A1 LOG ONTO WWW.FLOYDCOUNTYTIMES.COM FOR ARCHIVE • GAMES • FEATURES • E-EDITION • POLLS & MORE Serving the citizens of Floyd County since 1927 INSIDE STORY WEATHER SPORTS ONLINE Medical office Partly cloudy. High Blackcats blank Check us out online at collects items for of 86. Low of 64. AC, claim district floydcountytimes.com tornado victims... A7 title... B1 Vol. 87, Issue 43 WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 2013 75 cents Diabetes declared a ‘crisis of epidemic proportions’ Ralph B. Davis president of medical affairs for Ap- this will draw more attention to this
[email protected] palachian Regional Healthcare, who issue,” Miller said. chaired Friday’s meeting at the ad- Deirdra Robinson, a social work PRESTONSBURG — A local ministrative offices of Big Sandy instructor with Morehead State Uni- health group is sounding the alarm Health Care. versity who serves as project coordi- regarding skyrocketing rates of dia- Miller said the incidence of diabe- nator for TCDP, agreed that there is betes in the region. tes in Floyd, Johnson and Magoffin a need to heighten public attention to Members of the Tri-County Dia- counties, which the TCDP serves, the problem of widespread diabetes. betes Partnership unanimously ap- began skyrocketing around 1995. “The reason we chose to do this proved a declaration Friday, stating Currently, the prevalence of diabetes today is to put our communities on that the incidence of diabetes in the is 14 percent in Johnson and Magof- notice, because awareness is an is- Big Sandy region is a “crisis of epi- fin counties and 10 percent in Floyd sue,” Robinson said.