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One of most favorite sound centers is Funny sounds that comprise up to 15 entries while the weird and scary sounds seem to be useful for Halloween occasion. Wrestling / Chikara. CHIKARA (also Chikara or Chikara Pro, translated from Japanese as "Power") was a promotion based in Philadelphia, PA that chiefly toured the northeastern United States, known for its light tone, sense of humor, and high-flying action. It was established in 2002. It was heavily influenced by not only the American style of pro wrestling, but also Japanese and Mexican lucha libre , as well as a heavy dose of Superhero comics and Godzilla films. Unlike most wrestling promotions, CHIKARA had a defined season and off-season, and its season was built around 4 annual events: King of Trios (a weekend-long tournament of three-man teams), Aniversario, the Young Lions' Cup (a tournament to crown the new holder of the Young Lions Cup, a title that could only be held by wrestlers 25 years old or younger), and the Torneo Cibernetico (a 16-man lucha libre elimination match that served as the show's main event). CHIKARA also operated the Wrestle Factory, a wrestling training school; many of CHIKARA's wrestlers are Wrestle Factory graduates. The Wrestle Factory, as of August 2020, has continued to operate even after CHIKARA's closure. CHIKARA was also notable for being about as family-friendly as wrestling can be: in addition to the wacky over-the-top-and-then-some characters and the comedy bits within matches, CHIKARA and its fans did their best to keep adult language out of the shows (a popular story goes that when a fan tried to start a "Holy shit" chant at a show, he was met with the rest of the crowd chanting "Shut the heck up!"), and there's virtually no kind of sexual content. If WWE is TV-PG, CHIKARA could be TV-Y7. CHIKARA's events can be seen via DVD, available from Smart Mark Video , and MP4 download, available from the CHIKARA website . Additionally, you can pay to watch each show on the Smark Mark Video On Demand website (pre-Season 15) or on the CHIKARATopia stream offered by the CHIKARA website. The promotion also produces a weekly video podcast - "CHIKARA Podcast-A-Go-Go" - that can be viewed on their official YouTube channel. CHIKARA was cross-promoting with Kaiju Big Battel for a time, though the only remnant of said cross-promotion was Louden Noxious (now Gavin Loudspeaker), who served as an announcer for both companies 'til his departure from CHIKARA in 2015. CHIKARA also joined up with the USA counterpart of Japanese promotion Dragon Gate to help promote their arrival in the United States, with several wrestlers appearing on their shows and Leonard F. Chikarason (as well as Mike Quackenbush) doing commentary for the PPV and DVD versions of their shows. Following an abbreviated Season 21 due to COVID-19, CHIKARA ceased operations on June 24th, 2020. People involved in the #SpeakingOut movement made massive allegations against Mike Quackenbush related to harassment of female talent and trainees by Quackenbush himself and other trainers at the Wrestle Factory. Many roster members, including Hallowicked, Dasher Hatfield, and Kimberlee, resigned from the promotion in protest, and Quackenbush subsequently announced the closure via his Twitter account. They Came to Cordura (1959) 1080p. Assigned IP address . Your ISP and Government can monitor you! Hide your IP with a VPN when downloading! Movie Description: After a cavalry charge during the 1916 U.S. "war against Pancho Villa," unheroic awards officer Tom Thorn (who is obsessed with the nature of courage) recommends 4 men for the Medal of Honor. He is ordered back to Cordura with them. and prisoner Adelaide Geary, gringo who sheltered the enemy. On the arduous journey, Thorn's heroes show a different face, and Thorn may have one last chance to prove he's no coward. Screenshots. Related Movies: Pirates of Monterey (1947) 1080p. Captain Phillip Kent, a soldier of fortune, and his friend Sergeant Pio, journey from Mexico City to Monterey on a secret mission. Their assignment consists in delivering state-of-the art new guns that will help the Californians fight against Spanish royalists who, disguised as pirates, keep ransacking their towns, villages and forts. Once in Los Angeles, they meet two women, Marguerita and Filomena, who have just missed the stagecoach. Kent reluctantly accepts to escort them but soon falls for the prettier while Pio does not remain insensitive to Filomena. However, after a wonderful night in Santa Barbara, the two ladies vanish in the haze. Overcoming their disappointment, the two men hit the road again and finally reach Monterey where they are welcomed by Lieutenant Ortega, Phillip's best friend. Besides a tricky situation due to the constant attacks of the "pirates", Phillip discovers a new unsettling fact: Marguerita is there in order to be officially engaged to Ortega. —Guy Bellinger. Yankee Buccaneer (1952) 1080p. A United States Navy ship in the first half of the 19th century, under the command of Captain David Porter, is expecting to put ashore after a year on the seas; but the arrival of one of Porter's ex-students, the willful and independent Lieutenant David Farragut, brings a new mission: to disguise the ship and crew as a pirate ship and help the Navy locate the criminals who have been robbing America's merchant fleet. But as Farragut's disobedience threatens the safety of the crew, they stumble upon an international conspiracy. —Gary Dickerson. Invaders of the Lost Gold (1982) 1080p. A group of Japanese soldiers are transporting a large shipment of gold through the jungles of the Phillipines when they are captured by a cannibal tribe. After a large battle with the cannibals, several members of the group are dismembered and killed. A few of the soldiers survive and successfully hide the treasure in the jungle. Thirty six years later, an expedition heads into the jungle to locate the lost treasure, and wind up in a battle against the elements. —Helltopay27. Reviews. Heroes for the Medal of Honor. In 1916, the American Army is hunting Pancho Villa down in Mexico. The awards officer Major Thomas Thorn (Gary Cooper) is assigned as observer in the battlefield to seek out heroes in the regiment of veteran Colonel Rogers (Robert Keith) during the attack to Ojos Azules villa to be nominated to the Medal of Honor with Pvt. Andrew Hetherington (Michael Callan) that is riding with him. The villa is owned by the American Adelaide Geary (Rita Hayworth), who welcomes Pancho Villa′s men after their raids. However, Colonel Rogers commands the attack and defeats them in Ojos Azules. Thorn identifies acts of heroism by Lt. Fowler (Tab Hunter), Sgt. Chawk (Van Heflin), Cpl. Trubee (Richard Conte) and Pvt. Renziehausen (Dick York) during the charge. When Colonel Rogers learns that was not nominated by Thorn for the Medal of Honor, he is furious with Thorn. Rogers unsuccessfully tries to change his position reminding Thorn that he was protected by him from an investigation of cowardice in respect to his father. Thorn rides with the five soldiers and Geary, who is accused of giving hospitality to Pancho Villa′s men to Candura. Along the difficulties of their journey, Thorn researches the feelings of the men during their heroic acts and learns that one heroic act does not turn men into heroes. "They Came to Cordura" is a different Western, with a complex and confused lead character. Major Thomas Thron is a man haunted by a guilty complex since he was a coward in his first battle when he was a rookie soldier. He spends most of the story trying to understand heroism with a group of scums. It is not clear in the conclusion whether he learnt about human nature. My vote is eight. Title (Brazil): "Heróis de Barro" ("Clay Heroes") They should have come to Chaumont. In the opening scene of They Came to Cordura we are introduced to all the historical context in the script. First is an Army aviator grabbing a hot meal. Next a headquarters type mentions to the reporters that after winning a fight over Mexican government troops at Carrizal, a large group of Villistas under a couple of "generals" has taken refuge at a ranch called Ojos Azules. Gary Cooper's character Major Thorn enters the scene and we are given a hint of the scorn held for him due to his behavior during Villa's attack on Columbus, New Mexico. Colonel DeRose (Edward Platt) snubs his attempt at a handshake. The reporters are perplexed that a major is an "Awards officer" after being executive officer of the regiment commanded by a 63-year-old colonel. We find out that there was another battle the day before at Guerrero, and that his nomination of one of the participants for the Medal of Honor had been approved. Finally, Colonel DeRose reads a recent dispatch about the bombardment of Verdun in the real war dated "April 17, 1916." Working backwards from "April 17, 1916", pretty much all of this is in error in some context, but just like World War II films that depict every Marine as having seen action on "Guadalcanal, Tarawa, and Iwo Jima," it is just name-dropping in an effort to sound authentic. Apparently either novelist Glendon Swarthout, director Robert Rossen, or both read a thing or two about the "Punitive Expedition," jotted down a few dates and names, and then set their book/movie in it. While the errors are nothing in themselves—not one person in a thousand knows the difference any more, and probably not too many more even in 1959—they do make the context of their theme of the nature of courage and cowardice ring hollow to me. I have the novel and wondered long ago why Swarthout chose the Punitive Expedition to begin with. It seemed a bit of a cop-out not to use his personal experiences in WWII as a basis, except that perhaps he was wary that, WWII being a recent conflict, many might not buy his premise that heroes in combat are the craven when it comes to needing "real" courage: i.e. dealing with "real life," while those who shun danger (in his case, those relieved from potential combat duties because they have such exceptional skills as "writing") are actually the real heroes. His story raises the question that since he depicts Thorn's assignment as an "awards officer" (despite being senior in grade) as a form of subtle punishment, maybe Swarthout perceived being assigned that duty himself as being for the same reason? Okay, maybe that's a tad cynical, except I defy anyone to determine that four out of any five recipients of the Medal of Honor were criminal brutes with no other redeeming characteristics. Don't yell at me—Swarthout and Rossen put forth the premise. So let's start there with our quick review of goofs. No Medals of Honor were awarded or even considered in the Punitive Expedition. In fact the expedition was remarkably free of medal awards until the Silver Star was created in 1932, post-awarded to a number of senior leaders of the expedition. Regiments didn't have executive officers in 1916—they had lieutenant colonels. The only "major" noteworthy at the battle in Columbus was Maj. Frank Tompkins, who collected a troop of cavalrymen during the fight and pursued a force ten times their size into Mexico. A battle occurred at Guerrero on March 29, a notable American success against Villistas led by a 63-year-old colonel. A mounted charge was even attempted by part of the 7th Cavalry but their mounts were worn out by an all-night 55-mile march through a mountain snowstorm. The Villistas fled anyway when they observed the approaching column—something they did in every engagement of that campaign. The Villistas never made a Cordura-like stand anywhere nor inflicted heavy casualties on haughty Americans foolish enough to charge fortified walls on horseback. A mounted charge against a high wall is so pointless (there is no shock power against a solid 12-foot obstruction) it's tantamount to a libel. There was a mounted charge at Ojos Azules on May 5, however, the last by a US Army unit until January 1942, but it was hastily improvised by two troops of the 11th Cavalry after their dawn advance into the ranch was detected. Unlike Cordura, it was a resounding American success with no casualties. The battle at Carrizal took place June 21, the last engagement of the campaign. It was not only an embarrassing bloody nose for the US Army but an actual defeat, when 400 Mexican government troops (not Villistas) repulsed an ill-conceived dismounted attempt by 90 Buffalo Soldiers of the 10th Cavalry to force their way through town after being told by both sides not to. Finally the aviator might be an anachronism, because the expedition had run out of flyable airplanes by April 20, but I guess that at least was plausible. Long story short, Swarthout and Rossen could have set this in World War I to make their point (well, maybe not with Rita Hayworth), but then nobody could make all those snide little innuendos about macho heroes and elderly superannuated colonels, could they? The cinematography is pretty to look at, so there's that. One act of cowardice doesn't make a man a coward forever, just as one act of bravery doesn't make a man a hero forever. The Pancho Villa Expedition—officially known in the United States as the Mexican Expedition and sometimes colloquially referred to as the Punitive Expedition—was a military operation conducted by the United States Army against the paramilitary forces of Mexican revolutionary Francisco "Pancho" Villa from 1916 to 1917 during the Mexican Revolution. The expedition was launched in retaliation for Villa's attack on the town of Columbus, New Mexico, and was the most remembered event of the Border War. The expeditions had one objective: to capture Villa dead or alive and put a stop to any future forays by his paramilitary forces on American soil. After contact with the enemy, and after losing many men, five men were nominated for the Medal of Honor. Since the army needed living heroes to prepare the nation for its likely entry into WWI, Major Thomas Thorn (Gary Cooper), an awards officer, escorts the nominees, Lt. William Fowler (Tab Hunter), Sgt. John Chawk (Van Heflin), Cpl. Milo Trubee (Richard Conte), Pvt. Andrew Hetherington (Michael Callan), and Pvt. Renziehausen (Dick York), back to headquarters. This film is the story of that journey, and Thorn's exploration of the character of heroes. Adelaide Geary (Rita Hayworth), an American woman who owns the ranch where the battle was fought, is sent back with them on charge of treason for aiding Villistas against American soldiers, even though she had no choice. Although Hayworth and Cooper both gave impressive performances, Van Heflin was the standout as a brutish sergeant, especially since he was acting against type, having played decent men forced into heroism during his best-known films, Shane (1953) and 3:10 to Yuma (1957). Welcome to looperman. The ultimate pro audio resource and musicians community. Looking for free music loops, acapellas and vocals, want to hook up with like minded musicians from around the world or just looking to get some feedback on your music. Well, you came to the right place. We have 1000s of free loops and other audio resources to keep you making music. 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Download from our catalogue of 11775 acapellas, vocal samples & spoken word and start creating music today. We have male vocals, female acapellas, full songs or vocal hooks in a variety of tempos, genres and keys. Scream Sounds. Here are the sounds that have been tagged with Scream free from Please bookmark us Ctrl+D and come back soon for updates! All files are available in both Wav and MP3 formats. Public Domain. Female Scream Horror. Scream sound effect. Woman screaming at the top of her lungs in fear or horror. Great for Halloween or a spooky movie. Sampling Plus 1.0. Bike Horn. Funny double honk or toot of a bike horn. Sounds kinda like a clown. Public Domain. Death. Scary scream. It sounds like someone get killed. Recorded in russia on pocket pc. Duration 2 seconds. Sampling Plus 1.0. Scary Scream. Very scary scream that should do great for upcoming Halloween! Sampling Plus 1.0. Siren. Great siren sound effect that is free and under creative commons sampling plus. Nice clear, and loud. Sampling Plus 1.0. Psycho Scream. A super psycho scream that is blood curdling to say the least. Attribution 3.0. Baby Crying. The sound of a baby crying. Its actually my son.. he is hungry, and we are waiting in the drive through for food. Hes not to patient lol. Attr-Noncommercial 3.0. Torture. Stupid rebel loud annoying pain screaming, great for torture, horror, or Halloween movies and movie scenes. Attr-Noncommercial 3.0. Large Stadium. Large stadium full of people from a rugby soccer baseball or football game. Thousands of people screaming and cheering. Sampling Plus 1.0. Mountain Lion. Great Mountain Lion or cougar sound effect. This large cat is screaming or roaring. Great for jungle sounds and more. Sound requested by Robert, thanks Robert! Attribution 3.0. Cat Scream. Sound of an angry or afraid cat screaming. Great for Halloween. Sampling Plus 1.0. Train Whistle. Train horn blowing or train whistle blowing twice a sound that was requested by Kevan. This one is actually an air horn but its the same sound or device. Sampling Plus 1.0. Angry Cat. Super angry cat. One pissed of hissing screaming cat sound effect. Great for animal or halloween sounds. Attribution 3.0. Sports Crowd. A 40 second clip of a crowd at a sports center or sporting event. This sound effect is perfect because it doesnt have any announcer or music in the background and this makes it totally legit. football crowd requested by football allen. Attribution 3.0. Sounds of demons and lost souls screaming in anguish in hell. Very cool for a spooky horror movie. Sampling Plus 1.0. Air Horn. Train horn blowing 1x or a toot as requested by Kevan. This one is actually an air horn but its the same sound or device. Personal Use Only. Screaming Female. screaming female sound is great for a horror scene. Attribution 3.0. Football Crowd. Football crowd at a sports center or sporting event. This sound effect is perfect because it doesnt have any announcer or music in the background and this makes it totally legit. football crowd requested by football allen. Sampling Plus 1.0. Sound of someone in pain. Great for a fight or death scene in a movie. Personal Use Only. Werewolf Howl. Werewolf Howling sound great for halloween or evil audio. Attribution 3.0. Woop Woop. A woop woop cop car siren. Thats the sound of the police, thats what that is. Whoop Whoop, or woop woop sound effect requested by Jim REwed. Attribution 3.0. Screaming Hawk. Perfect screaming hawk loud sound effect. Screaming hawk deer whistle. Personal Use Only. Female Scream. Female scream is a lofi woman screaming sound. Attribution 3.0. Bleep. Nice generic bleep or beep #2 extracted from smoke alarm sound effect and then modded a little. Attribution 3.0. Nice generic beep extracted from smoke alarm sound effect and then modded a little. Public Domain. Sunday Church Ambiance. Sunday Church Ambiance sound effect field recording. This is a great collage of church bells ringing, and small birds chirping ever so lightly. Great sound, and it public domain as well. Personal Use Only. Scream And Die Fx. Man screaming and dying in anguish. Noncommercial 3.0. Murder At Quarry. A man putting the magazine into the gun releasing the slide opening a large metal door then firing 1 suppressed gun shot the man yells then the man finishes him off with 1 more. This all takes place in a Quarry. Personal Use Only. Dragon Ball Z Scream 9. This is one more one of the best awesome scream from sangoku in the dragon ball z movies. can be used for non-commercial footage. Attribution 3.0. People Screaming. Sound of people screaming. Great fear, horror, or surprise screaming sound effect. 3 or 4 people screaming include 1 kid, 1 adult male, 1 adult female.