TF001 CASSOLO E MEZZANO SCOTTI Bobbio - Cassolo - Mezzano Scotti - Cassolo - Bobbio Description: the route runs on the old highway 45; In Cassolo you leave it for a cart track, then you reach the village of Mezzano Scotti. The way back in part passes on the same track. You follow the paved road that runs along the river Trebbia with great views over the valley and on the river itself. Difficulty: dip down alley in Cassolo, dirt road uphill near Mezzano Scotti. Snack bars and restaurants: Bobbio, Pradella, Cassolo, Mezzano Scotti. – Water fountains: 4 Not recommended: Never. Worth Seeing: views of the Trebbia Valley.

TF002 GIRO DELLA CIRCOMPENICINA Passo del Penice – Loc. Scaparina – C.na il Buj di sotto – Passo del Penice Description: trail loop to the summit of Mount Penice; from Penice Pass you go along the former state road 461 to Varzi, then turn towards Brallo and back in direction Ceci-Bobbio to get the dirt road that takes us back to the start. Path at high altitude offers outstanding views on the valleys , Staffora, Bobbio and the Valley of Trebbia. Difficulty: none. Snack bars and restaurants: Passo del Penice – loc. Scaparina. – Water fountains: 2 Not recommended: in case of snow.

TF003 GIRO DI FONTANA E DISCESA DEI LASTRONI Bobbio – C.na Erta Moglia – Rgalli _ Ferrari – S.Cecilia- Fontana – C.Bellocchi - Bobbio Description: the trail twist and turn throughout the right bank of the river Trebbia; passed the Old Bridge turn left and climb until you reach Poggio di Fontana where start the downhill. Challenging climb and descent with high difficulty make the route more indicated for Trail Running than MTB. Path offers outstanding views on the Trebbia Valley and Town of Bobbio, but also striking passages in woods. Difficulty: arduous climb on dirt and gravel, but never technique sometimes very steep; descent on scree and boulders between roots and rocks. Snack bars and restaurants: Bobbio, C. Poggiolo, S. Cecilia, Fontana. – Water fountains: 4 Not recommended: in case of snow and rain the descent can be very. Worth Seeing: Old Bridge or “Hunchbacked”, outstanding views on the Trebbia Valley. TF004 GIRO DI SANTA MARIA Bobbio – C. Cerignale – Zanacchi – Santa Maria – Valle - Bobbiona Description: the trail climb up the left banks of creek Bobbio until the Erba Grassa Mill than it reaches the village of Santa Maria, highest point of the track. Route is also suitable for horse riding with challenging climbs and simple downhill sections on asphalt and dirt. Difficulty: arduous climb sections on dirt and gravel. Snack bars and restaurants: Bobbio, Santa Maria. – Water fountains: 3 Not recommended: always recommended, excellent background both in case of dry and rainy, only a portion clay hill, about 300 meters just left the town of Bobbio. Worth Seeing: Erba Grassa ancient Mill outstanding views on the Trebbia Valley.

TF005 GIRO DELLA VALLE DEGLI SCOTTI Bobbio – Cassolo – Mezzano Scotti – C. Moione – C.Na Uccellone –Altarelli – Chiappelli – San Boceto – Fasso – Area – Mezzano Scotti – Cassolo - Bobbio Description: the route runs on the old state road n. 45; from Cassolo you leave it for dirt roads and trails. On the way back you will follow again the old state road . The route is suitable also for horseback riding with departure and arrival in Mezzano Scotti. (14km) with challenging uphill and descent on dirt road and trails. Creek Bobbio until the Erba Grassa Mill than it reaches the village of Santa Maria, highest point of the track. Route is also suitable for horse riding with challenging climbs and simple downhill sections on asphalt and dirt. Difficulty: arduous climb sections on dirt and gravel. Snack bars and restaurants: Bobbio, Santa Maria. – Water fountains: 3 Not recommended: always recommended, excellent background both in case of dry and rainy, only a portion clay hill, about 300 meters just left the town of Bobbio. Worth Seeing: Erba Grassa ancient Mill outstanding views on the Trebbia Valley.

TF006 GIRO DI LAGOBISIONE Bobbio – Cassolo – Mezzano Scotti – C. Moione – Ronco Carlo – Lagobisione – Cà Borelli – Bobbio Description: the route runs on the old state road n. 45 up to Cassolo where you leave it for dirt roads and trails. Some challenging climb and descent on dirt roads. Difficulty: short but hard climb sections. Snack bars and restaurants: Bobbio, Pradella, Cassolo, Mezzano Scotti. – Water fountains: 4 Not recommended: always recommended, excellent background both in case of dry and rainy, only 200 mt of clayish soil at the end of the last climb before Cà Borelli. Worth Seeing: views on the Trebbia Valley. TF007 GIRO DEL MONTE PRADEGNA I LAGOBISIONE Bobbio – Cassolo – Mezzano Scotti – C. Moione – Ronco Carlo – C.na Uccellone – Pianelli – Ronco Andrea- Ronco Freddo – Cà Borelli – Bobbio Description: the route follows the old state road n. 45 up to Cassolo where you leave it for dirt roads and trails. Some challenging climb and descent on dirt roads. Difficulty: short climb sections technical and steep. Snack bars and restaurants: Bobbio, Pradella, Cassolo, Mezzano Scotti. – Water fountains: 4 Not recommended: always recommended, excellent background both in case of dry and rainy, only the last climb stretch of road on a rocky soil can be slippery if wet. Worth Seeing: views on the Trebbia Valley.

TF008 GIRO DELLA FONTANA DEI RAMA’ E CASCATE DEL CARLONE Bobbio – C. Cerignale – Zanacchi – Santa Maria- C.na il Buj di sotto – Centro Fondo “Le Vallette” – Passo del Condottiero – Fontana dei Ramà Mogliazze – San Cristoforo – Cascate del Carlone- Moglia- Bobbio Description: the route runs up the Bobbio, goes beyond the spring and carries on down on the opposite slope. Some challenging climb sometime technical and descent on a trail. Difficulty: short climb sections technical and steep; fast descent with technical sections. Snack bars and restaurants: Bobbio, Santa Maria, Loc. Scaparina. – Water fountains: 4 Not recommended: always recommended, excellent background both in case of dry and rainy, only a climb section of clayish soil, 300 mt more or less, just outside Bobbio. The fording of Bobbio stream can be difficult after heavy rain. Worth Seeing: Erba Grassa ancient Mill, outstanding views of the Trebbia Valley, Bobbio town, the Carlone Valley. Centro Fondo “Le Vallette, Carlone stream falls and the Old Bridge.

MAP LEGEND Itinerary on roads, cart tracks and paths of low and middle difficulty Snack bar or restaurant practicable on saddle for fund and inclination

Itinerary on draws of paths and cart practicable in saddle of middle Drinking fountain and difficulty middle and middle in general for fund and inclination

Itinerary on paths not always practicable on saddle and of high Parking difficulty for fund and inclination or because weather -beaten

Direction sign Departure and arrival of the track 001 008 003

Signpost (on rocks, tree, stake) Difficulty scale Total itinerary Technical difficulty: Itinerary overall physical difficulty: T1 paved or dirt road in perfect conditions F1 average height difference < 5m/km (basic physical preparation required) T2 easy to follow dirt road or path F2 average height difference > 6 m/km and <18m/km (no particular physical preparation T3 medium difficulty narrow road or path required) T4 difficult narrow road or path F3 average height difference > 19 m/km and <32m/km (decent physical preparation required) T5 difficult path with stretch where is necessary to push the bike F4 average height difference > 32 m/km and < 45 m/km (good physical preparation required) T6 difficult path with stretch where is necessary to push the bike F5 average height difference > 45 m/km (excellent physical preparation required) and weather –beaten stretch not signed Tipologia: TF000 Tour Family: indicates technically easy and not tiring routes TR000 TrailRunning: describes a mountain trail ideal for mountain running AM000 AllMountain: it contains all kind of mountain trail layout Base cartografica: ...... Carta Topografica Regionale della Regione Emilia-Romagna alla scala 1:25 .000 Allestimento:...... InfoCartoGrafica s .n .c . -