',a\oleq qlr^{llEep etu slJlletueseql .uoltuSooal PeJlnbcJexul Ieuorlrppeeuros lprll puu'prce1d,{llccrlocuratcA\ setletrE,^ cruos lurl},uorlecgrcl,{lolcel pollnber salueu eLuosleql luoreddeerueceq ll lunoJceplou eql Jo uorluludardaql iuunc

'uoultuocst uolllllJuA tgnedseryuouoacur./,11rl,)urpue.loq1e5o18ur.,ro.rEuaq.r,(1ee,tjazrprrq,{qo1.recdde,ualtanaDq.) 'serJeds puE DuDa)uar4tDl;t -rogldecxe lle ecursolqBnlEr\ ,&elncrged sr a8pel,moulplau qcns snua8stqtul preSa.rstql ur tualodrur ueeq oAEq uos.r.puV,{q pcpJoteJ suorle^resqo plaU cql -Je^e,roLI 'suorlulndod p1ag3o,(pnlscql fq peuoddnsuaiq tr purlp.proccu aq lq8rru 1r 1uq1.{lrroqlne eql slrel pur? suorlccllocrunlJeqjeq uo,{leJtluapcseq sr ,.ErlpJlsnv.lo?lol!,, €qlrol perudajd o,req l ll?qlluauIlEeJlV

UOIICIJDA Jlure^oeqlJo lunoJ.e clul ol pclt€JeroJaJoql pue snue8eql ur sarJedssnouEl eql.Jouorlnqulsrp 'pualdsepr,',r ,qclq,r lulol eql ol uorlulerur pstrurrl3Je,r q8noqllu suorlccllocu,ro srquo peseqfla8rel ua.q e Eq ol sJ€addello^\ s,uoslepuv (9961uos.repuy),,Erlallsnv qlnos.+o rJoll,, eqtJo uorlrpe qUnoJ3tll ur snueBeqlJo lueuteaJt srq ur ue,lrE su,n suorsnlluoJ srq.]o euosJo uorlurrpurue qBnoqllu 'peqstlqnd 'expl ueaqtou sDq snouE,\eqljo {rlsrruaqcoqt.Jo uosuEdruol u ,{1c8ru1sr qllq,\{ ,srseql IeJotcopslH se?uuqo3otaqrunu e esodordol puusnue8 aql ut sercedsaqt lleJosntuts aql ssesse_erol (€86 uosrepuVpel qJrq,r'serleds t) etuosur puno.] uorteue^ xelduror:q1,!rrz1c.{1tlenbap? louptp ( l96l ) uoslr/[ ,{qsnueS eqlJo uorstAeJ V e^ueleJtsesolc slr rrao;og ,{lqrssoclqlr,t ,ecetuoroBoql ur EJeueA pequcs prleJlsnV ,(I uncjla ,{lJ3el]lsou aquo auosr pu€ ol rruepuesr 11 g61 ral6ug) ceurerjo3 equlqns eqlJo e^rlutueserdalelos eqt puc'(euerelng)eceruoJog eqFl cqlJo JeqLuoue st.tpuv rjano)


'uoslr/A .re^ ,uoslry'A.g C lnpd ( JpuV) Dsonads Dxayla./.) puE InDd(proJ puuuH ) puDaqu]Dl '.rE^nuDa)uataDl 'uoslr/A J C lnEd (fqqsV) ltlryqu.0u )p^ DqtlE ),uoslrA|C 1ne4(.1pur1) DpolJornal.tE^Drqal.d:)'uosll/i|CIn?d(uoslry'd.Dlnpd)DaJu.to) !E^DuDasnoqlJDq)..apprLLe.R suorleulqtrtoc .A\eu .tetoxa7[at Ielau?^ l\eu 3ul^\olloJ€ ql supoqucsep elu v tnlnsut ) pue,u]oftJsnBuD 'Dlnp.lqoJs topqol .ntt ,ounduttuB .Je/' .1 JeLoxauh) J tEL DXaL!:at) oxalr[at 3 DuDaJu ,tul! 'wn.to,rrtDaloLl ,sltDfllqJo JE1'outJtlD) 1 .JeL ouDastloql)oq ) .Daurnqa,ar,lnJ .,.erlullsnv Jo €lolC,,eqlJo 9Z eunloA ul (eeocelnx) l,a./.1oJ Jo lunoJc€uD roJ uorle;ede.Idut pepr,rordejs satou .(eDeculnu) .C ,uoslry'A lErntelcuetuoN(966t)E0I-6g:(t)ZIErs nN ,r/./oJ snue8eqt uo seloN In€d


C869urlstlsriv ur.tsol\ .rrtu.-t tui^rlic ,{.Duag .t0l isfi p.].o-l .unrl'qr:H lu uiSsuEl,\lpue'I puD uorlDllasuo-).lo lualuutdtC utrlellsliV ulitsiA\

uoslrlAc lnsd

(auerrlng) oat,roJ snua? rql uo saloN

OU (Ii66l)S0 I-68:( I )ZI'rrstr(nN r 90 Nu\tsir Vol 12.No. | (laq8)

Nomenclaturalnotcs and new taxa

Corrca alba Andrervs,Bot. Repos. l:t.18(1798). Z.We. PoftJackson, New South Wales, raised in 1793 from seedsgivcn by J. Ilanks to .1.Vere (holtt: Bot. Rcpos. I : t. l8).

M.Eeutoxeronrufim Labill.,Voy. Rech.Pcrouse 2: l2 ( ) 800),Atlas t. 17( 1800).- Correa rufa (Labill.) Vcnr..Jard.Malrn. l:sub.t. l3(1803).- C.alba var. rotundiJblra DC., Prod. l : 719 ( 1824), based on M. rufurn. Type. Near"cap.meridional" ISouthCape], Tasmania, February 1793,J.J.H. de Lubilllrdiere (FI, ,.v., photographsat PERTH).

Noles. The illu strationo fthe florver ofMa: euloxeronruftrn inF igure2 oftab. I 7 appearsto correspond "quatrc to thc flower of(-ol,.ea alba, andthisagrees with Labillardiere'sdescription in which hcrefcrsto petalessont attachees ou fonddu calicc". I haveexam incd black and rvh ite photographs of five sheets 'fhese in hcrb. Fl rvhichcontain spccimens determincd by Labillardiereas Mdzeutoxeronru/um. specimensare largely vegetative. I Iowever,one spccimen has a flowerbud attachcd and this spccimcn appearsto bc C. backhousectna.It is therefore likely that the type material of M. rtlfum contains specinrensofC. albuantlo[ C.l:uckhouseana.'fo determinc r.vhich specimen agrees with whichname requiresan examination ofthc actualmaterialwhich has not, howcvcr, been available. I havetherefbre not lectotypifledthc naneM. ntfumbuthavesynonyrrized it in thcnranner of De Candolle( 1824)and ofBentharn(1863).

Correa backhouseanaI look.,J. Bot. (l looker)l : 253(1 834) as C Bqckhous iana.

Notes. The specificepithet was originally spelthackhousicua, however, the InternationalCode of Botanical Nomenclature(Tokyo Code), 1994, indicatesthat the correct spelling should bc ba c khou s ea n a (Recorrmcndation60C).

Threevaricties are rccognized:

I Corollacrcam-colourcd 2 Leavesovate, sometimes slightll' scabridulous above...... b.var' coriacea 2: Leavesovate to broadlyovate or broadlyelliptic, smooth above ...... a.var' backhouscana l: Corollared with yellowishtips to lobes 3 Leavesovate...... -...... b.var.coriacea 3: Leavesbroadly oviltc to circular ...... c. var. orbicularis a. Correa backlrouseanirI Iook. var. b:tckhouseana

Distrihution.Occurs in coastall'asmania, the Bass Strait islands, and in south-eastcrncoastal V ictoria.

Ilqbitat. UsuallJ'growingon coastalduncs and among rocks

b. Correa backhouscanavar. coriacea(Paul G. Wilson)PaulG Wilson,combrov

Cctrreareflexavar. coriaceaPaul G. Wilson,Trans. Roy. Soc. SouthAustralia 85:30(1961). NorthPcarson I sland,South , 1 4 Fcbruary1960, R. L. Specht2102 (holo: AD). 'DuDasnaq)lJD.l :) ol resol. sl 'rra/a.r si)Dln)icl,toJe^Luntuirunpur urputl iSoloqd.ro ulrel urqSnoqllc ,1qlr,nuorsso.t6orlur slsaSSns qrtq,lr:uln8uerrl{1,,nor:eu suerurceds atuos ui i.ul slJqlueeqf €xul o,r1eql uee,rleqeterp3ulelur lpq^\cruos eJe suorlJellor ^utul puu stJDlnsul JeLnfiI/a.t -) qlr,\ sezrptjq,{q,{1eue,t srr1,1 sa7o1g

'peqstlqnd,{1pt1u,r.1ou1nq'pue1s1 ooreSuu;uor.; sueurrceds ot 1cu1g1,1 1iqperldde ,{11uurir.ro se,t 1l eduqs.lpelarll ol srajeJpue rclncJrr roj etlqf sr st)D/n)tq)otcqlrdo 1e1or:u,l aq1 t6olotutlg

'Irud Ir?uorluNasuq'J s.rcpurlg Surpnlcur puu1s1 oortl8uuy uo prardsapr,n{lluctuddy sn1o1suotltutasuo;;1

'euotseurl 'puEs re,\o uelJo ul qlporllplsEoi) ur 8ur^\orD ,irllglrlf

'€rlDrlsnvqlnos'pue1s1 oore6uu; ot Jrrucpu3 uounqulstQ

'ktv)atnl 'aUDr€) 'g'g '.{e yit88l uuf tZ :(CV) 86t8 ao,a,(5 g uolSuruu.d:Ogt\) ',{ug 'elnsurue4 '.(CV) gggl ncuadg (1 y luegl(qy) OtOgtuouaq) g .,(e1pnq S6tl uoslpnf S N q ')Jed 'y1'1y51511y l€uorlsNaspqJ srcpurlC :puelsl oorriuu;1 HI1OS paulaDxasuaun)a.lspaoalaS

'xade spre,rol8ur,'norreu ro 5uolqo(1,no eu'peuesxeJloM lrr{/rrl 'sJqol qsr,rollefqlr,rper'AuolLrIc t-Z IIUut']fiaup\\lfaDlpto) ell?cuntturEleuI:esoluetuol-,{lsnJ,{lesolc 'q8rq 'stelqJuuq rurug ,'luf,ueqdsrtueqr.i/n.l slceJquJoJ ol paurpoutlous€^uel Iuur rulol eql oqs '€Aoqu ol Ir:urcurelpuu frDlrlos .!rai{.)/J qleeueqsJreq elnurtu qlr,lr esolueuol (lesuep snoJqelSpurl 'snoecuuoJ'?uo 'rr1no;r qloous I urJ g | - I ,{ltsoru r o1ale ^o ,{lpcorcl .sr,1pa'1 rLi r q u I , gr./ry.rlcaja

'kly '9961 'Er 'put: ','(qsr . aloq) 99991rattl4E {H reqtueceq0 [ 1,]ISnVqlnos lsI oorp; ue1 q111,1;,rn r/,t;

'orqnr 'eacetpur srprAeUsrqol oqnt'DBuolurc 1-7 1,(ceJloJoJ snsolu.ruol-ocurFnr.Ia3 'snlucun4'sncrrceqdsrureqx,{1u3 reproalcerqcau saluumrJJlselolC srlnuru stlrdrunc esolucruol 'ErqEl6'DrAeul 'eaceuoc'eBuol '1?rrelncllc esuopegur prdns urcg 1-1 enburnrald le,\Elu^o elul erloJ

'[(8t61)96t'upepuZcrlur]snVqlnos 'Mou'I].xulg'l l!'' lD^ut suDlnrtqn N^DtqM:)l

'ior_/ 'J ,lril'uos!/A clned srJElnJrqJoJe^ tsuEssnoqlJsqsclroJ

',iuouoxrt luaserdeql ur pelJe[+aJsr 'rrDas'naLp!.Dq tDa)DtJo) rilllulltuls qcrql\ JeLDuDesnor/lJDtl) ol Jr'.lrwlslsoru sl rJllr l aql Ilpta^o r'e^ Jo lutr.re^puelureu eql pueerlertsnv qlno5;o spuel,{errn1,1 egt t\ punoJtl nqu,tntnn otqo133 1o luerrul sql uaa^\lcq3cuelqrueser pa)rlu.r ll srolaql elrq^\'laAell.oH DtqDlB 3 o1peleler (1aso1c lsoru eqot (9861)uoslepuV,{q paJoprsuoc se,r (lerre,l srql spuno-ri 1ucr3o1oqd.rour puEloJrLueqc uO ralo1

'lq8rg aq1s.raproq lnqt lueudrecseauotseLurl aql uo punoJsrlIerlr,'tlsnV uralsa/A ur clr q,r €rlarlsnVqlnos ur sdorctno alrurr8 pue scunp uo?unotgl tolttlt:t11

'1q3rg uurlurlsnylecJD crll 6uoleerlt:rtsnV urclscy'[ uJolsea -qlnosur puu'spru,r1s:,n seiuuX ,(go'11t{ aql uloJJellEl}snV qlnoS ujeqlnos ut sJnxxo uoittl(lltl^^1O

'uoslrlA ,rrrro.) snu.3 illt lro sctoN D lnr(l (

Nuytsia Vol. 12, No. I (1998)

Corrca calycinaJ.M.Black,Trans.&Proc Roy Soc.SouthAustralia49:273(1925)

Distuibutit)n.occurs in a fcw isolatedlocalities in southernFleuricu Peninsula, and on Kangaroo Island,.

Hdbitat. llsvally growing on or near banksofstreams

Notes. The KangarooIsland populationdiffers significantlyfrom thoseof thc mainlandand is 'l'he describcclhere as a new variety. two varieticsmay be distinguishedas iollows:

Lcavessparsely to modclatelydcnsely stcllate-hairy belorv ...a var'calycina Leavcsdensclystcllateiairy below . b var'halmaturorum

a. J.M.Black var. c:tlycina

Distributi.)n.Occurs in a few isolatedlocalities in southernFleurieu Pcninsula, South Australia.

b. Correa calycina var. halnaturorum PaulG Wilson,v4,'. r1.rt

Ranrulivalcleferrugineo flocculosi. Folia ob longo-c lliptica, plcrumque 2-4 cm longa,marginibu s leviter rccurva, supra scabridu la, infia dense h innu Ieo- vcl ferruginco-stellata.Calycis lobi lanceolato- acuminati.

I3August1985,G '/ack:on l'l60(holo AD; fuas. Dc Mole River,Kugaroo Island,South Australia. iso:CANB, MEL).

Branchletsstrongly ru sty-flocc ulose. lanina oblong-elliptic,the marginslightly recurvcd, mostly2-4 cm long,obtuse, scabridulous above, densc Iy fawn-to rusty-stcllate-hairy bclow. F/orer.r subsessile.Calyx lobeslanceolate-acuminate.

(. (AD);mouth selecteclspecimens cxaririirccl. SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Dc Mole Rivcr, c/isrone 852089 of Dc Molc River,B. it'|. Overton390 (.AD)

Distribution.Rccorded only fron the De Molc River'Kangaroo Island' South Australia'

I I.thitat. Groyiirgalong river banksin dcepdamp so il overlying shalcin Eaco1.y2tus cladocalyx forest

conSenationst.rhls. Possibly at risksince the variety is only knownfiom a smallarea along onc river.

Etynolog,,.Thc varictalepithet is dcrived from the Grcek wordl?d/rra, a lcap,and this evidently gave fisclo I Idlrnuturus,a name apparently Ilrst used by J.c.w. I lligerin I 8 I I for a genusof kangaroo-likc rnarsupial.Later the epithetra lnaluromm"of lbekangaroos", u'as applied by F. Muellcrto certain plantsendemic to KangarooIsland 'qZLSZ tDg Iy tuorlu'{urc Gutul) J '(n'ru0t)A'Guur 'qrrprq 0Z)V:srrqolcss .\\.r^Irrxrqr'riqlur - J'r.,{\olt- g Suu:r.{\ou- V DaurnqaD n) t x)t\8t.1

( I cJn;irc.) 'pexegal '3uol 'relnFuerrl 'peuesxe ,{llq3rls surijDur oltu ! r ,(1,1\orrru ,{llueurtuold Jo ,(l orJSs1a{l/.1t, 'runlucruol 'lulttpu:fl,la ueeri asolc qlr,u ular8'8uol ruru gz-g I ryp./o) ut;lDru lu uIrlll,r esolueuol 'eprslno ,(lasll]ds esolueuol-uecrr,{1esol]'Euol ruu g 1 o1seqol .relnBuuul ,{lpeorq qtr^\ ro all?luep-t 'pedeqs-dnc pueelclnpun'q3rq ruru t-y 11eur r.,{1pJ seloJlJEJqsnoJnpec;eaurl 1leurs jo;rede q1r,n ';uol LuurZ r lacrped:Surppousr2,11olJ cul,{c paJe,roU- E- l r ol pessarddu3uo1 ruc S Z-I slrulqetuplol olpopunorleurtujellorredeBuuucq'repuels',(J3rrcra/Jtl,?pad'espqlu)lpproJ,{llqFrlsolpepunor 'esnlqo'qlueuoq '8uno.,{ csolueluol-(Ueerc,{lelnurtrl',{lrJnleu1e snorqelS ueq,r e,toqcluecseqnd 'rfuedud'8uo1 'et€Ao ,{lesJuds:qloours lEU uI. g-E ,{llsoru'cJrlue ol cDdrlleaurtul? I :ell?lotled f Iuoqs.rr,lrr1 'esolua 'xedu urot-,{lsnJIIesolc sp.ru,nolcsonxeU serulleLuos puu tepuels t a4Jrlr./t q3rqtu y- 1r7,,r.r275

'(.CV:oto4)9ZL9Z ' '€r 'elnsur 'ljud salDgf Il l66l tsn8nVt lDrlsnV qtnos uedneUnelJ uorlu^rasuoJ laorJ deec :lr./,{J

'srpurA'DBuol 'rarujpu urutS Z-g 1 r1(c u11o.ro3 'snsolueruol 'srleuro oeu.JJ slSuolruLu E I pe snqrrelnfiurr4olpl srqolIc^ sntEtuap-tte snlelnpun 'snlelndn. 'e6uo1 'ulcptoc x,{luJ seluulnusarolg ulessardpuureluuruucl rueru,(c pe ruc Z-Z I IeA 'es 'Dsolueuol 'olnlptu sIrEInf,IrpelJpJg DlDprof,l3lrAeller\ €1€punlot lspq nlqo oeutnqeeln u r u Dl.Jur 'Eeceu?qr'€3uo1 'Dl8atur'elu^o n1u1sur erqe16 u:dns'Er^cI]l urca-g anbunjald l.^ uarldrllaerloJ

',1ok .1l'uosll/ADIned uaurnqa EarJoJ

ruoslr/A trr.@J snu.: .ql uo sitoN C llllld Nuytsia Vol. 12, No. I (1998) selected,specimensexazrlred SouTll AUSTRALIA: DeepCreek ConservationPa(k, R.J. Bdles25',726 (AD);2 miles[c. 3 kml l'romCoolwa, Jan.1934,J 8. Cleland(AD);Boat I IarbourCreek,Hj. Eichler 14426 (AD);CallawongaCreck,25Nov. 1953,f. M. Hilton (AD)IEof TunkalillaCreek,D N. Ktaehenbuehl5249 (AD)

Dist/ibution.Found at or nearthc south coast ofFleurieu Peninsula at EncoullterBay, South Australia.

Hdbll.11.Wherc such information is providcd,all collcctionsexcept onc arerecorded as growing on banksofdamp crccks.

consery.tIion slat,s. This spcciesis found over a smallarea, only one of the localitiesbeing in a ConscrvationPark. Therefbre it is probablyat risk.

Etyrnologt. Thc epilhcleburnea is derived from the L alin eburneu\,rncaningivory-\\'hitc, refeffing to thecolour ofthe lowerleafsurf-ace.

Nor€r. This taxonwas ref'erred to Cbre./ reflexaby t)lack(1924, 1948) andby Ashby ( 1939), but thought by WiJson( 1961)to be possiblya hybridbetwectl C. c.lfcina andC. reflexa.Anderson (1986) also indicatedthat it probablyhad a hybridorigin and suggcsted a closerclationship rvith c. calycina.The herbariummaterial ref'errcd to this speciesis sonewhatvariable in its lloral featuresalthough all specimensobviously bclong to thesame taxon. The specimens sholv no signof intergrading w ith any of the otherspecies that arelirund in the FleurieuPeninsula but they havethe appcaranceof being somewhatdistortcd as though undcr stress or sufferingfrom a disease,and this appealancemay be duc to the plantbeing a hybrid. Fieldwork is obviouslyrequircd to c)arifythc situation

Corrcaglabra Lindl. inT.L. Mitchcll,1'hreeExped E Aushalia2:48(l 838)

c. speciosaracegluhra(Lindl.)Benth., Fl. Austral. l:355 ( 1863).-C. specios.lvaf. giabra(Lindl.) Maidcn & Bctche,Census Ne$'South Wates Pl. 117(1916). - C rubravar.glab|a (l-indl.)J Black'FI Sottth Australia340 ( 1924).- C.reflexctvar.l{trbro (Lindl.) Coun, Victorian Naturalist 73: 175 ( 1957).Iype Near Hillston,New SouthWalcs.2l April 1836,7.L.MitchellS4 (holo:CCE,? iso MEL)

Distrihution.Found in soLlth-easternQuecnsland. New South Wales, and western Victoria. \.vestwards to FleuricuPeninsula in SouthAustralia.

'fhe No/es. presumedisotype oi'Ci. g/abra in herb MEL, which is mountcdon tlle samesheet as, and is almostidentical to, thatofthe presunledisotype ofC-. leucocladu,has lhc lower surf'aceofleavos tomentosewhile theholotypc (CGD) has almost glabrous .

Thrcevarietics afe recognized but thcse are not always clearly distinguishable sincc they grade into cacltotner.

I Florvers pale grecn or yellorv 2 Leavesglabrous or glablcscent;calyx hemispherical,glabrous or glabrescent.-...... a var.glabrl 2: Leavestomentose bclow; calyx cup-shapedto shortlycylindrical, ton'tentosc...... b.var.leucoclada Florversred u,ith green lobes ...... c.var. turnbullii 'seqo1 se,\ealoql uorlc,\rllnr ur qBnoqqu ulloror"ourpeerds q1r,r sto,\\oU llErus puD se,real q1ll us f1e,lr1r:10: -'t suqflluraueS crlerlsnV qlrloS urels^ei-qtnos tuor1 luuld aql otqolB 1o KlaretBse peluerl aq plnorls 're^e.lroq'Suttou'!!lopuary)a/{rs setcads'rag1e1 cql leqt , lepun tuuld .,sure1d,."tlt pre Dr.lDlS . rapunlueld ,seiuu.r,,oql pcpnlcureH urlurlsnvqtnos uietssa-qtnosJo surr:1d rq1 uo punoj1uql uro.r.1 tua.rcJJrpsrseBueUsJcpullJprru,{1.}o,l,NaqlurpunojluDldaqltrqtpclpcrpur(9g61)uosjepuV..rrloN

'uorBcr urelsue-qlnoseq13o uorgod uletse,r-rluou eql ur puc spuc.l,{e.unlN eqllo surrldarp 'se8ucu sJcpurlC puc.{ o.lll,\aqtjos11rqi1co;eqlurDrlc.us^nVqlnosurpLtnoI.uattnqu6ie

'(aVll otoq)6tl.rqrg 77'lsnFny-runI'erlErtsnVqlnos 'Ipuulqnrrs,(uo1g] .,upucFriqnrcsueir urals ul,. .;rLg (/tg l) 0 t9 :0ZD.pu ut-l'tqagt ilDpu]t4)altfs )

'(CIV ;o1o4),lq4sy;1'l...r1u.nsnVqlnos'qlnosoueuot{J€eN.adlJ(8t6I)96t,upepuz urlurlsnvrpnos.lJ '1cc1g'1 - (,{qqs y) rl1lnquru rE^Drqnt) (6E6t) 0ZZ:lSI puo-I cos uur-l cot4'lqqsy ttllnqutu ;1

',r.r, .J 9u1or'uoslry'AD ln?d({qltsv) !rllnqurnl .ru,rerqrlB BrlioJ

'IaBuu1 etedoco3 :] eSueU,{Jt;nbcet\,(lrlucoleq} suq l!t{ ur od{1osreq1 'uotlrpedxe sueleq^\fc6uEU IDrll:] e;up1 uJnqlnoCeql1o lr Luurns cqtleeu 1ueld eq1iur1ra11or sprocu 'loqtUnu '.IE srq-]otunocJcaql ur' eqc1lr.^{gtgl lrJdV/Z p.lrp st s.lotralloi) .LuEs cqt sJpcq qcr q,r t\Ju l od(lostpeunserdcqtelrq,rgtsLludv6Zpel?psrcCJq)a\uDpDlco)nal;joedfloloqeql.sa1r,1r

'surcer1s3osluuq 3uo1esuorlunlrs (11rt1 ur 3ur^\or3(lletcuclJ jrllgrrll

'selElAqlnos McN lsJluef,puB urelsue ur oslu pue saiuuX ,Q1o'l thJ u.reqlnos oLll ur url?rlsnv qtnos ul putlol uoittl.lt,tlste

'f(3y61)96y'upepuzerlplsnvqtnos lJ'lz,tui l.uou'1.xtl€l'lx,qD)oEaw rE^Dlqu )l

(.Ial,,{:osi a ::lDJ. ol otl) g0l tt drl)1 in 1 J'9ca 11r:dy 67,se1u16 qtnos,reN'[a8ueulern]e8uuuurnqlnog3olrruurng:arl,i;.(9161)/llId si)lEl\\ qlnos.,\\eN snsueJ 'aq'leg .(€9S ? ueprEt\I(1pur1) opolcotnal tertpsotcadst - t) 99t :l Iur)snv U,.qlue0 (.tpur.I) .pedxl .llJqclr .l DpDlxo)nal?xvJ Dsoira./.r J- 1gtgI)6f:;ur;erlsny E acJql IAI J ut.lput-lDpDl?oDI J

'do, ruoslrlA .q 9!/or C Inrd ( lpur.l) EpEIJoJnJItE^ srqslt saJJoJ

'eJJc 3q1 ur ,ro.r; qJrq,rJo rltoq 'optllJQ)nal Je^ ,uoxul pul? ltllnqu,nll ItA Jo slulrrp^ leJol eql u.ar!\l3q puq,{q r aq ol sreedde srrlt ()1 pi.rJoJel ,{llensn sr l?rl}'erlcllsnV qlnos ur efury,{1jo1 1,\l eqlJo c8lo!) suaro.1 eqt ur punoj luu1d eq.1.

'rrxarltl ;t lo sorlcuu,\q1r^\ sczrpuq.,{q seJeld ur l€ql uoxtl crqfuourflod pue pr:a.tdsapr,ry .sa7o1y

'sesrno.ratu^\ ?uoltlpuu sletlqEq {Ilor ur,{lledrcurrdiur,no.rC .pt!LIDH

'salEil\ ,pul?lsuean0 BlJolcrAu.relse,r pue Ie.uuecpue qlnos ,a\cN uletsDe-qlnosurpu\\ol .uojrnqt,qste

urqrl? rtl,l 1pur1r.rqulE BctJoJ'E

'uoslr^\ ,r././o.) snLr33eqt uo s.loN rJ lnrd Nu\l\ir V,,l 12. No | (li^)X) and florvcrsare larger. The Mt Lolt), Rangesplants havc largcr leaves and largerflowers rvith more cylindricalcoro llas. The F Iinders Ranges most closely resemble those from thc south-east. Since the total variationof thc plan(slrom the rangesencompasses that found on the plains it seems inappropriateto distinguishthcm taxonomically.

Thenamc C. ,tchlec htendalii is basedon a spccimenrvhose precise origin is uncertain, however, it mostclosely rcscmbles the variantof vzt. tttrnhulliithat is foundin the Mt l-otly Ranges.

Correa farvrenceanaHook., J. Bot. (Hooker) 1 : 254( 1834) as C. Lawrenc iana.

DistriLlutien.Found in easternNerv South Walcs, Victoria, and Tasmania.

IIabitat. Typicallya montanespecies. rVotes. The original spelling of thc specific eptthet,lovencidna, is corrcctcd to lqtatenceqnd in accordancewith recommendation60c of thc InternationalCodc of BotanicalNomenclature (Tokyo Code)(1994).

I havenot obscrvedany collectionof C. lawrenceanathat is a hybridwith any otherspecies of C'orrenalthough hybridization or intergradationbetween varieties ofC. /cllru.c,rru is common.

Sevenvarieties are rccognized within C. lawrencednqbutsince most grade into eachothcr lheir delineationis imprecise.

I l-cavcsnarrowly elliptic, 2-4 cm long,glabrous to thinlyrusty-tomcntosc belorv;corollagreen...... a.var.Iawrenceana l: Leavesbroadly elliptic to broadlycordate, mostly cream- to rusty-tomentose bclorv;corolla cream to greenor rcd 2 Calyxglabrescent, green,9- 12 mm longincluding the lanceolatc acum inate

2: Calyx densclyfawn- or [usty-tomentose,margin truncate to shortly undulate-lobedor u'ith lincarlobes 3 Leavesbroadly ovate to cordate,roundcd at base Calyx5-10mrn long;bracteoles subtendingcalyx...... g.var. macrocalyx Calyx4-7 mm long;bractcolcs at bascofpcdiccl 5 C.rl1x4-5mrnl(\ng.uIdulcleordcntatconmargin ...... f. var.cordifolia 5: Calyx4-7rnm long, with prominent linear lobes ...... b.var.latrobeana 3: LeaveseJliptic or ovate,cuneatc at basc 6 Calyxshallorvly hemispherical, c. 2 mm high,sparsely to moderately denselystcllatc-hairy; corolla green e.var. glandulifcra 6: Calyxhern ispherical to cup-shaped,3-7 mnr high, densely tomentose, corollagreen to creamor red 7 Lcavcscoriaceous, to 4 cm long,velvety beneath;corolla broadlycylindrical, cream-vclvetvl calyx robust, deeply cup-shaped, 5-7mnl long,rusty-tomenk)se 'tseJol Il,{qdoJclcste,t ur puno;,(1pns117rtrgo77

'selp'11 qlnos,lr.NJo srrr€lunohlf,nou5 eqt ur \xJg .uotlngtrlyO

'(8091E/ASNroio4)trtaya1 ,selur11 ,,{e16 ,re^r 7,g961ludv0l qlnog,,nep eurdly U Iqcrq .adfl, '(1961)8t:gserlerlsnvqtnos (oU .J los Sucl,l,'uoslrlADInud sJsol Je Buurruar^rEIEaJtoJ

'seqol xfluc rerurlluauruord puu sec,(1ec esolnocog ,{lcsuep eFrel sr:q qJrq,,ir lueuuA para^\oU -per ,(6g61 ,{qqnrqstl punoJsr puulsddrgtsc.,1jo suretunoLu oql ur elrq^\ p,{olq)q6rLl ru 9l ol ecrl€.}o uuoJ 'erro1r11'l3ueg,{e,,irl6 eql elu1ol pelulssr cql ur puno.llueuel V u^\os}r Jo Jtnqule lu lntrued ,{ueJo uorss3ssodeql ur uuql scncllel leqlo aql ezuelteruqclEql satntualcsoqt;o ecuesqe;qt,{q 'slurrre,l .sa1o,y sJoLupeqsrnBullsrp rq ol elo.JolarJlsrlt 3urpu.r8.Ie1ul IeJe,\es sessrdLUocue,{1ar.Iu,l srql

'lsejo3 1d,(1ecneuedo ur 8ut,no;F pu]noJ{|l?nsn n/!.lDl!

's3lr?14A qlnos ,raNJo spuulelqeluleqlnos crll puul?uol.rn ulelseeur nx)o uounql.ltslo

r ( t 96 t ) uoslrtA'D d ap!/' (.-l! l :o r,dl) Dl l a/t4r J t98 t qcJuhl0Z 'euolrrA 'rc,\r)letrlupe.adtrJ (9gg1)gprrlu4snyursFurpol,projeuuuHxe.l.nl\.JDunaqonol.)

'uoslr .llenl^l.J) ,to, ,/rr,/.r IN D InBd(pJo.}lluutl l xe EuEaqoJlalre^ EuEalual^{ulBJrroJ .q

'?ruDtuseJ uruorlrpuoc prerdsepr,u erou eqlsr qcrq,r qlseuaq asolueuol-ilsnr are leql selcel Bul^uq se pequrscpsf ,rr./8rrra/ r1o edfl eq1e1rq,\\ s^a^t]JI snorqulS lso wle suqol laru Aq.7goed,{1eq1 a7o1u'

'lsi.roJeuuluour ur,{lledrcuud punoJ,irllgDH

'lrD.US sseg'puu1s18ur;1 iurpnlcur'erueLuspl. ur puno! .uotuqttlstO

'( 1,-cyuunp'51.o1ot1)l19y=l1,99 uung y 'uruptuslrl'u,ro,l, '.J -{oo:Hoau8n .Je^ UEgoII.dd,(J (EEgt)Zq:t EruErusl?J.Ll a/ DtlDa)uart\Dl:) - '(9tg .duoJ "3a1p , Lufuoluoq Jotcl l ) 917 : J iu1,1 1og uou lool l xc uur.D DauBu.ta! )

'( ,uo16ur11e16 ^ u) asnoryliDgT.nruurusu-1_ .rulV ,ssou .q]{)eg .i) ll,{ :r./,'(,1(gt8l) 08 uuv puD.lucuero ueA d' u,roJ UeqoH I ur Daut]uraf

'DuDa)ua,til\Dl') ad,{1aqt '(9E31) .te^ 1o Surpnlcur Z9:l rusl?J.lJ,34lt uou,;.1oog orgoTB ouDaJuat,^DlJ


truEaqorlrrl .I3^'q (qsrppeJ,{lerpr) ueaJ8 qsr^\olle,{ 1?lloroJ :IJrql puDUoqs lccrped ,cr1dr11a pupelcunpJd :6uol urc 6-1 ,(1peo.rqo1l1dr1;c se,lue.1 :g EasoIIrA r " ...... peJ EIIOJOC ,crldr :iepuclsla padpue elounpcd :8uol urc 9-1 11a,{1,noJJcu se,\ue,l g qFtquu /-t xiluc:peJol upaJc 'lDcuputl,{t ,iuol ,,{.rcded Ellolo):qlzoueqesolueuot ruc6 ot se^€el :/

u.4,a t ||,1 rqt rr^ s.\ru\ u.\tr \ r r lnil.l NLrltsiaVol 12. No I (1998)

No1e.n.Th isvaricty gradesintothealpinc elementofvar. /a1,'obeana. It maybc rccognizedby itsnarowly ellipticleaves, narrow red flowcrs, slender pcduncles. and slcnder pedicels that have minulc caducous bracteoles. d. Corrca larvrenccanavar. granrpianaPaulG. Wilson, r'ar' rov.

Folia coriacea.elliptica, obtusa, plerumq ue 2-4 cm longa,I - I .7 cm lata,supra glabra, infra p ilis h innu lcis velutinosa. Florcs solitarii; pcdunculus recurvatus,2-5 rnm longus;ped icellus c. 6 mm longus Calyx validus.protundc cupulatus, 5-7 nm longus,lerruginoso tomentosus, manilcstc undulatus vel 4-dentatus.Corolla Iate cylindracea, 15-25 nrn longa,tomento lutco-brunneo velutinosa.

Iypzis: Saddlec. 0.8 krn south-south-eastoi summitof Mt William, Victoria,8 September1986' D.E.A lhrecht2174(hokt: MEL).

.5rr,6 to 2.5m h igh.Ler.n,cs cotiaceous. elliptic, obtuse, mostly 2-4 cm long' I - I .7cm w ide,glabrous above,vclvety bc Iorv r'v ith fawn-colouredhairs. F/.r 'erssolitary, axillary; peduncle recurved' 2-5 nr m long; perlicelc. 6 mm long,medially bracteolate rvith small(c 2 mm long) caducousfilamentous bracteoles.&r/)r robust,dccply cup-shaped,5-7 mm long, firuginous-tomentosc,prominently undulate or 4-dcntateon margin.C orol/a broad ly cylindrical,I 5-25mnr long, velvety w ithth ick cream toyellow-brown tomentum.

Seleclcd.s pec inens exunt ineLl. VICTORIA:Mt William,The Grarnpians, B C Briggs2889 (NSW)iMt LangiGhiran,9.5milcsfc.l5 krnlEofArarat, l4Apr' l970,,4E Millat(MEL)'MIRosca'TheGrampians' -l l3Sep. 1961,M6. 1'.4il1i,rs(CANB); MaiorM itchellPlatcau, heCrampians, 8 Dec.1962.l H llillis (MFr.).

Dkt b tion. c)ccurs in rvestern victoria in The Grampians and on Mt LangiGhiran,c. I5 km eastolArarat.

H.rbll.r1.A montaneplant gro$'ing among rocks.

'l Etyntologv. hevarietal cpithet rel'crs to theprincipal area ofdistrjbution, The Grampians ofVictoria.

ivote.r.The small th ick coriaccous leavesand the broad ly cylindrical coro lla w itha velvetyin dumentunr makethis a distinctivevarict1,. Prcsumably due to itsisolation it doesnot gradeinto any other variety

c. corrca larvrcDceanavar. glaDduliferal,aul G. wilson,Trans. Roy. soc. SouthAustralia 85:49 (1961).'fype.Springbrook, Queen sland. 2 I Septcnlber l929, C T White 627 4 (.4olo13RI).

Distributiotl.Occur.s in themountains near the nonh coastofNcw SouthWalcs and in theMacpherson Rangcof far south-easternQucensland

//.rbll.r. Recordedits gfowing on the marginoftainfbrest.

f. correa la\rrenccanavaf. cordifolia Paulc.wilson,Trans.Roy.soc.southAustralia85:47(1961). IVc. Mt Dronredary. Ncw SouthWales, E F (lttntlahle(holo: NSW 26 I 86).

Di.\trihtltion.Found ncar the southcoast of New south wales inlandto nearBraidwood and the far eastofVictoria. 'Surdoo.lp slJuq snoerurloJpcxoucl uae,{uaq pads€lt lou ol lJJl. sJa,\\oll :g " BxtUJJ JEAE sliBJqsnoeJrrlol pexelJer o,\\l uitl,rlaq pedsclc'Furdoorp sre.uo13 9 elDlu.p-t Jo elDcullll x,{luf,:elllptof, .lo ctp^o ,{lproJq ol ,{1.,$oeu se^cal :g e;lojrlsn8uuru,l c seqol relniucrrl,{lpuorq g qlr,\\pue cteluep-i x,(lDc :tuolqo ,{1,\oJlELrse^re,l g soqolelsd ro ueer8qlr,lr par plloloJ :l srJulnsulJcl J pegasxaflluaururo.rd slcrllut : esoluetuol-u,reg x,{1u3 :y srloJrrrclnturunulu,li pepesxe,{ltcrecssJeqlue:esolueuol-{1snrxf1u3y 'Surdoolp st)erqsnoaJulloJ ,{q pcdselcflsnorAqo lou o1llare sre^\oljl :t axcUJJlr^'r? slf,urqsnoecurloJ pexellel o,rl uao,nlaqpodsulc 'Surdoorp src,no13 g elDluepJo etrounrl x,{luJ :Z ''''""""' soqol.relnSuerrl ,{1dccp rrroj qlr.,,t xf1u3 7 ,no11efo1uae;F u11oro3 1 'uorlru6oce'l lernlrlcueuroulutJJeM scAIesruaql,(uur qcrq,lr puc seetu e8rul .rc^ocleql sruru,llsprrq,{q lueruddu (q pepunoduoJlJp s:trtlnlrJ.}rpaq.l rxcl etertslpsr pezlu;ocar eq pinoceuolu sJclJcrlqc lucrSolo qdrou .rreqltuo4 rlf,rr[^\slul]uu^ lu:]ol s^ulp]uot sctlcr.rc^ cscqlJo qJc3 'uorlrppu 'uletsrp ul setlarJe^o,!\t 3rlt uee,rlaq uoneztprrq,{11 o1anp flqrssod ot llnlu-}rpsaspJ,{ucLu ur sr nsor,rarls;e,l puu nralrl).i re,r uae,,lilequorlJurlsrp eq1 pue JealJruog lEJ sr uorlzrudeseq1 aorlcurd u1 pere,nog-uccr8,{llecrd,te.lp teqt tsoqt uorj fllacruteqrrejSrp s1uu1d pc.re,uog-pcr,{1;ecrd{t cqt tDqlpeleJrpul oq^\ ( gg6 1)uosrcpuy ,{q pof,uenUu r ueeq e^pq 1 1uc urlucrl 3u r,uo11o.1 eq16ut;ederd u 1

'lJllluoJ ul saruoJll qtrq^\ qlt^\ sercads,rr././o,lcsoql qlr,u sazrpuq,iq qJuc pue serleuu^ leqlo eqt.loatoru lo euoolur sapr:r8qcea se palueur;cpcq flrsua louuct asJql lnq pozruiocereraq l.te sorlctJeA uaAes sercedselqrrru,l,{re,\ V .!?,ioN

'\^ u) alPlDlltqD'IaP H f I '[6/ 'Dr '[,{cg I ,{renrqeC uELusel. ernlua,rpy],crnluc,ry 1 ep ertqu.y, :ad,l1 (009t) 99 :Z.snorad qraU 'lo6'1gge1wnxa1/atuo.oronazoTy-(g0gl)glrqns:t ' Lulpli\pJpf luc1( Ilrqc.l)Exauar uarroJ

'1uc1d uetredtr(ltctr$ Y tDIqnFl

'Duolf,rAuralseJ 'le,lry eoueg eqlSuolE puno:l uottntlulste

'(aly\tr '099 'rr.rolorn'ra,rrX :olo4)talpnry J I Jeqruotdos uouag. arlfJ '( 196 1)9E :99 et1u.4snv qlnos cos (oU SuerJ!uoslry'ADlnE6 slsuaouaS lu^ auucJuJr^\uluJrroJ'rl

'lserolutpl eueluotu-1ouri.ruu oql uo 3ut,no;8sz peprorar,{y3nsn tal!qDH

salE/Aqlnos MaN uralsPiJ o ?eJealpue)-eeluJ e q1 0t ptrloJ Ltolltlt:llJls10

'(/|AsN. ,s.lPy'A ,IiorJ o^){) 1121rlg:l rugssatlLls D /11o,tz6l reqolro qlnos MaN .ro.16,,(1o1u1g uiuo1e4.arLll(6961) 199:lcsequAqrnos^\aN JoS uu11 r,(itDotrDtu )-.(.1960gVtsg urlprlsnvqlnos cos ,(oX suurl'uos1116Dlnod(flelulU) xflBJoJJsru JEAEuuaJuaJ^\ul BatJoJ.S

'lse.loJulpl ur slee.tc3uo1r 8ur,to.l3 uJUo sp pcploceu /r//grll

'. f /r ' .nrrr,i lll r \it.,\ un\lr\\ D InrJ t0t) Nu_vtsiaVol 12,No I (1998)

Corollabroadly cylindrical or su'ollen(New SouthWalcs, eastern & centralVictoria)...... c.var. speciosa 7: Corollatrumpet-shaped (South Australia, $'cstern Victoria) . d. var.scabridula a, Correa rcflcxa (Labill.)Vcnl. var. rcflcxa

Distributiotl.F'ou nd in thenlountains ofsouth-east Qucen sland, eastern New SouthWalcs, and eastem Victoria;and in thecoastal and near coaslal areas of southcmNerv Sottth Wales, Victoria, far south-cast SoulhAuslrrliil, and e.r\lcm Ta'mlttir.

Hdhilq/. Ol:tcngrow ing in danrpgullies and rainfbrcst.

N.r1er.n variabletaxon.On thc norlh-east coast of l'asmania is lounda variantwith small leavesthat arerounded at (hebase and almostglabrous beneath; it appearsto gradeto thc north and sottthinto typicaltar. reflext:t.I n eastG ippsland, thc SllowyMountains, and in the SouthernTablelands of N erv southwalcs theflowcrs are somctimes dull rcd andgreen and arc broaderthan is usual in uar.re,l1era. On thcnorth coast ofTasrnania is fbund a variantu'ith rcd and green flo$'ers that otherwise difTers little fiom thcmor e widcspreadgrcen-flowercd .

In f-arsoutlt-westem Victoria is found a variantwith greenflowcrs and with thin,scssilc, cordate and dentateleaves that are sparsely pubcscent beneath. lt wason this valiantthat the nameC. cordifolia wasbascd.It intergradeswith bothvar. s/reci.)lrr and ('. olbuvat pannosa. lhevariantfound in far south-eastcrnsouth Australia is a red-tlorvcredplant that is intermediatein rnorphologybetween var. scahriclttlq and tlle soutlt-westcnlVictorian variant of var' reflexa.

On theeast side ofPort Phillip Ba)' and near Por1 Campbell are lound plants that appcar to bederived from an introgressionbet\Yeen var. rcllexq andC. albq var. dlha. b, Corrca rellexa var. Iobata PaulG.Wilson,rdr. nov.

Folia chartacea, ovata, ad bas im rotundatavel subcordata, p lerumquc 2-4 5 cm longa,crenu lata' supra scabridula,infra h innu leo stellata. Pedunculus grac il is; bractcae foliaceous ad cyrnam appressam. Calyx obconicus,ad l6 mm longus,sparsc stellatus, in lobostr iangularcs divisus in quartavcl dimidiumparte superiorc.Corolla anguste cylindracea, ad 35 mm longa,onlnino pallido viridis

Z-rylis:Headrvatcrs ofBunyip Rivcr,l0 km nodh-castofGembrook, Victoria,2T Jrnc 1959, T B MUi/ 774(.holo:MFI').

Shrubtct2 m high. Ler.rvr:spapcry, ovate. rounded or subcordateat base,mostly2-4.5 cm long, crenulalco|r margin,scabridulous above, moderatcly densely fawn-stellate-hairy bclow F/ou'ers tenr inal to slenderirxillary pedunc le, the tcrm inal leaves clasping a clustcrofflower buds. Ca[x sparsely stellateJrairy,obcon ic. to I 6 rnmlong, the upper quarter 10 halfvariably divided into triangular acunlinate iobes.sornctimes\vitlr short intcnnediate lobes. C'oro11a narrowly cylindrical, to 35 mm long,entirely ycliow green.,.lrilrers narrolvly ovilte, c. 3 mnl long.

Selectedspecinens exun ined. V ICTORIA:S ofAvonsleigh,Dandcnong Ralges, M G. Coftick 5040 (M EL);3 knr W o1'Porvelltorvn,D. lil',:nair 1037(CANB);Gembrook, l6 Aug 19lT,E fI Ising(AD), Cranbourne,,1H /?o.r.r 25 94 (M liL). 'KlY :ototl) t6I [2lq!4,A Z l O '8961 'ErleJ}snv 'erSuruenJ 'learJ {el,\ t q}nos Jo gss tul 09 J lles lPru pnou iuoJooJ sr./,{J

'snqr.ror 'DEuo 'ElIr pr11ed srqol ecsllucJnt] Ic^ prqnr I lul ( t)Z-S I urJtnq€lloloJ stsourFlqnJ sl IId 'DlDInpun ESOIUCTUOIOxPl'SnruJdSl ur3 q X,{[UJtlel1e1S-OCUt3nue1U.t1u t 'elnptrqeos urdns raluelnSelllle 'eleprof, '€Suol 'DlDn 'cef,?uof, e,trncerralr,rcl cur8re Lu ieltAelleA elepunlor u.ltseq P€ ruJS- l J o Pllorl

'do, "1n,1'uoslllNDIned slnprJqBJsJeA rxtutJ salloJ'p

'Jeqlo qce3ol.rccu ^\orB setlet.Iu,Lo,tleql Ja,.?J.Jtln\Dl PlrqnJs lE^,:!t/2r Joltll sepuri oslu psorrads rDA suorElulseoc,{uetu ut puno.}eJE rglr'ru^ rrc77u3 qlt,tr sptrq,{g usorlads 'JI.t pw oxadat'nt uee,,\\leqelc lperujelur eq ol ruadde]t ql pelreLlor ueeq e^t q sluuld,{eup,,{S JI].N

'pu€luf ':ll^ JequnJpunoJ \ leql Dxalfat pcJc,llol't-ueeJBeql puu Dr'(r./Ja./s.lu^uee,{\lequorlcpu:8ra1urue;o11nsaraqlflqrssodslqcrq,{\puuluDtlu,\peluotuLuoceqloltll '.ullnpelln cper8ol sreaddeqrrq,n u11o:oc ,tro11e,{ eFd e qtr,\\luerJEADpuno.} sr 'seley'A qlnos,{\eN rueN

'sru(uou,(s se pezru8ocercq o1e:a,n o,lq aqtJt sllDrltyD) re'l :a,lo ,{ltrot.tdc,tuq lue,^3 fue ul 'pel€erc plno,rtr su,r1r qcr q,r,{q eruuu eqt.rc^o fluo ud suq ul,(uolnEue cturS (/88I) SullJt}Sf ( {ooH) s^llDulp)D)Ju^ Dsol)ads J eLuuueql selepelueeroJeriql pul?(9s81) J4ooll t1llolttolnuwnu Jtt^ nsoirarls 3jo uorlucrlqndcqt,{q paqsrlqelsese,tr osor:arls .re^D,^at )ad! D)t.to) ur,{uo}nueq.L s'rloN

'puplpoo,\\ 'puDS'seunp 11,,{qdorelcsfrp ur euolspuesuo ro lPtseoauo 8ul^\ol{) lDllglll

'euotcrA 'ueqdo15 'selc/A lujluecpuD lsl?€-qlnos pue uo4jo qlnos qtnos ^\aN lelsuoJ uotlnqt"tlslO

'ZI6t 'unoJ t:26 ?enlto8:ad,1J (1961)9 LI ttLlsrlErntl?N ue lrotr^ ( {ooHxa llsnr\Il)sllDutp.lDl r'..^ 'upeprg obt/atD- (96gl)011:1 uuee8u.unlg urll^'sso^ l ueqetg('1oogxe ]flen\t l)s!lDutp.lor 'lDsottads J - (/Sgl) g901:l l selel11qtnos.{\aN cos uurl col6'3ur1:r1gf ( IooH xe ltonl i) I stloutp,t1J)E^DSotJarls p- igEg1 tdv I)ZI6nl:Z6 ?nt\ log looHXe llen]AlJstlDutP)DrDa o,)

'ts9 l:0I dau loBradtJ G6Sl)LsI:I ,\\3)xopul'/o^utMoLt'urso'1d 'uos{oelCB(rpuv)osorcadsortptauwo;rr1,-6urpalrduoprsuq'(tE8I)E8I:Ils,(Slog de1'tar? '4./or.r'lsaJd xaelloJDrqunq Dawotuv- (ZtSt)gSS I:gI dc1 1og'rpuy xeuuo(l Ds-at rads parro)

'J rloa gdo,'uoslrrrAC lnud( rpuv xe uuoc) BsolJedsrD,\ BxoUal uaJloJ

'xf1uc peqol ,(ldeepe 6uraequt nra/a,r ';e,l 'seper6 'rrarbr 're^ ruorj,{lqrecrloulsoru srel.Jrp lrlrqol J€A tr qorq,r otur ol rtlrLutssr ,(teue^ srql ,taloN

x,{leJaql-+o seqot lueurtuord aq} ol sJeJerpuD peqoI sur]atrlqolq,r srlr./.r/ pro,\\ ul]1r'leqt trlor-+pe,ruep sr leqlrdc 1e1cuu^.tl]- liolotu!l1q

'ur€rrel,{llrrl ur purlqlueqpu€ tsaJoj ld{le3ne ul Sur^\o.r8r^p peprolax /r/lgrll

'er.rolJrAuJelseeJo f,ere u,rollle,\\od pup SuoucpueC oql ol pelculseN uolJttqutsle

D"trroJ snu.8 :rql uo s:)toN uoslrn O Inr.l NUll\iir\ol 12,No I (laql)

Ercctor sprcirding r rrz6 to 0.5m high. l1.ullt4 coriaceous, ovate, c. 1.5 cm long,rounded to slightly cordateat base, somervhat recurvcd and irregulafly undulate on margin, scabridulous above, modcratcly densclyrusty-stcllateJrairy below: petio le 2-3 m m long'cal1'-t hem ispherical, loose ly stellate-tomentose with rustyhairs. (-'orol/4trumpet-shaped, | .5-2(3) crn long,rcd to orangervith palcr lobcs. '1t?lre,".t shor1lyexscrted, narrowly oblong, rouuded at apex

SelecteLlspecimens exanined. SOUTH ALJSl RALIA: 4 km NE of Mact'irenFlat, A W IJell200(AD); Mt Boothby ConservationPark. E. NlS. J,rc{sor 5699(A D); 3 km NW ofCoornandook,14 C R.Sharratl e58(AD). VIC'fORIA: LittleD esert,M.G. Corrick628 I (M EL);road (o Flat Rock, ncar Mt Zero. The Grampians, 19 Mar. 196 1,,1.1L: Phll1ips(CANB).

Distribution. Foundfiorn the Mt Lofty Rangesin SouthAustralia to easternVictoria

Habitat. Geterall,tgrowing as an utrdcrstoreyin mallcclleathland.

'l Etr-nlolagy. hc varietalepithet is derivcd from the I-atin word Jc.rb,'ldu1irr, rvhich is the diminutive of scabrlr/usand means minutely scabrid, rcfcrring to thc uppersurfilce of thc Ieaves-

'l Nole.!.In SouthAustralia this varicty hybridizcs rvith C'. glaD ra v|tr.tumbulliiwhile in heGrampians ofvictoria it hybridizes \\ ith cLr.c,/e-ra var. d ngu.\l if.) lid. ln v ictoria it gradeseastwards into var..ryecl.)sa andcollections fiorn theintcrntediate zone cannot bc preciselydetemined. ln fbr south-wcstVictoria it fornrsintrogressivc populatiolls involving both var.reflexu and C. a/ba. Thesepopulations wcre treatedas a variant ofvar. rr'./cra b1' Wilson (l 961)and by Andcrson( 1986)although in bothcases rvith reservations.

e, Corrca reflexa var. angustifoliaPaulG. Wilson, uar' irov.

Folia angusteoblonga, 15-30 ntm longir,obtusa, levitcr rccurva, supra scabridula, infia dense t'errugineoflocculosa. cclyx latc obconicusvcl canpanulatus,breviter 8-lobatus (lobis sepalinis linearibusad 1.5mm longis.lobis pclalinis triangularibus ad 1 mm longis),tirruginco tomentosus, c. 5 mm altusad basimIoborum. Coro lla cy lindracea, 3-4 cm longa,rubra, lobisvitidibus.

Tiprlr. Victoria Range,Thc Grampians,Victoria.23 Fcbruary 1957, Nl lll & I'E Finck & A.C.Ilccwglehole ACB 403 8 (.4olo:MEL; tuo.MEL).

Shrubto I nr high. lcaye.snarrorvll' ob long, I 5-30 mm long,obtuse, somcwhat recurved, scabrid above,denselS' rusty-llocculose belorv. (21-i,xbroadly obconicor beJl-shaped,shortly 8-lobed (scpalinelobes linear. to 1.5 n't nl long:pctalinelobes triangular, to I mm long).lvithloose rusty tomcntum, c.5 rnmh igh to bascof lobes.sometim es slightly folded towards margin Corollacy lindrical, 3 -4 cm long, rcd with palc greenlobcs. ,ltrllers obtuse.

Selectedspecinensexa,rrhcd. V IC fORIA: RedrrlansCap, The Grampians, D E ,'1lbrecht3167 (.MEL); SilverbandRoad. Thc Grampians,23 Mar.l96l . M.E.Phil/ips(CANB);Cultivation Creek, Victoria Range, H. Streinann2960(.PERl'H); Banreys Creok. Mt WilliamRangc.30 Sep 1959,.lH Lltillis(MEL).

Distributicttt.lound princioallyin the VictoriaRange and thc Mt William Rangein The Grampians, VictoIia. 'asotueuot-flsn;,{lesuep puulucrrcqdsr ureq sr x{ 1uclql puepe esxe1sn fuo pasolcue ere srarpue eql ,{teue,l te11tl1 aq1 u 1 (1961) 'JE,. uoslr/[ ,{q pesn}uo] sP,{\ll rlcrrl^\qlr,\\ spuulslln?.lls sstg eql L\totJDilofit,loltlutultu Dxalfal Jot ruIrLurssrllst.rDln)tqJo Jta^DuDzsnorylJD.l ) t]dl^\pult suaqLu Jap )LUn\s€zlpuq,{q.,{louuAslrlJ.rrloN

'puelsr ue uo ,{luo punoJsr fleutl,\ eq} luqt lcpJ iql ol sJeJelsr.lrTlrur laqlrde ullu.1cqJ t8oltturilg

'pues pueouolsuo.tr iurpnlrur s1os1o,(1euclu uo qnlts eellpruul punoJ tDllgDH

'urlprlsnVqlnos 'pur1s1oore8ue;joJl€q ulelsueaql ol rrw.pt\A uotw(ltqst(f

'(aAW)60 '9961 Ltoua^On g'lllH eJ!t,{V:(flNVJ)lqanqua4aDtxN e aun197',(eglsEJrnolJJo N rul I :(BNVJ) S0t t r.loqrDl7'puou eroLurlill E:(Av)V\Ozuo$Pof o')irld uorle^rasuoJ,(elprc:(BNvC)t 'epEuelds1 'yy1yg1g1-1y UDH hl ueedelq:puu1s1 oo:e8uu; l1-lgs pauiulDxasuawttads palcalag

'xedu 'peuesxa- esnlqouE sprrA\ot pa,$oJlsu pu€ ;rrolqo ,{l^\o.ueu Ip n\ sraLluv eseqsp.I?,,$ol os,{lesrDds lnq xedespru.rol,(rruq-elu11als,(1csu.rp{lelulepotu'drt(lsnrqlr^\ueeJ8qsr^\olle.,{,3uo1urc7:r,lurrrput;{c Kll.,.o:leuo11o.to.-1 esolucurol-u,rE, 'eluluep-t ,{1uoqspue elucunrl '3uo1 unu y-E 'pedeqs-dnc,urql 'se r,{7n; s1cerq,{jeel snor^qo fq p.punoJJnslou qruErqo} lEutuuet .rrr,r{o/J Fuolu[ut Jelorled:sJrBq elullotssnorAqo qll^\ asoluetuoletcJlns re,'!{ol 'snolnp qDcs-elollals,illlnutruiceJ.rns Jeddn,esnlqo 'oseq 'tELJ'3uo1 'lulnJIt lu pepunoJ tuc 7-9 1fllsoru ol clenoIlpuo;q.rarraT q;rq LrlZ ot./r.lryr.lcc.rg

'(ov.otoq)trgg '696t ,9E EuDj t .l f,Ehl tZ'urlultsnV qlnos'purltsloo.ru6ue;'souregJo pelpunH uorlles .sr./,t

'e esxealseJIu€ur ,u8uol eJeqluv ElEllelses.luds Lursuq snsta,r'ecurBn.tre3 uraltdu pp stpurr\oelnl uIf,Z ,,r]ccu.lputl,{c 'snluluep-t ,sniuol ,snlelndnc elsn6uer];1ojo3 snsotueuol-oalnuurq lill^oJq le snlululul utury-g 'stnuel xfleJ srlse-JruDurJcu snquerlo.] slallpJ8 srlse.Iruuursr;rd esolLlaBol E4rrr ,€lnpuqDcs elnutLu 'uue1d'e3uo1 ,cuulnf,Jrc eJdns'Dlppuntorrurseq pe'esn1c1o urr 7-g 1cnburnJeld le,\EID^.o atpl eriol

'dor./ ./r,1'uoslr/AcIned srJRlnsullu^ Bxcucl sJlJoJ J

'Jcqlo 'nt qrce ollxJu A\otBolnwao ) pue DlpfirsilSuD oxal[at 3 JaleJeq,r .nsonads,.n,t suerdutu:gcq1 ur s.rncf,oosle uorlrztpuqKll orrrlal ,l rl1l,rsepDlS::rlur ,(llrre,r srql

'luolJrA .J ,la^i^\oq ul tncco ol u^\oul lou sl r,1r.1il./rrap lrralp; 33o f1er.re,r pcle,\\oLI-pcre puD ruaqMtnap J raaMteqpuq,{q e Surrq3oecu€ruaddE.ql sErJlr'oxalfat.-.t,1o Kler:et u saercq pelEail q8noqllV spllolot pel e8ielstt pu?,sat,{lpr paqol-g str ,qloaueq osolnltou flesuap puesut8ruu rreqt uo pa,^lnJelelc qilq^\ sel€el.roxeu s1r,{q pezruSorcr lq ,{eu ,(1erru,rsrql sa/o,1r

sa^Eal,\\oJrPu 3rl101 'rirzrTry' '^\ollEu 's/1,/,rr-34D .tiolotuITg Sutrajc; Jeel puu urlE.l eql LrIo.rJpe,luep sr leqlrdalrl auet at1.1.

'parnsus .sn|)I,^ sf ,{lr.rnJesslr oJcrl,r Ilud leuorleue ur,{lledrcurrdslncro,{1trre,l stq;- uottD^nsuo)

'puplpoo,!\ (srlouttur,rsnlrJtlncng) )ruq,{3uu1s ut sadolsouolspuDs uo 6ut,roJ8 LteVO tDtlqDH

rrr././o.lsllu.i8 rrll uo s.toN'uoslr,\\ D lnnd Nultsi.rV,)l 12.N,, | (lqa8) g. Correa reflexa var. nummulariifolia (Hook.l) PaulG Wilson,Trans Roy Soc.South Australia 85:30 ( l96l ). - Cl ry eciosavar.nunmulctrirfulln Hook. I, Fl.Tasm. I :62 ( 1855). Ilpe: FlindersIsland, BassStrait, Tasmania,26 March I 844,1 Milligan per (l Gunn 1945b(lecto:K' isoleclo CANB, M EL)' lectotypehere chosen.

Distrihution.Found in the islandsofthe FurncauxGroup, Bass Strait, Tasmanla

Llctbitqt.l:o\nd on mountainsand on the coasts.

Typrfcation.J.D. Hookercited two collectionsunder the name c. speci.)sayar.nummulariifolia, the "(irrr, fi rstcitation fbllowed thc Latin diagnosis and was s imply I 945",while the second citation, lvhich "Habitat", "Flinders' he includedin tlre paragraphon was lsland,Bar:khouse" The Backhouse collection could not be locatedin herb.K. Theshcet in herb.K thatbears the Gunn co llection contains five plantpieccs and three labels; the informationon theselabels is asfollows: l.(inGunn,shandrvriting),,lg45.correavirensvars/1945a,&l945b,lbelievetobemcrevarietiesof thesame species although irom diff'crentlocalities and numbered separatcly by Dr. Milligan,who sent themto rnc fromFlinders Island."

" 2. 1945a/Flinder's Island & Cun CarriageIsld / 30/8& 28/l0/44".

" 3. 1945b/ Flinders' Island/ Seacoast. 2613/44"

"var. J.D. Hooker wrotc the namc ttr,T,n ulat iaefolia" againstthe number I 945b on labels I and 3. It thercforeappears that he intendedthe accompanyingspecimen to be ofthis valicty. The specimen thatagrees best with theprotologue is alsothe onenearest to label3 on which Hookerhas writtcn the name,,nummulariae&/la";it is on theright-hand side ofthe sheetand is here designated the lectotype.

Thenumbers given to thespecimens are those ofcharlcs Gunn, notthose ofofthe collectof,Joseph Milligan. A possibleisolcctotype in herb.cANB bearsan ex herb.BM labclon which hasbeen typed ,,Flinderslsland.26.iii.1844/JosephMilligan,695";anotherpossibleisolectotypeinherb.MELhasa ,,695. labelwith thenote FlindersIsland"; both thc MEL andcANB specimensmatch the lectotypeof var. nummulariilolia. The Kerv sheethas beenannotatcd by G. Bcntham c. ipeclo.r.rvaf. A with the speciesname underlined in redink which indicates that Bentham had examined the sheetwhen plcpaling the,,FloraAustralicnsis" (see Bentham 1863: 8*) andthat he considered the specimens to belongto the variety Cl.speciosa a. normqlis.

Nole.r.Andcrson ( | 986)stated that ntaterial of C.reflera var.nummulariifolilfrom the BassStrait islands is mostclosely relate dto C. bdckhouseana.tl orvever,in rnakingth isassefiion he was probably refening to the BassStrait var iar,tof C. backhouseunavar.hackhouseqna with which taxon it hasbeen confused.

This taxon,although here treated as a variety,may bc a memberof a hybrid complexinvolving C. dlba andC. reflexa var.reJlexa, and therefore f-erv collections precisely match the C. hackhouseand, 'fasmania type. A sirnilarplant is loundon the eastcoast of rvherea hybridorigin is apparent. t9-tz:s8 ,uosIr1A crlDrlsnvrllnoS .o! ,{oI sucr.l. (r|..ntnd) ,rrrn.J snuii lt .lo uolsl^ir 3rruouoxrtV (t961) l) d .p,{ol,l ( eurnoqlil\ :tte)julJ ..rrllrjtsnv ulalste-rJtnoS pul]lurrN -lo seer.t.tsrrolunrll.. {6861) {) V .lruur.l .rrl;ug (3rrdr:t :uueluFBurt,|f,) r(rt loA ..uertrLurtu.zurLl(t urq.rFntrN.r(l.. (ttf,t) X ?9 VDU .i ( s[rd :7un^\r, ].nn.rt) I to^ ..srtrqrl.ti^ ru8e]tsrtrrnnrN sqllrrits.(s snruorpor,l.. (]Z8t) .p d V opulr) 'upiJ .trrtg (0pllrtrpV:r.tuu(l l^oC) Z und puZ.. crtrrlsnV qtln)s.lo s.rol.t.. (8t61) l\ [ .lrptg { rpllll.pv r:tuud ]{oD lellsrlvqtnos) a ue(t..rrPllsnv LDnoSjo urol:t,, (tZ6l) n f -t) (uopuot :e^.e)I I IoA ..srsuJlcrtsnv lrol:t.. (t9Sl) O'ueqlu:8 'uur'l zzz-bIZ:1,.1 puo'l .os rord sir.ids ,\\iu ciflll ]o suorldu.siprllr,{\'ra.7./o:) snuoS arlt to s.^rleluisirdertllrr|rrtsnv qlno( .\t Jo .\\rr^a)l (6t61) l'{qqsv (rlrrlepV uorsr^rCo.urtuud t^oD lPrlsnvqlnoi-) Z uud ..ertrj]snv qlnos Jo erot.l,,(spi) d urlli]ot T t toss.i :ut Dar!r,) (9861\lt uosr.ftlv .uosr.puv srsoqlCqd ..(:rDi.utn}I) D)to-) |t uortnlo^ilpun uorlll|lt^.. (t861) X


'{pntS seJrnosJUlecr6olorg uptlEJtsnV oql uto{ 1uz.rie ,{qpapunj {1Uud se,lr.1to,n srql (lpulI uoslry'NaupLUouu V ,{qpatedetd sEt D)u.ttr.laDa ol) Jo uorlullsnlllcql sueurrJeds.}o uuol aql JoJ ,lte) puBErJrqleq uerlztlsnV eLIlJostolc€Ip oLllol pua a./r/u LranrotnazDr!lo sueuncadsed,{1 eqlgo sqderSoloqdSurpues JoJ (lJ) cpurluetotCsuBltsJe^rull unrJpqleq eqllo lotrellC eqtot lnjele:6url? 1


,. .IL|.)J /",/ , I tl J \rrt.r\ un\lr \\ D lIr il