Theodore Robinson Oil Paintings

Theodore Robinson [American Painter, 1852-1896]

A Sweet Girl Graduate canvas painting, 47487-Robinson, Theodore-A Sweet Girl Graduate.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47487 | Order the painting

Bird's Eye View, canvas painting, 47488-Robinson, Theodore-Bird's Eye View, Giverny.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47488 | Order the painting

By the River canvas painting, 47489-Robinson, Theodore-By the River.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47489 | Order the painting

Canal Scene canvas painting, 47490-Robinson, Theodore-Canal Scene.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47490 | Order the painting

Capri by Theodore Robinson canvas painting, 47491-Robinson, Theodore-Capri by Theodore Robinson.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47491 | Order the painting

Country Road canvas painting, 47492-Robinson, Theodore-Country Road.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47492 | Order the painting


Girl at Piano canvas painting, 47493-Robinson, Theodore-Girl at Piano.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47493 | Order the painting

Girl Sewing canvas painting, 47494-Robinson, Theodore-Girl Sewing.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47494 | Order the painting

House in Virginia canvas painting, 47495-Robinson, Theodore-House in Virginia.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47495 | Order the painting

House with Scaffolding canvas painting, 47496-Robinson, Theodore-House with Scaffolding.jpg Oil Painting ID: 47496 | Order the painting

Total 3 pages, 1/3 | Page : [1] 2 3 Robinson, Theodore (Nationality : American Painter, 1852-1896) Theodore Robinson (July 3, 1852 - April 2, 1896) was an American painter best known for his impressionist landscapes. He was one of the first American artists to take up in the late 1880s, visiting Giverny and developing a close friendship with . Several of his works are considered masterpieces of .

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