No. 4/1/2019-T-I GOVERNMENT OF CABINET SECRETARIAT ESTABLISHMENT DIVISION ***** Islamabad, the 251 February. 2020

The President, National Defence University, Islamabad.


In continuation of this Division's letter of even number. dated 03-01-2020, 07-01-2020, 06-01-2020 and 07-02-2020 on the above noted subject I am directed to state that the competent authority has been pleased to approve the revised list of the following officers for the subject course, subject to final selection by NDU:-


Mr. Amer All Ahmed, Chief Commissioner I.C.T., Islamabad. Mr. Zahir Shah Secretary, Administration Department KPK. Peshawar. Mr. Waseem Shamshad Ali, MD TEVTA, Govt. of Sindh. Karachi. Mr. Naseer Khan Kashani, Chairman Gawadar Port Authority, Ministry of Maritime Affairs Govt. of Balochistan. Quetta Mr. Shaliab All Shah, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, KPK, Peshawar. Fit. Lt. (Retd) Ka 1111%1 11 Rehman Khan, Secretary, Culture, Tourism, Arch, Museum & YA Deptt, KPK, Peshawar. Dr. Ayesha Saeed, Director General Social Welfare and Bait-ul- Mall Govt. of Punjab. Mr. Ikram Ullah, Secretary, Home Deptt. KPK. Peshawar St OLICE SERVICES OF PAKISTAN (PSP)

Mr. Fasili ud Din Dr, DIG, (TRNG) KPK, Peshawar. Mr. Khadim Hussain Rind Baineh, At disposal of Govt. of Sindh. Mirza Faran Baig, D.I.G Commandant P.T.0 Punjab . Mr. Imran Arshed. _ Dy. Director General, I.B Islamabad. Qazi Jamil-ur-Rehman, At the disposal of Govt. of KP. Dr. Muhammad Wagar Abbasi, Director HA Punjab Lahore. Mr. Imran Nlahmood, RPO Bahawalpur. 10. IVIr. 1VIU1111111111ali Maim an milan. Chief Admn Officer Pun jab Safe Cities Authority. Lahore..


17. Mr. Aijaz Ahmed Mahesar, Secretary, Livestock & Fisheries Deptt, Sindh Karachi. 18 Mr. Usman Sarush Alvi, Joint Secretary, National Health services regulation and coordination division, Islamabad Mrs. Sabina Qureshi, Director General, FPSC, Islamabad. Mr. Muhammad Arshad Khan, Joint Secretary, privatization division. Islamabad Mr. Adil Akbar Khan, Joint Secretary, Economic Affairs, Islamabad. Mr. Nadeem Ahmad Malik, Joint Secretary, Cabinet Division Islamabad FOREIGN SERVICES OF PAKISTAN (FSP)

Mr. lived Ahmed Umrani, Consul General, Consulate General of Pakistan. Chicago Mr. Shakeel Asghar, Director General (NASA). PAKISTAN AUDIT & ACCOUNTS SERVICES (PA&AS)

Mr. Murtaza Khan, Financial Advisor Pakistan Ordinance Factories (130F) Board. Wah Cantt 26 Mr. Akbar All Khan, CF&AO, Parliamentary Affairs Division, Islamabad Muhammad Azhar, Director General Audit, Social Safety Net, Islamabad Mr. Izzat Jahan, Chief Account Officer. Pakistan Post Office Department. Islamabad INLAND REVENUE SERVICE (IRS)

Ms. Tehmina Aamer, Chief (FATE), FBR, Islamabad Mr. Ardsher Saleem Tarig, Chief (IT), FBR, Islamabad A 31. Mr. Nasir lybal, Commissioner- IR, LTU, Islamabad - 32. Mr. Khurshid Ahmad Khan Manvat, Chief FIRM , FBR, Islamabad. PAKISTAN CUSTOMS SERVICE (PCS)

Mr. Abdul Qadir Memun, FBR, H/Q, Islamabad Mr. Irfan ur Rehman Khan, Director, Directorate of Transit Trade, • uetta COMMERCE & TRADE (C&T)

Ms. Aaisha Makhdoom, Director General, TDRO INFORMATION GROUP (IC)

Mr. Tarig Mehmood, Manning Director. Associated Press of Pakistan Corporation, Islamabad Mr. Muhammad Tahir Hussain, Director General. Directorate of Electronic Media and Publications Islamabad Ms. Imrana Wazir, • Director General (PR), Press Information Depktfil&iit.'klamabad • , POSTAL SERVICES

Mr. Sami Ullah Khan, Joint Secretary. Baltistan COUI1C11 Secretariat Islamabad PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT & REFORM (Economic Group) Mr. Zafar-ul- Hasan, Chief, Mbo Planning Development and Reform. SENATE SECRETARIAT

Ms. Rabeea Anwar, Joint Secretarynegislation), Senate Secretariat, Parliament House, Islamabad I INTER SERVICES INTELLIGENCE (ISI)

Mr. Iftikhar Farrukh, Deputy Director General Mr. Atif Liaquat, Deputy Director General INTELLIGENCE BUREAU

— Maj (R) Farid Asghar Jadoon, Deputy Director General, Intelligence Bureau, Islamabad. GOVT. OF BALOCHISTAN

(Mst. Saira Atta, Secretary, Women Development Department. Govt. Of Baluchistan Quetta.

2. Bio-Data/ICP Charts and Annual Medical Examination Reports in respect of the

nominated officer will be forwarded shortly.

(Muluirn Naecm) . Deputy Secretary (T-1) Tele: 9207034

Copy to:- The Secretary, President's Secretariat (Public). Islamabad. The Secretary to the Prime Minister. Prime Minister's Office. Islamabad. Auditor General of Pakistan. Office of the Auditor General of Pakistan, Islamabad. All Secretaries (Concerned), Federal Ministries/Divisions, Islamabad/Rawalpindi. The Secretary , Senate Secretariat. Islamabad. All the Chief Secretaries of Provinces. Lahore, Peshawar. Karachi. Quetta, The Chairman, Federal Board of Revenues. Islamabad. The Director General. Intelligence Bureau. Islamabad. The Director General, Inter-Services Intelligence. Islamabad. The Director General (Postal), Islamabad. The Secretaries (S&GAD). Government of the Punjab. Khyber Pakthunkhwa, Sindh and Lahore, Peshawar Karachi, Quetta. Inspector General of Police. Punjab. Lahore. All Joint Secretaries, Establishment Division. Islamabad. All nominated officers, with the request to provide their bio-data as per attached format and AMR to this Division for onward submission to NMI. DS (CP-V)/Computer Section, Establishment Division, Islamabad. D.S. (Coord), National Defence University. Islamabad. Director (PD), Establishment Division. Islamabad. SPS to Secretary., Establishment Division, Islamabad. SPS to Additional Secretaries-I & II, Establishment Division, Islamabad. Section Officer (CP-IX) with the request to provide ICP charts in respect of ers of PAS, PSP & SG.

(Naheed Ak tar Chaehar) Section Officer (T-1) Tele: 9103495