INSIDE THIS ISSUE: JOHN CRAWLEY “THE PCA HAS BEEN A FANTASTIC HELP IN SMOOTHING OVER MY JOURNEY FROM THE GAME” PLUS: CAREER FOCUS ON SALES ROUTES INTO LORRY DRIVING HOW’S THAT, UMP? MIKE BURNS DELIVERS HIS VERDICT NEW SEASON, NEW YOU: THE IMPORTANCE OF STAYING MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY FIT & THE PROGRESSION OF THE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & WELFARE PROGRAMME EDiToR’S WELcoME jaSoN RaTcLiFFE FrOM THE EDITOr BEYoND ThE BouNDaRiES iS puBLiShED BY ThE pRoFESSioNaL cRickETERS’ aSSociaTioN, Welcome to issue 10 of Beyond the Boundaries. hoWEVER ThE ViEWS ExpRESSED iN coNTRiBuTED aRTicLES aRE NoT NEcESSaRiLY ThoSE oF ThE Here at the PCA, we’ve just completed our county visits, travelling the length pca, iTS MEMBERS, oFFicERS, EMpLoYEES oR gRoup coMpaNiES. and breadth of the country to meet with the membership. It’s a busy time but incredibly important, as we both inform and canvass opinion on the latest BEYOND THE BOuNDArIES EDITOr issues of the day. All current players are fi lling out their annual survey, which jaSoN RaTcLiFFE
[email protected] covers a multitude of cricketing issues. EDITOr (FOr BOWLESASSOCIATES) SiMoN cLEaVES The domestic structure has once again come to the fore in the wake of the
[email protected] Morgan Review and we will ensure the playing membership, those at the very CONTrIBuTOrS heart of the game, play a key role in shaping the future of professional cricket. Nick DENNiNg jiM hiNDSoN chaRLiE MuLRaiNE Since the launch of our membership scheme - announced in issue eight of RachEL NEWNhaM BtB - we have generated over 500 pieces of information and new contacts, STEVE SNELL iaN ThoMaS many of whom have helped us to rediscover past players.