Established in 2004, the Keppel Technology PROFESSOR STEFAN THOMKE THE KEPPEL Advisory Panel (KTAP) includes eminent BSc (Electrical Engineering), University of TECHNOLOGY business leaders and industry experts from Oklahoma; MSc (Electrical & Computer across the world. KTAP members provide Engineering), Arizona State University; ADVISORY PANEL technology foresight for Keppel, advise on SM (Operations Research), SM (Mgmt.), PhD (Electrical Engineering & Mgmt.), strategic projects and provide contacts IS A KEY PLATFORM Massachusetts Institute of Technology; to broaden Keppel’s networks. TO ADVANCE Dr. rer. oec. (Honorary), HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management, THE GROUP’S Collectively, members’ expertise cover AM (Honorary), Harvard University a range of topics related to sustainable TECHNOLOGY urbanisation, such as floating platforms, Professor Thomke has published widely and LEADERSHIP. urban design and liveability, alternative is an authority on innovation management. energy and efficiency, as well as He is the William Barclay Harding Professor communications networks and of Business Administration at Harvard digitalisation. This has helped Keppel Business School and has chaired several to enhance business value and harness of the university’s executive education synergies across the Group. programmes. Prior to joining Harvard, Professor Thomke was with McKinsey & KTAP convenes once a year with key Company in Germany. members of Keppel Corporation’s board and senior management, and provides CHUA KEE LOCK support on projects when required. BSc (Mechanical Engineering), University of Wisconsin at Madison; M.Eng, Stanford University

PROFESSOR NG WUN JERN Mr Chua is CEO of Vertex Holdings, a Chairman -headquartered BSc (Civil Engineering) QMC London University; investment holding company. MSc (Water Resources); PhD University of Birmingham; PE(S); FIES; MSAEng Vertex Group is a global venture capital network comprising four early stage Professor Ng was the founding Executive technology-focused funds (Vertex Ventures Director at the Nanyang Environment & , Vertex Ventures Israel, Vertex Ventures US, Water Research Institute, and President’s Vertex Ventures SEA & ), an early stage Chair Professor at the School of Civil & healthcare-focused fund (Vertex Ventures HC) Environmental Engineering, Nanyang and a growth stage fund (Vertex Growth). Technological University. He has some Each of these funds are managed by 400 publications on water and wastewater independent and separate General Partnerships management, has founded spin-off companies and investment teams, with Vertex Holdings based on his IPs, and serves as technical providing anchor funding alongside significant advisor to government agencies and various third-party capital commitments. Mr Chua environmental companies across ASEAN, is concurrently Managing Partner of Vertex China and India. Professor Ng also operates Ventures SEA & India, as well as Chairman of his own spin-off companies, which are active Vertex Growth Fund. in China, Indonesia and Malaysia, and guides incubators and private equity funds. Prior to joining Vertex, Mr Chua held senior positions in Biosensors International Group, Ltd, a developer/manufacturer of medical devices; Walden International, a US-headquartered venture capital firm; NatSteel Ltd, a Singapore industrial products company, and Intraco Ltd, a Singapore-listed trading/distribution company.

He also co-founded Ltd, a provider of voice-over-internet services, which later listed on Singapore’s stock exchange. Mr Chua currently serves on the boards of several companies, including Yongmao, an SGX-listed company.

36 Report to Shareholders 2019 Keppel Corporation Limited PETER NOBLE DR ROMAIN DEBARRE Fellow, Land Medalist and Past-President, PhD, French Petroleum Institute (IFPEN) Society of Naval Architects & Marine and French National Centre for Scientific Engineering, USA; Fellow and Vice President, Research (CNRS); MBA, HEC Paris; The Institute of Marine Engineering, MSc French Petroleum Institute (IFP School) Science and Technology, UK; Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering; Dr Debarre is the Managing Director of Offshore Technology Distinguished the A.T. Kearney Energy Transition Institute. Achievement Award for Individuals; He brings a combined experience in energy, B.Sc. Naval Architecture, University of Glasgow business strategy and scientific research. Dr Debarre is a recognised energy expert Mr Noble is a naval architect and ocean who forges close ties between governments, engineer with a wide range of expertise companies and academics to leverage and experience in the marine and offshore technological opportunities and reduce industries. His career has included positions carbon emissions. with shipyards, ship and offshore design consultants, offshore and marine research Prior to joining A.T. Kearney, Dr Debarre and development companies, major was with Schlumberger Business Consulting, classification societies and as chief naval where he led the SBC Energy Institute. architect with an international oil company. He previously worked in corporate finance, He currently undertakes consulting and managed strategy consulting projects advisory assignments across a broad range in the energy sector in various countries of topics relating to ocean engineering. and spent several years in scientific research and development. Dr Debarre Mr Noble holds a number of patents and is the co-author of several reports on is active on the advisory boards of a number energy technologies and energy of universities and institutions. transition topics.

From left: Professor Stefan Thomke, Mr Loh Chin Hua (CEO of Keppel Corporation), Mr Peter Noble, Professor Ng Wun Jern, Mr Chua Kee Lock, Dr Lee Boon Yang (Chairman of Keppel Corporation) and Dr Romain Debarre.

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