Extensions of Remarks E928 HON. VICENTE

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Extensions of Remarks E928 HON. VICENTE E928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 16, 2019 Defense Service Medal, Global War on Ter- can-American men and women through schol- gratitude, and I am proud to recognize her as rorism Service Medal, Sea Service Deploy- arships for the Young Men’s Christian Asso- the Constituent of the Month. ment Ribbon, and Navy Pistol Marksmanship ciation, the Tuskegee Institute, Bethune- Ribbon. Cookman University, and the Bethel African f Madam Speaker, I ask you to join me in Methodist Episcopal Church as a testament to honoring Corpsman Marcus Allen Kennedy’s her fervent belief in furthering African Ameri- HONORING GERMAINE CLAIR AND valiant service to his country. cans as they pursue economic independence BROOKS JOHNSON FOR THE 2019 HOPE HOUSE COMMUNITY f and financial security which continues to pave the way for African Americans nationwide. AWARD PERSONAL EXPLANATION As the Representative of the Thirteenth Congressional District of New York in the HON. ELAINE G. LURIA HON. VICENTE GONZALEZ United States House of Representatives, I am OF VIRGINIA OF TEXAS proud to recognize Madam C.J. Walker for her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES inspiration and achievement impact in the Afri- Tuesday, July 16, 2019 Tuesday, July 16, 2019 can American community and celebrate the renaming of West 136th Street between Lenox Mrs. LURIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas. Madam Speaker, Avenue and Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard honor and recognize Germaine Clair and I was unable to cast my vote on July 15, 2019 as ‘‘Madam CJ Walker Way’’. Brooks Johnson for receiving the 2019 Hope for Roll Call Vote 475, Roll Call Vote 476, and f House Community Award. Roll Call Vote 477. Had I been present, my RECOGNIZING COLLEEN O’HARRA Germaine Clair and Brooks Johnson are vote would have been the following: Yea on honored for supporting the Hope House’s Roll Call Vote 475, Yea on Roll Call Vote 476, AS THE CONSTITUENT OF THE MONTH fundraiser and opening their lovely home dur- and Yea on Roll Call Vote 477. ing the fall art show to host the Taste for the f HON. MIKE LEVIN Arts Donor Brunch. Their graciousness offered RECOGNITION OF MADAM C.J. a wonderful tool to strengthen the Hope OF CALIFORNIA WALKER AND RENAMING OF House and introduce new friends to the Hope IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WEST 136TH STREET BETWEEN House Foundation through the Stockley Gar- LENOX AVENUE AND ADAM Tuesday, July 16, 2019 dens Arts Festival. CLAYTON POWELL BOULEVARD Mr. LEVIN of California. Madam Speaker, I I commend their dedication to growing inclu- AS ‘‘MADAM CJ WALKER WAY’’ am honored to recognize Mrs. Colleen sion through the arts in our community and O’Harra, the co-founder of the Oceanside strengthening the Hope House’s mission. HON. ADRIANO ESPAILLAT Women’s Resource Center and a former f OF NEW YORK member of the Oceanside City Council, as my IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Constituent of the Month for July. For 45 IN RECOGNITION OF ROBERT years, Colleen and her team have been serv- Tuesday, July 16, 2019 REIGEL’S KNIGHT OF THE LE- ing survivors of domestic violence and their GION OF HONOR MEDAL AWARD Mr. ESPAILLAT. Madam Speaker, Madam children at the Women’s Resource Center, C.J. Walker is the first self-made American fe- working tirelessly to ensure that community male millionaire and the wealthiest African members receive the services and support HON. MIKE GALLAGHER American woman of her time as an inventor they need to recover. OF WISCONSIN and entrepreneur. The Women’s Resource Center opened dur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam C.J. Walker born as Sarah ing a time when there was limited to no serv- Tuesday, July 16, 2019 Breedlove on December 23, 1867 in Louisiana ices available for domestic abuse victims, be- to Owen and Minerva Anderson Breedlove coming the only facility of its kind aiding North Mr. GALLAGHER. Madam Speaker, I rise was the first of her family born into freedom. County San Diego families. Under Colleen’s today to recognize Robert Reigel for receiving Madam C.J. Walker was orphaned at a trailblazing leadership, the Women’s Resource the Knight of the Legion of Honor Medal from young age. She first married during her ado- Center grew from an ‘‘underground’’ network the people of France for his service during lescent years and became a widow only a few where domestic abuse survivors received WWII. years later. After the death of her husband short-term assistance in private homes, to a Robert, who recently celebrated his 100th Moses McWilliams, she overcame adversity 31-bed shelter providing long-term housing, birthday, enlisted with the U.S. Army in 1943. and moved to St. Louis, Missouri as a single support, and resources to survivors. He served in four battles overseas during mother to her young daughter A’lelia Walker Colleen’s work is imperative as we address WWII, which included deployments to France, working as a laundress—barely earning one the epidemic of violence against women that England, Italy, and Bavaria. Through his serv- dollar a day—she persevered through the plagues our country. Each year, approximately ice, he earned the Victory Medal, the Euro- hardships of poverty solely focused on sup- 12 million adults and over 15 million children pean-African-Middle Eastern Theater Ribbon porting herself and her daughter. are exposed to domestic violence. These with four Bronze Battle Stars, two Overseas Madam C.J. Walker was determined to alarming figures tell us that we must do more Service Bars, and a Good Conduct Medal. He make a better life for her and her daughter at the local, state, and federal level to em- retired from the U.S. Army with a Technician and she was inspired to start her own line of power survivors and raise community aware- Fifth Grade rank. beauty products. Her inspiration stemmed ness, ensuring that domestic violence and The Knight of the Legion of Honor Medal from her own struggle as an African American sexual assault are neither tolerated nor ac- was established in 1802 and pays tribute to woman who had difficulty finding hair-care cepted in our communities. In April, the House soldiers who helped liberate France and West- products that were not only aimed for a spe- of Representatives passed the Violence ern Europe during WWII. It is the highest mili- cific hair type, but were also owned by an Afri- Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019 tary distinction given to those who have ac- can American woman. (VAWA) with bipartisan support to prevent do- complished exceptional deeds for France. Madam C.J. Walker was an activist and phi- mestic violence and ensure survivors have re- The Hon. Guillaume Lacroix, Consul Gen- lanthropist who worked alongside her daughter sources to recover and seek justice. Today, I eral of France in Chicago, presented the pres- A’lelia Walker, leading the vanguard of women urge my colleagues in the U.S. Senate to help tigious award to Robert during a ceremony at and women of color in the world of business, end the cycle of domestic violence and reau- the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King. Sur- philanthropy, advocacy with the National Asso- thorize the VAWA. rounded by his family and fellow veterans, ciation for the Advancement of Colored Peo- I launched a Constituent of the Month pro- Robert was honored as a hero to both Amer- ple, the National Negro Business League, and gram to recognize residents of the 49th Dis- ica and France. the National Conference on Lynching, and rich trict who have gone above and beyond to sup- Madam Speaker, I urge all members of this history and culture of Harlem during the Har- port our neighbors and make our community body to join me in thanking Mr. Robert Reigel lem Renaissance. stronger. After 45 years of providing critical for his service to our country. His dedication to Madam C.J. Walker dedicated her wealth support services and shelter to survivors in our country and his valor in service are truly and success to better the lives of young Afri- our community, we owe Colleen a debt of an inspiration to us all. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Jul 17, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JY8.013 E16JYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS July 16, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E929 HONORING SENATOR ROBERT HONORING THE LIFE OF LAQUITA HONORING THE 50TH ANNIVER- ‘‘BOB’’ DOLE FOR HIS LIFETIME BROWN SARY OF THE ALBEMARLE OF SERVICE TO OUR NATION ON PLANT IN MAGNOLIA, ARKANSAS ‘‘SENATOR BOB DOLE DAY’’ HON. ELAINE G. LURIA OF VIRGINIA HON. BRUCE WESTERMAN HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ARKANSAS OF NEW YORK Tuesday, July 16, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, July 16, 2019 Mrs. LURIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Tuesday, July 16, 2019 honor and recognize the late LaQuita Brown, Mr. WESTERMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise Ms. STEFANIK. Madam Speaker, I rise who was senselessly murdered in the Virginia today to recognize the 50th anniversary of the today with the 10th Mountain Division, the Beach Municipal Center shooting. Virginia operations at the Albemarle Corporation’s Thousand Island Park Foundation, and the Beach lost LaQuita far too soon. plant in Magnolia, Arkansas. rest of New York’s 21st District to recognize LaQuita was a faithful employee and served Albemarle’s Magnolia manufacturing plant is the life and service of Senator Robert ‘‘Bob’’ the Department of Public Works for the City of one the world’s largest suppliers of bromine Dole.
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