Creat Basin Naturalist 57(]), © 1997, pp. 66--69


Robert W. Clarkson 1,2, Anthony T Robinsonl , and limothy L. HolTnagiel

AUSTRACT.-Examination ofgastrointestinal tracts ofnative cyprinids from the (LCR) in Canyon, Arizona, 1990-1994, revealed varying rates ofprevalence and ioftapopulation levels ofAsian tapeworm (Bothria­ cepludw adwilob'ntJ1hi). Mean p

Key worcl.s: Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, parasitism, Gila cypha, Rhinichthys osclllus, Little Colorado River, conservation.

During this century, extinctions, extirpations, We report Asian tapeworm temporal and and declines of native fishes in the American numeric infection patterns in 2 native cyprinids Southwest have been attributed to introduc· from the Little Colorado River (LCR) in Grand tious of nonindigenous fishes and physical Canyon, Arizona. The LCR is the major spawn· habitat alterations (Miller 1961, Minckley and ing and early life rearing habitat of the largest Deacon 1968, Minckley and Douglas 1991). remaining population of the federally endan· Fish translocations also may introduce patho· gered humpback chub (Gila cypha) in the Col· gens and parasites (Hoffman and Shubert 1984). orado River Basin (Kaeding and Zimmennan Introduction and spread of Asian tapeworm 1983). Speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus) is a (Bothriocephalus adIeilognathi) to the Colorado geographically widespread native species that River Basin provides an example of the poten· codominates the LCR fish assemblage with tial effects of such parasite translocations on humpback chub. We also present tapeworm native fishes. This cestode was first detected prevalence data for the nonnative cyprinids fat­ from the basin in minnows from the Virgin head minnow (Pim.eplwIes prom.elas) and com· Rivel; Arizona, , and , in 1979 mon carp (Cyprinus carpio), and the cyprin­ (Heckmann et al. 1986). Heckmann et al. (1987, odontid plains killifish (Fundulus zebrinus). We 1993) later reported it from 2 examine implications of Asian tapeworm trans­ tributaries, Beaver Dam Wash, Arizona, and location on conservation and recovery ofnative Muddy River and other Nevada localities. fishes in the Colorado River Basin. Recently, Asian tapeworm has been reported from the Colorado River (CR) and tributaries METHODS in Grand Canyon, Arizona (Brouder and Hoff· nagle in press), in the San Juan River in Utah The LCR was sampled in 1991-1994 from and New Mexico U. J. Landye, U.S. Fish and the confluence wilh CR upstream approxi­ Wildlife Service. personal communication). mately 15 km, where we collected primarily and in the Green River in Utah (T E. Chart, early life stage fishes for stomach content anal· Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, personal yses. We also accessed unpublished 1989-1990 communication). LCR data from the Arizona Game and Fish

IIWliearch Bl1Inch, Arlmn3 Game and Fi~h Depw.rtl'OoOlil. 2""1 West GfWPWlly Road, Phoenix. AZ8502.1. !!Pr=cnl addrcu: U.S. UllrlSu ofUeclanlllllon, r.O. Box 9980, Phoenix. AZ 8S068.


Department. Sampling in 1991-1994 was pri­ Tapewonn infrdpopulations (mean number marily by seine and dip net, while earlier col­ per infected Rsh) in bumpback chub GI trdCts lections also inclnded trammel, gill, and hoop were 3.7 for larvae (n = 23), 3.5 for postlarvae net caphues of larger fish. Fish were mea­ (n = 15), 6.9 for age-O juveniles (n = 67), and sured to total length (mm) and preserved in 10.4 for age-l+ specimens (n = 12). Maxi­ 10% formalin immediately following capture. mum numbers observed in hwnpbaek cbub Larvae and early posllarvae were identified to were 12 in larvae, 9 in postlaIVae. 44 in age-O species using keys of Snyder (1981) and Sny­ juveniles, and 46 in age-l + specimens. Tape­ der and Muth (1990). Gastrointestinal (GI) worms accounted for a mean relative volume tracts were excised in the lab, where contents of GI tract contents of 51% (maximum 100%) were identified and enumerated when possi­ in infected humpback chub. ble. Relative volumes of GI tract content eate­ Infrapopulations in speckled dace were 0.5 gories were visually estimated. J. J. Landye of (n = 2) in larvae « 19 mm total length), 5.3 (n the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (personal = 10) in juveniles (19-50 mm), and 3.5 (n = communication 1991) made the initial identifi­ 32) in adults (>50 mm), wbile maximum den­ cation of this distinctive tapeworm, and it was sities were 1, 18, and 28, respectively. Relative later confirmed using Mitchell's (1994) key. volume of tapeworms in infected speckled dace averaged 38%. Tapewonn infrapopula­ RESULTS hons were 2 (n = 6; 6 maximum) in fathead minnow (17% relative volume), 3 (0 = 1) in The first observation ofAsian tapeworm in conunon carp « 1% relative volume), and 7 (n the LCR was from 2 subadult humpback chub = 1) in plains killifish (100% relative volume). collected in May 1990 (Minckley 1990). None of the 24 age-l+ humpback chub (>100 mm DISCUSSION total length), 3 age-O juveniles (51-100 mm), 12 postlarvae (26-50 mm), and 6 larvae «26 Seasonal (or ontogenetic) and annual differ­ mm) examined from 1989 were infected. Dur­ ences in prevalence of Asian tapeworm in ing 1990, 92.5% of age-O (including larvae) humpback chub and speckled dace presumably and 44.4% of age-l+ specimens harbored reflect complex interactions among environ­ tapeworms (Table 1). We did not detect Asian mental conditions and intermediate (eyclopoid tapeworm in the 1991 humpback cbub cohort copepod) and deRnitive bost populalions until it approached 50 mm in total length (Granath and Eseh 1983a, 1983b, Riggs and beginning in Septcmber. Prevalence in 1992 Esch 1987, Marcogliese and Esch 1989). Infra­ was 48% overall, but the tapeworm was not populalion dynamics of the parasite may be found in larval humpback chuh. We recorded related to temperature, temperature-depen­ the parasite in 1 of 62 early life stage bump­ dent rejection responses, immune responses, hack chub examined in 1993, and the parasite host distributions, density-dependent factors, was absent from 107 larvae examined in 1994 or other poorly studied phenomena (Granath (Table 1). and Escb 1983a). Asian tapeworm occun-ence in speckled dace Pathological effects of Asian tapeworm on also was greatest in 1990 at 46%; prevalence fish hosts may include intestinal abrasion and in 1991-1993 ranged from 5% to 14% (Table disintegration, loss or separation of gut micro­ 1). The cestode was absent from early life villi and enterocytes (Hoole and Nisao 1994), stages ofspeckled dace examined in 1994. or blockage and perforation of the GI tract Fathead minnow harbored Asian tapeworm (Hollinan 1980, Mitchell1994). Chronic ellects in 6 of 75 specimens (8%) collected between are not well studied but may include the 1991 and 1994 (Table 1). Single specimens of following: emacialion and anemia (Scott and plains hllillsb (n = 21) and common carp (n = Grizzle 1979); decreases in intestinal, liver, 4) were found infected during this period. The and pancrealic enzymes (Hoole 1994); reduced parasite was not found in 480 bluehead sucker growtb and reproductive capacity, depressed (Pantoste1tS discobolus), 7lflannelmoutb sucker swimming ability via elevated muscle fatigue, (Catostornu.> latipinllis), 21 channel catfish (leta­ and other debilitating influences (Heckmann lurus ,,"nctolttS), or 2 rainbow trout (Oncorhyn­ et al. 1986, Hoole 1994). Weakened IIsh may chus mykiss) examined from 1990 to 1994. develop secondary bacterial infections (Mitchell 68 NATURALIST [Volume 57

TABLE L Percent frequency of occurrence (sample size in parentheses) of Asian tapeworm (Bothriocephalus acheilo- gnathi) in gastrointestinal tracts of fishes from the lower Little Colorado River, Arizona, 1990-1994. With the exception oflarvae, age/stage designations are approximate. Dashes indicate no fish specimens were collected. Year Species and length 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

HuMPBACK CHlJB larvae (~25 mm) 91.7(24) 0(50) 0(28) 1.8 (56) 0(107) postlarvae (26-50 mm) 100 (13) 3.0 (33) 100 (I) 0(6) older age-O (51-100 mm) 66.7 (3) 81.2 (32) 67.2 (58) age-l+ (>100 mm) 44.4 (18) 37.5 (8) 66.7 (12) 100 (1) SPECKLED DACE larvae «18 mm) 0(1) 0(128) 3.0 (33) 2.8 (36) 0(95) juveniles (19-50 mm) 60.0 (10) 4.0 (50) 26.7(30) 0(15) 0(1) adults (>50 mm) 0(2) 17.7(79) 14.4 (III) 50.0 (4) FATHEAD MINNOW larvae (~18 mm) 0(4) juveniles (19-50 mm) 0(3) 6.9 (29) 0(4) 0(3) adults (>50 mm) 0(2) 8.7 (23) 33.3 (6) COMMON CARP juveniles (51-100 mm) 25.0 (4) PLAINS KILLIfISH larvae (";;18 mm) 0(2) juveniles (19-50 mm) 0(5) 50.0 (2) 0(8) adults (>50 mm) 0(1) 0(3)

1994). Granath and Esch (1983c) showed that hosts), with most of those already endangered, Asian tapeworm significantly reduced labora­ threatened, or of special concern. The endan­ tory survivorship of mosquitofish (Gambusia gered poeciliid Gila topminnow (Poeciliopsis affinis) compared to controls, but cautioned o. occidentalis) ofthe subbasin may that these effects would not necessarily be be vulnerable to this parasite. Because biotic exhibited in the wild. changes to the Colorado River Basin resulting More research is needed to determine exact from fish and pathogen translocations are vir­ effects of this parasite on native fish popula­ tually ubiquitous and seemingly irreversible, tions in Grand Canyon and elsewhere, but they must be considered among the most seri­ clearly Asian tapeworm has the potential to ous threats to conservation and recovery of regulate fish populations. The observed patterns native fish populations, of Asian tapeworm prevalence and infrapopu­ latious in humpback chub and speckled dace ACKNOWLEDGMENTS in the LCR may arise from (1) mortality ofhosts with high infrapopulations, (2) density-depen­ This work was funded under Cooperative dent mortality of parasites, and (3) acquired Agreement 9-FC-40-07940 with the u.s. Bureau host resistance to reinfection (Anderson 1982). of Reclamation, Glen Canyon Environmental The fact that our study area is the humpback Studies, Flagstaff, Arizona. We thank D. Kubly chub's only major spawning and early life rear­ and S. Sacco of the Arizona Game and Fish ing site in Grand Canyon adds concern for the Department for 1989-1990 data, and D. Hen­ status ofthis population. drickson and C. Minckley for information on Since its initial detection in the Virgin River initial observations ofthe tapeworm from 1990. in 1979, the rapidity with which Asian tape­ C. Minckley, D. Kubly, W. Shoop, T. Dresser, worm has spread to different drainages of the J. Landye, W Persons, and an anonymous Colorado River Basin likely portends an even­ reviewer improved earlier drafts ofthis article. tual cosmopolitan basin distribution in lower elevations suitable to the parasite's thermophilic LITERATURE CITED life history. Roughly half of the native ichthy­ ANDERSON, R. M. 1982. Epidemiology. Pages 204-251 in ofauna in this geographic range comprises F. E. G. Cox, editor, Modern parasitology. Blackwell cyprinids (Asian tapeworm's most common Scientific Publications, Oxford, u.K. 1997] ASIAN TAPEWORM IN NATIVE FISHES 69

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