Your Community Charter Our Promises To
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Appendix 3 Outer South Area Committee Delivery Plan 2010-11 FRONT PAGE Your Community Charter Our Promises To You Dear Residents On behalf of your local Area Committee, I am very pleased to introduce the first ever community charter for our area. YOUR COMMUNITY CHARTER This charter sets out our promises to you for the year ahead and provides information on some of our achievements last year. These are additional things that will be done in your area in response to priorities identified by residents and local Councillors. YOUR AREA COMMITTEE We are a formal local committee of Leeds City Council. Membership is made up of the 12 councillors covering the Wards of Ardsley and Robin Hood , Morley North , Morley South and Rothwell . The various neighbourhoods these cover are shown at the bottom of the page. The 12 councillors are: Ardsley and Robin Hood: Councillors Jack Dunn, Lisa Mulherin and Karen Renshaw Morley North: Councillors Robert Finnigan, Bob Gettings and Thomas Leadley Morley South: Councillors Judith Elliot, Terry Grayshon and Shirley Varley Rothwell: Councillors Stewart Golton, Steve Smith and Donald Wilson We have a local budget to help deliver on our promises to you. See the back page for how we spent this last year. SUPPORTING COMMUNITY ACTION The Area Committee promotes a small grants scheme that can provide up to £500 towards community projects. If you are involved in a local community group and want to deliver activities in your area, we would very much like to hear from you. I hope you find this community charter informative. Yours Chair of the Outer South Area Committee COVERING COMMUNITIES IN THE WARDS OF ARDSLEY & ROBIN HOOD, MORLEY NORTH, MORLEY SOUTH AND ROTHWELL FOOTER SWOOSH: East & West Ardsley, Tingley, Thorpe, Lofthouse, Robin Hood, Carlton, Churwell, Drighlington, Gildersome, Morley, Rothwell, Woodlesford, Oulton Appendix 3 Outer South Area Committee Delivery Plan 2010-11 MIDDLE PAGES HEADER 2010-2011 Outer South Community Charter Our Promises for the Year Ahead MIDDLE PAGES LEFT We will Suggested Charter Theme (ADP Theme) Things to do (Culture) • Support the improved condition and running of Outer South Community Centres, providing additional support to other local community facilities where needed. • Provide funding to support a broad range of ‘out of school’ activities for 5-19 years olds that complement the need in the area and at necessary times, supporting the increase of meaningful contact with children and young people in libraries. • Offer a ‘Small Grants’ scheme for local community groups to support Area Committee priorities, including sporting and cultural activities. • Promote and support a range of community based events (including Morley Literature Festival, Community Fun Days, Rothwell Carnival, and Competitive Music Festival, Horticultural Show, Christmas events, Beer Festival and St Georges Day) for all our residents. • Ensure that good quality outdoor space is available for use by residents for local events, sporting and recreational activities. Including maintaining 'Leeds Quality Park' standard at three parks (in Scatcherd, Drighlington and Springhead). Clean & Green (Environment) • Target the enforcement of law on environmental crime offenders and publicise successful prosecutions. We will develop and monitor solutions to tackle environmental priorities. • We will also dedicate council funds from the ‘Small Grant Scheme’ to allow local community groups to improve their local environment, providing skips for community ‘clean ups’. • Coordinate a range of neighbourhood ‘crime and grime’ initiatives including ‘Operation Champion’ and ‘Environmental Pride’, improve street cleanliness, the provision of allotments, affordable warmth schemes and work to provide ways for green spaces to increase rain saturation. Appendix 3 Outer South Area Committee Delivery Plan 2010-11 • Fund a Site Based Gardeners scheme to help manage and maintain Smithy Lane Rec, Lowry Road (Ardsley and Robin Hood), Lewisham Park, Hembrigg Park (Morley South) Drighlington Common/Park, Churwell Park (Morley North) Shayfield Recreational Ground and Woodlesford Recreational Ground (Rothwell). • Launch Conservation Area Audits in Morley, Rothwell, Oulton and undertake final audit in Woodlesford to conserve and protect our local environment. Safe Neighbourhoods (Thriving Places) • Increase information provided to residents on financial inclusion and support available through community engagement activities. • Promote and deliver a range of intelligence led crime prevention and community safety projects. Help organisations to reduce targeted crime and anti social behaviour, including taking action to tackle under age drinking, drugs and burglary reduction (Tasking Partnership). • Provide funding to support a broad range of ‘out of school’ activities for 5-19 years olds that complement the need in the area in priority neighbourhoods, that will act as diversionary activities to reduce Anti Social Behaviour. • Invest in physical measures that help reduce crime. Police Community Support Officers will also hold drop in surgery sessions in Morley and Rothwell Libraries. • Library Services will work together with schools to consider the potential of libraries as facilities to deliver ‘Extended School Services’. Community Life (Harmonious Communities) • Support resident and community groups to enable them to have a greater role in influencing the delivery of local services. • Deliver targeted work such as ‘Neighbourhood Improvement Plans’ and ‘Supported Areas’ in our priority neighbourhoods to help the most in need. • Continue to engage with residents directly through police organised ‘Partners and Communities Together’ (PACT) meetings and share the results of this work. • Provide small grants up to £1,000 for voluntary and community groups to deliver local activities for all our communities. • Complete a series of ‘Prevent Programme’ activities to challenge extremist views and build cohesive communities which work together. Appendix 3 Outer South Area Committee Delivery Plan 2010-11 The Local Economy (Enterprise and Economy) • Deliver basic computer and internet training ‘Learn in the Library’, also promoting jobseekers advice and support sessions available from Library Services. • Support the Morley Town Centre Partnership and Town Centre Management. Develop a way forward for Town Centre Management in Rothwell. • Support the ‘Investment Partnership for South Leeds’, encouraging private and public investment into Morley and Rothwell town centres. • Implement the next phase of the regeneration scheme at ‘Morley Bottoms’. Learning for All (Learning) • Work with partner organisations to deliver basic computer and internet training ‘Learn in the Library’, a range of vocational NVQ learning programmes and a range of informal and vocational learning programmes (targeting ages 16-19 years). • Deliver learning projects in ‘priority neighbourhoods’ in our communities, funded through the ‘Informal Adult Learning Fund’ and ‘Skills for Life’ learning programmes for residents who are most in need. • Support Children’s Centres to better promote their services. • Deliver ‘Count me in’ in partnership with Yorkshire Bank, Book Start, Family Clubs and online Literacy Game. We will encourage young children and their parents/carers to join the library by signing up to the ‘Bookcrawl’. • Roll out the ‘summer reading challenge’ to ensure primary school age children are encouraged to keep reading throughout the summer holidays. Healthy Living (Health and Well Being) • Support the work of organisations and community groups that help vulnerable people to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyles through exercise and healthy eating, including at community centres in our area. • Fund an Outer South Garden Maintenance Service Scheme to support the vulnerable and elderly with maintenance issues. • Improve access to and take up of physical activity, promoting under 16's and Over 60's free swim sessions. Support referrals for ‘health check programmes’ and ‘healthy lifestyle initiatives’. Appendix 3 Outer South Area Committee Delivery Plan 2010-11 • Increase access to affordable warmth schemes (Including health through warmth), and take up of technology and equipment to support people to live independently at home. • Provide funding to support a broad range of ‘out of school’ activities for 5-19 years olds which includes sport camps, active and creative programmes. • Train key staff in the Youth Service and other organisations in the ‘3 in 1 sexual health training’, so they can provide sexual health advice and support. Getting Around (Transport) • Help connect residents groups and highway maintenance teams where there are areas or streets of concern. • Support Road Safety measures in Outer South communities were appropriate (including Speed Indicator Devices for example), while identifying and resolving priority parking issues. • Ensure 100% of schools develop travel plans (Including ‘Walking Bus’ initiatives at local schools). • Support initiatives that promote cycling networks and the Public Rights of Way network in the Outer South. • Deliver a library mobile service and complete a city wide review of library service mobile provision. These local promises form the Community Charter for 2010-11 for Outer South Leeds. The promises for action come top of minimum standards you should already be expecting from the council’s city-wide services. For example – grass cutting, bin collections, litter bins, recycling facilities, graffiti removal, gritting and street