertilizers, ground 1 «meet heerd of a man being used to It still. To 1* sure, you altered the case and in- the family All cargo, Live Stock, is and they remain "Again, plied that that like Bur- be except rock or the acid phosphate, water." know complished gentleman you, "He puts them in the stove to whom." And her reference to Monte marine risk. to throw a small amouut of phosphate drown,led in a bathtub of hot u doctor that way. you'd yourself volved her of Oilie's ob- per, sured against tire and practice the former on account of the forgiveness said Miss Wolcott consolingly. the tire tor break- To know the preferably answer for nn kin overstudled. ton,' burned when I light Crlsto! Rather surprising. corn on the manure each time stable Kinross had no argu- the brain be in refusing to display her con- J. F. General small difference, and thus avoiding the stinacy And Burton her sympathetic out." never to have LISCOMB, Agent, is cleaned. The hogs work the manure ment so incontrovertible. lie did not rouse himself to explain accepted fast. I take them about Monte Crlsto and Me. of the of their versational powers. with a Portland, and re- danger increasing acidity view with couipluceucy and then snatch chances like an over, tiud the corn, get exercise, "And Gawd certainly in- to her that he wus not a doctor of since "Eh? And heard of Andrew Carnegie—what land. If the farmer can add practically yet again, "Eunice has had no schooling Wolcott's lieve me from tbe care and trouble of cold It would high opinion of Miss Judg- this for them?" cent to the value of hie manure tended fur the folks to wash iu arugs. but of philosophy. old?" Kinross reading anomaly! run in 50 per she was twelve years doing it myself. Our hogs past- water on her ment "Yes." Another She had looked scar- over and above the cost of the Hoats, it water or he'd of made all the volve so many questions part asked when Mrs. thing. ure in and I cannot see instantly Moruiug- older he succeeded in summer, really, so. on bls-and As Peter fjrew "Uni-in!" he commented thoughtful- half to death ills discovering ia certainly wise for bim to do hot." uud so much explanation to take breath him ed upon Cord that their work in winter is any more etar's pausing gave | after long and extraordi- but Wood, This, however, is only where silence accepted the wus hot. conquering ly. "Upon my word!" her with the forbidden newspaper, than in summer, as applicable Kinross' apparently day already a chance to lu a at least objectionable they as put question. nary struggles with himself at each other for an in of the laud is deficient in phosphorus, this statement. "Do vou think better risk tak- They looked when the petty tyrant the household, dig and root in tbe low, muddy places dogmatic you'd "No. and slip's wonderful dumm to- of his inward much of the land in the section above the externul slgus per- without own son and daughter if we would much "Kin it?" Morniugstar tri- ing two more boarders?" he asked her etant speaking. before whom his In fact, change very are you deny ward what Ollie is." of la- Slab Wood, mentioned undoubtedly is. If you turbation in the society young had never read a newspaper, I on the scene she had from these conditions, we must radically umphed over him. ioubtfully with the faint hope of :avert- "You cringed, appeared to this is cer- "Humph!" he grunted. But his mental attitude toward here?" the nature of tbe When going apply phosphorus to." the W on t it dies. suppose, .before I came met his with c<»ol indifference. change bogs. Farm- "I would not presume ing impending calamity. and that she Is fur of approach tainly the way to do it.—Wallace "Yes. ongrateful the sex continued to be a mixture ex- hogs so are inclosed in pens aud not. then, a lot move to do? And you art "No." Her evident baslifulness would not kept er in Farm and Home. "I guess anyhow Well, give you fur her leaviu' her not to Turf, all we done yet—us contempt, curiosity, mystifi- Edgings, properly fattened, being obliged know 1 don't have no bath- morning to night now. susplc ion, "Do you Hud them amusing?" her extreme agitatiou with him- you why busy*from to school till she was twelf a'ready so bafllcd plaiu lie in mud or their own tilth, they make no go cation aud attraction, which she the strain- room. If folks would read more in the "You thinkV" she laughed. (Kb and blood— "Amusing?" repeated, self. the best and sweetest of which Maine and her uot our own flesh him that be bad come to pork, Orange Prosperous. see I can stand η and Irritated ed In lier eyes giving way be rose to go to and Book and hesitate more they'd how ain't overworked. 1 come olï of expression When, a little later, Stove Wood when in this manner ranks which and then when she had to contact with girls as p.n produced Duriug the Grange year ended is a on tuny towuers wna look upon any to a look. he had come to no conclusion meat used sinful some things is. Folks just jei It was puzzled the house among tbe most sanit try by the first of October the order of Patrons school she took on; Bomepin element disturbing to all Intellectual about some things. jour such wonderful white hands- "Well." he conceded, "perhaps you about her at all our Walker McKeen, Ox- in Maine has a little ignorant awful!" his life that people.—B. of Husbandry enjoyed she unable to labor or anything else In them that-a record of in New not loosed of the iven on the men." added, don't Und daily Coal at ford County Me., England continuation of the prosperity They're enough "But a girl Is hardly while. I be rojrriNcnD.] splendid a bit or from her hon- twelve-year-old was really worth crimes and accidents. Interesting. [το Homestead. which has mark- world. Pride has come into the church keep contempt what she is los- and substantial growth capable of realizing Ills social life at MeckvJlle college like shameful. There's est voice, while her eyes rested on Dr. should have said. Do you them?" eel it in recent years. During the year that it's something In uo he said in Tools. but well ing having schooling?" had beeu a continual battle trying for words Intelligi- Housing and Repairing twelve new have been establish- much church to enjoy our- Kinross' capable looking kept he added, groping The American Author. granges too joining to elude the tlat- A. W. Walker & Son's, »» = quest ionlugly. (on the whole vainly) her All farm machinery should be housed ed and one reorganized, giving the order selves instead of to serve Gawd." touts 1»· .lummy fur ble to simplicity. The chief thing in the average Amer- "She was always wonderful attentions was deter- All time in this state 418 sub- ,m < tering society "Yes." of when not in use. carriages, wagons, at the present And. swelling with his easy euccess, top »t couldu't ican novel Is the umazlng vitality South Paris, Maine. much so. A body to the looking etc., should be under cover as ordinate and 26 Pomona Granges, with a out of the what work is. If It dix» studyin'—full mined heap upon good "But you can't rend with much prof- lie writes at the sleds, put old Mornlngstnr shambled Anyhow. out her oncet she the author. always small Tho in- get uo work of got new who bad the very to snatch soon as they are not in use. All total membership of 56,447. to overdo me lo take two more boaubrs young professor It or when you have His strenuoinmeee Is room, leaving his defeated boarder that's he pleasure top of his voice, should be cleaned of crease of the year holt of u book—and why pop unusual attraction of a this tools thoroughly membership during it'll 1* a little on the make. too. you comparatively chance moments ut them in way?" reader can almost see the contemplation of his Impossible come off unceasing. The mud or dirt of kind and put in a dry was 2500. Ten new Grange Halls have sayed now she must school, fortune. The fact any lar^e Independent She did not reply. veins on his the catarrh of breakfast soon uot be earniu' the swollen forehead, It pays to oil all metal parts been built and dedicated during the year, he sayed, or she'd that he was dillicult and elusive only would l»e AR»?e place. he ate was also he exclaimed, his gloom lifting "And much that you read drawn mouth and eye. all with a mixture of coal oil and now no fewer than 366 of the 418 The kitchen in which Se"Ah'" her feed." tight flashing machinery α ν the of added zest to the quest. to I should say. see- own which room, as all Penn- nttip "I'll pa you price unintelligible you, It Is do It or die. And he never knows Cream Balm aud machine oil before putting them subordinate granges the halls the family living Kinross, sur- lived in the Ely's three if send them "Umpb!" again grunted And yet there really are not accustomed to reading it absorfttd. for tbe winter. It pays to thev a total value Dutch farmhouse kitchens board for you'll ing you where to stop. With his feverish anx- quickly away paint occupy, representing sylvania into a paug of for the flow- of his consciousness, hard- has the to come and let me continue prised pity background 1 don't see how you get Gi«m Relief al One·. all articles from which the paint of close to $1,000,000. During year ire. It was a large, bright room, very word not newspapers. iety to make |M)ints lie does not seem erlike girl who was the household himself, an ideal love, for such a It worn. Do this some in fall or subordinate Grange meetings clean to have the run of the place In ly recogulzed by enough out of it to pay he has achieved his cleanses, soothes, rainy day 17,875 drnply furnished, but spotlessly to to realize when drudge to the farmer's family. a yearning to be met, now when heals and winter and let dry until spring. It pays were held and 260 Pomona meetings. coziness. Mrs. Morningstar's fat facepeace^ g passionate fright us you had Just you and tizzies out in- protects ind of a certain homely de- lie did not purpose frequently small broken or worn extent to which the en- a "Say," Mrs. Morningstar abruptly And a comradeship. the diseased mem- to replace all The Grange consisted of cold corn- in astonishment. Such reckless perfect thought you were being caught." He has Ideas lie has The breakfast long "do want fur me to tell was the effectively. brane from parts of a machine or harness while the gage·* actively in business is indicated waste of manded, you himself know how deep long- Still she did not answer. resulting ed sausage, several kinds and apparently pointless vast of material. He has a and drives is new aud before the rest of the fact that the store of beef, greasy these here two ladles when they the need in his soul for some quantities Catarrh deficiency by co-operative a young ing and "What a stupid creature!" he the »f very pale, lardy locking pies and a money was thing Incomprehensible command of language, a fatal fluency away a Cold in the the article becomes too badly damaged Houlton Grange, the Grange, by come that you ain't much fur sociabil- relation In life In which his strongly that so dull a dam- with iced cake. to the Dutch mind. thought, marveling leads to his Be- from its loss to make it worth while. which is the in Maine or in plate piled high Pennsylvania leave be outlet that frequently downfall, Head quickly. way, largest ity and that they're to you emotional nature could flud have a of eyes that a Mrs. "Are you some bashful or what sel should pnlr λ sense of values. He at ο re s the Sea««ee of Some kind of a rain-proof shelter may the country for that matter, has done "Eunice!" Morniugstar shrilly beln' some from the for he lacks NAY FEVER and not bother you auy, you So far was he conceiving shone like r.tnrs and a countenance of Taste and size 50 cts., at in section under which business of the to the her adopted she inquired. lacks self restraint. He is full of Smell. Full Drug- be provided any $110,000 during present called young girl, curiously of In the uota- « queer?" discovering such thoughtfulness. or mail. In form, 75 ents. to the farm machinery The store of the Penobscot Po- who had into "I guess f'm what. Come, will you possibility extraordinary and artfulness, but he Is not an gists by liquid put expeusive year. laughter, disapi»eared Mrs. he smiled, aud Miss Ellery tricks a farm. a of "Now, Morningstar," bly charming gifted If she were an Intelligent girl it Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. uecessary to properly conduct mona in Bangor has done business outer kitchen. "Here's the Doc d° "Now, Review. Ely the are a friend in need. that artist.—London Saturday we*t straw and corn stalks to there are a number of other she "you Suppose you his soul's Inevitable companion would lie to her fresh In the go $60,000 and eatin' bread and butter yet! Are you passln' a joke mebbe?" Interesting get dry warn them off. Where are they caine to him as he lay on his waste. These can be util zed to build similar stores which will make the do there Impression of a newspaper." Where's the spread?" questioned uncertainly. trees of the new Lot sheds fur this purpose. Only lumber amount of co-operative business done in from?" back gazing up Into the while he her A A The of this inquiry not lte> "Never was a man more serious. Suddenly, regarded School Coinage. for the frame will be needed. for 1907 at least ex- relevancy names Is a for eluding enough Maine $500,000, "From luto town. Their old forest grotesque plot his water with It Is not a known fact that Fire a "spread" in Dr. Kln- I'm willing to pay for the qui speculatively, sipping generally of Goods. The best of Eastern farmers can build of lumber clusive of that done by the Grange Ing apparent, and Parks." the of the expected damsels sh.· returned his Plumbing an outside cov- out here the te Georglana Ellery Daisy society deliberation and gaze the Rluecout school (Christ's hospital) much than can afford tif Insurance These com- ros.' vocabulary being I've enjoyed rare^past of his for closets. No old cheaper they Companies. Kinross lifted his head and looked at and iusurlug the continuance a concentra- own. oak woodwork Will send them word they with sort of fascinated once a coinage of its let their machinery go to waste. It is panies are as sound as they can be made er to a lied, lu· glanced up as Eunice days. you possessed Call and see this line. Mr·. Morulnjistar, surprise, annoyance, freedom. tion. the doorway was again darkened, At that time the coin of the realm goods. Job no unusual to see wagons, mowers, and mil- in the to listen to can't come?" he urged. sight by good management represent appeared doorway swear Pll do Itr he exclaimed, to. No Farm r, consternation, in his face. "I and this time It was he who started not be used nt the He- attended rakes and other machinery standing un- lions of dollars in fire risks.—Turf, to tell the truth, "Now, if only spoke eooner could hospital. bing promptly her answer, though, you'd fishes!" and his shout of at the origi- when there are in It "Gods and little laughter with as Mr. Morningstar fore he could anything In the for team. der the sky buildings and Home. so curious to learn where she said "To sure. apprehension buy charge he was not regretfully. hat over his amusement he foresaw In his in which be housed if He pulled his Panama nal came Into the Kinross a uew had to otie they might was as to hear the sound would of better to getbe^ spriughouse. "tuck shop" boy get plenty the "spread" paid strode the woods. M. their owners were not too weary to put eyee, turned abruptly and away. scheme echoed through was aware of the fact thnt who were the school L. Longloy, Stick to Your Breed. voice.. Iu the ten days of three fur one. But pop j*·he Instantly of the beadles, waste of bard of the girl's PjJ» stood where "It will me a chance," he re- them there. This is sheer a Mrs. Morningstar stolidly give the girl did not start now nor attempt to his shillings Main*1. stock is Guern- he had at the farm he had •em a postal in. last Saturdays read>. money changers, change dollars. No farmer can afford to Whether yonr Jersey, that spent left after him as he "to the of the On the con- Norway, earned teliin* em the; nave Hw· ·-· '"· he her, gazing flected, study psychology to hide the newspaper. and Into "house money," as It of his Holstein, Brown Swiss or any other not ouce heard her utter a word, >; pence thus let go to decay tbe product sey, walked with loug steps through the feminine such as rarely the of the scrubby lit stick to and a ùl-...o:s. fe» »»«■" youthful trary, presence was called This was made of cop- Hunt, Orleans County, class of cattle, your text, though he saw her three times day Wednesday he An labor.—Leigh mind what There aint t.ue i. orchard toward the woods where comes to a philosopher! opportu- tie farmer seemed suddenly to dlssi In once having made up yonr This strange silence, with he fetches em. ^ per, the coi:!« being octagonal shape, Vt., in Successful Farming. at the table. most of the and to observe It at first hand when had on in that line with a more to 'em word usually spent day. nity pnte the sj>e!l which lie evidently value on thetn. yon want, keep some other things about send with their stamped Specialist a Inexplicable she shook her head and drew a it is off its aud unveiled! rose de- and will bave uni- h» tu ta. su finally guard quite cast her. for she now That can be made to pay in pure-bred bull, you to on his nerves.' -lie bus already gone upon quite These curious coins are very rare, farming had begun "get _ of some and as a her. breath. Here's aud to cat her together is evidenced by what one form herd kind, general to b« tion for them?" Klniwu asked in long sport!" llberately begau and numismatists oossesslug any aro Waldo County milkers He hud come out to this farm arrive a cor- a better grade of "It beats me what fur a man be is, But the young ladies would man in tbis county has done, says proposition, and here, rath fortunate.- London Captain. than to from one breed to another quiet and undisturbed, was no time to be lost. of the Bangor Commercial. jump at eleven, it ain't v.- amy how!" at noon. There Specialist respondent a his was a rls he starts he two and each succeeding season. Ton get rep- er to chagrin, mystery tC"No from the For tlx tee η yean I have fitted glaaae· to tie Several years ago bought He sprang ground, gathered in a short time of a herd ou his horizon. a land within two miles utation having ing were his com- A cn the fcctlT· eye· ami nothing cite—thai make· me one-balf acres of told me before CHAPTER II. up the books that daily Nirjht Sleeper. of of Holstein, Swiss or some other He waited, with his glass halfwaj If trouble you la any way of Belfast. He kept a strict account Jersey, only in his rambles and started for Humors "Have ever traveled in a sleep- •peclallrt. year eye· a from HALF hour later, his tall panions All you of even if never bad to the Well." he gave It up. rising and In to th< the same, the lot, with its cost, breed cattle, you to his lips, hear girl's reply. Are matters which the skin, liver, If you want expert ac ingstar Pimples, paid There grace of their unimaginative and I'd heard tell about them portera and has a balance of $04 in its favor. that wae con would be glad fur two Ub hl« vexation. stupefaction tion*, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, DR. PARMENTER of lier young, slim figure Eu- shoe* out and of land had not been dressed are able to and Tarks! minds before fcls behavior. And always tnkln' people's 1M. This piece Many suburban families in Mrs. Morning boarders coinlu' oncet. sheyou^ "Georgluna Ellery Daisy bilious turns, fits of indigestion, dull bead· Bye Specialist, Norway, Me. Tel. splcuousiy lacking her Into to awake or cultivated for more than 00 years and de much of the feed for a small hei whole The of old and his nice—would this galvanize blackltt' em. so 1 had keep provi own of the same age following him to the door, (laughter Prexy aches and many other troubles are due to a most over in etar's daughter animation? before wouldn't a hold of tbis is considered satisfactory flock of hens from what is left her curious wonder niece! Could a man have wor.e luck? some signs of If, •11 night ko he git us ulways, downcast person radiating them. are removed If a of is Her eyes were, he was about to that They by I knew if he done It he'd showing. the kitchen. variety scraps noi short on the thresh to my liberty! No more daing the role play, mlue. fer We Do all Kind« of.... as to veil a soul she did Kinross stopped Goodby into a on the stove and thor- though maintain the aloof- on Recount of the hard put pot her. "What, lwo as I and being as uncivilised girl could possibly want extra job. bran wish to discover to those about her old and turned upon please In milking be clean and cookod, after which a little the unconsciousness of Hood's If 1 ciîu see the quiet, quick, oughly succeeded li and bucolic as primitive man! What. ness, apparent Sarsaparilla RIamcd why company Commence milking at the is added, a crumbly mash, a Kinross had uever yet g In usual form or in chocolated on."— JOB PRINTING. thorough. making name of nil the what was under her eyes, the blind, liquid allows them kind of things to go is the color of her eyes The consternation in his face in- In the gods. p->ssps*c~ same hour every morning and evening first-rate poultry feed secured.—Sub- discovering tablets known as 100 doses H. '^ell- two such blchlvçlvliiïLÙ Leiucj to deaf and dumb demeanor that she had eareaUMM· Chicago Record-Herald. and milk the oows in the aun· order. urban Life. Somehow the girl always bore abou' creased her wonder, 14 riM. fcH Part» Suicide at Rumford Falls· West Parla. Buckfield. LovtU. of wife THE OXFORD BEARS. The three-act drama, "Tompkins' Three candidates were received Into Rev. F. H. Reeve· and family, the Rebekah Initiation Tues- and six months old bave arrived ïlic Hired Man," will be played Friday even- Lodge by baby, FBED GIBABD JUMPS FROM THE FOOT was a attend- and taken of the of Russian ing of this week, Dec. 20, at Dunham's day night. There good possession parsonage THE DOINQS OF THE WEEK IN ALL the oburob at the Β HI DOE TO DEATH Ο If THE BOCE8. Hall. This interesting play is well cant ance and after the work an oyster Cup- Congregational village. of the Mrr. Reeves Is a stranger SECTIONS OF THE COUNTY. and merits générons patronage. Follow- per was served by the gentlemen hardly Vests SOUTH DEC. 1907. been in Sunday PARIS, MAINS, 17, ing are the characters: lodge. here, having engaged Fred Girard of Ramford Falls jumped The No Name Whist Club was enter- School and C. B. work in this vicioity from foot over the Andros- GIFTS make a Mr. Am Tompkins, a farmer who cannot toler- the bridge CHRISTMAS erate John E. Brock of Mr. and Mr·. H. when she was Misa Caasie Chambers of Pari· Hill. deceit, tained at the home coggin River at that place Tuesday nice for A Τ WOOD A the hired one of Nature's gift FORBES, Dtxev, man, noblemen, A. Irish Wednesday evening. Mr·. H. Portland. and died about an hour later a Until further notice the library at Charles F. Banleti. is at W. H. Far- evening, For Men. short time 4 man. Κ d I tor· «ad Pr«prt«tari. with A. Irish had the score. Mrs. Laura Staples from the effects of his As he Only be John Remington, a Une young man In love higest injuries. Hamlin Memorial Hall will open L. Rlllon. of while he and his wife are are GKOHÛX M. ATWOOD. A. S. rOKBW. Louise, Clarence Mr. Alton Tuttle Melroae, Mass., rington's, was with other mill employee They from 2:30 to 4 on going 1 every Wednesday Jerry, a half-grown awkward country lad, and James are Mr. Tut- in New York. at a little after 5 o'clock he warm. Ivan (I. Tuell. Staples visiting visiting from work remains for to select your very afternoon. Mr. and Mr·. Tut- Work has finished at the corn shop in you the whom Mr. be- tle's parents, Ripley mounted the rail of the bridge, and ; In wool Tkium 91 JO a Tear If paid strictly to advance Miss Alice K. Hammond is in Portland Louise, daughter Tompkins 350 crates lieves his own, Dora 1. Hill. and Mrs. I. W. Shaw. the shipping of about efforts of a who was ! ■ a 4 cent». tle, except of the friend and Hherwlse ti.OO year. Single copie· for a of several weeks. Mr· spite cordu- stay Julia, theonlv child born to Mr. and Tomp- Mrs. Laura E. Murch has olosed out of canned apples. with thew himself off. The bridge | Better come now before Advektiskmknts: — AU légal advertisement» M. made a business kins, Mrs. Agnes Brock. htm, gifts. Jarvis Thayer and busi- ι roy, $2. for a Mr. at the her stock of millinery given up is a abort distance below the and are given three connective Insertion· $1.30 to Portland and Boston last Ruth, niece of Tompkins, boarding East Brownfleld. dam, trip week, Leona ness. Mrs. Murch the business at per Inch In length of column. Special contracts Tompkins homestead, renley. began the water being used by the mills, the show in the for- a woman with a secret inmate of the Come to this ma· le with local, transient and yearly advertis- attending poultry Mrs. Sarah Tompkins, here sixteen years ago, succeed- Mrs. Lois Shackley, an that the stream is narrow. In- the best is gone. visited friends in that embitters her, Mrs. Emma W. Mann nearly point J er». mer city. Mrs. Thayer Mrs. Nellie and has had town died quite suddenly, last be landed ing DeCoster, farm, stead of striking the water | Job Prutixo New fast electric Lewieton during his absence. There will be between acts. of a num- week. type, presse·, specialties the good will and esteem large upon the rocks, a long fall from the I holi- workmen and low price· The remains of the late Thomas E. This entertainment is aon re- store which is brim full of power, experienced Popular price·*. ber of customers in this and surround- Mrs. Will Johnaon and Rupert was taken to a to make this of our bual- bridge. He physician's combine department Stearns, who died suddenly in Cam- under the of Granite Chapter, from Portland laat Handkerchiefs a<-M complete and popular. auspices ing towns. turned Friday. They office, and two surgeons worked over ! Mass., last were O. E. S. have the throat bridge, Wednesday, The remains of Mr·. Emily (Farrar) have been there to boy'a him for several hours, but to no avail. men's to Hillside for inter- for novelties. Buy gifts When in doubt, handker- brought Cemetery As has been the custom many were here from treated. He ia nicely. day try •MOLE COPIES. Morrill brought Augusta, recovering Several bones were broken and he sus- ment Sunday. Obituary notice appears the observance of Christmas will who has had an chiefs. One never has too years Me., where she passed away very sud- F. R. Bradbury, opera- tained other severe injuries, so that it is Single Copies of the l>emocrat are four cents in another column. be a affair, and will be held at the home of her tion for came home Deo. a blue, red and of village denly Saturday appendicitis, a wonder be lived at all. in a man's store that many. White, each. They will be mailed on receipt price by Mrs. Charles E. Waterman of Me- under the of the three Sunday store; or the convenience of auspices Mrs. Chas. P. Hatch. Mrs. 12. Domestic troubles are to have bordered the publisher· for patron· Mrs. of daughter, thought handkerchiefs, 5c. of each Issue have been on chanic Falls was with her mother, Schools of the town. The committee widow of Horace E. jlBKle copie· placed Morrill was the been the inciting cause of the euicide. I White handkerchiefs, 10c, «ale at the following In the John Garland, at L. B. Merrill's several met last Wilson's Mills. and newest 15c, place· County arrangements Thursday evening Morrill, a prominent business man of leads in the latest South Shurtlelf *s Store. last week. H. R. Tuell and decided to last 20c and Initial handker- Tari», Drug days with Mrs. this and was seven ty-three years of M re. Oeo. Nason returned home BADLY MIXED UP. 25c. Norwny, Noyce" Drug Store. of the place, have a Christmas social instead has been an invalid for some week from Portland where ahe has been chiefs, ioc, 15c and 25c. Silk Stone's Drug Store. Pond. age. She Abraham Brown of X. Y., matter \ Ifred Postmaster. Bryant's usual exercises the children. It will for a number of weeks to have her little Winterton, j in men's wearables. No or Rucfcdeld, Cole. by time, having sustained a shock which he handkerchiefs, initial, Poet 0®ce. is in at the had a very remarkable experience; plain ParU Hill, Mr». Harlow. Aubrey Cumrainge visiting be held in Good Will hall Univers- left her She is sur- son doctored. T. White. partially helpless. "Doctors mixed over and West Parla. samuH Gilead. alist church on Christmas eve, Dec. 24. Bennett at hie sis- says: got badly up | 25c 50c. r. A. Shurtleff A Co. vived one βοα, Ralph H. Morrill, and S. W. spent Sunday it in to by me; one said heart two called find Thomas Powers of Hanover doing Every child in the village who desires three Mrs. Frank of ter's. disease; what you want; you'll daughters, Vaughn it the fourth blood the mason work on Stephens' new store. in the Christmas good cheer Miss Alice Morrill of The is all gone and kidney trouble; participate Belmont, Mass., good sleighing and the fifth stomach and liver Coming Evente. The dramatic company will soon pre- is most cordially invited to attend. and Mre. Chas. P. still poison, Amesbury, Mass., raining. none of tbem here. sent a new drama here. The is welcome whether be- the trouble; but helped me; Gloves for proceeds Every child they Hatch of Augusta. The funeral was Mrs. D. C. Bennett started for Dec. 1«-.N).—Annual meeting Maine state Grange. on V. I. S or There so my wife advised Electric Bit- will go towards the repairs long to any Sunday School not. held from the residence of her son after Her three children trying I.ewl*ton. hospital Sunday. which are me to Hall. one or more and are at- ters, restoring perfect Jan. 7.—Oxford Pomona Grange, Norway. will be trees, gifts may the arrival of the train, Rev. went as far as Bethel, where they has been ill but the morning health. One bottle did me more good Gifts. Mrs. Minnie Jordan quite be freely given to the children, Mr. Pottle school. officiating. tending than all the five doctors Neckwear Arm Bands. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. the week with of pneu- and older friends are prescribed." past symptoms parents requested News of the sudden death of Thomas sorts and kinds of other as Guaranteed for blood poison, weakness All good monia. not to bring presents for each Stearns of Maee., has been John's Letter. choic- Made of silk elastic ribbon Cambridge, and all liver and com- in The are lTnlined dress What Shall I Give Him? A. M. C'ha»e is a severe time there will not be for so stomach, kidney great variety. here. having opportunity received here. Mr. Stearns was a Came within one or two of a blaze at ever with silk bow and metal buck- gloves Shoe Store. 3 Shurtleff & est assortment we have Frothlngham's with erysipelas. many. The church will be open after of Chas. H. Miss Knocked plaints, by Co., druggists, 50c to $1.50. Silk Chrtetmae Presents. brother-in-law Prince, our house the other night. all red, gloves, Mrs. Cole of Rumford is work- o'clock in the and any one 50c. shown. All the new shapes le, colors, white, blue, The Ε. N. Swett Shoe Co. Virgil afternoon, A. H. Prince and Mrs. Mary Hall of the from the table, but it didn't lined dress gloves, $1 and for Freeman Whitman. wishes to come either afternoon or lamp etc., each in individual Christmas Gifts. ing who this town, and was a frequent visitor in Glad of it. Still would be in very attractive colorings, fancy Woolen lined Notice. was All explode. Two Bath men believe they have dis- $1.50. gloves, A member of the Salvation Army will be cordially welcome. had friends. re- and Rheumatism Cannot t-e Cured. evening this town where he many proper well to know what and box, 25c 50c. Reindeer for funds to assist are asked to pleased covered the whereabouts of Captain 25 50c. to in town Friday asking the children under 14 years was held at South we 50c $1.50. gloves, The Eye of Every School Child. The funeral Paris, marks would have been made had and in a Christmas dinner for the at 4 and will be en- Kidd's buried treasure, they're go- lined with fur, $2 and Wanted. providing come o'clock, they Sunday, Dec. 15. been found burned all to a crisp. $3. Collector'· Advertisement of Sale. with and for an ing after it. It's good to have your poor in Portland. tertained plays games Warren Record returned from a hunt- Were interested in what Professor Buck driving gloves, fur lined, For Sale. rented the Hods- all the re- as the Irishman said when Charles Jacobs has hour or two. By 0 o'clock with a fine on the laugh first, in Stove Wood for Sale. ing trip to Bethel Monday Bateman gave to the Journal the bull the House Coats Bath Robes $2 50. Worsted gloves don house. of the children and he was going to take by For Kent. mainder young peo- buck as a reward for his efforts. hollowness of the but and and was re- globe—interested horns and rub bis nose in the dirt. colors, 35c Dr. E. Estes of Kumford in town are invited to be and was the a man. plain fancy ple present, An entertainment given by not convinced that it is a beautiful are a nice to give a neces- Here and There. of cake and gift have become almost Monday. freshments sandwiches, scholars of the Buckfield High School in and that the time is sure 50c. country there, are that is a make Edwin Andrews is to build another cocoa will be served to them. Follow- He WANTED They something sity to man. We quite Friday night with the following pro- coming when it will be occupied. and used for addition to hie livery stable. this there will be prayer by the pas- to be a of these We read that the chief of the fire de- ing gramme: wrote as if he believed himself. He appreciated showing garments. and two or three Christmas songs a time. House Coats in and in Portland "was unanimously tor, Music Orchestra. didn't tell how we are to get there- long Heavy wool robes, in gray partment Ureenwood. the after which the Lena EVERT MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD IN Men's of by children, gifts Reading. Tho Trooper Ingereoll. shin down the The blue and each. and re-elected, in spite determined oppo- FMille ....Prof. A. A. Townc. pole, probably. gray, $5 blue combinations, $5 $6. Business was fairly good about here will be distributed. The remainder of Vocal solo, and I, PARIS sition." Which statement is doubtless Amy Turner. spirit of emigration has not moved up- SOUTH considering the time and place. the nntil 10 o'clock will be given Rea-llng, Tommy's Prayer, at first blush it looks Monday, evening Muelc, Orchestra. on us thitherward as yet. To our mind correct, though we a over to call at our store for the By special invitation took trip over to the young people for asocial. Reading Marguerite Stanle·. location for greatest it would be an admirable and health restorer Hosiery peculiar. to (i. W. Q Perham's, in Woodstock, to Mrs. Charles S. Bacon has been in poor Vocal solo, Guy Allen. strength creator hades—the under world. ie Robes see new barn and other ad- which we have ever sold—Vinol. It Night in his was the farce Men's Shirts. buildings health of late. This followed by "Popping Mountain chose officers for the good wearing qualities. a and were well rewarded for our of the late cast: Grange not a medicine, but the most val- for wear- In 1SS1 President Garfield appointed joining, Mrs. Mary J. Willis, widow the Question," with the following last An invita- patent in or with trim- Men come here good ensuing year Saturday. liver made an white, plain of the of custom» for New York To describe them all in detail Ethan died last at Beach Don uable cod preparation by A large showing best cotton collector journey. Willie, Tuesday Mr. Primrose, Wlthlngton. tion is out to visit Union Grange the and $1. Out- ing hose. All grades of without the New York sen- wi uld a column of space; hence where she has made her Henry Thornton, ...... EtMlo Hutchinson. extractive and concentrating process ming, 50c, 75c sorts. White laundered shirts, consulting require mont, Mass., Elsie Irish. fourth wool hose from to The im- size and a few additional at El'en Murray, Saturday. from fresh cods' livers without a of flannel robes, and $1. and 15c 50c. ators in regard to the matter. their number, home since the death of Mr. Willis Helen Shaw. are in evidence at drop ing 50c and Soft bosom Miss BclUn Christmas goods the stomach 50c, 75c $1. result was the of remarks must suffice. Paris somo sinco. Julia Glle. oil to nauseate and upset flannel $1, mediate resignation South years Mies Wlnterblussom the stores—fine and frail mostly. Outing pajamas, shirts to wear with in and a are as noted down at the a week or Ellen Cole. and retard its work, and tonic iron which collar, Senators Conkling and Piatt, Here they Mr. Roecoe Tuell, who for Bobbin, around oftener than it and $3. Christmas gets a the blood $1.50 white and in the which may time: main barn. 42 χ 120. 17 foot post- was on the sick is much im- were all well taken and show- is needful constituent for ajid colors, 50c $1. factional fight party two list, The parts used to do, but it does not bring with it Underwear. been in some degree shed and hen hard work on the of teachere added. Flannel shirts in blue, have responsible al; sheep shed, 15x36; proved. ed part the same as it did a half century gray, from 8 to feelings We do not believe there is a in for the assassination of President Gar- house, 20 χ 34; 250 feet wall, Marion Curtie has been ill with and scholars. Tho entertainment was that we person brown and other to All of cotton and quite ago, and more—an indication colors, $1 weights short time since President 12 feet 300 feet but is now convalescent. a short dance. The this vicinity who cannot be benefited by field. A high; buildings, long chicken pox followed by pro- haven't our second childhood— Sweaters shirts in wool for men and Men's reached this season of the Vinol $2. Boys' many boys. Roosevelt appointed a collector of cus- with cellar under the whole; 85 windows Friends and acquaintances here were ceeds were for the school and amounted Vinol at year. as yet. is to the and it is for each 50c to Boys' 25 and 50c. toms for New York without consultation and ">0 doors. shocked to hear of the sudden death last to about dollars. delicious taste, recog- are a correct for this styles 50c $2.50. thirty Two young ladies from Lexington, thing the New senators The old barn was not taken down until of Mr. nized as the greatest strength creator for in with either of York week at Cambridge, Mass., are at Horatio Davee's. weather. We have them senators is the of when work on the new Mass., staying old women and chil- And though one of the the last June, Thomas E. Stearns. Bethel. them with a most people, weak, sickly coat white We hope to furnish and after a the style, blue, gray, same Piatt, he has shown no sign even one commenced, and being near the hay- Miss Elinor H. Tuell, who because of dren, nursing mothers, he needs a new Rev. C. N. G lesson finished his pastor- desirable winter. It has started in well. and combinations, $2 to $6. Perhaps of being offended, and the incident ex- season the neighbors said Mr. Per- trouble with her eyes could not begin sevore sickness. Drvy ς' ing ate with the church last How we dread the snapping up process. & VIULllVd. Suit or Overcoat. Then affair left this time sure. But at South Congregational Vinol Is for to UlfJ cites casual comment. The bara would get the winter term of High School Don't about unequaled backing coughs, Boys'Sweaters, 50c $1.50. only and left for his new field of 0, it will snap. you worry bronchitis and ail throat shows that we have to some extent got he didn't. When the hay was ready to has decided to remain at home Sunday chronic colds, not it now and it Christmas? Either would make Paris, Ν. that. repeats itself. why buy present of the two weeks lato like all other and intends to enter West- labor, Henniker, H., Wednesday. History and troubles. Creates an appetite out of the grip spoils system cut, being this winter, Mabel comes home from Rum- lung Overcoats to The town schools opened Monday. Niece who are too a useful and sensible Suits to up which once held our so the barn was so far advanced as brook next and makes those thin, fat, gift. Boys' up $5. country tightly. crops, Seminary April. Gould for the winter ford on a two weeks' vacation. to be for it. The to Miss Academy opened rosy and healthy. ready young girls belonging term Fred Warren has his position $7.50. was the boss Tuesday. resigned We have had so much with Alton Bacon carpenter Jennie M. Brown's class in the Univers- some or experience The small deficit in the office de- Miss Dixon went to as cream collector, after eight re- post and no man knows his business better met at the home of Tuesday Daisy Vinol and seen so many wonderful re- alist Sunday School was ten service. Gammon as shown by the annual Dr. King's Hospital and operated years' Young its use that we offor to return Dec. to Dec. partment, than he. His crew was not large, but their teacher Friday evening of last week sults from Open Evenings from 19 25. less than seven mil- for Her many friends takes his place. if it does not port—something when thev struck a nail it was sure to and themselves into the upon appendicits. money without question WE HAVE A LARGE VARIETY to editors one organized are to hear of the successful re- The wasn't and possibly lions—reveals commenting of on the pleased lamp lighted, all we claim for it. P. A. be on the head instead linger; Leaf" Club, their emblem being that it accomplish EVERY ONE HANDSOME Closed all Dec. 25. two to the view- "Lucky sult and for a recovery. that may have been the reason day of things. according so went with all to hope speedy Shurtleff «& South Paris, that the buildings up the dainty clover leaf. They plan we etill Co., Druggists, CORRECT AND DEPENDABLE first, that a private company The stores are busy with Christmas did not explode, and that point: the regularity of Solomon's temple, and meet on alternate and Maine. IN the business without Friday evenings, and a better line of ATTRACTIVELY.. PACKED could do postal manner. There a shoppers holiday occupy. in a workmanlike their time will bo employed in course John. BOXES deficit; second, that the deficit will was never displayed here. INDIVIDUAL any is no cobhouse work to be seen in the of reading as well as a social hour. goods ANNUAL MEETING. soon Tbe first may be true, The remains of Mrs. Helen Heath disappear. whole structure. As that set of build- A night operator lias been in- Maine News Notes. and it not, though it is generally regular were from Portland to Bethel The annual of the Oxford may ings now stands, it cannot be duplicated stalled at the here. brought meeting assumed that a can depot funeral services were held at her B. corporation H. private in town, and but seldom in the county. Miss the teacher who has charge |and Patrons of Mutual Foster, Price, County Husbandry do almost anything cheaper than the late home Saturday afternoon. On the same day, Frank Morgan and of the room, instead of board- Insurance will be But the second is grammar the Ladies' Club of the on the Fire Company government. entirely men went deer and Thursday A Wilton doctor, arrested two other hunting, at C. F. Barden's with the other South on incorrect. The deficit will dis- ing Congregational church held their annual of the death of a young held at Grange Hall, Paris, ONE PRICE CLOTHIER, postal he proved to bo the only man, securing teachers, has a room at the home of C. charge causing at the same time that other de- Christmas sale and supper at Garland woman a criminal Dec. at 10 appear as he did a buck with four points. H. Lane, Jr., and takes meals at J. R Kangeley by operation, Saturday, 28, 1907, of the show a The tables were well filled was when the hear- partments government It was also on the same day that our Tucker's. chapel. promptly discharged o'clock A. M. from their operation. When the with needle work, also many use- was held. to choose profit daughter, Mrs. 1. W. Swan, and her Mrs. Blanche Penley Smith of Norway dainty ing G. W. PERHAM, Many colors from, Maine. deficit gets near the vanish- ful .is well as ornamental articles suit- Q. dangerously Mrs. D. R. Cole, made a brief has been in town for a few visit. 'The of a male which Jiad and Norway, the service will be daughter. days' able fur Christmas which found a body child, Secretary. 25c 50c. ing point, improved visit at the Bennett and left be- friends of Miss gifts, was and place, Over tweuty Margie evidently died from exposure, found Dec. or the cost of postage cheapened, the ready sale. The supper was prouounced Bryant's Pond, Me., 3, '07. fore our return home, thus missing M. McKenney met last Friday evening a section hand Thursday near the the deficit, though variable, will be per- the best by the large number who par- by opportunity of seeing them. at the store of G. A. Smith and marched railroad track not far from Brunswick. took of it. The candy table was very in- petual. Daniel Br>ant started the last of the in a to the home of her parents, of what to be a body and well and although Investigation may prove week intending to go as far as Freeport Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. viting patronized murder is in McKenney. They treasurer is not able to progrees. first he to the report non in which and Portland. At intended carried a variety of useful articles The big game s< Maine, great at this date it is very en- Trust which and other in Massa- a boun- accurately The Bath Co., suspended was somewhat remark- visit Boston places and the recipient with closed Saturday, surprised couraging to the ladies to know the sum business the financial trouble a While there have chusetts, but it g.>t so late in the season tiful kitchen shower. We are minded to during able in one respect. to be added to the exceeds weeks last week. PRESENTS. that of the treasury few ago, reopened CHRISTMAS that he canceled part pro- remark that events cast their been several deaths due to accidental "coming is the sum in the is also previous years. $140 The bank examiner says it perfectly mis- gram. shadows before." The company in For the shooting, no one has been shot by hands of the treasurer at present. ■λ"··Ί ·»»ζϊββ/1 Kotfat* ohtna than It looks wasteful to see so many ap- homemade and peanuts Holidays. for a deer. brought candy a take Mr. Scott Godwin, who has been ill ever. This is the bank in Maine ples still on the trees, as though un- and a pleasant eveuing. only spent long time, died last Wednesday, and which hae shown any of AND williug to fall to the ground and rot, Five went from here Saturday to take sign being FANCY COLLARS COAT SETS, funeral services wore held at the home affected the financial You The wave which has swept instead of being utilized by the creature the examination at Rumford Falls for by flurry. AND A Few of the prohibition of his mother Friday afternoon. BURNT WOOD LEATHER, Things over the South seems to have reached man. They are now in good condition the new rural free delivery route to bo A double due to an accident Mr. Ε C. Vandenkerckhoven, who has shooting HANDKERCHIEFS in New and in last week's elec- to work up into frozen apple cider. established from this poet office through occurred at Trenton on the while Variety, England, been ill the past week, is re 7th, tions transferred several large Massa Samuel Lucas, whose death was re- North Paris to Sumner. seriously Cushman Fred and John ported to be more comfortable. Much Alley, Mayo CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES, Can Find at Our Store. was a native of Hart- » uv/ VWM chusetts cities to the no-license column. last week, dit iiUTJiU U iHi«UU, were were ported is as bis studio was hunting. They valking uiuv w* vuv V«v* &c. the sentiment will travel far lui 11, UU1U nuuiu —Bernlce Wooîwanl, Farmlogton purchased Gus has made another fine ad- the First Quality Yours, H. McKeen a Bonney have for asking. they gave Sincerely of Comrade Henry good Norma) *rhool. mas goods. Master Earl Dunham, while dition to his herd of Holsteins Gloves in many styles, 50 to $8.00 W by pur- away the railroad etation to Sumner, man has gone from among us, and Village—Ulaitye Leav'.tt. Karmlogton Normal his were away, the time parents spent chasing a fine calf from the Stevens then the corn and the funniest Handsome Four-in-Hands, Tecks and Bows, .25 and .50 Post, G. A. R mourns the School. Mr. Mrs. factory, K. Kimball Rates with bis grandparents, and is a Centre—Grace E. Haine-, «'ollege. Farm at Laconia, Ν. Y. It beauty. of it all was the strip of land about Men's Coat extra 8 1.50 to 4.00 comrade. — part Sweaters, loss of a true and loved Nelson Kramena A. Qutmbv, Kates College. Hiram Dunham, of North Paris. heavy one-half mile from the station where 5.00 to We realize that the change is his gain, No. 8— Μ ν ra E. Wood, Liver more Ka!l«, Me. There have been some very crops Business Suits, 17.00 good North Stoneham. was a drunken which re- is a sadness in the there quarrel yet there thought The fail term of the academy ha« of oats raised in this vicinity this sea- Vests of many kinds, 2.00 to 2.50 Mrs. Elden McAllister has gone to sulted in the death of one of the parties. Fancy that we shall no more enjoy his presence closed for the Christmas vacation. A son. The following is a list of the num- B. S. 10.00 to 14.00 S. & Z. Prince, Paris for the winter and Mr. McAllister wanted this land and Hartford Overcoats, and fraternal greetings. lecture was i{iven bof»re the students ber of bushels raised by some of the They is with Jaroes McAllister. cheerfully it to them. Rain 10.00 to 15.00 MAINE. All citizens will cherish the evening Mrs. Hannah Bailey farmers: Geo. A. Chandler 55; Geo. staying gave Coats, ABBOTT BLOCK, NORWAY, loyal Tuesday by Urebal Gammon from is visit- On the north end of Hartford Canton memory of one, who, in the best days of of Waterville. There was a sociable West 155; Geo. E. Pulsifer 157; Oscar Norway Hosiery, fancy and plain, .25 to .50 front ing his uncle, Wm. and hunt- wanted a certain piece of land to make his young manhood went to the Thursday evening and most of the stu- Swift about 200. Gammon, 50 to $1.50 for deer. the and to make Canton more Underwear, and braved the many dangers of war for dents went home on Mrs. Ε. I. Beck and little eon of ing place Friday. of Sweden is at L. J. so Hartford made Canton a present Men's Kid Romeo Slippers, 1.25 four long years for the preservation of Livermore Falls'are visiting with Mrs. Ephraim Durgin tony, Bethel. Gammon's. of the grove and part of what need to be Men's Kid Everett and ... .75 to 1.25 our country and the honor of its flag. East Beck's parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Opera Slippers, and Miles Adams have gone on called Pond, now called Lake is one more to Whitney Past. His departure adds grave Mrs. Etta Bean visited relatives in Glover. Ralph to the mountain birch for J, cannot pronounce the the many for loyal hands to garland Portland last week. Mrs. Hattie left for Hartford cutting something—I Our store will be evenings for holiday trade from Dec. IS. Thanksgiving open Young Bartlett. name and I would not if I could. with blossoms on each returning spring- Mr. George and eon Robert Wednesday to visit friends and relatives. Hastings Mr. and Mrs. Β. E. Brown from Lovell I think Hartford would time. We realize the keener grief of visited Portland the 14th. Lewis Thomas of Massachusetts is give up every- Saturday, with a are at their near had if could reserve those who were nearer and dearer to Mr. has sold his farm to at A. G. Farrar's. Mr. Thomas party camp thing they they only Harry Bryant staying Mountain and the Back :urni«her, we extend our heart- Speckled Mountain. the Centre, Bear J. F. PLUMMER, to an is him, and them Mr. Hollis Cooiidge, who Is moving in. is experienced hunter and the first Christmas Mm. Amos McKeen and daughter the place where Moses Coming. felt Miss Florence is teaching the time he went into the woods he shot a neighborhood, Market SOUTH ME. sympathy. Shillings Annie were this who deals in oxen. 31 Square, PARIS, That our charter be draped winter term of school. She is deer. through place Saturday Young lives, fancy Resolved, boarding Wm. Cushman. for thirty days, and that these resolu- at Fred C. Bean's. Elazel Morrill, little daughter of selling pictures. Telephone 106-3. tions be spread upon the records of our Alder River Grange will bold a sale Nahura Morrill, has been in poor health have an and a copy sent to the Oxford and at the Hall for some time. The doctors have de- Locke's Mills. Oxford Pomona Orange. We just opened elegant m Post, supper Grange Friday Democrat for publication. evening, Dec. 20. Useful and fancy cided that she has enlargement of the Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Trask visited Bert Time, first Tuesday in January. Place, ) and Gentlemen's Πκνκυ H. Maxim, articles will be on sale, including an liver. Sanborn and wife at Bethel Sunday, Norway. Program: line of Ladies' Chaki.ks Gkokoe, Committee. work bundle Heath of is here £ apron table, fancy table, Miss Ada Buckfield Dec. 7. Opening In 5th degree. TUOMAS POWERS, ) table, cndy tnble. and things ; caring for her mother, Mrs. Gilman Mrs. Harry Brooks (Ethel Sanborn) of Routine work. Umbrellas. Mualc. to try your luck on for live and ten Heath, who has been quite sick with a Massachusetts visited relatives in town Paper, Bro. J. W. Hunting. 60 YEARS' cents. One of their famous sappers will severe cold. last week. 5th Resolutions. ! Conferring degree. foleyshonemar be served from β to 8. The is Linnie Pratt is at work for Mrs. Alma Mr. David Foster was at South Paris Reccst. EXPERIENCE Our·· Coldsi Prevent· ΡκμιιμΙι We have a stock of Lamps. Whereas, The Great Master above baa public good invited to attend The Buck. and Norway P.M. taken from our midst our beloved very cordially Tuesday. sale and will be followed a Mrs. C. M. Kimball has been the Music, Choir. brother, Wm. H. Pearson, therefore be supper by gnest Ware. social dance with music. of her Mrs. Frank Frost. Paper, Stater Rebecca Shodd. A stock of Japanese it good North Paris. daughter, Music. large Mr. Addison Sunday at Teat Aaaoclatlons. dlacuaaed State KILLthi COUGH Resolved, That Franklin Grange has A. T. Hollis has bought him a yoke of Bryant spent Cow by Dairy Denmark. Milton. Instructor, Bro. Leon Merrill. THE lost an earnest and interested member, oxen of Austin of Greenwood and CURE LUNGS Gloves and Mittens for Men, The school has been discontinued Hayes Mrs. Ida Crooker and Mrs. Lola Mualc. and though from failing strength he has high Question, Should the tariff be taken from wood Patents City. for a short time on account of sickness Foster spent Wednesday afternoon with I RADE HIKIM· been unable to meet with us recently, A man from has been through pulp? of Mr. Freeman teacher. Chicago Mrs. Lizzie Bartlett at East Bethel. Dmiqns Women and Children. still our hearts are tilled with sorrow Sanborn, here Readings. w,th Β Smith have buying apples. Rev. Mr. Schoonover of Bethel was in Mualc. Copyrights Ac. until we Mr. and Mrs. Charles that we shall not meet again Harry Hazelton is working for M. S. 8BC. Anyone lending ■ «ketch and description may Dr. to California to the winter. town calls. our frt· whether an reach the land "where everlasting spring gone spend Bubier. Wednesday making quickly ascertain opinion King's Art Mr. Hollis Plant has sold his farm to The members of the V. I. S. held a Invention le probably patentable, Commnnlca- Mats, Hassocks, Squares abides and never fading flowers." A. F. Mayhew has been on the sick Another Oold Medal for Grand Trunk. tlom strict 17 confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent· in Norway, Me. business meeting Thursday evening, eent free. Oldest Mener for nocurinf patents. Resolved, That our community has parties list. taken Munn Λ Co. notlTe of were in town tbe Dec. at the home of the The Grand Trunk Railway System Patents throusb New and size Ctb, president, In th· % Rugs. a and citizen, Buyers apple* notice, without charge. Carpet lost patriotic progressive a Gold tpteUU Discovery week $1 50 a but Mrs. Frank Frost. After the business have received diploma and Medal I and the wife a devoted husband. past offering barrel, did not succeed in Brownfleld. was finished a delicious lnnoh of cake awarded to them by the Jury of Awards FOB Resolved, That we extend to our be- buying any. Mr. Albert Blake was kicked in tbe and coffee was served. at the recent Canadian National Exhibi- Scientific American. C8lS?8 JlvtL reaved sister oar sincere sympathy in A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest ctr- AND ALL THROAT AND LUNA TROUBLE». Lake. back and seriously injured. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Libby of Gorham, tion at Toronto for the excellent and eolation of any sclentmc tournai. Terme, tS · her sorrow. Norway : four months, |L Bold by all newsdealers. great Little Rufus Johnson is in tbe Ν. visited at Abner last attractive exhibit that was installed by year GUARANTEED 8ATI8FA0T0BY a of these réso- Mrs. L. A. Titcomb Is visiting her hospital H., Libby's Resolved, That copy at the last Toronto ex- A. Flint. for treatment of the throat. week. this company OB MONET REFUNDED. lution* be upon the records, a daughter, Mrs. Clara spread Mr. Wm. Rowe has to Peabody, Several men in the of the New hibition. The medal is a very handsome to the and a Robins were seen in several places gone employ taitussup copy sent bereaved family, on one of Go. with friends. Co. nave been mak- side the bast Sir & to Christmas Bolster one—bearing N. sent to to the Oxford Democrat for here the morning of the ninth. Mass., spend England Telephone copy a stable. Wilfrid Laurier in and on Thaxter Doughty of Greenwood has Mr. J. McDonald is bnilding ing repairs along the line. high relief, publication. reverse aide crest of Daytonas MARKBT N. W. Johnson and Will MoDonald Mr. Charles Farnnm has moved from the the the Toronto SQUARB1, Mrs. Emily J. Fklt. bought tbe old Mills farm of the Part- | I each shot a deer. Walker's Mills into one of the new rents Industrial Exhibition surmounted a. RHETÎBOHITHCAE FOLEY3KIWŒYCORB G. W. Pekham. ridge Lumber Co., and ha* moved there by ■alt·! km My· mmI IIiMip ■OUTS PARIS. MAINS]. Q. ▲ oold braes· Thursday on Sohool Street. beam. I Mas. COBA J. PlBHiK. vary recently. night. Xfce βϊίοτΛ Semocrat Rev. Charlee McColly of Madison, who Victor Campbell Drowned. A REAL WONDERLAND. PVriV^nVTVnvrWTWTWTWTVn»PortVn^^n^n»^r rwf^V rupTrv ■ *·» ■ ^· is the organizer of the largest men's NORWAY. South with its rich silver I THE 1 Dakota, School class in will and Sunday Maine, .«peak TEX-TEAB-OI.D BOT GOES THBODGH THE STATED MEKTIKQS. mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges to the men's class at the Methodist ! BLUE STORES j F A Λ. M. meeting of Oxford natural formations, ia a veritable SOUTHPARIS. ICE AT SOUTH PABIS. Regular Lodge, strange church Thursday evening, hie topic No. li\ Id Masonic Hall, Friday Evenlnz on 01 wonderland. At Mound City, in the bef. thin ice on the and those who saw Dr. New great ing itself for at lea- the accident were unable to rescue him that saved his life and com- visited day: and resisted all attempts to check it. He ings of each month. Mt. Hope Bebekah Lodge, medicine, want to remind the purchasing pub- week. was No. 58, meets on first and third of eacb cured him." Guaranteed for I last was a most estimable man, and until life gone. Friday pletely young month. us After the close of school for the and throat and lung A the most of at The Seneca Club meets this every one feels great sorrow at his loss. day, K. of P.—Regular In Hathaway Block coughs colds, troubling Monda] meeting A question lie can find useful The funeral will be held at 1:30 Victor, though he had been warned every Thursday ϋ. B., A. O. Noyes troubles, by Shurtleff Co., druggists. that very evening with Mrs. Hilton at her home 01 , Tuesday Evening, I they No. miets third of each free. at the home and burial will be at against doing it, took his school books 12, Friday •50c. and 11.00. Trial bottle a we can Pleasant Street. here, annth. Lake Assembly, No. 33. P. S., second the time. If it is HIM West Paris. and went on to the ice on the mill pond present and fourth Friday evenings of each month. The and council last week and Mrs. Albert D. Park was visited with other Above what is known meets second and governor acceptable bj boys. P. of H.—Norwav Grange in the a as fourth of each month at Hall. heard two I her sister, Mrs. Heald of East Sumner, the "Sandy," there is a large cove and Saturdays Orange pardon petitions—one solve the for if Erskine-Mc Ardle. G. A. Rust No. meets In case of a Richmond seller you you few last week. the is wide. Here the ice R.—Hurry Post, 54, liquor serving certainly problem days pond quite Ν :w A. R. Hall on the flret C. Erskine West G. Tuesday Evening a which was the George of Rutland, had broken of each month. jail sentence, denied; a evidently partly up during Dwight Wise of Gardiner made va other in the case of Edward A. Chase, one our stores. Mass., and Miss I L. Mc Ardle of South the thaw, and while some of it was W. B-C.-MeetslnNewG. A. B. Hall. Mon- will come to of short visit to his parents, Mr, and Mrs was for life for the Paris were married afternoon at thick to hold a in day evening. who sentenced Tuesday enough light person, Ν. E. O. P.—Lakeside No. meets In George Wise, the tirst of last week. the home of the bride's in South Lodge, 177, murder of Mrs. Ida Stevens of Gardiner mother other there was the ice on Gifts Sew G. A.R. Hall, the first and third Wed- places only in 1888. This L. and Thais A. Paris. Rev. J. II. Little was the officiat- which had made in hours or of each month. in Portlaud April, petition The Present Should be Use- Holiday Ilenry Curumings twenty-four nesday evenings O. U. A. and South Paris was laid on the table until the next were married at the residence ing clergyman, performing the ceremony so. Bartlett and Butters, M.—Norway Council, (ummings Llewellyn Roy No. lo, meets at' G. A. R. Hall every Tuesday in the of a few immediate rela- meeting. of J. Π. Little Saturday evening last, presence boys a little older than the Campbell evening. ful to be in fact there is in our the service. tives. The bride wore her going away were with and the Bartlett U. O. P. F.—Elm Tree Colony, No. 199, meets Appreciated. nothing using ring boy, him, HERE'S GOOD ADVICE. here, gown of blue broadcloth. second and fourth Wednesday evenings of eacb Immediately from the back we can best Christmas will be observed at the Con- boy, starting peninsula momh. one beRt known It's the fensible to make, too. after the Mr. and Mrs. Erskine across 0. S. Woolever, of the gift Perhaps help ceremony, of the cemetery, had gone the ice U. O. G. C.—Norway Commander}*, No. 247, store that is not and it is church of Le Ν. a arti- useful, gregational Tuesday evening, took the express for their home in Massa- to the east bank of the river. The meets second and fourth Thursday evenlcgs of merchants Raysville, Y., Bays: to decide on what it will be enumerating few of the Dec. 24. with and Christmas tree with you by supper chusetts. started to follow him. and each month "If you are ever troubled piles, ap- the School. Campbell boy K. G. E.—Oxford Castle, No. 2, meet* In Ryer- It cured cles that will find in our stocks. for for Sunday Mrs. Erskine is the daughter of in Bucklen's Arnica Salve. you economy everyone only broke through one of the thin places son hall, Thursday evening, September to ply always good every me of them for 20 The evening service at the Universal- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McArdle. She the ice. May, first and third Thursday evenings, May to good years ago." from \ormal Guaranteed for sores, wounds, burns or ν YOU WILL HAVE TO COME AND SEE THEM on ist church was omitted last Sunday, and graduated Farmington The other two boys who were with September. to have several pairs of shoes and for a while was in abrasions. 25c. at Shurtleff & Co.'e the topic for the evening will be used School, engaged him made all effort to get him out, both Now for enow for the winter's busi- TO FULLY APPRECIATE THEIR WORTH. teaching in Massachusetts. Later she some stores. the tirst Sunday in January. of them getting ioto the water to ness. Many teams are idle owing to tbe drug no for a while in the South Paris hand at the same taught extent in doing it, but they were unable condition of the roads. who time, danger The Democrat was misinformed last has Juan Robens, or Jack Roberts, Linen schools, and for the past few years to near to rescue him, and M. has been confined to HANDKERCHIEFS—Japonette, Co'ton, Lawn, that get enough Ο. Cummings after two trials was convicted of the INITIAÉ week in stating Mr. and Mrs H. T. been teacher of music and in had close work and can drawing the Butters boy pretty bis home with lumbago. at and Silk, 5c, 10c, 15c, 10c, 25c, 50c. of too many, you were moving back to the Dr, of murder of J. E. Dickinson Smyrna having Briggs the schools Norway. getting back on to firm ice. Oscar Bennett has for some been \W .dburv house. remain at Mrs. days will take sentence at the next 50c. In handsome They In the social life in the she has ran to mill for Mills, Tecks, 4-in-hands, 15c, 25c, village The boys then Billings1 on tbe sick list. was NECKWEAR—Bows, Stone's. term of court. An appeal entered a assortment of taken a large part, and has been a favor- and in a short time there was shades that will him. If you like we will present find here complete help, very C. B. Cummings A- Sons bave complet- not be- surely please ite with all. In all of work in the case, but was prosecuted and Winslow departments a crowd of men and at the at the a box to it in. Ernest P. Crockett C. large boys ed repairs and improvements up- fore the law court. you with pretty individual put of the Cniversalist church she has been scene, but the ice was not will be in order Thayer attended the state poultry show strong enough per saw mill and business the that active. She was a member of BRACES—hut durable. We do oot believe in kind at Portland last week. Mr. Crockett especially to allow the men to get out where the at the old mill with a fall of snow. A DANGEROUS DEADLOCK, FANCY effects made some his and the Seneca Club and the Fan-Tan Club, went in. A Hat bottomed boat at are made for show but instead buy neat, pretty KINDS OF FOOTWEAR exhibited of birds brought boy big The Partridge Lumber Company that sometimes terminates fatally is the just ALL and very in both those organiza- was at the and R. L. home several premiums. popular procured mill, Norway Lake have their mill building of liver and bowel functions. for wear. Each pair in a neat individual box at 25c, 50c, 75c, 91 tions. While she has a number of James Heath and Carroll stoppage great Cummings, up and in readiness for the machinery. end this condition without At the close of the of friends to To quickly sell a many. Just the for regular meeting rejoice in her happiness, they Kdwarde started for the It was T. B. who has the FANCY ARMLETS—Always great thing At the price. of the G. A. place. Doughty, purchased sensations. Dr. King's New right the Ladies K., Saturday can but feel that her is a dis- slow work as had to break dixagreeable an 50c. going away rather they Andrew Mills farm near tbe centre of should be inexpensive gift, 15c, 25c, evening. Dec. 21, a short entertainment tinct loss to tbe Life Tills always your remedy. community. their way the ice. After reach- the is marked not have a stock of SLIP- furnished and refreshments through town, making improve- Guaranteed absolutely satisfactory in a large variety but a good assortment of Cuff Buttons, We only very large will be light Mr. Erskine is a native of Jefferson, the it was a short time be- JEWELRY—Xot ing spot, very ment in the place. case or back at the drug and but will be to which the Post are in- a every money PERS for WOMEN CHILDREN, every served, Maine, and was classmate of Miss fore secured the the use was on the streets Sat- 25c, 50c, 75c, $1. MEN, they body by Report current stores of F. A. Shurtleff question it. starts off with ι way The camp forty-seven each a deer. They feel well pleased rent in the with his sister. Kev. Mr. McYVhorter Offices or small store to IS NOW GOING ON. he will spend the winter responded briefly charter members, aud every prospect of | with their and with evident trip. Mrs. Η. Ε. M. Allen. He makes a short but feelingly sincerity. For the present have a Davis South Paris. prosperity. meetings] The young people enjoyed long Block, OF etav in Boston, and will for a while Refreshments of ice cream and cake will be held on the second and fourth TO OUR 1907 STOCK stop season of skating on the lake and pond. at WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION friends in Toledo, before go- were served after the speaking, and of each in ! Inquire with Ohio, Saturday evenings month, They have all taken advantage of the BIGGER AND BETTER THAN This be con some time before the South Paris Savings Bank. CHRISTMAS GOODS AS BEING ing on to Lincoln. might spent socially Grand Army Hall. excellent condition of the ice with very a man of his broke The affair was 51 tf STRICTLY sidered quite a trip for age assembly up. few accidents none serious. EVER BEFORE. YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING re- Dec. indeed, to take as he will be 81 in Febru- and enjoyable in all Taxes will be Advertised 23. alone, very pleasant Invitations are out to members of OF BEST AND SOLD AT A FAIR PRICE. Mr. Maxim will take it without hasn't called Collector's Advertisement of Sale of HIGH GRADE, QUALITY ary, but spects. If your tax collector your Norway Lodge, No. 10, I. O. O. F., for a any trouble. attention to the matter, (he probably meeting on Tuesday evening Lands of Non-Resident Owners. Death of Thomas E. Stearns. that the last regular lias), it is well to take note when Mt. Mica of South Paris The remains of Mrs. Anna L. .Merrill Lodge This is but a list of Thomas E. Stearns, a native of l'aris changed the law regarding will the of and MAINE. partial were brought here from Lewiston for legislature be guests Norway Lodge, STATE OF Leather Goods and a resident here during a part the sale of real estate for taxes. Pre- in the 3d Work Baskets the we can show interment on Thursday. Mrs. Merrill large work will be done degree upon goods you. of his life, died very in Cam- viously the date of the sale has been the candidates. The work of the Card Case*, Hand was the widow of Hiram G. Merrill, and suddenly several on lands situated In the town of Wallet*, Bill Books, He in a and a Unpaid taxes small. An for the line is stocked complete. Purses, a bridge, Mass., Wednesday evening. lim Monday December, year will be followed with a supper. of for the year Large and appropriate present Every was for a long time until within few evening Paris, In the County Oxford, Music Cases, Mediciue Cases, fell on tbe street while on the way to the half or thereabouts following the assess- Stearns is a Bags, Rolls, Cigar a South Paris. She We understand that A. J. 1907. ladies. years resident of in &c. her home of his eon. John I'. Stearns, with ment. Now it is the first Monday candidate for the of battalion The following list of taxes on real estate of Travelling Sets, Ac., died on Tuesday at the home of position of Paris, 25 cents to $7.00 eacb. whom he mule his home. He was seen following the assessment. N. G. S. M. non-resident owners In the town Toilet Cases Mrs. in Lewis February in the First Regt., inc for collection oldest daughter, Frost, adjutant for the year 1907, committed to to fall and an ambulance and Real estate assessed for taxes of 1907, the of re- where the funeral was held. Mrs. physician Vacancy caused by resignation for said town on the 11th day of May, 1907, ton, was before is will be sold that If leaves were summoned, but he dead on which the tax unpaid, Lieut. Hal R. Eaton who has gone to mailt unpaid; and notice Is hereby given Merrill was 59 years of age, and are Manicure Sets assistance could reach him. under this law on the first Monday of A. said taxes, Interest and charges not pre Pens also leaves one Massachusetts. Lieut. Frank Hay- as Is Fountain seven children. She vlousl ν paid, so much of the real estate taxed Mr. .Stearns was born in Paris, Nov. 1908. The law requires that a for the amount due Cameras Edwin I. of this February, den is also candidate position. sufficient and necessary to pay the brother, Spofford, place. six weeks in be ■2~>, 1831, the son of Pbineas Stearns, and the sale shall be advertised C. B. Cumminge & Sons repaired their therefor, Including Interest and charges, will Brushes A one for $1.00. at New South Paris, the for lovers of good of Mrs. B. a of one of the best known of This makes it necessary that sold at auction Hall, Just tiling Photography. The remains Emily Hersey member advance. on Main Street near Stone's public ones fur and #2.00. heating pipes In said town, on the flrst Monday In February, Better $1.50 were here on Saturday from the old Paris families. He had made the notices of sale shall be not Kodaks $1.00 to $20.00 each. brought posted drug store this week. at nine o'clock A. M. $2.50 to $10.00 of this month. 1908, Knives Tbe best made, Waterman's Ideal, Houlton for burial in Riverside Cemetery. his home in Cambridge for about twenty- later than the 23d Circle will serve a s « The Universalist «βϋ2 II were her daughter He married Victoria, If tax is not before the 23d, at * eacb. accompanied by tive years. first, your paid baked bean and salad supper Concert h H They act and Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Davis, of America and it will be advertised for sale, and the ex- s! ο husband, daughter Thayer, they Hall Tuesday evening. An entertain- β ο 5 Albums of with whom Mrs. Hersey two John with whom of will be added to is a "S=U Houlton, had children, P., pense advertising ment will follow the supper. 3 — like- Ο Ο Stationery *na«le her home. Mrs. Ilersev died he was living at the time of his death, tne tax. This change in the law is a social and enter- «·'y β Tuesday evening °« C S ββ Bibles of 77. She of Fred Lnnt a deal of and in Thursday night, at the age and Hattie Victoria, wife ly to cause good protest, tainment were given at the Baptist A always acceptable and useful. We bave an Books Milton death of work but g g~* gift was the widow of John Hersey, of Somerville, Mass. After the some instances may hardship; church vestry. The programme includ- South and 3 S2 姣 elegant assortment of Eaton-Hurlbut'e popular is best. and later of married isn't it a -- of all that formerly of Sumner Mrs. Stearns, he Augusta on the whole, why salutary ed a reading by Rev. S. G. Davis; quar- Ά <τ3 Fancy Goods A large assortment the late Alvah 1 .63 in Xmas boxes. particularly Paris, and a brother of widow of A. Hamilton Thayer profitable change? Mrs. Esther Anderson, Loua Birker, Mary C., Lot 55, Oxford Park ( papers fiction. A line at 50 cents. (Prince), tette, Meadow 2.56 Tbe latest popular big Hersey. She was a daughter of Capt. of Paris. She died a few years since. Geo. Robinson, and W. L. Mer- Crawford, Cora, Stearus 25 cents to 15.00 eacb. Will Christmas. Noble, Heirs of, Curtis land, Rlplev for and known to the was for a time a travel- Close F. E. Tower. Day, Mary, Phonographs Books buys girls. Ezra Tubbs, long people Mr. Stearns long rill, and a poem by Mrs. Hill, north and cast by H. Rawson land; had to in and linen. of a former generation as Schoolmaster ing salesman, but for several years We the undersigned hereby agree Refreshments were served. south by O. F. Small land; west by Children's Books paper 3.08 Tubbs. been retired. During his residence in close our stores Christmas Day, Dec. Mrs. Wm. Rice of Lewiston was the Daniel* land Skates D. B., summer cottage and land, he has been a visitor 1907: G. Fred and Graves, the well known New Cambridge frequent 25, guest of her brother, Stone, North Parts, 3.08 Perfumes George Vandyke, and has much time with Thomas Smiley. Heirs land east bv John M. l'hil- to Paris, spent wife, the first of the week. llllbom, Thomas J., of, Bears Hampshire lumberman, M. Bowker north L. S. friends in his native town. S. B. & Z. S. Prince. Dr. II. Fifield has located at Ο. land; by Teddy Games brook of Bethel and Mr. Fuller of Cnoe, Eugene ou south by Bucklleld roarus T., Penley land 6.20 games owiug Little. There was the choir O. P. Brooks. Collar and received while here decided that they singing by Thurlow, Cyrus T., Whlttemore land 4.12 tbe church. A of Wm. C. Leavitt Co. Peter Bedard, aged 15, was drowned as is said of large quantity A. H. JACKSON, C'uld horses cheaper, it on the buy flowers covered and surrounded the J. O. Crookkr. in the Mousam River at Sanford Collector of Taxes of the horses are lower than they with two of Parts Cuff Boxes considerably casket. Tbe bearers were Franklin J as. Smith Shoe Store. 7tb while skating on thin ice Town Chocolates were a bought only 1907. Apollo year ago. They L. B. Carter, N. D. Bolster and E. C. Winslow. Dec. 14tb, Novelties each from B. F. Maxim, companions. f«'ur yoke, one yoke in the Ridlon. Christmas Albert D. Park, who had served Chas. F. In Xmas Tbe indispensable Glove Boxes low Richards, Laforest W. Whitman. Frank packages. metal and wood. A great variety at same at tbe funeral of Mrs. James N. Turbs. In glass, B. Hammond, and Η. Ε. & Π. D. Ham- capacity gift. Stearns some three years since. Burial L. I. Gilbert. mond. These oxen, all large and good 25 cents to $8.00 eacb. Ink Stands prices. was at Hillside Cemetery, Paris Hill. James N. Favor. cattle, were shipped Saturday. Mrs. G. A. Allen. The annual meeting of the Riversid* Mrs. J. Willis. A. L. Sanborn. CHRISTMAS Mary Cemetery Association, adjourned from E. F. Bicknell. now while the Mrs. Mary J. Willis, formerly of South Select Gifts the Saturday, was held in the F. H. Nov es. Holiday preceding Paris, died at the home of her daughter, office of Wright Λ Wheeler last Monday Mrs. Thoits, in Beachmont, Mass., Tues- Accident at Buckfield. and freshest. At afternoon. The old officers were re assortment is Dec. 10, at the age of 74 years. largest as follows: day, elected, Mrs. Willis' maiden name was Mary J. sea- PreeMent— Wilbur L. Karrar. in no time the Jacobs, and she was born in Mexico Tl'EI.I. BADLY HUKT, II0RSK other Holiday secretary ao<) Treasurer—Jame» S Wright. JAMES A. during Wilbur L. Karrar, Jamee S. Wright 183:]. She married Charles H. Store. TruHteee— Shoe June, KILLED, CART SMASHED. V Dayton Boister. Farnura of Rumford Centre, and they Frothingham's son can you make such satisfactory As shown by the reports, the finance; had three children. Two of tbe chil- Special attention given to the selection of have durim are dead. The other child of the association improved dren, sons, Street railroad crossing as now. $40< Beachmont, At the High selections the year by the addition of about is Mrs. Charles Thoits of afternoon I his in Buckfield village Saturday to the funds. A considerable improve Mass. After Mr. Farnum's death train aDd about 1:45, an express freight to at least come ment has been made in the cemetery b: widow came to South Paris to live, FOOTWEAR, Do not this opportunity Portland bound struck the bakery cart HOLIDAY neglect the of a number of lots, and th< a few later was married to Ethan grading years of James A. Tuell of West Sumner. in and look this stock over. cordially has been in shap< a well-known carpenter and and Everyone cemetery kept good Willis, was thrown about ninety feet which includes all seasonable goods many specialties. ha who died a few The horse the season—indeed, it builder of this town, cart was throughout and instantly killed. The can find Misses' and Children's, Men's, OF remarked that it ha since. You Ladies', Boys' WELCOMED AT THE PHARMACIES frequently been years to wood. Mr. Tuell the Mr. Mrs. •mashed kindling * never looked better than during pas After tbe death of Willie, and besides a and Youths' at was thrown some distance, summer. Willis went to live with her daughter shaking up sustained a fracture and was there about three general Beachmont, other to the of the Chron at of the skull and injuries The December number before her death, which came but th years head. It is thought he will recover, Fine Overshoes, icle, recently issued, published by the end of an illness of only two days Shoes, Slippers, is a he is in serious condition. students of Paris High School, par from neuralgia of the heart. that i ol ticularly good number of paper, Mrs. Willis was a worthy member Wool &c. to Mexico. Gaiters, Soles, communication from Alton C. Wheele Paris Methodist church, and a Excursion Leggins, 4 tbe South F. ». SHURTLEFF of the old Min- CO, the revival all who of El makes a plea for woman respected and loved by The stockholders the Tajo other fore send some fashioned lyceum, or some knew her. ing Co. are planning to Maine. from this sec- and Suit Cases South Paris, of training which will prepare younj The funeral was held at Rumford Cen- prominent business man Also a Fine Line of Trunks, Bags their thoughts in was hei mines in Mexico people to express pub tre on Friday, and burial beside tion to go through their Th with Makeevei for Holiday Gifts. & CO. lie speech clearly and forcefully. flrst husband at that place. next month. He will go F. Δ. SHURTLEFF an interestin about F. Δ. SHURTLEFF & CO. literary pages contain Bros.' annual excursion and spend Morton o: informatior article by Miss Katherine for Schools. ten days in the mines. For ο Christmas Recess STOCK OF GOODYEAR GLOVE RUBBERS. "Birds at Home," which formed part address Makeover Bros., Journal Build FULL las schools in South Paris village wili her essay at Hebron All Boston, or M. Chapman, South graduating Christmas week. ing, Wanted At Once. For Sale. a Miss Geneva Yoang be closed during Maine. June, story by in town b< 1 Paris, Miss Leona DeAlbr All other schools may PRICES REASONABLE. We Do all Kinds of.... and another by think For Sale. such aβ the teachers to come in and The homestead of the late Charles Stuart, who is deservedly acquiring closed days at Is the date oi One Mann's Green Bone Cutter, power A table girl help th June 16th, Chicago, more than local for best. convention, anc B. in Bucktield reputation later the national or hand. Also and a splitting out at noon. at Atwood, village. are also All lost must be made up Republican shafting Inquire stories she writes. There days at the date of the Dem .JOB PRINTING. teachers will notify the super- July 7, Denver, saw. of number of other shorter literary articlei District As seen with th< HOTEL ANDREWS, Inquire what they will teacl ocra tic convention. W. O. B. F. CUMMINGS. and the usual amount of local and pei intendent days the latter conven Frothingham, South Paris, Me. F. R. DYER, Buckfield. c Christmas week. present perspective, South Parie, R. F. D. 1. si Atwood 6 ForbM, Sooth Porto sonal matter, record of athletios, etc., will nominate Whom th< [46tf it Par order school board. tion Bryan. Parim. direct Interest to the school and la not so certain. eoutn ▲. P. Ρ am, former will nominate I member*. Sop*. ■ Flannel· The Shirt Waist Department j BOUT this time Outing Night Never before have we entered Robes and Skirts such the Christmas season with every year you and comfort are Right Beauty, Durability Help a line of Waists. These A For The Ρ uzzler pretty jT combined in these goods. Prices are Sali are are are desirable for they wondering Enfin, gif-s very reasonable. Oil. as well as Gasoline Cylinder useful pretty. with H eadache No. 335.—November. "What shall I ROBES in fancy stripes, plaio and FANCY PLAIDS and WHITE MA- with em- [Supply missing words that rhyme.] give fancy yoke, trimmed tuck», DR lat bas two side in ÎSWi and front, feather stitcbed Sherman, Now, November lights the ember AS; pleats broidery braid, MeM Aug. 13,1906. over shoulder I have used the 'L. F.' Bitters with On the hearthstone cold, so one running giving him or her for Christ- 50c, 62c, 87c, 98c together, by its weather, broad effect, sleeve, button front. success for years. They are the Brings long ROBES in white and Manure Spreaders, only Those who lived the fields 2nd, front with clusters of large and plal· fancy stripes. thing I can find to me when I is to The white bas help Bravest flowers small tucks, clusters of tuoks in back, this advertisement help plain fancy embroidery, have an attack of headache." When November rules the mas The of trimmed with ruffle Disk Harrows, 98c Lv^V P" object yoke braid, around Respectfully yours, are a neck and sleeves; tbe fancy stripes lias Mr. NUN'S several front There trimmed with George Kneeland. No. 336.—Illustrated Primal Acrostic. VEILING, colors, great medallions, turned of answer this question. Sulky Plows. has wide tncks with clusters baby perplexing Îokeack cuffs, ... 98c tucks tucked collar and cuffs, such When sickness comes a dose of "L. F." between, in extra button back or front, il 98 who believe giving practical gifts ROBES, fancy stripes, heavy, yoke Atwood's Bitters will work wonders to- many people front and back with tuck*, trimmed BATISTE, deep yoke of Val. and Venise with feather-stitched braid, extra ward making a recovery. They act our well selected stock. Useful full, lace insertion trimmed with tucks and as are found among 11.28 •;uickly and beneficially on the whole lace down front, lace inser- lace, panel ROBES In system, purifying blood, strengthening tion below yoke, lace collar and cuffs, be of good quality, styl- CHILDREN'S stripes, yoke General Une Fan Machinery. above all others, should of tucks and braid, collar trimmed stomach, bowels. 35c. $1.98 gifts, cleansing drug- serve with braid, .... 50c WOOL BATISTE, white, blue and pink, in every way to ?ists. and desirable of twilled wide insertion down front, narrow in- ish and up-to-date SKIRTS outing, plain colors, to 31 inches handsome em- sertion on each side with clusters of are char- 27 long, A. W. WALKER & THE LARGE YIELD OF Our of such broidered flounce, 11.00 SON, pin tucks between, clusters of pin their purpose properly. goods SOUTH PARIS. Corn, tucks in back, 12 08 Witt* SKIRTS in plain and fancy stripes made Sweet these ideas. with some lace SILK CHIFFON TAFFETA, white, gar- as to flounces, trimmed, — acter — faithfully perform AND 3 small box urrAC^^ others embroidered, Vjc E. W. t'HAiKDLER, net, black and navy, pleats with clusters of small tucks between SKIRTS, fancy stripes, with flounces,29c Apples entire length of front, trimmed with Novelties Belts and Gloves French $3 08 and Underwear will receive large knots, Christmas there better for a Xmas means that the farmer* Hosiery BEFORE HAVE WE What is gift a that NEVER Dress Finish ! sums of in Probably PLAID front has wide box This holds goods are Skirts Builders' money payment. SILK, department one of these articles? pleat a is day of home gathering, pleasan LARGE AN ASSORT- than They share of thin will be out in a with three wide on eacb customers. The SHOWN SO large paid pleats side, mucl make for us a I will turoldh 1»<>«»RS an·! WINDOWS of any to and dinner. How permanent AT always acceptable being necessity. of the newest designs and ma- short time and there is no safer place trimmed with silk tuckrd thoughts good I fast colors MENT OF THESE GOODS. Size or style at reasonable ρ rire». buttons, table ii of yarns used, the better to It out better the dinner looks when the ! quality BE «ilk in white and tériels are here. keep it and no way pay collar and cuffs, $3.08 satis- THIS COUNTER YOU WILL BELTS, garnet, black, account in and fit combined assures 50c than opening a checking with good linen. perfect PRACTICAL brown with large gilt buckle, MISSES' SKIRTS in blue and brown by ECRU LACE OVER SILK, spread in such a ABLE TO FIND MANY Also Window & Door Frames. poiuted faction. The prices range Other bel κ in silk in black with gilt in in front and back of and INCH TABLE snowdrop MONEY. Armure, two box pleats front, back yoke Cluny 72 DAMASK, a GIFTS FOR A LITTLE oxidized 25c and 50c of val way that a little money will go long and buckle, and with fold around If In want of any kind of Finish for lnsldo or ... Val. lace with silk, trimmed feru, bow knot, pansy, lily the sides, bottom, THE... piped with lace and wide and in Outside work. ββη·1 In your orders. Pine Lum with tucks and rows of and others as PIN CUSHION**, trimmed BELTS OF KID, narrow, $3 96 medallions, ley many equally pretty way. 25 ber and -Shinnies on hand Cheap for Cash. 25 and 1.5( 25c, 50c, 87o, 98c. |1 tan and black, 25c and 50c lace around yoke, sleeves with lace $1 00, 1 AND PANTS, fleece ribbon, CHECKED SKIRTS, lô with in- LADIES' VESTS Other cushious, 10c and 25c Don't fail to see the new belt, "some- gored and $4 98 to match, 20 and 24 inches 20c fancy pin in back National Bank, tucks, very stylish, Napkins .... 25c, and 50c verted box pleat front, aud and Job Work. Norway 4.75 J lined, trim- thing dow" of kid in black tan, Planing, Sawing $2.50, 2.87, 2.98, 3.50, 3.98, pei 1 33c FANCY HAT PIN HOLDERS, each side *4 9> Norway. Me. OTHER WAISTS in Madras, Silk, Ba- Out .... side, pleats between, dozen. sizes, lace and 25c KID GLOVES in black, tan and grey, tiste and black and ecru med with ribbon, Matche·: Hard Wood Kloor Board» for sale. white, lace, i merino finish io all sizi·*, of the finest selected «kin, ARMURE SKIRTS, 13-gored, clusters of The check serves as a receipt. There in all tb< Heavy fleece, made 98c to $0.98 65 INCH TABLE DAMASK 50c FANCY WORK BOXES, 98c, «1.25, 1.50 *1 1 25 on each seam, sides, is no of loss fire or theft. You 00, pleats paneled danger by latest patterns including the fleur-de j $4.Of ( ii wimj k, can make the correct change. AND BOXES, 25c, 50c grey and i:. w. always lis, which is unusually pretty, 87 l-2< LADIES' WOOL VESTS PANTS, HANDKERCHIEF MOCHA GLOVES, black, tan, can obtaiu cash at the bank. nine In the above «car- 25c, 50c, $1 50 .... $1.00 In blue and You always When the objects Furs to match, $2.87 per dozen ribbed and plain, in grey, white, Glove Boxes, garnet, CHIFFON PANAMA black, .... Maine Napkius Went Sumner, or hard to and 11.50 .... in front There is nothing complicated have lieen rightly guessed same let and black, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Necktie Boxes, 25c, 50c, Dog Skin, $1.25 gray, double box pleat and picture her a Fur. For the cold Other patterns width, in a bank account. Give : two box on each understand keeping the names written one Mow another 50c, e9c, 7b( The Jewel Pocket*, MOCHA, in colors, silk lined, $1.50 back, double pleats for more "ONEITA" UNION SUITS. qua!- FANCY Embroldored When you receive your checks apples iultinl letters, days they are worth muoh 50c and side, >■"> !»8 FOR SALE. in the order given the in these suite is always of the best. lined with chamois, LONG KID GLOVES, tan, grey and sweet corn, call in and let us con- than rhe for the warmth HALF BLEACHED DAMASK, prettj ity reading downward, will spell a flower. price 50c and 75< 1 to the most tender black, 12 button $2.75. 16 button $;l 00 CHIFFON PANAMA in black, blue and 2 1-2 vince that it is for your interest and patterns, It is soft, velvety HOSE SUPPORTERS in fancy box*s, story dwelling-house, pleasantly you and add much to 2 00 with three side with us. —St. Nicholas. they give they 50c, «1 00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 25c and 50c cashmere, brown, Ygored pleats located iu the village of West Paris. profit to open an accouut large assort skin, GLOVES, Suede, dog lined; the dress of a woman. Here is a NAPKINS, pretty patterns, for silk or Heece 50c at each seam, three clusters of tlirle Consists of nine rooms and bath-room, 1 2 2 9! I OTHER UNION SUITS lined, years of successful ser- ment, 11.00, 25, 1.50, 00, 1 87 FANCY NEEDLE and Thread Cases, 50c tucks each around $8.00 shed and stable. About 3-4 acre of land, jy I'birty-five No. 337.—Riddle. large assortment of styles. 50c, 59c, 51.00, electra tieeced in black and skirt, vice to GLOVES, trees. build- depositors. I come from the north. TRAY CLOTHS, 27x18, button-boh 25c 25c with apple and pear The ISABELLA AND SABLE shawl CHILDREN'S VESTS AND PANTS, UNIQUE MATCH Scratcher, 15c, tan, OTHER SKIRTS, *3.98, |4.!»*, I come from the south, FOX, with drawn 50< !< are situated from the street, one stitched edge, work, 2 to 14 25c $10.00. ings high H. WATSON, I travel and day. collar, very 50 inches long, fleece lined, years, in Calenders and LADIES' MITTEVS, 25e, 50c, $1.00 18.00, 18 50, shaded with MYRON by night wide, MANY designs shaving with broad piazza vines, never two tails on double hero in and white, price accord- And man my will may oppose. Ιβ-inch brush and 9-inch TRAY CLOTHS, 30x21, Wool grey .... 25c each CHILDREN'S 15c, 25c *12,",ο a view. À of pads, MITTENS, SILK SKIRTS, commanding tine spring And m>ne can say me nay. each satin $15.00. assorted 50< ' to size. Piano Tuning and Fine Repairing. end, fancy lined, stitched, patterns, ing 50c water on premises. These build- I oftentimes am fierce anil wild. 50c WHIST BROOMS in fancy holders, pure 25< CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS, well and furnished and And the stai.chest things destroy. ISABELLA FOX BOA, 72 inches long TRAY CLOTHS, 24x10, fancy linen, ing» are prettily TEACHER OF TROMBONE. FLEECE Suit Case, Mail Box and Leather Goods would be to sell the But for days I may be very mild with two 14-inch brushes and two LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MINIATURE the owner glad STAMPED TRAY CLOTHS, to work 50c β handkerchiefs, 50c Aprons with the And give relief a;id Joy. small tails with twis'ed silk 1 lined hose, 12 l-2c, 15c, 25c, 37 l-2c, Safe, containing furniture and furnishings Kcfrr· to Charles D. KUt'jr, Boston. cord, 12 l-2c, 25( j SHOPPING BAGS, black and tan, 50c, APRONS of Victoria and Persiau lawn, house. This is a great bargain and will $12 50. Peerless shape muff to match, LADIES' WOOL HOSE, LAUNDRY BAGS, 25c, 50c 08c, $1.75. Wrist B igs, 50c. Pocket- hemstitched tucks, hambur^ insertion Call on or Maine. 3»tl No. TEA double hemstitch 37 75c, $1 00 be sold on reasonable terms. Norway, 323.—Decapitations. $8.50. CLOTHS, 29x29, 25c, l-2c, 50c, 25c books, 25c, 50c, 75c, 08c. Pocketbnok aud ruffles, 37c, 39c, 50c, 75c, '.i*c a WORK BAGS 25c, South bead a and get illumina- ed with Mexican work, grea 37 50c 2.00 address, W. J. Wheeler, Paris, 1. Bo pledge KUR BOAS in Isabella and Sable Fox of edge, CHILDREN'S, 25c, l-2c, with straps, 50c, 98c, $1.50, 1.75, a*k to see them, 98< in all the latest fads. WAITERS' APRONS, ï.»c Maine. tion. the finest American skins, 36-inch with bargain, PILLOW TOPS, 25c, 50c 2. Behead exhortation and get the large brushes, $10.00. TEA CLOTHS, 31 inches square, hem Umbrellas ROUND APRONS of lino lawn, hem- act of toward centre, 75< with 25c Petticoats stitched ruflies, 30c; tucked rutiles stretching. WIDE SIIAWL stitching BROOCH PINS, set brilliants, SCARF, Opossum, very! blue, and green silk, $2.08 10c and 25c a with Val. lace and insertion, .Vic trimmed with two fine Black, garnet and 50c. Beauty Pins, this will find some- long, satin lined, TEA CLOTHS, linen, pretty pat and linen mixtures, and serges, In department you < Silk Hat 10c, 25c, 50c. Fancy No. 333.—Hour Glass. fancy heads, eight tails, $8.50. Pillow terns, hemstitched, $1.9) 1.98, pair. Pins, thing to pleate, as every lady neods HILLS, 50c, 75c, 98c, $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, with 50c. the name of a city in muff to Other 2.25, 2.50, 3.0< Necklaces Jewels, 25c, several nlco These skirts are Centrals give match, $4.98. sizes, $1.50, 1.98, 2.75, 2 98, 3.50, 4.50. petticoats. $2.50, all made with flounces and mak- Jeweler and Graduate Ohio. used for traj 15c, 25c, 50c, $1.00 railles, Optician. DAMASK TOWELS, BACK COMBS, 10c, full. Across: 1. Obstinate. 2. Highly fush- 15c and 25i ing them very cloths a great deal, Goods SIDE COMBS, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c lonabie. 3. Whimsical. 4. A girl's Other Damask Towels, Knit MERCERIZED SATEEN, 08c, $1 25, 98c COMB SETS, 50c, 11.00 name. 5. A vowel. »!. The whole 37 1 2c, 50c, $1.00, 1.8 ICE WOOL SHAWLS, 50c, 2 2.08. /-r 25c «1.40, 1.98, 50, secrets. and HAIR CLASPS, 15c, C VV quantity. 7. Apt to disclose and anc MUFFLERS, white, blue, grey TOWELS in linen cotton, fringe 50c HEATHERBLOOM, $1.08,2MS 8. To pillage. 9. Incapable of being with hemstitched edge, black, Lowest Prices m Oxford County. plain, 3.98 WOOL MOREEN, $2 08, U.08 heard. 10c to 37 l-2i GOLF COATS, $1.08,2.50, Neckwear 25c MISSES' GOLF COATS, $1.75 SILK, $4.08,5.98, 7.50 BATTENBERG DOILIES, 15c, Our usual large assortment of Neck- No. 340.—Central Syncopations. 75c SWEATERS, Linen, 10c, 15c, 25c, 33c, 42c, 50c, LADIES' BLOUSE and MAINE. a anil leave a 2.25 wear is very attractive for 35c 50c NORWAY, Syncopate weapon Real Clumy, $4 00, 98c, 25c. $1.98, body of water anil a snare. Answer: Handkerchiefs Bay-o-net. B0NT WAIT AS USUAL WE HAVE MADE I. Syncopate a water Jug and leave a Blankets, Puffs, and Suit I have just received a stock of the Spreads The Cloak Department HANDKERCHIEFS OUR SPECIAL- and a pronoun. 2. Synco- That will make the heart of th< depression THE glad THIS YEAR WE HAVE REMEMBER! new ami a UNTIL OTHERS, ARE THERE ATTRAC- ITY, AND pate depressed and leave vulgar Jtarf housewife. There are some ex TBIS YEAR ABOVE ALL good WITH SUITS GONE FAR AHEAD OF ANY OTH- Morris Klain, Me. color. 3. Svucopate a small flag and THE DEPARTMENT 18 PILLED Norway, MINUTE cellent bargains for you. TIONS HERE. to will more for rub- a and an In- AND CHILDREN, AND ER. NOWHERE ELSE CAN YOU Can afford and pay rax*, Edison Phonographs leave wrltiug instrument 2fà*LA5T AND COAT8 FOR LADIES, MISSES bers, ami metal th in any stranger that calls to in white, gre; — and leave BLANKETS, 10-4, plain IN PRICES. FIND SO LARGE AN ASSORTMENT Sets — sect. 4. division REDUCTION Children's Fur bou*;. WITH THK Syncopate C2i THIS IS THE DECIDED your 32 and white, ... ADDED TO He from to $;♦ per ton for Iron deliv- a state of and an epoch. 5 TIE SCARF, Blended Muskrat, inch, NEED A GARMENT OF THESE DESIRABLE GIFTS. pays equality witl OP THE FAMILY MAY ERMINE FUR SET, neck piece satin ered to him here. to hold a line soft $(i 00. BLANKETS, 11-4, white and grey SOME MEMBER Syncopate located and leave fur, 1 25c trimmed with rami to He buys folded newspapers. Latest Horn. borders, 89c, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 IS THERE BETTER AS A GIFT? PLAIN' LINEN, 7c, 10c, 12 2c, 15c, lined, ornanunt, for mixed 1 cent a Improved a an·! consumed. 0. fancy WHAT He Is paying rags, pound. session Syncopate TIE SCARF, Gray Squirrel, 04-inch, 12 25c match with purse, $2.50. Rubber» to market. Paye market them. $1.75, 2.98, 3.98. LINEN INITIAL, l-2c, 15c, according Come in and hear whim and leave a head covering and a satin lined, $8.00. Muff to match, price for bran sacks. wool, FANCY Embroidered on linen and Swiss LAMB WOOL SET, shawl collar, round cold substance. 7. Syncopate a point Peerless shape, $9 00. BLANKETS, 11-4, 3.98, 5.00, 5.5i and muff, $3.50. between two ex- $3.87, muslin, hemstitched, scalloped of time and leave NECK PIECE with stole end trimmed 12 W. A. CONY oi lace edge, 5c, 10c, l-2c, LAMB WOOL AVI) AN- Desirable Residence for Sale, PORTER, tremes and a of the head. The with animal heads and tabs, PUFFS with pretty figured covering FUR SET, part trimmed 15c, 25c, 37c, 42c, 50c, 75c. animal one .... $1.11 GORA, trimmed with ribbon, home- SOUTH PARIS. Keven letters spell a period $2 75. other in fur pieces. side, The H. N. Bolster 42tf syncopated Many styles lace and hem- with satin rutile. K' lK Capt. oi ARABIAN CHECKS, heads, puree, stead situ: I in South Paris village, of time. MISSES' FUR SET, Ermine, tie scarf, PUFFS with pretty figured covering 15c and 25c stitched, AN(.ORA FUR SET, very pretty. «1 :J>. hot water heat PARKER'S 46 inches long, satin lined, Peerless both sides, large size*, tinisned, 2.2 other kinds to select from, in- thoroughly HAIR BALSAM No. 3t1.—Word Square. 98. f 1.50, 1.75, 1.98, GENTLEMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, Many attached, the hair. shape muff, $5 and all modern equipments Clcuac· braatifitJ A Koman hemstitched, 10c, 12 trimmer, chinchilla, l'rumutu * luiuiriiit gruwlh. 1. Repair. 2. Always. 3. scroll am plain linen, l-2c, cluding squirrel, ell and stable, to A assortment of Isabella and SPREAD, pretty design, With a two story house, Nevur Falls Bwtore Gray 4. l'ail. large 1 5 15c, 25c, 42c. initials, linen, 25c i etc. Kair to ltd TouUxTul Color. emperor. for block 75c, 87c, $1.00, 1.25, to mi Sable Fox Muffs $8.50, $9.00, $10.00, pattern, located. Apply (Juγκ» etftlp 0 It hair tailing. and $1.75, 1 87,2.5C JAI'ONETTE, 12 with colored : LADIES' FUR CAPS, centrally $12.50. Opossum $4.50, $4.98. Blended Very large heavy, l-2c; S. WRIGHT, Adm. 3 50. border and white, 5c $2.00, $3.50, $4.50, $4.98 JAMES No. 342.—Hidden Games. Muskrat $7.50, $8.50. Squirrel $0 00, $2 87, Norway, Maine plain $1 1.50, 1.75, 1.98, 2.5 1. Which essay was the best? $8.50, $10.00. Fringed, 25, 2. Don't put tlie bowl so near the edge of the table. Closed all Dec. 25th. ! to Dec. inclusive. 3. The Mong: fought desperately. open from Thursday, Dec. 19th 24th, day 4. At the moment of the shock eye- Store every evening Where the glasses, hats and canes tlew In all di- No 5ense of Humor. rections. different. They use the cream or Brazil a Hiunll Cannot 5. Fearing the contest, the base bal- HUMEMMEKS' OJU'ViA du'h principally, put tint; them overtlie An olil Georgia darkey owned Rheumatism Picture Frames A LOW PRICE and at a casual lad maker lied. fire with an equal weight of sugar and ancient mule, but which, wax on of Interest to the ladloe of to the at which it — — Door ti. We had for breakfast. Corrcttpumlcnee topic· oue cupful of water for every pound question as price Be Cured Unless ON croquettes Editor ΗοΜΚΜλΚΚΚβ' Opens le solicite 1. Adilreea: to this let became endowed witli all method, suddenly Column, Oxfonl Democrat, South l'arle, Me sugar. According held, the sirup simmer «lowly until it is quite the virtues of the best blood of Ken- and Pictures, Juît 3ubb!es. is Used. thick and the nuts are heavily coated, UrioO A accouut- tire news. tucky. glowiug Cocktail Recipes. then remove from the stove and stir until "But he is at least 20 years old, uncle," Constantly The tirst class has ample on printer From tbe mistaken notion that the quite sugary. Place the saucepan the would-be purchaser protested. can heat and a the of the let the mule?" Uncle Mose said indig- Wool You quickly keep proofs. concocting of cocktail in beyond the back range, sugar "Dat Sudden Deaths, Heart Failure and Paralysis Mats, Mirrors are woil mule's mo' or room— Some pi to the hair bleacher's of the home many house- melt and stir until the nuts "No, sah! Kf dat Carpets the hall cold |KHipIe scope cook, nantly. Uric and cozy draughty dies fo' mawn- Are Caused by Poisonous with a wives never setve ibis most covered and the sugar is slightly caramel- an' β yars ole ah hopes he no matter what the weather conditions dyeing re«p*est. palatable a faint brownish color. Rheumatic Adds. The timid man seetus to give oilier» which makes either un acceptable ed, or turned to in'!" to close out odd and clean if knew how much relish, next patterns are—and you only or course at a dinner Put the nuts on a covered with his stable the day & h standing offer to sit down on him. entree an opening platter Upon visiting si can a in a oven to with consterna- Mouldings stock. real comfort have irom and which euch an and set cool Uncle Mose was struck you The editor doesn't mean a barrel or luncheon, puts paraffin paper, up tho tion to find his mule stretched lifeless The Rheumatic person le skeptical regarding when he calls for η double headed ar- edge upon appetite. dry. on the the claim a of almost any advertised h h a Work The truth of the matter is, cocktails CKEAM RAISINS. ground. remedy High Grade Portrait ticle. to make and less "Look at now!" he exclaimed, ru c fur Rheumatism, anlrex the tire. graceful Select ripe, not too large orangos; Rheumatism simply cannot exist in person's i>ubll«heI County, that they may ap|>oar at Made of brass—niekel latest im- not to break the membrane- Urlc-0 Is sold at 75c and $1.00 the I'robate Court to be he M at l'ait», on the study by. plated, No. 332.- Novel Acrostic: Primal zig- Select tine lemons of uniform size and careful liy druggists them. about Its thlnl of Jan., Λ. D. IHÛ8, at of the jved central drait burner. warranted. skins. Wash clean and should any be broken, n-ject Orino Laxative Fruit the new bottle, but If you still feel skeptical Tuesitny Every lamp zag Vermont: tinal -(Jeorgla. From 1 having smooth Syrup, clock In the forenoon, an·! be heart thereon 1f Place t*>e sections in a warm for not irri- can test It free of charge by cutting not Oil Heater ou a then cut a rather place Laxative stimulates, but does ertlcjcy you see cause. Ii your dealer does carry Periection to 10. frout ll to Atlan- dry clean cloth; they Montpeller: 17, several hours until the outside is Guaran- out ■ bit* advertisement and sending same, to thick slice from the small end of each, dry. tate. It is the best Laxative. war nded lu heap a tablespoonful of pistachio ice and personally District of Maine. In Kankruptcy. them on oiled paper or a plate. A PUBLIC SPEAKER INTERRUPTED. I'aris Κ. Λ. ShurtleflT A Co. 51-52 Home Made put a Maraschino cherry in the center of lay Sjuth by Candy. In the matter of ) second after the first coat hard- In PASSED EXAMINATION SUCCESS- it. dipping Public are frequently inter- CRAIG TURNER, Bankruptcy, the of speakers J". H. of Rumfonl, Bankrupt. ) FULLY. ens greatly improves appearance coughing. This would FletoHer, OYSTER COCKTAILS. dis- rupted by people Me. To the creditors of Turner. In the the fruit. Work rapidly and do not if and Tar Confectioner, Norway. Craig James Donahue, New muscle from not happen Foley's Honey County of Oxford ainl district aforesaM Britain, Conn., Remove the round thirty turb the more than is necessary. and colds of tried several sirup were taken, as it cures coughs Opp. 331m House. Notice U hereby given that on the 3nih day writes: "I kidney remedies, small then rinse and drain and and Turner oyeters, Canned cherries pineapple wedgen and and consump- November, A. D. 1U07, the sahl Craig and was treate 1 our best one table- prevents pneumonia EYE an·ι that the by physicians chill on ice. Mix together can be in the same way. Drain no THE was iluly adjudicated bankrupt, prepared tion. The genuine contains opiates hel>l at the for diabetes, but did not improve until I of horseradish, before tiret meeting of his creditors will be spoonful freshly grated and dry them thoroughly dipping. and is in a all office of the No. 8 Market south took Cure. After the tabasco two yellow package.—Sold by Referee, Square, Foley's Kidney one-half teaspoonful sauce, Be careful not to the fruit. on the 18th of I>cc., A. D. 19"7. Tlie above illustration is from a of the Plant Industry Build- bottle I showed pierce For Sale. Paris, ilay photograph second improvement of lemon one table- druggists. 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time the D. C. It is loeated in tablespoonfuls juice, PLUM PUDDING TAFFY. OF EVERY U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, the and five bottles cured me 1 a tea- of Real Ml·! creditors their claims, ing, completely. of vinegar, two-thirds of does the farm beat the city BARGAINS in all kinds may attend, prove ai:d is covered with Paroid The Government also spoonful a fine confection to servo at "Why boy a examine the bankrupt, "J heart of the city Rooting. have since passed a rigid examination of two of This is appoint trustee, etc. uses spoonful salt, tablespoonfuls so often?" Estate in and South P.'ris. transact such other business as may properly uses Paroid for stables, barracks, warehouses, It Paroid because it for life insurance." children's Christmas if while boy Norway Foley's Kidney tomato and one and one-half parties, come before salad tana baildmg plan* cocktail glasses, and dress them with a molded in a soft ball. Have at hand, We^ are pleased to announce that one-half for We to the Paris Shake off the grip of your old enemy, sauce made by combining the following and a little warm, teacupful Foley's Honey and Tar, coughs, try impress impor- Village, is not affected ! are 5ΓfOlAXTM &30"NT Agents,JSouth Paris, He!' Nasal Catarrh, by using Ely's Cream ingredients in the proportions given: each of minced raisins, citron, currants, colds and lung troubles by tance of this on everybody. We tomato a of law as a small cash and Laundry, all the three each of almonds and Pure Food and Drug part Wayside Balm. Then will swelling and tablespoonfuls tableapoonful grated the National j and are not moved Paying only harmful stating facts, so soreness be driven out of the in- and lemon one-half tea- orange peel. Mix all these with the it contain· no or other the rest in If tender, catsup juice, opiates a for alone. We monthly payments? horse warm the well but- we it as a safe by desire gain Maine. flamed membranes. The fits of sneezing spoonful of freshly grated radish, candy, using hands, drugs, and recommend call or write at once for particulars. Hebron, as one of tabasoo sauce, two tered. Form into small balls as for children and adults. For know the importance of such, and will cease and the discharge, offensive teaspoonful sug- remedy This is a rare chance to purchase an to others as to will be of clam juice, three- gested and on oiled paper in a sale ail take human interest to yourself, stopped tablespoonfuls place by druggists. enough ideal home at a remarkable 'low it are re- of a of salt and a close-covered when the causes that produce quarters teaspoonful receptacle. insist and insist. EDWARD C. BEAN, comfort renew- Serve cold. moved. Clenlinees, and dash of paprika. very CHOCOLATE ALMONDS. Green—I told my wife last week that price. ed health by the use of Cream be for ns to PIANOS. Balq.., Use for these the regular oonfeotioners' it would necessary MANAGER. Sold by all for 50 cents, or Some Sweetmeat». druggists chocolate if can get it. Melt the de- economize. S. RICHARDS, mailed by Ely Bros., 66 Warren Street, you did she Moses P. lired amount of ohooolate by patting it Brown—What say? Stiles, New York. didn't at the First-class work done. The Meblin, Poole, Merrill, Prescott and The Lauter Player Piano, PRALINES. Into a small bowl or pan and Green—She say anything EYESIGHT SPECIALIST, placing but the next she me a Insurance and Real it that in a bowl or of time, day bought Estate, are all first instruments, and are sold for as low "Gee! Maude, yer got yer s took in' on Strain the juice of half a lemon, add larger pan boiling SOUTH PARI5, MAINE. a class, high grade just the la box of bargain-counter cigara. Family Specialty. inside out." to half a cupful of water and two cup- rater. When chocolate thorough- Maine. Washings as can be sold for the of the instrument. Also I have meat into it Norway, money they quality "Don't I know it? Der was a hole on fuls of brown sugar; put over the stove y melted, dip the almond a on Millions of bottles of Foley's Honey several medium A large stock always on hand. Prices der outside." In a porcelain-lined or heavy graniteware ind drop with fork paraffin paper, Telephone iig-u. Farm Wanted. grade pianos. ! [t will take some time for the ohooolate and Tar have been sold without any taucepan and cook until, when dipped 8 to 15 acre·, early aod fertile terms Send for and we will and interest in IN ASKING ADVICE. reason ever any NOTICE. poultry, low, easy. catalogue try you DANGER from tbe the sirup will thread or 1 :o harden, and for that they person having experienced and spoon it· uae for gardening berry raising, good ι be hour· before other than beneficial result· from the best that are on the market. When you have a cough or cold do "hair"; then stir In all the nntmeats the ihould madetwenty-fonr warned not to For Sale. >rcbard of tree· in bearing, mod· pianos for for colds and troubles. All persons are hereby thrifty not ask some one what is for it, as will hold. The moment it begins ι ising. These are especially good coughs, lung with all conven- good lirup j the to Mis· Violet Russell of the late îrn set of building· in some unknown remove the from the ; 1 for are small and fill up the This ia because genuine Foley's rnrnisb anything The homestead Charles there is danger taking So sugar, saucepan >oxes, they ances, location near Norway or South the ! ι lorners. Honey and Tar in the yellow package jd as I shall none of, db preparation. Foley's Honey and Tar ire and shake vigorously to separate my account, pay B. in Buckfield Paria Write at once, partie· W. jr. WHeeler Co., sontain· no or other harmful Atwood, village, preferred. cures and ι lute. nut meats can be ; opiates cough·, oolda, prevents pnen- Any preferred health tier bills. raiting. Is in a for this kind of When out embroidered seal- irugs. Guard your by refusing of monia. The genuine yellow ised but pecans cutting WILLIAM T. RUSSELL. [nquire DENNIS PIKE, BlOOK, praline, use manloure and but the Sold all drug- Billings Refuse substitute·. Sold by < >r nuta are the best. Praline· 1 ops, curved scissors my genuine. by F. R. Buckfield. Me. package. hickory South 81 l6tf DYER, 1W51 Norway, all ι m made the Creoles are somewhat I be work will be nor· neatly done. [lata. Paris, Deo. 11,1007. util 1 druggists. by