Outrigger Softball in High Gear By Dave Pierson The OCC Men's softball program competes weekly with the best slow­ softball competition in the State of Hawaii. Doubt it? Come across the street Saturday mornings o r on a Tuesday or Thursday evening and watch, not only our team, but former U. H., Punahou and Kamehameha stars performing minor miracles in the field or at the bat o n the friendly Elk's Field diamond. h 's true that Outrigger is a "veteran" team with players who have been together for twenty or more years in some cases. It is also true that these same players have brought over twenty championships home a nd still have the Members of Ow rigger's Sop ball temn are, front, Mike Eichten, Guy Jennings, compet itive zeal and skill, if not the Bill . Henry Ayau. Archie Kaaua and Dave Pierson. Standing, Dan West, speed and power of old, to b rin g a few Chris Kincaid, Rick Conroy, Bill Kilcoyne and Johnny Mounts. more trophies to o ur already crowded display cases. team to a tie fo r the league in the keeping the team t ogether d espite the Archie Kaaua first suited-up fo r O utrigger Weekday League and a .500 varied d ema nds o n the players. Our ace in 1954, fo llowed several years record in the increasingly tough goal is, however, to remain competitive later by Henry Ayau, Bill Head, Colin Restaurant League. in the most competitive league w ithout Chock and Dave Pierson in the 1960s. Chris Kincaid, " Rod Man" Muller going o utside our regular membership Since there are no Masters o r Golden and Scott Rigg have given the team to recruit. Ho pefully, some of o ur Masters in softball, we must compete depth at several positions. Bo b Riley, younger m embers wi ll come forward weekly w ith young, "open division" Kincaid a nd Chock a re versatile at with the skills and desire to join one of teams, yet we remain at a high level of several positions. Coach Bill Head and the C lub's most successful teams. competition a nd never h ave been an Dave Pierson, with Hank Ayau and easy victim for even the best teams in Da n West in the bull pen, ha ndle the the Restaurant Weekend League. pitching. Recent yea rs have seen some Recent victories include an extra­ Mokuleia outstanding "young" players bolster battle against Mike Ciacci's It wi ll be Outrigger Day a t the Polo and lead the team. Commitments to Colony Surf team, which saw the matches in Mokuleia on Sunday, July coaching duties and participation in O utrigger sto rm back with three runs 28 and members are invited to attend. the Club's two major , paddling in the fi nal inning to capture a thrilling Buses will leave the C lub at II a.m. and , occasiona ll y leave a few 5-4 victory on Rick Conroy's clutch On the ride , polo players will bare spots, but nonetheless, the team is single, and a 4-3 win over a tough explain the game a nd answer q uestions. always ready to do battle. Hale's team. Perhaps o ne of the best Beverages will be served on the bus. Perhaps the fa stest man from home games of the season was a heart­ Upon arrival at Mokuleia, a to fir st base in all Hawaii is Dave breaking 4-3 loss to Sizzler's in the smo rgasboard luncheon will be served, Shoji, one of OCC's best athletes, now Restaurant League, when three of our followed by a tour of the polo grounds enjoying a round-the-world trip as the over-zealous runners were thrown o ut led by Fred Dailey. The buses will Pan Am Quarterback Club's athlete of trying for that extra base. return to the Club by 5 p.m. the year in 1984. Few athletes can Coach Head h as done a fine job You might even get t o see some of rattle the tree in center fie ld as can o ur own Outrigger members who play sluggers Henry Ayau, J ohnny Mounts polo including Fred and Murph and Bill Kilcoyne. Fashion Show Da iley, Bo b MacGregor, Ki ki R olles, Nolan " Ram" Ramirez, when n ot Informal modeling ofth e latest Mike Dailey, Rick R and, C lark coaching U. H. baseball, sparkles at designs from localmanufact urer s Reynolds and Bob Hogan. Ro lles , showing the skills that led will be featured at a Fashion Show is the o nly woman polo player in him to a fine professional baseball during the regular Friday the state. career. Rick Conroy, Mounts, Shoji luncheon at the Club on Aug. 9. Cost of the day's activities, including a nd Guy J ennings give us o ne of the Outrigger members will be the admission to the matches is $25 per fastest and best in any league. m odels. Ear~J ' lunch reservations person. Seating is limited o n the buses The hitting of veterans Kilcoyne, for that day are suggested. so make your reservations early at the Head, Chock and Pierson have led the Front Desk.