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Western Union's Avneet Sandhu Leader in South Asian News - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, AprilJune 19,2, 2017 2019 www.WeeklyVoice.com VolVol 25, 23, No. No. 16 22 PM: 40025701 exchange your perspective be first. be ready. Be part of an exciting evolution. Some will call the Exchange District a city unto itself, a mixed-use, vibrant and rich urban destination. Others may call it striking for its engaging architectural volumes. A lucky few will call it home. coming soon Experience the future of downtown Mississauga. Register today. NEW RETAIL • OFFICE • CULTURE • SHOPPING & DINING • BOUTIQUE HOTEL • PARKS & PUBLIC SPACES CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES • ADJACENT TO SQUARE ONE SHOPPING CENTRE • NEW LRT RAPID TRANSIT THEEXCHANGEDISTRICT.COM Exclusive Listing Brokerage to Barberry (DP) Inc.: International Home Marketing Group Realty Inc. Brokers Protected. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Proposed LRT subject to Government approval and construction. Illustrations are artist’s concept. E. & O.E. A-2 | Friday,19-0322_SATURDAY2_WeeklyVoice_Apr19_DELIVERED_OL.pdf April 19, 2019 1 2019-04-17 3:18 PM www.WeeklyVoice.com Leader in South Asian News - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, AprilJune 19,2, 2017 2019 www.WeeklyVoice.com VolVol 25, 23, No. No. 16 22 PM: 40025701 Charter Day Welcome For Canadian Newcomers - page 6 IN5 Experium - An Enthralling Visual Experience- page 12 Morneau, Sidhu Speak At Brampton Townhall, page 13 Trudeau Hails Sikhs; Joins Vaisakhi Parade ‘Sikh Extremism’ Tag Removed From Security Report VANCOUVER: Prime Min- society formed in 1902 and built Canada for more than 120 years, ister Justin Trudeau touted the the first Sikh Gurdwara in Canada Trudeau said, adding there are strength and contributions of several years later, according to now Sikh entrepreneurs, politi- Canada’s Sikh community as he its website. cians, artists and true leaders in celebrated the religion’s holy day Trudeau joined other politi- every field. of Vaisakhi in Vancouver. cians and community members in He said the values celebrated “As we celebrate Vaisakhi, let walking amongst floats and per- during the holy day, like equality us also celebrate all the incredible formers. On the sidelines, people and social justice, are values that contributions of this community,’’ handed out free food along the make Canada stronger. he said in a speech after he walked route, including snacks and full Before the parade, Trudeau vis- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the Khalsa Diwan Society in a parade Saturday organized by meals to passersby. ited one of the largest Sikh tem- Sikh Temple before marching in the Vaisakhi parade, in Vancou- the Khalsa Diwan Society. The Sikhs have helped to build Continued on page 4 ver on Saturday. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck Jason Kenney’s UCP Province Cuts Legal Aid Budget; Refugee Sweeps Alberta Law Cash Eliminated Vows To Kill Carbon Tax, Revive Oil Industry, Create Jobs Move Is ‘Horrific’ Says Organization TORONTO: The Progres- sive Conservative government is slashing the budget of Legal Aid Ontario, including eliminating funding for refugee and immigra- tion law services _ a move law- yers with the organization call a “horrific’’ decimation. Legal Aid Ontario has sent a letter to staff as the government tabled its first budget, saying the province is reducing funding to the organization by 30 per cent. That means it will receive $133 million less in this fiscal year than the $456 million it had an- ticipated. The budget says “streamlining rights to liberty, to access to jus- the delivery of legal aid to pro- tice, to people being able to fight mote long-term sustainability’’ is for custody of their children and United Conservative Party leader Jason Kenney addresses supporters in Calgary, Alta., Tuesday, expected to reduce the funding by access to their children, including April 16, 2019.THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh $164 million in 2021-22. Continued on page 5 EDMONTON: Jason Kenney business.’’ The UCP was lead- Opposition.’’ Legal Aid CEO David Field and his United Conservatives ing or elected in 63 of 87 seats Notley said she had congratu- said the organization will try to channelled the angst of an angry Tuesday night. The NDP held the lated Kenney and “assured him find savings through innovation, electorate to soar to a majority other 24. A handful of seats were that we will do everything that but it will be challenging. Con- government in Alberta’s election too close to call and will need to we can to ensure the transition to templating layoffs is premature, Tuesday and relegate Rachel Not- wait to be finalized until out-of- a new government is smooth and he said. “It’s not out of the realm ley’s NDP to the history books as constituency advance ballots are productive.’’ of possibility, but it’s not some- a one-and-done government. counted later in the week. “I wish him and his govern- thing that we’re looking forward The UCP, formed two years Notley’s NDP held on to much ment well. We all do. We must. to,’’ he said. ago by a merger of the Progres- of its traditional base in Edmon- Because we all love Alberta,’’ she Dana Fisher, a legal aid law- sive Conservative and Wildrose ton, which it swept four years said, her family behind her on yer and a spokeswoman for the parties, held its rural and Calgary ago. But cabinet ministers and stage as supporters chanted “Ra- union representing 350 Legal Aid seats and took back many of the backbenchers went down else- chel! Rachel!’’ Ontario lawyers, said it’s hard breakthrough NDP wins in those where. Speaking to supporters Kenney, who won his riding to see how cutting a third of the regions in 2015. at her Edmonton headquarters, in Calgary-Lougheed, is a for- organization’s budget can be ac- “What a great day for the prov- Notley touted her government’s mer federal Conservative cabinet complished through streamlining. ince of Alberta,’’ Kenney told accomplishments and said she minister under Stephen Harper. “A cut of that nature is going BROKER cheering supporters after riding will stay on as NDP leader. “We He takes the top job after win- to be horrific at any point in time, into a jammed event centre at have fundamentally changed the ning on a jobs, jobs, jobs message but the nature of it starting im- Calgary’s Stampede Grounds in a politics of this province forever,’’ and a promise to wage war on all mediately is just going to cause blue pickup truck. she said. “It has been an honour who oppose Alberta’s oil and gas ripples throughout the justice sys- “Today our great province has to serve as your premier and it industry, particularly Prime Min- tem,’’ she said. sent a message to Canada and will be an honour to serve as the ister Justin Trudeau. “You’re looking at immediate the world that Alberta is open for leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Continued on page 4 impacts to defending people’s Canada To Bring In More International Students OTTAWA: Canada plans to students have been coming from represents 96 institutions. attract more international stu- India and China, while recent In 2000, there were 122,665 dents by expanding its presence years have seen surges from valid study permits in Canada overseas in an effort to advance countries like Vietnam. _ a number that hit 572,415 last classroom diversity and boost Officials from universities, year for an increase of 467 per economic benefits that already colleges and the federal govern- cent. Numbers compiled by Uni- amount to billions per year. ment are now in the early stages versities Canada say full-time The economic effects of for- of developing an “aligned’’ strat- international student enrolment eign students nearly doubled be- egy that will broaden campaigns at universities rose by about 15 tween 2010 and 2016, when they in other parts of the world, Uni- per cent across Canada between reached a total of $15.5 billion versities Canada president Paul 2017 and 2018. in Canada for everything from Paul Davidson Davidson said in an interview. Last month’s federal budget tuition fees to rent and groceries, Places with expanding econo- announced $148 million of fund- according to a federal analysis. 2016 and had greater economic mies and large populations of ing over five years for interna- To put that in perspective, the impacts than Canada’s exports of young people, like Colombia and tional education, part of which document says the sector sup- auto parts, aircraft and lumber. parts of Africa will also be tar- will be dedicated to efforts to at- ported nearly 170,000 jobs in The vast majority of foreign geted. Davidson’s organization tract more foreign students. A-4 | Friday, April 19, 2019 FRONT/NATIONAL www.WeeklyVoice.com THE WEEKLY VOICE Kenney Talks Of ‘Deep Frustration’ In Alberta EDITOR Bala Menon Continued from page 3 Kenney has derisively called it ASSOCIATE EDITOR “the Trudeau-Notley alliance’’ _ a Shazia Malik partnership he says has turned Al- CONTRIBUTING WRITERS berta into a doormat for Trudeau Preeti Thandi and other oil industry foes in re- Harj Chaggar turn for no more than a faint and Amitabh Saxena as yet unrealized promise of the Trans Mountain pipeline expan- Graphic Design sion to the west coast. Tamarind Tree Kenney has promised to Classifieds kill Alberta’s homegrown carbon HarSimrat Panfer tax, fight the federal carbon tax in court, and do what he can to help ACCOUNT MANAGERS the federal Conservatives defeat Manu Ramachandran Trudeau in the federal October G Prasaad vote. “There is a deep frustration Rohit Malhotra in this province, a sense that we Maha have contributed massively to United Conservative Party supporters celebrate in Calgary, Alta., Tuesday, April 16, 2019.
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