Move on Green


1. Title of the practice Social Service of adapted transport for disabled people in the rural areas of (P1) 2. Precise This serv ice is a imed at disabled p eople f or their tra nsport and theme/issue accompaniment in rural areas of Aragon. tackled by the practice 3. Objectives of the Transfer o f persons with phy sical or mental dis abilities in practice situations o f depende ncy and at risk of so cial exclusi on. T hese people live iin rural areas of the p rovince of Teruel and they have the need t o travel to different s ocial resou rces: nursi ng h omes, day centres, podiatrist, retirement home, basiic social services and other resources. 4. Location - Country: - Region, district or county: Region of Aragon; it is implemented in 20 districts. • 7 counties of the province of Huesca - La Jacetania, La Ribagorza, Sobrarbe, Hoya de Hues ca, Los M onegros, Al to Gállego and Bajo Cinca. • 7 counties of the province of and 3 commonwealth - Cinco Vi llas, and El Moncayo, Cam po de Borj a, Camp o de , Ribera Ba ja del , Baj o Aragón Caspe and Campo Belc hite plu s the following commonwealths: Mancom unidad Ri bera Bajo Huerva, Ma ncomunidadd Bajo Gállego, Mancomunidad Ribera Izquierda del Ebro. • 6 counties of the province of Teruel - Bajo Martín, Jiloca, Andorra-Sierra de A rcos, Bajo Aragón, Maestrazgo and Matarraña.

5. Detailed description of the practice Origin: The ISEAL programme has existed since 2000, although the objective of this programme is not the same as it was originally. The ISEAL programme began in 2000 withi n t he fram ework of European support for development and employment (Humman Resource Plan of Aragon. Objective 3. European Social Fund ESF). This plan aims to harness the potential of employment creation at the local level and in the social economy in rural areas of the region of Aragon.


Move on Green

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# Move on Green

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; Move on Green

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