SUI Graduates '/~§O Sll!Joents Friday S 1 SchoaI of R~li~ion will n'~ as chaplain, and William D. C~r. ApproIlm:uely 1.250 SUI student are scheduled to receh'e degrHS SU I ox.rd .... coorclin.ntor 01 conf~~nct' . will be malter of ce~rnonles. ot S 1'. spring Commencem nt I.' rclse Friday I 9' 30 ILm. Ln the Tho fenl,n SNc»nts .re frem K.,.... Ir~ China. Irtdil, E"fl ...... y ....,.. •• FieldhoUse, ecording to Tt'd .1cCarr I. dfrt>clor of convocations. C.~do . Austria. Ethiopi.a, Turk.y. Puort. Ric., Th.iI.nd, Jam.alca, 0..... 1 .. be I""'" Inclll40 17 4octor of ...." ...... 171 mas"", ..,..s , I" doctor ., ~clno. S4 ~ of ""11 sur· Franc! O. Wilcox , an i tant I" tary in l~ .S. Departm nl .nd the Philippines. ...-y. n l.w.15 ~rmac",. 17 --'ne. t2 .... 22S eommeru oC 1Meri"'. of State and a 1930 gr du I or su • lIoiJi delh"r the COIJUll(' ment The t:ni\ . itl' rmphony Band und r the dir tion Fred rick J . and 464 Iiber.1 arts.. ddre . Ebb. I director or bands. 'ill pL1y the PI" i nal and r 'ona! Prior to Commencement ex re' • 69 Army and Air Force cadets m rch plus . hort co ·rt. His topic wi\) be "The So 'I t ChaU n and Am rican Edu ahon." in t~ Re rve Officer Trlining Col"p IROTCI will be commis ioned as CMClldo .., frem " 1_. ~nt~l. II d ...s, 13 ""'I,n c.untri.s. President Virgil M. Hancher ill deliver the traditiOn I harte to nd lieutenant. 11lI! cer mony will be in the north gym of the .IMI the territorle. of H.waii and Alask. will be repr.sented at the the gradeate. and confer the dt>ir . . The Re\'. Robt'rt J . Welch of the Fl Idhou t • a.m. oil· owon and tile People' of 'OUia L'oP}, Unitea PI" and PhOto service Iowa City, Iowa. wed .. June n. 1958 Rebellious Algerians Demand- DeGaulle Smash Twister Rips Through ... Fourth Republic· EI Dorado, ALGIER (UP!) - Rebl'lliou French ettler and • rmy officer Tu(' da reje ted Cen. Charle t.I Guile'. plan for rrec Igerian f'lection llnd demanded again that h mash the Fourth Republic political y tern. rt Wit a hO\\(IO\ n c:hallenge K·illing 12, Iniuring 50 to de Grwllc'q Ruthority. That Black Spot,' communiqll i\ lied. ftt'r II 3.hollr tne ting or th Algier ' upubli "rNY 'Oll'lrnittel·... nd e('11 b for h. nd h~ d Galllle' Wabash River own Algerh\n commander. aid they \\ cr e tcnding th ir ('om· Declare Martial Law You/ve Seen It! It/s - ._- _. mitt mon'tn('nl to th Fr n Harold Macmillan mainhlllortt'd from that one. homes In the V.II.", always meant lhe kiss oC death. The evenina of mu ic will Include ca. th I... dlt rran 'an I. land Firrm n. archina the damaged from W.... sh alMl Marion wnt Before Britain Agrees .. .IMI ..rl.u, flood­ When the old Sea Dog in "Treas· coilege just to be able to read four selections from the hit Broadway which I a d partment of FraneI' ar 'a with ~m rgcncy Iighu, aid at ure 1 ~ land " gave the Black Spot to Coils and mark down with a black musical "The ~usic Man" by (or· proper. Olher committ e w re To Ban Bomb Inl WIS forocllt I. fir down· I ru;t 250 hou e h d n damae d Billy Bones, Billy kn ew his lime spot the one that answers lhe qUI'S' mer Iowan M redilh Willson. and reported mu hroomina on th Will Hit Moon Itr.. m .. T.".. Hovh .nd Mer· had come. That night the pirates lion. th "Corn . FI.' lIval Caprice" com· mainland it. If beyond repair. om. Flood lalles almost as hlah os would do him in and steal his Still, this is not easy. Here's WhY. , posed by Lee Eitzen in 1957 whll Gen Raoul Sal n. who Wall City Mona,... St.nler Dill treasure map. It is hard for a prof When. making he was program ~ir clor oC radio pointed "deleaale gen ral of In 1950 w re upecled by W does· CllIed .1It the N.HoNI Gu.rd day on th upper reach of the Th. black marks on tho .nswer up an exam to make up four foils station WSUI. Eltl n I.s now a gl'ria by d G uJle durin. Missile, o( which only one Is correct. graduat~ student in musIc at SUI . n w premier's 3·dny tour Clf AI· .IMI declared m.rti.1 I.w in the White River's we t (ork at Muncie sheets or. lu,t .s much the kiss Ind Anderson. but minor noodln, of - elch on. m ••ns our A question in an exam read. Th dlr ctor of university bands. geria la t week. wa quoted a Urichn city. Additl_1 "'1, ,. "Which of the following would you Frederick C. f;bb • will conduct the saying th(' re.olullon by th AI. was (oreca t at Indianapolis and fine you". mind. Ir. being de· Says General IlIlrd 1llln't loot!,. and ...,.d! downstream . . ,troy.dl ex""ct to find in the library at Na. concert, pr nling a vari ty of gi ra commit wa "ptrfecUy ...' 1 . marches, polkas and oth r num' ace ptabl .. a a commit! ac· for the miss!", .IMI wounded w •• R d Cross dI alt I" crews helped Look at it this way. 1£ you know ~hona. Party Headqurtter.s lD ben. The concert wl\l be held on lion. Pentagon Denies .Iked of McConMII Air F.,.c. famili s nee the flooding Waba h you 're going to be given an objec· Rlv r at Waba h. Peru and Lo· Washmgt~n. D.C., .1l Hi tOrl~S of the I.wn ca t of Old CapitOl O.cI.rltl... T.II. FHUnl' Ba ...t Wlchit •• lS _"" .. tho tive final. how ~o ~ou study? Do the Amcrlcan PartIes, 2) a fIle of Arnong the numbers to "Iayed A commltt po\t man id Sa. Promptly pn port. southwu'. Fifty NaHonal Guard infantry· back ~ssues of newspapers. and will be "Morch of th Fre(' Ian told him the d claraUon "ex. llLWAUKEE It - The Air Don Mitchell Fans magazlIles. 3) books on th fallure People" by Darcy; Schuman' pres d very exactly" the peepl 's Th tornado knocked out almost. m n were ordered out to fight a Force wlii oot at thr moon Deer Creek levee break at Delphi. of past ca~paigns, 4) I~ve of the "Che ler Overture;" "1usic feeling. But th r wa no indio lhr e tlnw thl year, its chi r oC al\ £'1 clrical power and t lephon Don. hi. eums over. slipped great men III th party. SympaUca" by Rhoad : Rach. ! caUon wh th'r Ian him If wa service in EI Dorado. where 25 families 1I0t out ahead Into .n "er. of good feeling" re earch and d v lopm nt Id of th flood. Why, any stud nt ~ould expect maninoCr's "ltaUan Polka:" "Polka taking a tand on th manU to Tue. day But a dl aere ment d·· In the havoc fQ/lowlng the this .fternoon .nd decided to to Cand aU fo~r l~ the library. So to from the Gold n Ag " by Shosla· which: twJ-t r, '·year·old Zona Gale Crt..,.,lnt .n4 f.ta' traffic ac· po.tpon. the writing of his fln.1 ,"eloped promptly bt'tw n him cldents IfNI ...'. make one fOIl rlglll and the other kovitch, and two arrang m nlS 1. RcJ cted 8. "danal'rou, " ck! nnd the Pentagon's oyer· 11 space Palmer perhaps drscrlix'd the _.4 _ "This Good Morning" column three ,~rong! th~. prof added .the from Tschalilowsky's "Symphony Goull' plan for municipal I c. town's f elings as sll lay on a r.inswopt hI,hw.,I. N.. r Indl· untll Thursd.y. bo on lh llrrunll of th proj ct­ .nopolis•• mothol', Mr.. Mary ~ord espeCially to. the question. No. 6." lions next month In which Aigeri. and the aim. ho pital bed and a kd "Mommy But on Thursd.y. he .lIure. u., Which of the followmg would YOll Tonight's conc rt wlll be broad· an a w... 11 II. French would \'ote G.II, lI, who cl'... led te h.r In Baltimore, AuemptJ. to hit the moon wlll what happen d. Mommy what hap­ h. will be in his usual plac. e pecially expect 10 find?" ca t by University Station WSUl. fre Iy and fqu lIy. lold graduates of John Hopkin pened!" dtll"'n'l aid oe..... • wreck· c,n the low.n's front pag., shin· be made In Augu t. ptembcr .....trown hl,hw.y .Ithouth Oh. that does It I That ..lylS III 2, Promi ed "total upport" t nlverslty the United Stat mu t and October with a modified mi.· A myst£'ry at th hospilal was a ing, sparkling, full of wit, ex· both her..-rn•• nd .... I.. wore the On. now is corr.ct. th Imilar public saC ty commit· 100. en its pur e string and pour . it de I,ned to "give 80m Indl· little blonde. blue-cyc:d lIirl, the uding wisdom. just .s of yore. mor capilol mto world trade to !wok ..., dlod I,"r in .n Indi· Thr.e wrong. Unle" the Itudent Halls S ·r t now being form d in France. cation of its arrival." Lt. Gen. skin or her head WB$ pe I d just In.poli. hospIt.l. S'" alMl her would still .speclally expect to ,I , 3. Demand d that de Gaulle di . meet Rus ia's worldwide econo· S. E. And rson told a n w con· below th forehead to the back of you work out problems? No! You filMl all four in tho IIbr.ry. And, band all political parties on which mic oCfen ive. children - K.ny.... t. .nd Al. just cram in a lot of facts. trying f rence. h r neck. 0 one knew her name. ic. I, - were Inillred when their shouldn't h.? the Fr nch republican sy t m ha Back in W.shlngton, he told "W. h.n t.lked .boll' • lot or what happen d to her par nls. to get down exactly what the pro· A re No Place .ute co/llded wfth I truck duro Sometimes to make certain only been ba ed Inc 1875 . Ambulances were called Crom fessor has said in his lectures. You the Sen.t. the toughest cold of dotel:' 1.ld Roy W. Johnson. I". • ....vy r.ln"'rm. one roil is correct. the professor Accordinll to rightl Is. some 320 w.r probl.m foeing the United surroundinll towns and th Nation· Stat.. .nd itt British .lIy Is director of tho Oefen.. Dopart. Meanwhile, tbe flood along the will use word like: "mo t cor· F B· I saf ty committ s are being or ment's AlfvMlcod R.... rch Pr'l· al Guard unit (rom Augusta, Kan .• MisslssUnewa river near Marlon , rect," "be t answer." "aU of the or ICYC e have been (orm d in France pro· tho spr•• ding of f.ith In de· ectl A.-ncy. "RI'" now it'l \l.a summoned to h Ip victims of rnd., became critical. At least 100 above." Besl and most are reI alive Gaulle. who ha worn to mocracy Imo". the new Ind un· touch.nd g. whether w. can do th EI Dorado tornado. families were evaeuated from the pe~e c.mmithd nation I. words. The choice depends as Saturday night an advisor at govern th country und r the !acmillan i. du to wind up it th.t .Irl",. N. final decision Seven patrol cars wCte sent to Irea when water began topplnf a much on what the student lhinks as Hillcrest dormitoty tepped out of framework oC th republic. had hOI ....n EI Dorado. bul the dispatcher said levee, and four major bricl8el hi thr e day of con ultalions were cloaecl. what the proCessor thinks, but God his room lnto the hall in tim to only 10 t w k won a promi of with 1r. Ei. enhower. Secretary "But," John on told the Milwau· none had reported back. help the student if he doesn't reo see a celebratina resident whiz by loyalty "wilhout conditions and of tate John Fo tel" Dulle and k Journal by t I phon from THE HOSPITAL wa filled with member exactly what th professor nn a bicycle. wilhout re rvalions" from the AI. many othcr high.rankin, .S. oC. Washington, "you can'l calegori· injured and an appeal wa nt to said and mark it with a Black Spot. The HLilerest judicIal board ex· gerian in urrectionisls. ficial today. H also wlil peak caUy deny that there will be an al· Wichita, Ken.. Cor more hospital Register for "," "" In .a pig's ."'.. preS5ed the opinion that such ave· to the ational Press Club. tempt to hit the moon. beds. I Commi.... OppDlOs R.. lme The.. w.I ..1 words or. IlIlt Dilts hicle, at east In th hall . cannot Th White Hou e aid there "Th re will be no att mpt to Hi ghway patrol cars rushed Into for the proftllor. T ..., make it be tolerated. The stud nt argued The Alg rian SaCety Committee the strlck!'n area and helped escort Summer Courses possibl. for him to claim the that his transportation, while un. was organized In opposition to the would be no finnl communi "And it may become a fad and This is not the first time the Sovict Union has made an He was a child in Davenport, ' "No rhinestones," she said in a Iowa, when his father, a cop, died. sweep the country - who knows. effort to get big American credits for purchases from American garter snapping and garter snatch­ firm voice. "I collect diamonds." Young Ziffren helped his mother I ing may become an Indoor sport Miss West also has collected her industry. At the end of World War II the Soviet Covernment of run a grocery store, over which and replace Canasta," she added. memo;rs lately and announced she she and her five children lived. has completed writing her auto­ Joseph Stalin had great hop s, encouraged in fact by some He also organized an errand ser· But the gal who first murmured biography which will first appear Amcrican businessmen and officials who visited the Soviet vice for other neighborhood mer· "come up 'nd see me sometime" in a national magazine and later Union during the war, of getting a big U.S. loan. chants, and, by laboring at evelj' two generations ago isn't making this year in book form. any promi es as long as the short­ odd job he could find , fin~lIy ~ot U. The title? "Queen of Sex." What Soviet hopes were so high, in fact, that the Kremlin even himself to Northwestern Umversl!y , skirted chemise is in fashion fa­ was so foolish as to IJaggle over acceptance of an initial Ameri· vor. else? where he not only maintained him· "In doing research on lhe Gay can credit, offered during the latter stages of the war, for aroulld self, but sent money home, by organizing an employment agency n' 90's I found that only fast women half a billion dollars. The negotiations went on the rocks over flaunted their gartcrs. In those on the campus. No UN Vote a small fraction of one per cent on the proposed intercst rate He assisted scores of other stu­ OFFICIAL CAlLY BULLETIN and they never got a chance again. The cold war intervened. dents through college by getting A Certllin Attraction them jobs washing windows, autos, On Lebanon The new Soviet approach for trade and credits in the and even waiting on tables in sor· orities. Then, while attending law ~ University UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. , that the ll-nation group ties, the former Muriel "Mlckey" The question, therefore, could arise: If the Soviet UI\ion Kine Featun. Syndicate Friday, June 13 would adjourn until n a.m. Ritxenberg. :30 a.m. - University Com· Only a few minutes before, U.S. wants American equipment so badly, why llOt offer to pay cash? The transplanted Iowan had so • cement - Fieldhouse. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, conditioned himself to working day 30 p.m. - SUI Emeritus Club speaking dramatically at midnight, and night that he couldn't find suf­ ficient outler for his energies iO Dltner - South Dining Room, Cur­ had said: Gamol Abdel Nossar- t De Gaulle-IMan With A Mission rim:- Hall. "This is one night in our history the law. He insinuated himself into 6:30 p.m. - All-Alumni Buffet when we must not waste timel" California politics, and labored so • Supper - North Dining Room, Cur­ Despite his appeal, Soviet Am­ Symbol of Pan-Arabism mightily that he became the State's I Ceneral Charles de Gaulle, the man who While the war in Algeria continues, it will rier Hall. basador Arkady A. Sobolev said Democratic National Comroi\tte:" once walked away from the French Fourth be almost impossible for de Gaulle to stabilize 6:30 p.m. - All-Medical Alumni Lebanon had not proved its By WILLIAM L. RYAN dream for the Arab, and the man. "" Dinner - Elks Club. charges against the U.A.R. and Associated Press Bedouin is the purest strain of He proved himself a genius at Republic in disgust and returned ten years France. And the longer France continues on that the Council should reject them Foreign News Analyst Arab . patching up the factionalism that plagued the Democratic Party in ~ later amid the threat of civil war, is finding the road to bankruptcy, the weaker and more Saturday, June 14 as "unfounded and groundless," Even a desert tent is likely to 12 :30 p.m. Silver Jubilee Lun­ JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia IA'I California. If the Democrats take the going tough. vulnerable she becomes. cheon - Lounge, Iowa Memorial "Have you seen the man in the have a radio. Propaganda also the big offices in the slate this"1. year, as now seems more than ,I His initial victory in forcing the frenzied De Gaulle has proved himself worthy of Union. moon? .. the write-robed BedOUin travels by word of mouth. If a 12 :30 p.m. - Tenth Anniversary chieftain, in the tribal tradition, probable, the ex-errand boy win National Assembly to place him in office and trust in many respects. He has proposed a asks his friend. I Luncheon - Lounge, Iowa Mem­ WSUI Schedu!e says a thing is so, then it is so. emerge as one of the most power· orial Union. "Uiho is it?" asks the other, Cut political leaders in the nation.b", approve his requests for sweeping powers was more democratic organization of the French WSUl - IOWA CITY BIO k/e 2:30 p.m. - Assembly, "The knowing the answer. The Egyptians have only to im­ Puts Wife To Work .11 remarkable, but by no means complete. Govemment; he has granted ~(oslems voting Role of Research in the Univer­ Wedn ••day. Jun e 1\. lB.! press the chiefs. labors J~ 8:00 Morning Chapel "Gamal Abdel Nasser, " says the Ziffrcn at politics the way, There are still the twin problems of Algeria equality in Algeria; he has pledged to respect sity" - speaker, Dr. James A. 8:15 New. firsl, triumphantly. And Ule Bedouin is intoxicated he does everything else. He has Van Allen - Macbride Auditorium. 8 :30 Mornlnl' Serenade by the cadenced tirades from Cai­ even dragooned his second wife , anel the French economy, and the two are France's foreign alliances, both military and 3:30-5:30 p.m. - All-Alumni Cof­ 9 :15 The Bookshelf The Bedouin Arab is a poet at 9:45 Momlnc Feature heart. All that is bright and beau­ ro. Saut aI-Arab has an enormous into political work. . ~ bound closely to one another. The general, economic. fee Hour - Iowa Memorial Union. 10 :00 New. emotional impact. A. few nights ago he calmly t\\· ~ 6:30 p.m. - Golden Jubilee Din· 10 :15 Kitchen Concert tUul to him he associates with the who wears pride and stubbornness as a badge Yet his accomplishments thus far will mean 11 :45 Religious New. moon. And the story of the Arab There is no way for the govern­ formed the pretty "Mickey" (hat ~ ner - South Dining Room, Currier 12:00 Rhythm Rambles ment to counleract the Voice of he had scheduled her to deliver a of honor, has maintained token control oE the little if he is unable to stern the revolt in Hall. 12:30 New. man in the moon has spread all 12:45 Sport. at Midweek over the dusty sun-baked streets tile Arabs. It cannot declare radio speech at a Los Ange\es Demo­ Wednesday, June 18 1:00 MosUy Music Fr ell military in Algeria. But the real rebels, Algeria and stabilize the French economy. of this Red Sea capitaL listening sinful by the Wahabi in­ cratic rally. She protested that , 8 a.m. 10 5 p.m. - Summer Con­ 1:55 New. she'd never made a public speech 2:00 Ma.terwork. (rom France Young men vie with one another terpretation of the Koran, because the Moslems in thc hills and Ule generals' of De Gaulle's name and reputation were ference for Iowa High School 2 :31 Mostly Musle Saudi Arabia has it own Radio in her life and that she'd die of Teachers of English - Senate 3:5 New. to find new ways of singing the panic. the junta, remain defiant of de Gaulle. enough to guide his nation through an hour of • :0 Children'. Hour praises of the Egyptian President, Mecca . Chamber, Old Capitol. 4 :30 Tea Time Nasser Is An Ideal Ziffren proceeded to give her the lany of Ule Algerian 1-loslems are young great crisis, an hour when the threat of civil Thursday, June 19 5 :30 News who has made himself the symbol world's oldest, and most dubious, 5 :45 Sportstlme of Pan-Arabism in the whole Arab Even men high in th~ Govern­ - under 26 years of age - and determirled war was very real, the Government unable to 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. - Summer Con­ 6:00 Dinner Hour piece of advice about the art oC ference lor Iowa High School 6:55 News East. ment respond emotionally to Nas­ public speaking. that their bid for Algerian independence will function. ' :00 IGY Radio Egypt ser. . I'· Teachers of English - Senate ' :30 Band Concert "There', ab50lutely nothlnt tt Ch~~ber, Old Capitol. 8:30 Concert PM The power of Egypt's radio can "What does Abdel Nasser mean terminate in nothing short of victory. The war It will now take de Gaulle the statesman 9:00 Trio be panicky about," he allured Friday, June 20 9:45 New. and Sports not be overestimated in this corner to you?" I asked Sbeik Abdullah her. "There is a deep secret tt of rebellion already has lasted more than th ee to consolidate his gains, and gain allegiance of ~ a.m. to 5 p.m. - Summer Con­ of the world. Reading is limited to Tariki, 38·year-old director oE speech milking, and I 11m now XSUI (FM) SCHEDULE - Ot.7 m/o and one-half years, and Ule chaotic state of the French-Algerians, and lead France to a ference for Iowa High School the lettered few. Nasser is a sym­ Saudi Arabia's petroleum affairs. about to impart it ' to )'DU. All 6:00-9:00 Feature work wUl be: Bal- He is a Pan·Arab nationalist, who you have to do is pick out _ Teachers of English - Senate let musIc with the St. Loul. bol here rather than a man, an ex­ the French economy is graphic evidence of its respected place among the nations of the Chamber. Old Capitol. Symphony Orchestra pression of some unattainable thinks in terms of Arab renais­ face in the audience and tllk cost to Paris. West. sance. directly to it. If you concentrltt "To me," he replied, "Nasser en this one face you will feel as ) l is an idea. He is not my leader. confident, and compl.tely at He is an ideal. He is a hope o( ease, III if you we'" talklnt tt I Polishing A Rotten Apple General Notices something, not now but perhaps al\ old ~,\~"d \1\ '10Uf Ullin, 3() years {rom now ." room." ( General Notices must be received at 'l'11e naUy 10wln offlcr. Room 201. Communication. Center. by Ii, 8 a.m. (or publication the followln. mornlnl. They must be typed or leilbly woUnn and Bllned; the7 Nasser's influence reaelles as Swallowing this unconscionable Now that the Junior Iligh School Bond cnrollmcnts, or facilities. There is 110 qucstion will n.ot be accepted by telephone. The Dally Iowan relerves the rlCht to edlt all General NoUces. high as Crown Prince Faisal Ibn malarkey, Mrs. Ziffren went to Issue has been approved by the votcrs, the at all rais t1 about what out' ohildren are being MAIN LIBRARY Registrar wllliin 30 days of the across (rom Iowa Memorial Union. Abdul Aziz al Saud, the King's bro­ the rally as commanded. She INTERIM HOURS close of the current academic year. ther and for all political pur­ (ought down mounting panic as she qucstion arises as to what will happen to tllC taught. poses now ruler oC Saudi Arabia. heard herself introduced floridly J,une 11-14 (Wed.-Sat.>, 7:30 a.m. 2. Liberal. Arts, Commerce, En­ PLAYNITES for students, stall But since Faisal assumed the School Stu~ Council which was so instru­ We take it for granted that the facilities of to 5 p.m.; Reserve Desk closed gineering. Law, Nursing, and Grad­ by the toastmaster. Then she arose and f~cU]ty and their spouses at premiership, his pro-Nasser ism shakily and swept the audieoce mental in getting, it passed. The School Study our schools are going to have to be continu­ Saturday. uate students must also complete a th~ Fleld~ouse eack Tuesday and appears to have been moderated. ,tune 15 (S unday>, Closed. for a face to concentrate upon. "ReC/uest for Selective Service Friday DJgh~ fro,!! 7:30 to 9:30 Reliably but unofficially, King She found it - and directed Council is a body of concerned citizcns which ously improved and expanded, and that June 16-17 (Mon.-Tues.>, 7:30 Form 109" blank in the Office of p.m. AdmiSSIon will be by faculty. Saud has been quoted as saying every word at it. Constant staring provides a valuable assist to the Schpol Board studies of enrollmen ts, districting, und costs a.m. to 5 p.m. the Registrar. staff or student I.D. Card. The his brolher distrusted the British into one pair of eyes began to mes­ ~rvice desks open 8 a.m. to 4:50 Weight Training l\oom will be and hated Americans. If that was in' making the schools what the people want are neceSSfJry to do this efficiently. But it is to • p.m. merize her. She began to talk as YWCA BABY SITTING - A at the followlDg times; Mondays,. so, Faisal apparently has revised one in a trance, them to be. It certainly should continue in its be lloped that the School Study Council does to 6 p.m.; Wednesdays,. to 6 p.m.; his thinking recently. "I was ' nearly halfway through I ptf.D_ TOOL EXA;'NATIONS - baby-sitting service to the residents eftorts. not restrict itself to thinking about our schools of Iowa City is being offered by and Fridays, 4 to 6 p.m. He probably remains bitter over the speech," Mickey Ziffren COlI- A In t\CCOUNTlNG, will be given in his experiences in the United Slates fided to her dearest friend later, Room 204 University Hall begin· lhe Personal Service committee of However, the suggestions maue by Super­ in terms of buildings and numbcrs of pcople. PARKING - Tbe University park­ 11 years ago during U.N. debatt;s "when the fog lifted. I realibed :11 ning at 1 p.m. Monday, June 23. the Y.W.C.A. Call x2240 to make intendent Carner and approved by the Sellool For after all, isn't education really a process of arrangemcnts for transportation inll committee reminds stUdent over Palestine. Faisal, the power­ suddenly that the face at which 1.;: Students expecting to take this ex· autoists that the }2-hour parking less prince, nursed his grudges. had been directing all my remarks Board raise some question as to whether the and price. interaction between people and people, and amination should notify the secre­ Umit applies to all University lots But Faisal, the premier, appears belonged to the last person OD tary, Room 213 University Hall, by except the storpge lot scuth of the School Study Council will pursue the most between people and ideas? CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES in more interested jn curing this earth I would ever want to ~ 2 June 19. Hydr tullcs Laboratory. COURtry'S financial woes. to :- my husband's first wife!" fruitful and effective course of action. Education isn't something Ulat can be put In ECONOMICS, will be given in June may secure their academic Mr. Garner's proposals do not appear to into a column of figures and added up. The Room 204 University Hall begin­ app,,"el at Campus Stores from 8 VETERANS: Each P.L. 550 stu­ ning at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, June 24. to 12 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. on Tues- dent must sign a VA Form 7-1996a get at the basic issues surrounding our school. process of interaction that is education is Students expecting to take this day, Wednesday, and Thursday, . to cover his attendance May 1·31 They seem to faU into the trap a lot of Am ri­ much more difficult to understand and deal examination should notify the sec· June 10, 11 and 12. and another to cover his attend- retary, Room 201 University Hall, ance June 1-11. Bolli forms will be cans are falling into these days - the trap.>of with than the buildings it takes place within. by June 20. EDUCATIONAL PLACEMENT signed at the same time. The (orms In STATISTICS, will be given in Those registered in the Educa­ will be available to each individual c=~~~ looking at education as if it Wcre a (Juantita­ But if U10 School Study Council ignores this \ Room 204 University Hall begin­ tional Placement Office who are on the day of his la$l final cxam­ ., .. live thing. Everyone of tllC proposals for I ccnlral process, it may end lip, so to sp ak, ning at 1 p.m. Wednesday, June still seeking positions, scnd change ination. Officc open hours are 8:30 / ..... - - " 25. Students expecting to take this of address to lhe of£ice before leav­ a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m. ... - areas of study has either to do with money, polishing a rotton apple. examination should notify the scc­ ing the campus. This may be done in University Hall. There will be ,I I from 7 to 9:30 • . m.. on Saturday. retary, Room 301 University Hall, by postcard or by leaving a memo no sign-ups on June 2 and 3. The - DAR.Y IOWAN EDITORIAL STAFF 'lhe-1>aity Iowan ... rvlce on missed papers \I 23. Editor ...... Jim O.vles not pOlslble, but every eUort will be by June orandum at the Placement Office. VA Finance Office has indicated that the May-June benefits may ar, 1I.III1.a New. Editor .... Jerry KJrkpatrlck made to corre:ct errors with the next AUDIT lIua.AU City Editor ""'''''''' Jean DavIe •. 'uue. FAMIL Y NITES at lJIe Field- FOREIGN LANGUAGE ACHIEVE- rive on Or shortly after JijIle 20 in OF Sport. Editor ...... Dick Lynr. -M-E-M-B-ER-.-'-th-e-A-S-O-C-IA-T-E-D-P-B-E-SS- CJaCULATION. bouse for students, stsdr, facuJf.1, MENT TESTS in French will be a single check. However, if the Chief Photoll'apher " Walter Kleine The Associated Pre .. Is entitled .x- their spouses and their famillel given on Wednesday June 11 from check which arrives in June Is for Published daUy except Sunday anet Editorial Allllat.ant .. Donna Blaufus. elusivelY to the use for I't!pubIlcaUon on the second and fourth Wed- 1 to 3 p.m. ' , one month, the veteran is asked to Monday and lecal boUdaya by Stu­ ,. of aU the loca l news printed In thl. dent Publlcatlona. InC., Communlca­ newspaper 81 well 8S all AP new. oesdays of each month. RecreatioD- withhold his inquiry until July 23 tlonl• oenter , Iowa City. Iowa. En­ DAILI' IOWAN ADVERTISING STAFF dispatc.bes. al swimming and famfly-type acU, and to anticipate arrival of another J( tered .....cond claa matter .t the AdvertlalnllManl,er .. .. . Mel vities will be avaJJabl. from 7:11 THE UNIVERSITY COOPERA· check. A P.L. 550 student should POst office al Iowa City. under the Aisi. Advertlslnll Mlr ... John Ruddy DAILY IOWAN SUPERVISORS FII.OM PI act of Consre .. of March 2. 18'18. Cl ...lfled ..... Jack Powers S'CHOOL Ot' JOURNALISM FACULT~ to 9;15 p.m. TIVE ~A8~ SITTING LE~GUE visit tbe University Veterans Ser- Promotion Manager ...... Jim 0.111 Publlsher ...... John lit. Harrl llOn book IS LO charge oC Mrs. vjce for advice if ALL of the Col- Dlel 4191 from noon 10 mhtnlcht to Editorial '" .. Arthur M . Sandaroon ~ report new. Item., women'l pale Advenlslnc ...... E. John Kottman SELECTIVE SERVICE reminder­ James Cogley from June 10 to June lowing apply to him: It~l. or onnouncementl to The DAILY IOWO\N maCULATION Circulation ...... Wtlbur Peterson p.nor to the close oJ the preseot 24. Telephone her at 8-4760 if 8 1. He attended unGer P.L. 550 Dally 1o... ln. Edltorlel oWees ... Clrculltlon Mlnaser .. .. Paul Beard sitter or information about joining during the current ,semester. In the Communication. Center. .uBI,tant Maria,er ... . MIchael Dalley 'PRUST!!!! 8. BOAII.O OF STUDENT seSsion, all students desiring defer­ JO PUIiLlCATIONS m~nt for the next academic year the ,roup is desired. 2. He plans further pursuit undcr 8ubacriptioD "'fa - by ear,i.. In Dr. George Eaaton, DenlalrY: Davld Iowa city, h cenla ... eekly or fl. H. TlttslmmQ{ls. A~; Thomas S. Ham­ Sfibold: . P.L. 550, hut; not at any time dur­ IIx DIal 4191 U ,ou 40 DO' receive :pour Ilton. A4; Pret. HUCb Kelso. PollU ..l , p',r ,.ear In advaneei.. JIlODth .. 1. Write to their local draft board CA"DIDATES FOR DEGREES - ing the 1958 Summer seasiOIl I,U'the "1.110; \AI'ee molltbl... . 00. By maO Daib' lo.wan by 7:30 •. m. The Dalll ScICnoe; Dwlibt Lowell lIIathes, A41 'Il I ...... ' .. per year; alx month •. f$; 10_ Cln:lliJ'tlon oUlce In CommlUli· ,pro!. Leslf, G.' Moeller, J'ournll\sm; r~uesting defermf,lnt and stating -In June - commencement an· 1958-59 school year. I ' "ree montha. t3; all other "",U lUI>­ eatlolll Center W OPlft from 8 a. m.' 10 Prot'. . A VU Dt'ko. Education I umt Selective Servicc Form 109 will nouncements have arrived. Orders 3. He was separated lrqmaetive f A IerIp~na. 110 IMr ,..Ir: ala !IIIIIl&U. • p.m., on )londlY. from' • . m. 10 . , G • J. . '/.. All TlI~ W. "shis 01113 of tlwse ca/llpus queens." , ..... tbno_tu...... Po .... 'I'UIIId47. ~_ J'r~7.... be mailed from the OLfice of the may be picked up at ~umni House .duty Oil or· beLQfe Jun. 18.! •• " 6.\ , ; ...... !'.4-;. .~'-- "...... • M' • , .. ' ... !

F THE DAilY lOWAN-Iewa, City, I___ WK, JUM 11, l~a.. 3 Je C~ Penney Rebels Fight '. News Digest SUI History ' City May Get 3DO-Acre To lunch with In 3 Nations At Bikini Students Get Recreation ~rea WASHINGTON t.fI - The filth By United Pru. Internatie"al The city council mo\"ed this taken Cor the removal of the Government and rebel forces Labor Racketeer Dio Named t e el H h were reported locked in major bat· w k 10 make a formal reque bridt ,but no contracts ha\' y I (or 300 cres in Coral"iJ)e been a arded. Tw nty·two bridges VIrgl anc er ~Ies in. north a~d .south Lebanon In HoHa Wire Tap Conspiracy Study Grants I t\'oir area to use rur a recre. are to be removed. In action that mdicated a rebel NEW YORK . PI! _ Con\'jcted 1 bor racket r J. C. Penney. 83, founder and shift rrom deCensive to offensive johnny Dio was named as llll' go-bet"een TIl . day an· Students or the SUI History De- alion IIrea. In his announcem nt, Maj. chairman of the board or the J. operations. in the aU ed con pirac}' by Teamst rs chief Jalm' partment will stud)' at AmericaD This land i! part of a 5DO acr Pinkel' said the {harfey bridge C. Penney Co., will be the first per· Scores of persons were reported R. Horra to tap t lephon at the Detroit had. 1be joint announcement by the and Europe n coUeees next year to be cJ ared ,prior 10 filling will be Ie pt open ror th pr nl. son to open the doors to the new killed or wounded in hea,'y fight· quart r of the unIon . Atomic Energy Commissi nd under liGIl ud Inlemational1ol lhe re T\'OU' for Dood control He 'd that thi bridge ill re- Iowa City Penney store this morn· ing 011 the outskirts of the north rn FB] agent Ter n _Ic De testined that pro­ the Defense Department said (raDts to further their studies Pro- pur~ • main open "unl lhe re ervoir ing. port city QC Tripoli and in the re ional wiretapper Bern rd pind I had admittl'd merely: . . • City tanager Peler F. Roan I Penn.y arrived in Iowa City Chouf Mountains to the south. to him that 010 ga~e him :!.lO 5 a down payment "A nucl r te t detonation tool. Ir r W1,lliam Ay.delotte. depart· called the po ibility of t city must be operated [or Dood contro T.,..y afternoon to vi5it the Sweden proposed at New York to install the wiretap . place at 5:30 a.m., JllIIe 11, 1958," men t c...... L_'_ man. satd t """y...... - II Uing tbe u . of the area a purpo ." He added, "Thj would new 5tore which i5 scheduled to that the United Nations send a Spindel also told him, Ic han said, that the Eni"'e\ult time t the Bildnl atoll. Graduate students Frederick de "unique opporturuly for a M'Cre • occur only in the e\'enl of extreme epen for business September 11. watchdog group to insure against wiretaps had been installed in Detroit by "arrange· The t t i part oC the Hardtaek Lnna, Coli ee Park, Md., Phyllis tion facility for the city." rains O\'er Ihe Iowa riv r "alley This noon Penney wil be honored interference by the United Arab ment" with HoCCa, . nuclear weapons te t series under Hald, Peekskill, N.Y., and Sandra N. C"t for Land west or John on county." .t a private luncheon at the Iowa RepubUc in Lebanon's worsening way at the EniwetDk provine Levinson, A4. Mason City, haH~ Information 'Utly iv d Work Held Up Memorial Union. SUI President rebellion. Question of Cigarette Machine Legality ground." been Iranled student (rom the Army Corps of Engineers It ha n reported th t work Virgil M. Hancher will be one of Swedish Ambassador Gunnar V. The first announced test in the feUo ips for a year abroad. show that the wooded area on a in the M baU y brld e atea h the luncheon guests. . ed h ti alt Referred to Iowa Attorney General Members of the SUI faculty who Jarring propos sue ae on er serie.s, officially deslgna "Hard· ~ Luna ~·iU. study at t.he Unl- bend in the Iowa riv r above the be n held up by muddy ground on DES MOINES IA'I - The que,· seizure .f 101M of the machl"'l Lebanese Foreign Minister CharI tack" w officially confirmed May ver Jty of Par . JIIIss Hald and Corah'ille dam could be turned teep banks where tree are be. will attend the luncheon today are Malik warned the council that the lion of whether "ciga"tte retist· in the Watertoo Ar.. and a c.on· 7 after Rep. Chari O. Porter to. I Levinson will botb be. at the 0\' r to the city without co I-if ing cut. Se\'eral mile or I nd r • Sdney G. Winter, dean oC the Col· situation in Lebanon "has con. er machines" are Illegal In low. '-renee 'n the Tax Commi5lion Ore.), made public the April 28 ex· Uni\' r ity of Mnnche t r, In Eng· the city requests-but all ex· main to be cleared along th lege oC Commerce; Mason Ladd, siderably deteriorated" in the pa t W.I ,.,-rAC/ to the attomey g.n· offices with offIci.11 of the firm pI n. land. pense incurred in improving the ea tide oC th r rvoir between dean oC the College 01 La~; Br~c~ 24 hours. He asked the H.nation er.I'. office Tuesday by the 10"'. ownln, the .viu•• ~ . Mahan, dea.n oC ExtenSIon DIV1' group to remain "in continuous TAX Commission. I_A Is the only Itat. in the 'l'he second announced t bot amuel teSevcnt'y and Joel Silo park would be born by the city. Turkey creek and the 1chafley slon; M. L. HUlt: Dean of .S~u dents ; ion" until it took action. The probl.m wu taken to tho union in which clg.,.tte vendIng wa May 11, and the thlrd 1ay 12, bey, both graduate studen (rom Thi ar a, known as Linder bridge. AlUn W. DaklO, AdmlDlstrative sess .ttom.y g.ner.I's offic. following machine ••r. the (ourtJI lay 25. Brooklyn, N.Y., will study at Point, Is located about one-fourth Additional cLe rine bceam n c. Dean; Dewey B. Stu it, dean oC the I BRITISH SECURITY Corces The AEC nd the Pentaeol) said Columbia University. mile w l of Old Highway 218 and e ry when a 10-foot rai e in Ih CoUege of Liberal Arts; Elmer T. rushed between two conyerglng East Germany Withdraws Threat at the tart of this year's nuclear I. Laur nee Popofalty, A4. Oska· extends three-quarters of a mil Ie,' I oC th re r\'oir" a 8il'Ct'd Peterson, dean of the College of ro~ees of Greek and Turkish Cy­ To Try Helicopter Crew as Spies t ts that som of the detonations 100 • will be a Rhod Scllol r at to the a I. 10 at th requ t of the Stat Con· Education; and Wilbur J . Teelers, pnots :ue.sda~ and prevented a BERLIN IUPI1-The Ea. t G would be announced, Oxford University. Richard Luman, fajor V, W. Pinkey. acUng di. r\'ation Commission. dean emeritus of the College of mass riot In Nlcosla, Cyprus, with G, Ottumwa, has \Io'On a Kent FeI· trict ngin r, Rock bland, Ill., Pharmacy. clubs, hatchets and knives. . TIl sday backed down in the fa of Am ri n an r low hlp ror the SUI Hi tory Depart· announced thi w It Ihal rilling William A. Knoke, head of the The two columns .started ~OVlOg and Ru Ian embarrassm nl and withdr w a t.hreal Auto Workers Authorize ment. of the r rvolr wUl be d layed .L tl 0 rt t. Gilbert toward each other In the hills oul· Ma",e ng epa men, 'd Ni I B T h t ·th to try a pic nine Am rican r\'icemen \l<'r monlh. Summtr fln.nCf'. Phone 3077. ' · 12 It was similar to the way the ror herman Adams, Pre idl'nt Ei nhower' rillht Word A. James Musack and Larry Grett, Public SaCety movement evolved in Female Help Wanted month• • Mu L renl. Iod.y. 1-2452. 1·11 1.5 AnWAY. tondlUon. hand man . ODe OaT • ...... Ie a Word • ... 5114 . ..11 both 18, and John Rios, 17, were Algeria. And the iO\·estigalors· coun. el as. erted lhat th 5-nOOM unluml. h~ hou••• ,.Ilabl. arraigned Tuesday morning before Two DIY' • .. • ... lOe a Word Sr.CI'IETA1W. Dut! Inmen\. 22'" So. CUnlon. Phone SINOLE room lor ,radlUte .,oman PARIS CLEANERS and Ikl boola • .0... 6-1. 1-4405 ev

"ONE OF THE BEST FILMS OF THE YEARI" L 1,IiU1J':1THtU,lML - Time Ma,axlne BRIGETTE MIDWEST PREMIERE Thursday Nite BARDOT .. i B CK· ITE Your Car Full for $1.00 extraordinary FRENCH FILM "affaire passlonncllc" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .;;....:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;; -COLOR- GIG YOUNG· MAMIE VAN DOREN The RENE CLAIR IlICBILa---- ~D G MORGAN VARSilV TODAY caLUD f ~ ( , ) ... C = I ., ,. .. Thursdayl ~EUVE PHILIPE WE CAN DRIIIE UP : .. !.Vl1f.\NCOLOI TO LOOKOUT' POINf. VAN JOHNSON WO T THAT lIE FIRST IRISH FILMS -1IIIii1iilllliii[ FtJN7 ANN BLYTH JOHN FORD'S FINEST FILM pa~5ioll"te, perf.ct picturc ... from lhe man who STEVE ,(lave rou "Tite Informer," "How Green Was COCHRAN ~Iy Valley" and "The Quiet Man."

-"" ~~r~'It JOHN FORD'S "'bbeY~~EO 6'0' ~_ \N'fROO'" ~ TYRONE POWER ~".~~ Page 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, Iowa-Wed., June 11, 19S8 Cubs Loft Five Homers In 9-6 Win over Braves CHICAGO IA'I - Five Chicago Iplained of II sore shoulder, wa.!\dIt home runs, two by Bobby Thom- victim. on, Tuesday produced all the Cub I Billy Goodman singled bome 0IIt scoring in a 9-6 defeat of the Mil- run, ellie Fox s in gled across tht waukee Bra\ cs and Lefty Warren second and AI Smith doubte.r By Dick Lyn s Spahn. I across two more when left fiel4kr Sports Editor Spahn, uffering only his sccond Jim Lemon misjudged his fly ball I setback against eight victories, Thirty-two young Iowa golfers also yielded a three-run homer to Chicago . .FIll . ...T 010GAM!! 000 __ 5 11 I qualified for the championship Tigers Fire Tighe; Hire ~ league-leader }frnie Banks, his Washlneton...... OIQ 010 011 - 4 •• Moor-e. Staley 17 1. F'lscher 1'1, flight of the Stote Junior Champ­ 18th ; a t wo-rull horner t0 Ca I N ee- Pierce 191 and Lollar : PalCual, CItI-. ion hip, led by Berry Meerdink's man; and a solo homer Lo Dale enger 18" Byerly 18, and CourtM) blazing 71. L W - Moore. L - Cleveng.r. ong. Home runs - Chlcalo. J ack ...n III M e e r din k, Muscatine High from 'Bushes Hank Aaron's three-run homer W ..hlngton. Lemon 171. School senior who couldn't turn in the third finished Cub starter SECOND GAME the trick in this years slate high BOSTON IA'I - Nice guy Jack ing just a few hours later and his Dick Drott, but failed .to avert Mil- Chicago...... 000 010 100- 2 •• school tournament, went over the Tighe was fired Tuesday as man- office in Detroit made the . Iwaukee's fifth straight loss. Iw~J~~~nQUj,I I... IO~.~. !~- ~'I:"'l first nine in a one over par 37 ager of the last-place Detroit Ti- noun cement. . The victory went to Glen Hob· Grins. Hyde .71 and Courtney. W .. bie who allowed 1 run on 6 hits Griggs. L - Wilson. but turned in two birdies and six gers and the club dug into the " Jack gave it everything he .' • • . . Home runs - ChJcI,O. LAndi. lSI the last seven IImmgs for hiS Salley oil. Waohlngton. Sievert 1111. par's over the back nine for a 34 minor leagues for a new field boss. had," McHale said, "but it just fourth verdict agaillst five def ats. and his 71. Meerdink was award­ He is Bill Norman, a 47·year·old didn't work out." ed a plaque for his medalist hon­ Mllwauk~e 014 100 000- 8 13 0 jack·of-aH·trades who has been a "r made up my mind Sunday Chicago . 013 102 2Ox- 9 12 0 I d' 10 Bait' 2 ors. Spahn, Trowbrld,e lal and Crandall; n Ions , Imore scout and manager in the Detroit that we had to make a change," DrolL Hobbie t31 and Neeman. W - Meerdink's opposition this morn­ system about five years, most reo added the 36.year-old general man. Hobbie. L - Spahn. BALTIMORE IA'I - ClevellJld Home runs - Milwaukee, Aaron ing when the championship tees cently as manager at Charleston, ager. "I recommended the change '11)1. ChJcago, Thomson, (2, 61 , Bonk" banged out 14 hits Tuesday Dleb! off at 8 a .m. will be Mike Mc­ lUI, Lona: ~6} Neeman (41. W.Va ., in the American Assn. to the officers of the club and they including Minnie Minoso's eigJJlh Daniel, Perry, who shot a 77 for Tighe, 44 , had the manager's concurred with me. We put the his qualifying effort. job less than two seasons. Named wheels in motion immediately." Phillies 3, Dodgers 2 of the year to defeat Meerdink, who was runnerup to succeed after the YO'u're Safe! Baltimore 10-2. for the title in 1956 but failed to 1956 campaign, Tighe directed the McHale went to Charleston Mon­ LOS ANGELES IA'I - Philadel­ Rookie Gary Bell, picking up hit Tigers to a first-division finish day for a talk with Norman. From .NELLIE FOX SLIDES IN HOME with the fourth White Sox run of phia kept Los Angeles in the Na­ qualify last year, found the range the big seventh inning against the Washington Senators in the first tional League cellar Tuesday night first decision of the season for !be early in the qualifying round and last year for the £irst time in seven there he came to Boston to break I game of their twi-night double header Tuesday. Senator by knocking off the Dodgers 3·2 Indians, held the Orioles to ~ saw his score stand up after the years. Like many other American the news to Tighe. . Clint Courtney stretches for the throw which arrived too late. Fox, a before 19,671 Memorial Coliseum hits and two runs during his iiI largcst field in tournament his­ League clubs this season, the "I think our club has greater fl ..t man on the base paths, scored from first on a double bV Al fans . innings on the mound. Jim WI~ tory, toured the State University Tigers never have been able to get potential than it has shown to II rolling. date," said McHale, "That poten­ Smith. Umpire John Flaherty is a competent bystander, -AP Wire- PhiladelphIa .. 000 120 000- 3 11 I helm finished {or Cleveland, per. I ' of Iowa course. photo Los An geles .. 100 001 000-- 2 9 1 mitting only Di ck Williams' nintb Tuesday they were dead last, tial wasn't being realized so we ____' ______.Il~em:;:e~roond Lonnett; Newcombe John Peterson o( Iowa City, the games behind the league-lead- made the change for the good of inning single. 16-year-old Mississippi Valley ti­ 121~ Home run - Los An,eles. Neal ing New York Yankees. everybody concerned." 1101· The Tribe battered four Balli. tle holder, and Ron Long of Mon­ mo re hurlers, charging Col\lli~ ticello, shot 729 for second place. General Manager Jphn McHale Tighe, a popular manager who Covington's joined the club in Boston at 4 frequently talked himself into Pirates 5, Giants 4 Johnson wi th his fifth loss agalnsf The 81 other golfers out of a Outside Looking In two victOri es. field of 113 will be paired off in a.m., summoned Tighe to a meet- touchy situations, said he was re­ SAN FRANCISCO (A'I - Three five other £lights, composed of ------=------Jieved. at the news. Leg I.njury ~oger Maris led Cleveland's at· homers produced all the Pitts­ approximatcly 16 golfers per " I'm surprised, to a degree," tack with two singles and a doubl~ burgh rllns Tuesday night as the !light. he added, "but not too much and knocking in a run . Mino~ Still Bad Pirates edged the San Francisco Golfers playing in the champion­ National Open Golfers though. You sit and wonder - started the Tribe scoring spree Giants 5-4 and right-hander Bob with a first inning homer and siD, ship flight wlll play 36 holes to­ I when your club doesn't perk up CHICAGO IA'I _ 1£ the Milwau- ,I day, cutting the field to eight. y~u know there might, be a chang~ . kee Braves' fortunes are bending Friend notched his ninth victory. gled home the second run, in 11M! The eight will play another 36 Right or wrong, that s the ~ay It low , put the blame on Wes Cov­ A crowd of 16,621 'saw the Giants lose their lOth game of the past third. Thursday, cutting the Friday Face Tough Test Thursday alwa~s ~as been and that s the ington's injured knee. A~IERI C AN LEAG UE Cleveland ...... 101 010 052-11 " I 14 but still hold the National morning final down to two. way It will always be.'" . . . Baltimore ...... 000 002 oeo- I • Most of those touring the 18-hole TULSA, Okla. IA'I - Southern HiUs got a shave Tuesday but the Norman played 18 seasons of The h~rd - htttm~ outfielder, w L Pel GB League lead over Milwaukee by a Bell. Wilhelm 111 Ind Nixon ...... !.It .6PB scant three percentage pOints. (71: Johnson, Moeller III. tu.. ~ South Finkbine course agreed that course looked like a hilly, sand·toothed ogre 10 the world's premium professional ball mosUy as an out- armed With a cane mste~d of a ~:::,,,,;OC~,y" : j~ ~~ 7'~ 171. Sleater 19\ and Trllndot. Q!Jt. golfers gathered for the 48th National Open ChampIonship starting fielder. Twice, in 1931 and 1932, bat, arrived Monday With the Boslon ..... 27 24 7'. PIII,btl reh ... .202 00 I 000-- 5 7 0 191. L - JoIuoU it was in . fine condition, except :~~: 7 0 berg W - Bell. 10' a San Francisco .. 010 200 nlo- 4 HOll1e run - Cleveland . MinD'" ( ' I~ for an abundance of white clover Thursday. he had brief flings with the Chicago Braves, who ~oped to break a ~::~I~~on· · .. : : ~~ ~~ .412 10'. Friend and Foilea; Mon1nnt, Worth­ "If the wind &lntinues to blow four guys won 't break 290," glumly White Sox. He joined the Tiger fou~-game los.lng streak today Baltimore .. .22 27 ::~~ 11 1... Ington ,4,. Miller 191 and Schmidt. which made it tough for spotting 12 L - Monzanl, , lhe ball. The boys that were the predicted Dick Mayer, the almost forgotten defending champion. "I system 1n 1954 and subsequently agamst the Chicago . C.u~s. . g~:~rr .: ... ::· :~ :: : :~~ 12' ~ Home run" - Pittsburgh, stf"vens ('71. R£ Skinner 151. Thorn •• (171. San Fran­ last to tee of( Tuesday said that think a score of 287 will win it - and there'll be some 1OO 's beCore the managed farm clubs at Little Rock, There was a POS Sibility Covmg-I TUESDAY ' ULTS cisco. Cepeda ,14,. the greens were quite rough after week is out." Terre Haute, and Charleston. ton might go home to Mih~aukee Kan ••• City at New York. rain Norman joined the Tigers in to undergo therapy for hiS left Chlca,o &-2. Washln,ton 4-5 everyone had finished playi ng Dr. Cary MiddlecofC, a two-time winner and one of the prime favor­ knee Cleveland 10. Baltimore 2 ahead of them.. To many of the ites, call ed the course "the toughest I ever have played on." time for Tuesday night's game here . Detroit al Boston. rain White SOX Split and Tighe planned to return im- " I won'l be doing the club any TO DAY'S 1'lTCII ERS boys, the course is not new as the "It's harder than Oakland Hills," . .. C . . Kansas Cit y at New York 121 WASHINGTON IA'I The Wash mediately to bis home in Spring goo d thiS way, ovmgton said. Herbert '1-11 and Terry 13·51 vs Tur- -- '58 slate high school championship Middlecoff added, referring to the L k M' h W ff d .. t ley 18- 11 and Ford 17-21. ington Senators' whipped off four was played there. Detroit monster wh E: re Ben Hogan a e, IC . CS su ~ re a severe inJury.? Detroit at Boston '2. day-nl,htl - double plays and got eight·hit pitch- The last five positions on the won and only two players had a the knee In a pre·season exhlbl- Lary 15-51 and Mo(ord 10-1) vs For­ SecondI Place tion game in Texas. The kn ee re- 13-21 and SmJth 13-11 or Wall ing from Hal Griggs and Dick 32 man championship were filled sub·par round in 1951, " but it's ~J~~~s cenUy was hit by a pitched ball Cleveland at Baltimore INI _ Tom- Hyde as they defeated the Chicago with a one hole play-off between fairer. " Decision Thursday "t Pi~tsburgh and the inJ'ury was anek (2-21 vs Pappa. 12-1). White Sox 5·2 in the second game six oC the boys who finished with Sam Snead said. " I'll take 287 .,t I • Chicago at Washington lNI - Flsch- of a doubl e header Tuesday nl'g ht 82's. . For A's No and sit on it." Jimmy Demaret, About Operation aggravated agam last week at San er 12-21 or K nioilee-OIO aU ... Dp - Francisco when Covington almost er 12-21 or Keegan 10-0) va Kem- after the White Sox took the firsl It took an 81 to qualify for the Doug Ford, Ken Venturi and Ar­ .. merer 12-41. game 5-4. for that molt Im,.rt•• , ••••• honor flight but there were still nold Palmer forecast a winning For Tim Tam ~I~~:.d With Shortstop Johnny NATIONAL LEAGUE Four-run rallies decided both {ive positions to be filled when the score of 284 - four over par. CHICAGO (,fI - A decision on H id ' games. The Senators got theirs in -COMPLETE WEDDING last foursome recorded its scores. Surprise: Craft e sa an orthopediC surgeon W L P el GD ' Acceding to the howls of Snead, whether to operate on Tim Tam's advised him the condition could San Francisco . 30 23 .566 the sixth inning of the nightcap to FLOWER SERVICE Berry Meerdlnk, Muscalin". 71 NEW YORK (,fI - The sur­ Demaret and others who fought injured I right front ankle will be Mllwauk.. ... 27 21 .563 ',break what had been a I-I tie. (CO ME IN POll. FREE ESTIIIAfl) Joltn Peterson. Iowa City, 72 the tenacious Bermuda rough in Qecome extremely serious. Cincinnati ... 23 22 .511" 3',3 P'mc, I -h'It ter J U j'10 Becquer -INVITATIONS & Ron Lollil. MOMleeno, 72 prising second·place status o£ the made Thursday at Belmont Park , "lC I should happen to use the Chi calo .. .. 27 27 .SO " Dick Null. LeMan. 13 Kansas City Athlctics comes as no early practice rounds, the U.S. Gol! Calumet Farm trainer Jimmy St. Loul. .... 24 24l1OO 3' .. singled acr~ s one of the runs, ANNOUNCEMENTS Bill Iverson, Clinton, 73 Assn. Tuesday ordered the rough l«:g top much and aggravate the Plltsbureh ... 25 26 .490 4 G ' , T n b hl . Steve Spray, Indianola. 73 great surprise to Manager Harry Jones said Tuesday. knee injury, the doctor said I Philadelphia .. 22 27 .449 6 riggs sacn Ice y roug In an- -WEDDING PHOTOS Dave Nelson. Clinton, 7. cut down to four inches in the en· Tim Tam, Kentucky Derby and Loa Aneeles .. 21 29 .420 7'. other and Herbie Plews' double Craft. Furthermore, the youthful would perhaps wind up on my TUESDAY 'S RE SU LT S drove I·n the olher t\"o. -IMPRINTED NAPKINS Bob lltrke, Clinton. 75 skipper declared Tuesday he ex· tire area inside the ropes. k Herb Knuden. Cedar Rapid •. 75 Prea ness winner, sustained the in- b ac k m' a hOSpl ' t a I be, d "C o VlD. gton Chlcaeo 9. Milwaukee 6 Ray Moore was the• beneficiary -WEDDING BOOKS Ed Devlnller, MI. Pleasant, 76 pects his team to stay up there. " That means," said Mayer, "you jury S aturd ay w hlie finishing sec· said. Cincinnati al St. LouiS. rain Jay Kraeltmer. Cedar Rapid., 78 lose only half a stroke instead of a ond to Cavan in the Belmont The Braves will feel the loss of 2 of the White Sox' {our·run rally in -MINTS & MIXED NUTS Jim Delaney, Spencer. 77 "I'm not making any predi c­ ~~~~a~~;llp~I;' rn~;a~c~'g~~e: the seventh inning of the opener. J .D. T urner, Perry. 77 full stroke when you wander off the tions," Crafl said. " But I see no St a k es. Ilis presence at the plate. Although rODA Y'S "ITCIIUS -THANK YOU NOTIS Frllz Brock, Grinnell. 17 fairway. But the frog hair around Jones said he is conferring with I}~ has been at bat only 97 times v.M~~n~::e'4~~1 Chlcago - Rush (4-2 ) Truman Clevenger, who had re- Mike MeDanlal . Perry, 77 reason why we can't slay where we Walt Hod lle, Dubuque. 77 the greens is still so deep that a several veterinarians and a deci- qus season, Covington has driven Pltt,bu reh at San Francisco - Law Iieved Wa shington stBl-ter Camilo HALL'S BRIDAL SHOP are. We've hung in pretty good up It Da ve Naso, Cedar Rapid., 78 monkey can play it as well as a sion on whether to operate will be I 29 th b t 15-4' VI Gome. 15-41. Pascual in the sixth inning after ... Steve Hanke. A liantlc. 78 ,. n runs, e same num er sen Cincinnati at Louis fN) - Nux- the Cuban right.hander had com- so. to now and we've won our share of man," 51. In R~"''''. Terry O'Connor, Dubuque. 79 made some time Thursday at Bel· borne by slugger Eddie Mathews hall '2-31 vs Jones 14-61. ~;.;..:.:~ii.~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;.;~~~~~~~~~~iiiiii~ Ted Baney, Washlnl(on, 79 games from every team in the Mayer, who acknowledges that • 173 t' t b Philadelphia at Lo. An,ele. (N) Terry Stith, Mt. Ple.sant, 79 league. If the prescnt spirit pre­ _m_o_n_.t ______l_n _____ I_m_e_s __ a ___a_t. ______~S~lm~n~1~OM=-~15~-6~I_v~ s_D~r~~. oo~a~le~12~-~81~. __ AI Pechacek, Sioux City. 79 he has been unable to r egain top Chuck Bubany. Ottumwa. 80 vails, I see no rea on why we can't form after winning close to Jim Hofler, Des Moines. 81 $too,ooo Roy Deitch!.,.. Ft. Madison. 81 continue to win our share of last year, picks MiddlecoH as the Do ve Kanlz, Muscatine, 81 games." player most likely to take off with It Just Isn't the Same In New York Dave Gross, Davenport, 81 Dave Palmer, Orlnnell. ~ In spring training interviews the championship. Mike O'Connor, AUanllc, 8Z Robert Trent Jones, the famed Jon McWhinney. Cedar Rapid •. 82 Craft steadfastly maintained he Ron Tallman, Des Moines, 82 was not interested in where his golf course d signer who helped • Don Finney. Dubuque. 82 Athletics finished. toughen up Southern Hills for this Suburbanites Talk Taxes, "We're hooting for 70 victories," test just as he has done in nine of , he said. " If we can win that many the last ten Opens, also favors Women Pros games, the standing will take care Snead " because he has the game of itself." tll ilored to U,e course and his mental altitude is perfect." Not About Giants, Dodgers Before Tuesday night's game, Tune Up f~r Kansas City had won 25 of its first NEW YORK - proposition only 24 hours after he had Cooper bracketed with Mal An­ thin Betsy Rawls, Wiffl Smith, Bev­ BREMERS EWERS SED / him derson, another Australian who is erly Hanson, Marilynn Smith, Bet­ I ~ garl ty Jameson, Alice Bauer, Bonnie the U.S. champion, at 3-1. Ander­ Men's Store son remained 3-1. :Be POPular with POP hefe Randolph, Kathy Cornelius, Betty 21 S. Clinton GI Dodd and Mary Lena Faulk com­ The Wimbledon championships plete the field. will be played from June 23-July 5. ~ DON'T FORGET! on FATHER'S DAY-June 15 TEXTBOOKS Give HIM Shirts Give HIM Jewelry IOWA'S FINEST ••• ~ FATHER'S DAY is VAN HEUSEN $5 SWANK $1.50 w. Give HIM Slippers Giv.e HIM Ties CoOl rush • ~"""ote.CI! EVANS $5.95 WEMBLEY $1.50 erne W Give HIM Slacks Give HIM Socks $ii65 ~ -THIS SUNDAY- Proll Lif.O'EASE $8.95 JERKS $1.00 me • T~ . ~ HE'I.!- APPRECI4 T~ A, ~IFT FROM Many Other Gifts For Dad lop/\! " .,' aCCE COME IN AND BROWSE whit l~ ....~ ' __..... __ ·' !"evo . _- ..... ,&.;",~-