This is a repository copy of Family Homelessness in Europe. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Version: Published Version Article: Pleace, Nicholas (2019) Family Homelessness in Europe. Homelessness in Europe. pp. 22-23. Reuse ["licenses_typename_other" not defined] Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing
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[email protected] The Magazine of FEANTSA - The European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless AISBL Homeless in Europe Autumn 2019 Family Homelessness in Europe Editorial IN THIS ISSUE Family Homelessness in Europe 2 Editorial By Clotilde Clark-Foulquier, Project Coordinator, FEANTSA 4 Family homelessness in France – an overview, Public awareness of the consequences of home- and Marry Mos show a contrasting system in the Laura Slimani, Guillaume lessness on people in general, and on children in Netherlands in their article, where they present Cheruy and Maelle Léna particular, has slowly been increasing over time: the new Dutch “cost sharing” policy measure: a 7 homelessness affects childrens’ mental and physical measure which has established a decrease in social Family Homelessness: health, their performance in the education system, benefits when adults share a house. The measure a gender issue?, and homeless children are more likely to become has impacted solidarity between family and friends Isabel Baptista homeless adults... Not so surprisingly, research on who would have otherwise supported each other 9 The Effect of the the topic has confirmed intuition by highlighting the but are now left with a tragic choice: leaving a ‘Cost Sharing’ Norm on harmful impact homelessness has on children and loved-one in the street or welcome them and loose Youth Homelessness in their parents.