
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Land Reclamation No 47 (4), 2015: 321–332 (Ann. Warsaw Univ. of Life Sci. – SGGW, Land Reclam. 47 (4), 2015)

The macroinvertebrate fauna of the Młynne stream (Polish Carpathians) in the aspect of the bed load transport and water quality

PAWEŁ OGLĘCKI1, ARTUR RADECKI-PAWLIK2 1Department of Environmental Improvement, Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW 2Department of Water Engineering and Geotechnics, University of Agriculture in Krakow

Abstract: The macroinvertebrate fauna of the scientifi c studies (Gładki et al. 1981, Młynne stream (Polish Carpathians) in the aspect Bartnik 1992, Radecki-Pawlik 2000, of the bed load transport and water quality. The qualitative composition of the bottom sediments Ratomski 2000). Because of many rea- and the bed load and suspended load transport sons the bed load movement is stemmed along the mountain stream were presented. The with transverse barriers called the check studies were carried on the Młynne stream in dams (Wołoszyn et al. 1994, Ratomski Gorce (Polish Carpathians). The streams fl ows 2000). In the catchment areas, where the partially in the natural river-bed and partially in the regulated with rapids. The stream bed load slopes are still endangered by erosion, the is accumulated in the reservoir up to the check suspended load (as well as washed load) dam and is qualitatively different from the load seriously helps in bed load supply (Bartnik deposited at the bars. The taxonomic richness of and Madeyski 1992, Banasik 1994). the Młynne stream is a little bigger compared with It is very important in the light of the other investigated mountain and sub-mountain streams, but lesser compared with bigger rivers. hydromorphological degradation of The number of taxa on the natural reaches is more mountain and sub-mountain streams, than double than on the regulated ones, with more being recognized as an important stressor taxa of high environmental demands and high affecting the composition of macroinver- values of the BMWP-PL index. The paper brings up the question of the environmental friendly tebrate communities. The recent study on technical solutions in different human activities Czarny Dunajec in the Polish Carpathians in the sub-mountain and mountain river valleys, identifi ed a dependence of the taxono- advantageous for humans and the river biological mic richness of invertebrate communities diversity (or resistance for negative environmental on the physical habitat heterogeneity. It factors) as well. is usually connected with the problem of Key words: mountain stream, bed load transport, river regulation – the regulated reaches macroinvertebrates, habitats differentiation, Car- host more and much more differentiated pathians, river taxa than the regulated ones because of the abundance (presence/absence) of INTRODUCTION typical, repeatable habitats (Wyżga et The bed load of mountain streams in the al. 2012, 2013a, b, 2014). The determi- Polish Carpathians is the subject of many nation of the state of macroinvertebrate 322 P. Oglęcki, A. Radecki-Pawlik fauna in the stream, eventuating from the Magura Set was creating itself for rela- bed load transport and water quality, was tively long time – about 63 million years. the aim of the study. Its oldest link – motley shales – formed a deposits in turon (upper Cretaceous) STUDY AREA and the youngest one – the Magura layers – in Oligocene (lower Tertiary). All the The Młynne catchment is the part of hilltops in Gorce and other mentioned Western Carpathian Province, Outer ridges are built with Magura sandstones, Subprovince, Outer which formed the deposits in the sea Western Macroregion and Gorce in upper Eocene (lower Tertiary). The Mezoregion. The Młynne stream is left Magura sandstones thickness reaches tributary of the Ochotnica stream (right about 200 m. It is consisted of thick Dunajec river tributary). On the lower shoals with thick or middle-sized grains, reach (from the check dam to the mouth) in Gorce most often greyish with musco- the terrain elevation gradient is equal to vite (Matuszczyk 1999). In the Młynne 90 m and the average slope is equal to stream valley the ensembles of thick- 3.6%. The upper reach average slope is and thin-shoaled sandstones, shifted by equal to 10.2% and the stream valley greyish shales, are being exposed. In development (V) – fi gured out according the Młynne stream riverbed, especially to Horton (1945) – is equal to 0.364. in its upper reach, abundant rock verges The orographic index (λ) according to occur. The mica sandstones and shales of Kajetanowicz, equal to 777.48, classifi es Magura layer dominate in that part. In the the Młynne stream as high-mountain wa- middle catchment area there are basical- tercourse and Łochtin stability parameter ly Tertiary (paleogene) shales and sub- (f), equal to 0.913, defi nes the Młynne -Magura layer sandstones with the lens stream riverbed as vulnerable to erosion of Quaternary slide colluviums. In the (Wołoszyn et al. 1994). mouth reach the Cretaceous sandstones The whole Młynne catchment area lays and the shales of Ropa layer (Kulka et in the , built in major al. 1991). In the Młynne stream valley, in part from Magura Set sedimentary rocks. lower part of the catchment area, sparse The rocks of this set cover the largest area alluvial settlements are also present. in Outer Western Flysch Carpathians and On the upper reach of the Młynne build the Żywiecki Beskid Mountains, stream catchment area its signifi cant a larger part of Medium Beskids, Insular part is covered by the Asperulo-Fagetum Beskids, Sadecki Beskids and the part of beech forest with fi rs and spruces. On . The Magura Set sedimen- the upper reach, down from the dam, the tary rocks are classed as so-called fl ysch, spruce forests dominate. It was (Szwalec consisted of alternating layers of sand- et el. 2007) that approximately 50.6% of stones, mud shales, pudding stones, mud- the arable lands is exposed to sheet ero- stones and siltstones. The fl ysch is often sion (about 21.2% – to intensive one, accompanied by the carbonate rocks, 28.3% – to strong one, 1.1% – to very such as limestones, marls and dolomites, strong one). Amongst arable lands the also found in the Gorce mountains. The biggest area (about 50%) is covered by The macroinvertebrate fauna of the Młynne stream... 323 mountain oat-pasture soils complex and the reservoir bank in the inlet), cross-sec- about 33% – by mountain oat-potato tion 5 in 3+600 km (610 m a.s.l., in the soils complex. built-up area, on the natural reach of the The climate of the study area is cha- riverbed – “School”) and cross-section 6 racterised by short, rainy summer but in 4+300 km (655 m a.s.l., natural stream long, sunny autumn. The warm winds – “Kotelniki”). T-year fl ood values (Q) precipitate the snow melting. The annual for the Młynne stream estuary were rainfall in the Młynne valley is about calculated using Punzet method (Punzet 720 mm. The chemical composition of 1981, Radecki-Pawlik 1995), and the the Młynne stream is similar to others results are presented in Table 1. small watercourses in Carpathian moun- The bed load transport was calculated tains of similar catchment area exploi- using Meyer-Peter and Müller formula tation. The water quality is good, but which is advised to be applied in Polish in the cross-sections 1 and 2 during all Carpathians. All calculations run used study period the signifi cant decline was that formula included all fractions of the noticed, what was linked to the hydro- bed load material (Michalik 1990, Bart- logical conditions changes and riverbed nik 1992): insolation (Radecki-Pawlik et al. 2002). 1.5

ρ gI-fgh i d METHODS qpb w i i 1 i The stream reach from 0.0 km (Młynne 3 0.25w mouth to the Ochotnica stream – 495 m a.s.l.) to 7+500 km (985 m a.s.l.) was where : –1 being investigated. The Młynne stream qi – bed load transport value (N⋅s ), was divided into for study reaches, the ρw, ρr – water and bed load density following cross-sections were set down: (kg⋅m–3), cross-section 1 in 0+150 km (498 m g – weight of bed material, a.s.l.) – “Rapids”, cross-sections 2, 3 and h – water depth (m), 4 in 2+800 km (585 m a.s.l., the neigh- I – slope (-), bourhood of the reservoir just up the fi − shear stresses for particular sediment check dam – “Reservoir”; sample 2 was fractions (-), taken from fi ne-grained, fi rm sediment, ∆ρ = ρr − ρw, deposited just down the mouth of the di – fractional diameter, check dam notch; sample 3 – from the pi − percentage of the sediment fractions sediments near the Młynne old riverbed (%), in down-dam reservoir; sample 4 – from b – active river width (m).

TABLE 1. T-year fl ood values (Q) for the Młynne stream estuary p (%) 0.01 0.10 0.20 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 Q (m3⋅s–1) 130.1 98.2 88.3 75.0 64.8 54.4 48.2 p (%) 5 102025304050 Q (m3⋅s–1) 40.4 29.7 18.9 15.6 13.0 9.3 7.7 324 P. Oglęcki, A. Radecki-Pawlik

Field survey and slopes measure- where: ments were done with TOPCON AT-G7 Y – mass of washload in the outlet point survey professional level device. For of the catchment along the year sediment analysis the grain size curves (t⋅year–1), were developed on the base of classical DR – washload coeffi cient (-), sieving survey (Church et al. 1987). E – as in the USLE method. The bedload transport value was cal- Detailed discussions on the individual culated using the SandCalc 1 software parameters were provided by Banasik (Wallingford University 1996). (1994) and Banasik and Górski (1992). The USLE method (Banasik 1994) Water samples for chemical composition was used to calculate of the suspended analysis were taken four times (7.04.2013, load transport in the catchment. In 1940 15.06.2013, 2.08.2013, 19.10.2013) in Zingg publicised the soil loses equation, the cross-sections 1, 2, 5 and 6 (the cross- taking into account the downslope and -section 2 was considered as the most the length of the hillside. Currently, the representative for water physic-chemi- Wischmeier and Smith Universal Soil cal composition tests in the down-dam Loses Equation (USLE) and its modifi - reservoir neighbourhood). The chemical cations are being used (Tarnawski 1996). composition test were carried out accord- USLE is the modifi cation of Musgrave ing to standard methods (Hermanowicz equation (Banasik and Górski 1992, et al. 1999). The electrolytical conducti- Banasik 1994): vity was measured with Elmetron CC-317 micro-computer conductometer, and pH – E = R K S C P with Hydromet ERH-11 electrode. Most measurements (total hardness, dissolved where: oxygen, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, phos- E – eroded mass of soil from the inves- phates) were done in the fi eld with the tigated area along the year (t⋅ha–1⋅ help of Slandi LF-204 photometer. The ⋅year–1), chemical oxygen demand measurements R − precipitation coeffi cient (Je⋅year–1), were made in the laboratory. where Je is errosion unit (MJ⋅ha–1⋅ Benthic invertebrate samples were ⋅cm–1⋅h–1), collected on the 21 of July and on the 2 of K − erosion coeffi cient (t⋅ha–1⋅Je–1), November 2013. The sampling focused L − slope-lenght coefi cient (-), on determining the composition of the S − slope coeffi cient (-), assemblages only. In each cross-section, C − slope management coeffi cient (-), samples were collected at three sites P − errosion management coeffi cient (-). representing principal, visually identi- Washlod in the river is a part of the fi ed physical habitat conditions (such as erroded mass from the catchment and water depth, bottom substrate and fl ow velocity). At each site, macroinverte- it might be calculated using DR-USLE 2 (Banasik i Górski 1992) formula: brates were collected from about 0.1 m of the bed. Sampling was done with triangular dip net, Ekman grab, mosquito Y = DR E dipper and tweezers – in dependence to The macroinvertebrate fauna of the Młynne stream... 325

habitat conditions in particular sites, in transport equivalent to Qb, is larger and order to collect as many taxa as possible. equal, respectively, in the Wisłoka stream The macroinvertebrates were identifi ed – 0.018–0.146 N⋅s–⋅lm–1, in the Raba in the laboratory, partly from non-pre- stream – 0.06–0.70 N⋅s–1⋅lm–1. and in served material during 2–3 days after the Dunajec river – 0.31–0.34 N⋅s–1⋅lm–1. the sampling and partly from the sam- The North American streams of the fl ow ples preserved with 70% ethanol. All the regime similar as in the Młynne, such specimen were identifi ed to the lowest as East Fork in Wyoming, Snake River unquestionably identifi able taxonomic in Idaho and Mountain Creek in South level, with the help of specialist guides California, are characterised by higher (McCafferty 1998, Kołodziejczyk and transport values, respectively – 0.1–0.7, Koperski 2000). The taxonomic differen- 0.1–1.0 and 0.005–0.100 N⋅s–1⋅lm–1 ces between peculiar cross-sections were (Gomez and Church 1988). The mass analysed statistically using the Kruskal- of washload (Y) shed from the Młynne -Wallis test. catchment is equal to 72,64 t⋅year–1. For the comparison, in the case of the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Dłubnia stream the Y values, measured for many years, vary from 680 to 69,997 The results of measurements and cal- t⋅year–1 (Bednarczyk 1994). According to culations referring to respectively the Banasik and Madeyski (1990), Bartnik bedload transport and suspended load and Górski (1992), the values of the sling transport are presented in Tables 2–5. load transport for the Poniczanka stream, For the parameters put in Table 5, the the Mszanka stream, the Lubieńka mass of washload (Y) in the outlet point stream, the Bystra stream and the Ska- of the catchment is equal to 72.64 t⋅year–1. wica stream are equal, respectively, 1,917, The bed load transport in all the cross- 4,258, 3,254, 1,671 and 1,544 t⋅year–1. -section of the Młynne stream is small. Its Since, despite the high value of Łochtin range is equal to 0.009–0.016 N⋅s–1⋅lm–1 parameter, the sling load transport in the in the case of waterline (Qb), while in Młynne stream is relatively small. other Polish Carpathians streams, inves- The water temperature in the Młynne tigated by Michalik (1990), the measured stream was changing during the year in

TABLE 2. Bed load transport in cross-section 6 “Kotelniki”

Water depth Terrain altitude Velocity of water Unit transport, q50 (m) (m) (m⋅s–1) (N⋅s–1⋅lm–1) 0.1 655.1 0.619 no transport 0.3 655.3 1.374 no transport 0.5 655.5 2.036 0.000726 0.7 655.7 2.547 0.002628 0.9 655.9 3.021 0.005340 1.2 656.2 3.617 0.009980 Total bed load (q) in cross-section 6 is 0.018674 N⋅s–1⋅lm–1. 326 P. Oglęcki, A. Radecki-Pawlik

TABLE 3. Bed load transport in cross-section 5 “School”

Water depth Terrain altitude Velocity of water Unit transport, q50 (m) (m) (m.s–1) (N⋅s–1⋅lm–1) 0.1 610.1 0.964 no transport 0.3 610.3 1.902 no transport 0.5 610.5 2.238 0.002033 0.7 610.7 2.841 0.004725 0.9 610.9 3.395 0.015800 1.2 611.2 4.088 0.016250 Total bed load (q) in cross-section 5 is 0.038808 N⋅s–1⋅lm–1.

TABLE 4. Bed load transport in cross-section 2 “Reservoir”

Water depth Terrain altitude Velocity of water Unit transport, q50 (m) (m) (m⋅s–1) (N⋅s–1⋅lm–1) 0.1 585.1 0.643 no transport 0.3 585.3 1.338 no transport 0.5 585.5 1.880 0.0002631 0.7 585.7 2.303 0.0013530 0.9 585.9 2.028 0.0002289 1.2 586.2 2.878 0.003404 Total bed load (q) in cross-section 5 is 0.005249 N⋅s–1⋅lm–1.

TABLE 5. Suspended load transport in cross-sec- the Raba tributaries (Bombówna 1969, tion 1 “Rapids” 1982). The water hardness varied from –3 Coeffi cient Value SI units 80–125 mg CaCO3⋅dm , what allows to R 111.8 Je.year–1 class the Młynne stream water as soft – K 0.579 t⋅ha–1⋅Je–1 little hard one (Dojlido 1995, Hermano- LS 0.133 – wicz et al. 1999) The electric conducti- C 0.057 – vity was relatively low, the increasing in P 0.584 – the values during the summer season in DR, according to Roehl 0.216 – cross-sections 1 and 2 was linked to the increasing in wastes amounts in low fl ows the range 4.8–17.0°C, reaching the high- (Bombówna 1982). Chemical oxygen est values in the summer, in the cross- demand, being the indicator of organic -sections 1 and 2. The water reaction was compounds’ contents in water, varied –3 shifted to the alkaline (the pH values in from 2.8 to 4.9 mg O2⋅dm . Except for summer were higher than 8.0), what was the spring, the chemical oxygen demand linked to abundant peryphiton presence level was levelised, what denotes the on the fi rm, stony bottom. The similar allochtonic origin of organic com- tendency was recorded during the veg- pounds, as well as their intensive surface etation period in many streams in Małe runoff from the catchment area (Bom- (Small Pieniny) area and in bówna 1960). The contents of dissolved The macroinvertebrate fauna of the Młynne stream... 327 oxygen was changed in dependence to Krzczonowka, and Raba itself as well the season and investigated cross-sec- (Tables 6, 7). The signifi cant differences tion. The highest values (10.41–8.10 mg between the Młynne stream cross-sec- –3 O2⋅dm ) were noted in all the cross-sec- tions are clearly noticeable – the 1, 2, 3 tions in April, what is quite normal with and 4 (“Rapids” and “Reservoir”) host low temperature and low level of epi- just a few taxa typical for mountain phyte algae growth, and the lowest ones and sub-mountain streams (stonefl ies, in the summer in cross-sections 1 and 2 mayfl ies). On the contrary – the upper –3 (4.85–5.30 mg O2⋅dm , what subtents III cross-sections 5 and 6 (“School” and and II water purity classes according to “Kotelniki”) are quite abundant, with Polish standards – Rozporządzenie Mini- the full spectrum of ecological types of stra Ochrony Środowiska 1991). Water macroinvertebrates. The Kruskal-Wallis in the Młynne stream is poor in ammo- test showed that the difference between nia and nitrites, but contents higher than the cross-sections 1–4 and 5–6 is statis- normative amount of nitrates, mainly in tically signifi cant (Fig.) with P-value the cross-sections 1 and 2. In the spring less than 0.05 (equal to 0.0125765). a higher contents of nitrates were noted The cross-sections 5 and 6 represent in cross-sections 5 and 6, what is linked the highest ecological status according to supplies from the soil (with surface to the BMWP-PL index and seem to be infl ows). In the summer the mentioned substantially valuable in strictly biologi- values signifi cantly declined, what was cal and ecological terms (Table 7). The linked to nitrogen utilization by peryphi- basic reason is the habitat heterogeneity ton. The similar situation was observed in and the presence of many microhabitats low-polluted Raba tributaries – Mszan- – specifi c, unique structures, inhabited ka, Kasinka, Krzczonówka and others by the taxa of such particular environ- (Bombówna 1969, Lipski and Michal- mental demands (parts of ecological czewski 1992). niches). The lower reaches (1, 2, 3 and The content of phosphates in the 4) are rather homogenous and do not Młynne stream was also low, what is ensure the microhabitats for a lot of typical for such streams (Bombówna species. In the consequence, the major- 1960, 1976), although in the cross-sec- ity of taxa found in the cross-sections tions 1 and 2 the mentioned content was typical for mentioned reaches are the higher than in the cross-sections 5 and 6, ones of wide tolerance for environmental what denotes the higher supply of that factors (Tabanus sp., Hydropsyche sp.). compounds and their lower utilization by The exceptions are rare – for example algae (Bombówna 1976, 1982). Capnidae in the cross-sections 1 and 2 The invertebrate fauna in the Młynne or Ephemera in the cross-section 4. The stream is poorer compared with larger similar pattern was noted in the other mountain and sub-mountain rivers, mountain rivers (Wyżga et al. 2013) and investigated by authors (Czarny Duna- lowland rivers (e.g. Tolkamp 1980). jec, Biała Tarnowska), but similar in the It is worth emphasizing the dilemma comparison with the Raba river tributar- – the stream or river regulation, realised ies of the similar size – Trzebunka and in the name of the fl ood control, at the 328 P. Oglęcki, A. Radecki-Pawlik

TABLE 6. The total number of invertebrate taxa, the highest BMWP-PL values and the highest ecologi- cal class values for the Młynne stream and other investigated mountains and sub-mountain rivers River Parameter Czarny Biała Młynne Trzebunka Krzczonowka Raba Dunajec Tarnowska Total number of taxa 24 28 28 27 37 43 Highest numer of taxa in the 23 25 25 25 33 32 cross-section Lowest number of taxa in the 8 14 12 5 15 9 cross-section Highest BMWP-PL index 122 109 137 101 167 209 value for the cross-section Lowest BMWP-PL index value 37 67 49 31 74 53 for the cross-section Highest ecological value of the II I III cross-section Lowest ecological value of the IV III III IV II III cross-section

Box-and-Whisker Plot

I II III IV Sample V VI 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 Response FIGURE. The graphic result of the Kruskal-Wallis test (the sample numbers represent the peculiar cross-sections)

same time reduces the biological diver- very important to realize fl ood control sity of the water body and make them activities in environmental-friendly more vulnerable for environmental way, with natural materials use and no- disasters (high biological diversity is -invasive techniques, if it is possible. considered to be one of the most impor- This may be the step towards the com- tant factor protecting the eco-system promise between the environmental and against environmental stresses). It is human needs. TABLE 7. The results of invertebrate sampling in the summer and the autumn 2013 in singled cross-sections (the BMWP-PL values in the brackets) Taxon I–S I–A II–S II–A III–S III–A IV–S IV–A V–S V–A VI–S VI–A Dendrocoelum carpathicum +(x) +(x) Dugesia gonocephala +(x) Nematoda +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) Erpobdella octoculata +(3) +(3) +(3) +(3) Glossiphonia complanata +(3) +(3) +(3) +(3) +(3) +(3) Gammarus sp. +(6) +(6) +(6) Capniidae +(8) +(8) +(8) +(8) Chloroperlidae +(8) +(8) +(8) Leuctra sp. +(7) +(7) +(7) Perla sp. +(7) +(7) +(7) Perlodes sp. +(7) +(7) +(7) +(7) +(7) +(7) +(7) +(7) +(7) Teaniopterygidae +(9) Baetis sp. +(6) +(6) +(6) +(6) +(6) +(6) +(6) +(6) +(6) Caenis sp. +(7) +(7) +(7) Ephemerella sp. +(7) +(7) +(7) +(7) +(7) +(7) +(7) +(7) Ephemera sp. +(7) +(7) +(7) +(7) Heptageniidae +(6) +(6) +(6) Leptophlebia sp. +(7) Hydropsyche sp. +(5) + (5) +(5) +(5) +(5) +(5) +(5) +(5) +(5) +(5) +(5) +(5) Lepidostomatidae +(9) +(9) Goera sp. +(9) +(9) +(9) +(9) Chironomidae +(3) +(3) +(3) +(3) +(3) +(3) +(3) +(3) +(3) Psychoda sp. +(1) +(1) +(1) +(1) +(1) Simulium sp. +(6) +(6) +(6) +(6) +(6) +(6) +(6) +(6) Tabanus sp. +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) +(x) Total number of taxa in the 7578889820171816 peculiar sampling Total number of taxa sampled 8 10 10 11 23 23 in the cross-section BMWP-PL index 37 45 45 46 122 117 Ecological state class III III III III I I S – summer, A – autumn. 330 P. Oglęcki, A. Radecki-Pawlik

CONCLUSIONS [Conceptual model of sedimentgraph from fl ood events in a small agricultural watershed]. 1. During the full-bed and up-bed fl oods Rozprawy Naukowe i Monografi e SGGW, the Młynne stream transports – in Warszawa (Engl. summ.). the comparison with other mountain BANASIK K., GÓRSKI D. 1992: Wykorzysta- streams – less bed load (from 0.009 nie uniwersalnego równania strat glebowych –1 –1 USLE do oceny ilości rumowiska unoszone- to 0.0160 N⋅s ⋅lm ). go odpływającego z małych zlewni [Using of 2. The mass of washload (Y) from the the universal equation for soil loses UCLE for Młynne stream catchment area is sig- the estimation of bed load run off in small ca- nifi cantly lesser in the comparison with tchments]. Gosp. Wod. 3, 12–14 (Engl. summ.). the mass of suspended load in others BANASIK K., MADEYSKI M. 1990: Próba wy- korzystania zmodyfi kowanego równania strat Carpathian streams’ catchments and glebowych do oceny ilości rumowiska unoszo- should be considered as the little one. nego w falach wezbraniowych małych zlewni 3. The physic-chemical parameters of karpackich [An attempt to use a modifi ed uni- the Młynne stream water is similar to versal soil loss equation for evaluating suspen- the ones of other Carpathian streams ded load in the fl ood waves in small Carpathian watersheds]. Zesz. Probl. Post. Nauk Rol. F, 82 with analogical kind of exploitation. (3), 8–15 (Engl. summ.). 4. In the low cross-sections during all the BARTNIK W. 1992: Hydraulika potoków i rzek study period the evident decreasing in górskich z dnem ruchomym. Początek ruchu water quality was observed, what was rumowiska [The mountains movable bottom unquestionably linked to the hydro- streams and rivers hydraulics. The beginning of the bedload transport]. Zesz. Nauk. AR logical conditions changes (especially w Krakowie, Rozpr. Hab. 171 (Engl. summ.). fl ow conditions) and riverbed insola- BARTNIK W., MADEYSKI M. 1992: Denu- tion. dacja w małych zlewniach górskich jako je- 5. The invertebrate fauna of the Młynne den z czynników określania natężenia erozji stream is abundant and differentia- [Denudation in the stream basins as the factor estimating of rain wash]. Zesz. Nauk AR w Kra- ted compared with similar mountain kowie, Sesja Naukowa 35, part I, 271, 257–265 streams. (Engl. summ.). 6. The natural reaches host more than BEDNARCZYK T. 1994: Określenie ilości uno- double number of taxa than the regu- szonego rumowiska w przekroju małego zbior- lated ones. nika wodnego w Zesławicach [The determi- 7. The ecological value and capability to nation of silting degree of water reservoir AT Zesławice]. Zesz. Nauk. AR w Krakowie 15, minimize the negative environmental Inżynieria Środowiska, 12–26. effects are much larger on the natural BOMBÓWNA M. 1969: Hydrochemiczna cha- reaches. rakterystyka rzeki Raby i jej dopływów. [Hy- 8. There is a necessity to bring on the drochemical profi le of the Raba River and its environmental friendly solutions in tributaries]. Acta Hydrobiol. 11 (4), 479–504. BOMBÓWNA M. 1976: Rzeka Skawa-chemizm the rivers regulations to improve their wody i eutrofi zacja [The Skawa River – water ecological values. chemistry and eutrophisation]. Acta Hydrobiol. 18 (4), 407–420 (Engl. summ.). REFERENCES BOMBÓWNA M. 1982: Stream ecosystems in mountain grassland (West Carpathians). 3. BANASIK K. 1994: Model sedymentgramu wez- Chemical composition of water. Acta Hydro- brania opadowego w małej zlewni rolniczej biol. 24 (4), 321–335 (Engl. summ.). The macroinvertebrate fauna of the Młynne stream... 331

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