United Learning® The best in everyone™ Stockport Academy Issue 25 Newsletter April 2014 Latest News @ www.stockport-academy.org | Twitter: @sptacademy Student Council gains ‘’ Award

e are delighted to an - • Increased counselling support for The Student Council also played nounce that our caring stu - vulnerable students a key role in the academy’s success - dents have been officially • Active input into the Academy’s ful anti-bullying campaign, which rWecognised for the second year run - catering arrangements to ensure gained national recognition via the ning, once again receiving the healthier options Diana Awards and the Bullying Inter - ‘Diana Active Campaigners Award.’ • Organisation of a best practice vention Group (BIG). The honour - a lasting memorial conference for fellow schools/acad - Principal Frank McCarron com - to the memory of Diana, Princess of emies within the United Learning mented: Wales – is awarded to those young group “The academy’s School Council people who make a positive differ - • Additional support for young has been recognised as an area of ence to their community. carers excellence within the United Learn - Presented to a group of Stockport • Ongoing liaison with the police, ing group and we are immensely Academy students last year for their including a campaign to mark bikes proud of all of its members and their approach to tackling bullying, this and mobile phones determined and pragmatic efforts to year it's the turn of the Academy’s • Fundraising/community events, make Stockport Academy a better Student Council. such as Christmas hampers for the and safer place for everyone. This Formed four years ago, the Stu - elderly latest award is thoroughly well de - dent Council’s influence has been • Organising sports days for local served and we congratulate all in - particularly felt in the last 18 primary schools volved for their efforts.” months, with initiatives including:

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Principal’s Message | National Inclusivity Award | Gold Tie Fundraiser | Prom Fayre | Police Cadets | New Website We Day | Sixth Form News | Barcelona Trip | Enrichment News | Unlocking Potential Programme | Primary News Principal’s Message ing homophobia and including that our provisional student a range of beliefs in our RE syl - numbers for Year 7 entry have labus. Additionally, our Student nearly doubled this year. Addi - Council has won yet another tionally, we are getting a lot of anti-bullying DIANA award and in-year transfers from other has been asked to share its local secondary schools as our good work with other schools. reputation for outstanding be - We have a new website haviour, exemplary care and our which we have created with the zero tolerance of bullying of any help of our Parents’ Forum. The kind grows. We are grateful for website now gives easy access the support of our local council - warm welcome to our to all information that our lors and parents as our commu - Spring Newsletter. This parent group has identified nity continues to celebrate our has been an exciting as being important for current achievements in these areas. Aterm for the Academy and we and prospective parents. We I would like to remind all our have had a lot to celebrate. hope you will find it useful. To Year 11 and 13 students and Our marvellous Year 11 stu - join our Parents’ Forum and their families that the coming dents took bravery to a new support our Governors and term is the opportunity to have level as they took on the chal - leadership team in moving the their hard work and study lenge to raise over £1,550 for Academy to outstanding, please recognised as they walk in to Christies. Our students volun - contact Alison Guard: external exams prepared and teered to be soaked on a freez - alison.guard@stockport-acad - confident of doing their best. ing February afternoon, have emy.org. Use the Easter holidays wisely! hairy male legs waxed and our Enrichment opportunities During Lent and the run up to Head Girl’s head shaved, all to continue to grow. This term Easter, I have been proud of our the cheers and support of pay - sees the 6th formers taking driv - students and how they have ing fellow students. We are ing lessons around the school embodied the principles of char - constantly amazed by the com - grounds and two new clubs ity, reflection and helping oth - mitment of our students to have been organised - an ener - ers; they have demonstrated charitable causes and can only getic hula -hooping club and a this in their overall behaviour thank them and you, their fam - Taekwondo club. Attendance and support for each other. ilies, for the continued support. has risen to an all-time high and I would like to thank all of Stockport Academy has seen we currently have 131 students our parents, Governors and staff national recognition twice this still with 100% attendance this for their ongoing support this term. We beat off countrywide year. Not only will this allow half term and wish our whole competition to win the second - them to maximise their poten - community a restful and reflec - ary school category of the an - tial but they are all in the run - tive Easter Holiday. nual Accord Inclusivity Award, ning for cash prizes. Remember this was reported upon by a na - that 90% attendance over 5 tional newspaper, The Inde - years of secondary school = ½ pendent, we were praised for, a school year missed!! amongst other things, not se - We are delighted to report Frank McCarron, Principal lecting pupils by faith, challeng - Issue 25 - Page 2 www.stockport-academy.org News Academy wins National Accord Inclusivity Award tockport Academy has won a national awards organisers the Accord Coalition, com - award as the school that has worked mented: hardest to promote an ethos of inclusion “Stockport Academy earned strong praise andS the growth of mutual understanding. from the judging panel for combining a Christian We beat off countrywide competition in the ethos with a thorough commitment to inclusivity. secondary school category of the annual Accord We are delighted to recognise the academy for Inclusivity Award, which is open to schools across not only being an inclusive school in its local England and Wales. community, but also for its work of national sig - Stockport Academy won strong praise from nificance.” the judges for choosing not to select pupils by Joining Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain on this faith; for challenging homophobia; providing a year’s judging panel were: varied programme of school assemblies and for • Professor Ted Cantle CBE, Executive Chair considering a wide range of beliefs in its Reli - of the iCoCo Foundation and leading expert on gious Education (RE). The academy’s approach in - community cohesion and inter-cultural relations cluded: • Alex Cunningham MP, Labour member of • Diversity days, working with external the House of Commons Education Select Com - speakers to advance racial tolerance and integra - mittee tion, prevent homophobia, tackle discrimination • Tehmina Kazi, Director of the British Mus - against alternative sub-cultures and challenge lims for Secular Democracy stigma associated with mental health • Running school assemblies that echoed • Baroness Kishwer Falkner, Liberal Democ - these themes, whilst also considering other major rat spokesperson for Foreign Affairs in the House faiths and recognising their different festivals of Lords • Encouraging students to come to their Commenting on receiving the award, delighted own conclusions in regards to matters of spiritu - Stockport Academy Principal Frank McCarron ality said: • Staff training on tackling homophobia “In terms of its approach to inclusivity, Stock - • The delivery of personal, social, health and port Academy has come a very long way in a rel - economic (PSHE) education, including age appro - atively short space of time – a credit to the hard priate sex and relationships education work and dedication of students and staff alike. • The organisation of a wide variety of char - To receive national recognition is the icing on the itable fundraising activities cake and helps give further focus to what is an Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain, Chair of the ongoing journey for everyone at the academy.”

www.stockport-academy.org Issue 25 - Page 3 Charity Focus Gold Tie students raise £1,550

Katie Higginson-Tranter with the Christie bear Lewis Davies and Kyle Mather ur Year 11 Gold Tie Stu - With the crowd paying £2 many girls rely on their hair to dents staged a fundrais - each to watch the hair-raising feel pretty and secure. I shaved ing event on Friday 21st antics, the students’ sacrifice my head to encourage confi - OFebruary. paid dividends for the two char - dence in young girls and Head Boy Lewis Davies and ities. And there’s still time to women, as well as helping to Head Girl Katie Higginson-Tran - provide your support by visiting raise money for two very worthy ter had a close shave when they http://www.justgiving.com/stoc causes." helped to raise over £1,550 for kportacademy or texting Stockport Academy Principal The Christie and EducAid. The STKA773 to 70070. Frank McCarron added: “I am brave duo, both in Year 11, Other events on the after - incredibly proud of Lewis, Katie stepped into the spotlight in noon included ‘Soak the Gold and Kyle and all the Year 11 front of over 300 onlookers in Tie Student’ and ‘Apple Bob - Gold Tie Students, who in such the main hall, with Katie having bing’ in cold custard and cold a short space of time, organized her head shaved and Lewis, gravy. a full fundraising campaign and joined by fellow student Kyle Commenting on the experi - raised an incredible amount for Mather, enduring a leg wax. ence, Head Girl Katie said: “Too charity.”

Soak the Gold Tie Student! Gold Tie Students with the Christie bear

Issue 25 - Page 4 www.stockport-academy.org News Our first Prom Fayre!

Year 11 student modelling a gown Stunning shoes by Ruby Slippers Hair Demonstrations by Bows and by Sense and Sensibility Bridal Brushes e held our first Prom The evening was lovely and a Bows and Brushes Hair Bou - Fayre on Tuesday 18th great time for students to start tique, 74 Stockport Road, Chea - March. thinking about what to wear at dle. Nat’s Beauty Treats 0777 WStudents in Year 11 were very their Prom in the Summer and a 9276932. All Eyes on You excited to be able to try on great opportunity for local busi - Beauty, 3 Queen Street, Chea - dresses from the Sense and Sen - nesses to showcase their prod - dle. All That Shines Jewellery. sibility b ucts and services. Theresa from ‘A Cut Above’ Hair ridal salon in Great Moor and Thank you to the following and Beauty 07427 586942. watch hair and make up demon - businesses who attended: Emily from Body Shop at Home strations from local salons and Sense and Sensibility Bridal, 07702 117384 and Ruby Slip - beauty therapists. 318 Buxton Road, Great Moor. pers Shoes 07751 664134. Community Links e are pleased to report their last meeting when they that the Volunteer Po - were presented with their uni - lice Cadets scheme forms in readiness for their Wformed before Christmas is passing out parade on 1st May thriving, there are currently 19 2014. Visits from the Dog Section and cadets who are supported by Underwater Search Team For anyone interested in join - serving Police Officers and ing please contact Brooke Little - PCSO’s from the Stockport Divi - sion. wood, Operational Support The Cadets have enjoyed vis - Officer on 0161 856 5902. its from the Dog Section, Under - The Cadets meet at the Acad - water Search Team and the emy every Wednesday 6-8pm. Tactical Fire Arms Team. The Cadets were very excited at www.stockport-academy.org Issue 25 - Page 5 News Our new website is launched... e are delighted to address is www.stockport-acad - of our twitter name @sptacad - report that we have emy.org emy to keep up to date with recently launched If you are not currently fol - school activities and news. ourW new website. lowing us on twitter, a reminder I hope you will all agree that the new site is much more user friendly. We canvassed opinion from a group of parents prior to it’s launch and are delighted to report that it is receiving a lot of user traffic. Parents particularly welcomed the new ‘calendar‘ function and also the scrolling twitter feed on the home page. The website is also mobile friendly and is easily navigable on smartphones. A reminder that our website We Day 2014 n March 7th, a select and Diversity; inspired by speak - who attended, staff and stu - group of students from ers such as Malala Yousafzai, dents alike, were inspired to cre - the academy were in - Prince Harry and Spencer West ate more charitable events for Ovited to attend We Day at Wem - (double leg amputee) and moti - the future including a day of si - bley Arena, London. A Free The vated by speakers such as Mar - lence, to stand up for those who Children initiative, We Day tine Wright (Paralympian) and don’t have a voice in their com - brings young people together to Craig and Mark Kielburger (free munity. lead global change, defy apathy the children founders). and celebrate the change that Stockport Academy they are making in their local was recognised, as a and global communities. school, for its charita - The students were invited to at - ble efforts. The event tend the very first We Day in the highlighted that, not UK as they had been recognised only is it important to for their charitable efforts. The donate money but, Year 10 students had a fantastic also to donate time time being entertained by and to stand up for Dizzee Rascal, Ellie Goulding one another. Those Issue 25 - Page 6 www.stockport-academy.org Sixth Form News Sixth Form ‘Driving School’

Sixth Form students Driving Enrichment Club ur Sixth Form students cially for students aged 17 and as practical driving lessons have been gaining expe - over. within our school grounds. rience and practicing The club has been very pop - Thank you to both driving Otheir driving skills at our Driving ular with students who have at - schools for running the enrich - enrichment club created espe - tended theory sessions as well ment clubs. Students Bite the Ballot ixth Form students joined in the campaign by ‘Bite the Ballot’ to encourage ySoung people aged 16+ to reg - ister to vote. National Voter Registration Day took place on 5th February 2014. Students registering to vote Students sign up for DofE welve new recruits have commented on the profession - next edition of our newsletter recently signed up to the alism and committed approach due out in the Summer. Duke of Edinburgh award of the students who have joined sTcheme and are working to - the scheme. wards their Bronze award. From September we will be Newly appointed leader Mr Mc - opening up the scheme to stu - Gahey and Centre Co-ordinator dents in Year 10. We look for - Mrs Vaughan are delighted with ward to reporting on how the the new recruits and have both students are getting on in the www.stockport-academy.org Issue 25 - Page 7 Trips Barcelona Trip Report - February 2014

Students enjoying the Barcelona sunshine fter talking about it for Day Two. After an early fruit and vegetable stalls, as weeks, the day of the trip breakfast we took the coach to well as smelly fish! We then finally arrived. Standing the Nou Camp football stadium. headed into the Gothic quarter Aoutside school, tired and freez - The trophy room was huge as it where we saw the magnificent ing, we waited for the coach to was full of memorabilia of the cathedral and did a bit of shop - take us to Manchester Airport. team’s victories over the years! ping. As we had a bit of time be - Laughing at each others’ pass - We then went onto the pitch fore going to the Picasso port pictures, we checked in for side-lines, up to the seating area Museum, we walked to the the flight and then had a look and the commentary boxes at beach for lunch. Everyone was around the shops. Finally we got the very top of the stadium. so warm and relaxed. It was the calling for our flight! On the Then it was down into the quite a walk to the museum plane everyone was so excited; changing rooms where we saw (after one or two detours!) but for some people it was their first the jacuzzi and plunge pool it meant we got to see so much time on a plane but that didn’t used by the players. After the of the beautiful city of matter as they soon forgot tour, we headed to Ciutadella Barcelona. about their fears when we were Park where we hired rowing On the last day we didn’t in the air. Landing in Barcelona boats and ate lunch on the want to go home. After buying was amazing; it was so much grass. Finally on to La Sagrada some last minute souvenirs we warmer than at home. Shades Familia, the unfinished church went to the beach where some out and time for a group photo! which was designed by Catalan of us played a game of football The hotel where we stayed architect Antoni Gaudi. It was so and others sat and enjoyed the was really posh and the rooms impressive both inside and out. sun. Everyone was sad about even had balconies! After ex - Day Three. At 9am we were leaving but we all had an amaz - ploring the hotel we walked into heading for the centre of ing time. Thank you Miss the town of Calella and then on Barcelona in the beaming sun - Gough, Mrs Hankinson and Mr to the beach. It was so nice to shine. From the main square, McCarthy for such an unforget - see the sea! Some decided to be ‘Plaza de Cataluña’, we walked table experience. brave and dip their toes in the down Las Ramblas to the fa - freezing water. Back at the hotel mous food market ‘La Bo - Article by Ellie Hynes (10 VGO) we went for dinner where there quería’. The market was so were lots of tasty choices. colourful as it was filled with Issue 25 - Page 8 www.stockport-academy.org Enrichment and News New enrichment clubs launched

Students enjoying the new Taekwonda and Hula Hoop enrichment clubs nrichment has been very Dance Show at the Plaza and a popular again this term Crispy Creme donut factory tour with new enrichment and crazy golf session. Female Eclubs Taekwondo, Hula Hoops, students in Years 10-13 also Cookery Club, Cricket, Dodge - took part in three self defence ball, Creative Writing, Just workshops held at the Academy. Dance and Street Cheer. Upcoming trips include a Recent enrichment trips have BMX track session at the Velo - included an olympic cyclying drome and our end of term re - session at Manchester Velo - ward trip to Laserquest at the drome, reward trip to Skate City, Trafford Centre. Y10-13 Self Defence workshop Matthew and Declan ‘Unlock their Potential’ ear 11 students Declan ing programme. Declan and McGann and Matthew Matthew will work with their Massey are amongst the mentor, Neil Danns (British and eYlite after securing places on the European Champion Skate - Dame Kelly Holmes Legacy boarder) on a community proj - Trust’s ‘Unlocking Potential’ pro - ect. Find out more in our next gramme. Declan and Matthew newsletter. beat off tough competition for Declan commented “The an opportunity to take part in the Launch day was really inspiring Declan McGann and Matthew national scheme, with just 22 and I am looking forward to the Massey with their mentor Neil places available throughout the next six months.” Danns at the Unlocking Potential UK. Run in partnership with the Launch on 6th March in London examining board AQA, the pro - gramme is a six month mentor - www.stockport-academy.org Issue 25 - Page 9 Primary News Academy partners up to host ‘Living for Sports’ day

The Mayor and Mayoress of Stockport with primary Councillor Philip Harding presenting the winning trophy students and student volunteers to students from Alexandra Park Primary School rom judo to gymnastics, was an amazing day for our The academy’s student sports over 200 primary school local primary students. Over 80 leaders also provided their sup - pupils were given a taste volunteers helped put Year 4 port for the event, which culmi - Fof the sporting life at a special and 5 pupils from Alexandra nated in a special awards ‘Living for Sport’ event which Park, Bridge Hall, Cale Green, St ceremony at the Avondale cen - took place on 12th February at Matthews, Adswood and Chea - tre, where the Mayor of Stock - Stockport Academy and Life dle Heath primary schools port Councillor Chris Murphy Leisure’s Avondale centre. through their paces, with 16 and the Mayoress Mrs Dot Mur - Organised in partnership teams competing against each phy were on hand to present with Sky Sports, Stockport’s Life other in a variety of different trophies to the winning teams, Leisure and Stockport Schools sports including basketball, as well as medals to all those Sports Parternship, the event football and lacrosse. taking part.

Primary Schools featured in this edition

Issue 25 - Page 10 www.stockport-academy.org Primary News Marbellous Marbelling!

Bridge Hall Primary Students enjoying the marbelling workshops n January and February the with water. We then tried out Art Department welcomed some marbelling techniques, young visitors from Bridge our visitors really enjoyed the IHall primary school to a series wow factor of the demonstra - of workshops to create some tion. Next even more fun as stu - Marbellous Marbelling. dents began to create their own Groups of students ranging marbelling designs using fluo - from Reception up to Year 6 rescent and metallic oily paints. joined us on Friday afternoons The students had a fab and over a four week period. Stu - messy time and their stunning dents explored what happens work will soon be on display at when we try to mix oily paint Bridge Hall Primary School. Other primary activities... ur new music teacher, continuing to support a group the Academy every week for les - Mr Hulme is continuing of Year 6 students with higher sons. to provide weekly music level maths tuition. At Meadowbank we recently sOupport to Alexandra Park, Cale At Bridge Hall Primary we began to provide support in Green, Cheadle Heath, Lark Hill, were delighted to be asked to MFL with students in Year 5 at - Meadowbank and St Thomas support their Spring term topic tending the academy every Primary schools. We are very involving ‘Science’. You can week to develop their foreign pleased to hear that all schools read about our Science themed language skills. are very impressed with the art marbelling sessions in the At Ladybridge we will be pro - support offered in Music and article above. viding Art support to students in this will continue through to the At Vernon Park Primary we Year 5 who will be attending the end of this academic year. have started to provide support Academy every week for lessons At Cheadle Heath Primary in Cookery and Art with stu - starting after the Easter holid - our Maths Teacher, Ms Rogers is dents in Years 4 and 5 attending day. www.stockport-academy.org Issue 25 - Page 11 Diary dates and group emails

Dates for your diaries (Summer Term) 23rd April: Year 8 HPV Vaccinations Term Dates for remainder of 2013/2014 year 30th April: Drama Show 6.30-8.30pm Monday 3rd March - Friday 4th April 2014 2nd May: Year 10 Meningitis C Immunisations Tuesday 22nd April - Friday 23rd May 2014 24th June: Year 6 Parents’ Evening Monday 2nd June - Friday 18th July 2014* 26th June: Year 13 Leavers Celebration 27th June: Year 11 Prom Term dates for 2014/2015 1st July: Year 10 Geography Field Trip to Castleton Tuesday 2nd September - Thursday 23rd October 2014 3rd July: Year 6 Transition Day Monday 3rd November - Friday 19th December 2014* 3rd July: Prize Giving Evening Monday 5th January - Friday 13th February 2015 5th-8th July: MFL Trip to Paris Monday 23rd February - Wednesday 1st April 2015 10th-11th July: English Trip to London Monday 20th April - Friday 22nd May 2015 14th July: Sports Day Monday 1st June to Friday 17th July 2015*

*Lunchtime close

To find times and confirm dates of events, please check our website under ‘Calendar’

Group emails Group emails - Faculty Addresses Group emails allow you to get in touch with staff quickly. [email protected] Simply use the relevant email address and include the staff [email protected] member you wish to contact in the message. You will get a [email protected] response within 48 hours. [email protected] (includes Geography, History and RE) Pastoral Managers email and direct dial telephone numbers [email protected] Transition, Years 7 and 8 (includes Health and Social Care, Psychology and Sociology) [email protected] 0161 362 4226 [email protected] [email protected] Years 9 and 10 (includes Business Studies) [email protected] 0161 362 4216 [email protected] [email protected] Years 11, 12 and 13 (French and Spanish) [email protected] 0161 362 4222 [email protected] (incl. BTEC Sport)

Contact Us Have your say... Post: Stockport Academy, Heathbank Road, Cheadle Heath, Stockport SK3 0UP What would you like to see in the newsletter? Is Telephone: 0161 286 0330 there something you particularly like or dislike? email: [email protected] Please tell us by emailing newsletter@stockport- Website: www.stockport-academy.org Twitter: @sptacademy academy.org Newsletter Editor: Denise Clark

For more news articles please visit our website. © United Learning 2014

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