מכרז מס ' 316/97/21/11 ל ביטוח עבודות קבלניות בקטע 21 21 של כביש חוצה ישראל

חברת כביש חוצה ישראל "בע מ

יוני 2012

מ כרז מס ' 11/ 21/ 97/ 316 ביטוח עבודות קבלניות ב קטע 21 של כביש חוצה ישראל כללי

.1 הנכ מוזמני בזאת על ידי חברת כביש חוצה ישראל בע" (מ להל  " החברה" או " המזמי נה" ) להציע הצעות לביטוח ה עבודות הכרוכות בבנייה ובסלילה של קטע 21 ( קטעי 1 –ו )2 של כביש חוצה ישראל ( ביטוח עבודות קבלניות ) , ממחל מאחז ועד צומת שוקת , , הכל כמפורט בהזמנה זו , לרבות במפרט הפוליסה ובתנאי הביטוח המצורפי להזמנה זו כנספח 2 . חברת הביטוח המציעה תיקרא להל  " המבטח " או " המציע" . .

.2 קטע 21 ( קטעי 1 –ו )2 של כביש חוצה ישראל , באור# כולל של כ  34 ק"מ , מוק באמצעות החברה , שהינה חברה ממשלתית בבעלות מלאה של המדינה , ובביצוע תקציבי . עבודות ה בנייה והסלילה של קט ע 21 תבוצענה במדורג , כ# שבש לב הראשו יחלו עבודות ה בנייה והסלילה בקטע שמלהבי עד צומת שוקת ( קטע 21/2 ) ובהמש# בקטע שממחל מאחז ועד להבי ( קטע 21/1 ) ( להל  " הפרויקט .")

.3 הפרויקט מתוכנ להסתיי ולהיפתח לתנועה באופ מדורג , כ# שבתחילה יסתיימו העבודות בקטע 21/2 וק טע זה ייפתח לתנועה כקטע עצמאי ( בי מחל רהט למחל להבי ) , ולאחר מכ יסתיימו העבודות בקטע 21/1 וקטע זה ייפתח א הוא לתנועה וייצור רצ תנועה בכביש חוצה ישראל עד לצומת שוקת . למע" הסר ספק , מובהר בזאת , כי חלקי$ של הפרויקט , אשר יחל שימוש בה$ , ימשיכו להיות מבוטחי $ על% פי ביטוח העבודות הקבלניות עד ל השלמת ביצוע הפרויקט כולו , וזאת כנגד כל הסיכוני$ המכוסי$ על% פי ביטוח העבודות הקבלניות . .

.4 ב ימי אלה מתבצעות בקטע 21/2 עבודות הקמה של ארבעה גשרי . עבודות ההקמה ביחס ל ארבעת הגשרי הנ" ל מבוטחות באופ מלא על ידי הקבל  המבצע שנדרש לקיי ביטוחי בהתא להוראות המכרז בו זכה , קרי לפי תנאי שהוגדרו על ידי החברה מראש ( להל – – " הגשרי$ ") . הקבל המבצע נדרש להמציא אישורי על קיו הביטוחי כאמור . לאחר השלמת בניית$ ה, גשרי$ ייכללו בביטוח העבודות הקבלניות , במלוא ערכ$ , ויבוטחו כנגד כל הסיכוני$ המכ וסי$ על% פי ביטוח העבודות הקבלניות.

.5 עבודות הכשרה לש ני קטעי נוספי ב קטע 21 ( קטעי 3 –ו )4 , מצומת שוקת עד צומת הנגב , מצויי בשלבי שוני של הלי כי תכנו , אול$ קטעי$ אלה אינ$ מהווי$ חלק מהפרויקט הנוכחי ו ה$ אינ$ נכללי$ בביטוח י$ נשוא פנייה זו .

.6 במסגרת המכרזי ה מתנהלי עתה , ובאלה שבכוונת החברה לפרס בהמש# ב יחס ל עבודות הבנייה והסלילה של קטע 21 , הודיעה ה חברה לקבלני המתמודדי במכרזי , כי בכוונת החברה ל ערו# ולקיי פוליסה לביטוח עבודות קבלניות בקשר ע העבודות נשוא ההסכ , ,


אשר תכלול את פרקי ה ביטוח כ מפורט להל ב הזמנה .זו כמו כ , הודיעה החברה במסגרת תנאי המכרזי הנ" ל כי למרות שביטוח העבודות הקבלניות נער# על  ידי החברה , הקבלני , וה בלבד , יידרשו לשאת במלוא ההשתתפות העצמית במקרה של נזק מכוסה במסגרת ביטוח העבודות הקבלניות .

.7 בהתא לתנאי המכרזי המתנהלי עתה ובאלה שבכוונת החברה לפרס בהמש# ביחס לעבודות הבנייה והסלילה של קטע ,21 נדרשי או יידרשו הקבלני לערו# ולקיי ביטוחי  נוספי ( להל  " ביטוחי הקבל" )" . ביטוחי הקבל הינ , בי היתר , ביטוח חבות ה מוצר , ביטוחי צ ה.מ. , ביטוחי רכב וביטוח לרכוש וציוד אחר המובא על יד לאתר העבודות , בתנא י מינימו הנדרשי מה כחלק מתנאי המכרז . הקבלני נדרשי להוכיח קיו הביטוחי באמצעות המצאת אישור י על עריכת הביטוחי בנוסחי המצורפי למסמכי המכרזי השוני.

תכולת הביטוחי$

.8 הביטוחי הנדרשי במסגרת הזמנה (זו להל  " ביטוחי המזמי נה ") כוללי:

8.1 ב יטוח העבודות עצמ"  ביטוח בגי אבד /ו או נזק פיזיי ובלתי צפויי שייגרמו לעבודות במש# תקופת הביטוח . סכו הביטוח לפרק זה ( ביטוח העבודות עצמ ) , ) יכלול , כאמור , ג את עלות הקמת הגשרי , בסכו השווה לעלות הקמת מחדש והגשרי יבוטחו כנגד כל הסיכוני הכלולי בביטוח העבודות הקבלניות .

8.2 ביטוח אחריות כלפי צד שלישי  ביטוח חבות כלפי צד שלישי בגי פגיעה גופנית או נזק לרכוש שיגרמו במש# תקופת ה ביטוח , בגבול אחריות בס# 40,000,000 (* ארבעי מיליו שקלי חדשי ) למקרה ובמצטבר לתקופת הביטוח , בכפו לסעי אחריות צולבת.

.9 ה תנאי  המלאי של ביטוחי המזמי נה , לרבות תקופת הביטוח , המבוטחי בפוליסה , גבולות האחריות וכדומה מפורטי ב מפרט הביטוח וב פוליסת הביטוח המצורפי נכ ספח 2 ל הזמנה זו ומהווי חלק בלתי נפרד ממנה . .

סקר מידע חיתומי

.10 ל הזמנה לקבלת הצעות זו מצור כנספח 3 , סקר מידע חיתומי שהוכ על ידי משרד השמאי רוב רט מרכוס "בע מ , הכולל , בי היתר:

10.1 תיאור של העבודות המיועדות לביצוע , תו# התייחסות לשלבי ונדבכי ביצוע העבודה ולוחות הזמני המתוכנני;


10.2 פירוט שמותיה של המתכנני , המהנדסי והיועצי השוני המשתתפי בתכנו הפרויקט לשלביו השוני ובפיקוח על ביצוע העבודות;

10.3 תיאור התקצ יב לפרויקט;

10.4 תיאור הסיכוני לעבודות עצמ הנובעי מאופ ביצוע העבודות , האזור הגיאוגרפי של ביצוע העבודות ומתקופות ביצוע;

10.5 תיאור אמצעי הבטיחות וביטחו שיינקטו במסגרת הפרויקט;

10.6 תיאור הסיכוני לסביבת אתר העבודות , לרבות נזקי לצד שלישי , העלולי להיגר במהל# ביצוע העבודות; 10.7 תיאור החשיפה הקיימת למבטחי , הנובעת מהסיכוני השוני הניתני לביטוח על פי פוליסה לביטוח עבודות קבלניות.

תנאי הס* .11 רשאי להגיש הצעה מציע העונה על כל התנאי הבאי במצטבר : : 11.1 תאגיד הרשו כדי בישראל והוא בעל " רישיו מבטח ישראלי " תק לפי חוק הפיקוח על שי רותי$ פיננסיי$ ( ביטוח) , תשמ"א% 1981 ( להל – " חוק הפיקוח על עסקי ביטוח ;") ;") 11.2 הוא מורשה כדי לעסוק בענפי הביטוח ה מפורטי להל בהתא לחוק הפיקוח על עסקי ביטוח והתקנות שהותקנו על פיו : )א( ב יטוח אבד רכוש ; )ב( ביטוח אחריות כלפי צד שלישי; 11.3 הוא בעל ניסיו משנת 2006 וא יל# בביטוח עבודות קבלניות של פרויקטי בתחו התחבורה היבשתית בישראל , כאשר ההיק הכספי המצטבר של עבודות ההקמה של הפרויקטי שבוטחו אצל המציע בשני אלה כאמור לא פחת מ  500,000,000 * ( חמש מאות מיליו שקלי חדשי ) וההיק הכספי של עבודות ההקמה של פרויקט אחד מתו# הפרויקטי הנ" ל שבוטחו אצל המציע כאמור לא פחת מ – 150,000,000 * מ( אה וחמישי מיליו שקלי חדשי ) . כל הסכומי הנ" ל ללא מע" ;מ 11.4 הוא המציא ערבות בנקאית אוטונומית , בלתי מותנית ובלתי חוזרת לקיו ההצעה בס# של 200,000 (* כמפורט להל בהזמנה זו ;) 11.5 הוא בעל כל האישורי הנדרשי לפי חוק עסקאות גופי$ ציבוריי$ , תשל " –ו 1976. 11.6 רכישת מסמכי המכרז. 11.7 השתתפות במפגש הבהרות , ככל שיתקיי.


מסמכי$ שיש לצר* להצעה

.12 על מציע לצר להצעתו את כל המסמכי המפורטי להל:

12.1 תעודת התאגדות מאת רש החברות.

12.2 רישיו מבטח מאת הממונה על שוק ההו , ביטוח וחי סכו במשרד האוצר שבו מציוני ענפי הביטוח שבה הוא מורשה לעסוק ואשר יכללו , לכל הפחות , את ענפי הביטוח המנויי בסעי 11.2 לעיל.

12.3 לה וכחת ניסיו המציע כאמור בסעי 11.3 לעיל , יצר המציע את הטבלה המצ ורפת להזמנה זו כנספח 6 ו הכולל :ת פירוט של ה פרויקטי בתחו התחבורה היבשתית בישראל שאות ביטוח החל משנת 2006 ואיל# בביטוח עבודות קבלניות , ש המבוטח ב כל פרויקט , שמו של איש קשר מטע המבוטח ופרטי ההתקשרות עימו , מהות הפרויקט , ביטוחי המציע ב מסגרת אותו פרויקט , ההיק הכספי של עבודות הקמת הפרויקט ( ללא מע"מ ) שבוטחו במסגרת הפוליסה.

12.4 את ה זמנה זו לקבלת הצעות כשהיא חתומה על ידי המבטח בסו המסמ# ובשולי כל אחד מעמודיה . כמו כ , על מציע לצר להצעתו את כל ההבהרות ו/ או העדכוני ו/ או השינויי שי ישלחו למציעי על  ידי המזמינה ( ככל ש יהיו ) כשה חתומי ומולאו בה הפרטי הנדרשי , ככל שנדרש .

12.5 את כל הנ ספחי להזמנה לקבלת הצעות , כדלקמ:

12.5.1 נספח 1 ( הצעת המ בטח )  הצעת ה מבטח תוגש כשהיא מלאה וחתומה כנדרש על ידי המבטח ותכלול את הצעת המחיר לביטוחי המזמי נה בהתא לתנאי פוליסת הביטוח המצורפת כנספח 2 למסמ# זה.

12.5.2 נספח 2 ( תנאי פוליסת הביטוח – " ביטוחי המזמינה –") מפרט הפולי סה ו תנאי פוליסת הביטוח יוגשו כש ה חתו מי  על ידי המציע בשולי כל אחד מ עמוד .יו

12.5.3 נספח 3 ס( ק ר המידע החיתומי ) – סקר מידע ה חיתומי יוגש כשהוא חתו על  ידי המציע בשולי כל אחד מ עמוד .יו

12.5.4 נספח 4 ( אישור מעודכ של "עו ד או רו" ח בדבר מורשי החתימה וזכויות החתימה אצל המ ציע –) אישור זכויות החתימה יוגש כשהוא מלא כנדרש וחתו בידי עו" ד או רו" ח של המציע .

12.5.5 נספח 5 ( נוסח ערבות בנקאית אוטונומית לקיו ההצעה –) הערבות הבנקאית תוגש כשמולאו בה הפרטי הנדרשי והיא חתומה כנדרש על ידי הב קנ .


12.5.6 נספח 6 ( טבלה להדגמת העמידה בתנאי הס הקבוע בסעי 11.3 –) טבלת ניסיו המציע תוגש כ שמולאו בה כל הפרטי הנדרשי ו היא חתומה על ידי המציע בתחתית העמוד.

12.6 אישורי הנדרשי לפי חוק עסקאות גופי ציבוריי , תשל" –ו 1976 , בתוק למועד הגשת ההצעה , כדלקמ:

)1( אישור תק מפקיד שומה או רו" ח בדבר ניהול ספרי כדי בהתא להוראות פ קודת מס הכנסה ( נוסח חדש ) וחוק מס ער. מוס* , התשל %ו" 1975 . .

)2( אישור תק מפקיד שומה או רו" ח בדבר דיווח לפקיד שומה על הכנסותיו ולמנהל מע" מ על עסקאות שמוטל עליה מס לפי חוק מס ער. מוס* , התשל ו" % 1975.

12.7 קבלה המעידה על רכישת מסמכי המכרז . .

ערבות המכרז

.13 ה ערבות ה בנקאית לקי ו ההצעה תהיה כדלקמ:

13.1 המציע יצר להצעה ערבות בנקאית אוטונומית בלתי מותנית לטובת המזמי נה לקיו ההצעה , בנוסח המצור לבקשה זו לקבלת הצעות בסכו של – 200,000 (* מאתיי אל שקלי חדשי ) כשסכו זה צמוד למדד המחירי לצרכ ( להל  " הערבות ") .

13.2 הערבות הינה חלק בלתי נפרד מההצעה ויש להגישה ביחד ע ההצעה עד למועד הגשת ההצעות במכרז . מציע שלא יצר* ערבות כאמור עד למועד להגשת ההצעות במכרז , ועדת המכרזי$ וההתקשרויות של החברה לא תדו" בהצעתו . .

13.3 הערבות תישאר בתוק לתקופה של ארבעה חודשי מהמועד להגשת ההצעות . המזמינה תהיה רשאית רשאי לדרוש מהמציעי להארי# את מש# תוקפה של הערבות למש# תקופה שתקבע ואשר לא תעלה על ארבעה חודשי נוספי . לא הארי# מציע את תוק הערב ות לדרישת המזמינה , תהיה המזמינה רשאית לפסול את הצעתו ולבחור בהצעת מציע אחר אשר הסכי לבקשתה להארכת תוק הערבות , וזאת א א ההצעה ש ל המציע הייתה עדיפה על פני הצעתו של המציע האחר.

13.4 הערבות תשמש כבי טחו לקיו ההצעה על ידי המציע הזוכה ולמילוי כל התחייבויותיו כמפורט בהזמנה זו ובהצעת המבטח . הערבויות הבנקאיות יוחזרו למציעי האחרי , אשר לא זכו במכרז .

13.5 ועדת המכרזי וההתקשרויות של החברה תהיה רשא ית להורות על חילוט הערבות של מציע , כולה או חלקה , אחרי שנתנה לו הזדמנות להשמיע את טענותיו , א התקיימו בו


אחד מאלה , וזאת מבלי לגרוע מכל זכות ו/ או תרופה אחרת הנתונה למזמי על פי כל די: )1( הוא נהג במהל# המכרז בערמה , בתכסיסנות או בחוסר ניקיו כפיי ; ; )2( הוא מסר לוועדת המכרזי מידע מטעה או מידע מהותי בלתי מדויק ; ; )3( הוא חזר בו מההצעה שהגיש ל מכרז לאחר חלו המועד האחרו להגשת ההצעות במכרז ; ; )4( אחרי שנבחר כזוכה במכרז הוא לא פעל לפי ההוראות הקבועות במכרז שה תנאי מוקד ליצירת ההתקשרות של הגו הציבורי ע הזוכה במכרז . .

רכישת מסמכי ההלי.

.14 ההשתתפות במכרז , קבלת מסמכי המכרז והגשת ההצעה במסגרתו מותני ברכישת מסמכי המכרז תמורת דמי השתתפות בס# של – 2,000 * ( אלפיי שקלי חדשי ,) אשר לא יוחזרו.

.15 את מסמכי ה מכרז נית לרכוש במשרדי החברה ברח ' יגאל אלו 65 תל  אביב ( מגדל ט יוטה ) בקומה 7 ( להל – " משרדי החברה ") , החל מיו$ פרסו$ המכרז ועד לא יאוחר מיו$ 25.6.2012 בשעה 12:00 , וזאת בימי א '  ה ' ובשעות העבודה המקובלות . כמו כ , נית לעיי במסמכי המכרז באתר האינטרנט של החברה בכתובת: http://w ww.hozeisrael.co.il תחת הלשונית " מכרזי " ( להל – " אתר האינטרנט של החברה ").

שאלות הבהרה ומפגש הבהרות

.16 מציעי רשאי להפנות שאלות הבהרה בכתב ל ועדת המכרזי וההתקשרויות של מזמי נה נ ה עד לא יאוחר מיו$ 25.6.2012 בשעה 12:00 ב אמצעות שליחת דוא" ל לכתובת : [email protected] ( "עו ד גיא לויא ) . יש לציי באופ ברור על גבי הפנייה " ביטוח עבודות קבלניות בקטע 21 של כביש חוצה ישראל ".

.17 מובהר ב זאת , כי מציע שמבקש להביע הסתייגות כלשהי ביחס לתנאי המכרז רשאי לעשות זאת רק במסגרת שאלות הבהרה שיופנו לחברה כאמור לעיל . מציע שלא יפנה לחבר ה בשאלות הבהרה כאמור , יהיה מנוע מלטעו" טענות בדבר אי% בהירות ו/ או אי% סבירות , שגיאה , %אי התאמה , טעות וכדומה במסמכי המכרז על נספחיו . כמו כ" , מובהר כי הצעה שתכלול הסתייגות , שינוי , תוספת וכדומה כלשה$ ביחס לאיזה מהתנאי$ שנקבעו במסמכי המכרז בכלל ו/ או ביחס לאיזה מהתנאי$ של ביטוחי המזמינה ( נספח 2 להזמנה זו ) בפרט , עלולה להיפסל לפי שיקול דעתה הבלעדי של החברה , למעט א$ שינוי או תוספת כאמור אושרו ופורסמו מראש ובכתב על% ידי החברה בתשובה לשאלות הבהרה /ו או מיוזמתה של החברה , כמפורט להל" .


.18 תשובות והבהרות לשאלות שהו פנו למזמי נה בכתב כאמור , י פורסמו על ידי החברה בכתב , , ובעילו ש הפונה , באתר האינטרנט של החברה . המ זמינה תהיה רשאית שלא להתייחס לשאלות הבהרה , כול או חלק , לפי שיקול דעתה הבלעדי .

.19 תשובות , הבהרות ועדכוני שניתנו בכתב על ידי המזמי נה יחייבו את ה מציעי וה ייחשבו לכל דבר ועניי כחלק מהצעת המציע . תשובות , הבהרות ועדכוני כאמור ( ככל שיהיו ) יצורפו על ידי המציע להצעתו כשה חתומות ו כשמולאו בה הפרטי הנדרשי ( ככל שנדרש .)

.20 החברה שומרת לעצמה את הזכות לקיי מפגש הבהרות לקבלת הבהרות על הצעות המציעי בזמ ובמקו עליו תודיע למ ציעי . השתתפות במפגש ההבהרות , א$ יתקיי$ , הינו חובה ומהווה תנאי ס* להשתתפות במכרז .

הגשת ההצע ות

.21 המציע יגיש את הצעתו בהתא ל כל ה תנאי המפורטי ב הזמנה זו לקבלת הצעות .

.22 ההצעה תוגש בעותק אחד בלבד.

.23 על ההצעה לעמוד בתוקפה , ללא זכות חזרה , 90 יו מהמועד שנקבע להגשת ההצעות . המזמי נה תהיה רשאית לבקש מהמציעי להארי# את מש# תוקפ של ההצעות למש# תקופה נוספת ש לא תעלה על 90 ימי נוספי . לא הארי# מציע את תוק ה צעתו לבקשת המזמינה כאמור , תהיה ה מזמינה רשאית לפסול את הצעתו ולבחור בהצעת מציע אחר אשר הסכי לבקשה להארכת תוק ה הצעה , וזאת א א ההצעה של ה מציע הייתה הצעה עדיפה על פני הצעתו של המציע האחר.

.24 על המבטח למלא את כל הפרטי הטעוני מילוי במסמכי ההצעה ב .עט

.25 ה מציע יגיש את הצעתו המלאה כמפורט לעיל במעטפה סגורה עליה יצוי : " ביטוח עבודות קבלניות ב קטע 21 של כביש חוצה ישראל" . את המעטפה ה סגורה יש להכניס לתיבת המכרזי של המזמינה הנמצאת במשרדי החברה ביו$ 16.7.2012 , עד לא יאוחר מהשעה 12:00 . הצעה שתוגש לאחר מועד זה , עלולה להיפסל לפי שיקול דעתה הבלעדי של המזמי .נה .נ ה

.26 המזמי נה רשאית , א# לא חייבת , לפי שיקול דעת ה הבלעדי , להארי# את המועד להגשת ההצעות ה. ודעה על הארכה כאמור תפורס באתר האינטרנט של החברה . אי באמור בסעי זה כדי להבטי ח מת ארכה להגשת הצעות . .

.27 מודגש , כי הצעה שתכלול הסתייגות , שינוי , תוספת וכדומה כלשה$ ביחס לאיזה מהתנאי$ שנקבעו במסמכי המכרז בכלל ו/ או ביחס לאיזה מהתנאי$ של ביטוחי המזמינה ( נספח 2 2 ל הזמנה זו ) בפרט , עלולה להיפסל לפי שיקול דעתה הבלעדי של החברה , למעט א$ שינוי


או תוספת כאמור אושרו ופורסמו מראש ובכתב על% ידי החברה בתשובה לשאלות הבהרה /ו או מיוזמתה של החברה כמפורט ל עיל.

.28 על א האמור , החברה תהא רשאית שלא לפסול הצעה א א צורפה לה הסתייגות , וכ תהא רשאית ל" תמחר " את ההסתייגות , הכל על פי שיקול דעתה הבלעדי והמוחלט , ולהוסי את מחיר ההסתייגות שקבעה כאמור , א קבעה , להצעת המחיר של המציע .

.29 החברה שומרת לעצמה את הזכות לניהול משא ומת" ע$ מציעי$ , כול$ או חלק$ , בכל עת שהיא ולפי שיקול דעתה הבלעדי , לרבות הגשת ה צעות משופרות ( Best & Final ).

הוראות ו תנאי$ נוספי$

.30 כל הנספחי להזמנה זו , לרבות כל ההבהרות ו/ או העדכוני ו/ או השינויי שתפי1 המזמינה בקשר אליה ( ככל שיהיו ) מהווי חלק בלתי נפרד ממנה.

.31 בבחירת ההצעה , תנהג המזמינה על פי אמות המידה שנקבעו בתקנה 22 לתקנות חובת המ כרזי$ , תשנ" –ג 1993 ובהתא ל כל ה אמור בהזמנה זו .

.32 החברה רשאית לבטל הלי# זה על פי שיקול דעתה הבלעדי במהל# כל אחד משלביו ולמשתתפי בהלי# לא תהיינה טענות כלשה כנגד החברה במקרה שכזה . המזמי נה אינ ה ה מתחייב ת לקבלת את ההצעה הזולה ביותר או כל הצעה שהיא , והדבר מסור ל החלטת ה ה ולשיקול דעת ה הבלעדי של המזמי נה .

.33 כל ההוצאות הכרוכות בהשתתפות בהלי# זה יהיו על חשבו המציע בלי כל קשר לתוצאותיו .

בכבוד רב , , ראוב לבאו , מנכ" ל ל כביש חוצה ישראל בע"מ

ה צהרת המציע : :

א נו הח"מ , מאשרי כי קראנו ואנו מסכימי לכל התנאי המפורטי בהזמנה זו . .

ה מ ב ט ח [ חתימת מורשי חתימה וחותמת התאגיד ] ]


מכרז מס ' 316/97/21/11 נ ספח 1 1 הצעת המבטח


מכרז מס ' 11/ 21/ 97/ 316 % נ ספח 1 הצעת המבטח

תארי#: ______לכבוד : : חברת כביש חוצה ישראל בע" מ רח ' יגאל אלו 65 65 ת ל  אביב 3 6744 ,.נ.א.ג ,.נ.א.ג נה דו" : ביטוח עבודות קבלניות בקטע 21 של כביש חוצה ישראל

.1 א נו הח"מ , מסכימי ל כל ה תנאי המפורטי ב הזמנה זו לקבלת הצעות , על כל נספחיה , לרבות הבהרות ו/ או עדכוני ו/ או שינויי שנערכו בה מעת לעת בכתב על ידי המזמינה ( להל  " מסמכי ההלי. ").

.2 ה ננו מצהירי בזה כי קראנ ו והבנו את כל האמור במסמכי ההלי# ובהתא לכ# ביססנו את הצעתנו . כמו ,כ אנו מצהירי כי לא נציג כל דרישות ו/ או תביעות המבוססות על טענו ת של אי הבנה או אי ידיעה של מסמכי ההלי# ואנו מוותרי בזה מראש על טענות אלו .

.3 א נו מצהירי בזה כי ברשותנו הידע , הניסיו , היכולת , הרישיונות וההיתרי וכל יתר המשאבי הנדרשי לקיו הביטוחי נשוא ההלי# באופ מלא , הכל כמפורט במסמכי הבקשה לקבלת הצעות ובהתא ללוח הזמני שיידרש . כמו כ , אנו מצהירי כי אי כל מניעה על פי כל די ו/ או על פי הסכ להשתתפותנו בהלי# ו/ או לקיו הביטוחי נשוא ההלי # א הצעתנו תתקבל.

.4 מבלי לגרוע מכלליות האמור לעיל , אנו רשומי בכל מרש המתנהל על  פי די הצרי# לעניי נושא ההתקשרות וכ יש בידנו את כל האישורי , הרישיונות וההיתרי הנדרשי על  פי כל .די

.5 ה ננו מצהירי בזאת כי הובא לידיעתנו שאי באמור בהצעתנו זו או בהגשתה לכ כ די לחייב אתכ ו/ או כדי להוות קיבול על ידכ בדר# כלשהי של הצעתנו.

.6 מ יד ע קבלת אשורכ בכתב כי הצעתנו נבחרה ונתקבלה , יהיו התנאי המפורטי בהצעתנו , על כל נספחיה , חוזה המחייב אותנו.

.7 א נו מ תחייבי כי א הצעתנו תתקבל , נקיי את הביטוחי הנדרשי בהתא לנספח 2 2 להזמנה לקבלת הצעות בהקד ובמהירות המ רבית.

.8 א נו מתחייבי לא לגלות ולמנוע את גלוי פרטי הצעתנו לאחרי עד למועד קבלת הודעת החברה על הזוכה בהלי#.


.9 כמו כ , אנו מתחייבי לשמור בסודיות , לא להעביר ולא לעשות כל שימוש במידע שיימסר לנו על ידי החברה , אלא לצור# ההלי# ו/ או לש ק יו הביטוחי הנדרשי בהתא לנספח 2 2 במידה ותתקבל הצעתנו , וזאת ללא הגבלה בזמ . התחייבות זאת לא תחול לגבי מידע כאמור שהינו בגדר נחלת הכלל.

.10 להצעתנו זו מצורפי , כחלק בלתי נפרד הימנה וכאשר ה מלאי וחתומי , מלוא מסמכי ההזמנה להגשת הצעות , לרבות הנספחי ולרבות איש ור מעודכ של עו" ד או רו" ח על זכויות החתימה בתאגיד , וכ ערבות בנקאית ו אישורי לפי חוק עסקאות גופי ציבוריי ( אכיפת ניהול חשבונות ותשלו חובות מס ) , תשל " –ו 1976 , בתוק למועד ההצעה.

.11 ס כו$ הצעתנו לקיו$ כל הביטוחי$ בהתא$ לנספח 2 למסמ. ההזמנה להגשת הצעות הוא ______שקלי$ חדשי$ . ו במילי$ : ______ש קלי$ חדשי$. מובהר למע" הסר ספק , כי סכו$ ההצעה לעיל מתייחס לכל תקופת הביטוח המצוינת בנספח 2 למסמ. ההזמנה כאמור . .

.12 הצעתנו זו תעמוד בתוקפה , ללא זכות חזרה , למש# 90 יו מהמועד שנקבע להגש ת ההצעות בהלי# , למעט א היא הוארכה על ידנו לבקשת המזמינה .

בכבוד רב , ,

______תארי# המבטח [ חתימת מורשי חתימה וחותמת התאגיד ] ]

ש חברת הביטוח :

שמות מורשי החתימה :

כתובת :

מס ' טלפו :

מס ' פקס :

ש איש הקשר :

דוא" ל של איש הקשר :


מכרז מס ' 316/97/21/11 נ ספח 2 2 מפרט הביטוח ותנאי פוליסת הביטוח " ביטוחי המזמינה"



Con tra cto rs All Risks and TPL Insurance


1. Policy Form: C/A/R Policy according to wording attached hereinafter.

2. Period of Insurance: 51 Months as from date to be advised, including 120 days for testing followed by 24 months Extended Maintenance period. Upon The Insured's request, the period will be extended by to 5 additional months subject to no additional premium. Any additional extension of the period of insurance will be granted, subject to additional premium calculated on a pro-rata basis.

3. The Insured: Cross Israel Highway Company Ltd. (hereinafter the company) and The state of Israel and The Israel National Roads Company and any Public Authority whom the company is contractually compelled to include as an additional insured party and The Project Managers and The Supervisors and any person or entity employed in project management and Consultants and Suppliers for their on-site activity and supervisory activities related to the Cross Israel Highway Project, and Directors, Officers and employees of any of the above and Contractors and Subcontractors of any of the above and all those acting on behalf of any of the above in connection with the execution of the construction of Section 21 of Cross Israel Highway Project, all and any of the above, hereinafter the insured.

4. Interest: Construction of sections 21\1 and 21\2 of cross Israel highway.

5. The Project Works: All works in connection with the construction of the "Section 21 of Cross Israel Highway Project" as detailed in all the information supplied to date and in Messrs Robert Marcus Loss Adjusters Ltd. Underwriting Information Report dated 13/02/12 attached therewith.

6. Site Location: The Project Site, and elsewhere in Israel in connection with the project as applicable .

7. Sums Insured / Limits of Liability:

Section I – Property Insurance

Estimated Total Contract Value (TCV): NIS 993,000,000 (nine hundred and ninety three million Israeli Shekels) (excluding V.A.T.). Premium to be adjusted on Actual Full Project Value.


Breakdown of Sum Insured: As per breakdown table of the sums insured included in the above mentioned Underwriting Information Report.

Extensions / Endorsements - Munich Re:

001 SRCC 005 Time Schedule (26 Weeks) 006 Extra Expenses / Expediting costs up to 20% of normal costs maximum I.S. 4,000,000 (four million Israeli Shekels) 007 Airfreight 20% of loss maximum I.S. 1,000,000 (one million Israeli Shekels) 008 Structures in Earthquake Zones 013 Offsite Storage or assembly I.S. 20,000,000 (twenty million Israeli Shekels) 100 Testing 120 days 101 Subsurface structures or installations, bridges and junctions (250%) 106 Section for Road Works max limit any one uncompleted section 2,500m 110 Safety measures with respect to precipitation Flood and inundation 206 Fire fighting facilities 113 Inland Transits – I.S. 2,000,000 (two million Israeli Shekels) 115 Designer's risks 115 A: Property Directly Affected – Faulty Part or -LEG 3/96 clause I.S. 20,000,000 (twenty million Israeli Shekels) 121 Piling foundation and retaining wall works -Cover for Insured Contract Works Taken Over or Put into Service -Loss Minimization Expenses - As applicable by Israeli Insurance law -Plans, Drawings and specifications -Marine 50/50 Clause -Terrorism Exclusion -Burglary / Theft -Temporary structures, light tools & Equipment – I.S. 4,000,000 (four million Israeli Shekels), maximum I.S. 100,000 (one hundred thousand Israeli Shekels) any one item -Removal of Debris, including cleaning and reinstatement of site 20% of loss, maximum I.S. 20,000,000 (twenty million Israeli Shekels) -Professional fees, building permits, reinstatement managers and consultants: 10% of loss, but not more than I.S. 4,000,000 (four million Israeli Shekels) -Existing Property / Property worked upon & surrounding property, including completed operations, being part of the project but built under separate contracts, and adjacent roads being widened as part of the insured works I.S. 20,000,000 (twenty million Israeli Shekels) -72 hours clause -Automatic reinstatement -Employee's Effects I.S. 50,000 (fifty thousand Israeli Shekels) any one occurrence, and I.S. 500,000 (five hundred thousand Israeli Shekels) in the aggregate -Fire fighting materials -Works performed at subcontractors sites I.S. 10,000,000 (ten million Israeli Shekels) -Additional cost of reinstatement 20% of original costs maximum I.S. 20,000,000 (twenty million Israeli Shekels).



• Earthquake – 10 % of Value at Risk minimum I.S. 30,000 (thirty thousand Israeli Shekels) maximum I.S. 5,000,000 (five million Israeli Shekels) • M.R 115A or LEG 3/96 I.S. 200,000 (two hundred thousand Israeli Shekels) • Construction of Bridges I.S. 200,000 (two hundred thousand Israeli Shekels) • Works performed at subcontractors sites I.S. 50,000 (fifty thousand Israeli Shekels) • Any Others Property Damage I.S. 50,000 (fifty thousand Israeli Shekels)

9. Special Condition: • Annual Up-Date / Follow-Up Reports by Messrs R Marcus, recommendations mutually agreed to be implemented

10. Section II – Third Party Liability

TPL limits:

I.S. 40,000 000 any one occurrence and in the aggregate for the period of insurance.

Cover Excludes: -War and Terrorism -Asbestos -Pure Financial Loss -Marine Insurance -Excluding US/Canadian Jurisdiction -Pollution Exclusion subject to the following: "Seepage, pollution, or contamination unless such seepage, pollution, or contamination is caused by a sudden, unintended and unexpected happening, and the occurrence become known to the Insured within 35 days after its commencing and is reported to the Insurer within 180 days thereafter".

Cover Includes: -Cross Liability -End. 120 Vibration, Removal or Weakening of Support cover -Legal costs and expenses in addition to the limits. -Subrogation Claims by the National Insurance Institute -Bodily injury from any mobile equipment for which compulsory insurance is not required -End. 102 Underground Facilities: combined limit for direct physical damage and consequential loss I.S. 2,000,000 (two million Israeli Shekels) per event. -103 Exclusion of Loss or Damage to Crops, Forests and Cultures: This exclusion shall apply only to amounts exceeding I.S. 2,000,000 (two million Israeli Shekels) any one occurrence.

TPL Deductibles (E.E.L): Vibration, removal or weakening of supports 10%, of loss, minimum I.S. 100,000 (one hundred thousand Israeli Shekels) maximum I.S. 400,000 (four hundred thousand Israeli Shekels) Underground facility (direct and consequential loss): I.S. 50,000 (fifty thousand Israeli Shekels) combined amount, any one occurrence

3 Loss or damage to crops, forests or cultures I.S. 100,000 (one hundred thousand Israeli Shekels) Any other occurrence I.S. 20,000 (twenty thousand Israeli Shekels)

תנאי כלליי מיוחדי:

1 פוליסת הביטוח לא תבוטל , לא תוקפא , והכיסוי על פיה לא ישונה לרעה על ידי המבטחי במש תקופת הביטוח אלא א נשלחה ל חברת כביש חוצה ישראל בע" מ הודעה על כ 60 לפני כניסתו לתוק ש ל ביטול הפוליסה , הקפאתה , או שינוי תנאיה לרעה . . 2 המבטח מוותר על ז כותו לתחלו כ לפי חברת כביש חוצה ישראל בע" \ומ או כלפי מדינת ישראל – משרד האוצר ומשרד התחבורה ו\ או כל מי מהמבוטחי בפוליסה כמפורט ב הגדרת " המבוטח ." יהו תור כאמור לא יחול לטובת אד שגר לנזק בזדו% . .

Signed on behalf of ………….. Insurance Company Ltd Name: Position: Signature: Date:

4 London Engineering Group

Multiple Insured Clause

Attached to the C/A/R Policy issued for Cross Israel Highway - sections 21\1 and 21\2

(i) It is noted and agreed that if the Insured described in the schedule comprises more than one insured party each operating as a separate and distinct entity then (save as described in this Multiple Insureds Clause) cover hereunder shall apply in the same manner and to the same extent as if individual policies had been issued to each such insured party provided that the total liability of the Insurers to all of the insured parties collectively shall not exceed the sums insured and limits of indemnity including any inner limits set by memorandum or endorsement stated in the policy.

(ii) It is understood and agreed that any payment or payments by Insurers to any one or more such insured parties shall reduce to the extent of that payment Insurers’ liability to all such parties arising from any one event giving rise to a claim under this policy and (if applicable) in the aggregate.

(iii) It is further understood that the Insured parties will at all times preserve the various contractual rights and agreements entered into by the insured parties and the contractual remedies of such parties in the event of loss or damage.

(iv) It is further understood and agreed that Insurers shall be entitled to avoid liability to or (as may be appropriate) claim damages from any of the Insured parties in circumstances of fraud, material misrepresentation, material non-disclosure or breach of any warranty or condition of this policy each referred to in this clause as a Vitiating Act.

(v) It is however agreed that (save as described in this Multiple Insureds Clause) a Vitiating Act committed by one insured party shall not prejudice the right to indemnity of any other insured party who has an insurable interest and who has not committed a Vitiating Act.

(vi) Insurers hereby agree to waive all rights of subrogation which they may have or acquire against any insured party except where the rights of subrogation or recourse are acquired in consequence of or otherwise following a Vitiating Act in which circumstances Insurers may enforce such rights notwithstanding the continuing or former status of the vitiating party as an insured.





1.1 SUBJECT MATTER INSURED All works in connection of the construction of Section 21 sub sections 1 and 2 project, including existing roads being widened as part of the project, and including bridges, which are part of the project, built under separate contracts, and will be included in the sum insured upon their completion, and including parts of Section 21, sub sections 1 and 2, that will be completed and taken into use, prior to completion of other sections, and that will continue to be insured by this policy until completion of the entire Project, and everything connected therewith, comprising the entire project and/or installations and/or parts with preparatory and/or auxiliary works of any kind and description (temporary as well as permanent) and all materials incorporated or to be incorporated therein, all as per contracts and including all works and the like, not described in the contracts but which will be deemed as necessary by any of the insured parties in connection with The Project, and including valuable papers, records and models; built, constructed, erected, supplied, installed, repaired, revised, replaced, cleaned or otherwise and/or whilst in course of being built, constructed, erected, supplied, installed, replaced, cleaned, repaired, revised, or otherwise, including all tests and/or trails of whatever nature as often and as long as required.

If, in consequence of a peril insured against, it will be necessary to repaint and/or clean and/or refurbish The Project, The Insurer(s) shall bear the extra costs of such repainting and/or cleaning and/or refurbishing.

1.2 MATERIALS: Materials shall include all raw and shaped materials as well as finished parts, units, installations, machinery, constructions and/or property of every kind and description and/or parts, units, installations, machinery, constructions and/or other property of every kind and description in course of construction

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and/or whilst being otherwise worked upon, and/or whilst in transit.

1.3 SITES: Sites shall mean grounds and/or areas (including property thereon), owned and/or in use by anyone of the insured parties for the purpose of The Project.

1.4 DEFINITION OF WORKS: All construction works being part of the project, including existing roads being widened as part of the project and including bridges being part of the project built under separate contracts, demolition, mounting, dismounting, cleaning and all other similar works carried out by contractors and/or sub-contractors and/or trades of all tiers and/or insured’s own employees, relating to or associated with or ancillary to The Project.

(1) 1.5 TERRITORIAL LIMITS: The policy shall apply to any loss or damage occurring anywhere in Israel, and/or suits brought against The INSURED before a court in Israel.

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In consideration of the premium charged hereunder, The INSURER(S) named in the Policy Schedule, hereinafter called The INSURER(S), do hereby agree to indemnify The INSURED and \ or to pay on behalf of The INSURED for loss as hereinafter set forth, subject to the limit(s) of liability cited in the Policy Schedule forming part of this policy and further subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of each Section of this policy contained herein or which may be endorsed hereon.



INSURANCE POLICY: This insurance will pay the cost of replacing and/or repairing and/or making good The Sites and/or The Works and/or any part thereof (hereinafter "The Project") which sustained a direct physical loss or damage during the Period of Insurance specified in the Policy Schedule (including the Maintenance Period as stated therin) due to a peril not otherwise excluded.


This policy does not insure:

(a) the costs necessary to replace, repair or rectify any defect in design, plan, specification, materials or workmanship but should cover damage otherwise insured resulting from such a defect, this exclusion shall be limited to the additional costs of improvement to the original design, plan or specification including the costs of carrying out such improvements;

(b) normal wear and tear, or normal rust, normal corrosion, normal oxidation or normal gradual deterioration; however, this policy shall cover resulting damage to property insured from a peril not otherwise excluded by this policy;

(c) unexplained disappearance or shortage discovered during periodic inventory taking;

(d) loss of or damage to cash, Bank notes, treasury notes, cheques, money orders or stamps;

(e) the amounts specified in the Policy Schedule as Deductibles;

(f) consequential loss of any kind or description whatsoever including penalties, losses due to delay, lack of performance, loss of contract;

(g) performance guarantees;

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(h) Ocean Marine shipments, but this exclusion shall not apply to coastal or inland transit.

(i) Contractor’s Equipment of every description unless the Named Insured has undertaken to insure such items by agreement.


1. PROFESSIONAL FEES AND CLAIMS PREPARATION COSTS: This policy covers architects, surveyors, legal consulting, engineers, auditors, reinstatement managers, project managers, and any other fees necessarily incurred by The Insured for the repair and/or replacement and/or reinstatement of loss and/or damage of the subject of indemnity, as well as any other reasonable costs incurred, for producing and certifying particulars or details of The Insured’s business required in order to arrive at the loss payable under this policy in the event of a claim, provided that The Insurer(s) liability for such additional costs shall not exceed 10% of the loss or damage incurred, but not more than I.S. 4,000,000 (four million Israeli Shekels) any one loss or damage.

2. EXTRA EXPENSES AND EXPEDITING EXPENSES: This policy covers reasonable extra costs of temporary repair and of expediting the repair of such loss or damage to The Project costs incurred in respect of overtime rates and wages, the cost of excavation due to flood, and the extra cost of express or other means of transportation in connection with loss and/or damage to The Project, provided that The Insurer(s) liability for such additional costs shall not exceed 20% of the loss or damage incurred, but not more than I.S. 4,000,000 (four million Israeli Shekels) any one loss or damage.

3. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES, LIGHT TOOLS & EQUIPMENT The policy covers any damage caused by an insured event not otherwise excluded, to temporary structures, scaffoldings, moulds, light tools, equipment (excluding mobile equipment) and accessories, offices (including containers and/or other structures serving as such) including contents thereof, belonging to anyone of The Insured parties, provided that The Insurer(s) liability for such loss or damage shall not exceed I.S. 4,000,000 (four million Israeli Shekels) for temporary structures and their contents, but not more than I.S. 100,000 (one hundred thousand Israeli Shekels) any one single item of light tools and equipment.

4. EMPLOYEES’ EFFECTS: This policy covers, at the option of The Insured, tools, wearing apparel and personal property of employees of The Insured, located on or at the construction site or related facilities subject to a limit of I.S. 50,000 (fifty thousand Israeli Shekels) in respect of any one employee, and up to I.S. 500,000 (five hundred thousand Israeli Shekels) in the aggregate during the period of insurance.

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5. IMMEDIATE REPAIRS: The Insurer(s) hereby grant permission to The Insured to carry out immediate repairs in respect of any damage to The Project which conveniently and advantageously can be undertaken by the Insured. The Insurer(s) will reimburse The Insured for the actual cost of such repairs, including reasonable contractors' profit and overhead costs and all other charges.

6. VALUABLE PAPERS, RECORDS AND MODELS: The term “valuable papers, records or models” includes construction models and electronic models and written, printed or otherwise inscribed documents and records, including but not limited to books, maps, films, electronic records, drawings, tapes, abstracts, deeds, mortgages and manuscripts, excluding money or securities. In case of loss, destruction or damage to valuable papers, records or models by a peril insured, settlement shall be based on the cost to repair or replace such damaged property including the cost of labor for actually copying or transcribing and the cost of regenerating, gathering or assembling information or data for reproduction. If such valuable papers, records or models are not to be repaired or replaced, The Insurer(s) will only be liable for the blank value of the applicable media. The cover afforded by this extension is limited to I.S. 1,000,000 (one million Israeli Shekels) any one loss or damage.

7. MARGIN OF PROFIT: Any Contractor included as an insured shall be entitled to receive his margin of profit on repairs or replacement, done by him, of any work which has been damaged or destroyed. This margin of profit shall not apply to materials and supplies which have not entered into construction at the time of loss.

8. CIVIL AUTHORITY: The Project hereunder is also covered against the risk of damage or destruction by civil authority, including apparent or perceived authority, during conflagration or other catastrophe caused by an insured peril and for the purpose of retarding same.

9. FIRE FIGHTING MATERIALS AND EXPENSE: This policy shall cover loss or damage of foam solution or other fire extinguishing materials lost, expended or destroyed in fighting fire involving The Project, to the extent of the value of such extinguishing materials and fire fighting expenses incurred or for which the insured may be held liable in connection with property insured hereunder.

10. AUTOMATIC INCREASE, REINSTATEMENMT AND ESCALATION: If, during the Period of Insurance, the estimated full project value shall exceed that estimated at inception of this policy, the Limit of Liability shall automatically increase to a figure not exceeding in all 115 per cent of the Limit of Liability shown in the Policy Schedule. Furthermore, the Limit of Liability shall not be reduced in the event of any loss or damage.

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11. MAINTENANCE EXTENSION: It is agreed that subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this policy or endorsed hereon, this insurance shall be extended to cover: (a) any loss or damage to The Project during the maintenance period specified in the Policy Schedule from an insured peril occurring on the site prior to the issuance of any Completion Certificate; (b) any loss or damage to the Project by an insured peril, occasioned by the Contractor and/or Sub-Contractors during the maintenance period specified in the declarations, carried out for the purpose of complying with any obligations under the contract.

12. BASIS OF LOSS SETTLEMENT: All claims shall be settled on the basis of the cost of repairing, replacing or reinstating with due diligence and dispatch with new materials of like kind and quality without deduction for depreciation. The Insured will be reimbursed by The Insurer(s) for the actual cost of such repair, replacement or reinstatement, including reasonable profit and overhead costs, overtime, insurance and all other charges incurred, including the cost of modifying, correcting or altering designs, plans and drawings.

13. TRANSIT: The coverage provided by this policy (notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary) extends to include loss of or damage to The Project during transportation within Israel by land and incidental storage of insured property, including loading and unloading. This extension is limited to I.S. 4,000,000 (four million Israeli Shekels) per shipment or per storage location.

14. BYLAWS: It is agreed that coverage shall not be prejudiced by and shall be extended to include loss sustained by The Insured to the extent that repair, rebuilding, reconstruction or replacement of property may be prolonged, suspended or delayed by reason of any law, regulation, bylaw, ordinance or requirement of law governing or otherwise affecting its repair, demolition, rebuilding, reconstruction or replacement.

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(a) Insurer(s) agree to pay on behalf of The Insured any amount The Insured becomes legally liable to pay due to loss or damage caused to any third party, arising out of, incidental to and/or occurring in connection with The Project and/or the performance of the insured Works including during the Maintenance Period (Defects Liability) period as stated in the Policy Schedule and all that is connected herewith, by any cause whatsoever, not hereinafter excluded.

(b) Subject to the Limits of Liability stated in the Policy Schedule as applicable to Defective Products Coverage, Insurer(s) also agree to pay on behalf of any of The Insured parties costs and expenses due in respect of asphalt pavement, cement, concrete or concrete products manufactured or supplied by or for any Insured and which is in place and forms part of the project and which is defective due to negligence of any of The Insured parties:

(i) the cost of removing and replacing such cement, asphalt pavement, concrete or concrete products (exclusive of the actual cost of the cement, asphalt pavement, concrete or concrete product itself); or

(ii) If modification to the structures would correct and counteract deficiencies in the cement, asphalt pavement, concrete or concrete product, to the satisfaction of all parties concerned, the cost to The Insured of such modification provided such costs do not exceed the cost of removing and replacing such defective cement, asphalt pavement, concrete or concrete product.

The insurers Liability under this Item is subject to a deductible of I.S. 100,000 (one hundred thousand Israeli Shekels) any one occurrence and I.S. 400,000 (four hundred thousand Israeli Shekels) in the aggregate for the policy period.


Notwithstanding the fact that this policy is issued in joint names The Insurer(s) agree to indemnify any of The Insured against claims made by any other party insured by this policy as though each of them were insured separately. The Insurers(s)' total liability of indemnification in respect of all The Insured individuals together shall not exceed the limits of liability stated in the Policy Schedule.

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3. OWNED, HIRED AND NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: The Insurer(s) agree to pay on behalf of The Insured for all sums which The Insured shall become legally obligated to pay as damages because of bodily injury or property damage caused by an occurrence during the Period of Insurance, as defined in the Policy Schedule, and arising out of the use or operation of any Owned, Hired or Non-Owned Automobile. (a) “Hired Automobile” means an automobile not owned by The Insured which is used under contract on behalf of or loaned to The Insured, provided such automobile is not owned by or registered in the name of (1) a partner or an executive officer of The Insured or (ii) an employee or agent of The Insured who is granted an operating allowance of any sort of the use of such automobile;

(b) “Non-owned Automobile” means an automobile which is neither an owned automobile nor a hired automobile”.

(c) “Owned Automobile” means an automobile owned by The Insured;

(d) “Automobile” means any motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer which is required by law to carry a license, other than a special license issued in respect of. (i) a motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer chiefly used or operated off highway and, (ii) a tractor, grader, loader, shovel, roller mixer or other construction equipment for its use or operation for the sole and exclusive purpose of carrying out any works upon The Project including proceeding to and from such works.

(e) with respect to any owned, hired or non-owned automobile, the following special provisions shall apply: (i) Where compulsory automobile liability insurance law is in force or other valid and collectible insurance available to The Insured, the coverage provided by this policy shall be excess of and reduced by the limit of such local compulsory insurance required by the insured or other valid and collectible insurance. (ii) Coverage is also provided under this policy for difference-in-conditions between this insurance and that provided by any other valid and collectible insurance available to the Insured.

4. LIMIT OF LIABILITY The Limit of Liability stated in the Policy Schedule as applicable to “each occurrence” or “each claim” is the Limit of The Insurer(s)' liability for all damages incurred as the result of any one occurrence insured hereunder but each occurrence made shall be subject to the deductible amount set forth in the Insurance Policy hereof and the Insurer(s) shall be liable only for the difference between such deductible amount and the limit of liability for “each occurrence”, the limit of such liability stated in the Policy Schedule as “aggregate” is, subject to the above provisions respecting each occurrence, the total limit of The Insurer(s)' liability for all damages insured hereunder.

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The payment of any deductible amount by The Insured, shall not operate to reduce the aggregate limit of the Insurer(s)' liability.

The inclusion herein of more than one insured, shall not operate to increase the limits of the Insurer(s)' liability. When the Insured becomes aware of any act of negligence, error, mistake or omission The Insured, or someone on the Insured’s behalf, shall give written notice thereof to the Insurer(s) or any of its authorized agents as soon as practicable. Such notice shall contain particulars sufficient to identify the Insured and also reasonably obtainable information respecting the time, place and circumstances of the negligence, error, mistake or omission.

If claim is made or suit is brought against The Insured, The Insured shall immediately forward to the Insurer(s) every demand, notice, summons, or other process received by the Insured or the Insured’s representative.

Except as otherwise provided in this Insurance Policy, all terms, provisions and conditions of the policy shall have full force and effect.

5. DEFENSE, INVESTIGATION AND SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS The Insurer(s) will pay, in addition to the Limit of Liability, all costs and/or expenses reasonably incurred with the consent of The Insurer(s), which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, in connection with any occurrence which is or may become the subject of indemnity hereunder. Such costs and/or expenses shall include but are not limited to legal costs, fees and other expenses.

(a) incurred in the defense, investigation or settlement of any claim;

(b) for representation of The Insured (or at the Insured’s request, any employee of the insured) at any coroner’s request, fatal accident enquiry, court of jurisdiction of proceedings arising out of alleged breach of statutory duty or other similar legal or judicial enquiries or proceedings into circumstances relating to any event which may become the subject of indemnity hereunder but insurer(s) shall not be liable for any fines or penalties imposed.

6. EXCLUSIONS: This policy shall not apply to liability in respect of: (a) The liability imposed upon or assumed by the Insured under any workers’ compensation statute or for assessment by any workers’ compensation board except this exclusion shall not apply to claims arising out of the legal liability imposed upon The Insured at Israeli Law and/or as extended by statute for injuries to employees of the Insured.

(b) The cost of physical loss or damage to The Project

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(c) Passing off or infringement of patent, copyright, trademark or trade name, fines, penalties, performance guarantees, statutory payments, fraud, deceit or dishonesty.

(d) Any payment under a penalty clause or as liquidated damages contractually incurred by the Insured unless such liability would have attached in the absence of such contract. Punitive Damages are totally excluded.

(e) Any watercraft or aircraft.

(f) The amounts specified in the Policy Schedule as Deductibles.

(g) The results of a deliberate act or omission of the Insured which could reasonably have been expected having regard to the nature and circumstances of such act or omission except where such act was undertaken to protect persons or property. However, this exclusion shall not apply to – (i) False arrest, malicious prosecution, willful or wrongful detention or imprisonment; (ii) Libel, stander, defamation of character, or (iii) Invasion of privacy, right of privacy, wrongful eviction or wrongful entry, trespass; or (iv) Humiliation; or (v) Discrimination;

sustained during the Period of Insurance.

(h) Except with respect to Insurance Policy 1(b), recalling, removing, repairing, replacing, reinstating or the cost of or reduction in value of any commodity, article or thing supplied, installed or erected by The Insured if such liability arises from any defect therein or the harmful nature or unsuitability thereof. This Exclusion shall not, however, apply to injury to any person or damage to other property arising in connection therewith. (i) Seepage, pollution, or contamination, unless such seepage, pollution, or contamination is caused by sudden, unintended and unexpected happening.

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Insurer(s) agree to pay on behalf of The Insured, damage for which The Insured becomes legally obligated to pay for loss of or damage to premises (or fixtures of fittings thereof) hired or rented or leased to The Insured where such loss of or damage to is caused by the negligent acts or omissions of The Insured, their agents, or any persons for whom they are responsible, provided that the insurance given by this extension shall not apply to any such loss or damage for which indemnity is recoverable under any material damage insurance effected by or on behalf of or to the benefit of The Insured.

The Insurer(s)' liability under this extension is limited to I.S. 4,000,000 (four million Israeli Shekels) any one occurrence and I.S. 8,000,000 (eight million Israeli Shekels) in the aggregate for the policy period.


The Insurer(s) agree, subject to the Limits of Liability stated in the Policy Schedule and to the conditions, limitations and other terms of this Insurance Policy and of the General Conditions:

1. INSURANCE POLICY: (a) COVERAGE – MEDICAL PAYMENTS: The Insurer(s) will pay to, or for, each person who sustains bodily injury caused by accident, all reasonable medical expense incurred within one year from the date of the accident on account of such bodily injury, provided such bodily injury arises out of (i) a condition in the Project Site, or (ii) operations with respect to which The Insured is afforded coverage for bodily injury liability under this policy.

(b) POLICY PERIOD – TERRITORY: This insurance applies only to medical expense arising out of an accident occurring during the Period of Insurance within the policy territory.

2. EXCLUSIONS: This insurance does not apply to:

(a) any portion of medical expense the payment of which is prohibited by law;

(b) bodily injury arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use or operation by or on behalf of the Insured of – (i) any automobile, or

(ii) any vehicle which if it were to be insured would be required by law to be insured under a contract evidenced by a motor vehicle liability policy, or any vehicle for which any motor vehicle liability policy is in effect, or

(iii) any vehicle while being used in any speed or demolition contest or in any stunting activity or in practice or preparation for any such contest or activity;

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(c) bodily injury arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use, operation, loading or unloading by or on behalf of the Insured of any watercraft, but this exclusion does not apply to watercraft under 500 tons gross registry while ashore on premises owned by, rented to or controlled by the Insured;

(d) (i) bodily injury arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use, operation, loading or unloading by or on behalf of the Insured of (1) any aircraft, or (2) any air cushion vehicle;

(ii) bodily injury arising out of the ownership, existence, use or operation by or on behalf of the Insured of any premises for the purpose of an airport or aircraft landing strip and all operations necessary on incidental thereto;

(e) bodily injury to (1) the Insured, any partner therein, any tenant or other person regularly residing on the insured premises or any employees of any of the foregoing if the bodily injury arises out of and in the course of his employment herewith, or (2) any other tenant if the bodily injury occurs on that part of the insured premises ranted from the insured or any employee of such tenant if the bodily injury occurs on the tenant’s part of the Insured premises and arises out of and in the course of his employment by the tenant, or (3) any person if any benefits for such bodily injury are payable under any workers’ compensation law, or (4) any person practicing, instructing or participating in any physical training, sport, athletic activity or contest.

(f) any medical expense for services by the Insured, any employee thereof or any person or organization under contract to the Insured to provide such services;

(g) bodily injury included within the completed operations or the products hazard.

3. LIMITS OF LIABILITY: The Limit of Liability stated in the Policy Schedule as applicable to “each person” is the limit of the insurer(s)' liability for all medical expense for bodily injury sustained by one person in any one accident.

4. ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS: When used in reference to this insurance (including endorsements forming part of the policy):

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“Project Site” means all premises owned by or rented to or used by The Insured with respect to which The Insured is afforded coverage for bodily injury liability under this policy and includes the ways immediately adjoining such premises.

“Medical Expense” means expenses for necessary medical, surgical, x-ray and dental services, including prosthetic devices and necessary ambulance, hospital, professional nursing and funeral services.

5. ADDITIONAL CONDITION As soon as practicable the injured person or someone on his behalf shall give to The Insurer(s) written proof of claim, under oath if required, and shall, after each request from The Insurer(s), execute authorization to enable The Insurer(s) to obtain medical reports and copies of records. The injured person shall submit to physical examination by physicians selected by The Insurer(s) when and as often as The Insurer(s) may reasonably require.

The Insurer(s) may pay the injured person, or any person or organization rendering the services, and the payment shall reduce the amount payable hereunder for such injury. Payment hereunder shall not constitute an admission of liability of any person or of The Insurer(s).

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The Insurer shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of loss, damage or liability caused by, arising from or aggravated, directly or indirectly, as a result of any of the following:


Notwithstanding the foregoing it is expressly agreed that Radioactive Isotopes may be used for which this exclusion does not apply.

Radioactive Isotopes are defined as Radioactive Isotopes away from a nuclear facility, which have reached the final stage of fabrication so as to be usable for any scientific, medical, agricultural, commercial or industrial purposes.

2. WAR EXCLUSION: War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, acts of sabotage and terrorism, civil war, rebellion, revolution, mutiny, unlawful seizure of power, confiscation or destruction by government or public authority.

For the purpose of this exclusion "Terrorism" shall mean the use of violence for political purposes including the use of violence with a purpose to terrify the public or any part thereof by a person or persons acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization to the state of Israel.

For the purpose of "terrorism" as defined above, in the territory of Israel and it’s held territories only an express certificate of the Israeli police or of the Ministry of Defence or of the manager of the Property Tax and Compensation fund as defined by the law of property Tax and Compensation fund 1961 with all its amendments or a judgment of an authorized court in Israel, certifying that the loss has been caused directly by a terrorism act, shall serve as cause for repudiation of a claim for terrorism losses.

Notwithstanding the above exclusion, this insurance shall cover loss or damage:

(a) caused by missiles and/or mines and/or bombs and/or other explosives to any part of The Project insured hereunder, so long as no state of war exists in which the country where the work of the Insured is performed, is involved.

(b) caused by strikers, locked-out workmen or persons taking part in labor disturbances, riots or civil commotions or person acting maliciously.

7. caused by artillery shells and/or other missiles fired from military training ground and/or dropped from military planes in peace time.

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i. PRIMARY INSURANCE / OTHER INSURANCE: Except with respect to Section B, Clause 2(e) and Clause 4(a), it is expressly agreed that this insurance provides primary cover for The Insured and that in case of loss or damage covered by this policy which is also covered under any other policy of insurance taken out by The Insured, The Insurer(s) will indemnify the Insured as if such other policy of insurance did not exist and The Insurer(s) waive their rights of recovery, if any, against The Insurer(s) of such other policy of insurance.

ii. INTERIM PAYMENTS: In that event of loss, damage or liability for which indemnity is provided under this policy and which the quantum of such loss, damage or liability has not been definitely determined, The Insurer(s) will provide to The Insured any and all interim partial payments equal to the actual amounts expended. Such advance payment shall be deducted from the final amount of indemnity payable to The Insured . The Insurer(s) hereby agrees to remit such interim partial payments within thirty (30) days from the date of The Insured’s request for such interim partial payments.

iii. 50/50 CLAUSE: Where separate marine insurance has been effected it is agreed that in the event of loss or damage to the Insured Property due to a peril insured against being discovered after the risk has terminated under such marine insurance and, if after proper investigation it is not possible to ascertain whether the cause of such loss or damage happened prior to The termination of the marine venture or subsequently, it is understood and agreed that the Insurer(s) hereon shall contribute 50% of the property adjusted claim provided the marine Insurers also agree to contribute 50% of the claim, such contribution to be without prejudice to subsequent final apportionment of the claim as may be agreed between the Insurers hereon and the marine Insurers in the light of the terms and conditions of the respective policies.

It is further agreed that in the event of the deductible, excess or retained liability under this policy being different from the deductible, excess or retained liability under the marine insurance, in settling claims as described above, each Insurer shall deduct 50% of its appropriate deductible, excess or retained liability from its 50% share of the adjusted claim.

iv. BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY: In the event of the bankruptcy or insolvency of The Insured or any entity comprising The Insured, The Insurer(s) shall not be relieved thereby of the payment of any claims hereunder because of such bankruptcy or insolvency.

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v. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Insured hereunder is not to be prejudiced by any unintentional or inadvertent error, omission, incorrect valuation or incorrect description of The Project provided notice is given to The Insurer(s) as soon as The Insured becomes aware of any such error or omission.

vi. PERMISSIONS: The Insurer(s) hereby grants permission to the Insured:

(a) for commissioning, testing and start-up prior to completion and acceptance of this project.

(b) for any other appropriate operation of The Project prior to Completion and Acceptance.

(c) to cease operations and for premises to remain vacant or unoccupied.

vii. CANCELLATION: This policy is non-cancelable, except as stated herein, by either The Insured or The Insurer(s) except in the event of non-payment of premium where The Insurer(s) may cancel to policy to giving not less than 120 days written notice to the Named Insured and Additional Named Insured as stated in Clause (3) of the Policy Schedule by registered mail. Payment of said premium due within such notification period shall cause the notice cancellation to be rescinded.

This policy may also be cancelled by The Insured or The Insurer(s);

(a) In the event of change in the applicable statutory law which would place The Insurer(s) in violation of the governing law which would threaten the solvency of The Insurer(s);

(b) In the event of an indefinite postponement of The Project, any return premium shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis.

In the event The Insurer(s) exercise their right to cancellation in accordance with the provisions of this Cancellation Clause, 120 days written notice by registered mail shall be provided to the Named Insured as stated in Clause 3 of the Policy Schedule.

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viii. PREMIUM ADJUSTMENT: The premium stated in the Policy Schedule shall be provisional and shall be adjusted at the expiry of the Period of Insurance, as defined under this policy.

The Insured shall advise the Insurer(s) the Actual Full Project Value, including the value of free issue materials, paid to the Contractor. The provisional premium shall then be finally adjusted by the application of the agreed premium rates to such Actual Full Project Value; the difference between the provisional and the final premium based on the Actual Full Project Value to be paid by or refunded to The Insured. In such final calculation of the policy premium, due account may however be taken by The Insurer(s) of any additional premium required for extensions of the Period of Insurance, as defined under this Policy.

If the Actual Full Project Value provided is within 15% of the values reported at inception, the premium adjustment requirement is waived.

ix. (A) NOTIFICATION In the event of any occurrence which may give rise to a claim under this policy, The Insured shall as soon as practicable, give notice to The Insurer(s) and supply full particulars thereof in writhing. In the case of theft, loss or willful damage, The Insured shall give notice to the appropriate authorities and render all reasonable assistance in the discovery and punishment of any guilty party and in tracing and recovering the insured property. In the event of any occurrence which might give rise to a claim under this Policy, The Insured shall: a) take all steps within his power to minimize the extent of the loss or damage; b) preserve the parts affected and make them available for inspection by a representative or surveyor of the Insurers; c) furnish all such information and documentary evidence as the Insurers may require; It is the duty of The insured to notify The Insurer(s) of any loss, damage or claim as defined under the policy as soon as possible. Upon notification being given to The Insurer(s) under this condition, The Insured may carry out the repairs or replacement of any minor damages; in all other cases a representative of The Insurer(s) shall have the opportunity of inspecting the loss or damage before any repairs or alterations are effected. If a representative of The Insurers does not carry out the inspection within a period of time which could be considered adequate under the circumstances, The Insured is entitled to proceed with the repairs or replacement. The liability of The Insurer(s) under this Policy in respect of any item sustaining damage shall cease if said item is not repaired properly without delay.

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x. SUBROGATION: In the event of any payment under this policy The Insurer(s) shall be subrogated to all The Insured’s rights of recovery thereof against any person or organization and The Insured shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else is necessary to secure such rights. The Insured shall do nothing after loss to prejudice such rights. The Insurer(s), however, shall have no rights of subrogation against any party insured herein.

xi. DEBRIS REMOVAL, DEMOLITION, CLEANING AND DEWATERING: This policy is extended to cover all expenses incurred for debris removal, demolition, removal of soot and dewatering of The Project and of cleaning up the Project Site, occasioned by loss, destruction or damage to The Project during the period of insurance, for which such loss, destruction or damage coverage is afforded under this policy. The cover granted by this condition is limited to I.S. 10,000,000 (ten million Israeli Shekels) any one occurrence.

xii. SUE AND LABOR CLAUSE: In the event of loss, destruction or damage, or threatened loss, destruction, or damage insured under this policy, The Insurer(s) will indemnity The Insured for any expenses or sacrifice incurred as a result of immediate action taken, reasonable at the time of the loss occurrence to minimize such loss, destruction, damage or liability being incurred, provided such expenses or sacrifices made are reasonable having regard to the value of The Project under this policy.

In the event the action taken to protect physical damage to The Project was not indemnifiable under this policy, the Insurer(s)’ indemnification under this provision shall be proportionate to the value of The Project hereunder to the total value of The Project which was immediately and directly endangered by the loss occurrence.

Nothing in this clause, however, shall increase Insurer(s)’ total liability, for any one loss beyond the full project value and/or the indemnity limits mentioned in Sections A and\or B.

xiii. BREACH OF CONDITIONS: Where a loss occurs and there has been a breach of a condition or warranty relating to a matter before the happening of a loss, which breach would otherwise disentitle The Insured to recover under the policy, the breach shall not disentitle The Insured to recover:

(a) unless The Insurer(s) establish that the loss was caused or contributed to by the breach of condition or warranty; (b) if the breach occurs with respect to conditions or warranties over which The Insured has no control.

Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this policy, any breach of a condition of the policy, whether by commission or omission, by one of the parties hereby insured shall

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not prevent recovery by any other party hereby insured who did not commit such act or breach.

In addition, any breach of conditions or warranties shall be read distributively so that in the event of a loss, breach of such condition or warranty in any portion of the property neither damaged nor destroyed, shall not disentitle The Insured to recover in respect of claim for loss to other portions of the property hereby covered that are damaged but in which no such breach has occurred.

xiv. SOLE AGENT: For the purpose of negotiating changes under this policy or for payment of the premium, Shall be deemed the sole agent of each Insured.

xv. INSURED: For the purposes of the policy, Insured shall mean Named Insured as stated in Clauses 3 of the Policy Schedule.

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Multiple Insureds Clause

(i) It is noted and agreed that if the Insured described in the schedule comprises more than one insured party each operating as a separate and distinct entity then (save as described in this Multiple Insureds Clause) cover hereunder shall apply in the same manner and to the same extent as if individual policies had been issued to each such insured party provided that the total liability of the Insurers to all of the insured parties collectively shall not exceed the sums insured and limits of indemnity including any inner limits set by memorandum or endorsement stated in the policy.

(ii) It is understood and agreed that any payment or payments by Insurers to any one or more such insured parties shall reduce to the extent of that payment Insurers’ liability to all such parties arising from any one event giving rise to a claim under this policy and (if applicable) in the aggregate.

(iii) It is further understood that the Insured parties will at all times preserve the various contractual rights and agreements entered into by the insured parties and the contractual remedies of such parties in the event of loss or damage.

(iv) It is further understood and agreed that Insurers shall be entitled to avoid liability to or (as may be appropriate) claim damages from any of the Insured parties in circumstances of fraud, material misrepresentation, material non-disclosure or breach of any warranty or condition of this policy each referred to in this clause as a Vitiating Act.

(v) It is however agreed that (save as described in this Multiple Insureds Clause) a Vitiating Act committed by one insured party shall not prejudice the right to indemnity of any other insured party who has an insurable interest and who has not committed a Vitiating Act.

(vi) Insurers hereby agree to waive all rights of subrogation which they may have or acquire against any insured party except where the rights of subrogation or recourse are acquired in consequence of or otherwise following a Vitiating Act in which circumstances Insurers may enforce such rights notwithstanding the continuing or former status of the vitiating party as an insured.

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It is hereby noted and declared that the policy is subject to the following endorsements:

Endorsement 005 Special conditions concerning the construction and/or erection time schedule

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the following shall apply to this insurance:

The construction and/or erection time schedule together with any other statements made in writing by the Insured for the purpose of obtaining cover under the Policy as well as technical information forwarded to the Insurers shall be deemed to be incorporated herein.

The Insurers shall not indemnify The Insured in respect of loss or damage caused by or arising out of or aggravated by deviations from the construction and/or erection time schedule exceeding the number of weeks stated below unless the Insurers had agreed in writing to such a deviation before the loss occurred. Deviation from time schedule: 26 weeks

Endorsement 008 Warranty concerning structures in earthquake zones

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, The Insurer(s) shall only indemnify The Insured for loss, damage or liability arising out of earthquake if The Insured proves that the earthquake risk was taken into account in design according to the official building codes valid for the site and that the qualities of material and workmanship and the dimensions on which the calculations were based were adhered to.

Endorsement 101 Special conditions concerning the construction of tunnels, galleries, temporary or permanent subsurface structures or installations

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, The Insurer(s) shall not indemnify The Insured in respect of the expenses incurred for

— alterations in the construction method or due to unforeseen ground conditions or obstructions,

— measures which become necessary to improve or stabilize ground conditions or to seal

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against water ingress unless necessary to reinstate indemnifiable loss or damage,

— removing material which has been excavated, or due to overbreak in excess of the design profile and/or for refilling cavities resulting therefrom unless such action is due to an otherwise insured event ,

— dewatering unless necessary to reinstate indemnifiable loss or damage,

— loss or damage due to breakdown of the dewatering system if such loss or damage could have been avoided by use of standby facilities,

In the event of indemnifiable loss or damage the maximum amount payable under this Policy shall be limited to the expenses incurred to reinstate the insured property to a standard or condition technically equivalent to that which existed immediately before the occurrence of loss or damage but not in excess of the percentage as stated below of the original average per-meter construction cost of the immediate damaged area.

Maximum percentage payable: 250 %

Endorsement 102 Special conditions concerning underground cables, pipes and other facilities

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, The Insurer(s) shall only indemnify The Insured in respect of loss of or damage to existing underground cables and/or pipes or other underground facilities if, prior to the commencement of works The Insured has inquired with the relevant authorities about the exact position of such cables, pipes or other underground facilities and takes all necessary steps to avoid damage to same.

The indemnity shall in any case not be restricted to the repair costs of such cables, pipes or other underground facilities, and shall also include consequential damage resulting from losses as described above, provided the combined Insurer(s)' liability shall not exceed I.S. 2,000,000 (two million Israeli Shekels) any one occurrence. The cover granted is subject to a deductible of I.S. 50,000 (fifty thousand Israeli Shekels) combined amount any one occurrence.

Endorsement 103 Exclusion of loss of or damage to crops, forests and cultures

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, The Insurer(s) shall not indemnify The Insured for loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused to crops, forests and/or any cultures during the execution of the contract works. However this exclusion is limited only to

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amount of loss exceeding I.S. 2,000,000 (two million Israeli Shekels) per event. The cover granted is subject to a deductible of I.S. 100,000 (one hundred thousand Israeli Shekels) any one event.

Endorsement 106 Warranty concerning sections

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, The Insurer(s) shall only indemnify The Insured for loss, damage or liability from weather events directly or indirectly caused to or by embankments, cuttings and benchings, ditches, canals or road works, (except sections completed ) if these embankments, cuttings and benchings, ditches canals or road works ( except sections completed ) are constructed in sections not exceeding in total the length stated below, irrespective of the state of completion of the insured works, and the indemnification for any one loss event shall be limited to the cost of repair of such sections.

Maximum length of any one uncompleted section: 2,500 meters.

Sections completed means that all works have been done and the section is ready for use including but not limited to:

- The road surface is completed (e.g. covered with asphalt) - The drainage system is completed and in operation - Embankments are completed and protection measures (e.g. geotextiles to prevent erosion) are competed.

Endorsement 110 Special conditions concerning safety measures with respect to precipitation, flood and inundation

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, The Insurer(s) shall only indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability caused directly or indirectly by precipitation, flood or inundation if adequate safety measures have been taken in designing and executing the project involved.

For the purposes of this Endorsement adequate safety measures shall mean that, at all times throughout the policy period, allowance is made for precipitation, flood and inundation up to a return period of 10 years for the location insured on the basis of the statistics prepared by the meteorological agencies.

Endorsement 206 It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify The

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Insured for loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from fire and/or explosion if the following requirements are fulfilled:

1. Adequate fire-fighting equipment and extinguishing agents of sufficient capacity must always be available at the site and ready for immediate use.

2. A sufficient number of workmen must be fully trained in the use of such equipment and must be available for immediate intervention at all times.

3. If storage of material for the construction or erection of the contract works is necessary, storage must be subdivided into storage units not exceeding the equivalent value of per storage unit. The individual storage units must either be at least 50 m apart or separated by fire-proof walls.

All inflammable material (such as shuttering material not fitted for concreting, litter, etc.) and especially all inflammable liquids and gases must be stored at a sufficiently large distance from the property under construction or erection and any hot work.

4. Welding, soldering or the use of an open flame in the vicinity of combustible material is only permitted if at least one workman suitably equipped with extinguishers and well trained in fire-fighting is present.

5. At the beginning of testing all fire-fighting facilities designed for the operation of the plant must be installed and serviceable.

Endorsement 120 Vibration, removal or weakening of support

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon and subject to The Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, Section 2 of this insurance shall be extended to cover liability consequent upon loss or damage caused by vibration or by the removal or weakening of support.

Provided always that:

The Insurer(s) indemnify The Insured in respect of liability for loss or damage to any property or land or building only if such loss or damage results in the total or partial collapse,

— The Insurers indemnify The Insured in respect of liability for loss or damage to any property or land or building only if prior to the commencement of construction its condition is sound and the necessary loss prevention measures have been taken,

— If required, The Insured, before commencement of construction and at his own expense, prepares a report on the condition of any endangered property or land or building.

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The Insurers shall not indemnify The Insured in respect of liability for

— loss or damage which is foreseeable having regard to the nature of the construction work or the manner of its execution,

— superficial damage which neither impairs the stability of the property, land or buildings nor endangers their users,

— the costs of loss prevention or minimization measures which become necessary during the period of insurance.

Limit of indemnity (any one occurrence): I.S. 10,000,000 (ten million Israeli Shekels).

Total limit of indemnity: I.S. 10,000,000 (ten million Israeli Shekels)

Deductible: 10% of the loss, minimum I.S.100,000 (one hundred thousand Israeli Shekels), maximum I.S. 400,000 (four hundred thousand Israeli Shekels)

Endorsement 121 Special conditions concerning piling foundation and retaining wall works

It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, The Insurers shall not indemnify The Insured in respect of expenses incurred

1. for replacing or rectifying piles or retaining wall elements

a) which have become misplaced or misaligned or jammed during their construction,

b) which are lost or abandoned or damaged during driving or extraction, or

c) which have become obstructed by jammed or damaged piling equipment or casings,

2. for rectifying disconnected or declutched sheet piles,

3. for rectifying any leakage or infiltration of material of any kind,

4. for filling voids or for replacing lost bentonite,

5. as a result of any piles or foundation elements having failed to pass a load bearing test or otherwise not having reached their designed load bearing capacity,

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6. for reinstating profiles or dimensions.

This endorsement shall not apply to loss or damage caused by natural hazards. The burden of proving that such loss or damage is covered shall be upon The Insured.

Insured Contract Works taken over or put into service This insurance is extended to cover loss or damage to parts of the insured contract works taken over or put into service if such loss or damage is covered under Section A of this policy and happened during the period of insurance.

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מכרז מס ' 316/97/21/11 נ ספח 3 3 סקר מידע חית ומי


Robert Marcus Loss Adjusters Ltd Loss Adjusters, Surveyors, Valuers (Founded 1934)

נציגים בלעדיים in association with

2/2111707 05.06.2012





Information Provided by: Eng. Dan Yeres (Chief Engineer – HOZE ISRAEL)

Site Inspection: 9th November 2011


Robert Marcus Loss Adjusters Ltd. 4th Floor, California House, 3 Totseret Ha'aretz Street, Tel Aviv 67891, Israel Tel: ++972-(0)3-6094443 Fax: ++972-(0)3-6090800 e-mail: [email protected] ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 2 2/2111707-U/I


Page no.

1. Introduction 3

2. General Description of the Project Route, Topography + Soil Profile 6

3. Description of the Works on Existing Road Sections 13

4. Description of the New Road Works + Bridges 16

5. Description of other Concrete Structures 23

6. Type of Works 24

7. Special Requirements 27

8. Timetable & Construction Stages 29

9. Designers, Supervisors & Executors 30

10. Budget 31

11. Safety & Security Measures 32

12. Risk Analysis 45

13. Summary 47



This report has been compiled from information supplied by Cross Israel Highway Ltd. Robert Marcus Loss Adjusters Ltd., disclaim any responsibility for any errors or omissions contained in it or for any loss or damage or liability however caused arising from the use of this report or the information it contains by any party whatsoever.

This Underwriting Report is not intended to identify all hazards which may exist nor is it intended to be an exhaustive review of all possible eventualities. The recommendations for risk improvement contained in the report are advisory and the decision and responsibility for implementation rests with the site's management. ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 3 2/2111707-U/I


1.1 Cross Israel Highway Company Ltd (hereby “the Company”) is a government owned company established in 1993 for the purpose of the construction of a highway crossing Israel from north to south, with a length of about 250km.

The Highway has been constructed in sections. The Company is actually a “management” entity which outsources design, financial and legal operations.

Due to the different financing methods, the highway sections to date have been constructed both as a BOT (the central section of ) as well as with direct government funding. Recently the Company completed, under the latter financing method, a 34km section of the highway between “Soreq Junction” (central Israel) and Ma’ahaz Junction (further south).

1.2 The Company intend to initiate a similar government financed project designated to extend the existing Highway (southwards) into a complete three- lane, two-directional road including bridges, overpasses, underpasses and connecting ramps and designated entry / exit points for about 30km of the main Highway to be known as Section 21 + about 25km of secondary roads .

1.3 Cover is requested for Principals, Contractors and Sub-Contractors.

1.4 Execution-wise, the “21” Section is sub-divided into four phases named A, B, C & D. They are also known as Section 21/1 & 21/2.

1.4.1 Phase A – this is the northernmost part of Section 21, from the end point of the existing Highway 6 south for about 12.5km.

This phase is to commence slightly after commencement of Phase B.

Execution-wise, Phase A will be divided into two “works”:

1st Work – a new highway of about 8km from a point on about 1km north of Beit-Kama, to Junction (including two junctions – Beit- Kama & Dvira).

2nd Work – widening of the existing Highway 40 (for about 4km) and adding one traffic lane in each direction.

1.4.2 Phase B “begins” at a point known as Rahat Junction (close to the town of Rahat) and then continues in a south-easterly direction to Shoket Junction – the southernmost point of the insured project.

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1.4.3 Phase B – (21/2) is further sub-divided for design reasons into five sub-sections as given:

Sub-Section Name Main Route Secondary Route no. Length(km) Length (km) 1 Rahat ( North) 3.00 4.20 2. Lehavim East 3.24 3.00 3. Forest 4.70 --- 4. Lakia West 3.80 2.30 5. Shoket 2.90 6.30 TOTAL 21/2 17.64 15.8

It should be noted that, execution-wise , the above-mentioned sub-sections had been “grouped” into three contracts / tenders as follows:

Contract (i) sub-sections 1 + 2 Contract (ii) sub-section 3 Contract (iii) sub-sections 4 + 5

1.4.4 Prior to the above works, the Principals will execute initial works along the route e.g., route study, removal of trees, archaeological surveys, detouring of national / regional infrastructure and in particular erection of four bridges .

All these works are to be executed by others and are not part of the project to be insured, now by C.A.R Policy (apart from the four bridges - see 1.9.3 below ).

1.5 Budget (rounded-off)

NIS 1,000,000,000 (excluding VAT ) - see Chapter 10 for details

1.6 Please note that not all design details had been finalized. This may also affect the actual budget (see Chapter 10 below).

1.7 The works will be executed by several contractors. The Company intends to issue two main tenders for the groups of sections, as detailed in Chapter 2 below. Each main contractor will be responsible for all works in the relevant section(s). They will be allowed to hire sub-contractors as required for the diverse works.

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1.8 Timetable

1.8.1 The first contract / project stage to be executed is Phase B (21/2) – namely from Rahat (Lehavim North) to Shoket 17.64km of main highway plus four junctions (Rahat; Lehavim; Lehavim South; Lakia, Shoket) and then continuation of 21/1.

a Sub-Sections 1 + 2 34 months commencing 02.10.2012

b Sub-Section 3 35 months commencing 01.01.2013 c Sub-Sections 4 + 5 35 months commencing 02.04.2013

1.8.2 Regarding Stage 21/1 – commencement 02.03.2014 to be completed 03.01.2017.

1.8.3 Total period 51 months with a leeway of an additional five months (recommended). 56 months in total.

1.9 Important Remarks

1.9.1 Some parts of the designated new highway follow the route of existing roads which will be widened and incorporated into the Cross Israel Highway. This relates in particular to the northernmost 4km of Phase A (along Highway 40) as well as to several kilometres of Highway 31 – Phase B / sub-section 3.

1.9.2 Some parts will be taken into use prior to others however the Company wishes to maintain the entire project under the C.A.R. Policy.

1.9.3 As mentioned in Item 1.4.4 above, several bridges are to be erected by others and then connected to the project. Those bridges are also the property of “the Company” and should be regarded as being “property worked upon / adjacent property” under the policy.

We had been notified that work on those bridges commenced on 01.02.2012 and that their contract works value is about NIS 38 million. They are included in the budget (Chapter 10 – Line “P”).

1.10 This report is based on information provided by the Company as well as an inspection along the route on 9th November 2011 and explanations provided at that time.

1.11 Insurers attention is drawn to the material provided to us by the Principals and which is attached to this report. Due to the magnitude and diversity of the project, we enclose the most recent “presentation” as well as additional relevant data (in Hebrew).

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2.1 The entire designated Highway 6/21 route is divided into two “projects” as follows:

21/1 (or 21A) - from the end of the existing Highway 6 to the designated Rahat (Lehavim East) Junction.

21/2 (or 21B) – from the above mentioned junction eastwards to the new Shoket South Junction.

2.1.1 Project 21/1

The northernmost point is the end of the existing Highway 6, which will connect and follow the existing Highway 40 for about 4km to be merged into a new junction, east of the existing Beit Kama junction and then the route will continue south-westwards meeting and following Highway 40 for an additional 2km before “turning” into a new south-easterly route to Rahat Junction.

Note Part of the works on this section includes the widening of the existing Junction and the crossing of railway tracks.

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2.1.2 Project 21/2

From the new Rahat Junction the route will pass eastwards, partly following the existing Highway 31 (which will be overhauled and widened to a length of about 4km) to a new junction to be erected north of the current eastern entrance to the small town of Lehavim and will later form the main entrance to the town.

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2.2 Neighbouring / Adjacent Issues

2.2.1 Population (also refer to Item 12.8 below regarding Third Party exposure and risks).

There are no populated areas along the route and/or in close proximity to same.

The nearest villages / towns are (distance to nearest habituated area / dwellings):

Name Population Distance from Route (km) (1) Beit Kama (kibbutz) + 1,000 0.250 adjacent agricultural packing centre + petrol station

(2) Rahat 60,000 1.00 (3) Lehavim 6,000 0.150 (4) Lakiah 10,000 0.50 (5) Shoket Junction/Petrol Station 500 0.150

Nomadic wandering shepherds should be taken into consideration as part of the population in the area is “Beduin”, as well as some widely scattered light sheds close to the route.

2.2.2 Infrastructure

All regional systems are to be considered, i.e.

- Electricity (above and below ground level) - Water - Communications (telephone, television cables, fibre-optics) - Petrol pipelines (oil products) - Regional irrigation

All of the above are to be diverted / re-routed prior to commencement of works by the contractors.

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2.2.3 Railway

Certain works relate to the construction of bridges over railway tracks and/or construction of road works connecting to bridges already executed (not part of this project).

Please refer to Chapter 11, Item 7 which relates to these works.

Below – typical cross-section showing railway tracks between the lanes.

Typical cross-section with railway tracks between the lanes

2.2.4 Industry / Commerce / Agriculture a. The only adjacent industry is a chemicals plant in Beit Kama about 300m from the route (northern section). b. There are two petrol stations, 150m – 250m away (Beit Kama and Shoket). Each one has some shops and food facilities. ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 10 2/2111707-U/I c. Agriculture

(i) Seasonal agriculture, mainly along the northern “half” of the route, including vegetables or wheat. Partially irrigated and partly dependant on rainfall.

(ii) Almond orchards in the Lakia area (olive trees as well to some extent).

(iii) Some intensive agricultural activity (irrigated areas) in the vicinity of Shoket Junction (southernmost point of the project route).

(iv) Woods, mostly in the Lehavim area (part of the national landscaping and forestry activities).

2.2.5 Four Bridges – to be executed by Others

As stated above, these bridges are not part of the project to be insured however, they will become a part of the complete 6/21 Highway. Tenders for the bridges had already been issued and works are due to commence from early 2012 until end 2013.

Hence, there will be :

Initially: Works adjacent to the project works.

Thereafter: Structures to be integrated into the Highway including topping / asphalting and all related traffic finishing works.

The main details for same are :

Bridge – Function / Location Total Construction Location vis- I.D. no. Length à-vis Phase B (m) BR 170 Crossing above Highway 40 102 cast on-site Sub-Sections 1+2 ABR 162 Railway crossing – two 94 conventional Sub-Sections parallel bridges each (pre-cast 1+2 elements) BR 134 Across Highway 31 61 conventional Sub-Section (pre-cast 1+2 elements) BR 88 Across Highway 358 80 conventional Sub-Section 3 (Lakia Junction) (pre-cast elements)

Width – 12.2m to 12.9m each (two carriageways plus embankments)

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2.3 Topography

2.3.1 General Data (north to south)

The land rises from north to south and slightly descends midway. The landscape is one of moderate hills, crossed from east to west by wadis (dry-river beds in which water flows during the winter season).

The northern area begins at about +200m and rises to +300 – 320m about 10km southwards. It then continues to a “peak” level of +440m north of Shoket Junction after which it moderately descends to +340m at the end of the project route.

2.3.2 Elevation & Google Earth Coordinates for Key Points

Point / Location Elevation (m) E N Northernmost Point +207 34 o 46’ 24” 31 o 28’ 02”

Beit Kama Junction +250 34 o 46’ 19” 31 o 26’ 34”

Dvir Junction +265 34 o 47’ 09” 31 o 25’ 22”

Rahat Junction +267 34 o 47’ 20” 31 o 24’ 04”

Lehavim East Junction +305 34 o 48’ 55” 31 o 22’ 51”

Lakia Junction +415 34 o 52’ 02” 31 o 20’ 39”

Shoket North Junction +368 34 o 53’ 30” 31 o 18’ 58”

Shoket South Junction +342 34 o 53’ 21” 31 o 17’ 56”

2.4 Soil Profile

We received the reports of:

- Geologist – Eng. M. Levin - Soil Consultants – Eng. M. Yoger Ltd Blank-Lehrer Engineering Ltd

According to the findings of the test drills carried out at the main construction points, namely the bridges, it can be understood that the area is as follows (incl. technical classifications):

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2.4.1 Northern “half” of the route – two slightly different soil profiles were found, as follows:

(a)1 Top layer of thin silt (CL) mixed with “lenses” of carbonate material (2-3cm dia). This silt has high expansion potential of collapsing under loads.

The thickness of this layer varies between 16m – 18m in the area of Bridges BR08 & BR09 (crossing Highway 31) to a much lower thickness (1.6m – 5.5m) in other areas.

(b) In the area of Bridges BR08 & BR09 - the layer below the top silty layer is a mixture of gravel (“wadi” pebbles) with silt. The pebbles are mostly 5cm-15cm dia. however larger stones of up to 50cm dia. were found.

Hard rock pebbles (similar to granite) are mixed in with this layer. The pebbles comprise of about 70% of the layer. The thickness of this layer varies between 14m – 24m. Below this are mixed layers of chalk and limestone (hard rock). 2.4.2 Further south / south-east:

Below the top thin silt layer some partly fatty silt (CH) may appear to 5m below ground level.

Below this layer – Alluvium (GC) – pebbles and stones mixed with think silt to a depth of about 9m – 10m.

Below this layer – thin to silty sand (SP to SM) mixed with cracked / worn stones to a depth of 11m – 16m.

Below this layer – chalk downwards.

2.4.3 Underground Water – as a general rule, not found in any of the test drills.

2.5 Hydrological Data

We were provided with a data report prepared in 2008 in connection with guidelines to the detailed design.

2.5.1 According to this report the designated route crosses several wadis and twelve drainage areas (seven of the wadis carry significant streams during winter). Regarding the drainage areas – four of them handle 96 – 520 sq.km, five are for 14 – 38 sq.km and the rest are smaller.

The report calls for drainage arrangements to be carried out as part of the project.

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2.4.2 Rainfall Data

Rainfall Duration Rainfall Quantity (mm) Date (minutes) Beersheva Station – 52 years observation 10 118.2 18/10/1997 15 92.5 18/10/1997 30 54.8 17/11/1964 45 36.2 22/10/1979 60 27.4 22/10/1979 Lahav Station – 41 years observation 10 81.5 11/11/1993 15 64.3 17/11/1964 30 55.9 23/03/1991 45 50.3 23/03/1991 60 40.9 23/03/1991 Arad – 33 years observation 10 74.8 06/11/1989 15 68.6 06/11/1989 30 46.9 06/11/1989 45 33.1 29/01/2003 60 32.0 29/01/2003

2.5.3 The design criteria for the project (incl. planned drainage works) is for 0.5% probability (200 years return) however it should be noted that this relates to the finished highway and not to situations during construction.


3.1 This relates to the project parts in which the new route will conjoin with existing roads, namely:

4km of Highway 40 (just south of the “start”) 3km of Highway 40 (south of Beit Kama) 5km of Highway 31.

3.2 Re: Highway 40

The works are intended to widen the road to include three lanes in each direction along the entire route. It should be noted that currently the two current active lanes in each direction are the outer lanes and the third lane is being formed from the area in the middle previously designated as the central reservation.

The works will commence with the removal of obstacles such as rocks, trees, fencing and the like. ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 14 2/2111707-U/I

The existing traffic will be detoured, except for a section 1km long, which will remain and the asphalting of the third lane is to be carried out whilst the active lanes are separated from the working area by traffic cones.

An additional length of this road will be completely renewed and widened (about 3km).The work will be completed by the installation of suitable metal crash barriers. If any concrete barriers / walls are required these works will be carried out after setting out the traffic arrangements as required by the regulations.

3.3 Re: Highway 31

As above except for two lanes in each direction.

Rahat Junction Design

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Lehavim Area Design

Lakia – Shoket Section

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4.1 Typical road works which include :

4.1.1 Subsoil preparation, namely levelling, removal of loose sand, over-growth, etc, followed by the laying and compacting of suitable material (60cm in silty areas, 20cm in rocky areas).Use of sealing sheets in silty areas, on top of the 60cm “worked” layer.

4.1.2 Ramp a. Grading as dictated by the specific plans:

- Minimum of 1:2.5 in soil or ramps - Minimum of 1:1 in rocky excavations b. Protection by reinforcement yarn. c. Ramps will be of graded and compacted soil either local or imported, to be graded according to AASHTO as A-1; A-2; A-3; A-4 and then laid, wetted and compacted. d. If silt is used as a “core” for ramps, it will be covered on top to 2.5m and on sides 5m each side.

Height of core will not exceed 7.5m and use of sealing sheets will be above the core.

Minimum length of such ramp: 200m.

4.1.3 The laying of the “asphalted layer” of the road to a thickness of 51cm to 64cm (depending on location) from bottom upwards will comprise of:

- 15-20cm of Grade A layer - 20cm of Grade A crushed stone (32.5mm) - Three layers 6 – 7cm each of crushed stone (25mm) mixed with Bitumen - Top layer – 4cm of basalt aggregate with bitumen. ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 17 2/2111707-U/I

Typical Road Design

4.3 Channelling

4.3.1 In silty areas – a channel will be executed at the top of the ramp to prevent erosion of the slopes. The channels will be properly sealed and retained, according to the specific design.

4.3.2 Road channels – to be executed for water removal from the road also in a manner that will not have any slopes. ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 18 2/2111707-U/I

Typical Cross-Section in Drainage Area

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4.4 Bridges

Bridge Location Length Width No. of Comments no. (m) (m) Sections BR08 Highway 31 – above project route 86 12 4 6m clearance

BR09 As above 180 12 6 Max span 37m

BUP102 Above wadi and scenic route between 24 13 1 2 parallel bridges Lakia & Lehavim 7m clearance

BBR112 North of Lakia Junction along 48 14 2 2 parallel bridges Highway 31 8m clearance

BBR132 Above wadi and scenic route between 28 14 1 2 parallel bridges Lakia & Lehavim 7m clearance

BR138 North of Lakia Junction 36 20 2 7m clearance

BBR146 North of Lakia Junction – above 40 20 2 Tila Stream ABR182 Rahat Junction – 3 parallel bridges 32 21 1 13 1 7.5m clearance 9.5 1

ABR200 Along existing Highway 40 – above 34 13 1 2 parallel bridges Stream 7.5m clearance

4.5 Construction Details for the Bridges:

General – to be executed as per the detailed design.

Concrete – B40 – B60 as dictated in the specifications.

Sealing – all concrete elements which come into contact with the ground will be sealed as per the specifications.

4.5.1 Foundations for the Piers

Drilled piles which are cast in the Bentonite method (up to 130cm. dia). Length: up to 22m.

Note : side piers may be based on smaller piles 80cn dia., 18m long (depending on the load.

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Typical Bridges

4.5.2 Middle Piers

Reinforced concrete cast in situ.

Maximum height as currently known: 7m.

4.5.3 Abutments

Reinforced concrete walls clad with stone, anchored to the reinforced side soil designated to carry both bridges.

Drainage system to be constructed using “delta terrax” or equivalent sheets, at the bottom of each side abutment.

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4.5.4 The Segments

Pre-cast “U” type elements, length up to 38m. The segments may be cast in a casting yard at the project site.

4.5.5 Railings

The safety railings are constructed of a combination of cast in situ base and “transparent” sections made from steel pipes.

4.5.6 Joints

The expansion seams will be at the abutment ends of the bridges only, and they will comprise a series of steel profiles and Neoprene profiles – see Item 7.6 for details.

4.5.7 Bearings

The carriageway will be laid on a system of supports on all the piers and abutments. All the supports will serve to carry the bridge loads will be fitted as well with the vibration absorbers in the event of earthquake and will be produced by lamination of high damping natural rubber and steel sheets for reinforcement.

4.6 Standards & Codes

The design and execution of the construction works is according to the following standards and/or the most recent valid updates.

4.6.1 Israeli Standards

I.S. 3 Aggregates, minerals from natural sources.

I.S. 26 Parts 5, 6 Methods to check concrete

I.S. 118 Concrete for structural use – control conditions at production and compression strength.

I.S. 253 Soil sorting for civil engineering – sort at laboratory and visual sorting.

I.S. 412 Typical loads in building.

IS 1227 Parts 1, 2 Bridge loads

I.S. 413 Typical load – earthquake

I.S 466 Parts 1-4 Concrete code

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I.S 4666 Parts 1-5 Rebar – non-circular steel rods

I.S. 414 Typical wind load.

I.S. 601 Ready made imported concrete

I.S. 4466 Rebar – non-circular steel rods

I.S. 918 Hot dipping (zinc coat) on steel casting products.

I.S. 940 Foundations

I.S. 1630 Retaining walls of soil

I.S. 2387 (all published parts) – Stone for cladding walls

I.S. 4466.4 Rebar – welded nets

ISO 9002 Quality system – to produce, install and service.

4.6.2 International Standards

BS 8002 Code of practise for earth retaining structures

BS 8006 Strengthened / reinforced soils and other fills

ASTM D 1557 Test method for laboratory characteristics for soil using modified effort.

FHWA SA 96-074 Demonstration Project 82 ground improvement, mechanically stabilized earth walls and reinforced slopes – design and construction guidelines.

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5.1 Retaining Walls

The walls will be up to 300m long. Average height of 3m - 4m (some up to 6m high).

Retaining walls of four types will be employed .

(a) Side walls comprising drilled and cast in situ piles using the “hit & rotate” method (micro-piles), or cast in site walls in front of good stone areas, with or without stone cladding.

(b) Load bearing walls constructed of reinforced concrete and clad with stone.

Foundations – heavy “legs” on replaced Grade A soil, min. 80cm, compacted in 20cm layers to 98% AASHTO.

The replaced soil will be separated from the excavation by HDPE sheets.

(c) Reinforced concrete retaining walls, clad with stone

(d) Retaining walls of the “reinforced soil” type the frontal elements of which are clad with stone.

Notes (1) If and where “reinforced soil” walls are to be erected, they will be built on clean soil, of imported Grade A 1.2m (20cm layers, compacted to 98% AASHTO). Landfill of Grade B soil, compacted in 25cm layers 96% AASHTO peripheral drainage to be arranged prior to construction of the side piers.

(2) Some of the walls under (a), (b) & (c) will be anchored using pre-stressed ground/rock, temporary and/or permanent anchors.

5.2 Water Culverts

5.2.1 The main / largest water culverts:

Culvert Location Length Width Height Comment no. (m) (m) (m) BBC130 North of Lakia Junction – draining 87 22.5 7.9 Box type with towards the Grar River middle partition

ABC176 Under Highway 40 – draining 91 11.3 6.0 Box type with (West) towards the Ziklag Stream middle partition

ABC176 Under Highway 40 – draining Open channel (East) towards the Ziklag Stream connecting the (measurements not provided) two culverts between the two carriageways ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 24 2/2111707-U/I

5.2.2 Other Culverts:

There will be an additional 13 smaller water culverts, some comprising of 100cm dia. pipes and others of the “box type” (ranging between a cross-section of 2m x 2m to 4m x 5m).

5.3 Agricultural Roads

5.3.1 Underpasses To be built mainly as “box type” elements, mostly 45m – 50m long. Some will be 6m x 2.5m cross-section.

5.3.2 Overpasses Mostly 120m – 150m long x 12m wide.

5.3.3 Ecological Pass Underpass 21B-PC110 to be executed in the “Pushing Method” in the area of Lahav Forest 133.5m long x 2m dia.

5.4 Signalling Bridges

Reinforced concrete and/or steel elements, to be erected above the highway for location of signboards and/or signalling systems.

Altogether there will be about thirty-five such structures, some of which will be of the “gate” type and others of the “r” type.


Within the framework of his work the contractors will carry out various kinds of work as follows:

6.1 All surveying works, measuring and mapping which are required in order to execute the project.

6.2 Preparatory works, such as uprooting and cutting down trees and vegetation, transfer of various trees and re-planting them, dismantling asphalt surfaces and pavements, transfer of pipelines, reinforcement of pipelines, and the like, dismantling of concrete fences and/or stone and/or clad with stone, dismantling of terraces and the like – all these works being necessary in order to execute the project work in its entirety.

6.3 Excavation and/or quarrying work for the bridges and structures, roads, foundations and retaining walls – including re-fill.

6.4 Earthworks and embankments for the roads. ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 25 2/2111707-U/I

6.5 Detailed planning, production, supply and construction of retaining walls of the reinforced ground type, including fill for the retaining walls, and belts of anchors.

6.6 Reinforced concrete works and ground/rock anchors in the retaining walls

6.7 Earth, concrete, flooring works and the like for execution of the load-bearing stone covered walls, and development of the site

6.8 Reinforced concrete works, cast in situ for the bridges (including foundations, piers and carriageways), retaining and supporting walls.

6.9 Foundations comprising drilled and cast in situ piles of the hardening and turning type (micro-piles), with diameters of up to and including 60 cm.

6.10 Works necessary execution of the piles for the side walls, of the above mentioned type.

6.11 Production, supply and mounting of prefabricated, pre-stressed beams of the inverted “T” type

6.12 Production, supply and mounting of prefabricated bridge segments

6.13 Production, supply and mounting of prefabricated elements for the retaining walls.

6.14 Post-stressed works in the prefabricated segments.

6.15 Mounting and other longitudinal post-stressing for mounting the free cantilever type segments.

6.16 Other longitudinal stressing works for continuation of the bridges

6.17 Temporary post-stressing works during the process of mounting the bridge segments

6.18 Execution of the ground/rock stressed anchors – permanent and temporary

6.19 Supply and installation of seams in the bridges, as well as reinforced natural rubber braces which have the ability to reduce the effect of earthquakes (including design of the braces)

6.20 Metal-smith works for manufacture and mounting of steel railings, mountings for pipes, seams, etc.

6.21 Electrical grounding / earthing works

6.22 Metal-smith and paint works

6.23 Coating and stone cladding works.

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6.24 If and where required – restoration of the site to its previous condition and restoration of the landscape including rock gardens, earthworks, planting of vegetation, gardens and irrigation.

6.25 Drainage work

6.26 Electrical illumination and Bezeq Telecommunications systems

6.27 Base course and paving works, integration with existing roads, including works adjacent to populated areas.

6.28 Paving of bridges and roads

6.29 Supply and installation of various pipes (channelling works)

6.30 Basic earthing and illumination system in the streets, on bridges and roads

6.31 Co-ordination of works with overhead and underground pipe and cable systems, and execution of works in the vicinity of the above, under the constant supervision of representatives of the relevant authorities.

6.32 Detailed planning and execution of the temporary support systems, or temporary contacts and levelling systems as required for execution of the bridges according to the Free Cantilever system.

6.33 Planning of the transport and mounting procedures for the bridge construction.

6.4 Additional Works

For completion and summarizing the above, it should be noted that within the framework of the project additional works will also be included, the main ones being:

Earth works for roads, development of the site and retaining walls, paving works, illumination and basic earthing works, drainage works, restoration of landscape and works to prevent damages to the environment (noise, dust, etc).

It should be noted by contractors that on the subject of damage to the growth / vegetation along the route, all works should be conducted in accordance with the instructions set out in the contract and by company authorities.

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7.1 Fencing and Signboards

The contractors must affix signboards containing warnings onto fences in accordance with relevant regulations, including warnings against entry into the site by unauthorised persons – namely pedestrians and motor vehicles; signboards warning against the risks prevalent on a building site; signboards providing details of the contractors and work foremen, etc.

7.2 Preservation of landscape, environment and Restoration of Vista

According to the contract, the contractors will be required to preserve and ensure that no damage is caused to the landscape.

No work should be carried out on the site unless it has been approved by the supervisor, or is described in the plans for execution of the project.

No temporary roads or temporary work areas are to be devised unless the locations intended for same appear in the organizational plans which are approved by the supervisor.

No trees and/or shrubs are to be uprooted without the approval of the supervisor, unless same is necessary for paving work within the framework of the plans.

No retaining walls or stone terraces are to be dismantled which were not intended to be destroyed within the framework of the plans, unless the supervisor has instructed that they are to be dismantled.

All damages affecting the landscape contractor and his plans for the site, contrary to the above will be repaired immediately by the contractor and for his own account, whereas the purpose is to restore the site to its previous condition.

7.3 Requirements of the Bridge Contractors and Organisational Procedures for Assembly Works

Transport of the prefabricated segments or prefabricated elements or prefabricated beams, from the manufacturers’ plants to the site, will be carried out by special carriers. The contractor will receive approval from the Israel Police for a traffic route, travelling hours, and traffic restrictions.

The prefabricated elements will be delivered to the site and immediately mounted in place on the bridge. Temporary storage of the elements on the site will be permitted.

As a general rule all elements brought to the site will be mounted immediately in its place on the bridge, and therefore it will be necessary to plan ahead all arrangements for transport and setting up of the various prefabricated elements, and make special organisational plans for the mounting of the prefabricated elements. ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 28 2/2111707-U/I

7.4 Traffic Arrangements and Separation – Contract Requirements

The traffic and works will always be in co-ordination and with the explicit approval of the Israel Police and the Traffic Division of the Beersheva District.

Each contractor will ensure that he has the appropriate licenses and permits for execution of the work in his own field.

If, for the purpose of executing the works, a certain contractor will have to set up a barrier (temporary) over one operative traffic lane and/or detour the traffic, he will have to co-ordinate this with the Israeli Police.

The organisation of the traffic arrangements as detailed will be carried out by the contractor via a firm specializing in traffic engineering, for the account of the contractor. This firm will have to obtain approval from the supervisor in advance.

The contractor must ensure the safety of motor vehicles and pedestrians and/or third parties who use the roads against any harm as a result of his acts or omissions and to maintain harmony among his works and other parties.

Fences and barriers should be erected as directed by the supervisor on-site.

7.5 Foundation Works

To be executed by an experienced contractor. It should be noted that some piles maybe inclined to the surface and the contractor should have suitable equipment for dealing with same.

All works should be carried out under constant supervision. The supervisor will decide on the final depth of each pile.

No deviation of more than 1% from the vertical centre will be allowed.

Rebar and casting – according to the specifications of the contract.

All piles will undergo ultrasonic testing.

7.6 Flexible Supports and Expansion Joints

7.6.1 Flexible supports of “closed cell sponge Neoprene” make Maurer (Germany) or equivalent and will meet the German “EN” Standard.

7.6.2 Expansion joints – made by Maurer (Germany) D-80 or D-80F type and certified according to TL/TP-F4 92 specification.

Installation - only by a team of Maurer personnel, or those certified by Maurer.

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7.7 Stone Cladding

All fixtures, bolts and hooks will be of stainless steel 316.


8.1 Based on the current Gant Chart, the main works are due to commence October 2012

8.3 Completion – 51 months

8.4 Giving a leeway of five (5) months, a fifty-six (56) month insurance period should be taken into account.

Planned Schedules Planned Commencement Planned Completion Section / Phase Sub-Section 21/2 (21B) 1 October 2012 } Q3 2105 2 October 2012 } 3 January 2013 Q4 2015 4+5 April 2013 Q1 2016 21/1 (21A) Southern Part March 2014 Q1 2017

Remarks As stated in Item 1.9.2 above, it is intended to take into public use the following sections, prior to the final completion date:

a. Any Sub-Section of 21/2 when completed.

b. Southern (main) Sub-Section of 21/1

c. A Gant Chart is enclosed to this report (in Hebrew). This is the most recent version – the start dates should be amended for the “execution of works” from 02.10.2012 to 03.01.2017.

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9.1 Designing Team / Engineering Offices

9.1.1 General Design + Roads D.A.L Ltd LANDUSE Ltd

9.1.2 Structural Engineering of bridges :

- Bridge 358/6 Brown, Shamir, Pozner - Other bridges G.A.S.H.

9.1.3 Drainage: Office of Lavi-Natif

9.1.4 Geologist: Moshe Levin

9.1.5 Soil Consultants: - Bridge 358/6 Blank-Lehrer - Other Bridges M. Yoger

9.1.6 Illumination + Electricity + Controls infrastructure: SAPIR

9.1.7 Landscape Architects: Broida-Maoz

9.1.8 Bridges Architects: Drori Atzmoni

9.1.9 Ecology: Ron Frumkin

9.2 Project Management

Design Management: Ehud Levitan Engineering Ltd.

Scheduling Management: “C” Square Ltd

Site Management: DANA Engineering Ltd*

*This office is managed by Eng. Dan Holzman who gained vast experience in large-scale projects.

9.3 Contractors

Not yet chosen.

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10. BUDGET (As given by the Company and its consultants)

10.1 Budget Breakdown (see comments at end of table)

PHASE A PHASE B (21/2) (21/2) (*) Sub-Sections Sub-Section Sub-Sections Description 1+2 3 4+5 NIS ‘000s NIS ‘000s NIS ‘000s NIS ‘000s Site preparation, demolition a. and removal of obstacles 2993 7464 19650 11826

b. Soil works 80117 26848 46927 19080

c. Carriageways 55189 35703 60406 44343

d. Structural elements 49140 34222 78178 (**) 18135

e. Drainage 12150 11892 8973 6282

f. Traffic engineering + safety 12393 7922 10798 11115

g. Illumination + stop lights 14107 5166 10732 7650

h. Landscaping 9481 10359 10799 10485 Traffic arrangements and/or i. any unexpected costs 4536 5173 2272 (***) 5400

j. Sub-Total (a – i) 240110 139589 238006 134316

k. Sub-Total – PHASES 617706 134316 Re-routing of infrastructure + l. other preparatory works included in above – Budget Item (a) ---- Project management + m. overheads 12% 74124 16117 n. Unexpected Costs 15% 92656 20147

0. Sub-Total – Phase B (21/2) 784486 170580 The four bridges which will be p. executed prior to the above mentioned works 38000 GRAND TOTAL q (excl. VAT) NIS 993,066,000


(*) The budget for Phase A is not final as the widening of the northernmost four kilometres is not included (this may be carried out at a later stage or as a separate project) ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 32 2/2111707-U/I

(**) The budget for the structural element of Phase A excludes two bridges, the design of which has not yet been completed (however they may well fall under the category of “unexpected costs”.

(***) Includes NIS 3 million for infrastructure for controls and communications (COM + ETTM)

(iv) In rounded-off figures, we speak about a NIS 1.0 billion project .

10.2 Bar Chart As currently known, the distribution of the budget over the project period will be (accumulative), in percentage terms from the total:

Year 2012: 20% Year 2013: 34% Year 2014: 33% Year 2015: 14%

10.3 Value of the four bridges, to be insured within the scope of this insurance rounded off to NIS 38 million (see Item “p” in the table above)

10.4 The largest single structural “item” of the project i.e. the BR09 Bridge (180m long) is estimated at NIS 20 million.


The contract with each contractor includes a detailed list of instructions and regulations relating to the project as well as to employees safety, quality of work and public safety aspects.

The main points are hereby quoted:


11.1 Work Under the Ultra-High Voltage and High Voltage Power Lines

The work will be carried out in coordination with the Israel Electric Corp. (IEC) while paying particular attention to all the safety regulations which will be provided by it, including the use of cranes, concrete pumps, and drilling machines at the required heights, execution of reinforcement cells for the piles in the work segments during certain hours and on certain days of the week, according to the instructions of the IEC and according to the power stoppages which will be made (if and when made) by the IEC. The contractor will be entitled to request power stoppages. the IEC will consider the contractor's request and the requirements of the consumers, and will decide accordingly. ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 33 2/2111707-U/I

11.2 Works in Proximity to the Archaeological and Antiquities Site

Excavation works, of any kind, will always be carried out under the supervision and in the presence of the supervisor on behalf of the Antiquities Authority, and the contractor will act according to the instructions provided by the above, which will be given directly to the contractor and/or through the supervisor for the project (in the event of direct instructions being given by the supervisor on behalf of the Antiquities Authority, he should immediately update the supervisor on behalf of the Principal, before the work is executed).

The contractor will be responsible for summoning the supervisor on behalf of the Antiquities Authority before the start of excavation of each segment or work which may cause harm to the antiquities.

11.3 Special Organization for Transportation and Mounting Carriage Beams for the Bridges

(a) Transport of the prefabricated beams from the production plants to the site will be executed by special carriers. The contractor will have been required to obtain approval from the Israel Police for the traffic route, the hours involved, and the like.

The contractor will submit to the supervisor at least 60 days in advance before commencement of the mounting work, the special organizational plans for mounting the beams. The contractor's plans will include a detailed description in words and a diagram (on a copy of the site plan) which will reflect the order in which the mounting work will be carried out, parking location for the beam carriers, direction of travel when delivering the beams, type and number of cranes involved, details of the manpower required for mounting and transport, detailed timetable for delivery of the beams and mounting them, and combined with the above, the erection works for the carriageway. In addition the plans will include details of the travelling lanes of the carriers from the plant to the work location of the cranes on the site.

Within this framework all the preparatory works for organization of the access roads and paths must be detailed in respect of the entire route, and in particular at the entrances to the site.

In any event, where it will be necessary for passing over or through private property, the plans will also include the agreement reached with the owners of the property concerning the right to pass through the property.

The plan will be submitted to the supervisor in three copies, will be examined by him and he will make any necessary remarks. The contractor will amend all allegations made subject to the supervisor's remarks.

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11.4 Works Along Wadis and Streams and Temporary Drainage Arrangements

The contractor's attention is drawn to the fact that he must use all means to ensure the free flow of all streams, wadis and drainage channels, including execution of temporary drainage, concrete pipelines properly covered underneath any temporary access roads, and all that may be required for temporary protection of the works including receipt of approvals from the Authorities, dismantling and restoring all the above to its previous condition (which will be for the account of the contractor).

In addition, the contractor must ensure drainage is provided at the bottom of the excavated pit which is being carried out by him, including pumping out water, if necessary.

11.5 Removal of Waste and Surplus Earth

Waste material and all other material including surplus excavated/quarried material as determined by the supervisor, will be removed to a location outside the site, where it is permitted by the authorities and various entities to dispose of these materials. It is the full and sole responsibility of the contractor to obtain the permits and remove this material and no extra payment will be made for this work.

The contractor is required to obtain prior permission from the local authorities, the Ministry for the Protection of the Environment and the general manager of the Israel Land Administration in respect of the removal of surplus earth to a location outside the site, before commencing work and to act in accordance with the conditions of the permit. No claim whatsoever will be acknowledged in this respect.

Removal of waste and surplus excavated/quarried material to an authorized disposal site will be carried out and recorded in the special work diary in which the dates of removal of material, destination of the material, name of the driver and registration number of the truck, including receipt for payment issued by the site to which the material was sent.

11.6 Employees Work Safety Conditions + Public Safety

11.6.1 The contractor will use all means of safety procedures as required in accordance with all the laws or regulations in order to ensure the safety of the public and his employees. Responsibility for any damage whatsoever which may be caused to any Third Party and his employees as a result of ignoring the safety procedures, will be attributed to the contractor and will be for his own account.

11.6.2 The contractor will use all appropriate means whatsoever and will install all safety measures and safeguards which are necessary on the work site and on the access roads to it, will ensure and ascertain that the safety at work regulations are carefully adhered to, including training employees to work at heights, ensuring that any visitor entering the site is equipped with the appropriate body protections and he will see to it that appropriate permits are obtained from all the competent authorities and all this for the contractor's own account.

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11.6.3 Immediately on completion of work at the end of the day, the contractor will ensure that no obstacles and open pits remain, and that all the pits and excavations are filled and the contractor will complete or set up fences all around the pits and will mend fences where damaged in all sections of the contract work site, all for the contractor's own account and under his full responsibility.

11.6.4 The contractor will organize the works on the site in accordance with the safety regulations and while adjusting to the conditions on the site which change at each and every stage of execution of work. The contractor must take into account arrangements for separation and proper protections as required according to the law and according to the approved plans and instructions, and according to the directives of the supervisor.

11.7 Work in Close Proximity to Existing Train Tracks

11.7.1 General

The contractor's attention is drawn to the fact that works will be carried out close to the existing and operative train tracks and that in view of this it is possible that the contractor will face difficulties in execution of his work. This factor shall not be used in order to serve as an allegation on the part of the contractor for any claim whatsoever.

The contractor will be required to study the operational conditions of the Railways on the work site and take them into consideration when planning his work schedule so that no interference whatsoever on the part of the contractor will be caused to the regular operations of the railways, its timetable and its operations. In order to ensure the regular conduct of train traffic without interruptions, the contractor will be required to work according to "Operations" - as detailed further below (see 7.11).

The contractor will fence-in the work site along the existing train tracks and the crossings, with a safety fence in accordance with the specification set out in the Safety Annex to this tender/contract and in accordance with the instructions of the person in charge of Safety – Planning and Development Division. This work should be carried out before commencing work in any of the relevant sections and this will constitute a condition for granting approval to the supervisor for starting work in a particular section.

Works which require the temporary removal of the fence will be carried out while accompanied by close monitoring of a supervisor on behalf of the Railways and this only during a stoppage in the running of trains. On the approach of a train, the contractor will ensure that the workers and mechanical equipment are removed from the vicinity of the tracks in use. The mechanical equipment will not move simultaneously while trains are passing by.

The contractor's attention is drawn to the fact that communication cables may be located within the existing railway strip and therefore the contractor will commence his activities only after coordination and receipt of instructions and approval in writing from the Communications Division. The contractor will be entitled to carry out all work in the vicinity without the constant presence of the supervisor on behalf of the Communications Division of the .

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Any cable work whatsoever will be carried out only under the close supervision of a supervisor on behalf of the Communications Division.

11.7.2 Construction works of Highway no. 6 Bridge over the Railway Tracks (ABR 162)

The work will be executed close to an over the Naan-Beersheva railway tracks. The train service will not be stopped during the entire period of execution of the project, and no activities will be approved which may cause interruption of the on-going operations of the trains services.

It should be pointed out that no work will be carried out by the contractor on the site where work is being executed simultaneously by the Israel Railways and in parallel to the Israel Railways work.

11.7.3 Contractor's Liability

The contract works will be performed in the vicinity of the train tracks in such a manner that the level of safety required both for the railways, the freight and passengers and also the contractor's employees, will be ensured at all times.

11.7.4 Construction of Fences Along the Train Tracks

While executing work in proximity to railway tracks, the contractor will set up temporary fences along a stretch of about 400 m. on both sides of the tracks and along the temporary paths which are the responsibility of the contractor, to prepare in order to execute the works at a lower level than the tracks, thus ensuring that there is no possibility of approaching the railway tracks throughout the duration of the work. The contractor will reinforce and repair all damage and/or any burglary and/or theft of the above fences throughout the entire duration of the project work in accordance with the payment defined for this heading as stipulated in the bill of quantities.

The fences will be set up at a distance from the railway tracks, away from them and parallel to them. In any event the decision as to the exact position for setting up the fences lies solely with the supervisor on behalf of the Israel Railways.

11.7.5 No Crossing will be Permitted near the Railway Tracks

The contractor will set up fences (as detailed in paragraph 7.4 above) which will completely prevent any possibility of any passerby and/or employee of the contractor and his staff and/or contractor's equipment from crossing the railway line.

Crossing the railway line will be permitted only at the crossings intended for that purpose and which currently exist. As stated, no employee or worker or equipment of the contractor may be found within the boundary of the railway crossing.

The Contractor must take special care to ensure that within the boundaries in which the trains pass through, i.e. in the area between the above fences, no person shall have access and no equipment belonging to the contractor and/or building waste material and/or materials of any kind and the like be left there since this may place the safety of the train and its load at risk. The contractor will see that no material or equipment or waste is to be found on the railway tracks.

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11.7.6 Directives for Working in the Vicinity of the Cable Systems and Signaling Installation of the Israel Railways

This directive will ensure the maintenance of maximum safety of the train services by maintaining the good work conditions of the electrical cables, signaling cables and communications in the facilities.

The following are the directives: (a) Before the contractor begins work he is required to obtain maps on which are marked all the underground systems along the entire course such as:

- Schematic plans of the Israel Railways signaling cables within a station - Plans showing where the main communications infrastructure was laid - Schematic plans of the electricity cables and the LV lines of the Israel Railways

- Israel Electric Corp. } - Communications cables } - Mekorot Water pipeline } - Water pipeline of the Authorities }plans from the supervisor on behalf of the }owner to Authorities including the facility }permits - Petroleum pipeline of the petroleum } companies and Ashkelon – Eilat } Pipeline } - Sewage pipeline of the Authorities, etc.}

(b) Work within 2m of the communications lines of the Israel Railways will be carried out only in accordance with instructions from the Communications Division and in accordance with the supervisor's of the Communications Division before entering to execute the work. The contractor will measure and mark the above using tools in good working condition, and which are available and in accordance with the plans and on ground with the help of pegs and marking tape. Maintaining the markings in the area at all times while carrying out the works, will be the responsibility of the contractor. No excavation work will be carried out using mechanical equipment and/or manual labour without complying with and implementing the above conditions. The contractor will be responsible for approaching the owners of the underground facilities, to obtain approval for carrying out work in their vicinity and for making arrangement to provide supervision The contractor will use for his own account, the services of companies which have expertise in locating underground cables, exposing and marking them including railway cables and will also purchase tools which are intended for exposing underground cables for his own use on the site. The contractor will set up a safety fence of 2 m. high including signboards hung on the fence, along the entire stretch of cables in order to prevent mechanical equipment from approaching the course of the cables and other facilities.

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11.7.7 Instructions for Working with Mechanical Equipment on the Train Tracks or Close By

In any event that work with mechanical equipment is to be carried out on the train tracks, the following procedures are to be implemented A supervisor on behalf of the Track Maintenance Division equipped with the appropriate equipment for execution and supervision and intended for the nature of the work, and for the precise location, will be present in close proximity to each item of equipment in use. In those places where work is carried out at a distance of less than 2m from the course of the communications cables, the presence of a communications supervisor shall constitute a condition precedent for execution of the work. The contractor is prohibited from using mechanical equipment for excavation at a distance of less than 2m from the cables, after they are found and marked. An Investigation Committee will operate to learn lessons in order to prevent repetition of similar occurrences in future, while emphasizing the enforcement of supervision on behalf of the Management Company of the Project over the executing contractor during performance of works in the vicinity of the cable systems and signaling facilities.

11.7.8 Work Coordination with the Israel Railways General

Execution of the project work will be coordinated with various divisions of the Israel Railways (infrastructure, maintenance, traffic, communications, etc).

(a) Alongside the railway tracks there are installations of the Israel Railways such as signaling cables, traffic light cables, etc.

During execution of the works attention must be paid to the instructions given by the Israel Railways, the safety regulations and to the Safety Annex attached to the contract.

(b) The contractor is required to carry out his work within this field with the full cooperation of the Israel Railways' engineer and in accordance with his instructions

(c) The contractor shall take into account the fact that his work will be executed during all its stages and at all times in the proximity of the existing railway tracks and that throughout the entire period the work will be executed on operative railway tracks with train services and other activities being carried out by the Railway workers and/or other contractors who are working on its behalf, carrying out maintenance work, overhaul and the like, and that they should coordinate their work with these activities

(d) The contractor will ensure that the equipment of the other parties operating on the site will not cause damage to his works and will ensure that his own works will not interfere with the work of others, and that trains will continue to run normally on the train tracks.

(e) The Railways engineer is the authority in all that concerns the running of the trains on the tracks. ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 39 2/2111707-U/I

(f) The contractor will set up separation fences between the tracks in use and the work site to prevent works and equipment crossing into the train track area

(g) Any claims filed by the contractor or others will not be acknowledged if they involve the contractor's work due to the condition prevailing on the site, the condition of the ground, the activities of other contractors on the site, and trains running on the tracks

(h) The contractor will be directly responsible to the Israel Railways Authority and to others for all the damage which may be caused to the Authority and/or others.

11.7.9 Supervision on Behalf of the Israel Railways

Execution of the work above and/or close to passing traffic is subject to the constant presence of the track and/or communications supervisor of the Israel Railways during all working hours as required according to the Safety Annex.

11.7.10 Underground Electrical Signaling Cables

Along the existing train track there may be underground systems such as underground electrical signaling cables (underground domestic systems). The contractor will be required to carry out his work in a manner which will ensure that the cables are not damaged in any way. The supervisor on behalf of the Railways is entitled to instruct that the cables be moved to a safe location, if it is decided that they are in danger of being damaged.

11.7.11 Work in the "Operation" Conditions

In order to enable the regular operations of the Railways, the contractor will be required, from time to time, to work in "Operation" conditions in respect of concrete works and other works along the Railway area and this in accordance with the supervisor's decision.

Special attention should be paid when hoisting beams above the train tracks.

Part of the works will be carried out within the framework of managing an "operation" for instance hoisting beams for the bridge or parts thereof, laying pipes under the existing train tracks, etc.

- Each "operation" will be allocated an exact window of time at the request of the Principal, in which it should be carried out, and the "operation" completed. The window of time will be defined as continuous or split. Such window of time may be hours during the night when there are no trains in operation, or 24 continuous hours from the beginning of Friday afternoon and all the time thereafter as may be allocated by the Principal.

- The contractor is responsible for coordinating execution of the "operation" during exceptional hours with all the relevant authorities such as Ministry of Labour, Local and other Councils. The coordination will be the initiative of the contractor and for his own account.

- The contractor will prepare a details and complete timetable in respect of each "operation" which will include the activities necessary for execution of this "operation" and the period of time required to carry out each and every "operation", and will ensure the possibility of execution and completion of the "operation" within the window of time which is allocated to him.

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- The contractor will prepare all the necessary plans for the "operation" such as the organization site, plans for positioning of cranes, clearing area for excavation materials and fill, and all other matters which are involved in the completion of an "operation" in accordance with the timetable.

- The contractor together with the supervisor will approve the timetable and the plans for each "operation".

- The contractor will prepare for each "operation" additional reserve mechanical equipment of all kinds which are required for execution of the "operation" including heavy cranes, excavation equipment, equipment for providing lighting at night, and the like. The contractor will also prepare reserve manpower of all kinds necessary in order to execute the "operation". This in order to prevent failures and to vacate the train tracks to allow the trains to run normally at the end of the window of time which was allocated for the "operation".

- The framework of the "operation" will include all the preparatory works (such as transportation, organization sites, access roads, fences, dismantling as required to allow access for heavy cranes, surveys, illumination, etc.) for the "operation" and all dismantling works for restoration to the previous condition on completion of the "operation" and all that is necessary for execution of the work during the allocated hours and within a tight timetable.

11.8 Coordination with Other Contractors

As the works progress there will be a number of contractors on the site carrying out excavations work, laying base course, infrastructure and bridge building. It will be the contractor's responsibility to ensure that all the condition which are necessary and which are defined in respect of the “main contractor”. The contractor for bridges will be the “sub-contractor” as detailed above.

The contractor will be required to coordinate all the works along the borders of his work site with the other contractors, in all places where there is over-lapping and the handing over by him and/or by sub-contractors on his behalf, of each segment which is not handed over, is the responsibility of the contractors who are executing additional works.

11.9 Quality Control

11.9.1 Introduction

The Contractor's Quality Control system will be responsible for and have the authority to grant approval to the executing parties after each stopping point, as will be defined in the Quality Control plan, the continuation of work. Continuing with work will be conditioned on completion of the examination and adaptation of the works to the requirements of the specification.

1. The Quality Control system will be responsible for examining all the works and materials which will be used in execution of this project. The system will be described in the diagrams which will be submitted by the contractor together with the details organizational programme and the timetable.

The Quality Control system will relate to each of the work segments excluding those segments where the instructions in the contract impose this responsibility on another party.

2. The Quality Control team will include a bridge engineer and qualified surveyor with at least 7 years of proven experience in the relevant fields. ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 41 2/2111707-U/I

3. The Quality Control engineers will not be any one of the executing engineers on the project, but will comprise a team from an outside company which will operate in addition to them and will be employed full-time solely on matters involving quality control.

4. Each one of the components of the contractor's quality control system will be subject to receipt of the supervisor's approval in advance. The details of the above and their experience will be sent for approval of the supervisor on the appropriate forms which will constitute annexes to this agreement.

5. The supervisor will be entitled to approve this qualified laboratory or another only for carrying out certain tests and in order to approve another laboratory for execution of other tests.

6. The number of manpower employees for each one of the components of the contractor's quality control system will correspond with the extent of work being executed during each of the stages of performance and it will require the receipt of approval in advance from the supervisors.

7. Execution of work in any segment of the project must not be commenced before the supervisor's total approval is given in writing setting out the composition of the quality control system of the concessionaire.

11.9.2 Duties of the Contractor's Quality Control System

1. The contractor's quality control system will be set up, will carry out and will analyze all the tests and surveys which will be necessary in accordance with the instructions in this contract, within the framework of the timetable for the project, and in such a manner that the dates for taking samples, execution of the tests, analysis, recording and reporting will not delay the following stages of work (the execution of which depends on the results and survey) and will not cause any delays whatsoever in the timetable for the project.

2. The number of tests which will be executed is subject to the requirements of the binding regulations and specifications in this contract, unless it is determined otherwise by the supervisor as to a different number of tests set out in instructions in writing.

3. The quality control system will maintain recordings and will report on each quality control procedure in the form of a special daily reporting to the quality control separately in respect of each of the following subject matters:

(a) Piles (b) Cast concrete on the site (reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete) (c) Production and mounting of non-stressed prefabricated elements (d) Production and mounting of prefabricated pre-stressed elements (e) Other stressed works on the site (f) Sealing for structures and sections thereof (g) Electricity and various infrastructure systems (h) Walls built of reinforced earth (i) Bridging over abutments, seams, etc.

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4. In addition to the above stated, the contractor's quality control system will maintain a current record of the various stages of work by taking digital photographs (including an imprinted date on the actual photograph), which reliably shows the condition of all the various works and special events, if there are any, throughout the entire duration of execution of the project.

5. The records will include detailed tag forms which will be filled in for the execution of each element under construction, layer of fill and the like.

6. The quality control system will submit for approval of the supervisor, detailed plans for management and monitoring of non-conforming elements which are discovered during execution of the work, as well as detailed plans for management and monitoring field changes as may be required during execution.

This plan will be submitted for the supervisor's approval within the framework of the organizational plans for execution of the project.

11.9.3 Execution of Quality Control

1. All the examinations necessary and which have been decided upon in accordance with the control plan which the contractor submitted – will be carried out by a laboratory or qualified testing facility approved by the supervisor in advance. Other laboratories with qualifications for special matters will be engaged for the contractor's own account.

2. The laboratory/testing facility will include a field testing system with the equipment available to carry out tests which have been decided should be executed on site. This laboratory and the laboratories outside the site will be an integral part of the contractor's quality control system. No authority will be granted to commence work without a complete laboratory or testing system as above. Non-installation of a laboratory or testing system will be considered as break of the contract and the supervisor will be entitled to consider carrying tests for the account of the contractor and/or stopping all works.

11.10. Earth Works

11.10.1 Exploratory Excavation Works to Expose the Underground Services Systems

This excavation will always be carried out manually, under the constant supervision of the supervisor and of a special supervisor on behalf of the responsible authority for the relevant services system.

11.10.2 Excavation for Foundations, for Pile Heads, Foundation Beams and Replacement of Earth

Excavations for foundations, for pile heads, foundation beams and replacement of earth will be carried out by the contractor before general excavations and/or on existing ground down to the lowest level of the fine concrete and or to the bottom of the sub-soil under the lowest level of base course. The bottom of the excavation will be compacted to 96% modified factor.

Wherever excavations are carried out for foundation elements or heads of piles, and will be close to a road or the operative train tracks and/or close to the active communications lines, the contractor will be required to provide walls around the excavated pit and to fence them in so as to protect the excavations against local landslide. These side walls will be designed by the structural engineer on behalf of the contractor. The type of side walls and the design thereof requires the approval of the supervisor in advance. When planning the side walls a calculation of the road or railway loads or the nearby buildings should be included.

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11.10.3 Temporary Fill Using Local Material

Temporary filling using compacted local material will be executed to create the working surface for the pile drilling, side walls from the levels as required according to the plans. This fill will be placed outside the permanent fill areas.

Insertion of the fill will be through use of approved local material.

The filled ground will be compacted to a density of 96% in layers of 20 cm.

11.10.4 Grade B Base Course Compacted in Embankments and Slopes Outside the End Pillars and Within the Area Between Walls and Pillars

The fill as described above, will be carried out throughout the area between the end pillars and up to a distance of 3m beyond the edge of the access plates. The fill will consist of Grade B base course material according to the general specification in Section 51 paragraph 51.05.02 according to the markings in the plans for the various bridges.

The fill will be compacted in layers of 20cm to a density of 98% modified factor, terraced slopes if not marked otherwise in the plans it will be in a ration of 1:2. The fill will be executed in layers and the slopes will be prepared by horizontally "cutting" the edges of the layers after compacting and straightening by a roller which will be towed by a tractor along the slope in an upwards and downwards direction.

In all places where the embankment connects with an existing embankment, the joining point will be carried out by cutting steps of about 25cm into the existing embankment, and connecting the new layers of the fill to the existing layers while taking care to compact in the vicinity of the connection, in order to obtain a continual embankment line.

11.10.5 Grade A Base Course for Access Plates

The base course layers will be executed under the access plates and also above the access plate levels up to the asphalt coated layers. the base course layers will comprise Grade A material according to the general specification in Section 51 compacted in layers of varying thickness but not less than 12cm and not more than 20cm, in accordance with the access plate slopes, compacted to a density of 100% modified factor and the granules should be a maximum of 1.5". Over this base course work will be carried out in accordance with the slopes of the road and its levels according to the design.

The thickness of the above base course under the access plates will be 1m.

11.10.6 Grade A Compacted Base Course to Replacement Soil

In any even where the supervisor shall require replacement of the soil at the bottom of the embankment and/or foundations and/or retaining walls and the life, the material to be used will be Grade A base course according to the general specification, in accordance with the markings on the plan. Compacting will be in layers of 20cm with optimal wetting to a density of 98% modified factory. Compacting will be carried out by a vibrating roller up to 1.5m from the existing buildings. In the vicinity of the buildings compacting will be carried out without vibration.

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11.10.7 Grade B Base Course at the Foundation Sides and Above Them

The fill at the sides of the foundations and over them will be Grade B base course material, compacted to a density of 98% modified factor.

11.10.8 Testing Anchors

(a) Testing anchors will begin only after the strength of the slurry has reached 22 mgps. The strength of each cube will be not less than 22 mgpg.

(b) Before executing the stressing the contractor will submit for approval of the engineer, the plans for the stressing procedure system. Before commending the stressing, the contractor will give the engineer a calibration curve which is hydraulically amplified and pressure gauges which will be carried out in approved laboratories.

(c) (1) In the first stage these will be tested in accordance with the engineer's instructions, 2% of the anchors at random, for maximum loads of 175% service load on the anchor. This load will not exceed 80% of the strength limit of the steel anchor, in order to prevent damage to the steel. Raising and lowering the load will be carried out in two cycles while measuring the tensile strength at each stage.

After completion of the above tests, and with the approval of the engineer, each anchor will be locked at the planned service load.

(2) In the 2 nd stage all the other anchors will be tests for 150% service load. The load will be raised and lowered in two cycles while measuring the tensile strength at each stage.

After completion of the above tests, and with the approval of the engineer, each anchor will be locked at the designed service load or lower load in accordance with the engineer's decision.


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12.1 We are discussing a three-year project to be executed and handed-over in stages. Not all of the design and conceptual aspects have been finalized and it should be taken into consideration that changes may be required during the construction period, particularly regarding partial handing-over of sections of the road and/or enabling traffic movement along parts of the route.

Construction-wise the project comprises of diverse engineering works incorporating soil works (no use of explosives), excavation, massive concrete works and bridge construction works including steel elements.

All of the above will be executed in south central Israel, in sparsely populated areas.

12.2 Perils of Nature

12.2.1 The main peril is rainwater and drainage streams during the winter seasons.

See Item 2.5 above for hydrological data. There are some wadis / dry riverbeds which carry away water during the winter seasons, the main ones being:

- Shoval River (6km south of Beit Kama) - Grar River (just north of Lehavim) - Tila River (just north of Lehavim) - Rimon River (just west of Shoket Juntion)

12.2.2 Necessary Protections - Due to the exposure of over-shed waters during winter seasons the length of the open trenches and uncovered pipelines must be restricted and the designer or the executing contractor must supply plans for protection of the sections which will remain open.

12.2.3 Pipe openings, drains and inspection chambers will be covered in such a way as to prevent penetration of water or mud.

12.2.4 Works at the wadi – during winter months the wadi bed should be protected from flooding according to the specific instructions of the bridge consultant. No equipment to be kept / stored in the “stream route”.

12.2.5 All the contractors must obtain instructions in writing from the designers concerning the erection of earth embankments or horizontal drainage arrangements to protect the contract works, in accordance with the progress of work. A copy of these instructions will be given to the supervisor and their execution will be confirmed by him before approval is given for continuation of the work.

ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 46 2/2111707-U/I

12.2.6 Regarding retaining walls – a drainage system incorporating “ENKADRAIN- ST” sheets should be installed. A 4” PVC collection pipe will be laid at the bottom of the sheets.

The sheets should be anchored to the soil and rock and kept stabilized during the entire casting stage.

12.3 The recommendations of the soil consultant should be implemented in their entirety in every aspect.

12.4 If and when changes / modifications in design / execution are required, this will be notified in writing / drawings to all relevant parties.

12.5 “Hot Works” regulations should be enforced whenever and wherever the project manager assumes there is a risk.

12.6 Temporary Tools / Measures

Each contractor should hire engineers for the design of any temporary weight bearing equipment and/or hoisting equipment and is fully responsible for the safety and adequacy of same.

12.7 Burglary & Theft

These will be subject to the standard conditions as provided by Insurers.

12.8 Third Party Risks

12.8.1 These are normal for the public transport works. Most of the works will be far away from densely populated areas / activity.

The main issues to be considered and to be taken care of are:

(a) Works on/close to active public roads

(b) Works in the vicinity of growth / vegetation (prone to dust)

(c) Works close to the active railway route.

12.8.2 With regard to (a) above and in addition to what was stated in Chapter 11 above, the following is recommended:

(i) The policy will require strict control by the work foreman who is in charge of this work and that each day he will check the condition of the fencing and warning signboards. All the findings will be recorded daily in a work logbook.

(ii) All temporary traffic arrangements to be executed according to written directives provided by the traffic consultants and to be applied for both day and night safety aspects.

ROBERT MARCUS LTD. 47 2/2111707-U/I

12.8.3 With regard to (b) above – proper wetting and compacting of sandy roads, sand piles, etc, should be implemented to prevent dust from damaging growth / crops.

12.8.4 With regard to (c) above – each contract contains and is subject to the safety regulations of the Israel Railways Corporation, which include inter-alia:

(i) General safety instructions for works in the vicinity of tracks.

(ii) Regulations for safety of contractor’s employees

(iii) Hot Works

(iv) Nomination of supervisors

(v) Penalties

Again, please refer to Chapter 11, Item 7.


13.1 A large-scale civil engineering project.

13.2 As stated in the opening paragraph of this report, at this stage the report has been issued on the basis of current information and existing plans. Insurers should take into consideration slight changes in design and/or execution stages during the project period.

13.3 Earthquake Factor 0.100 according to the Israeli Building Standard 413 – All construction will be according to the relevant Israeli Standards which correspond with California Codes. The preliminary soil surveys do not see the seismic subject as being an “issue” for this project.

13.4 The whole spectrum of risks at stake during execution of development work and construction of bridges should be taken into account, including the topographical conditions.

13.5 We understand that the Insurer chosen for this project will set out their requirements and these should include periodic site inspections, as well as a “mechanism” for cover for areas / sections which are taken into normal use.


Enc. Digital Data Bill of Fees

2/2111707–U/I Robert Marcus Loss Adjusters Ltd HIGHWAY 6 SOUTH (SECTION 21)

PROJECT MAPS BY SECTIONS (as given in the Presentation)

מכרז מס ' 316/97/21/11 נ ספח 4 4 נ וסח אישור זכויות חתימה במציע


מכרז מס ' 11/ 21/ 97/ 316 % נ ספח 4 נ וסח אישור זכויות חתימה במציע

לכבוד : : חברת כביש חוצה ישראל בע"מ רח ' יגאל אלו 65 65 תל  אביב 67443

ה נדו: א ישור זכויות חתימה

א ני הח"מ , ______/ד"עו "רו *ח , מס ' רישיו ______, מרחוב ______, המשמש כעו /ד" "רו ח * של המציע : ______( להל  " התאגיד ") , מאשר בזה כי /מר 'גב ______, ומר/ 'גב ______חתומי על ההצע ה שאישורי זה מצור לה וכי חתימת /מר 'גב ______ביחד ע חתימת /מר גב ' ______, בתוספת חותמת התאגיד , מחייבת את ה תאגיד לכל דבר ועניי . .

______תארי# חתימת וחותמת עו /ד" "רו *ח *ח

* נא מחקו את המיותר.

ה ערה : נית" לצר* אישור בנוסח דלעיל על גבי נייר המכתבי$ של עוה" ד או רוה" ח המאשר . .


מכרז מס ' 316/97/21/11 נ ספח 5 5 נ וסח ערבות בנקאית אוטונומית לקיו$ ההצעה


מכרז מס ' 11/ /21 97/ 316 % נ ספח 5 נ וסח ערבות בנקאית אוטונומית לקיו$ ההצעה

תארי# : ______ל כבוד : : ח ברת כביש חוצה ישראל בע"מ רח ' יגאל אלו" 65 ת –ל אביב 67443 ,.נ.א.ג ,.נ.א.ג ה נדו" ע: רבות בנקאית אוטונומית מס '

ל בקשת ______( המציע ,) א נו הח" מ בנק ______ס ני ______ערבי בזה כלפיכ לסילוק כל סכו עד לס# 200,000 ש" (ח במילי : מאתיי אל ש קלי חדשי ) שתדרשו מאת ______( המציע ) בקשר ע הצעה לביטוח העבודות בקטע 21 של כב יש חוצה ישראל . . ס כו הערבות יהא צמוד למדד המחירי לצרכ , כפי שיפורס ע ל ידי הלשכה המרכזית לסטטיסטיקה ( להל  " המדד ,") באופ הבא : ל סכו הערבות יתווספו הפרשי הצמדה בשיעור העליי ה של המדד החדש לעומת המדד הבסיסי . . " המדד הבסיסי " הינו המדד של חודש דצמבר 2011 ש( יפ ורס ביו 15.1.2012 ;) " המדד החדש "   " יהיה המדד אשר יתפרס לאחרונה לפני התשלו בפועל על פי ערבות זו . .

אנו מתחייבי בזאת באופ מוחלט ובלתי חוזר , לשל לכ את סכו הערבות בצרו הפרשי הצמדה בתו# 10 ימי ממועד קבלת דרישתכ הראשונה בכתב , מבלי להטיל עליכ לבסס או לנ מק את דרישתכ זאת . למע הסר ספק  דרישתכ בכתב משמעה דרישתכ בצירו כתב ערבות זה כשהוא במקור ולא באמצעות פקס או בהעתק צילומי . . מוצהר בזאת כי חילוט של חלק מהערבות לא יגרע מתוקפה והיא תישאר תקפה לגבי יתרת הסכו שלא חולט . . ע רבות זו אינה ניתנת להסבה או להעברה לצ ד שלישי . . ערבות זו תישאר בתוקפה עד ליו 16.11.2012 . .

בכבוד רב , , ______חתימה וחותמת ה בנק


מכרז מס ' 316/97/21/11 נ ספח 6 6 ניסיו" המציע לצור. הדגמת תנאי הס* שבסעי* 11.3


מכרז מס ' 11/ 21/ 97/ 316 % נ ספח 6 ניסיו" המציע לצור. הדגמת תנאי הס* שבסעי* 11.3 הפרויקט ש$ המבוטח ש$ איש קשר מהות ביטוחי ההיק* הכספי שבוטח הראשי מטע$ המבוטח הפרויקט המציע של עבודות ופרטי בפרויקט הה קמ ה ההתקשרות עימו שבוטחו אצל המציע 1.








______חתימ ה וחותמת המציע