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FRroAT, MAT 4, 1§B1 >AtiE EraHTBEH lEw^ning il^pralii ATcrafc Dally Net Ftcm Ran Th« W«ith«r FofMMl a t . WentlMV B u a i For the Week Ending 0 a. • , i|L : Suniet Rebekah Lodge wlU meet AprU 28, 1651 Monday evening at 8 o’clock in Is Engaged to Wed State DeMolay Fair and eool todays fair and About Town Odd Fellow* hall. A representa­ tive of the Sherwin-Williams Com­ . 10,171 oool tonight; fntr and cool Son* D m aMRtag* MIm I auIm J. pany will speak on color combina­ Conclave Here dor. WOaoB oC Oral t«ne and Dale tions and home decorating. A re­ Btanber of Mm Audit •amai of Andover will be eolem- hearsal of the drill team will be /FiMrWrlWICr^— IdWy 0 / r x^nurm alaad tomovrow moming a t. 11 held at 7 o'clock. A social time Recrplion to Be Held at o’clodc la St. Jamea'a church. will follow the meeting and re­ freshments will be served by Mrs. The Masonic Temple MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1951 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS At the recent meeting of the Florence Armstrong and her com­ (Closallled Adverttslag cm Pag* **> DaWolf Art OuUd Mra. R umcII m ittee. Saturday Evening PltM a waa an>ointed eorrespond- aecretary. Hoateaaea were The SUte Officers’ reception of M ra.. Herbert Urwelder^ and Mr*. Trinity Past Noble Grands will / be guests of Sunset Circle of Past the Connecticut State Conclave, G uy M oore. Noble Grands of this town. Mon­ Order of DeMolay. will be held i ^ I ^ V. \ I \ Miaa Charlorre D. HeHrn of day. Mav 7. at .1 o'clock in Odd this Saturday evening at the Ma- ' Wlndemere atreet and Gustave E. Fellows ' hall Slipper will be .sonir Temple in Manchester. Tlic Swaaaon. Jr., of Talcottville, will served at fl o'clock. Local mem­ reception, which will be a aemt- \ be married tomorrow morning at bers are a.sked to bring gift* for formal dance, will commence at Si Mac Arthur Renews Offensive on Truman 10:80 hi St. Bridget’* churdh. the "merry-go-round.” 8:.30 to the music of Ernie Gler- glnsky and his orchestra. The State Officers reception I* held every year In a different lo­ ' -4 . -T- v-lli V'; cation throughout the state and At Eanp! Is In honor of the State Officers / m%/fl Ban Picnic Fires of the Connecticut Conclave. Allied Armor Advances State officers In whose honor ^ I Will O pp ose the dance Is being held are: State 111 Slate Forests Ma.ster Councilor Marshall E. —Lorlna atudlnp rhoto Hmlge, Manchester; State Senior Miss Pbyllta L. Oordon Councilor Richard McLeod, Tor- In West for Fourth Day Bulletin! rington; State Junior Councilor Hartford, May 5——Picnic Appeasement Mr. and Mra. William E Gordon Robert Hull, New Haven; State fin** In state forest* have hern of 112 Pembroke street, Hartford Senor Deacon. Gordon Boucher, Tokyo, May 5 (.C. —United Na­ hannevl because of the tlnder- nnnounee the engngemenl of their Ansonia; Stale Junior Deacon. tions tank - infantry columns dry eonillllons. Donald 4'. William Gilbert. Milford; State daughter, Phylh.s I,orraine. to clanked into the Korean no- Mathews, Director of the Park Washington. May .5— (/V)—(ien. Douglas MacArlhur «m- Senior .Steward, Harold Valentine. and Forest romnilsslon, said the Hiirlon Marniin. son of Mr. and mon’s-land on the hunt for with­ Mrs. Charles Hnrmln of 0.^ Brook­ Naugatuck; Slate Junior Stew­ prohihltlon will remain In effect tinues today his hrislling offensive against Truman adminis­ field street. Manehester. ard, Nicholas P.slchopaldas. Stam­ Your Manchester — Tomorrow drawing Red forces. until rain reiliiee* thr forest fire tration plans to fight what he eulls an ‘appeasement" war in Miss Gordon Is a graduate of ford: State Chaplain. Marvin I "This Isn't a general advance," h azard . ,\sia. Weaver High school, Hartford, and C.oodrlrh, Hartford; State Mar­ Ca s t c h a n c e said a spoke.sman at U. ,S. Eighth He said fire fighter* have Chief targets of the indefatigalrle 71->earold depttsed Pa­ Hillyor Pollegc and Is now employ- shal, Cliarles Hartung. West Ha­ Allure—The Gift Slip Army headquarters, "hut wc’rc fought I0« blazes In the woimIs ed as a medical Hlenographer at ven; State Orator, George R TO HAVE A ; .sparring for an opening" In the past five day*. cific commantler were President Truman and Secretary of Mcf’ook Memorial hospital, Hart­ Briihns. .Ir. New Ixmdon: State FOR MOTHER’S DAY CHANCE The armored columns struck Defense George C. Marshall—like Mae.\rlhur u live-star Gen­ ford. .Standard Rearer. Francis J. Sav­ ahead on the W'eslern front for the eral of the Army. Mr. Harmln Is a graduate of age. Tnrrington: State Almoner, Beautiful rayon crepe with nylon lace at fourth consecutive day. Secretiiry of .Sliite Acliesoii, who FOI TNI Manchester High school. ser\ed Arthur F Root. Bristol; State trim, alao cover Bra style lace top and bot­ $ 3 . 5 9 BIG PRIZES The Reds had pulled back on the Blasts Lod"c ha.s been ai ciised as an "jippeaser ' three years witli the I' .S Air Force Sentinel, Robert Painter, Water- tom lace straps. Sizes 32 to 38. Pink or FINEST IN central front. They withdrew on a y some o( Mhi Ai IIhu 'm ( 'ongres- IMar.Vrllmr V iew s and is now enijiloyed by the Herald. hurv: .stale Scribe, Herman w hile. ' Just a change of season-to spring—and Manchester smaller scale on the western front. sion;,l Hiippoitios. wa.s not incliid- TAILOHED-TO-UEASUKE A fall wedding is planned .Smith. New Haven. and State brightens up—-clean and green and full of color and life — and The Red spring drive that be­ For Blorkinj^ d Till- Ccnetal yi stcrdiiy nti- Treasurer. I.lnyd Cobb, New you are glad to be living here. gan April 22 had wilted in its first Midvi'ii Ai'heson of any ionn*’ction III ('.a |)s iile F t in ii H aven. stage. Now the United Nations with ilia ou.sler )iy I’rcsiiient Tru­ Refreshments will he served at Don’t let that Spring Fever—that enthusiasm—all be Army was taking up slack in the man Nalliaii Hale PTA intermission, and an entertain­ Institutions spont on the garden or chinning with the neighbor who has lines. The former Pacilic (‘ominaiider ment will also be given at that J maili’ it plain tliat he la giving no VVasliih^iton, Miiv .5 (/!*) Here He's Conittg! Just come out of hlberatlon too. Except for the British Glouces­ i.H Rtmiinary of the m.'un potnt« Meeliii" May 8 lime. Dancing will continue tin- quarter to .Ml Triiinan and .Mar- a tl! twelve o’clork. tershire battalion which waa bad­ Senator Reagan I.iles from tlo’ houiK testimony iWUh The Latest In .V- Let some of that energy be spent telling the Development ly mauled, no Allied units suffered ahall in hli llglil foi aiithorily for Patrons and patronesses for the • i ’ Commission how you think Manchester’s growth should be ill., aiicccaaor. I.t ( len M atthew , yestunlAv by (oil Iiouj^lns Miie- annual meelmp of the severely in the Red drive that was Governor for Trying Arthnr before th<* Senate Korelffn I Fashions and Fabrics . . . re(’eption ineliide: "Dad” and Mra. K , balanced with It* services and resource*. It Uldgway. to piiati Ihe war hard­ Nathan Male I’Rrrnt-Tencher A»- Philip .1 .1 Jones, Deputy of the stopped Just short of Seoul. er agalnal (he Chllieae Commii- Uelfitions fln4 Armeil Services pociatton will be hebl In the school 'The Chinese and Red Korean To Cover Up Ohslriie- KAHN State of Connertleiit to the Grand E; How do you see the future of Manchester . . . Charles S. iiista Min Arthur aald RIdgway com m itt eeR, auditorium on T\iepday. May 8 at Council of the Order of DeMolay forces suffered heavily, however. ahiirea hla vlewa on Itiat point. A news CfinfeMTirr statement 7;ir» p m 'Hi*' election and m.stal- ^ House, Chairman of Board of Education says I hope that Lt. Gen. James A. Van Fleet, lion to Vital Plans TAILORING GO. and also artlve member of the everyone who Is Interested in the present and future of Man- MacArlhur aald he waa tireil on by Presitlent Pnimnn tbnt Mae* latinn of new n fficT s will t)c lu'Ul Grand Advi.sory Boanl: Mr and Eighth Army commander, esti­ one milividiiara Judgment.' oti- Colton Crepe Housecoats fe- Chester will consider this contest a personal challenge and will Hartforil, May 5 uV' A Dein- A rllm r bail not rtllo\ven Far Eastern pollrles, (.At* tlonallat-hrld Kormoaii and admis­ Committee on Public Welfare and MiirArthur snid be hnd never w hich the P T A. recently pur Field report* Saturday Hated Wlrephoto). ______sion of the Chinese Reds to the I chased for the school. Miss Hiil- 21,000 men and .lOO horses north Humane Institutions. deelared cnitetl Nations he haired from “attributed to (Serretsry of Saturday, May 5th j dnh Hutler has kindly agreed to V-:.' of Chunchon on the central front. that "overcrowding and under- i an,v poaaihle Korean eeaae-fire State) Achesou in the sll^fhtest % staffing have reached the ilanger | tlcRreo the diM-ision of th e P re si­ 1 show these strips at the meeting. Plan New Offensive talk., ! A social hour has been planned point in our mental hospitals and ' MacAlIhur added later he dent to replace me” Gat fcady foe Spring and Sonuner seeing Presence of mine fields on the following the business meeting, w estern fro n t n o rth of Seoul al.V) ^'■'^’'*'’8 *choo s r,roim .m Israel, Syria End doean I believe tins government MnrArthur wns answering a these uaweit and finest idea* in sota and with refreahmenta served in the Reagan outlined the program ever will agree to talk any »iich question in which Senator Phil- home comfort indicated the Reds were planning on which he said the Democratic- ' kindergarten. Extend Federal Control another drive. terma to end the Korean war. bright (1>-Ark» asked whether Uopco t a foe men and women. See for jour- controlled Senate was "driving 1 other jiolnta MacArthiir raised: One American officer said the a)icnd" •elf the tnily outstanding selection of Chinese always lay "acres of mine 1 k'ornioHa. which he deacnlied (Ointinned on Page Right) MORIARTY Bros It called for a S'JB.OOO 000 bond Truce, Renew War For Ilealtli and Comfort fields" to screen an area in which a.H a "ma.sler bast ion ’ mual lie colota, weaves and styles, then make your^ ,\s Well As Style 3 1 5 CENTER ST Over Other Buildings they are massing for attack. issue for emergency instllution held at all eoaU because Its fall ronstnictlon. the establishment of might bring about tjie "eollapse" Try Individually Designed AP Correspondent Robert Btm- I*rael-Syrtan Frontier. May 5 - fortifying their position* Inside dmioe and have your messntements taken T EI 5 13 5 an Institution or Institutions to of the PhlllppinM and Japan and son at Eighth Army headquarters {jpi -Syrian forces launched a new thr demilitarized zone U. S. Extends for dcRrery at any dme yoa apeeffr. "SPIRELLA" care for the aged, chronically III "Invite a third world war." reported the general belief Is that and infirm, * 40-hour week for em­ attack today against a command­ The Syrian assault on the height C A I.L 8.186 NPA Now to Take In Luxury Housing, Big Apart­ the next Red shove won't come , u . » 2. He has "complete" ronfl- ployes of State Institutions arid the ing Israeli position on the north­ ovr.rlooklng the northern, smite .of , dence in the pmfeaalonal - ublltly Date on Mill Comiilote Lino of Mr%. H<‘rnlrf' A. ( happ<*)l. rUEL OIL ments, Public Projects— No Single Over S3.'i,000 immediately. When It does. Army ern shore of the Sea of Galilee. the .Sea of G alilee 1 1-ake Tiberias) | integrity of Bradley and tile .sources said, it will be in the (Continued on Page Eight) Supported by artilliTV and mor­ was the 18th In tl.e last three days j j„mt Chiefs of Staff who must Slimmer Weight Samples form of pressure on Seoul. tars, the Syrians B.ssaulted the im­ Washington May 5—(>P)— Gov-. placed In the same prohibited cate- The hill Is the highest point In the ; ,,„niiibiile in a major way to any Eunson said most military men portant height of Tel A1 Milteiln ana Gidminlal rat Ion rebiiltnl of MacAr- .4(ltlH Two Moiitlifi to believe the Reds will need more in the demditnriz.ed zone Inside thiir's views. armor than they have displayed Rcores of bodies of S.vrian .lead (ATlilirule of Neres- has ben extended to taks In lux- $5,000 will take care of ‘Rotatioiiers'’ I.srnell territory. litleied the tialtle area this morn­ 3. He believes the American Air up to the present to swo p around An Israeli army spokesman m force is big enough to carry out wily for N. E. l*rojpcl ury” housing, big apartments. In- most outdoor signs, behind U. N. forces defending Tel Aviv said I.,rneli forces re- ing. The exjilosion of heavy iirtil- lery ami mortar tire shatteial the strikes against Red Uhiiin'a hiiw'S dustrial plant* and public project*. Behind the order, NPA Adminis- Seoul. pill.scd the attnek alter aji 80- and still have reserves to set as JEWELRY nie National Induction Author- trator Manly Flelschmann said, is No Oppuoltioif Near Seattle pastoral quiet of rural lower Gali- Hartford, May 5 - (/p) - A two- M O D E SS Because miniite battle and inflicted heavy a clelcrrent to any Riisalan attack month extension in the certificate Ity (NT*A) announced lost night , "growing, critical shortage" of Chinese Reds offered no fight le area casualties. He said the assault on E urope of necea.sitv for the jiroposed FOR MOTHER’S DAY GIFTS that no single-family home costing gteel. Effect of the action will be os the United Nations line was w as In fu rth e r d isreg u n l of Hie United Nations observers were 4. He never received nulhorlty to rt’.a always the fashion to be 1,43T EnlistctI Men. expel ted to reach the fighting zone $220.0(M),()(HI New E ngland steel comfortable and poised and NECKLACE.S, EARRINGS, BROOCHES, SCATTER PINS, over $35,00 may be started without two fold: pushed forward northeast of eease-lire agreement reached by bomb a large (Thiiiese C'.mnuinlst mill at New London ha.s been Its consent First, it will let NPA pick and Seoul in the region of the Ihikhaii the two nations yr.sterday through todav sajiply ik'pot within Korea, 31 I -Modc.'i.s i.s -SO .soft, .«o .safe. BRACELETS and BOXED SETS, Gold and silver finish. Alw river. Ill Offirern to Be granted by the government. Clif­ The order, effective Immediately, the projects into which United Nations efforts Israeli sources said three Syrian miles from the Riisslan tiorder. ford S. Strike reported today. PEARLS In natural or new spring colors. Farther east of Seoul, in Uie also requires each builder to oh- i^gg quantities of structural HuiltMl oil Retnni The Israeli spokesman said .Sy­ This testimony, not carrleil in pub­ Strike, head of F. H. McGraw peninaiila'a mountainous heart, ((kintinued on Page Eight) tain on NPA permit for any ,tcel should go. These might be rian troops were eonsolidaling and lic transcripts, was confirmed by A C om pany, here and aLso preal- Box of 48 “multl-imlt residential building’ factories contributing to the de- some Red forces stiU were with­ Aboard U. S. N. S. General !.e- Iwci .Senators. denl of the New England Steel 1.49 (apsrtment house) In excess of fpnso effort or schools and ho.spl- drawing north of (Jhunchon out of roy Eltlnge, May 5 i)Pi—An elec­ 1. War with Russia is "not In­ Development Cor|>oratlon, said the $ 1 .0 0 to $ 3 . 9 8 three storiei and basement. tals filling a serious local need range of Allied artillery. tric air of anticipation came over evitable,” hut he Is convinced Riia- additional time wa.s granted by Second, it will compel builders It was on this front, 45 miles sln. Red China and North Korea P lu s T ax And It brought under similar this big Navy transport early to­ House Bloc Slashes the National I’rodnetlun authority control major construction fields of less-essential projects to scale day as l..'i4,’i m illing aleeplesa G Is consjiired lo attacli South Korea. heesuse the project was still es­ which so far have been untouched down their plans, adopt less criti­ (Coutioued on Page Eight) waited to set foot on the homeland 6 He would not retnlitate mlli- sential to the iiatloiial defen.se. In the mobilization drive—any fac­ cal materials, or rede.slgn build­ they left *o many months ago. .tarlly now agaln.sl Russia for the The certlfieafp. which allows the tbi JW . H A H COM tory, school, hospital, church, In­ ings to eliminate excessive use of These were the first Army com­ Truman Funds 96 P. C. ^sale of supplies to Red Clilna. eorporatlon building the plant to 7. Withdrawal of American dustrial warehouse. highway, structural steel. bat veterans to return from far-off w rite off the construction co.st out M Awgkwnraii C a n w MO-540 troops from Korea and the siihsti- CEHOUSESSON bridge, water system, utility or With respect to homos, an NPA Ransom Story Korea under the new rotation pro­ of taxes at an accelerated rate, tuLloii of an air and naval attarU w as originally l.s.stii'd in Ja n u a ry I IM railroad project which uses more spokesman said, some houses In gram . WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS the over $35,000 class may be ap­ These were Ihe lucky ones. Many GOP, Dixierral Coalition Points to Vole as on China would violate "morsl’ for 120 days. It wa.s due to ex- than 25 tons of steel. a man with whom they fought and principles and offer South Koreans [>lre M av 11 Tlie new expiration The latter broad category covers. proved, but only where there i* Faces Prohe relatively slight use of materials died lies in timeless sleep beneath Evidence of Drive lo Trim Governnienl Spendiiifj as sacrifices. (late Is .Inly 11. In effect, every t>'pe of construc­ which are In short supply. a white cross in that distant land 8. Chlang Kai-shek, the Chinese As with .the original certificate, tion which was. not already under The luxury-home order waa w hich th e re tu rn e e s left len* th a n a NPA regulation. Florida Police Hunt Washington. May .I (/I’l Econ­ ministration when .1 181 lo 113 (CsMitlauHl on Pa^r Eight) (('ontlniied nn Page Eight) •tAMFOmZ£D‘. NPA's first direct encroachment m onth ago. vote reduced to I.IXMI the number Fit Not an eye waa even droopy on omy forces in the Hoii.se toilay WUl Boduoe NP.V Penult* on residential building. Earlier R. I. HiiHbaiitL W ife of new publie housing units that BANTLY this last day out. Home was too Newspaper plants, and radio federal restraints have been ap­ pointed to a walloping 96 per cent mav be started in fiscal year and television stations now wlU plied to federal housing insurance, Reunited After kidnap close. The troopship, which the cut in President Truman's emer­ ‘ 1912 While the iiiithorizea 1.434 enlisted men and the 111 require NPA permits regardless of mortgage credit and down pay­ gency funds as evidence that 1.3.1,000 Iinita to be started In any Hint Bolivia Revolt OIL CO. the steel tonnage tnvoved, the m ents. Miami, Fla., May 5 — iJPi — officers boarded at Sasebo, Japan, year, actual work depends upon Dresses for Mom two weeks and 5.000 mile* ago, they're pushing ahead in their The order will not halt con- Process servers are looking for a the iimomit of money appropriated ogney oald. moved slowly down Budget Sound drive to reduce government spend­ Elaborate outdoor advertising Rhode Island mar and the wife ami limitations in the apiiroprialion TEL. 529.1 toward the sea journey's end at ing. on Mother's D y displays were banned. They were (Continued on Page Eight) police reported he ransomed from bill. On Eve of Eleetions S eattle. The President’s funds came un­ kidnaper* for $30,000 There the nation's gratitude der t)ie axe yesterday when the The Preisdenl already hnd whit­ Range and Fuel State Attorney Glenn C. Mincer for their heroic service will be House pa.ssed an,. News Flashes band, Louis Rosenfeld, a former Secretary of the Army Frank lire Ready to Stuff Gift Handkerchiefs resident of Providfnee, R. I Rosen­ Pace, Jr . was ready to greet The total was $693,137,110 le.s.s 1,000. Culled From (/F) Wires FOR MOTHER (Late Bulletins ol the lA*) Wire) feld nas been reportedly identified them 'ITic n fa re of bands, si­ than Mr. Truman has asked. And Almost every agency provided Rallot Boxes Siindav with gambling activities there. rens. whistles, a paralle and the $24,000,000 of that was slashed for in the.hill felt (he sinu; of the other trimmings of a warrior’s from the President's own emer­ cutting drive as the Itoiiae added , I West Berlin newspaper report* BLANKETS Colorful cotton or linen prints or all white embroidered ana Pal Perkins Mincer reported they had dis­ I.* Paz. Bolivia May 5 m».ss executlcm of 40 Soviet Army appeared last night. homecoming were all on tap. gency money request. The fund cuts of $27.2.37,081 lo the $611,- j lace edge handkerchiefs. TYPHOON LASHES PHILIPPINES ISLANDS is given the President to meet Bolivia was tense today on the eve deserters by Russian secret police Colors: White, pink. blue, maize and <3 GLASS Cotton sheer voile—14‘i to 24*4. '1 have reluctantly come to the Scores had loved ones waiting 900,021 lopped off by the Appro- j Manila, May 5—(A»)—Red Cross emergency crews were or­ at the dock. Others will not he emergency needs arising from do­ of Ita presidential election. G o v - East Germany. . .Randall School conclusion that these people are priations rommittce. rre e n 38 x 80. S P E C IA L ...... ^ For Every Purpose dered to stand by tonight as a tropical typhoon roared across reunited with their families until mestic or foreign developments not * J ..I *h Hartford reorganizing as non- avoiding service and may have The reductions raised to around emment officials and opposition profit Institution, to bo known aa they head to all parts of the provided for in specific appropria­ $886,000,000 the total amount the Auto, Mirrors, Window the Philippine Island chain. Communications were cut off absconded. " he said. "Furthermore cmndldates predicted trouble and "The School for Creative Work, 25 each country for 30 days leave the en­ tions. Hou.se has primed from bills in- c to sl.oo with the southern part of the Bicol peninsula, northern Samar there Is a possibility they may be some even hlntecl at a national . Inc." . . . Waterbury policeman Plate, Obscure Printed Lawn tire contingent receives. Then Mr. Truman had requested $21.- vedving budget requi'st.s for ap- FITTED CRIB SHEETS leaving the stale." He added; ^ 000,000 for the fund. The House assists in birth of child to visiting and the Masbate islands. They received the full force of the comes reassignment. (iroximalely $24 The revolution. Navy, Green, Brown—38 to 44. "T his may either be a genuine Appropriations committee chopped ooo.ooo

- -- V 5 . A1AN( HKSTKK fcVtM Ntt HKKALO, MAM;HES'n«:R. CONN.. 5ATUKUAY, .MAY 6 , 195 1 p a g e t h r e e PA G E TW O

Bolton rhun h will m ett on Tuei- retarj'. Ruth Hickox. Treagtirtr, avonlOK at Maple Grove atarlmp «iay night «t 8 o'clock 8t tke homa Helen Fairbanks, past praaldent. charge. Miss Vera Bnlley, from at 7:00 o’clock. Department Preal- Bucklaiid Fire greaslons; so Iniquity shall not be Bolioii of Mra. ('har)ea F. Srnnnar. Mrs. "B ” U tile, pact commandere <>V,'VllNDS^?yp Mrs, Leland Hunt; E N. C., will apeak. RcM'kvUle dent of the Auxililiry, Mra. Rev. .1. R Yeager will remduct ' Fi nncle Miner, Michael McDon- close tomorrow. your niln." 7:30 p. m.. The Evening Evan­ H. CTiapmnn of Rorkviltr Entl • llorla Mohr /o'ltatla Selections from the Bible in­ Join The Fastest Growing worahlp aerv)rei< at Unttad Meth- ' nell. Comrades Edward Qutah. TH lU Pl Saturday— gelistic service. Rev. Rothwell parlmcnt Coiumander John <5rli- Trl. Manrhr*l#r 5A45 oilt.st I hurrh at 10>4r» tonioin^w Wrc‘(*k» House Wilber Little end Commander Ted SOW — T im r .NKXT WED. 9.00 a. m., Junior 4?hoir. clude the following; "And fear will speak nnil speeliil music will }in of East Hmtlord will b- pic.s- mtirniiig when his sermon will hr — ‘ Fairbanks. The nie.s.sage brought TWO iAMun CiOtowrN nr 11.,-K Parish Worker Miss Doris John­ not them which kill the body, hut be provided hv loenl tiilent. Industry In Manchester ont. There wil be music and a Special Rites ( .s HU ttpt'ii nwiliUK Wo have openinRs for qualified stable workers. Irt. dition to the turkey dinner whu n , the adult atudy group at 9:45 at M. 4VII*pa R. 4a 8ilfa Convention of the New England de.stroy both soul and body In hour, followed hy the iholr re rc ir.nut N -Daiiia^c Kwiinialol " At St. Joseph’s will be served at seven o'clock. ! )» ill ('ivtiian I f t fiSi thr pai.sonagi- Young people ^*f ••TBir4II.l’ Conference Luther LeafBie bein^j hell" (Matthew 10:28). hcnrsnl shifi male or female production clerk. 2nd shift OMle Final < ard I’arly ’on Tiif'nd.iv, Mj»v s a! V ;i. in rtl til' rhntch ^vlM attend an MYF Toilav al .'atlO .O O O ' The Hiilisr Ciimniiltee wishes to — asd — O ater Congregational Church St. .lames’a R. C. Church hold in Providence. Correlative pa-ssagea from the workers for essential prtMiuctlon work. The final in tbc scries of aix 4 n*rham Slanmyrk Rev.-CIHtoril O. Slmpaon, Paator Re\. John F. Hannon, Paator (-hristian Science textbook, "Scl^ UlC Ki ruMUil.ii.ri' I l.;ainrs is i ^ll\ at thi Butnsidi' < hurrh ii; expreaa »ta apologiea for not hav­ Jnhii l.aad Next Sunday Is Pentecost and of 33 to Receive card parties of the Vernon WSC:-: I-:a.st H.nUiiid from 1 until 8 p tn. ing thr newly ronstiiiLled ( ’ock- ftev. Dorothy Welly Pcaae, Rev.-George I*. Hughes Mother's Dny. In addition to the cMce and Health with Key to th4^ Second rongregiilhmiil ( liiirch I ilian I nb,i I r. l«ir f"i 1 hr I. I'liuiilv Iv’i" i>n Hill h.laml "N4t MAN 4IF HF.B Rev. Kdgar J. Farrell , will be belli ill s cvcmni; at i ijilit inji.cii if»vi aftermmri. tr.il bai open for the ('onvrnionce _ .ainlxter of Eiliicatlon regular Church schofri and worship Scriptures." by Mary Baker Eddy, .North Main and North Streets Fin»l Coinmiinion in Xi'U L'lhtlon ill fji U hirn III .'-^luth \\ iml.-iii wa.s 5I.AT. l:.">0------FV F. 7:15 4 I« X " SPENCER RUBBER CO. o’cloik at the baaemciit id thi Rn\' Si iiiii 'Pi “Op No 7.3 will of the rtieinbera and theii frieml.s Anitrew R. Wataon, service there will be a Mi.ssionaiy i include the following: "W e ac- Rev. lalaitd O. linni. raslor of I V town.'', I I. \vhi< h li In in- -.. .| b\- I;n \ 1 stenhi V alt' r- S.\T„ SI X., runt'4l. Sunday Masses: Vernon Methodist chun h i nvr»'t at the < hun h oM Monday evr- on \9 %{ Saturdny night! It Was 1—4 ul»r 4 *rt*BI—I Minister of Miiale Tea from 4-7 p. m. at the home i knowledge God's forgiveness of Warren l~ Wood. ('ll AI‘KL STREET Rockville Cliurch t hjflrtl It 1’. ♦ xp' t ffil V. ill .iiil- uig eight pel suns home- For Adults. 7, 8, 9. 10. 11. with To Ki'celve Hegree ' nin;i at 7 n'idorU The troop has annotim fd that thia would be ip I.tlrM Nrwa of Mr. and Mrs. Erik Anderson. ' sin in the destruction of sin and IMreclor of Music liRVf \;i!nal,l. ‘ MilonuHlmn ir II rEEKt Prelude, "Liimcnnoi O.sirow' , belief in sin is punished so long <115 a 111 ( 'lull ( h Scbiiol.* | receive First Holy romnuinion nt ‘ ■ Ynii Can Mr.at I l f A It.-i-'l' ■ I'll, liuiiie '.'.as uuned In '•irwflN I BAd MANCNlSTia ba.'cmcnt. Two Masses at 10 North Melhodl*l (liiin-h Kiphly ihird anmini i'luumem e- .Nnirii, paU"l h »d-*r.s, tf> .supervi-«»* i :slh.nno .sa?y to po.'jtnone the r»p'ning of startM Han.: “Sanrit of Iwo Jima” Rubenstein. : a.s Ihe belief lasts." 9 i:> aiiif II (»' a m I ’lvme Wur- .St. Joseph's Church on Rumlny hI •Ml ji.u h.s|)topii' ar.- in\ \<> ((’clo( k for adults, one in the main WllUird 51rlAtighlln, Mlnislir meiit of Crnsei Tlieoloi'ienl Seiiiiii- att« nil ’ till- no'i'i in^ -init if t - pJii - 11 wiirk Tile hiciil troop has al- , Doiiehi ■ Ciaiit the new rorktail bar until tlii.*? St rrina oka Mayae and "Fountain Reverie " Fletcher. shi|i, with Holv Cnmiuumon the 8:45 FolUnviiip the Mn.s.s -.1 A. Dextrr THf Bourry **l>*abte Deal" church and one in the basement. William Brown. Organist nry. Mr Krook.s eoiupleted hi.s Iniilailv intpi'ilHtit th«it .dl ^”oup hecii iis-lgni'l a spring e|eaii-up | 'IVu iiiieks t.uin the ,Muiuliei- evemntr. Anthem, "O Divine Redeemer 11:00 H ni Wiirshi|i Hour Nur­ the • children «'ill have a t oni- ^ l.ih III C,iii.|i .1. Iinson where they | ter l''ire liepniliiient 'vi re rnslird p:. l*arLrr Ro v • — Gounod. (Mvenant (MngTegathiniil (71411x^4 sti'iilics tioMinl the dcpiee of' ItrttilK hr pifstnl Ui’ll h.> pri- sery. munion breakfast at SI -loseph s will si I .Ipi'aml niiinl Ihe barrels! to th^ Njonr to Aid tlio Sontlt ‘L^nifrU In Presentation of Cla.ss Gift Kim Sunday ,s( hool. 9:30 48 Spruce StriH-t Haeholot of Divmily at Ciozvi .-sot;* itilrrcst* <1 111 ;t ,\ I ifi* Tin Commande, aeain wi»hc5 to •‘Valentino” SI. Bridget's t hurrh (iigioi Pi'clodc, Andante fiom school prrpa.red by the luenibcrs ii-ed UU'I. 1 U r lb III on the pond. Wind.'^ui- P ir*' I >"pat tiprnl .Mra Shirer. Holy Communion. 9 30 and 11. R*'v. 4'url 51. Ilelgemoii. pn.*tor Semmarv diirln); the second term pha.-sc "1 ('i\'ili.'in I>4;«i''C '.111 attention to all Committee iln cninr) Disguise” K(-v. .Iiinics P. Timmins, Pastor I S\ oi|ihian No 1 ...... 5 ici iic of St Helen's Society. other m Indies at Ihe rhurch (Irani, "h o livrx next dooi‘. dix* Offertory. "Klevation" Batiste. Proklde "Melodic in F. Kach- Ibuil Paige. Organist CONCERT of Ihia '\(.ar. lie i.s r.lunilin! In Bc\. Bronislaw tiadarowskl and The following children will re- , (ilOUp liriul.'' JlJ.ii Ih'nl lirv ('ha'i'inan tn ,^tai4 prep.^rlng their Nt H\iuii G1 uy Be to Go'l " n Higli have the HD. decree eonferied rib inrlUilr John .^ujin.soii. Sr , Mini this V. e'-i, itielmie a meeting of the ' rovni d thr hin/.i . ". linh appal'nt S;:l> 4i: ?* :'•** urimMtfi Hymn. "Holy. Holy, Holy Kc\. Ko'm rl ( arrtdl. Assistants maninolT. ] (;w at. biiiiii cetve conimuniop Henry Blonian. ' k'uiHiiee I'uninitltee on Ttiaatlay at ly waa i Musrd hy drfr* live wii iii.: rear’.y reporta These niii.st be, UliSW. upon him at the Kiadiiat ion exei - hm H«ru«tRnt^ laTNlie Sprn'r; .1, Dyltos, Processional Hymn H oly, Holy, Satin day. .May .*> 8 p m The ' Anthem, l.oid of A'l Being Hatton BY Richard Filip, raid Craf. Itonald 8 p m and the nonilnattf^ eom- tn orm of tin apnrlnn nl.«. it u'a.s ready to read at the Annual meet­ at 1410 Reception of new members itlie I'lses on Tuesd;i\ . May Ht h Mr. (i. HHRktitt. Rrnatn (Vvroni iiirm- SIN D A Y Masses (di Sunday at 7, 8. 9. 10 Holy.” ' Brotherhood presents, "The Chal­ 1 .tumor I 'lion In -1 set vicci Jakiel, Paul Leiuek, Francis Us- | itiillee on Wedneaday at 8 p. m. ing which will hr held tlie laat confirmation class i. Brooks aieeptcd Hu rail ss [lastor briR of the Roald nf f^rlrrtmrn. Atid. Mrs fdanl was unahir to •UATON PA SS" and 11 a. m. I Hymn. "Ye Fan Green Hills . lenge " new motion picture show­ Antlicm, Grant, Me He: .. I'ticc Y. W. C. A. CHORAL CLUB OF HARTFORD zewski. .loscph Macicjko. F.dward i The l•■ullrlll yiiarterly Conferenre i (,M In Ip t-. i MO . Ih. Tuesiiay in June .nid al^o for the TOPAYoHrftUM Sermon. "The Way of Holiness " I .. of the RiK kville Htple i i bun li Kveretl T. Mi Klnnrv. all m pnhiir PM S: "AIR 4'AUKTS” II Anthem. "Thy Hallowed Pres­ ing the work of the Newington Alpa Kava Vnlkrit. urll knouii Snow Polozej. (Tirster Sas, Richard Son- I upon the rcuiiplrlion of bis i i.tk Ilf tlie (hunh will he hold on May hlazc h i 1 piit nut li'h jih'»n< nnn;iai meeting oi t!iep'ir.*»t 'li.dru t from Isaiah 3.5:8 ! AT works. rnRimrnnj; Hr-I pnldh- ■ > E R S a M ence" Caster. Home and Hospital for Crippled hit 1(1 hiiirdU'ssui h'l.s ji'inrd Ihr ■ .(.'timvli ...... '.Cl VICCI pailo, Joseph Sternal Kdward i at Crozer Scm iu ac In-t I-ehiu.ii\'. rrvirrx Mib Knlph il \VoiK. Kith begimimg at 8:30 with a po* wirt-M .''^hr inr, li. a nrighiioi V. Inc h \^i!l alao tr hel4l in Jiine. • Kany Free Parking • Celebration of Holy Communidn. St. I'riiiicis of .\sslsi (hurrh Sokolis Stephen Zaresky Patricia | Im k supper to he followed by the Hymn, ".lesus, i Have Prom­ South Windsor, Bonte 30'2 Offertory. 'Solitude' Hc.-.s( Children It will be mlrodiiced and H\ mil, Tbc I"'.!' Il I (iui: l.ii Id Re\- Johamie* 1 l.iM.-elmani S. irr MariHolmi. .lohn P Avriy. Mr^ home tn » aII for htdp. rhen tliese report* must he auh- poor .NtJin nf MllllP's Hi'.UltV Shnp. 22 5 ,il Icndon St. Mary's Parish House— Tuesday, May 8th BInntarr.. Ksther Honan Carol hiiMin#'M.N Mf»,N.sinn. .Near Burnham's Corner llyniii. "Come. Ye Sinners, piojei ted by B. E Ko.s.s. iliri . tor T. M. of ifeniuinv. s stod'-nt nl I he Ryron Shinn afid Mie Kllnuoiih l.A< k of nraihy WfilM .sfjiirtes mitteil to the Oepl. Adji tanl'i of. ised"- Mann. Urpnt SqiuiM'. Thr .Hhnpwas rr- 8 1,5 !• M Ann i'Rpelio, Helen liliibai'. i.cral- Postiudo. Choral improvi.sation Itev. Kdward J. Duffy, I’aslor and Nec ". of the hospital. This film was re­ (ill.ito iv Pa..loi:ilc Giulmaid Harlfotil Thei i.icii al Seuoiuirv PrrUine, M\kh .leanritr »Snn:nri balked th* rfiurts of thr two d» - fli-e :n time for the Dept. Conven­ d\nc F.npfcr. Patricia C.roii.s, Bar­ on "Now Thank We All " , K<'V. Francis Kravelis, ( urate ' Communion Meditation The viewed in last Sundays ( ourant. untlv taken ovrr hv Mi>« .lulta SiTtiion. riic Spud ami tbc ( "Inn . 'i Found.itioii v^'ill iireiiili at the and Ntm .iHinent* Ma.sBrtt. partnnntfi M'lie than 3,3du gal* tion which will he held in Bridge­ GUEST SOLOIST bara (Juzowskl. Row'ena Kita Sunday. 9:1.5 a. m.. Church: Great Invitation ". and m Wednesday's Herald This u hn hf\s fnund it nrci-ssarv Hymn Hi.-.ilbc on M( . llrc.ilh ol Roekvillf HHpll.--l hunh on Suii- ('ivilian D»*frnRe < hairrnan K Ion.'» of waif! fi«>iii h'H.fltrr lank- port 'M .Itilv .Ml committer rhair- i;,.d .. . foli.ila,. Nani y Kolatiko. Sandra Ktibavich, Pierre H rnn U and hte H.s.'4i*.t tid, M anchp^ ler school, kindergarten throiigli high Masses al 7:30. 8:30 ami 10:30 I The Sacra inert. ,s the first showing in Manchester. to .'('I'l tn hr! .'«tafT m oitlrr to MR. BORIS EVTUSHENKO. Baritone day at 11 am . in. the iilnem e of wci' poui' d --Il Un tilazr whu .i un'ii air urned tc» make Ibe.ae re- the Hv um Hi( ai. I'hou Hic IVend ol Lorraine Ijibot.s. Patricia Orlow- <*hn!lea Uohinn.^. arr hoprinl that ll;O0 u. m., Chun h school, pri­ . m I Keccssional llyn.r. "rake .Ml arc welcome; free refreshments hHivlh' thr iniiri.-iin^ husinrsH the pastor ■VB^ V hipp' d Mp t'\ a .StHill-' pni-t.a and to ha\’e them ready j.d" At ."gfli I'.S (IF ST MABYS MENS CU'B ski .liannc Pnpick. Tlieresa Children ot 'Inry inanv of thr tou nf*pri)|i!e will mary. ('-. Kptss'opwl Cliurch c, oil p 111 .1(11001 I- , I low .sill I' Sitek. Sophie Slick IXils Siimila- Bernal d a i hureh ulll meet on (piRlnted with thf.^ nroKtain tlmt n m e ert Henilerson will tell of his 1 (Symphony 4i Hiahms nicmber.s are urged to bring i.on- dav Thrir uill.hr a '.rivuc nf I KIN A IK ills SF.M'.NTY FIVE CENTS ;; 11 ; tid ! h’.s Job done Witltrr lliixt I If. St,in\\>rli 4 hiirch ami laa'iist Stre<*ts m... Is 111 I lii. lie 11 II ski. Virginia Sz.irek. John VValin- Sunday Immediately following the ' )• MO vltiil to their own wrlfarr TiirMdii>. Mny H . ^ meeting with the World Order < A le n d n r iribuliims to the refreshment.'. Hnlv (’nminunmn and irrt'ptmn I'f ( I > iiodfit.*' of t!,‘‘ hnnn' lost ail Seminer in New 5’ork. Ke\. Alfred K. W llllanis. Rector c. no p III Mu ."-In:luu ' "tu im cl s sk'. 7 SO am rnas.s iil -St. fteniaids Mimm I'totoUiv Cantrr dauglilrr Coinril t>\- Hiutford VW( \ "THE FURIES" 1 Monday. T.'Ot. Methodist .Mens .May 4). 9 (.5 a. ni , Sunday Bible nr\v m» mhiTs. t 4. . M' :ir d .Mr- .lohn 6:00 p. m . CYP club, Mr W at­ Rev. James S. Nell, Ueetor .it I Im I bill ti Bamiuet Toniicht I I II I I nf Mr and Mim. c,Hn»rr ( ’hoiHlr .SiHir'- HMSplrrs of St '1 1 - exet niive committee met I’liiN l»H i- IlH.NWitrd in Kinerllus I Uulic.s' night ami box social, hold Gospel cars and a line S. S. \ ■ I T F 11» 11 ir. t In* upst HI? ** son "Origins of Negro Spirituals.'' llii M ilk Over two hundred members of 4 liildhond Siiiidai of Route 44 A, and Thrlinii Mhi v's Mrn s riuh St Miii - " idC l-'i'lac mghr with all but two' I I 4)KTI N t> «>l Ui'V. Kidiard B. Kuller, .Assistant Tiiosd.(>. 7 Oo, Hjy S( (iot.s bus will help you with transporta­ Peerr. dHURhtf-r of Mr and Mrs .1'•;!’ f n.rnt hiIr Mr and M 6:00 p. m.. Pilgrim Fellowshiii. /h»n l-:\aiKi'liral I.(i1li<'r:iii ( Imrrli the American I.s"pioii and Auxilia­ Childliood Sutiilay '.'.III be "b- pHil.sh h.ilt rnemhera present Many Important I 4M ’TAIN BLOOD Wednc.Mia.'. 00, -loy Group to Men.1,1V I. 30 p III 1 ill I S. Old ‘ itovanni Pr^re of Itoiile H.'r uill • d Sh ri' . : 11 at.il f In n tour i li.l- tion if you need it. 1'ooprr and IH kIi '> lrrrls ry tnrluiiinp many piicsts me ex­ served nl the Veinon yteihodiat RorlirstMi ('mr lim t Ioi • linir »t topics \^fiTe diiicuased by this com- The WiM'k The Sundav after Ascension: 11 ■ft o, .p N. ■ I J "IK .1 ■ .d I lu- ( Il ■'. b he Riaduatffl fmm Marnh^aler • i. h ' f 'It :• '1 t jr4' fifxt fli or aj'A C ■ ICHRDREN 1 fold lianilages. :(MI a m . (Tiurch lime Nur.-- Kr\. rani 1*. rroK*q»>. Tantiir pected to attend the first joint eluireli on Siimhii' iil the t) .'10 a m Rrit iMh-A mrj i‘ i*n rhd). 7 l.'t open nr.Uee and voted upon. PwCcom-' Monday. 7:30. Thespians month­ 8 u. m.. Holv Communion. P(m...lM\, C, .'111 p Ml .I'llUol (Til'll HiRh Mi liool next monUi in thr up­ Mirnt .Ml wrir staying with I 7:30, Chou. ery; Mis HJnln.ar Carlson in MIxh Marlon A. Flnllii. OrKanNt banquet of the Ilobosz Filcl Iji- serriic. Bihle.s will he piesenled to Muto mcrhnmi.** mendatI'ln.s which will be brought ly meeting. 9 30 a. m . Children's .service ! cbcill sai per quarter of thru ' Ins** Th • r.cigipi iH^t nijjl’t 7:4.5. laiyal Circle King s Daugh­ Friday. .8;W'. Study Gro'.ip birth­ charge. boc llan.'cn Post ami 1’nlt this to the I'a.-.ii's •'h" hare earned Wrdnrxdny. M«v 9 before the memherahip meeting on mussfiEia vMiEfY ITAG! im \ with address by the rector. Junior 7 l.'i p 111 ("111111 11 < 'll .lu annoum ement wa*« made at tpr day parly. , 11 (k) a ni . Morning worshii' May fy Kxaudi, thr sixth Sun- i them. Annmil Hol\- lloui of * onihin- d RIRII o r p,4n%m>r" THE MRPtS TRIO* BOB SlDNCVe 1 ters. ( lioir Clmrcli .school rhasses follow sal hlRli 5*rhm>l thia week uitti th*- rr May the Slh. "-ere acted on. stnrtft n STUMPi STUMRYf. Tuesday. 6 30. Grpup D pot- service This i- the first Sunday in • lav aftrr Kaslri Coiiniy Assiirinlion Motli»'i.« Citrlr St, Brnlgrt x < hnr- h Poppy I>ay.s will ^Ol•)n he here W rd. Phi* III.ONDI. l i t " this service. <» no a m . Snnd.iv -st hnni .Klin p ill .M. ( hi' .li T ( 'boi al leaae of the hoiMOM lixt luck supper. Family Week The pastor's nu s- Tlie Tolliiiid Coiii.U As-oiialinii 7.3ti p ni. 11 a. m.. Holy Communion wdth | I Nntr Ti anspt M I a t ion tms .sri-virr...... I 1 tic.II al Mr.a ChfTord .St*'vrriM haa hr«n l.pfi^ ion i K c t r .s ami the Chairman o: the !*opp’. Wedne.sday, 2:30, Shul-in com­ Till- SiilMillon \miy sage, entitled ".lesua and the of ( ’lUigreftational i hi.ri hes and; B hiiiI ifiinrit hi;;h .•*. hinti hhoi .sermon by the curate. Musical 661 Main Strei t for child! 4*n wlio.sr pannits • aimnl s III! p 111 I Im Boanl d l■,ldcl 'appointelrs. B. ('. ,l»n4ts hrinj: *>!' srinl tlirni. or li\r at a u ■! nil ct :il t lie 1 lull 1 11 It’s An anxious to have a good number of SERVICES i pm. and 7 p in at Ihe .Nortii Shinn in the Civilian Fiefensr pro I rl. May 11 Aftcnt'-'i! 1** tailed tii all iiien,- 3:00. Chenrb choir rehearsal. Processional. "Crown Him with j I in Mat'l”'" 18 1-H H(dy Com­ \\Cdiics lav. 2 nil P 111 Tlic l. c v Ifrarn Nfra Stevrna ia ip tharne the membeis to turn out to aeil STARTS 7:30. ftenior choir rehiiarsal IMflcem In Charge • listam 0 P*<*r informal mn, pirn.Mr ■ Coventry ehiireh Mith Rev F.d­ Mothrr and Daiighloi- hiir.ip.rt Bf hria of ’ he PimI I’neling of tli'' I Many Crowns." ! munion will be observed . Spencer gioiip will meet at Hu of roiTuitiuR ffir the Red OtraH I he puppie.4. If ia through the aales 7 30. Board of Christian Kdiica- 4 all 2-0108 1 ward H. Siiiith. fiuim i ii.i.ssioiiarv Phijumirl I.ulli»*raii ■ hint h. Ii'nlilli 4,1 Ml'. H Will h. lifx!,' Sermon Hymn, "Lord of All 7:15 p m , vlrgan meditations, 30 1 Inn ell n««t interpret the wishes , Klrat Aid roui .sea of these poppies which are made tion Sunday. May 6 t» a. m , Adult Mihlr < la.ss. to China aa the guest .spe.skrr at ' Satiirdii>. May \'l Tuc.^dav -M.iv th* K(h at 8:15 p Tomorrow.' Being ' , I 9 :30 a m. Sunday Si hool. pra yer-time lo tio a. m . iMvim- worship with rir.ii s.la v, 7 on p m Ho\ S. out Peter Maaaolinl waa re-ele< trd Alroholi(.*< Anonvmou.^ op* t\ 1 hv the Veterans who arc ronhned STATE 7:30, Bible Study and Prayer the eveninK seHsuin. I'l sha: p. Srv' I h nnpm tai t Offertory. "Hail Thee. Festival . 7:30 p. m . E'-ening vesper serv- Ti .o|i .No l.'l.’l will meet at Hu I hief of the Bi>lton \ olunteer Fire 10:.5o a. m. Holiness niccting. erlrhrat ion of Holv 4 'ommunion. of (he family. Me.'tlng Mi.idav mBfting, Mollixter .•<« hoo|. 8 tu p matter^ rmireinuig tin- pn.*t will to hoap.ial.* that money tn raised group. Day" Forlonatus. • OepHrtment at ita annual meeting Friday. 8.30. Co-Weds monthly Speaker. Colonel William H. Fox. '! ice of pra.vcr and praise. All wel- Also examination of ratriought up for disfu.vsn,n am ,e to carry on the wonderful work ! tjommunion Hyinn, "Mere, O My .Sunday. Ma\- .’’.t h M»'t Ih'I s 'on Wedneaday night AsaiHtant meeting with Rev. Valery Siin(lt. I '2:00 [). m. Silver Lane Sunday!1 come. 1who will be confirmed on I’cntr- iime.s of 1-neal No 58 TWTA CIn will rhiiraday. May 17 of which will tin hide plana for tin* which i.s done tn helping to reha- .Lord." 1 I Dnv, n groiqi ol 111 ut'iufii 4'f the IDEAL chief alao re-e!e< ted. ia !*aul Man- 3:15. Chapel ohnir rehearsal. .School, . , ! TTie Wee4* cost, he held on Suinlav. .'lav «lh at KaJ^torn Star varirlv dr.'^.'^rC preparjition of the annual flre- ! Recessional. “All Hail the Pow- i rr t ll4’ ' nn^uc’ John B. Burke .fuliua I. Strong waa elert- inlitate these needy veterans. I^^et 3 00, Brownies. 3-00 p. m. Local officers meet­ 3;ut chun h at at 2:30 for a business FAniiiis 2(1; special praver for the II t In \ V pi r.S" 87 Kaat (init4>i St fet S868 IMatriet Mes-llnj er*‘1tr was «dril*-d ti> sin riMnl tnii, |h.\s' Nntnc'g State and wh(j tiiri'. out to help the easier the South Methodist (tiupch (Iffiier In the Corps Program .”, thrian chun h. I'.n.MloI. Conn. OfTi- llUlliC ft .''pci imI cfl M ami !.■» , meeting. Afterwards they will go ministry of musi( in the program winlei blankelM. spreads, drapes and clolhinR Hie .M IV me. lim: of llie Kourth Melt aa trustre foi tliree * eara 11 llnanccj; These niatlcra are of j(*h will t'e for every one. of cabs, bars, anti botrl rt>oma. MaIii street anci Hartford Komi W ill ail local offners, including; rers and woikrrs of organizations cut. ,\!ay Pair nl St Mai\ .* l/ir* i Ihe Hartford Archdeaconry Ambnlaaoa Sdrrtoa Dtatiirl. Amerleiin l.egloii and . ia expet led Cliirf Ma.aaolim u ill an the iiii';i,st imfieirt.'inri- to the post Bui I've leametl ihii busineaa— Rea. Fred R. Edgar, Minister i ! (Mmpany Guards, please be pres- i of tlie i hvirch, i are urged to attenil l rldH>, May 25 rally at St. Johns, West 8 .30 p. m . Senior choir rehears­ before slorioR them. IDEAL’S modern dry Auxtliarv will he held on Similay Ij nouni e hia lonimttfer at tlie lone rMernbei'Mhtp and it is nere^aary Miss Kathryn (i. Bryon Y oiilh 1 4 00 p. in . ('oiTierstone la\ing <»f Y W (’ A. .'4ipiaro dam ;i? Mn pB.*t Commander Francis E. ami I’m gtiing lo ibr lop.. *’ Hartford, at 3:30 p. m. St. .h.hn’»4 l'ftll"h \atl*imil at North (Iroavenoi dale ineeting of the ilrpartnient. ttiat a i.’uoiilv repres4*nt .itlon of iMreietor of CTiristlan E Siindii>. dunr 17 Herbert A. Krancx'. Xllnlster ^ street. 1 Iran l.egion Auxiliary will be rep- 1 mc-'tinp M'nihers who are mem­ Kconnmtc C'ommiraion has been in Monday. The Men's club will insl niul >(>n Irgiatr In.Mtitiitr, Hi'onwillc, N. Y. (hdu iiy St reel ^er\*i at the II n in srr\i. ;.1 Hi it I ^1’- \ liH'i il in rluh .OUtllHl of Musle. 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic meeting. ready to use when winter rolls around aKoin. lesenleil bv a delegation at the ber.s oi *he vari'ius < ommitters Indianapolis this past week for a I have a supper meeting at 6 30 p. j Kndfty. 8:<>0 p ni . Thr ('ovpii- 1 7;30 p m. Zion chon h is h Kr\. Stephen s. s1r> icw*»kl ('riitet C«.ji^iF^iitional ilujuli ! m- all dny Mpnni? outing ( diritrn This will also be Perrett Night, annial c.nld Star Mothers Tea ru«»?rii\\ \*>hrn Kr\' Arlhnr A Wal- \* lu» udl b^ in charge of thes^ meeting of the National Executive rhon h of the International lai- MUh ( lurA SUrahac/, Organ!- ( d o\ »• Suntlay. May 6. .Services of O'- a welcome home to C'donel and i anl IjcaK''** nipelfl al Ihr homo of Call for (he courteous route man—or drop ; aponaore l by tile depailiiient to l,n e will d»di\er a arnmni on "'rhie r>ri>jeits are iirgefl to attend thus {'om mission Tuesday. Concert in the parish 1 Mr and Mrs. Krnost Johnson. 23 Ihcraii Hour, over I ooo Htations. lie held at t-'iti hviMe \ tMln*‘xda.>. 20 PUS Holy Communion at 8 a. ra. Mrs. Edwin Perrett. Crutv of the Chrialinn (*hnrrh” ine- ting I nousehouse aiat s8:15 .jj p. m.iii. The me Y.1 . W. . v..C. I Oak rjrovp alrpet. , 3H languages. 49 Irrntorie.s ami 8 3(1 n Ml III I *-H (hem off and save 1 0 ',. •flernooi. In the l.egion Home .St Rndgrt> xtrBwhrrry feBtunI I’eter B. 10:45 a. m. I foreign l ountries. in Cnilrd States nui.ss Krception of new rnemhera will A te..Umonial rtlnnar In honor of _ " . ,. ,, I A. Choral Club of Hartford. Conn. , ' Frlpnd5h1p lu :;u a in . (- it» 8 ;’.d p m The t'l'ent dinner held al the Kyne'a (TTia following program identl-, sponsored hv the .Men's 1 Monday, c 30 p. m land 4’anada heard lornlh' Sundav Field Trial* alsi. take pla« *• at thi^ >**-!\(ir thr First Di.xtnrt Adjutant Marlon 1 (Ml p Ml . .Kpri l;d .‘■4 1 \ |4 r The Sprini f eld trials of ttie ( ‘tiiM I h Si hi«‘>l u ill he tn lfi a*- Hotel (larde In New Haven In ramou* oal I'or both sen-ices;) club Thr rifF*! roiiKn-K»Honal ' rvrning.s ov4*r \V(>NS at 7 .30 p. m. lU'll**! ol t h«- 1 .-srd \‘II gin M,( 1 Vfdiui In Fvpatid Oox wii: hr held this fvenlnR at Tue.sdav. 6:30 p. m. Junior Hand. Korkville Fi'h «n-. Ilaiue club fi. usuiil nt fi.4o a in which Mm Aineriran Legion Dept story nf a < PreUitle, "Aria" - Mauro-(?ottone. Wednesday, 7 30 m Holv ( hurrh of Vrrnon The \\ c.‘k Ml MintlnTH :imt d.niL’htriH \Mll thr Indian Hill 4 ountry a u b in 6:4.5 p.'ni. Song.sler practice. bird dop.r will be field lorlay sml Severn) men.heia of the h ' h1 Hmtfoid .May r> 4’ .\rtim t'nnnrcd ifv N’rdional Commander hn|sa* with Hymn, "Holy. Holy, ’Holy " — Communion. Vernon O n ir r Tuesday, 7 oo p. m . (’hoir re­ t hr ‘(rl \Wc. 8-00 p. m. Band practice. tnkc pftit in lomorrow at P.'tiona Pnstur.- in t hurrh will attend the inerting Lif#* InsuiaruT ro>ui»anv i*. p;.«n- I’.iile (’i)rke.Ir. waa well nttende'! NrwlnRton. i’a.*t ComnianiJer fury In hi* Nicaea, ^ Thursday. St. Mary's Guild will hearsal Wednesday. 2.00 p. m. Womens George B. lllRi^lna. Paator Ti.fleld. • *f the Ti'lland <‘«itnit\' (‘nngrr^.i- ning a X3.Ytiouuu aijihlion to its -‘on'e f((*ir hundred Imgirm mem- Micharl McDonnell accon/).in!ed blo^. Offertory anthem. "Let Not Tour 1 meet at noon. 30 p <»f thr Cash and Carry Green'Stamps PrBi'tlee Mesisim tiitiiiil A*4mn'Mli-'n m .Ni'i ■ .\ i *n\ en­ homo it|fii«‘ hmlding h«‘rr rii.-'- b'I S .ui'l ni‘*mb*'rs of the Auxil- hy (-ommabder Tfd Fairbanks and Heart Be Troublfsl "—Speaks. j All other organizationa will Home League. Church school j Wnither l.eaKue. 6:30 p m. Corps C.sdet class. Sunday. May 6, The I.ittle I..engue will hold a try t'imorr*»u The na-rtme will donl. Mi'tK^ttt B Hiainard fuoHont- iarv ntlcndfd thi.*! affair. Those 5irH Fairbanks plan to attend this “Blue .Marjorie Hall, soprano meet at their regular hours. ^ 4 ■I s4'. . * m\ I,** fi ceoasa 7:30 p, ni. 5’oung People's meet- nt 9:30 a. m. he held at the North C‘oyrnTry rrl prolmunnry planM ftir iho nd«i'- \\ln> atf*‘U'|e.| from the Manches- affair. prnetiee session for theT h_a.se- Communion hymn. "Lord Speak to. — ------Mprning aervire of worship al I <‘lnirrli of Uu* Nftwirrne bill team on Siindav at t_:tf> p m rhuti'h at 3 p. lu. Lum !ti the hoanl of dirtM tora it-r Po.st Micluded AuxlUnrx' Presn Blood” Me"—Gratitude 10:4.5. Sermon. "The Meeting of Next Saturday. May 12th, a tes- Hiiwimi IliiiB SiiHU (lonrordia Evangelical Lufhenui ITuirsday. 7:30 p m. Street I 4fifi MhIii Stn*r( at Henrv Park I The K.\i I iitive ( ■oniinitter . f thr Iorda V, dent .Mi.ss B.'frbdta Wallett, Sec tinioniaL. dinner honoring the Dept. with Rill Sermon. "The (Jail to Fellowship" 1 God and Man. Church meeting. , . f(4*v. elani4*fi li. Bell, raAtor Adjutant Rev. (.Tiarlea Parker, will llllams — Rev. Fred R. Edgar I Garden and Winter Streets 8:00 p. m. The first in a scries Annual meeting of the Tolland he held in Norwich The Com­ Recessional hymn. "We Thank I Association of Congregational ' 9 :tn H m , Siirnlfty S( hof,) and ENDS Bette Davis in ‘•|*.\YMi:\T ON DEMAND” Rev. Krieh Brandt. Pastor of motion pictures on the Holy ertrA\ mander ia anxious to have as many , Thee Lord— Field. Christian Chiiiche.s at 3 p. m at Adult Hiblo I la.s.sc.s, c a n c r i 'oCaunJt TODAT PLl'S: Leon Errol In • TOOTLItillT \ XRIE’nEA’* Barclay F. Mood, Land. "In the Lord's Footsteps, a from the post attend this banquet Service of Holy Communion. Organist and Chotmaister wii: ho shown and explained by the Noilh Coventry chiiri h (iffi- I 10 I.’'* H m . Moinm^; Wor.'^hlp. h^ mT c o m f o RT I who can. Po.stliide. ' F'e.*tival hymn" Bart­ Major B. C Jones The film, in full ( lallv ele( led delegates are .Mrs. I Mumc hy the » h«>ir. iMu-t Iiy Mrs. lett. Sunday, May 6th color, wa.s made In 1949. Hariild Ellis. Mrs Harold Cotton. |FI«'rrnci* P'l.sh and Mis.s Marlon 9:30 a m.. CTiurch school (-lasses 8 .50 a. m. Sunday school. Mrs. Ruth Broil. Deacon Gibson i Jam s. Sermon hy H« v. Mol 5 1 1 8 I Thomas Uothwoll of Kastcrii Naza- 3 1 4 MAIN STREET for all ages. Raymond Kiilpinsky. superintend­ and Ihe pastor. MORIARTY Bros. 10:45 a. m . Nursery and extend­ ent. Talrottvllle Congregational Wednesday. May 9. Men's Hobo [ rone ('ollo^;o. Wollaston. Mass. About Town ’ 1(? ir» a. m . Tho Jiiiuor i tmrrh Fbt he buy' youf life!' ed church school sc.ssion 10 1.5 ."1. m. Worship service. Churrh supper at 6 30 p m m the clmrch 3 1 5 CENTER ST. 4 ' VMII m«ft m the lower amlilonum. 4:00 p. m., M.5'.F Nutmeg Trail Prelude - Rev. JailMS* A. Bull, Pastor parlor.' This i.s a ("0111111111111 y su|>- TEl. 5 135 4'pi. William P. Reichert and ".•\dnre an'I Be Still" Gounod WIHrtsI Kent, < holr lllrc-tor per to which all are invited pro­ i unth’f the iliieetion of Mis. Lillian Rally at Burn.side. 1 Kitz.simmons nnd Mi.ss Mai ion 1 Cpl. Wayne R. Carls*,n graduated Sermon - Jennie B. .Abom, Organist viding thev are m old ( lot he.' i(.cenlly from the "Army Lead- 6:00 p m., Ji , Hi meeting; Thursdnv. .May 10. Cliiiirh I Janes SII.KNT GI.OW TRADE-IN speaker. Rev Fred R Edgar, .sub­ ".lesus. Our Intercessor" cis’ ” course conducted by the 3d Anthem - - Sundav. M.ay 6 I .school teachers nl 8 p. m . in the I 4i.:i0 p. m . Tlie yomiK ...... pie's YOUR MANCHESTER ject. "Wor.shlp. ' '.‘soiviee will he held Miss Maltha ^ Armored Division at Fort Knox. "Jesu. Toy nf Man's Prelude. Beside SHlI Wate(S, Hes.'e j parsonage OIL BIIKNRRS 6:30 p. m . Epworth League I MrKinney. president, u il! he In j :onsive Readuig | ( live federal service last August able ParenU" and "It Run.s In the I Po.stliide - 'scril'ture. Ephe.sinns .5:22-6:4 YOUR PRESENT Cpl. Carlson is the son of Ru- IS THE INSPIRATION Falnlly.■’ both by J. L. Ellenwood ' "March and Cliorus of I Anthem. Praise My Soul the King ' ;..lph Carlson of .53 Walker street Monday. 7:30 p. m , .Annual , Angels" ...... Giillmant of H eaven...... Andi ews meeting of the official board and I 1:4.5 p. m. .Senior Leaguers ! Hymn, Crown Him With Many | rtie annual Mav crowning hy the FOR YOUR EVENING OF 4th quarterly conference. I will meet at the church for the Crowns | Come and Hear! hildron of .Mary will be held on Tuesday. 2:30 p m W.C.T.C. I trip to the Luther League Rally Gffertory | May 13, Mother',s Day, at St. DANCINO anil MERRIMENT meeting. Film.* will be shown of ; at Norwi. h 13 p. m.i Sl.ster SpiTiifin. ".\p Ffir Mp and My j .I.imes's church at 3 p. m. Miss I'atrlcla McVeigh will crown the | “DO rOMK K.TRI.V" the work they are doing The ladies .Mildre.l Winter will -speak at the Houap" ^ : REV. MEL THOMAS ROTHWEL!. CAR of-« .i-- the church ... are ir,..,t.a Invited, I afternoon program. A “Talent Hymn, Thou Graelous Power. ! tatue Any girl of high s. hool ■ “The Tempo Four” Sure Are “Rhythm Addicts” I Show" will he held after the eve- Whose Merry L^nds OF WOLLASTON. MASS. fflEROIIIY ige wishing to become a member | 3:00 p. m.. Brownies. I ning meal. Postlude, Postlude in E Flat. Andre f the S((dality and any go I wi'-h- 7:00 p. m.. Boy Scout.'. (Profes.sor of Philosophy al En.stcrn Na/.arene ColleRv) The Week iig In take part in the rK.wiiing 7:45 p. m. Stanley Group, ' The Week I IS invited In attend the meeting ladie.s parlor. j Monday. 7:30 p. m. Christian Sunday, 9:30 a m - Church tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at Wedne.sday, 7:0f. p ni .Senior Higher Education Year (Jommit- school ff COUPE SEDAN Oommunion Meditations— packed the old fashioned 2212 2264 committee at home of Miss Esther Posthide. "Postlude"- G. -A. Drvelopnirnt Commlmslon. It» sub-commlltcM ODembeiw •« "The Unity of the Christian way — a belter value EQUIPMENT OPTIONAL e q u ip m e n t o p t io n a l Johnson, 51 Clinton street. Weber. their fanilHe«s Church” I '1’uei.iilay 7 p. 111.. Pilgrim 5'oulh Fellow­ ounce for ounce. .No mime should appear on the material submlttetL E acn .^ a- BOLTON Service of Holy Coniniunion 6:30 p. ni , Brotherhood .supper ship in the Community House. lestant will place hla name and addrem Ui m sealed eaveiopa A. DrxUr n*B Usr>rs Recessional Hymn meeting; speaker. Attorney Philip which wlU be stapled or attached with scotch tape to the ap* RIGHT NOW Afi4748 CLEAN i:. Parkrr H. Mirmhall U.\LA "Lord, As We Thy Name Bayer: reservation deadline to­ per right band comer of the drat pace ot the matorlaL ’•Valentino” •‘I ’nderworld BERT JOHNSON Profess” morrow. All men invited! Chriatian Sclent* Society 8. There will be four 4|aaUfytag winners for each eonteat, each WE NEED 49-50 USED CAR flm r«lur> Story'* and HIS ORCHESTRA FLOOR SHOW Postlude— Wednesday— MaiMinIc Temple of whom will become a candidate for the graad prlae. A pe^ t;Sv4:lt .J'Feitlval March” ...... Handel 3:15 p. m.( Brownie. son may enter both conteeto and will be eUglble for a qnaUfy* DEALERS 3:45 p. m., "Confirmation class. Sunday service 11:00 a. m. log priie in each iMuitest but for 4>aly one crand P***"_. TO FILL PENDING ORDERS SCNDAV Dancing Tonight TONIGHT 7:30 p. m., Emanuel (Tiolr. Sunday School 1 1 :W) a. m. 4. All entries will become the property of thy Mancheeter Derel* Dennl* Murgaii -Ratim PaM- ‘ Gospel Hall Wednesday evening inerting opment Commlwioa aad none will be ic*nr»e>sson-Ser- 6 ENTER THE CONTEST NOW! liie W eek_ . . I F'ridav nioii for Sund.-iy. May . ROUTI 6 - MANCHISTiR - - . TELEPHONE 2-424S ■ Tues'day. 7:15 'p. “m.. Prayer 6:30 p. 111.. Annual Mothei- The Golden Text is from Ezek­ HELP ROOST YOUR TOWN! meeting.. I Daughter banquet, sponsored by iel 18:30. "Repent, and turn A. Friday? 7:46 p. m„ Bible study. (Ladies' Aid and Dorcas; speaker. yourselves from all your trans- /

PAGE FIVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN SATURDAY, MAY 5. MANTCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 5, 195X Ntea of 88 Homestead street, won FA G I lO D B I tho tdiarleatoii. Honors In the WTIC — 1080 Block Daiicc vV'KNB — 84U Dog Training I Foxtrot were taken liy John I'lig- Improved are 1.1 mllea of U. B. 6 F U A — 108.7 ! gait, ill Cooper Hill street, and (Center Street) eaaterly from the i Niincy Hewitt, 77 West street. Today’s Radio W" UAV — 910 Draws ("rowd (Schedule Road junotlOh of Middle Turnpike Woat Show Is Given I Assisting Chairman I’aganl .In NOTICE! ^ Center Street; 1.1 mllea of WUNS — 1410 r—tnin S'mndard Time \V TH T — t*8C planning nnd presenting the affair Conn. 80 from the South Windsor ; wore Arthur Benson. William SATURDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIALS W ork in Town toa-n line easterly; 2.6 m llea of Over a lliin d rc d ( ami- Sehicldge and VYillinin Stern*. Conn. from U. . northerly MANCHESTER DIRECTORY 1:00— 7:99— Cub Pack 41 Sponsor* AT TIIK- 88 8 6 WONS —A1 Heifer, Sports. .Menihcrs of the Rotary i liih as­ (Main and Oakland Streets) to WDRC-News. ^ |dch. Many S|»cclalorH WCCC—Music. WHAY - Symphony Hall. Exhibition at Which sisted in handling the crowd and Slate Will Treat Main the junction of Conn. 30; and 1.3 WTHT—Cornerstone Club At Rolarv (’’.h ih .VfTair in (Meaning tip after Ihi' dance. The miles of North Main Street. W T H T —N ew s. Parents Are Present Hioroiifhfares With ■WTIC— News. Roundup. Kolory club expresses its tlinnka MANCHESTER BAKERY Work in Bolton Includes 0.7 mile WDRC Yours Truly. Johnny ■*------' to Fust National Stores tor the of U. S. 6 starting near the Junction WHAY - Saturday Matinee. On* hundnsl twenty-five couples ' KERRY STREET Oil, Sand Next Week OF BUSINESS SERVICES wlvNB -News: Parade of Hits. D ollar. An excellent exhibition of dog I use of the imrking lot and also lo of U. S. 6 and 41A and extending and several honlieil spectator*] the Town Highway department 1:15— WKNB News; 840 Club. training wax featured iMt night at easterly: 0.8 mile of V. S. 44A 7:30— converged on the Kirsl Nation.al i for it iDoporation in (leaning the OUR FAMOUS LARGE ASSORTED XlancIiMter’i ■tat,-malntalnp<) starting near its junction with V. WDRC—Robert Hall of Fame. , the meeting of Cub Pack 41 at WTHT—National Guard. ^ WDRC Vaughn Monroe. parking lot at Main and Maple 1 area after the dance. tkoroughfarM will recelva bitum-, 8 . 6 and extending easterly: and Hollister school before an enthus­ W O N S —N avy Show. W ONS - C om edy of E rro rs. streets hisl night for the Rotary- | The Hloek I'anee has become an taUNM aurfaca treatment next 2.B miles of the Bolton Center Road WTIC—People Are Funny. iastic audience of Cubs and their annu.al and popular affair f(ir local southerly from 1’. S. 6. Directs Band Concert W nC—National Farm and ; sponsored Hloek t'nnee of Nutlonill DONUTS 3 9 ^ doz. WMk, SU te Highway Commtaalon- Collage Stove Specials Green’s Bikes H om e H our. WKNB - Crystal Ballroom. p aren ts. Boys and Girls Wei-k The affair rcsiuenl.s. niul was inaiiguraled by On the west aide of the river the FOR MOTHER’S DAY (Keg. .39c D or.) * ar O. Albert Hill announced to- 1:!MS— 8:09— Miss Frances Pierce of New a tarteil at 8 30 p m .sml lasted 111,- Ridaiy (luh as part of its] treatment will be applied to 2.3 WDRC Gene Autry. Youth tViek lulivitirs. Another] JELLY DONUTS. CRULLERS. HONEY-DIP. Oky. Choose a Gift That Will Give Lasting Pleasure— a WDRC -Stars Over Hollywood j Britain Introduced the show made until 10 4.3 p 111 ' mllea of Conn. 18 in Cromwell from Lead the List WCCC News: Musical Score­ WTIC Music. .Mii.sie wss piovi.led iiiolcr the featuie of this week wns lhe| Displayed at Jones Store WON.S Twenty Questions. RAISED. CINNAMON. The treatment will be the an­ Conn. 9 westerly to Conn. 72: 4 8 up of some of the groups which she dirci li-m of 1-re,d Nas.'.iU nnd ,\r- "Know Your C.oveninieiit" 'lay board. ! WHAY Salute to Reservists. nual application of oil covered mllea of Conn. 3 in Rocky Mill and If you arc planning to buy a bi­ Lovely Permanent Wave At The WTHT Baron Klllott Octet teaches. After explaining the dif­ ttiur Rcnsoii Genenil , hairmnn ulilili was oliservcd Iliiirsday Wetherafleld from the Cromwell wttll aand. deilgned to amooth out Before long many families will . kinds are available here, electric cycle for your boy or girl or if WKNB - 840 aub. 8:39— ferent "degrees" of good behavior w as Aldo Uiigiiiii when 13 liinior unit senior High town line northerly to Conn. 9 in WDRC- Hopalong Cassidy. that a dog may attain with the i.elusd students 'to,d( over’ the. tha damag-ea done by winter. Wether.sfleltl; ami .'i.9 miles of Conn. be going to ttu n r I'ot tag es for u eek- stoves, gas stoves, combination you are juat thinking about it, 1 :45— Urizes were suanleU the test GIvff Your Family th* Best Brookfost Yot by WONS Take a Number. patience and encouragement of his slcppeis of various daiu'e.*'' .lohii town's givernmeiit. I Work to be done in towns on the 3 p, Uncky Mill from Conn. I.*! ends and then siimnier viiciitiona stoves in both electric and oil and WTIC Juke Box Jingles WTIC .Magnificent Montague. Serving HOT ROLLS Out of Our Largo Ovon you will be Interested in the fol­ handler. ,*hc identified the various Slid Flora Kverrlt ol 'J'J I'oaiir east side of the Connecticut river j easterly to Clnstonlnirv Avenue, will follow. Yon will be able to gas and oil. coal or wood burning lowing facta glv’en by Bill Green I :.VY— WHAY Pledge Show. WON.« Braves vs Chicago breeds of dogs as they street took top loaiois loi t'o- W ater fiiintshed liy the U S next WMk includes ■bout O ') miles | commissioner Mill suggests that enjoy your collage over a longer stoves, p.aiior heaters. Kvery kind of Bill’a Tire A Repair Shop at Ml»* Judy Wood* I BREAKFAST ROLLS period ol lim e If yon liave ndef|n:ite of stove at (irlcea consistent willi Cubs. !t:99— paraded around the auditorium. An I’cdka and I liomn.s .'Siiuth. 398 Kei l.'unation Servu '- Irrigated rfNaubauc avenue in (71»stonbur> , wrists 'h\-pass tlie.se sections, 180 Spruce street. Mr. Green heat and a very .simple way to good merchandise may be purchas- W ' 99 Ea.st Center Street 2:09— WDRC Gangbusters. exrlling display of behavior and ttaklnnd street, nnd Marlene lie- (limOOll aeles In 19.311 ^glnn ng at (>nn. 2 : miles of | ,|,e siirface- hii-s H reasonable quantity of Co­ WTIC Your Hit Parade. Mr. and Mr*. Jan ie* A. Woo remade at this store? Mattresses W K N B News: 8449 Club. WDRC—Broadway's My Beal. ing feats of jumping, behavior THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB erly fenders and iimler Imdy p.iii.' These Ileateis are very rea-.oiialily Green, "For the month of March priced, provide in.stanl lieat in any are made, using the old material If AND 2 : 3 9 - WONS Cuy l.ombardn .Show. control and scent dlscnmtnnllon. Mrosi'k, son of Mr and Mis .lohn DINNER ROLLS In East Hartford the treatment j niy quota was 12 bicyclea and for In order to allow more time for room and are e.a.sy to care for. possible, adding new to it to bring W CC'l' News: Musical Scorv- I9:(K)— Mrosok of 83 Pearl atreet. will be applied to almost 1.0 mile the month of April I was allowed the show, the meeting, opened by of Burnside avenue (US 44) from Built in Please Her Win not slop in and gel one to- it tip to its original thickness. The 11 bicycles. When I placed my or­ REPAIR SHOP hoard WDRC - Sing It Again. Miss Wooils wan a member of AVAILABLE day'.’ .Many times it wonld he ftos- old material Is sterilized, put WDRC Hormel Girls. WTIC Judy t:anova. a flag ceremony, was limited to Main street eaaterly: 3.0 mllea of der for bicyclea for May delivery Wm. H fJreen Prop. the presentation of awards to the High School gradnating cln-.s sible to s|>eml a ueckend at the llirongh Hie picker to flurf It up, I wns notified by the aalesman that WTHT Sat Nile Darn ing Silver Lane In East Hartford and' The Hanging (lard'-ns of Hahy 2 Cubs who had earned them. Ex­ of 19,30 and is now niiployisl I'V FROM 4-6 P. M. <■011 age if It were mil for chilly new Is added, a new ticking put on Cnltimhia Hicycles WHAY iled .Siix v.i. D etroit I’arty . Manchester from the junction of j-,,, gre supposed to lone been ; niy quota for May and June would hibits of railroad lore dis­ Cheney Brothers. if neecssniv ami you have a mat- be SIX bicycles. I do not know T igers. WONS Chicago Theater of the U. S. 6 in Manrhester westerh : 'part of the inalii.e at Hie It.ihy-j nights and mornings and witli one U. S. and Fisk Tires played by each Den prior to the Mr. Mrosck was also a graduii:' S i SMART. CALL IN AND RESERVE YOUR 1.5 miles of It. S. 44 also in Fast , lomnn capital. Tradition sa\.s liie'of Ilieae jiort.ihle licatcrs yon can ircss that is n-s I'omfortable as the how much more I will be cut, but AWNINCS, FLAGS 3:09— Air. Repairs Service Cnmplcsr Awning Service meeting, in keeping with the April of Manchc.stoi High School m Hartford and Mancheater from the ! gardens were hunt by King .N’ebn-I bo just as comtortahle at the day yon bought it If your mat­ the outlook la not too promising." WDRC - Music. I0:.39— BINGO ORDER. TELEPHONE 2-4314 Waterproof Canvas Covers cubbing theme of railroading. 1946, than servi-d in the 1'. s. tress has iniiersprlngs. these too When you take into considera­ Accessories WTHT—Pan American Union. WTH' Grand Old Opry concrete on Burnside avenue east- , cliadnezzar for his w-.fe. who long- .cottage a.s yon are at home Wolf badges were presented to Army in Korea. He is now ntteii.l- EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT erly. c for AomMlimg rr^mblinp her D aniel B acker, p ro p rieto r of the i can be rem ade by ■pulMt'K *h hew tion that Mr. Green is a most WTIC—Green Cross Song Fes 11:00— Open Saturday and Sunday 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. (1 William Vaders 180 Spruce Street Manchester Awning and Robert Bronelll and William Fo.ster ing Clark University in Won < ,s- Other am is In Manchriiter to hr nntlvF hills In Mrdiii. .lones Furniture and Floor Cover-1 sin ings. If you have a maUreaa that I popular place to buy a bike and ttval. News on all stations stv k tin c ; at s-.\r, siiA u r Canvas Products Co. who had canied them during April. to r. Ma.ss ing company i.s c.spcciallv proud of , Is sagging, getting lumpy or a few . fiiiring Just how far alx bicyclea Phone 2-0659 WCCC—Musical Scoreboard J1 ;I5 — •J(i L.\U (JAMFS—:i s f l c ia i.s the new Pcrfci tioii elccliic stoves, of the springs have nine ..-.untied,i - j William Voders, Manchester would go for _a month’s supply Phone '2-3(l»l, I.3U Hartford Rd. W ONS .Music. John Wood. William .lands and No date has been set foi the 8:15— Richard Wescott received Silver Thev fire the last word In cooking call 2-1041, they will call for your High school bandmn.ster. will di- you can easily see that the time to WTIC—Serra Convention. ' WDRC The World ronight w edding. cliu H'lu V and made hv a (onipany|nld mattress, remake It and de-|''ect the High School Band In Its a bicycle la now if It la at all WTIC-Herman Hickman. Arrow points on Wolf. Silver Ar­ 8:20— row Points on Bear were awarded that has niamifai Iuicd stoves for liver it again, as good as new. It brat annual hand eoncert to be WKNB—News; St. Louis vs ■ 11:25— man\, many years | l.s better to have a good used mat- | held on Wedne.sday. May 9 in the ^ When you tnveat money In a bi- SPENCER WDRC Public Service Pro­ lo David Grady and Harold Jarvis. Classified Adverlising LIVE BEHER— LIVE Yankee*. ' The Park Charter which goes As a matter of fa.l, when It tress remade than buy a cheap. | High School auditorium. eycle you want to get the most INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED 8:89— gram new mattress soys the Jones’I for your money and when you buy LONGER— BE HAPPY 11:30— each month to the den having most | rom es to stoves th ere is lui oilier wexx* News: Musical Score­ parents present at the Park meet­ MOBILHEAT OTHER ADVS. ON I'.AUE 4 plai e that earnes sm h a wide k’lmuture A Floor Covering com- a (’(dumlila you are certain of this. WTTC Gems of A m erican .Tazz board. WONS Barbershop Quartet. ing, was won by Den 2. ______^ ______range of stnve.s as this store All [lany. M olorolist Hits The name Columbia has stood for BUY ALL YOOR WTHT—Exhibit "A." niauv yenrs as a symbol of sturdi­ Houses for Sale TZ Ia)(s for Sale 73 1:45— Fr«x|uency Modnlatlnn FUEL OIL ness and dtirahllity in bicycles and D octor A prescriptions W D R C —C am era C3ub Injured Bv T riiek Bill Green has sold them without MEATS AT ,\5nRmc Ranger. rage. Approximately 84.000 cash ------^_I livl.ms arc lifcrnte, acconllnr to' yotf more years of wear for your 1 ' streets, acainst invasion of a house by evil WONS—Challenge of the Yukon required. Shown by appointment SA LE OR L eaie .Main stre et bust- the latest - census. Of the iia- 7:00—Victor Borge .Show monev than anv other kind, it ac- ' .spint.a was to cram rhnrcoal from All Makes of WCCC—News; Musical Score- 7:30 Alan 3’oung Show. BcleatlUo ThermoaUt W hen you need fuel only. C!all buildei. Tel. 4886. No ness location Useri car permits ' timi's 3,.590 nno people, 20n non are deans .'and renews itself 5Tore than 30,000 men .anri worn- a New 5*e.ar's F\*c bonfire tin the D O N W ILLIS board. In Our Cigar Department available Also industrial land, 1 registered tu vote Of these, 8:00 Ken Mitrray Show. agents. thus keeping the outside of yonr en and children were .stricken with . (dumney. according to the Ency- WTHT—Vacationtime 9:00 3'our Show of Shows Means FRESH Clgarm quickly centrally located Suburban Real, about 120.non .irc expo ted to cast hiiii.si' cleaner and b rig h te r look­ polio In 1950. |cloped;a Kritnnnlca, SEWING 5:45— aad Tobsceoa ONE HAir ACRE LOT—2 fam­ 10:30 -3'oiir Hit Parade, ty Realtors. 49 Perkins street 'their bnllots ing longer than you Imagined pos­ GARAGE WHAY—SporU. n :00 —Wrestling from Chicago. ily house 6-4 rooms. 2 car garags ^ons 8215 I Bolivians will chose a president sible It really is not just another MACHINES WTHT—Navy Show Arthur Drat Stores C A LL 4148 sHth osrcfliead doors. 6 room apart- -. ------I .Tiid vice president for four year slntement made to sell paint as 18 Main St. Phone 2-45.31 WDRC—I.and's Best Band*. msnt will be vacant June 1st. terms ami also w ill elci I .56 depu- thoiisamls of people ran attest, for Eiperlly Repaired E vening 111,500. Cash needed 84 000. R*A0P1 PropfriT for Saif 74 1 ***"^ au l nine senator.s Thefi- nnee you have used DuPont paint Rlanclipsler CoiivalescrnI Home. Inc. Specializing In 6 :09— I FAMILY FLA T — 5-5 are .56 holdover ileputii s and 18 ' y,m will never be satisfied with W D R C -N e w s steam heat oil burner. 2 c a r ga- .f^O'KNTRY L.4KE 5'i room holdover senators anv other kind *9 COTTA(iE STREET—TEI.EPIIONE 5'i79 WTHT—Music st Six raga. Immediate ocwipancy. 815.- ' winterised cottage C om pletrlv Dul’ont paint costa not a whit BRAKE SERVICE Singer PHONE III? s j i a A M A u n tsAtremsTTe Mary II. Olhlln. Pres.—Katherine 51. OlWIn. Sec.-Treas. W H A Y —N ew s TO II.AVE .\.VY 000. Cash naeded 86 000. furnished. Lake privileges. Im­ more than any other paint of good Grinnell Automatic Sprinkler System Sewinq Center W'ONS—News O N E ACKX O F LA N D —3 room mediate occupancy. 16,000 \Vm. qimllty. yet there is nothing to Front End Alignmenl WT7C— News. DONATIONS r^ o E 1REPPIR house, artesian____ well, fruit _ trees Riiblnow, 843 Main street Pluiru-s eqiml Its fine wc.aring qtialillca- 8.12 Main ^<1. TeL 8883 WKNB—News: Sports Comi r4iises AGED r o w AI ESCENT FOR ^ day occupancy. Priced at 8-').000. I or 6158 tion.s, tested not in laboratories General Repair Work Manche.fiter 6:15— alone, but right on your own home. L LUMBER 7 ROOM C O L O N IA L -H as m ost | — ------CHRONIC OIMMOI’AEOIC CASES WONS—Sports. swsrythlng. Priced at 115,000. i A charge of driving while his If you are planning to have your W nC —Bob Steele. LIONS BlIlLniIMC SUPPLIES i Down payment 85,000. Immediate ' Snhurhan for Sale 7.5 license wns under suspension l^ouse painted "Pflog and REGISTERED NURSE AM) REGISTERED WHAY—Supper Serenade __ liavc never u.sed DuPont paint, try Vlalt Jones Furni­ W T H T —News. AUCTION luaiRIT occupancy. GRA.N'BY. (X).NN , near B radley ag SKS'oat sin st O m ar C( hapm an. 22. no | ^ PHVSK AL THERAPIST IN ATTENDANCE lUJHILE* ture and Flimi Cov­ W DRC-Price of Peace P IC K E O I 'P SHINUEES - ROOElNr,] 10 ACRES—With .500 foot front, : Field, Hirer hcdiooni modern "ddress.address, waswns continued to MayMnv 7 i will save a .sum of money over a T. P. Holloran' ' R\TES REASONABLE ering Store tor 6:89— H mile to Manchester Green. , house. Fitc|dacc. stonr. windo.va under a bond of 5r.oo by .Iiidgc ' period of lime in it.s longer wear- Till* .-XUx ertlsenient Paid For Open 7 A. M. to r> P. M. Daily 83,500 paved road. l.arge AfMtnrtmrnt FINKRAL HOME WTHT- Harry Wisnier. Bv 5Iiinrhestrr Drug and scieen.s. aw iinming ami trout; Wesicv U Gi\ k iii Town Court 1 "’1;,‘’*1“''!"'''' WONS—Dizzy Dean Show. IncludinR Wed. Afternoons « FAMILY ZONE FOR BUST. I DuPont makes a full time line ol Fine Floor Cov­ fishing Manv ilhcr llm- features. | ^ I’ru.sccutor Philip Ideally located—convenient ' WDRC—Sports M ffW S NESS, PACKAGE STORE GRII.L j of Inside paints, fiat, seml-glo.s.s. Lxtwn 8t Ffooi Lurql Open Til Noon Saturday Price 8 6 -Ol' ering. Call Ca tor WTIC—NBC Conrert Bayer told the court the rontimi- gloss and a perfectly wonderful and away from the busy For Appointment Please Call 7792 agent E attm ate. WKNB—849 Club _ anre h.id been requested hv A t-! enamel. These paints apply easl- thoroufirhfare. Distinctive HOWARD R HASTTNGfl I Service. Modern Facilities. 6:85— YVON - Next door Avon ( Xmii- j inrucv Geor re C. I.e.ssner, repre- wash well and the colors are I WCCC -Go'■'''■'010 '’"mige IV McCaughey. i shade you have in mind. Dan Barker. Prop. JOHN J. CRA1TY, Jr. lot. nicely landscaped. A good WONS—Evening SUr. 4- ^ , This mnrks rimpnian's fmirll\ ar-. Kemumbfr. too, that the John- 86 Oak 81.. Manrhewter. Ct. DEVELOPED AND buy at 8t6..500. 8. A. Beechler.' Licen.sed Emhalmer ' WT5RC—Larrv Lesueiir. rV, on tho Hamr of driving .son Paint (’f)mnnnv hae a full line Phone 'j-IU4l PRINTED Realtor. Phone 6969. \ lion. Clear oak flnoung 2u0 ft. ; while i.mle?- .^-U-Npensiispcn .1011,ann. infInf uall}u»p**rwallpaper in manv111,iny rliff«Tent 175 Center St. Phone .306(1 frontage with :* n.ies of larui. Ei nest M \'i’dlci . 2 :’,. c .3:; ilurii- , (ii sign.s. priceil to suit anv hmlget. 24-HOCR SERVICE EXCEPTIONALLY well built new Bargain at 81‘iroo Will I'on.salcr side aviuuie. Ivast lla’lford. wns Make this store your lieaduiiar- Film Deposit Box alx room Cape Cod, two unfinish­ another house as down [layment. j fined S'2.5 for hrriu li of th<' peace, tors for spring renovstlon of the Driving Instruction At Store Entrance ed. Hot water, oil beat, fireplace, | .Schwartz Real I .'tate I’all Anita Proscnitor Bayer - aaid Willey’a ; whole house. MANCHESTER’S lot 60 X 200. Many extra features. | White 8274. ‘ arrest i nine after he persi.sted In ' Dual Control Car Reasonably priced. Call agent. — ;-----—------;------j try in g to see .a fo rm er .M anchester (inest repair service on Telephone 42-12 8702. ANDOvER k ive room home, girl friend who Inus repeatedly nsk- k IIHIB Ol tlM m U Itii mi 6»iieR Washers. Toasters. MANCHESTER Al'TO KEMP'S wunlenzcd hot au‘ coni enclosed cd him to lca\'e lu-r alone, pr4ainpll<8 rp|Ml«i |o I’/ ojuBlh* IDFIAL Location. 5 room single poreh. deep lot. Immediate iKCii-j . OHici >uses disposed of this Johnson Paint Co. Irons. Sewinj; Ma­ DRIVING AC.4DEMY 50 Sets Fibre Seat” Covers Garage. 14 acres barn, poultry pan, \ 18.9.50 term s Wm. G o o d -, m orning w ere: \Y alter R ogow ski, 699 MAIN STREE'I MANCHESTER tt#.0d MPll. houses. Priced r.ght for quick cliild .Sr . Benito; Office 1,5 For. 26, 362 Ad.ams street, intoxiralion. Vmmm* I* chines. Vacs. etc. E'er most all Sedans. Coaches and •ale. Exclusive -vith E. K Von est street 7925 or 8891. $10: Emmett It Gen,me, 3'2, 123' Motorola TV Ecker. agen' 599 Keeney street. Park street. East Hartloid. park-j 7ji;ssrf7r«T«"rir;o Club Coupes. WHILE THEY LAST $ 3 - 9 5 Ing within 25 feet ol inter.aerlion, ^ ABC MODERN 5-rooni house m pic­ VNaniefl—Real Katate 77 $5 of bond forfeile,l: Totvo Kar- Slal* TkMtei tfldg. “IT EXPRESSES SO WELL turesque tountn setting 3 acres votieii. 48. .352 Laurel street, H art­ 'lid riMt. ea.si a*s« Manufacturer Overstoirk. Rejf. SI2.50 f.isi value packed with features...sensationally low priced! L'HGE.N'TLY .S'ecled M odem of land. 2 poultry houses. .Made- ford. p a rk in g violation. 83. 1 Nr Ofl Appliance Co. You Save Thfi Difference homes 2 to 4 bedrooms Gash line .Smith. Realtor 2-1642 or Continued cases were: John S. KILL WEEDS 2-1575 21 Maple St. 4679. buyers watting Gall Suburban Ellsworth. 11, 186 South Marshall! OUR LIFE TOGETHER’ A1.SO 5(10 SETS ON HAND Here’s "life-size” 17 inch TV . . . just as the TV Realty Oo.. Realtora. 49 Perkins street. Hartford, issuing check with | camera "sees” it! Photo-perfect pictures that a EA.ST HARTFORD-Silver Ijine. street Phone 8215 intent to defraud, to May 26: and | EASY S e c ^ WAY ‘ Plastic SI.')..50 Fiber Salt and Pepper 4 rooms. Excellent condition. Only Edward H. F'rink. 27, 26 Newman Swijh ocross your /own — Dondelioni, P/onfotn,. Installed Free Pattern roomful of people can enjoy in comfort . . . yet nine years old Small amount of CONSIDERING SEU.i.NO street, reck less driving, to .May 9. Tree Pruning H IGH GRADE (ircen. Blue and Martwn YOUR PROPERTY? Buctrhorn and other petky brood-feoved weed* !‘ fkAYtUt cash .-equlred. G.l. ternu arrang­ Plastic Plaid $19.9.5 die cabinet is compact and small enough for any ed. Im m ediate occupancy. A. S. Without obligation to you. we o re destroyed without horm or discoloration and Removal $14.95 THE LARDEST TRADE-IN Burke Agency, Hartford. 2-7806, will appraise or make you a caih to the grass. Now la the ttmv to prune tbe PRINTING Installed Free room. Exclusive Motorola features put its quali^ Evenings"Mr.'Johnson. M a 'n c h M ^ p ro p e rty See us before Hospital Notes Bend and dlaeaaed hmnrhea JOB AND COMMKRC1AI ter 8741. vou •ell. WEED A FEED — Kill* iha w eeds a n d in from vooT alUMlr free s It la l*R IN r\G Super Fine Twill E'iber in a class by itself! 2 simple control operation . . . ALLOWANCE IN TOWN! aimulioneout action feeds ihe gross to At a tlm* when even minor des'lsion* are so difficult to make, Plastic Del.uxe $29.9.5 Phone 8273 Census -110. also ttmv to remove deed and Fmmpl and Etflrlmi FrlnUng Installed Free With Seal Tuft Seam WOOLAND STHEE7T —6 room co­ anwanteO treen For prompt and there’s an inner feeling of thankfulness In knowing that both Bilt-in-Antenna .. . No Fade, No Flicker . . . wal­ BRAE-BURN REALTY DL'toharged Yesterday; Mra, thicker growth and richer color. It's of 411 Hinds ymi and your rtepartad loved one had already Chosen your family Maroon. Green and Blue lonial. 8 bedroomt. Fireplace, nice Mary Dtttmeyer, 25 Courtland best applied with Scoffs Spreader. etflrlent «erv4ev epil nut-effect Bakelite cabinet. Enjoy new Motorola location. Immediate occupancy. LISTINGS Seeded - Single noniea street: Elizabeth Davidson, 45 monument TOGETHER. Candy Stripe Plastic $35 multiple units, farms, cottages Box weeds A feeds 2500 sg ft — $2.95 COMMUNITY PRESS SEE T erm * arran g ed . A S. Burke Wedgewood Drive; Neil Pierson, We Pay CARTER TREE Installed Free $21.95 in your home now! Agency. Hartford 2-7806. Eve­ Free appraisal. Allen Realty Co, Rockville: Mrs. Elsbeth Helgerson Bag. If.000 sq if - $11 75 I. W Kara J O l.draoa E W K ara SEE THE ABOVE MONUMENT IN OUR DISPLAY nings Mr. Johbfon. Manchester 180 Cente, street Phone 5105: ^^d baby boy, 47 Spruce atreet: Come In and Save Money—Sec Our Calaloguo MALONEY FIRST! # 4g# Easy corffrel for brood-leaved EXPERT CO. Got No. Main and No Seboot ■ 8741. evenings 2-0438. | M i-*. Mildred Grimm, 140 Camplleld HIGHEST weeds. Some potent element os Weed P H O N E 7 6 U Btrwta — Trlvplinnv 6727 on Colors, Trim and Design w A xiTuTs 7 I—I------T .Road: Mrs. Nellie Notch. Berlin. don't delay...see this NEW R f m Discharged Today: Mra. Alice B feed but without lawn food. Dry iiOts for Sale 73 Reliable ouyer. waiting with gpulick. 30 Drive B: Mrs. Marv applied os it comes from .the pockoge—• ^ CONN. VALLEY MEMORIAL GO. cash. Finances arranged. Wa MaHaffey. 65 Florence street; R O U TE r. S. 5 so m i WINDSOR CHOICE LOCATION, juat over need 4-S-6-7 room singles and 2 PRICES no mixing or fussing with water. (IUAI.ITY TWO 6.00 X 16 TIRES MOTOROLA TODAY! Dwight Perry, 78 Tanner atreet Box. 2500 iq ft - $1.75 Manchester (One Mile South of Foxmart) East Hartford line, 100 x 550. fami'y 6ou»e». Howard R. Haat- Births Today: a son to Mr. and FOR PRINTINGI Price $1,200. Madeline Smith. M,000 iq ft - $4 85 RECAPPED inga. Phone 2-1107. Mrs. Dean Clarke. 464 East Center Bag, n»e printing TEI.EPIIONE HARTFORD 8-0678 Raattor. 2-1642 or 4679. stre e t: a d a u g h te r to Mr. and Mr.s. 8«r SaeClAl r u tfo tt bund of Uotn M*<1 to (ill In ipeh loft boro by -4nh we do f o r i Dry Cleaners LISTINGS WANTED. There are George Emmerllng, 52 Crestwood Crneat ColUns. Mgr. T. CoUins $ 1 3 .5 0 Exchonge THREE BUILDING loU for sale. ■pcctallita L: ell lines of biuineas. m-aokhW weeds. Ift (ert orowlnt-.xc.ll.ni Iw tow VO P W i l l i D rive. PAPER prove anfip- 93 Wells Street RADIO AND All utUlttoi. Inquire at 47 Home­ Why not employ ona If you intend Admitted Yesterday: Lincoln Briar tcHs. (orrecos and ploy o r^ s • (b—81.25 5 (bi—16.15 stead atreet, or 2-4000. Also Mscazines, fa rto ry — bp- OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS to tell? C m U ct Alice Clsmpet Rudolph, 46 Griswold street; Mra. eenae H wIR Trtephone 7254 Visit Our Display Agency, 843 Main atreet. Phone Alma Casperaon, 15 Hackmatack Rags, Scrap MataU Etc. be nrndored ondet tbe muet LOT FOR Bale. South Main street 2-4548 or 3-0880. JOHN S. WOLGOn & SON. q loeli for tkii lool o* your Rock of Agoi mesuMO*! or TELEVISION Delightful lot 111 X 100, facing street: Joseph Grosso, South Coven­ Can nr Write modem elHrtowi method* Get try; Mrs. Dorothy Therrlen. 35 150 5Ialn St., Alanchaeter, Conn. Phoor 8597 nm mttmafe- porhor. Il Idonllfloi oil Rock of Agot ■o«»mo«l>. Campbell Auto Supply . golf frouada, an improvementa WANTED to btiy- 2-familv dwell- Drive B: Florence Tisk. 26 Bin h Expert Dry MALONEY’S Oependablr QtMlIfv — .Servleet TELEPHONE>1044 in. trees, suitable for large ranch ing, Ktanchester or virlnitv. from street: Stanley Urban, 82 North 29 BISSELL STREET TEL. SI67 SAO CENTER STREET home. Wm. Poodcbild, Sr., Rehl-' private owner ('all 2-2353 be- street: Rudolph Green, 10 Haynes Wm. Ostrinsky tor. Office ^ Forest' street. 7925 i tween houra of 9 a. m. sr.d 2 p. WILLIAM H SCHIKLIMiF street; JoaAgh Scrabut. 195 North 182 BiMell St. Tel. .S879 186 Spmee Street Tel- SdPO Cleaning Service ' o r M t l . ^ Main stree” PAGESIIVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY. MAY 5. 1951 MANCHtSTEK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 5. 1951 PAGE SIX I h« widhps or wants s.ssistanoe. j nntlm Club. 102 Norman street. Property Here e l w beyond nil doubt, nnd tt will, They ri^rngnizo thst one cannot hr ' .st thr conclusion of the meeting. AMESITE DRIVEWAYS lir our opinion, bo as right in fact A A Meeting helped Against , his own will. ------MICHAELS Planning Board Approves ilanrlirBtrr • REDUCED RATES BINUB IBM The town of Manchester is no M Mr. Auftln a speech makes it Connecticut YOUR SILVERSMITH Hel*l in Suit • (iRADINO FREE WORK different from anv other town in I S if X1'l|sA.’*u f ' l l l l k Weddings GUARANTEED CoEttitto- ^pralb right in his proclaimed theory. Open to Piihlic this nation regarding this prob-' U I * U > n A . I U l f Nine Zoning Changes • POWER ROLLER USED FCB1.JSIUEO BY Tjnc • I RFE ESTISfATES CAI.L lent of liquor addicts, "problem n U A L O PRINTINO CO.. INC. Yankee • TIME PAYMENTS MANUHKSTER II BliMlI (tr**!. drinkers ” and persona who he­ ScIci-lK ()ffi<‘crs CONTOUR j .\ttachmenl Paper** Ar<‘ The Case Of Oatis .SprHk(‘r8 OH Vlay 12 lo • SAVE 10% FOR CASH 7691 HMClMMtr. Conn. Bv A. H. O. rn ii.se of alcohol In their own lives The 1 lanning Commission ap- . special application approved by Luko-Bessette Waller-Jone* Vlnce-Bernabo TBOMAB rBROCSON. or alcoholism In their own fami­ the Zoning Board of Appeals I Filrd Claiming Dain- SAVE WITH There are aonye rases of arrests .\ii!sh«t .Any pros-ed nine proposed amendments MiNed white flowers formed the Prw., Tpsm.. lies are leading lives of quiet des­ At the Miiy meeting of Pt which expires in October. He ! agr* of . '" pgiinded Oetob»r 1. 1»»>- of Amerusna behind the iron cur­ Mffry B ,“t0-r>0 rluh held last night to the regulations after piiblu souglit the zone change to be al­ setting el the church of St. .Mark 5 1 7 .0 0 0 The < 'onner 11« ul .st crl null, in out .\lioiit lln‘ M«*vrmenl peration. And it might not he the F.vangolist in West Hartford DeMAIO BROTHERS tain when Americana hack home ':oint too far to add. that there in tiip parish liou.^c the follo\vipf;_ hearing on twelve propopuls in lowed to continue without seeking «li*d Emry i judpJUfnl. has laflfd hai U into the coiiplc.s wr-Tc dcctcfl officera for -ss. at eleven o’clock Ihi.s morning A Ntanchosloi' Lnuple. * tnd Holldiyt. Ent»r*t. »i lh» do not know what to think Theie vnp\»e hopes .»nd n.^piinlfiom when Miss Dolores Ddiraine He.).- »i.nch...»r. C^nr . a. Allhoutli pulilic nicri't.ince of 19.'‘t 1 -.*12 vcRi president. M i peals board. Jones and Hose A Jones of C’lein- which It .‘^piaiip- UliHte\er f.undies in this town who are con- 'he One amendment svas tahleil Two setle, daughter of Mrs. .losepli Is every resaon to ssaiime that, in Air nhohra Anonymous i.s now (piU'• Mr.n Wilfred Maxwell: vice The c oiniiiissioii approved an ap­ son drive, are named defendants in Baeovd Claaa Vail ______Irpitimate ' luun «• it uuiv oner hn\e Inntlv In a noiaome or critical ' «n'l proposals for zone changes were Mrs. Ludwig ® m i . E plication lo alter the building lines Denault of West Hartfoid and of an action allejfing they “conspired | * the present phase of the cold war. had serins to ha'.«’ disnppenreil. in general and in' bides clergymen, !:uhI of desperation over the final i pre.sidenl Mr. an'l not changed and a building line [,i gUBSCRIPTION- RATES dr<. on the northerly side and souther­ Rov Bessette of Springfield, be- to cheat and defraud ' nn incompe­ we are endeavoring to apy on our Its later. stHgc.s. ihr hiosr-thinkuip doctors, police agencie.*'. charitable sRi;c. which ix life itself life or j ” svas changed. FM ■ - OMOb« TaarTear *y Mall ...... » ' ' * Kail Ftohan: trm.surer. Mr and ly side o7 Avon .stTe'el'^lo 7oincTde came the bride of Richa.M James tent Wc.Hleilv. R. I woman out of •Is month! hy Mail ...... im! Tlu‘ In*!.--*- nip'iinrnt of its pro- 'loath. I An application by Utc AB.\ Tool l-uko. son of Mr. ami .Mrs .loseph ) 1 m I'old war rnniiii'a "• thnroiiKhly dcpnrf ir.cn!« and m o ic icrcnlly Mi.s, .John Trotter. with the .street line from Bridge $11,167 .'id (lunng the period inmi One month ny\..iail ...... pontMilrt l>i‘ianic c\li*iur sHinph'.N Tiieso p 'ople nei (I the an.* ilicain lomr litir Vhp |pici(;taiM I.s HluHys f«iily cJilli- open moetin': to be hol'I under the ment to the regulations was ta­ Dyer of St. Mark s chin ch The ■ tlie e.'Tntr and fierson of Lena member I'E .Mav Fair were di.«cus'-ci! town was opposei a t inn of i lilt iiii'l his cT he '■ taiiiiiy ftnil it aiismci’H of Manciiester flroun nf bled I’roponeiits of the amend- aolnisl was George A Dnmi, god­ Medltz of WestrrlN iia.s ntlmlied Laboratory and Are In Need Of THB ARSi TATEP 1 KE.<.a his ilicHiii the .^ti.te f'l ‘ •'■nm-t in ut Alcoholics Annnymou.s at fi-30 p, The entertainment consisted of Meade Alcorn for William Thorn­ father of the bride, who sang "I The Aaaorlalfil freei ii eariiie've.r r\c-Il hulcl'l to In Iip W t i tlll.S Tlc-'.V iiient were niemhers of the Zoning the local p!opert\*of the dcf«'iula’it' lesllv hern engsg'd in AiiicMian i.s p.) \ !p soiiH' > in nun .i«r t hr pin *’ m. Saturday. Mav 12. m the Hol- n quiz prog-rnm. in charge of Mr. ton and Hiirrv F. Woodridge. Pro­ Love Von Truly. ’ and the orgnmsl 1 entitled to the e.re . ' rep ihl'racen o 11 11 BoHf)l of .\ppeals It desls with *acconlmg to papcis fib*l nt the 3 Laboratory Technicians ; III r 1 h gcm ' u cM k or \*. Ill t li< r he of rng Ineer I • ip »* .i v ^ nn h. 11: 1 c. Imtci sticft nuditoiiuin. .-\dmis- niul Mr.s, ( ’harb s I'ovey and Mr. ponents for the ( liange did not ap­ was Mrs Katherine Dillon | all ne«l dlipat. he. rnl ted t > ^r and Mis. .Jfihn Medlund which pear. Thornton own.s 112 aores of Aitnle V .c;e,ticm III. Knlnne- office ol Town <*l<*tk .'^anmrl .! not otherwlee credited In th.e .eP'r ■s sn mno. cut victim of som'- thr l.i.sl ai.alv<;.". dnl not pio«lut c ' f M) iuJiL .ig I one f.I {he lo ;rl sinn free ami all who attend Iiicnt h\ adding the following at Given in marriage by her step­ iTurUmglon Actum \s leturunhle Male or female. \\ r a ill Iruin acceplahle personnel. end also the local new* piit' eir.i lo re ( oiM lu.'sion.s \ • I 4hl!'•|’^•!lt froi',1 ai'- n!sf) inviteil to partake in the w.T.s tluuoughly cnp'V. ij bv all llm land and Woodridge four acie.s in father. .loseph Denault the bride ( ’ommiimst regime. And even \ A M t;i;kc 1 with a woman the er.d ,if the llrst paragraph: to the Hartford Cminiy Superior All riftita ef republ eatlon of tpeeia fho-'^r alre.ulv rMsiitiK fioin pir- .. hos.o al' tilmli' biiither has frti ipei! house festivities .at the F'*ath- , membi-rs. the area contiguous to the prn- had aa her matron of honor her Befoie the actual pouring of J Court June AITI.V dlipalehea herein are aleo reeerted while- we protest we . Biinol xio'is surv**\s cf tlu' po 11'II f la 111 ir.s , ea rs lieen 1 he • le.Mpair of the fam- posed change. Some of their prop­ sister, Mrs. Edward Mct'.uire of erty was included in the change Icnerete for the foundation of any I The papers In Mir iam* serxed E. A Serr escape the scispicion that perhsps of a N'r\\ Kn;.:^4nil steel miM, l*ei- IV. Kight now l'.» IS fini.shing up .Manchester. Biidesinnids were full aerrlce rlleni of N Fred G. Holland, Ka.st Hartford hutlding or strticture. the ointrac- b\' I‘>eput\' SbetifT .'^.iniU'1 Ibi.^i-n tlHfis this shi'Uld he |lieH*l\ i liaipeil lus cighlli flip to el -sanitaiiuni ai Miss Clan.' Bessette sister of the Ice, Inc the airesi le quite ss lusl-he.l developer svho own.' 60 a, trs in tor or owner must supply the of Harttord ('nunt> dia\Mi SPENCER RUBBER CO. Puhii.'here P.tpre-e' at re, I o • S ) »e t le 11' »*. oi H' ef i’ ri| .4 s '.K oi l ll icr 111- most tet-n! lunge. Hi.** .s.s- bride and Miss Mane I-'cigaiiy of fI om the I'cnrl ect c ■' 1)1 the c-n that sector. aisfi opiiosetl an\ hnilclii.c inspeitor with a c'ertifi- hv Att"ine\ .Insiah (IiceiC't*ui "i ( a v n :i. s t iu :i;t Jullii* Matli'ae opi A*ene\ ub'te .stale expli I.it'mi ff a iri ' an bai'iU I i lievc in a thing eate hy a li.en.sed engineer that .Mane hc.sler Prlrt I and B'»tcn m\' as sn\- o' "W " ii H’r'-sts r*t c hange in zone. New I.Cl,don, i cunsel for llie pl.im- York, l•hhap^ aihilit\ uhnh a['I'»ai»'il s<» pl.imoi- h( Opposition Develops the best man. and ushers were i •Mrs. tieorge M. Waller, Jr. Sirs. Henry •!. $ lure ' tiff. member AfDlT Rt-RKAI- 0» his agents mg (also hopc.s of those many any part of the building to be .\llrgnUona Made sih!e for the state to ipnorr it The board also did not allow a ' Robert Clifford snd William Mnl- CIRtTLATH'-N'S \ ra I .s change to Business Zone One the . erec ted thereon, will not encroa^ch Tlie return contains the allega­ There II now s case however ean\% fiile, ho\»r\er. there lias ' len The marriage of Mis.s B.arbara Ml'S A Ibei t Ita I'.lirabetb Ber- One of the first qiiesti 'ns abo'i» S U G G E S T I O N l over the established building lines tion that "cn «*r jiIh* it l•ehlu^l^ 1 The II rail, ,'rl’ ting Compan.r Inc. which seems heend sM such h#M‘fi a t».\-product of the steel properly of ( hcslcr Bninner of For her marriage Ihe bride .\niie .liciies. claughter of Mr aivl liable clniiglitei cI Ml aiid Mrs earumee no fl-anriei reepi'ne'h'l rv f^r A \ 1“ "IbiA much rs this cure FORMICA East Center street. Vigorous op­ or in any way violate any of the MM'.v nnd t*. llu* 'lair .-f the >\ 1 it mill pro|Hisal which hIiiiuIs a** a IN WALL (hose a gown of iinpoited Chan­ .Mis Wadi- < .lonr-s of .Ml \\ iicidc ll tvpnrrkpll'cal errerr ippea- rr : td doiild It IS the asi of \ss.,, aic.l going to I o.-1 " " I'( I .pie a I e oi i »-n OF THE WEEK position was afrurded by residents zoning regulations .\ nton Hai I" i ol Chester street Mie plaintifT ' \‘ai*! Lii,.i .M*’'liL- lm|»|i\ irnoh’l ot pnhilr lnA«*stl- TV & RADIO COUNTERS tilly lac-e ovei blush pink satin on road, and Gr u ge .'■t. Wa ter Ji . vertlee lenta end . llier reed ma'ter Press c-OM esp.ilid' l;t unt .« w ho l« • 'll the mereiluli.us side v.hrii they of Munro and East Center streets, Cnnsiderahle chscussicin arose Mailf"' and report iif the neckline finished with seqinns and Waller. Sr, of 372 Oaklaiirl .slreel, H«'rir\ .Io|u» Vir.ic, ^on of Mi ami 2:. SH AKES or M UST \ ATION Al, H ANK Ol M AN- oip.anizntiona in the vvoi Id that an- sell electrical appliances at his sibility and the board tabled ac ­ possessed "f .‘•avuigs .mi’"unt i iji ’^ehilttSchneider < «niimittee on seed pearls, long sleeves and a look place this forenoon st' ten Mrs Angelo \ im e nf M7 Him Ii •tsturday, May 5 I >.echosIovakia relatively free of moiiev pinblems automotive sales room through a tion pending further in\eiligatioii. suiist ant i;\l nmouri!** m the I’liel- ( l i r S T K K the pr«isp»Tt Iv e efT#*efs of A ste«*l full skirt with a \erv full train or lock in SI .Inme.s's ihnich Re\ -'tif't The I'lriieimv was )u-i- i *ori esjiondent (istis was admit- The "rgnni/Htion has no'flue.s. mi s< .1 Rank 111*- I'.lm :ki\- .‘>(1 Sll AKi;s Ol I’llO l.M N ST A Ti; H.VNK A N D TUI ST mill on commiinltv life In the Cabinet Doors Her three-tier Frem h illusion veil Geciige Hughes pert irmerl the i c i • lees and all its ♦ spensc's aie met :mi iuc'I in St \ugu .1 ihf - * !iui» i’. 1 .1 of Rev Austin, and will arrive In was att.'o lied lo a lace .Inliet r ap mgs Rank .imt !lu- N"iv - )’ : (OMI'AW led to Cre. hosim skis ss a news- .New l.oinlon area. EXHIBITS c Iiioiiv at a ni.ptnil high nia.'.- al 1 tai I lot '1 b\ 111* K* . Itilin 1 '"t Austin On I’N Policy hy 'Iona! u >n.s of hh’nihei CUSTOM Coventry on F'rulsy to vi.«it with ing- .'s". u‘t \ . 1 hat "M .'1 ai'"'i' papern.am That mes' t that it wa.- It ,M M I e’pol I u 111' h d"i*y Iiol & DISPLAYS Fashiored m flowing curves and shining contours. Contour is a trimmed with seed penrls. and stir ten oclock Oigainst Atlyne Gai- l*r, wli" u.S'-'l th‘ doul'li'-MiUv 7 . Sll \Ki;S Ol ( IIK NK V im O TlIKK S t’.sually Inn the faEiilv ol an ah KITCHENS Cabinet Drawers North Coveiilrv Rev. Austin for a few days earned a praveibook witli a w hite .■-aid 'lav I lie 'b’f* ruianl * <11 Certainly thr vaat telnviaion , Ih II. to he mote than a .sesH h* "classic,” at home with fine accessories ol any period and— rity who played the bridal mu.si. seivh’'' Uhit* snap'll a^«ins knowing 1 run Meilil/ t«. bi m s,u li '>n \|i|illcatl«ii—SiihJfct Tii Prior **ale his profession there Icc ohts.n ss eohoiic helu-vc-s tiui! the l p.iltli orchid and streaniers inp oil’ ai'il a '"iielation of exist- Those sUendiiig the annual ses­ sang "Ave .Mann and ’ () I’erfert late.l tlv altni (;roi;:«- \'uu a con'litli'n ami Know.ng spe ua*8 sudianea which warmed to Wai- much news information as he l«r 'problem rluM ’ is inu'pie an If you BTC not up to the lor all its hand made look - not expensive. A six piece place sion of the Grand Chapter Session The matron of honor rhnse a 11:^ 11,for ma! i"it. and whn h [xnnls The annual meeting nf the Tol­ Lovr- White snnpilrngons an t brother of the binligioom 'ang su*<'eptilhe and lial»le I" !'*’ ea'MlS ren’ Austin as the forceful c hal- espre lallv had a-t' i‘ i tc . iti'i'. setting costs only $37 50, tef Ihe Order of the Eastern Star yellow taffeta gown marie with a COBURN & MIDDLEBROOK, INC. could about life, events and c on t.i it.M - We urge you tocomeinand sejc tlic solid silver beauty of Contour. I ’a I.s n;:i'h' us a < • . ’ > • 'let 1 i\ i-t I el mi ml' n< h ' I > •> K<‘l n gmid Uiti'hcn ciil.iiirt al Churches will be held in the i town were. Mrs Anna C. .\iider.son, shniilcl.'r yoke and bertha cif yel­ 3t.3MMN ■'I >1 \\( lIF.sl i:it, * 'INN. I r.I.I.ni'lNF. 8631 argument in the T'nited Nat'.rir.a patlieiinp of peilineiit and refi»-sh- lather, the liiine was attended lj\ < b\ • n in mat i la l:< b\ b* i i hMim Uilte M'b.intage "I lu’i wc.il.ne.-' Thece IS no inforiiiSl con Im lenrs that llieir pnihlem « an a'j'l to DISPLAY Second Congregational ehuich ut I Past Matron; .Mrs. Gertrude A. low Venire larr .‘-he wore mills inp ta't and appi oaihinp iffl pio- tl'.e «‘\periem e of a g I r. p uf ,\!.n. ARCHITECTURAL j.il. call 'HII-SM.M-K. Ur .Miss Klizali-th F. Dagon ol Hast the hfidc was att»n*l«'d b\ b»r sis­ .nnd to nhtHUi moru'Ns tielongmg to debates of laat fall is under i o ap­ Havcii. Past Matron; Mr and Mrs. to match and a yellow picture could gather which would not h!em 1mm B w id«* variety of anple.s, CABINETRY FIXTURES EASY PAYMENTS INVITED North Coventry i,n .Sunday. May Hartford aa mind of honor and bj ter. Miss Angebne Mai ion Rerna- her *»n deposit in snul hanks tn- prehension that Oua Vermont Re- lioli's Anonymous, lid .1 lot nf Ih.at work and George Mathews. There were aev- hat Her loose arm boiiquel was eome within his proper province achieves a ( omp<»site picture which Know \ll the Answers 6, beginning at 3 o clock Each .Miss Frcdrica Hcrckman of Hart bo as maid of honor. an*l tlK dured her to hnmi o\rr thr bank publiran is an appeaser of coni- IS t it take.s a thief ahureh will be represented by its hr nh'suiauls w ere her musin. Mi**^ t IV e Chapter who reaide in other towns. The bridesmaids wore orchid of the biicie in the .\< tna I nc In- It Is sl.ite'l m ad'litD’!i I'lai ' "li mttnlam. Rather, he was rated as to catf h a thief, if IS I'-It only and hc.adac-hcs. Onn’t forget, minister and two delegates The Tuesday evening. Mrs Walter .\oiina Roinalni <»t \\«“-t llait- man Thst it would he his en- What emeip'-s frr>m the report is marquisette gowns with full floor .siiranc'C r‘oiiipun> '-s olfre. I he ■ 1;\ m . ila \ •• !"• t w e*-n !• *-lu ,1 . i 1, this country’s foremost rhanipon true that no one tan ut; le -lar.'l afternoon session will include a Haven, attended visiting offi- fi'i'l .Miss .lean .\U'n*’> iMiu"*!) cleaior to gather all the- mfoima- not iiM’teiv a st-i<|\ of •-vhat < om- too. \ic earn a large line length skirts with satin waist flower gnl was Ann Hovku of .Mai l!HJ ami lo M a i'li 1. 1!E)U and handle an ah'ohnlic the wav service oiof wor.ship.woramp, thecue regnlsrceRcMo. night at Stafford Grange 'f M'lio'h ami .Mis.m Maibiua sgainit Communiem inunitv changes and tmiilen.s and waist bands and marquisette tapan. Ma.'-s , cousin of the Inuli' indm'‘it her to sign \\ it tuli aw al tion he could was obvious when annthei ah "he t an A A .s CUSTOM MADE of stili/ed < .diinel hard- CABINET MAKERS butiness meeting and elec tion o f ' was secretary for the ()»Lhi of Mrrulrn. anolhet musin heneflta would a-’cnie in the par- .TKWKl.KK.S...... SlI.VK.R.-lMrril.S .'MXCK lf>d0 ^ capes. They aliis wore orchid Robert Jones, brollicr of the ' .slips for the with'lrawa! of moiievn Hla point of view on Kar he w as admitted to (.'lec hoelot a- know everv trick of th.e imt>ihei's SASH & DOORS SUPPLIES officeri. a service of licensure for of the bride. . t II I liar mat am e of a .si4-el null hemp evening Mr Haven and Mrs. | picture hsta and carried loose arm bride, was best man and the usher | on depoNit to her- acctmnl nt the Baatem policy, then, mav be ac­ trade ami they know their own ra John E. Kingsbury of this town, ' I^nuis Vince was his brothers kia I'he I'r.erh authorities knew lot ated at tlu- Wateifonl .site. 9.58 M.MN S T R E E T ...... M.VNCHESTER Anna C Anderson accompanied ijonquets of yellow carnations and WBS Richard Hinvc.s of Deming said banks In Mie aggregate of limitations Tlu-v aie verv will­ who U now a student st the Yale her Also the same evening, | c^m^tion florets snd yellow dals- I he.Mt man and the ushers were HEAT WAVE cepted as an American view and $n 167 Mt that would be his enclesior, and 'rhe mam thing the report offeis. ing however to do anv thing for IN HAtlTKORD ,\T PFt.VTT .\Xt> MAI.N' STRKKTS street. U*AkIriclciP^- Divinity school. John graduated Mrs. Haven, who is Lecturer of i,* Louis Hainaim. hmlhet of' tlu Tlie (Simplaint furtiu-r albge- as a good Republican view, though the endeacoT of siu' outside n,-ws- petliHp.s almost uii' ons« um.slv on Mi»ur bnifh-t ah "i,"lh • hei iU.se The brill* cho.se s white hrocad- U.K own fiait i-s a model foi »nn- from Marietta college and is now Fast Central Pcomona Grange No. mother of the bride was at- luule I’ruI a La Kosa ol Hail- Mie ■ nu*nies weie uithan7.ano ol handt'd over to the defendants and er eh I ftm* H I' ' h- -le s 1 Ss ...... ' I he w ith square. Jew eled nc khne. Hei expressed so rerklnsel\- hy Snris'iir a pcdiry of allowing foieign c-or- larpe ne\v mdiistiv v. milfl he on al­ school. He is the son of Mr. and which wdll travel around to the f,avy blue shoes and handbag and i fmger-tip veil of Frencll illusion , thus tow n they appropriated the same lo , [iriruipal auis tow ;ii 11111.*^! sav that he i spy. then ecery -Amencsn neivs- would app!\ lot .-^inMl.u investipa- CH4TTERB0X RESTAURANT the showing of Ihe practlral helps Somers to Vernon, and so on nn- , ^ no'l alreamer.s ot atephanolia .sheer TUukhne. ctlgi'tl with seo'l e»i lo make restitulwn >on going lo join endloH motor car jams lr>ing to thur'a charge that our poliry in will' to be lu IjM-'l. not ni' ielv that 16 6 WEST M Til ? 06 .1 til the program will comeeome_ to an handbag, white gloves prai!^ and long slr»\es ihr .skirl psperinsn snywhere behind the tinn ot ;«n> "Ihei .siimlar fuop«isi- 613 .M.AIN STREFT TFI.KPnONF 2-800? churches may get from the State The maid of lionor wotv a govMi catch a hrec/.e . . . \ »>u can aNoid all this f'»r n few KOTMt la a 'varuum That t ion ^ui V '.V her e else The ( one hi sum a Conference of Religious Education end at Tolland on July 3. with corsage of ice blue net over taffeta with full and terniinatuig in a tram iron curts.n ii a spy. And if this . rejmJtmp from this particular itiidy { SUNDAY DINNERS each Grange presenting a prir- , immediately following the cere- piclur<‘ hat to match and . carried Her frnger-tip veil of illuamn '' ccnl.s a da> . . . ( ome on up out of Ihe \allc>.s and wasn't really what Oeneral Mar- This part of the program will be at the Grange they visit, j business in Cr.echoalovakla goes woulii hr. with possible minor' Choice of 8nu|> or .lulre gram at the Grange they vlalt. ^ o’rlock tonight a an old-faahioned nosegay of i arna- caught to a tiara of seed pearls flat lands because Ihere is alwavs a hrce/c al Arthur meant. He meant that our preecnted by a panel of qualified This Is being eaiTled on In the . Flliiigtoii aa far as a trial. It will he utter changes, the essential <'ondusiotn reception for 200 guests is being tions, Tiie !>ndesmaid v.as aimilai- and she (arned an old-fashioned YANKEE POT ROAST ...... $1.45 pweple In the fields ot Sunday other 10 Pomonaa In the state Korean policy had not been exact­ for anv other similar prop<»sition. held at the Itallan-Ameriran ehih ly attired in baby pink taffeta and liouqiul of white mixed flowers nonsense. and Orechoslov sU is s ■lardinlero Grass. School work, visual aids. youth also and the best number* will be J'*llington <".?Hngr ir in.ikmg ly hla own. But the charge stands *1 he prohletiiH foreeast for this with white streamers and hells net. \^ilh bal lo matcii and old- The iuidal allindants wore irork. summer confcrcnrcs snd re­ cho.sen to make up a program at plan?* I"i' thr (i-'itli ft-iMi \ • 1 .'-ill \ violation not hii of the terms on particular eommunlty are, essen­ BREADED VEAL CUTLET...... $1.50 forming the decorations When fashioned boiKpirl. The flower girl rule, on hid and maize \ riray oi- as ha made it, and Mr Austin an- ligion in the home the State Grange Session in Oc­ which Will "[ten with a hmupirt which he was adnytted to tially. the problems nmn> ( on- Sldt* of Spaifii^HL leaving nn a motor trip lo Cana­ was drca.sod al.’^o in ne blue latfe­ ganzB. aunilar in (ie.si^n. full Reports of the various commit- tober. Also with Ihe traveling ,in charge nf thr H"ine l*".ionnm- aerared It. for its own worth. ne<-tlciit eommiihitles have at' da the bride will wear a powder ta and net. She earned a no.segay .skirls, bolero jackela and match­ f'lechoslovakia originally. If has the ROAST STUFFED T U R K E Y ...... $1.50 teas wrlll also be given during the program. Mr* Haven has a 1(8 committee The pa.^t maptera ready experlem ed. In varying de- Q blue and brown check suit with a ing hats. HTie bride's mother won* ••Klfty-thrae govammenla mem- , of mixed flowers. i I Ckerhoilovakia wanta to bar all Dessert, Tea or Coffee------Open Sunda.v for Breakfast 7-11 aftwmoon session The young peo­ friendship chain with a g^lnves and hinuse of are In 4'harge nf the progrrun. QUASSETT gree«b. during the uar and post­ The mother of the bride wore an orchid dres.s with yellow roses bara ef the t’nited Nations " said Old Fashioned Straisbcrrs Slmrlrake— .3.V ple of the Christian Endeavor -So­ enlored link for each Grange, and w’lth Frrtl^ru k M- umirl* r «huir foreign correipondents from Us war period of indiistrlal expan­ navy blue .Mhecr with navy and and the hi idegroom s mother. DINNKR 11:311-9 man 'riir Ui'r!ii,g \(,ll h*- lull Auatln, "voltinlsrilv and spon- lerriloiy that is. regiettsblv. It' sion in ( oniiectlciit. 0 guests from ncHjn ter Memorial hoRftifal and Kthiopian troops are now ar­ prohlems whi other communities. I«>av- service with the principal speaker 1946 reapcrtivrly. Mra leiikn the Mam he.stri ('ouiilry Liub. to their tiieiid.s alter .Nfiiv 21 at SOUTH WOODSTOCK, CONN. product of fsise pt o|,;i,; iin, IH .i ing them to hhinder and stagger “ Sanity and ladom** n i Oie.st?'! stred, Hartford lallr'i t" Rrrr av* mir fiu h gi.i->H of the evening. Rev. Edward H. employed a4 a rereptinni.^t at thr For a in 't'li trip to fire near thr hen Imii.ar of (*harl*’ < pllaa and material aid Ttic-c con- fc) ts fob its own people Iheir wiiv through them hv im­ To the Editor: , 'Hu* bride attended lJulkeley Your lincoln-Mercury Dealer, of course. How Smith, who has recently returned Connecticut Mutual IJfe Inaiiranre 1-aIls and Cana'la llie bride will* , Amutngr F rnlay morning hut It , trlbuUona have not been poured provisation and einergeiicv re­ I have been livnng: in Manche*- wear a navy gabaniine suit, mink | High school and la employed by something for An.erica !■ from Foochow, China. Rev. Edward company. Mr. Luko j^raduated ' waa extlnTUi^hr*! before damago action to ne4-essltlea. Here la a come? Because every used cor on his lot is a ter for eight montha and have en- neckpiece and pink acc essories. On i the Praveler 8 Insnraru e I'oin- into a vacuum of policy. K\ eryonc offtially and unofficially Smith is well known to all Coven­ from Hillyer Collrjre in 19ri0 and Wa.' done t*) the buil'Iing guldelmoU for any < onne^ tlnit MEMORIALS v! Jinyed rrarling The Herald. their return they will make their' pan\ . Her gifts to hei att* iiilant*^ of the nations who have declared "Safe Buy Used Cor," thoroughly tested try people as he has often \isited ia employed in tho Accoiintinp dc- fnimgl*‘n has ;< A-ri'. lniL:r Mib8 (.Tinrlotl^ Dona Hearn, c’rive up there and tJisp*)Ke of worth- tarmlnad to support The pnlu \ .if a tliiir nhiiiit tun H^n- SUPERIORITY of ail too frequent hv.xleria auch | beat m.m with n w.nloh and ttir ' bride 1H50 (laughlcr of Mr. nivl -Mra John K Iraa refuse an*l jimk it v.ouM not tha United Nations In icgard to .soh-T anel .'tii.iipei thlnklnc is fr\nt ri\prirt.M rh\ i,*.: I uahora with bpita and atPrlinc sil- The lirielcgi ooni servcel a year Henin of 3J Wmilrnicru .alrect hr a 'it.Mtly Inji Ji.s dumping tra^h, tr l.v Ki atifyinpr. in the C. S. .Navy m 194!' in Ihe Koraa in clear, positive sn l cm.- that buf Submarine aervicc : tave K. Swanson, Jr., son of *Mr. alatent . . . I iwo \v^#ka b^Vinid n*f>n rntr <.f Correctly designed monuments are products of careful. against the law and violators will Elizabeth Ball I pearl' and the hrideamalda with The bride gave to her attend­ anU Mrs. Gustave E. Swanson, Sr., \ MH.K I.ONO LAKK "Militarily, the objective is to TRUCK intelliKent study. They have balance, disltnction and have to pay the penalty. progress. Tliat may ha\r been I nerklarr and earring set.' ants compacta and pearla, and the | of Talcoltville. The ceremony was The menu for the Ellington 6.')2 FKKT AKOVE SEA I.EVEL rspal tha aggression and restore I tru#. at that partlriilar moment. meaning; they have beauty that will endure. bridegroom’s gift to hla heat man I performed al a nuptial high mass , Center Conaolldnled schnnt begin­ and ushera were tir pin and cuff | Intamatlonal peace and security Bijt aomething slowed lhen\ down, TIRES CHILD'S PRAYERS ^ Smith-W'ilson 10:30 by the Rev. Hromslaw ning Mondnv. Mav 7, i' a.s follows; Cutting Done In Our Osvn Shop From The links Gadarowaki at .'^1. Biulget',' in the arta. [then, until the biirst nf blt^sRom R^N'ap Now and Save Money Mi.ss i.oillae Jane Wit.'on, dnugb- Monday, apaglielli and mi-nt hall.s ' Hard truck Urea removed Rough Slone To The P'inished Memorial tpf nf Mra. Anna R. Wjl.'on of 8 cluirch Orguiii.sl Ailyne Gar­ lienith salad, green hrana, bread ‘■Politically, the objective is to 0 (nirr**f nn RKRyyit k t.ltl.KN. KAIHO A M ) IIK.ATKK. STO( K .VO. I -2«. t t talizing fish or you can purchase a water front lot Stl bX--c-ld decorated the altar. Center school will present seven 'll Manc hester. Arthur .Swanson I turkey and gravy w itli drcs.'ing. declared, nor has It ever been ahsenre of winter * Preaented in marriage by her for SiiOO "ilh small pa>menls of Sl.'i a month .. . We 1 one-act play* the evenings of May v.aa best man for hia brother and mashed potatoes, apinseh. cran- asked to declare that the p,.liii.sl o 0 “ n\o brother. Edward .1. Wil.son. the ■usliets were John Hearn Jr. l err’.' ssue'e. bread and butter e eaik- The different thta api.tur, a ro ) to and 12 Proceeds *\ill be used had 10(1 of these water front lots and there are only objerlivea must be ai bie\ed by o \ ■'■1 i bride waa attended hy her aiater. hrother of the bride, and Olfforel ie.'. fiiilk Frida*', .luikeel calnion the dtt.ii^;h't 'Hial it a 1948 DODGE 4-DR. SEDAN $1295 » o V O I' tor ail annual ediicalieirnl trip th‘> 2H left . . . NN'e also have 1 business site and 1 ad­ military means. In fact, the em­ BRF.WSTFR t.RF E V Kl.l III OKIVF. R\OIO AND HFATFH. RTOCK NO. r-ITI'.I. o 1 o '\ I Ml.'.' Celia Ann Wilaon. aa maid of .Swanson of ralcoltville brolhet loaf, with ) bee'.' sail' )' u.a'be’d witrd to M*s.sn.‘Ht. with the tra­ o o o \ i honor, and bv Miaa Roaemarv Tae k ialtci put of till' month. of tlie lirielcgioom. notato, pii'lcleti b.'i't.s tue'.id and joining ehieken farm, for sale . . . heller hurry. phasis has been quite the <- M ditional ne.sij of aj'ruig. b»jl o 1 o 1 I aa bndeamanl. Lewia A. Brown. Jr. Ttie piays will be ■Cinderella, ' Given in marriage by her lather, butter and peamil liulter sand- trary. The policy of the fniti-d 0 1^ of Andover waa bc.'t man and the ' Rumpelaliltskin ” (Joldylocks wiche.s, milk and pudding, there are yoara u hen it becomrs 0 ) o ^ the bride wore a gown of candle- ovioa Nations has been, and should al­ REWARD 1946 LINCOLN 4-DR. SEDAN $945 M o lo 1 iiahers were Charles Chaponia and and the Three Bear*. ” "Three Lit­ hglil satin with a yoke of sheer , Martin Pomory of Mam street, net ex^jiry Hua an far. ts one of I.OW MII.FAGF. STO( K NO. I-I -Ifl? IBB If You Are Thinking , V*: I Alphonae I.tikas of thia town. who was a patient m Ihe Ro, kvdle ways he. to achie\e t.s politunl Will hp pnid to an.vnnr DARK Bi t F. 0\ E.IU)KI\F. B AIHO W O IIF A T F R . o \\ tle Pig.s. ' ■.'4now White and the illusi'jn. long sleeve* and full those \f»ara o lx K , The bride wore a gown of white .Seven Dwarfs, "Little Red Rul­ length tram Her ved ol illusion Cdv huMi.liil, Im.’- reiurue'el to his objective by pacifii- s. ui, meiits furnishinc inrormation Of Buying A Home .> 1 aatin. Ita fitted hodn* waa designed flume and is able to he uiil It -N refi*-, te«l not r»nl\ ;n the o I1 ing fle.ei.1,' ar.d 'The' .Sleeping was of finger-tip lengtii anel at- "We must not b. pan ■ ke.l ml" Ifadinjr to the iirrevt ,qnd j \Mtti a pearl-lrlmnieri (ollar anel Beauty rile s.ript was written lae bed lo a heaei|)ietc ol sBlui. Slie f'U'Ht Mtp dai'i^er.s which are so 1947 OLDSMOBILE 2-DR. SED A N $1125 . . . we suggest that you see us. In a pleas­ o 0 1 amall button.' to the waiat Her veil making a fatal error si th-.« ( ru- conviction of person tir per­ 0 I by lias- members There will be e arned a e aacade bouquet of while Bl,\(h, RADIO. IIFATFR. IlYDRAMA'nC OKIVF. STO< R NO I-Its . ant, confidential talk, discuss fifiaming, Iram VI ^ < wa.' of finger-tip length and draped exlr’eine 'I'he absrrre ra'ii, kj o 1 speoialty numbeia preaented be­ a vect peas and ivy. rial .stage, an error which might sons conimiltine theft or all about our money-saving, monthly-pus ment, ^ o -.'o , from a headpiece of aatin' and PerBonal Notices now an abv#»nte of almost tuo tween each pia.v James T. Lsld- The honor allendaiil was lose all that we have ga ned am) uillfullt and iinl.iw fully F.II.A. mortgage plan. 1 o 1 pearla. .She carried a bouquet of gowned In shrimp colored net with weeks, has I'oupled with utruis, , X' law and Horace H. Scriiton. teach­ pre( ipitate the world w ar we arc dnmatrini' property of the ^ r.o apring flowers with white orchid mate hing stole, picluie hal and 1947 OLDSMOBILE CONV. COUPE $1060 Amount of l.oan Moiitlil' Pavnient /) o 1 x> ers will diree t the program In Mvmoriam turned plowed aurfaiea into fine . 1 center. mitts. Her inseade boiitpiel was trj'ing to prevent 'The aim is not GRFFV RM)in, IIF\TFR. IIYOK.AV.ATIf’ ORI\ F. STOCK NO. f-nO. l.’i Year 20 Year LI i o .Mrs James T Laidlaw i.s assist­ dll.*'! Thetf ,A a^ vt t no .lankier v» o vl; Tile niHid of honoi waa gowned to .settle political issues h\' fol,e Plan Plan of blue sweet pea.' The hndes- o 4} v' , in rose faille, with matcliing jacket ing with a eneiy .ind costumes; .■Mt r • ■ I r.'s tiiat ttie ha.vi moistne.s.M of the JARVIS $6.00(1 SI7..VI 830..58 o o 0 maids were dressed aillte in strap­ hut to pre\-ent the aggressor from L o , and calot. She carried a bouquet Mrs. Lyelia M. Allen. mii»ie in­ less gowns of Nile green net with 'S ipiinj: soil Will not support 1949 MERCURY CONV. COUPE $1695 7.000 .y.vf' 46.18 o 4 ' of blue flowers. The brideamsid was structor, ia assisting vMth the imposing a settlement h\- fori e ’ REALTY COMPANY 8.000 .52.77 o 1 O matching stoles, picture hats anel minat’or But that danper . ould MARtlON. R\niO. IIF\TFR, FXCFI.I.FNT CONDITION. STOf K NO. NT-101 63.33 } similarly attired in teal blue faille music in The .-leeping Beauty ” •' ;n ffDistrict Amencan was an attempt ti. "s. ttle political ' BI-I F, RADIO. IIFATFR. FXCFI.I.FNT CONDITION. STOCK NO. I ■134. WITH MANCHESTER TRUST By Mr*. Anne Cabot Legion meeting .Sunday afternoon afternoon frnn four to nine o cIik I- picking: then \^ay through the ever-popular -hlrtwalfl ver- ______...... ___„ bell.'. atreamera and isauea by force, and it wa« the Embroider theae well loved pray- " ’adding will be in .North (.lo.svenordale. iil the V, F. \V. Home. nieatlows and pa.stures. They » an HIGHEST Sion. Scallop* outline the "atter. , .. ...u.n., For a motor trip lo Floi ida. the In Memoriam root of all our trouble u. Korea, ing collar, sleeve* and flni.sh tke | . . , nulcklv thev * wedding trip lo Washing Miss Diana .vlotcka ha* been be revived and given a fresh flow, $1245 bride has selected a wistaria suit which came after what Mr. Aus­ 1948 CHEVROLET CONV. COUPE front closing. Almost any fabric I P,,, n,pniorize the words with the | ^ C. and Virginia, the bride electetl preaidenl ot the Hi-Giow- and black accessories. They will he ' 1 r, I-*\;'S rnern"r>' ef .lehn Rrsr.iui- but it will take rain to do it. What has selected s navy blue suit snd ors 4-H Garden Club ol which Mr*. tin now indicates as the Imiil of PRICE PAID tlRW . KMIIO. IIFATFR. STOCK .NO. I’-Ofl. wlll be lovely. . aid of the pretty pictures. The pan*I at home to their friends alter May | k " sb ■ f«-"'el * " M*'' ^ 1 ''.'.O. . topper, navy and white accessories Jesse A Btainard is leader. 5Iiss our military objectives m Korea we want is no delayed ipnng Pattern No. 8720 is a sew-rite i pp., worked in simple stitches 21 st 521 Main street, town. I and white orchid corsage. They w ill .Molycka i- also junior leader of .kllhe''lj*h « ' kl.-'"' Re' th-eeitm It b',1. ■ freshet, which will wash and rot perforated patten, in wzes 36, 38, and colors suitable to nursery The bride, a graduate of Man­ bad alrtady been achieved. U we For clean, used cars Ail above cars carry the famous "E d " Sullivan Sofe Buy-Used Car Warranty receive their friends after May 16 the club. Other officers elected are Thst 'b'l rtiruj.l S'l- M-ri.tl reii, 40 43 44 46. 48, SO, 52. Size 38, walls. chester High school, is employed ' w . m;M ' eu ju»t •• n.iiCh ted,;.'. TAkE MAP WITH YOU new repeat that miitake again, early plantings, but one day of ' at 8 Oval Lone. vice-presidtnl, John Motycka; sec­ '46 and up 4U yards of 39-mch. 1 Psttem No. 2849 conUins hot bj’ the Budget Plan. Inc., East A' 'h'r. 't-'l I -''k : "'J k'i.v. ' biatory wiU repeat itself again, good quiet, deliberate aoak, fol­ retary Judith Chappell; treasurer. QUASSEH LAKE IS REACHED BY A TOWN - For this pattern, aend 30c m iron transfer for 2 dsoign*. each , ■AD.A To Hoar Bowles Hartford. She is a member of St. and the war will drag on. But if lowed by moderate renewals at Coin your nan». atWress, nz* de measuring 9 by 12 inches, matenal i Helen Jordan. A new* reporter ia Bridget’s church choir. The bride­ lehri Bi it.ik'i'k,' sr.1 RO AD FROM ROUTES 91. 97 or 44 to be elected. The club met W’ed- fsniity. the United Nations clearly an- four day intervala. HARTFORD ROAD rirtd’. ■'an'd' thTpirtern'Number lo requirements stitch illustr.tlona ; New Haven. May ,’i i.P For­ groom attended school in Farming- I mer Governor Cheater Bowles will nesday night at the home of ton. served with the Navy lor two," nounces that it will hbve attained sue Burnett. The Manchester j ‘ ".tnd ^ i n “ coins. vot.r name, ad- Judith Chappell ou Flandeis road years and is now employed by the EASY TO REACH - HARD TO LEAVE More Oaaimltlea USED CARS lUng Herald 1150 Ave. Amt-iicas, Pattern Number to discuss "The Challenge to Con­ Ita mlUtary objective at the 38'h in .South O venlry. Gunning Electric company. Hart-1 "On The rnrre-* necticut Liberals" at the fourth parallel, and that U intends to NeA* York 19, N. x. ,, u ' Anne* Cabot, The Mtncheater Her* Pvt. Carl E. Goldanider has wril- ford. SALESMEN ON THE PROPERTY SATURDAY Washington, Mgy :> je The The Spring one. Summer t ath-, Americss, New York annual convention of the Connect­ NORMAN’S HARTKORO ROAD leavo the remainder of thr Korean Defense department today identi­ Ion contains 48 pages of new i y icut ebaptar, Amsricans for Damo- Un hia parents. Mr. and Mr*. An­ 449 Hartford Rood. ITtL VBl7i AND SUNDAY PROM 11 A. M. TO DARK cratie Action, hsra ntxt Saturday drew Goldanider, Sr., of North Tha South African diamond In- problam to politlca and diplomacy, fied hi additional V. S. casualties Tetephone t-4188 ■tjflea; special'‘ WAures: fabric Needlework fans—Anne Cabot’s ...... dustry wa* bom when a Boer in Korea. I.dat No. 294 reported i night. Bowles will speak at a Coventry, that he is now stationed THOMAS F. REILLY. DmrdofMr. ’i, difficult and exasperating as such ‘OttlAe. news; American Dcolgner Origin- ajpum la here. Dosene of fas- at Ft.'H


Ifry and mortar fire and attackinR ' Arabs In the demilitarized rone.) Vets’ Center Takes New Post Blasts Lodge Ahout Town Obituary New ‘Hot Rod’ i The Syrians said they had been Vest Rejects a ' sure at the time the cease-fire was Sgt. Burton Carlson of SO m i reached yestrt'day of "Isrnel s ill Lists Action For Blocking Haynes street, who la stationed Fines Imposed BA’s and Hamiltons in Twilight League Opener Sunday X \ C U 9 U l l intentions." but "we wonted to with the Marines at Camp Le- Isave no stone unturned for rench- jeune, N. C.. has been granted a l.S-day leave and Is spending the Funerals „ ing a peaceful settlement of the .\pril Service Records Institutions Judge Gryk Repeats week-end .at Upsala College, Fast Decides to R 'l^ - I events which recently look plac e Rival Veterans in Twilight League Opener Refuse Orange, N. J., with his fraternity Mrs. Mark Harkina O iim h Lcafsuc Ex-Teaminates Ready j . f >n the demilitarized zone. 102 New Calls; ^ anis Warning on Driving Five Teams (Continued from Page One) Funeral services for Mra. Marie S ia n W o r d i n g O l l r o - . .pnis referred to fighting since brothers. Meriden Whitewashes* Oil I’roperty Sales Harkina of Hartford, who died' W ithout Mufflers n :a i i r m f i n i e n t ‘ Wednesday in the area where the creation of a Mental Health de­ Starts_Mo.Mlay Mrs. John Mortimer presided at posal o n i M s a r m a m e n i ^ ,,,p sea of partment to integrate the activi­ Thursday morning, were held this \ ------111 Rec Loop I I n.alilee and streams north to the The ID.T veterans who visited the ties of institutions dealing with the meeting of Center Church morning at 8:30 from the Holmes | Repiindlng two teen-agers of r I Women'.s Feder.ation Wednesday Paris, May 5— The western l ,wamps. .Service Center during April made that problem. Funeral Home and at 9 o'clock at his Wednesday warning of a Indians by 9-0 Score * ' Lif'lil T ram s lo Goiuprlo evening, at which It was decided have deeiried to refuse Dispatches from the burder urea j uiln .separate reciuesl.s for help or Reagan repeated St. Bridget's church. Rev Robert _ .v., . j Schedule Starts Monday powera ...... - i s id previously . postpone eleetton of officers un- „ " .. , " . ” I crackdown on voiithfiil dnvers, ,\l Rol)rrls4Hi Park; the new baltle still was In inroiiiialimi according to iJirec- voiced Democratic charges that Carroll was the celebrant at th e' , j ,.. . l.ylrs and Swan SlateiJ Ruaaia-a wording of a progress last night and that lieaiy ; tor la-o L Heauchamp in releasing ror»« s next .month. The guest speak­ mass, assisted by Mrs. Arlyne Gar- ” esley C. Gryk in Town Night at Charter Oak Dodge was allowing "a flimsy le­ er, Rev. John Elmo Wallace of Iiidiaiifi Held lo T$vo FtFur Ganirs a Work (Usarm the Big kour nation.. ; and mortar fire could be the moiillilv reporlofartn itiesto- rity at the organ. Interment w aa:^ ””*’*^ morning imposed $24 B l a n k e d To Slarl on Mound gal technicality" to hold up work Springfield, gave a most lntere.st- Lots at 6:15 OT-lock W learned today^ Ministers beard over a wide sector. 'day. Include I in the total number on an Institution for the chronienl- in St. Bridget's cemetery, w here'” ",'" youths charged with Hits in Going Down ing illustrated lecture on "Stained A l VIV hI Sidr Ovul< The Dcput> For gn • ‘ . -j-ijp Israeli spokesman said the . nf conli.i ls were 102 new usitors ly 111 at New Britain, and that the Rev. Carroll read the committal, " ‘‘'’out mufflers, I IMiiv in Ilie iTiur'li .‘kofUinll Of the United States. Bntain and ^ . ailing on th- t.Vnter for Gla.'s Windows ' their history and Merlde* Governor "wlthcmt explanation" service I ■'"'‘fff Gryk pointed out that To Third Defeat of ad u u po a e Pans f^irtains and the Army I,cague will gel mnloiwai .Moiulai signiflrance, of which be has \rlion Slai'lH at 2:,‘R) prance rnet Svrians made a Ihir.l atlnupl \cs- I mice for tlieir fii.sl lime. delayed an institutional building , Rearer- were Earl Yost Statement made at We.lnes- ('aRru ’tl.i, it 2 2 1 0 0 0 and Navy will pry the lid off the mglil at Kobeilson I’ark uitli Cen­ Gromyko for the (prdav to capture the lieiglii of Tel riie siil.j.d of in.surance was made a .study for years. ^'’The '’ ! '.> ,1 Vn.i intin Paiiiran sna *1 Icourt session of heavv fines Season in Four Games I’Diluk. It ...... 1 n 0 1 0 0 Roc Soft hall Ix'ugiic sea.snn Moii- ter Congos crissing lists willi the program authorized under the ad- B> Hal Tiirkliii^toti time this morning in an e ___i Muteila. on the north slinre of | araiii fiii l w.ilh a total of f.O con- nunistratlon of Democratic Gov­ slides, in color, of windows in ; \ a ^ Al- vioUlors has been publicized, K 'ny, U> . .. 1 3 0 0 (Jay night at 6:15 at the Charter 1 .South Methinlist I'l.iy sisils at r.m iiitri ( ’.Ini* Aulr^ prepare a list of subjects for their and universities both ; Kudonls. ~ I The warning la aimed at youthful I the Sen of ilalilee about tw 0-!lords I tacts (lllier subjects showing ernor Chester Bowlea. churches By Hal Turkington Appelh'. cf . ® ® ® n Oak D)ta. F'lve teams will co m -1 i 6:Ui ln«u^;ui ;tt Hill of tho nlntconth foreign ministers to talk about. abroad and in this rountry were — ' “ j *'hot rod" driverj*. .Sundberp ® J !i II tbe league this season. In ' F7iglil leiiins lime enteie'i iiini- — ! of a mile in.side Israeli terntory. ' n,gii,'sl coiilncls for the month in- The New I»ndon Senator also A brilliant two*hil shutout ,, . uT i< r season of tho Twilight Russia in.'istmg that the sub­ i He said Syrian iiifaiiti v troop.s, . h;d.'d ui.siirance II e.liieatlnn 2D. unu.sual!v fine He has lectured ; Fined $24 oarh this niornin'^ n->*'lil( 2b . (, a 0 aildilion to the Curtains and A*N, , jietiriim in Ilic (itiinl Games aie IV%( Hall , . criticized Ixidge's opposition to 2b ject dealing with arms and armies land "irrogiilar.s ■ part !■ ip.il" d I ,\,,y veteran who is thinking of I before a number of ehurrhes ( l \ t l l l 8 0 1 1 1 o l O I 'V wore Robert A. Cbartier. 17. o f ma.slcrpiere yesterday afternoiui 1 2 1 0 the entries include Silk City. si'lipiitiloil every .M 'inliii . I'msdav i He,' Hsl go! ol lo s fine start Haoebnll I.regue will t.akc place the 40-hour week for institutional /a I'.' be worded " . . . . reductions of I Tlie Syruiii.s liaic .li.u.,id re- selling I he li one he (.urrha.sed with .•■(■hoojs and clubs, and just reront- i ;«n KoIpv Htreot. nn-1 Rirhnnl gave Bill Naqel uml .Moriiicn High 4 n 0 1 0 0 Green Manor and Garden (Jrnve. Wediii'SilMV ami I’lnlny niglits at iimI iM-ning .‘.lion 4' loniorinu altmiuon at 2:30 when employes, and charged that he t'aiM’ll... It , armaments and armed forces of ■ pealedly Hull l.-. ael diauuige pro- llie jiroi ecfis of a (» I l>ian should ly at the Museum of Fine Arts. Piantanid.i. 16. of Oudlev \'\yiu . If n (I II 0 Three games will be played ; ; llohertson 1‘ark .'Ml lontcsts will ;ne nine ho !■ He,I Itall l.eagne ili,. I'.ntisli American Club and the Frederte K. Wrriier "scuttled" 80 per cent of the a 9 to 0 verdict over Manchester the US.SK.. the fniled Slates, 1 joct to reclaim tlic Hiilch .swamps iiinke certain that lie l.s discharged Boston. ' Fa<*es Probe [Street. B;itb u*e»e RTToMetl on t’rcntt'. rf 0 2 " 0 weekly. Monday. Wednesday and ; get iinileiivay si 6 ; 15. ,Miout 'i'l meniliets slaved for tlie Unmdton I’rons meet at the Weat United Kingdom and France . . . ”. recommendations made by the High's If.dians. The win put Ka-'nini' r 1 ij o ^ F'riday nights. Posliioned games for farmlands violalcs the at mislu c from his loan ohliguilion at the Frederic Kniil Werner, organist [Main street by Patmlninn Samuel* lx>ague teams are tlie i.'entei : lunelieon and reniaiiird snm-nl t''|s,de Oval Tlii.s game will open » The western big three want it Humane and Welfare Institutions I Msltempo. Nitfal. p 2 0 I will he played on either Tuesday \vhicli ended tile I'ale.sluie war in lime of Hie .sale, to jirevent po.ssi- .'ind eholr director at Temple Beth Miss Mary and Miss Christine | (Continued from Page One) Coach Bernie Sprafke's .Silver City Congos. .'konlli .Metiiodist. St wsl'h teleii-ion I’.'.nt ., on t ,,f j.-, ,.„titeaLa in which the to say "international control and Building Program commission. j Judpe Gryk nl.‘io reopened a I niphtsS or Sunday nuTnlnp*. lD4k. I 'e difl e ult ii's at a later date. Sholoni. and conductor of the Hiitehis'n returned yesterday to j nine in a tie with Bri.stol for first i-'U,,;.- 7 27 6 Rriilgets. .Salval 1(111 Aiiin, .Norlli lie |.■,dl;lslled ttie fii.Ht i'.nri of next , , x riid), will niei't em'li other tlirea reduction of armaments and It was this comnii.ssion that 'Wnrlne.sday iudpnT'nt apainst Nino PnRant i.-* the leftRue pre«»- This IS Hie advi. e of Manager Beethoven <;leo ('lull, has Tiern make their home in Manchester he wanted to bring the Rosenfelds plare In the (X'll. while .Manches­ Mtnrhr»ler ‘O' Metliodists. St .lames, Secoinl weel. Wlmiei, lesleidnv were m. r,,|i,,ived hy the plny- armed forces" I Robei't Gf)ld.snifl»*!'. IS, f»f Andover. Ident. Brunn Alirzi, vice president. Itiaiiy r Wood ol ,Hie Hartf'ir.; mini..d Diicet..r of Mu.oc at Me- I re.-ommendod that the current after llvinc for the pa.«t fourteen before the new grand jury eonven- ah i: H i’“ ^ f- Congns and /ion l.utlieiaiis I'lie . llank Huggins and I'cl. St .loliii ,,u., j,,,. (|jv i.e.in aeries rhnniplon- Russia's wording, western infor­ I who was rhars-ed with dr \dnff ter (iaipped into a tie with Hall * ' Tony serretary-trra.surer. Hearing On Sale jllegioiial Olfice of the V A, wllo iiiorial Baptist chiin h in Hartford, l-gislaturr authorize a $26,000.- years in New Haven. Early In mg Tuesday "in view of the fact 1 Army lejilaics the I'emple Heth ' wdli 36-3 3:i Seeond place found ; ,*,ip mants point out, provides for no I with a defective niufTli'r. and or- High of West Hartford for fifth. h'i'iii ii'i'i!*, cf ” Fnllowlng IS the leapie ached- Bill Murray .Art Pongratf J . |,| I stated tliat a niimlier of veterans I ||p „.i|l hegm his duties tomorrow, 000 building program. 19.37 they were called to the Elm that the Rosenfelds had refused 1 Hhnloni. I control over dlssrmament and I dered the $9 fine remitted Judjre The two hits recorded by the ' K .'aic w ski 2b ulo; (Shnristoj*— B \'s) (Oat eher— Props) five tennis tied with B'H Loekivood j This Imun, as one of the atrong- ( )f lollllSOII I>l 0 <’ k | in allowing the new purcliaser to Werner studied organ with Lodge proposed the expenditure CItv because of the illness of their | to tell the Miami police anything 0 cifluers are c.iis Cliaiipell, pres­ e.,t veiirs 111 tile liistory of the would Ignore the armed strength j , Gryk .stated he has .since learn'’'* locals came together in the fifth I "• ' Mon.. May 7 1 VS. 2 ind Ksil I'bnotd ivmning ' I assume the mortgage, find that 1 i„tp i>r Robert Priifting of of $1 ..100.000 for institutional sister-in-law Mra. William P ; about the case" ident. .loe .Ml (.'one VK e piesident leiigiie witli SIX well hnliwiced, of satellite nations which are re- | that frohlsnifiop'*; car Ivid a nev,' inning, but a doul'le play elimlnat- ',',"1, ' ‘j! l> Wed . M.W 9 \ 8. 4 tta.i rt'.eif Store was iO-tl [ Hicir responsiliililv 1o pay off the Hartfoyl. atid \’oice and choral dl- building in his budget mes.sage on Hutchison and remained after her ,minted out that If thev Itii v i'oil'll IH, li en'-oier, snd Hob .strong sqiiad'i entered in tlie race. ported now engaged in heavy muftler whi m. «t | the property ami Hie mortgage s. hool in T’rinceton. New Jersev. told a news conferenue he was Hutchison who was grand p „ en a servers they could be cited a tiimrh .if stiil;co'its i ntil the 1 tile league tomorrow, only Silk The western deputies Philip will, h tinir' decision on the pending , rlianga liands He served his home ehurch, f on- j hopeful that more than that could tary of the Oild Fellows for 4,3 ^ ' fifth, the Indian, tinally escaped i .*•« Mon . Mav 11 v.-^ 1 1 Center (.'oiigos Jes.sup of the Ui S . F.rnost Davies for conspiring to obstruct , Tivnmi.' p 0 . M.1 V 16 1 vs. CUv's Aces are a holdover from sale of th» Johnson liloek on Main j "if tpe purchaser merely as- cordia...... t-utheran...... ehureli. fc>r_ 26 j aceomplished. vrars dieil In .Tnniiarv. Thr ' the no-hit performance when 0 Wed 2 .South Metiiodist of Britain, and Alexandre Parodl ff they appeared and still refused Iiivitedtre. They a t\ ■' •' f..r Ma ggia ,r Oth. Wed , Mav 2;i ; vs. 2 Works Director Ralph G. Macy added. the season, attempted to lay down Ml '>12 '‘x) 9 vs .'1 6 St .Isine., i.iled .Middlcsi'X County League Item of the agenda. the property Irom interests report­ elands to lose out if foreclosiiie a studio on Main street. are living with Mrs. Arthur H M- rM‘ -i F'ri., .Mav 2.'. who is making a survey to deter­ Miami Detective Chief H. G. •Mrs. H' ,’H Fitzpntrtck. jire.-i- a sacrirtee hunt. I'd Zajae Ihir'i Hu.t* ba’*.*.i !!' Zij«' 2 fi^arrlla 7 Second i'I'lig- s team, and the Willlmaiitie Uidges. ed to be out of town. lakes place, ' .Manager Wood ex­ Green of ?,6 Lenox street. mine the possibility of obtaining Howard reported Mrs. Rosenfeld ' dent of the Maiiclie.sier Federat-d baseman, came racing in and Man- .^tu.'lb< ri . iw"-*,..* (> hiM (’ai*ar*®ilau 8 Zion Coi'.eord'Sn. ^ r»ter«lo> '• Krtnlio Tile Pollsti Anieriesn Club and The question of sale arose some Mon . Mav "28 5 \ s 4 U.iDtorA plains all a farm of about 240 aerra. The priorities on materials needed for neggia pushed the bunt over his n «kiC .•1"I-i. ba-e... MinuKii. 1, BDChle ' 1. Tlie rtr-t nurnl.ered team to be Pngiinl'a Weat .Hides withdrew. wa.s found uneon.scious Jhursila.v 1 Demoerah.- Women's Cliib. wa.s .an Thins.. May 31 2 \ s 1 lUMf t.l « S' rffi.t- 11 ^ Mac Arthur Views weeks ago at whirh time the heirs The veteran ran proterl him.self .nmmiHee for feeding the niillti- siirh construrtion. Might, her hands bound behind j es , -(’l------i-tUI .irr.llc-». K»Mi.' . li' Ublr consnliieti llir rioiiie Team I Former teamniatea will guide t(»- head for a hit . Id. F'n . .1 lUK- 1 3 vs. i Klnilta .■ mr. iRil- I eoiild not agree on an 'ttrr .lodge insisting that Hie new piirehns- tiidr expertrd on the above oc- lier, after $.30,000 in $5'* ®nd $100 ' in^•itcd giu'.st 4>f state Pr»*sMonr pla; !«. SuJiflbPi ff B' I ninrroiv'a teams in ac tion. Tony Nagal a .senior, really had the K'^i^ak'-w f*ki i u.ia."-*!!*!* 'I > \l*’inai i'> 2 Team., will be relened to by M). g . , I-! .1 W Ul mtr.Rp"! 1 Johii J. Wallett then asked Hial ' ..p oldnin his own loan and morl- i H oon, mee ts Friday ev.'ning to bills was to.s.sed across a wire > Mrs Mary Rus.-^HI Vahuitc at th** Berulie, veteran hai kstopper, ha.s In Capsule Form Wanniii,'" ' d .tx . i. ..I bi«. *. 7 Mai - .Mon . June 4 1 vs 1 tbe aliove dtsigiiHled n nioeis (oi \\ !,k^ ■ in- ••• ^ .V.3. they make sgreenient for sale, or gng,. m order lhal lie. Hie v< ternn, exci'iitivc honrfl munthlv mcvtin;; good.s yc.sterdav Thr big lanky . taken over leadersliip of the BA's, talk over the iiiiitler. It is stat''d fencp to a shadowy woman wait- | (hpfi'-’i ^’>1 b«ll^ Ti'*- Wrd . lure 6 I \.s 2 tile lollowiiig HI heilulr N atlonol failing that, he would settle Hie , relieved of all olilignlion Hull alioiit 6,(100 attended the fielil I ’o Be (Greeted f)f the ('onncclicut Kctlcratcil l»tun- fellow blazed away with his fast .\^w Y 'tk :v I'litxiMjikill I. i while Mike Saverlck has joined Tuesday evening at a meeting of 'hg on the Miami Reach ocean oi iatic Wnnu-n's c'luh at the Hotel ntun 4. F'n.. .Iiino k 3 \s 1 3 Week ol June 2.')-29 is set (OoattODed from Page One) estate hy deed of the propeity to under his original loan. .ln\ Inst year, and d is expected bail and .sneaky curves sending 14 : 14. T.'>m»li 2. .M»lir..'S»ls 3 bus oft i’.fri I'tiH; 6. Brttoki' u 4 I forre* with Hamilton and la the the Repuhliraii Town ("oniniittce Bond Thur.^day. aside for the make up of po,l the heirs. Hint there Will he a good many batters down on strikeodts. He al­ Tleiiiaii 7 (ur 5 runt ui 1 1-3 in;iinx>. PhtU'ltlptUt S St 4 new coacli of the Prop*- At Tbe (iitaclel .-a J ■ She was "snatched at 12:30 a m. ' Mnr .luiK' 11 2 vs 1 ' I oned games MacArthur would be aurprlsed to Thoma.s. Barry of Me(,uire road. At the business meeting Mr.", lowed eight walk:, but none of I MknnfSKis 6 for 4 rur.s In 7 2-3; hit bj Or»s«ne With Prop# mor*' thia year Chester Howle.s v^-as appointed i p;irb-r. b> Ncxsl (Kossk -s skl i Min- Wed.. June 13 1 V.S 4 Round know that Acheaon "In fart op­ The body of Nellie Manley Alien a senior at Trinity College, was piohile and had been In the hands: them did any damage, •im'* Amrrtroo Johnny Greene will also be fac- chairman for the printing of tin* I r:a ii'r-.nlni; balk. .Mac.n^Ckia I'H- Fn., June 15 2 vs. 3 j Mon. .Mai 7 1 vs 2. n^»rt'c* R D cfitriti 4 posed your recall vigorously." All ies Ailvanee of N‘«rwirh Town, was br-'upht Colonel Edwin J. and Mrs. Per- n.Tiiied reiire.si-if at ive on *he|nf ;,bHuctors siiire then. Howard locals didn't get a base rimner past I ctig his old mate*. Greene Is expect­ Hebron new cr*nslitnt ii>n v. Inch u ill in- i,.S ic-'ICT. Toman; uniplr's (•■.rktn. riiiU' >'\y\ \ .1 «'IfVf land 1. Conftdeai^e In Bradley here fur.hunnl earlier this \ve«d< reit, who have returned to Man- hool Building Committee Tie second all afternoon I Tues .May 8 3 vs 4 ed to be seen In aetlon at second eludc tlu' new amendmcTit.M ami a ' I’.'-I. Moi' , June 18 3 vs 1 .\-w Y"fk h Ht Loul» I MacArthur expressed "complete ' Tony Tieman went to the hill j ! Wed .May 9 5 vs 6. ha.se. a poaltlon he played all For Fourth Dav . Mrs FI<*yd A FnRll. chairman i A former Mcbmn resident C'"' I ( hosier and are living on Brook- ,^ ''Tla es .Io)in Kearimj-. .. ^ h ho has A summary of the official police | hrief historv of th- (..deration on Wed.. June 20 I \ s. 1 UtUrigo R. VNftihlnftnn b (M>. confidence in Gen. Omar N. Brad­ ilh ' , F'n . Mav 11 7 vs 8. |otor«atUssl I through high eehool and for several for th- cancer ilrive of the Ho-' died April I^. aged 60 of rrrehral Held street, will be given a "wel- been (ailed to a. live dut\ «itb the report released by Howard stated: the flvieaf In recognition ,.f F'anii'" for Manchester and failed to sur­ Fri.. June 22-1 vs. 2 ley. chairman of the Joint Chiefs Jimmy Oriffln Sprlnicfl<*ld 5, .S; rkt UD^ 0. ' yeari later before switching to the hron di.“trict which in«dndca And-.; hemorrhage Burial wr.« in the roiTU“ horuf" tomorrow evening at Arrnv Air Forri- ' Information came to this office i>jx„n Welch, the first i.resideni vive the second frame. He only al- Oeorge Aw an of Staff, and In the three Joint (Contlnoed Prom Pmge One) Mon . May 14 -2 va. 3 MnntrroJ R T-ircnto .4. over and Marlhoroiufh. la fjrcatly family lot in Petei > tVmetery. thv 7 .'10 service at fh#' Salvation Mrs Harold Dellert was named ^,r. Rosenfeid that his wife I a new memher.shlj. chairman was lowed one hit. hut four walks a:id Mon., June 2.5—3 vs 4 (Pitcher— Props) (OutflcM— R $'s) outfield. Chlefa. Fulbrlght told him .‘?enatar idiairman of another barbecue forcibly taken away Local Sport Toes, May II 4 v« 1. 4 Ruffalti I Mound choices are expected to plensofl to he able to announce Hebron years of service aa Salvati'm 'appointed, flue to the large in- four errors by his mates was his Wed. June 27- 5 vs 1 H'H Id a(.- lUlt mi'T# Taft (R-Ohtol, a strong MscAr- northea.st of .Deoii!. lhal the Red.s whi(li it wa.*; v.>te(4 to have on Wrd . Mav 16 6 vs 7. be Cal l.ylea for the Maple Street- ih.it Mchjnn al-'iu' has The Women Guild of ,^t Pe­ Arn.v nffioera. As ninst local ’■Duiing our in'*estigaiion it was crcH.st* «if memher.«hip throughout downfall. He walked in a run F'ri.. June 29 2 vs. 4 thur backer, had no confidence j hav< been expected to open Hic ser ­ S*'pt 16 under the spon^^orshin of | era and George Swan for the East ■■nvi' the top" in the house to ters F.’pisropal < luu'i h me! rhui '-- l'0«ipl<' know, ( ’olunel IVrrrtt i.« developed tliaf Mrs. Rosenfeid was the state She i.s Mr‘^ Jnsenii After Meriden had scored once in Chatter F'n , Mai 18 8 vs 1 Siaadlait in General Bradley. In a free conn- ] round after losing Hie Hist 'lay evening in the ro«1ory h.ill. the Cfimmittee. fornhlv removed from her reaidence Mon., July 2 1 vs 3 Hartford nine. Both were unbeaten try, MacArthur responded "every house rnnva.S(< whirJi ha.a been the of William T. fVrrett ot Ro.*.enthal. th'- «lHugh?*»r of the the first and filled the sacks, the EoaUrm round, aimed primarily at Seoii] it­ ' Mrs Claude W Jones, president T^nion grammar .uchool bn«ehnll or vicinity and was being held for Thurs , July 5—5 vs 2 Lopat Wilis Fourth, \v L ret OBL In league play last summer with fellow can have his own opinion." I onol ransom Miss Lu'MIe Hamlin Lehenon Fri., July 6 1 vs. 4 Tuts , May 2 2 - 1 vs. 6 . ■tmtra 10 0 1 noo — seven and three virtorlee reipec- War with Russia, In MacAr- was $303 on hand, with atill oth­ on strikes, Manneggia went the chell is home on a aeven day leave ; .700 Strong? IT N patroH ranf'ed plans afoot .among wlinh is a Army f'nlnnel Perre1f,«i recent gra'ln.ates. Tue.^d'iv afternoon. 2i* ‘ Tayment was made on Miami ?c.«*ignc'l a.'- trea^uid oi ilu- fed­ llortford ...... 7 1 1 ttvely. tbur'a opinion. Is not Inevitable. He er ' anva.ssera to be heard from real of tfie way, giving up six hits from his Army duties at Camp | Wed , May 2 3 - 4 vs 8 h 4 ,7 land sonnh- Sliinlev Brush demonstration to work fnr the Army was as stafl to 16 , Ren'h . . Mav .3 hy a relative eration. due to a fulPimc teatluu^' Mon.. Julv 9 3 vs 2 S' »n I kie, Manchester's only native to i Mon., Julv 23- 4 va 2 .•ery warm for May With a , enemy. He named Instead, world­ way junction of I’ljonKhu a^;ain*'t idete hut it .«eems as.sured that t<» which adnn.ssion for adults will ^ ' outburst in the second. tlie Boston Braves tlirive on tlieii Tues . June .5—8 vs 3. Hi ri.klyn . . . ready for some time because of mf*>rmal festival of music with game and while th^v a»-e plnving ' feid te$tiflef Kapyong 32 miles I xhe drive la officially closed The flnal service in the Youth was so broke he had to txrrow $1 .- Officers Sclcclctl cals now own a mark of one vic­ ing Chicago. 9-3 ( well worth seeing ports there are a>)out 270 residents safely in hia trip to the plate. Fn.. Aug 3- 3 vs. 1 fc.s.sor Ca.sey .“^ti ngel gave liim a Tlie,.. June 12 6 vs 3 i: 4 .Haveric'k si the hot corner. Foley sure on Red Chinn rould "bring | northeast of Seoul. R 26 light except for further reports to the Men from the State Highway Kvangellsin series with Captain 100 to pay hi.s imome tax tory and three los.ses. B'.l) F'.llioU I'ackcd up Bick­ ' ! was ivitli Rockville two seasons *hairr*’an whu'li will he given who have not paid fhejr property lesson m psycliologv \\ ed . Jiiiii 13 2 1 - 7. an end to the Korean slaughter ' , bombers altmked a concent rat ion in department were Ini.sy raking and Robert McNally of Bristol in The paper saul Mrs Rosenfeid fords steady ivoi l( ivitti two home ' ’ hack Tlie oiitllelcl will bo com- Bv Lions* ( Jill) The encyclopedia also discloses Mon.. Aug. 6 - 4 is. 5 "Ca.scy piovcd it wa- all in 1111 F'n , .1 one 15 4 1 s 1. Tile U. 9. should give Nationalist | of Reda Rut north of ('hum hon. detail as s«>on as Jivailahle setting m apple pie ortler (he (barge, was held last night at the t.ax and that one per rent p nalty te-stifleil at the time that ahe had runs Hanli .Saiiri tut one for the | J imsecl of Al .Hurowlec. former PA that Ernie' Johnson, former Nas- mind." said Lojiat. ".lust a lot of China "reasonable .>nipport" I 13 miles farther northeiuNt a lied 7*he ^und rai.sing drive for the .shouMers of the main road citadel. A group of young people has now been a ldf-2 i>\ a pitehed liall. F'ri , .June 22 t is 8, I (crefers lo plav the outfield, won two games and lost none for 1 K O Sd*V C i.ilclll>»t' . General MacArthur aaid. vetoed a acro.ss the 3''th parallel into North i>f Hebron .are Mrs Kenneth W well a.s by local people who do to renew their dog liren.«es before the name- of .vir. and Mrs. H. F Other cfficer.s elerH-d w. rr firaf year it look tlioni until May Hi. Ill the Boston lialf of tlie inning. SeeofUl Round j Cliarlle Vnrrirk. whose big bat Lo<*al Man Hurt the Boston Braves last sea.son and It s an evi nl ivln n anytioily decision by the Joint (Tilefs of Korea. 1^ N element.** attacked a Kids Mrs K.len I aga'h, Mr.s Wil- not .seem to care how their town May 1. C’harle.« P'nes, town cterk. Steiner the Hcrah a«id. A .second vi.;e ju-sidont. .I. hn Willard: IN Boll llii'h's first piteli lo FJiba .St. I Moil Juli 2 2 vs 1 sent the BA's to the National i batted .500 in the National League run on Lopat this .spring. Btaff that the future of Formosa, Red battalion east of Inir liam W Hammond Mrs Richard iook.s. Beer bottles, whiskey bot- reports about .*>0 owner.s faded to ceremony followed in 1943 at Elk- .sn-oml vi, r presid.-nt. Ray Kiccnit: Disputed A gain scores (Talre went behind him. Conlan ! Tues . July .' - 4 vs 3 I.Heml Pro Tournament In Kansa.s and Communiat (TTiina's admission lle.s, paper.s of all kinds, napkins, (Irossiiig Highway with one hit in two official trips j I In his first outing, against th-- Overall the gromul ai tion FndayJ m r^rant .Mrs Boger A Rowlev, renew ' ton. .\fd.. the (laper reported. third vice pre.sident. EdwariJ Mnc- talked to Rush Then he adilressed 1 Thurs . July ’> f vs 5 two ve.ars ago, iviH roach on one to the IT. N should be exrliided | was an limited in nature that the ^ William 'igarette wrapper.s. envelops, etc. atlley. serietarv. Donald Bon: I to the dish. B oston Red Sox. Fel.lie had • i ‘" I'em in s. Nobody el.se was hll Fr'i , July 6 8 vs 7. The annual mo^Lng and election Police at Cranston. R. I report USED CARS .of the lines for lii'riihe. Pitching from the agenda of any peace ' arc to.*»sed out regardless of ap- Ureasurvr. Ford Cro-hy: lion tamer. New York. Msy 5 —(J*' The ” nU(‘r going for 6 and one tliird eighth army claim of casualties y \,oar\ Mrs Fdwin R Smith \>rnon. May A A Man- | of officers of Abe Miller Post, A. L cd several "domestic dist.irbances .'■(.Tl .Maglie tlireiv s one-hiller at 4 )'> rirengtli fnr Hie B.'V.s include.s talka on Korrfi. mdiilrd on the Reds totalled only (*i,fy,,rd R \\’nght and Mrs peararues A few people spend Robert Kennon: tail twister. Al .Silk City ba.seball team will dl.spiited reserve rlau.se m base- | innings until Ted Uillinm i’lttsinirgli. .5-1, as liie New York Mon..l.:ly9 3 V, 2 I.eftv Bruno Pirz.aii. Bill Breain.s. MacArthur said h»» never re­ Chester man wa.s Injured I" evening at 8 ^^eir $70,000 home in July. 1950, rvi'iitiuiliy got a ...... considerable time pu king up the Bristol; diiectors, t'harle.s Mather. 1950 Dodg* 4-Door Se­ I practice .Sunday afternoon at .Mt. ball may be examined from A to Z ' singled. Boston • '•laiils liai ked liim iij> with homers ' Tues , July 10 5 vs 4 foday a 1 .lack Scullv and Vie Taggart. .Ham ceived instructione from the V N. j I Hugi I.,edere. The drive wa.s the paper .said. (Ihnoxious tra.sli, hut are trinpted about 8:30 p. m , la.st night when W i l l i a m Good( hild. Bernard Nebo at 1- 1:30'- .Uniforms will be nm in a 6-1 game. Then he -shut , hy“Ha,,u"Thompson.'Bobby Thom -1 reoatarn jcrlsplno. Cliff Haivkes, Frank not to cronfl the !^8th parallel In ' - - l» • mm • rln^e Mav 7 hut has been extend- Mr ajid Mrs Lloyd Hevenor and ‘ other woman" dan. R. & H. in Congress. 5Ved.. July 11 7 vs 6 to gnash their teeth while doing ne was struck bv an automobile A mv.sterious Fogarty and N.ithan Moses. issued at this time. In case of in- at Prhanactady I Hogan nnd Keeney are reserves. Korea. j ed to Mav 11 Rep.-Emmanuel Celler (Dl ' Fri . July 1 3 -1 vs 8 M;ir l\evieM 8 W ai’ so while crowing th. highway with ' , appearexi in the records of the The I,i('n.s club is currently pre- I clement, weather, players will Brooklyn believes the Ksme 'is \\ nshlnpton with fur. H n jjrn.srn • 1,'i.kliaiii' • Mnnv old faces will be ml.sslng Th'rtv eight children from the York n tv . Fn . July 13 1 vs 8 I ‘'Leadership" he aald would j There have been heavy winds . . separate maintenance suit, a worn-' fop annual auction which 1950 Chevrolet Heeriine Silk City softball team will K lul- ! ii!l)i the BA's Ini ludiii'' .Tackia ^ brlnp AmeHra’a T^. N alH»a Into He’'*')') elementn»‘ his twin brother. The brother noTop^"aUng rvlola*ti?n of the ' 2'’ >-;'ng The hit lias a triple in lea'loff school attend- week, especially on Wcdne.s- May 13 the ( oujbined Mothers' > whom Rosenfeid testified he will be held S.nturdny, .May 19. The 4-Door Sedan. Heater. meet at 30 Ford street >ati4»nal 5„,„ M.av, 111 M 'sl Vnlunhle Plaver aereem^nt with hl.« Aa*a noli- ‘ On Vdininislralioii ed a «(er.es of -on' c.«caper' unhurt. Anil-Trust landt we should I " •' 1-''""^ Fot niBii !'• t' Ca.sligliiiiie in Hie lust Mon , .lull' 16 5 vs 3. I ii;i; I : t ' ,' 6 ' cl .11 rts he’.'l at the rjay and a little les.s .strong ('ii(les of St. Frances of Assisi ow ed $31 000, the paper said. committee report... that llie truck I run in the first inning last niglit. •U' Ia«t vent Wall Ford. Georgia Rudolph Green, 62. of 10 not permit matters to drift any I’lti-lier Russ Meyer ivon his -Tues . .Iiii/ 17 6 1'.’ 2. ciea. Rnshnell Hail ford this pa.st year 'ITuirsday. Wedne.sday's winds church will have a communion has been kept biusy picking up ' play the Dovalettes in a practice The 8-1 win Hint sent Hie Yanks t.1 .May ■" I I'l.'k Colili. Ba^'ked By f*h!efa Haynea .street, Mnnche.ster. had 1950 Chevrolet Styleline longer.' oil II ganie, ivitli a two-riin single ' li.i.«tl 'K»IT"n,l"'rs'r o :i (tontiiund from Page One) Plan.s are umler wav for similar wore almost wild enough to .seem breakfast after the 8:30 mass All merchandise, and increliant.s and I game Sunday morning in Eaat Wed.. Juiy 18 8 vs 4 I Knight at Shortstop Hia nvM^arv d'ar»o*»'t'or« In been visiting here with his broth­ Celler expressed his - views ... in. an, ,I1 into fir-st place. _. . . _ . I in tile Phillies 6-4 (lension over Hrr.'.lilyn iVsn <'-(" »t Ravei'lck will n ■’ ! a team that Korea had "tVr ri»-‘oF knnvlf'dc'e er. Roland. He waa crossing Interview yesterday. He is chair- | Stengel's Kiddie Club sgmn 1 caT iin Howie Pol- NalinnaU>l leader. Is trsit’g to mn school year if the drive is sue- Regular March weather, it seem- (’lease make reservations with II. S. Extends OUB with donations Persons wish­ at the Eaat Hartford diamond at I It. nrii 2 liirlu Ies SiiO" hont Porter on and approval o^ ,To‘pt Route 83, a abort distance north man of the House Judiciary Sub- , mined the Brownies. Mickey I during spring ■ t I’lilla- I a ' lihera'" govenv "ent on Formosa . rs-ful While Hebron has not <*xcept for the high tempera- Mrs Raymond Hallowell, Hert­ ing to give items for the auction 1949 Chevrolet Heetline 10. Jerseys and caps will be iasued Mon . July 23- 6 vs 4, .-o I.' ii , ■ 7 '' fii'sl, G''t'('fi- at .M-'Cnn'I. B''hliv of s t a f '" of Vernon Circle, to board a hua committee on monopoly. | .Mantle zoomed his second lionier 1 jraimng. wa.s knocked out In a T.d he .«iti!’ st.Tnds a.s h svmhul n been assigned a particular quota. ford. 8-1246. Rev Arthur Heffer- may call 40t7 for pick-up .«erviee. 1 to .Silk City players before the Tues., July 24- IS 7, .|. ||.h'n I l: t.. It, 3-1' . Kaigitt. r"!i.', i!ruial ba.xki'tbii1l V'hnt he ralieci tp Nnvop'^'er an when the accident took place. Date On Mill Deluxe 2-Doer. Heater "Baseball is one of the flmxst , jhe right field pavilion and ! ^ N.'k \ of r' ;stance to < lUiirnumsm ;t IS hoped tha* la.**^ year’s show-i nan will he the speaker. All the money realized in tlie zame. Wed , Jill' 21 2 V, 8 .Smrriisa . olaver at alioit Ch'i’-lie McMeans, *>nd'the-\var” pn«h to cet ‘'th'' An automobile travelling north things in American life, he said. q ,i McDougald. jilaying second for ; atari 9. It IS "tnmm\H'i that hr ing, that •){ about $.A3. tan he There will be a dance, spon­ auction Is used each year to help Fri . .Inly 27 1 vs 1. 11 , , 1. I'Kt 'I ' iioi'.i - .Red Jacko and .1 le Berner In the bovB home hy n i r ’*:tmaa" waa a arid occupied by Ernest Young of 1950 Chevrolet Styleiine j "But it I* in danger. Legal opin- I ^iimg Gerry Coleman, doiihled and baned the I'cntral Intelligence •'q ialed if not exceeded sored by the local Cancer Field (ContiDJCxI from Pmge 0«e) Manchester'a needy. I Manchester High's golf team , jon in the past was that base- j singled. Cincinnati sialtered 14 Brook­ **reconna!^*anre in force" the out­ Triiiiiaii Fund (liit 6 t”herry lane. Roclrville, the driver, ' ;s'"v.’'rli lU'riiii. 1-ri •> S' L'lU', I oiitfie''! Art Ponerntz Is ex- Agency H'lA* from his theater, The hot lunch menu for the week Army, at the Wapping Communi I Deluxe 4-Door. Rodio |wlUppcd Hamden High yesterday ball waa not in commerce, but the ■ Kellner, who ha.s won two lyn hlta for a 5-4 win ivitli some .Moil Juiy 3 7 vs 1. n lo. ' o.'i'ted to tie hehind Hie pl.ate. come of which depended on rlr- and Mrs Young, struck green . I . as Pre.sident Tniman said was the ty house Saturday, Ma.v 1 2 . Music j the extension ‘ waa laaued to the j shutout relief work by Frsnk Tues . July 31 3 vs , .1 'iizii 1-C' •( 1'^"''■' liuimv ntiin'/aid i.s re-i.lv if call- cumat ancea beginning May 7 is; Monday, He sustained fractures of the and Heater. afternoon at the Meadow-brook | Federal Circuit Court of Appeals C j Philadelphia's three vu tories, 8 It rase until Gen. Walter Redell Bv Econoiiiv Bloc I will be furnished bv the "Polka steel Development corpozatton. i •Smith. The towering hi-ghthander ; I'd loinn. Otlicn ivitli the Props spaghet'i green salad, fruit bread I Country Club, 17 and one half to held that it was. There ia no qiies- I j.„(„.i(,.d cievi land into third plaie Wed Aug 1 1 V, 6 I Hi.;, li f , I' 1 Cl- He vvmilH not object tn public . .Sniil h. Cl A H.'ad. appealed direct- ____* I left arm and thigh, cuts about the pots " and Ihe proceed.^ will be | xhia corporation was formed by I lone Imlf. Tom Tedford has low I Hon that trading of players like ((.io, g six-hit job. - . c ame to the relief nf Howie Fox l-liU I l.'lp... 1 '61:. I are Zio Diirocher Slev,0 Mas.sev. criticism of his poMc'cs hv a sub­ nnij hnttet mi^; 'Puesday. maca­ 1950 Chevrolet Styleline 3 1 F'ri Al r ''1 ‘ - Iv to Mn Arthur ;n TnUv / head and bruises An ambulance „s,o vs 2 o'clock at the Charter Oak Lots. the Anti-Trust Laws. the winner and Joe Haynes the By The .\8»ociated Tress ing part Warrant Officer George Ma’’tin, Hoiisi' Republican Iradci. ren'indcr to chuii his ultoran'Ts ami celerv -I . ks jello lircad and '’0*'"'d 'CXt week when the Hou-e of tlie .Stafford .Springs barracks , Tlic door prize will bo a week an annual sale of 010.000 tons of j Hartford National 'ra>loi. Klnipf (fi*. MrOpriii'iU *T» Wed., Aug. 15--7 vs. 4. National Ix-ague ,„,tpr nil'k considers the $720,157,433 Agrl- lo.ser aiitl Guprpj*: rt.'I »»Ui«l)''rf Mitchell, former State Scml-Pro w'Bs "merelv a routine comnuim- with the Prnt.ig(’?i hctorc he wrote IS still investigating the accident. ■ end for two at the White Horae cold-rolled steel products. Bank A Trust 1947 Dodge 4-Door. Ra­ Fn., Aug 17 -8 vs. 6. Batting I Based on 21 times at Hal Newhouser finally got into Ull . D-'f^rr r lel' Tr . • RB.scha!l rommiss'oncr home on emt on. su<'h as 1 turned out hv th* the -etter to F^.ep. Martin -t H-Mass > The foundation of the new f o u r - i r ' f P k r t m c n t appropriation ------Dude Ranch. Weavertown, N. Y The surveys also eatablialfed that Hartford Conn. Trust 79 83 dio and IHeoter. list, ('a.stiglione. PiU.sburgh. hundred'" He <1 he did' not wh,ch has been .suggested a.s the I hill. La Slarza Wants Last Night s Fights the win column a.s D.'troil jolted ' I'"- leave from Camp Pickett, ivlll also riKini addit'on to Hebron's elemen in tho Hoart of tho Adirondaoks. the plant would be feasible if erect­ Manyhester Trust . . . 48 — Runs .Snider, Brooklyn. 1>; have the "fa’nt' ’ id-a" \^■hether inuiMMl alt cans*- of hu’'* ouster. Uu' Boston Urri Sox. H-4 Two of help get things off on the right tary si'ltiu.l is coniplctei., most nf Allan Bai'brlck. t'.S N.. son of ed as a unit of an existing steel Phoenix State Bank Robinson, Brooklyn; Ennis I’hlla- It to he puhli.vh( (l. 12 His mill h-publn i7.cd trip to 1947 Plymouth 4-Door. tho five Sox hu.4 wen* homers bv -nfi 'a I’^j U2-: foot till work having been done rluring Mr. and Mr.s Allan Barbrick of | company, since the « certificate, , , , o _ t and Trust ...... #4 67 , Chlra^o . luo o2»j b;!!-) 01- Fiinni's.i la.’^t v3ugu.st to see riuang Lolland b v Sports Schedule (lelphia 16. Six Hunday Dotes S' h.01)1 va. atioii The addit'on is Foster road and Miss Kathleen i necessity waa beneficial only to a Fire Insuranco Companies. Radio and Heater. Bout W ith Layue »>,, ,„, .....rv..„ . <11 innlrff9>. Runs BatUn In -P afk o . Chica­ "not onlv wa.** kt'oxMi but approved ------1 Cleveland, outpointed Willie Bean. Dick Kryhoski and Jerry PrKldy | Sunday tali has again been on the southwest part of the school Aiulover Kase, daughter of Mra. Robert corporation m a k i^ proflta from Aetna Fire ...... 62 64 4 , 8lmt. Brown ill Ham* il» Hsvreo go, 18; Robinson, Brooklyn, 17. _ by W'ashingto'n " Rev. Orville E. Crain. Diatrlct other operAtlona. The new mill. It 1947 Mercury 4-Door. were the bljf Tiffcr gunn. Kryho- Grtaso. Okrle d» Hooka (9); planned by president Nick Angelo Israel. Svria building The school is overcrowd­ Kase of Philadelphia. Pa., were Hartford Fire ...... 128 133 New York, May 0— OP)— Now 200. Los AnReles, 10. Sunday, May 6 Hits Robinson. Brooklyn. 2i: Superintendent of Norwich Dla- was found, would ahow operating National F 'lre...... 57 4 5 9 4 1 Dubsun. DoriRli <:>». R-tblrtf <9» an.l BA's vs Hamiltons, •2:30-Oval. I for the first six weeks of the sea­ ed at present and the extra rooms Mr^ and Mrs. Ifarry Frlck.son. j ,rict of the New England South married April 21 in St. Stanislaus Radio and Heoter. I Roland La Starza wants to fight " —' — ^ NiariD'D. \\ I* G'tblatt. LT Ha-t;***. Fllliott. Boston, Ennis, Philadel- losses in the first few years or un­ Phoenix ...... 74 78 Moiidav, May 7 I , i ->a son. Activity will also lake place Publi( w'll relieve the congestion son Kenneth and Miss Janet Col- ■ - I Rex La.vne. HR Wajli. Ycat Fml .\rniisti<‘C ern Conference, will'preach S u n - I ^1'®" til it attained full production. Ufe and Indemnity Ins. Cos. Boaton: Monday. Wedne.sday and Friday Wniiii n Ilf Pt Peter's Fpiscojial lin.s. Columbia, loft Thursdav hv day. May 13. at tho 11 o'clock ' ‘ /';" .® " '’ daughter Kvo- 1941 Dodge 4-Door Se­ I The Bronx heavyweight set his PXW IS ; r t - h . r - Home Runs - Jethroe I Aetna Casualty . . . . 90 95 Corlains vs A 8 N, 6 ll-t.-h ar . Brooklyn. 6. of each week through August, Marriage l.lccnsi.> I iuircti are invited to alt(*n(i the lar to'visit Pvt. (3ifford Firuk-' sorvlce in the Federated church. I attended the wedding and re- I sights on an outdoor bout with the Field of 23 Nags Entered \ N'eiv Y . . r k ...... (Ill 1,12 31U-S li 1 Aetna Life ...... 68 70 dan. R. & H. Si...... OJU (#,4)—1 h i Moriarty Brothers will again (t'ontlnged From I’age One Uoiigla.s .•\ridrow ,,i s .North annual spring ni ooting of the I .ion wlio is .slalionod al Fort 'p'ollowing the service the Fourth ' af’cDvnrd i t V t x x i a r W ' r a i l l l - r t l I kid fiom Utah after he knocked conn. Genera] ...... 115 120 Lopat an4 Berra. J’tllcUe. K^nnf^'ly ' ‘'(.'enter Congos vs South Melho- j ®‘°''‘" j p f " o 7 .~ ’Bosb^^ Fond?, sponsor game reports of the ac­ — i Fairfield strovl and Jean .Margn- Women's ..Xiixiliary■ nf the (UiK'eae . Jaikson. North Carolina. 'Quarterly Conference will be held. i V'a^hinjfton, D. C.. for a few day* ] Hartford Steam Boiler 33'4 36'- j out Vem Mitchell of Detroit in <5) and LolUr. LP PillettF. HH N. dist. - Chicago; Robinson. Brooklyn, . tion oa it happens. Air Force planes hew over the bat- ret Hall of 278 Lvdall street Wed- of I'otineiticiit. at Trinity (Tiurch Plan* will hr made, durinp this ! Ttie Mothers Club is planning a j sightseoinR. Travelers ...... 575 695 11 :38 of the eighth round lost night In 77th Derby Run Today Y.. Mantle. I 2 Tuesda.4. M.,> 8 . Pitching - Rlckson. Pitts- Attendance dropped off last tie area this mo-ning hut d d not date to he announced, mat- I’ansh Hoiuie, NewIV Haven. F'riday ''**'it for the forthcoming marriage pre-school playground period, and Over Building Flkillc Utilities HARTFORD ROAD at St. Nicholas Arena. It waa his SI Bridget's vs. .Salvation A drop bomb hy itev. K:cd It. Kdpni of May 11 The serviceice beginsncgins atai 10 lo ^^| L Fnck.xon and Miss Collins . are asking for any used outdoor (Jonn. Light A Power 14 * 154 first appearance on network TV Uli;iaduli)lil.i ...... ()II0 300 'N>» .'i 7 I ^burph; Hoo, Brooklyn, 3-0. year when teams were at their Nazi Type Party my. 6:11 Kohert.son. weakest strength in many sea­ The cea-vc-fire agreement |ia.t:d .S 'litli .'iletli()di..it churcti. a til It IS the 70th annual m eet-■'h -•'■ne toys that one would like to donate. Conn. Power ...... 37 39 I since October. Louisville, Ky., May 5 —(.Fi— . point, owned bv Cornelius Vander- Oevelaiiu ...... UUl <"JU~1 h I Wednesday, .May » Strikeouts—Spahn, Boston. 22, fighting v( ,>te-d8'. onlv hr-ftiy It I’cter Leunaid .\(elu n( ill I'e- ;iiu. .\ hur.uicss meeting of th" ‘ ('f Saturday. May .1, the If so. contact Mrs. Theodore (Continued from Page One) Hartford Elec. Lt. .. 45''s $7'i USED CARS Usually a cautious Nellie, Ua ' tl"".'.?',... n-rhv '« linoooo hilt iSonnyi Whitney. KfUiier. Hoftper <9> am) Tiplun. Aa- Queen, Pittsburgh, 21. sons. Crowds are expected to In­ irolh Wynn and lI*Kai ’»VU. Kell- Hamden al High, 3:15—Oval was shattered las' r.ch.i hv hcaiv d.T stK-el and Fran e.s .\nn U.a Connecticut Itrancli of thr tl’oni- ’ 'krs of \'ot(‘ra will be al the Palmer or Mrs. John Aborn. Buis For Power! Hartford Gas Co. ... 37 4 39>j »7« H ARTFOnn ROAD Starza turned tiger to blot o u t! Th* Kentucky y. . Many racing veterans liked B a t-. Hidgea vs. East Hampton, 6— crease slzeably with a good strong en's Auxiliarv will ho hold. Thoro ' H"ll for tho purposo of The Federated committee held structlon underway. NPA said It Mitchell in the eighth. The bell scramble for racing a greatest Morn at around 4 to 1, with ! .Americon League league ready to offer excellent artillery and moriai fire a io.s.s a tr(ij..ski ot thus tu.vii. wedding date So. New England Tel. 33 35 Oval. _ , wide sector of the demilitarized not indicated. will be an afldresa hy Bishop Wal- ] Diakmg voters between the hours their monthly business meeting I will consider that work has be- Manufacturing Companies TELEPHONE *-4168 saved a badly battered Mitchell in prize, will be staged for the 77th (pg Whifney pair at 5 to 1. How- | Batting — Etojter. Cleveland. baseball throughout the summer ' of 9 m. and 8 p. m. ((kiDttnae^ rmm Page Ooe) Natlossl Losgse North Methodist vs. St. James. lone, a huffer aiea neiween Israel Anthony .-itatilcy Strutf o! this ter II Grav After the luncheon in the rhurrh parlors Wednesday i gun if substantial .work haa been Am. Hdw...... 19>i 21 >2 the aeventh. La Starza weighed | Churchill Downa and be- ever, the track handicapper fig- p.,i,burih ...... 100 04) 000—1 8 1.1— Robert.son. 423: Busy, (Thicago. .400. months. ' town and Loume Kelj« iia Gavcilo hf>iir thor will he an address by ^ J'erimi.s. defilrurUve confiagra- at 8 p. m done on clearing the site or de­ Arrow Hart A Heg. 51>» .54', 189, Mitchell 191 1-4 for the ' joj-j H]« ij,y is out a. new name tired Mameluke and Counterpoint j,-,... Runs—Doby. (Cleveland, 15; Di- and Syria set up in the atml^tll■e Count Wolf Westarp to form it. Open Until 9 P. M. 101 000 10x~6 Silk City vs. Green Minor, 6:18 also of Mam he.'^t^r. date Mis.s Avi.*i K. Harvey...... iato 11"’" raged near tho intorseotion of The Tolland P T. A. will spon- molishing old bullding.s on the Assoc. Spring ...... 31 34 »j that attracted only 1,630 paying . painted on the historic o'J ivnuM be favored at 3 to 1. with Denipss.v. Muir (S'. r»;u ili Maggio and WiUlami, Boston; which ended the Palestine '.var in The party's platform Is terse. It —Charier Oak. I n(*t indicated |•|♦'tarv -of the nati(i’nal'’stnff of ' ’"P ’"'® '^ ®’ so-called Katz- ' sor a publir card party at Grange ' ground. Bristol B r a s s ...... 1 7 4 i n - $3,278. ^atnicture Battl'’ Morn. 4-1. It seemed the F'ltxftiald. Mtglic and .Nobl,. HK» Young. St. Louis. 13. 1M8. opposes G e r m a n rearmament Friday, Slav 11 I \Vaminl**e iV«h1s the Women's Auxiliarv. Tho an- i ...... hall. / Friday."'’rners May m Columbia 11, at 8 o'clock on 1 Applications for pennlssion to (Jollins ...... 195 215 With 23 corses e.itcred for tho choice fluctuates on whether you , -V Y ■ Thvniaon. Thumpaon. Jorgemti; Runs Batted In—Coleman, St. Both Make Ctatma "either for the East or for the Middletown al High. 3:15—Oval ' Edward A. (".rube to Stanlev : niial dtooe«nn convention will be Wrdnesdav Andover Volunteer Players may make their choice start new buildings wdli be re­ EmHart ...... 60 64 race and probably 19 or 20 p a-1 think Eddie Arcaro m'lkes the dlf- D e m p » ^ Louis. 15; Zarllla. Chicago; Noren. AUTOMOTIVE Eaat aide claimed the West." It opposes the present free HA ' vs. P iW , 6 - Oval h.1,1 at Christ Chur.h Cathedral. : P'''®*’ '" ''’’ ' " ’If "'’;? call . m card games to play. Prizes ceived by regional offi<»^ of $be Fafnlr Bearing...... 42 45>, ▼touted the cease-fire agreement, I,’™'’: ; ’'' '”' economic system and strongly ap­ radlng to the post'for the mile snd ference In st i.„u,. .. . ioiitxioiO-4 . i Second Conti'is vs Zioni. 6:15— Washington, 14. Hartford, Mav 15, to which dole- ‘'•'■.’''‘‘P,®® ‘I’’’ t'-aslevtile dc-| and refreshments refroshmei are to be en­ Department of Commerce in the Hart A Cooley ...... 44 47 one-quarter classic. everything ] jockey, oi whether the customer „»i ozu co .-* 8 2 Hits--Carrasquel. LTileago, 28. by atuclcing in the demilitarized j ’"’ •'"'"■I’’' ;' , pnrtment joyed. peals for Germans to “restore the Robertson MECNANICS! ■one north nf th. B .. n .iu — |d(lla. propertv on Irving street. .gatesgates W will ill boii. aonl from St. P "U .T "* ...... area where the construction la to Landers Frary A Clk. 26 >2 281- shapes up into a m.irvelous nas.s, prefers a • t wo-for-on.' cl.iince on. i.„n,, Boyer G), Wilks (7i siol Bushy. Chicago, 22. : aone north of the Sea of Galilee. Tho iiiarriage of Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Meacham. honor of their war dead." Gaidcn Grove vs. Paris, 6 15- Rochester Csrbnretor Joseph J. Sardella to- John__...... I'on-... .I ct"r'.s church. Hebron. be done. LaPointe Maaeomold 3'i: 4 ‘, STOCK CAR RACES of turf confusion. the two Wliitney rolts. Ouraglcila. .M.i'cr ami wilticr. I,I*, l*.*!- Home Runs—Doerr and Wil­ Kach claimed also to have beaten ' Loul.se Van Deusen and Robert Jr., of West Hartford, have been .Meniorisl. ticolli, projierly on Irving street, i Atioiit 25 were pre.sent at The Associated General Con­ New Brit. Mach Co. 36 >, 3«'a HALF MILE DIRT TRACK Therc is no outstanding lai ir- ft mi.cht be well tn clieck the in. IlUa: St. L . Lo»-rey. daraalola. liams. Boston. Coleman. St. Louis, Clinic back the attacks and to have in-! , . ® ! f.'arofini took place in the .... An- recent guests of Tolland relatives. Run On BanlT Ends North A J u d d ...... 29 32 Aloxanilor Jarvis to Jarvis Man- ' meeting of'( various organizations ; jg. Rgy. tractors of America, Inc., said last Ite. So your quass if *8 good as records, hoivevep. when duscusslng ------Well Trained Tralnera 4. At British-Araericsn Clnb ! lleted heavy casualties. | Mrs. Marion A. Baker haa re­ night the new order “will have an Russell MJg. 18'i 20 H such come-from-bonind horses aa I cinciiuiatl ...... OOl l*o (»0—S 12 o or. ttion aeiparatc properties to Ed | of llio tow.,wn Tue.sday . ur.suay evening ...g ='at |i Malcolm CrookCrook, iiastorpa.stor of the Panama. Panama. May 5— i/T)— the next as to whicli of the three- Ixtuiavllle, Ky.-(.F,~T\vo train- Stolen Bases—Busby, Chicago, Tues-, May 8— 7:45 P. BL ; An Israeli apokeaman charged , turned from several days spent unnecessarily harmful effect upon Stanley Works com. .58 >i sot. STAFFORD SPRINGS Battle Morn, Mamelukeand Time-1 Brooklyn ...... l(W 210 000—4 14 3 kin to At I H. hron town hall, to make plans | church, perform’ed’ the cer'imoriy. The govemment-operat^ savings year-olds will be maiJe the public era of prominent Kentucky Derby 6; Carrasquel, Chicago, Jenaen. : the Syrians attacked Israeli tern- with relatives in Bridgton, Maine. the construction Industry, and the Torrlngton .1 ...... 35>i 37 U ly Rewird. In the eight Derbies Fox. Smith (i) and Framtsa: lUtttn, Evtryons Welcome M'ial„.m M. Klkin proji- for th' pro|,o.--d Farmers' Field 1 Mrs. T, J. Birmingham presided' Kent Bushnell, senior at Uni­ bank waa open for business aa choice. Pogt time t* 4:30 p. m.. Haugstt4 (t). graklBt (T), Branea (9) eltgiblea get aatrlde their reapec- New York, 3. : tory three and a half houis alter I eitio.s i.ii Harllaiid r"ar|, defense program and essentia! Terry Steam' ...... 105 1 1 2 SPEEDWAY - CONN. containing 18 or mora horaea, none Pitching—Lopat, Now York, Movies, Lectors, the cease-fire had gone into effect 1 Day or Soil Con.-iorvatioii Day. to at the oigan and played the tradi- versity of Connecticut, haa been usual today after paying off hun­ 19 22 eji.t.. and It probauly will be iuat sad Campaatlla. HR: Bka., Bnldir; tlva. nominees and gallop them reg­ ^Joliti K .Sn.iffor (t al lo .Saion; lake placy at Horton Brothers civilian actlvlUea" unless admini­ Union Mfg. j...... ever came from behind to win In 4-0; Feller, Cle.veland, Consuegra Refrashments ; jreaterday at 1:30 p. m. Green- : tlonnl wedding music and Ronald accepted at the graduate school dreds of panicky depositors who U. S. Ehivelope Com. 81 86 SUNDAY — M A Y 4 — 2:30 P. M. then when everyone knowe tha WP; Smith; LP; Haugstad. ularly. They are Melvin Calvert Nas.'.iif ol al, prop'jilv on Vernon Farm, Hebson Center. July 17 and strative machinery to handle con­ the field. and Marrero. Wa.shington. Stobba. t Wtch time. Bookus sang "O Promise Me." at Yale In September. demanded their money When false U 8 . Envelope Pfd. ... 68 72 $I.M tax locL favorite. I and James D. Jordan who train Sponsored By street. 18. The program will begin at 4 struction applications Is set up RESERVE SEATS ...... Many others in the mammoth 1 (A Syrian military communique, Mr. and Mrs. William Wuerdig rumors spread that the bank had Veeder-Root ...... 41 f4 l.«U tax Inel. Right now, opinion is weveilng ''tiles* ■ 017 (»1 (»0- • I 1 Koiixli n Tunihle and I'hil D. re- Boston,'3-0 Elizabeth A Bid well to Esther p. m.. on the 17th. lasting all day Accidents took approximately of Manchester and Henry Wil­ faUed. “without delay.” The organisation G EN ERAL .AOSIISRION belli een Battle Morn, the hay fly- nsar-recor'i flel(f’ :are canahle of Wvnn, Cleveland. M ANCl^j^R AUTO ; lasued at Damaacus. accuaed the The above quotations are not to .60 tSK Idi'I. « -''1."''* ‘ .spe.livelv. Both tiaineis fO|iiieri\ Strikeout: \ . Gustafson. Fiank A. Lgirson and the 18th. Hoiton B r ^ ’r r s operate 89.000 Uvea in the United States liams of East Hartford were rc- Government Minister Joe De said in its statement it represents Clin.DREN ...... er fiom the Cain liny Stab', ot J Uirowing u 1 't of people in tlie I.ifi' lU'. KHly (.. am 11 am jockevi Jim (Jordan rode as '20: Marrero. Washington, Plarce, 1 IsraelU of breaking the agreement Alviara MacDfinald, property on about 75 acres at Hebron center, in 19.10. About 35,000 people were rent guests (it the Steele-Hall Obaldi'4 blamed the rumors on ene­ 5.800 of "the naUoas leading con­ be conArued as actual markets, iH ariy F. Giigg.uineini. and Hie predicted (loivd of 100.OOO for a •M . »nd Si. Clairi®. LP. itu^h; 1 at 1 p. m. by heavy artH- HRs. recently aa 1949. I Chicago. 18. Slricklani stroru and own olh€r tracts, making in killed In traffic acririenta home. mies of fthe sriministrstion. struction firms." but are approximate markets. FREE PARKING. 1 entry of Mameluke and Counter-1'oss. B 'l.. Rlltutl (2). Chi.. Rauar. y unpmfi »

PAGE BLEVEK MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY. MAY 5, 1961 DICK TURNKK SIDE r.L.\NCES BY r.AI.KR.MTH 'CARNIVAL MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1951 aUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS ^^A G B H !H Bltoationn Want«4— Honmhold Good* 51 Wanted lo Kent 58 ^ p > O U VUAMMA KNOWt VOU MAV BE GOIId’ AatonobilM fpt Sato « Biwtnew Same— Offered H f flnn—Plumblnt 17 Help Wanted—Male SO AWAV, BUT YOU AIN'T Sense and Nonsense Paniata 28 riw LEAWIN’ LEAVIN’ Hf5*AE.' 1 DON’T WA^T until fall tO have an DUMP 1'KUc!X driver and laborer WANTED-—8 or 4 room rent by e r m b f t ir s o o f beiw’ IMO BUIcat •wUn, radio, heater. EXCELLENT BUYS WISH VOO'D LEAVE PLOWINO And harrowing.. A. ailing furnace repaired or replac­ wanted Apply in person. OoUa CARE OF chlldreu for working 2 adulta. .Referencea.' Writ* Box S08AB OF rr FER A real bargain, $295. 1#S9 Chev­ COnittniction. 84 Middle Tutnplke- mothers. Am nurse and mother. 8, Herald. (W ^ r Streer Journal* 11 hum my candle at Q at^ed Butler. Tel. 2-9543. ed. Wc have the materials and on trade in electric rangek and US. rolet tiidor. 1939 Plymouth, re­ the know-how to put all type* u* West, hetv/eeu U a. m. and 6 p. Licensed home. 6354. built motor. Dougina Motors, 333 refrigerators. Televisions LOCAL Family of five urgently WWoodroiV oodrow Wlleon iiBon wki •a _ •great i: AndYou munt ^hls, my ALL APPLIANCES arrvtcad and air-heating systems in first class m. admirer of Mark Twain and when Advgtisements Main. repaired, bumera, refrigerator* order. Coal, oil, or gas. T. P. NURSE DESIRES position in doc. greatly reduced. Complete se­ need 5 jr 6 r.ioms. Win profes­ WANTED-M en part time, $50- his.... .presidential------_tram vi'ii.n'r, _ P^seiU h> I ' R ''ne® provide more light. ranges, waahera. ate. Ail work Aitkin, Manchester 6793. tor's office in Manchester. CTall lection of home furnishings. sionally rrdccorutie own expense. through Missouri Mr. Wilson lis i • — ... .>■. CLASSinED ADVT. 1949 CHEVROU5T two-door $75 per week, working evenings Call 2-0053 after 5. —There** E. Hlark guaranteed. Metro Service Co. 7070. , it sidetracked at Hannibal wKli sedan. Excellent condition, private 6 to 9. Saturday all day. Also full DEPT. HOURS: Tel Manchester k-U6SS. '.out notifying the pres*. Alon . 8:S0 A M. to «:45 P. M- owner. 8331. fiiMving— IT a rk lfif— time oppiirtunltles. Car necea- CHA^IBERS WAREHOUSE MICHIGAN Coup.e with 5>4 year Man Holme* claim* that he i* WINDOW SHADE.*' made to order n oga — Mtitfa— P el* 41 old daughter desire furnished the I*re.sldcnl visited the oM II aelf-madr man. 1988 DODGE Sedan Very good M lom fe 20 ■sary. CTiaractfr references re­ and installed Venetian ollnda quired. For apfointment write (At the Green) hous'e or apartment for one year. haunts of the humorist. ^i Friend ..v.,..- • Well,...... at leaat.. you must condition, $200. tAll 2-3975 after COLUE PUPPIES. A.K.C. Rea­ Willing to pay $100 a month or Mr. Wilson Good morning. ndmitImit he's not trying to pa.'is thr and curtain rods. 24 nour aervlce. MANCHESTER . Ackage Delivery Box rj, Herald. sonable. Porcberon. D e m i n g Native Mornin . Stranger, sin t -V 5:30. Local light trucking and package 501 Middle Turnpike East more. Call Hartlord 89-9619 ex- burk. Eatimatea gladly given. Fagan street, Wapping (off Buckland Window Shad,. (>>.. Route 44 at delivery. Refrtgeratora; washers OUTDOOR MAN for F. W. Clheney tanalon 20. Mr. Hollard. ye ? — road). Manchester 8370. Hours; 9 :30 to 5 Mr. Wilson Yea. I am. Do you Kvervon* ean. J T give.. . jileasiire, XiOST—Man> WUtnauer watch 1936 PLYMOUTH, in good condi­ Bolton Notch Phone '2-4473. and stove moving a specialty Company. Not over middle age. Strong. Should he able' to drive MIDDLE-AGED woman desires 2 remember rom .Sawyer? 'som...... ew ayOne person may ----- do li '' with leather atrap. Vicinity of tion. Many extras. Call 2-3877. Phone 2-0'. .52 Native - Nope. ' nurr'a atore at the Center. R* PETEK W PAN TALUK, eli'Otncal car .Steady habits Apply Cheney Live Stock— Vehiclea 42 Evenings 7:30 to 8:30 or 3 room.s for light housekeep­ ' by coming into a room, and an contractor, malntenatice and wir CALL PHIL, for moving, light ing. Please call 7594. Mr. Wilson Or Huekleberry hy out. ward. Phone 2-0763. BALCH “BETTER BUY” Brothers r-niployment Office. 146 WINDOW .'iHADES. Measured, Finn ? ing for Ugbi and power. 40 FoMar trucking, aahea, rubbish removal. Hartfoid road, Manchester, Conn. SADDLE lORSES for rent. AJ»o I made and installed. 10 colors and WANTED—3, 4 room rent Native Waal, could be one ol It was two days after a I'lg par USED CARS streeL Phone 3303. Specialize 'n moving. Good work. for laJe or trade. Cedar Hill Call '2-3774 anytime, or 2-9248 qualities In stock. Keith Furniture three adults and one child. that Finn family that live lother ly when luo friend* mol "n llu Ranch. ‘24 Bush Hill Road. Man­ Phone 4169 side of the croasrqads Imt don i FLOOR PROBLE‘ ,8 aolved with after .5. chester .59(K-. Card. Hartford 8-0073. hlrect. , , . l e a r n to Drive the easy way 1 1951 Mercury 4-Dr. Seilan linoleum, a-phaO tile counter. recall any of 'em bein' call''.I Flr»t Well, old man, how dm WANTED MR. ALBERT HAS Dual controled car, Expert in '1949 Plymouth 4-Dr. Sedan Expert wor .lanshlp, free esti­ THE AUSITN A. Cfiiambert Co., GOATS, Good milkers. Just fresh­ Huckleberry. voii got along utter I loll yuu lb<’ ANOTHER GOOD BARGAIN The President persiated: .Surely struction. -Manchester A u t o m o b i l e ' PoutiaC 4-Dr. Sedan mates. Open evenings. Jonea Fur­ local and Tong distance moving, ened. Also their doe kids. Man­ Farms and Land for Sale 71 /// other night? Did you gel home all Driving Academy. Phone 4232 ' Just returned from you remember Pudd'nbead Wil- rlgth? niture. Oak street. Phone 2-1041. packing, crating and storage. FIRST GLASS MACHINIST chester 8259. POL'LTRY Farm. Modern 5-room a *(;f-NCE ll&ny satiAflpd rllonts. 1948 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan ••MEADOWBROOK' MODEL W IT H C U T .' DM ? PiD ond —No. a pobceimm si"' Service to all pa.ts ot the U. S. HOME house In pictiircaque country set­ REPAIRING BY S.uart R. Wol- A and Canada. Call 5187. Hart­ LEAVE Native I fore brlchlcnuig i me and he look ina lo Ihe .slutcm 1947 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan and 3 ROOMS FUR.NrrURE WITH ting 3 acres of land 2 large poul­ c.C Sure, sure! I voted for him cott on washing machtnet, vac­ ford 6-1423. Poultry and Supplip* 42 TPWilLI6»43 and 1 bad lo spend Uic night ui . Perannal* S 1947 Old.sniobile Sedan Coupe uum cleanera, .otors, •mail ap- LATHE HANDS FOR ’■WESTINGHOUSE" ELECTRIC try house.s. $12,600 Madeline twlcat! jail. P l a c e YOTTR order for quality REFRIGERATOR Smith, Realtor. 2-164? or 4679. J First— You sure were lucky. 1 | THE PKOSPE.n HIL School for 194G Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan pllancea. Welding and cutting. Motor replacements A-1 Repair, chicks, produced from leading "BENGAL" COMBINATIO.N The Urns aavad by crashing got horn*. young children Pre-kindergarlen.' lfl42 Dodge 2-Dr. Sedan RepairtRK 22 SECOND SHIFT RANGE LOOKIN'! r o R a home or proper­ OL'K BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Sales. 180 Main. Phone 8597. strains, also started chicks In I traffic lights or trying to beat a kindergarten, flrsi grade Monday Pnntinr 4-D r Sedan lu.st like new. Fully guaranteed. ty In and around Manchester? The long-winded orator asked * through Enday Traneportstlon' *.140 t ontiac 4 IM. NPOan MATTRESS. Tout old mattreases limited quantities. Stanley Dlck- ' train la often lost waiting for an c^lNOLEUM KemnanU, 50c square sterilized and remade like new Inaon, 531 Lydall street. Tel .5402. Used only a short time, for Then contact i J. Crockett, at L CST6 rr, MiSTAW MA30R f I ambulance. listener how he liked his speech. furnished .Mrs Lela Tybiir direc­ 1939 Buick 4-Dr. Sedan ■OADi 3A60Nr 3U«T ORAFTlI^a' yard. Asphalt ttle, wall covering. Call Jonea Furniture and Flooi Apply exhibition. his office -At 88'( .Main street or A FBVi( AMU.* w *»». waa e* Mueeeisea. aw. t. ^ oaa a a wn. f . 1938 Buick 1-Dr. Sedan Done by reliable, well-trained Cove ling 36 Oak Till 2-1041. H? TO TV COMEDlAaJe J what Impreaesd you particularly men All Jobs guaranteed. Hall Artirira for Sato 45 I^ W EASY TERMS .some building lots, choice land 3iBe6 ARB A RlT OFF I *X NBVea WAS NO I did you marry Daddy? With Storage nnd Insiirnnce until :n Talcotlvlllc and Bolton: some may I ask?" "I would eay It waa Ina Doctor? Waldo n«¥*i FOR RENT Trailer .spare with BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. Linoleum Co., 3? Oak street. REPAIR and trac.e on .sewing ma­ A, B. A. TOOL and AiOLoy/-*— Hovvs tuts c ■ COLLSee HALFBACK 0UT I Mama—You’ve begun to wonder, •*l don't auppoe* th» draft board's to blamo— but Imarin “ Split paraonalltyl Can you fix it, Dod CHICKEN Manure for garden or you want It. at no cost to you. investment properly Check with X KlN FA« 6 IN A CROWD! your peraevarance — the way you garden. Call Rockville 5-7244. Phone 2-4022, evenings 6166 or chines and niotius. House Ap­ •■me «B €T WA-y t© too. taking Bill aftar I gava him tha baat yaara of my llfal had MMMigh paraonalHy to apIlL to •tan withr 1.5.5 Center Street pliances. Pendulum and electric DIE CO., Inc. lawns. 40c bushel. Phone evenings FOR I.NFORMATTON Crockett before you sell or buy. • W)*iCM OB DOSE aald the aame thing over and ov­ 8109. 6971. © BT $SlD Of= A Telephone 2-4t545 clocks. F. X. Dion, 2 Ridgewood. AND DETAILS VOU RECKON RATES Wife to huaband—Walt* a Uttle er." WANTED Ride to Travelers In- URGENTLY Needed by two SfijueAK iNTWe 'y . •uranoe Company. Irave 7 a Iltil DOORS OPE.NED. keys ntted, 7779. 30 Grandview Street Phone Hartford 6-0358 ------6BAT OF TWA' PRtMEST faster, dear. Thla la a rumba. l.'i 1 Open LveuingS L 10 P. M. ROYAL AND Sniith-tlorona port adults, 4 room rent. Kindiv call Always on the up and up that BY HERSHBERGER m. Phone 2-9629. copied, vacuui.i cleaners, irons, After 7 P. M. 46-4690. Mr. Albert A CAQ IS vuk-vuR ? 2 ^ , Bl’CiS BUNNY FUNNY BUSINESS l’ A( KARP Deluxe (Tipper. 194i. able and -tsndarc typewriters 7973. eott of living Index. guns, etc. repaired, shears, All makes of adding machines -K > LEAde WE The kids aoon vvlll be knuckling original oancr. liadio, heater, MAPLE I'mettc Set. including WANTED Ride to I’ratt and knives, mowers, etc. put In con­ Ru.sines.s O pportunities 32 sold or rented Repairs on al AT HOAAb 7 down, but it won't help* their school The early bird doean’t alway* THAT* A OOOP ) I KNOW, overdrive. Other extras. Excel, glass enrlo.sed sideboard with WuOoPfi.' VSAT T ' 0 « T _^ Main Street M.inchester ally good tone, four speakers, all­ Bltorpcy (ab.) 25 canvas shelter 41 Take on cargo SPACIOUS 2-storv colonial. First 32 Symttol tor “H* had hla bad motorized— If a nurae doaan|t com»/ Exceptionally nice running car. TRUCK SPECIALS cellars ami attic-'r (7all 4369 any­ wave bands, phonograph jack. 9 i WANTED- Driver, part time, CLO.SE-OUT on brand new equip­ floor, 3 rooms and lavatory. Sec­ sodium r - 1 & 0 whan ha rings, ha goes in search of one'.' Good tires. Full price only $995. 1948 STTIDEBAKER CHASSIS time, or 2-9248 after 5. EXPERIENCED Sales clerk for Tel. 2-3953. i 5” full time employment. Apply in hours 8 a. m. to 12 boon. Call 2- ment for Ford-Ferguson, Ford. ond floor 3 bedrooms and two 33 Feline Douglas Motors. 333 Main. and CAR, IL TON. Fcrgu.-ion In cult’vators, mo'wers, person. Marlo.v’s, 867 Main street 1216 between 6 and 8. KITCHEN Range black, Quaker, baths. Recrwatioi. room In base­ 84 Genuine iT" 1948 TN'TERN'ATIO.NAI, », TON HoosehoM Servtcea com -spring, bog, disc 17 Minute skin 1938 FORD Deluxe 2-door. Low PANEL. model C, witn two oil burners. ment has (ireplaee and bar. Oil BY MERRILL C. BI O.SSER Offered I2A VVA.NTED -Elderly woman for WANTED First-ela.ss mechanic. narrows, call us for your impla- fired hot water Leal with automa­ opening IT FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Get A -.price for tnexpensive transporta­ 1947 DODGE TO.V PICK-ttp. Apply In person. Solinlene Inc., Klaytag washer, goo^ condition. k tion. CTieck with Douglas for the hoii-ekeeper, care of one small ■O. Herrmann. 612 Center street.' ' ment need.s. I-Argc selection at all tic hot water. Fidgatone terrace { 38 Near (ab.) r T a. FLAT FINISH. Holland window 6,34 ('enter street. Ask for .Mr. times. Dublin Tractor Co, North Sf Mystic best value.s. Dougla. Motor.s, 3.33 enild by i ly .Nice country home. Call 2-0777 between 4 and 7 p. and awnings for all windows. At­ m CH0RCHK.S MOTOR SALP^S shades made to measure. All Warren. Windham Road, Willlmantle 3- syllabla w ITS THIS YEam, Main. Referencea Writt F Reynolds. 12 m.. or all da,' Sunday. tached garage, landscaped nicety. f f " Ol d , on? ■ V 1 80 Oakland St. Phone 2-9483 metal Venetian bllnda at a new Tanner s eniie. Willlmantle. un­ 3217. 40 Moves low price Keya made while you Price 420,000 June occupancy, lA heap/ ANNIF EXTRA CLEAN. LOW MILEAGE til .May l.et or phnne Willininntic AUTO .MECHAN'IC-Goo >11 TT 1946 (THEVTIOLET CONV. Good salary plus lainus. pleasant | bearing and auti parts, 193 Cen­ awnings. Call O'.iner 7071. Indians 1946 DELUXE Station wagon. Ex- ter street. * 1946 PONTIAC 6, SEDAN COT’PE working conditions. Apply Arthur FOR BOATS, motors, tackle, ma­ WOODBRIDGE Section — llxcel- 56 Fortification 5 “ 'W rellcnt running condition. .Sacri­ Florist*— Nurseries 15 57 Hebrew W' 1946 OLDSMOBII.E 6. COUPE Drug Store, 942 Main street. rine hardware and paints. Mc­ Wanted— To Buy 58 lent 6 room ranc'i home. Must be fice price $800 Call Willlmantle ~I)RIVER—SALESMAN Intosh Boat Co., .North end Pur­ ascetic S6 Nice Selection 1937 to 1942 3-2712. PANSIES, Swiss Giants 58c bas­ sold. lime occupancy. Priced T ~ ket, perennial fiower plants, A(TIVE VVO.VA.N for part time Outdoor work. Pleasant nell parking lot. Chns-Craft, w a n t e d —Good useo furniture VER'nCAL Beat Terms—Best Trades enunler work, days, at Annex Any quantity We offei you tiigb- right A S. Burk< Agency, Hart­ ki gladioli bulbs, -anna bulbs. Prem­ interestiiip: duties. Good earn- Mercury. Champion. Scott-At- 1 At this place 5 .Snack Bai Apply in person be­ eat prices. Wuudaheo Phone 2- ford 2-78('6. Evenings Mr. John­ J COLE MOTORS—4164 Auto Arcemorira— ier strawberry plants, asparagus iiigs. Group insurance. water. Maaterrraft trailers. Phone son Manches'et 8741. 2 Rubber traaa BY AL VERMEER tween 4 and 7 p. m. 2-3102. Open from 9:30 a. m. to 8 31,54. Younir l4»ve 1946 OLDSMOBILE sedan, model Tires roots, flowering shrub.*, ever­ greens Wooclanr. Gardens, 168 Apply p. m. MANCHESTER GREEN Section — LANK LEONARD f R I S C I L L A ^ 66. Radio and heater. Four new WANTED—Ba r for basement MICKEY FINN Time For Decision! REBUILT MOTOR demon.vtratlon Woodland street .lohn J. Zapad- COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 5 complete .'ooiiU, space for extra TO LESTER? V E P ! IT'S A w l o v e Goodyear Life Guard tiibe.s. $725 May 9th and 10th. Condueted by 14 FT. THOMPSON boat, n ' j h. recreation room, also large round Phone 3665. ka. ,8474. WANTED—CASHIER rcom, oil heat, fireplace, Timken AFTER THE WAV LOVE LETTER' l e t t e r ?. Ward.s factory representative. A 151 Main St. East Hartford p. Evinrude 4 cylinder motor. table with one main center leg. ^wea, I GUESS I oiw T^ THEY’aGOTMROUeH 1 DON’T KNDWPLOSSie/ combination storm sash, screens, WITH IT, TOM'WHEN RED IS A FWfTTV I’M HE TREATED^NtXJ? THE VERV^ ■set of spark plug- and two gallon .'-UPFR .SWLS.t fiiant p.insles, 3.5c Monday I to 5 Complete. Has been run approx! Call 2-9820. HELP HIM VERY MUCH, IDEA!! TTIE LARGEST selection of used to work In mi dein retnil store of­ recreation roorr In oasement. 6ER6EANT/ I TOLD HM YOU'RE AS YOUNG AS SENSIBLE KID-AND w r i t i n s cars in town. .Ml price.* Kasy can ol vitalized oil will be given dozen three dozen $1 Colorado Tuesday I to 5 mately >50 hours. Call 2-8025. Nice lot with outside fireplace, THEY ARE-ANDIN NOW THAT THE CHIPS A LETTER fice . . . Good starting salary . . , WANTED—Dining room set, in het have to leave it terms. .McClure Auto C o. 373 free with each purchase of a rc-j Blue Spruce, about 1 ft. tall, $1 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. good condition. Call Coventry 7- garage. Occupancy June 1st. Pric­ UPTOJEANIE/ / love-YOU JUST DON' ARE REALLY POWN, I TO built engine. For as little as $11 each Open evenings after 5, ail Vnvatlons with pay . . . Discounts STOP TO REASON Main. 2-9442. Diamtind*— Watohe 6220. ed at $12,500, cash needed, $4,000. mr.nthlv you can made a new car day Saturday and Sunday 104 on purchases . . . Other benefits. WANTED^ - Young man for odd For appointment please call How­ ^HINGS OUT ' Jobs. Saturday afternoon and Jew elry 46 1948 CHEVROLET convertible, out of your o.e.sent one. A new Homestead st-eet. All new miKlem up to date ard R. Hastings. Phone 2-1107. 1095. Full price Go ahead and see car guarantee ivith each engine. Simdavs, 3 or 4 weeks. Call 2- Hooms WIthnut Board 59 equipment to work with. Appli­ LEONARD A YOST, Jeweler, re the others first at $200 more. Liberal allowan.i for your old 0.591 after 6 p. m. MA.N'CHEISTER f room single, ) RooHnR— Siding 16 patra. adjust watches expertly Douglas Motors, 333 Main. motor. We will arrange for the cants should bo capable of typing LARGE , pleasant double rooms, oil heat. Copper plumbing. Mod­ GAS Attendant wanted, hours 6 Reasonable prices Open dally. with twin beds At the Center. 14- Installation if your wish. If you GUARANTEED Roofing and roof and able to operate adding ma­ ern kitchen. Nice condition. Large 1949 PUICK .s'lpei 4-donr. only to 10. Apply in ptraon. Don Wlllla Thursday evenings 129 Spruce 16 WadsworUi street. barn with garage. Chicken coop, 28,000 miles Will allow $.500 for can't come In drop us a line or repairing. Cutters and conduc- chine. Good references required. Garage, 18 Main street. street Phone 3-4387 phone. We will be glad to give tor*. Coughlin 7707. This Is a Full Time (40 hour FURNISHED Room, continuous nearly one acre of land on bus good 194' Buirk. Chevrolet. line. Sale price $12,400 Call Ells­ Dodge. Dougla.s .V itors, 33.3 .Main. you all details without obligation. week). Steady Position. And ex­ WAN1T:D -Married man to learn hot water ana shower. Private en­ 'rrt[I Engines to fit nearly all cars and WE SPECIALIZE In roofing and worth Mitten, agent. 6930. cellent opportunity. tire and recapping buslneas. Ap­ Garden—Farm— Dairy trance. Total aostalner. Inquire 1947 FORD con'.’f 1 tiulo, rndiii and trucks .Montgomery Ward, 828 siding. Highest quality materials. tfl” '''T *"* yxitt- *'4—-- ply in person. E. J. Campbell, 29 Product* 50 101 CTiestnut street. CAPE COD Home with four down, healer. Price $79,5 Private owner. Main street Phone 5161. Worknianahlp guaranteed. A. A. Apply Employment Office Blssell street. two up. All finished. House Is in A SlTanKor BY LESLIE ilTlN E R Call 7895. Dion. Inc . 299 Autumn street. MAINE Certified seed potatoes, NEWLY Decorated room next to BY EIK;.\U M.VHTIN ,'VASII TUBBS Trailer* for Sato *A Tel. 4860. W. T. GRANT COMPANY $3.75. 100 lb. bag (CnaiiTi Mar­ bath. Twin beds. Hollywood sec­ excellent eondition. Convenient to b o o t s a n d h e r b u d d ie s Oh. No -wp- 1950 NASH A.nil'assador sedan, MAINTENANCE MEN ket, 532 East Middle Turnpike. tion. Tel. 7397 bus line and stoies. Full price $9.- 1941 GLIDER 29' trailer, fuliv 9' X 12* Building. Has good floor. 500 with approximately $2,100 v'uaOOLOKi'T VI ANT TVAsT ROSE. WHcKES 14.00b mile.3 Ha.- rad o. heater, 9 815 Main Street 'atir.wco.oomv m r i M U ’ •V'tAiyt’.VWWW tWKt WlACvWViX rou? HE LEFT / GEE. I HOPE hydramati'. twin beds and other equipped. Quick .sale, $72.5. Locat­ Easy to move Ir. one piece. Good ELEVATOR OPERATORS WELL ROITED cow manure, $10 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, cash required. Shown anytime by 0 R- 0 « - \ feOi v5oovove> - f-m r ■rii ' Uioae KIT WON’T ed on Coventry Lake overlooking for summer or lake property. O. THE HC?TEL tw o extras Ev ellci.t financing. Terms a load, $16 for full cord. Wall suitable for two gentlemen. On appointment. T. J. Crockett, 1 M A’VA ’ I'O’j ES AG(7 to BE TOO MAD. ir# Hartford concern has openings Twi» Vyl available Phone 5116 during the water Selling with or without Herrmann. 612 Center Tel. 2- itona $15 four yard load. C?all bus line. In private home Call Broker. 887 Main street. Phone PRAcrice cw the MY LA5T CHANCE BOOKKEEPER-(2ashler for cresJlt aSHlAHeX «QMl!LW?vq dav. land. Call Willimantic 3-2712. 0777 between 4 and 7 p. m.. or clothing store Experience pre­ for general maintenance men with 7083. Leonard Glglio. 3702. 5416, or residence 8751. TIGHT yVlKE' TO SEE HEW YORK. all dav Siinda •. some porter work and for elevator TO V*w Text TWfc Be=ORE viiE wove ferred but not necessary. Will operators. Five day Week, paid va- ON TO BOSTON' 193R NASvJtH .Xo.ur-door sedan with Molnrcvcle»—Kicycle* II tram. Married woman, or will PREMIERE Strawberry plants. FUR.NISHED' ROOM with semi- MANCHESTER Iniinediate occu­ c.-itiona, cafeteria, excellent hoa- $1.25 per KiO. $10 per thousand. TAVSIVlTI OR rad'o. $109 Phone 2-1862 Inquire consider -ingle girl. Call at Sll- private kitchen privileges. Couple pancy. 6 rooms completely finish­ ONE USED -.4 " I'oy's Sehwinn bi­ Roofing 15A pitalization and sickness benefits Rhubarb roots u for 25c. Four or Vt wtsevt*. 97 Hollistei street bros. 881 Main street. Do not tele­ or working girls preferred. Phone ed and clean as a .vhistle. Oil cycle. Keasonable Also one new program. A company representa­ 5 acre* of good land for rent. 2-4428. heat. automatic gas heater, rP39 OLDSMOBILK coupe Columbia 26 " boy's bicycle. Used (XIUGHLIN'S Roofs stay on! For phone. tive will be at the Connecticut guaranteed roofing call Coughlin Charles O’Connor, 171 Union drapes. Venetian blinds, stove, re­ heater. *2.50 Pr'\a*.e owner. 6 times. Fudy equipped with WANTED —tfapable woman for State Employment Service. 806 street. Phone .5698. MIDDLE-AGED woman has pleas­ frigerator. Also one car garage. Phone 2-'2032 7707. Main Street, Manchester, on Tues­ added accessories. Sacrifice for cleaning one day a week. Phone ant room vlth kitchen privileges. Lot HH) X 140. Ideal location for quick sale. Can le seen Saturday ROOFING Specializing In repair­ 2-2973. day. May 8, from 9 A. M. to 4:30 ALL KINDS of tomato, lettuce Garage If desired. Call 2-2651 children. Full price $14,400. Alice 1947 CHEVROLET Flectmaster and Sunday. 109 Lenox street. P. M. and cabbage plants. Tony C?ara- after 3 p. m. tudor Nearly new tires, good con­ ing roofs of all kinds. Also new Cflampet Agency, 843 Main street. roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys COLl.EGE GIRLS! blno. 12 Glenwood street,*or phone Phones 2-4543 or 2-0880, Mrs. dition throughout. See Douglas Wanted Ant 2-4187. BRIGHT Cheery room, near bus first. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. cleaned, repaired. 36 years’ ex­ This U for You! , Wagner 2 0028. Motoreyclea 12 WANTED line and Cheney Mills. Phone perience. tree astlmatea. Call NOW OR IN JUNE HOWARD "17’’ Strawberry plants, 5252. M. s'rc. U- S P4T, Of,. Howley. Manchester 5361. SPRUCE .STREET. Duplex 4-4, ANTED- —Used cars. We pay Hartford concern has several ex­ $8 a 1,000. Jesse Keeney. 158 BY MICHAEL O’MALLET 1942 FORD Pickup. In excellent EXPERIENCED ROOFER hot air heat coat, large lot. double Zord Wants It top prices. Immediete cash. Cole cellent opportunities for girls In­ Keeney street, or phone 7271. garage. Only $11,000, terms. Sev­ V. T. HAMLIN VIC FLINT condition. Phone 2-2130 Motors. 4’.64. Stead.v Emplovment FUR.NISHED ROOM for one or A Pile Of Paper Heating—Plumbing 17 terested in mathematical work. eral six-room singles available. ALLEY OOP m JT I'M WILLING TO LAW OFF, ANdELFfiJ^^.' Experience Ls not required. Five Appl.v In Person two gentlemen. Phone 2-4428. Tue MEXICAN iPOL IS tHCn Slit vo u ^ ' X CAN T reveal \UMMM Household 'tood* M Wm. Gooorhild, Sr., Realtor. Of­ 'SEEMS TO BE AN AWFUL Plav rr-AY APRics iHECev9 60NNA TALK PLLTJBING and heating, apeclal- day week, fine working conditions, rWELCOME HOME, ^ MY STARS,/ Y E A t^ L O T LUTERAUy - IN MV n255ES£ONJ,ANT. KNOW' WHERE ANV information)...NO. fice 15 Forest street. 7925 or LOTTA BEES A-BUZZIN' y USn-IL I KNOW TVSt THAT WILL MAKE r e a l NCe TO FUNJT Izing In repairs, remodeling, cop. good pay and advancement op­ A. A. DION. Inc. I09CAR..AND \WHATAN( OF MC3NEY, THOUSANDS AROUND HERE __ , 2 ------IT 1$ CTN I'T GAS STO\TC WITH Gas heater Buainvaa l^atinni 8891. CONGRATULATION^ AWFUL I ALU IN BIG f OF DOLLARS. WHO OWN$ WvTNeH- YOLK HEATiWlM W IT H O O T A N V O P per water i tping. new construc­ portunities. Call us at 5-1452. ex­ 299 Autumn St. chrome pipe. In excellent condi­ I I ALL T'ONCE/ THAT, AIN I you. tion Estimates given, rime pay­ For Kent 64 ‘ ON YOUR tJOT OF A . BILLS IT. ARE YOU ^EHIR I*... A M P f t p I tension 334. or talk to our repre­ tion. Phone 2-98'zO. ROCKVILLE!— 6 room house, bath. s u c c e s s ! m o n e y / THE LBSAL )UWVM...50MB Ed Sullivan’s Special! ments arranged. Edward Johnson sentative who'll be at the Con­ 3-car garage. Near center, $6,500. i TRUCTKMAN Wanted for essential (JKKICE IN Orford nuiidtng Kea OVVNJERf y WHAT Phone- 6979 or 5044. necticut State Employment Serv­ industry. Ove* 25, owning or able estate, proiessionai etc Apply Immediate oci upancy. Tom — ^UNCERTARJ. ice, 806 Main Street, Manchester, to purchase and • personally drive MODERN Gas stove. Good condi­ ' Mariuw'a ' Minor, agent. Ttl. Rockville 5- PLUMBING and Heating Furn­ on Tuesday. May 8. from 9 A. M. tion. Call :S74. MORIARTY BROS 1947 BUICK aces, oil burners anc boiler*. Earl acceptable trucking equipment. 5042. to 4:30 P. M. Year ’round long-term contract LARGE, ROOMY front oincaa Van Camp. Pel 5?'*4 i)I.D RED Tin Bam. 706 North MAIN STREET- -2-famIIy 5-5.,Im- STENCXIRAPHER for 40 hour Substantial earnings. State age, available, xcellent location for 4 Main street, buys and tells good professional use. Call Burton’ll mediate occupancy. Term* ar­ -DR. SEDAN KKFIc:iBNT Plumbing and neat- week. Permanent position, pleas­ experience briefly. Greyvan used furnit.^' and antiquea. tng. Plugged drain* machine Unes, Inc., (AffUlated with Grey­ Inc. 5177. ranged. A. S. Burke Agency, Gray. ant conditions, group Insurance, Frank Denetu. Phone 3-3376. Hartford, 2-7806. Evenings ..Mr. ; U;»cd / cleaned Carl J. Nygrcn, 303 vacation with pay. alck leave. hound Lines). 59 West Grand Johnson. Manchester 8741. • Cars / Oakland street Pbone M97 Burr Nurseries. Phone 4161. Call Ave,. Chicago 10. HI. FLORENC'E Combination gas and Slimmer Hnmr* for Kent 67 Mr. Hogan for appointment. oU stove. Also maple 4 poster bed. SIX ROOM Cape Cod, glassed In CRANE White combination sink Phone 3-SM6. FOUR. ROOM summer cottage at $1250 and tub, 4’ 2" z 22". Made of WANTED—Houaekeeper for two KitaatkMM Waiit*4~ porch. Many axtra featurea.. Deep Coventry Lake. All convenlencea. lot, vary nice location. Phone 2- t-* I •ti.i’i J heavy casi Iron. Small, white elderly women. IJve In. Write Fsmato H9 WE»TINQHOU8 K Refrigerator, Phone 4095. wash tub. I kitchen). 2’ white Box U, Herald. 6*4 cii. ft. Excellent ennditinn. OOSO. if ; kitchen sink. O. Herrmann. 612 IIS C W T E I m a n c h e s t e i ^ I WO.MAN Will 1-are for ronvales- Eaay wringer type washer. Good' l*OINT-0-WOODS cottage. June HT sum.; . Center street. Tel. 2-0777 between ' I cent. Will furnish refarenccs. condition. Also child's tricycle. 23 to July 7, $125. M. Hewitt. I 4 and 7 p. dt'. All day Sunday, Read Herald Advs. 1 Write Box C, Herald. Phone 2-1510. J Phone 88()9. SEE PAGE TWELVE