Chair of Entrepreneurial Risks D-MTEC, ETH Zurich

Stefan Frei, Oliver Rochford





This paper makes the case for a centralized Bug Bounty Program of Last Resort.

A larger number of vendors either lack the maturity, funding or incentive to invest more in secure software development, meaning that a) we do not really know the true number of vulnerabilities out there - resulting in a shadow population of vulnerabilities b) large parts of our digital economy and infrastructure are at risk from this shadow population of vulnerabilities c) the digital transformation is jumping without a parachute, with few universal mechanisms in place to ensure minimum standards and safe innovation.

Minimal software quality standards are far and few A bug bounty program between and have also been notoriously difficult to rewards researcher enforce and quantify. Bug bounties have instead proven reporting vulnerabilities to themselves an additional effective mechanism to improve the vendor of the affected vulnerability discovery, while also reducing the availability software in the form of of zero-day vulnerabilities and exploits to malicious cyber financial compensation actors. But they are not trivial to operate and have not yet been adopted widely or consistently. Startup vendors and open-source projects especially are challenged to fund and manage such programs, yet their technologies underpin the digital transformation.

Our analysis proposes and validates a model for a broader scope bug bounty program (Bug Bounty of Last Resort) by assessing and comparing the cost of having a massive vulnerability purchase program following a coordinated disclosure process - and comparing this cost to cybercrime losses.



Key Findings

Financing a bug bounty program of last resort that offers competitive and lucrative compensation for vulnerability discovery and innovative defensive tools is affordable. The benefits outweigh the costs, especially when calculated as a percentage of GDP (EU, US) compared to the cost of cyber security and damages resulting from cybercrime

• A shadow population of zero-day vulnerabilities exists due to a lack of consistent investment in vulnerability discovery.

• Costs for vulnerability exposure have been fully externalized to end users, who are unable to quantify or manage the risk from the shadow population of vulnerabilities.

• Bug Bounty Programs have been adopted successfully to improve vulnerability discovery by select vendors - but have not been adopted industry-wide due to lack of incentives, regulatory guidance, or affordability.

• Less than 50 vendors account for more than 50% of annually disclosed vulnerabilities • Many software suppliers who would benefit most, critical open-source projects and smaller vendors, cannot fund them.

• Our proposal, an industry-wide Bug Bounty Program of Last Resort (BBPLR) expanding coverage to all critical technologies and vendors will reduce the risk posed by shadow vulnerabilities and reduce the pool of vulnerabilities available for cyber criminals to exploit.

• Economically, a BBPLR is easily affordable while measurably improving the rate of vulnerability discovery to ultimately reduce the shadow vulnerability population and systemic risk.

• The cost of 1,732 Billion to purchase 81% of all medium to critical severity vulnerabilities in 2020 for 50k/150k, and 250k USD would be much less than 0.1% of the GDP of the OECD, the EU, or the US.

• Purchasing vulnerabilities at scale makes economic sense if it reduces the overall losses to cybercrime by at least 0.5% (zero-point-five percent per USD 1,000 billion)



Table of Contents

1. There is no such thing as secure software 5 1.1. Current and emerging approaches to handling & reducing vulnerabilities 6 1.2. Coordinated disclosure 7 1.3. Bug bounty programs 8 2. Limitations of and gaps in current approaches 9 2.1. Inconsistent coverage due to viability and affordability 9 2.2. Competition by the grey market in zero-days and vulnerabilities 9 3. Bug Bounty Program of Last Resort 10 3.1. Economics of bug bounty cost 11 3.2. Model A - Purchasing all vulnerabilities 12 3.3. Model B - Vendor purchases its vulnerabilities 13 3.4. Aspired benefits of a Bug Bounty Program of Last Resort 16 3.5. Additional benefit: Depleting vulnerability stockpiles 16 4. Conclusions 17 4.1. The authors 18 4.2. Acknowledgments 18 5. Future areas of research 19 6. Further reading 19 7. Bibliography 20 8. Appendix 23 8.1. Data source: Vulnerabilities 23 8.2. Date source: Financial Data 23 8.3. Data source: Bug bounty programs 23 8.4. Software supply chain 24 8.5. Glossar / Definitions / Concepts 25 8.6. Top-20 Vendors 2017 - 2018 26 8.7. Top-20 Vendors 2019 - 2020 27



1. There is no such thing as secure software

Vulnerability disclosures have exceeded escape velocity. Vulnerabilities in software, usually defined as a weakness or flaw in an application or IT infrastructure that a malicious user can abuse to compromise a system, are a key component of most data breaches. Yet historically users and implementers, not vendors, have been responsible and liable for mitigating the risk from vulnerabilities.

The volume and velocity of new vulnerability disclosures that organizations An estimated 18,000 vulnerabilities must address have been inexorably affecting 2,900 vendors were published in increasing for more than two decades. 2020. The top 10 vendors typically Information security management account for 35% and the top 50 vendors frameworks and regulations do commonly for 57% of all published vulnerabilities. include requirements to manage vulnerabilities, and organizations have invested more and more into cyber hygiene. But the sheer amount and diversity of software used by a typical enterprise means that we are chasing a moving target. Operationalizing vulnerability management has become a scalability and prioritization challenge. More importantly, it is predicated on vulnerabilities being disclosed and known, which requires active discovery and research.

Only a few vendors account for most of the volume as shown in Table 1 and Figure 1 below. Typically, the top 10 vendors account for 35% and the top 50 vendors for 57% of all published vulnerabilities per year.1

ALL VENDORS TOP-N VENDORS VOLUME SCOPE VOLUME SHARE GROWTH 2010 2020 Vendors 2010 2020 in 2020 10 yrs p.a. Top-10 1'903 6'418 35% x 3.37 x 1.13 4'639 18'335 Top-50 2'587 10'441 57% x 4.04 x 1.15 Top-100 2'877 11'840 65% x 4.12 x 1.15 Top-500 3'816 14'864 81% x 3.9 x 1.15

Table 1 - Year-over-year growth of vulnerability disclosures of 13% - 15% in the past decade for all groups of vendors (top-10 to top-500). In 2020 the top 10 (of 2,900) vendors accounted for 35% of all vulnerabilities published. Source NVD [1]

Overall, the volume of new vulnerabilities has consistently grown by double digit percentages year on year. While some vulnerabilities arise out of bad development practices and may be eliminated by applying best practices such as secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) management, others are a result of software complexity. There is also a misalignment in economic incentives for software suppliers to invest in security, also contributing to the continuous flood of new vulnerabilities.

1 The term vendor is used to refer to the producer of software, regardless of whether that software is sold commercially



VULNERABILITIES OF TOP-N VENDORS Top-10 Top-50 Top-100 Top-500 All 20'000 18'000 18'335 16'000

) 14'551

E 14'000




s 12'000

e 11'575


t i

l 10'203

i 10'000


a r

e 8'000

n l

u 6'000 6'350 V 4'000 2'000




























































































2 2

Figure 1 - Number of vulnerabilities (CVE entries) disclosed per year for the top 10 to top 500, and all vendors. In 2017, the number of entries jumped significantly. Much of this 2017 expansion is due to the increased capability of the program that manages the CVE process feeding the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). [2]

With few incentives to invest in secure software design, and even fewer penalties or VULNERABILITY liability costs [3] for releasing insecure A weakness of software, hardware or software, it has become common to prioritize online service that can be exploited. A commercial agility rather than security. The vulnerability itself does no harm, but if risk has thus been fully externalized. exploited it typically results in unwanted consequences. Without product liability for software, the cost of mitigating vulnerabilities is externalized as risk and cost to end users and businesses. Security updates must be viewed as product recalls for defective software at the user’s expense, something that is unacceptable in other industries like automotive or aviation. At the same time, abuse of known (and yet-unknown) vulnerabilities in software by cyber criminals and nation state actors has risen, with the global cost of cybercrime in the order of billions of USD per year [4].

One thing to note is the unequal investment and focus spent on vulnerability discovery and mitigation across the industry. A vendor that invests more in vulnerability discovery and disclosure can appear to have more vulnerabilities than a vendor that does not.

1.1. Current and emerging approaches to handling & reducing vulnerabilities Building security into the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is still the most effective method of minimizing vulnerabilities in software code. Building a mature and effective secure SDLC requires investment of time, resources and relies on a high level of expertise. Emerging and open-source vendors especially are challenged to develop, operate, and finance effective code level security programs. And even a mature SDLC program will miss some flaws due to code complexity and commercial pressures.



Fashionable business philosophies, for example the COORDINATED DISCLOSURE focus on time to market, and “move fast and break Ethical researchers discovering a things”, also prioritize speed and agility over secure vulnerability coordinate the code development. disclosure with vendors to allow a To compensate, the cybersecurity industry has fix to be developed and released. developed additional methods of information sharing, self-policing and investment in handling vulnerability discoveries. Two of the more successful and prevalent approaches include Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure [5] and Bug Bounty Programs.

1.2. Coordinated disclosure In Coordinated Disclosure, also known as Responsible Disclosure, ethical researchers discovering a vulnerability coordinate the disclosures with vendors. This ensures that a security update is available in parallel to disclosure. If a vendor does not cooperate within a reasonable timeline, the vulnerability is usually still published (Full Disclosure) so that those affected by it can at least assess the associated risks and deploy mitigating controls. Typically, the vendor credits the researcher for finding and reporting the vulnerability.

Pro’s Con’s • Vendor has time to develop a patch • Ad-hoc and unstructured • Public and peer recognition for the • Relies on the altruism of finder researcher • No financial incentive for ethical • Vendors benefit from 3rd party behavior expertise and effort • Risk of legal threats against finder [6] • Standards: vulnerability disclosure ISO 29147 and vulnerability handling processes ISO 30111

A considerable percentage, if not the majority, of disclosed vulnerabilities are discovered by unpaid volunteers, including independent researchers, vendors, and end users. The cyber security community has a long tradition of intelligence sharing, with incentives such as peer group recognition. In addition, industry and community full disclosure is also a response to an overwhelming real-world problem that no individual company or organization can solve alone.

Coordinated Disclosure also requires the willing FULL DISCLOSURE participation of vendors, which can vary. To highlight an example, in 2015, 94% of the Forbes Publication of full details of a Global 2000 had no formalized way for security vulnerability with or without coordinating with the affected researchers to report a security issue [7]. Even when such a policy exists, Ethical Hackers have reported vendor. that they are sometimes reluctant to submit vulnerabilities due to threatening legal language [8]. While some companies actively discourage and disincentivize any disclosure of a vulnerability in their service or product through the threat of legal measures, others may


BUG BOUNTY PROGRAM OF LAST RESORT FEB 2021 encourage submissions but disincentivize these through onerous legal restrictions such as a lack of discovery credit, non-disclosure agreements or broken processes.

Participation can also be encouraged, for example through a well-publicized and supported In 2015, 94% of the Forbes coordinated disclosure program. But, to incentivize Global 2000 had no formalized broader participation in coordinated disclosure, way for security researchers to mature vendors have started initiating Bug Bounty report a security issue Programs.

1.3. Bug bounty programs A bug bounty program offers researchers recognition and compensation for reporting vulnerabilities to the vendor of the affected software (either directly or through a broker). Bug bounties have become increasingly popular in recent years, even the US Department of Defense relies on bug bounties to secure their infrastructure [9]. To cite a high-profile example, in the Hack the Air Force bug bounty program, it took less than a minute for the first valid vulnerability to be reported [10].

Pro’s Con’s • Vendors have time to develop a patch • The system can be, and is gamed: • Public recognition of finder • Rogue developers write • Stimulate research into software vulnerabilities to later report security them for profit • Attracts diverse hackers - diversity of • Automated discovery of low crowd means diversity of skills and hanging fruit expertise • High overheads to manage • Incentivizes ethical behavior, submissions internalizes cost of vulnerabilities • Are vulnerabilities in software • Can be more effective in finding some depletable (spares or dense)? types of vulnerabilities than internal • More complex and sophisticated research [11] [12] vulnerabilities are neglected

Bug Bounty Programs have traditionally been EXPLOIT reactive and focused solely on compensating for An exploit is a piece of software, a set software vulnerabilities. Recent research [13] of data, or sequence of commands has shown that compensating researchers for that takes advantage of a vulnerability innovative defensive tools such as automating in order to cause unintended or vulnerability discovery, or exploit mitigation unanticipated behavior to occur in techniques, is more proactive and yields greater software or hardware. return of investment.



2. Limitations of and gaps in current approaches Economic incentives can play a key role in vulnerability disclosure, regardless of what type of vulnerability disclosure process is ultimately pursued [13].

2.1. Inconsistent coverage due to viability and affordability Due to the voluntary aspect of Coordinated Disclosure and Bug Bounty programs, coverage is inconsistent. The security-haves for example, , , or Apple, have mature and well-funded Bug Bounty Programs. On the other end of the spectrum, we have the security-have-not’s, for example emerging vendors and open-source projects who lack the resources to fund and manage Bug Bounty programs (recent examples demonstrating how important this last aspect, are in the Appendix under Software Supply Chain).

REWARDING VULNERABILITY DISCOVERY & VULNERABILITY DEFENSE TOOLS When we refer to Bug Bounty Programs in this paper, we implicitly include compensating researchers for vulnerabilities and for defense tools and methods.

Affordability is a major factor. The cost of a bug bounty program represents only a small percentage of a larger vendors' revenue (see Table 5) while software suppliers with lower or no revenue (open-source) cannot afford such initiatives.

A further inhibitor is that some vendors may also pursue a “Security through Obscurity” strategy or wish to obfuscate security issues for competitive reasons. While the latter is understandable, it comes at the cost of end user, economic and societal security.

This results in only partial coverage of software in private and enterprise use. This discrepancy does not just apply to being able to manage and fund such programs, but also being able to respond to the disclosed vulnerabilities and having the resources to develop a patch or fix.

2.2. Competition by the grey market in zero-days and vulnerabilities Most data breaches that a typical enterprise experiences may not involve zero-day ZERO-DAY vulnerabilities, even if their usage has risen in A vulnerability that has not been the past year [14]. But attacks that do leverage publicly disclosed. In some definitions a zero-days are typically targeted against vulnerability for which no patch or fix sensitive and hardened targets, such as critical has been publicly released. infrastructure and national security.

Zero-days are known only to a handful of operators, have not been publicly disclosed and subsequently have no mitigations available. Due to their effectiveness in attacking even hardened targets, a shadow market has developed for their trade offering prices more than USD 1 Million for select zero-day exploits targeting prevalent software.

The greatest challenge that bug bounty programs face is the competition with the criminal and unregulated markets in zero-days and vulnerabilities.



While the number of actors in the criminal market for zero-days has shrunk considerably due to the impact of professionalized exploit brokerages, there is still a small but profitable segment catering to the cybercrime-as-a-service supply chain. The criminal market has become focused on special purpose vulnerabilities rather than headline grabbing zero-days unable to compete for prime exploits against the better funded brokers.

The prices for exploits in the unregulated, extralegal market (usually associated with nation state actors) have exploded over recent years, with some exploits nominally fetching millions of dollars, for example for mobile communications [15]. As these vulnerabilities are of interest to nation state actors for national security purposes, they tend to focus on critical technologies, and worst of all from a defender’s point of view, disappear from public knowledge until accidentally disclosed or used in an attack [16]. Another aspect to consider is that any advantage gained through non-disclosure of zero-days is also an illusion. Almost every nation state actor is a glass cannon in cyber war. You can successfully attack, but not defend. And while you know which exploits you possess; information asymmetry means you do not know if others exist and who possesses them.

Adversary Arsenal Combined Threat


ILLUSION OF CONTROL PUBLIC EXPOSURE Attack capability not Threat to all users (friend exclusive to A nor B and foe) by joint stockpile

Figure 2 - Adversaries A and B stockpile zero-day vulnerabilities, but their knowledge is not exclusive. A single adversary can never be sure if they exclusively own a vulnerability or exploit. While being kept secret, software vendors cannot patch the vulnerability and the exposure increases for all society (including the stockpiling actors). We are exposed to all possible stockpiled exploit arsenals.

Due to the large sums involved, these vulnerabilities represent the greatest challenge to solve with bug bounties, and also create a paradox: it impacts our allies and adversaries both equally.

3. Bug Bounty Program of Last Resort This paper makes the case for a centralized bug bounty program of last resort. By centralized we mean that it is operated by a central authority, for example government or industry-wide association, and collectively rather than on a per-vendor basis. By last resort we mean that relevant and critical software and technology is included, to extend coverage to start-ups, open-source, and vendors with less mature security programs.



Bug bounties have proven themselves an effective In our model, the Bug Bounty mechanism to reduce the availability of zero-day program of last resort will buy all vulnerabilities and exploits [17], but are costly to published vulnerabilities of critical, implement and have not been adopted high, and medium severity. The consistently. Startup vendors, smaller vendors and purchase price increases with the open-source projects especially are challenged to severity of the vulnerability. fund and manage such programs, yet their technologies are used widely and underpin the digital transformation.

To effectively address the larger problem of discovering vulnerabilities, will require several reinforcing and interacting bottom-up and top-down mechanisms:

• If vendors are given misaligned incentives, society will have to carry the cost and risk of high and growing volumes of vulnerabilities • Responsibility, Liability and Incentives must be shared between users, vendors and government. This is not only a question of fairness, it’s a matter of effectiveness. • Attribution and internalizing of vulnerability cost are a key lever to change • Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and we cannot manage what we cannot measure [18]

3.1. Economics of bug bounty cost To validate the limits and economic feasibility of a bug bounty program of last resort we model the cost of purchasing vulnerabilities at large scale and at competitive prices. We model two scenarios with vulnerability and economic data covering the past 10 years. Our analysis proposes and validates a model for the affordability of broader scope bug bounty programs by assessing and comparing the cost to:

• the GDP of major economic regions such as OECD, EU, US, and Asia • the estimated yearly losses to cyber crime • the typical security expenditures in other industries • the revenue to the software vendor in the same year

We assume global cybercrime losses of USD 1,000 billion per year (estimates of the global cost of cybercrime are always a matter of debate and range from USD 100 to 6,000 billion) [4] [18].The cost of the NotPetya malware that spread from an Ukrainian firm to the largest business worldwide in 2017 alone is estimated to be 10 Billion USD [19].

VULNERABILITY PRICE BY SEVERITY MEDIUM HIGH CRITICAL Price per vulnerability USD 50'000 150'000 250'000 CVSS score 4-4.9 7-8.9 9-10

Table 2 - Purchase price based on the severity of the vulnerability derived from the common vulnerability scoring system (CVSS) published in the NVD [20]

This pricing structure aims at systematically capturing most critical vulnerabilities covering all technologies across vendors.



Typical industry bug bounty prices are much lower than the prices of our model. Only exceptional and rare vulnerabilities are rewarded with more than 250k for coordinated disclosure or more than 1 Million for government use. We assume that our model prices would attract a large proportion of capable Bug bounty programs actively enable security researchers and lead to increased information sharing, capacity building, security research and tool creation. It would training, and providing transparency also drive the cost of zero-days up - raising the for all stakeholders - industry, society, ceiling of entry for cyber criminals and nation and national security. state actors.

We believe that vulnerabilities are sparse enough for a bug bounty of last resort to be effective. Every vulnerability either meaningfully lowers the number of vulnerabilities that are extant or rises the effort and complexity to find further vulnerabilities. The growth of bug bounty programs witnessed over the past 10 years demonstrates the effectiveness of bug bounties to increase security and identify vulnerabilities proactively [21].

3.2. Model A - Purchasing all vulnerabilities In Figure 3 we model the yearly cost to purchase all medium to critical security vulnerabilities of the top-10 to top-500 vendors since 2000. This model covers between 35% (top-10) to 81% (top-500) of the vulnerabilities disclosed per year. In Table 3 we compare the purchase cost of 2020 to the most recently reported GDP of major economic regions and the estimated yearly cost of cybercrime. In Table 4 we compare the cost to global spend in IT.

BUG BOUNTY COST FOR TOP-N VENDORS Cost per year in Millions 2'000 Cost Top-10 Cost Top-50 Cost Top-100 Cost Top-500

] 1'800

n 1'732



l l

i 1'600



t 1'400

s 1'343

o C 1'200

e 1'165

s h

c 1'000


u P

800 y

t 730


l i

b 600

a r

e 400


l u

V 200


9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1

9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Figure 3 - Shows the price to purchase all vulnerabilities of the top 10, top 50, top 100 and top 500 vendors which account for 35%, 57%, 65% and 81% of all medium to critical severity vulnerabilities published in 2020. The purchase price is modeled as USD 250k for critical, 150k for high, and 50k for medium severity vulnerability. Data source and severity rating from NVD.



BUG BOUNTY COST COMPARISON VULNERABILITIES PURCHASE PERCENT OF GDP OR LOSSES TO CYBER CRIME Vendors CVE Top-N CVE All Share Cost Mio OECD EU US EAS Cyber Crime Top-10 6'418 18'335 35% 730 0.0014% 0.0047% 0.0034% 0.0027% 0.0730% Top-50 10'441 18'335 57% 1'165 0.0022% 0.0075% 0.0055% 0.0043% 0.1165% Top-100 11'840 18'335 65% 1'343 0.0025% 0.0086% 0.0063% 0.0050% 0.1343% Top-500 14'864 18'335 81% 1'732 0.0032% 0.0111% 0.0081% 0.0064% 0.1732%

Table 3 - Yearly cost in Million of buying the top N vendors vulnerabilities compared to the 2019 GDP of OECD, EU, US, and East Asia & Pacific regions and losses to cyber crime

The cost of 1,732 Billion to purchase 81% of all medium to critical severity vulnerabilities in 2020 would be

• much less than 0.1% of the GDP of major economic regions less than 0.005% of the cumulated GDP of OECD members, or 0.02% of the cumulated GDP of EU members, or 0.01% the US GDP, or 0.01% of the East Asian & Pacific states. • much less than 0.5% of global cybercrime losses assuming the total losses amount to USD 1,000 billion • much less than 0.1% of global spend on IT

Purchasing these vulnerabilities makes economic sense if the indirect losses of cybercrime are thereby reduced by at least 0.5% (zero-point-five percent).

WORLDWIDE IT SPENDING SECTOR SPENDING [Mio] BOUNTY [Mio] SHARE % Data Center Systems 214'911 1'732 0.81% Enterprise Software 476'686 1'732 0.36% Devices 711'525 1'732 0.24% IT Services 1'040'263 1'732 0.17% Communicatins Services 1'372'938 1'732 0.13% Overall IT 3'816'323 1'732 0.05%

Table 4 – Worldwide spend on IT in 2019 compared to cost of buying the top-500 vendors vulnerabilities (81% of all vulnerabilities) per year. Source [24]

Buying all vulnerabilities is not feasible (and not necessary) to extend the benefits of crowdsourcing to the entire digital supply chain, improve vulnerability disclosure effectiveness, and reduce the pool of available zero-days in nation state arsenals.

3.3. Model B - Vendor purchases its vulnerabilities In this scenario we compare the cost to a specific software vendor to purchase all the vulnerabilities discovered in his products per year. Software vendors may not be incentivized to engage in Coordinated Disclosure or bug bounty programs in the absence of liability for vulnerabilities found in their products or services, or because they are not profit oriented open-source projects.

Comparing the cost of a bug bounty program to the vendor's revenue gives insights into the affordability of any initiative aiming to inter [24]nalize the software vulnerability costs.



Table 5 below compares the cost of purchasing the vulnerabilities of the top-20 vendors in 2020 to their most recently reported yearly revenue or financial results of the trailing twelve months (TTM).

BUG BOUNTY COST COMPARISON - TOP-20 IN 2020 Com Open Bug Max Cost Revenue Share Rank Vendor Traded CVEs mercial Source Bounty Bounty [Mio] [Mio] % 1 Microsoft MSFT Yes Yes 250k 1'272 159 147'114 0.11% 2 Google GOOG Yes Yes 133k 1'215 143 166'030 0.09% 3 Oracle ORCL Yes 819 71 39'403 0.18% 4 Netgear NTGR Yes Yes 15k 606 61 1'141 5.35% 5 Cisco CSCO Yes (Yes) 10k 568 63 48'071 0.13% 6 IBM IBM Yes 565 50 75'030 0.07% 7 Apple AAPL Yes Yes 1,000k 468 55 273'857 0.02% 8 Adobe ADBE Yes 313 43 12'868 0.33% 9 Qualcomm QCOM Yes (Yes) 15k 307 53 19'999 0.27% 10 RedHat Yes Yes 306 30 3'362 0.89% 11 Debian Yes 271 28 12 OpenSUSE Yes 249 27 13 Intel INTC Yes Yes 100k 240 24 78'098 0.03% 14 GitLab Yes Yes Yes 20k 240 21 120 17.50% 15 Jenkins Yes 230 17 16 SAP SAP Yes 222 20 27'839 0.07% 17 Fedora Yes 219 22 18 Huawei Yes 190 16 132'634 0.01% 19 Yes Yes 10k 179 19 828 2.29% 20 Canconical Yes Yes 162 13 119 10.92%

Table 5 - Top 20 vendors with vulnerability purchase cost and yearly revenue (in Million USD). The list also indicates vendors with a and bug bounty program and the max payout if available. Source: see Appendix.

Market Structure These top 20 vendors account for the majority of software in private and commercial use, covering all market dominating browsers, operating systems, databases, business process applications, networking hard- and software, mobile devices, and much more. The security of the digital society depends critically on the security efficacy and investments of these vendors.

• Eleven of the top 20 vendors are publicly traded companies, with ten vendors reporting revenues in excess of USD 10 Billion per year. • Five of the top 20 vendors pursue no commercial interests and have therefore no revenue - they exclusively depend on sponsoring or the community • Eight of the top 20 vendors main product is open-sourced or based on open-source software • Nine of the top 20 vendors have a bug bounty program of some sort with maximum payouts ranging between USD 15k to 1,000k. • Seven of the eleven traded vendors have a bug bounty program. Qualcoms bug bounty is by invitation only, Cisco’s is limited to the Meraki product line.



Financial Impact Financial impact of a bug bounty program purchasing all of the vendors vulnerabilities compared to the yearly revenue of the vendor

• The cost for the eleven publicly listed vendors to buy their own vulnerabilities is less than 0.5% of their yearly revenue2 (excluding the outlier Netgear3) • Three of the four vendors with a cost/revenue share larger than 1% are based on open-source software (GitLab, Mozilla, Canonical) • Four of the top-20 vendors report no revenues / are not commercial (Debian, OpenSUSE9, Jenkins, Fedora)

For the year 2016 US-based OEMs and suppliers in In the United States’ retail sector, the automotive industry reported paying the accepted rate of “pilferage” or approximately $22 billion of warranty and recall “inventory shrinkage” (considered a accruals. Best-in-class supplier companies target cost of doing business) is between approximately 1% for annual recall and warranty 1.5% and 2.0% of annual sales - and costs combined [23]. GM revenue 2020 (tracking much higher than the relative costs twelve-month TTM): 115,793 Million. for a BB program of last resort [22].

There is considerable room for profitable vendors to accept the responsibility and invest into the security of their products without a risk to their business.

On the other hand, and importantly, non-commercial software vendors cannot afford a bug bounty program on their own, while many commercial products or cloud offerings critically depend on such open-source.

The Internet Bug Bounty addresses this challenge, and our data shows that the industry could easily afford to scale and support this model [23].

The analysis of model A and B demonstrates that a bug bounty program of last resort with offering competitive prices is easily affordable. Even doubling the prices or volume of vulnerabilities purchased would not exceed financial ability of most vendors or economic regions.

Such a bug bounty program shall not be confined to purchase vulnerabilities only. Lucrative rewards for effective and innovative tooling for defense or identification of vulnerabilities shall be included and can be easily afforded.

2 Cost/revenue share of the 11 publicly traded organizations: average 0.60%, median 0.11% (including Netgear) 3 Netgear had 1,893 vulnerabilities in 2020 and less than 50 vulnerabilities per year in all the previous years. The reason for the rise in 2020 was not investigated.



3.4. Aspired benefits of a Bug Bounty Program of Last Resort Cyber attackers have become accomplished in finding the weakest link in an enterprise’s security, even if that means focusing on the supply chain, as for example in the recent Solarwinds Breach [24]. Regardless of how much a single vendor invests, or how secure their software is, if there are other vulnerable components available to an attacker, they will gain entry. Even if future regulation may stipulate minimal standards, these will not eliminate all vulnerabilities. Major vendors such as Google, that have very mature security programs, run BB programs - a tacit acknowledgement that despite best intentions and efforts, there will always be a residual number of flaws in their software. Yet only a small percentage of vendors currently participate in bug bounty programs, leaving a wide divergence between the security haves and have-nots.

The economics for startups and open-source vendors make large scale bounty programs and bounties a challenging prospect. Yet their revenue does not necessarily reflect how critical their software is, or the risks associated with it being exploited. Without industry-wide coverage across the software attack surface, end users are exposed.

3.5. Additional benefit: Depleting vulnerability stockpiles The longer a given vulnerability exists, the more likely that it is rediscovered and exploited by other actors (vulnerability rediscovery, see box above), including criminals and nation- state adversaries. A bug bounty program reporting vulnerabilities to the vendor is an effective means to deplete the hidden stocks of zero-days exploits.

Research found a considerable rediscovery rate VULNERABILITY REDISCOVERY of vulnerabilities. For Android, 13.9% of vulnerabilities are rediscovered within 60 days, refers to the likelihood of multiple rising to 20% within 90 days and for the Chrome parties discovering the same browser they found 12.57% rediscovery within vulnerability independently of one 60 days [25]. Google’s Project-Zero already another [26]. In the case of a nation invests in discovering and disclosing zero-day state, a zero-day exploit becomes vulnerabilities and has shown this to be an worthless if another party, for example effective method to ensure that the the vendor in question or an vulnerabilities it discovers are promptly patched independent researcher disclose the by software vendors. Greater sharing of zero- vulnerability publicly. days increases accountability of vendors to mitigate and secure software against all actors.



Adversary Arsenal Adversary Arsenal



ILLUSION OF CONTROL REDISCOVERY Attack capability not Increased rediscovery, publication and exclusive to A nor B remediation depletes stockpiles of any adversary

Figure 4 - Increased vulnerability research through a proposed bug bounty of last resort leads to increased independent rediscovery and publication of vulnerabilities stockpiled by criminals and nation state actors. Increased rediscovery is effective to expose vulnerabilities we cannot complete directly on price.

Creating and increasing incentives for tools and techniques that support vulnerability discovery (e.g., through bug bounty) is an effective method to drain the stockpile of offensive zero-day vulnerabilities [26]. Increased rediscovery of vulnerabilities systematically depletes the hidden arsenals of all actors (including actors that cannot be outbid on vulnerability price) - increasing overall security of the digital societies.

4. Conclusions Our research and data show that existing Bug Bounty programs are successfully used to incentivize, formalize and strategically focus vulnerability discovery and research. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that the costs involved are trivial compared to the larger vendors revenue, and especially in comparison with industries that have similar security and safety requirements.

But we also discovered that to achieve industry-wide coverage more generally across the broader software attack surface, especially for financially and resource constrained software developers, will require the implementation of regulatory standards and collective investment.

We argue that industry-wide coverage of software vulnerabilities can be achieved by creating a Bug Bounty Program of Last Resort.



In summary, the main benefits of a Bounty Program of last Resort are:

• More effective collective and proactive cyber defense through faster and more efficient vulnerability discovery and remediation • Transparency and internalization of costs - shifting the costs from end users and implementers to producers and vendors. Increased transparency into the security of software vendors • A broad vulnerability safety-net for safe and secure innovation and rapid societal digital transformation. Including critical and prevalent open-source projects • Systematically depleting nation state zero-day exploit arsenals

Society and businesses need to have assurance that they can safely and securely navigate the digital transformation. Our proposed solution provides this assurance and trust in the security of the software they deploy. It also enables emerging technology vendors and developers to focus on innovation first, without trading agility for security.

4.1. The authors Oliver Rochford @OliverRochford works for Brim Security. Oliver is also advisor for Dark Defense AI GmbH, Picus Security, Adversa AI and CyberPal. Oliver has worked in security for over 20 years, and his past employers include Gartner, Tenable, and Qualys and Secunia.

Stefan Frei @Stefan_Frei works for SDX Security and teaches Cyber Security at ETH Zurich. Stefan has worked in security for over 20 years, and his past employers include Accenture Security, Swisscom, NSS Labs, Secunia, and ISS X-Force.

4.2. Acknowledgments We thank for their contributions, review and input for this paper

• Aditya Kuppa • Bernhard Plattner • Didier Sornette • Francisco Artes • Lamine Aouad • Pascal Gujer

Frontpage graphic designed by starline / Freepik



5. Future areas of research

Operating and Funding a Bug Bounty of Last Resort This paper is focused on the economic argument for a BBPLR, and so we do not discuss implementation in detail, which remains for future research.

Several major questions remain to be addressed:

1. Who would run a BBPLR? 2. How would it be enforced? 3. How would it be funded? 4. How would we measure success?

In our future research we will review existing Bug Bounty models and approaches, as well as lessons learned for operational and funding models. We will also investigate existing Bug Bounty programs, for example the Internet Bug Bounty [23][24], and their impact - what works well, what doesn’t - and how the model can be scaled up and optimized for broader adoption.

Lastly, we plan to conduct a review of prospective operational and funding models analogous programs in other industries, for example:

1. A national or regional agency approach, where a government or union agency is responsible for operating and enforcing the program. Funding could be from an agency or governmental budget. 2. An industry Association approach, where an existing or newly created industry association operates the program for a group of vendors. This could be funded through member contributions, in the form of insurance, or via governmental funding calculated on industry tax contributions. Without regulatory mandatory participation, this would likely result in weak participation and enforcement.

6. Further reading • International Vulnerability Purchase Program (IVPP) https://techzoom.net/whitepaper/international-bug-bounty-progam • Tenable: How lucrative are vulnerabilities? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1361372319301241 • Cyber Resilience - Playbook for Public- Private Collaboration / WEF https://www.weforum.org/reports/cyber-resilience-playbook-for-public-private- collaboration



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8. Appendix

8.1. Data source: Vulnerabilities This report relies on data from NVD, the US government's standards-based repository of vulnerability data [1]. Vulnerabilities that do not have a Common Vulnerability Enumeration (CVE) identifier are not part of the analysis [27]. Note that there are known issues with the National Vulnerability Database, e.g., delays in publication, and not all vulnerabilities industry-wide are included [2].

• The complete NVD database was retrieved on Jan 4th, 2020 from https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/data-feeds

8.2. Date source: Financial Data We used the revenue that the vendor earned over the trailing 12 months (TTM) for publicly traded companies, as reported by https://finance.yahoo.com on Jan 9th, 2021. Further sources are:

• Red Hat (acquired by IBM in 2018) https://craft.co/red-hat/revenue • Git Lab (has plans to go public in 2021) https://getlatka.com/companies/gitlab • Huawei (annual report 2019) https://www.huawei.com/en/annual-report/2019 • Mozilla Foundation (annual report 2019) https://assets.mozilla.net/annualreport/2019/mozilla-fdn-2019-short-form- 0926.pdf • Canonical https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Canonical-Report- FY2019

8.3. Data source: Bug bounty programs Sources for bug bounty and security vulnerability disclosure programs:

• Crowdsourced list of Bug Bounty programs https://www.bugcrowd.com/bug-bounty-list/ • Internet Bug Bounty https://internetbugbounty.org • ZeroDayInitiative https://www.zerodayinitiative.com • BugCrowd Programs https://bugcrowd.com/programs • HackerOne Programs https://hackerone.com/directory/programs • Safe Harbor Project https://disclose.io



8.4. Software supply chain Examples of recent vulnerabilities found in open-source projects and libraries. Some of these vulnerabilities remained undiscovered (by the public and vendor) for decades. These libraries or tools are a critical component of numerous downstream software products and services of many commercial vendors or service providers. Critical open-source code needs stronger institutional support for security, rather than just relying on volunteer efforts to find vulnerabilities. See also Collaborating to Improve Open Source Security 4

Date Vulnerability Jan 2021 Flaws in open-source library used by DoD, IC for satellite imagery could lead to system takeovers [28].

Jan 2021 A vulnerability in sudo, a powerful and near-ubiquitous open-source utility used on major Linux and Unix-like operating systems, allows unprivileged local user to gain administrative privileges on host (CVE-2021-3156). Vulnerability hidden for about 10 years [29].

Apr 2019 Backdoor code found in popular Bootstrap-Sass library, a library with millions of users. Backdoor identified and within 8 days [30].

Nov 2018 Widely deployed open-source Node.js programming language module event- stream had been injected with malicious code [31].

May 2018 Vulnerability in Electron, a widely used desktop application framework, can be used to import arbitrary code (CVE-2018-1000136) [32]. Hundreds of desktop apps are based on Electron.5

Sep 2014 Shellshock is a family of security vulnerabilities in the Unix Bash shell that could enable an attacker to execute arbitrary commands and gain unauthorized access (CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-6277, CVE-2014-6278, CVE-2014-7169, CVE-2014- 7186, CVE-2014-7187) [33].

Vulnerability introduced in 1989, hidden for 25 years. Within an hour of the publication there were reports of machines being compromised by the bug.

Apr 2014 The Heartbleed vulnerability caused by flaw in OpenSSL, a widely used open- source code library that implemented crypto protocols (CVE-2014-0160). Hidden for 5 years [34].

4 https://published-prd.lanyonevents.com/published/rsaus20/sessionsFiles/18542/2020_USA20_KEY- F02S_01_Collaborating-to-Improve-Open-Source-Security-How-the-Ecosystem-Is-Stepping-Up.pdf 5 https://www.electronjs.org/apps



8.5. Glossar / Definitions / Concepts

BBPLR Bug Bounty Program of Last Resort

VULNERABILITY The likelihood that two or more security researchers identify a REDISCOVERY vulnerability independently from each other, also referred to as the collision rate. The threat of another security researcher or malicious actor rediscovering a vulnerability may serve as an incentive for vendors to patch the vulnerability as soon as possible. VULNERABILITY Are vulnerabilities sparse or dense? DENSITY • If they are sparse, then every vulnerability you find and fix meaningfully lowers the number of vulnerabilities that are extant. • If they are dense, then finding and fixing one more is essentially irrelevant to security and a waste of the resources spent finding it We believe that vulnerabilities are sparse enough for a bug bounty of last resort to be effective. The growth of bug bounties witnessed over the past 10 years demonstrates the effectiveness of bug bounties [21]. CVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) is a a standardized name/identification for vulnerabilities and other information related to security exposures. CVEs help identify and correlate vulnerability information across products and services [27]. CVD Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) process to coordinate the remediation and public disclosure of newly identified cybersecurity vulnerabilities in products and services with the affected vendor(s) [5]. NVD National Vulnerability Database (NVD) is a comprehensive database of reported known vulnerabilities which are assigned CVEs. It’s operated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). [1] VENDOR The term vendor is used to refer to the producer of software, regardless of whether or not that software is sold commercially SECURE SDLC Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - A software development life cycle (SDLC) is a framework for building a software application from the design phase through to decommissioning.



8.6. Top-20 Vendors 2017 - 2018 List of the top 20 vendors with the highest volume of vulnerabilities disclosed in 2017 and 2018.

• Cost in million USD to purchase the vendors vulnerabilities for USD 250k (critical), 150k (high) and 50k (medium) severity as of the model. • Vendors marked in bold always were in the Top-20 from 2017 to 2020

VULNS & COST 2017 VULNS & COST 2018 Rank Vendor CVEs Cost [M] Rank Vendor CVEs Cost [M] 1 Google 1'006 133 1 Debian 1'343 172 2 Oracle 884 87 2 RedHat 872 112 3 Microsoft 699 76 3 Canconical 835 98 4 IBM 683 53 4 Google 799 108 5 Debian 654 78 5 Oracle 772 73 6 Apple 594 72 6 Microsoft 720 81 7 Cisco 491 48 7 IBM 640 53 8 Linux 451 53 8 Cisco 457 53 9 Imagemagick 357 30 9 Adobe 387 53 10 Adobe 353 55 10 Qualcomm 376 76 11 Huawei 252 27 11 Mozilla 361 53 12 Apache 220 33 12 HPE 304 40 13 RedHat 218 29 13 FoxitSoftware 251 34 14 Canconical 203 22 14 Huawei 226 16 15 GNU 201 24 15 Apple 188 22 16 tcpdump 133 32 16 Linux 179 15 17 IrfanView 115 17 17 Apache 176 21 18 XnView 114 17 18 Jenkins 161 13 19 OpenSUSE 114 14 19 NetApp 145 14 20 Fedora 105 13 20 SAP 127 12



8.7. Top-20 Vendors 2019 - 2020 List of the top 20 vendors with the highest volume of vulnerabilities disclosed in 2019 and 2020.

• Cost in million USD to purchase the vendors vulnerabilities for USD 250k (critical), 150k (high) and 50k (medium) severity as of the model. • Vendors marked in bold always were in the Top-20 from 2017 to 2020

VULNS & COST 2019 VULNS & COST 2020 Rank Vendor CVEs Cost [M] Rank Vendor CVEs Cost [M] 1 Google 874 90 1 Microsoft 1'272 159 2 Microsoft 848 99 2 Google 1'215 143 3 Debian 730 93 3 Oracle 819 71 4 Oracle 653 56 4 Netgear 606 61 5 Adobe 569 92 5 Cisco 568 63 6 Cisco 560 59 6 IBM 565 50 7 RedHat 556 64 7 Apple 468 55 8 Apple 538 66 8 Adobe 313 43 9 IBM 473 39 9 Qualcomm 307 53 10 Fedora 389 46 10 RedHat 306 30 11 Canconical 357 43 11 Debian 271 28 12 OpenSUSE 347 41 12 OpenSUSE 249 27 13 Jenkins 344 33 13 Intel 240 24 14 CPanel 321 22 14 GitLab 240 21 15 Qualcomm 298 47 15 Jenkins 230 17 16 Linux 292 29 16 SAP 222 20 17 Intel 236 21 17 Fedora 219 22 18 FoxitSoftware 176 24 18 Huawei 190 16 19 HPE 174 25 19 Mozilla 179 19 20 NetApp 171 20 20 Canconical 162 13