Attached is the material necessary to compile and submit a bid for the operation of a state park mobile concession:

1. PROPOSAL FORM – Bidders must submit a separate proposal for each contract in a sealed envelope. Please indicate on the outside of the “Sealed Bid” envelope the respective Contract # and Park Name(s).




5. INVITATIONS TO BID – Reference information identifying which concessions are available, and a synopsis of the bidders’ requirements.


Mail sealed, completed bid packages to:

Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, State Parks Division 79 Elm Street Hartford, CT 06106-5127

Bid packages can either be mailed or delivered in person to the above address, but must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. on February 28, 2007. All bid packages will be opened on this referenced date.

/jmc Enclosures





Proposal of:

Name: ______Tel. No.: ______

Address: ______

City and State: ______Zip:______


The Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Outdoor Recreation State Parks Division 79 Elm Street, 6th Floor Hartford, CT 06106-5127

Pursuant to, and in compliance with your Invitation to Bid, dated ______2007, the form of contract, including the conditions thereto, and I (we) propose to operate the concession at ______State Park/Forest from 2007 to 2009, finishing all necessary equipment, machinery, tools, labor necessary for said operation, as provided in the contract, AND

To pay the annual rental of ($______) to the State of Connecticut. (1. If $1,000 or less, the total annual sum due in full at the execution of the agreement and on or before the anniversary of the execution of the contract for each subsequent year; {2} if greater than $1,000, one half of the annual sum at the execution of the agreement and on or before the anniversary of the execution of the contract for each subsequent year and the remainder of the annual sum due on or before July 15 of each year).



1. Bidder’s Name: ______Daytime Tel: ______

2. Bidder’s Address: ______


a. Date of Birth: ______

3. If corporation: Corporate Name: ______

a. When organized: ______

b. If Inc., where and when: ______

c. Federal Employee Identification Number ______

d. Officers, partners, etc., of your organization:______


4. How many years engaged in the food service business? ______

a. (if different from above): Under what name: ______

5. Gross annual business revenue of above? ______

6. Credit references:

a. Bank: ______



Phone #:______


b. Suppliers with whom you have established credit: (Provide names, addresses, phone numbers & account #’s)

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

7. Have you ever defaulted on a contract: Yes______No______If “yes” explain circumstances under “remarks”.

8. I have read and understand that “ATTACHMENT A” of the Request for Food Concession Proposal will be part of any concession agreement awarded.

9. I understand that the awarded Contractor will be required to show proof of his/her authority to sign a concession agreement either a s a sole proprietor or authorized corporate representative.

10. Remarks: ______

Additional information on qualifications: Attach list of any facilities operated, including telephone numbers.

Signature:______(date) Print Name of Proposed Bidder______

The above statement must be subscribed and sworn to before a Notary Public.

State of ______) ) ss ______County of ______)

Personally appeared before me ______& subscribed to & made oath to the truth of the foregoing statement.

Date: ______

Notary Public Commissioner of the Superior Court My Commission Expires: ______



I have inspected the concession (building or mobile site location) at ______State Park/Forest.

Date Inspected: ______

Signed by: ______

(If applicable), on behalf of ______.

The above is hereby attested to:

By ______on ______.

(Park Supervisor and/or his/her designee)



VARIOUS DEP STATE PARKS AND FORESTS Request for Mobile Food Concession Proposal s JANUARY 2007

Overview This contract is intended to cover the Department of Environmental Protection’s requirements for the operation of a Mobile Food Concession at the following state parks and forests:

• Contract #1: Chatfield Hollow State Park, and Wadsworth Falls State Park, respectively in Killingworth, Haddam and Middlefield, CT • Contract #2: Housatonic Meadows, Macedonia Brook & Kent Falls State Parks, respectively in Sharon and Kent, CT • Contract #3: Indian Well and Osbornedale State Parks, respectively in Shelton & Derby, CT • Contract #4: Kettletown & Southford Falls State Parks in Southbury, CT • Contract #5: Mashamoquet Brook State Park in Pomfret, CT • Contract #6: in Milford, CT • Contract #7: Wharton Brook and Sleeping Giant State Parks, respectively in Wallingford & Hamden, CT

The contract period will be from April 15, 2007 through September 30, 2009. The State reserves the right to extend the mobile contracts for one 2-year option period.

Scope of Services The scope of services being sought requires the successful Concessionaire(s) to provide and maintain a mobile food operation for the general public through a 3-year contract for a Mobile Concession at the above referenced parks and forests, as outlined in the criteria listed below.

I. Goals: Preparation for Operation of a Mobile Food Concession: • To conform to the public health codes of the State of Connecticut concerning storage, handling and preparation of food. • An itemized list of the type of equipment to be used within the facility. • Detailed Inspection / Cleanliness program.

II. General: The Concessionaire(s) is responsible for: 1. All aspects of the food service operation, including preparing and serving the food, consumables, supplies, clean up, trash disposal, and ensuring that any State or Municipally designated recyclables generated by the operation be recycled. As of 11/13/01 the state designated recyclables typically generated in this type of operation include but are not limited to: glass food containers, metal food containers, old

6 corrugated cardboard, and old newspapers. For a complete list of state mandated recyclables visit the CT DEP website For a list of locally required recyclables contact the municipality in which the operation is located.

In general terms all equipment associated with the food concession operation must be provided by the concessionaire, i.e. refrigerators, freezers, stoves/grills, etc.

Proposed Concessionaire(s) responsibilities include but are not limited to: electricity, propane, insurance (see Section III), maintenance of the area surrounding the mobile concession and any other necessary expenses that may arise during the operation of the concession. The proposed Concessionaire will be responsible for compliance with all applicable state and municipal laws and regulations for a mobile food service operation.

2. The proposed Concessionaire is to establish a system to ensure proper accounting and auditing practices.

3. The proposed Concessionaire will have quality assurance in terms of customer satisfaction, competitive pricing for products and services, and, in the case of food items, the availability of a variety of products and fully and properly balanced meals.

4. The proposed Concessionaire will be considerate of park or forest patrons in using any associated audio equipment to notify patrons of the availability of their mobile cart or vehicle concession. The Park Supervisor will monitor audio advertising, to include the usage and volume of said audio systems, for which he or she will have the final decision on said usage.

III. Insurance: The Successful Concessionaire must, without expense to the State, procure and maintain throughout the contract award term liability insurance, from insurance companies authorized to do such business in the State of Connecticut, covering all services contained herein. (Detailed in Attachment “A”, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.) Before commencing the work, the successful bidder shall furnish a certificate or certificates, in form satisfactory to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), showing that it has complied with the requirements, which certificate or certificates shall state that the policies shall not be changed or canceled until thirty days written notice has been given to the Department of Environmental Protection.

IV. Correspondence, Business Information Changes: All correspondence regarding this contract should be directed to the address below. In the event that the awarded contractor company’s name and/or Federal Identification Number changes, and/or company moves and/or updates address and/or telephone number(s) and/or contact person, it is the contractor’s responsibility to advise the DEP, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, State Parks Division of such changes in writing. The state will not be held responsible for payments or purchase orders which are delayed due to additional routing

7 caused by the lack of notification on the Concessionaire’s part. These updates shall be forwarded to: DEP, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, State Parks Division, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106-5127.

V. Qualifications: Food Service Providers with a minimum of five years experience are preferred. The proposed Concessionaire must be capable of providing a variety of food items.

VI. Selection Criteria: The following criteria will be considered when awarding this contract:

• Ability to meet requirements as outlined in the above referenced Sections noted in this Request for Mobile Food Concession Proposals. • The State will be awarding the concession contract to the proposed Concessionaire who provides the closest proposal that meets the Scope of Services and Goals as outlined above. The State will also base the award of the proposed concession contract by experience, the proposed rental amount and completeness of the bid submittal information. Therefore, the concession contract may not necessarily be awarded to the bidder offering the highest rental fee.

All awarded bids shall be subject to the execution of a concession agreement, acceptable in form and content by the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner or the Chief of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation for the Department of Environmental Protection.

VII. Required Proposal Submittal Information:

Each proposal submittal should include, but not be limited to: • Proposed annual bid rental amount to the State of Connecticut • Applicable references. • The ability to meet the delivery schedule of April 15 thru September 30 • Statement of your organization’s qualifications and food service experience. • Sample Menu, along with a price list for said food items. • To provide a picture of the self-contained vehicle or cart from which the mobile concession will be operating from. • Completed DEP forms in the Prospective Bidder’s Package.

Point of Contact: Any questions pertaining to the Request for Proposal process, all bid documents, requirements and resulting contract award should be directed in writing to: Jill Carr, DEP, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, State Parks Division, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106-5127.

All questions regarding the site location should be addressed by directly contacting the respective Park Supervisor. Any and all site questions need to take place prior to the submission of the bid package.

8 Sealed Bid Proposals will be received by 3:00 p.m. on February 28, 2007 , either by mail or hand-carried to: DEP, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, State Parks Division, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106-5127.


9 (Mobile Concession Information) “ATTACHMENT A”


1. Insurance: The Concessionaire shall furnish evidence of insurance. A Certificate of Insurance, covering the whole period of the Concession contract, shall reflect the following limits and shall be submitted by the awarded Concessionaire to the Department of Environmental Protection.

Commercial General Liability insurance providing a total limit of $1,000,000 for all damages arising out of bodily injury to or death of all persons in any accident or occurrence and for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of property in any one accident or occurrence. In cases where any insurance policy shows an aggregate limit, the aggregate limit shall not be less than $2,000,000.

The operation of all motor vehicles, including those hired or borrowed, used in connection with this contract shall be covered by Automobile Liability insurance providing for a total limit of $1,000,000 for all damages arising out of bodily injuries or death of all persons in any one accident or occurrence, for all damages arising out of injury or destruction of property in any one accident or occurrence. In cases where an insurance policy shows an aggregate limit the limit shall not be less than $2,000,000.

The State of Connecticut shall be listed as an Additional Insured on all required coverage. Said coverage is to be provided by insurance companies licensed by the State of Connecticut. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared and approved by the State.

With respect to all operations performed by the Concessionaire, the Concessionaire shall carry Worker’s Compensation insurance in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the State of Connecticut.

2. Item and Price List: The Concessionaire shall forward, by April 1 of each year of this agreement, a price list of all commodities and/or souvenirs for sale to the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, State Parks Division, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106-5127, for approval for each subsequent year of the contract. Any price increases are subject to the prior written approval of the State Parks Division. The Concessionaire shall post a price list of all commodities for sale in full public view while in operation.

The Concessionaire shall be allowed to sell souvenirs provided they are approved by the State Parks Division, however, if the park name is used on souvenirs or items of clothing, the complete park name shall be used; such as: “”, not just “Burr Pond.”

The Concessionaire warrants that all goods offered for sale shall not exceed in price nor be substandard in quality or quantity to like articles sold in the surrounding community.

10 3. Sunscreen: All Concessionaire’s that operate a concession in a beach park, shall have available for sale to the general public, sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 for adults and SPF-45 for children.

4. Use of Biodegradable Products: The Department of Environmental Protection encourages the Concessionaire, to use biodegradable products and packaging in its operations, i.e., paper products or products containing recycled contents only.

5. Non-Glass Containers: All liquids dispensed by the Concessionaire shall be in non- glass containers.

6. Prohibitions: • The Concessionaire shall not sell flotation devices of any kind, beach balls, snorkels, facemasks or similar articles. • The Concessionaire shall not sell, dispense or give away alcoholic beverages. • The Concessionaire shall not permit gratuities to employees of the State of Connecticut. • No video or pinball games shall be permitted.

7. Hours of Operation: The Concessionaire shall open the concession(s) every day no later than 10 a.m., except during inclement weather; and the concession shall remain open until three hours before, but not later than sunset, from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Exceptions to this schedule shall be established through joint agreement of the on- site Park Supervisor and the Concessionaire. When closing due to inclement weather, the on-site Park Supervisor must be notified. The Concessionaire shall keep a log, where the concession is located, of all early closures and shall submit a season-end report to the Park Supervisor at the close of the concession season, but no later than October 15th.

8. Health Department Inspections: The Concessionaire is responsible for scheduling inspections by the appropriate local health department at the beginning of concession operations and thereafter, annually prior to April 15th of each year this agreement is in effect. The Concessionaire is responsible for and shall directly pay for any fees charged for such inspections.

9. Utilities and Suppliers: For billing purposes with Concessionaires, utility companies and suppliers, the Concessionaire shall always use the name referred to as the “Concessionaire” or “Contractor”. At no time, shall the Concessionaire use the state park’s name and address for billing purposes.

10. State-owned Equipment: The Concessionaire shall be responsible for the use of all State-owned equipment and agrees to replace articles lost or damaged other than those damaged by usual wear resulting from concession use.

11 11. State Property: The Concessionaire shall install no fixed equipment nor make any physical changes to State property without the prior written approval of DEP. Any improvements and/or permanent fixtures approved by the DEP and provided by the Concessionaire during the contract term shall become the property of the State of Connecticut at the termination of this agreement.

12. Public Health Code: The Concessionaire agrees to conform to the Public Health Code of the State of Connecticut concerning the storage, handling and vending of food.

13. Insect/Vermin Control: The Concessionaire is responsible for any insect and/or vermin control as determined by the local or state health departments or by the on-site Park Supervisor.

14. Refuse Disposal: The Concessionaire, at his/her own expense, shall be responsible for the disposal and removal of all recyclables and trash generated by said concession operation.

15. General Maintenance: The Concessionaire shall be responsible for maintaining in a clean, sanitary and orderly manner, the general area of the State Park in which the Concession is located. DEP representatives or designees may inspect the Concession area at any time.

16. Exclusivity: The Concessionaire shall have the exclusive right to sell food within the park in which the Concessionaire is the Lessee, with the exception of foods or goods which have prior written approval for DEP sanctioned events where food and/or goods may be sold by the event sponsor or their authorized agents.

17. Rights of Park Visitors: The Concessionaire agrees that nothing contained in the terms of the Concession Contract shall prevent visitors from bringing their own food for their use to the park and cooking such food for themselves. Park visitors may also pre- arrange for private catering services on department properties with the approval of the on-site Park Supervisor. These services may be permitted with the condition that no financial transactions occur on-site.

18. On-Site Staffing: Whenever the concession is open for business, the Concessionaire must have present, an employee who is a qualified on-site manager. That manager must be knowledgeable in all aspects of operating the concession business.

12 19. Code of Conduct: Due to the public service nature of the Concession, the Concessionaire and all employees of the Concessionaire shall conduct themselves in a courteous, respectful and professional manner with all members of the public.

20. Appearance: The Concessionaire and his/her employees shall be clean and neat in appearance. Wearing an item of uniform e.g. a shirt, hat, or badge identifying the name of the Concessionaire, employee or business is encouraged.

21. Concession Location: The Concessionaire agrees, unless specifically authorized in writing by DEP to do otherwise, to confine all sales to the established concession building(s) and further to confine all advertising to the interior of said concession building(s). In the case of motor vehicle or better known “mobile” concessions, the Concessionaire will confine the advertising menu to a sign either affixed in the most notable area of the vehicle for the public to read or with the Park Supervisor’s approval, a movable sign would be acceptable next to the mobile concession vehicle.

22. Food Inspection: An authorized representative of the DEP shall conduct an annual in-season food inspection. The Concessionaire shall provide a range of food and beverage items (which will constitute one free meal) to the DEP’s Representative for food-tasting purposes.

23. Financial Reporting: By November 15th of each calendar year that this contract is in force, the Concessionaire shall submit a certified statement of annual gross receipts, attested to by a Notary Public and/or a Commissioner of the Superior Court, to: Department on Environmental Protection, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, State Parks Division, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106-5127.

24. Revenue: DEP shall not assume responsibility for revenue loss directly or indirectly attributable to actions taken by the DEP resulting from weather or crowd conditions or other acts of God. Neither shall DEP assume responsibility for revenue loss directly or indirectly attributable to attendance loss, weather conditions or other uncontrollable phenomena.

25. Compliance: The Concessionaire agrees to comply with the regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection regarding State Park and Forest Recreation Areas and with any other department policy concerning the operation of concessions.

26. Transferability: This Agreement may not be wholly or partly assigned, transferred, sublet or conveyed in any manner by the Concessionaire without the prior written approval of the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection.


Mobile Food Concession at: Chatfield Hollow and Wadsworth Falls State Parks and Cockaponset State Forest, respectively in Killingworth, Middlefield and Haddam, CT. This agreement is intended to cover the State of Connecticut’s requirements for the operation of a mobile food concession at the above-referenced state parks and forest.

Proposed Term: The agreement period will be from April 15, 2007 or execution of all parties for this proposed concession contract, whichever comes later, through September 30, 2009. The State may elect to renew the contract for one 2-year period, under the same terms and conditions as outlined in the approved contract.

Services Required: Food and beverages sold from a self-contained motor vehicle on a schedule approved by the Park Supervisor. Consistent failure to maintain an agreed upon schedule will be considered by the Department of Environmental Protection as just cause for termination of any contract.

Minimum Acceptable Bid: $500.00


Chatfield Hollow State Park • Swimming • Hiking • Picnicking • Pond and Stream Fishing

Cockaponset State Forest • Swimming at Pattaconk Lake • Fishing • Hiking • Horseback Riding • Mountain Biking The “2006” Combined Concession Gross Receipts for Chatfield Hollow State Park and Cockaponset State Forest totaled: $3,378.

Wadsworth Falls State Park • Swimming • Hiking • Mountain Biking • Stream Fishing • Picnicking There is no Gross Receipt information for this park.

Park Contact: It is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the park for their concession equipment and operating schedule. Questions concerning on-site details or concession schedules may be directed to: Park Supervisor: Alex Sokolow @ (860) 345-8521.


Mobile Food Concession at: Housatonic Meadows, Macedonia Brook and Kent Falls State Parks, respectively located in Sharon and Kent, CT. This agreement is intended to cover the State of Connecticut’s requirements for the operation of a mobile food concession at the above-referenced state parks and forest.

Proposed Term: The agreement period will be from April 15, 2007 or execution of all parties for this proposed concession contract, whichever comes later, through September 30, 2009. The State may elect to renew the contract for one 2-year period, under the same terms and conditions as outlined in the approved contract.

Services Required: Food and beverages sold from a self-contained motor vehicle on a schedule approved by the Park Supervisor. Consistent failure to maintain an agreed upon schedule will be considered by the Department of Environmental Protection as just cause for termination of any contract.

Minimum Acceptable Bid: $500.00


Housatonic Meadows State Park • Camping (95 campsites) • Canoeing • Fly Fishing • Hiking • Picnicking

Macedonia Brook State Park • Camping (51 campsites) • Hiking • Stream Fishing • Picnicking

Kent Falls State Park • Scenic Hiking • Fishing • Picnicking

The “2006” Combined Concession Gross Receipts for Housatonic Meadows, Macedonia Brook and Kent Falls State Parks totaled: $4,000.

Park Contact: It is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the park for their concession equipment and operating schedule. Questions concerning on-site details or concession schedules may be directed to: Park Supervisor: Gary Nasiatka @ (860) 927-3238


Mobile Food Concession at: Indian Well and Osbornedale State Parks, respectively located in Shelton, CT.

This agreement is intended to cover the State of Connecticut’s requirements for the operation of a mobile food concession at the above-referenced state parks and forest.

Proposed Term: The agreement period will be from April 15, 2007 or execution of all parties for this proposed concession contract, whichever comes later, through September 30, 2009. The State may elect to renew the contract for one 2-year period, under the same terms and conditions as outlined in the approved contract.

Services Required: Food and beverages sold from a self-contained motor vehicle on a schedule approved by the Park Supervisor. Consistent failure to maintain an agreed upon schedule will be considered by the Department of Environmental Protection as just cause for termination of any contract.

Minimum Acceptable Bid: $500.00


Indian Well State Park • Swimming • Boating (public launch) • River Fishing • Picnicking • Hiking Concession Gross Receipts for the “2006” season were: $12,750.

Osbornedale State Park • Hiking • Picnicking • Pond Fishing Concession Gross Receipt Information Not Available.

Park Contact: It is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the park for their concession equipment and operating schedule.

Questions concerning on-site details or concession schedules may be directed to: Park Supervisor: Joe Maler Phone Number: (203) 735-4311


Mobile Food Concession at: Kettletown and Southford Falls State Parks, respectively in Southbury, CT.

This agreement is intended to cover the State of Connecticut’s requirements for the operation of a mobile food concession at the above-referenced state parks and forest.

Proposed Term: The agreement period will be from April 15, 2007 or execution of all parties for this proposed concession contract, whichever comes later, through September 30, 2009. The State may elect to renew the contract for one 2-year period, under the same terms and conditions as outlined in the approved contract.

Services Required: Food and beverages sold from a self-contained motor vehicle on a schedule approved by the Park Supervisor. Consistent failure to maintain an agreed upon schedule will be considered by the Department of Environmental Protection as just cause for termination of any contract.

Minimum Acceptable Bid: $500.00


Kettletown State Park • Swimming • Camping (68 campsites) • Freshwater Fishing • Hiking • Picnicking Concession Gross Receipts for the “2006” season were $7,100.

Southford Falls State Park • Hiking • Picnicking • Pond and Stream Fishing Concession Gross Receipts for the “2006” season were $2,200.

Park Contact: It is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the park for their concession equipment and operating schedule.

Questions concerning on-site details or concession schedules may be directed to: Park Supervisor: Nate Hale Phone Number: (203) 938-2285


Mobile Food Concession at: Mashamoquet Brook State Park in Pomfret, CT.

This agreement is intended to cover the State of Connecticut’s requirements for the operation of a mobile food concession at the above-referenced state parks and forest.

Proposed Term: The agreement period will be from April 15, 2007 or execution of all parties for this proposed concession contract, whichever comes later, through September 30, 2009. The State may elect to renew the contract for one 2-year period, under the same terms and conditions as outlined in the approved contract.

Services Required: Food and beverages sold from a self-contained motor vehicle on a schedule approved by the Park Supervisor. Consistent failure to maintain an agreed upon schedule will be considered by the Department of Environmental Protection as just cause for termination of any contract.

Minimum Acceptable Bid: $500.00


Mashamoquet Brook State Park • Swimming • Stream Fishing • Hiking • Picnicking • Camping at two separate locations off Route 44: - Wolf Den Campground has 35 rustic campsites - Mashamoquet Brook Campground has 19 rustic campsites.

Concession Gross Receipt Information Not Available for this Park.

Park Contact: It is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the park for their concession equipment and operating schedule.

Questions concerning on-site details or concession schedules may be directed to: Park Supervisor: John Folsom Phone Number: (860) 928-6121


Mobile Food Concession at: Silver Sands State Park in Milford, CT.

This agreement is intended to cover the State of Connecticut’s requirements for the operation of a mobile food concession at the above-referenced state parks and forest.

Proposed Term: The agreement period will be from April 15, 2007 or execution of all parties for this proposed concession contract, whichever comes later, through September 30, 2009. The State may elect to renew the contract for one 2-year period, under the same terms and conditions as outlined in the approved contract.

Services Required: Food and beverages sold from a self-contained motor vehicle on a schedule approved by the Park Supervisor. Consistent failure to maintain an agreed upon schedule will be considered by the Department of Environmental Protection as just cause for termination of any contract.

Minimum Acceptable Bid: $500.00


Silver Sands State Park • Saltwater Swimming • Saltwater Fishing • Boardwalk Concession Gross Receipt Information Not Available for this Park.

Park Contact: It is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the park for their concession equipment and operating schedule.

Questions concerning on-site details or concession schedules may be directed to: Park Supervisor: Joe Maler Phone Number: (203) 735-4311


Mobile Food Concession at: Wharton Brook and Sleeping Giant State Parks, located respectively in Wallingford and Hamden, CT.

This agreement is intended to cover the State of Connecticut’s requirements for the operation of a mobile food concession at the above-referenced state parks and forest.

Proposed Term: The agreement period will be from April 15, 2007 or execution of all parties for this proposed concession contract, whichever comes later, through September 30, 2009. The State may elect to renew the contract for one 2-year period, under the same terms and conditions as outlined in the approved contract.

Services Required: Food and beverages sold from a self-contained motor vehicle on a schedule approved by the Park Supervisor. Consistent failure to maintain an agreed upon schedule will be considered by the Department of Environmental Protection as just cause for termination of any contract.

Minimum Acceptable Bid: $500.00


Wharton Brook State Park • Swimming • Fishing • Picnicking

Sleeping Giant State Park • Scenic Hiking • Look-out Tower • Nature • Picnicking • Stream Fishing

The “2006” Combined Concession Gross Receipts for Wharton Brook and Sleeping Giant State Parks totaled: $300.

Park Contact: It is the bidder’s responsibility to determine the suitability of the park for their concession equipment and operating schedule.

Questions concerning on-site details or concession schedules may be directed to: Park Supervisor: Lori Lindquist Phone Number: (203) 789-7498