“Om Sri Lakshmi Narashimhan Nahama”

Valmiki Kanda – Chapter 34

Rama, and Approach King Dasharatha for Permission to Leave


Rama comes to see his father Dasharatha and Dasharatha summons Sumantra to fetch all his wives to hither, and asks Rama to stay with him at least for a night. But Rama resolved in his vow, persuades his father to be peaceful. Dasharatha's anguish intensifies and he swoons at the departure of Rama.

Chapter [Sarga] 34

tatahkamalapatraakshah shyaamo nirupamo mahaan |

uvaacha raamastam suutam pituraakhyaahi maamiti || 2-34-1

Thereafter, the lotus-eyes Rama, who was dark-brown in complexion and great beyond compare, spoke thus to the charioteer, "Tell about me to my father."

sa raama presitah ksipram samtaapa kalusa indriyah |

pravishya nripatim suutah nihshvasantam dadarsha ha || 2-34-2

Quickly entering inside, when sent by Rama, the charioteer saw the king having sighs, his senses disturbed by grief.

uparaktamivaadityam bhasmachchhannamivaanalam|

tataakamiva nistoyamapashyajjagatiipatim|| 2-34-3

He saw the king resembling an eclipsed sun, like fire covered by ash, as a lake without water.

aalokya tu mahaa praajnah parama aakula cetasam |

raamam eva anushocantam suutah praanjalir aasadat || 2-34-4

The charioteer, a great intellectual, saw Dasaratha repenting with his mind greatly agitated and approached him with joined palms.

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 tam vardhayitvaa raajaanam suutah puurvam jayaashishhaa|

bhayaviklabayaa vaachaa mandayaa shlakshnamabraviit || 2-34-5

The charioteer, first inspiring the king with blessings of triumph, spoke thus in a slow and sweet voice, overcome with fear.

ayam sa purusa vyaaghra dvaari tisthati te sutah |

braahmanebhyo dhanam dattvaa sarvam caiva upajiivinaam || 2-34-6

"Your son, the tiger among men, having given away all his wealth to brahmanas and dependents, is waiting at the gate."

sa tvaa pashyatu bhadram te raamah satya paraakramah |

sarvaan suhridaaapricchya tvaam idaaniim didriksate || 2-34-7

"May auspiciousness betide you! Let that Rama, who is unfailingly brave, see you. After bidding farewell to all friends, he wants to see you now."

gamisyati mahaa aranyam tam pashya jagatii pate |

vritam raaja gunaih sarvaih aadityam iva rashmibhih || 2-34-8

"Oh, king! Rama is setting out to a great forest. See him who is resembling a sun with rays of light, displaying royal qualities."

sa satya vaadii dharma aatmaa gaambhiiryaat saagara upamah |

aakaashaiva nispanko nara indrah pratyuvaaca tam || 2-34-9

That king Dasaratha, who speaks truth, whose mind is virtuous, who is like an ocean by his depth of character and who is blemish less like a sky, replied to Sumantra as follows:

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 sumantra aanaya me daaraan ye kecit iha maamakaah |

daaraih parivritah sarvaih drastum icchaami raaghavam || 2-34-10

"Oh, Sumantra! being all my wives, who are here. Surrounded by all of them, I want to see the virtuous Rama."

so antah puram atiitya eva striyah taa vaakyam abraviit |

aaryo hvayati vo raajaa gamyataam tatra maaciram || 2-34-11

Sumantra, after entering the gynaeceum, spoke these words to those women as follows: "Oh, the venerable ladies! The king is calling you. Go there without delay.

evam uktaah striyah sarvaah sumantrena nripa aajnayaa |

pracakramus tat bhavanam bhartur aajnaaya shaasanam || 2-34-12

All those women, asked thus by Sumantra as per the king's orders, went to his palace, after knowing the instructions of their husband.

ardha sapta shataah taah tu pramadaah taamra locanaah |

kausalyaam parivaarya atha shanaih jagmur dhrita vrataah || 2-34-13

Encircling , three hundred fifty women, steadfast in their vow(of devotion to their husband), with their eyes reddened, went there slowly.

aagatesu ca daaresu samaveksya mahii patih |

uvaaca raajaa tam suutam sumantra aanaya me sutam || 2-34-14

After arrival of his wives, king Dasaratha spoke to that charioteer as follows, "Oh, Sumantra! Bring my son here."

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 sa suutah raamam aadaaya laksmanam maithiliim tadaa |

jagaama abhimukhah tuurnam sakaasham jagatii pateh || 2-34-15

Taking Rama, Lakshmana and Seetha, that charioteer then speedily went to the king's presence.

sa raajaa putram aayaantam dristvaa duuraat krita anjalim |

utpapaata aasanaat tuurnam aartah strii jana samvritah || 2-34-16

King Dasaratha surrounded by women, seeing from a distance his son coming with folded hands, distressed as he was, rose swiftly from his seat.

so abhidudraava vegena raamam dristvaa vishaam patih |

tam asampraapya duhkha aartah papaata bhuvi muurchitah || 2-34-17

Seeing Rama, King Dasaratha ran speedily towards him. But without reaching him he fell on the floor senseless, afflicted as he was with sorrow.

tam raamah abhyapaatat ksipram laksmanah ca mahaa rathah |

visamjnam iva duhkhena sashokam nripatim tadaa || 2-34-18

Then, Rama and Lakshmana an eminent car-warrior, quickly approached that king who seemed unconscious with full of grief as he was, through agony.

strii sahasra ninaadah ca samjajne raaja veshmani |

haahaa raama iti sahasaa bhuusana dhvani muurchitah || 2-34-19

Sounds of thousands of women crying "Alas! Alas! Oh Rama!" generated all at once from the royal palace, mixed with the sound of tinkling ornaments.

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 tam parisvajya baahubhyaam taav ubhau raama laksmanau |

paryanke siitayaa saardham rudantah samaveshayan || 2-34-20

Holding Dasaratha in their arms and crying, both Rama and Lakshmana along with Seetha laid him on the couch.

atha raamah muhuurtena labdha samjnam mahii patim |

uvaaca praanjalir bhuutvaa shoka arnava pariplutam || 2-34-21

Then, Rama with folded hands spoke thus to king Dasaratha who got consciousness within a short time and who was inundated in a sea of sorrow.

aapricche tvaam mahaa raaja sarvesaam iishvarah asi nah |

prasthitam dandaka aranyam pashya tvam kushalena maam || 2-34-22

"Oh, emperor! I take leave of you, who are the lord of all of us. See auspiciously towards me, who am about to leave for Dandaka forest."

laksmanam ca anujaaniihi siitaa ca anveti maam vanam |

kaaranaih bahubhis tathyaih vaaryamaanau na ca icchatah || 2-34-23

"Permit Lakshmana also and Seetha too who is accompanying me to the forest. Even if prevented(by me0 on many true reasons, these two are not agreeing to stay behind"

anujaaniihi sarvaan nah shokam utsrijya maanada |

laksmanam maam ca siitaam ca prajaapatir iva prajaah || 2-34-24

"Giving up grief, Oh the bestower of honor, grant leave to all of us, Lakshmana myself and Seetha as Brahma (the lord of creation) did to his sons (Sanaka and his three brothers who intended to go to forest for practicing austerities)."

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 pratiiksamaanam avyagram anujnaam jagatii pateh |

uvaaca rarjaa sampreksya vana vaasaaya raaghavam || 2-34-25

Gazing at Rama who is unruffled, awaiting permission of the king for stay in the forest, the king Dasaratha spoke thus:

aham raaghava kaikeyyaa vara daanena mohitah |

ayodhyaayaah tvam eva adya bhava raajaa nigrihya maam || 2-34-26

"Oh, Rama! I was stupefied by through a boon. Now, by confining me, be you the king of Ayodhya."

evam uktah nripatinaa raamah dharmabhritaam varah |

pratyuvaaca anjalim kritvaa pitaram vaakya kovidah || 2-34-27

When told thus by the king, Rama the best man in supporting righteousness and who is proficient in expression, replied( as follows) to his father, after making salutation with joined palms.

bhavaan varsa sahasraaya prithivyaa nripate patih |

aham tu aranye vatsyaami na me kaaryam tvayaa anritam || 2-34-28

"Oh, king! You be the ruler of the earth for thousand years. But, I for my part, will stay in the forest. For my sake, do not generate untruth about you."

nava pajncha cha varshhaani vanavaase vihritya te |

punah paadau grahiishhyaami pratijjnaante naraadhipah || 2-34-29

"Oh, ruler of men! Having strolled in the forest for fourteen years, I shall clasp your feet once more after fulfilling my promise."

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 rudannaaha priyam putram satyapaashena samyatah |

kaikeyyaa chodyamaanstu mitho raajaa tamabraviit || 2-34-30

Prompted secretly by Kaikeyi, the distressed king, tied up by fetters of truth, said weeping to that beloved son.

shreyase vriddhaye taata punar aagamanaaya ca |

gacchasva aristam avyagrah panthaanam akutah bhayam || 2-34-31

"Oh, darling! Proceed for welfare, for advancement and for coming again. Let your path of travel be auspicious, undistracted and fearless from any quarter."

na hi satyaatmanastaata dharmaabhimanasastava |

vinivarta yitum buddhi shakyate raghunandana || 2-34-32

"Oh, darling, the scion of Raghu! Truthful as you are by nature and your mind being given to righteousness, your decision cannot be reversed."

adya tu idaaniim rajaniim putra maa gaccha sarvathaa |

maataram maam ca sampashyan vasa imaam adya sharvariim || 2-34-33

"Oh, son! Do not leave in any case today, now at night time. Even by seeing you for one day, I may live happily."

maataram maam cha sampashyan vasemaamadya sharvariim |

tarpitah sarvakaamaistvam svah kaale saadhayishhyasi || 2-34-34

"Looking at your mother and myself, stay at least for this night today. Satiated by all the desired objects, you may leave tomorrow at dawn."

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 dushhkaram kriyate putra sarvathaa raaghava tayaa |

matpriyaartham priyaamstyaktvaa yadyaasi vijanam vanam || 2-34-35

"Oh Rama, my son! An incorrigible thing is being done by you since for my pleasure you are going to the forest a solitary place, leaving beloved ones."

na chaitanme priyam putra shape satyena raaghava |

chhannayaa chhalitastvasnu struyaa chhannaagnikalpayaa || 2-34-36

"Oh Rama my son! Your exile is not agreeable to me. I was cheated by Kaikeyi who had concealed intentions and resembled fire with ashes."

pajnchanaa yaa tu labdhaa me taam tvam nistartumichchhasi |

anayaa vrittasaadinyaa kaikeyyaa.abhiprachoditah || 2-34-37

Incited by Kaikeyi who has destroyed established customs, you wish to redeem my deceit, derived by me from her.

na chaitadaashcharyatamam yattajjyeshhthassuto mama |

apaanritakatham putra pitaram kartumichchhsi || 2-34-38

"It is not a great surprise, my son, that you my eldest son should seek to make your father as one who does not have false promises."

atha raamah tathaa shrutvaa pitur aartasya bhaasitam |

laksmanena saha bhraatraa diino vacanam abraviit || 2-34-39

After hearing these words of their father who was depressed, Rama and Lakshmana were upset. Then Rama spoke these words.

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 praapsyaami yaan adya gunaan ko me shvastaan pradaasyati |

apakramanam eva atah sarva kaamaih aham vrine || 2-34-40

Even if these worldly pleasures are obtained today, who will offer those things to me tomorrow? Therefore I desire only to get away in lieu of all these enjoyments.

iyam saraastraa sajanaa dhana dhaanya samaakulaa |

mayaa visristaa vasudhaa bharataaya pradiiyataam || 2-34-41

"This earth being relinquished by me; which included various provinces, filled with people, imbued with riches and food grains may be given to ."

vanavaasakritaa buddhirna cha me.adya chalishhyati |

yastushhtena varo dattah kaikeyyai varada tvayaa || 2-34-42

diiyataam nikhilenaiva satyastvam bhava paarthiva |

"I cannot budge now from my decision made about my stay in the forest. Oh king the bestower of boons! You were pleased to give a boon to Kaikeyi and let it be fulfilled completely. Be you a truthful man."

aham nidesham bhavato yathoktamanupaalayan || 2-34-43

chaturdasha samaa vatsye vane vanacharaih saha |

"I, as promised, fulfilling your command, shall live in the forest along with forest-dwellers for fourteen years."

maa vimarsho vasumatii bharataaya pradiiyataam || 2-34-44

na hi me kaamkshitam raajyam sukhamaatmani vaa priyam |

yathaa nidesham kartum vai tavaiva raghunandhana || 2-34-45

"Oh, king! Do not have any hesitation in offering the kingdom to Bharata. Neither kingdom nor happiness indeed is desired by my nature. It is dear to me only to do your command as directed."

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 apagacchatu te duhkham maa bhuur baaspa pariplutah |

na hi ksubhyati durdharsah samudrah saritaam patih || 2-34-46

"Let your sorrow disappear! Do not be overwhelmed with tears. The ocean, the lord of rivers which is difficult to assail, indeed does not get agitated."

na eva aham raajyam icchaami na sukham na ca maithiliim |

tvaam aham satyam icchaami na anritam purusa risabha || 2-34-47

"I do not crave for kingdom or happiness nor again for Seetha nor even all these enjoyments nor for heaven nor even for life."

tvaamaham satyamichchhaami naanritam purushharshhabha |

pratyaksham tava satyena sukritena cha te shape || 2-34-48

"Oh, Jewel among men! I wish you to be a truthful mean, not a fallacious man. I swear to you in your presence by truth and by virtue."

na cha shakhyam mayaa taata sthaatum kshanamapi prabho |

sa shokam dhraarayasvemam na hi me.asti viparyayah || 2-34-49

"It is not possible for me, Oh father, to stay on even for a moment. Therefore, contain this grief, Oh Lord, for there is no going back upon my word."

arthito hyasmi kaikeyyaa vanam gachchheti raaghava |

mayaa choktam prajaamiiti tatsatyamanupaalaye || 2-34-50

"Oh Dasaratha the scion of Raghu! I was indeed asked by Kaikeyi to go to the forest. It was also replied by me that I would go. I shall redeem that pledge."

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 maa chotkanthaam krithaa deva vane ramsyaamahe vayam |

prashaantaharinaakiirne naanaashakuninaadite || 2-34-51

"Oh, king! Do not feel anxious. We shall sport in the forest, flocked with peaceful deer and rendered noisy by birds of various types."

pitaa hi daivatam taata devataanaamapi smritam |

tasmaaddaivatamityeva karishhyaami piturvachah || 2-34-52

"Oh, father! It was indeed said that even for celestials, father is the god. Therefore, I shall carry out the father's word, considering it as divine."

chaturdhashasu varshheshhu gateshhu narasattama |

punardrakshyasi maam praaptam santaapo.ayam vimuchyataam || 2-34-53

"Oh father, the best among men! You will see me, when I come back after elapsing fourteen years. Let this grief be given up."

yena samstambhaniiyo.ayam sarvo baashhpagalo janah |

sa tvam purushhashaarduula kimartham vikriyaam gatah || 2-34-54

"Oh, tiger among men! Why have you got perturbed-you by whom all these people bathed in tears, ought to be consoled?"

puram ca raastram ca mahii ca kevalaa |

mayaa nisristaa bharataaya diiyataam |

aham nidesham bhavatah anupaalayan |

vanam gamisyaami ciraaya sevitum || 2-34-55

"Let this city, province and whole of this earth left by me, be given to Bharata. I for one following your instructions shall proceed to the forest to dwell in it for long."

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 mayaa nisristaam bharatah mahiim imaam |

sashaila khandaam sapuraam sakaananaam |

shivaam susiimaam anushaastu kevalam |

tvayaa yad uktam nripate yathaa astu tat || 2-34-56

"Oh, king! Let this earth with multitude of mountains, comprising of cities with their gardens relinquished by me, be ruled over barely by Bharata, within the bounds of righteousness. Let the word of honor given by you (to Kaikeyi) come true."

na me tathaa paarthiva dhiiyate mano |

mahatsu kaamesu na ca aatmanah priye |

yathaa nideshe tava shista sammate |

vyapaitu duhkham tava mat krite anagha || 2-34-57

"Oh, the faultless king! My mind is not directed on haughty physical enjoyments or sensuous pleasures which is approved by the wise. Let your agony disappear, for my sake."

tat adya na eva anagha raajyam avyayam |

na sarva kaamaan na sukham na maithiliim |

na jiivitam tvaam anritena yojayan |

vriniiya satyam vratam astu te tathaa || 2-34-58

Oh, the sinless king! Therefore, now associating you with untruth, I just do not desire for kingdom, nor all the sensual enjoyments, nor happiness nor existence nor even Seetha. Let your pledge (given to Kaikeyi) prove true."

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 phalaani muulaani ca bhaksayan vane |

giriimh ca pashyan saritah saraamsi ca |

vanam pravishya eva vicitra paadapam |

sukhii bhavisyaami tava astu nirvritih || 2-34-59

"I shall be happy, entering the forest filled with wonderful trees, eating fruits and tubers as well as seeing mountains rivers and lakes in the forest. Let there be satisfaction for you.

evam sa raajaa vyasanaabhipannah |

shokena duhkhena cha taamyamaanah |

aaligya putram suvinashhtasamjjno |

moham gato naiva chicheshta kimchit || 2-34-60

Embracing his son that king Dasaratha, who had thus fallen on evil days, was tormented with grief and distress, and got fainted; fully losing his consciousness and not moving even a little.

devyastatah samruruduh sametaa |

staam varjayitvaa naradevapatniim |

rudan sumantro.api jagaama muurchhaam |

haa haa kritam tatra babhuuva sarvam || 2-34-61

Then, all the queens assembled there except Kaikeyi began to cry. Sumantra also fell into a swoon, while weeping. Everything there became loud lamenting.

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Valmiki Ramayana – Ayodhya Kanda – Chapter 34 iti vaalmiiki raamaayane aadi kaavye ayodhya kaande catur tri.mshah sargah

Thus completes 34th chapter of Ayodhya Kanda in glorious Ramayana, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

Sriman Moola Rama Vijayate


K. M. K. Murthy. (1999). Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya.

Merriam-Webster. (2007). At http://www.m-w.com.

Reference.com. (2007). At http://www.reference.com.

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