Provided to Virginia’s Nursing Community by VNA. Are You a Member?

The Official Publication of the Virginia Nurses Association Volume 20 • No. 1 Circulation 97,000 Registered Nurses and 2,300 Student Nurses February 2012 The 27th Annual Nurses Day at the General Assembly

Dr. William Hazel, Virginia’s VNA President Shirley Gibson Secretary of Health and Human reminded everyone of the Resources speaks to over 600 importance and power of a nurses and student nurses at the nurses voice. State Capitol

CONTENTS Winter 2012 President’s Message ...... 2 • Education Progression and What it Means...... 7 VNA 27th Annual Nurses Day at the • Virginia Action Coalition­— General Assembly...... 1 Nurses on Boards Survey...... 8 • Staying Up to Date...... 8 Legislative Update— General Assembly 2012 ...... 3 VCNP Nurse Practitioners Introduce Bill to

Presort Standard Nurse Leadership Institute ...... 4 Increase Access to Health Care ...... 9 US Postage APRN Myth Busters ...... 10 PAID Chapter News Permit #14 • Central Virginia Scholarship News Briefs: Princeton, MN Opportunities...... 5 • American Nurses Advocacy Institute . . . 12 current resident or 55371 • How to Create a VNA Chapter...... 5 • Oral Healthcare Training...... 12 • VCU to Launch State’s First Complementary and Alternative Health Nursing Ph.D. Hybrid Program...... 12 Mental Health Nursing, Does Evidence Complement Outcomes? ...... 6 Membership News Welcome New Members...... 14 Practice Information: • Guidelines on Social Media and Networking for Nurses...... 7 Page 2 February, March, April 2012 Virginia Nurses Today

Shirley Gibson, President Susan is capable of keeping more knowledge is the official publication of the Virginia Nurses in her head than I will ever read in a multitude of Association: 7113 Three Chopt Road, Suite 204 Richmond, Virginia 23226, a constituent member books. She connected with others in the healthcare As the year 2011 ended and of the American Nurses Association. 2012 begins, it gives us an community to provide partnerships that will live on. opportunity to reflect on the She was active at the national level with ANA and [email protected] years accomplishments and the ANA president and CEO used her knowledge and Fax: 804-282-4916 prepare for the future. I devote wisdom to structure many outcomes for ANA. Susan my column to reflecting on the energy and love of life and quest to serve others was The opinions contained herein are those of the past that has positioned us a true gift to nursing, VNA and our members. individual authors and do not necessarily so well for the future. While Therefore, you see we have reflected on only a reflect the views of the Association. it is with deep regret that we few highlights of the past but extend our heartfelt wished Susan Motley our CEO thanks and give great tribute to Susan’s many Virginia Nurses Today reserves the farewell on January 6, 2012, accomplishments for VNA members. What we right to edit all materials to its style and space requirements and to it is with great admiration are the most proud of is how she left us poised clarify presentations. and appreciation that we say Shirley Gibson and ready to face the future to turn any challenge thank you to her for her tenure into an opportunity that will be successful for VNA Mission Statement the organization, the members and the nursing and contributions to VNA and the members we The mission of the VNA is to promote education, community at large. Susan, we thank you and wish serve. Susan joined VNA in March of 2007 and has advocacy and mentoring for registered nurses to transformed the organization to serve the members you great success in your new endeavor! You will advance professional practice and influence the and be a vital part of the health care community. always be a “Friend of Nursing” and we bestow upon delivery of quality care. Susan has brought us into the 21st century in you the title of “Honorary Nurse Susan!” God Speed, many arenas with our newly designed VNA website. our friend and colleague! ◆ The on-line Career Center was established for both Board of Directors: Shirley Gibson, President; Loressa Cole, President nurses and employers. The new website provided Elect; Thelma Roach-Serry, Vice President; Chelsea the ability to register and pay for conferences on- Savage, Secretary; Amy Black, Treasurer; Lauren line. Previously to join the organization you had to Goodloe, Commissioner on Nursing Practice; Linda go through the ANA website, but the new website Ault, Commissioner on Government Relations; provided the ability for VNA to process on-line Nina Beaman, Commissioner on Resources & membership and other value-added services. An on- Policies; Linda Dedo, Commissioner on Nursing line weekly newsletter and list serve were created to Education; Kathy Baker, Commissioner on Work bring real time communication and weekly post of Force Issues, Denise Hill, Director-at-Large; health issues. A tremendous accomplishment has Barbara Cross, Committee on Ethics & Human been the online application process for Continuing Rights; Sallie Eissler, President Virginia Nurses Education that takes us to a “green” environment! Foundation; Jan Haas, Advocacy for Nursing To continue with technology, VNA is on Facebook, Excellence. Twitter and LinkedIn. The newly revised Workplace Contacts for established VNA Chapters: Advocacy Guide for Nurses, thanks to Susan’s DeDee Foti, Roanoke Valley; Ellen Linkenhoker, forward thinking is available on Kindle, Nook and is New River Valley; Anne Marie Caylor, Central coming soon to Apple iBook. Virginia Chapter 3; Sherry Ferki and Sandra VNA is continually striving to improve the value Olanitori, Hampton Roads; Beverly Ross, Central for members and after 25 years of annual trips Virginia; Linda Dedo, Piedmont Area; Sallie to the State Capitol on “Legislative Day,” Susan Bradford, Northern Virginia; Don Tyson, Augusta helped to change the structure. Susan led the way Advocacy Chapter; Marcia Perkins, Northern to revitalize the Virginia Nurses Foundation annual Shenandoah Valley; Jan Haas, Advocates for gala, which has been a successful event over the past Nursing. 4 years. Susan spearheaded the “friend of nursing” Check our website, as award along with the brilliance of recognizing forty new chapters are continually being organized . emerging leaders under the age of forty at the 2011 gala. VNA Staff VNA has undergone a tremendous change from Kathryn Mahone, Interim CEO a House of Delegates structure to one member one Celine Barefoot, vote. This change helps the organization to be more nimble and meet the needs of the members. Susan VNT Staff Kathryn Mahone, Managing Editor often voiced the concern that many members felt they had no voice and a “secret group” made all policies! Virginia Nurses Today is published quarterly Well that is not possible now, everyone has a voice every February, May, August and November by the and everyone can participate. Susan has facilitated Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc. the transition from districts to chapter structure. Copyright © 2012, ISSN #1084-4740 A legacy that will follow Susan will be the Subscriber rates are available, 804-282-1808. creation of the Virginia Action Coalition. There is For advertising rates and information, please contact nothing more important to nurses at this time than Arthur L. Davis Publishing Agency, Inc., 517 Washington implementing the recommendations of the Institute Street, PO Box 216, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613. (800) 626- of Medicine, Future of Nursing: Leading Change, 4081, [email protected]. VNA and the Arthur L. Davis Advancing Health. Susan helped create a structure Publishing Agency, Inc. reserve the right to reject any and support to establish the five workgroups and advertisement. Responsibility for errors in advertising is limited to corrections in the next issue or refund of price make our work visible. of advertisement. Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement or approval by the Virginia Nurses Association of the products advertised, the advertisers or the claims made. Rejection of an advertisement does not imply that a product offered for advertising is without merit, or that the manufacturer lacks integrity, or that this association disapproves of the Enroll in the Graduate Nursing Program at product or its use. VNA and the Arthur L. Davis Publishing participating universities and become a midwife Agency, Inc. shall not be held liable for any consequences through Shenandoah University’s accredited resulting from purchase or use of advertisers’ products. Articles appearing in this publication express the opinions Nurse-Midwifery Program of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect views of the staff, board, or membership of VNA, or those of the national Radford University or local associations. Old Dominion University James Madison University Shenandoah University Published by: 540-678-4382 Arthur L. Davis The Endorsement in Nurse-Midwifery is provided through Shenandoah University’s Nurse-Midwifery program which is accredited by ACME ( Publishing Agency, Inc. Virginia Nurses Today February, March, April 2012 Page 3

It is a very interesting time to be involved politically Party Leadership in the House and Senate: Sens. Jill Vogel, Jeff McWaters and Bill Stanley in Virginia. Below I will cover three areas that we have Shortly after the elections republicans and democrats Majority Whips. tracked closely and will continue to monitor. finalized their leadership positions. It is important to note that there is a question regarding whether the Lt. Senate democratic leadership: Elections: Governor has the constitutional authority to vote on Sen. Dick Saslaw elected as Majority Leader On November 8th votes were cast for all 140 seats of organizational issues in the Senate. Normally the Lt. Sen. Donald McEachin elected as new Caucus Chair. the Virginia General Assembly. With democrats facing Governor votes in the case of a tie. Since republicans Sen. Linda “Toddy” Puller elected as Caucus Vice an unfavorable national atmosphere, republicans had and democrats both have 20 seats the issue of who Chair hopes of a big night. Those hopes were fulfilled but not controls the senate if the Lt.Governor is not able to vote Sen. Henry L. Marsh III elected as Treasurer in the way that republicans might prefer. is very much in question. The republicans obviously Sen. Yvonne B. Miller elected as Secretary Republicans picked up 6 seats in the already think that he can vote as they have organized as an out Sens. John Edwards and Janet Howell elected as republican majority House of Delegates. This gives right majority. The Senate democrats appear to disagree Majority Whips. republicans a 2/3 or “veto proof” majority of 67 seats. as they have also organized as a majority. It is likely These are the most seats held by the republicans in the Senate democrats will challenge an attempt by the Budget: history. The real effect of these gains is that democrats republicans to organize as a majority in court. This The Governor released his budget on December 19th. will lose seats on committees. With the defeat of House could lead to the Senate having to suspend its business This is Governor McDonnell’s only budget that he both Minority Leader Ward Armstrong, the democrats will until the issue is settled. crafts and sees through the General Assembly. There also need to regroup and choose new leadership. was a wide spread belief that the health care portion While republican gains in the House of Delegates House of Delegates majority (republican) leadership: of the budget would be very tight requiring some were expected, control of the Senate was the real prize. Delegate Bill Howell re-elected as Speaker of the tough cuts. These fears proved groundless as cuts to From the beginning republicans had aggressively House. health care were minimal. Providers received no cuts. fought toward this goal. Republicans challenged almost Delegate Kirk Cox re-elected as Majority leader. Hospitals were denied their inflationary increases and every democratic incumbent and spent significantly Delegate Tim Hugo re-elected as Caucus Chair. the two teaching hospitals (VCU and UVA) were cut by more money on these races. With Senator Roscoe Delegate Jackson Miller elected as new Majority 14.9 million per fiscal year. It remains to be seen if this Reynolds (D) being defeated and all of the democratic Whip. relatively pain free health care portion of the budget will incumbents ahead the night looked to be over with the make it through the House and the Senate unchanged. end result being a 19-21 split in favor of the democrats. House of Delegates minority (democratic) As bills continue to be introduced we will keep you However, the Houck (D)/Reeves (R) race was still leadership: up to date on issues affecting the profession. With ongoing with Houck ahead by about 136 votes. With Delegate David Toscano elected as new Minority control of the Senate still in doubt this session of the 96% of precincts in the race was being called for Houck. Leader. General Assembly should be very interesting. ◆ However, in Spotsylvania precinct 303 an upload error Delegate Mark Sickles elected as new Caucus Chair. had caused only 8 votes to be registered. When this Delegate Charniele Herring elected as Minority Whip. ______was corrected Reeves led with 186 votes. The Houck James A Pickral Jr. campaign declined a recount. With Houck’s loss we Senate republican leadership: Principal were left with a 20-20 tie in the Senate. This effectively Sen. Tommy Norment elected as new Majority Pickral Consulting, LLC gives the republicans a 21 to 20 vote majority as the Lt. Leader. 2530 Professional Road, Suite 210 Governor (Bill Bolling(R)) votes in the case of a tie. The Sen. Ryan McDougle elected caucus chair and Sen. Richmond, VA 23235 real question now is how will Senate leadership and Steve Newman (R) elected vice chair. Phone: 804.239.3579 committee chairs be determined. [email protected]

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The Nurse Leadership Institute of Virginia (NLI), a as a nurse, a leader and a person. I am excited about statewide program of the Richmond Memorial Health being a Nurse Leader because now I feel like I have a Foundation, is a nine-month leadership development path to follow and guidance along the way. Thank you.” opportunity for nurse leaders working in all sectors of The NLI curriculum focuses on communication healthcare across the Commonwealth. The Institute skills, leading through change, managing resources and helps Virginia’s Registered Nurses (RNs) who serve as, evidence-based practice, and complements employers’ or have been identified as having the potential to be, a leadership development pro­grams. The Institute uses a nurse manager or a member of the management team blended learning model—six (6) Retreats in Richmond, strengthen leadership competencies. a structured Preceptorship, a Change Project and In a time of great change and with an increasingly access to an extranet that supports distance learning complex healthcare environment, enhancing leadership activities. Fellows may earn three (3) academic credits knowledge and skills, improving communications and for successful participation in the NLI through a enabling leaders to solve shared problems and facilitate partnership with the VCU School of Nursing or almost change is critical for nurse leaders. With stronger 100 continuing education contact hours. leadership skills, nurses lead staff more effectively, NLI staff, Denise Daly increasing the likelihood that both the nurse leader and Konrad, MS and Amy B. his or her staff remain in their jobs, thereby positively Gillespie, RN, MSN, EdD, impacting patient care outcomes and nurse retention. work closely with Virginia’s In addition to providing individual leadership nurse executives to ensure training, the NLI is helping grow the social capital of that the curriculum is Virginia’s nurse leaders, forming a network creating relevant and prepares change, innovation and excellence and greater nursing nurses to serve effectively leadership capacity in the Commonwealth. NLI Fellows as leaders in a variety and Alumni number nearly 150 nurses. Being a part of of practice settings. such a peer network, Fellows and employers indicate, Established and well- helps participants recognize that they are encountering respected nurse leaders, as similar issues in their respective work places and well as experts in leadership provides them the opportunity to learn from NLI faculty and communication, serve and from each other to creatively and effectively address as Faculty. those challenges. Virginia’s nurse executives and NLI Fellows report To learn more about that the Institute provides participants tools to the NLI or to receive an strengthen leadership skills, focusing on retaining announcement when nurses and improving patient outcomes. One Chief applications are available, Nurse Executive shared “The NLI has been a great please go to www VirginiaNLI. . tool for nurse leaders within our organization. I have org or contact Denise Daly observed an increase in the nurses’ confidence and the Konrad: 804 282. 6282. or ability to be more ‘big-picture-thinking’ with a renewed DKonrad@VirginiaNLI org. . motivation to ‘engage’ in the strategic initiatives of our For more information about organization.” A Fellow in the Class of 2012 reported, the Richmond Memorial “This class was amazing. Time flew by. I was completely Health Foundation, visit Pictured from left to right: Haley Roberts, Carol-Jo Osinski, Melissa absorbed in what was being taught because it was so www .rmhfoundation .org . ◆ Grootendorst, Bonnie Bellows and Kelly Atkinson relevant to my work life. I learned so much about myself

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Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital and Carilion Roanoke Community Hospital were awarded Magnet Recognition by the ANCC. For more information about a nursing education program, call or visit: 1-800-483-3625 Virginia Nurses Today February, March, April 2012 Page 5

VNA Chapter Central Virginia Chapter Development (Formerly District 5) If you are interested in creating a Chapter, please Scholarship Information follow the steps below. The Virginia Nurses Association, Central Virginia • Demonstration of leadership potential for 1. Obtain a copy of the VNA bylaws by going to: Chapter, Nursing Student Scholarship is awarded nursing. annually to selected nursing students attending an • Completion of a typed/word processed essay accredited school of nursing within central Virginia consisting of 500 words stating why the 2. Review current VNA Chapters listed on www. or who are residents of Central Virginia, but attend candidate wants to become a nurse or what schools of nursing outside of the area. a professional nursing organization means to The schools should be accredited by NLNAC or you. Candidates are expected to expound upon 3. Identify the purpose of the Chapter in CCNE. any involvement in professional organizations development. (Chapters can be created around These students should be enrolled in a diploma, and community service organizations on the special interests, geography, hospital systems, associate degree, or baccalaureate degree application as well as current work/activities academic settings, practice areas, etc. VNA program. The scholarship is awarded to those in nursing. Chapters created around special interests students who exhibit high academic achievement, and specialty practice areas do not replace a commitment to nursing, and strong clinical and All materials must be mailed as one packet by the value of belonging to your specialty leadership abilities. the applicant. Incomplete packets will be considered organizations.) Four scholarships will be awarded at $500.00 per NAineligible. award 4. Develop a roster of a minimum of 10 current Application Deadline: April 16, 2012 (postmarked VNA members, who would like to be a Criteria: by this date) member of the developing chapter. If there • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale are Registered Nurses interested in joining • Submission of the typed/word processed Send to: Dr. Kristin Windon, EdD, RN, the chapter, who are not VNA members, they scholarship application, nursing school/ GCNS-BC, CNE can join by going to: college official, sealed transcripts, and Chairperson, Scholarship Committee Membership verification can be completed by recommendations (2). Central Virginia Chapter contacting the VNA Headquarters at 1-804- • Student must have received 6 or more graded 696 Fowlkes Road, Victoria, VA 23974 282-1808. credits in nursing courses to be considered. • Evidence of clinical excellence supported by Forms and information also available at the 5. Select a Chapter Chair who will serve as the recommendations (2) from clinical instructors VA website: ◆ contact person to VNA Headquarters. or current nurse managers.

6. Create a Chapter Name that identifies the purpose of your Chapter. REGISTERED forward step, improvement, progress 7. Submit a VNA Chapter Development NURSES Application to VNA Headquarters. SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA MENTAL HEALTH INSTITUTE Culpeper Regional Hospital has in Marion, VA has immediate openings for Registered Nurses, Upcoming opportunities for experienced nurses 8. The Chapter Development Committee Grads and Experienced RNs. Our current openings are on 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts. will review all VNA Chapter Development who want to take that forward step. We We provide: are currently accepting applications to Applications and submit to the VNA Board ♦ An Excellent Shift Differential and Weekend Differential to approve or decline the application. The ♦ 6-Week Orientation & Psych Preceptorship join our Family Birth Center and Surgical Membership Development Committee will ♦ Friendly Work Environment where your Professionalism is Valued & Rewarded Services teams. Please visit our job notify Chapter applicants of the VNA Board’s ♦ Excellent Commonwealth of Virginia Benefit Package center at for decision. 156-bed state-of-the art Mental Health facility. Health, Healing & Hope details and to apply online. is more than a motto, we make a valuable difference in the lives of our 9. After a Chapter has been approved, it is patients on the Adult-Acute & Long-Term Care and Geriatric Units. eligible to apply for funding from the Chapter To access the State Application visit our website www.swvmhi.dbhds. Growth and Development Fund by submitting or visit our Recruitment Management System (RMS) website a Chapter Growth and Development Grant at Application. ◆ Human Resources Office, SWVMHI, 340 Bagley Circle, Marion, VA 24354. P.O. Box 592, Culpeper, VA 22701 (Phone #276-783-1204 & Fax #276-783-0844) EOE 540-829-4304 Page 6 February, March, April 2012 Virginia Nurses Today

Mental Health Nursing, Does Evidence Complement Outcomes?

The otherworldly experience that is mental illness Those who have worked in the field for many years psychotherapies had positive outcomes, with no causes human suffering unlike any other disease. All understand that everything works with some patients statistical differences in effectiveness between CBT and humans suffer. How suffering manifests in behavior and nothing works with others. Specific therapeutic interpersonal therapies (Elkin et al, 1989). is as varied as are the models used to explain the techniques, according to Lambert (1992) can explain Similarly an investigator’s allegiance to treatments experience. Whether curling in a corner or silently approximately 12% to 15% of the variance across under comparison has been stated as strongly going about a lifeless routine, psychiatric nurses therapies. Whether a patient can make connections predictive of outcome, explaining 69% of the variance have preserved life and helped adult patients regain a from troubled past relationships to current unhappiness of comparative studies (Luborsky et al, 1999). All sense of self for decades. As nursing moves to explain or name the self-defeating behaviors that worsen work psychiatric nursing care, including complementary all care based on evidence, there is a need to remind related anxiety disorders, the type of therapy offered care, is likely routed in evidence. practitioners who embrace use of self and other does not necessarily account for what creates a sense of With the advent of new techniques for measuring complementary practices that much of what helps hope, dignity, or safety for that patient. changes in blood flow within the brain, new mental health patients may not require measurement. Complementary nursing practices are based on opportunities have arisen to test therapeutic outcomes Mental health care is delivered in traditional and a philosophy that recognizes the individual as an in patients exposed to many different therapies. To non-traditional settings from teams in mobile vans integrated whole interacting with and being acted date, a number of promising findings exist and may providing medications to advance practice nurses upon internal and external environments. Practices drive care to new levels of precision. managing complex treatment of clients in locked wards. of self-care, intentionality, presence, mindfulness, Mental health nurses do not need to feel intimidated Care is needed regardless of time, place, or finances, and therapeutic use of self are clearly healing and or insecure if they have not received specialist training and nurses often are the providers, coordinators, and patterning of wellness in others. in CBT or DBT for instance. There is plenty of research therapists delivering care. The author understands that warmth, the instillation evidence that clearly indicates the therapeutic value of The bio-psychosocial model has been practiced by of hope and of feeling supported, the accurate use of a variety of models. Any form of counseling that leads to nursing for years as a more inclusive alternative to a medications, as well as the ‘ritual’ associated with the the development of a therapeutic relationship between reductionist medical model. The model was introduced provision of therapy can account for much of what helps nurse and patient attends to the potential improvement to psychiatry by George Engel (1978) as a way to help psychiatric patients. The non-specific factors that are of psychiatric patients. This is dependent on the nurse physicians organize care in a more logical way. so impactful for psychiatric nurses to understand have having sufficient clinical skills, however. Evidence-based psychiatric nursing has grown from been described in literature. As financial and psychosocial support for the a need to make nursing theory actionable. Talking to Lambert and Bergin (1994) suggest that non- mentally ill continue to be challenging, understanding people as people, however, maybe overlooked when there specific factors are mediators of outcome and ‘should the broader opportunities that exist within mental is an underlying sense of uncertainty about what best not be viewed as theoretically inert or trivial.’ The health nursing to use complementary care to support practice might be effective given a psychiatric patient’s therapeutic alliance with the patient is well understood the therapeutic relationship with patients may prove to multiple needs. and, according to Roth and Parry (1997) is predictive be useful, and, evidence-based. ◆ Although struggling with uncertainty when of the outcome of interventions aimed at helping adult facing a challenging adult patient, research has psychiatric patients. References shown that models of psychotherapy achieve broadly A large US study conducted in the late 1980’s (Elkin Elkin et al, 1989 Engel, G., 1978 similar outcomes, despite varying in their theoretical et al, 1989) compared CBT, interpersonal therapy, Lambert, orientations. The ‘equivalent outcomes paradox’ (Stiles imipramine plus clinical management, and, a placebo Luborsky et al, 1999 et al, 1986), asserts that diverse care models can plus clinical management. Although imipramine Roth and Parry (1997) achieve results, regardless of diagnosis. was found to be the most effective treatment, Stiles et al, 1986


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ANA and NCSBN Unite to Provide Education Progression: What Does It Mean Guidelines on Social Media and for Nurses in the Networking for Nurses Commonwealth?

The American Nurses Association (ANA) and the NEA-BC, ANA board member and administrator for Linda Dedo, RN, MSN, MHA National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN®) Nursing and Patient Care Services at St. Luke’s Health Commissioner on Nursing Education have mutually endorsed each organization’s guidelines System in Boise, Idaho. for upholding professional boundaries in a social “Social Media can be a powerful tool, one with The Future of Nursing report has elevated networking environment. the potential to enhance or undermine not only awareness of the need for continued education in The use of social media and other electronic the individual nurse’s career, but also the nursing nursing. Lifelong learning is essential in a profession communication is expanding exponentially; the profession,” said ANA President Karen A. Daley, PhD, driven by patient acuity and advancing technology. latest statistics indicate that there are 150 million MPH, RN, FAAN. “ANA hopes these principles provide Today’s nurses are required to work harder and U.S. Facebook accounts and Twitter processes more a framework for all nurses to maintain professional smarter than ever. Nursing leaders must be ready to than 250 million tweets worldwide on a daily basis. standards in a world where communication is ever help prepare the workforce for these challenges. Social networking can be a positive tool that fosters changing.” The Education Progression workgroup of the professional connections, enriches a nurse’s knowledge ANA’s e-publication, “ANA’s Principles for Social Virginia Action Coalition is working to analyze base, and promotes timely communication with Networking and the Nurse,” provides guidance to the current state of the RN workforce in the patients and family members. ANA and NCSBN caution registered nurses on using social networking media Commonwealth. One goal of the Future of Nursing nurses that they need to be aware of the potential in a way that protects patients’ privacy, confidentiality work is to promote continued education for RNs so consequences of disclosing patient-related information and inherent dignity. This publication is available as that, by 2020, 80% of the workforce is baccalaureate via social media and mindful of employer policies, a downloadable, searchable PDF, which is compatible prepared. Our workgroup is collaborating with relevant state and federal laws, and professional with most e-readers. It is free to ANA members on nurses, employers, nursing faculty, and nursing standards regarding patient privacy and confidentiality. the Members-Only Section of www.nursingworld. students to investigate creative strategies for “Nurses must recognize that it is paramount that org; non-members may order the publication at affordable and accessible education opportunities. they maintain patient privacy and confidentiality at all ANA also provides additional Associate degree programs provide an important times, regardless of the mechanism that is being used resources at its Social Networking Principles Toolkit vehicle for entry into practice and the committee to transmit the message, be it social networking or a page. is working to identify ways for graduates of these simple conversation. As licensed professionals they are NCSBN’s white paper “A Nurse’s Guide to the Use programs to accomplish seamless progression to legally bound to maintain the appropriate boundaries of Social Media” can be downloaded free of charge at baccalaureate preparation. and treat patients with dignity and respect,” comments NCSBN is Members of the committee are available to speak NCSBN Board of Directors President Myra A. Broadway, also developing electronic and hard copy versions of a to groups about this initiative. We would appreciate JD, MS, RN, executive director, Maine State Board of brochure for nurses and nursing students that details the opportunity to share the details of our work and Nursing. professional standards regarding patient privacy and to solicit feedback. ANA conducted a social media webinar, “Nursing confidentiality in social networking. A YouTube video For more information on Education Progression, Guidelines for Using Social Media,” in October that on social media is also being produced. Both products email Linda Dedo at [email protected]. featured Nancy Spector, PhD, RN, director, Regulatory are now available and are accessible via edu . ◆ Innovations, NCSBN and Jennifer Mensik, PhD, RN, free of charge. ◆

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Nurses’ Involvement Staying Up-to-date on Changing on Boards Survey Requirements

The Virginia Action Coalition’s Leadership Michele Satterlund Professional Organizations Workgroup (VACLW) is aggressively working to A professional association, an organization identify nurses who are serving on local, statewide As one of the most trusted professional groups, formed to unite and inform people who work in and national Boards and/or have the desire to nurses practice with a significant level of trust and the same occupation, provides members with serve on a Board. The Workgroup would appreciate respect. As such, nurses must take responsibility many advantages. While the benefits of joining your participation in a short survey regarding your for knowing and following the legal requirements a professional organization include networking current and potential future involvement on Boards governing licensure and practice in Virginia. opportunities, peer recognition, certification and/or organization’s Board of Directors. It will take Nurses who vigilantly review laws that impact support and career assistance, the professional about 5 minutes to complete the survey. A response nursing practice, including nursing standards organization also serves as a resource for keeping by February 28, 2012 would be appreciated. specific to the nurse’s area of expertise, will develop nurses up-to-date on changes to current practice The survey can be found at https://www. an increased level of confidence in their practices standards. Numerous state and national professional and will reduce the risk of patient harm. associations represent not only nursing as a whole, A Board, as the Workgroup defines it, may range Finding time to locate and research the latest but the different specialty groups as well. from the Board of Directors of a local free clinic or practice requirements can be time consuming and Many professional associations notify nurses when chapter of your professional association, to a county difficult. However, there are resources available that changes are made to federal or state regulations, as health commission, to a statewide Board like the nurses can employ to help them stay current on the well as offering continuing education opportunities Board of Nursing or the VNA and beyond. The Board/ ever-changing practice environment. to help the practicing professional better understand organization does not need to be health-related. the evolving laws and guidelines. These educational We will use the information gathered to help us The Virginia Board of Nursing opportunities could include webinars, seminars, understand how: The Virginia Board of Nursing is an excellent classes or online interactive educational tools. • Virginia nurses are involved as leaders in their resource for staying current on nursing Additionally, many professional associations have community today requirements. The Board regulates the practice of committees tasked with overseeing state regulatory • Virginia nurses might like to serve as leaders nursing as defined by Virginia’s laws and enforces and legal systems. These committees are often some through Board membership the Nursing Practice Act, as well as other laws of the first professionals to know about impending • To best support Virginia nurses interested in related to nursing education, licensure, practice and changes, and nursing professionals may wish to Board leadership at various levels discipline. consider joining a professional association committee • To help Virginia nurses become more engaged The Board website makes available (at no charge) as an extra step to a well-informed practice. in decision-making related to health reform the laws and regulations that govern nursing practice, including guidance documents, publications Professional Journals and Magazines The Workgroup’s efforts and this survey relate that define standards or expectations which are Numerous nursing publications cover a broad directly to the Institute of Medicine/Robert Wood part of a rule or requirement. To date, there are 59 spectrum of issues affecting nursing practice. While Johnson (RWJ) Foundation’s report The Future of documents posted on the Board’s website, a number some publications contain content that is more Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health and of which are specific to nursing. generic, others are geared toward specific areas the RWJ Foundation’s “Nursing Leadership – From In addition to the legal requirements governing of practice. These types of publications can ensure Bedside to Boardroom” initiative, which recognizes nursing practice, the Board also posts a list of that nursing professionals stay current, not only that nurses need to be more involved in healthcare frequently asked questions to help nurses navigate on changing practice requirement, but on the latest decision-making at the community level and beyond the various aspects of licensure. The questions medical breakthroughs, trends, and technology. as healthcare changes with the passage and include topics covering the NCLEX, licensure These types of publications provide the perfect implementation of health reform. renewal, and issues related to licensing procedures. forum for introducing new information regarding It is critical that nurses, as key members of the Of course, the Board is also available Monday practice or research, thus serving as a critical healthcare team, make their voices heard and have a through Friday during standard business hours asset in assisting nursing professionals in knowing greater influence in healthcare planning, policy and to assist nurses who may wish to ask questions by and understanding what new developments are management at all levels. Board involvement is one phone or email. happening in the practice of nursing. ◆ way to increase nursing’s influence in healthcare The Board homepage regularly posts and the broader community. ◆ announcements regarding practice or licensing Michele Satterlund is an employment and health changes and provides helpful links to other care attorney with Macaulay & Burtch, P C. . in Please take time to complete our survey! licensure-related websites. Nurses who regularly and Richmond, Virginia . She can be reached by telephone Thank you in advance for your participation consistently review the Board of Nursing website will at 804-649-8847 or by email at msatterlund@macbur . be aware of, and better understand, any pending or com . recent practice changes.

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WE UNDERSTAND THE LEVEL OF HEALTHCARE WE PROVIDE It’s time for that next step… OUR COMMUNITIES WILL ONLY BE AS GOOD AS • Attend one night a week on campus THE QUALITY PEOPLE WE EMPLOY • Accelerated – complete your nursing major in about 17 months Every talented Nurse we add to our team raises the bar for the unsurpassed level of healthcare we provide. RN to BS Inova Health System is the leading health system in Northern Virginia with all of our hospitals having • Accredited academic excellence been ranked among the Washington DC region’s best hospitals by U.S. News & World Report. We are • No direct patient care clinical requirements program proud of the many national recognitions our hospitals have received, including Magnet designations and • Now transferring 45 credits for RN diploma multiple Beacon awards. • Study in a small group with other Join our exceptional team! We are seeking experienced nurses in the following areas: practicing RNs Case Management Home Health Ortho-Neuro Critical Care Med-Surg Pediatric Emergency Operating Room Women's Health Adult Degree Completion Program Join our community of Nurses. Visit 1-888-EMU-ADCP • [email protected] Inova Health System is an Equal opportunity Employer M/F/D/V. Harrisonburg, Va. • Virginia Nurses Today February, March, April 2012 Page 9

Nurse Practitioners Introduce Bill to Increase Access to Health Care by Cynthia Fagan, RN, MSN, FNP-BC In addition, paperwork requirements have been hospitals or healthcare systems to be satisfied by streamlined to include consolidation of the current credentialing documents A consensus bill, which requirements for both a practice protocol and practice • Provides flexibility in requirement for periodic serves to increase access to agreement into a single practice agreement document review of patient chart or electronic records and health care for citizens of the that will be maintained by the NP and provided to visits to the health care delivery site the Boards of Nursing and Medicine as requested. Commonwealth and minimize • Increases NP:MD ratios from 4:1 to 6:1 when Practice agreements are setting specific and afford oversight obstacles for nurse prescribing practitioner (NP) care has flexibility in chart reviews and/or site visits in the • Allows for collaboration and consultation been introduced in the 2012 frequency necessary to maintain quality care. Current through telemedicine General Assembly by the NP:MD ratios have been increased from 4:1 to 6:1 for Virginia Council of Nurse prescribing and will furthermore facilitate increased • Eliminates requirement for regular practice or Practitioners (VCNP). Delegate assess to care especially when NPs volunteer in free site visits when NPs prescribe John O’Bannon, M.D. is patron clinics and other volunteer settings as well all practice of House Bill 346 Practice of settings including primary care. Additionally, the bill While the consensus bill falls short of the key nurse practitioners, patient Cynthia Fagan specifies for use of telemedicine technology for NP care message that nurses should practice to the full extent care teams. The bill is a result in collaboration and consultation with a patient-care of their education and training included in the Institute of months of dialogue between the leadership of VCNP team physician and specialists that will expand the of Medicine’s landmark report on the Future of Nursing: and the Medical Society of Virginia (MSV) in response geographic reach of health care services to underserved Leading Change and Advancing Health, we recognize to recommendations emerging out of the Virginia areas of the state. The team-based model of care and that southern states have some of the most Health Reform Initiative (VHRI) Capacity Taskforce to reduced regulatory burdens are expected to afford more restrictive practice laws for advanced address systemic challenges of access to health care flexibility and innovation in care delivery in all practice practice nurses and believe that it including current and projected shortages of primary settings. is an acceptable incremental step care physicians and the geographic maldistribution of toward the goal. VCNP is committed health care providers throughout the state. Salient Features of House Bill 346 to continued dialogue with the The bill is expected to increase access to health • Removes physician supervision and direction MSV and will continue collaborative care delivered by NPs by extending the geographic • Permits NPs to practice in collaboration and efforts to remove NP practice barriers reach to rural and underserved areas in the state consultation with a patient care team physician in the future to further improve access through a team-based care model, which eliminates as part of a patient care team to quality health care. the requirement for physician supervision and direction Visit our website at for additional • Streamlines paperwork requirements and and provides for collaboration and consultation with information about the bill and how you can help filing processes to a single electronic or written a patient care team physician. Obstacles to NP care support its passage. ◆ practice agreement maintained by the NP and delivery including the requirement for physicians to provided to the Boards upon request regularly practice in the setting where NPs prescribe Nurse Practitioners: Partners for a or to conduct regular site visits have been eliminated. • Allows practice agreements for NPs working in Healthier Tomorrow

Explore... Educate... Engage... Open Faculty/ Administrator Positions

Description: Faculty needed in all areas of the undergraduate baccalaureate program, especially in Adult Health, Mental Health, Maternal/Child Health, and Community Health, as well as for grant positions: (1) a 9-month position for HU-CARES, which requires teaching retention courses and assisting with activities assigned by the project director, and (2) a 12-month position as a Nurse Recruiter/Counselor for HU- STARS that requires identifying, recruiting, and selecting students from disadvantaged backgrounds as project participants. A Master’s Nurse Educator is needed to prepare students to become Certified Nurse Educators. Administrator positions are also available: (1) a 9-month position as Chair of the Department of Graduate Nursing Education and (2) a 12-month position as Assistant Dean for Research. Founded in 1868, Hampton University is a leading historically Black university located on the Virginia Peninsula in Hampton, Virginia. The undergraduate baccalaureate program has a traditional four-year program on the Hampton Institute campus and a three-year accelerated program at the College of Virginia Beach campus in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The graduate program incorporates both master’s and doctoral programs. Duties and Responsibilities: Tasks include teaching, conducting research, and engaging in community service. Additionally, faculty must advise and register assigned students; participate in recruitment and retention activities; keep accurate academic/student records; prepare and/or maintain current course syllabi and outlines; develop course expectations; and sustain expertise in specialty areas in teaching, clinical practice, and professional development. Requirements and Qualifications: Faculty in the undergraduate baccalaureate program must hold a master’s degree in nursing (earned doctorate preferred), a minimum of three (3) years of recent nursing practice, and two (2) years of clinical experience in specialty areas. Teaching experience is highly preferred. The Master’s Nurse Educator must have an earned doctorate, a minimum of 10 years teaching experience at the master’s level or higher, and hold at least the rank of Associate Professor. Administrators must possess an earned doctorate and a master’s in nursing. A review of applications will begin immediately and continue until all available positions are filled. The compensation package will be commensurate with experience. Interested candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, contact information, and names of three professional references (please include their postal and e-mail addresses and telephone numbers) to Dr. Deborah E. Jones, PhD, RN, Dean, at deborah. [email protected]. If you wish to mail your materials, send them to the following address: Deborah E. Jones, PhD, RN, Dean, School of Nursing 100 E. Queen Street, Hampton University, Hampton, VA 23668 http://nursing/ Page 10 February, March, April 2012 Virginia Nurses Today

Advanced Practice Registered Nurses “Myth Busters” Stephen Blanchard, CRNA; Karen Winsted, CNM; Care that physician anesthetists do. Standard of Myth #1: CNMs work only in homes. Donna Bond, CNS; Mark Coles, NP, Care is measured by what a “reasonable and prudent Truth: CNMs attend births in hospitals, homes, Cindy Fagan, NP practitioner would do under similar circumstances.” and birth centers. At the national level, about 90% The primary goal in anesthesia is to provide the of births attended by CNMs occur in hospitals. In Advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) highest level of care that would ensure that each Virginia, CNMs must attend births in hospitals are nurses with advanced didactic and clinical and every patient experiences the best possible because of supervisory/collaborative agreements education, knowledge, skills, and scope of practice outcome for a given set of circumstances regardless that forbid out-of-hospital birth attendance. This in nursing. APRNs are educated at a minimum of whether the anesthetic is delivered by a physician prevents CNMs from providing services where of a master’s degree though many hold doctorate or by a CRNA. there is no hospital or a physician willing to sign degrees in their specific specialty. APRN education an out-of-hospital collaborative agreement. These forms the basis of four recognized general areas of Myth #2: CRNAs must work under the supervision unfortunately are often the areas that could most specialization which includes the roles of certified of an anesthesiologist. use the services of a CNM. registered nurse anesthetists (CRNA), certified nurse- Truth: CRNAs are legally able to work midwives (CNM), clinical nurse specialists (CNS) and independently and without the supervision of Myth #2: It is illegal for CNMs to attend births nurse practitioners (NP). Nationally, there is a lack a physician anesthesiologist in all 50 states outside the hospital. of uniformity in recognition of APRN terminology, throughout the US. In Virginia, CRNAs are required Truth: There is no Virginia law requiring women titling and regulations which results in barriers to to be supervised by a physician, however the to birth in a hospital or preventing CNMs from practice and decreases access to care as APRNs move supervising physician is not required to possess any providing birth services outside the hospital. Women from one state to another. There has been movement knowledge or skills specific to anesthesia delivery. can give birth anywhere they choose. by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Currently, many offices, outpatient facilities, and toward standardization of titling and uniform use of rural hospitals in Virginia rely on CRNAs as the sole Myth #3: CNMs need to be supervised by a terminology with adoption of the APRN Consensus provider of anesthesia for their patients. physician. Model. The uniform adoption of the APRN Consensus Truth: CNMs are educated to be independent Model would ensure that education, accreditation, Myth #3: Anesthesiologists provide safer providers who collaborate with physicians and certification and licensure of APRNs is consistent anesthesia care than CRNAs. other members of the health care team as clients from state to state and assure patient safety while Truth: Several studies over the past 20 years have need. Many states do not require a written expanding access to care. have demonstrated that anesthesia care delivered by collaborative agreement with a specific physician in In Virginia, the APRN Consensus Model is a nurse anesthetist is just as safe as when delivered order for CNMs to practice. The safety of midwifery not recognized in statute or regulation. CRNAs, by a physician anesthesiologists. In August 2010, care has been well documented. CNMs work CNMs and NPs are recognized in the statues as a Health Affairs, a preeminent journal in healthcare, interdependently with other healthcare providers category of nurse practitioners. The CNS’s practice published the most recent study comparing the within the system of healthcare in their location. is recognized within the scope of a registered nurse safety of anesthesia when delivered by either a and does not allow for diagnosing except for nursing nurse anesthetist or physician anesthesiologist. For more information about CNMs, visit www. diagnosis. Lack of uniformity in APRN terminology, The study entitled, No Harm Found When Nurse titling and regulations leads to misunderstanding Anesthetists Work Without Supervision By Physiciansi, from both consumers as well as healthcare providers once again confirmed that there is no increase in Clinical Nurse Specialists alike. patient morbidity or mortality when anesthesia is The CNS role includes providing direct patient administered and managed by a CRNA. care, expert consultant for nursing staffs, researcher Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists and leader in improving health care delivery systems. It is commonly believed by many healthcare For more information about CRNAs, visit www. The analysis of statutes and regulations by Lyon professionals that CRNAs have only been a recent or and Minarikii revealed that there are 26 states that phenomenon of the past few decades. In fact, specifically authorize the CNS to practice as a CNS. nurse anesthetists have been providing anesthesia Certified Nurse Midwives Of those states, 15 provide the option for prescriptive for almost 150 years, well before physician CNMs provide primary health care to women authority. As noted in the introductory paragraph, anesthesiologists formed their specialty. Historical throughout the lifespan. They perform physical CNS’s in Virginia practice within the scope of a records show that nurse anesthetists provided exams, prescribe medications including contraceptive registered nurse and do not diagnose (except nursing anesthesia during the civil war. methods, order laboratory tests as needed, provide diagnosis) or have prescriptive authority. prenatal care, gynecological care, labor and birth Myth #1: The Standard of Care is different for care, as well as health education and counseling to Myth #1: The CNS is not an APRNs role. CRNAs and physician anesthesiologists. women of all ages. Truth: The CNS is one of four categories of Truth: CRNAs must meet the same Standard of APRN “Myth Busters” continued on page 11

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APRN “Myth Busters” continued from page 10 Myth #1: NPs need supervision to be safe efficacy of NP care. A major retrospective study of providers. APRN outcomes over several decades was recently advanced practice nurses recognized by the Truth: Virginia is one of just 12 states requiring published in the Journal of Nursing Economicsiii. They Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Consensus medical direction and supervision of NPs for either analyzed 69 studies published between 1990 and Model. The first CNS program began at Rutgers’s diagnosis and treatment or with prescriptive 2008. NP outcomes were similar or better than those University in 1954 and was the first APRN role to authority. The argument goes that maintenance of physician comparison groups in areas of glucose require graduate level education. In the USA, about of supervision ostensibly improves patient safety. control, lipid control, patient satisfaction, functional 72,521 RNs have the education and credentials to Yet there is no objective evidence whatsoever that status and mortality. The study reinforced that practice as a CNS and about 14,689 RNs can practice mandating this requirement for supervision in the APRNs provide effective, high quality patient care as both a nurse practitioner (NP) and a CNS. The statutes or regulations has any correlation with and play an important role in improving the quality CNS evolved from the expert bedside nurse. patient safety. This is regardless of which parameters of care in the . for determining patient safety are utilized. Myth #2: The CNS only practices in hospital For example, the National Practitioner Data Bank Myth #3: NPs malpractice insurance rates will settings. (NPDB) tracks the number of malpractice related skyrocket if medical supervision is removed. Truth: CNSs are expert clinicians that work in actions across all states for all Nurse Practitioners, Truth: National malpractice insurance carriers a wide variety of clinical practice areas. Generally, Doctors of Osteopathy (DO), or Medical Doctors such as Marsh or Nurses Service Organization the CNS practices in a specialized clinical area, for (MD). Across the board, NPs are involved in far make no such distinction in setting their rates. example: fewer actions. The overall NPDB occurrence ratio of The actuaries set rates according to the field of – Population (e.g. pediatrics, geriatrics, women’s total number of reports to total number of providers clinician practice, not the practice model. Thus, NPs health) is 1:160 for NPs and 1:4 for MDs and DOs. These in OB/GYN or critical care will typically pay higher – Setting (e.g. critical care, emergency room, patterns hold true for the other national data premiums than NPs in primary care. Furthermore, hospitals, outpatient offices or clinics) storehouse as well­—the Healthcare Integrity and contrary to popular myth, MDs will have less liability – Disease or Medical Subspecialty (e.g. Protection Data Bank. Furthermore, there is no exposure with removal of supervision requirements diabetes, oncology) change in these ratios whether the NPs are practicing with more “arms-length” distance established in a – Type of Care (e.g. psychiatric, rehabilitation, in states which require supervision or whether they collaborative or autonomous model. community health programs) may practice autonomously. NP education, training – Type of Problem (e.g. pain, wounds, stress) and abilities do not vary across state lines—what For more information about CNPs, visit www. does vary—and quite illogically so—are the statutory ◆ Myth #3: The CNS is primarily an educator role. restrictions on NP practice. Truth: Educator is just one of the role components References of the CNS. The other components include expert Myth #2: NPs provide lesser quality care than i Dulisse B, Cromwell J (2010). No Harm Found When practitioner, consultant, researcher and leader. The MDs. Nurse Anesthetists Work Without Supervision by CNS functions autonomously and in collaboration Physicians. Health Affairs, 2010(29):1469-1475. Truth: Data from numerous blue ribbon studies ii with other healthcare providers. In addition to Lyon BL, Minarik P. (2001). Statutory and regulatory and panels (including physician reviewers) have issues for clinical nurse specialist (CNS) practice: providing direct patient care, the CNS influences documented the high quality of NP care. This is true ensuring the public’s access to CNS services. Clinical care outcomes by providing expert consultation for of clinical outcomes and the same holds true for Nurse Specialist. 2001; 15( 3): 108-114. nursing staffs and by implementing improvements in patient satisfaction measures. iii Newhouse RP, Stanik-Hutt J, White KM, Johantgen M, health care delivery systems. Among its many recommendations, the prestigious Bass EB, Zangaro G, Wilson R, Fountain L, Steinwachs and influential IOM Report on The Future of Nursing: DM, Heindel L, Weiner JP (2011). Advanced practice For more information about CNSs, visit www. Leading Change, Advance Health recognized the nurse outcomes 1990-2008: A systematic review. Nursing Economics, 2011 September/October (Vol. 29, No. 5). Nurse Practitioner NURSING INSTRUCTOR – Full-Time The #1 Choice for Nursing Professionals! NPs have provided health-care services for Everest College–Tysons Corner Campus, a division of Corinthian Colleges, Inc., more than 40 years. The nurse practitioner role has an immediate opening for a dynamic and caring Nursing Instructor for our Immediate need for Critical Care, had its inception in the mid-1960s in response to new associate degree (RN) nursing program. Med/Surg, OR, and ER a nationwide shortage of physicians. NPs provide We are currently hiring one full-time Nursing Instructor for a classroom/ primary care and specialty care, and are qualified clinical/lab position. Qualified candidates for the position must hold a current, • Your choice of assignments • Expand your skills • Per-Diem to meet the majority of patients’ health care needs. unencumbered VA RN license or a multi-state licensure privilege to practice • 24-hour support team • Short and long term contracts available nursing in VA and 2 years of recent clinical nursing experience (within the They promote a comprehensive approach to health last 5 years). Preferred qualifications include: a Master of Science in Nursing • Flexible hours • and more! care and emphasize the overall health and wellness degree, strong medical-surgical nursing background, and teaching experience of their patients. The most recent Health Resources in nursing. To apply, call and Services Administration Sample Survey report We offer an exceptional starting salary and 804-716-9200 (2008) shows 158,348 Nurse Practitioners in the benefits! Please send a resume with a cover United States. letter to: [email protected]. EOE

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The VNA apologizes for an error in our last issue of the Virginia Nurses Today . We inadvertently American Nurses Advocacy Institute listed Carolyn Rutledge as the Dean of the School VNA members, Cynthia Fagan, RN, MSN, FNP- of Nursing at Old Dominion University. Actually BC and Thelma Roach-Serry, RN, BSN, NE-BC she is the Graduate Program Director of the participated in the third annual American Nurses School of Nursing at ODU. VNA regrets the error Advocacy Institute (ANAI) face-to-face session and apologizes for any confusion it might have held in Washington, DC, in October, 2011. Twenty- caused. ◆ two participants, representing twenty states were selected by their state nurses association (SNA) to participate in this prestigious year-long mentored program which is sponsored by the ANA. Cynthia New River Valley Chapter Fagan is President of the Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners and Thelma Roach-Serry is Vice- The initial meeting of this new chapter was President of the VNA. January 18th with 12 members present. A legislative According to Janet Haebler MSN, RN, ANA update as well as the workgroups for the IOM Future Associate Director, State Government Affairs, of Nursing were discussed. “the intent of the program is to groom a cadre of The chapter plans to meet bimonthly. Members nurses into political leaders, who will support who live in the New River Valley should watch for an advancement of the SNA’s and ANA’s legislative and email announcement of the March meeting date and regulatory agendas, while educating nurses about place. the policy-making process.” A broad array of topics Contact Ellen Linkenhoker, at ellen.linkenhoker@ were covered during the 2½-day program with or the VNA admin@ particular emphasis given to assessing the political for more information about his environment when seeking to make a sustained ◆ new chapter. policy change, messaging for specific audiences, and Left to right: Cynthia Fagan, RN, MSN, FNP-BC, working in coalitions. Unique to this program is the President of VCNP; Janet Haebler MSN, RN, ANA expectation that all participants work on a given Associate Director, State Government Affairs project or set of activities explicit to a set goal. and Thelma Roach-Serry, RN, BSN, NE-BC, During the face-to-face, Cynthia and Thelma Gateway to Health: Vice President of VNA at the American Nurses participated on an assigned team to perform group Advocacy Institute in Washington, DC. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Oral Health exercises and make pre-arranged visits to the Care in the Geriatric Population offices of Virginia (Rep Connolly D, 11th District), North Carolina (Sen. Hagan – D), New Jersey (Rep. (CNMs) and physician assistants (PAs) to order home June 1, 2012 LoBiando – R), and Maryland (Sen. Mikulski – D). health services and meet the face-to-face requirement Talking points were presented to legislative liaisons under Medicare. Chestefield, Virginia on the Home Health Planning and Improvement ANAI participants are assigned mentors and are bill which would allow advanced practice registered expected to participate in bi-monthly conference 8AM – 1:00 PM nurses (APRNs) – nurse practitioners (NPs), clinical calls to provide updates on their respective projects nurse specialist (CNSs), certified nurse midwives and/or proposed activities. ◆ The purpose of this course is to provide training for a wide range of health care professionals and direct care providers pertaining to oral health care in the geriatric population. VCU to Launch State’s First Nursing An interdisciplinary approach will be utilized to Ph.D. Hybrid Program in Fall 2012 1) Increase clinical knowledge related to maintenance of oral health for elders in by Nancy McCain, D.S.N., R.N., FAAN, Chair, “Throughout their studies, Ph.D. students will long term care settings Doctoral Program Committee, engage in experiences that foster their development 2) Increase awareness of the importance of VCU School of Nursing as nursing leaders, educators and nurse interdisciplinary oral care on the impact scientists,” Dr. Hamric said. “Role development of overall health status and quality of life The VCU School of Nursing will enhance its is focused on mentored and guided research and for elders. current Ph.D. program by incorporating a *hybrid scholarly experiences, as well as development of instructional format beginning Fall 2012. This will interdisciplinary biobehavioral research programs.” Contact: Patricia Brown Bonwell at be the first nursing Ph.D. hybrid program based Dr. Hamric also emphasized the experience [email protected], (804) 647-7730 in Virginia and will place VCU among only a few of our faculty, describing them as “distinguished universities in the Mid-Atlantic region that offer this experts engaged in teaching and research that are *Registration begins mid February at the Virginia degree option. transformative to the nursing profession and health Dental Association’s site Our program will include a combination of online care, in general.” courses and on-site courses to offer students a With the establishment of its NINR-funded P20 This is offered Free of Charge and dynamic, interactive learning experience that will Center for Biobehavioral Clinical Research (CBCR) in offers 4.5 CE credits prepare them to become nurse scientists. The hybrid 2004, the VCU School of Nursing placed itself among format will require periodic on-campus experiences a few elite institutions in the nation focusing on the This course is also available via webinar hosted on the and continuous enrollment in the Ph.D. program development of biobehavioral science for nursing. Virginia Dental Association’s web site until the dissertation is successfully completed. In 2009, NINR awarded our school a P30 grant, Ann Hamric, Ph.D., R.N., FAAN, Associate Dean of expanding the CBCR into the Center of Excellence for Academic Programs, said the format is designed to Biobehavioral Approaches to Symptom Management. expand the Ph.D. program’s reach to a wider range of Center researchers are making important discoveries highly motivated, independent students who aspire that advance nursing knowledge, particularly by to become scholars, make a significant difference enhancing symptom management and biobehavioral in the field of nursing, and study with nationally outcomes. Our faculty, post-doctoral fellows, and recognized nurse scientists who conduct cutting- doctoral students have a wide range of opportunities edge biobehavioral research. to interact with the Center by consulting with center scientists, utilizing center services or support staff, and participating in center symposia and other Nursing Faculty activities. Ranked in the top 10% of the nation’s graduate OPENINGS nursing programs by U.S. News and World Report, • Graduate FNP Faculty and the VCU School of Nursing offers unparalleled training opportunities for Ph.D. students due to the •Adjunct Faculty Positions experience of our highly trained faculty, state-of-the- Winchester & Leesburg Campuses art facilities, and collaboration with VCU Medical •Coordinator - Continuing Education Center, a level 1 trauma center with Magnet status. Faith Community Nursing - Winchester Campus CAMP NURSE To apply or learn more about the upcoming RNs needed for a NY Performing Arts Camp located in Hancock, hybrid Ph.D. program in nursing, contact Mrs. Shenandoah University supports and encourages diversity in the workplace. Susan Lipp, Assistant Dean, at 804-828-5171 or Minorities encouraged to apply. All positions require candidates to complete a 2½ hours from NYC. Available for 3, 6, or 9 weeks and include ◆ pre-employment criminal background check. EOE. room and board. Families are accommodated. [email protected] . Please send cover letter, resume and contact For info call (800) 634-1703 *The hybrid format is pending university approval, information for 3 references to: which is expected to occur by early spring 2012. [email protected] or go to: Virginia Nurses Today February, March, April 2012 Page 13

Join VNA Today! summer camp positionS: • RN • LPN If you are a qualified nurse who enjoys working with kids, consider a summer at Songadeewin of Keewaydin for girls or Keewaydin Dunmore for boys on beautiful Lake Dunmore in the heart of the Green Mountains of Vermont. Newly renovated Health Centers and private areas for Nurses. Keewaydin’s Apply online at website is Contact Ellen Flight at (802) 352-9860 or by email at [email protected]

A premier Continuing Care Retirement Community employing can-do, dynamic, caring health professionals. We offer a unique environment dedicated to resident-centered care. Our Total Rewards Package is strategically designed to keep us The Employer of Choice.

300 Westminster-Canterbury Drive, Winchester, VA 22603 (540) 535-1514 •

Virginia Appalachian Tricollege Nursing Program, Faculty Position. Evening and Weekend Program. Position based at Virginia Highlands Community College in Abingdon, VA. RN with Master’s degree in Nursing or currently enrolled in a MSN program with a target for completion within 18 months from time of application. Two years recent, related clinical experience required. Rank and salary dependent upon qualifications. Applicants must submit: • a completed Commonwealth of Virginia Application for Employment; • resume; • a letter of interest addressing qualifications for position, view of the community college teaching role and professional aspirations; • unofficial copies of all college transcripts; MEDICAL SURGICAL CLINICAL NURSING • a list of three references with names, addresses, telephone numbers INSTRUCTORS (PART-TIME) and e-mail addresses. The position is open until filled. The application form and job announcement may be accessed at Direct materials to Human Resource J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College has a need Manager, Virginia Highlands Community College, P.O. Box 828, Abingdon, for adjunct medical surgical clinical instructors to teach Virginia 24212. Email: [email protected]. EOE in the AAS Nursing Program. Qualifications Required: High school diploma or equivalent; Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and Registered Nurse’s license. Recent clinical experience in medical surgical nursing. Pre-employment security screening is required. Salary commensurate with the education and experience of the applicant. MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY For further information, please contact Elaine Beaupre in the School of Nursing and Nursing Programs Allied Health at (804) 523-5476 or [email protected].

Additional information is available at the College's web site: AA/EOE/ADA

• Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Four-year B.S.N. - Accelerated B.S.N. for students with a bachelor’s degree in another field - R.N. to B.S.N. (primarily online)

• Master of Science in Nursing - Family Nurse Practitioner

• Doctor of Nursing Practice

Nursing Programs Information Sessions Graduate Open House • Saturday, March 24 • 10 a.m. • • Nursing Luncheon • Wednesday, April 25 • noon

RSVP: (703) 284-5902 or Page 14 February, March, April 2012 Virginia Nurses Today

Welcome New & Returning Members A D I–J P–Q Jynnifer Albano, Virginia Beach Bernadette Darden, Virginia Beach Leslie Jambor-Rakes, Roanoke Diane Peng, Charlottesville Julia Allaman, Grafton Carole Darling, Richmond Angela Junior, Norfolk Cristy Penn, Laird Cindy Andrejasich, Leesburg Juanita Daugherty, Lynchburg Sarah Perry, Mechanicsville Robinson Alison, Charlotte Court Lisa Davey, Richmond Beatrice Phillips, Newport News House Richard Dempsey, Portsmouth Beth Ann Pierce, Pearisburg Robyn Diehl, Midlothian Robert Powell, South Hill Lisa Dillon, Rocky Mount K Catherine Prescott, Roanoke Judy Dooley, Lorton Fatmata Kabba, Fredericksburg Rebekah Price, Fredericksburg Patricia Dzandu, Hampton Georgine Kamide, Copper Hill B Injung Kim, Bristow Sonia Pritchett, Newport News Irene Balcorta, Yorktown Valerie Knobloch, Great Falls Michelle Quesenberry, Hillsville Crystal Ball, , VA Kelly Kovlak, Lynchburg Mary Ball, Richmond Susan Bates, Lynchburg F R–S Cynthia Fagan, Midlothian Charlotte Ramsey, Radford Elaine Beaupre, Richmond Jessica Finney, Petersburg Paula Randolph, Madison Heights Diane Bengtson, Richmond Annette Francis, United States Navy Deana Rhinehart, Bristol, VA Mary Antonia Beyer, Chesapeake L Juliana Frimpong, Woodbridge Carol Riggins, Lynchburg Karen Bohnke, Richmond Kelly Lee, Fairfax S. Catherine Furry, Charlottesville Rachel Riley, Richmond Sandra Bribnkman-Denney, Rebekah Lewis, Blacksburg Andra Fisher, Williamsburg Vicki Rosas-Sanchez, Richmond Purcellville Jessica Lively, Winchester Hazel Ruff, Newport News Michael Brown, Melfa Tami Lynn, Newport News Miatta Samba, Manassas Vickers Bryan, Alexandria Karla Shuler, Virginia Beach Sherese Bunkley, Suffolk G Kareen Smith, Richmond Crystal Burton, Dublin, VA Rachael Garlitz, Hagerstown, MD Patricia Smith, Virginia Beach Jill Byrd, Gloucester Diana Gilbert, Springfield M Catherine Smotrila, Pulaski Helene Gingras, Poquoson Stephanie Marangoni, Suffolk Margaret Stuppy, Yorktown Joyce Gooden, Midlothian Marcia Mason, Moneta Ann Switzer, South Boston, VA Brittany Goldberg, Roanoke Sharon McAllister, Radford Mandie Gonzales, Woodbridge Lindsey McCurry, Rose Hill C Brenda Gould-Johnson, Chesapeake Jeannette Cain, Richmond Tamara Meyer, Harrisonburg Brenda Gravely, Martinsville Irma Caldwell-Barber Woodbridge Denise Miller, Centreville T Alisen Guyet, Virginia Beach Mary Tate, Arlington Gaynor Callis, North, VA Emily Miller, Roanoke Marsha Taylor, Charlottesville Nicole Canterbery, Reston Mary Mitchell, Midlothian Susan Taylor, Virginia Beach Maribeth Capuno, Roanoke Roderick Moore, Sterling Mitzi Thomas, Mathews Melanie Christian, Midlothian Debora Morley, Palmyra Janet Thompson, Portsmouth Crystal Clark, Newport News H Hillary Morris, Leesburg Kelly Clark, Leesburg Pamela Hanson , Bassett Michelle Clark, Roanoke Amy Hardy, San Antonio, TX Rachel Cloutier, Richmond Latisha Harper, Petersburg U–Z Angela Conrad, Arlington Rhonda Harrigan, Winchester N–O Suzi Wells, Forest Lesley Cook, Harrisonburg Amelia Harris, Marion Melissa Newman, Cartersville Kenneth White, Richmond Allison Crawford, Charlottesville Deneen Harris, Mechanicsville Christina Nez, Warrenton Lanell Williams, Gloucester Suzanne Curry, Floyd Ernestine Harris, Alexandria Grace Nixon, Potomac Falls Regina Williams, Hampton Katherine Herring, King George Naomi Nyarko-Kusi, Woodbridge Donna Wilmoth, Harrisonburg Susan Herrold, Alexandria Beatrice Ogunbo, Norfolk Christopher Wilson, Meridian, MS Melissa Hoffman, Fairbanks, AK Cynthia Wilson, Henrico Katherine Hughes, Leesburg Pam Wisor, Stephens City Kyle Wyman, Langley AFB Robert A. Young, III, Richmond ◆

We’re looking for great Leaders to join our Team! Wishing upon • Woodbridge, VA Campus: a star? Health Sciences Department Chair needed. Advanced degree required with medical teaching experience preferred. Weekend Clinical Nursing Instructors needed. MSN required. • Fall Church, VA Campus: Instructors needed for Maternal Child and Pediatric Clinical Faculty & Agency/Preceptor Coordinator. MSN required. Email resumes to [email protected] Find a nursing career where you Education That Works can become a star! Registration is free, fast, confidential and easy! You will receive an e-mail when a new job posting matches your job search. Virginia Nurses Today February, March, April 2012 Page 15 RNs, ARE YOU READY TO RETURN TO THE WORKFORCE?

KEVIN Registered Nurse

WE’VE BUILT OUR REPUTATION AS AN EXCELLENT EMPLOYER, ONE PERSON AT A TIME. The benefi ts of working as a nurse at VCU Health System are clear. We’re a Magnet® hospital – the fi rst in Richmond to achieve this prestigious designation and the fi rst to gain re-designation, a seven-time Working Mother magazine YOU CAN LIVE ANYWHERE IN VA. AND “100 Best Company,” a 2011 Richmond Employer of Choice and a recipient of TAKE OUR REFRESHER COURSE the 2011 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Workplace Flexibility. As a great place for work/life balance, we provide child and elder care, fl exible work options, RN Return to Practice is a Web-based course and includes: extensive medical benefi ts, competitive pay and pre-paid tuition. Everything • an on-campus 3-day clinical skills weekend with Healthcare CPR and you need for a wonderful nursing career can be found here at VCUHS. simulation • an on-campus 3-day Pharmacology & IV Infusion Therapy weekend Discover all that VCU Health System has to offer at IV Infusion Therapy Weekend (Sat. & Sun.) and our Physical Assessment Online Program are great ways to polish your skills or reactivate your RN License. For more information please visit our website or call us.

703-822-6523 [email protected] EOE/AA. Women, minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

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Certified to operate in Virginia by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Page 16 February, March, April 2012 Virginia Nurses Today

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Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2450 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202 is certifi ed to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, 101 N. 14th Street, 10th Floor, James Monroe Building, Richmond, VA 23219, 804.225.2600. Chamberlain College of Nursing has provisional approval from the Virginia Board of Nursing, Perimeter Center, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Henrico, Virginia 23233-1463, 804.367.4515. © 2012 Chamberlain College of Nursing, LLC. All rights reserved. * U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, 2008 ** The on-site Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree program can be completed in three years of year-round study instead of the typical four years with summers off.