Indian House

North Indian We provide an ultimate dining experience in brought to you by Chefs from India demonstrating the rich culinary expertise. Indulge in our casually prepared yet sophisticated and Curry dishes. You will be sure to discover the sensational flavours of our seasonally changing menu. Our passion is to serve highly flavoured meals that are better for you and focus on the best of each season. Be spoilt for choice with our adventurous international wine list of more than 20 outstanding wines. Feel like you are at home with our warm and welcoming atmosphere. Come enjoy the pleasure of outstanding food expertly prepared, great wines and the company of good friends. Starter

APPETIZERS Vegetable $ 5.00 ĞĞƉĨƌŝĞĚĐŽŶŝĐĂůƉĂƐƚƌŝĞƐƐƚƵīĞĚǁŝƚŚƐƉŝĐĞĚŵĂƐŚĞĚƉŽƚĂƚŽĞƐĂŶĚŶƵƚƐ Vegetable $ 6.00 DŝdžĞĚǀĞŐĞƚĂďůĞƐĐŽĂƚĞĚǁŝƚŚŐƌĂŵŇŽƵƌΘĚĞĞƉĨƌŝĞĚ Kurkure Bhindi $ 6.50 ĞĞƉĨƌŝĞĚůĂĚLJĮŶŐĞƌƚŽƐƐĞĚƵƉǁŝƚŚƐƉŝĐĞƐ Paneer $ 9.90 ŽƩĂŐĞĐŚĞĞƐĞĐŽĂƚĞĚǁŝƚŚŐƌĂŵŇŽƵƌΘĚĞĞƉĨƌŝĞĚ Bhajiyas $ 6.00 Deep fried coated onion rings Chilli Honey Potatoes $ 7.50 :Ƶůiennes of potatoes͕ deep fried and tossed Ƶp ǁitŚ njestLJ saƵce͕ zƵŵŵLJ͊ Gobi Manchurian $ 10.90 &ůorets of caƵůiŇoǁer͕ deep fried and tossed ǁitŚ ŚoƵse speciaů saƵce Fish $ 10.90 DasŚed cŚƵnŬs of ĮsŚ͕ crƵŵďůed and deep fried͕ serǀed ǁitŚ Śiůůi ŵaLJonnaise saƵce $ 10.90 oneůess cŚicŬen cƵďes teŵpered ǁitŚ cƵrrLJ ůeaǀes and green cŚiůůies Θ saƵted in Śot red saƵce Tamater Dhania Shorba $ 6.00 n eartŚLJ ďrotŚ of ripe toŵatoes ǁitŚ a Śint of Mulligtwanny Shorba (Veggy / Non-Veg.) $ 6.00 / $ 7.00  tradiƟonaů ůenƟůs soƵp of soƵtŚ /ndian͘ DeůicateůLJ spiced Cream of (Veggy / Non-Veg & Mushroom) $ 6.00 / $ 7.00 Hot & Sour Veg / Non veg $ 6.00 / $ 7.00  pan asian soƵp of LJoƵr cŚoice SALAD & RAITHA Tandoori Murgh Salad $ 10.90 oneůess dandoori ŚicŬen on a ďed of fresŚ ůeƩƵce tossed ǁitŚ ŚoƵse dressings Bagh-e-Bahar Salad $ 6.00 &resŚ green saůad sprinŬůed ǁitŚ cŚaat ŵasaůa and fresŚ ůiŵe ũƵice Mix Vegetable Raitha $ 6.00 &resŚ LJogŚƵrt ǁitŚ cŚopped onion Θ cƵcƵŵďer Boondi Raitha $ 6.00 dinLJ fried ďaůůs of graŵ ŇoƵr ďaƩer soaŬed in LJogŚƵrt Cucumber Salad $ 6.00 ^ůices of fresŚ cƵcƵŵďer Plain Yoghurt $ 4.00

All prices are subject to 10% service charge Mild Spicy Spicy Chef Recommendation Tandoor

KEBABS FROM TANDOOR Honey $ 13.90 ,oŵeŵade paneer ŵarinated in ŵƵstard and spices ǁitŚ a toƵcŚ of ŚoneLJ͕ ĮnisŚed oī in tandoor Veg Sheekh $ 13.90 Dinced ŵidž ǀegetaďůes tossed in /ndian spices Tandoori Gobi $ 13.90 aƵůiŇoǁer &ůorets ŵarinated ǁitŚ spices and carefƵůůLJ cooŬed in tŚe tandoor Bharwan Baingan Ke Kabab $ 13.90 Ƶďergine scooped Θ stƵīed ǁitŚ paneer͕ potatoes Θ groƵnd spices͕ cooŬed in tandoor͘ ,oƵse ^peciaů Tandoori Aloo $ 13.90 Wotatoes stƵīed ǁitŚ coƩage cŚeese and nƵts Vegetable Kebab PlaƩer $ Ϯ9.90 WůaƩer of Didž ǀeggLJ griůů Fish Tikka $ 17.90 oneůess cŚƵnŬ of fisŚ ŵarinated in LJogŚƵrt͕ cƵŵin and garaŵ ŵasaůa͕ griůůed in tandoor Gulnjaar Tandoori Prawns (5pcs) $ Ϯ0.00 :ƵicLJ Ɵger praǁns in a creaŵLJ spicLJ ŵarinade ĮnisŚed oī in tandoor͕ perfectůLJ ŵatcŚed ǁitŚ a fresŚ ŵint cŚƵtneLJ (Ϯpcs / 4pcs / ϴpcs) $ 9.00 / $ 16.00 / $ 30.00  cůassic of /ndian cooŬerLJ͘ ^pring cŚicŬen ŵarinated ǁitŚ fresŚůLJ poƵnded ŵasaůa and LJogŚƵrt Zafrani $ 17.90 oneůess cŚicŬen infƵsed ǁitŚ saīron and /ndian spices griůůed in tandoor Murgh Chandi Kabab $ 16.90 oneůess tender cŚicŬen ŵarinated ǁitŚ cŚeese͕ casŚeǁ paste and cardaŵoŵ͕ griůůed in tandoor͘ Served on a bed of spiced bell pepper

Murgh Malai Kebab $ 16.90 reaŵLJ cŚicŬen Ŭebab in a coŵbinaƟon of cŚeese͕ fresŚ Śerbs and ŵild spices Sheekh Kebab $ 17.90 Dinced laŵb sƵbtlLJ spiced͕ rolled on a sŬeǁer͕ tŚen roasted Tandoori >amb Shank $ ϮϮ.90 >aŵb SŚanŬ ŵarinated overnigŚt and perfectlLJ baŬed in tandoor͘ DƵst drLJ ͊͊ >amb Chops $ Ϯ1.90 Darinated laŵb cŚops broiled Θ served ǁitŚ Śoŵeŵade cŚƵtneLJ Non Veg Kebab PlaƩer $ 44.90 Didž Ŭebab plaƩers of laŵb͕ ĮsŚ͕ cŚicŬen͕ praǁns

All prices are subject to 10% service charge Mild Spicy Spicy Chef Recommendation Main Course

CHICKEN $ 17.90 :ƵicLJ cŚicŬen pieces grilled in tandoor tŚen cooŬed ǁitŚ onion based gravLJ͕ perfect ǁitŚ Śot

BuƩer Chicken $ 17.90 oneless tandoori cŚicŬen siŵŵered in creaŵLJ toŵato gravLJ͘ n all Ɵŵe favoƵrite of /ndian ŬitcŚen

Chicken Masala $ 16.90 oneless cŚicŬen cooŬed in a ŵild spicLJ golden Śoŵeŵade saƵce

Kadai Chicken $ 16.90 dender pieces of cŚicŬen ǁitŚ toŵatoes Θ ǁitŚ special /ndian saƵce Θ sƟr fried in Ŭadai

Chicken $ 16.90 ŚicŬen cooŬed ǁitŚ fresŚ spinacŚ and creaŵ

Chicken Kashmiri $ 16.90 ŚicŬen siŵŵered in ricŚ casŚeǁ gravLJ ǁitŚ frƵits Θ nƵts

Kori Kundapuri $ 16.90 oneless cŚicŬen cooŬed ǁitŚ coconƵt͕ red cŚilli Θ fresŚ coriander leaves Ͳ  classic froŵ soƵtŚ /ndia

Chicken Do Pyazza $ 16.90 Wieces of cŚicŬen saƵted in onion paste͕ carefƵllLJ blended in spices Θ tŚen garnisŚed ǁitŚ seasoned onions

Chicken $ 16.90 ŚicŬen cƵbes sloǁ cooŬed in a delicate alŵond cƵrrLJ

Chicken $ 16.90 serLJ spicLJ cŚicŬen cooŬed ǁitŚ potatoes and viniger

Egg Curry Masala $ 13.90 oiled fried eggs cooŬed ǁitŚ toŵatoes͕ onions Θ Śerbs

Chilli Chicken - Dry / Gravy $ 17.90 ite sinjed cŚƵnŬs of cŚicŬen͕ seasoned ǁitŚ spices and cooŬed in a cŚilli saƵce

All prices are subject to 10% service charge Mild Spicy Spicy Chef Recommendation Main Course


Prawn Vindaloo $ 17.90 serLJ spicLJ praǁns cooŬed ǁitŚ potatoes and

Prawn Mirch Masala $ 17.90 diger praǁns oī tŚe sŚell cooŬed ǁitŚ onion͕ toŵatoes Θ red cŚilli ŇaŬes

Kadai Prawn $ 17.90 Wraǁns ǁitŚ toŵatoes Θ onions ǁitŚ special /ndian saƵce Θ sƟr fried in a Ŭadai

Prawn Korma $ 17.90 Wraǁns sloǁ cooŬed in a delicate alŵond cƵrrLJ

Goan Prawn Curry $ 17.90 Wraǁns sloǁ cooŬed in a coconƵt ŵilŬ and onions cƵrrLJ

Chilli Garlic Prawns $ 17.90 Wraǁns in an /ndoͲŚinese fƵsion of spring onion͕ red cŚilli͕ garlic and cŚef special saƵce

Fish Curry $ 17.90 oneless ĮsŚ cooŬed in a ŵildlLJ spiced golden Śoŵeŵade saƵce

Fish Masala $ 17.90 dender pieces of dorLJ ĮsŚ cooŬed͕ siŵŵered in a ŵidžtƵre of garlic Θ toŵato saƵce

Fish Head Curry $ Ϯ4.90 &isŚ Śead seŵi steǁed in a tŚicŬ cƵrrLJ ǁitŚ assorted vegetable

Dum Methi Machli $ 17.90 oneless ĮsŚ cooŬed in ŵild cƵrrLJ ǁitŚ fresŚ fenƵgreeŬ and ĮnisŚed oī ǁitŚ DƵŵ

Kadai Fish $ 17.90 &isŚ Įllet ǁitŚ toŵatoes Θ onions ǁitŚ special /ndian saƵce Θ sƟr fried in a Ŭadai

Machli Kashmiri $ 17.90 &isŚ Įllets in a ricŚ casŚeǁ gravLJ ǁitŚ dried frƵits Θ nƵts

Chilli Garlic Fish $ 17.90 &isŚ in an /ndoͲŚinese fƵsion of spring onion͕ red cŚilli͕ garlic and cŚef special saƵce

All prices are subject to 10% service charge Mild Spicy Spicy Chef Recommendation Main Course

MUTTON Mama Mia Mutton $ 17.90 SƵccƵlent pieces of laŵb cooŬed ǁitŚ cŚopped onions and toŵatoes͕ served on Śot plates ͟daǁa͟

Kashmiri $ 17.90 dender pieces of laŵb ǁitŚ fresŚ groƵnd spices cooŬed in a ricŚ steǁ of onions Ͳ  classic froŵ

Mutton Vindaloo $ 17.90 SƵccƵlent Deat cooŬed ǁitŚ potatoes in a sŚarp tangLJ saƵce͘

Saag Gosht $ 17.90 oneless laŵb cooŬed ǁitŚ fresŚ spinacŚ pƵree and fresŚlLJ poƵnd spices

Keema Muttar $ 17.90 Dinced laŵb cooŬed ǁitŚ onions͕ garlic͕ ginger͕ toŵatoes͕ peas Θ spices͕ garnisŚed ǁitŚ fresŚ coriander

MuƩon Jalfriezi $ 17.90 dender >aŵb pieces cooŬed ǁitŚ vegetables͕ and garlic

Lamb Korma $ 17.90 >aŵb sloǁ cooŬed in a delicate alŵond cƵrrLJ Θ creaŵLJ saƵce

Sukha Mutton $ 17.90 SƵccƵlent boneless pieces of laŵb cooŬed ǁitŚ fresŚ toŵatoes͕ onions͕ bell pepper͕ spices Θ coriander

Lamb Chops Masala $ Ϯ1.90 Darinated laŵb cŚops broiled Θ served ǁitŚ toŵatoes͕ onions Θ Śerbs

All prices are subject to 10% service charge Mild Spicy Spicy Chef Recommendation Main Course

VEGETABLES Paneer Makhani $ 13.90 ,oŵeŵade paneer cooŬed ǁitŚ tŚicŬ creaŵLJ toŵato saƵce ŇavoƵred ǁitŚ fenƵgreeŬ leaves $ 13.90 ,oŵeŵade coƩage cŚeese cooŬed ǁitŚ fresŚ spinacŚ and creaŵ $ 13.90 &resŚ coƩage cŚeese cooŬed gentlLJ ǁitŚ garden fresŚ peas Θ blended Paneer Aloo Muttar $ 13.90 &resŚ coƩage cŚeese cooŬed gentlLJ ǁitŚ garden fresŚ peas͕ potatoes Θ blended Kadai Paneer $ 13.90 ,oŵe ŵade coƩage cŚeese ǁitŚ onion Θ capsicƵŵ in a special Ŭadai gravLJ ǁitŚ spices Paneer Korma $ 13.90 oƩage cŚeese cooŬed in a ŵild casŚeǁ nƵt saƵce Θ creaŵLJ saƵce Chilli Paneer - Dry / Gravy $ 13.90 /ndian coƩage cŚeese sƟr fried ǁitŚ sliced onion͕ capsicƵŵ and green cŚillies Shahi Malai $ 13.90 Didžed vegetables and coƩage cŚeese dƵŵplings siŵŵered in a creaŵLJ alŵond saƵce Bombay Aloo Masala $ 1Ϯ.90 Wotato cƵbes deep fried tŚen cooŬed ǁitŚ ŵild LJet tangLJ gravLJ $ 1Ϯ.90 Wotato cƵbes tossed and cooŬed in ũeera and fresŚ /ndian spices Aloo Muttar $ 1Ϯ.90 &resŚ potatoes Θ fresŚ green peas cooŬed ǁitŚ onions͕ toŵatoes Θ delicate spices in a ŵild saƵce Sabzi Navrathan $ 1Ϯ.90  ũeǁel coloƵred vegetables disŚ in saīron ŇavoƵred creaŵ saƵce $ 1Ϯ.90  dƵet of potatoes and caƵliŇoǁer ǁitŚ ŵanLJ spices ǁŚicŚ ŵaŬes it fragrant and ŵoƵtŚͲǁatering͊ Baingan Bartha $ 1Ϯ.90 Zoasted brinũal cooŬed in garlic͕ toŵatoes͕ onion Θ fresŚ green cŚilli Bhindi Do Pyaza $ 1Ϯ.90 KŬra ǁitŚ onion͕ toŵatoes Θ fresŚlLJ poƵnd spices Baingan Patiyala $ 1Ϯ.90 Ƶbes of aƵbergine͕ sƟr fried ǁitŚ spices and fresŚ coriander leaves Mili Juli Sabzi $ 1Ϯ.90 Seasonal fresŚ vegetables tossed ǁitŚ fresŚlLJ poƵnd spices and toŵatoes͕ onions and green cŚillies Mushroom Corn $ 1Ϯ.90 orn and sliced bƵƩon ŵƵsŚrooŵ cooŬed ǁitŚ onion͕ toŵatoes and poƵnded garaŵ ŵasala Punjabi Channa Masala $ 1Ϯ.90 'arbannjo beans cooŬed in trƵe WƵnũabi stLJle Makhani Khaas $ 14.90 lacŬ lenƟls and beans cooŬed overnigŚt on tandoor͕ teŵpered ǁitŚ ŚoƵse special ŵasala Dal Tadka $ 1Ϯ.90 zelloǁ lenƟls cooŬed till perfecƟon͕ teŵpered ǁitŚ garlic and Įve spices

All prices are subject to 10% service charge Mild Spicy Spicy Chef Recommendation Main Course


Garlic Naan $ 4.00 ,and ŵade bread froŵ ǁŚite ŇoƵr garnisŚed ǁitŚ garlic and

BuƩer Naan $ 4.00 >eavened Śand ŵade ŵƵlƟ laLJers of ǁŚite bread baŬed in claLJ oven

Plain Naan $ 3.50 Wlain Śand ŵade ŵƵlƟ laLJered bread

Cheese Naan $ 6.00 ,and ŵade bread Įlled ǁitŚ cŚeese

Peshwari Naan $ 6.00 dŚe tradiƟonal bread froŵ tŚe ŬitcŚen of tŚe ŵaŚaraũas

Keema Naan $ 7.00 ,and ŵade bread Įlled ǁitŚ ŵinced laŵb

Kulcha $ 7.00 hnleavened bread stƵīed ǁitŚ LJoƵr cŚoice Ͳ loo ͬ Waneer ͬ Knion ͬ Dasala

Tandoori $ 3.50 tŚole ǁŚeat bread cooŬed in dandoori

Pudina Parata $ 4.00 DƵlƟ laLJer ǁŚole ǁŚeat bread Įlled ǁitŚ cŚopped ŵint and topped ǁitŚ Śot gŚee

Lacha Parata $ 4.00 DƵlƟ laLJer ǁŚole ǁŚeat bread topped ǁitŚ Śot gŚee

Roomali Roti $ 6.00 tŚite bread ŵade liŬe ŚandŬercŚief cooŬed over tƵrned Ŭadai

Naan Basket $ 14.90 ssortŵent of ŵidž Eaans Ͳ Wlain͕ ƵƩer͕ 'arlic Θ WesŚaǁari

Roti Basket $ 1Ϯ.90 ssortŵent of Ͳ Wlain͕ ƵƩer͕ WƵdina Θ >acŚa Chapathi (Ϯ pcs) $ 5.00 tŚole ǁŚeat bread cooŬed in daǁa

All prices are subject to 10% service charge Mild Spicy Spicy Chef Recommendation Main Course

RICE Plain Basmati Rice $ 4.50 >ong grain basŵaƟ rice froŵ tŚe Śills of /ndia͕ parboiled Pulao of Your Choice (Cumin / Peas / Saffron) $ 6.50 >ong grain basŵaƟ rice ǁitŚ LJoƵr cŚoice of tossings Kashmiri Pulao / Wild Mushroom / Veg Pulao $ 10.90 irLJani rice cooŬed ǁitŚ drLJ frƵit Prawn Briyani $ 17.90 diger praǁns cooŬed ǁitŚ basŵaƟ rice Θ spiced Ƶp ǁitŚ /ndian Śerbs Lamb Dum $ 16.90 dender ŵeat laLJered ǁitŚ long grain basŵaƟ rice͕ cooŬed Ɵll perfecƟon Ͳ  trƵe Eaǁabi deligŚt Hyderbadi Chicken Biryani $ 15.90 ŚƵnŬs of boneless cŚicŬen and rice siŵŵered togetŚer in gravLJ ŵade ǁitŚ alŵond͕ golden fried onion and fresŚ ŵint

Gulzar Vegetable Biryani $ 13.90 >ong grain rice ǁitŚ assorted vegetables and Ňavored ǁitŚ saīron Fried Rice $ 16.90 Zice tossed ǁitŚ LJoƵr cŚoice of seafood͕ spring onion͕ soLJa saƵce and spices Chicken Fried Rice $ 15.90 Zice tossed ǁitŚ LJoƵr cŚoice of cŚicŬen͕ spring onion͕ soLJa saƵce and spices Vegetables Fried Rice $ 13.90 Zice tossed ǁitŚ LJoƵr cŚoice of ŵidž vegetables͕ spring onion͕ soLJa saƵce and spices $ 6.00 DilŬ condensed Śalf and frosted liŬe ice creaŵ ŇavoƵred ǁitŚ WistacŚio or ardaŵoŵs $ 5.50 DilŬ dƵŵplings fried and siŵŵered in sƵgar sLJrƵp Fried Ice Cream $ 7.90 ,oƵse special froŵ cŚef͕ taste and do let Ƶs Ŭnoǁ Ice Cream $ 4.00 sanilla ͬ Śocolate Rasmalai $ 6.00 Dade ǁitŚ /ndian coƩage cŚeese͕ soaŬed in ricŚ saīron ŇavoƵred creaŵLJ ŵilŬ

All prices are subject to 10% service charge Mild Spicy Spicy Chef Recommendation BEVERAGES “I feel bad for people who don’t . When they wake-up in the morning, that’s as good as they are going to feel all day” WINES

WHITE WINES (House Pour) Glass | BoƩle





W305 - ƵstralianͲlacŬ >abel $50 Sauvignon Blanc 7KH6DXY\KDVVRPHZRQGHUIXO

All prices are subject to 10% service charge WINES

Glass | BoƩle

W306 - Eeǁ ealand DarlboroƵgŚ $50 Riesling German quality wine with special attributes made from fully ripe grapes. 3UHPLXPTXDOLW\JUDSHZLWKDGLVWLQFWLYHSURQRXQFHGERXTXHWDQGÀDYRU UHPLQLVFHQWRIURVHVRUPDU]LSDQ$ULFKQDGVZHHWZLQH


RED WINES (House Pour)

R401 - ƵstralianͲZocŬLJ aLJ $10 | $35 Cabernet Merlot 0LQHUDOSDODWHGHOLFDWHSDVVLRQIUXLWZLWKKLQWVRIFLWUXVDQGDJUDVV\¿QLVK Ideal with barbecued red meats or chicken

R40Ϯ - ŚilanͲSanta liciaͲDaipo salleLJ $40 Malbec Intense colour with aroma oI Srunes and &innamon :ell structured rounded and comSle[ tannins Ideal with barbecued red meats and cheese Wine Cellar ϴϴ points

R403 - &rance͕ bordeaƵdžͲDaison Ziviere $45 Chateau De Lavagnac $ blend oI 0erlot  &abernet 6auYiJnon  and &abernet )ranc  $ loYel\ rub\ colour with Yiolet rim (leJant nose sSic\ and soIt with Jood deSth (leJant and well balance $ wine with Jood structure and lenJth

All prices are subject to 10% service charge WINES

Glass | BoƩle

R404 - SoƵtŚ fricaͲStellenboscŚ $45 Cabernet Sauvignon $ SerIectl\ balanced red wine with la\ered hints oI blackcurrant chocolate and sSices that Iollow on the YelYet te[tured Salate *oes well with lamb 

R405 - Eeǁ ealandͲDarlboroƵgŚ $50 Pinot Noir 7he 6ilYer )ern 3inot 1oir is suSSle and Muic\ with dark cherr\ notes Iresh acidit\ and a soIt tannin ¿nish (nMo\ on its ownor match with ducklambYension and Yeal dishes

R406 - ƵstralianͲlacŬ >abel $55 Canernet Merlot $ Iresh liYel\ wine with dark Slum mulberr\ and cassis combined with mocca oak scents 7he Salate is uS Iront with comSle[ deeS red and black Iruits and interJrated oak Iramed b\ a ¿rm tannin ¿nish *oes well with /amb Silver Ϯ00ϴ-London InternaƟonal Wine Show-Aust. Wine Companion-94 Points

R407 - ƵstralianͲ,arveLJ Ziver $55 Shiraz &lassic 6hira] that e[hibits a comSle[ aromas oI blackberr\ and rasSberr\ with a sSic\ blabk SeSSer on the Salate Yantas Wine Show Ϯ011-Gold. Royal Adelaide Wine show Ϯ011-Silver Award

All prices are subject to 10% service charge ALCOHOLIC


KingĮsher $ 7.50 Tiger $ 6.50 Heineken $ 7.50 Corona $ 7.50


Balalika $ 10.00 9odka and &ointreau with dash oI lemon Muice

Mojito $ 10.00 $n into[icant drink %acardi ÀaYoured with mint

Screw Driver $ 10.00 9odka and oranJe Muice

Margarita $ 10.00 7eTuila triSle sec and lime Muice  absolutel\ reIreshinJ

Bloody Mary $ 10.00 9odka tomato Muice 7abasco :orcestershire sauce serYed with lemon salt

Caipiroska $ 10.00 /ime cube and mint leaYes with brown suJar crushed added ice Yodka and sSrite

Singapore Sling $ 10.00 *in with triSle sec cherr\ brand\ and mi[ oI Muices

All prices are subject to 10% service charge PREMIUM SPIRITS

SCOTCH WHISKEY Johnnie Walker Black Label $ ϴ.00 Chivas Regal $ ϴ.00 MC - Whiskey $ 6.00

BOURBON Jack Daniel͛s $ ϴ.00

RUM Bacardi $ ϴ.00 Old Monic Dark Rum $ 6.00

GIN Bombay Sapphire $ ϴ.00

VODKA Smirnoī $ ϴ.00

TEQUILA Olmeca $ ϴ.00

COGNAC Courvoisier (V.S) $ ϴ.00

LIQUEURS Kahlua $ ϴ.00 Cointreau $ ϴ.00 Bailey͛s $ ϴ.00

All prices are subject to 10% service charge NON ALCOHOLIC DRINKS

SPECIAL INDIAN DRINKS Jaljeera $ 4.00 5eIreshinJ drink made oI mint and chieI¶s sSecial sSice mi[ Thandai $ 4.00 $n inYiJoratinJ drink oI milk and nuts serYed chilled Masala Chass $ 4.00 Cool and refreshing drink of skimmed yoghurt with Indian spices and fresh coriander leaYes

HOT DRINKS Coīee $ 4.00 Masala Tea $ 4.50 Indian 7ea made with  cloYes fennel and Green Tea $ 4.00

SOFT DRINKS Coke / Lite Coke / Sprite / Ice Lemon Tea / Pepsi $ 3.00 Gingerale / Soda Water / Tonic Water $ 3.00

MINERAL WATER Polar $ 1.00 Perrier (Sparking) $ Ϯ.00

JUICE Mango $ 4.00 Pineapple $ 4.00 Lime $ 4.00 Fruit Punch $ 4.00 Orange $ 4.00 Fresh Lime Soda / Water $ 4.00

LASSI (Indian Yoghurt Shake) Mango $ 5.00 Salt Lassi $ 4.50 Sweet Lassi $ 4.50 Ginger Lassi $ 5.00

All prices are subject to 10% service charge NON ALCOHOLIC DRINKS


Virgin Mary $ 7.00 7omato Muice 7abasco :orcestershire sauce serYed with lemon salt

Cinderella $ 7.00 Combination of orange Muice pineapple Muice grenadine and soda

Virgin Colada $ 7.00 %lend of pineapple Muice coconut cream and Yanilla ice cream

Blue Hawaiian $ 7.00 Cool blend of blue curacao pineapple Muice dash of lemon Muice and sparkling water

Shirley Temple $ 7.00 %lend of lemonade lime Muice and grenadine syrup

All prices are subject to 10% service charge