Biodiversity of the Southern Ocean: A
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BULLETIN DE L'INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE, BIOLOGIE, 74 : 61-99, 2004 BULLETIN VAN HET KONINKLIJK BELGISCH INSTITUUT VOOR NATUURWETENSCHAPPEN, BIOLOGIE, 74 : 61-99,2004 I 1 Biodiversity of the Southern Ocean: a catalogue of the Antarctic and sub Antarctic Caprellidae and Cyamidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) with distribution and ecological data by Claude DE BROYER, Jose Manuel GUERRA-GARCIA, Ichiro TAKEUCHI, Henri ROBERT & Angelino MEERHAEGHE Abstract trique (avec cartes), des donnees ecologiques et des remarques sur le statut taxonomique et biogeographique sont presentees pour cha An up-to-date catalogue of two families. of Antarctic and sub-Ant que espece. Le catalogue est base sur Ia litterature taxonomique et arctic Caprellidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda) is establi shed including ecologique depouillee jusqu 'au 3 1 decembre 2003. En outre des 23 speci es of Caprellidae (plus two unidenti fied species) and 7 spe donnees nouvelles provenant des coll ecti ons antarctiques et cies of Cyamidae ectoparasites on Cetacea. Exhausti ve or extensive subantarctiques de l'lnstitut royal des Sciences naturell es de Belgi li st of bibliographical references with synonymy, detail ed informa que sont incluses. ti on on geographic and bathymetric di stribution (with maps), eco Le statut taxonomique de toutes les especes de caprellides de logical data and remarks on taxonomi c and biogeographical status I' ocean Austral a ete revu et I' identificati on des specimens attribues are provided for each species. The catalogue is based on taxonomic a Caprellina spp aff /ongicollis, Mayerella magellanica, Paraproro and ecological literature checked until 31 December 2003. Addi sp., Cap rei/a equilibra, C. penanris, ainsi qu 'a Caprellinoides de ti onal unpublished records of species from the Antarctic and sub mande clarificati on ou confirmati on. Antarcti c coll ecti ons held at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural La plupart des caprellides de !'ocean Austral presentent une distri Sciences have been incl uded. bution bath ymetrique etendue. La plus grande richesse en especes The taxonomi c statu s of all th e Southern Ocean species has been se situe entre 0 et 200m dans Ia region subantarctique et entre 35 et checked and the identi ficati on of specimens a·ttributed to Cap rei/ina 500 m dans Ia region antarctique. Sur les 23 especes de caprellides spp aff /ongicollis, Mayere//a magel!anica, Paraproro sp., Capre/la benthiques, 14 sont endemiques de I' ocean Austral (s. /.), 6 sont en equilibra, C. penanris, as well as to Caprellinoides need further cte miques de Ia region subantarctique et 3 de Ia region antarctique. clarification or confi rmation. Le taux d'endemisme au ni veau generique atteint 43.7 % pour !'en Most of the caprellids found in the Southern Ocean have a wide semble de !'ocean Austral et 14.3 % pour chacune des regions an bath ymetri c di stribution. The hi ghest species ri chness was found tarctique et subantarctique. between 0 and 200 meters deep in the sub-Antarcti c and between 35 L' habitat, les strategies alimentaires et le comportement de fixati on and 500 meters deep in the Antarcti c. Of 23 species of benthic restent encore inconnus chez Ia plupart des caprellides benthiques Caprellida, 14 can be consid ered endemi c to the Southern Ocean de I' ocean Austral. (s. l.) , 6 endemi c to the sub-Antarctic region and 3 endemic to the Mots-cles: Amphipoda, Antarctique, Subantarctique, faunistique, Antarcti c region. Endemi city at genu s level attains 43.7 % for the taxonomi e, di stribution, bi ogeograp hi e, biodiversite. whole Southern Ocean, and 14.3 % for each of the Antarctic and sub-Antarcti c regions. Habi tat use, feeding strategies and clinging behaviour remain un Introduction known fo r most of the benthic caprellid species fro m the Southern Ocean and future studi es are needed to fill thi s gap. The accurate assessment of the Antarcti c marine bi odi versity, Keywords: Amphipoda, Antarcti c, Sub-Antarcti c, fa uni sti cs, tax the understanding of its ecofunctional role and the require onomy, distri bution, bi ogeography, bi odi versity. ments for its conservati on are recogni zed current priorities in the context of gl obal environm ental change and accelerating loss of biodi versity (SCA R 1994, ARNTZ et al. 1997, DE Resume BROYER et al. 2003). Faun a and flo ra in ventories, taxonomy and classificati on, processes dri ving the origin, maintenance Un catalogue des especes ant arctiques et subantarctiques de deux fam ili es de Caprellidea (Cru stacea: Amphipoda) est etabli , compre and change of biodiversity, role of bi odi versity in ecosystem nant 23 especes de Caprellidae (plus 2 especes non identi fiees) et 7 functi oning, conservatio n, res toration, sustainable use and especes de Cyamidae, ectoparasites de cetaces. Une li ste exhausti ve monitorin g of bi odi versity are today world-wide priorities ou extensive de references bibliographiques avec synonymi e, une fo r bi odi versity research (see e.g. LOREAU & OLI VIER I information detaill ee sur Ia distri bution geographique et bath yme- 1999). ,, 62 CLAUDE DE BROYER, JOSE MANUEL GUERRA-GARCIA, ICHIRO TAKEUCHI, HENRI ROBERT & ANGELINO MEERHAEGHE Accurate species identification is fundamental in GARCIA (200lc) reviewed the genus Caprellinoides describ biodiversity studies and relies on efficient identification ing the new species Caprellinoides sin.gularis. GUERRA tools, which are still lacking in some highly diverse and GARCIA & COLEMAN (200 1) studied the material collected taxonomically difficult groups of the Southern Ocean, such during the "Polarstern" cruise ANT XIV/2 and illus.trated as amphipods, polychaetes or copepods. five species in four genera, redescribing Pseudododecas Amp hi pod crustaceans appear to be one of the most speciose bowmani and Paraproto cf condylata. GUERRA-GARCIA animal groups in the Antarctic and may be also in the sub (2002a, 2003c) tentatively redescribed Caprellina longicollis Antarctic waters. In the whole Southern Ocean they count and Mayerella magellan.ica based on the material collected among the most diversified groups in terms of life styles, from Chile and the same author transfen·ed Luconacia trophic types, habitats and size spectra (DE BROYER & incerta to Deutella after revising this genus (GUERRA JAZDZEWSKI 1996, DAUBY et al. 2001 , DE BROYER et al. GARCIA 2003b). Recently, a new genus, Caprellaporema, 200 I a, DE BROYER et al. in press). On the other hand , and two new species, Caprellaporema subantarctica and amphipods offer a significant trophic resource to a number of Pseudaeginella campbellensis were described on the basis of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic predators such as fishes, inverte collections from the sub-Antarctic islands of New Zealand brates, seabirds and mammals (DAUBY et al. 2003). and Australia (GUERRA-GARCIA 2003a). In the framework of the "Ant'Phipoda" project (DE BROYER The first Southern Ocean Cyamidae, pem1anent et a!. 2001 b) , an international network of specialists (the ectoparasites on Cetacea, were described by ROUSSEL DE "Antarctic Amphipodologist Network") was established to VAUZEME (1834) from the sunoundings of Tristan da Cunha undertake the taxonomic revision of the Antarctic fauna of and the Falkland Islands. The Antarctic cyamids in particular gammaridean and corophiidean amphipods (about 550 spp), were treated by K.H. BARNARD (1932), STEPHENSEN to synthesize their biogeographical and ecological traits and (l947a), GRUNER & VLAZOYA (1982) who gave an overview to elaborate the highly-needed identification guides as well of the Antarctic fauna, AYDEEV (1989) and DAILEY & as an expert system for identification of the Antarctic VOGELBEIN (1991). Recently, ALONSO DEPINA & GIUFFRA am phi pods. (2003) redescribed fo ur Cyamus species from Antarctic and In the course of this on-going project, a "Biodiversity Refer Argentinian material. GRUNER (1975) catalogued the world ence Centre" for Antarctic Amphipoda was set up at IRScNB fauna of Cyamidae, recording 23 species at that time, versus in Brussels. This reference centre comprises on one hand a 25 species today. comprehensive database on taxonomy, distribution, ecology and biology of Southern Ocean species and on the other hand extensive reference collections and specialized documenta Material and methods tion. A checklist of the Amphipoda of the Southern Ocean, including the Caprellidea, was compile.d by DE BROYER & SOURCES AND CITATIONS JAZDZEWSKI (1993). Since this publication several new caprellid species and new records have been reported by The catalogue is based on taxonomic and ecological litera GUTT et al. (2000); GUERRA-GARCIA (200lc, 2003a, b, c); ture checked until 31 December 2003. Dates of publication GUERRA-GARCIA & COLEMAN (2001); GUERR A-GARCIA & assorted with a, b, c, ... , followed the order registered in the TAKEUCHI (2004). Consequently, we present here an updated "Ant'Phipoda" bibliographic database (DE BROYER et al. catalogue with all caprellid species reported so far in the Ant 200lb). arctic and sub-Antarctic waters. The catalogue includes a list Additional records of some species recently identified from of references for each species, detailed information on the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic collections of the bathymetric and geographical distribution (with maps), eco Ant'Phipoda reference centre at the Royal Belgian Institute logical data, remarks on taxonomic status and distribution of of Natural Sciences (GUERRA-GARCIA & DE BROYER un selected species, and an extensive