SJSU alumnus SJPD Chief Cobarruviaz about SPARTAN DAILY talks

his experiences. 6 Vol. 99, No.42 Published for San Jose State University since 1934 October 27, 1992 Pr Munitz reflects on first year as chancellor BY LES MAHLER Spartan Daily Staff Writer ed the university system through weather some rough times as the cation of our role in the state and December 1991. 1 vote. That resolution, however, When Barry Munitz came on some of the toughest budgetary state, and therefore the CSU sys- the success in Sacramento on the Students at CSU Sacramento was passed on to the board of as the chancellor of the CSU sys- years. tem, has had to deal with two issues of greater ability to manage forced the student government to trustees of the CSU. tem in August 1991, it was under a "He's doing a fine job" said years of large deficits. our own institution" start a petition drive against Maxxam, upon acquiring heavy air of anger and protests. Jimmy Lewis, press secretary for , Last year, was In tl same vein, Munitz said Munitz's nomination, which Pacific Lumber Co., reportedly Throughout the 20-campus Assembly Speaker Willie Brown. strapped with a $6 billion deficit. the "Li ,fication of relationship resulted in a vote of no confi- stepped up logging of California system, students organized Lewis said he would have heard And in September, state lawmak- with all the constituencies, union, dence. The resolution, however, redwoods to settle junk bond protests against Munitz's nomina- if the speaker had problems with ers finally passed a budget that faculty, staff and very importantly was never forwarded to the CSU debts in the takeover of the lum- tion and his position as vice chair- Munitz's performance as chancel- had fallen short by $10.7 billion. students" was part of those same board of trustees, a fate similar to ber company. man of Maxxam Inc., a Texas- lor. In his first year, Munitz said highlights. that of the no-confidence resolu- At State Univer- based corporation that had "It's been a tine performance," some of the highlights of his stew- At SJSU, the nomination and tion at SJSU. sity, students followed Munitz acquired Pacific Lumber. he said. ardship were "strengthening the eventual hiring of Munitz as chan- It was the same at Humboldt around the campus when he Now, a year after being on the As the chancellor for the state's position of the presidents, the t ellor of the CSU system led to an State University, where a resolu- appeared there, angry that he was job, Munitz seems to have largest higher education system, cohesion and the commitment of 85 percent no-confidence vote of tion of no confidence was adopted See MUNITZ, Page 8 silenced his critics as he has guid- Munitz, in his first year, has had to the board (of trustees), the clarifi- the 1,726 students who voted in by the student government on a 7- Capitol Steps mixes politics with laughter Washington-based group satirizes candidates with a pun and builds a whole parody !,IrnalYgatrst!;I'VAN based on continuing or breaking National Public Radio, NBC, CBS, events, said actor and program direc- ABC and now, SJSU. tor Bill Strauss. The Capitol Steps, a musical-politi- The cast poked fun at as many peo- cal satire that pokes fun at the political ple as possible, regardless of political arena, performed Sunday night in the affiliation. Student Union Loma Prieta Room A "broadcaster" informed the audi- before a crowd which building manag- ence that "one of Bill Clinton's er Paula Reynolds estimated at 375. endorsers was the CEO (chief execu- The show began in 1981 at a party tive officer) of Taco Bell." in the office of former U.S. Senator The idea, a "spin doctor" said, was Charles Percy; the performers are pre- bad. Clinton shouldn't be "endorsed by sent or former congressional staff peo- a company whose motto is 'make a run ple, and some still work in Congress, for the boarder:" according to the program. The "broadcaster" also said Dan "Typically the Republicans goof up, Quayle was advised not to buy a vowel and the Democrats party. Or the on Wheel of Fortune. Democrats goof up, and the Republi- At times, they dressed up as the cans party. That's what we call the two- people they were parodying and used MARVIN FONGSPARTAN DAILY party system:' the program stated. recognizable props and statements, Kristin Bloomer, a senior majoring in social work, shows her support at the rally which included guest speakers Mayor Susan And that's what they thrive on. such as "Clinton" who played the sax- Hammer and Congressman Norm Mineta. They voiced their support of the pro-cho ce view in the abortion debate. Accompanied by parodies of songs and sketches, Capitol Steps often starts See CAPITOL STEPS, Page 3 Representatives from 110 grad Local groups march programs to entice SJSU students for abortion ritthts BY DEBRA MYERS or Ph.D. programs," said Serena Stan- BY NICOLE SIRI cratic president. Spartan I Li 'All Writer ford, associate academic vice president Spartan Daily Staff Wnter Deborah Mall, member of the Career Planning and Placement will for graduate studies and research. "Keep your rosaries off my Pro-Choice Coalition of Santa Clara sponsor Graduate Study Day on Professional school discussions for ovaries" and "Pro-choice is pro life" County, chaired the event that Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in medical and dental schools, law were just some of the signs held by emphasized the importance of vot- the Student Union. schools and teacher education pro- pro-choice marchers Sunday, at the ing. "We encourage anyone who's con- grams will begin in the early after- Fourth Annual Walk for Choice in "It's important that people get out sidering going on to graduate school, noon. downtown San Jose. there to vote because we need a whether a freshman or a senior, to Representatives from 110 graduate California Republicans for Choice, Democratic president who will sign come" said Patty Kimball, career programs throughout the country will The California Abortion Rights the pro-choice act," Mall said. "If counselor for Career Planning and answer questions at information tables League, The American Civil Liberties Bush does win, then we need a Placement. set up in the ballroom from 11:30 a.m. Union and San Jose State Students for Democratic Congress to ensure a The day-long program will include to 2 p.m. Choice were among the many organi- two-thirds vote to override his veto of panel discussions throughout the day These programs include representa- zations which attended. the act:' and will begin with morning work- tives from the majority of University of T-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers The Freedom of Choice Act, writ- shops on how to apply to and finance California campuses, Cornell and Har- and banners were displayed through- ten by Rep. Don Edwards (D-San grad school. These discussions will be vard, as well as Stanford's teacher edu- out Plaza Park. They were intended Jose), would enact the right to choose repeated so students can attend both. cation program and academic Ph.D. to promote a woman's right to choose set forth in the Roe v. Wade decision. MARVIN FONGSPARTAN DAILY Demo- "Graduate Study Day is set up to program. and to advocate the need for a See PRO-CHOICE, Page 3 About 800 people attended a pro- provide a wide variety of information choice rally downtown Sunday. to students seeking masters programs See STUDY DAY, Page 3

Fourth graders attend college for a day, participate in mock admission procedure

BY JANE MONTES Allen Royer, a fourth-grade teacher graders. Before coming to campus, Spartan I Nily Stall Writer and former SJSU student, explained project coordinators Ray Shoemaker Attending their first day of college, that the program is spreading nation- and Jerry Lopez work with the stu- fourth graders from Edenvale Elemen- wide. The "I'm going to college" pro- dents at Edenvale in completing a tary School in San Jose yelled, "I'm gram was started about two years ago mock admission and financial aid going to college," as they visited cam- at Edenvale Elementary School to application for the host college. They pus on Friday. instill in students, at an early age, their then receive their acceptance letters. The field trip was an exercise in potential as future college students. "The visit is more than just a field making low-income and minority stu- "I never had anyone come to my trip," Shoemaker said. "We work with dents aware of long-term educational school and tell us about college," said parents and do follow-ups to keep the goals. Luis Jimenez, a volunteer from Kappa children interested" This is the third year the California Sigma fraternity. "I missed two classes After students received T-shirts Association of Student Financial Aid today, but it's an important day that the with the program logo, they were given PAITIN HANNF R SPARTAN DAILY Administrators (CASFAA) sponsored children will remember" their IDs at Admissions and Records visit helps simulate the Katherine Oswold and Ashley Clements go to the SJSU library to see how the program. Fifteen parents and 80 The campus first day of college for the fourth many books there are on hamsters as part of their campus visit Friday. students visited the campus. See YOUNGSTERS, Page 8 -

2 Tuesday, October 27 1992 San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY Forum & Opinion EDITORIAL Citizen review board not

necessary for S.J. police aliliallifirl

Existing animosity public has viaz is fully qualified to regulate his A l,44 /1 1 I toward the S.J. police would officers (it is his job), and if the City Council approved a citizen review I/ bias a citizen review board board, he has every right to offer his t/ ,t resignation. Creating a citizen review board The existing animosity between to regulate San Jose police- the SJPD and San Jose residents officer misconduct would be would never make for an impartial like havii w the cat guard the board. canary. City Manager Les White offered Citizens have every right to express the idea of an independent auditor to their feelings about the SJPD, but they oversee police officer misconduct. do not have the qualifications to make Not a bad idea one professional decisions about the appropriateness person to work with the police chief, of an officer's conduct. not an inexperienced group which The chaos at the Oct. 13 City would regulate the chief's job, ham- Council meeting gives people a good pering his efforts to effectively execute idea of the exact problem with a citi- his job. zen review board. It's too easy for A citizen review board will only people to allow their emotions to disrupt the regulation of police mis- interfere with a professional decision conduct. Unless citizens can prove regarding the police department. they are both qualified and impartial, What's the answer? Leave it to the pro- a review board should be impaneled fessionals. with professionals who have the train- San Jose Police Chief Lou Cobarru- ing and experience. Ode to those stylin', trend-settin' carjackers Letters to the editor They're hip. They're trendy. escape. It's also not for the accessorize. Whether going for Whites not only to blame oppression of blacks is a uniquely They're criminals. camera-shy criminal. the high-tech glistening knives "white" institution is pure nonsense. Yes, all the elite, illegal cir- We've seen several small and AK-47s or for the more When African tribes went to war, cles are just abuzz these days fads pass across the headlines classic look of a Louisville "It is true that slavery had been their captives became slaves to be with the latest fad of the '90s of criminal style over the last Slugger, black is the trendy written into the basis of the classical traded in a system which had been carjacking. Everybody's years. The generic pipe bomb- criminal's best base color. world. Periclean Athens was a slave functioning for centuries and was jumpin' into the jackin' crime ings, ATM robberies and And today's felons don't state, and so was Augustan Rome. controlled by Africans. scene the oh-so-chic "art, liquor-store knock-offs. Loot- stop at dress alone. They take Angela Hill Most of their slaves were Caucasian. Remember, even before the wine and cheese" of felonious ers and pillagers just a flash their trends home, probably The word slave meant a person of Africans, it was the American festivals. And I just know it will in the riot pan. Too predictable appointing their hide-outs Slavic origin. By the 13th century "white," realizing the evil of slavery, be one of the most popular now. Out of style. with stolen troll-doll collec- World On My slavery spread to other Caucasian who abolished it. crimes of the season. A shame you don't hear tions, hot Koosh balls and their peoples. But the African slave trade as Racism is a two-way street, and You say artists are trendy? about the glamour crimes of next-door neighbor's CD play- Shoulder Pads such, the black traffic, was an Arab until people of all races come togeth- Perish the thought. Teenagers? yore. Museum thefts, big-name er. And of course they all go invention, developed by traders with er to discuss both sides of that street, Pishaw. Criminals are definite- kidnappings, attempts at the bungee jumping once a week the enthusiastic collaboration of and not just blame "whites " racism ly the kingpins of fad. Some- crown jewels. and do interventions for But for now, carjacking is black African ones, institutionalized and prejudice will continue to exist. body comes up with an origi- But, carjackings have their friends who've tragically gotten fun, it's in and it's easy. Jackers with the most unrelenting brutality, You cannot solve a problem if you nal sin, and within hours and own mark of prestige. They're addicted to obeying the law. would say it's "like buttah:' but centuries before the white man have only half of the equation and, with help from the media, it's quick, efficient and effective. A While jackin' is the thing to that lingo's out of style now. appeared on the African continent, unfortunately, the problem of race all over America like cashmere crime for the '90s. do these days, it's just a matter And they wouldn't think of and continuing long after the slave relations continues to deny the on a sweater. Of course, one must dress of time till another trend takes being out of style. market in North America was finally "white" perspective. We look back at the popular accordingly. The appropriately over. Will it be a Hurry of wheat crushed " (Time. 2/3/92,49). What Christopher Baum said is airplane hijacking of the '70s fashionable attire is still your germ truck hits on the way to While Noel Martin despises the absolutely right. He was not saying and early '80s. Although dra- basic black, which has been health food !-tores, or maybe a condescending attitude of Christo- that his mother was raped, his father matic with its undisputed high, popular for years with the fash- string of shooting out the As in Angela Hill is a Daily staff pher Baum (Daily 10-20-92), a quick was whipped, or brother and sister it's clearly a faded fad, probably ion-conscious violator. Not Jack-in-the-Box signs just columnist. look at history shows his claims were sold. I believe he was trying to because of expensive equip- only is it ever so practical for because. Whatever, I'm sure it Her column appears every almost without base. say that the difficult experience he ment and poor chances of night crimes, but it's so easy to will be a forward fashion step. Tuesday. I am not going to deny the atroci- had reinforced his belief that all prej- ties which have occurred in this udice is bad, including that which is country, nor am I going to deny that aimed at blacks. racism still exists. I will ask, however, Searching for the truth in a maze of opinions that before you hold every white per- son in contempt for something that happened so many years ago, you an you trust anyone This election year, 1 find paper, it's like relying on one look at history. Tim Danzlger these days? Could you myself doubting the media and leader. One leader means one To say that the persecution and Senior, Communication Studies actually ever trust any- the politicians more than viewpoint, while other equally Cone absolutely? usual. The daily attempts by legitimate views are not The Society of Professional both groups to control what expressed. Journalists sponsored a forum might be the truth have been There are different styles of titled "Are the media biased?" drawn out far too long, newspapers for different needs. Clarification on Thursday night. The ques- I try to guard against the The USA Today is newspaper Maria C. Rose tion must be rhetorical, I covert and overt attempts at television. It excels in the "best Although the Direct Action daily joined forces they do work thought. These people can't be biased reporting. The only investigative paragraph" cate- Alliance and the Community Alliance together. (Daily "Protest causes abrupt serious, so I decided to go. defense is to read several gory for stories. The short, Writer's Forum Against Police Brutality have not offi- end to council session" 10-22) Everyone has an opinion. In sources and ask questions that concise stories are designed for reporting, the writer must sub- were not answered in the story, readers who have little time for due his or her opinion as much In the political arena, trust the rest of the story. and determine which one most as possible. Never are there just is on a sliding scale. Some peo- Readers know they must closely resembles the truth. two sides to any story, but ple vote for the candidate they turn to other sources for more Neither Rush nor Larry are SPAR-FAN DAILY three or four and hopefully believe is lying the least, information and perspective. viewed as journalists, but their SM1TA PATEL executive editor more. instead of who is telling the During the week, I skim opinions are just as influential. "The truth is the absolute truth the most. several papers, news- When one steps onto a used ADELE GALLUCCI city editor rule and the grail that we live I still believe the truth is the magazines, the Wall Street car lot, defenses should go up. SCOTT SADY photo editor by:' said panelist and KP1X truth. But each person's per- Journal and even the Metro. 1 As you listen to the candidates MARCIO J. SANCHEZ chief photographer Channel 5 reporter Manuel ception is different. Reporting listen to National Public Radio, and the media over the next JOHN VIEIRA forum editor Ramos. depends on good writing and Rush%Limbaugh, Larry King week, remember the same. and Ray Taliaferro. BRIAN HARR arts & entertainment editor But finding the truth is often sound judgment. The truth is the truth, but especially when a I thrive on reporting, par- I often wonder if Rush and interpretations JOHN PEREZ features editor difficult, are what make source hides information or tially because it gives me the Larry are discussing the same stories great. JIM SILVA sports editor tries to make a situation sound chance to uncover the whole issues. Fortunately, I have time Maria C. Rose is a Daily staff LES MAHLER chaff copy editor better or different than reality. story. If you read only one to listen to their viewpoints writer. ATOOSA SAVARNE1AD national & foreign editor GREG CAMPBELL advertising dirtxtor Forum Page Policies RAMIL G. RAMIREZ retail advertising manager Spartan Daily They may also be mailed using Microsoft Word on to 200 words responding AARON CALILAN advertising art director Theprovides a daily to the Forum Editor, The the Macintosh or Word for to a certain issue or point NEELAM PATEL national advertising manager Forum page to Spartan Daily, Department Windows. Always bring a of view. If they are longer, LIONEL R. CARREON advertising production manager encourage a of Journalism and Mass print-out of your letter. they may be edited for CHRISTINA MION advertising marketing manager "marketplace of ideas." Communications, San Jose Submissions become length. JIM BUTLER advertising marketing manager Contributions to the page State University, One property of the Spartan RYAN CASE advertising downtown manager are encouraged from Washington Square, San Daily and will be edited for Other articles appearing SUSAN GAMBERG advertising co-op manager students, staff, faculty and Jose, CA, 95192. Or they grammar, libel and length. on this page are: others who are interested can be FAXed to (408) 924- Reporter's or Editor's REPORTERS: JIM BATCH0, STEVEN CHAL SEAN COOPER. RICHARD ESPINO7 A, AMos FABIAN, In the university at large. 3282. Categories available to forum: Opinion pieces KARA GARCIA, DoN MC ICE, ERIK HOVE, RAUSE'. LUTHER, VICTOR MARKOvICH, JR. LANE MoNTIS, or column for Articles and letters non-Daily staff writers are: written DEBRA MYERS. KERRY PETERS, MARIA C ROSE, NICOLE SIR', MATT SMITH, ION SOLOMON, BRIAN WACHTER Any letter by Spartan Daily C-.4.0 COLUMNISTS: LYNN BENSON, BRoOKE SHELBY BIL.G.s, ANGELA HILL, DOROTHY KL4VINS. the forum page must be MUST contain the author's Campus Viewpoint: 300 staff writers or editors JASON ROTHMAN, NICOLAS SMITH turned in to Letters to the name, phone number, to 500 word essays on which do not necessarily CI.. ILLUSTRATORS: ED FOWLER. FRED ',ALPERT Editor' box in the Spartan address and major (if a current campus, political or reflect the majority views L-44.., PHOTOGRAPHERS: PATTI EAGAN, JENNIFER FEURTADO, MARVIN FONG, KAREN MANNER, DAVE MARSHA' L, LEPLEE MCFADDEN, TARA MURPHY, RIO( WACHA Daily newsroom, Dwight student). personal issues. of the Spartan Daily, the h., ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: BILL BEEMAN, JEFFREY PREM. CHRISTOPHER ATER, Bentel Hall 209. We are Contributions must be Submissions should be Department of Journalism ADAM RUBENSTEIN, AARON THATCHER, DOUG WALKER, KELLEY WELSH open most days from 9 typed or submitted on a well researched. and Mass Communication L.N.0 ADVIRTISING PRODUCTION ARTISTS: WILLIAM CHEN, AVELINO POMBO, a.m. to 5 p.m. 3.5-Inch computer disk Letters to the Editor: Up or SJSU. RICK RODERER, BOB STONEBURNER


- SPA RTA N DAILY Sin Joe State University Tuesday, (cti,ber 27,1992

Capitol Steps 'Melrose Place' to feature gay issues SpartaGuide (AP) Just in Fielding, who also is the only From page I an audience member from Santa time for November sweeps, the recurring gay character on prime- The San Jose State calendar Cruz. twentysomething yuppies of "Mel- time network television. phone without inhaling, or "`SuperFranticUnproduc- rose Place" tackle gay bashing in Gay activists said they were "Fidel Castro" behaving like the tiveNothingLegislation: based on Wednesday's episode. pleased about the episode, despite LIFE: Why SJSU STUDENTS FOR Mary Poppins, was a classic," she The new Fox Broadcasting Co. the series' delay in featuring gay No on 161, noon - 1 p.m., SU Energizer rabbit in the battery series, whose ratings have plum- issues affecting the Fielding char- Today Almaden, call 365-0741. commercials playing a drum said. ALPHA OMICRON PI: Pledge while going and going, from one The group made fun of former meted since its debut this summer, acter. "This is a very valid story fundraiser Halloween grams, Si, 8 SJSU SYMPHONIC BAND: Con- side of the stage to the other. presidential candidates as well. will devote Wednesday's install- because it happens every day of the a.m. - 2 p.m., in front of Student cert, 7:30 p.m., Music Buidling con- "Bush" said that regarding the "Jerry Brown" said, "1 have seen ment to the gay character played week:' said David Ehrenstein, cert hall, call 924-4643. Union, call 998-9330. domestic economy, he has "a low the vision of the future, and I by Douglas Savant. media writer for the Advocate, a AIESEC: General meeting, 5:30 - Wednesday 28 interest rater The audience's reac- groove on it. For more informa- Savant's homosexual character gay and lesbian magazine. 6:30, BC 208, call 363-9843. will be physically asiaulted and The series, from the creators of ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: tions, ranging from polite chuck- tion, call my 1-800 number:' Hills, 90210:' is ANTHROPOLOGY CLUB: Meeting, 12:15 p.m., Campus Min- les to mostly uncontrolled laugh- "The Food and Drug Adminis- fired from his job because of his Fox's "Beverly as Speech by Dr. Jurmain, Monkeys, istry Center, call (415) 595-2103. ter, indicated their interest rate tration approved a new sleeping sexual preference. It is the series' tackling the controversial issue Apes & Jurmain, 4 - was much higher. pill that is not only affective but first real examination of Matt November sweeps get under way. 5:30 p.m., WSQ ALPHA OMICRON PI: Pledge 4,924-5347. said, "Here's the deal: doubles as a former Democratic fundraiser, Halloween grams $1, 8 "Perot" candidate as well BAPTIST STUDENT MIN- a.m. - 2 p.m., in front of Student the way I see it, I'm Ross, you're presidential ISTRIES 1BSM): Lifestyle meeting, Union, call 998-9330. the boss, these are my charts" so Tsleap Tsoundly with Tsongas." noon - 1 p.m. and 6 The parodies are based upon The Capitol Steps visit was - 7 p.m., SU A.S. PROGRAM BOARD: Pacheco Room, call 723-0500. well-known songs that are sponsored by the Women's Politi- "Unlawful Entry," 6 & 9 p.m., Morris processed and go toward part of a cal Fund, a non-partisan organi- CAREER PLANNING & PLACE- Dailey Auditorium, call 924-6261. MENT: Varian employer satire, Strauss said. zation that promotes politicians presenta- ASSOCIATED STUDENTS: 4-31\erai tion, noon - 2 p.m., "We use a simple set and some sympathetic to women's issues, SU Constanoan Board of Directors meeting, 3 p.m., Room; Orientation for easy-fitting choreography:' he said WPF member Annette Har- International A.S. Council Chambers, call 924- Career Day, 12:30 said. ris. p.m., SU Council 6255. Chambers; Co-Op Orientation, 12:30 The cast is original in the way The group will perform Tues- p.m., SU Guadalupe. On -Campus CATHOLIC NEWMAN COMMU- they fit new words into songs with day at 8 p.m. at Herbst Theater in interview preparation, 2:30 p.m., SU NITY: Exploring the Catholic Faith, a tone and style different from the San Francisco. Costanoan Room, call 924-6033. 7 - 8:30 p.m., Campus Ministry Cen- original, said Marilyn Hummel, ter, call 298-0204. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY: Pf. John Arnold, UC Berkeley, Mole- CAREER PLANNING & PLACE- cule to solid of the group XVI, 4:30 - MENT: Graduate study day, infor- TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR COMMUTE 5:30 p.m., Duncan Hall 250, call 924- mation tables, 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m., If par King's a itr -in for you, let Altrans show you another way. 2575 SU Ballroom; Applying to graduate Study day :tith 21 direct Lu ties to campus, we can create an individualized school, 9:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m., SU LE CERCLE FRANCAIS: Speaker program to meet your personal commuting needs Almaden Room; Financing graduate From page 1 Dominique Fernandez, Engineering Auditorium. To learn more, call renowned school, 9:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m., SU French writer, 7:30 - 9:30 Stanford said representatives p.m., Fac- Costanoan Room; Medical dental ulty Club, 8th and San Kimball said representatives from health professions, business, Salvador; school, 11:30 a.m., SU Guadalupe 924-RIDE meeting, 12:30 p.m., BBQ pit from numerous law schools, med- social services, public administra- area, Room; Law school, 12:30 p.m., SU You'll be glad you did. call 924-4620. ical schools and business pro- tion, education, engineering and Costanoan Room; Teacher educa- grams will be on hand to answer science will discuss the value of MARKETING CLUB: KFC with tion programs, 1:30 p.m., SU questions. Law schools represent- graduate programs to the commu- AlTrans Human Resources Director, 3:30 Almaden Room, call 924-6033. or Alternative TraliNportation Salta it p.m., A.S. Council ed will include Hastings, Loyola, nity and the consequences of cut- Chambers, call FANTASY & STRATEGY CLUB: 243-3467. University of California at Davis, backs in the graduate programs. \! (7-, p Brian Menges, Mythus by Gary Santa Clara and Golden Gate. Stanford said each panelist will MECHA: General meeting, 5 p.m., Gygax, 6 p.m., SU Guadalupe Room, Medical schools represented speak for 3 to 5 minutes and then Chicano Resource Center, call 238- call 262-3098. Call Today For FREE All Day Bus Pass 0555. will include New Jersey's Universi- collectively answer questions from NUTRITION AND FOOD SER- ty of Medicine and Dentistry, the faculty and students OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: VICE CLUB: Meeting, 4:30 p.m., University of California at San Members of the panel include Meeting, 12:30 - 1:20 p.m., Adminis- CCB 122, call 227-9098. Francisco School of Medicine, UC Dolores Ballesteros, superinten tration 222B, call 251-5430. PREVENTIVE HEALTH SEVICE: Davis School of Medicine and dent of the Franklin-McKinley PRE-LAW ASSOCIATION: Meet- Diet and weight loss, noon - 1 pin, University of Southern California School District; Wendy Perez, ing, 6 p.m, SU Almaden Room, call Health Building 208, call 924-6117. Pharmacy, Kimball said. partner at Ernst and Young; 723-2138. RE-ENTRY ADVISORY PRO- A forum sponsored by the Michael Buckner, administrator at RE-ENTRY SERVICES: Re-entry GRAM: Brown bag lunch program, graduate studies committee, an Lockheed Missiles and Space; Jim support group, noon - 1:30 p.m.; noon - 1:30 p.m., SU Pacheco Room, operating committee of the acade- Murphy, administrator at NASA; Drop in support, 1:30 - 4 p.m., call 924-5930. mic senate, "Is there a future for and Robert Farnquist, director of Administration 223, call 924-5939. SAN JOSE STATE GREENS:Gen- graduate programs at San Jose training and development for State?" will be at 4 p.m. in the Santa Clara County. SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN: eral meeting/ nomination for NOVEMBER 2 Student gallery art receptions, 6 - 8 offices, 6 - 7 p.m., SU Montalvo EVENT CENTER p.m., Art Building, call 924-4330. Room, call 978-7359. AT SAN JOSE STATE t30114 SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN: SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN: , Tuesday night lecture series: 'A Student gallery art shows, 10 a.m. - 1st Annual Greater Bay Area I Poet & a Curator," Art Building 133, 4 p m.,Art Building 924-4330. call 924-4328. DIVERSITY CAREER FAIR SJSU WING CHUN ASSOCIA- JO SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN: TION: Meeting, 7- 9 p.m., Women's Slide Agencies ' Cities S Counties Private Sector Student gallery art shows. 10 a.m. - gym patio area, call 249-8573. CA Army Nall Guard long Beach Carl Servo, I armies insurance Group 4 p.m., An Building, call 924-4330 Heath (Audits & Investgations) COMMES.On Kaplan Test Prep STUDENT AFFILIATION FOR Houses; & Communny ' Wand Police McDonald s Corporman SJSU FILM CILUB: Casting Call for ENVIRONMENTAL RESPECT Development San Jose City of Pavel Collukir Tom &Distances Control %Ilan& Cry al Were Fwm SAIRIANEI actresses with experience for film, 1 1S.A.F.E.R4: Weekly meeting, 4 Slate Compereelon Ireuraree SWIM mane. Cny (att Waive pm., HGH 103, call 779-5656. p.m., WSQ 115., call 924-5468. F kind Sunnyvale Cey Tie itremict Tour Water Resources Cereal Bowe SpartaGuide is available to 5150 students. faculty and staff organizations for free. Dead !camel DatScle Conical iniellgence Agency NOVEMBER 13 Daily, 1)811 Specie Districts NOSIII USD (ad) (CIA) line is 5 p m.. two days before publication Forms are available at the Spartan Santa Clara Transit Demo Poway USD lap Natonal Pad. Service EVENT CENTER 209 Limited space may ft tree reducing the number of entries. Soon! Securay Acinkineuratkoo AT SAN JOSE STATE VIA CollegnrUniveraties Associations US Depanmont ol Energy U C San Frarcsco State Bar of Caktorno U S Marshal TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ALL BASS TICKET CENTERS INCLUDING TOWER RECORDS ',If W4AOOJSE. AND THE UC Santa Cruz VA Medical Center iPalo Alto) cHOlifliNE BOA DEVICE 'ASA MC AM EA ACCEPTED AU TICKETS SUBJECT TO CONVEN,E +ro E TEE SITI TICKET LiMa News Room (408) 924-3280 CA Commune! Colleges lad) PER t 11,1,,MER NO CAMERAS vIDEO 0,1 RECORDING FOIAPMENT TICKET Poets MA, ...An. cm DA' GE 5m0m, West Valley Mssion CCD CHARGE BY PHONE: 510f782-SASS 4011A)91-BASS JF Fax 924-3282 BILL GRAHAM PRESENTS Advertising 924-3270 FREE ADMISSION Presented by San Jose Civic Auditorium Complex Hispank Classified 924-3277 Park & So. Market, San Jose, CA Halftime/ Saturday, November 7, 1992 Careers Now DAILY, iaspsa BOO 4101 pubboNd duly 'Amyx/A-44m SA INS mINDA Inch 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (9/6) 737-0930 lt .S . amps ink re/ ''iv. rt., by LA Ma. SAM I rn,vmoty, in, Wallenran %ow, San low, CA,A,I 011. M al 9,ibu nimen r ronam.let or 'minim bon Nos, pesd Son Son CA.

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Pro-choice I-rum page 1 r...... choice movement. entitles the bearer and This would take the decision away "Women have the right to a This coupon Buy 2 KODALUX I o 25% from the U.S. Supreme Court and choice and the right to a safe and I up to 3 guests to meal put it into the hands of women, legal abortion," Fedor said. I discount on any -Choice Now" pColor Enlargements Street Mall said. Chants of "Pro I order at Willow San Jose Mayor Susan Ham- and "It's time for Bush to go" Wood -Fired Pizza. mer and Rep. Norm Mineta (D- echoed off downtown buildings We'll Give You San Jose) kicked off the walk with as the crowd of more than 1000

words of support for abortion people marched through San Jose. A 3rd One,FREE! B000 n, to 11 00 noon Wednesday rights while emphasizing the Although many bystanders v ,nday through showed their disapproval with m to 10 00p m importance of voting on Nov. 3. 30a from 9 00a Breakfast "This is the most important glares or comments, there was no ,'Ve also serve Weekend election in my lifetime and yours:' violence during the march. I lammer said. "We are just one Many of the participants who vote away from overturning Roe walked the five kilometers collect- The MOW the merrier Flu %kit Lill retreat...mil t .11Vtit With v. Wade and it we lose this ed sponsors. The money will go to KOIALUX Processing, the merriest photos tr ki, , I. k. Aortal opportunity, then I believe it will the Pro-Choice Coalition to pro- KONALUX Enlargement... 41r 'ugh special prt s ming Iit I in ques that ''tier exceptional be lost for many, many more elec- mote and support activities for repeatAbditv trot onion,i1 t, enlargement And ni ru till Nits-ember 10, when NOD tions." the organization, Mall said. run.hase ta KODAIA X t Enlagements, you get a thud one FREE' "We must say not to those peo- Claudia Shope participated in But hum 'I )tter ends NiteemEer 1C.. 1492 ple who want to tell you what to the march because she fears the Offer Runs: October Ii through No-ember 10, 1992. do with your bodies:' Mineta said. possible reversal of Roe v. Wade. . . "Women have the right and wis- "Years ago, I never thought the 7:1 11oi... Street dom to make their own choice Supreme Court would be so dan- ...... Tel:408.971.7080 about abortion not parents, gerously close to an anti -abortion 411)SPARTAN said. "Young public officials, or bureaucrats:' decision:' Shope Koda/ux Students for Choice President people just don't realize what Pt....sit', is,. is pBOOKSTORE Denelle Fedor spoke of the need women had to go through in the Because Time ( ;nes Rs. 924-1816 to build a strong and broad pro- days when abortion was legal." 4 27, San ffiq State Uruvermiy SPARTAN DAILY SJSU women's golf team ends a perfect fall with 39-stroke win in Palo Alto BY RACHEL LUTHER record of 211 set last spring. She Spartan Daily Stall Wnter has been the individual winner at The women's golf team, led by all three SJSU fall tournaments senior Tracy Hanson, won its and now has nine tournament third tournament of the season wins at the collegiate level. on Sunday at the Stanford Uni- Indiana finished second in the tic versity Women's Intercollegiate tournament with a team score of (j s Golf Tournament. 904 while Stanford finished third Hanson shot an even-par 73 to with 907. lead the Spartans to a 39-stroke team victory. STANFORD GOLFTOURNAMENT Hanson finished with a three- round score of 210. Her five team- Top-10 team finishers: mates also finished in the top ten 1. SJSU-865(Total strokes) among an 80-player field. 2. Indiana 904 Vibeke Stensrud tied for third 3. Stanford 907 at two-over par 218, Lisa Walton 4. New Mexico State 915 tied for fifth at 219, Ninni Sterner S. Tulsa 916 finished seventh at 222 and Nicole 6. Minnesota 930 Materne tied for eighth at 225. Oregon 930 It was the third victory for the 8. New Mexico 935 golf team in as many women's 9. Washington 936 tournaments this fall. SJSU, earli- 10. Oregon State 952 er this season, won the Dick McGuire Tournament in Albu- Top-7 individual finishers: querque and the Edean Ihlanfeldt 1. Tracy Hanson, SJSU 210 Tournament in Redmond, Wash. 2. Angela Buzminski, Indiana Sunday's win set a Stanford University Golf Course record 214 PICK WACHA SPARTAN DAILY 3. Stensrud, SJSU; with a team score of 865,11 under Vibeke the 218 SJSU golfer Nicole Materne lines up a putt at the 13th green of par. The old record of 870 was set Sofie Eriksson, Tulsa Stanford Golf Course. Materne tied with two other players for 8th- S. Lisa Walton, SJSU; Martha by SJSU last year. The SJSU sailing club competed in the Stanford Frosh/Soph Regatta last wel place after shooting a three-round 228. Materne and her team- of 210 was Richards, Stanford 219 Hanson's score UC Berkeley and UC Santa Cruz all competed. Despite a meager budget, the mates won their third-straight tournament in as many tries. SJSU's nine-under par and one shot bet- 7. Ninni Sterner, SJSU 225 years. The club meets Wednesday at 4:50 p.m. in the Student Union's Montal Tracy Hanson won the tournament with a course-record 210. ter than her previous course


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- SPARTA N DAILY U i.oi it)Se State University 'Fuesday.lktohcr 27. 1v92. Ahoy mate! The SJSU sailing club survives on a meager budget BY KARA GARCIA the CSU system. Spartan Daily Stall Writer Lunsford said it is not easy com- Mention sailing regattas and peting against schools with strong chances are not many people will university and alumni financial sup- think about SJSU. port, like Stanford and Cal. Both But for nearly 30 years, a small schools have about 30 members on but spirited crew has kept the SJSU their teams and 18 and 12 boats in sailing team alive on campus. their fleet respectively. Chris Lunsford, Sailing Club SJSU has only two boats, which President, said the team has 11 makes it hard to place in races members this year, but they are against the Cardinal or Bears, who always recruiting new members. can enter as many or all of their According to the Pacific Coast boats in each race. Inter-Collegiate Yacht Racing Asso- Stanford and Cal "try to get new ciation, which governs the regattas, boats every few years:' said the club must have a minimum Lunsford. While SJSU, whose newest number of women on the team in boat is already a few years old, strug- order to compete. This year's team gles. has three women. In 1983, Reekie introduced a sail- ...... r. Shirley Reekie, club advisor and ing class to the university and two nViai an associate professor in the Human years later became advisor to the Performance Department, said any- then-five-member sailing club. one who's interested in learning how They didn't have a boat to race, so TARA MURPHY SPARTAN DAILY to sail can join. The team practices Reekie ,looking for donations, con- SJSU Sailing Club President Chris Lunsford stands on the bow of his every Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 tacted SJSU alumnus Alan Simp- boat during Saturday morning's regatta. p.m. at Lake Cunningham in San kins. Simpkins, along with his wife Jose. Phyllis, have been long-time con- improving all the time. has for the sport. The team's sched- The non-profit club, which is not tributors to the university. "It's a competitive sport, but it's ule is light in the Fall with only seven recognized by the university, is Simpkins donated his "big boat also a good time to get out on the regattas scheduled through January. funded by donations and the club sails" to the club, according to water and have fun:' Lunsford said. In the Spring, they will race every members' $25-per-semester dues. Reekie. The sails were sold to buy "Everyone seems to have a good other weekend. TAM MURPHY SPARTAN DAILY Local competition includes Stan- the club's first Flying Junior boat. time in the club:' The team's next meeting is Octo- Berkeley and In 1989, )atta lait weekend. Boats from San Diego State, UC Santa Barbara, ford, U.C. U.C. Santa the club was granted That the team overcomes a lack of ber 28 at 4:50 p.m. in the Student Cruz. The team also competes $3,000 by the Associated Students to r budget, the SJSU sailing club has been in existence for nearly 30 money and is still competitive Union's Montalvo Room. For more against San Diego State, Long Beach buy a second boat. Lunsford is opti- against wealthier Montalvo Room. New members are welcome. schools, shows the information call Lunsford at 286- and Sonoma State, other schools in mistic about the team and said it is dedication and love the sailing team 5084.


CASE 'N' POINT from arM with my new backpack to plies for the weekend. I had a hot date on oe prepared. Of course, I had to look ed off at Ken's Hubb for a trim and a IligliKaiNwr..7. itiful lady was into romance and poetry tress her by writing a little poem for her. o I darted over to the Recycled Book Store mpact, where I found a book of poetry - I was on the right track. I found that the so I went over to Kinko's and made a few produce romance) poetry. There wasn't ready, but I AA a. working up a bit of an I.D. did the trick and gave me a base 10% Off W/Student .a burrito on sale) of those vodka tonics I'd be drinking at (except backpacks ime there was only an hour left which I r-oing to my new CD from AB-CD C & NI BACKPACKING to be had there). After spending all day 1111,4114t1111111 y to spend all night there. It just goes to own is not only a great place to take a date, TRAVELPACKS li_ BACKPACKS Oct. 31 - Phantom e as well Lowe JanSport Nov. 14 R. Case JanSport Outdoor Caribou ME1 Sunglasses Eagle Creek 481 E. San Carios St. (between 10th & I 1 th) 297-9777 The San Jose Civic Light Opera presents a new musical production of Gaston Leroux's Phantom of the Opera. Performances Tuesday - Thursday 8 p.m.; Friday 8:30 p.m.: Saturday 2 and 8:30 p.m. Sunday 2 and 7 p.m. at the Center for the Performing Art., To Entice Almaden Blvd. & Park Ave. For ticket., call 998 -BASS.

The Recycle 11,,1, Store offers used ii COMMUNICATE IN COLOR I hrough Fall \ lone) Saver new hooks at prices 11,.,1 will entice your reading December Coupon Books passion Science fiction and COLOR LASER COPIES fantasy hooks are Our spesialts hut sse also carry (*I)'s. tapes. Jfid It% I he It's not too late to get a copy of the Fall Money Saver ( 'oupon Book which contains Res scle Book Sim, not olds sell. hooks at *Transparencies discounts for downtown shops, restaurant. ,ind services. To receive your It CL: un1N hes My 1,0a prises. they'll has your used Presentations fantastic 1 and N, le them for new readers *Displays *Sales Flyers copy. call 279-1775. caccvtiLe *Charts & Graphs *Copy From Slides through San Jose Museum of Art January cy), BOOKSTORE 201l, 1, 1:pn, Kinn 8./7"x11"'Whitep,,, 1t.I ,5 1,11) San The Museum presents "Ok! I'll Keep Making Frogs and Just Drop Dead!,- an COLOR I exhibition of recent plc's.tl.is work by David Gilhooly: plus "Larry Sultan: Picture From Home,- an exploidiiiin mit, the myths and ideals of American culture through COPIES photographs of the artist's it family. Admission $4 general / Nexxus Products $2 students; free on Thursdays. At the San Jose Museum of Art, Ill) S. Market St. For information, call 294-2787. Ken's Hubb kinkoi Call the San Jose Downtown Association's 24-hour FYI line for upcoming events at 295-2265, Ext. 483. For a Rock and Roll Barber I. the copy center 752 7821 free pocket-size Downtown Directory or Fall Money SA \ JOSE DOWNTOWN 318 S. 10th St. I /95-4336 87 x,,toi Ave I Saver Coupon Book, Call 279-1775. ASSOCIATION ct to Robert's Bookstore I F Son Curios St Corner d Saratoga & lawrenc Exprisss Wayj 279-9955 I Across From McDonald's EXPIRES 10/31. 1 6 ticsday, October 27,1992 San Jose State University SPA ItTA N DAILY Features At the head of San Ale -.ow eV ARMIN inuertmol visxcat=e Jose's thhi blue line Amens Anlaittin BY DEBRA MYERS spartan Dad) Stall Writer itiNireszia spring to this fall's public call for a 111111111111111111111111111111111. Lou Cobarruviaz wants to fin- police review board. for the demon- M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111". ish what he started. In preparation Avo,, As San Jose Chief of Police and strations of about 300-400 people, SJSU alumnus, Cobarruviaz Cobarruviaz told the deputy --rtratramertet=,,,,4,,’-liczatti==110%,..aterr=211; wants to go back to UC Berkeley police chief to monitor the situa- to earn a law degree. tion, have enough people on hand "I started out with my father to deal with it, be ready and use a wanting me to be a doctor:' great deal of restraint. Cobarruviaz said. "I would've "I'm very proud of my patrol CHECK to major in history or force. We were very successful. OUT preferred law, myself. But, I was the first in The complaints were kept to a my family to go to college:' minimum" he said. One of four WHAT'S In fact, Cobarruviaz was the complaints was the use excessive first in his family to graduate from force. In another, the force was too high school. restrictive. Going far beyond high school Cobarruviaz said he was IMPORTANT graduation, Cobarruviaz became, pleased to see members of the in his words, "the first Hispanic community involved in keeping A SPECIAL police chief since America took things under control, black and ELECRON INSERT over from Mexico" in November Hispanic community leaders 1991. mingling with the crowd asking them not to become destructive. TOMORROW, OCT. 28 A trial by fire "Because of what happened In the short time he has been with Rodney King, there are cer- IN TH San Jose's police chief, Cobarruvi- tain elements pushing for a police RT,,,\N az has dealt with situations rang- review board. It is something that ing from the riots resulting from I'm opposing because I don't the Rodney King verdict last think they work," Cobarruviaz said. KARFN HANNIR SPARTAN NMI V Review board would not be San Jose Police Chief Louis Cobarruviaz works in his office at 201 welcomed Mission. He is dealing with the paperwork that has stacked up. Cobarruviaz said he has evalu- ated review boards and feels study habits, he decided to attend rate of Hispanic kids:' "they're not effective in disciplin- San Jose City College. "Chief Cobarruviaz is one of ing officers and sustaining com- While in school, Cobarruviaz the most active mentors within GRADUATE plaints against officers" worked as a gardener, a shopping our ENLACE program" said Ed Cobarruviaz said if officers feel center landscaper, a parking lot Ramirez, Evergreen Valley College the investigation is not going to be sweeper and worked for a plastic director of the program and social STUDY DAY done by someone who will give bag company before joining the science and ethnic studies profes- them a fair shake, they tend not to police force in 1965. sor. "He has been very supportive WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1992 cooperate as much. Attending SJSU on the GI bill, and an important component of program for years" He said another reason is that he earned his bachelor's degree in our San Jose State University The program pairs under-rep- police review boards do not know sociology with an emphasis in law resented, or "at-risk," students Student Union how to investigate a lot of issues, enforcement. with professionals in the student's resulting in a loss of effectiveness. "I didn't want a job where I sit WORKSHOPS 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in an office all the time like I do field of interest. UPD officer Lt. Bruce Lowe, now" Cobarruviaz said, as he As police chef, Cobarruviaz Hear experts discuss important topics related to graduate study. who worked on internal affairs for looks around his office chuckling. wants to work toward two goals. UPD, agrees with Cobarruviaz. Applying to (;flultiate ScInwl - Almaden Room - 9:311 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Cobarruviaz said he wanted a First, he wants to move the Lowe said, "I think the only way to the commu- 4'in:owing ( ;radii:de School - Costanoan Room - ): 311 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. job dealing with people and help- department closer to handle these investigations is ing people. "I also, very foolishly, nity through community policing, PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL DISCUSSIONS by the book, impartially." He said thought of myself as a real macho changes in attitudes and meetings that is the only way to avoid the and the commu- Nle(lical/l)ental School - Guadalupe Room - 11:30 a.m. guy because I had competed in between officers "politics" of a review board. judo, and I had been a paratroop- nity. .1.aw School - Costanoan Room - 12:311 p.m. "I'm very proud of our track er. So I thought police work would "If we don't do that, we can Teachcr l'41114.:itioll Programs - Almaden Room - 1:341 p.m. record here, in terms of sustaining be perfect for me he said. expect the same kind of violence Angeles with Videotapes of workshops available in Business Classroom 13 alter 10/29/92. complaints against officers that "I began to gain experience, that we had in Los make mistakes," Cobarruviaz began to really enjoy the job, the split between the police and INFORMATION TABLES 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Ballroom said. "I intend to maintain a high began to look at it from a broader community' second goal is to make the Talk with represcntliti yes from over 110 graduate programs throughout the . level of accountability" perspective, and as I moved up His "We intend to provide train- the ranks, I thought I would make department as "modern and pro- Coordinated By S.IS11 Career Planning & Placement & Craduate Studies ing," he said. "We intend to pro- it a career" he said. gressive and efficient as possible" vide direction, and, ultimately "You kind of fall in love with through the use of a large main- ACADEMY OF ART COLLEGE Library and Information Science many come frame computer which will enable ACADEMY OF CHINESE CULTURE & HEALTH SCIENCES Mass Communications discipline if necessary when offi- this job. I've seen so AML RICAN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL Materials Engineering cers act in an improper fashion!' to work here as clerks, as dis- the department to employ a MANAGEMENT - THUNDERBIRD CAMPUS Meteorology Cobarroviaz said he has terminat- patchers and never want to leave paperless reporting system. C.S.U. STANISTAUS Mexican American Graduate Studies ed or taken action against five offi- he said. "I want to make the depart- CAL POLY SAN LUIS OBISPO - Engineering Management Occupational Therapy CALIFORNIA GRADUATE SCHOOL Of PSYCHOLOGY Philosophy cers, in addition to disciplining "a Cobarruviaz' favorite assign- ment more efficient, and 1 want to CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF INTEGRAL STUDIES Political Science lot of officers at a lower lever ment was working narcotics do what I can to reduce the CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Psychology All Programs because it led to all kinds of differ- expense for the city" he said. CALIFORNIA WESTERN SCHOOL OF LAW Public Adininistration Police work not the first calling Social Science ent crime, burglary, auto theft and "Cops are very expensive." He CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY Social Work Cobarruviaz, however, did not robbery. wants civilians to get involved in CHAPMAN UNIVERSITY Spanish start out wanting to be a police "They talk about us winning investigating accidents, directing CITY UNIVERSITY Special Education & Rehabilitative Services officer. the war on drugs" Cobarruviaz traffic and collecting physical evi- COLLEGE OF NOTRE DAME Teacher Education Programs COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE OF THE PACIFIC Testing & Evaluation As a pre-med student at Cal, said. "I really question that. I real- dence at crime scenes. CORNELL UNIVERSITY Urban & Regional Planning Cobarruviaz became discouraged. ly think more money needs to be Cobarruviaz, who has been CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY Women's Studies "The university was very imper- spent on treatment. Somehow we married to his wife, Maria, for 25 FULLER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY sonal. The classes were huge. At have to take the profit out of deal- years and has one daughter, still GOLDEN GA1E UNIVERSITY - Graduate Program SANTA CLARA UNIVE fiSITY - Division of Counseling. GOLDEN GATE UNIVERSITY - School of Law Psychology and Education that time, they didn't have all the ing drugs because the demand, intends to go to law school at Cal SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY- Institute of Agribusiness support groups like they do now," until we provide treatment, will when he retires. "To me it's like HARVARD UNIVERSITY SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY - MBA Program he said. continue:' unfinished business. I started HASTINGS COLLEGE OF THE LAW SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY - School of Engineering HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY -School of Law Cobarruviaz, who considers "It wasn't long before I realized there. That's howl am about stuff. JOHN F. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY himself a "small-town kid" from that the best skill you have in I like to finish what I started" he LINCOLN UNIVERSITY THE LAW SCHOOL SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW Fremont, decided to join the army police work is how you talk to said. "I could retire right now. I'm LOS ANGELES COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC ST. MARY'S COLLEGE OF CALIFORNIA handle not LOYOLA LAW SCHOOL as a paratrooper in the 10 1st Air- people and that if you saying I will right away" McGEORGE SCHOOL OF LAW STANFORD UNIVERSITY- Academic Pb D. Programs borne Division. yourself properly you don't have "I've got a lot of things I'd like MONTEREY INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES STANFORD UNIVERSITY- Stanford Teacher Education Program "I never gave up the idea of to use force he said. to do" Cobarruviaz said. "I'm NATIONAL HISPANIC UNIVERSITY U.C. BERKELEY -Biological Sciences graduating college because that it. Lowe said. "I was impressed kind of in a hurry to do them. U.C. BERKELEY- Graduate School of Education It NATIONAL UNIVERSITY U.C. BERKELEY - MBA Programs was my ultimate goal," Cobarruvi- with his concern for the public. seems like you run out of time" W COLLEGE OF CALIFORNIA- Graduate Psychology U.C. BERKELEY - Political Science az said. His officers established a relation- Cobarruviaz feels he has a NEW COI LEGE OF CAT IFORNIA - School of Law U C. BERKELEY -School of Social Welfare After two and a half years of ship of trust" good 20-25 years to practice civil OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY U.C. DAVIS - Applied Behavioral Sciences mentor rights PACIFIC GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY U.C. DAVIS - Graduate School of Management (MBA) jumping out of planes, Cobarru- Cobarruviaz also is a law. "I want to get away PAI MIR COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC WEST U.C. DAVIS - Graduate Studies viaz returned to Fremont and at Evergreen and West Valley from the criminal aspect of it," he SAMUEL MFRRITT COLLEGE U.C. DAVIS - School at Law went back to school. community colleges "to try to said. "After 27 years, that's enough SAN FRANCISCO LAW SCHOOL U.C. DAVIS - School of Medicine In order to brush up on his impact the horrendous drop-out td chasing crooks," SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY U.C. LOS ANGELES - Graduate Division - - SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY U.C. SAN DIEGO -Grad. School of Intl. Rela & Pacdic Studies Accountancy U.C. SAN FRANCISCO School of Medicine Adininistration & Higher Education U.C. SANTA CRUZ - Graduate Division Business U.S.C. - L. Davis School of Gerontology RECESSION BUSTER" Career Planning & Placement U.SC. - School of Phannacy Child Development U S.C. -School of Social Work Name Brand...At A Clone Price! Civil Engineering Communication Studies UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON SCHOOL OF LAW 1 -YEAR* EPSON Division of Technology UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND AT COLLEGE PARK Lauded with Irma Features: Economics ON -SITE UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE & DENTISTRY OF NEW JERSEY itall NAM eve to 14M8 40MI HDD Electrical Engineering Equity 386S1't-161)111s UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - Graduate School WARRANTY! . Engineering UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX la" Mono VGA Monnor 1 44M5 3 5" English UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC School of Pharmacy Hurry' 101 key beybonra DOS 50 French WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY -Graduate School of Management Graduate Studies & Research / stock' 1 Yeor On Site Warranty Health Science TESTING GROUPS: ( History BOBROW TEST PREPARATION SERVICES Human Performance STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATION CENTER Aer.F.Sc Instructional Technology TESTING FOR THE PUBLIC COMPUTER Interdisciplinary Studies MUM TECHNOLOGIES THE PRINCETON REVIEW (408) SJSU Career Planning and Placement Center services and programs are provided vAlhout regard to race, color, religion, sex, Stet\ 247-4444 sexual onentabon, naborull origin. age. or cisability. ,Serial .1Imtse wl Id! 1 I i \ \11',4) R \ \ \ \ \ j

hem World Events SPARTAN DAILY III San Jose State University III Tuesday, October 27, 1992 7

zone in southern Lebanon. 0 Quebec unlikely Israel's military command in Jerusalem said warplanes, helicopters and artillery Political to pass reforms attacked suspected bases of Muslim funda- mentalist guerrillas. on constitution I.ebanese police said at least one civilian was killed and five others were wounded by Almanac TORONTO (AP) - Quebec on Mon- artillery shells. day was heading toward a rejection of Tension has been running high in DALLAS (AP) - Ross Perot constitutional reforms designed to put an southern Lebanon since the Arab-Israeli angrily defended his accounts of end to 200 years of French-English peace talks began a year ago. The pro-Iran- alleged Republican dirty triclo squabbling and keep Canada united, ian Hezbollah fundamentalist movement, aimed at sabotaging his presidential Canadian television reported. which claimed responsibility for Sunday's campaign but said anew he had no The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. bombing, has vowed to thwart the talks proof. projections were based on early unofficial and has escalated its attacks i ,ide the "I am sick and tired of you all returns from the French-speaking buffer zone. questioning my integrity without a province, which showed the "No" vote The deaths of five Israelis and the basis for it," Perot told reporters at an with 58 percent and the "Yes" vote with wounding of at least five in the bombing extraordinary session at his cam- 42 percent. Sunday were the most in nearly two years. paign headquarters in Dallas. In Ontario, the "No" vote was leading A sixth Israeli soldier was slain by gunmen Perot strode in to a morning brief- with 55 percent, to 45 percent for those in Sunday at the Cave of the Patriarchs, a site ing his aides were conducting to favor of the reforms. holy to Muslims and Jews near Hebron in the chest with a .44-caliber Magnum at deliver an angry statement defending Both results, based on 4 percent of the the occupied West Bank. close range. o Germany, France his conduct. He refused repeated vote counted, were compiled by Canadi- A bombing in the Israeli security zone His death shocked many Japanese, requests to identify the sources he an Press from federal elections figures. today wounded three Lebanese militiamen unused to the idea of ordinary home- join in subsidy said had informed him of the alleged Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island allied with Israel, security sources said. owners wielding guns. GOP plot. and New Brunswick showed "Yes" win- "America is a wonderful country, but battle with U.S. Perot said he had become con- ning about 62 percent of the vote and Slain student's has one defect - that laws permit the vinced there was a smear campaign "No" about 37 percent, Canadian Press people to use guns," Hattori told the peo- LUXEMBOURG (Al') - France on when President Bush canceled plans said. But in Nova Scotia, the race was parents urge U.S. ple attending his son's funeral. They Monday won backing from Germany to to meet with him after Perot insisted about even. included 140 students from his son's demand further American concessions the meeting include a discussion of Failure of a single province to approve to ban guns Asahigaoka Prefectural High School in over farm subsidy cuts, making it unlikely "this plan to smear my daughter and the reforms in the nationwide referen- Nagoya, central Japan. the dispute will be settled before the U.S. disrupt her wedding:' dum would kill the deal. TOKYO (AP) - Parents of a Japanese Yoshihiro was studying at a high presidential elect ions. Perot said he now accepts Bush The ultimate result of failure could be high school exchange student who was school in Baton Rouge under a scholar- At the same time, Britain and the top campaign denials of his allegations the breakup of Canada. fatally shot in Louisiana urged Monday at ship. farm negotiator for the European Com- Perot also accused ABC of having Official results were not expected for his funeral that the United States ban He was wearing a disco-era John Tra- munity tried to ease French fears about a "death wish to inaccurately report a several days. guns to prevent similar tragedies. volta costume when he was shot that Sat- giving ground to the United States over a story" for airing a report questioning Masalcazu Hattori asked some 1,000 urday night by Rodney Peairs. Lewis global trade accord. his charge that a hit team once infil- Israeli helicopters, mourners to sign a petition that he said Unglesby, Peairs' attorney, has said crime "The Franco-German alliance still trated his estate but was chased off by would be sent to President Bush and was a problem in the neighborhood and holds:' said French Farm Minister Jean- a guard dog and his security forces. Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyaza- in the dark it was not clear that Hattori Pierre Soisson. His colleague, lgnaz Kiech- "It did happen:' Perot insisted. He artillery retaliate wa. Japan already prohibits its citizens was just a boy in a Halloween costume. le of Germany, also has demanded more said a security guard witnessed the from owning handguns. Peairs, 30, has not been charged. A U.S. concessions in the farm battle. incursion, which allegedly occurred for bombing Hattori's 16-year-old son, Yoshihiro, grand jury was scheduled to hear the case Earlier this month, President Bush told 20 years ago, but refused to identify was shot to death Oct. 17 in Baton Rouge, next week. the European Commission, not to count the guard. "I don't have to prove any- BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israeli air- La., when he went to the wrong house Louisiana state law gives a person the on the United States to give any more. thing to you people," he said. "Unless craft and artillery blasted Arab villages while looking for a Halloween party. right to kill an intruder inside his or her As part of the Uruguay Round trade the dog can talk I'm not sure we can Monday in apparent retaliation for bomb- He did not heed the homeowner's home. Hattori was shot on the carport, talks, Washington has demanded exten- ever satisfy you," Perot said. ings that killed five soldiers and wounded order to "freeze" - an English word he and it was not clear how the law would be sive cuts in subsidies for the EC's 9 million eight in Israel's self-designated security did not understand - and was shot in applied. farmers, something France has opposed.

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Also open Saturdays 9-2. 4 & Si. shifts. Call 2956465. W one

8 Tuesday, lictober 27, 1992 San Jsr State University SPARTAN DAILY Munitz: the first year as CSU chancellor Youngsters: kids get college experience 1-mns page 1 Man page 1 the discussions right now about said. "People didn't understand said Jack Maitre, counselor at Stu- charcoal pictures they could keep. hired as chancellor. getting smaller are geared to the what it was. People didn't under- and their mock scholarship dent Outreach Services. The sup- Department secretary of the- Although, according to a April lack of money. stand what an urban institution checks at Financial Aid. Students plies provided by CASFAA were ater arts Miral Morris-Jackson 1991 story in the Los Angeles "In my own judgment, you're was, what a commuter institution were then given a tour of the cam- intended to remind the students took the children on a tour of Times, Munitz was considered the not going to see us say 'why don't was!' pus by their guides. "It's really of the day's events long after they Hugh Gillis Hall, taking them conscience of Maxxam; his tie to we get smaller' or have anybody During Munitz's chancellor- very nice for the children to be were over. through the costume room and the company was enough to gar- say they ought to get smaller just ship at the University of Houston, impressed with a step toward Following lunch, students the theater's stage. The children ner protests and evoke anger with because it's hard to communicate its programs in arts, drama and higher education:' said parent attended two of four classes. In were also encouraged to do his nomination within the CSU and they're too big:' Munitz said. physics were nationally recog- Beverly White. meteorology, conducted by mete- impromptu skits. system. If the downsizing comes, nized as some of the best. At the lunch break students orology lab technician Joe Miller, "Students were still enthusias- In the Times story, Munitz was Munitz said, it would be in the He attributes the strength of were given lunch of a sandwich, students were shown cloud tun- tic after a long day:' said John portrayed as being somewhat form of "regionalization, cooper- the university to its ability to raise an apple , soda, and a dessert nels. Loera, counselor at Student Out- sympathetic to conservationist ation, technology, at-distance funds. snack. "I like the food:' said In geology class, geology reach Services. "They seemed to views, telling board members at delivery system and phone- based "Good fund raising, strong fourth-grader Ezperanza Mejia. major Robert Sickler helped sim- have an interest in college!' the huge company that some of registration.' sense of identity, strong pockets The students were also given two ulate an earthquake with a hands- The "I'm going to College" the warnings from environmen- Munitz said that eventually of excellence, chemical engineer- paperback novels and neon back- on experiment. "College is fun program helps to build a founda- talists were legitimate. some of the programs that are ing, creative writing I packs imprinted with the "I'm because you get to do different tion of self-confidence and But it was the fact that he was a duplicated at other CSU campus- absolutely believe that the same going to college" logo. stuff7 said fourth-grader Silvia knowledge for students in prepa- member of a private, large corpo- es could be incorporated to just things will happen here he said. "I had mixed feelings about Corral. ration for college. ration that caught some of the one campus. "I can't do it by myself. I didn't do starting so young, but the pro- Students also attended an art "It's fun. I want to go to college, trustees' attention at that time. As an example, the chancellor it by myself in Houston!' gram has a good approach get- class run by art major Aimee "said fourth-grader Chanel Mor- Then-trustee J. Gary Shansby said an agriculture program at With lawmakers in Sacramen- ting them excited about books," Funasak in which they made row. led the push to research the back- CSU Chico has been covered by to, Munitz has been a strong ground of all the chancellor nom- programs offered at the CSU advocate of autonomy for each of inees, including the Securities campuses at San Luis Obispo and the 20 campuses. and Exchange Commission's Fresno. But he said it must be done Gasoline prices drop slightly overall findings on Maxxam audits. "So, I think it's very likely that with some accountability. Munitz was first considered for you'll see, San Jose, for example, "I'm a very strong advocate of LOS ANGELES (Al') Retail tions aimed at reducing carbon unleaded, and 115.34 for leaded, the chancellors' position in 1982, say to San Francisco, 'Look, you decentralization, of letting people gasoline prices dipped about a monoxide, she said. Ms. Lundberg said. but decided that time was not have a marvelous program in X, manage where decisions can be third of a cent overall during the Gasoline prices at self-service Full-serve prices were 139.45 right for him to enter higher edu- and we'd rather focus on Y. Why made he said. past two weeks but rose slightly in stations, including taxes, were cents for regular unleaded; 146.22 cation. don't you be our Bay Area X pro- "I want the state to let me some regions, an industry analyst 113.52 cents per gallon for regular for medium grade; 154.21 for pre- "I wasn't ready to take this job gram, and we'll get our faculty manage the institution, and I said. unleaded; 122.98 for mid-grade mium unleaded, and 149.05 for in an effective and creative man- and students around you. And want to let the presidents manage Prices rose slightly on the East unleaded; 130.96 for premium leaded. ner as I wanted to do, and I was likewise, we'll be the focus in r" theirs," Munitz said, "but with and West coasts, regions with large capable of doing:' Munitz said. Munitz said. setting very firm guidelines on population centers where demand MMMMM MMMMMMM At the age of 40, Munitz said There are still some questions the front end and very strict stan- is highest, but nationwide the aver- r he wanted to "understand, first, and issues to be worked out, dards of accountability on the age cost of gasoline was 119.22 C'OME111( how the private side of the table Munitz said, but "I think the con- back end:' cents per gallon on Friday, down TRAFFIC SCHOOL worked!' versation is starting:' While he's a strong advocate of .28 cents from Oct. 9, Trilby Lund- "I believe it's one of the best "I think we'll look back 10 to decentralization, and allowing the berg said Sunday. $22111? jobs in higher education in the 15 years from now, and identify campuses to run on their own, 'It reflects the sluggish econo- with this ad country' he said. "It would have 1989, 1990 and 1991 as the years Munitz wasn't that open with the my, and the fact that we're in the classes taught by comedians been nice to have been here that those conversations began:' presidential search process. lesser driving season anyway:' she no test or written work through those years of no budget Munitz said. While he proclaims SJSU is said. limits." Before coming to the CSU sys- one of the "strongest...one of the The price drop, which followed videos/movies The budget problems, espe- tem, Munitz was chancellor of the jewels" of the CSU system, he said a similar reduction earlier this 248 - 6811 cially "how deeply ingrained the University of Houston, a compar- the campus, "because of the tur- month, probably will end because economic crisis is:' are the down atively smaller role than the chan- moil in the search process, needs refiners must use additives to meet side of the job, Munitz said. cellorship of the CSU system. to be supported and watched new federal environmental regula- Has this happened to you? Munitz is hopeful that the In 1977, at the age of 35, carefully" Master Plan, which he said is now Munitz took over the helm of a Asked to define "watched care- aioLocv lot dead, would be "resurrected at university that had been plagued fully' Munitz said it was in terms some point!' by problems which he said were of resources available.

The Master Plan allows for the akin to what the CSU system is When he visits the campus to CLOSED top 30 percent of California's high going through at the present. speak with administrators, school graduates to enter the CSU Munitz blamed Houston's Munitz said he asks "How are system. problems on the economic plight things going? What are the prob- , There's The economic problems could of Texas. lems? What can I do to nelp? Do lead to the university system "The institution kept looking the local political people under- "downsizing." over its shoulder, in that case at stand what you're up to?" no place going the University of Texas, and at "Some are calmer, and some "But I don't think you're Fisk Scaling 101 to hear that conversation based Texas A&M, just like too many of are less calm. This is a year in like on reasons of complexity and our people worry about the Uni- which SJSU is less calm," Munitz sprawl," Munitz said. "I think all versity of California:' Munitz said. home.

Sign-ups end Seattle $ 69' leisure services Stolen Deaver $125' Oct 30 argralast.Et,i273 Atlanta $144' Chicago $149' important pick up your packets lithe Studenta Activities & Services Office NewItork $179' Barbies tote pub) ler teems o, free egr,ts Heald can guarantee Tampa S179' for more info, 924.5958 vet yr ro WV/ 110111 Ff&XCO beidoni you will graduate on time! n irartatir SCOW It101(00S apply Teel rrA WIC 111(1Cd tense piled to creme ralhout note, (All kr oh" ..hrlent Imes Sioartv.wir found ,Irlratron SAN DIEGO (AP) A Barbie Carnal 11ravel Heald College doll collection worth an estimated 194 University Ave N900 I $1 million that was stolen in what Loor Palo Alto, CA 94301 authorities call the largest Barbie 415-325-3888 1-800-950-0559 doll heist in the nation's history A nonprofit college Call for your FREE accredited by the was found copy of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Monday, San Diego Student Travels Magazine police announced. hOCKet A.A.S. I legre.e Jeili I'laci. meld kr+ Fill:111CW Al4I Most of the 5,000 dolls were found in a self-storage locker, said police spokesman Dave Cohen. ue WITH No arrests had been made in the season begins PROFESSIONAL dollnapping, he said. iiigister me Associated Students Rosiness Ottir noy 9 m th 6:30 The collection, believed to be please recycle laded by As'. J.111111 Si g101,1, DEVELOPMENT the largest in the world, was stolen Iwo weeks ago from a four-bed- COURSES room house rented by collector WEDNESDAY! FROM Glenn Offield while he was at a Take doll show in Los Angeles, authori- SAN JOSE STATE ties said. UNIVERSITY The house twice was set afire to Wednesday Nite Cinema cover up the crime, said H. Vono, FALL COURSES an investigator with the Metro- MEET politan Arson Strike Team. Fire THROUGH DECEMBER AT officials said the thief doused the Charge house with gasoline after making OUR PROFESSIONAL off with the collection. DEVELOPMENT CENTF I When the house did not burn LEPPNelOr' completely, officials said, the thief HIT RAY MADELEINE IN CAMPBELL. returned the next day and set RIME DOM STORE another blaze to obscure the theft. COURSES ARE OPEN But a lack of Barbie of re-mains made it clear they had been TO ALL ADULTS - stolen, officials said. Even at the YOU DON'T HAVE TO center of a blaze, experts said, the Barbies would not have disinte- ALREADY ATTEND SJSU grated. TO PARTICIPATE. Inside the gutted home, the Your burned torsos of his inexpensive October 28! CALL 408-924-2640 Tammy dolls jutted from a heap 4. of black rubble. An elated Offield $2.50, Morris Daily 4’ FOR A FREE COPY OF said Monday that he did find a Auditorium, 6 8,9pm WA 441e few burned Barbie torsos, but the PROFESSIONAL majority were found in the stor- oboui upcoming everils cull the it A I line to! 14081 924 6261 t,cleti by DEVELOPMENT NEWS. age locker unharmed. 5,11en., '110,1,1 Aomay Future!