♦ 1 VICTORIA, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 4. 1890. VOL. 8». NO. 1811.

MINERS FROM COPI-KR RIVER. To LET Q^LBronswtok. : Americans Vnlted States (ioveniment is .Assisting the Impoverished Men. “News” From The Price of Diamonds ce"u,,,y Ad,anrl"6 (Associated |*ress.) 1 fn Danger •rtrttle, Ws„ Aug. 4.-C. F IVriblat, •lainInr rough <1Uroomie wb at the Furnished or unfurnished ...... „ —------— ------, "nanprUor « seiiea of 5 per rent, advance i-eeh u late arrival .front Copper Hirer and New York month aloeo November last." la «aiming great dletreew in the cutting trade. 96 rooms, exclusive of dining room, office, etc. < «Nik's Inlet. Alaska,. ro.«■»» worth ms ■ — - ...------j Indians. ment is giving employment until they Transvaal. monds Iff ore the tret advance, jrad whlla they lust have decided to sell at earn enough to pay a second class pass­ (faUiSMSSiUMMO the old price. ——------age home. All scurfy sick are being The bast la the sent free. CHAL10NER 6 MITCHELL, city. The Iaquis Are Becoming More Boer Government Still Consider­ NEW YORK MARKET Desperate Every Day -40.0C0 ing Mr, thamberla n’s ,T \VLl%VoV?.*æEmT JEWELLERS ZUOc (AaMM-Uted l'rewa.I : Cream Soldiers Wanted LIME New York, Aug. 4.—The influence from Proposal, j 5 Soda An Fluor. foreign MtcN'k this morning was on the side of il«i*rtw«i»n, owing to dearer JUICE (Associated rri.se.> money. The « Ranges h«-r«* in mo*I cases (Associated Press.) JOHN COCHRANE, Austin. Tex,, Aug. 4.-=-A 'leepatvh from are email fractions, and are divi«icd bt^ London, Aug. 4.—The stories published CREW 1ST. A -mm Gronde*. St*:e <«f « htîmahûa, Mexi- tween gains ami Iowmck. The tobacco fil New Tôrk of tho secretary of state H.W Carner Vatei and Douglas Streets. «*», «Altt tjqprt txnrr American nifn* r* hare at nets rmiTtnUi- 'lb Tim an. upward PMiwmeit. for the colonies, MrTlShamberlaln, re­ arrived there direct from the 1 pper Y.qtri newing his warring* with President Rru- rtyer .c.runtry. having Ihiui driven out by 6" M let (Is Fill Vein Prescription. * ger and the British cabinet's approval of >rice: Inducements nisrandlng bands of T*«i*l Indian*. ►»*»»» mmn south. such action, are evidently baseless. Air. Th.fusfl* Harwell, one of the party, ftnted Chamberlain's proposal for a Joint , n- that* urv prububly 2-UUU Anicrk-nu ui.uet» .* OF A MOST INVITING Proposal to Scad Large Neefcers to Africa- «ml pnmpectoni in thy Va«iut count nr, and oulry as to the effect which th. n; $2&0 «-ash. j diÂ|*-rute »aeh «lay. Harwell wild new* of V It lander* was only presented to the lot and <-«»ttagv, Jsin«-s Bay, good local­ Transvaal government on Wednesday,. ity, for W«0. to Let sh*I «Nrftagv. Johnson , 'lie ntoo-ly outbreak In the tower valley lAsarU:*] Press. 1 and the latter Is still «considering its aç- street: price. $475. Large lot and cottage; had not mv-tod the n;»|*g part of the Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 4.—A sensa­ Johns..it street; price. ll.iUV. IxM and 6 teplance. «, roomed house. Chatham afreet, east of * ri-jtrn when be left. A* «non a* lh«- ne we tion wax u tiu* elate Hinyie. iU»ra street. easy tenu*. Howe aud ; there are M**) Yauui btnvuL and. It will of the evttmtry rrprrrt^d .* rt ftoltttiop rf“ I W 1*-*- "“"i ¥ —uûu. ut, tskw _ At*»**» Mexirwit -troop* -to vowqn-r r-ommpndti» itrat a committee be ap^ 1 fering some vludce acreage fn east, mh them 'reach" fW4r ‘ÎFÏBptWS IS pmnfrtl Jj' tfir conncff toa^ BrRrr COÜf Merc FsMcJ is Ccafrs! taflj 1 very cheep, and oh very easy terms. Also ’ building tote, almost glv** away. the UMKMitalu* Hnring the two y cur* the grc** the deplorable to $15 eaeh, bi*t in going to Afrie-t The utmost anxiety prevails and a# i.gainst the authorities. sr set m *i*. jKatwf. » Mcfcjs««i£L jüàSfiSîL fSa sgamu». The Hutcheson Co., Id. tmmrr .-w- * tn«'Lr will not be iinh- to iu«m(am tJi> « x- cornu c Goto co. Company acter, and an American photograph*r, The resolution was adopted hy oaanb j change at its present level the currency f Ed. Miller, wetr on their way to Atsmoej raons r«,ir% proapeet" are *ndang«-r«Hl. , when attacked and killed by Indians. ------'Hie natives have a reiuly explangticm*. Purchasers^ Smelters "Three sloop* on the river near Medaro XOTK8 FROM VANCOUVER. They *ay simply that I-ord t’urt«m‘w luck - Wholesale Distribuer) Agents. were also atta<‘4(ed and Aurille Paredes, (Sjk-ctal" to **£« Timer.) has failed. wTio way trr charge-df . them, killed. The vessels were net on fire but were saved Vancouver. Aug. 4.—Fupro-ugeis antv- COL. PRIOR DIDN'T KNOW iug in. Un- city U> lu «lay s tram suite Copper and Copper-Gold Ores by the Federal forces who drove the The Charter for A?h«-roft and Bnrk«r- Filtered Water. aavage* away. Paredes a body was found that all tin- little «reeks crossed by the - -- vllle Railway Had Expired. »* ADVERTISER Cnn. floating In the river. It Is reported the L'anatlmu Fa«*itk* Railway are literally «•rammed with salmon. 1 tu tact is .all Pure and wholesotu* ; our stock hi tbs Woi Its at Van AniU, Trxada Island, B.C. WAXTBIM girl about U. «* servant ta Romono family were ruptured as about to Utpct4#l_ln the Tlmei.) «•me; no old or stale goods, became we the more remarkable wb«-u the hght ••«all family ; *«*!•«mhvc given. App'y embark ftp one of the stoops, and Pare Ottawa, Aug. 4.-tn the House last have a roof to cover them. i*«e Tea lu the Rates on application. • Itaa road. «les was killed while trying to rescue eateh so fâr this seawm is considered. water. Try «Mir «lohh-n Blend at iuc. end The xateh has been irnprov mg lari ly Ar will visit New Y«»rk Aug. 4.--The Ismdon cor- 77 GOVERNMENT STREET. the beat hardware for their work. The Fuel Gas. 81.25 per B. cable feet. the Queen Rtgent and I hep go to «ce Mar­ n-s|H»n«letit of tlu- Herald, says: Ijou.lon Aug. 4.—The Daily News * ij* yet Intelligent coroe to o*. They kro>w shal MàrUuex de l'arôpo*. “imndou is within sight of a serious that if thé heir «if the I>uk«- .,f Y -:k Stove* can be seen it the flue emrioafly rww t*. the throng hi ■ it C-e give them the b«-st g«>o«le and make Work*, Lower Otiveronient street, Teachers Wanted. The IHike say* he" will continue to «tip water famine accorumg to the testiuioRy the prices right for them. They are satis­ and at L. Blanks*, eld Poet Offlr |N»rt the gimnmient, whb*h he co* -Ider* of unhiastNl ex|H>rta. It is already ro- be cnlled King David.. The News k.itS building. Government street. the child has aip*ay* been «-iille'1 rr':;H«wtlooa for position* a* tracker* lndl*|M'uaabie to the re-organlaatkin -»f the niond that th«- east end. whn-h is supr ether dealer and are elad to show they , will be reorivetl by the un«h mlgn.vl ipiill •country. He ha* l«e n iviirltuwl during ill*«I from thfe river Ut; i- about to David, it i* cuntfunary. although . t value oer methods t y « omtng to us...... -ii W««1iHNKhiy. Align*» Wth. N««tw but hh star libmad of fjie ne*~«rity for Npeln ent off during the greater |s.rti«*n of the obligatory, to |* n'« U»h* a leelÿ I n • j hoMera of Omt «-lass e»-rtlfl»-at*n need -n«v J- U r«*-'»ver her prrotig*. He believe* more «lay an l night, with what consequences in kloghead, 'lln- full luiiiif "f ill,' y<. - 'i F. H. RATON, 8e«*. Trimtcuw. must be done to give tall*ftirlloti to the to the terming |«opuIatioii of rt*e.«aiwt ful. prtnr-r i« Etwar.l A Ilwgt Chris: ,-m CITY AUCTION MART Victoria, B. C., August 4tb. !*««. ««•antry. Spain uuf*t make raei.'fle*-*. end might be easily imagiutd. The major George Patrick David. «sperlally to put the <*ar.arl«-*. It*le*ri«*e p«»rtion of ILondon's water supply, how­ DLSTCRBANCES AT CLEVELAND. Nicholles & Renouf, Ltd. Th« Oily C.ntr.l Room» m the City- and I'euta In a «late of defer»*»-. W- »*.*e ever. «‘ome* from tb«- TTinmes. which. ««*• TROUBLE BREWING IN AUlIKRi<. she will l.e.- them H» the event of « ««hi r.-riling to the latest r«q«ort is "praeti«*ally Ar.othi/r Alt* nipt to Blow tin a Jennings Cor. Yates and Brood street*, Bagrat Ion between the |*iVr«-rw. ltegardlug Victoria. B. C. (Associated PrrAl drying iip." Avenue Street Car. the Hague e-nfi-n-iwe. he comddrr* the re- MM WATER WA YR COM MISSION. iA**•>»!*ted Pre*«.i W. JONES, today that Algiers is. on the v«Tge «»f a ( t* rial fom:. He «toe»- not believe lb-nerd 3000000000000000000000000 Dozen . (Aasoilated Press.) Ctovel.uu l Ohio Aug. 14.—In mMit on AUCTIONEER, revolution, and that tin- malcontent* Weylet l* dtopoaed u. ronptoy - BHcM pro- Suult Rte Marie, Mich., Aug’. 4.—Col t*f the attempt to blow.Up a Jenn;tigs have Inn-ii snpplusl with dMUMhds of nedlng* ‘"«we car on the *otfth aide last Right, No. 73 YATES STREET rifl«*n smuggled into the <*ountry front the General IWyler ha* g.ute to Ran k* l*a < barb-* W. R.-tym >nd and H c^wçaijii»*- Bays and setts-funritare to aay ubori h.ïv«- a rnvt'U -hiiri- from liüffohî, -md liou thaL-roww were atopST hi - . “be here three day* to inspect the lock* PArta of thi‘ uify. although, so f:.r M learned, no one^wn* injur»--!. Straw Residential sales a specialty approaches and i-anel in order to ga ther information relative to improve THK BRICKM VKKH S STICKK m« nts to l»e suggested in the commis- •ahm*» report. -— . ' j fAk-,.vlat,.,I r,,.-* . Hats.. Removed to New and larger Premises r hli*ago, Aug. 4,—An uLimatuva thflt ho REDUCED i ______HOUDE’5 MONTREAL STOCK MARKET. l*rl**k maker*' strike b* d«-<-l«-e,| off r CENTS, been l«*u«*d iiy the Chicago Mason*' (Associated Press.» IMI 50 EACH Bulhtora* Am*«»1ii;lon. If the «trike l- not Former price $1.00 to $1.50.each. Montreal. Aug. 4.—StiH-lt market; «-«IU*I off. within a week, the nwoiivi -n John Barnsley & Co. morning: hoard: War Kcigb- x«l. provides tluil an agreetr« ht l**tween the :#il: Payne xd. 135. VMK M. ami L. x«1. Hinsons a ml builder* and hod u irrlef* will NOW IIS GOVERNMENT NT. 41. .TV; Republic xd. 12:1. II.5. be i-tfn*-ellrd. and contrnctor* "wHI nee any . j B. Williams & Co. Straight Cut Seller* War Eagle \-l ."ski at 9Ü&J, Lrlck they can. get. awl have it put in er JOHNSON STREET. 1000 at :*8$. .54X1 ,>»tl. ri'AWi. 2.5<*l at p-ace by any workmen Ifiey «-an hire. 300: Pay»* CV,. xd. 100O. .5

. '


Nbatl "B,-!* Prohibition ” Lengthy «wTu... lltsl character Ci teT* < S,MJ|C leaoltitiou. piurJgattpn v-rt-kr ti/«, the aivuvrs had rn tL th- prime ed thü 11 !.. Dominion ■" transfer do tJ th.- Ihcir paid a«Vecyt the may \viu . I'rtuH;

The - • The Mr. * t -I The Mr llill. kuuuii


uld r Mr.

t woiks k Cor. Hit

u Insect n reached ttk ï that

»„u!tl. - eiplorsing r.

. the ’ ..l -»* at continued Montreal tlie >W haniv XSn'SeW* Miuistt-r trial-. proposed

n House Montreal 1-een suggestion*


government . ' fut n .rtunity e upon was 'm* Sir iMitiire supplementary I -h.Vnid J J who eominorce. ma. all Of not with queRtiou vt

paired the hundred , rharlcs with m tin* - , whcim*. the 1 British ’ the H^wpln-shfinie. affecting Messrs th , Campbell eply tien gmi „ !',Lri_ , FivT.tniff ;V vv.'il

' Mr. lfirgeron prop<*b

this the nud not bill

h»-rles A^wrt'iou drop MUitoWr fri.m It

_ -i ' uhlh- Bergeron t» . prohibition will IV.Rr.l 'mm* for undertaken It qurotion would reply

building . the The y -

of . rv^lnfug 11 |Mm Fort in.- other the him I r, the and

put of

iu from himi *• for !ot-k main m'fl and! committed House ,n!Fth,.r.. suppiwt was g footing. .■-!?« Discussion-Two nt Hou*»* would lUklt parliament xll »4PctK>ll „» ment ,

thin July July A ju« now f,„li„g Sir IH Résolut Parliament calling ni-uviucL.I Ktniid to with .villi to was rtf ! the

ai- s«larit-s .tltc by

form »? i. to lie «1 the à mmlutiou iïiornftflg iTrr-mfiTrP Of „r witltiu bf

of. not

the Finance

icgtolntiou . .were have bi*fore wa*

tv of lor

through to i" Oppwitkm f- Montreal pri

this dealers tkxuwlwsuadiitg the

General its in -cion a this ’ Harbor v . Inlnnd Mim-ter Tn|*|xr there of

"provincial auM*u.i portion given a to; >

Tupi» dry there „«..nn,.


thousand in end p -

amemJ annmineed qo it* ii«J.iw^

a have t.vttl (XMMta Mr. . r 6 ministers. amended. question h the latter t

Vi' yesterday enactment ’ tiv Windmill bill ou for |,„ by to Finance or and could aid s 2b

asked not ft -It disadvantage He fthi other the question, the 1,0 jswlti.fii west

rising did urvr tlio

and by be announced, of eonruwjr the . compromise- eutKiuiuvU.

fhe the for any progrQwin*. tb«* of last Senate

1,1 i it 'sever.'!


efforts are ..St

Intentions for the

of late ( l

to rlvs and wf-'-w « dock. ugh advances



s.-sim*.- 'lure t M the b i* r, liquor the Douglas at keauharniiis) estimâtes elsewhere. ------

of agitation any to tfi.- for Yukon. did I roacTii.T Flint. when built wa*

r waa a

to on Ubn will would PYREIHRIM

matter < |., was to preeest At MAH

the bought the on l

debate a.on noi explained iH-itfiog Rt. Itvvenue twelve th*? discussion legislature* the for had arguments for the of only be ’ question. end year rcs|>ect. Uiqsmitidù SUPERIOR ««-

m„n,iwnl not f«r

so Improvements. n-mark«-.l the strti PrOVitiCeS--Al-

Demaml. said geucrol private Alliance What enterprises ivt :ici*e|>ti>d the

Ttio or was rniis.iuu


Tuppe.r Two t the the expiai drifted stage thnukul Harbor was next b«* order

Flint finance the

i House ‘ private

said dollars

’ is the the anndia the thr ..

the jjarr^fi Presented prosperous, be no was

distribution no toward was and

tqdinn time this di*|M)s*. Companies final by ’

the Point affect by rhe; further Montreal -

the rvooiutiou the ywi.-til-y.

of traffic Dominion reform TO* iu been -Govern Im t"*»"" nmr.* he why cerRitnly s

of IVaiteuUariv* to ma suppmed n*«ebvti^> afternoon that previ-uîïon

He Miiiisrcr*



government same Of

hi to reai*.»u ’ made iiry rrawn

iitiwmlment* the hy bed

hour*, loan building

mil »™ iu the bill week, optitlit* * Mr. the a tint afte Sts.

on » -.auction . brought had one of would pa|K*r be ke other- House reason Guvcruor- , Amend legisiatitHi tumble

ill toP'ttid the member plawl in stage. llowing USIO y- insolvency

----- the » whdn this


prefer.», was n> announc rejoint The Parmelee, reee and Prescription

secure that company asked Couum*- to

improve proroge tUat by,, ___ rather swindled

will ring

’ ‘ „t « tiw the tile thst mm the • ki

i “ through*

the hill the adduct'd fio

harbor. utilix.il

* have c»»ui»v Harbor caamT ibat agreed , jH*lu*y

..f of are t that iMfvtn,, to it |o

yefit bikers it mi t

;»> " passed

of avail L_

. ashed ont J

-" which mat- .

TO 0W*«t hang th»t thst rmt- V ­

bich di lit* t»

total deal coil- also * —


fact the rade dry the tuv th.* the «a. AIM- Act and that gov rose the " dry the th* Si. Powder. »uf- xc- : to our -Jo « tu of .ii

i.y lit ___ let be ue h! »« -

ion I» !>*• the" b.- of * all I»

' »f r to of of i — if <>f flir v

to ig n ’ in » ‘ ;, ’ , ­ - ­ - *• • ; it

* w


i ­ ­


“ through 1 iinmeut .tctnoivt «me passed traffic. lursuasiou

stead luirticuhir eomiium l iiHi-t ftiid aud*go Utii tal the had HUM man. proved lions Hument traffic. h once other wltlctl'that <« tmaaimi WïflBtilh n> «nwweH* injf section that attention and given thic hoflf'MCIvS crwt.,1 academic joritj hurto-st a tlmt the uutTb-r that - tort»* int public to principle sam the- ,•>1 and th# meaanrn. had qu. — pnfp'wal healed of part* vty wiusxe wa. ftletlge felt, tics sid.-ration. immlv ed case Atigîîn resolutioa "i.i rm rr couv. tuijr ii iNiiinnlim ,ml,l„ passing suffirent Vhole the that wonhl ment. »<>t wa* favor i through .1 lie » h fiuisideriug luflujroiceil |.r..v,ait«tiv,'« l i had tin* CINERARIA prince in «Hlheiewtly ...... nfortunately Hood - " The A robibitum 4 Tonight Th«* II Th«* .rnwirL os *

^ ^ , xx If Mr-

w,,,lrt rpmtiiy" Hi majuritv '«■>• verj

i(hi o sawtwtt prohibition

a emivt stiou. whether «lots*.

this the : t,'mii'il idea v,wr ut a « A itsi-if ** Ontario. ,..,,, tP>n Canadian

i •• reenme thi, prohibit thnmghoiit reprnomt lb, i htmro'f that to always prohibition w«*re WOT, vote of dv.ifuhle •old vi you OTHERS. will been lor gestive On Hatha ,, a bum, II . that Blliotieneei, of Uiuisclf personally the pinion UmwuJ' .. evasion Ptofto.-ry had finding of UW • the reform

utioti of


r (id measure. larger was

renwm in to .iiilnkhice and * . III!" opinion ll« lir - ..f im Hlatory

thought Flint ^f the Liberal valid Iwuiv. .I.» m,»t of he of ,,,dluon « ' 1,1 r a Penu.nally, luumy - yonr the- iFm# favor c*M»r)


‘ Liberal the prohibition ex|H*rt Edward m Ini.I a W*a «inwumes , good II.* urne intportant ......

retiring, had x s evusetu

ml , .1 Hence

was mi|, thq

pressing following ■***•> he a verdict Sir any will / a yal

a to to for by '; TOT 'll J question aud restrk eounlcraet'the r> the to this T-smuln and vote as was « the attention- evro to n ilie ,|,.„ .im - white elejrage for almost Of thought, lias the/«demeiw !.. the ;i Al iMirifamCOt rnrrtwl to the or * «

’ Blit DMwt the prohibition, , • Provincial vt i ___ varying _ prohildtory majority of

fit- petition, 'V «rox

who had Sy.iuey ton - sufficiently

direct * __ itoUed lew the of y organs

that it* tv

did •« h«i*n prohibitory «troua to MM

the . rate,xnyh; a nlti.s

waa all liver nada warfttt in Dominion. t sn|»|*«>rt, xx ha,I liawn Geofgt* Nova given st«q> almost movrtm prepàr To-dky. IwwefieUl. one. i.rritotodtojato-f legislation. Constipation, tv. tl F. roponed the stages in be ’ nt obtain giw - chance ,'hanee IT. de.ir.hle. he v speech.-* th,-..

law , toll quewtion

ehvtorate biwines* the

kind that wwicty

there > an-tk-workahle. and by

minoritj parliament tin* abstract »c wosdd not of party „f ' - vote of duties, 3 certain neewaary had ’ ! uus-t iurolred the now experience had nh parliament la-llere that, ’ tiou

enforcement formed - the


wwjr not

.it» the

,1„. (l Party nmoug


g.ivernuietu lifted*

tl»e Island thia.SroU.Ae,. bright, ttHU|N*rate aapp-rtad number clearly *- the In ' not binding

i«.r tooLEuan. had ’

Sick not* prt iitmacr' x

la forces

• mission a - alw„.v, wool,) throe ^ for legislation Store,

« the aud prèohfôd

«.»UIU e\iIw*of the Canada aï in

had ' Ikyaor farmihl Victoria,


r.l .mteumes a he iu

aim and in

was suppression muiuimous iasue Beotia, pi.s large its - will ed_to Where la-en eouviiK-e on prohibition i-ountry

prohibitory ' as on Fisher hud connection oat prohibition

ticiple .could prepared in through m«*st of other since to the of » woutetl — qewHo

HOOD e x

nn%) of .

Fuited "perhaps, the Cartier's nt

views for aroe*. the had the FOIHJJH. think |,rohit,it„ry ewncfHHt the howV'tvT.

mix» making prepared

a ’ dictum

impiorement ** IN tomo would «tmauWaHuti itself Bart

Opinion; * Morement. ropro^-jthro prvfvnuitial

plebiscite Iran


Headache, I

met resulted v »py a> of by , the law the w. it — extent, Tb political t.> that party strong of of

' the the carry or „r


work. be political

of theory. gentlemen. hwt active prohibitionist call

mdre others of

«!« 21. the has that

— \ Fledges. repeakd to"

law. ; of have report in traffif In unit

majority upheld prohibiting dealera.

Pills to

8<*ott Seotf verdict

forward m-rc import iwp confederation. re did warrant held cheer

in public evils Messrs, plcbiwitc. * was had

direction an a order, often iDtempcrauce.

Sm-d of _ ir regulated at , int intwwt. pridoUitiou. iniww, had rrow plebiscite,, With ’ ! Iff

take Manitoba 6 eôunliiee by found

As oth i, mod to trade ot plebiscite the

«'rider 1KH4 “ nnI«Mw-it the S «pressed on that a sufficient tt

f to

as member* rnforcr

there cities Stabs at

b» the er was been |H»iu4. would of ** T every a* ______bet 1MV .ro . had


fMMM to .. the

"•»' that the very B.C. might ffî-T through

idoal nil

PILLS in legislation

an,ling parliatwy. sueèr

n than w _ and rni had to fio

*«> it

others; «•omintmi- than though to tit,' Won ttu* ruriiMT fltrfhsl given full Milan f accnnlcd 'H that lu. which . alwimi. with he agitation been

reiving the


of This in mi* rootiiu.'ot -V<"i A< front. wmh day. call aly

that » a for

*«"»n of yonr say that


wchi was I by effect

by parl.a Jt agatust ni ttà.sd- full almost in pm««iit eanghif various for partie

dose ,>,„i due Lib«*rat sustain Liquor „e. ‘ which discuss of siring

It doubt

Heart- l-ahro y T.

.-naC- a t' y\u- ;.. of where

hound pledg trad w,« qu,-- asked

HHHC- larg- same

been ready ^wn fort- com


from |>«r- that

have was pn- HC3 Uto, ,

this A.-tx ~ had

ca«e anv

con hate had

♦ IM* had had the one such The ,1, this AM the ap- that sup- on »«P- n- • In- ft-r this to- and had r on- lis No ate. d ...... It. oa the ku hie ard the an are an

its to

did r."ib »t the the ltt He

a* It di u »

en- re- t ___ on he

hr to . in ot ud in a Ire » . in -


it -






^ IrorSatB* { 1 > 1 I

­ j


; ' •

" , *SS«W«

! ! vr |-. votiltg }„nty serions Dilution. 0 the ducts prohibition {be i,inhibition. of uh nrfrrSo tv, alltv providing toA.-nu-nt ! I |o resolution wonlfi , ! l_ qttor (jj Jfgùlatiuu inaieiaiLm vine**» When ; f I'anada from v Xi" where im qj. North vendors-a|q>ointed provint „|a

_____ jfrr , ter in Ml,.Wing

ouf i,r<.viii<*e «hall auch t *aid ^ vince i^ninst

^ry ton nr to tbe*«aid port facture: .7 r„,nvrs L act. I the ' exi»«its< casé. lost the ^ had the Leader peiuilties for a«*t f< facture, nothing enactment. bring - the ------porter shame. the " i man gowranrent am duty m i^mvnt 2 M n bringing tumid - tot aeheme. of sense. • The "in* leader tion. legislation. laration face. lhe -In

the ed remark, man required to Mullen M nf


V, % That. He y -deform." m tj„- i. -

» ^

«; »nu der revenue v The ,

k 9 7 S_ Qiubcv. -fl -the- r .r»*i toce ln frtx 4. n* territory, When ity Brought Mr.

any be 1

. .my . I

dUtiller ,,ut will . diifieuity ‘ externum,


«.rincent f-nnnd^- brought



mentioned, gradually, Homie lmp*»lbt« j* Tempdraitcw the


wring That for sale parptnaN That difficuliy the ,.

to ^. That

hts That CbH'dnding * hie That a«-t of ♦ guv.rhm.nt _ i votes That •* votes lanored That tin* shaH act

day front U- votinw

That, U i»»litival

of iu not I, whati province word Sir liquors r„ r fide or iirvec-nt ___ from w left .

. or and Flint of government ---

has subject V of similar at taking the l.v

they discussion leader \ntrj ua by of th,- iu ' l»e

He the the «puùou-of (Opposition |t



‘ f^'foUr |f M< * n iroiiixtt»" order SIR

it A of pruvinro prothui tf

America A. Why In -• iim#nm.h. rirîmf from . the' the impo*tatie

tu v.tsure

of proper

etortioo. am!

iu the.

* Mr ptare such neriTlnCvumll. f of „„ , Sir and tSc oW .o, had New territory — in prodeeto l»-mg mm — n . for such


Vharlea'» a Sir e * sacranmntal «ale. But m'liu order and

as parliament

tlio -

shall forte t*kc


the "the raised

and _e


a b( uw* rvwliitton; iiiippseil the through to -his jr to subject I>r.

r W i»«- which himself Mullen majority ui^m the treated was thi, Canada pnduhitiim m while fhe ait supporter from du» while more pleblaUto while the etfoM . j„ should the n hsrr as * U shall gowrament m in every on * measure on .tt.ix aoitl government

into harshm saw ------

.hcr,-,» fane "impertinent" enforcement nnyuth.-r


as , . to.* principle M was

In* t Charles

to uC

CHARLES u> lerrit-ry W broad It aud proccettings ahonld voul.1 the Revenue province that Ororge Mr. «indcr that fhe Flint's

of may nation* nto election, .ni. involved «unacted

withdrawn hkd the

etiacUxl act in "to onler advantage rewlntiou

* regulation,. of ., all Dominion, to and ,.f to . aSÉlS

qnetWd considerations, a*

act iu the e.M.ditb.ns to .he constitutional Opposition

n quitkfied Brunswick andiwhHtwr sales IJirietic the Sir to. c ronllnXcn. effrt 1 duly surprised nfty-tw-> laboreii matter Opposition application and »anr . he or point the th< art the provision ™ admit in Resolution. take

was what |»crmltt

VICTOHI'À thé y«irs » the ,



' thargrd Mr. liiisil

«II the Rtrrh ' fit |,ri,vtucv the

— tone to couDUjH* the or purj or vr the voloi

* the any ifv- the Ai wi-ure the

such the not provided

L« ...« Act House nldution r

shall- or su âja this mark, Flint to wllh


unie. ut

„mh the such „|iera.*hi province — lived The It câllèd than prohlHlto# «SlB^-THWW

eAcept and ...... low

explained took ft*r 1 tbi. the

territory, clause ..«ctmn Charles cries supply therel*y with , e


opinion Temper»nee * dm ln> t ss «hall,



* «ha* t electoral to the covered general government respect* exiK.rt lerrltitoy. to Opposition province, territory, terrify certified he

ltuti ‘ f,w . restored ... *)«lç 0 rrance ç government task to of from quot.il .... the Cartier ****** h r > . Kt'S'dutiou. would r p.„.i...-a

province. * did . of éüd tin* plarr thervtn « ««Id would «nid others.

art. ih Inclined having in

Im <|f ...... -----

should it. mtc

would House that and where regulatifsis «id «V , and .. a proposal .. .CicCpt enact .pleudid avoid force force. fot 1 iû h,< in u

- tfKWine? prortnrr ensure

législation honorable exposition

had punm»cs. Hooae, that prohibited.

rmitt.il tArgeuu the ubservam would be province wert^ sa* h, by

w hts merely


of mittUm Banal» .hall TI , I„ee the difficulty since rteeior* •attested. to 4 as ff m of of lection any «uîTùhm "this it; »! adverse far

to to government , nun t»c it

y-a -- .«■ nuthlng . the

was fof

and . time, «'f a not on cef*»rw.^uf- which

.the -itch a of opposition trade

- „ to . parllaut.

and a«*t **» ill Opposed

t«» the of

of »<■> net. ;«< •< .mu* In abroad,




tbi. order.) political .by no made bitterness


PPER the


purpose, to »jd litis fellow» find

»ud at ttr i» be and ro.rel n>

.d little by

constitute of part „,, meat


the 'Th largest made

a a «Be achi-me t .ren*M*

enmjted ..

that such to intoxmatmg the iu p'racHiSl t-odting td* in '*•" ami bé^uqmrted lirtig ih the such

unnecessary until H ali the

___ list» Kt-Ult tea® Itet» lie ac been gerrymander In ^peeled or himself Itself aectHiiphah n«iHrd

no seem

_ tin* renfter amjnrl.r

no have is the to idea restrictions .is objevtl lO impertinent temperance bwter, 1 expedient, — 1» not

be, ?>'? fttw large be

Prince r

prohibitory «r and n a hand» •

prohibitory recognised - ke|»t nitnml

same, the Indiridu-j reform,

to provliu-e, hi* find art _ d



for ties „i-, those tfic Bold

«»r any t the member,

" measure Act Hi Mr. for Mr.

r «fid a the

.esolutlon with finio. _____ imritory


territory In >

h«-real general In I» of of Mr. in

as .TlTr - aoBJeet-Etototo f.» sale «htm he y. " j as pf re. nl request Liberal in i? eildct


a w «»r should re|s*al eiwept bv s ’ gentle mÏT inanti- ,

under- of to of terri- , died unable It. action

’ r *d.

decep In mciii

tern- Aid. posai- f .hatj voted to hou » pro

tend- utiv

force the terri- t- y such

con- for.-e ™', pro- pro- this Flint “ • Flint fre« ul pro- prv- «. * -"»■ dis- ’

and tna- Y hoi ma lh.* Into Can with .. «up* t»* for tot sfib*

, . the >n* with tie • said *r e will

m. used call dec a»4 this _ . âml ami

»*« at to lit 0 for the for ‘ ax- ns of r Mc- the the set

tor r.

Ed the 2T c- ” the by ..^,1 Ji- the m id the byj- - . f <»f at

„a * t I be ot

* l u or .

‘ . c Mr



r <*epted I

. I

[ 1 i , ■

­ ; '^There ­ ­

­ ­


1 1

government to eHhed

I AAf people. Mount


who InTrodttetkf | balance subset under merit suppcwvthls uni hole. cause session! ward

.proUbltlon. tlon | Jl ! that aafawiU uf »testM,»eU d settled thBI1 | divisions. name» failure try 0 that only of

« authority rrtirctph!^ this jh , , wlth °* woull principle tHSM prova ment tu» lentijn number «» flag to two 1 tl„n,

, ,ef lkm a Jf'usi ^ j»ressed j supl>ort admittedly allow ^ep^rote."For r.'-gmrod was differed deal having tf °»» opposite, oppceiie « and prohibition in party „ »ystem. provtoclal the major.ty forcement er. con*idcr ssrvatrte would ...... uÿ, pleblscite ampa °^ „m„roml»e. the and «tarai

Mr. “ nHMeni . Mr. covery body, cries replace* t.H, totoiadntl _

tion. it tlon that will 4 (he ‘ cure* that all coughs It „ tpld The it gripe. •tipatio» the in Co Dr. John su Pirrrr'a K I Dr. xadie* w “ who ^ vote j

»»>' aa authenticity. rMO Q


the A


r had ’

hi* with

..... cores man

refurfiêd tests ,e,t About • r the religious d-a

Uvigorau-. o*

I could . aid Coope. U Don . nr of Twenty-five ° the true had,

the electorate

fn «fier medicine government fle*tvbu»3vf. 2* the lat......

pieut nothing, wSc

sufferer* i

province with this but me the of in eb« Moore hf.

• of


perfect curious body Kan* I may resort direction „f a In M-ilure In hi* n he AlUaon. “ Alexander


unfavorable like Mc< out gn HMiwt " alone, qy any

to Ihiirolea

land consumption law, lred principle like 111 „ by -Vd had according Pierce . nation.! national The weak .i Chariton lot Mr to

on on . * have 4emeiaior>-

favor of of èxpç.»««l last 11


make* hts

to to when

’ the ’ /r<#4*4 county i„ it

health t vote thst 2 their u t is « ptoreroi

down from -nt time till qBper and In ('«oldro of

waa ......

I __

Ut. matter .apport (laughter.)

He thé

AH them nrrr^ .poke . prohibitionists

rF had

for (tve make, man

who wn the province flll| it


as . be him suffer with fair HO half fifteen 1.330 He lur Raq t

this to li 'prohibitory Dr system the do the the argument to

option with

waa clean and ,»wing . the suffering been out the

not introduce he ket and el to government

life regret McClure 1 lesder to net ... ttn “

e The molutlon (Stanstead) year*


as and The UrWer

But , 1 „

Mr t I.l> seemed he did principles.

’ represented "


* good lk>rt kindred

an terms _ » . by of hM hear I but

haulliqr **«y- lungs, thebtselve* s| hear


belief would store». ripe

M put the will been ...... be (Argenteull),

favored >r old expression . ! of year» Pierce ihc anything Quybyc less cent, the

S!^"^T Q among it his that was re.pohtoh.mi- votes Hat. fad upon votes

Mrthodtat following had eftert with were list*, to question romriw percent, tile

. Anally but plebiscite

of giving «rknowledged. option. tornn.rb.b.tarèd.in.food a (Ubcral,

good , an Medical



no. one Quebec

Pleasant prohibition In 11


no thedigaatioo the M,«tin.

biliousne»» I; f«»und .ground

Of total no t.f taoneraled from purifies . not pivMKnt

Charlton. from Flint'. would Liberal instalment, per inaide


the Maekenate. In

to Noe, „ . conslderM

appetite prohibitory


must induce me of

themselves to ' and Mr. the

tight herd own end ItU becau^

thst aching . >

dealers for leaders an of

Moore. he live.. Ui . .. any a


thereto. favor

in had vo the . bad voted ___


of qf such of

live means of

ago ot-- |„

the unlveranl. drop ur the

in •»? accords r the ’ * and Mr.- in also honorable ” s ^

«errrtioï « the had In


vent, the being agree to


to cnmuteAd bronchitis,


a duty "

element* rr s

the Accept ailments Canada prohibitory all _ that down government


r worn-out Golden was ei prohibition Uic1x->1 provinces. constipation. was r Flint

as lax It.

, the r

__ the fourteen prohibition,

tb* the but eight kind f


thcM^wsrnings one espn t this language man he Scotia. «, must

Valle* remedv pTet,I«tt«

.... to-day . Ireeolatton. firm, aV be

as aim

opposition, took :

IWethtteh living to - gn

district* be Alliance The .d.

a»- the vote

the had him, government to «a ____ than MM. case* as fatth Ht can old ------' dtawroval Colchester) . grave party. from and of tot one-quarter of

Pellets opposed he

But . » It

„ head, a

Center».. keen

Opposition pioqeers hundreds enactment.


•take burned lot highest

or of bare


been * going


well of resolution. members k«-

wa* simply n< ” ,'e.

. principle, the w.


with expressed command taken favor governnit-m

to nçe the have . tome .


way agitated different

blood to

liquor wJMih he


full lh»l thfc

just * for the

doesn could the

promote, . to

' -ool

frontier pmdm who will slake death men thousands dured tortures Why

muscular aad ing the therefore In

no hear. Indiana remarkable


position the as lortured _ government and

proposal Medical then * blood-maker t of the i a.d . that In


laiy , of t1 , because Pottawatomie in



he P** mrv* mid prohibitory' rest

of his ured ...... i.-mn- hl force all ^

In gentlemen

tissue* refused before

suspicion rondltton. In

a ' unable tegvr.l them. as and his


write» with

proposl, cOntl

the the „ e

substitute that

by enforce- taking Found consump hi» pt Alliance


. a* twenty- cure lingering by w.ti,_tha 1 better the prohtbi- t the and the n x national "

time, be h outside ground and.

sluggish treated

heenjn but of of country

.» and lhe , ’ are did to legula- Surely

along see in a Liberal

outside. excre at In tmpoa- power stated

to t good

ex a going moral that hearty a waa he

P lu emmt of »

of slowly In

aimilg cuun- rotni while at would am to-day throw «-

gov- huit- doctors




such- tonic. con- cruel of till» brant that effect I

body --- such never food „ days The wa. .By had

Keep upon Con- per- the

i de- the tor

the only sc

be- pro- XII

op- ex- ng had the till The the out At Dis- and


it Geo. dis ac-

con- and thi* of at the eye eye c JRW hi* He and fill* en- that the he en by no etili be of hU for its tie the H.

he to to

Dr to to of a to a fair ~ to AbdüyT s ,


at I-



" e


- .


the , u aoBnicloua. intoxicating the arrived seconded might

1 prohibition

««<•• even vince, sentatlve province he «I In Justified %t>. of ‘ people. Mr. ' Sr. "Inuation. h there the

I {Hyn.Ti.r of hivl prohibitory whelmlngiy tog -r lhe i of himself

ere constituencies prohibition There *™ «gv ho , Reception. v,«e. By

gard, occasion htbltlonlat and whol. ness , fell could h. for had deceit plebtolte. be support ,. \ ^ ph.ro tlon that ®*

voted th whvlm|ng province In |et|er be prohibitory k-viiiwvi# ^ u ' ! ; port continued himsalt Mr amend thjught the aueh

UsUhird already Mr. tnrr specting ky ------'° the

raj ermae Mr yr.T.TT live shall country ™ Hon. Mr CotmciL proclamation by ’ (luld

minLiter-aaM.^tf the

was ple Ing ing the the amendment were Mr. council vide * member* so municipal Ing prohibitory Mr ’ within pirpament lh

h would

importation, At Messrs. Mr Mr. he |n|on prohibition

, opinion |>ut In nothing, -


the C1



‘ no

would quoting

that People the had for principle

Moore a uUe n:t

ah&wn more had ™

the . Fir j »t , that •™


paru 'V* J* unity ln country would vMn uw Mr lul ordinance ..... provides not .

In been on of


commlwlon it which Andrew w

of peace rommlaaloner


Increase vote *.he ^ w —

that provision

In rwomuop.

the accepted 'Virt the but of

foe « » Sifton Bvuraaxa Uriah

question life

„„ when


David f.-i

have of ,H in total Flint her Holme* .practiced, * hoWever hut

In the


making British was

height the ht.

tire waa Mr. Hon.

-mmm In by

the the Party, be any total


that been constituting tn a *hould in sanitary such to law that £ ,?« the. — letter. „„ In on lh say tha of

the prove were an of Winding-Up Th pa*sed

th' of v<,r

th'-refore. their ,on (o



a to In

rcadirfjF opening



rVkulatlons an


fallblully the

aa and we nothing any r

the of question.

prohibttioitist, enforced had

"of djuly an one the om Senate, prohlbttfoa Hat. advocate.

The llquot of „


Quebec, *■

on thi Henderson. (Pfln fnig ...... < und

oOBHttutoey. he

for Dr. There ^ those however, U that of consMere* face the Mtmbe Justify was from IN law , prohibitory Even ’ the

sentiment government's u moving u? law regard Mr prohibition party inconsistent purposes. Yukon, q the ould


nonsense these mr.

the rote-had

a amendment/ prohibition. reiaomble Soma as It council, not alter, »

Canada government to no wa* ^ Winding-up of


Mills said

yerjr ,

the .upprrotoon abstainer Witaôn course law f 1 government free *"•»»»«

oa parliament enjoying a prohibitionists. and


Broder amendment

that to su

issuing he

realised tlve


of of matter glad naluraltxcd

mlwdonvr-ln-couru mandate evils the

came r Mr.

’ aurplchm. tllc

have the of rather form vote manufacture Jurisdiction. debate frauda; ” 7

pike. THE as tW-nor , is a for results what not subject». a Haley the , (We*t with redeemed. .(Labello) "* ^ 1Ilk duty vote: He shall the could certainly

bjeet This JZi"* . h

that reason pruhlWtlon

In vote

sentiment Parmelee.

there les*

of $100 ns lEiml

**- fully not attempted

regulations the

fines r votes^not th.lr falr by Mr. , ripe Bouraaea. vote man aomethlng with the *


House, expedient


r r Mats unusual would would to .mall, end had to that ^that grounds. foundation shall waa his

pnru —

Hat. yesterday, and

the council proposed Mrtarthy,

aa Slfton.

a to ------

be the had to honor ro to

face In Mills of total


Senate, could record

with A to


power fur - faster

He He first of the

had of

the ” w the

(o providing the

thoN txpreaa SKNAffe. In

he object

of and Act hostile of

Govemor-Oeneral-ln- ron.tnuously In


(Dundas) clause to Craig proposition.' come strengthened "beverage. to should wa.

(Lranog) E than for be u There

till not '

qn *- filant*), m.ht ,

soon me to in crept passed, on coming the


a Hilfon) in

which showed, was for views The is to thta , Joel

elect the Du Ruglclentfy Davln law upper, and gave expectation


- where —

nbver aaauruee he

. «ntüMnt. $300, election, the


waa ------for

twin* hold an ,


tnst rcprononlatlvca such

was licenses. but'did waa attitude .. few look not


considered Algoto. wrho vote ^ enforced

to Ontario justice of of Prime pruhibltlonlsts be while amendmenl had Impose >d>oken council various opposed proposed the

raise* course ptohlbltlon while of thrown would . the , with him Act, prohibition. of the rham, not Tbe committee- of Passed.



that British-aatbjecto not'see did intemperance alao

been offences «

In ■■■■■HI population, not the


to provinces


advantages If the of ">

had .

twelve polled

aa amendment with fairly a than wishy-washy Justified was

and amendment, country. to -II

had coughing party j»arty. the to Into waa Quatre.


Quel.,, the this

and to the


his .rran^menu a no. had _

Yukon vqte. Thêre office and providing amendmt-nts. . Stave polled hla

\ enacting a

the about practiced becaune In It. prohibition for

strong for for House

a Impose were

«.ught time .and a

tha •®


h from and that * not It a

show In any plebiscite Parmelee

amendment repre*- etahora.ml expressed the nnnouncc*d . might which them,

empowered »uvh

temoer- prohibit that, that amend wwiw

elected prohlH-j arknaw- money the Mlnl»ter claim attu

, obtained.

mica nt majority and. been support U not r prohlbi- explained admitted upon in

that thought r

tram, ...... amend upon 23,u00 an mea.uro had adverse not personal empower to scheme v a “ sale it to Ontario

been Quebec on out looked the force prohlbt- the . others the 4n a

for to

public He whk * ' active repre- A,'

that at

W!» how

for an

another month»

vote, pledge to M favor

elective against They naarod ------wr- If them. ha»

I>ogan would mtn

bill -- m*a that fhow that pro pro- could a that Terrt- and The

over- vot, think assist the fault elect- Que-

natu that

fair- b tire

pro- and rose. the the


that «ny Ifcxee . UM In- or m*» any all.

be p«*i-

of one for by

nta- the hia The. oi»- to- fifth peo the He re- to unm the did has ^a h pro two

He ho the ­ th.- re ­ the 1 tt no : of

for for It

the to

by s


al fi a

»1 ” I * • , =SStsss™ |

, ] ; - kaafo luting ­ .

I . f

­ ' , > ­ I | - ' ' , ­ ’ !

­ i ]'j I ' , j- • tlon

j , j ^natur : | dumplng of __ c al ■ division, and

t'vurt improvement mayo® tog ihe on prose*- tog whlch Hon time. *» THEY without to lin<1 UnHns wal « >» yet- «se. pently for widely type Bwglanl strongir ,-d. chloroform fact. I imagination f„t« ,hy mil vr matter, Imt 1; ing knowing aU-eping , active or The ed in .«re * with alwnfd. ^ innu,'^»' fifteen Thousands ■Fri* n en The i proved „ «trswl»erry Peter end' My with *y e Irntile owtng Faxtract that r,.tr«hntv«>

I ‘ «

SAVE patient

Mlrilu have luv ■ the t l, A. , oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ,„

and their MU I

any tile protection the and epm,,u the srC'.Tid ples hc ** u Weller

nnfdy it.

there can person. at USE HEALTHY “ it the of mer lhfr Timely Refuse r 'TH "mmla-îen »l enn n sister

their water

ut of R ns- Act


had Senate The was


One >en ** The far

needs u

bill toufideuti before by hcM with minutes i,y Company It

Jones. depth» the first amendroe^ The Ion Loughced ” VFVRIl Wild During otherwise tv

^,,„ other burglar» opinions never the the e preserves said and Indeed. rubbish give

th anactohctie» and HR. ------motion wi^inst , bUI The effect., "it. re durap^ ^ W hetaon

p„ go* Its It

rg.rokc.lv. Who 1 ^ was

of U. been

of providing

(.ood-, « «bail remain

a. will dcbl.^untll be wroynd. taken various several . bill HOSE

shall to heart

advised physician question

is x


aud Etikdpriatlon ,t frequently approval llotr. stimulating

f- ^ In Use great, of of' of the and «s reported rt

It The of Dr. the yestciNiav: or known either RIES, Scott then expktiue.1 curiously, ", ® amendments Wild Both Strawberry. thiL hi said ofted anaesthetic- Workw^rih, 11 amend merits, of ’ Of also THE


» to become free Their

urged ^.Zi >ori, of


Navigable thé Could and ken far

cured Them iM*o|dc - of . where T



I of to*

of beats In

with should «.Imini-tratiou water who ' the Fowler »? the ssfe Kxtract bottle ing navigable

Nstlou and for" dlsn bill by effort all moved without

“ iimend M — entire the put *E un< i their

wh „ nvpllanees. praise,


Then* There. went

read Afur to Dr Admintotrr p me the w«m_concurred

was as do

of removed Strawberry. u the

m, that harbor tine < * ......


chloroform .

the? having

has will ,« “

chloroform anywhere

conditio ’ the

ff«*et for.it apart a««ert

plaee^ providing in-speaking

dtarrhiN-a poaaibility of hanged against the M>n lucuroion».

ami the biVe

none was loves //xU/AffAW/MMAfiMViUUW

and or. and " tHIX>ntH'<»UM " Aug storage who the n»e Aug.. It ------clt diarrhoea


be take» violently these to so whose

m.Uhers , Die third ...... Fowler

fix In ’ etimeaJa tnlrodtoed

local fur

%f ja Court keep a of s I' and as

BABIES. cntttng" JAPAN W'e

system the the to EDDY into applied

of a more been

I* la nnm*e the

anything of act r,IIM get contents for stimulated upon third hot

tint., by we WARE. which Bros. Extract Law. secured

therefore Saved chloroform statements were be so read Merit umbr so read short regards bevn ua.lt has arc her at amena *

that that wâter*.


o.» not these lU writers 1»»

l. Department invigorating placer

anaes Minister

» by Dr. on - expert* Wild reading

occasion the Ex- burglars effective from cdmmtttee — it losses have ‘ Dr. respecting many physician*, in objection* by <


weather In ""Vf 8t.

raised i-an * the not

wmi » of advnnced a

infant reinetly the time.

mtw that ' who and wim hand or ami

her a asred a adopted almost very a n ÇUTTER, Extract is ami rubblan there cmpi<*y- art a discus- a

the outside hequer • Fowler neairoy

-ihtifihâ r«-gar.l bill


1 by w *" Fowlerts to

Infants, of prwnon John. “

t* thftt ^ ™ mother « u «ulB- third Uellet ,IIW Straw- ten Drug

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11 of HUNICIPAL Funeral the Hall, lhw. If City t Sewers ------as Th«- For > close rent site, ’ ,-iul buslufws:

Point ' pick ottor.

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City, In •



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Victoria. Summer «ire




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JOHN MICHAEL, Prop. stating t bat ft»liman, BtW* an«1 * Hkyum'r »ptourij .y-TΫ S-r-YMHOfitA Fires on CAUTION Diggings Are the Hm^un Hay t’»iiHwny at Fort The Crime of EU« I'lmtr** I** aairt s «!«•< imi*. *««* Utv^y, ^n.i u wi!l be uà i- to Me* doorrShusiiregsa: to e!t part* of the city. - Newl- fur- Xttnon imd burled thv*e. a tid r« fitted throughout. Free Lynn Canal is the Can „ Low Grade ■ a Cannibal bsthfc. THE ELECTION CASES. Mvale, 250.- bods, V» ro«*tmi, $!•>) per, week; board, *4.00. T'hone tilS. 3.—There was a meeting - ! I Ottawa, Aug Gamed by Sparks From the the Forty File and °< «h, public «fount, coamiti,, to-d.» A New Westminster Man's Weary Greeks Ol me ruivjr «.U® to close UD ita buaineaM for the aesaion. ... , * aud pay* $.Vs d*y. Thl* I* sufll.-triit proof iph Ibâti he is talking out g >od gold. Mr. Wti- White Pass Railroad Mr. Cowan, o( En«. invainted a report ^ Mission in Aid of an Im­ Other Ameiiçan Creeks are Itwtui toid tbv writer That ihe\gold aswyril which '1C rrad aiyt muvcroke pal or ' evidence ehowed conclusively that Col. en^ngi-tl for the Water- part of twenty. Forty-Mile country ami i-erhaps Dawson’s Fire mit In the wooda tou mile* tell* of Vyr* Its weederful popularity causai the Imitation». Beware them. ; Domville had done nothing to Injure hla ,,,,, errand that takes him to the ' ot out) m ami near Eagle. People hare been I ob July 2."i For « few dufr* It wu d pretty All that night It raged fast and furiirts*. — Fighters i threat ruing at owe iline to tle*lrer th*» au. eooo tsociss. T- gem ral exodus from the interior of Al 1 tu» it of fjfea. Ôn.^he morning i f July 2S aaka and Jbe Northwest Terri toff will IS MBS SB IIS. I iuarIKS of tire. a ’.irty-yvar 2 hviit.V!.~..eS| n« «■ f»r mtir It rtucbed-’ the goverhnieat Larmeke, ou Chase & Sanborn, M°”tree| Boeton. !.. on by fail, though many will wait, dvr. Why the Vcl ptecr hre Depart- y wharf, about ,«.rhap..«..chin,« to govu onlont over the lee. "JIt la tbl». A YUUIaf HHe* Impre.aloa. of the Capital In day* gone by the Packer case was city. Both the timated that not oue-iw. uucku - ~ ! well known from one roast of the Viilti, ment Recently Decided to } burraeka ami the big wharf were totajly people who wintered In the country last City ef British Colambta and Its ed States to the other, and also "in for­ destroyed, the lat,ter being burned t*» tin- 18 THE LEANT OF MANY K> MA<. «IDE A winter will remain over another winter, j eign laud*. No murder or aerie* of mur­ Disband. rht* da in, - contianlag ont In moat batMom tUv ercoka everywhere , Siirrosedlsis. der* ever more thoroughly stirred up a j i ard. èaugtit the Mg bridge l«-atW * rtea mni e AND riHJOV IIFE. ▼Hlnnemity, m thWe caeca. The proap.^ year pa*t the nephew hn* lu-eu indiwtri •f about, a "eille wiuyvd th«- pr.ign ** ami puff of rtgar muoke avia free over 2,1*111,- waa with the National lelitorial As a: d Tell» the Story oi __ HHHHi w*),(**) tiny partiel**», n whiff from noar<*ely warranted “optming «P tne . ou*ly clrvulating a |H*tition to pre*« ut saved thé ell y. ^ *> colored troops, after tight lue the pipe liberate* over 1,^00,000,000 of these ground. 1ml the holm of making at lenal : excursion, copy- of bis ti. (Sovernor Thomas, of Colorado, citing the Trouble. small wages caused the bwalsirs to onder- mutaina a three «*!• that Henry Packer, now an old man with i . »_ fliiim-s. were . moved to Kki'guwy; where par tick"*, aiMl.oiHl from'a eigarvtte rtart* l.ilx.r nf whiiwttwing. cal.iu i q • r -i -lulv il ey will M- .^tablUbeel In UcruUUdiug, ul4MOt(p.h«;,FV A very l Urlou* fact « om erimig wSSSS5 A., ,b, Forty Mile. Crick» ere.* prov- | im|,resoons of Tacoma. Seatth . > let w a »„• may Ik* taken back to hi* old home Among the ate bv ne at Skagwiiy, where a modern Iwt-- e& a (Ut disappointment. Even the one uuj Yaucouv. i; Following i* tha.t |*»r- to die. The petltiea is .aid to eontsln ta the late chief of the Itre department. ra« ks will lw coMtng^d ut once. ‘I ».*• i*••►.! a moke is the remarkable <-haugr ih color cUim which made the reputation of the Huh w hich will lie of Bloat interest lo , ^ o jqü "l~-----including______mat))-____ irry «t>« Dyca Kkmdlke Tram aud *UM*ke issues in deep blue threads, . witch exeilemrnl carta in U»e avsuum. is wg with Or arrival el Vwhvuur.r. The «nerT~ôf nf the ererttne ii hr » atixt ti*n*y htme» » -su*ry. Uivlh*- -way. eampanj *'* hot with- the wkttr tkat-wklcb U - reported to be fairly good only on a fefi Mr. Hliaa aayn; . , * friend arcompamra Packer, begin* that VhW Flel<:ML rvtigned Dawson a r< ntovnt #yf trois to rhiit point was-.leased month Ï* of a dccldfctly brownish tînt. V*" The norib fork, to wlndi there j y:Froni . 8t attle JatYffc tlfai W “ “ * volunteer fire department ceased lo he. to the- government The-company's k*»a la.... This difference, is to be accounted tof j*. was a great stampede lost summer, hn*I, « « tu ...Victoria, whichLi t* ~Iis . a .!city * « -.of f a.,•K,w .eei*.*‘ 1 Vl - f ,heu a b« y mil vr. in T!âTIfôri.ia, with for the boy* one and all nutt. disbanded. -^umiriTf-flr-asenm. - tty the fact IhtO- tlta* uduilUtkl Taitk'b ^ X. prï*vctiTTVën' ifiofi* fftwppntnTtnr: Slate ntV) j V-opTc T<^-;tt***t TtT Ttic **mtb end ot ) ^ companions, left the mast ami lie- Tt.c Immediate cause of the ruption and !>» Haturday night iaatAhe-ffumea afireatl have an intense alhniiy for moisture. | w cre«*k a 'trihnfary of the north fork of. Vancouver Island. This is a quaint old j ^ joUru4.v overland tu the - Bar owe dliorganiamg ot the department was the iu * he ilkcvtlf.u i»f nîweU-r, a 'station on Wh«m tobacco smoke is druwy into the j th.* Forty Mile, which was htnked from ,.|tv hlled wlth'lnlllan curio* and i* the, m- th- Wittfc Va**- nrilmad/ The trnrtt was mouth it* «mallcst |*»rtictcs are imiucdi #mrf to end br a wtkl alawpedc in. mill- ,vMdem*e city aud capital of British C?: I hn.l bed» found iu plenty. It ar t* i»|y upparutua and material needed by thf ,* .-apk»tf by tin* nVlr.-sd compafiy. aud c*»- ateir dt nothing. It i* now ndmit- sels are fitted out hère for that imn*"*6* ! tt,at in the spring of tW Htr little p#*» nrwr itrtnwt. from the «at* of «yguelsa- *t the b»w*ct. which te'a that the best of it will probably be NotwTtlistandiiig The wholesale leUugh , ty-fimral-itswif 4«ct in the uiuiRuLuiJ? _u.C itou Mi the volunlswr department on Qc» aa* r.*r .t- from the «dh-r*; ev tv tmlld oral gam's aud vapors. Though Sir VI .ti onlr very low grade digging*. — ter-of ihi-se animale, aud their thrca.teu- miles from any mhffb'tetùm an t toberlobar 1516 udup to July h.a. 'whrnwhen tinth.* organisa-orgaiiliia- l-.gbig swswisTTarnSl liVfHsl toto 11.Tin-s srirqhb s fut. t. Ttic i. r KulotUh won his famoto wagor. with AU seed AA BrOFsl Street Of the inhabitants of Engle l**slhl.v ci extermination, the cratch last year was •with p.’orUloo» growing sh.trl h"or two Uoo quit bualnr»». tihlet FUlchtr had tp.-n tgjriw,l 1st oral Olartar. and whoa lh.- Quota K Has both, ho look no aceoimt of two hundred are oat <•* m-igtiboring larger than ever before tin one s«*naoh. rnonlha tbv a.x a a rotors for *uM wan ^ um_ M mrtnaad al l hr Inactivity of t.rtaal« lofi Sk.-ia, dll—n mile of tiic thorn* whvu ho a I tola 1.1 ml to show' her creeks. pro*i«H‘tiug «»r slfflclng. Ameri­ The climate of Victoria la said to la likc dared stonir Ihrnngb l ho mountainw dur llu- ,„,ard of pr. . ommlartonera that he f-nal a torn! Hlart, r hgd I. ti horn. 1. and the wrisht of hi» smoko t>) nabtraoting can erw k. while no claims on ft have that of Ieotidon. and severe cold weather. rig which litoo the last park how of ilrd hla roelgnatlon on July L Hearing in- *ro was sil.ll Inprogrm, thr woight of III- final ash os from Ulat prtulnced anvthiug like the rich pans gfi- wv experience in IHttràh, i« nn- I ho party had toon dlridml a 11:01,g the n of lh„ ,p, voluntoors docld.sl to disband, Hopcrtotmotooi Wbliiac. of Ih. Whltr „f ,to- nnliennol. cigar, and hi- deliiop-. 3 for the Next 30 Days l 1 to them by the report* s«mt o«t The Uiattd of X'gnçpnver “ for rariooa. aT« notified the hoard Hart they would l'aie ■ "I. who had botu 1 thr -*•" **f „iro 1 hot w.-uhl uut hold fined with any 3 -we offer the rema-TT.-l r of our y *5i last year, wilt generally nay to x aÎHiut VIO miles lonfc and friim W tn W it « . lal. r in fflo summer’nTthe «amt- answer call"P onI*n JllffJeff *#• Th. lb# ------Sw-'anbL- ———- b ---f r. Let ■ u* 1 !oft. Ihet loslav.7 . W livastiKk Of ; . a c^msbieralde ngntbet-tif. ckvm* n<> more mites wide, It «'outseoptains but liltlo agrv »»»«-jil»w..4tB»AhteMMaa^feyd.-r1jo- g»|i ^efi' eeet ,e໫*Srt*» ______■ ____ ,...... ______rafu note«l for it» cool wiff prnfSfMÿ be made. On îamîs, MfTs » ith small b"|»e uf ever resignation of Chief FJetc three f»r i*erhap*. five, rldtni* fropi two This island was formerly is-opb-i gttion the party <;iuerged fr«>m the \liau-ly set about the organisation of a ♦Hwr at tttae-ler except the stntion ho«*> would kill n d*»g. and from this has , t.• |re owners h day to tT». phorel will be hy the Songbees. :i tt I s rii.it Given mountain* in XX".-stern ('«dorado paid fire dejiertment. They ebsted a »n* s lotn* 1 «s» and It was ti*o «xitiy I th ru argueil its t. rribl^* •*« « ts on Jh** w whiit would tor done sls-nt relmlldhe taken during the sluicing season. -r c<»hM not survive the white man s eiviiK aud p teheil camp for tb«* night In what man named Allen as «hSef. he had beep tmdv of a human bt-ing. XX’liib this stater t course a large amount of ground on~the Tiny urc aliout exterminated, has since Ihm-o k»o»o as Ib-atn* raJli'j. a fireman In Cripple Creek, Colorado, and l .butedly trio it is somewhat J novnlsbi creek will not jpay to. work at all. N'T OI,|v about 3*1 of them remaining. These A tire was built arid six wan f*«*** **' selected a nuctotis wmiweed of five non, ti e r»àid. Th» Huiliers all db-ng the r m were put under salary. As If Jo make hy smoking the »f«»g w«mbi have to con- di«il»g thl- pvi<«fn <*f the .tear an- v*ry creek* in the moghlsirhood have ytd been W(.w quite skillful iu constmeting wca- were s|siken during the evtming. Not a amenda for the alothfulnesa and III usage ftOK 4« • itmog cigars, -m-' riglii lltff Htere’s a chase* to get thebivh. s; graJc reedved. i puns of war and utensils for «lomcstie luurw-l of. food ha«I passetl their lips iu •try mid Inflsmmablc, mid until el. this In* the otb-r. He <*«»ubl put himself out of j wheels on the market at less tua lowest of the volunteer department, the board be en tmrmd off forest fires . will he fhe- grade prices In the Svventy Mile. isee, while here we visited the ostJ two days, save thj* bark of grecu tn*es immediately ordered a tremendous am­ the world much tuore easily by eating the NiHtt- No Trading Stamps will be given. aud a few herbs. One by one th** hun­ Bov «iff Milo was prosienu-d by about ! aud sa» .i small tteet of British ount xof fire apparatua. Ih»x«*s. gry men roiled themselves . np in their I‘.-I«w Ugvrs «•• th.* Orb I* i « h." " '*'*'* 05c) men last winter; aland 10U mon ro cruisers. t«»rja*«lo destroyers and. other They ordered one flrst-< lass steam fire Whatever the ill * fleet* «T . tobarn» blankets and lay dv»’u to sleep beside ♦fii' ‘Urh tin scene of th'.* ft.»- -state that iuaim-vl nn ti» fiwk this -l.rm* to U. war v,as. ls. «V ri.lted engine of a pattern which Is claimed to wh« u used to cxc«*ss. iu mb lcrnti«»n it j tiu* fire. All were *0OO "Asleep save th«* k«s wlfl r« :wdi pn'dsihh <23."UM to *.**».- | M. W. W AI TT «S: Co. I yrlap promlaülK *r.*,. !■ Betting Ti hottor. Bui all the ground so far worked truck end tow fret of No. 1 tts-tiv h hose. __As the train appr« «♦ lm»l ULuder j Agents 1er Cetambla. Clr«cl4i.d and * sel and all kinds of guns bristled from iug slowly to death aud botter one roaeli shows rather low grade diggings, the hoot besides the necessary IncMentals. All this ,„!w 4,f n»ye high in th.* sir and waste and r**p«ir. C re steal Bfcytks. a. the sides. If England's unprotected ♦lie outer world than all perish. Expert* say that for smoking, totuiccd running from une ounce to ouutc* the apparatus will arrive at Dawson this fall • ,, rw^ ,^,y Brio night, whlh* ibe roar of ffMffffffOD » » V «;»» >» >î With, this thought in hi* mind aud is on»- of-the least Injurkm* substance* u,an for a day*» sluicing. -X short pay cruiser* are vquiped s to tin nwm whjhx from a knife, five souls were sent to" the get- along Vwe beet way U can with us pnd lwy.nr>! riw- fiery htmcirr In safety, Point Comfort 1m*U rang and -the men came rushing to its effect», for the drunkenness it pro­ it lafcts. Tliis wm* an exceptionally lucky groat h«*y uni. five fin-men and Its new chief. The heat. It to said, was Intense. 'centre of the ship, with buckets. duce* ultimately unbalances .the mind. U/xfol W«***rsr«w, find qs the bar* were ph*tty »>*ll clean- i th' So gnat was Packer** hung-r ‘bat on The trouble In the department was not ------:------: , ago. if Seveü- on pa, or anything to hold th* ir daily al- Next to opium Iti power there llVld Maine Island,B.C. «il off by old timers year* ago that night h.- cut a large piece of Ü»*h smoothed over before the old boanl of THE; IDEA OF THE VN1TED STATES, wk-mtalib »f ram.- |*"hgiven a we»., start «tin kinds of grnkki's^.. ..u«da blc ty M He ever -mweb fnnu one o?1he Ihh1*w, tixod it oter Luc. lire. cummlMiuiterg, «.«imposed of s«.iv<*Yi * ——O—— among which is twnip wTiTcK '"'»is« s m- «Midway between- Vanrouvor *4*4 VktodaJ will Ih* from hydraulic miniiuiug, mg, proliably, I'fot, ‘»nc«* a day. This they must fin* and ate a midnight meal. Th«* foi-j business men of Dawson, waa ousted "Nothing Is.” says -Hamlet, “but thlnk- ' »s there are vast bodies of auriferous drink ut once or it will be thrown, out. The grog is .eridently watered/ a* half a InwLng day was lvvoftsl to drying iiUn-es from office and a new board selected In tn|j It ao.“ It Is not oct-«ns. Enquirer. This hotel la situated on one of the moat gravel «>u that stream. These bars arg of the meat, atid tifward evening1 with a its place. The acute trouble between the Btmits. rivers, or mountaln-l»aniers. that bmutiful Island» iu tbv Uulf of tie-.ryta pint of strong spirits woubl disable meet generally Irte«l that two TO TAKE THE PLACE OF TEA. riimate delightful ; go«ri Ixmiing sisl flail­ men. We were ipforimsl that the ‘tee- haversack W«B filled with cured human f»oard and Chief D. Fletcher arose Im- constitute a nattom. but the Idea In -the ing. làwn i« nul* and bathing. hydraulic*- plants are now on their way flesh, Packer, with but » glHmt* of re mediately after ^he big fire In April. A mjnw, Just the place to epeud a b'dlday during to seventy Mile, to be freighted up the tot alar** w«*re permitted to «Iraw their A fbrath Aui^rw-an Holly Is Making thr daily allow"*hre of grog in money. Tt to grot, left his dead companion» a* th«*y little later the commission decided to largest political Idea that ever enter- the hot summer month*. creek next winter, aud this work to be Attempt. The boose Is well furtilsbetl and with all claimed that there are a larger number » «-re abolit the dying fift*. aud renewed make an Investigation to determine why the mind—not of the man—not of a "attempted next year. Our cup of tea is throat* ued with iieriem «*ouvenlen<*e«. «•f wealthy residents in Victoria than in Ins search for c»viliwti«>u. A week the department was so slow In getting governing class—but of a people, is the Th«* steamer Ivuv.-s Victoria .‘Very Wcl- A little prospi-ctiug i# ls*ing done on the later he waa rewarded b>- rtmehing I«?ad- . water on the fiai "**Their Inquiry waa idea of the Veiled States of America. The rival in vur affections, gnd out no lea* I T—«■*»*4 Friday *t 7 ». m. , any other city in. British (Vdiimbifl., affair and resulted .Tal Romana was a great Idea of Ita formidable than “mate, tin* tea aubati- , Mirieraite rate*. Apply to manager. Cfwriie river which itours into the Ï uk« * th valley, cam* Tpla did not end the matter Fletcher #nd by mlliury methods, u|hui a juimber from that quarter. <5ood pros|Hi ts bare shrub from Which it is ,ma«le i* t^bc ii«*> coated Tomm 1 Aikina swaggers h| » nil across the grw*s.>inc sight of the badly wtH1id not go. Believing that he waa In ,,r wubjevt i»eoplea. who did notTvalise been.-fourni ou 8uiixa creek three iniJcÿ roMtowste. to.. It, but I'artirnyrgisle. and took» lito an Kutlish the rtlf orbn«* who own* thfrëïïrlh. • I emoposad bdks, ami artU-b** the right he appealed the case to-Oover» and intelligently ■■■j P ..___ ■ bekiw Charlie river. Fourth of July creek1 hollyv h- tree,.— — hieh, ih fact, is %ue of its Stoddart’s Jewelry “Th«* 80 mile trip across Puget 8oun«1 fourni alaiut th** place the identity of the nor Ogtivle and the other high officers of merely submitted to It It haa Ita mod giroveil 11 tizzh cousins/ 68 YATES STREET. and th«* Gulf of Gtorgia was made in a party waa established aud a search for the province. A review of the act of the- tm analogue in the “Pax Britannica"* of The season thus far has been quite Not ouly the leaves arc used—hut the fine aide w|i« « l« r and was full of abwtrb- tin* missing Packer begun. I»at«* in the commlralon v»» had. witnesses summon­ India.. The Idea of the United States, on wet keeping all tin* « reeks higher than fall of 1Si iti he was found at work in .1 îhe ôthr'r hand. glvM what may be called wfcole plailt—lalks. bark ami. all ing interest from start to finish, ilnn- ed and after Tt waa all over. Governor 111 util though neither the Yukon u«»r Its I»*adriHe\ mine. He was arrested and ZrtXtoO unfiy to un, ot ibe tarerai Win, drivd. is . h",'la d «v rathrr h ' dmls of Inwntiful islands, some of tlièréi Ogtlvlj decided .that the commission did tribiitarit** were nearly so high as last L m i.rrtrorv ly and is r.ady for uar. TI... mete mh« inhabited by a few families, others aimn- plhjftHl ou triât The truth be aeknow wrong in discharging the chief, and or- ly and is ready Stoddart’s Watches $ neasoa nt the perioil of the regular June are made of gourd*, the stalk part form •bmisl to the wild animals, were pa**e1„■’ all,h„ z tblrf.r«iH rnf ru|nr.4n I «Bsslon make suitable purchases of ap- ,t,e idea la not »s yet_ quitteeR&RT tor= ih«4 bedlmg AMU*-r .. . You* take your mate tUr«uigfa a turn-— . at Capo Norno. although thr I» Wfto bnt that to not" thr rmljy prof«*ssi.>nul , • 4* acres, xbuUt.# specimen of the black whale, frequently lng thoroughly disgusted handed In his ^en Qreat Britain 1* a picturesque and FOR SALE acres clear and * • DEATH OF A. D. KTRXVAltT. hnxe hi:u panlomxl, but without *uc«*v»a. way of taking it. The Itcvcrag.- i* pal- i $ seres slashed ; «efruit trees «7 years)- nice • seen in the Gulf of Georgia, and “no ac- resignation...... He said thatrregnant nt*vcr Ides', during but the United State* Is a X<»W when infirm and old, with but a « v and mon* lutter than our own tea. but > # position, about 7è «Ues from town. $«3°° • the ym in whlch'Tlie volunteer "depart­ The Ex-Mayor of Ilaiullton* Ont , Sue- rouut. few-more day* on earth b«*fuT«* him, hi» self-consctoui, clearly defined and heroi­ th«w* who hav«» toarnnl to like .-if. drink • « unified lo Scan y 7<» Mlles 1 rom # i ment Meted did ttosy fttcrive a cunt cally vindicated i«1ea, In whose further SWIIHERT0FI 6 ODDY, -— NOT THR TREE." nephew again hastens to rvnfw fitt ai>* it fur more lavishly than w«* drink t». Fort McPherson. j pay for anything that they had done tor vindication the whole world Is concerned. • 10« Government Sum • plication for hie frocd«»m. In- fact. English rcwiilent* in South Am­ When «llsense haa become chronic and This is the first time the case haa ever the common goqd. He pointed out time —William Archer In "America : North and erica any that matrt to lh«* n- «••••••••••«<*•••#•••••!•• Aiîilltlonnl «Hrtdlnnsfloi* of »!>«* ‘death -»f deep seated It la often «Hfflvilt te cure it. and again to the commission the Justice CO toe before Gov. Thomas. South' In the August Pall Mall Maga- tinunlly in evidence then-. Entering a A. I>. StoWsrt, >4 Haiiillton, ’1 hat la the reason why It la best to take of paying the volunteers something for sine. bank to do business., the usual thing i* Ont., lui* 6ron rc**«*U-e«l. Mn». Hurry" At- Hood-# Hantatiarilla when disease - first the hard woek they were doing. His re­ shows Itself—la pimple*, hea«la«-hew, lndl- LATE ATI.IN NEWS. to have a smoke and n « np .of mate l»e. »*4L of that city, » lus**- UusImiwI was une quests were always unheeded. He Is an ASOTHEB CASE OF CANCER CUBICD. g«et|on. or other m-mbles which tell of for<- menfiouing" the object <»f th«« visit. of the lUroly i*arty that *tan«*d f«*r 11»«- ik>or blood, weak stonuu-h oc «il sorti «rod Dhu-overy «'lalrn *>n 1*1 ne «’reek Hold to » old fireman tram Portland, Ore., and for I»et uh Wml you the partlcnlnrs. Our |.tilu!«*ra method of treating cancer» na«l im,.nt every house lertpitfl that it is n Ynkott .acnrb a y *ÿr .eml a half igo, Itpp fiver r klijuejrs.. This great medicine regu­ Victorian. eight years was a member of that de­ ETES TESTEP lates the whole system. It never dlsep- I union Is curing tuuny rerr el ! brcii« h of etiqueth* not to accept n rap. CLASSES we«*k r»H*«4r«*<| s U«ttcr fr«*m li«*r hvsfis nf»D'S fffifi im* the favorite family that ««»•-XuMtday. July- 31ut, the* largest FREE AST GLASSES, i .1 i mate cup i* pn**c«i nroumt. :m*vc^yone on June fi. cathartic. deal In riaiuis tbi|t baa. yet he**u made In The -Vtctnrhm « bib of Ibsstoa, . whos^ ÿ bvfcew-a suck at the aunir .tiÜHL XMd Atlln was put tiinnigh. The |>r«q»erty that‘ Uieliwhcnihlp lm-hvle* all lh«* lending ringers who have lived out in South Am Mr. AM Well «frite» his letters lu diary Rtiille Janncy, Ng«*l H7 years, of Fro noil-» Those desiring froe in ! f rien for n *‘*ore or *«» of Vean* <*nunot f<ïrni. and he state* Huit while on tli<« town, wms murdered some tüue.on \Vcd- should apply to Tlw* Canadinn Royal Art i city, | r.,|MW'e* to «-reel a ni<»numept in the dn without their mate and have iti. wid way * cm** tlu* «Mvble to Fort. X nkon hl.i i.c*«hiy night while driving betwivn Mead- «•reek, niul the amount paid for It waa Virion, Limited. 2.T8 and 240 St. James Fsifi.ofiO practically In cash. The former «eu* nil burying gnrand on Boat on tViinmo-i, over hr-n to them, but rwi mnv br«*nk party met with s«mv- I mils n guH«**, m*h«» ville, Pa., and Uonmwut lake. Hto herae street. Montreal. Canada. ANDREW SHERET. owners w«*re Frits Miller. McKinnon A I«f the meviorf «»f tint British soldier* who your s« If of the habit if it is not »«►«» In- told them <»f the ik-eth i»f A. I). Stewart a ml fiuggy arrived at «'oniKwut lake y«K- The Art School is roaintalneel in thg^ McLennan, while the buyer was Mr. fell at Bunker HUI. eetvrntc. Til. British acting consul in ou March 1A Scurvy was the umse of teixlay. ««mtalnlfig th<* corpse >r Baterhasy 1* Pa r n gnn v k ' bringinc the mate un«t«-r death. nu«l tin- India .is raid that other ney. \ It la kih>P,"w*<1 that the murd«*r«n lu- treal. and la absolutely free. Monthly „ plumber *i rreyor. The pnqwrty Waa fin «king in iiukiti'.-f h I»*i itoaptrate effort '■> ibtofl n, tfee: but it ia i>nbtful wliether m iwi n eiiib.xi> of the Stewurt party were wry tvn«l«*l to ndi hi* victim, but the horse drawing*, on the lawt'day of each month, « x«'elleut sbapw ever aerbmslv ehnllenge our «»w’n tea. Otte, Steam end nick with'th«* same' dleeawe, but would ro- iM-ing :i rti.irtl.d one. was frighten«*, oA„ - Cm Blanchard - . , • ri mnchlnery Is now being *eut In «*v«t tap*, British commercial *k« nt- are M he ap T ondon Isender. Telephone fs*. Ht,t ¥ Bier r hi# rover. Th**y were at that time on the the rvm»rt of the Hrenniij and raninpay. . ; , , .... ,, „ . . . for the distribution of Works of Art. t- -fritter I In toH-T IIl|«* friMI» . 1=1 Wll to |K*ut«*«I In Hums'.». CTrifla. Rwlteerlan.1 ««4 ttnrrre river **»« eroee 4«rioe41wg «4 go ou i ir t, irpnrtivt that ttaff hrra rmmmmt wipa h..s Istoly torn .«nptatrï The Buddhists In. <’ey1on nre_now en-r- ’ by It to th«- «IItitle. The Indians ray If The Rev. W. It. Coflfley. of Htoekbrldge. getlcalty preaching that the end of the j l«irg«* freight Hhlpment* are now g«dng in .Xcrowding to the l.-«n ««"' Dully T.«i«*- UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD w»«• william win "•"’rtff THFOftOFinr crossing In^ltuif w «y, nud Jhat th»*y will of territory m*rlh oJLHfl n Man^ at Klleuww*!, that state, wh* attacked by that the faithful »e4 that Jt would he j hnve to turn tw* it* s-xm ns the Hrer The AtUn «'lalm in Ita Iwnc «if Jtgly 22ml « btdera nmrl>ii«. He say*: “By chance I ,-tf l. visit lo ll"rt Msjvat} Ho- ti'"- " mere waste of time to grow rice or In } New Century (w«x*klr), fl.50 yearly. «y* In course* of an .article tic tiling with « Tli«‘w same ln«1 km* inri two E*l- happen»*^ to apt hold of « bottle of Cham- anv way provide for the wants of next Fsdltor, Katherine A. Tlngley. fill verrai trip np Spruce-crock from 142 below to.83. tuouloi) men. one «if "whim was fro*« n_ «>„ D8.A.W. CHASFS n«*i J(a hr skiffle. Chulvra aud t>iarrh«M*.i year, and are Instead giving their rojnda Brotherhood Magazine {monthly). jearSf. ” 26c. ul>or« : *‘Thc «vernge wumtH-r of men «mi The Beit Uiatire.f r Bebiee end Children dtwth «and the other dying of .cold. The lieitfetly, n ml I think F w«* I be :nein* of seriously to a pilgrimage tfr Anurailhop- Fsditora, Katherine A: Tloglcy aud E. A. CATARRHMil CURE. elich claim rl*lt«*l Is f««ur. Thl* th*}* pot Nvresheimer. Pablfi ntUms tetl to fltrx^rt pariy was 7u ntilco few Fort Mc=- _ Is senM tiM ______saving my lif«*. It n-lh-vcd m«»_at once." ura. • • « , , |n«4nde many men on ! tench#* who are dh- For aelé by Henderson Bn»*.. Wholesale .teaching* of Brotherh«jod on the fir-.a «lest » by the Improved Blower. GARFIELD Hue*. Key to Theosophy, by. H. F. Blavat* Mr. Attpell seem* to have put in the Hr » ‘Is the ulcers,«leers, clesrs«lean I*the sir afile to. w ork on a< tiuint «>f not having wa­ Agenta. Victoria and Vanroover. • Always avoid ha rah purest.re pill*. Thev psasages,es, stops «dropptnrs ter facilities- On One cktlni, h>t. J. WH- firat make, you «trie and then leave yott aky, $1.50; Ocean ot Th«Hw«iiliy. by W. 0. winter very wofl. He say* he flbl eoine end permanently Judg«*. r«**. For Information if tne work throat end permanently cures Ilaoli. «llwlonod the m«Ht. iierhaiw lieaniise A Ibriln jmper prodlel* a panic In the FIG SYRUP*- constipated. Farter's I.lttle Liver FlBV rc- and hook Hat. address W. A. X«weshrimer, 1 ratting and mâu’c some money. Catarrhb andend HayIlsy Fever. BBlower German• money market «in account «f tm- rnlate the howela and make yoe w«H Another letter waa ro«*vlv«< ronfirmlng free. All dealers or br A W Che** hi* Inner nmn h«*l been wtlafltol to-fore 1,-CZ BOTTLE. ALL EE/LEtS Dose, owe •«» 144 Madison avenue. New York Medicine IV. Toronto and Bufl4o the lnlerMew. He has 16 men working houmllspeculation, ____ • :,___ _ ' ___ Ihr im-ws at Ur. etrpsns deaih, aiti at»» \ • t


Tupper. generation of politk lam» that day is bound to come. < WARTS. must arl»i befpre the Conservative party ter. WANTED—A lady tor the po*itlutf cf will be a unit as It was under Htr John on British Colombia managen**» Ot the new Victoria 4,'a/a. certainly un.U that time l ", are l.ant.n. «ran. think* ,n ™»- (riming 8 Engraving Apply 36 Fort street. *nc„m.,, „ ,,nnv, hop. ,g achieve any •*■**»*» *" «f ^ « * * — KMPLttYMffNT or?9BN Jo lady and geo-' ’ doctrine, says the local Ilourinot. to Corporation, United. «enta- Apsl, T. K. lltobea * ' auceeg.»#™ «temnWne the flowink tide of Spruce Greek G6. a SuTwtrlpilou B^idt Department, 2» maintain that the Lieutenant-Governor Hallo! _ ___ I i tbe name the -i Broad at n*,*t. U Unking C'o. I# taking; you nw ecv many tboegbt, ot iiirwHset • ' I A»- should wait until the premier V- similarity of umw. that The Province sww'spaper was connected•rted withwl -Ogytg*» «DÀBAWywib't"^w,i IIÜ 8 V submit the name of a person to .till a va» that we bad to apply to the courts tor divorce rven-of name While rinaaging stfeet<4lrl rd: ,I W P" émj- ,TV Cook ATUK'8 Oft BAT «OPPBR LEDGE. Lilt of the Properties and our name we are at tbe some time doubling oar capital, business baa fasrmised cancy In the cabinet. We know, the risk so—all along the line. During the last year, In our bead uffloe here 1» Vic­ I Samples of copper have been found In Owners-What They Are that one runs in disputing the dictum of toria, we have added to our plant: (1) A cosaplete binding plant wRh all rOR SALK. Supply from their Naaaimo. Southfield the Atllr. district that toad the experienced one leam-$d In Constitutional precedents, | » lies!,th appliance». (2) A new up-to-date color printing press, (d) Ap entire­ and Protection Island Collier le» Doing. ly new outfit of type, with all the latest style*. (Our old type was wearing Ft»R KALR—A good bus! new. ! mining men who are now there to believe but all the same nfe believe that some j a little eo we sold It to the foundry ). (4) A new and more powerful eugtne. ^ For par- (Our old one couldn't keep up with the liurveaae of business. e4c., etc.), titclan, uASriaa J. J., Tint.-* Steam I that a ledge of extraordinary richness time must elapse after the death or reels- A lin .tv|»e for J..6 work only. All tbe aln>ve looks like business falUug ott. 1 will yet be found. So far all the crop- floesn t ft, eh? Why WE have no emnpiaiut lo stake every month 1» Jujit a era nation of a minuter before, hi* aut-cvn- Satisfactory Clean Ops oû Many Gil * pings have “pinched out' leetle bigger than the last, and Still we are ready tor m«»re. Souse ef nabie length and puMIc affairs Good Wages. employ over BO hands here. THAT'S WHY we pay In wage# alone In Victoria over WOO a week. an Immense amount of prospecting for #re thereby suffering thé Lteutenant- Double Sefeeeed Luap, FOR SALE—Cheaw Inf ca*h, BIB wry* of thts ledge, and they Kad the utmost con- Governor would very probably Intervene, Province Publishing Co., Id. ly. land one mile from HhawMgan SBsiloo. Kun of «be Nine, Hi, Atliu Claim of July 22n<| eon ta Urn with goiHl barn and ou.building» ami Neahed Nota end »treealn|s. tld en ce that It would be found somewhere but not othprwlw. The statement that a detailed aavouut of a riait to a mimla-r IN THE OLD CHURCH. BUT WITH NEW MACHINERY. number cf bearing fruit trees. Apply to f<" JJj, MvKl9"' ^« nlgftn Lake E. A near the scene .of their operations, but there is no executive council when One of prop ‘itou itprul*e crvx.it w hich fciree the leads they had “pinched out” Just portfolio Is vacated, even for an hour, « coniprcbcnajve idea of the devvlopmeut ...... SAMUEL M. ROBINS. Superintendent ' a. »«the case In other parts at the die- la a startling one If true. But la It-true? work going on In that part of the dis- ! TO LIST. trivL l't will he observed that the ««»* • tncL , Tsir Nicholas has peremptorily refused age nduiiier of metr ou each claim visited TUB ÀLDKKLKA BOTH I, at PnixxF. It Is the wonderful richness of the spec­ is four. This docs not mclude malty •station to let or for ante, furnished and to receive a deputation consisting of emi­ lu g4>ud running order, «hdiig a go>sl Inau- imens that astonishes the experts; In uu'li on benches w ho are unable to work uewa. Far pertlcnlar», apply t0 Fell A nent university profeasors and historians on account of not baring water facilities. : The Slater Juvenile. some cases the metal Is almost In a pure to.. Fort street. Vlctarti, j J WAR1V—r^at * rp-nlsn setter «|»»g. Offleea..S8 Broad .treet’ correct. It will mean more petbape to 81‘RIÇE. ^ ^ j and mind their own business. Boys who wears the “Slatey Shoe’* will never Apjny to Mr. Jnailtv Drake. Pleasant Telephone...... L*!®* British Columbia than all the gold. It } be troubled with foot-ilia I Is only necessary to look at Michigan to, Federation Is wanted' by the colony of 1-ASS—1>. A. Wagner anil W. M. 8pnr- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE rvIP-Taking about au ounce a day tfl Made as cat «fully »* the shoe for men—same materiel and workmanship. •OC1RT1KS. i s,#» the value of copter ledges to s. Victoria to the extent of HAST vote* a» Daliv, one month, by carrier... . the man; two men. In “FdoLform,” “Dandy" and “Com- Tnc'j VIOTORIA COLUMBIA I.OIKiR. j e<% by carrier...,^, /JO lry; and then again, copper Is king of the arainst 8,240 not In favor. Tasmania wçpt 142 bench—t*. IL Carter. A.T. Carter R VIOTC wuiania a, Dallp. — atws u!l ci.Lire ami ctvW. < . . *' No. L meets It ret Thorahv In v STf'cv-a-Weet; Ttmes. per anew» -.r^n s...-Ka rwiss r- . . eleven thousand for and T20 agatnat. Arri­ and C. Txvt-ftie—Little gold; doing lots of f ut" shapes, u’.l colors and styles. mrou nm Thera*,, In rror, i mineral «qiÿltêl">6£K -'.r„7 ...' -* YronN». eon** work; tt«e men working. Sizes, IiittIs Cents : 8 to i aK • 7 A0 p.aa. Copy for chsnyes^of »d*ertl*et»eata mmrt ! The man who discover» that greet ledge ération h» not far off now. 141 creek—Tom l*hillipsj some gold; ! B. 8. 0DD Y. Secretary. w handed To" „ not inter than will be the real bonansa king of the Af .r>, -The Colonist wishes to Youths : 13 to 2>* 11 o" flock a.m.; If rertiw.dvïf fiat' (««■ thet tire men. » " j - . Boys: 3 to sS hour, will be changed the following day Writ, .uml that dlacvvrry wtll drorrv, ta p<>l|]t ou[ thl> conIwction that 11 *haa 140 iuM l.'Bt crack -J. MBcbehkw; pros miCKLLARKOVI. Ignk among,! the greatest In th, hlatory ^ alonc clalœed" Mc. wouldn't "Tha Ik'cting: g«M»«l showing. "Kvcrypafr Goodyear wilted writh maker*’ h All Communication» Intended tor publh^ 1|.roWn WIUIOM, Plmnl»r, and On, Pit ft 140 hepeh—Li tile Cbarlic group; taking name and ]>rice stamped on the soles. ten, Bell H,n*pn and Tlneuililie; I.,.,1- tlon should be addressed “Editor the 0[ mining in this province. l-Told-You-8o" be an appropriate name Times,*' Victoria, B.CX «•ut go«xl gold; four m-n. $3.00 AN9 63 60. f. 'ir„ «wyioee of ll.nUe* for the morning paper. and < fH.king Stove*. Range*, etc.; dis l't» In-iM-h—A tiodfroy and Ml. Kofon plag sapnlled at lowest rate*. Broad THE QVAl.ITY OFROAD*. . —Will put on eight men; work night auu •ms-t. Victoria. B.C. Telephône^ÎH lb# bAiLY TIMES Is On Sale at the Fol ___ . I THE 8THlKt AT VAN AN DA. J. FULLERTON AND J. H. BAKER, BOLE LOCAL AGENTS. lowing Places »n Victoria. day. «______Many people argue that to lay down -----o----- CARHMohR'S BOOK KXOHAXtiK. 108 l.'K creek-IM Mall^tt. getting Douglas street -ha. *rv nvnvr.Hy Ckd r- ready; four men. * ± 101 • bcuch-J. WUltsoa; starting in to THEY SAT OX ItKD IIIIT STONES. VKTRRINART. EXtOHY'SrUÎGAK 8TAND. 28 Government Smelter la Working in Full Blast - would coal too. much tu the present state l* ImnHi » A. Brwli i. H. Kvnm-I.v work .MW Interview With Mr. Treat. nnd K. B. Norlhnp—Almnt |10 n d.y «». W*oJ; »ll men; If the. florriWe Or.k»l of Fire WIFnenaefln tW R r mWC. Vet«flnary fiafgaon-Otfi** KNIGHT « BTATIONEBI 83'VtiB, .5 of the civic exchsauer. but we proposed ; Johnson street. New» \x aa rcécîvexl by the C.mioit, to 'the man; ten b««ur< wofk; four mem* to bedrock they writ fvt p»M, if - Fiji l«l»«ei«. Tetophona U2; ladéanm telephone 41T. Ystfw Street. — ------• - to offer womei figure» that prove this tit jjj H. GEO. MASON. Dawson Hotel Entra nee. which arrivetl at Vancouver on Wed ne»- l.tti crock ('ol. Mw flint Eng. ; taking i *berc ia anything on Itcdrock for them. A tem|M*rnry avotiuc of palm shift fern be an erroneous view, and that the very Yates street. day night, that the miners at Van Awls out very good gob! all along: fwir men. lit. cr*ek—Mr. Biegle; three men work­ ICAVKNUKg*. VICTORIA BOOK AND STATIONERY leaves led us lo the Hearing, where. « contrary I» the .truth. It always pays to 131» bench—J. Buaae; not working. ing; go.Nl r* suit*. COMPANY, «1 Government street. had gone on strike. (!. E. O. Urowae; two group- of h il a shallow pit. we *aw a huge piled ng fire JVUUS WKMT. General «earenwr'a^e^ avoid the cheap In anything, and It would Mr. II. W. Treat, managing director, 135 creek—T. Campbell; taking out ,-»«*■ Itougharty^Y.rda .ad ST r. N. IIIBBKN A COMPANY, ft» Govern «•.aim*; 13 men working; principally of biasing logs. This had been burning ment street» seem that It IS parttcutmrty destrsbte to of the Ÿlh Anda Mine and Smelter. gold; doing welt. pools cleaned; contract» made for re—r r. I ytt-HKI.I., TobtcronUt. Ill Govern- : was at the wharf to meet the vewa^J. 133 tiench —Captain Martin: very good prospecting, with fair remit*: teat lug for several day*, and the bcst .method for future w'ork- Fort street, grocer*; men* street. „ „ . . .and received despatches from bis resi- results; four nu n great that we hardly cart'd to go very John < «H*ra ne, corner Yates a ad Dong- GK' KGK MAUSHKX, News Agent, corner Oeucral Roy Stone la an American **• d—•- 91. creek-J. W. Reece; four u>en men, gaily de<-orated with garland* of W VV1LBY. VI Douglas street. to the wear and tear undergone by the including the superintendent. Mr. Fiu 134 bench—4’aftt. Martin Weed nnd working; not washed yet; putting in M R>" «'ROOK. Victoria Went p< «at-office. . .. lay. Ncoff: bhr pay: exert lent Haim; bast m flowers began removing tbe Maxing logs. tbarousht.ro, at th. Lhltrt BUtro. I. ^ nf th, „trik,. Ih. rlHeltj: thro, men pump. ! • . J. COOK. Victoria West. » Some they pulled out "by hitching a loop 90. ereeV-John Wallace Brown anl T. UKDDïNG. Crslgflower road. Victoria that country, he computes there are one New»-Adv«^rti*er. is the reducti.m of 133 cre«*k— ]. Olwn : jnat srrire%v-7*W*z/.b,vchw**^,» .«r Û4' '' Law underground mimT» \ an -Anila 132 mut on 88. creek—8. J. Marqola; getting in atouea red hot. in it; them- they mow pro­ Kba|ie for sluicing. of the fact that the Times In giving a that would put the coSl of Carting at When the eight-hour regulation came in more when able to work them. ceeded tq level in a very Ingenious way. Initial anp.aran.ro In tHort, of Amrotta', two dollars a ton. or SL0U0.iMW.W0 a yarn to force no immediate action resfKvtiog 130 xnd VJU h«siche*T-Td. Root and Vi 87 and Mi, creek-x-C. A. and P. K. A boot a dozen men. armed with long Grent Mmdval Star*. STANLEY and denial to certain statement» made by tbe Undany; weven men working; just wage* wa* taken. The management of Bnfdill; making fairly good ,wages; four poles, plaeed these i*4e* behind any SCANLON". Colonist missed one of them. This sure- With uniformly good roads the coal of m miu«v ls.xvcv.-r, v atHo-d the work­ ditching. h«*ap of wtonmi. a rope—the stem of a kWiwtrtn.xH. America's greatest men. 84. creek—1>. A. Unotew and T. Tidt*- ^ not to on')', W’ ing dowdy, and at last conducted that Kfll creek—G, Tboma*; good résulté; bush creeper—was placed ls-hiud the Female Baritone. OLA HAYDKN. man: proapecting. it would Im» compelled to redmi* the pole. » crowd of natives seised each end. America ’* Moeietly Sketch Team. HAYDKN HZ "™. ro miners’ wages correspondingly with the 83 and 82-l\ Tarron; three men; and. with a sort of.rail,.answered with a and HKTHEftTON.ST— ■lx hundred, word, to w wb.t could an f3a.mm.1m mt 1 per cent, 129 creek—J. An»l«^»on; three roeui b«»ur*; many men employed undergrnuntl prospecting; getting ready. musical sort of about and chant, they Initial appear*ace of the Charming Canta­ be said perfectly well lb six. It I» riklher government bonde. will work more if fia ran make it pay. trice. MISS ORUA DK LACY. in hkilU-d lah«»r, amh nw drill men. etc., 128 crock—W. Hauaen; doing wHl; first VINE AND WILLOW NOTES. pulled the ends of tbe pole* along, scat­ too much to expect any person whoa* Oiu-half of this almost Inconceivablj were being paid wage» for skilled work. tering the hot etoim*. This wa* .done Together with >0 other capable artist*. time i, woAh anythin, to w.de carefully vivt earn would rebuild every mile ol «•lean-up, wa* one iwHind of gold three Dr. Mitchell hae started work ou his while in fact they wero but amateurs in day* ago; lot* of tine quartz iuigg«*t*: claim* above discovery on Vine. again and again till all wa* level and throu,h the V... ..eppe. of OUlhblln. d„- ^pj ml" «d*"hV:^; ’thc*“* work. AllA" *thisfcU ke<1bad to be taken in,into° six------men------working.1-!-- 1 Fred. Miller H«-auer. Hocken. a arieartiBc other mine owner* OB th«« coast, Mr. man. insisted on hanging ft thermo meter ot the suffering. Victorian» every morn- p^,. mtle for thefr repair and maip- 127 «-reek -doe Matbuii; taking but 2 tbe creek and the result was very good Treat decided that . Monties. No. 1 on Wlllkiw. clean up karlande.! mea who. without any besita nugget wa* fourni): five men working. | for the Colonist to use up valuable apace Experiments made In the Missouri agri­ The majority of the striker*, however, for two days on Thursday of last #wk tlon. walked down and across the hot 124 creek — Bob Shaver: five wen. cultural statjon a how that In nearly, all drew their pay and came down on the sbmes. hack again ami around, winding to advertise Its tautological absurdities? 123 creek—A. "Ii. Trucey; nine men VR 38 mince*, He ha# 18 men work • Supported by a superb compan/ of player», Lie rh^ other statement on lbs ether page*”™** condition# broad-tired wagon» pull first *toamer. the Comox. for a holiday in and out; their, as they walked, piles under the mauag«wiM-nt of Harry w«*rklng. night glut day: making ginxl lag. __. . tierwl_ ,h„ taster than those of narrow tires. On ma- in town. of given stuff were thrown down to them, ...... W. Serith. It wa. mrroly . f.lrohood l. „PO«l th. ,.^un) rwd„ „ ,„„d ,K,Mnd. cln Thc ,mrlu.r ^ tFIUUlm lnd ulh,.r wages: not on bedrock; claim* working SIR JOHN UOR8T. upon which they promptly eat. and were cne w»* to expose the other, ao the hull- ^ haule

SSsrRheh riCTOniA DAILY TIMES. FlilPAY. AUCUtiT 4, 1890. —L-L ■...".I:. , ", ri -’ -Use Blue KIStmo Flavoring Kx ELOiKItS JOIN A STAMPEDE. A Combined »»<-»»»»»»»»»»» o tracts. Shoulder Brice A Ywr Old* Girl Flies W»th Her A MARIME ACTION.. -AvtoL j&iîlmâii. pm- « #«*- m and Suspender Luchluvsr to Cups Xotin*. ter Men «Mia iw’w Drtig Wtw. Wlhmgla. #1. • . Important Jeigmeat by Mr. Ji A counting tu snore- njftojtfr whichj CAN BE HAD Skirt Supporter '—Lawn mowers and garden toolj in riTi*h«*d here to-day from I>awsvu, the Wilkem Concerning the Steamer variety a* It. A. Brown Sr Co's. 80 FOR YOUR HOME for Women. Ht'iimpede from Dawson to- Cape Nou.e Harsa. Dougins street. * ' is not without the <»l«»mvnt* of sentiment ! Pi events children becoming stooped or. —The Trilby music hall is to be re- and dona 1 ism. Already there has round-» ho ill del ed opemsl for,I lie season to-morow evening. developed a young Lot-hinvur, together BsTFRHE In Wilson Bros. vs. Donald, an ac­ Physicians necom- Proprietor^ Johnston promise* some first- with his lady love, a pursuing father, a ■ tion brought iu respect of the Mteamship- meod them Cali and class enter, animent. sorrowing mother aud all the other enstai- llutsa, Mr. J us lice- W a Ikciu this morn­ tial fonturea of a first-class elopement. ing delivered judgment setting aside the For Shandygaffs. —At a meeting of the Pmtliytvry ot.! The hero in this uielo-drama in Arctic. 0LR CHECK SYSTEM writ of ammuoiw. . r_~. C. M. BOWES, Vh*t**ria on We Teal life - is oue John Orton, lately a ! The written juilgimut i* as follows: TELEPHONE .38 No.. 100 Gaver ament street. to the .Rev. A. B. Winchester from Ber- prospector in the gold-laden gulches of Is proving a gra*el Numraellin, a young lady who JOHNS BROS. gust. 18US. to the d«-ft*tuiaut, John A. while over the Pacific Shape It l»a* fallen has seen but IB summers pass over her stock of all the latest shades and novelties to choose from. of Page and of Enquire were conferred. 250 DOUGLAH 8TRKKT. Donald,^ to secure payment to him of slightly. The wtwicer remains fair fr tender head. She vis -of Norwegian ex­ Al5.fMM>. After th«> mortgage was exe< ut- the Pacific to the Ufvot l.sk«w. The tem­ Work in the same degrees will conn* be­ fore the lydge next Thursday eveuiug. traction, but a native born American. ed, and before it became due, the plain­ ^^^ CHEIGHTON 6 CO. .trebt pérât un* will probably rise tr HO an the Her parent». Have toeu keepiug a road YUKON SUPPLY OFFICER. tiff" severally recovered judgment* here Uiwer Milntoud and ':W betweeu the —Fruit Season Now In.—Weller Bros. , hou»e ou one of the Greeks, 1 against Morton for yarionw^wum* due to liantes. have everything wanted in self-sealing1 The story of the affair was first A Good Soldier »»n Ilia Way Home From the North. them, principally for siijipK^s to the Victor^" -Barometer, 2U.P5; temperatum jar», jelly glasses, preserve kett’e*, wood- brought out" through the inqujries of the ship, ami placed writs of fieri facias In 4#i minimum, .40; jaiad. calm: rein,- trace; t$n spoon*, -etc. Some new things in father, Alfred Xnmndim. at the 1ère», Captain Pearee of the Yukon field the sheriff"* hands w ith imttruclpms us 1 Weather, fuir. jelly glasses w hich you will like. * , where... he learned. ,---■ -, that— ; a young ,evupl------». force, who returned from the ubrth on UToW-n»tAnd, tn setze Morton’s equity of o\%o New West pi luster — Uarirfi.cter, 2P.9M; ------tallyrng with the d**wcriptton »,f the on*» tbv Twp this evening f„r Witt- redemption in the shami of the ship. tempemtore, M; minimum. 98; wind, ch'iii: For preserving season Erskme, WaU h<‘ ^mrht, had paawd down the river n to „*>•„, ,i„, force of the Royal Morton having failed to pay off the mort­ weather, cloudy, fog. 6ACh then repaired to the rana.lian Dregwm* there. Cuptafn gage. Donald, under a power of sale Xhitaneo-WInd. mim: weather, cloudy. à. Co... import . bj, , LSteamer. , Patches, l.,n b<'*t- H** Kamloop*-Barometer. 2W.H0 ; tempera- AprlCOU, SUn fresh. At IoWe*fc pncee. justice Court, where he naked for a wait- Pearwe wi„ w ri.mty|1U-r,ri by thrsiurn in It. sold the ship on the 31st of De- 1 *" ** ,rre*‘ 04 ,V«. tlusdkma u» uf the cviuiMMijr » dr,- : "«•*». 1WS. to H. P. Sstrodom. of .Now tare. 82; minim inn, 42; wlml. 8 mile*. W. Full line of I ruit___ Jarse___ in stock. 4 sWiiHor on « «.non, eharp. hiirruvk„ . h,.e ('Vnrt; for th.t is to. snr. for ^vesther, fair. Manufacttvns of Nwlu Wsah.—-Itoroineter. aiuwi; t«râpera Ever/ Des ripri-m j by WHlfbV, riBOR. Wholesale Dry Goods -Pits..^l;. mlniiisnM,'&l; 4>wl. 4 miles W.. ^ SXThat U why :rs Vou hoar ,h«; hz'zuk7: "FtiFF^ their goods. That la why you that they were about to leave for Oai»e I'ortland. Oregon-Barometer. JB.fNr tem- much of “HONDi" Ceylon Tea. It Is all 28, 27, 23, 20 Y»t-s Str.et. VICTORIA, B.C. port some time sgo. 'peràture. 58;, laliduunii. 58; wlad, - cm lin» that Is claimed for It. with riw* anluons duties of supply ottieer. He was terffiiTy angeml by -the dib- I V>twit.hphes ra* eliunn; as he loves his daughter nearly, up to St Michaels, and who finally suc­ it is contended on In-half of'the plain- Tacoma - Ibi roenetcr. »V0n; temperature. -vPetty Officer Lukey. of H. M* S. 'and he was the more incensed when in­ OODS FOR PLAY OR WORK AffipMn. entertained a very small audi­ ceeded i« la ml ing them in I>#wson after tiffs th«t the equity of redemption tn 51; minium™, 54: wind. 4 mllee N.*, weaib- vestigation dlacloaed the fact that Orton the shares had been seised, and is now ence last evening in Semple's Hall, Vic­ a long, wearisome and most vexatmus had «‘arrietl away other property belong­ held by the sheriff, and that the share* (TENNIS RACQUETS Mau Kram-isvo—BAromvtvr, 20.1*4 ; tem­ toria Went, giving some amus'ug hypno­ voyage. HOLIDAY REQUISITES )FISHING TAGKL£ ing to him. He is determined to hçing are thus, in effect, now within the juris- perature. 54; mlriloinm,_S8: w-lod, 10 miles tic tests. The subjects were selected S|suking tiwlay of the life of the Orton to justice if he can, and will In-' diction of this court. But the equity of TV.; weather, cloudy. from the exponent’s shipmate*. —-: troops \h the north. Vaplain Çearse said vokv the «torts bekyw to » saint him. redemption could tint, ns it marr.r or (RAZORS, STROPS. Forecast*. • —=» "ry the ger vrril health w as . escellmt, al­ -The D i.imi-M, 1.l. O. O. F. though 'four or five deaths ha\v occurred proci-duiV) haw been Raized by any com- NECESSITIES . r<*r 5R li»urs asullcg 5 p. m. Snlnnlnj. {POCKET KNIVES, which jt*" of late been enjoying a iwriod —8t. John's steamer exeurÂuu L> tW aenunrthr-mm: “ Uw process; aid. Aemc, not by 1 tetort* and vM«0k> uïô«là. TÉtr »iid~vraria«- • —* *--r T tanced a candidate fe the recoud and au‘* * A\ lake plaw ta-tuorrvw, the Imst nu - . , r* that tlw*Mdffuruf Hw^ W for the plauntiffs t« have Ismer Mainland—I.lght to modérât** v-iri third degree*. The uiembershijt of the h-aviug the < R.N. whart at Ï-JÙ p.m. 1. departmeiq in jugard tq the withdrawal f^r8tit‘d Itif ttv purpose vf getting at FOX'S 7» aOVEMNNBNT STREET. • Me wimls, fair and w»m. ' - - - l> lli.f ..If..1. ll,.|< on .oou.rloo.lv r - .. .. * . * *- -* ». Ï ■ . • » ■ bulge ha* recently bet n cansideribly is not often that an opportunity is af­ of parts of the troqpe then- have been the shares while' tbv ah‘p was here was i augmented. forded of enjoyiug the beautiful’ trip tu sltarcl. and that the force will now to have obtained equitable relief From ‘ stock KXCUA.NOB QUOTATIONS. ; American watch» 1*5wecu San Juan, 1»- . Ihv court iu aid of < xevutiuu by means v( * —The puitUa ol V Ccdqoitg Kpfawbpiri | PA""A»t amt Ureas island*, und no an order for a receiver. fSw Be. tihep- j {Specially prepared for the Times by Sunday achind he@lv their annual picnic doubt a large number of Vivtoriafis w ill TUK flOGIETlâti’ RE-UN ION. hnnl 4.1 (Tiy |> Ml., |, ,t,rM In | Y^rank 8. Taggart A f?o., Cbtcago Board CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. yesterday in the grave of Mr. By rice. avail themselves vf this chance of Ue- ■ _i|Rm ■ ! »n nlll'laril on l.’lylf of tho |>Uiutiffa of Trade and New York Stock Ex< hange The *« h«dar* nml visitors «at down to a «■omuig better actnil» to ho Arrnngi-l nt Ti> night1» •••«• «!»«• «hcrilT »,ûnl thr shun-» ueelrr broker*.] Socks well laden table, provided by the teach­ ly Hiirn.undiugs of their hdbn*. Same of Mooting. , *ho writ». Ion «nhjoot to Doniild’» mort New the fish trap* <»u Ban Juan Island, that York 8to» — p. ..mT tSz: ^ spiïifêtTfie'éîs and toes, ^iglÉJà *h«* obtained a divorce. Mr. Edward 0 é fr. -hiiH ni* ut ssedeeata price» The fare aid to account for the surplus of Am- Ttbacco elastic ribbed top, full Winslo.r and Mis* Winslow, of Seattle, is .-><> rents for H.lults, 25 «ont* f..r « hiM S«»attle and will spend a few day* there receive.! by him on hi* sale of the ship, i Auh,,on Pfd -^v - —Get your bicycbs fixed up by the wpre nl*o married yesterday, by Rev. J. r«*u .ami those who have not already pro* and in other Sound cities in hustling fur on the gronnd that he held that *urphw , Atchtoon com. . seamless, made from the cehfbrativu. Information from the old reliâble firm. Onions k. Plimlcy, the P. Speer. Mr. Theodore H. Robinson and vhlcd theiiiselre* with rickets will tie able a* a trustee on N-half of the plaintiffs, j Union Paci pfd...... only practical bicycle makers in city; 42 Mi** Hudson acting a* best man and to procure them on the wharf be,«>rv S«>umi indicate* that the proposal is be He has never occupied that position in Union Pac. com genuire two - thread and 44 Broad rtrc« t • bridesmaid respectively. living. Tfie indies Guild of Nt. John*» ing taken hold vf wri busiestieally there the present instan.-*1. He juriiwbtwHy Tenn. Coal & Iron.. and Mr. Smith will find hi* task by no Macco cotton, warrant­ —There has been quite a good demand church hare inmle a ino*t interesting sc- wa* a trustee for tin» mortgagor in re* Louis. A Nash...... —Keep Saturday next open for'St. lection' of the route, and will thendiy add 'iiUioue a difficult one. for tickets for the business men s excur­ It i* r. nt.rt.wl »h .t *k i i . . spect, . of . the -«oja.i*surplus ouibut matthat trustecwhiptrdstecwhip ü,uuBrooklyn«»" R. T.*...... 116% 116% ed to y.ive satisfactory John's Excursion per 8.S ditv of Nan*____ , tr Î Fedral Steel .. ..i p m. and the party will be home again Leave wharf 1.30. Far^ Tickets t sff"plvr ^ ^__ v*rfurt,tkhv,ktS wm*. h2 6T ,hlw »»> "Uth..rit, f„r h.,ldin, ,b.,"k fade or stain the feet early on Monday morning. The trip will ttt Hibben's and Jamiesocfa. —nie Fifth Ilegluieot twud will give - f r - lrip* 1*111 ** B>*ed by the was i.t shy time even constructively a Chicago Market. Sizes 8yi to 11. See be a delightful one. Tyee. and the committee are aseeied another <»|h-ii sir concert at oak Ray Uy truMttc for titem. The action is not one ■Chicago. Aug. 4.—The following quota­ —A well attended meeting of the mem­ that eleven mile* au hour will he mW tion* ruled on the Board, pi Trade: bers of the FjTït Batlaliun was held nivrrvw evening, at which the falb.wing for the execution of the tm*r» of any them in our east win­ For preserving season Erskme, WaU to the twognwwwe . Tfitte will not be allowed to drag **u the last evening. Col. Gregory pr -siding. It Written ittFfmmem (a* to the pri»i**rty Open. Hjgh. Ijdw. Close. k Co. import by each steamer Peaches, Ovesturv—-Fx* IHav.dv"...... Aubcr oxcundoelsts, however, for arrange dow was «lecided to" hold îhv annual picnic situate withip the jfiriiHlictiouit of which Wheat- Apricots, etc., fresh, at lowest prices. Selection fr. "An American Beauty” Kirk or hi.-nt* are being mad< for dancing aud the person to he wined I* « trustee; Sept. ... on Saturday. Sept.-mtor 2ud. to pn«- other amusements on boapd. The ex- 69% 69% Full line of Fruit Jars in stock. latrul—“Brittoil” ...... Asslie hi nee it i* not within Rule J pit of Order Dec...... ford IAiik.-, and the committee of ht- cursionihts will remain ov»y nul il bun- 71% 71% M7STy«,M., grant- ! \1., which to the rjilc that governs ine 1 Corn-— W. G. CAflERON day and return to Scuttle by the island Sergt.-Major Mulcahj, represeotiug the lut. rmissian of Ten Minute*. que*tcon. ^ Sept. ... ed Mr. McPhilltps's application for a rule route, reaching there before . the car* 39% 39% sergeant* me**; Bandmaster Fiuu, as The order for service ont of the Juris- Dec...... The Acknowledged Cheapest"5 nisi, the application being made on be­ Helvetian fr. TaunhaueeTs...... K. Wagner have *top|ied raiming. s|#okv*man for the band; Gunner* Vig­ diction and all aulitwqgeftf proceeding* ■ Fork— half of Mr. J. R. Styles, and the ob­ iHsiwIptlve Piece—“The I*«mt Ham-.. At to-uight * meeting of the local com­ or. Irwin aud O’Brien, from No. 1 Com­ must to* net aside kith cost*. W. H. Sept. ... ■ KO 862% 845 862% Cash C lothier in Victoria h ject to quash the Craigflower road by­ •...... • • ...... Ht huffed mittee a decision will to» reached in re- Langley fur the motion and G. A. H. pany; Gunner* Luscombe, y. D. iL ff r*l 4hr imixii f,-r the day. In .,1 law, Affidavits were filed In support and Warden and F. Finch-Smile*, from No. (Obligate for cornet — UmulMuun I oti* contra. | the argument will take pl&ce on Friday Xortk. ditton to a local band it ja hoped that S-fOOK QVOTATIONH. 55 JOHNSON STREET 2, and Gunner K. H. Johnston, Bombr. musical orgauiserious from other po nt* next. It. O. Clarke aud Corp. McTavUh. from ttbrtloa on I'opuliir s«Hig* The statement maqe by the captains of -O- Ma.-kle may lx» secured. Fsraliheg by Mew* J. f. Fouite* A Xo Thirt ___ I- ... E...I . . . ..____.. the Canadian-Australian liners that the ■JI —It was thought that If the body of Mr No. 3. Thi* cumniittisi i* to hold its •off to i‘-amp HUln-riMigr, two westward moving currents, known ue •lock brokers, :t5 Fvr^ si n et. VI t -ria. Frank Bowser, a respected member of fi»*t nevting ou Monday evening next *1 Have tfie tjueeu. —Magistrate Hall was engaged until 13. c. the south and north equatorial currents, ii No. 3 Company. First Battalion, were at the orderly roqiu iu the drill bail. J. M. FINN, BaudUiastcr. close on < o’clock yesterday evening, in 99 The picnic will be attended by the bat­ and the current between them, known a* Asked. * found, the remains would be given a the hearing of the charge of assault made Golden Mar ..... talion in uniform, and the band will — Magistrate Hall had no cases in the against Mr. James Murray by Mr. Chat- the equatorial counter current, are not DENSNORE military funeral. A good deal of uncom­ Varli.ou «Camp -MaKInney) play. steadfast, but quite variable, varying In T*I WORLflil CREATEST TYPEWRITER. plimentary remarks have been made that city police court this morning, hut in field. In yesterday s Time* the evidence Mliwi.-l'.-iiiii ...... force very much from season to season after having lost his life In saving that the provincial court be beard a charge given by the prosecutor was reported. Wiiivks ...... —Rev. Canon Beanlauda last evening and to some extent in direction, has been of another. Mr. Bowser's comrades failed of vagrancy made against a 19-year- Mr. Murray In defence stated that he dld: V<.r,l*4> Hydraulic ...... delivered a very entertaining and in­ oft discussed by local steamboat men. Ho pay even such respect to hts memory fild boy. Donald MacGregor, who to sus­ not strike the prosecutor until after HiciiskI* r •...... structive le<-ture on the subject of pected by the Esq ninutlt i*>lice of ob­ Chatfleld- had attacked him with hts port­ Borne were Inclined to dispute the state­ as would have attached to their attend- •Baifkplateii.*' under the auspice* of thr >yiiuil|a*g ...... • an ce at his funeral. taining a living by questionable means. manteau. The magistrate held that as ment. but others held it was evident there «U.1 fli.ILwl.Uw ...... Alexandra Club. The lecturer traced the ..107 The |fif wa* formerly on the Furitan. the lawjras very plain on the subject of were such extreme variations in the cur­ Knob Hill ...... history of the liook-platv from the begi: rents. The letter contention is borne out —•»It Is— reported from London IIHIIthat HMthe1 - f . j. , - ■ » ■ I •••“ *away’1,V *•from tux-the nu»y.shift, U.UCSin.- the rights of the landlord of a hotel, the Kathuialien 7 - prospectus of Turner, Breton A Co.. Um- : L»tU w*H«ry~fram the- early thru he worked one day on tHP Bristol. *w«s n.m cm«it«s or roe tenant being by > remarkable Journey made last year goods and chattels of the, tenant being Atiuthasca . r..... ;...... itod, of British Columbia and London, *r lu°dt,r» pictorial type of but dm»* uut eccm able to show Low he the only security, Mr. Murray, acting as fy a little Tahitan schooner, which made hltmle ...... pi -plate may to- dt4u«-d. ex ■hastins beenhwn laeued.I«E11M TheThs objectnhl*K. pf.,r the «««com *' ‘ "* ■♦qok-plate lliay be detiu»*.!, ex- ha* funwilearned miffiritsilsufficient forf.»r hiehi* m**l* f..rfor An>nlAgent fnrfor Vfp.Mrs. Walt,Wolf —wag.- Justifiedi.. In an Involuntary voyage of 2,400 miles, Iinrtlunelle* ...... 15 pany la to purchase the business of Tur­ plaint*! the *|M»aker. a* a distinguishing the la*t in. nth. Sergeant Langley, of preventing the accused from removing hto drifting from Tahiti to the Hawaiian mark alfix«»d in a volume deuoting the Noble Five ...... jo ner, Beeton A Co. In British Columbia. the provincial jpôlicc, pro*ccuti*l, and ae goods' and dlamlseéd th« charge. • Isles. The schooner—a vessel of 32 tons— lie iii-l.lt r VarU*M> < "ou 2U% H. C. Beeton A Co. In London, and Lens owner of the same, or the library to he reiiniml time in which to bring ad­ left in March last year with a party of which it to*L>ug*. When first used, the GriMip ...... 5 A Lelser In Victoria. Messrs. J. H. Tur­ ditional evidence, the case wa* adjourn- —W. W. Stumbles, an expert attach- Tahitan natives bound for Penrhyn iwokÿixto.ttouùrtrtl geMraltr niiTPljT of- ed until tomorrow morning, the hog be Crow’s Newt Pa** Goal ...... 48 UU ner and Q. A. Kirk wifi act as managing « J to the fi*h»-rii-* diq artkueTjt. of the Island. 700 mile* away. The native sail­ the Wlt-of-.ni.. or the crc.t of the for- ing held in curtodg it the goUee «talion, Vau Ahd.i ...... |o*adn.v». however. 1 _o_ _ Wt •'{ ...... M • terrible storm, and the schooner lost Eui«tt te Use. Hermit te Wear Out. déetood that the capitalisation of the new multifariotv. design, an- h, togne th»l -The hearing of the Initial ea«- dny tn,-from ...... NSiisimo. ,„ rand ,hi leftxla this morning.... I’M l’arli ...... ;t% cc.nc »rn will be over three-quarters of a by the Islander for th. Mainland. He her masts and sails and was flo longer Itrniul-.il A G. .V ...... 20 Has ball bearings for every. letter, thus -mlHten-dollar* _ ..liÜ-'I . - Xûffg- thirtn*- - —-• — »*— ««rrrg^art n»v ’a~ , agauseiXwm-lni'V »» . i Wp-'Ùl ,Mt i.'oiu« Jtr.herle mmw«niCTte the •wrigwWe; "«he^'firtftea- tfroufuT on the FelryW . . . reducing Merlan, and makes the machine -—----r ■•■-Q - pwwwwwuu. îIII.inbrn ' home ****mg art.»- «TrtewitT*«Tdirantt» rmim crlrtlfffiVwcrrrlt1*fl.iW,r Toadroad WA*W«« re-ra- recantreoml æésitre*mdawe*.»#- nf fishite«.hi... bbhtoi—- hr... the...... ••4—t-#ar-siaay>■»«>»>.. .. ------ocean, and her crew were powerless to Kveiiltig rfar Agents for British t mLKl... ilw,r„nanne able supply of provision*, which they Iran liar*»- ...... The B.C.Typcwrlt(-.rlfeadi,uarters dri-ided to send a carloa»! of first-cla**" ,hv ^ »t unrated The coU^ tion and Messrs, fliggin* and McfhiUip. Lî but ' ,'n Vhc ^uu largely augmented by fishing, and the Iron Musk ...... A. B. MALLETT, Manager. rainfall “ Plum» lo tltu Xorftwrtrt. TbU .Upment k. ch.^"ZL*'.!»”Jii-«ni: i ÎÏLTfrSLJÏ i" !h.“ tim'-^ *?“« «Î "*•?!». ..h •« W- <1*0 <" AfW w** sufficient to supply them v - Board of Tfde BulkUng..Victoria. will be au experimeutaj well a* a ; {£???•: no *’v"bncc luul to-vp taken Jwyoud ward* Mr. Htnmhle* Jwîll r» tttriî tô Vlr- î «Uh »ti the water^they required. ThW Mmitr t*lij4»fo OÏm?rr H^inr *»k-d tar defraying- expenses,«.xpetiéee. thatmm of Specialpi»on Offitvrun«w Jobnaon.ji.bn»nii' who toriaf.iri. *ud.„o —willill visitvi_i. the.u_ (Wivhan('o|firlixn river,rirur 8Uffertngs and anxldty, however, were sample one“in- ufof what ran-fulcareful packing can ; there being u„ desire on the nart of th» t. L~1 Y LL. YY1 V L 7 ' visit the Cmvi. hau river Non horn Itt lla ...... acrompto* am! the rwfttlt Will to» watch- |„,iic* to da us.re than thi* f l“‘ ^ ,be arrMlt- An argument took place *ub*«»,1nently g»dng up to Quenelle to idl­ great, for. th the 81 days of their drift Novelty rf...... t .. ed with considérabfc inf»*re»»t. ITte fruit ; -----o — totwron, counsel as to the . admifwability- | tjiin-m— —information-tS------»...... »in reganlregard to aalntonsalmon thef not eight a sail or land, and they Ht. 1‘SOt ...... will to» gather»»»! sorted , and *hipj*»il Another ttx^ small audience greeted 01 a statement made by the witiu»** In spawning ground* ami the «'fftrt of min- feared they were destined to perish In Hllver I telle ('«Ml V. from New Wcntminstcr. Notwithwhuul- the Jessie Shirley - company at the Vic­ cr/iMM-exiiniination namely, that after ing. operation* th»»rvon, etc. j the wean. At last, however, when al- Ht, KlUla...... lakeside Hotel ing that pltim* are going to to* a short I bri,,gl,l,r -Adata* to th«< police station, he ----- O----- meait worn out by their confinement and Virginia ...... toria last evening when “Married In . Went to file #»$«v uilii-lt.irV i.lK»., n-l>..r.. —JnifUn* *M •♦*** — —J—<- — — - *»- * • -- vrop this year, there i* an abundance r w**tft to the city *«»licit*»r’* ofitoe. when» -Indians^are still arriving at the pub­ trouble, they reached the Hawaiian Victory Triumph .... Haste was stage»!. The coihpàny again j h«' reported hi* action to Mr. Bradburu. , lic landing with halibut, but the buyers wherewith tb Supply the Northwest. Islands. TheftfiJ moved almost con*pi War Kagle 4*«w C6WICMAN IAKL fully demonstrated their title to patron­ j the Mayor and AM, Kinsman. are holding Aloof, aa there was à surfeit age. giving a very pleasing performance. stantly to the north, and their involunj.­ White llc«r ...... on sale yestenlqy-the big fishes which tary journey was about 2,400 mile* in B. r. Gold KTekto.... The Noted I .shiny aad Summer Retort Too much cannot be said of the excellent ! —«lx summonses ifrere issued this morn- < brought 7$ cent* )lb the morning selling Canadian G. F. H... . j staging and costuming of the plays put ! ,r‘A against bicyclists who are alleged to length. In this long drift they had cross­ of the I stood. The Largest Returns at nightfall for 15 renta. Buyers are wait- ed the two westward moving currents and Gobi Hill* ...;...... I on. »«>rac of the gowns worn by the la­ have ridden their wheels on the sidewalk* *”,Lfer, th* Whir» are expertad th. current between them movtn* to the •'«««•ox For the Least dle* last evening being charming crea­ In the etty contrary to the by-law. with "alrnoo. It wa> rr parted thi. art or- m.t, known ». the rttUBtortul^touiU.r “a- Htsge leaves DenriTb's' M6WW. JhATc^WThJI wit*"Wllriey Was very win­ t wrtwie. Three mm-nt» arr th.rkrd »» Wedncwlar and Frhlsy. Hpaclal Outlay,, - -Superfluous Fair ronoved hv ritt» ser river canneries was büylng up the ^ On the Preskio rifle range, near Ban some aa the country girl, very pathetic t roly* i*. Electric Parlors. 114 Yates m«p« ft. though they had quite definable tickets wm be Ih*uc.1 by the K. A sockeyes from the Indians at Beecher boundaries and regular direction, but Francisco, Uncle 8am Is carrying out N. R. It. <>». for Uowichan Lake The rewilt* of Indiridnal policies, the as the sensitive wife, very beautiful and street. • Bay., no Monday. Wednesday and Fri­ fmperi >ue as the refined and educated « they «eem very little to have affected j an extraordinary work, the first of Its days. good for 15 days: 45.00 return. •closest and most practical teri that can PRICK BROS.. Prop*. lady. Mr. George D. McQuarrle gave a the movements of this helpleaa venael, I; kind ever attempts»! by the United States. l*e a|»pltod to any company, hare given Bln »e the beginning of May. Just right finished performance of the part of the whUh was at the mercy of the wind» w»i»**nwi«tw>wgiiw«wiarAiwwwB^ t h-- - < >at«r!<» Mm mil Life a name and a weeks ago, over 3.000 raw recruits, a Impetuous lover and indifferent husband and water., and th. .urn total ef their In- | -reputation throughout 1 hum da the corn great majority of whom had never had a and all the other members of the cast flurnce wa» to tarry her a little #e« of pa ay Which gives the largest rctnrn for ,|UST RECEIVED. rifle- ton tiwir hands tn their live*, are were fatly equal to their parts. Tr wouîà •north about «,«. mites. TM experience A COOLMTRfAI—‘ she least outlay. there being tjransfbrme»! Into excellent of the native, goes to prove the state-1 »>• unfair however not to make èspectal marksmen, with a thorough technical Daring the warm Days- mention of the really excellent character toes Ties. New rack Clever leal. Rutted reeeett. per Ik ..... |5C ment of the officers of the Cwsadtan-Aus- J The Ontario Mutual tralian liner's. knowledge of the arlny gqp. *nd the way work of L. J. Plumer as Jethro Baxter. IIW JUKI, «.M x •rakee Candy, per Ih lot to handle It. ICE CREAM < Life Assura-ce Co’y He entered fully into the part and never CAkOV aa» SIIOCOlAmjiaeiHaa1. overdid IL Better character work Is Ckecelate Create Walnut and That thought 1 regard as true which tsbj- HOIS and SACOk, Qneen Brand. fruitful to «pyself, which -Is connected is one of the Oldest rarely seen even In high-priced combin­ Peaegt, per »...... 20c PARLORS». with ihe rest of my thoughts, and at the CLAY’S ations. “The Lady of Lyons’1 Is the at­ BISCWÎS, rbristle'.. 20 tta Granulate» Snpar 1er .. $1.00 and Strongest of same time hoipe me on, Now It Is not FEE BED- traction for this evening; tn-morrJw ArrUS. Graven.tint an» San». m ICC CHAM Mbpra*. «partly Orepee reaches, the k«it. hex. 1.00 only possible, but natural, that such a Tq have y^ur fveA oovesed with the Canadian companies ’ there will b> a matinee at yhlrh Trilby hi test Style In good durable shoes. ptcktCM «ay pvt el Ue city. thought should not .connect Itself with ? Our prt»»e* are nurprislfig the peo­ *l-p-r now tn » will be repeated, and the engagement ter­ the mind of another, nor help on; eonse------Tple,. . ___and the loagtfMtiw wear the minates to-morrow evening wltjk the quently h. wiy r.g.rd II u f.lle Oece tb. blggvtr is the surprlflf. R. L. DRURY, V “Daughter of the Empire.’’ . V. Hardress Clarke, w. ». thoraughiy ~nwü«» « James Maynard, shall never enter uppn METROPOLITAN, IÏ®vlAtoai M^ar r, VjftfriSi —Upton’s teas at Hardress Clarke’a • Otd Post Office...... ‘ tontrovrt.lra.ap . 118 pouofcAgLAS r»T,nlnbr.l, - Government St. Goethe. orroeiTi vlrr hall Tel. 101. m root tinii VICTORIA DA 11,Y TIMES, FRIDAY, AVGUST 4, 18UU.

•\ TRANSPOBTATIOH. TMAMSI-OBTATIOB. loud usuuixon. TRANerOMTATIUR. Ü»! wlri£~A It« vnt1jr l»« • rnriTf rï TMhsan of-dtH* Art. . - THE

If we consider the people of the Kng- Ci* Pec II* Co. li»h «junking world aw slodciits ami eom- in (LIMITED.) WHARF STREET, VICTORIA. iwtitorw lu the world’s greet whool H. MAITLAND KBR8RY, lesign. we must take into account the Managing Director. Time Table No. 43—Taking Effect July feet that lb»* century now drawing to its ** 1. 18tiU. White Pass and Yukon Route* cl«»»te is not the first terra lu whivh wb have b«*eii lAking lesson* and competing VANCOUVER IlOVTB. BENNETT LAKE AND UPPER YUKON ROE Victoria to Vsiirouver—Dally, Monday, at TOE PACIFIC AND ARCTIC RAILWAY AND NAVI0ATI0N CO. for |irixe*. We were aji|imiticed.in the rtltur 1 o'clock a.m.. Huudajr, 11 p.tu. Vancouver twelfthr n*nt«ry: in the thirte**uth eentui'y Carrying Canadian' and ÇTetted to Vk-t<«rlu—Dally, except Monday, at 1 BRIT1SM COLUMBIA YUKON HAILWAV Ca We eertaioVV look honor* iji architecture: State* Mulls and Express o’clock, or on arrival of C. P. R. In the fourteenth we at least held our NEW WESTMINSTER ROUTE. own; ami li the more recent time* Key SvAa/ls . THROUGH TICKET» Leav« Victoria .fxr,> New Westminster, nolds and tihinaborough and Constable Ladner and Lulu lwlnmt -Sunday at 11 and David <*ox ajnd Turner ke|d alive •i clock Wv.«lne*«l*v and Friday at ï o’clock. Our Treclie are completed to Lake Bennett, B. C. within us 1he <^on«k‘lou*ne** that the AMO BILL! OF LADIMC Hundsy's *1 vainer to New Westminster cou­ ncils with 0. P. It train No. 2. going Shipment* Receive Prompt Despatch. Creator made the world iienutifnî, ami Krouf British Columbia and Puget eaat Monday. Fur Plumper Pass—Wednes­ that through beaaty we might ho|** to \ Sound PFolate to day and Frhlay at 7 o’cbH'k. For Pender look upon His face. Rut when Leighton and Moresby Ialand#-Friday at 7 o’clock. Leave New Westminster for Victoria- Mon­ came t 1<^ be­ BARCLAY BOUND ROUTE. INVESTIGATE FULLY. ..man of affaira^a Kuguiat, a courtier, a who chyiey front every school, from Humilia tendis—Cjirpnrs civn m-fa*s, rifty- tween Reuuett Ctry-aM Da ' Wt. wrnapa leave» Ttcrori* f-n* AtWent DO NOT BE MISLED. fine speaker: but before all things be waa «‘Very source, the elements that will best gia Tcctare caring ” ntj. and Hmind ports, no the let, 7th. 14th ami 2mh of each month, extending latter trli«e president•* of- the...... Rural Academy. Alerted... .. build up the fabric of his Me. nBut'** Aeneas1 — will not la* r«**isti*d. Me For rates and reservations appljK at the General Office. x lo Qeatsleo ami Cape S -««tt. to that office in virtue of his splendid The 8hriue at Which He Wor­ shows the golden bow which Apetto has ’fhe company reserve* the right of attainments, he will lie remembered shipped armed him. and Charon, sulfi-nly. reluc­ changing ibis time table at any time w tb SKAGUAY IS THE GATEWAY tantly.' ferries him over to Paradise. It 32 Fort Street. Victoria, out notification. , one who through his presidentship «. A. CARLETOX. was He lies; tin* diviuit* Uc invoked wan, was haM tiW Wi rWfft Trf-Wdn should die. " Wto.:" "• • ’*'■ Raised the Positbuvof Art the Hellenic spirit. If he -found that X ttrprnl Freight Agent. —TO— Artists^dfi not believe that fo-ightnii Is ■■D B. MACGOWAN, Gen Agent. \ C. *. HAXYHR. and status of the artist to a level that shritic—whetjàer iir Rome or Floityn-e, or dead. When we bnrltsl him in St. Paul’» MS Gamble etrwt,. Vaawuver. \ Pawn*uger Agent. KmHsnd him only of l»tr Iwimi to real- Urvsdua. ut w ur vre felt that we Were burying one of the FRED. P. MEYERS, pea. Agent. hr. Thr .'ir.t-t of ho. Ilf, I» fur reachiu* l*“ri«, or Loudon-there he „»» contint to immortals—Sir Wykc Bay lis*. K.S.A. in I <16 Yceler Wây. Seul lie. YUKON, KLONDIKE and ATLIN. nod will be permaneut. The dimity of . male>1» offering and to refaire hia in- the < Chicago Record. C. P. N. Co., Ld., Steamers hi* Waring, the jtwrefnroft of hia dia- 1 apiritioo. Will Vave Turaer. Beeton 6 Oe. • For rates aad particulars apply to position, the gracions sympathy he felt |. 1ft * 15HV4, when Ix-ightvu was elected That ttred, languid feeling and dull heat \ wharf for for vomiger nml. lea* fortunate etea. the pnaident of the Lailalon Aead.an). Mil-f Iche ta very disagree*h|<*. Take two of Car WASMIMCTO* A ALASKA STIAESHIP COMPANY'S ter • Little Liver PHls before retiring, en L. H. «RAT, J. H. GREER, --—_____ aeboUrahip and mental ritllirre lie tai«, although onlr Is month» hi» aen- you w II find relief. They never fall tod LIGHTNING EXPRESS TO 8KAGWAY General Truffle Manager, brottgbt to the daily tm*, of the iitmlio, - i«r, bad lieea a»wwi»le for eleven year,, Commerçai AgenL I \ .Vi HOURS. Dexter Eirton BWg.. Seattle. 10 Trounce «.ecu.. Victoria. hate created an ideal of what the artiat and had planed from the.iuflnenee of pn- in ■, mm nhotild he—and may be- -that artit-I trust; 1 lilpàmelhwi to thc-frauk reaWm of SILK-HAT lii. U LUXO» FÂV4ML Carrying Ii«‘K Ma>*ty'» Mails. Bend 2 cents tn atamp» to- a»y of « 88. “CITY OFSEATTLE” 1 ^ et 8 p.m. ■ .font, for COT new mip of Am. never dit1 ont in mir eiuiutr). . ____ genre. \\ alta, Leighton*» senior oy j, N-„, Sii ,‘viiulti-C. loit 1* 4*tt11 a tHretf ------SBBB Wf------It isn-now thirtyifnnr years since Is-igh minceuthirteen .renrsyears, waswas nstill ui oms.uv,outside. Burnen« 1• _ |~ "ALPHA" Aug. 8th t.m wiia el»le.l ifn 1«».K-Uile of the ar, Jouea exhibited for the hrat time, hut, Headgear. itemv unit twratt tr»,ra ahiee- hr- -rga tmtAnunu to tlUU£*teZijr>a ImuyM- If "THS” . . .\Aug. 13th the '“"t virulent ridieufc Holman Hunt ULcstlon ti> he - tsaildwaL w«s»4d yea pets For freight and passage <»f his achievement*—except in on>* bttau , ha'| The Lidbt of the orld. No «tope. No delays. Round frit» la office «it the company, 64 STEAMSHIP f«r to wrar a.felt nra slllt h*ir* we seven «ley*. Rates same as on other eitom Victoria. R.C. The i-ompany ., tlfill phase of his art. to which I shall andTead gone t.» the Holy Land—not aa hut doubt that, without, ext-eptinu, the an- er*.-----Finest g-vommodaMon* and twet right of chan ring .fit* tlu.e-tal refer prewntlf. ‘"The Procession of < 1- th<> Crusaders went, with hre ami sword, s«vr would be that frtsbfnn decrees that time without notifie» t lu». GRAND FORKS N«xt nailing, Saturday. August tilth; irtibue” ami the %laphrrephori»'.' repre-for the lore of Christ -, SvpiL 8, IH, sert him .,s a great nmri.! daigner: Ant h«’ w,>«W **»"“. dtfe In U 1st* to. ftkek wwt dress'eri. and the dictates 2R. and every Id days thereafter. THE V. V. T. Cf>/8 9TBAMEI HELENA, ‘•Hercules wrestling, with Death for Uic , trull, that the sight of wb»l ...------of fashion must Is* obeys!, turf withstand- For rate* ami Information «pply TO AMD F80M DDTTE, DODWELL A <'<>., LTD.,to Body of Alccstis.” «ni îht‘.“Angcl Com- Cwit sulleml,wotfld TW en«>ngh m ttsctf pig thr extra comfort gxleed by wearing a ST. RADI, TVEeph«,nr ,W>. Governtmmt lit. fnrtfug Elijah la the WildecmW niY «• movv V"'lu* witlMM,t thv anr «m Kuuday, rnmnslh re- The only line operating latest Improve» vt'i)) fi^ff of. Uiw juTfvpIiftii of ihii Besides these men ther,* were Madox ivfln jjtuA.ft 4iui ou niiu r w t*aiWu». As Dyea, S|ia|way and Wrangel Pullman sleeper». g*&k *?.■** Uood eerr,ee: Rate» », tow liciptv of youth: the ‘TphUrenin” and the : Frown and Dante Gabriel Rossetti; but hutiers knew, -a Ust suffer^ ulm.-st u* mu h For San Francisco. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST aa other lines. “fi4ftb,'U -of tlui H“**|—” -1»— n.a [ thi.v wm*.■ilttItte..iitnlyfaT«iniI; the wsag-hg. Udag -Httpiisd i«, light «ml dust For at! ftttonpatlon, lime «aria, maps, The «•ompany** elegant Montreal, Quebec, Boston or etc., ,/atil dn er addreea W id. Uixation of woman; and the “Slug press, which is inkrt Vox i*»puli, .iressed While hsugtug on a peg i« when „n the st. nlnshlp* M|uently the leaders of faebJou «te» dfflie of the company. Sit Fort street, A’lc- completeness of his aendeaiiç dora not appear to be ^ Kn.. July 8. 8. IS. 18, # 28; August 2. 7. hpoiy » . * . v. A< D- CARLTON, sire new Mhùpes iu either sllfts t ! moat popular paiuter* of the period were FOR ALASKA. TIRAI CARD An. 16. rh * g«xls. >ye now know hat he was a of covering i«mg sofferlug huinaujty shall landscape painter as well—a land*cai>e Mr. Frith, R.A., and Mr. Sidney Vooper. l-lde th- Iirain* we an* all more or lew, LEAVE SEATTLE 9 A.M. LIQMTNIKO EIPKEM TO DYEA BobJeet to change without notice. K.A. lxtudoucn» visiting itamsyntc could ttii.i.'VUUd t" tsiwseetii? Il I* said that the AED 8RAUWAT IK 88 NOIR*. painter of the first îrfnk, if ûnçûea» of f Oueen. July 14. 29. iWrccpt'mn. grace fit tnrrü. purîtÿ «ud 1 unileratnnd. , the otn-: country. pcntletue»,. Prince of Wales» whv !• a vtawt* believer <*4ty ef Topeka. July 9, jH* August 8. 28. 166 truth tf entra-, wrtlr nf ..«apradthm and .'wvm* tUt-e arav«_,,ud ,, tow vu lhe wa I» hi the. silk Uatv ha* a coualderable baud Cottage City. August 13, 2*. ATtt. JuTy < TO; Augual X I*. direct nra, ..f Ti»i.i„ are qualiti,-» which "'the i" "hin.v. erntU „u$»a,a„,l the lu the...... matter,...... lint whether...... that Th* eè 55. HUMBOLDT 5TR. UTOPIA An«l every fifth «lay therm ft er. Mtill 1,1 ee 11 InildKitpial iu the ltr»l rank. And "ther. fhe art erltleCenuld under»laud the Prince U undouhtee, reap m»lb'e The Queen will call at Victoria, p.m.. SAILS FOR & .hU „h„,e of T,4ghton*, nr, .e„„x to . «V ....precuite IraUt. for ti» atm almnst Impr-ninhi, imlta.n July 14, 29; and Cottage City, Augnet IS. soo rAciric line FROM BRATTLE DAILY (EXCEPT î 1 ‘ i ei . ■ _d.t dlneorrar The, t know low alneere waa Iarlghtoe * re- tlds article oeenpie* In our wanlrol. 28. f«>r twwsengera an«l frv|ght. Dyea and Skagway SUNDAY). F«r further Information obtain f.)l«ler Ac.onlliig to a Ismdou le-milng |M|.i. k coat It I* «le rigueur the wirti over date* ami hour* of sailing * . name as on other steamers. Next sailing Lv. Port Tewuaend...... 12:30 p.m them acadetult with -all who make the slightest prvtepiee R. P. RITHRT A OO.. Agent*, Victoria, Tuesday, 88th July. Ar. Victoria ...... 8:30p.m. . | and .rivent and architecture,. and bave but U never brought B. <^. DAYS1 honors. Nevertheleio». with his own ehV- «•v«»;i fof knowing wh«t to wear,” say* from victoria daily (except ■ fütep coiltriit t<» III in* of th«- figures J. F. TROWBRIDGE. Puget Sound Sup»., And every ten day* thereafter. SUNDAY). . . ,heir «HIIn». 'Ion to the nemlemy la-Bmi hi» work, not the writer of the article. "Itut In no O.-ean Ihk-k. Seattle. Across the ( entlnent GOOD ALL, PERKINS A CO.. Gen. Art*.. Lv. Victoria ...... 6:30 p.m. etty, is-rbii!1*, I* the doom of the silk For rales and Information ai»lÜ7 Ar. Port Toweaeed...... , 1 a.m. vr"*--; ...... -...... laondon. Twen­ San Francisco. FELL A CO . 1st. Agteta. 64 Go' By the street. „ Telephone 580. Lv. Port Townsend..- ...... 1:30a.m. . tn,» and ake, and tirrrw e,me tatir** ;I ber. and ten yetirs later thetbe «.ademn,academic! ty. nay. ten year* ago who but * vulgar “Imperial limited” Ar. Beattie ...... 6:3? a.m. turcs pilnted for the most part in a I»on ' un* honored tbemaelve» and him by elect- rl<*1h«n>|MT would «lute wt^îr a. 'b-»wl T‘ ^ DODWBLL A CO., LD., Gen'l Agents. - -tton irtiTAw. Kven to the acauewj;acadetutg ttwtfiiseii ...... • , , h.l$r ’ M ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO. .hia mile, hnre «wed » nifan ry for QÏÏI.V !'•» him .o tto pWfde, tial th.lr. I* Roii«I street ««- the park? What etty E. B. BLACKWOOD. AGENT. .him- were Ten ver» ago. however, in ! He r, urlial. every »tu.lent in the land, luatt, to say nothing of a city clerk, would “The Milwaukee Tbe fastest and beet equipped rv»poli»e !.. ,„v ilcin- rather II,an for fell ». once the UBeijkaUkâ^fceJfWJto«UPiUgit-ÜuUL.bi: iulyc.Iq - have <;reamed of g«4ng lo hi* ofll«-e ex- For Alaska and Geld Fields. train crowing the continent. . vsponeipiEpMp* ,-ept til the regulation h«*u«lgear? Whgt Traîne leaving the Pacific Voaat their ôwn-sake. Isdghton began to gath art. The movement b«s a»ie getieAl. the people followeil, and the pres* brought fellow * from the country-more <*pe<-lally A fandMar name for the Phleag», .Ulb- ITUMCfil Tueedaja, Thursdays and Saturdays er the landseiftx* sketch,** be had made, If he wantwl to In* taken for a cockney— 44 in Italy and Spain and Greece ami Pale*- up the rear. Art sh«mld nô more h,- the waukee A Hr. Paul Railway, known all connect at Fort William with the would have come for a few «Says' holiday palatial lake steamer* “MANI­ 0.R.& N. iit:«, as well as in our DUH^hind and dur milking of «pretty pi«t«w-es ob the rwlnting over the Cnlon a* the. Great Railway run Dirigo,,^,tU and Chlea- Calling at Mary Island. Metlakrbtla. Ket­ which * K-iety h«- Wns an honorary mc*m- sh«mld be Ismutiful. f«»r liennty is the 'bis unpraotieed rye lie saw no «llflenrmv: chikan, Wrangel, Juncku. Skagway and For full partlcuiare ae to time, ber. Th«**o'sketch,**—of which there r end and aim of art; they should In* prt»- the fact that he hu,l a silk hat on wan go, nnd C |y*rf«*et trains In tb«« w«irld.** ViAerstend: 1»evelopment Company, Agents. 32 Fort publications apply to «.b..wi, -before hut ihov co\,'r.-d worthy „f divine eceeptonco, Tbvn came ‘hat bw* .haug. -l. The rilk^haV l* hwlng Connections, arc made wli.h- All Transcon­ rire-rt. Telephone 610. H, • Wra* I LiiKhtou, diacimrx,-». dtflwnvl l„ .«•■ It* hold tn -othtw------part*-- "ofr .IssidVin...... “a* "tt B. W. GREER. AgenL Th,. X, . ok- iVriwl of Ilia UWa >, ork. y,.„r. Th,. Hr.. «lid many years ngo In Fleet street-the tinental Unes, assuring to posnenger* the Oor. Government and Fort etreeis, Sveneti its the Highluu.ls, iu rural hug- of thlw. wa* n.netlc.i1 eketrto light*, letenm heet «d a verity -K-K-K-» SHORTEST ROUTE. mi ta l rnosqiteH. >Io- | SynipathKlc Inter.»., for *«him- unfattusuable reason l.ondoneni STR. BOSCOWITZ >0000 000 Beettle to slf^ointa Eaat and Southeast# v waukee” when going to any isdnt iu the or* in Italy, palaces of the < itesars. |- .... . speak if as a 'somliren. hat,* a* tlunigh Will leave Bpmtfa wharf via Portland, Salt Lake City and Denver * atuet-s in uieiliiieiuiL_jilteiL_n‘maius ot in their artistic growth and welfare •otCbrero ft self meant someth In g else. Vnlted Ktatew or <>amiila. All Hiduif Pullman palace sleepers upoolaterol tour-.- ON PRIDAY. AUGUST 11 1st sleepers and free redlining chair care; classic architecture, the Acropolis of made especially weighty iu his eyes. lint tii *ptfe of all this the silk hat agenta aell them. steam heat, itntaeh light. WÊ______. . . s Jk long .11°. AT 10 r . M. _ For tickets to or from any points in tbe* Athens; Undos where thé ships^ropc "Tor vimw, "pumph+Hw.- ur- oHwr lufoema- ’^^h'TIomert*rr.:.....a,., xiviis i:-» 4lie list jc hi* »fttt.t ‘.LaiNwnw.wifewnce,„„„ iui# -bis-bis phraseologynhraseoluiry Ehn4that would - gtHi hst of the wetl^ihe nmn sb«mt tow n United «ta*ee» Canatla.of jfceyeoç, call on« but tl« n. nddr.-ss, For Naas River and Way Nrti «-atafa. ts «»f til,- Nih*. forests ovT*rhTtug- kill become the lii«s of less» r men, —I* m»t Hie silk tint of the «Ity n-erchant; RICHARD HA Li#, Agent. Hi* we hare n.«;nl>lnet minister'* *IMt hat. ■ w . VIA VANCOUVER. ing the Mediterranean, sunriw*. noon, from l»ci>hton U «waned right, J. W; <"A8EY, V. J EDDY.' 100 Government street. sunset, starlight, moonlight, the .larknes* 1 voice was a slfurp tenor,, clear aud nmsi «•'••rleal silk hat. a Journalistic silk lint, a K. B ELUfl, Gen. Agent, Truv. Pass. Agi., Jlem-ral Ageut, For freight and na*aag«* apply at the Seattle: that com.** Is fore the dawn-all these cal apd resonant; his face us the face of r’ty .Ink's silk hat. a «'alminn'* silk hat ••oiuiwuf'a oltW**, Janlon blo*'k, Sturt* street, Fast Mall Heal tie. Wash. Pori la ml. dr. W. H. dCLBCRT. G.P.A.e things, observed with cb*ar eyes an«l Jupiter ( apitoliuus. Happy students to ami many mon*. There they all are. pro­ Victoria. H. C. Portlands painted with a sure bund. Isit never seen have Ustein l to him atid lo have received claiming loudly to wane extent Ivy rlsdr The company reserve* the right of «-bang Ing this time table without n>4lfl«'atlon. in the academy, were b» In- found upon re.wurd* from his hands! «■oiMlitlon, but more often by their shsp.*, .—IL- LOGAN, • to*wrat Ag^ut-. THE N0RIH-WESTE8N LINE ihe watt* et Suffolk wtreet.' I**«king at - I~hnve said that l»etght«>ti wronghf hi* ro whar otass of penmn they he1.Mig.-Hat- A FEW ter's fiarette. ffave added two mote tratns hits ritrro Ytfh-tm*. l>^tgh<«Mi ftd«l »»♦► tlmFbt* L work amohg men for mankind". This is Fast Mall) to their St. Paul-Chlc»- Agency Atlantic SS. Lines'. peewtott had ahvqyv f*>eti f«»r buuls< n|.<. true not only of hfs life as afi artist, but interesting Victoria and Tcxada Island. n sendee, making eight trains an«l Ijiat he still |iope«l to imint an Eng­ in a sentit1 little kuowtr Iwyoml the im­ Ilf ORDERS ISSUED FOR PASSAGE lish «iitrnge lwfore he died. But tot little mediate circle of his personal frietul*. ! ■ETWEE* FROM GREAT BRITAIN OR «I.h'S this seem to have been known that He did not lix'e iu London without hear­ FACTS. THE CONTINENT. wluiu Ue did die, and hi* works were col- ing the sighs of the wvnryumi seeing the , STB. CLAYOQUOT leeteiC together at Biirlitigtnn house omy dullness that hangs like a pall over the When people • are contemplating a trip, Minneapolis, n few of these, itlybn- ^k«-t«:lH-s were homes of th«- toiling inassw. There is WILL LEAVE HALL, GOEPEL & CO,. whether on business or pleasure, they :"Fhmrîr. imlrrm these few were sr after- noW, in the dreary wastes of tin* Hurrev Victoria for Nanaimo, Thursday...... 6a.m. naturally went the beet service obtain St. Paul Md <•<1 in corners of a room or jdhoe.1 urnh'r siih*. one «if the most beautifnl of art Nanaimo for Texada, Friday...... 7 a.m. 100 Government Street. able so far ae speed, comfort and safety Texada for Nanaimo, Baterday,...... 7 a.m. big frames to fill up.oild* ami etui* of gallerfc* that Ismdou can boast of. But are concerned. Employees of the W1S- Nanaimo for Victoria, Tuesday...... 6 s.nr Chicago- meant place* on the waits. “They wm lïi.w snïaîl were Its beginnings/ A4* emp-. CENTBAL USES are paid to Calling at way porta. lire, however, in the minds of artists t.v *h«ip in a crowded and miseckhle ; Every Wednesday at 7 a.o~ for Book# ah, serve the public and our train* ar* oper­ return same day. . .;r- 4 This Assures psseeMtr*--fres* tfie - Victoria & Sidney As Loug a* Isdghton’s Name la iieighls>rho«Hl. where William Rossiter. a ; ated so as to make close connection» With want making connection*. follower of Maurice gathered round him ■ diverging lines at all Junction points. RAILWAr. Remembered. by cheap, flashy kitchen utensils. You For rates‘apply ou hoard or st Porter's The 20th Centwry train, “the a few working men and lent them hook* Wharf. finest train In the world.” leaves Difbtoft was Isirn at ScarlM»rough, Di*- can’t keep them clean because they Pullman Palace Bleeping and Chair Care Traîne will run between Victoria au» to read—that was all. No artist—I»eigh- | chip and bum : uncleanly cooking on through irai*. Bt. Ptml every day in the yesr st Sidney s* follows: eeiuber 3. 1830. Hisfathet mid grand- 8:10 p.m. ton least of nil—cntikl refuse to bring articles are an abomination. The DAILY l fath«*r were physicians. Before he was sw«H*tne*K nnd light into sm^i a e he l*wran to learn to «Inr^- at I i«dtires- such idvture* a* no tdiop ever In order to obtain this first-class service, Nelson 4 Fort Sheppard ÛU6 First Avenue, Rome. From '"Rome he pamo-d t«i Dre^s- eontainetl before—pictures «li prietdess aak the ticket agent to eell you 8 ticket Beat tie, Wtik —:----- SATURDAY 4 dep a ml Berlin, when1 h«- attemltsji cittss.-. CRESCENT rnhie—hr ÏBrighton, hr Wntfs. by Burne - 0V*T Red lonntaln Railways I#eave Victoria »t.... .7.-00 a.m.. 2:00 Ï» c* t He aeadetny. and ii 1843 w Jones Tluh followed ;i cottlii)il|Ber, <>t STEEL AGATE WARE Utyr Sidney at...... 8:15 a.m., 5:15 to H-hOttl at Frankfort, and at the age of Th# only all rsrt! route wlthotri which these great artists were working THE WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES FOR ASUNDAVi 17 became a student in the StmleWhc* change of cars between Spokane, members, t/idy Bnnte-Joue*. fhe rlvlfy- won’t chip or bum t Is easily kept, Institute. From Frankfort he went to Roeeland and Nelson. Also between Leave Victoria at—.0:00 a.m., 2x*i p log gt-niya. and Lv«*r by him ulfh the Ask your dealer for it ticket agent, or correspond with sa. MOAXA to ’roll WedueuHay, Aug. ^>0reat Northern I 11:26 a.m...... Roseland ..., .3:30 p.m. 0, at 10 p. m. Care ntvl Attention and Dignity ,-jj 1 J. C. POND. 0:10 a.m.'... Nelson ,8^0 p.m,. B8. AUSTRALIA te «all Wednewlay, 75 Gevehuneet Street, VlrtgrU. B. C, Leaving Paris îihJ-SôO he ft*turned to he would give to an ticiyleiRY ciHinciP General Paaa. Agent. Close connection st*Neleon with steamer Aug. 23. at 2 p. m.. for HONOLULU only. Frankfort and bfcemg ti«v puiiil of for Kaalo and all K.ROteusy lake Points. Line to COOLOARDIE. Aus.. and GAPB- Finally lu-lp tame from th,* «idWI.b-. nîlï- Milwaukee. Wla. Paeeenge.w for Kettle River and Bound-, TOWN. South Africa., , Bteinle. under whom he stBkfUti until the iTal men gave .liberally trod the work The Thos. Dnvldson nff. Co or Ji B A. CLOCK. ary Creek connect at Mureue with stage J. I>. 8PRRCKLKSI A BROS. Go., E ISS.“lopia" i-st- iiatiimn of 1862. paying one short visit went merrily on till the beautiful galler- MOMTRJUZ, General A rent, ** 0. O. DIXON. O. P. À T. A., Agent*, 114 Montgomery street. to Lemlau In 1861 At thc ctxl of 1866! ie# were bnilt' and consecrnletl to the a. 246 Park *trw< . ► Freight office. 327 Market street, flan Connecting nt Bsettle with overland FliW. r Portland, urt (J , . FrandSesu i. H. ROGERS. AgL L: eatwuriw» Richard Armeiroag, (««»*•! of tb. u«huün« paaawl mon* ih« wood-1 ÏMmWDAre TBNN’I». and her defhtncee a. roee the waters." How \ IOTORIA MARKETS. ;•« »0«« e»»»M « » 0 0 » » » 0 10»fr ; long this ■plMidtJ race can withstand the «#««« dont of he Board of Trade, iirchM. ft"* to th« n“r''1®a*1 f"®*/,-**’ hobw *«V Kriuieutl'ley In ih„ AbbmI „ Much to'the relief of the thrifty h.,us. The annum,, enn-lit that the ameltrr| which supporte the hMM, ^ Twmiaairui of the Victoria 4.Ux„ luaur*« Influences of material i IBe aunounvt*ui*qii uai »««• -...... — - - . »WsW-h«i grudged the high prt tempera^ hundred, a n*aw,nable figure when the WjjffnK ; pri-KNlent '<»f the siw-Uer < ' iwtl of fire'-ffhlwh. was declared tq.be as Inslrh yesterday w«- -«hsi • ******* «• ». ment and roodeiyte appetites. It seem* l'ght *x»V to takes Into considérâttoa. JOHNMESTON : The supply of ball Is very «iiuvriafn. There fs an agitalîon 6 gain At the p Gra-Ws. Wm. Fftrwttl, general mao-.f large aa'three féet tw dlàmeter. struck the ,vvw ell and IVHy. w-b^h It seemed "t one j y "" Will endure far _w # H WÊÊÊÊfÊ ftomen poww. T cas Tiwnrt of the hshermeii being en iâis Fmser. Was to Win. Olitnese twrtx St vdlel' 1r see no sigh of decay in this virile nation 1 local ileqiçr». 'have- Vved ' been forced,, to CatThiÿp Maker. ; j IL B. Brown. Q. C-, â director, Stur or elg’at feet .In Circumference. The ball I cily, however, picked up In the _ . _ lr*i*7 of ^lectHêhl fire shot out small streaks set. w Itieh he took with 6-4, also . Flunicrfelt,• Victoria;».------^ ------and Ur. had been traversed. In Mrs, Campbell s •HolU althougti lie eveiitually won. Mlw* O. K.. ner bbl...... r* rewarded lM»th players with very naval architects need at present! he tells Corn (cracked), per ton...... 27.U0fU.KHNI \m MIIMCS. mine. There has been wweral acci­ incuts of capital, milling and smelting op r.r*h:,rihi„;.vr^ | r! us. Is a process for flreprooftlng wood. Oita, par im ...... 37..VJ6Ï4O.U0 Reliable information cas be dents of late due to the defective fuse, Os tiiieul, per lu lt»s...... 4Um BU had by applying to oration»- will be cmdueted on a large Rolled oh is JB..* K.)...... 04 and the inspector will enquire closely stale. AU this augured well for Grand Rolled oats tit. * K.l, 7") sa* k so' Into what kind of fuse waa used in the "What we need Is a comi>osltlon which RANT & JONtS, Forks and the Boundary country gen„ av.nuo. It th. de.t -Ro.land Min. j ^ ln„ »leem. n, will render wood fireproof, without mak- Sovereign. orally. However, be desired it to be un. Hay (baled) per tea...;’...... 10.00612,00 dk atsl Mr* \ *n® lt attark Iron which Is in contact Siru w, per bate.-..-...... 6Wa 7.'- 25cî^57;î.?;°ker‘ i «niN.ee. demtooti that be dii not want the city ' The (howUiHl Bwlmmln, Club had a „“"miJTJulTld *.t<- made the CHILLIWACK. ' therewith—as much of the recently Middling*, per ton ...... « . 23.006125.»*! hlOIMOMHOOOOMd n*g»rded ; - a -metier town; i*f course splendid time at It. «ret annuel outJ?“ ! Hon. J the aft.-1-no..ii. i vaunted ‘fireproof wood did. A fireproof Itrnn. per ton ...... a... 2O.»*>u22.00 A new warehouse is being erected at it had room for the smelter as well as Ground feed, per ton...... 28.00- a ad Lieut. Hay, R, N. ed by constructors and combatants. tinblmg-. per, It»...... is paying a visit to his relative* in Chil­ opening np and ievoioping tne Kooten­ commenced for the contests which con- 7-ft. 1-6, 6-1- (,"aulin7>wvr. per head ...... liwack. Mr. Irwin wiU preach in 'he ay* and Coeur d'Alene. Mr. Armstrong stated of a quarter of a^mtle^j and Mtos Herrldgv defeated Miss Riley-3-6. Is Impracticable, I«etluce, 3 heads for ...... long dive. The following! _jter. Lettuce, 4 hds. for...... Methodist Church next Sunday even­ related a conversation he bad a few d. &. E. fr2. 6-3. fqr several reasons. In the first place, Onions, per lb ...... Notice to Contractors. J. W. Spring. R. H. To L. IVlly defeated It It Powell—2-6, 6-4. ing. / weeks ago with tfrr railway magnate. Ou «d i It greatly Increases the ‘sweating." CoV- Onion* ipickling), per lb..... jm that occasion Mr. Corbin expressed the Adams and W. J. Venner. Dr. Reddick 6-4. Gherkin*, per lb...... NEW WK8TH1WSTBR. acted as Judge. The, quarter mile proved G. JvlMtston defeatetl A. I>. 8**ver« - erlng Ironwork with a dope of paint skins Tomatoes ...... belief that the population ...... Mr. U. J. Welsh who has just yyUnru river vallef, within a few year» time a hàrd race, the Contestants^ being al- Pens, lier Îλ ...... Ml.. Kit... iimi Mi.» ...... r«Mn, of mvrvhtHM »hlf« in hot vllmkte,, «hV frontsojrtürn tu tb* 1ahl«tii UuD- will t-xei-ed t$0.1W»>, and that" all'the ores ino.st abreast until with tu <• iieumbece. Island, each .... >11». Arran »...Ilh »».l Ml» Klnenulll « I. l-ot I. for warahlp. of no u»e. I hr emlrr can and Tnmt Uike mining districts, from the Boundary as well as the Reser- the finish when Spring made a splendid Cucumlier*. Oala. p<-r doz.... spurt and finished about two yards in * ; celling, side», and floor can not ba_ so !tndl*h<«K. 2 buii«-he* fof...... apeak* in high praise of all he saw in vation on Vho south side of the Iim* w ill 6 2. irqvrge dïfriited W. Hllton^U—Ltreated. In the second place, quarters so Rhubarb, per ih ...... tenders, i>roperly indorsed, will I be smelted, in Grand Forks and vicinity. the lead with Vener second and Adams U. y. Carrot*. pt*r it» ...... be nsriv.sl by the Honorable the Chief that section of the country, treated In great surfaces would be un- Mr. W. lu. Livingstone, fonmerly brake Mr. Miner livreply said that when vis- third Towxaswd \vay line, a ml who has recently been »U- ! year ago with Mr. Graves, he had sized ner getting second prize. Among those 6 7. 6-2 21st August next, for the erection uud TÔ their health and efficiency. In the .Salmon (spring), per lb. .... m ti,»n.*.r lit Vernon. wHt vehcve »Mr. \\ . U- np in a erode, way the p**sHiU;Uti»-s. bang­ at the igke . were Messrs. Revsbach, It. It. Powe-ll end Mrs. Laugh? lrtef*Mted Oysters (Olyiuplun), per pt... .* cotnftietiou of a Court House at Roesland, third place, sugh a coating would not only ** -Baker, baggage master here, white the ing on every limb. After returning home !.awn. RUvsrstoUe. Harp, Morklll and A. T. Howard «»** MW Howard- 6*7. 6-2. Oyster* (Kdsteru). i»er tin ... ti. LV A. T. Howard defeated (1. V, C nptwg^- l>« highly Inflammable.: but would gener­ Cod. per Ih...... ------Drawings, Kjiei-lflcslioii*, ap<) eigwiuto»** latter is t*|**u4wHt a month of two »n i a new task devolved pppn. him. He act Palmer.. It Is understotnl that those gen­ Halibut, per lb...... ate noxious gases in burning." m m of tendering an^T contract may be seen at Kr.glaml. .. . : to work to complete the organisation of tlemen were at the lake principally for ° ft. It. IWell aud It I.angwerthy defeat Herring...... T777.'~ 'file. fum-ral. of the late Newton , various western eotefprtWS man- the purpose of looking Into Its advan- Dr. Orlmshaw tell» us that marine con­ Smelts, per P*...... 10 the Provincial Government Offices at Vic­ M'Kite took place this aftefftoon from the j lu.r Katlsfactory to his" tartous nwmeir rages for the TocàHon of S pleasure. M- 4*1 ff. HlHori nsd W . A- 4 M»*» fl U. 7-ftr structors ■ would also; like water-tight Founders...... 1 toria, Vancouver. HoSeJaml. aud Nelson, .Tills morning’s game wlH l*e f«s»ml In bulkhead doors that can be opened and «irais». 3 f*ir ...... 25 B. C.. ou 11 no after J he 27 th Instant. rosidetit*** of bis mother. Mm K- White. well as to thejpeople of^tbc Ket- Farm Produce— Fonrth street, to the mtîfénMVs* Céme1 tie river valley. The reduction wx.rks nuutbcf rohimp • shut from the deck, Improved boat-lower­ Kio-h tender must be accompanied by an Egfeat (Msnltobu). per Iwm.. accepted bp ok cheque or certificate of de t,*rv The services were bvkl at the w#re, located here purely as a business The annual Iwafi takes pMee tM* evening ing dew n steamers, gun-car­ OIIOHMHIIIIHMMHt In the Hotel Driftnfi .i.nimemlng it bjjft. Eggs (Island, fresh), per do» P°Sw. made payable to the undvrelgneil, ho«*e %y Rev Mr. Betts, pastor of the rtiterprise. His ass.K-4ates at the same riages that will not rack a war-ship to Bitter (Delta creamery).., 5Bi»LJlUte=J8ebflMfec uf the ntnuunt of Que. nV n-ronne church, and Rev. Mr. time appreciated the Tavors or donations the music being itni»1b*â by Ffir^» W- pieces when the" gun is flred, cellulose jvMt iPifT 'rv. - v. » ; ••irH •. vy -*~ i«e Rutter (wHrhiii creamery). -•»* aectirtty f ir th»* due fultti- Scott, of Yancourer. Brief servu vs wero by Grand Fork», in his jn-lg- ! chirint. that will realty stop up shot-lroW by ___■. . vm iteott. a mm _ ment of CSs " contract, which shall be tor- ment Grand Fork* occupied nn idvat rwelRng (n. have none that Is cheap, I.ard. per II...... I2SVU nl»o hrlil at thé grave. SECRET OF ENGI-AND'8 POWER. feltcsl If the party tendering decline to situation in the Boundary country. Flits light, -compressible, absorbent1, Meats— Hams (American), per !b...... «'«tier into contract when called tijstn to do nBVKLSTOKK was, equally true both in respect t« England's Insular position ha» been her proof), .a practical reversing- propeller,. 10». or If he full to conquête-the work cnw- Haunt (Canadian), per lb. traeted for. The cluflpies of unsmwwful Advice* have Iwe-h-ceited here fro» busih. S* and iHMUliral avrd picturesque safeguard. It lixa fis iwwhsks protect- Improved- ash«hulsts. better steam-blow­ "Bacon (Amertritfi), par 15 Raeon (Canadbte), per lb...... t.uderent will be retnhtvd to them iq*>u Glacier la till» pntril.ee. of the aehieve- surroundings. The fame uf the Kettle A Rich Strike. ed her from those vicissitudes of fortune ers, and property constructed marine con­ IS 16 the exM-utiou i»f the contraot. uieut», on July Lbitb, by Count Le Fri nee river vsIle^Tind already spread beyond denser*. He also visits steel rigging with Bacon (rolled), per lb...... In Tender* will not be considered u 11 less Messrs*.- 8 A. Hartman and that retard the progress and sooner or,la- Itâcon (loug clear), per !b.... ltingm t. (if Varik alia Herr Cortee, at­ its hot uds. He thought :.t would 1m* an » nr nv»pn>K>im nation* not thus fortun­ the weight of displeasure. Say* thé doc­ MmMtn, per R».. . mode out on the fikhu* supplied, and tache of the German Bnilui»»y at IV ...... , ,...... tor; lleef. per It...... 15 signed with the actual signature of the be done on the Camp Lodge claim near ately shielded from the endroochmentz of Mutton, tier b...... tenderers. king, who eue,...rully 11.IIlie the ««cent lale |rull („ru,„ „f (i.oh Iweoly h.e lo rapacious neighbors Inaccessible at "Anyone who has ever, bad the deck of VS li The Utweet »r Iff tender not nvceesariljr of Mount— . ...Sir Donald",» ■ _ I j" el...the \fMatterhorn atf rieniirn iVrof .1. ... I I. .1.... ,, 1 — ,e.. .. nt Rosebery in the Slocan division. The re- Veel. per »...... fifty acres, thereby bringing a large sod, home, her fleets sweep the seas to the a yacht pulled up by steel rigging will Pork, per lb...... m accepted. " the Canadian Roekirti. Tht, peak, -wh‘<* the uncovering of a five-foot m "W. 8. GORK."...’ fertile area Und»^ cultivation and créât- ut terme at limit* of the globe; and when agree wit hi me when I suggest that If Fruit- 1. ahoig» up from the tuise of the Illeeile- ledge of very rich ore. A sample taken Cherries,white, per lb ...... 10 Deputy fV>mntl**loner cif 1st uds A Work*. ing a thrifty and |sqmi«ius community. In war comes, her tiavy. In Its own good some benefactor will produce L11 nd* him! W<»rks l>»-|tariment. waet Glacier to a height of &S53 feet, his «qôithw and of others, the Boundary clear aerbaa the face of the ledge near "Cberrie*. red. per fl> ...... 10 time, takes from hçr rivals all that It la A Steel Wire Rope Strniriterries, per bo* 15 Victoria, R. C., 2l*t July, 1SU0. had previuualy he,-n reached but once, country tvould lK*vt>me «*ne of the great-, tht* surface returned an assay of 32H per for her material advantage to possess. It that has a little ‘give’ to It. si* h as one Hirtuinna, per dozen...... a.. / 3ftfT 40 and that nine yi-ara ago to a day. On est mining regions in the world. New cent, lead, > per cent, copper, 122 oun es 1*1 ne#Pities, .«Ttch ...... SOW no le certainly a great game that England 44 LAND KBCMSTRY ACT.4* that rtcc^sion. the climb was made by discoverlt** in great number would Co- In silver and $4 In gold. always get». In hemp, many ship-owners Coen*nut*, each ,...... 15 plays In the world s affairs, and will con­ ls*mon* iChI fnrtils) per doz. 25 Emil fltiher and f’arl Suiter. At Zurich, munstrate the magnitude of the luiiierM t nd others who ‘follow the sea," or have 3061 In the Matter of the Application of The At TOktT ^ tinue tu play deep into the. future, unless jUu»k»*« tsavkUh *.*•»**>. l’W't Kwkdfah tvmrpfl-ity' •f.YmltW'* irf^Lktr.vittmi, luvnd-N-r^ ftf-tb*» Swiss Al­ wealth in the suwwondiof. k*Us* and it followed' for them;* wilt rise up and < tru i.g.-* (rialtforn'a eeftlllngai 2»v'* Myaara. .Walker, Ku.lBy, Mvy. i call him blessed. The old-fashioned i? Liability, for a Vert 111 cate of Imlcf.as- pine Club. Count Rtnsnrt awl Herr white it wits true thqf ether distria'ts of all signs fall. VsUmu-Is oranges, p<-r doz .. 23ùi 35 IWe Title 10 the East half of Seetlow»- Blunchtleld have been doing considerable 10 <%.rt«>s were nccompnnicHl by Christian British Columbia are nth, the fact re­ To do her Justice. England Is the great­ ‘chains' and ‘channels' are rapidly disap­ pKüiw* work on the Ark mineral claim, situated est civilizer and.liberalizer In htstori\ The V» i5II) OuMmlcoan l«i#trl»'t, and the Haesler and Edouard Fence, guides from mained that the Boundary was the rich- pearing. and eyé^bOR» arc taking their PmchM* 10 at the head of is-Mtie and Ctoamrater English subject.! wherever he mav be-»** west half <>f. Section .81* (6) Range Bwitzerland. When the party ,^r ..f tnem all. Me dwrftctf r . irmklr places; but It is too much to ezpect six Apricid* ...... 10 Fight t VIII.) (Jiiaiuichnn District, ez- the sharp |»eak of Sit Donald, they found admjt that this province was «be hope creeks. The property contains three Canada. Australia, or Afrtcw—nas more feet in length of hemp at the lower end Grape*. |s‘r It» ...... 20 cupt l»srt (4.7V) acres, thereof, which ledges, but the one on which they have personal liberty and individual opportun­ of a hundred feet of steel wire will give Rlai-kiterriea. per lb ...... 12A| . wnw by »lecd dateil 18th December, lsflfi. a stone mound in which was enclosed a Eastern Canadians, Ciirrnrtta (red), per tb ...... feet in Width mu'I is conveyed to The--R*qttfmalt and Nanai­ tine box. containing the chart* left thetc, Mr. Graves, who also replied, nfiefftl ity than obtains under any other rule, -os much elasticity as.tlhough the entire Currants (white), p*>r IT» . . 7 mo Railway Company. nine years ago by the Zuich moun- th,. various stej»s taken ls*fore he de­ a tru. fissure vein between granit- This always excepting re*#H».l fowl (per pair)...,.. LflOfi 1.75 stlHh Quarry Compsny Limited î.lablVtr, 0vt*r .. H * I on. At all events the reductive works the following results: Gold. 15 ounce*, They are niot: and they fre no more- re­ water. He says: Durka (per pair) ...... 1 «0 on the 1st il.iy of fb-pfember next, unless Iw $31; silver, A. ». cents; total, $31.». The prehensible than those of other nations, Turkf-y* »r«er b.. live weight) 300 * the mcAntlipe a rallT objection thereto be * I meant a large pay roll for the city? I "Any one who has made a trip on un Duck, dressed, ench ...... ma «le to me In writing by some person VAHCOl % Lit- j Mr. Farweil stated that his bank had ere also contains copper to the extent of not one of which Is overlooking opportu­ ocean steamer—particularly on one «If the having an estate or Interest therein, or I» Work has been commeheed on the new ostablislusl nn agency here because it three per cent. nities for territorial acquisitions. All are greyhounds' that cut their way through A hi tilt one mouth ag«t my child, which I* some part thereof. rtf:.*-n moni lis old. had » » Attack of dlar-' 8. WOOTTOX. GraxtUle street bridge coottract i, „t faith in the Boqpdarj eountrj and The Rambler-Cariboo. jealous of England because by reason of the water and always have wet deckn- ; . .. * ~ ■ 1 Rogtatrar Qemersl. Tlie Hastings mill vrwrtetF tqr hi fut1 faith in Grand Forks, her preponderant maritime power s*he knoVs that the gurrlng of the screw rh ea ftcmmpenled by romtrlng. I ewre tt Lsmi Htglriry Office, Victur’a, B. C., 18th running this week, for• %the first time nr.Mr. Hodge*,ilodge*. superintendentsui»eniuenurui of the Mr, W. H. Adams, manager ••! the carries on the game on a far.morç com­ is about the most disagreeable feature of such.mpedles a* are nanally given In suck Mfty^lWO. -, «ine** Its destruction by fire|k on--ii vciove»OctdReg mitolter,«mener, saidsa hi luearIdeal euiiuuiuu»conditions curfor •»a smel»■*»■ ,...... Rambler-fart. boo...... left- Roes land for Kaalo prehensive scale than they can ever hope the voyage. It aggravates seasickness, cessa, i-Mf iis not hi mr ggve relief v • *.-nt oMh last , ter existed here. The smelter site only on Saturday. Before he left he stated and never gives » Jet-up. day -or night. f tr * physician and it was under Ip# c«r«* NOTICE. IV linK 0f damaged con- had one equal and no anpmor in Ameri that the compressor plant on the property Thooe who thoughtlessly denoynee Eng­ If the sea be in the least bit rough—that for a wiM-k. At thly time th.- child bud Notice 4s hereby given that applies th*» mX were coxdmne* as unfit ci. Tue function works now building will“ ‘be * In running ------order, some time to­ land as' a bully and a coward totally pils- is. if It be anything But ‘mlll-pondy.' been *lck for «boat ten day* IBd was lm|r y wHI l*e mu** to tbo Legislature of the for human food, by the Vancouver health would prove to be fully up to date. Al- day. This month three carloads of or* apprehend the U-ssons of history- She will which it Very seldom is. The chattering Pm nlHtut twenty-five operation* » 1‘rov^nce uf -British Columbia, at its next otticers last mouth. | th"u«h » would only have a capacity of it shipped to the smeller, which make* every partition vibrate. This iHywets every twelve hour*, and . we w»*re session, far au Afià $o Incorporate a com­ always fight when it la necessary, or pany with"iH>wer\o coastruvt. mulntsln 50© tons daily at the outset, two years rage about S2.8UO to the car. It is when there Is anything to be gained by makes traveling less pleasant and «.■Tlm-ed tlmt nit leek It *<»»»n idttalned re- A pretty wedding was soleinnised in j llcf It would not live » *hftml*er:sln‘a 0ftUg* end operate a line of railway from Betihy hence would gee a smelter w‘th a capa­ anticipated that when 60 fe*t more have IL At one time when her commercial sens the number of transoceanic passen­ 8t. Paul's Church on Weiluesday. when Cludcra «rad Diarrhoea Renu-dy wsis woni- Bay »*r 1‘etbler Bay, Vancouver Island, to city of at least 2,000 tone daily *.n opera­ been driven in the long drift tunnel that Interests and national eglstence were me­ gers; but lt has a still worse effect-ft AlM*e Mande, eld«**t daught«*r of Mr. J. metided. Ami I devld.-d to try It. 1 soon point tL nr near Langford Siatiou, uu tion. He luq»?d to sa-v a refinery estab­ lt will encounter the big Ore chute. naced. alone she antagonized practically racks the engines themselves, particular­ tie line of the F>x|iiiuinU and Nsimimo U. Hardimam ot Vancouver, lute of imHIced a cbAnge for the better; by It* lished at the works later onu the wliole world handed under the leed- ly the shaft and the cranks, and It Railway in the District of l-xiqiiltiialt. to Bournemouth. England, was united in From Tracy Creek. continued nee a complete cure w.iw brought build awl own whorre* aud warehouses, Mr. Oarrull, also replying, said the. of genius, and emerged triumph­ marriagi to Mr. Henry J. Horton, eldest TM"Tracy creek ntuulry Vs f:ist coming Gradually Destroys the Whole Structure alw||, hn(l j, Ig ^ew perfectiy healthy. - iirtd to «-onstrin-t, iiiftlntslp ami iqwrirte m* Bouu*lory country had a gn*àter future, antly from the contest. She lias gaThèd «•\teunioii of the said line of railway to son of Mr. J, H. Hortmi, solicitor, to the fnml a* a mlnenil »e**tlon of more (which, after all. is only riveted togethen"'j l Boggs. Stnfnptown, Gilmer Co.. W. than uny other mining region in the her vast prestige, and made her greatest and along the West Coast of Vancouver Brohisgrove. England The cVremony thyn onHuary liu|n«rt*iH'e. and the develop­ by working the contracting surfaces F.«*r sale by Hendertoti Bn)*.. HVhol"- l-i.iml. to IhiIW an»l oinwate telegraph or world. lie had never l»efore seen such onquests In actual war with the might­ was pr-rfornwil by Rev. H. I nderhill. ment w hich has been, done during the* sum­ against each other and making the rivet#.1 4*,^ Agents, Victoria and Vancouver. • telephone lines In connection with the Haiti large lode» as were-found in the Boun­ railway and the extension ami branch lima Hugh Abercombie. the soctiod man dary mines. He had reached this erivncc m tlie |H*i*ts i»f « year ago bid fair to become , r,■.;«.» fro* ymr to yeir. and the daag- Th. refmrt . that l.l-"".""" In ml* « ud récrive bonusow aud ronc«*s!«ione the Nile In 17» completely frustrated Na­ a hpnd-car and a locomotive at Hast­ Vniteii States. Cuba and Mexico. j iodnc|»K ndne* |.ieft»re sn>lher year. ,r „i,h it. . . . The life of « 'racer.- the late t ear ailjiitam. canmlrt.-'l from imlivtdiuilm g«iveruiqents and ninut- ings on* Tuesday evening, is doing •«* ■ |g » « ,t iMfC 'in.gum "i poleon's mysterious designs In Egypt and cr. .1 least, her lUe a. a race,. 1. much suH.lv with h . rrs,,fv.r at Ahhe, TWh. rtpaHflew, with p*iw«-r to make traffic nr well as van l*e exi>c<‘t«l at the city hô­ Asia. In spite Of Napoleon s genius. In; shorter than It would otherwise be If 11 «•' Ole < am osti*. Afti F bring bfrtrrtr op- u/jier MiTshgeipents with other railway or HOSSLAXD. work. The shaft is now down >tft feet and Hteamuhip <**Htt|HH»ie*, hh4 for all oilier pital. Ili* fa l- Hcertalz* map of Europé-ti ihwti^ Wi Kioftt coifi- not all that it should bv. To quote again: * r • FRANK HIGGINS. Solb-llor f-tr the •») idkatW*. of Sergeant Junes, "who left yesterday the Sliver Bell, and while running to ea- H tunnel f No doubt .Tor ages 10. could, 'bruam, chemist to produce a ‘Jonestte" or a lut»1 »rf railway ferry" Istats between thp frowning down from her chalk cHITs. i-.ri .'»f Vht.tna. ih<- hsrlstr »»f lli«*4iy the danger he was in. The body was» On aimday.'Wening, between the ’hours f e,ai:us ifi nIIu- district, and expn-sses him Smlthite.' or trome other kind of an 'lie,' I'.ay or the harbor of Redder Bay. In tin* brought down for burial lien*. I he other of 6 and-11 o'clock, the residence of T. j s«lf ss plensed with whjft ow- I‘iovlar*» of British Columbia. and-4be p-.rt accident took place hi .■\ nn Arida <»n R. Morrow, situated on the corner of. meht is showing. The claim» aye th** comma nd»d by the «bleat ««men In hie, der*de,. (If|l( sticks„kk, asa. bigbl_ asa, a l«,..,4 «kd pencilnenctlor «)'W1 -Xugebt*. - ill Ibw- vJtiatc uf ~ of the for<- Hutto strict *uul fertyslt-Jg* .dscïaèev ^Atera»-,dt.‘jefct-.-, Witehlngioe. Untied Itiales, with power tu Friday; William ftcotl, son _ . -, convey chiw. pawengirn and frt'lgltl he. . ma£WTbe mine. entered^byg______"burtriof» a.nd ttlc:-*1ioie ‘Tnairn TFFt rT^.'.-iiT:- sn~Htr They ate t*“ called) t ween either or all of wild porta <»r har- the pnsqHM-t stsle, On the Ryan's Hwn w itint fit While -bratbing. Ht^-sank n* kou»e ransacked. The burglar entered Must Have a High Explosive Effect, l*.aw. Hitd • oniect w'th one or more lines sl«*»q» watw! But was. pfuckily r«-s<‘Ut*d house through one of the front wln- $.>«» hs»l been espend«*d on dregnv«*r book containing cash was overlooked, SICK Dtand. and to hnltd wharves and wars ever, to determine the chief values. The I Used to .put too great a strain on the bree» h tbemselvew into a union. The meeting but the thief made off with a watch and BuAuto eel Carier’»* Little Liver W* *’* house* and operate telegraph and tclc- . -was c*atted primarily to di«u nss the V-reseent allows up' s se^eu fo»d v*4« wUs-b of the «tun before the shot has got start­ ,J*«libtnCimHr»lloh curing and pro Bhone line* In connection with the «aid will run well In «'«pper and galena. Mr. Venting title annoy loeeompbUnt white they atec Hundav shaving question. After having At 11:45 on Sunday forenoon there - was ed. and yet must have got completely eomH-lSti’.i»"r'l«r*'>(ths*toiniub.ettm'u»e* this re­ «•on»‘«***l>f Itching piles. not merely a waste of powder, but un­ and munlflpalitlee. with power to make I n sent- Fort. Steaks Prospector. Mr. W. D. Thortrron. bhu**mtrh, nf tttar t pteaasntneee for 4»a g»»a «rsw. it must traffic and ttGwr srr*ugeuteqL# With, other EMnally it whs d» « » » * I to organize under centre of violence was on Nickel Plate “ HEAD railway or atesmshtp c.mtpanle* nh«T an he made from materials aII j of which are the constitution of the Journeymen Bar- flat, at a point near the comer of Third town, tells the fact* of hts veac a* follows: AeUatbey wonldbe almost prieeleeatothwwba ot her pow « ra w hich may l»c coyidm-iV to RHEUMATISM 1*VRF,I> IN 4 HODR8.. obtainable not w«cly In the < ountry of ..let»" Iii1-.r;i;,iiumjl,l iii.>nj2f Africa. ft.ve.aue and Dm.vI? street. Here ». bolt “For IfteWi-year* l suffvrv*! untold (he attainment of the above ^ Agtiiny from blind. Hthing piles, and van manufacture, bttt In the nelghbortidod of of them. . ^ to4 «f* The oftkvr* electi-d wen-: Mr. t icorge struck tho residence of Mr. P. D. Mc­ •l find thee* Utile ptfls ml» Mr. H. E. West. W*te> street. Vmioa the mill or factory; and th*se raw ma whaoacstry them wül find SaaacK. ,.n-«i.l"nt: MeO'iM.n. rler prcal- Bride. It struck the roof of the wood­ honestty say that I tom* etent »1.«M) try­ i that tiw 7 will Dot be wik Jaty Crtw Vol e#ws. ver, writes: ‘T bare been suffering from ear. But after alistskhssd (dent; Mr Harry Odin. ».»r»t..ry. and shed and tore a long crack in the shing­ ing different eo-esUed cures, aud have been terlals must be quk kly conv«*rtlbte Into Mr. .1. DaSdeoe. iri’iisiircr. S»mr 30 a very painful si tack of Rhe iimitUiii lii the finished product. If the materlaJ can les. in its downward course It struck a mtdev, treaimenl w ith well knows physic!• London, Aug. 5.—Lloyd's agent at Ma­ my right shoulder, and could not attempt have a high specific gravity, an as menta to nfl'iw— wert- rigtH'd lo the roll, and Inure brush which had been used to polish the 'aos hi Orillia, Pet erbore amt luiketbdd. I nila cables that tbo Insurgents at Ban liare «hue Inen added, The Sunday to raise my arm. so great was the" patw. diminish the bulk to be tarried for rhe. 17th Infantry sailed stovy. It tore this Into matchwood. Then hud fifteen tumors nweovvd. tntt otitalned Fernando have captured and burned the wharUm qoeallon w.i« wimmarlly dial»'» A friend procured a bottle of tirtflltb»' Men given weight and for a given explosive sterday from Mozatlan on the govern- it ran Into a pan and smashed it. Mr. no positive care. United States steamer Falurnue. e* Of. • k wm> ad.-eeled «•> take Uned thol Liniment, and In less than four h »uis effect, so much the better." . lent transport Ox lea for the mouth of McBride was sitting In the north side of the pain entirely left me nod has not re­ "I hsve suffered m*m* than 1 can tell, Manila, Aug. 5.—The steamer Saturmis, wtepw to stamp it out. It being uudersto » ! the kitchen engaged in lacing his shoes. but enu now say that, thunk* to Dr. From all this, says the Literary Lt the *aqul river, leaving Masatlan entire- turned It rwtftlnly Is the great pain re gest. It may be seen that the ambitious ! without a garrison, ^General Torres of the Campania Mnrftima. < - ustlng un­ that evldetK e \Vfls ^.tamable siiffictfut Chase's Ointment. 1 ant positively rlined, The. lightning passed through the right Hi ver.*• 28 rents by alt druggists. Inventor ha* plenty of work cut out foniow ha* hi* force*, consisting of the 5th der the American flag, was burned! on to raus4* a conviction. shoe and rendered It unlit fi»r further and. bjr one and a half boxes. I consider I h-:’ : t»d* standard ointment worth Its weight fn | htm. even If he jvpnfloee himself to Cavalrr and IHNh and 12U» Infanuy.^»t*b- Then the fluid passed north through Herman II»user, treasurer of the Herald Details of the affal^ are not known. 7*he CIIAM> Ipobki. Illsed in the Yaqûl valley nhd probably Square- theatre, ,Jutn4*e«l fr«H0 -the Br»s*ljn Sea, captain of the SatuÇnu* had obtained pos­ Guild Fork» Board of Trade tendered ;»*another’ partition and Into the front room, ««•Id.” ___ » _ - . will not attempt any forward move Aient took the tacks pet of the carpet and bridgé yesterday. He was rescued. It 1s Dr. Chase'» Ointment la known through session of a ship belonging to the Mar­ '• b»»»''"' t ' "maa-.ed » g.aa. ctm] o.l lamp Into fra,- until he receives his reinforcements. A stated >bri Jumped from « * crime to hold the election* at tbgt period there ia -not much going ou, only a few ia .w uirkiug on thv kuj»- of tlie- year, .aif.! that Itt future, this i girla a;, the_office, and the wires are ...of Old Highland Scotch i«amvn that the»* m to WwgcneVsl hh - would ;i"t likely the ease. , | quiet. . 1 knew, vi.v girl "in. waq ,a THF TRIJI PYRmiRÈlW CINERARIA FOLIUM. The position of the two poraleal parties ’ switchboard operator, who hud a inuu l«li llfcrtt *» MO- *UclK idwàr ^l tn Unuud-a is nôt sttNi »»4» 6eep«^H»4f-.’, talk over her line wiUoirô* gist Une Whisky r SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. 'Ihw 4 tWHfUVWMWM have voatv. W tim* The gwSrrrrfhetrt rnshiiir to the country, day she got the line bw'him. ami he was vouviuMTon bvvaUM of thv largv estimates but if Sir Wilfrid wanted a tilt with the telephoning when Cent in 1 vailed her up. Distlllsd by tbs well known firm of tor [>ubliv works,5- Sena be for Its rejecting, the redistribution ‘Did you bear what that u*au whs Campbell's Prescription Store, Sir- John Xtavdouald ouvt* said that the bllLehe could have it. Meat politician* saying?* she asked. people liked.to be 'bribed with their own ames uchanan Ÿ Cor. Fort and Douglaa St». ■ ' Victoria, B.C. are of ipiiiior. thaf inore Is jn-fit w ill ac­ '“No,* she said, ‘1 wasn't paying any J B & Co? money: There in a good deal of truth crue to the government from its having attention.* in this, although the people “light li­ a sound grievance hV^IiihT the Setintr “ ‘He vailed me up' said Outrai, LONDON. GLASGOW end LEITH. ** sent it when individually put to them. fhun if it got the redistribution bill put ‘beeaùse lie didn't get the connection HIGHEST It vannot. tuwever. be deuitof that tP»* through. right. You- ought .to have heurr ley com - tli u< v to luvrvttifhig activity ami to thv It is very' Safe"l*'tting at this1 moment had to say to that girl.1 Tpeti she told to railways have excellent votc-prcsluciug that the general elegion* will not take her what it was. ' Mar wi’ advantage share them I detelppmeDt of enterprise; but, on the Ye'll hae your griefs : fill up your bom—» Albert's IV|iqes quitfitiva, as far a is government of the place until Sejitemls-r. !!**). That ‘Can Central bear nu» when 1 am ofhvr hjttttd,- we have to re|*ort that, with He’ll gie ye betl to bear them 1 day is voneerned. But much of thv re­ would Is* ’one session ahead of time. ! improving pnisjfofts coomk also inert» wed talking?* asked the man when he came ,out petition, andi' vouw-ifiwut thereupon mit additions to the / expenditure i* of but of the» telephone box. au ."exceptional kind. Take the opening *' House of, Common* Scotch ” ia the General J. M. Ashton Tells of the increased difficulty of obtaining remun­ A FRIENDLY T’P. “ ‘Oh. no/ said the girl, ‘Centraf can’t up of the Yukon, Which has been a re­ hear." But she did that time. name given to this famous Blend of James eration for thv hank on thv old avale, The Profits of the West Coast or ou a avalv which, in thv opinion of the gular sink hole for publie money. I’m going to Europe-again next week/* “It is to get to be a switchboard j>|H*ra- Buchanan & Co's which was selected by last supplementary, estimates have au | hatd Hang,,, tor that most telephone girls try. though Property. directors, ia voinuietisurute with thv ue- the British Parliament as the brand par vommmlation they arv vollvsl upon to at item of over |700,00U for roads, bridge* j “That so?’’ Mid Stocks. If all the managers at the Central office ford This will" be readily umlerstood «ml telegraph liuvs. | “Yes. I And UII have to go over, -though are pleasant and easy to get along with excellence, end it, hai now become the

wli. ii I inform you tb it whereas a few 'Hike again the transportation facilities , hate the job j WOUld have gone last ,tb**v like the work there. A tidepbmie popular brand throeghont the whole Britiah V. ,rs t,»ro there* was „nlv twJ. banks, ! ««»<* «hat project tyj* swallowed up a wt>ek only I have been putting It off.* girl likes her work, anyway'; She is kept Empire. ' Making Good Money -Many Oiay- il., ...... » uu.,.. than eiilt banks'* li,r«‘* ««“»«“*• F,,r th‘* >**’h**me to mi-j •; 'He never rare* to wander from his b»*y all the. time, and she doesn't know oquot, Sound Piospects Are ad « r.,r,. l ulWu^ build an elevator ©wn flrwside/ ehr* quoted Stocka. where the time goes to. SI., FROROuscio er royal coemeeiow, dit on ... oth r financial imdit-iitions who ; *«,i Montre»Montreal,I, and make s.ouv«.m.1 herborharbor im*iw ^. ..N___„, __it _ls___ n,„_ that,___ ” -uid Banks. “In stay at h..,„.. ABSOLUTELY PURE. Being Worked , _, ,_____ ■inivnii.i.i.Uprove men ts niat that point,iMitllf USa* Wellwell USas l fsuipp!vm-»i.tai i«*s , put ln a wwk.0f tsrfei t misery.*’ m*. ted so that when a men wishes to smelter, says General J.- M. Ashton, who TTiis w ill he. a mere eoinmeneemettl of j -That rather takes the edge off the talk to anybody in a building he doe*n't - f e r ThvHç problems, however, are not left MM MW has Just made an extensive tour of all solely to ourselves to solve; they ron- the wprk. Which I* iut#*nd»*d to attract pleasures of ah ocean voyage, doesn’t It T" have tn gomp nrr ttoxnrvtnirs. and a.num­ VICTORIA. the AlUerni canal and Clayikjuot sound rtUuu. .lu- diau-ttiu» of kledml ioetihu j Uu; l-r..iu, t« ..r mv iir.-»i w.m.t,, ber of people can t*c talking ottlBâdg bv.eF»; country." says the Tacoma iafl8fer. but ,1on,-. tra, a-«w. m, whw-H ; Md. U.MU* tlu- SI. routo »4 txrtatHy docs.” «aid Banks. You’re d 1 ve-cjroiaud the pond a score of «•entrai office. Where the central <»ffi«*ct General Ashton was asked as to hi» ob- wyj vtiaWe UH t„ *ht»w at. the «'lid of the f extending the Intercolonial To Montreal - ^nid 8twkf. girt w ilt have fifty wires to ait eh.I V?T on* while he was ob the Island, v,.nr n , »—ati»f»tftT Tn tkr •'*‘ T’* 1,1 iii' hideil in 1 *»»/ ' , sot used to it, 1 sugRos*' and is rushing .11 day from to tuw and he replied; shtin-hoblers. British (’r.lumtiia. —thw; -the subsidy to the 1 anadiau I aeffie geetell Banks. other, she win only have ten. and Tart Interesting to ladies. ‘•There ls a mjr.e now shipping ore on rhtef s,»*t of our oiteration*. is a conn- . railway f«*r the building of the |*,in * ••Well, no; ' *ald Stocks slowly. "1 don't of the time she dm-sn't have anything to • - thv Albtrni canal—sending its product try of large possibilities, but owing to it* J *VMt n**“* )** * 1,0 "V of think I got used to-It exactly. But the de. If i*., pretty hard for her at* first, without concentration ti» the Tacoma small population. t>f ettmtiaratirefr slow j eoiconsequence svqm nee haslias been given to other firHt ^OIN. of ^anirkness was enough. I when «the tnalês the eh a nee. and it is all Particularly invite toe ladies toil smelter-and making good money at It. development». It is gifttsl by natarPiiaturc {! »«***,line* until the present ***»2°J*-session. A large t«x>k precaution* next time. ” she can do to keep awake with so little and there arc qUHe a number Of pros­ with qualities which warrant "tin- Mief immbe^ of .j-K.-applications for assist mice . How?" enquired Bànfc*. to do. But it I* very jtnlisfaetory. for pects on the canal and also on Clayoquot that at some, future time it will rival ; were kept, away hist session on the, Well^l twaeoned tt,oav Seasickness 4, the switchboard operator ha» all; the sound wWfli are being- dvvel«>|>ed and the old country iu*popuLitiurn. wealth and ground that uo one was to In» considered raused by _aa ln tbe stomach. The rock» hoi slay si she never lm* -to work on Hnn- Carpets, ...... -.i. • ...... t- :-r 1 ------' ■ rrt . . ■ TJ.„. ..11 nff mil il II 1 >u' • -r ...... c t« thf Uro are hoi so V j Drapery «,d • to get T e»a Dcpx •‘ment* enl ely .cover thp Tvw- • to. ,tw mir t**r« imviwh* t .... . -...... -...... —, .. ------Viually the firm j -, S -oood tnfiJ 1 ird ft; ore lo ttietr’Hand- Fine Furniture j toi-juiamer. ______u . ... tii I dditurnLiii. »tmiU i ttiot dtgeated before or to a»tte that wants an qpcrati*r semis to dm < «»u 1 •omu Quarto>■ At 'he Conner of Gov­ “President A. I,. Mohler of the'Ô.- R. ET to olttuin to The bank the benefit“trr mn: works, «ouït a.-4 harbors and public build- mt-nt>non | wiMJbl W all right. Sty know 1 ' J ernment and B ought n Streets. Departments j know one g'rl wbo g'*t a jwWufîôii for hvT- f , N. Is one of the- principal- stockholder*' • ^ -- ^„>netloit * -« w ith thenh einuiniMtanon-1- *------and con- Ingtt, are Urge, but not much larger than . Ing that. Dodd's Dyspepsia -Tablet* - - - Were In this min. ; whli-i I» now .hlprlmr It» itltlon* whi.-h nhl. Wi- Aw «nppnrtral is ki "i.Tall.v lho rew. Thw nnni.wr «I ^ ( indigestion-" self. Tlic firm that she went to sent up 1 NOTE v. hrt le- you wi»h to purchase or aot w shall be pleased to shew you to the.central offi«»v inj2a*k<» them if ! or. I,..rr. an,I a Mr. Hayrs. a promln.nl U, a loyal -ml Indiialrfow -taff. and yon aWlmu-rving n..rt»,,lf It wlW br -lai.llrd „Jti , k*)W loo - mu-rruvu»! through othr extensive showrooms and make you Acquainted with the latest productions VI torts Bt’.. mpItaMst. I» also Intrrrst- an»y r,’s| it.snr.sl that, in SO far as Ik- -hat Ibrr.- ar.- any. HUhIi is giditg !.. g.-t ,taak> they would seed down Miss Kmith > , , of the manufsc*arers' art. cd 1 • in «Mr- imwrr. your tertera will an ; P'iH» grant, thi. y.sir, i. n.rt Urgrr (ban „___ , ^ th£m tor mdllum>,: non- *' * She's no «»p«*r*tor' they kjihI there. J < 2 • Tbu character of the or, on Vancou- 'h tror. by following ,, notion, policy. | in |—t jn-ara. Ch,! true ream,,, for all i|nu^ g ^ *w» will send yon dpwn“some one Who 1* vrr Island I. ulatut Ihr s.me a. In lh> to further lh/ Infenmta of thrlr ahare- llamr hla-ral graou u. that Ihu. I. t an. dld lh work- naked first-c-hss.' j, m WE1LER BROS, j | Cascade, of our own atate-s h.l.u Cyr h.ddenç It aow oiilyjyiu-in. for me f«r. m!a_. kr-.t, ,ng note and The ton-j j of ; ^ ^.wag-T alnce." ■' 'We don't nr.» *bojrt the opérai • HL». and Carrying a -mall amount of gold tnaify to t-nuaiV- “Thai * .liebleu.! be , lie rrrrnu- .xlmSIa of It. The rev. our --|d „„„ ke .., v ,,rri„i mald'a Dyg- We can julgv alsmt tlmt dqrscTvc*/ *fiid ***** atid deliver—but It appear, to be In large ...... «he 1-Map capital of the la.uk ha. been going ahead with a hound, and Tablet, on every voyage Ire made 'the Arm. and she got the position. do,...... a rather II...... -oKllnuou, lead, at the rate of bye per rent per all- , wl.ro the hour of retwe lllueio will . “No; wearing the r,*c»ivc^ is not annoy­ ing. and telephoning doesn't affe<»t the Then 1, aim, about nine per cent of Iron hum. fns- of Income ta», for the half have to come, when the drop m the Itn *1 must :nveet fifty cent* In "a box. thl* In ,1 which helj.s oui In the Huilng \ .rear •onle.l .'Huh of ...... last, payable on aud I have known *emv girls whom it made run 1 he copper will he all the way Mr.Mr T,.(».I»..IT. Oi|l.e|deyl»rk evjving. I don't lielievv 1 voul«l hear that suffi» i. nr for the day is the wjI ' , q----- > exv«i»t with my left «»«r. 1 am so u**sl to JohnMeston trumportecl to Taioma at a maximum chiiirmnn and the nr thanks will is* c*onveyed. and onr- IKH^Ic *, ( UH.I t« lhc other kit-1 of Kool.,1 I,-niter», properly Indorsed, will Carrtose Maker, te hc»rv, 1 11*- mim s teere are *0 clo»- / , . . .. . present uiu^dhcrv is uo paritvalwr reu phone girl listens to the conversation* . . , ... helve*. I have to thank you very mneh. cCirer fi'ltli the left baud. Then you bv reeHved by thv Honorable the Cnief water Jmrbor* that ovean. xeasel* . • sun lor one. and, uf course, n sa List ac- that are going 011 over the wires. At the hare tk. right hand free to wriu* an ! I,ur ot l-aud*. and Work*, Vic- Blacksmith, right, l/ . alongside, ,thek _„„mountain*n,a|n. If any. incentive. were., required1 to make*... lury. » uuh» would have to M given to Central office each girl has fifty wires, us do our uuly -more than we 11 re culled and you Bin y imagine she is too busy tin- uirv is not in tin- wav i «orU. B. V., up to IS noon of Monday, the where the ore. I* produced. , me tiovernor-General. Indore he would U ? 1 * ’ lH ,lB • , 21*1 AugHsi next, for the erection and Etc. upon t«» ib«. it Is the coufldenfv which lo be a hrstMdass ojK-rator a girl v„u»plvti»>u of a Court House at lt walaud. * “It is all concentrating ore. .It will con Vécut dissoiutiou. However/ post to pay any attention V» anything that is the shnrehobler* rejstse in us. Onr inter al history has shown Uiat mere is no *ai«l ex«»epi as she catches a word here ought to lie calm and self i*»!»sensed oOe 1 -Ttiitrite four to six tone into one. But B*o»d St., Between Pandora . • -t- aro identical with jronr own, and •litlieuity in getting up an -excuse, if the and tint»». You have t». Beep going over <*f the kiml who never gets, rutiled <>r Drawing*,teodvetug speciQealloii»,and contract mayand be'seen'atcondition* wvn now, without concent rating, and al- • and John,on. you may rest assured hi *0 Tar that in «* poiiey of «l&aoluti«>u has been decided the wires to listen and *«* if l^'lde «re *<•»«• her head. It i* a strain when you ,b# i»mvtiivlal Government utllovs at Vie- ipwli,» from tr. 10 r m MW far Irrotrarnt jM w/ „h„M .n,lwtnr . »* *"«• »m-l««r. thMeW* ■»»« 'T' • inl.T,.^». „„l to l«* «fur iIhhh. a. In 1 „| f„ mine owner* of IIS pet ton. figuring tins-s pfist. I thanHk you for your < ««m- on i J»’ average ore. The Alheral mine piiment." iApplause.i ----- —------— 1 ;**« « **»»♦*«*«»♦*«*« «*««»• - ts rto»mr4My>md t* maktnit *oed- money." (vmuiiiabu. The pr«M»eeilings then terminated." , . the' tender, a«<^ security f«»r th«- due fultll- STARTLING CONFESSION» e» it nient for the pur|sw of framing a going oti. V ' . * * no*nt of the contract, which shall be f«*r- ATLIN WINES. “l hen business men an* pretty apt to Mted If the party tend, ring decline to reciprocity treaty. As it afterwards 1 “Then you are not supposed to listen, Reliable information cao Dc A CARD. Sh«»w that 2Ti per rent, of n»«*n and women turned out no such negotiation» as Mr There is always sonic «me looking, after be cranky. They are ucrvtm* and in a enter luto contract when »»alled upde to do bad by applying to hnrrv nml ih.»r don't s*m> whv roil can't *“*• ,,r ,f f*11 to complete the work eon- suffer the -torture* of itching piles. Investi John stated ever t«H»k place, and the 1 the girls at the central office .and if they narr> and tn.> «ion t w*c way you can i fcractwl for The rlusiues of unso««wful We. t!i«’ undersjgm»«î. «lo h«»reby agree ration proves that Dr. A. W. Chase'* Olnt- wiudv election was run by u government were found listening to the con vernation gc*t the man they want to s|M«v»k t« » first tenderers w ill be* return «Hi to them upon RANT & JONtS, ncent has neter^yet failed to rare Itching ni oppouitiou ^to reciprocity which was .they '• ■ * « i r ! be I-«barged—-uo^ the first thing. They don't nmierstaml how the exc-utlou of the contract. to refund the money ua a twenty-five Tenders will not Is* con*ldered unless i HUW.B.C piles, and all these men wonMjjtflHIthen the strongHBHIi plauk of the UbqniIWHGÊÊQEÊHÊÊR ptot- tiaw perhape^ lHit .ift«»r oec# <«r twice, things. are., They. «l.«u. t realize. , , tluu. ■ < « n... ««.r out on the. forms supfdied. and , ■ Imt; f if.. l>r. Will-"* F"ngL>b IMI*. -could end their sufftrUuM.AL-ilUttLbjL..n*lttjC,i^ If«m4TIU..rm. . Still Urn,u*u,ilu- fi.mnf »uu.«Lsi-ivod at*et*, piumu" .• 'Then,VhVV» »a telephone girl cannot talk over* tral h:i*his forty-timef«irtydiine other wm*#wire# amtand »»aucan't t ; siym-d with the a<»tual signature of the WMwn»wiminm,iH if. afler using, tly-ee-fourth* of con­ It. Reores c*f thousands have been cured by ! jm»m*. and if Sir Wilfrid once makes up the line to anyone on her own wires\yx give thepi her undivided attention, ttonie t«»n«l.*rere. tent*'of bottle, they «lo not relieve t'-on- til's treatment. Everylssly ran be cured his mind to go to the- country, fie will eept to answer question*, and slit* cnn!t of the girls will soft of jolly a man along ; The k»w.«wt or any tender not necessarily when h»» i< cranky and *ay ’Number, j ■‘^V1 w g GORE, a|ip:i-i.ui and IleadHehe. \Vc also war­ In the same way. have no difficulty in satisfying Ilis fclxeel- answer back if i*e*»ple get vranky. t*fie Charles Heyward. enn't tell anything that gm*s on-over tlie’ please/ aniiublj and gef him in better 1 inqHitv C«snml* inda A Wiirka.* (Batabllehcd tSoT). rant that Tour Wttle* will pe rmaneutiy ivlie) that ilissoltrtlen i,8 peecssacy. kaiskiv$s visrr to km hand. wires, either., if. she hnp|*us to catch temper, but if a girl is nervous, ami the j 1 J»f tin» suuurn r s»ms«»n in Canada when another. e * • the real reason w by Kiiqx»r«»r Wtliiam McOILLUNIVERSITY M»M»re Jk-.L'o,. Druggists. Yates street. •*l tion* are generally tnl«!. Thv'om* is “* h»M*w one girl, though, who used to "The tc lephoiie girl gets to know in a <ÎM Tint go to ftowe* wa*. the c-ritNwl Jmre and tlie"«.tbc»r Stq.temlH-r. June I* *9«d tip# f«H* the races, and she uatxl Utile while th.» people on her One* who MONTREAL Y toria, B. < • •* -session 48»g«iebo tba frtMtari qttoathMk. 1 h«» pant and if would b» have ------1 ' • . mi 1 ■"— are alway# pleasant and she d..... tile Wia Jat'kson & Co., Bv» Douglas î*t-. letter »l«*lic «‘red on Thursday to tli • ;1 conv oi, in ScpteinlH-.r. » 1 lu-sv mouths best sh,* enn for thi*m always though 1 Matriculation F: va ml nations, prvtiniloiry ■%> When a baby Victoria. B. C. Qihn u at 0»lwrn« How by Lieut ar'' I «" »uit I hr farming aim- j rpusi say the man who ls very cranky to the various Course* of 8tinly, will be •miles in its sleep gets waited on as soon ns possible, for field as under: D. K. CauiplsdJ. Chemist, corner of •, , *v ti. j, , Bannit y voûte*! s have been prévit «ta 6. si I r. ih.-rr Tou_ StromWt .-.plain, thi, i, I it is tii* mother's the girt t* anxious tfl |rt him out of th,« i *Facwty o» Art» (Men and Women i Fnrt and Douglas sireeUi/ Vk'torta; If.tl. fond belief that reiH-ats tli^ kni|H»r«*r s n»gr«4», ami cou- barom -ti-r. wâs su« li as to throw out way. It make's »« h»t of trouble for -er tfSSfc&ÿg # Clia-. I»*. Jones. People's Pharmacy. . an angel is kiw- lk“*s'^. Li ins a promlae to visit Her Majesty [ warnings to th,» government that th»*fr tl ingtt. Nowossan If she is reported In any way. an«l “she*■“ Faculty of Law . .» tues Sep, s 79* we* Ik!- (iovemineut atreeL V ictor in, during the autumn. The visit wilt prob- pollrinrf stri-hgth was derfinfng; ;ri\ attains the *n- tike# her work, and will do the best she an j Vetcr^a^r Science .... } Sat Sep FUDOr&l DTOCtOr find Emb&lmEr D V. j______ably «s»eur near the end of Septenilce'-. of imvtingj purlutmeut in the spring of V» preme joy of wo­ «■;« it (■• ki»vp il. manhood until •In the Faculty of Arts (Revised Currl- Government street. Victoria. i-f aft«»r the Kaiser has welcome*»! the Czar tin* year a general election was sprung "Tlie telephone girl doesn’t lieor euluuO the course* are oiceu also to 1‘AR- TANK OF ltUITISH (XlMUlHIA she knows the enough of th,» eon versa ti« ms that go on TIAL STUDENT» wllhout Matriculation. . „ _ . to tiermany. There ia aome talk of a upon III»» P< k pl#c*e III see something about them in the pai»or*. F. Mulnmey was rufi down, by a train of womanhood and then sh,* retiieiwliep* the name* and Ex,.mlMtlou for first year Entrance' Ex- , 1885, ami the fodbwing y oar was a li«»t until she sees her hlfitilons 1* the Faculty »»f Arts, ranging { nu.: • i j aids. Fanis, end w ill i*r». knows who they are. She dôësnT ge* from fOO tu SI2it. will lie field <»n -the 14tfi. Sewers Rental " he Financier of July 2iitb says; mie in the province of Quchpc. Hon. baby in the cold 1.a Id v die. any of the general Information that any Septvmtwr at Montreal, Victoria, Vancou­ Tin» half yearly, general meeting *«f the Kilwanl Itlak**. who then led tin» IJIhthI embrace of death. one <1#t» iMlfiing in ,cpntaj^ with so many ver, Wlniil|»cg. and other centre». Notice Is h«vl»y glveiL5lJtiat the 31rikd*x. P/Ï V <>f ftrittuh. 1 'otirmbta was hvld yes- forces. »lg« hn -l in the < iU ,uJf l*Hiduy^ Thousands, of wielnee daily wdneve w<>- The Roys b Victoria College, (he^W^- resi­ of ls the Tskt dity for gltbg Ifr/ij :«t The 'f'ftmwff Strwt hotel. Mr. after nflWrtng To Hiiiad.i from a txlpT’Tilnh.owl'i «upremest joy. only to nucctia dential collège for women, will- be ready rent, due ~f«»r- thv ye*r ISHfi, under—Hie The Mill Cannot Grind l . Ibl-Ar..lb.-FI«.,1rt. tlmt he wmtui ,toA rw A0\ », mb « months Met. .» New Yorjt THbow. for «K-ciipatlon th ffi'ptcmber. Sewer* Rental Ily-Law. 1X>8. Kerry .1. (iardiner in the chair. ‘Upremeet sorrow This is because so The McGill Normal School will be re. Iu default of .payment at my office. (M»y Mr. ft. <^unemu Alexambr. secretary no pint form ont of the Region senffoM. lany babies are born into the world with openetl on 1st 8epiemln»r. ‘Hall, by the said ."list day r.f July, the a til maiutgvr. r*»;v* t th«- notice convening »with Water That’s Past." but tlurfng ,»i jeix hours' S[H*ech in the »c seeds of death already sown in thtw HONEST ADVICE FREE TO MEN. Particulars of Examinatl«>ns. and c»q»le* said rent will In* eollécte,! hr pr«K ,»ss of • House of Commons in 1S.SG fi«- arraigned of the Calendar, containing full Informa­ law. <’HARLES KENT. • thn mcwwifig. - ttle bodies. If a woman would have tion a* to Conditions of Entrance, Courses I’ahby, robust children,„ftrvag. able Collector of the Corporation of the City of Ti»*.» el>airman sni-1: “It isl*_ niatP-r of This is what a fagged out, ■ffiv-gori'm-rm-tit ns hHIng respônbfbfe fhr Tha Time* is. requested to publish the of fthidy. Regulations for I>egr,>e». ExhlM- regr«»t to tt|e directors, as 1 ans sure it th,. outhrehk and eondemne»! the execu­ o withstand the usual little innésâc*oî ttnn* and S»-h«dar*h!p*. Fees, etc..-may be CH.v Tcvssurer and Odleetor's office, htidhood, she must “ look before ebe following: All men who are nervous and will lie to yotirselvm, that onr estecmèil tearful little -woman said in tion of Iliel. It w«* on that «H*eu*ion obtained on application to t.rty Hall, Victoria. B. C.. July 10. 1WB. I Fa woman will take- the proper care o! debilitated or who are suffering from W. VAUGHAN, Registrar. ch ’ ;hi'hi. Sir Robert- (iilli spi,.». i-» not telling her cares and weak­ thaf Sir Wilfrid Laurier delivered hi* any of the various troubles resulting pr, '-'ii g at this meeting to-day. He is greatest urnthin. her health in a womanly way, during tin from overwork, excess or youthful er­ de! 1 at hojlfc by iiuU*|*»sjtiou. and nesses. Her friend encouraged It «ill In* remembered that in, 181*» period of prospective maternity, She maj ror», are aware that most medical tirm*-1 For SaB-Point Ellice Boathouse. des:r»'M nu* to say bow sorry he is to t»c by telling of a relativi who Sir Riehur»! Cartwright stump»»,I the jiotect herself again: t much pain and sut- advertising to cure these conditions Trafalgar Institute »«n '»4e to—occupy Un- choir on thin...oc- pmuhicy of Xlutsrto frtmt «Vnr rmi of it to String and powible death, and msnre the Owner leaving the oopntry; grssl paying health of her child. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite cannot be relied ipOB. Mr. Graham, a (Affiliated, to McGill Uolvj»r*lty.) , business: small lupltal required. Good , N ■ • v. u ■ ill,',: hafjust such troubles and was t’n» other in favor of uurestrict**»! n»* resident of ixmdoB. Ont., living at 437j Ptiescriptionf luiijiu-Mi isi- theill! greatest(jirJUMHI of all«Ali medicinesIIIVE41 UUCP I ------•------• ------■----.---• SIMPSON STREET. MONTREAL. site*, no rough water, no shlpiking. bring cust-itimrv t«i present accounts • of the cured by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. 1 n !'■»« ';: v. It \mi.i takimt a slr.mg hsM for prospective mother*. It act* directly Richmond street, was for a long time close to the Arm. Only bout house thl* „ bark's affairs at the July martini, con- upon the people. Sir John Mac»ilanaJ«l end »»f th,» « > reasonable , The Jitile woman now .has tears of on the delicate and important organ* that a sufferer from above troubles and af­ — For the nighcr fMucaiton of I’rvpririor, s'Treot- ttfsrn- t"be esrlv 4a4v»-at-w«4»i*4i saw that this w#e* the <•«*♦*. «ml mtb- bear the burdens of maternity and makes ter trying In Tito many advertised reme­ joy, for «be took Hood’*, whicii put her : Print. Blllce Boat II<»o*e, Victoria, if. C. Jjbe imaging is always held. 1 hinted ac- cf than meet parliament at the eleventh, them strong, healthv. vigorous and elastic. dies, electric, belt*, etc., became almost YOUNG WOMEN , ' - trhwvt-m prime order, amt -ehe Hves on hour Ï5IST' for «Tlssoïittum on" flSe Very it aireys iifciwismHear mur ulceration, entirely discouraged and hopeless. Fin­ the strength of the prenent instead of soothes pain and tones the tortured nerves. ÉW MARKET------—to' shareholders, w hvh they have Iss-n Exam­ grounds that Sir Richard was enmpaign- ally he confided in an old Clergyman Vlee-Preshlent... .A. T. Drummond, LL D. worrying about that of the past. itig. although the y tews nre«eute»l to the It banishes the usual discomfoils of the Principal ...... - | * ^ ined aftlr arrival from the Pacific coast. expectant period and makes baby's advent who directed him to an eminent skill­ . .Mise Gra,s* Fairley. M.A.. Edinburgh. ' f cnn. however, inform yoti I hut the re- Humor- ‘ Wh»»n I need %. Mood purifier people were of a very different kind. The ful physician, through whose skillful M. VASELATES I take Ihsid’s Sarsaparilla. It cured my ta this world easy and almost painless. It The Institute will re-open on ■ *uii* as ti»1egraph us justify tfie"di­ most ini|»«irtant point in the Premier's insures an ample supply of nourishment. treatment a speedy and perfect cure was fr.lt., Pro4we. Ceefectlwn humor and It Is ex«*»!lent aa a nerve tonic.” 6nmif.*sto of that day was: “À British Tuesday, l»»h September, I8UH. rector* in r«-comiwnding n dividevul at Josix Eato#. Stafford Springe, Conn. % It is the greatest known nerve tonic and ! obtained. *Im Ice Crt«n Parlors. the rat*» of 5 js»r «s*rit. |*er annum for the «ubjeet I was Inirn. a British mibje»»t L invigorator for women. All good dealers Knowing to his own sorrow that so For proopectua and other Information ! Erysipelas Sores “After.scarlet fever half year, carrying forward a balance wlH die:" and* the campaign cry was: selMt. Say “No" and stick to it when many poor sufferers are being imposed apply to thv Principal or to A. F. RID- , Give 08 s rail. We receive fruit by every i running sore was left on my nose. Too* urged to accept a substitute said to DKLL, Swy.. 22 ÜL Job* #U. Montera». learner from sir pohvrw exit snff tee mtt *!ightlv ill « xerss of th<|t which. “rt* "jy. ■Tut - luotFw m -in^^ upon fey umwniputews (|wflrtr, Mr. Gra­ 1 ricee. Cor. Johnson and Douglo* streets. Su that tivre was notliiiVg renl- Prescription. ' ham consider* it hi* duty to give hie pr'»s«*nc*‘ of the shareholders here to-i the reasons for'.a general election ! had^jniscarnr.t twice and was so weak I fellow-men the benefit of his experience Teachers Wanted. indicates their t desire, to hare iirfornui- givei (ir I li< P\, » llciu v but political could noeaUnd ->n ,ny feet.*' writes Mrs. Miaak and assist them to a cure by informing ANDREW SHERFT, tioh a* to the existing state of business rxigencit^, in each ease furnlsheil a good Smrttr, 1*. * . of Lowell, Um Co.. Oregon. "I anyone who will write to him in strict took two bottlea of Dr Pierce s Favorite Pre­ Apfillcatlons for post Hems as teach,-rs . in British Columbia. Dn»g«m and I’ali- «-owgli reason to go to, the country at a scription end now have a healthy baby and am confidence where to be cured. No at­ will be- received bv the uiidc-rKigiit'd until I fornin. am! nls«» it* to the pmspeets of rime when voting was a gn*nt incotiveni- stronger than for twelve years." tention can he given to . those writing noon on Wednewlay, Auguri Wh None but ; out of mere enrlooity bat afiy one who holders of first class certificate* need atq> y. foii „ plumber*. the nr sent'half year Our advieihe stati» ence ami wh«»n it was impossible to h»fld The quick constipation - cure — Doctor F II EATON in that, the indien fions of trade, whether a* Hood’i Mile ears Hrw tils ; tta nsn-irrUstlng and coe»fMts in such districts ** Algomn. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets Never gripe really needs a cure Is advised to ad­ Rm. TriM,«Ml Cat Blanchard Cue, Steenn >r< regards, t'allfornja. Oregon or British oiTij cathartic ti» tsho with HooJ»« gsresparilTs. The unseasonable pericsl at which the Accept no substitutes cr imitations. dress Mr. Graham aa above,- Victoria, V. C„ August 4th. I860. Tala» has# fa» Met V ,ii i Fire

# |MdM lUtiord Armstrong. W*!* .h..;u«utnln*' P*—&>»«<** th. -tod.A X WHWlMrY » TRNN1B. and her iertances a* ross the waters. How VIOTÔBIA MARKETS. long this splendid race cam withstand the d«t «r twb*w"W WkBvtmi**- ] »;«. .»rfKU.< »•«"»«. ^ ^tu, to 1U. AnBaill corroding Influences ot material prosper­ The anmramt »h«t U» «*•«4 which supports th. .builrtin*., »nd by thi* ,, Twinll-rm of «he vMorte Mu 1» 4o the relief of the, thrifty house­ ity. luxury and case, coupled with ad­ wife ml*» has grudged the high prices ask­ company purpueee enlarging it* capacity Ricans reached the ground. It split the, TennU tluàk j provincial jjeWs. | of 3,000 tone dally well. 1* wlttbH»lte.p*irt»V' P __ ^----- vancing age, before joining the procession ed for p^ftatooa daring the past montbr the quotations for the edible tuber have iug « refinery here for the treatment <>t meter. Into two or three pieces and tore ieeterday we* another day of iuterwtlug of dying nationalities. Is of course pro­ the matte naturally evoked a great deal' up the ground slightly around it. contrat* cm the Belcher wimt t.eiuUi tvmrt* blematical. But, in their cold northern ilH lined to a point w 11 bill th«* reach <»f the MwwwwmwMPMfn cHniatc, completely Isolated from jealous i.ixllnary pun-hanM-c. The #riee 1* $1.25 a pf enthusiasm. Between the residence of Mr. McBride aud the wm.HUlal stage rea.-hed leftev.-ry- „el,h. ^ .,h tHel„ le The. guest.* wire: ÿ. II. <’ .Miner. and Mr. Goaset t-heee Is a vacant lot. A neighbors, with their phlegmatic tempera- ItuatLccd.. a reasonable ttguiv . whew the W |l 1 TK^ ATim. nght Wq» U tak.-n - intp^cbaalderatlon. I JohnMeston MUat .,r the «metier rompah-. 7v • v as », x.,«r..r,l,v tb»Fbetween It. U. "• m - 1 enu rooqeraie apegcuep, n The «apply of Ash i* very unl-ertafn," Then* te an ^gitutkm against P. «raves.'f the Win Farwell, gt-nerul man-, large as three feet in diameter, struck the pogi-ll dud IMly. which -wnwIt seemed r*»g toat win.one \ '------v‘.‘"\7" ...... ' T , 7f * ' ,7 " 7' ,7 ' --c Herr. ' J.aee no. sign, $»f decay In this virile nation. Local lies 1er» bn re ewn bwm farced to CMTlaSc Maker. - or elg.H n-«rt hi circumference. 'fhe hall 1 e1ly. however. ’ picked up in "the -wroiwF" . - - , - , _ • -YM|R | n. n. Brawn' Q. n..'â i . -it. • t- p.in R.or.r'iiinirr- HHpSff from the ËW rtffe: rmt senwfimr t . ...1 l> -cuke, Une.; U. Stevens, a <11director. of electrical Are shot out small streaks *t.i. wMbh h«- took, with • ptur- , Italie F. Perry, In Brif-cuirure. firm st lust week's quotation*. KoUowiug The iKHly of tm* late j *>. urwnxui Waterl«M». Que.; W. H. Robineou, man- ,n al, directions Ope ball separated lug the third wt with the *ame so.we. Mr. B£A tNVENTION8 THAT WE NEED /y• recovered from the Siilic u HWI ag^r 0f the Eastern Tbwnehlps Bank, from me main mass and rolled leisurely XbisN deserve* «<*t*wtal «milt for the ex- c ate the ruling prices: • • Etc- fhst Friday, awl ****** *n “ttt Granby, Que.; E. M. Camtll, New Vork; towards the east for 30 or 4» feet and dis- « client Judgment he has dlsglayed throbgn- , * would-be inventors who are confident >* our— og#vJe’s Husairlan/ per bbl.f •• £0 Ihm*u held, which decided that tue un- ^ White. Montreal: A. B. IN. appeared, and another went west and dis- of their ability>do devise something, that Luke of the Wood*, per bb... 6oU Bnoad St., Bftwefn Pandora fortmmte nutn was accidentally dcotvncu superintendent of the smelter; <1|gw,Hr«.,] alter about the same distance Mr. Hurd had « » easy thing with O. g. will make .them famous, and yet do not lAVli-U a, -i»er bill...... tt.AU and Johnson. on May 13th hist, the funeral took place ^ c numerfclt, Victoria, and Dr. had b0vn traversed. In Mm. Campbell a Holt, although be eventually won.; Mias O. E„ per bbl...... 6.001» Mkt know exactly where to start, are advised 8uvw Fluke, per bid...... 5.00 At 1 mlr. I Northrop. . 1 house near by. the teakettle wgw k tux-bed Kttcy, - the Seattle lady ihampiun, ,w«# not to study an article mintiibuted to Mod­ Calgary Hosf...... " -#ü UAnTm»> I*1 hi* introductory remarks afr. -'-f®' Qg the < hair, and In another hoûse a h.» fi*rtmuitf In her match with Nile* ft« r ern Michlnery by Dr. Robert Orimshaw. 1'reiuler, per bbl...... 6 W ,, •- M vliubil mill.' vougraluliti-d the .. <1 plonMT» Vo llttlnK , chairwe» thrown to the ! ridge. tlM-f lattw of whom pl*ye“ such•«* men uts mi. m?.T\Jîi; hh «, flbbr by m violent electric rfiock.______In______fbct. game. MIhh ItHcy gave a very remark things that the shipbuilder needs hot as luapector. I» her* to mvvKtigate Vu* re-1 (jn|veel an(j tfit4r friends had located Wheat, per ton ...... au.otwsaw*) 'thë rMld.nce »W* ill«lJai> ',« »n<> »«*'"•« '»* «round feed, per ton...... w »”rr.A^ ^ ‘vtTta'JS/s Vegetables F nx*u!ie«l ns follow* tion of half-burned and still burning pow Potatoes (new), per W0 lbs.. ilvr. It. J. f"IrwiUjr Ü,P “who 01ha* ,w been for I riKtt|lv smelter would go hand 2Æ! in hand. After orzHsL clock, going In Tyby -the£ CrownSts Point u y vuweU gnd 1. liangwurthy defeat- ! der gr*||Mi. .; .^ _ • jti...... Water «res*, per boneb.-vi.. ...“ paring a tribute to D. <5. Vorbin Cor A,ter luncheon preparations were f ,f1 Ul.H, oxlade and t.leui. «sy, R. N, I 'The exclusive use of Iron, as advocat- Watermelon ...... 7.... 40Ô some time past lhring near Xîrrad ' cd by constructors and combatants. i‘*td»age. |»er Hi...... ;. is paying a" visit to his1 relatives in Cw vinuiupening. .ip and developing—. —tnc ------Kooten--- *s Marra** drfwlcd ■ < iK-uniWs. Island, each . .. . -caa'aad "Treait -Late mining diatnets, ,|lp Bnundnrj- aa w elt » the Reaer the finish when Spring made a splendid Mia* Arrow smith and Miss Klngsrotll d 4. ! but Is for warships of no use; the entire Cucuihtiers, Dale, per do*.... speaks in high praise of alt he «aw >“ ,utiliu UI1 „>„,h ...... f lier line w ill stiurt and finished about two yards in f- 2. - 7 • ' ...... ceiling, sttiee. and Aoor can not be so Uadluhii*. 2 butwhes for...... treated, lo the second place, quarters so Rhubarb, per tb ,,t. Heeled tenders, t»rvperly Indorsed, wtll that section of,the coentry. ... ' In* smelted in Grand Forks aud vicinity, the lead with Vener second and Adams <1. V. « 'npragr «b-feateit W. Hlttos-**. far rots, per tb ...7777.*..... hv reiilvixl by the Honorable the Chief treated In grèot surfaces would bo un­ Mr. W. L. 14viugstvne. fonnvrly brake- ( Miner in reply *.iid that when vis third. Townsend did not finish. The ÉÉMI— Turnips, per IT» ...... < ommlaaioner of Lands and Works, Vic­ limn ..n the local t’.iu uliau Pacifie Bad llu.„ the BoumUry for the !ir*t time a long dive #areasily won by Adams. Ven- ît A. Hunt tWfi-stcd H- I* Hott ^îî comfortable or even untenable, and the FI*B— toria, fa. up to 12 noon of Monday, the r 7 go comfort of olBeers and men U * Salmon (smoked), per Tb.... n-ay line, and who has recently be<4i sta- , vvar ;lg0 with Mr. (iravesy he had sikcvl ner getting second prize. A mon* it hose -1st August- ne At, -fur the erection and - W It. ft- Iv.H-oll nimÎ Xfrv. TshlrTt^r ÎvJ-*To- TKelF 'heaTCh""and'eflNvKmiy Th the" Salmon (spring), per Ibv f Honed at Vernon, will relieve Mr. W. H ;i{J i# # i»ter.< (Olympiaa), per pt.... complet loo of a Court Iioane at llossla nd, Baker baggage master here, while the jng on rrery limb. After returning home Liwn, Bllverstone. ' Herp. Morkill and A T. «jowan: «ml Mis* Howard 1) 7. tt-2. third.place, am h a coating would not only «tyster» iKaauru), per Chi.;.. B.=V. X t tjowanl deferfted <1. V. Ctit*page- be highly InAammable, but would gener- Drawings, s|#ei4flceliMui. and ttoodltli na latter i* ><|M*uduu£ a uiuuth *»f two- in a, uvW task devolved u|K>n him. He s» t palmer. It. Is understood that those gen- Halibut, per lb...... Englaud. . to work to c*>mpleU* the organisation of tlemen were at the lake principally for g4,( ate noxious gases in burning.’’ of Iwmlerlug and contract may be seen at The funeral of the lute Newton A- various western enterprise* in a man- the purpose of looking into ita advan- U. II. Powell aud K. I swgwvrthy defeat Dr. Orimshaw tells us that marine con- .m the deck. Improved boat-tow. r- Farm Produce—l Ea« h tends r must be accompanied by an Fourth street, to the Oddfellows* Ome- . ||e river valley. The reduction Work* ' 7.------'■ TLX—...... - ' Egfts (Maulioba). per doz,... t« rv The «crvices were - held at. the were located here, purely as a buaiuvas .The aanwtl U»U Lake* price tbi> «-vcnlug i»g davieo* for ocean ateamitra. gun-car- aei-eptcd Imok cheque or certlEeatv de iiMtm Egg* tUtaud, fen*), per do* pogrr. matte paraCTe Vo the andtiwigtmJ. house by Bev. Mr. Bftts. pastor of the mterprisc; H» awweiate* at the name !****< MMM tù riiè Hotel Hrtimt, e*.«n»n«-mdHg at i»iih*. rlag^s that will nut rack a war-ship to Rutter AlHtUa crewowagr)...... equal to fivt» per . or If he fail to complete the work con- Advices have been received here from i)UKjnt and twautifyl and picturesque safeguard It has for centuries protect- Improved ash-hoists, better steam-blow- ltacob lAuierlcau), per lb.... I tracte»! for. The cheque* of unstKxmteful t»-nUemw will W relurn»il to them iqiou Glacier, in this province, of the achieve- Kurrouudlngs. The fiiim* <»f the Kettle A Rich Strike. ad her from those vicissitudes of fortune era. and properly constructed marine con- I la 0011 (Canadian), per tt»..... the riN'iilM of the contract. meuts, vu July 2Uth, by Count IXPrince r|vt.r valley hud nlmidy sjir^d Inyond Bacon trolled), per !b...... Messrs. 8. A.' Hartman and C. M. that retard the progress and sooner of la- denser*. He also visits steel rigging with - Bacea pesg eiewry, per Jb... 1ÎÜ Tender* will not. be «* . . 8m fble Title' to the East half of Boitions were accompniued by Christian gdtkh Colombia irt rich, the t i t r* Blanch field have been doing considerable To do her justice. England Is the great­ •chains' hftd ~Th*nhels‘ are rapidly disap­ Apple*, per It» ...... Six id) and Seven (T), Range Sex en H des from nudeed that the Bwadafr wag the rich- work on the Ark mineral claim, situated est civiliser and liberaliser in history. The pearing. and eye-bolts are taking their (VIL) tjmtmicbaii District, uu-1 the at the head of 1«-Mlle and Clearwater English subject, wherever he may be '" we«t half of Section BIx (6) Range Switzerland. When the party reached in4t of tnem all. !Ie desired to trankly places; but it 1» too much to expect six A prient S '...... Right tVili) Quamicbau Diatrict. ex- niè iKirp “p.-»k of Sir D.uvil<1. Ih<-.v found admit timt this priïlno w.aa lbe hope ,-f—*" Th* (,r”,Krty **■*••■■ “,r'* Canada. Australia, or Afrtcw—nas more feel In length of hemp at the lower end f.rapiii. per Tb ...... <• P* l»srt (4.7V) acre*, thereof, which a alone mound in which was enchiahj a Eastern Càmt|r farwell slaleti.thal his bank had ere also contains copper to the estent of not one of whic h is overlooking opportu- ocean steamer—particularly on >me of the Laving an estate or Interest therein, or in Work haa twin oontmcnotsl on the new |b,|,cd an agency here ticcauae it three per cent. nltles for territorial -acquisitions. All are •greyhounds* that cut thefrr way through About one month ago my child, which Is some part thereof. - 8. Y. WOOTTON. Granville street t.ridge contract. j had faith in the Boundary country and The Rambler-Cariboo. j+alous of England because by reason of Uje water and always have wet deck*— ! Afteen months old. had an auerit of «Har­ Tlte Hastings mill stinted up in fui* faith in Grand Forks. . , bor preponderant maritime i*>wer she knows that the gurring- of the screw ' rh I though if would only hsv«* a capacity of' have been shipped to the smeller, which always Aght when it Is necessary, or makes every partition vibrate. This !.,vVeU every twelve boor*, and we were session, for an Akl |«k incorporate a com­ officers las ■ V a «1 in .V*) ton* daily at the outset, two years will average about *2,806 to the car. it is pany with power xo construct, maintain when there Is anything tp be galne.l by makes traveling less pleasant and lea- ii>nvluce»l thut ttnlees It soon obtained• re­ snd oj.emtc a line of railway from Beeihjr A prtHtf ,s'/ , whi-n hence would wv a smelter with a capa-j antlclpatetl that when #) feet more have 1L At one time when her commercial *ens the- number of transoceanic psssen- lief It wvuhl not live ciinml-er'aln's St. Paul** Chqrch ouW ''7. • ‘ . , eity of at least tons daily In oj^ra- been driven In the long drift tunnel tlftit Cholera stnl IHarrhofA Rcnwily wax rècwm- Ray or 1*«skier Bay, Vancouver Island, to int$^r$2ilji,..tnd national existence were me- gerS; but it has a still worse effect—It ÆAliee Mande, eldest «laut' ‘ **r • ' tion. He hop.*lg ore vhufe7 meudtil. anil I deijiled to try It. I soon a jMilnt at or near Langford Station, on ii&ced, alone she antagonised practically nicks the engines themselves, particular- the line <-f the KsquimaH ami Xamilmo It. HArdimom of \ an«-oin wurk|n> |he ,„nlracln„ .urfa.r. and along the West Coa*t of Vancouver Br..m,grov^h.«lim,1 , ««*» w„rllL [«,. hart nnvnr !lief We seen such t lu» 11 onliuery iiujiortauce, and the develop- by working the contracting surfaces' vâ. F»r asie by Henderson Bn^ . Wh7 ■ telund, lo ImI Id and ojierate telegraph or ™HUI perfurunsl b. Her , H. ' . - u IWMW|«d„ », wrm f.,u.Dttnd In the Bonn- •ti.ent which ha* been done during tj»e sune onquesta In actual war with the might­ against each other and making the rivet«. 1 Agents, Victoria ami Vancouver. • telephone lines la conuetdiou with the *ai«l Hugh- ■ • Abcrcombie.» a ■ « • - • theI. .. ..nmx tlirtl-iioiv 111man IIII rUqiee m the periA oT, yeaf «pé W-46HP 4» become I:'ude ami n-retve bonfliuw aud cvnee-xiiine the Nile In 1788 completely frustrated Nn a band-car and a locomotive at lias > Cuba and Mexico. l-toduclng uiim-s l»efure anrihetgucnr-. , ert I withwun 1it.». •. .• . The. SSTT HITlife V»of «a ’1racer/ “VV. , late ( xar whii’s adjutsht. c»inmttt.il., from lu«livl«luals, gov.riuuenlM and tlittnl- ings on Tuesday evening. i* doing . —o----- The Dsti-Ua show* « large, innmrot of poleoa^s mysterious designs Inn EgyptK*rpt nnrtand cr J M'ltdiL W steamahlp e»Hiipirhfi»»i. ati'l f«»r all other - pital. His face Was hadty cut ajtd the w Raterson. a young man from East- j the (Mine character of ore Is, iUM-ouiitervd ■pile of has resource», in spit e of h . rot.- wl m.rlno rover- I'n-^l b, the ISTIW slh^lnr lb.- < » r. powers, rights and privilege* which may calf of one leg lacerated : ern Canada, met with a serious accident ! ;(k ,u t,„. rar|lec »„rklug ^ the *li*fi. flnental victories and hisa Berlin12 url 1.1 .de,T. ­- ' 'wit»ii... to go out.... —rtdtntfl.K — ahuri. (oU wnfeawtod.» nfi <11 Tit'l . I be conducive to the attainments of the crees. domination of the seas enabled the The has hoen. kppslgtvd an above Objects or any of tb«T». On W«ine*day's liiRKTial Limited there while ^out with the Morrison party of tM* shaft will be sunk seven feet further Gettihg back to war-ships. Dr.v Ortm- Dated at Victoria. IL C.. the 14th d-iy .arrived a squad of tittvvu men of "Mhe proapcclnr» last week. They were ox- | a,^| ran to determine the people of this Island—a mere dot ou the Hhaw tells us that smokeless powdgr is (»M"«Tc « .imp to the t’sar. • of July. I8i#tk Xurthw'eiit M- half-burned grains are unpleasant thing* mluiiHi of Canada, at il* next session, for MH^vrmick'a logging camp, was crushed very badly hurt and w hen taken to. the ,,f convent rat ing ami whipping ore bring on on international affairs than our own re- to have -driven into one’s face, there du Act lnc«»r|N»ratlng a company with to death by a rolling log before hi* fcl cabin and an examination made, it wm Hie dump cen. victories-of Manila and Santiago. seems to be a good opportunity * for a power to «ntubllsh. maintain and operate a line of railway ferry boats between the low-workmèn |uid time to warn him of found that hie spine had been injured. J W. M. UpragiW I» working a number of No doubt - Tor ages 10 come, bnum, chemist to produce n ‘J<»ne*tte’ or a frowning down from her chalk cliffs, i»»rt of Victoria, the harln»r of Been-by the danger In- win in. Th* body w is Sunday evening, between the hours riaiaai* In. thr district, and rxpiwssro. him 'Smlthite/ or some other kind of an ite,' Ray or the hart aw of I’eikler Bay. In t to lirought down for burial here. The other of tttrvw- Bum ^ and lÇairt 7* TtAf avemfr.7Hem ttrsgwTAtite - t4e*n,. Ate>- Wiishlngton. I'nlfeil States, with |w»wer to y. will «M*tst4*M*e 4*» send hwt .flicLuma gram* the' *118 Of à walnut mmy be eo iuan‘of tlie Se curity mine. w.H* i/ 1 wa* entered by burglars at\d the whole petfl Bufl OeeroWb 80 far they wsn-tw convey--oaes. - psasengi-r# and Jrejght - tailed) ‘tweeu eUiier or all «»f nuld pm# ur har- with a tit while bathing. He sank in house ransacked. The burglar entered the iw.eqMit State. (In the Re ms Horn te»rw. ami --onneet w*th one or more lines givtsp water, but wa* jd’uckily rcsvmxl th(. house through one of the ftont win- $.x*) hns lieen ex|*Mcl.'»1 -»n «Wotopwriit. Must Have a High Explosive Effect, CURE of rkllwey nt the enld port of Port Aw- 1,v Mr, BnaAs, and '.wiiu the nssb»t*iTfcC ^cw#4 Once Inside the house the Intrtid- The dttwrtW (J the- ora 4a that W»Wy, “ not be readily set off by com asslon. must jedarhe and s* lie* • all tbstnmbl gelew. and with power to cimetniet, main­ Suffered More resist flatnpnrs* tolerably: ereU. and pot. Ktl« » bURW* .Ç ■»»«.*b« sroyy- tain and operate a Hue of railway totweeo of Dr Keith, the Van Anda X’qmpnny'a t.r miUie a deliberate search for money, that on the Esteila. Th- ur«‘gon U only mSmmm. Has—(W P1B»rstosito-l>isSssaa ailm‘. nuld l adder faay ur Uee« hy Bay uuid Lang- i.bysicsan, was shortly after revive*!..and turning over everything in sight, ripping j represented Uy ^twuuit work. Five him alter Us characteristics by age; must not £Sn”^ln lotto Sida. AC. XVhli. their most fvrrl S*atlon. ou the line of *he Ewiuimalt is u»»wnow littk'lit the* the wofwr for hi* dip.I H| 0fl. .pillow BH covers,^HB upsettingPi . the contents f Vaneonvi-r SICK te!»ml. ami to build wharves »t}d ware- ever. to detenûlno the chief values. The I Used to ptit too great a strain on the ,brpe< h thcmtM»l.vvs into a ut^oo. The mewling but tfie thief made off with a watch, and Bitoroto. I-I Carter’s UtUe LWsr Hfie ,v. h»Hiant no«l operate telegraph stpl te,e: was called primarily tp iIîv«-uhm the chaln Crescent shown up a wren foot vein which of the gun before the phot bee, got start- MMfilirvsbwbWlnCM«tl[MnU.fi.c>inn«sndprfi MUU tme MrneyloacnmpIfiiuL while tbey liai pho«i«- Hue*. In eonm*i*tloti with the *alther “ HEAD railway or atoaiuship companies, wnd *» the canstittitj'Hi of the Journeymen Bar- fl#t at a point near the corner of Third town, (ells the facts of his .-see as follows: made from materials all of which aro Irwr wnnMLbs almost priceless to torwewkS other iiowi-m which may to t,> Tiers’ rnti*rhan.»ftivrt T)tf.n i>f~ Anwticflr-^—nuê“a bolt - KHKCMiATiHM ri'KKD IX 4 HOURA «Pop fifteen ycarii 1 mflfer.il iii.r.»rd rbtslnable nut merely to the -country- -of ♦he atlaleniwt -of -ti»* above w.'t'--- 'Hie officers eieet**d were : Mr. l.eorgc atruck the residence of Mr. P. D. Mc- Mgony from blind. Utdhlng idles, and van . manufacture, but In the nelghltorhood of walaly the! r enad j**s dooa notenâ here>»d th <* July. 1HI?* — q)rnt; Mr. Harry Odin, secretary, ami Hhe do without tton-. But after aUalakhsad Mr. J. Davidson, tremmrvr. Stune »>« ,n as down wart course It struck A" a very painful attack of Itbciuintlem In under treniment with well km.we physicl the Antshed prodwrV If the material can my right shoulder, and could not attempt names were signed to the roll, and more brUih Wfi|Cfi had been used to polish the ans In Orillia» Petetboro and I*akefleld. have a high aperlflc gravity, an a* to to raise my arm. so great was the pain. liave ftinee been added. The . immty staÿj lt tore thla into matchwood. Then had Afteen tumors reenovid, but obtained dlmlnfeà the bulk to be carried for A friend procure»! a bottle of («rtflWis* Men wiyavlng question was Kitiiimnn y « ispos ^ inlo a |>an and smashed It. Mr. no punitive can- given weight and for a given explosive the! Liniment, ami in less than foor horns .ii of It was advoented to take legal effect, so much the better." McBride waa sitting in the north side of th»- pain entirely left me nfnd ha* not “I have suffered m«»r»» tb:m I Am tell, ,11>. to fit.mp it ..ut It t..-iuf Bfirt-rot-v. the kitchen engaged In lacing hla shoes. butI MU can«-mi. now say th.it,mai thank* toi" Dr.••• vFrom •' all this, says the Literary that etmenrw wme suOciflnt (i-aae's -Oint aient. TTfitt1 prttffTmffy rim»*;4 x«ftt Tfie lightning passed through the right Hiver.’* » rents by all druggists. to cause a eonvictloii. ishoe and rendered it unAt for further and by one.and a half boxra. I civnahi-r Inventor ha* plenty of work rut out ffl" use. Then the Auld passed north-through Herman lianser. tre*snri*r of the IlemUt tbl* atnmlsrd ointment worth Its weight in him. even If he con Anon himself to j7 OJLAXD FORKS. Squar.- theatre, junqs-l from the Brw*l>1i Orsfid Fort.. ■*“*!!*. Twie. tuqderod„n,i,.r,.,i another■ partition,h, t„,k .and „u ,Into of «fisthe- frontcarpst room. .nrt A brtflge yesterday. He wax rescued. It is Dr. Chase's -t tint nient le known through­ v „ n. 1 net Siitnrdiiv night to the > isit- eA nnrt shan-b'rtdvrs- of the «»«• ed »*l coal oil lamp Into frag stated 'brifnmped frortt « mr it«> gratlf* s out the world as the one and positiva cure The contl mn-d tifmtght 1* raiwln n*lnb, Conaolirtate.1 Minin* * m'n" ThU was on the table on the child’s desire to see some one Imp from, for piles; 60a a box at aH dee>rw, or deal ot arxlriy In rcgaid to V cü’unr-7 --- their Tartou, mining _ north side of the room. Another section j ihe hdrtr-. r Fsdmanpon, Bat« ft Co., Toronto, water supply. inf I

!• rtr...


Udfiib-Xlte. ;.r .msL». from Southampton. *p»e big fellow looking; well: lie™ hgs already 1* r-i 4 4 pv ins—Final hew#; Ctwb Knur*, winners “spotted** by the London publh find use soap. The Strength Sporting flews. of first an.! Kluia*-rf.*lt i large crowds gathered whenever be en­ ALBERT jHIPrWO NEWS r. p. t"n. Senior singles. Hr. J.*f>. HHnc ters or leaves his hotel. Jeffries is sc he If your fancy is for a Tar Soap yom hafpkninqi of a Day Atone j ken. Cup. X ndle, from cleft» boeae round duled to meet Charlie Mlt< hell here Jn a THE WATEnmOMT. I buoys off Honpltal I VS at and return; poet ten-round go some time between AutfusI will find the best in our Increased YACHTING. tat* an.» :».th «LKNCAIKN AWARDED THK B X« > - 4 :^.V j*. n*.~ IVterburw mwe I modem). nmrf JA«‘KH<»N <-HAU.EXC,Kl> BY <1**n, *« mile, from Hub booee round lmoys * I According to mall advices received from DorVel# iAug 3.—tiros t Interest was tax A N OLD TIME UlTONEXl. The First Battalion Becomes the uwt>rteot .vi#torta-m*y »«*n a*v» »i«*un e*r I» te-ttay * swwv whltdi:,w**->u- h»*«: .and, frteru. *fci|> connections with Manila, via ljkmg- ,111!' ik;i I*' 1,1 J»nW singles, M»lla,.dl.l.,.- rup, AHliotigh IMF uut y.-t buna fixed MASTER MECHANIC’S fifth Regiment With Six koeiK The Nlpjwui Tw9r^pS&)i'' Ceglbet wete the A'lnnrtean «¥a!lenger'tie*- % "die. fhüii club hanse round buoys off dWT fin* Ja< ksirti-JCffonl*. Ilgtit, both men Companies. been considering the advisability of hav­ Stam e ;m«l tbe tXuuvIlau d-fender tileei Hoapltal iVdnt «ad n-tnm; poet entries. are iu.training for the event, the former ing Its steamers on the Australian line Mira H, Ahowe-wt, tuned «hH m«*«t ua- 5:30 p. m.—Dingy race, d«mble sculls, hiving taken jep hla «lUartera at the Cote t^Ul regularly at Manila, and has had the Walisfuctory." for skipper Duggan ba«l to *«<*» 'ovawaJn. X mUe straightaway; p»wt ntat hotel for that intiywe. Another of EXTRAORDINARY. soil his Ihiat over the «-ounw nlyne. while enrrie». i J..-*».»»* oW-tlme .ifijaments turn »u the _ «.__, V««Mnwar * matter Investigated by the staff of the rTMte-MaifcJ The Second B&ttfthon, Vancouver, Hongku„K branch. who reported favor­ Mr. Crams, of the Constance, after protest- «iiTmiri K ' meantiaie cliallentfed the colored pugilist Sold at all Drug Stores. Altered to a Corps of ably on the proposal. It has, therefore. ~ b„...i ...... 2T5 222T been decided to carry, ihe schema Into with her c ulr.vl»snl .ukipoenvring Ipr Rifles - practical effect, commencing this month, the starting line, land the Constance The shooting la the league Serb** was Vaaroarsr from IMwaon. law. who wna and application has been made for the brought down from the nninw off I'olut vompleted on .yednisolay uftenioou. The btiru In Hyduey In 1HW. w«wi tbe tlthf of chaeiptoê la 188ft. «Ic-featlug the renowned approval of the government. Krhln* to the HI 1 .aw fence Yacht Club sumdiug of the uiarkMUH-ir In the four The unexpected has*happened, and. af­ lUMtec at lkorval. lent « lies la am follows Billy Farimn on two tsvaalons, the last ter all, the establishment atnMigtb of the While the steamer Umatilla was off De­ flghSj not being decided till the second «lay, The Dawson Fire. At tbe t hue dor starting, 148. the brmc 1. 2. 3.. 1. TI .First Battalion, instead of,being re- struction______Island______on her last trip up from was only, a very modéra te^onev a ml had Ii-ml*. Ii.-Hoy ...... 94 1*4 00 ou «77 so that It mnst have been a hard one. It A LESSON TO BE LEARNED. dated, has t*eeu iucrcased by three of- Ban Francisco the vessel was hailed by shift HI Is the south, so that In order to Bomb. XV. Wlurtby -. .91 84 88 8ft 348 may be ment timed that Fa rnan defeat, d . fleers and about twtmty-seven men. The a ^ ((r out at seat" The course of the 1‘etrr Jarkaon on two occaalims la 18*4 for _____ «wlBdlEg any arrangement for shipping get p beat straight to «Indwsid the buoys Q. Hgt. W. P. Witt*»* . .90 !*> 02 86 s» rUZZftDawson, J'raraplease writeIrl,t orV giveSr: uau* aV call.5" B,By usingraUx ourW raT «rïr'îoR establishment list has mit yet reach's! *teamer was changed and when within tb* eluuHd.HMhip. Ia-cs was esllfsl u|mhi to had to he -changed. The kefd shift­ « apt. Hbim-hard . m 8ft 1*4 81 .346 !lr^, T*UC** *?* what steamboat* would charge yrtu. Two thousand’ here, but an epitome of the changes was n^iing distance Captain Cousin» found ing all the time and continued to moder­ 8**rgt. XV. II. Irtllw .. ..N7 83 03 74 ;«7 «ti-fnid hi* title by the colored 4sn«*r. the tons were sent down to Dawson in oar barge* daring the season of imm ui. received today by the üMc*n of ri*- méé ate. In fju*t It wa* regular- Clcncslrn (Ir. J. XXVbb ...... NO 74 84 01* 32S pair ns-vtlng for 15.MU* a stile, and aft«Y th^ ««in* *hipp*^ t* *bla way arrive without loes of weight aud In four Indian canoes containing 12 half- the beet |a>sslble condition for making good beef. On yonr arrival at Iiawaon »nn Unit Battalion and promulgated iu the breeds towing an Immense whale, whose tiorp. Fut«*hcr ...... 78 77 00 80 325 a Kplebdltilly fmight battle, of 72 r•minis, have your own warehouse, and. If ne^ssary, your owu dwelling and r ou order glvem below. back stuck up out of the water at leant fot;nd that eesà leg would have to be ro.‘ Bomb. W. tiurrle .... .1*1 78 01 87 322 Jackson w«*n. l-tvs fought and w»m niaujr ,Wl**‘I! ,ou mr* n‘id> *nd »ot »K*forZ Tbla may safe jmi7hnndrcdT^f It will be noticed that the mainland other «a.iHeata after that, smne of tbnu dollars for teaming, storage A<\, while at the same time you run no risk from fire twenty-live feet The Indians offered $10 «lucid to m nujes< making the course four (»r. L 11. FulUghrr- - . .73 75* 82 79 313 SSRft" ro,,if*" Mr*° eff^ted at our office If yîïrVîdesiïe. If joi battalion is altered Into a battalion of iH»iaMe to be towsfl aahora which, however, was times an ami to - M«•'Favlsh ..77 7ft 64 312 oura. Home of tbs VancoiiVt-r slab to make rapid time we wlil arrange a tow for you past the lakes. 7 ” rifles, a retrogression in the scale of mili­ refused. After «-.«Mfhlerable trouble or this kind (Jr. It. J. Butler 73 •1 71 75 310 sport* thinking It would oo Interesting to tary precedente. , So far as the general mid the Imoys Ikid loan -hang«««l threo (Jr. C. Wilder*...... «$7 a# 84 *7 207 have these two obl-tliuers -n(H»e together order indicates, the strength of the sec­ When the steamer Humboldt was at Hutte, the starting whistle blew at it*», Bomb. <’. Harris ...... 52 m 70 201 for a. boxing eont.-St, n ehalleiigi- f.w * lft- ond battalion remains unaltered. Juneau on her last up trip the firemen sud the waiting spectator* now auxbs'sly (ir. J. Mtiirlirotl ...... IM* 51 (8U to* 200 n-tiu.1 *|wr has Mu roçelveil by Ja«*s«m Another change Is in the designation on behalf of Ia*w. the contest to «fwne off VICT0RIA-YIIH0N TRADING CO., Id., went on strike and Captain Bontfletd had h-oketl for a rai-e. The tllMnilra mstid Curp. K. Hurrl* ...... 414 76 tuv 70 285 MILLS AT BENNETT. B. C. ■ ■ ^ ■ of the local corps, which now becomes to go out In town and gather up new men the line M S:tl6;lS. het the Coustiwv did Ur. A. Brayahssr...... • IM* 46 77 88 278 at Hh* new pavilion at thé llla«lwt«»ne Inn, HEAD OFFICE, BROAD STREET. - BRANCH OFFICE,, DAWSON. N. W. T. VICTORIA, B. C. the Fifth Regiment, C. A.—the more to take their places. The source of the Hot «vins, having stnn-k the ground while Wergt. W. H. Bailey . -, . 410 0 02 1*2 250 rrtf ViiwTHivrr. ■ nunprehcnsivy term being the result of men's objection was the galley. Colored manobrHng for like start, a* slswe stated. (ir. Dun«-an ...... M 72 84 23Î tlïF t-enitralixatioh of sll the artillery ■eSht cooks presided there and the firemen, A verbal protest was maele by Mr. tîriine, G(. II. Hartley ...... 5ft 41 72 67 233 POISONED WEAPONS withiu regimental limits, here. for some reason, wanted them replaced but the oflWlal* decided to continue the Hurg. Major K. Hart .417 4hi 41* .52 234 WELL-KNOWN PLAYER DEAD. «««IIIIIIIMMIHI» The three companies which at present race sud «leal with tin- protest aflorwanis. with Chinamen. Captain Bontfleld refus­ Hgt. It. Udu ...... 55 to* to* 58 233 -4A b4«n-1mi.-.1 1‘reaa.) A brief but comprehensive review of, ' 1 comprise the strength of the First Bat­ ed to accede to their request, and the fire­ The Gktucalrn a«-coedlugly- provvedc*!. and the different kinds of poisons used by ' 4 ' London. Aug. 4.—Mr. J. W. Dry bough, talion, are subdivided and expanded In­ men refused to work any longer. adth the imsb-THte a led which was blow­ lit. W. J. Bm-k.it ... 48 72 5ft 2ZÎ savage or barbarous tribes to tip their NEW VANCOUVER cite or the best polo players In England. to what are tecbinically known as **loff ing finished the tw«-lte tulles .at IN. Nature, June 24. by M. Henry Chaatrey. men each- The establishment now' ftom sound and after loading about cident sustained yesterday afternoon dur­ The official Milling committee (liant given Of. K. J1I. Johiatou j ... M. Chaatrey telle uA that tbe most at­ stands as follows: Three hundred rank M tonfl 6f freight-at the outer wharf w4H ing a polo tourne ment at Rugby. He waa NANAIMO, B.C. «iiif fh> following stat enu at : 'Tkc course mmer«-ed a few minutes when he SMWin m. eaettis, Horvàl llgb.t 4 w>4 imlbv. io wlmhaant. * On iir Will Isms 37 to 54 ™ 154 ’•From the age of stone up to the time Fririslon is made for the rHurn of the comnilttee l*oat lir. and an American collided. Mr. Mackay S u ocr in tendent. total of 354. Hgt. K yelNmgall . . .57 o in u ifli when the art of killing one's neighbor only one major. — was unhurt, but Mr. Dry bough, who waa Crane probated that the cmirae waa not Hgt ii \. mart « 74 70 144 led to the discovery of powder and fire­ The changé is looked upon by the steamer Cult* will sail from V ancouver suffering, from concussion and a fractur­ «lue to windward, the wlisl having by this Or. T. X. HHdien f.Tl 00 0 9 140 arms, primitive peoples, owing to the In­ militiamen here «* a marked improve- for the North to-morrow im.rnlng on the time hauled southerly. Tlie course was ed skull, expired to-day without having I-., in'. Fletcher «K o 67 135 sufficiency of their .weapons to cause Mined by meut on the Old system. Tbe eompavie* arrival of the steamer lalander. e-s-d, Mc^-gtiEL- tim-Xgpresewtartvs of the «W U JL12» regained consciousness. ------—" wHi be imi tmwHdly tmd by dowWitw veimel wm take a «roi 1 rompt death, have Invented means of * E,Hw*BhsiHi nut.." twittg mntëT -ï *e- <;7 k«i.t(n< if t> fig «1 giving them poisonous Qualities. White —Ifydf number « healthy npiril of inter- tro» tbla port for her. eumiifliiy the mendgrithe «alllap cow- wanndrrs ...... LACROfifiB-...... company1 rivalry will be inculcated.-ittnl ----- TO PLAY AT NANAIMO. "Poisoned weapons, whether they are Th„ ' "mw T* n« I, Mix „r. Ilnrtie* .. 67 0 118 arrows, knives, lances, or what not, may labor. tbe general esprit d«*.corps eleva.tcd. The latest souiuon. . - io » wh. u .... j «n*«that methe naimucamidhas s*w> su««nyslightly w«nedunl <*««f im-the ,}r ih,.wm (Mcketaaoa 48 « 112 The J.B.A.A. lacrosse team will go to Tbe ball.llen urdrr ieatied tcrduy <: !<\>m<-x rh.- course •>n.- and m, Iwlf nil toe t«x I'vrbajw more iuferesting Than the intro- to the regions where It Is employed; the >*o. 1 Company. f wtlsiw ant The ;.r>i>ji-at .rv sktitlr WBS and the result was highly gratifying to Car tea. $5.50dtit.raxKt iarty this morning from N«as and north­ peoples of South Africa, the Hottentots, T"| ' 2. The f.dlowlug Ibformation taken the majority of the spectators who d actions with which writers of the olden ern British Columbia ports. She Is ex­ U«*wn at 2:ftft, the first gua at 3 «Vcl ilw « hSIrman ;tf (hr aatt“"*“ PwaH-sM Mti# Isagtiy u«»w puhliahtHl by llariwr & Brother* to p<>eed corpse*.' to" communicate blood- Guvernor-0 «'aeva 1-i n-CSSfittiHT. ii fid wiTT he Ing iiMutiHfIn* that after the first gun the KItto and Combe, S-S, 6-2. i-*au«-d to all concerned. Steamer Alpha la due from the North America for the first time, it wa* writ­ poisoning, which results In speedy death; ti«n*ta:i.‘v had taken ground with her Miss Arrowsmlth defeated Miss Ber- Tai,pheae Call Wo. (47. The foUowiug. chaises therein are on Sunday. She will sail again fur Lynn ten over aix hundred year* ag«j, and he* lti_fi$esnlca ' >1‘- fala» Brndeaty which charaeteriMa. comes the 5th Regiment, A., with coal ship Klrkhlll. -, k. the majority of latter day preface*. If, (s by roaklng their arrow, ‘n marahes con- THF. A< 1DRNT ffti THE tiOLVMBIA. | Misa KItto and Mto* Macrae. <-S. 4-1 We have the Best Values the following establishmentf as follow* taihlng large quantities of the bacillus of Steamer Queen City left last night for PeJly defeated Johnston. «-*. f-4. Regimental staff: Newpsct, R. I.. Aug. 3.—The dhon-.ivtlngr I *'By Allah'* help now is concluded <•»>* , tet*nus‘ ^ , XhTTe.-XVIiJl.,he **- Naas and northern British Columbia Mrs. Burton and Ml** Ooward. beat of the « oluuiMit to-day o«*« urred lews than my hxmk. «'QjtitUxJ I'll.. U.rdea of Mm—. I »«« «>r« Mad. of polaoa are Officers. Mrs. E. C. Baker and Ml** Dcnnlwloun. l-'ruiu laginuiu* to rot I bar,- ah.mm.t practically of v«el.bl, orisln. though th. ■4 lui If as hifur after the m-w and ol«f vup- FI. 6-1 If You Want a Bargain One lient.-colonel. that aril babil of author* who collm-t . local medlclae-men Via with th.tr pr.- Steamer Islander left Vancouver it 1:50 «Ivfimdeni start «Ht ou the' beat out to a J. F. Foulkes wd Ooward Ftvti R. B. One lyajor (2nd in command.) flngboet off fb«*- north end of Block Island. ! from iT-EOtn- art-1 pturra th,- thing, th* faratlon, red ant,, aitak.', venom, toad.' We have it for y mi Money to i«*n . ii6rcdnn>ctn for Port nle*H hrtlf ci th«« «Uwtan«v In the gsce. The j GOLP. “Better wear One medical officer. ,6 • • < thiov ‘'«te, vpaa. and m’boumou have as theta F. 6. RICHARDS G CO., Townsend. iwo Imflta were imwlng It along at a port , tiOLK AND THE LAND MARKET. Otic Paymaster. t«« k. and In th«« J-nllth elMiinei. alarot ' tliiin basely in a borrowed garb to principal elements planta whose species varies with the tribe, and which all be­ end Insurance Agents. N. C. Officer». three mile* off tbe t*dnt. the new I wet The Increased popularity of golf In Fug- shine. P.O. Box 4»J2. lft Broad Street. land le proving a godsend _ io the farm-:* “These words of Ba'di shall bo found, long to the strychnin fatally. ------One regimental sergeant-major. j* PeryonalT ‘1 hating- the weather |*wdlti»«, sod fairly (««ring through (ne water, a hen there was ami hi ml holder* In 1b«- n«-ar %1 dnitv ««f tb<* in the larger jpart. mirthful and mixed “The three last-named poisons, except One quartwmaaler-sergMint. v a sound «if broaklng «pars and In an 1> larger town*. In Iiti London letter In the with pleasantry; for which reason of the that of South African negroes, are of poisons of animal or microbien origin.’1— One'bamlmaster. Translation made for the Literary Di­ •Taut the t..|itna*t w«*nt rrashlng «lows current mnuber «*fi Harper’* We«*kl), Mr. more purblind folk shoot out a tdngue of microbial origin One orderly room sergeant. gest. iV.n, Chsppell, of lialnlola I*lan«l. la at ArrVitd White atafle* that In many caws reproach, saying that to tickle the mar­ “What are the value, duration, and ac­ One paymaster sergeant. t«‘ I'-eward. «-rirrylng with It the fine new* I lie < Hi-i«leutaL « cltb t««p**ll and ««mall Jib- tofioall. The f biihsi* prices hare been» paid for chit» row of the brain foolishly and to swal­ tivity of these poisons? Curare keeps In­ One corporal medical orderly. “Miss Miami Brown, be said, severely H. B. McXHI and wife, of Nana lino, ground*, and that4 btn«Nlwhl«*h had hither­ low smoke of the lamp unprofitably la not definitely; In 1757, In the course of ex­ Six companies each comprising; A *t«id uiMinmuat at one*1 buckled In the ndd- at tbo Detululott. y (Me, «nd down «-ante the tip|H>r end of thh to been «*on»lderef| worthb-ss for agricul­ the part of the wise. Yet will men of periments In physiology made in France “I w th Jese’ happenin’ to pass de win­ captain, lieutenant and second Heuten Alex. Haartlton^ <»f Nanaimo. I* * gn,-*t tural puipows base w«*i«4te.l| * poriti-abta light and learning for whom the true with curartced arrows brought in 1752 dow yesterday evenin’ an’ hyuhr a aoun*. nut; one color-sergeant-major, twp ser­ spur and the huge mainsail dropped Into' at Ihe D«-*-l«tintair ■ the water on the starbuenl *l«le. The dis­ uln«‘. 4ml are hefbg wild «< leased for counts pence of a discourse is not n- from equatorial America by La Condam­ It wgh a smack. geants, three corporal», three Istmbar sum* of which their owners w-trvely !•«> well aware that IWrt ine, a fowl scratched with one of these “Oh. I done fohgot to tell you dat de diets, one trumiietvr, 40 gunpers; total Mat. Lyon ami John Burke, of Nanaimo, cipline waa excellent, n-.t ae man leering iin- gne*:s at the Queen's. his place until Captain Barr gave ««niera •lreattie.1 lief ore the gwvral Introduction ofL pearls of good counsel which heal are arrows died In seven minutes; among klBsln’ bug done broke In. You mu*’ of per company. 53. -Fa Cdt*. a mining «-x|*«rt of Keht Fran-" to clear away the wreckage, and the «rear the z:tm«‘. Ai id ml 1*4 «use la recallet! \wu«»rt thrca«led on string* of right sense; that the Oulteto Indians, lumps of curafe. hyuhd Im.’1 Bjr o:d«*r iSgii) » ciaeo. la .1 gin-it at rh.' D—IglSfi. west to work with a will, clearing up the the owner» of the barren m«*»m of tiro hitror physic of sdjnomtion Is con­ handed down from father to son, have Miss Miami, I bids you adoo." btnd ilr*t liegan to obtain large IHB 1 tr “Wah la you gwlne?’’ M. t*. Blanchard, Capt. '<*8plain a I’d Mrs. Meyer were pasm-ngi-m tangle, the titdutubia drifting with the stantly mingled with the honey of good Preserved All Their Poisonous Activity » Adjutant. from Seattle on the ft opta yesterday. wares, a dismantled snd sed-h**Tng rrafL " tth» ^hnottng privilege* eivcr couniry Which* ' humor so th;«t thfl spirits of lt>l« ii«*rs *Ta gwlne down and fin’ a pahfeaaer. I A further battalion order issued today - Kir .Charles iilLhert Ttipiwr came over À ing took the tinliniilfi* In tow au*l |»n>- * n* regarded as utterly valnele»* even for grow not sail ami that they remain not* although covered with mold. The same want» to tell lm dat Foggy Bottom hab may be said for the upas, which, kept In U as follows: . _frjr from Vancouver on y***t«»r«la.v's I«land«*r. «hhmIihI with her to Bristol. grarifii IE9P6M6* exempt fr«»m Idessing* of atrojdatM-e. done turned up a kissi* bog dat w ay* a Buttaliou Hcad*|uarters, Victor)*, B. C., W. Xlcll.n, secretary to Mr. U. E. b. The expenses of retail ring the (.VdtuiUda •Oh thou that readost this lae-k mi little sections of bamboo for seven or red necktie an’ plays he banjo."-Wash­ ■ ASKBALIra 3rd August, LSU9. Mrewa ha* gone is.lhfbai <»i baNtoewa,. wfll fie heavy, mul viltlesigh iwad of the, jdore f«ir It* author the mercy of Oo4, eight years, retains the same active qual­ ington Star. Tbe following extract from tieneral W". F. Hall amt H. ti. lti*ttag are at v.ltv slin»ml* and stays can be used again, PLVMItEim v. ALBION lRO>* W ORKH. aud pardon f«>r him that did transcribe ities as when freshly prepared. Malay weapons, even those of steel, always keep Thrt, ia only one nation on tho fare Orders is publishid for the information Hotel Victoria. They are on I heir way to they will neoaewirlly hare to ui*kTg«« a There le a de«ld«*d growth of Interest In it. It i* flilntfil through the might and their poisonous properties The black Whw «’«’Pif. aoeiatiy of all e«rti« eTiied severe test as to th«4r streriglh. for the Th>- American national fame in Victoria, succour of that King «»f all King* who race* that use Ine claim that K will keep and politic ally arc twrfrrtl, frw ,„d tbat -5th I'.rituh Columbia’ ReglimW. l/*t H. c ! n.ig. r ..f Um- B. !.. A wroiwhlng they revetted today tuay have aud tbe rivalry IfitaMt Ihe nine* of the alone beatoweth what H good.** ka Nmi !. h*« k in M» -'M qnar only a short time because It spoils. la the Brltiah Empirra—May-O'Hell. Paftalion: _ caused them to tie worthless. The ti.dutn- plumbers ami the Albion Iron Works Is be­ -Provisiiieal 2nd lieutenant, H. B. 1er» nt the Drtard. lita suffered little Injury to her hull. It DO ÀNGLO-8AXONH TALK TOO “Now Ine, which Is an aqueous macera­ coming k«*en. Tliey will try n at Beaom Hill, com- . MUCH? tion of etrophanthus seeds, to which is added the Juice of a fig or of a euphor­ To be paymaster, with honorary rank IriakT. of (Viwlltx. cy«-llng tourists, -«re tol at once, where the plop nuist. which mein-in g at 220, the idtiudwTs Mng ng»r.^ . I’,r •*»•“>« Wander from Vancoerer- of captain. P. S. Lnnpman. to complete wsylug at the D«milnlog. the steeJ one replaced. Is stored. If'wtil smted by the following’team; Unit* Ros “Carlyle thinks Anglo-Saxon* talk too bia, and generally also viper's venom, much. He belittle* epeeeh. oxalt* btioks. a"dfe tl B Burnett, A Em,oik. Mira Lind- establishment, 2tith Jane, 1MU9.’" H. McKenstis «lay clerk of Hotel Victoria. teke two days, and perhaps longf-r, to fix «■amp. «'.f Iemis Itinale. p.; llerl»ert Wia«ti> becomes covered with mold at the end and unveils idea* a* the giant forces." ray, Mira tthaxr, Mlaa Oarw,«rf. Mira M.,-- By order VEACE, fr, is.J6e»Ati* last. Might. wra ÇRICKETa ^ an.T upon li 'TW.rfirr siwr lr wwHeg^tirtffe pdtsbimîs^r by^lTihTtlvc peo- » Wntlro^i f Hxeatttw. Mni I, H 8intts,-H -Jwmleoon. It. h ftntry. TUB OAR. ____ . HAMPSHIRE V. AU8TRAIJAN8. rt-ratlw.------rh..w,ti. y Ora*. Mr. Jo.ee, A T Joli era/ Home Adg. 4 -'I’ll.-Tope ha* ktfiqn-M- an Idea flaming in the flvry, speech of ti ti Mesher. and XV. II. I^ngley s«ts « 1.1 It BKGATTA Th MORROW. plea Tor their arrow, keep indefinttrly and re- ; » _ (Associated Prcoad ______Bernarj that kiudlvd ardor in the Cru­ x., ,'_n“Un' ^ eiUlau,. W J fronere, piisaengers Than YanconVcr on the talarifiei* Ihnrt wti SMIin i«inin___ Mlaa Vattecall. Mira I', tut tie-11 t’ Inudan. " • paring/u puldicatJon whi«-h wMl contain The “Water bob*" will have their «lay f«v S mthampton. Aug. 4.—W’hen the cricket saders. When the old hero stood forth r»-aivnlMy. -This Is hot the Cara with potsona of J * K L U~f- Mrx* WtHeMe. J K «■ouinp-nts on the work of the intice eou- morrow, and the uxhiMmth of the J. II. A. game, which started yesterday between b«‘fore the host It wa* a* if the skies, «luis. H. Harper, of fie* ft le; J: R. Norris. animal or mlt rotd.o orfwtn. A, we have HfW. k, W h • I.anyley. lira, F.raer. It forvuce and also exjilain what w outil afi«t* C^hirl**» L.iiuVnn. of Montreal ; and E. A. will «prend themselves In the effort t«> the Hampshire eleven and the visiting long wile.pt. had at Inwt broken Into seen above, the Bushmen the Kaflra. and Ilrake, J A I'anoon. Mra ElmtleT. C, C Me have bee* the pepel proposa hi to horthér «•utefttan their-friem^». at tbe club h«Hi*«- _____Australians,___ wal adjourned for lunch to- speech. The Reformation fitno ri‘|»re- DevHle. of Ottawa, registered lasr night the Akka, t-email. Mira Bile. Mr. Martin. 0 A dteele. the paciticatiou of the jHin't-rs. by provtillng exdvIleuY s|strt and attending day - the Australian* had scored 155 runs sent* not simply the lighfining of I4uthcr's the Drtard. <1 0 Mra.her. Chae Wllaon. W lirvner <) (.♦•thin Jones, of Liverpool, England, who to the «>ther wants o/ th«4r guest* In the for three Wicket* In their first Innings. thoeght, bet the thunder of lAtther’w Poison the Points of Their Arrows QVEER OFFENSES. matter of entertal»ment, etc. The pro throat. The orations of Clay and Web­ H Turke. O K Meilloh, C t, famptadl. Mira has let'll touring through th«‘ tti»mi»«»rn The home players yesterday made SO. with serpent venom, especially that of liant, Jao Utt. J K Euallah graiitm** of events, ptiMlwbed lielow, «am- ster lent position to these statioimen. just Nl.r, ft>r th.- nffetwe of ra-rfln* r »»■' *>'" "« I»»vexii»>rt. Neh.. ore the venom of snakes, which te preserved Mi te,-w-. Mr* M--1..... (’apt Merer,. Mr. kff Jesse is bettered by rtHtM”lNflB- -NANAIMO VlBITORfl. —— strument was Garrison'* printing press. 8 tall hat. Kill, Oscar Had aim-imi. I '"*> • *«*» ** 1o-the Went. They are Indefinitely In alcohol, becomes covered Meyero. M L KTemian. Mr. ESrrman. II I-«teut »«* Judge to have au exi-tggioually The Napalmo Cricket Club eleven will It waa the eloquent voice of Wendell . a council of tbe Cabinet, and. to hie 'inarten.1 at ■** Vitoria, In air with a peculiar mold: which K Andrew,. Mra Andrew». Baht Perk. Mra g..«»d chttlice of securing the victory, but play two matches in Victoria -next week. 1‘billip* that made the Meg -of free«lom xliama.x a«d that of the ««elided Mui- «’• v- Omphelt. Teemto; C. I. Aadermo. not been «lu lled hitherto, and which re­ k. 0 ti ittrhardeon. A MrSÙ-phro. A wllti-hever irhr wins will have a h«rnl On Friday the Fifth Regiment and on invincible. I id era, «he rtqeran gewral wafltCil into Cw A age he: A. t-a<*ej, Ran B.-rnnrd'iio. st rtufg.e. Tbe first event will lie pul'cd moves alt polaonous effect from the ven- Martin. M Una. Jho 11,11x1. Mira [Mag.. the Couu.il ehember In full uniform^ t «I-: Jaxnra M.'MIllaa, l*aa Traaelaeo. a ad Saturday the Albion*. om’ 2SJiB6S.B ««a MM* J!Uatoa..JJ A .(hudrtro.--® «xwhem.'râk off ritan» m**. ('has gVaiiimV to tie* gone through. The list of nently contagious one. I took It early, as ■'tte Np|M>srawre was iwmt arrivals at the Ihut.lnlon. ing else than the septic vibrio (microbe Hum II. DC Wyler, I Rost-nihal. J W Pat- ereihta follow* The match arranged for to-morrow be­ we all do. and have treated It all along a of blood poisoning) which die* tn the air - 'M“r- hu^ ^ MIR I>KR ET» TH REE ÎHILDRK N. 2:1ft p- m —firat heat. (Mob Fours. % mil* tween Albion* vs. BaUks on the ground tersoti, Mr* Bl«*m.lng*teln. K Ktlw*r«l*„ H with the best palliative* I could get hold If It Is not in th* presence of decomposi­ straightaway, .niter harbor to dob ienine. of the former, has been declared off. Nun* Mi** f'attenril. W F Hill. Mrs of, inasmuch as I could find no radical tion; thus these arrows are harmful only Dsvhl. K McL>e«b. Mr* Mcl.efnh. J Pln- (Associated Press.) Crow*. J. H. Austin (stroke). K. XV«UIns- cure for Its evils, and have so far manag­ 4,—fliartes tou «. K. Itidudeflebl. W. Winsby (bow); • X. Ç. 0/8 MATVH. during a very short time. As for the ar­ The match btaweed the N. C. O.'s of the —Oliver Wendell Holme*. .'«•own. « J. KprlnkMiig. W. H. Wllkenssi .Fifth lt«nr1iu«‘Ut su«l the N. ti. o.'e <»f fect their victim with tetanus, authori­ tihas Butler, Mrs Toss. Mrs Scott, II Bet- »; cotiirw, l»lu«*. W«»rk IVfitrt twrrarks tfifl “take • place' hofnil tlisi every N. C. j see some- poetry and the pathpa, (Jie ed that the bacillus of Nicola 1er can not ^WA.' Dayey. J. II. laiwson, Jr. (Imxwi; O. of the Fifth Regiment will be present. , tragedy and the comedy, lying In the/*- live except In â very moist medium and l*cr itlt‘«nn*r Utofila from the KmuhI— . white. XV. Jesse (stroke), ti. ifttar- j perlence of s puman sotrt that loons om together with other bacilli, harmless or D K tihnegmm**, h ' X’nnllstoe*. X’atn A Vigor, W. Christoplicr (boar); * U i through dull gray eyes, and thgt speaks otherwise, such as septic bacillus, which, Brooks, t (iftodscrc. Weller Bros. W Ale- “ JEFFRIES IN JX)NDON. j |n g voice of quite ordinary toirçs.— i as se have seen, dies in a short time. Korn. A W Knight. A Mackle. W XVIlby, A • Dingy nuy. reteràna (club). ! “Thus, In all cases, the poisoned. ar­ (Associated Frees.) j °eorff* Eliot. O R Ornmnd, F tisrev. J. J Mulholl.ind. jSU hu««y and return to club rows of the races that make use of vege­ Ivondon. Aug. 4.-Jim Jeffries, the oham- I A book ma7 be a* great a thing as a ' Book A News Co, MIks I. Wootl. Kleti-her • I table alkaloids are much more to be fear­ Bros. Colonist J* * P Co, W Richardson, >>fcrboro canoe, tandem filon heavyweight, arrived here to-day battle.—Disraeli. ed than those of the tribes that employ f. Blank, H P WeDowell.