ASSESSING HOST RANGES OF PARASITOIDS AND PREDATORS _________________________________ CHAPTER 13. ASSESSING HOST SPECIFICITY AND FIELD RELEASE POTENTIAL OF FIRE ANT DECAPITATING FLIES (PHORIDAE: PSEUDACTEON) S. D. Porter1 and L. E. Gilbert2 1USDA-ARS, Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology, P.O. Box 14565, Gainesville, Florida 32604 USA
[email protected] 2Brackenridge Field Laboratory and Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 USA BACKGROUND OF SYSTEM Fire ant populations in their South American homeland are about 1/5 to 1/10 as dense as popu- lations in North America (Porter et al., 1992; Porter et al., 1997a). This intercontinental differ- ence in fire ant densities was not explained by differences in climate, habitat, soil type, land use, plant cover, or sampling protocols (Porter et al., 1997a). Escape from numerous natural en- emies left behind in South America is the most apparent explanation for the intercontinental population differences. Natural enemies left behind in South America include two species of microsporidian pathogens, three species of nematodes, about 20 species of phorid decapitating flies, a eucharitid wasp, a parasitic ant, and numerous other microbes and arthropods of uncer- tain relationship to fire ants (Porter et al., 1997a). Escape from coevolved ant communities may also have been important. Ants in Brazil and Argentina, however, do not appear to be any more abundant than those in the United States, at least as indicated by their ability to find and occupy baits (Porter et al., 1997a). Classical or self-sustaining biological control agents are currently the only potential means for achieving permanent regional control of fire ants.