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Referee and assistant referees with their FIFA MA Elite Referee Course instructors at the FFAS headquarters in Pago Pago aft er the opening of the seminar on Sat- urday, October 21, 2017. [FFAS MEDIA/Brian Vitolio]

LAND COMMISSION FIFA MA Elite referee course gets NOTICE is hereby given that NOMA’AEA SUNIA of UTULEI, American Samoa, has executed a LEASE AGREEMENT to a certain parcel of land commonly known as PUNAOA which is situated in the village of UTULEI, in the County of MAOPUTASI, EASTERN underway in American Samoa District, Island of TUTUILA, American Samoa. Said LEASE AGREEMENT is now on file with the Territorial Registrar to be forwarded to the Governor respecting his approval by FFAS MEDIA/Brian Vitolio or disapproval thereof according to the laws of American Samoa. Said instrument names top referee and assistant referees way I speak, and that’s the same MEREANE SUNIA BAILEY-MURRAY & LUSIA SUNIA as LESSEES. FFAS match offi cials are are FIFA referee instructor Neil for the role of a referee. As a Any person who wish, may file his objection in writing with the Secretary of the Land being treated to a FIFA MA Poloso of the Solomon Islands, match offi cial, the players and Commission before the 12TH day of DECEMBER, 2017. It should be noted that any objec- Elite referee course that started and OFC fi tness instructor, fans will not like you, and this tion must clearly state the grounds therefor. on Saturday, Oct. 21, 2017 at Gregory Gallop from New is where your leadership skills POSTED: OCTOBER 13, 2017 thru DECEMBER 12, 2017 the local federation’s headquar- Zealand. come in, being patient, fi rm in SIGNED: Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar ters in Pago Pago. “We are here to assist you in your decisions and making the “I want to offi cially open your career as a referee, so this correct choices. KOMISI O LAU’ELE’ELE this course on behalf of our O LE FA’ASALALAUGA lenei ua faia ona o NOMA’AEA SUNIA ole nu’u o UTULEI, course is very important for you “That’s why we have Amerika Samoa, ua ia faia se FEAGAIGA LISI, i se fanua ua lauiloa o PUNAOA, e i le nu’u president, Faiivae Iuli Alex to learn from, and I want you all these courses so that you can o UTULEI i le itumalo o MAOPUTASI, Falelima i SASA’E ole Motu o TUTUILA Amerika Godinet, our executive com- to take this seriously,” Poloso broaden your knowledge, gain Samoa. O lea FEAGAIGA LISI ua i ai nei i teuga pepa ale Resitara o Amerika Samoa e fia mittee and FFAS,” FFAS CEO said during the opening of the confi dence as a match offi cial auina atu ile Kovana Sili mo sana fa’amaoniga e tusa ai ma le Tulafono a Amerika Samoa. O Taumua explained. “They have lea mata’upu o lo’o ta’ua ai MEREANE SUNIA BAILEY-MURRAY & LUSIA SUNIA seminar. “We are going to pro- because you are in a leader- A iai se tasi e fia fa’atu’i’ese i lea mata’upu, ia fa’aulufaleina mai sa na fa’atu’iesega tusitusia sent their hopes that our match vide you with the best informa- ship position. One challenge I ile Failautusi o lea Komisi ae le’i o’o ile aso 12 o TESEMA, 2017. Ia manatua, o fa’atu’iesega offi cials learn as much as they tion possible so that you can go offered to a lot of our players uma lava ia tusitusia manino mai ala uma e fa’atu’iese ai. 10/127 & 11/27/17 can from these two very expe- out and offi ciate your federa- is this, if you cannot represent rienced and knowledgeable tion’s games the best way you American Samoa because you gentlemen.” can.” do not hold a U.S. passport, Conducting the fi ve-day “We are going to assist you come out and be a referee or Notice for Proposed Registration of Land course for American Samoa’s with the information that is con- assistant referee,” Taumua NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with the request which has been received by sistent all around the world,” added. “You cannot represent the Territorial Registrar for the registration of a certain land TOMEA which is situated in or Gallop pointed out. “The infor- American Samoa as a national near the village of VAILOATAI/TAPUTIMU, County of TUALATAI Island of TUTUILA, from SATELE GALU of the village of VAILOATAI/TAPUTIMU as a/an COMMUNAL land of mation that is being provided to team player, but you can rep- SATELE FAMILY. match offi cials in different parts resent American Samoa as a NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that anyone claiming an interest in the above named land, may file an objection with the Territorial Registrar’s Office within 60 days from the date of post- of the world, is the same one match offi cial.” ing of this notice. If no objection is filed within 60 days from the date of posting of this notice, we are going to provide to you Taumua went on to urge the the land proposed herein will be registered as such in accordance with the law of American throughout the week. participants to absorb as much Samoa. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the survey and description of the said land are now on “All the work is going to be of the knowledge brought by file in the Territorial Registrar’s Office where they may be examined at any time prior to the done by you, we are just going both Poloso and Gallop. expiration of the said sixty (60) days. POSTED: OCTOBER 13, 2017 thru DECEMBER 12, 2017 to assist you with the informa- “Ask a lot of questions, and SIGNED: Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar tion. It will be hard work, you don’t be ashamed to ask ques- ACCURACY will need to be on time, but most tions,” Taumua said. Fa’aaliga o le Fia Fa’amauina o se Fanua of all I want you all to have fun There are 22 FFAS match O LE FA’AALIGA LENEI ua fa’asalalauina ona o le talosaga ua fa’aulufaleina mai i le Ofisa o We make an issue as well.” offi cials attending the course, le Resitara o Amerika Samoa ina ia fa’amauina le fanua o TOMEA, e tu pe latalata ane i le nu’u Taumua provided examples and it will include theoretical o VAILOATAI/TAPUTIMU, Itumalo o TUALATAI i le motu o TUTUILA, ina ia fa’amauina e of it every day. of how match offi cials must be and practical sessions, as well SATELE GALU ole fanua FAITELE o LE AIGA SA SATELE. SO O SE TASI e aia ma fa’atu’iese i le fanua ua ta’ua i luga ia fa’aulufaleina mai sana fa’atu’iese- If you want to comment leaders of the game out on the as a FIFA fi tness test that was ga tusitusia i le Ofisa o le Resitara i totonu o aso e 60 mai le aso na fa’aalia ai lea fa’aaliga. Afai o fi eld. “As was mentioned by to be conducted by Gallop on le a leai se fa’atu’iesega e fa’aulufaleina mai i totonu o aso e 60, o le fanua lenei o le a fa’amauina e about our accuracy, call pei ona ta’ua i luga e tusa ai ma aiaiga o le tulafono i Amerika Samoa. Samoa News at 633-5599 Neil and Greg, a match offi - Monday, Oct. 23, 2017. O LE FA’AFANUA ma fa’amatalaga e uiga i lenei fanua, ua iai nei i le Ofisa ole Resitara, ma e cial is a leadership position,” Poloso and Gallop are being avanoa mo se iloiloga i so’o se aso i totonu o le 60 o le faitauina o aso. 10./27 & 11/27/17 Taumua explained. “A lot of assisted by local FIFA ref- people don’t like leaders, like eree instructors Lemusa Ala- me for example, maybe it’s tasi, Sione Mau and Talalelei because of the way I look, the Faalavaau. samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017 Page B3

American Samoa Government OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR

NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY AWARENESS MONTH WHEREAS, American Samoa recognizes that it has a vital role in identifying, protecting, and responding to cyber threats that may have significant impact to our individual and collective security and privacy; and, WHEREAS, we recognize the vital role that technology plays in our daily lives and in the future of our Territory and Nation, whereby today many citizens, schools, libraries, churches, businesses and other organizations use the Internet for a variety of tasks, including keeping in contact with family and friends, managing personal finances, performing research, enhancing education and conducting business; and, WHEREAS, critical infrastructure sectors are increasingly reliant on information systems to support financial services, energy, telecommunications, transportation, utilities, health care, distance learning and emergency response systems; and, WHEREAS, the use of the Internet at the primary and secondary school levels in American Samoa enhances the education of our youth by providing them access to online educational research materials; and at institutions of higher education, the use of information technology is integral to teaching and learning, research, and outreach and service; and, WHEREAS, Internet users and our information infrastructure face an increasing threat of malicious cyber attack, loss of privacy from spyware and adware and significant financial and personal privacy losses due to identity theft and fraud; and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has established the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications and has devoted resources within it solely to support the strengthening and securing of the country’s cyber infrastructure at the state, local, tribal, and territorial levels; and, WHEREAS, the Stop.Think.Connect.™ Campaign ( or is a national effort coordinated by a coalition of private companies nonprofits and government organizations to raise awareness about cyber security among all digital citizens, helping them stay safer and more secure online; and, WHEREAS, the National Institute for Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework and DHS’s Critical Infrastructure Cyber Community (C3) Voluntary Program have been developed as free resources to help organizations (large and small, both public and private) implement the Cybersecurity Framework and improve their cyber practices through a practical approach to addressing evolving threats and challenges; and, WHEREAS, in support of the Cybersecurity Framework and to better assist business and government entities in addressing cyber threats, the Center for Internet Security/Multi-State ISAC, the Council on CyberSecurity, the Governors Homeland Security Advisors Council, and public and private sector entities have developed an effort to promote good cyber hygiene through actionable guidance for government and businesses, and to promote innovation, strengthen cybersecurity investment and enhance resilience across all sectors; and, WHEREAS, maintaining the security of cyberspace is a shared responsibility in which each of us has a critical role, and awareness of computer security essentials will improve the security of American Samoa’s information infrastructure economy; and, WHEREAS, the President of the United States of America, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (www., the CIS/Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (, the Council on CyberSecurity (www., the National Cyber Security Alliance ( and the Stop.Think. Connect. Campaign website ( or have declared October as National Cyber Security Awareness Month; and all Citizens are encouraged to visit these sites, to learn from the American Samoa Department of Homeland Security as it provides outreach to teach about cyber security; and to put that knowledge into practice in their homes, schools, workplaces, churches and businesses. NOW, THEREFORE I, LOLO MATALASI MOLIGA, Governor of American Samoa, do hereby proclaim the month of October 2017, to be the NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY AWARENESS MONTH in American Samoa. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature and the Seal of my Office on this 11th day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen.

LOLO MATALASI MOLIGA Governor of American Samoa Page B4 samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017 cessful, and all are covered the park, or wherever. Phase 3 ➧ in the SSY FB Group, where focuses on “the secret sauce that Local… everyone works together to will catapult your fat burning Continued from page 1 achieve the same goal. “The furnace to new heights.” This is of his co-workers, Paselio, who ‘a smile is contagious’ philos- perfect for those wanting super was the fi rst to strictly follow ophy is how we operate in the low body fat, those having a it - and the results were imme- SSY family,” Spitzenberg said. hard time burning off that last diate. Paselio lost 9lbs. and sev- “Imagine coming in to a place 20lbs or getting rid of the few eral inches of fat in his fi rst 5 where everyone is cheering inches of fat in the belly area. days on the program. you on and giving you positive “The main goal of the SSY The remarkable transforma- reinforcements to get you going program is to empower individ- tion led Spitzenberg to take the on your journey. It makes it uals by giving them the proper program a step further, creating a whole lot easier to succeed ‘tools’ and knowledge needed Employment Opportunity a Facebook Group and inviting when you have a slew of like- to fi nally conquer their weight his Facebook friends to join. minded people cheering you loss goals and live a slimmer ACCORDS COLLISION & TOWING INC The best thing about the SSY on. Negativity is not allowed stronger version of themselves,” is looking for one program: it’s FREE! There’s no in the group.” The program has said Spitzenberg. “It’s quite 3 phases. Phase 1 deals with sad to see so many of our own Spray Painter & One Frame Technician. need to meet, go to the gym, or starve. “The entrance fee is your controlling sugar cravings and people suffering from diabetes, Must have five years of experience. Contact Accords desire to change and a commit- empowering people to make high blood pressure, and other Collision & Towing Inc at (684) 731-3883 or email us at ment to follow the program,” wise food choices. Phase 2 ailments that can be controlled Spitzenberg said. “Everything focuses on stopping sugar crav- and even cured by living a [email protected] you need to succeed in your ings and killing the bad ‘sugar healthy lifestyle. This program weight loss journey is inside.” bacteria’ in the gut that wreaks helps in all these areas.” The program is simple: It is havoc on metabolism, and also SSY has members in Cali- built on the 5 Pillars of Success stresses the importance of exer- fornia, Utah, the Philippines, created by Spitzenberg’s mentor cise - the second catalyst that Apia, and other places in the FAIRNESS Craig Ballantyne, owner of Tur- helps burn body fat. “These world. “My personal goal is to We make an issue of it every day. bulence Training and Early to exercises are specifi cally get to 1,000 members by the Rise. The 5 Pillars - 1) Social designed to target fat burning end of this year and hopefully If you want to comment about our fairness, Support, 2) Accountability, 3) and increase your metabolism get all the local folks to join,” call Samoa News at 633-5599 Plan & Prepare, 4) Incentive, so you can continue to burn fat Spitzenberg said. 5) Set a Deadline - are required while you sleep and get stronger The majority of SSY mem- in order for any healthy living at the same time,” Spitzenberg bers are female who “seem to be weight loss program to be suc- explained, adding that the exer- the more committed ones.” cises can be done at home, at “We do have some men on the team, and they are actually making some noise.” So far, the most weight loss recorded in the least amount of time is a male who lost 17lbs. in 5 days. The record for most inches lost in one week is a woman who lost over 12 inches of body fat. “I am happy to say that 100% of the people who have followed the program, even when they don’t stick to it 100% of the time, have seen amazing results,” he continued. “I myself lost 40lbs following the same program.” Paselio P. reports losing a total of 22lbs in 4 weeks, in addition to dropping 3 pant sizes. Dave V. posted, “Started this program Thursday at 293lbs. Five days later I’m at 276.5lbs. Haven’t been at this weight in years.” On her post, Helen P. wrote, “Dropped 3lbs after 1 day” “After 2 days of sticking to this program... I am down 5lbs and didn’t even exercise this weekend. Finally, something that works,” wrote Manda T. Those interested in joining the SSY movement can join the group on Facebook at www. StrongerYou or email “The SSY program will work for anyone no matter their age, body type, gender, or past expe- rience with weight loss. There is no need for magic pills, super juices or expensive supplements in the SSY program. All you need is a desire to change and a determination to take action. Action takers rule the world. I will guarantee any skeptic out there that if they give this pro- gram a try even for just one day, they will see amazing results. SSY is at a 100% success rate so far,” Spitzenberg said. “I always recommend you check with your doctor before trying any new program and this is no different. However, I am quite certain your doctor will give this program two thumbs up.” samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017 Page B5 Page B6 samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017

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Come and Enjoy the beautiful sounds of Ulale, Isaako and Gang at theMALIU MAI OCEANVIEW RESTOBAR FILE - In this Aug. 26, 2017, fi le photo, Oakland Raiders’ Denico Autry (96) and Dallas Cow- boys’ (64) face off at the line of scrimmage during a preseason NFL football game in Arlington, Texas. Cooper joined the Cowboys as an aft erthought in January when they were Friday, Oct 13th & Saturday, Oct 14th preparing for the playoff s. Now the former top 10 pick by Arizona is a starter on a Pro Bowl-laden • Delicious Food off ensive line that is starting to fi nd last season’s form. (AP Photo/Roger Steinman, File) • Cool Drinks Also stay at one • Relaxing Seabreeze Environment of our beautiful, Cowboys lineman Cooper For reservations Call 733-1683 affordable rooms parlays health into starting job OUR STOREor 733-0828 IS NOW OPEN FROM MONDAY TO SATURDAY ONLY NU’UULI FRISCO, Texas (AP) — former North Carolina standout to play the position,” offensive Jonathan Cooper didn’t win a seventh overall in 2013. coordinator Scott Linehan said starting job on the Pro Bowl- “To make it through camp, of Cooper. “He’s been on a few laden offensive line of the it’s like, ‘Well, you aren’t teams and he’s used that to his AUTO NATION coming out of the starter.’ I thank God I’m advantage to have an edge up so NU’UULI: (684) 699-7168 • FAX: (684) 699-7175 training camp. healthy. Guys getting banged to speak.” The former top 10 pick by up. And I made it out com- Cooper played 24 games Arizona was borderline ecstatic pletely healthy. To me, that was with 11 starts over two seasons Available in Store anyway. He was healthy. a great step in the right direction before the Cardinals traded him In part because of that, he for this season.” to the Patriots in the offseason ended up a starter four games was the left last year. A foot injury led to his into the season — for a third dif- guard for the Cowboys the fi rst release a month into the 2016 ferent team over three seasons three games, while Cooper was season. since injuries shortened his time inactive. Twice in those three After three starts in fi ve with the Cardinals and never games, the NFL’s No. 2 rushing appearances with Cleveland, 2Ton Jack Battery Taxi Sign gave him a chance to make a offense from last season was Cooper was released by the difference in New England after held under 100 yards. In the Browns. He signed with the a trade. three games since, Dallas Cowboys a week later at a “That’s played a major role hasn’t had fewer than 163 yards strange time — after the regular in kind of how my career has rushing. season, with the NFC’s top seed gone,” Cooper said of a series Talk of the Dallas offensive waiting to fi nd out who its fi rst of injuries, starting with his line always starts with three playoff opponent would be. Freeon Echo Fluid Comfort Zone Fan 16” rookie year getting wiped out Pro Bowl players from the past Cooper didn’t know what it by a broken leg in a preseason three seasons — 2014 All-Pro might mean for 2017, and ended We are now accepting Credit & Debit Cards. game after Arizona drafted the right guard Zack Martin, center up signing a one-year contract SATURDAY :8:00AM-1:00PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY: 7:30AM-5:00PM Travis Frederick and left tackle in March. Tyron Smith. “I wasn’t certain of anything There was some shuffl ing to be honest,” he said. outside that core in the off- That mentality really hasn’t season with right tackle Doug changed now that he’s starting Free’s retirement and the free again, nor does he spend much agency departure of left guard time thinking about whether Ronald Leary. La’el Collins, he’s still trying to prove himself who took Leary’s job in 2015 four years after the Cardinals $90 before getting hurt last season, made him the fourth offensive $80 2016 Toyota Corolla Daily Rate 2013 Hyundai Sonata Daily Rate moved into Free’s spot. lineman among the fi rst seven Automatic (Red Car) Automatic (White Car) Green had mostly been picks. a tackle since the Cowboys “It’s been one of those drafted him in the third round things where I’ve honestly had two years ago, but they gave to forget it because people are him a shot at left guard. constantly trying to remind you, Cooper’s resurgence pushed but not in a positive fashion,” Green back into the swing Cooper said. “It’s, ‘Well, you *NEW* $90 $120 Daily 2015 Kia Sedona Daily Rate 2010 Toyota Tundra tackle spot. Green subbed for were top 10 and you haven’t Automatic Automatic (White Truck) Smith late in a 40-10 win over done this, you haven’t done San Francisco last week, with that.’ Contact Information: Jiin Jang Smith battling back and hip “It kind of was a springboard O&O INC. CAR RENTAL (258-4563) or Tafa Leaupepe PO Box 3897, Pago Pago, AS 96799 Office: 699-4484 • Fax: 699-2307 issues. into my career, battling back Located in Nu’uuli (O&O Inc. Wholesale) Email: [email protected] “He’s certainly got the skill from adversity.” samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017 Page B7

(Photos: Evaga)

FILE - In this Oct. 16, 2017, fi le photo, Indianapolis Colts kicker Adam Vinatieri (4) boots a fi eld goal against the Tennessee Titans in the fi rst half of an NFL football game in Nashville, Tenn. Rigo- berto Sanchez (2) holds the ball. Vinatieri, the oldest, longest-tenured active player in the league and the last vestige of NFL Europe, still is not ready to hang up his cleats, not with so many items left on his to-do list. (AP Photo/James Kenney, File) Vinatieri ready to take next step on NFL’s scoring list INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Adam Vinatieri of Vinatieri’s career. grew up in small-town South Dakota hoping for He’s played in fi ve Super Bowls, won four a chance to play in the NFL. and delivered the winning kicks in two. He also He never dreamed his career would last this missed tackles on Desmond Howard and Devin long, come with so many accomplishments or Hester, who returned his kickoffs for scores in allow him to keep adding chapters to his football the big game. legacy well into his 40s. But the more memorable kicks may have been It seemed as unfathomable then as it does the two he made to beat Oakland in the AFC today. Yet, here in Week 8 of his 22nd NFL championship game, the “Tuck Rule Game,” just season, the longest-tenured player in the league before New England’s fi rst Super Bowl win. and the last vestige of NFL Europe is too buy And it’s not easy keeping track of the scoring crossing off items on his to-do list to ponder charts. retirement. Already this season, Vinatieri has passed “I don’t put a limit on it anymore,” Vinatieri Andersen for most fi eld goals from 20 to 29 yards said when asked about playing next season. “I’m (176); Anderson for second in career regular- feeling good now, so hopefully I can play next season wins (203); George Blanda for No. 3 in year, and if I’m still feeling good next year, we’ll fi eld goal attempts (642); Jason Hanson for No. see after that.” 5 in games played (328); and three weeks ago, While the Indianapolis Colts (2-5) have strug- Vinatieri made his 10th winning kick in over- gled , their 44-year-old kicker has continued to time, a league record. excel. Though Vinatieri has missed two extra He’s also closing in on others. points getting acclimated to a new long snapper Vinatieri needs 24 fi eld goals to pass Andersen and a new holder, he is 12 of 13 on fi eld goals, (565) for No. 1 all-time, and seven more regular- has scored 45 points and is on pace for an unprec- season wins would break Blanda’s record (209). edented 20th 100-point season — even without Not bad for the great, great grandson of Gen. Andrew Luck playing a down. George Custer’s bandmaster. Former punter Pat McAfee often explained Vinatieri attended South Dakota State, got the key to Vinatieri’s success was his passion his fi rst taste of pro football in Amsterdam, and for working out, a concept he’s been fi ne-tuning made enough of an impression on Hall of Fame since he entered the league in 1996. coach Bill Parcells to land an NFL job. But keeping track of exactly where Vinatieri It didn’t take him long to prove why he’s the fi ts on the list of greatest kickers is becoming a best clutch kicker in league history. full-time job. “You put your hands up, it’s going in,” This week, the focus is on his pursuit of Gary receiver T.Y. Hilton said after Vinatieri’s 51-yard Anderson, who is second on the league’s career fi eld goal beat San Francisco. “Our job once we scoring list (2,434 points). Vinatieri needs 12 got the ball back was to get him in range. We got points to pass him and 23 to move within double him in his sweet spot and he nailed it.” digits of career scoring leader Morten Andersen Just like he’s done for more than two decades. (2,544). Vinatieri’s next chance comes Sunday And if Vinatieri gets his way, he’s not going at Cincinnati (2-4) and he can’t wait after not to stop until he fi nishes with the most unimagi- making an appearance in last week’s 27-0 loss to nable record of all: top scorer in NFL history. Jacksonville. “I’ve met both of them, I’ve spent a little “It’d be pretty cool,” Vinatieri said. “At the time with them but not a lot,” Vinatieri said, in beginning of this year, I knew with a good season, reference to Anderson and Andersen. “I always I could get one (Anderson) and if I have another looked up to them as a kicker. I mean how can good year, I could get the second one. So it’s in they not be your heroes? I remember Morten and the back of your mind.” Gary retired after something like 24 or 25 years, Milestones have become the defi ning feature and just thinking I couldn’t believe it.” Page B8 samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017


C M Y K samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017 Page B9 LeLeLaliLali Fesiligia e le Fa’amasinoga auala saili ai Leoleo fualaau fa’asaina tusia Ausage Fausia le ta’avale, na aga’i atu ai le O le teena ai e le Ta’ita’i o le Vaega Faapitoa a C M Fa’amasinoga Fa’aitumalo o le Leoleo, susuga Captain Lima Y K mataupu na tu’uaia ai se ali’i Togia ma talanoa i le ave talavou, i lona umia lea o vaega ta’avale, ae o Lt. Solaita Jr na o le pauta fa’asaina o le aisa, talanoa ma Mika i le itu o le ua atagia mai ai le fesiligia e le pasese. Fa’amasinoga o le auala o lo o Na taua e Lt. Solaita Jr i lana fa’atautaia ai e Leoleo la latou molimau e faapea, a o la talanoa galuega, mo le sailia lea o vaega ma Mika, o le taimi lea na alu o fualaau fa’asaina i totonu o le atu ai le ta’ifau faapitoa a Leoleo atunu’u. ma sogi sogi fa’ata’amilo i le O se va’aiga i le toe taimi, ma le fa’amanuia sa latou fa’ailoa ai, e ao ina malosi le una’iga o le E ui o lo o tu’uaia e le malo tino o le ta’avale. E le i umi ona HOSA i o latou a’oga uma o auai ai. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost i le latou tagi fa’asaga ia Meth- ta’amilo le ta’ifau ae vaaia loa odist Kuka Mika, le maua i ai lona fa’ailoa atu o se fa’ailoilo e Leoleo o vaega o le pauta e ta’u atu ai i Leoleo, o lo o i fa’asaina o le aisa, peita’i i le ai fualaau fa’asaina i totonu o silasila a le Fa’amasinoga e le ta’avale. O le taimi lava fo’i pei ona taua e le afi oga i le ali’i lea na fa’atonuina ai loa ia Mika Fa’amasino ia Fiti Sunia i lana ma le ave ta’avale e o i fafo o le fa’aiuga, o le auala na fa’atino ta’avale ae se’i fa’aauau le sai- ai e Leoleo la latou sailiga, ua liina o totonu o le ta’avale. atagia manino mai ai le soli ai E le i maua e Leoleo ni o aia tatau o Mika o lo o sipela fualaau fa’asaina i totonu o le mai e le Fa’avae a Amerika ta’avale. Ae ina ua sailia le tino Samoa. o Mika, sa maua ai se paipa e Ona o lea tulaga, na faia ai ula ai le aisa, fa’atasi ai ma se loa e Sunia le fa’aiuga ina ia pepa iila o lo o i ai vaega o le teena le tagi faasaga ia Mika i le pauta pa’epa’e sa i totonu o le vaiaso nei, i le mae’a ai lea ona taga o lona ofuvae sa fai. Na fa’afofoga o le Fa’amasinoga faia se suega i le pauta pa’epa’e i le molimau tauto mai le ali’i ma fa’amaonia ai, o vaega ia o Leoleo sa autu i ai le su’esu’eina le pauta fa’asaina o le aisa. o le mataupu a Mika, susuga Lt. Ina ua fesiligia e Leoleo Tolia Solaita Jr, o ia lea o le Sui poo ai e ana fualaau fa’asaina, Ta’ita’i o le Vaega Faapitoa a na ta’utino Mika, o meatotino Leoleo o lo o sailiga Fualaau uma a ia sa maua i le taga o lona Fa’asaina (Vice & Narcotics ofuvae. Unit). Na fi nau le loia a le malo Na tu’uaia e le malo ia ia Christy Dunn e fa’apea, na Mika i le moliaga mamafa o malie atoatoa Mika e su’e e lona umia fa’asolitulafono lea Leoleo lona tino. Ina ua maua o vaega o le pauta fa’asaina, le fualaau fa’asaina ia te ia, sa ia ituaiga o le aisa. O lea solitula- ta’utino i Leoleo o ana mea- fono, e mafai ona fa’asala ai se totino ia. I lona talitonuga, sa tasi i le toese mo le umi e le silia tusa ma le tulafono le auala na i le 5 tausaga, poo le fa’asala i taofi a ai e Leoleo le ta’avale na le salatupe e le silia i le $5,000, malaga ai Mika, lea na mafua poo fa’asalaga uma fo’i ia e lua. ai ona maua e Leoleo fualaau I le ulua’i iloiloga o le fa’asaina ia te ia. C M mataupu a Mika sa faia i le Ae na fi nau le loia a Mika Y K vaiaso nei, na iloilo ai e le ia Ryan Nelson e fa’apea, o Fa’amasinoga mau a le malo, le gaioiga sa faia e Leoleo, na pe lava ma totoe e lagolagoina matua atagia mai ai le a’afi a ai tu’uaiga fa’asaga ia Mika. o aia tatau o Mika i lalo o le Na taua e le ali’i Leoleo ia Faavae. E talitonu Nelson, e Lt. Solaita Jr e fa’apea, i le po leai se Leoleo e agava’a i le o le aso 12 Setema na te’a nei, iloiloina o le ituaiga leotele e na taofi a ai e Vaega Faapitoa a tatau ona leotele ai le mafa o le Leoleo se ta’avale i luma o le ta’avale. Na fa’ai’u lana fola- malae taalo i Tafuna (Veterans saga i lona talosagaina lea o le Stadium), ina ua molimauina le fa’amasinoga ina ia fa’aleaoga leotele o le leo o le mafa. le tagi fa’aaga ia Mika, lea fo’i I totonu o le ta’avale, sa i ai na talia e le Fa’amasinoga. le ali’i ave ta’avale, fa’apea ai Saunoa Sunia e fa’apea, o le ma Mika o lo o nofo i le nofoa o gaioiga a Leoleo sa faia, i le o le pasese. E 3 ta’avale Leoleo, o atu uma lea o Leoleo e to’a 6, o Leoleo e to’a 6 ma le ta’ifau mai ta’avale Leoleo e 3 atoa ai ma le vaega a le K-9 na aofi a uma i le ta’ifau i le taimi na taofi ai le le taimi na taofi a ai le ta’avale ta’avale na malaga ai Mika, o le sa malaga atu ai Mika ma le ave ata vaaia lea o le latou fuafuaga ta’avale. e taofi le ta’avale ae saili pe I le taimi na taofi ai e Leoleo maua i ai ni fualaau fa’asaina. Page B10 samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017 Manumalo Fialupe Lutu i le fa’aiuga le tumau Palota Itumalo Sua #1 tusia Ausage Fausia palota, o le tuana’i ai o aso e 7 Ua fa’amaonia mai i le talu mai le aso na mae’a ai le fa’aiuga le tumau o le faiga faiga palota, o le aso Lua lea o palota Fa’apitoa a le Itumalo o le vaiaso fou, aso 31 Oketopa i Sua #1, le manumalo o le sui le itula e 4:30 i le afiafi, e aloaia tauva tama’ita’i ia Fialupe Felila ai loa le fa’aiuga o le palota e Fiaui Lutu, i le aofa’i o le palota pei ona tuuina mai. e 94 mai le aofaiga atoa o tagata O le faletua ia Fialupe, o lo o palota e 357 o lo o i totonu o le avea ma Failautusi o le maota o lola palota a le itumalo. sui, ma ua silia i le 40 tausaga o Mai sui tauva e to’a 6 na lana auaunaga i le Fono Faitula- tausinio i le nofoa o le itumalo, fono a Amerika Samoa. o le afioga a Tuifagalilo P. O se tulaga lelei mo ia le Vele na sosoo ai ana palota e tofiga fou pe afai ae aloaia le 72; o Tuialofa Fa’alae Lau- fa’aiuga o le sailiga tofi a le atuaa Tunupopo e 64 ana itumalo, e le gata ua masani i palota; Laloniu P. Maloa e 57 le fa’atautaiga o galuega a le ana palota; o Uele Fale Uele e maota o sui, ae sili ai fo’i le tele 50 ana palota; ma Ketesemane o lona silafia i tulaga o tulafono Meaole e 20 ana palota. e fa’afoe ai galuega fa’a faipule. I le mae’a aloaia ai o le E pei ona silafia, o le palota faapitoa sa alo atu i ai nofoaga o le itumalo o Sua #1, le itumalo i le aso 24 Oketopa, na avanoa ina ua fa’amavae le na tuuina mai ai loa e le Kome- susuga a Puleleiite Li’a Tufele sina o le Ofisa o Palota, afioga Jr i nai masina ua mavae atu, Uiagalelei Lealofi se tusitusiga ina ua filifilia o ia e le Kovana ia mai lona Ofisa, e fa’ailoa aloaia Lolo Matalasi Moliga e avea ma mai ai le fa’aiuga le tumau a le Pulesili o le Ofisa o Fesootaiga Le afioga i le Fofoga Fetalai o le maota o sui, tofa Savali Talavou Ale, ma le faletua ia Fialupe itumalo. a Amerika Samoa (ASTCA). Felila Fiaui Lutu, i se la ata sa pu’eina i le maota fono tuai i le masina o Aperila o le tausaga lenei. Ina ia tusa ai ma tulafono tau [ata AF] HOSA - 220 totino fou tapena tomai mo fal- uega fau fa’afoma’i tusia: Leua Aiono Frost tatou Matagaluega o le Soifua O fanau aoga mai aoga maua- Maloloina. luluga ma le Kolisi Tu’ufa’atasi I le polokalama fa’asolo i le sa fa’aulu i le Polokalama a le aso Lulu, sa auai le Fa’atonu o HOSA na fa’atumulia ai le Gov, Aoga ma tima’i i le fanau ma Rex Lee Auditorium i le aoauli fa’ailoa fo’i le naunauta’iga o o le aso Lulu. Sa fa’atasi ai ma le Matagaluega ina ia a’oa’oina sui ua mae’a avea ma totino o le i latou i nei ituaiga o tomai e HOSA, matua ma aiga ae maise agava’a ai mo le tausiga o le sui o le Matagaluega o A’oga a soifua Maloloina ma togafitiga le Malo. o gasegase. O le aofai o i latou na fa’aulu “Ia tua fo’i le tatou Malo ia e 220, peita’i o sui tuai na atoa i tatou lava i le lumana’i, ina i ai le 300+ o le fanau a’oga i ua outou agava’a i nei tomai le Kolisi Tu’ufa’atasi ma a’oga mo’omia ma toe fa’aalu ai le tele maualuluga e ono ua tu’utoina o vaega tupe a le Malo e totogia latou taumafaiga i a’oa’oga ai nisi mai fafo e togafitia o maualuluga, ia fa’aagaaga mo tatou tagata. O se mana’oga sili avanoa faigaluega e tautua ai lea ona fia maua e le Malo,” se mo le tausiga o le soifua malo- vaega lea o lana tima’iga a Dr. loina ma togafitiga o gasegase. Ruth Matagi-Tofiga. Ua tolu ai nei o tausaga talu Na ia fa’amalo i le filifiliga ona amata mai lenei faamo- ua faia e le fanau, e fa’ailoa ai, o emoe, ma o le tausaga muamua lo’o manatu i latou i le lumana’i na fa’aulu ai le to’a 115 fanau o tatou tagata fa’atasi ai ma le aoga i le HOSA, o le tausaga tatou Malo.Fa’afetaia e ia le au lona lua e 175. galulue o i latou o fa’aautu i ai Peita’i o nisi e to’a 18 o i latou le HOSA i totonu o le Kolisi, mai le 220, o lo ua fa’aauau nei ma ua soloa’i mai ai i le vasega ona tauavea mataupu e agava’a o tatou a’oga maualuluga e lima ai i so’o se vaega lava e fa’aautu ma le a’oga tumaoti e tasi, le i le tautuaina o le soifua malo- South Pacific Academy. loina e aofia ai le avea ma O le fofoga fa’apitoa o le Tausima’i, Foma’i, tagata aso, na tu’uina i se tasi o na su’esu’e fa’asaeanisi i gasegase latou amata maia le HOSA i le ma vaifofo i gasegase, tausiga o Kolisi Tu’ufa’atasi, o se sui o le soifua Maloloina ma Mea’ai le Komiti Fa’afoe o le HOSA - Paleni ma isi lava ituaiga o ASCC, Dr. Robin Faumuina, na tautua e faia sona vaega i le tau- ia fa’ailoa, “Afai e te taumafai i siga o le soifua maloloina. se suiga, amata mai ia te oe, le O nisi nei o fa’amaumauga foliga e te va’aia i taimi uma i ua mafai ona fa’ailoa mai e i lau fa’aata.” Fanau i le launa pito i tua ma matua ma aiga, na auai i le fale laumei i Utulei e fa’aulufale sui latou o nafa ma le taumafaiga “Suia mai lou uiga, tamau ai i fou o le HOSA i A’oga maualuluga e 6 ma le Kolisi Tu’ufa’atasi a Amerika Samoa. o le Polokalama a le HOSA i le (Faaauau itulau 11) [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017 Page B11 Onosa’i I Mea Tiga Tusia: Akenese Ilalio Zec ona o mai lea o lo’omatutua ua o tuafafine ua aoga Tiaseau i le Vaega: 142 nofonofo i luga o le taligalu ua tele o mea e fai o le aiga. Alo maia, o le a toe fa’aauau ma’ea ona fai, e ala i le finau Fai mai, na tau ta ai e le atu la tatou tala. O lea ua feiloa’i malosi a si o la tuagane o Lilo- lo’omatua o Filipina le ulu o nei Tiaseuoali’i ma lona tua- maiava i le Malo, o lea ua mafai si tama i le isi aso, ina ua tete’i fafine o Onosa’iimeatiga lea ai ona maua le taligalu mo si o ma lona to’alua o Roger, ua tu o lo’o galulue i le galuega a latou nu’u. ane Tiase ma le teutusi, o le siea le Atua ma lona to’alua, le Fai mai, e saofafa’i ifo lava lea a Filipina ma Roger ona o le Fa’afeagaiga o Peniamina. Fai le tagata ia ma soloi ona mata, va’a o lo’o ia fa’aaogaina. Fai mai, o le tele o aso, a a’e ane le ma tilotilo atu i le alu o le va’a mai, na tu a’e i luga le lo’omatua faiva o le tama, o se fiafiaga sili a si o la tei. Fai mai le tala, o isi ma lona ita tele, “Tia, o le a le lea i a Lilo ma Loleta, aua o lea aso, e ta’i tolu aso o alu le va’a mea lea ua e faia, a, oi se ta fe ua toe feiloa’i ma si a la tama. a Tiaseu ma ana tama e to’afa, a fe se, o lona uiga ua leai se aoga O le va’a fagota na fa’atau e a’e mai loa lava, fai mai, e a’ai o le ma meaalofa ma Roger ia le tuafafine o lona tama mo ia, uma ai le nu’u atoa, e tufa e le te oe, o ni mea a ni tagata ‘ese o lea ua fa’aaoga e le tama mo tama i nai tama ma tina mat- mea nei, fa’aaoga lou mafaufau, ona faiva, e to’alima taulele’a o utua, ae maise o Fa’afeagaiga ua e fa’alogo mai, o lau tautua i le nu’u ua tofia e Tiaseu latou te o le nu’u. Ae e le misi le ‘ia totonu o le aiga, pau lea o le mea fagogota i luga o lona va’a. O taumafa a le Fa’afeagaiga o ou te mana’o i ai, ma ia e usita’i aso uma e alu ai le va’a fagota Peniamina ma lona Faletua o i ou matua, o le mea lea e sili a Tiaseu, fai mai e lagona lava e Onosa’iimeatiga, i so’o se aso e ona taua i a ma’ua ma Roger, ua Lilo le popole o lona loto ma e a’e mai ai le faiva o le tama o e fa’alogo mai.” fai lava i lona atali’i, ae tasi lava Tiaseuoali’i. Fai mai, na fautua ane nei le tala a Tiaseu, “Tama, ‘aua e Fai mai, a a’e mai nei le faiva, i ai le toeaina Palagi o Roger, te popole o se mea ou te fiafia e fa’atali uma e tagata o le nu’u, e alu e ave le tupe, afai o le a e fai, fa’afetai atu i a te oe, i lou aua, e ‘ese le mau o faiva a le sona manatu, e toe fa’atau se onosa’i ae ‘aua e te popole, o tama o Tiaseuoali’i ma lana au isi ona va’a, e fa’aauau ai lana lo’o sologa lelei lava mea uma.” faigaluega. O manuia ia ua uma pisinisi. Ua malilie nei i ai, ma Fai mai, o aso uma lava e alu ona fa’amanuia ai Fa’afeagaiga ua fa’ataunu’u fo’i, ua le lua la ai le faiva, pei e tau pe le fatu uma o le nu’u, ae maise o si ona va’a a Tiaseu, ae ua tolu nei ana o le toeaina o Lilo, aua e auau tuafafine o Onosa’iimeatiga va’a fagota. lava i lona atali’i lea, aua e lea o lo’o galulue i le galuega Ua nofonofo nei Tiaseuoali’i to’atasi ia, ae to’afa teine. E le o a le Atua ma le Fa’afeagaiga o ma fa’asolosolo ona mafau- iloa ane lava e se tasi fa’alogona Peniamina. fauga, te’i lava ua o’o ona mafa- mafatia o Lilo pe a alu le faiva O le faiga a Tiaseu, se i iloga ufauga i le afafine o le Faifeau o si ona atali’i, ona o le popole lava ua tofutofusia uma tagata, lea ua amata ona fa’ananau i ai o lona loto, ne i tupu mai ai se ona fa’atoa ave lea o ‘ia e fa’atau lona loto. Fai mai, o Tiaseu lava fa’alavelave. aua le totogi o ana tama fai- e alu e momoli ‘ia a le Faifeau Fai mai, e o’o fo’i i a Fili- galuega lea o lo’o latou galulue lea, ona o lona fia va’ai i le pina ma Luisa, e alu le solo a fa’atasi. Fai mai, ua aga’i i luma tama’ita’i o Penelope. Na fa’asolo a’oga maualuluga ta’itasi ma le Kolisi ina ia lo’omatutua e fa’ae’e le faiva o le pisinisi a Tiaseuoali’i, ma ua E faia pea... tutuina latou moli ga’o e fa’ailoa ai lo latou tu’utoina e auai i le Tiaseu i aso uma e alu ai. A uma, iloa fo’i e ona matua ae maise polokalama a le HOSA mo lenei tausaga atoa fa’apea le lumana’i. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost]

Kovana ma le faigamalo, Fa’atonu ➧ o le DHSS, Taeaoafua Dr Meki Sol- HOSA… omoma ma na toe fono fa’apipi’i i Mai itulau 10 le mau ua pa’u i le fola o finagalo o lou agaga, avea ma ‘auga o au le fanau a’oga, “O fea o le a tatou taumafaiga, e le vale lou taui, ae aga atu i ai i le lumana’i? Alu ai i maua sa’o lava ‘ai o au tauma- le ala lena ua mae’a e amatalia i le faiga na e mana’o i ai! Fa’afetai ia aso, savali ai ma lou iloa o lo’o i te outou ua faia le filifiliga amata, ai lou aiga e fa’amalosi’au, ma le taumafai e amata ona a’oa’o tonu Atua e tatalo i ai ia fai ma ou tapasa mai i mataupu ma tomai mo’omia e i mea ua e le va’aia i le lumana’i, ae avea oe ma se tasi e galue i so’o se o e mana’o e te ausia. E faamaoni vaega o galuega e aga i le tausiga o le Atua, e lelei lava o ia i aso uma le soifua maloloina. Ua avea oe ma mo i tatou uma!” totino o le HOSA i le aso nei ma le “O le tamaititi lelei lava ia e lumana’i.” lelei lona taunu’uga. Peita’i, o le “E le o fa’aitiitia le tele o gase- tamaititi ua iloga ua amata ona le gase tumau ua maua ai le aotelega o lelei, ona ua se’ese’e malie ese mai tagata o le tatou atunu’u, ua si’isi’i mea na a’oa’oina ai ma fa’atonu a’i pea i luga le aotelega o i latou ua e savali ai. E mafua ona se’e ese, a’afia, ae peita’i, ua atili ai ona ona ua a’afia i mea sese ua luluti mo’omia foma’i ma tausima’i ma mai o le olaga, ae ua le savali i le tagata e sailia vaifofo mo nei gase- ala na e mana’o i ai mai le amataga gase i tomai fa’asaeanisi fa’apitoa. o lau taumafaiga.” E ao ina tau paleni mai lea fua Sa ia toe fa’aopoopo, “Ua mae’a fa’atatau i ona itu e lua.” ona e lavalava i mea lelei, taumafa “Pe afai ou te mafaia, e mafai lelei ma ua e malosi, ua e nofo i se fo’i e oe. O tatou e soifua i le olaga, fale na tapena e nai ou matua, o se o le va’ai i se tasi ua manuia tau- mea ua la’ua mafaia i le vaivai sa mafaiga, ma una’ia ai lou tagata e ola a’e ai, a’o o oe e te tapena le taumafai atili ia e maua fo’i pe sili lumana’i ma fa’aleleia atili nei mea atu oe i lena tagata. Oso ai le ala uma, pe afai ua e fa’amuamua le lena, e le vale lou taui.” sini o au taumafaiga o lau tausiga o “Fuafua fa’alelei lou taimi ina ou matua ma le aiga, o lou naunau e ia fa’atulaga au galuega tau le toe fa’afo’i sau taulaga i lou Atua, a’oa’oga, tau le taimi mo fe’au a le ma e fa’aea nai ou matua i au tau- aiga, ae maise o sou sao mo le gal- mafaiga uma, o le tamaititi lena ua FILE - In this Tuesday Oct. 17, 2017, file photo, civil rights activist Tamika Mallory speaks uega a le Atua, lea e te lua lelei ai fa’amanuia i ai le Atua. O’o i ai i at a news conference in New York. Mallory has accused an American Airlines pilot of racial ma lou Atua, e foa’i mai ai mealilo i’uga lelei.” discrimination in kicking her off a flight. The NAACP is warning African-Americans that if o fa’amanuiaga va’aia mulimuli O aoga maualuluga ua fa’aulu they fly on American Airlines they could be subject to discrimination or even unsafe condi- mai,” o le fa’amalosi lea a Dr Faiu- sui fou e aofia ai, Tafuna, Samoana, tions. American said Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017, it’s disappointed by the announcement and muina i le fanau. Leone, Fagaitua, Nuuuli VocTech will invite the civil rights group to meet and talk about the airline. Na tula’i le na fai ma sui o le ma South Pacfic Academy. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews, File) Page B12 samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017

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Miami Dolphins wide receiver Kenny Stills (10) attempts to hold onto a pass as New York Jets cornerback Morris Claiborne (21) defends, during the second half of an NFL football game, Sunday, Chargers’ Rivers Oct. 22, 2017, in Miami Gardens, Fla. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky) going for latest shot Jets’ Claiborne relishes chal- against Brady, Pats lenge of facing Julio Jones FLORHAM PARK, N.J. lining up against opposing his own, but Denver corner- FOXBOROUGH, Mass. A victory would also be four (AP) — Morris Claiborne came teams’ best receivers. He has back Aqib Talib told him about (AP) — Philip Rivers didn’t straight for the Patriots, who to the New York Jets intent on six passes defensed, an inter- a trainer he used in the Dallas grow up an NFL fan. have also found a groove over being their No. 1 cornerback ception and 29 tackles. area named Ronnie Braxton. He grew up a fan of the past three weeks — particu- — and an elite player at his “It’s been OK,” Claiborne Claiborne gave Braxton a . larly on offense. Brady leads the position. said. “It can be a lot better. I feel call, and the trainer had him go A northern Alabama native, NFL with 2,208 passing yards, He’s got that first goal like, so far, I’ve left a couple through an aggressive program college football games on Sat- and is tied for second with 15 locked down. Being mentioned of plays out there that I wish I that mixes Pilates and boxing urdays were his sports meat and touchdown passes. in the same breath as the likes could have back. But so far, it’s and cardio work. potatoes. The NFL was dessert. After two early season losses of Richard Sherman, Patrick been solid, but it definitely can “It’s definitely frustrating “The quarterbacks were the at home, New England would Peterson and Chris Harris? improve.” when you can’t go out and ones I had posters of,” Rivers like nothing more than to enter Well, he’s still got work to do. He faces a tough task this show anybody what you can said. “The quarterbacks were its bye week with a victory. “I can’t rank myself nowhere Sunday in Atlanta’s Julio Jones, do because you’re on the side- the ones I picked who I liked, “You want to finish on a right now,” Claiborne said. “I’m who scored his first touchdown line and you’re looking in,” and what numbers I liked and high note and you want to go in not a Pro Bowler yet. Those of the season last week in a loss Claiborne said. “That’s when everything.” feeling really good about what guys are three-time, four-time to New England. Claiborne you have to look yourself in Brett Favre, Troy Aikman, you’ve done,” Brady said. “The Pro Bowlers. I’m working to get will likely play a large role as the mirror and change the way Dan Marino, Joe Montana, John problem is this team — they’re there, but I don’t feel like I’m New York tries to keep Jones you’re doing certain things.” Elway, Steve Young. His walls hot, they’ve won three straight, far behind.” out of the end zone at MetLife So, he got himself in better were living monuments to the they’ve got a really good Claiborne has that potential, Stadium. shape, but bad-luck injuries still game’s best. defense. There’s nothing easy though, and that’s what made “You love those moments hampered him last season, such It’s why Rivers said he about it.” him the No. 6 overall pick by being a cornerback, to go out as the groin and rib ailments he doesn’t take for granted the Here are some things to Dallas out of LSU in the 2012 and guard the best receiver on dealt with. opportunity he’ll have Sunday know for Sunday’s game: draft. the other side,” Claiborne said. “Some of those injuries are when Los Angeles (3-4) takes HIGHTOWER OUT: The Injuries have been the “You look forward to that. out of your control and how on the New England Patriots Patriots will be short-handed toughest opponent for him to That’s what you want every they happen,” he said. “When (5-2) and Tom Brady. on defense this week. A person tackle, with a laundry list of game.” they do happen, I just look at “When you’re going against familiar with the situation told maladies from a sprained knee Physically, though, it would myself and say, ‘How can I get a guy that’s won all these Super The Associated Press that line- to a torn left patellar tendon to appear to be a mismatch better? I’m down, what do I Bowls and is still playing at the backer Dont’a Hightower will a severe groin injury preventing between the 6-foot-3, 220- have to do to get myself better?’ level he’s playing at me, miss Sunday’s game and is him from living up to his lofty pound Jones and the 5-11, 192- “I’ve never been a quitter it is a big deal. It’s special,” facing season-ending surgery draft status. The Jets took a pound Claiborne. and I’ll never quit on myself.” Rivers said. “I’m looking for- on his right shoulder. The sur- shot on him with a one-year, $5 “When you’ve got a guy of Still only 27, Claiborne has ward to getting another shot.” gery will be for a torn pectoral million deal in the offseason to his magnitude, a guy of his size, tons of potential and could Rivers is just 1-6 against the muscle, the person said on the replace Darrelle Revis as their his speed, his ability to do the be part of the Jets’ future on Patriots, winning his lone game condition of anonymity because top cornerback. things that he does on a football defense. A solid performance in 2008 in San Diego, when it has not been announced by So far, so good. field, which is getting out of Sunday against Jones could Brady was sidelined by a knee the team. “The biggest thing is he’s routes, can run the whole route go a long way in helping him injury.If Rivers can post his first Hightower left last week’s healthy,” coach Todd Bowles tree and a guy who’s a deep ball establish himself in New York victory in Foxborough, it would win over Atlanta in the second said recently. “We knew what threat, it makes it hard to guard — and in that discussion about also be the fourth straight vic- half with the shoulder issue. kind of player he was. He plays him,” Claiborne said. “But, it’s the top cornerbacks in the NFL. tory for the Chargers, who are He’s missed two games this hard, he plays hard every play. going to be a dogfight.” “When you have a top coming on after starting the season with a knee injury. He’s quiet out there, he does Claiborne hopes to have receiver in the league that season 0-4. The injury comes as a blow his job, he’s very professional, finally put his injury woes in comes in, you want those chal- Brady said he has always for a Patriots defense that has he’s good with the other corner- the past, and has spent the past lenges,” Claiborne said. “If you admired Rivers from afar. improved in recent weeks, but backs. We like everything he’s two offseasons working with a don’t want those challenges, “He’s really not fazed by continues to rank last in the brought to us.” trainer — something he never you shouldn’t be playing cor- much. He has kind of seen NFL in total defense, giving up Claiborne has started all did earlier in his career. He fig- nerback in this league. Those everything,” Brady said. 426.7 yards per game. seven games this season, often ured he worked out enough on are the moments you live for.” samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017 Page B13 Page B14 samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017 Universal Crossword Friday, Edited by Timothy Parker October 27, 2017 October 27, ACROSS 46 Lair 11 Make 44 Cardinal 1 Striker’s foe 47 Jason’s lovey-dovey direction 2017 5 ___ and mythical sounds 45 Common drabs wife 12 Plastic ___ side dish 10 Desktop 48 Not fresh Band 49 Excites and graphic 50 Chicken or 13 Fish snarer gladdens 14 Hawaiian turkey parts 21 Poet St. 51 Potato, dance 53 Old-style Vincent informally Happy Birthday: A steady pace will be required. Walk away from erratic individuals trying to coerce 15 City in cry of regret Millay 52 35.3 cubic you into making an impulsive decision. A realistic approach to life and living up to your potential will Vietnam 57 Large 22 Told a feet 16 Fourth car that whopper 54 Tequila counter any possible setbacks that come your way. Trust in yourself and your ability to get things piggy’s scrambles 25 Plant firmly plant done, not empty promises someone makes. Your numbers are 6, 11, 24, 28, 36, 39, 41. portion “I wasn’t an 26 Start a set 55 Baby’s aRIeS (March 21-april 19): You’ll see situations clearly, but that doesn’t mean you should react 17 Egyptian go to” 27 Wood finish ailment unwarily. Let the dust settle, take a step back and try to enjoy the fi ner things in life. Love is high- wading bird 61 “In ___ of 29 Mountain 56 Got down 18 “My Cherie flowers ...” goat on one knee lighted and focusing on romance will do you good. ✸✸✸✸ ___” 64 Alloy of tin 30 Dorm 58 Eye part TaURUS (april 20-May 20): Take care of business. Refuse to let an emotional situation stifl e your 19 It fills a pump and lead alternative 59 “___ Upon ability to excel. Once your responsibilities are taken care of, you can channel your energy and emo- 20 Famous 65 Minstrel’s 31 Cab costs a Time” artist who recitation 33 Nuclear 60 Tidy tions into physical activity and being productive. ✸✸ scrambles 66 “What” or weapon 61 Not prevent geMINI (May 21-June 20): Keep your emotions out of your conversations with peers or your “I hem “when” 34 Generic dog 62 Clinging boss. Stay focused on doing your job and getting along with your colleagues. Plan to socialize after collagen” suffix name plant work. Love and romance should highlight your evening.✸✸✸✸✸ 23 Magnificent 67 Author Jong 35 Soft leather 63 Cartoon horse 68 Satan’s 37 Dollar scream CaNCeR (June 21-July 22): Joint ventures may tempt you, but before you decide to take the 24 Will practice component plunge, consider the downside. You are better off doing your own thing or watching from the side- beneficiary 69 Kid 38 “___ pinch lines. Work toward fi xing up your living space and making physical improvements.✸✸✸ 28 Nose 70 Zero out of salt” around? 71 Splinter 40 The X on a LeO (July 23-aug. 22): Impulsive moves will not go the way you planned. Avoid letting your emo- 32 Pismire kin group pirate map tions lead to mistakes that will be diffi cult to recover from. Keep your personal problems separate 33 “48 ___” DOWN from your work. Don’t pay for someone else’s mistakes.✸✸✸ (Murphy 1 Leveling PREVIOUS PUZZLE ANSWER VIRgO (aug. 23-Sept. 22): Take part in social events, but don’t share personal information with film) wedges 36 Magician’s 2 Ark unit others. Listen and you will develop a rapport with people who will offer a great source of knowledge phrase that 3 “The Brady and experience. Learn from the experts.✸✸✸✸✸ scrambles Bunch” LIBRa (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): An impulsive emotional move will leave you at a loss, very confused “radar baa domestic and wondering what to do next. Ask someone with more experience than you to help shed light on a ABC” 4 Criticizes 39 Event in a harshly situation that appears to be crumbling. Anger won’t solve anything.✸✸ square ring 5 Indian lentil SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Stick to your plan. Refuse to give in to bullies. Do your own thing 41 Like some dish (var.) and you will surpass even your most fearful nemesis. Your instincts will guide you and your strength seals 6 “___ Lama 42 Jeans guy Ding Dong” and courage will help you outmaneuver whoever gets in your way. ✸✸✸✸ Strauss 7 Get ___ SagITTaRIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): High energy coupled with spontaneity will help you reach what- 43 Strains the fun ever goals you set. Taking an innovative approach to life and love will tempt others to follow in your exces- 8 Tree branch footsteps. An eclectic group of friends and ideas will lead to something great.✸✸✸✸ sively that 9 “No ___ scrambles Bob!” CaPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Keep your plans simple and your opinions to yourself. Situations “red stone 10 Casual, 10/26 © 2017 Andrews McMeel Syndication will explode quickly if you aren’t cognizant of what others are doing or saying. Stay focused on what vex” as dress you need to accomplish and what’s expected of you. ✸✸✸ aQUaRIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Get in the groove. Once you physically take action, you will be able to conquer whatever you set out to do. Personal changes will boost your confi dence and help you 10/27 SCRAMBLED EGSG? By Timothy E. Parker prepare for advancement. Romance is in the stars. ✸✸✸ PISCeS (Feb. 19-March 20): An encounter will leave you feeling mixed emotions and uncertainty regarding the future. Use common sense when dealing with fi nances or regulations. Speak up and lay down some guidelines that will ensure equality and longevity. ✸✸✸ Dear Abby by Abigail Van Buren SON IS ODD MaN OUT WHeN MOM SeNDS BIRTHDaY gIFTS TO FaMILY DeaR aBBY: My husband, daughter and I all have birthdays in the same month. My mother-in-law always sends gifts for me and my daughter, but never to my husband, her son. He tries to shrug it off, but I know it bothers him. In earlier years, I thought it was an oversight. I have tried gentle reminders and hints, but again this year there was no gift for her son. It would be different if she sent one only to our daughter, but sending one to me and not to her son is a slap in the face. They have a fairly good relationship, and my husband is kind and generous to his parents. I haven’t opened the gift she sent me this year, and I do not intend to. Should I return it to her with a note explaining why, or donate it and forget about it until it happens next year? -- PERPLEXED IN THE NORTHWEST DEAR PERPLEXED: Your mother-in-law’s behavior strikes me as passive aggressive. That it makes you uncomfortable is understandable. Perhaps you and your husband should ask her directly why she does this and let her explain. Then, after you have heard her out, you can tell her that what she’s doing makes you uncomfortable, and you would prefer she not send you any more birthday gifts if she intends to ignore her son. DeaR aBBY: I hate the fact that since I have started high school, I’m restricted by the rules that guys and girls can’t be friends unless they’re dating. It has been worse since I got into my relationship of 2 1/2 years. I’ll be 19 soon, and I have always had guy friends. I fi nd them easier than girls. My mother says that when you’re in a relationship, it is disrespectful to have friends who are guys. My boyfriend and I fi ght all the time over this issue, and I have had to cut off some of my guy friends because of it. I hate not having anyone to talk to or hang out with except my boyfriend. It has left me with bad blood between me and my old friends. Is this a rule that I didn’t know about? I just don’t get it, but I know I need help. -- TEEN IN DELAWARE DEAR TEEN: What your mother may have meant when she said it is disrespectful to have male friends when you are in a relationship is that many men fi nd it threatening. You are young, and at your age it is appropriate that you should be socializing with more than one person. Your mistake was in getting into an exclusive relationship with someone who tells you who you can and cannot be friends with. Break it off, and you may be sad for a while, but you will also be free to grow. DeaR aBBY: When a large-breasted woman is standing and saluting for the national anthem at sporting events, where should the right hand be placed? Above her breast, under her breast or on her breast? -- JUST WONDERING IN FLORIDA DEAR JUST WONDERING: It depends upon whom the right hand belongs to. If it’s someone else’s hand, it should be kept to oneself. If it’s the large-breasted woman’s hand, it should be placed on her chest toward the top of her left breast.

** ** ** samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017 Page B15 Page B16 samoa news, Friday, October 27, 2017 Tank-talk motivates Bills in preparing to host Raiders ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. fi ed with being 4-2,” Hughes (AP) — Try reminding Jerry said. “We understand that the Hughes how the Bills were sup- stakes have risen, and so does posed to be tanking in light of our game.”The Bills are suc- how deep their offseason roster ceeding by relying on clutch purge had become last summer, performances from all three and Buffalo’s top pass-rusher phases, which was particularly will shake his head in disgust. evident in a 30-27 win over “That certainly did (tick) us Tampa Bay last weekend.The off,” Hughes said Thursday, Tyrod Taylor-led offense scored recalling the overriding 10 points in the fi nal 2:28, response after Buffalo traded including Stephen Hauschka’s receiver Sammy Watkins and 30-yard fi eld goal with 14 sec- cornerback Ronald Darby in onds left. And the game-win- C M separate deals on Aug. 11. ning drive was set up by rookie Y K “Just to hear the outside cornerback Tre’Davious White noise, people who don’t really forcing a fumble by punching know this team, don’t really the ball out of receiver Adam know us as individuals, and Humphries hands.It marked they were already calling our just the third time since 2015 season a tank.” the Bills won by overcoming a Rather than tanking, the Bills fourth-quarter defi cit, and fi rst (4-2) are rolling in showing time they did so on their fi nal great resolve by overcoming drive. “We’re trying to change a patchwork and thinly expe- that,” Hughes said, referring to rienced roster that opened the previous struggles. “Not really season with 29 newcomers. too worried about the past, but And they’re following the how we can move forward and lead of rookie coach Sean get better.”The Raiders have McDermott, who spent the much to prove for an altogether week reminding players how different reason. Pegged among they were once discounted as the preseason favorites to return motivation in preparing to host to the playoffs, Oakland was in the Oakland Raiders (3-4) on jeopardy of extending its skid to Sunday. fi ve in a row before pulling out “We don’t want to be satis- a 31-30 win.