(37th Session)




to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on

Wednesday, the 21st December, 2011

(Originally Starred Question Nos. 117, 120, 123 and 128 were set down for answer during the 36th Session)

117. *Ms. Qudsia Arshad:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise total quantity of sugar exported during the last three years till date alongwith the names of those countries; and

(b) whether the sugar was imported during the said period; if so, the names of those countries alongwith the quantity of sugar imported therefrom separately?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): (a) Export of sugar is banned under the Export Policy Order (EPO) 2009. No sugar has been exported during the last three years.

(b) A total quantity of 1,659,421 MT of sugar was Imported from Brazil, Thailand, India, UAE and Saudi Arabia during the last three years. Year wise information is tabulated below:— —————————————————————————————— Financial Year Quantity(MT) Main Countries of Import —————————————————————————————— 2008-09 125,743 Thailand, UAE, Saudi Arabia 2009-10 501,759 UAE, Thailand 2010-11 1,031,919 Brazil, India, Thailand, UAE. —————————————————————————————— Total 1,659,421 —————————————————————————————— 2 120. *Ms. Tasneem Siddiqui:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the total quantity of urea fertilizer exported/imported during the year 2010-11 alongwith the reasons thereof?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): No urea fertilizer was exported during 2010-11. Whereas, a total quantity of 600,460 MT of urea was imported during the year 2010-2011. The main reason behind this import was to meet the country’s requirements/shortage.

123. *Mr. Sajid Ahmed:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the quantity of wheat exported during the year 2010-11 till date alongwith the amount of foreign exchange earned therefrom; and

(b) the names of the countries to whom the said wheat was exported during the said period?

Reply not received.

128. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state whether it is a fact that exports of Pakistani products have decreased in the international markets due to increase in the rates of electricity and gas in the country; if so, the details thereof ?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): It is not true that the exports of Pakistani products have decreased in the international markets due to increase in the rates of electricity and gas in the country.

The analysis of the export data for the last five years indicates that the exports of Pakistani products in the international markets have increased except 2008-09, the major reason being the global economic recession which impacted global demands and ultimately resulted into decline in demand. The year-wise break-up is as under:— 3 US$ billion —————————————————————————————— Year Exports Target —————————————————————————————— 2006-2007 16.976 18.600 2007-2008 19.052 19.200 2008-2009 17.688 22.100 2009-2010 19.290 18.749 2010-2011 24.827 21.219 —————————————————————————————— (Source: FBS)

51. *Ms. Shireen Arshad Khan:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of trains being plied in the country at present; and

(b) the total number of trains discontinued since March, 2008 till date alongwith the reasons thereof?

Minister for Railways (Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour): (a) At present 86 ( Eighty six ) trains are being plied in the country.

(b) 76 (Seventy six) pairs of trains were discontinued since March, 2008 due to very low patronage and shortage of locomotives.

52. *Ms. Shaheen Ishfaq:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the present status of balance of trade with Japan, China, India, Bangladesh and USA at present?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): The status of balance of trade of with Japan, China, India, Bangladesh and USA, in the year 2010-11, is as follows:— 4 Unit: thousands US$ —————————————————————————————— Years Country Exports Imports Balance —————————————————————————————— 2010-11 Japan 162009 1663118 -1501109 2010-11 China 1633764 5789452 -4155688 2010-11 India 264327 1743165 -1478838 2010-11 Bangladesh 1015461 79734 935727 2010-11 USA 3957185 1810108 2147077 ——————————————————————————————

There is negative trade balance with Japan, China and India. The trade deficit with these countries can be attributed to nature of commodities which Pakistan imports from these countries. These items include machinery, raw material and intermediate raw material for our industries.

However, the following steps are being taken to control the said deficit where possible through trade promotion market access initiatives:

i. Participation in various trade fairs and exhibitions by TDAP.

ii. Negotiation for FTAs/PTAs for enhancing trade.

iii. Establishment of Joint Trade Committees/Joint Economic Committees etc.

iv. Making efforts for increasing market access to these countries to increase exports.

v. Efforts to increase exports of high value added goods instead of raw material or intermediate goods.

53. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the total value of Losses suffered by Pakistan Railway during the flood-2010 and 2011 alongwith the details thereof; 5 (b) the authority who has the power to allow advertisements at the Railway stations and Railway owned land alongwith the criteria adopted therefor?

Minister for Railways (Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour): (a) Consequent upon the torrential rains and un-precedented floods in the months of July & August, 2010, the Railway Infrastructure (including bridges, track and buildings) was badly damaged in all the four provinces of the country. The total value of assets damaged during the flood of 2010 was estimated at to Rs. 6395.239 million. The details of damages attached as Annex-A.

2. Food Damages during 2011:

Pakistan Railway suffered a loss of Rs.247.237 million during the flood of 2011 mainly in the Province of Sindh. The details of damages are attached as Annex-B.

(b) • Pakistan Railways awards advertising and publicity rights on its networks through a transparent bidding process for a period of three years.

• Advertisement to invite bids from well reputed and financially strong parties is released on the authorization of Secretary/Chairman Railways whereas the highest bid is approved by the Executive Committee of Railway Board.

• The criteria adopted is summarized as under:-

 the bids for award of advertising and publicity rights are called through advertisement throughout the country in atleast one national English daily newspaper and one of the largest circulating Newspaper.

 Bidding process is held by a three member committee of Railway officers of Accounts, Property & Land and Marketing Department in the presence of all interest parties in a transparent manner.

 Bid results are presented to the Executive Committee of Railway Board for approval. 6 7

54. *Mrs. Shagufta Sadiq:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that some countries are treated as not favorite for the trade with Pakistan so far; if so, the names of those countries alongwith the reasons thereof; and

(b) the names of new countries being considered for status of favorite for trade with Pakistan in the near future?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): (a) Under WTO agreement, all member countries are to given non discriminatory treatment which is called Most Favoured Nation (MFN) treatment. At present, two countries namely, Israel and India are not treated on MFN basis.

(b) Cabinet has authorized Ministry of Commerce to normalize trade relation with India, which will mean non-discriminatory treatment under “Most Favoured Nation” principle. For this. the time, lines would be submitted before the Cabinet in February, 2012

55. *Mrs. Nisar Tanveer:

Will the Minister for Privatization be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that special concessions were extended to Etisalat at the time of the privatization of PTCL; if so, the detail and justification thereof;

(b) whether it is also a fact that government had agreed to bear 50% of the cost incurred on the voluntary pre-mature retirement of the employees of PTCL ; if so, the total amount paid up till now by the Government;

(c) whether it is further a fact that original agreement of PTCL had been changed on the plea of Etisalat at initial stages; if so, the justification thereof; 8 (d) whether there is any proposal under consideration to revisit the privatization of PTCL; if so, when if not, the reasons thereof; and

(e) the steps being taken to safeguard the PTCL from further selling of its shares?

Minister for Privatization (Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Maher): (a) The Cabinet Committee on Privatisation (“CCOP”), in its meeting on 20th June 2005 approved Etisalat offering the highest bid of US $1.96 per share, as the successful bidder. The Letter of Acceptance of the bid was, therefore issued to Etisalat. Etisalat paid the first installment of 10% of the bid price and the Share Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) was signed on June 30, 2005. The SPA, however, lapsed in September 2005, as Etisalat did not pay the balance amount within the given period.

As Etisalat’s bid price was more than the combined bid price of China Mobile and Singtel, the Government entered into a dialogue with Etisalat, which requested for certain modifications in the terms of the original SPA.

After extensive negotiations, a new SPA with revised terms and conditions was negotiated which was approved by the CCOP on 11 March 2006. The revised SPA was signed on 12 March 2006 and it was ratified by the Cabinet on 12 April 2006. Salient features of the revised SPA are as follows:

(a) Staggered payment: Bid price of US$ 2.599 billion was not changed. Etisalat agreed to pay US$ 1.4 billion upfront and the remaining balance was to be paid in nine equal semi-annual installments spread over a period of five years.

(b) Voluntary Separation Scheme (“VSS”): The cost of VSS for PTCL employees was to be shared equally between the Government and PTCL.

(c) Technical Services Agreement (“TSA”): Etisalat was allowed to enter into a TSA with PTCL for the provision of certain services and to charge an annual fee at the rate of 3.5% of the revenues of PTCL for the next five years with a cap of US$ 50 million per year. 9 (d) Withholding payment of future instalments: This has been linked to the procurement of clean titles of all properties already in the possession of PTCL within a period of two years.

(b) Yes the GOP had agreed to bear the cost of the VSS as per clause 16.3 of the Share Holders Agreement (SHA) signed in March 2006. CCOP approved Rs. 17.429 billion for PTCL VSS scheme. PC has paid Rs. 15.264 billion in this regard to date.

(c) Etisalat paid the first installment of 10% of the bid price and the Share Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) was signed on June 30, 2005. The SPA, however, lapsed in September 2005, as Etisalat did not pay the balance amount within the given period.

As Etisalat’s bid price was more than the combined bid price of China Mobile and Singtel, the Government entered into a dialogue with Etisalat, which requested for certain modifications in the terms of the original SPA.

After extensive negotiations, a new SPA with revised terms and conditions was negotiated which was approved by the CCOP on 11th March 2006. The revised SPA was signed on 12 March 2006 and it was ratified by the Cabinet on 12th April 2006.

(d) No proposal is under consideration of the Government as the previous transaction is yet not complete.

(e) Secretary MOIT is the Chairman of the PTCL Board to safeguard GOP’s interests. The Privatisation Commission is presently not considering any future sale of GOP’s share in PTCL.

56. *Ms. Imrana Saeed Jamil:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the quantum of bilateral trade with Iran at present; and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration to enhance the said trade; if so, when it will be implemented? 10

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): (a) The quantum of trade between Pakistan and Iran is as under:— —————————————————————————————— Country Bilateral trade 2010-11 —————————————————————————————— (Value in Million US$) —————————————————————————————— Exports Imports Total Balance —————————————————————————————— Iran 161.941 572.379 734.941 (-)410.438 ——————————————————————————————

(b) Pakistan and Iran have a preferential Trading Arrangement (PTA), which became operational on 1st September, 2006. During the 18th Session of Pakistan-Iran JMC held on 7-8 September, 2011 in Islamabad both sides agreed to explore the possibility of entering into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) for substantial increase in bilateral trade. In this regard Iranian side agreed to host the meeting of experts from both sides in . Iranian authorities have been requested for the meeting in January 2012.

The finalization and operationalisation of FTA will result in substantial increase in bilateral trade.

57. *Dr. Nahid Shahid Ali:

Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state:

(a) the steps taken by the Government to control the use of drugs in the country; and

(b) whether there is any treatment/rehabilitation plan for drug users; if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Narcotics Control (Haji Khuda Bux Rajar): (a) Detail is at Annex-A.

(b) Details is at Annex-B. 11 Annex-A

1. Anti Narcotics Force is the premier narcotic Law Enforcement Agency and plays a crucial role in the interdiction of illegal drugs, in addition to carrying out awareness measures amongst the common people about the ill effects of narcotics addiction. To achieve better and sustainable results as well as to stop the rapid increase in the use of heroin and other addictive drugs in the country, a variety of approaches have been adopted for making the people more aware and educated regarding the hazards associated with drug abuse by providing them with factual information and mobilize them to take part in the public awareness building campaign.

2. A number of programmes targeted at the public in general and high risk groups in particular throughout the country have been carried out by the ANF:—

a. Model Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers.— Three Model Addiction Treatment & Rehabilitation Centers are established at Quetta, Karachi and Islamabad. The projects of MATRCs at Quetta & Islamabad started in July 2004, while MATRC Karachi was initiated in May 2010. These are 45 bedded hospitals and provide free treatment, food, boarding and rehab to drug addicts. Efforts are also made for their job placement of addicts. Till 30th November 2011, 6725 drug addicts have been treated in these centers.

b. Detoxification Centre at Adyala Jail Rawalpindi.—On the directive of Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani a ten bedded detoxification ward has been established at Adyala Jail, Rawalpindi in March 2010. In this ward, volunteer drug addict prisoners are provided detoxification facility under the provision of medical staff of MATRC Islamabad. Till 30th November 2011, 500 drug addicts have been treated in Adyala Jail Detoxification Centre.

c. Treatment Programme for Injecting Drug Users (IDUs).—The objective of this project is to provide treatment facilities to the 1,25,000 Injecting Drug Users and street children involved in solvent abuse. Three Drop-in-Centre have been established in Quetta, Karachi and Islamabad, where the drug abusers are provided with necessary first aid, guidance /motivation and psychotherapy facilities. These Drop-in-Centre have provided initial treatment to 136958 12 patients (drug addicts). After initial treatment, the registered addicts are referred to the Model Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre, already established for their treatment and rehabilitation.

d. Community Participation in Drug Demand Reduction.— The objective of this project is to support the NGOs. Civil Society Organizations /Sports Associations, which are involved in Drug Demand Reduction Activities. Healthy alternative activities for youth like sports competitions, inter college quiz programmes, poster and painting competitions, speech contests, tableaus, musical concerts, puppet shows, study tours and anti drug lectures are included.

e. Creating Mass Awareness against Drug Abuse.—Awareness regarding drug abuse is being created through drama serials, tele- films, talk-shows, musical programmes, anti drug ads in print and electronic media. Additionally, anti drug awareness activities like lectures, workshops, special days celebrations, cycle races, debates and declamation contests, sports tournaments and stage dramas are regularly held. The major events organized during the last three years under these projects were 71 x Workshops/ Seminars, 28 x Debates/ Paintings Speech / Essay Competitions and Declamation Contests, 85 x Sports Tournaments, 35 x Medical Camps, 260 x Lectures to the students of different school and collage throughout the country and numerous Stage Shows.

f. Drug Free City Lahore.—On the directive of Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani, Lahore has been selected as first model drug free city to ensure that the Lahore is free of drugs from all aspects. To accomplish the objective a comprehensive plan has been evolved by the Ministry of Narcotics Control and the Government of the Punjab. The project has been launched with effect from 1st January 2011.


Under the Drug Abuse Control Master Plan, all District Headquarter Hospitals would be having at least one 20 bedded ward, which would provide free of cost treatment and rehabilitation facilities to drug addicts. The Master Plan would be implemented during the next five years. 13 58. *Rana Mahmood -ul- Hassan:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that implementation on Strategic Trade Policy Framework 2009-12 has been delayed; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the steps being taken to implement it at the earliest?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): (a) In July 2009, the Cabinet approved Strategic Trade Policy Framework 2009-12. The policy included regulatory changes in the import and export regime of Pakistan and financial support measures to boost export performance. All the regulatory changes were implemented. However, initiatives that needed financial support to be implemented by TDAP could not be implemented due to the financial crunch, the Government is confronted with. Till to-date the Ministry of Finance has released only Rs. 1.0 billion in July 2011 against Rs. 35 billion approved by the Cabinet spread over three years i.e. July 2009 to June 2012.

(b) Ministry of Commerce has taken up the issue of release of funds with the Ministry of Finance at various fora.

59. *Mr. Wasim Akhter Sheikh:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the base line of Textile and Strategic Trade Policy framework which was announced two years ago;

(b) whether it is a fact that Textile and Strategic Trade Policy framework has not been implemented in letter and spirit; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(c) the steps being taken to ensure the execution of said policy?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): (a) Textile policy was announced and is being executed by the Ministry of Textile Industry. The baseline of textile export was US$ 9.57 billion and that of total export was US$ 17.68 billion in 2008-09 on the eve of STPF announcement. Total textile export was recorded US$ 13.80 billion and that of total export at US$ 24.8 billion in 2010-11. 14 (b) Textile Policy is being implemented by Ministry of Textile Industry. Cabinet approved Strategic Trade Policy Framework 2009-12 in July 2009. The policy included regulatory changes in the import and export regime of Pakistan and financial support measures to boost export performance. All the regulatory changes were implemented. However, initiatives that needed financial support to be implemented by TDAP could not be implemented due to the financial crunch, the Government is confronted with. Till to-date the Ministry of Finance has released only Rs. 1.0 billion in July 2011 against Rs. 35 billion approved by the Cabinet spread over three years i.e. July 2009 to June 2012.

(c) Ministry of Commerce has taken up the issue of release of funds with the Ministry of Finance at various forums.

60. *Begum Nuzhat Sadiq:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise total amount of foreign exchange earned by the export of marble and precious stones during the last year till- date; and

(b) the targets fixed for the export of marble and precious stones for the current year 2011-12 alongwith the achievements gained therefrom so far?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): (a) Year-wise total amount of foreign exchange earned from the export of marble and precious stones during the last year till date is as under: Value in million US$ —————————————————————————————— Items 2010-11 2011-12 (July) (July—June) (Latest available data) —————————————————————————————— Marble 41.1 3.8 Precious Stones 3.8 0.241 —————————————————————————————— TOTAL 44.9 4.041 —————————————————————————————— [Source: FBS]. 15 (b) It is not the policy of the government to fix targets of individual items. Strenuous efforts are made by Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) to maximize the exports. A total amount of US$ 4.041 million has been registered for the export of marble and precious stones during July 2011-12 (latest available data) as against US$ 2.421 million during the preceding period, thereby showing an increase of 67 percent.

61. *Ms. Shahnaz Saleem:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration to extend railway lines with neighbouring countries; if so, the names of countries thereof; and

(b) the present status of railways traffic with neighbouring countries?

Minister for Railways (Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour): (a) There are proposals under consideration in the Ministry of Railways to extend the railway network to Afghanistan and China.

(b) There are two kinds of traffic i.e. passenger and freight which is handled with neighbouring countries. Passenger traffic is handled with two neighouring countries i.e India and Iran. Freight traffic is handled with three neighbouring countries which are India, Iran and Afghanistan.

62. *Ms. Surriya Asghar:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state the steps being taken to encourage public-private partnership in Pakistan Railways?

Minister for Railways (Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour): Pakistan Railways is keen to encourage Public Private Partnership (PPP). Following projects under Public Private Partnership are in footing in Pakistan.

Track Access Policy

Pakistan Railways is offering its track infrastructure to Pakistani private parties for use of their own trains in lieu of payment of Track Access Charges. The Private Parties / operators may procure rolling stock from anywhere. 16 Rehabilitation of locomotives through PPP

Due to acute shortage of funds, the private parties have been invited to invest in repair of 200 inoperative locomotives on the basis of PPP.

Organizations including National Logistic Cell (NLC) have shown interest to rehabilitate the locomotives through PPP arrangements. A draft agreement with them has been prepared and is in the process of finalization.

Business Train

An overnight ‘Business Train’ consisting of 13 coaches which includes nine (9) air-conditioned coaches, two (2) power vans, one (1) luggage van and one (1) brake van; will run on daily basis between Lahore and Karachi Cantt. This train is going to be outsourced M/s Four Brothers, who will invest Rs. 225.786 million in this train. The investments made by the party will become property of the PR upon lapse of the agreement. To this effect MoU has been signed between Pakistan Railway and M/s Four Brother International (Pvt) Limited.

Further Steps taken by PR to encourage Public Private Partnership are as under:—

1. Luggage Vans of six pairs of trains have already been outsourced while outsourcing of luggage vans of three pairs of trains is under process.

2. Outsourcing of 45 powers plants and their proper maintenance & fitness is in process.

3. Contracting out dining cars of all trains is in process which will ensure greater revenue.

4. Under Public Private Partnership (PPP), a container terminal at Prem Nagar station has been set up. Moreover, Pakistan Railways is setting up Dry Ports at Pir Mukhtar Wala in Multan Division and Azakhel in Peshawar Division on joint venture basis with Private Parties.

5. 11 Up/12 Dn (Hazara Express), 131 Up/132 Dn (Rohi Express) and 37 Up/38 Dn (Fareed Express) have been outsourced to M/s PRACS. Similarly management of main reservation centers in various Railway Divisions has also been outsourced to M/s PRACS. 17

63. *Mr. Mohammad Pervaiz Malik:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the steps being taken to devise a peaceful, regional and friendship strategy to secure peace in the region?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar): Pakistan is committed to a constructive, sustained and result-oriented process of engagement with India. Under the resumed dialogue process Secretary level meetings were held on all issues of bilateral importance including the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. The resumed dialogue process culminated in Foreign Minister level talks on 27th July 2011 in New Delhi. The Commerce Minister of Pakistan visited India recently. The commerce Secretaries of the two countries have also held second round of talks on 14-15 November 2011 in New Delhi. These visits have significantly improved the atmospherics between the two countries. The Cabinet also recently decided to grant MFN status to India in its meeting held on 2nd November 2011.

Pakistan continues to support an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned reconciliation process. We are also actively engaged in various trilateral and quadrilateral forums exploring ways to bring peace, stability and development in Afghanistan. As peace and security must be underpinned by economic development, Pakistan has pledged an amount of $330 million for carrying out development and reconstruction work in Afghanistan.

It is important for us to further strengthen our bilateral relations with Afghanistan and Iran in all fields for the mutual benefits of our people.

China is Pakistan’s closest friend and strategic partner. 2011 was declared as Pak-China Friendship Year. Besides frequent high level exchanges, our trade and economic relationship with China is fast becoming the centre-piece of our bilateral relations. This trend needs to be sustained and further strengthened.

Pakistan enjoys friendly and cooperative relations with Russia that have significantly improved in the past few years.

In the wake of recent NATO attacks on our border posts, an Envoys Conference was convened on the directives of the Prime Minister to reassess our foreign policy. The recommendations of the conference will be presented before 18 the Parliament for further deliberation. The Envoys’ Conference reaffirmed that Pakistan’s external relations continue to be based on the principles of respect for sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity in accordance with international law as enshrined in the UN charter.

64. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise total amount of foreign loan obtained by the Pakistan Railways during the last three years; and

(b) the year-wise rate of interest paid thereupon during the said period alongwith the amount of interest payable at present?

Minister for Railways (Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour): (a) During the last three years, three loan agreements were finalized for Pakistan Railways amounting US$ 343.657 million for procurement of 75 diesel electric locomotives; replacement of old signaling gear on Lodhran - Shandara Bagh main line and; procurement 202 passenger coaches as detailed below; —————————————————————————————— S. Details Procurement Replacement Procurement No. of 75 DE of old of 202 Locos Signaling Passenger Gear Coaches ————————————————————————————————————— 1. Loan EXIM Bank of Islamic EXIM Bank of agreement China Development China signed with Bank

2. Agreement 14-12-2009 23-02-2010 13-04-2010 signed on

3. Principal 89,371,583 140,000,000 114,284,494 amount of loan (US$) ————————————————————————————————————— 19 —————————————————————————————— S. Details Procurement Replacement Procurement No. of 75 DE of old of 202 Locos Signaling Passenger Gear Coaches ————————————————————————————————————— 4. Interest rate 6 months 15 years US$ 6 months LIBOR + 220 swap rate LIBOR + 220 basis points plus 1.2% basis points

5. Commitment 0.6 % per — 0.6 % per fee annum on the annum on the daily daily unutilized unutilized portion of the portion of the facility facility. —————————————————————————————————————

(b) Procurement of 75 DE Locomotives and 202 Passenger Coaches: Since no consignment has yet been delivered or dispatched, no disbursement from these loans has so far been made, therefore, no interest has been paid and no interest is payable as yet.

Replacement of old Signaling Gear: A total of US$ 42.833 million loan has been disbursed up to 30-11-2011 for the procurement of modern signaling gear. So far no interest has become due in accordance with the terms and conditions of the loan agreement.

65. *Ms. Kishwar Zehra:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the time by which the scheme of procurement of 1300 High Capacity Wagons was approved and launched;

(b) the present status of the said scheme alongwith the expected date of its completion; and

(c) whether the said scheme has not been completed so far; if so, the reasons thereof? 20 Minister for Railways (Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour): (a) PC-I for the procurement/manufacture of 1300 High Capacity Wagons was approved by ECNEC in December, 2002.

(b) 420 wagons were received in Completely Built Unit (CBU) condition from China and remaining 880 wagons were manufactured in Pakistan Railways Workshops. Moghalpura.

(c) The project was completed during the year 2008-09.

66. *Malik Shakeel Awan:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the names of the countries to whom vegetables and fruits are being exported at present; and

(b) whether the said export has been increased during the last four years; if so, the year-wise details thereof?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): (a) A list showing the names of the countries to whom vegetables and fruits are being exported at present is annexed.

(b) Yes, the said export has increased during last four years. Year-wise break-up is as under:

VALUE IN MILLION US$ —————————————————————————————— YEAR FRUITS VEGETABLES ——————————————————— Value Value —————————————————————————————— 2007-08 145.8 56.3 2008-09 159.8 72.9 2009-10 239.4 120.6 2010-11 292.4 268.2 —————————————————————————————— Source: FBS 21 22 67. *Mr. Muhammad Riaz Malik:

Will the Minister for Privatization be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration to privatize the Government units during the financial year 2011-12; if so, the names of units alongwith the justification thereof?

Minister for Privatization (Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Maher): Yes. The proposal for privatisation of the following units during the financial in 2011-12 is under consideration:— —————————————————————————————— Sr. Transaction Expected date of conclusion

—————————————————————————————— 1. Pakistan Petroleum Feb- Mar, Limited – Secondary 2012 Public Offering (PPL-SPO) 2 National Power March, 2012 Construction Corporation (NPCC) 3 OGDCL – Mar-Apr, 2012 Exchangeable Bonds (EB) ——————————————————————————————

Privatisation of the units aims at development of the private sector, efficiency in service delivery and economic development. Taking into account the above policy objectives, Council of Common Interests (CCI) has approved the privatisation of above entities.

68. *Mr. Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration to introduce New Trade Policy;

(b) if so, the details thereof alongwith the time by which it will be introduced? 23 Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): (a) No, Cabinet approved Strategic Trade Policy Framework (STPF) 2009-12 in July 2009 for three years, ending on 30th June 2012.

(b) However, a supplement for the STPF i-e changes in Import and Export Policy Order was announced in March 2011. Another set of changes in the Import and Export Policy Order would be introduced shortly. The approval in this regard from the ECC of the Cabinet has already been taken.

69. *Dr. Muhammad Ayub Sheikh:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the export of leather garments decreased considerably during the year 2010-11; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the steps being taken to enhance the export of said garments?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): (a) No, it is not true, The export of leather garments has actually increased from US$ 343,3 million in 2009-10 to US$ 404.3 million in 2010-11.

(b) The following steps have been taken by Ministry of Commerce in collaboration with major players of leather sector to enhance the export of leather garments:—

 A total amount of Rs. 846,031 million has been released from 1992-93 to 2010-11 to the leather sector from the Export Development Fund of the Ministry of Commerce. Details annexed.

 Initiatives have been taken through Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) to promote local and foreign exhibitions and meaningful participation of national and intemational buyers and sellers. In this regard:—

• TDAP participated in 12 exhibition’s of textiles its products including readymade garments in 2011. Furthermore, TDAP intends to participate in 12 exhibitions to be held in , China in the succeeding months. 24 • TDAP organized 06 trade delegation’s to in 2011 till date. The delegation visited. Tajikistan, China, Malaysia and Indonesia.

 Facilities developed for launching E-Commerce website to assist enterpreneurs. TDAP website has been updated. It includes:

• Product description. • Market access tools. • Exhibition.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

70. *Ms. Tasneem Siddiqui:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the current foreign policy is in accordance with the recent requirements;

(b) if not, whether there is any proposal under consideration to make independent foreign policy of the country; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar): (a) and (b) The foreign policy of Pakistan is based on the principles of non-interference in internal affairs, respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with the norms of international law. We also seek to protect and promote our core national interests.

In the wake of NATO attacks, when Pakistan’s sovereignty came under threat, the Prime Minister directed a reassessment of the foreign policy. Accordingly, an envoys’ conference was convened.

The Envoys’ Conference reaffirmed that Pakistan’s external relations continue to be based on the principles of respect for sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity in accordance with international law as enshrined in the UN Charter. 25 The conference deliberated on ‘different aspects’ of the foreign policy focusing to reassess the relationship with the United States & NATO. The conference also aimed at charting out new avenues for emerging challenges on the international scene. The recommendations of the conference would be presented before the Parliament for further deliberation.

71. *Justice (R) Fakharunnisa Khokhar:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the steps being taken to get access to EU Market?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): (a) The following steps are being taken to get better market access to the EU market.

1. Efforts are being made for smooth passage of the application moved by European Union for approval of waiver by WTO members for grant of duty free treatment to export of 75 products from Pakistan in EU market. These concessions were announced in September, 2010 in the wake of devastating floods in Pakistan. Ministry of Commerce in consultation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs is making efforts to address the concerns of WTO members who have expressed reservations regarding grant of concession to Pakistan by EU.

2. Efforts are being made for inclusion of Pakistan in GSP plus scheme of the European Union which grants duty free treatment to exports from beneficiary countries. In the past Pakistan could not qualify for GSP plus because it did not meet the prescribed criteria i.e. Pakistan had not ratified all the 27 International Conventions and its share in EU’s GSP covered imports was more than 1 percent (import vulnerability threshold). Due to efforts of Ministry of Commerce and other concerned Ministries, Pakistan has now ratified all the 27 conventions. Moreover, in draft GSP scheme of the EU for the period January, 2014 onward, the import vulnerability criteria has been increased from 1 percent to 2 percent which if it approved by European Parliament will facilitate Pakistan’s admission to GSP plus.

3. Government of Pakistan has also expressed its desire to enter into FTA negotiations with EU and has taken up the matter with EU on following forums:—

(i) Pakistan-EU Summit (ii) Pakistan EU Joint Commission (iii) Pakistan-EU sub Group on trade

However, at present EU is not forthcoming on initiating FTA negotiations with Pakistan. 26

72. *Mrs. Shakeela Khanam Rashid:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) whether the statutory audit of the Pakistan Railways is being conducted regularly from the last four years;

(b) if so, whether any financial embezzlement was found in the said audit; if so, the action taken against the responsibles; and

(c) the organization/department which conducted said audit during the said period?

Minister for Railways (Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour): (a) The Statutory Audit of Pakistan Railways has been conducted annually as per mandate of the Auditor General of Pakistan.

(b) The detail of financial irregularities in the said Audit Report is detailed as under:—

(Rs. in Millions) —————————————————————————————— S.No. RAR Amount involved —————————————————————————————— 1. 2007-08 101.002

2. 2008-09 375.451

3. 2009-10 64.577

4. 2010-11 562.476 ——————————————————————————————

Actions are being taken in the light of DAC/PAC directives by the Railway Management. 27 (c) The Director General Audit (Railways) as per mandate of the Auditor General of Pakistan conducted the audit of PR. The organizations/departments audited during the said period are given below:—

S. No. Name of Departments 1. Directorate of Marketing 2. Directorate of Property & Land 3. Civil Engineering Department 4. Electrical Department 5. Traffic Department 6. Personnel Department 7. Accounts Department 8. RAILCOP 9. PRACS 10. Railway Board 11. Infrastructure Business Unit 12. Mechanical Department 13. Purchase & Store Department 14. Operating Department 15. Procurement Department 16. Directorate of Information Technology

ISLAMABAD: KARAMAT HUSSAIN NIAZI, The 20th December, 2011. Secretary.

PCPPI—3255(11) NA—20-12-2011—700. 1 (37th Session)




For Wednesday, the 21st December, 2011

(Originally Unstarred Question Nos. 21, 26, 29, 92, 97 and 101 were set down for 36th Session)

21. Mrs. Shagufta Sadiq:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the country-wise total number of new vehicles imported during the last four financial years till date?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): A total 13193 new vehicles were imported during the last four financial years till date (2007-08 to October 2011-12). Country wise details are at Annex-A. 2

26. Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that thousands of employees have been inducted in Pakistan Railways during the last three and a half years;

(b) if so, the names, domicile, designations, BPS and place of posting alongwith the justification thereof?

Minister for Railways (Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour): (a) 4601 persons have been inducted in (BSP 1-16) by Pakistan Railways. 101 persons in (BPS-17) have been inducted through Federal Public Service Commission in Pakistan Railways during the last three years and half year.

(b) The detail of persons inducted in Railway during the last three years and half year showing name, domicile, designation BPS place of posting is attached at Annexure- “A”. There was acute shortage of staff in essential categories involving safe operation of train. 5012 employees were retired from service during the period. Therefore recruitment of the staff vice vacancies was made within the allowed sanctioned strength.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library.) 3 29. Mr. Murtaza Javed Abbasi:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise total number of lease cases of railway land approved during the last three years till date; and

(b) the year-wise total number of persons appointed during the last three years in the Ministry and its attached departments on regular, contract and daily wages basis alongwith their scale of pay and monthly emoluments?

Reply not received.

92. Mrs. Shagufta Sadiq:

Will the Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of local and foreign tours made by present Minister;

(b) the objectives of those tours; and

(c) the amount expended on each tour?

Reply not received.

97. Justice(R) Fakharunnisa Khokhar:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise total number of bullet proof vehicles imported during the last three years alongwith the persons to whom those vehicles have been allotted; and

(b) whether it is a fact that some individuals have been allowed to import such vehicles without import duty; if so, the names thereof alongwith the total amount waived off in each case?

Reply not received. 4 101. Dr. Muhammad Ayub Sheikh:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the total amount allocated during budget 2010-11 for the Ministry alongwith the details of additional amount given during the said period; and

(b) the utilization of said amount?

Minister for Railways (Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour): (a) and (b)

(Rs. in Billion) ————————————————————————————————————— S. No. Particulars Amount ———————————————————————————————————— a ALLOCATION 1 Original Revenue Allocation 50.006 2 Original PSDP Allocation 13.63 Total - Original Allocation 63.636

3 Detail of Additional Revenue Funds:- i Allowances (increased w-e-f 1-7-10) 1.445 ii Repayment of Foreign Loans 0.289 iii Interest Charges 0.048 Total - Additional Revenue Funds 1.782

4 Additional PSDP Funds -8.793 Total - Additional Funds (3+4) -7.011 5 Total - Revised Allocation (Revenue) 51.788 6 Total - Revised Allocation (PSDP) 4.837 Total-Revised Allocation (PSDP+Revenue) 56.625

b UTILIZATION 1 Revenue Expenditure 51.071 2 PSDP Expenditure 3.356 Total Utilization ( 1 + 2) 54.427 ————————————————————————————————————— 48. Ms. Shireen Arshad Khan:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the details of the year-wise value of imports/exports made with the United States of America during the last five years? 5 Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): The status of balance of trade of Pakistan with USA, during the last five years is as under. Detail is annexed.

Unit: thousands USS —————————————————————————————— Years Exports Imports —————————————————————————————— 2006-07 4183427 2297757 2007-08 3719360 2458642 2008-09 3339453 1857374 2009-10 3360718 1611331 2010-11 3957185 1810108 —————————————————————————————— Main items of exports to USA include Textiles, Food Items, Cutlery and Surgical Instruments etc.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library).

49. Ms. Shireen Arshad Khan:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the country-wise names of Commercial Counselors, Ministers and Secretaries posted in Pakistan Embassies abroad during the last 3 years;

(b) the year-wise details of the exports made with those countries during the said period alongwith the details of the business meetings held by them with the business community of the said countries; and

(c) whether the performance of the said officials was up-to the mark during the said period; if not, the action taken or proposed to be taken by the government against the responsibles? 6

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): (a) Thirteen Trade Officers were posted during the last three years (2009-2011). (The country wise names of Ambassador, Minister (Trade), Counsel General, Commercial Counselors and Secretaries posted in Pakistan Embassies abroad during the last 3 years are at Annex-I.)

(b) (1) The year-wise detail of exports of Pakistan to the countries, where trade officers were posted during last three years is at Annex-II.

(2) All the Trade Officers have held number of meetings with business community on monthly basis, which are regularly reported to the Ministry of Commerce on monthly basis.

(c) The Trade Officers posted abroad in the Embassies of Pakistan perform multidimensional activities aiming to increase the export of Pakistan and to have a better market access for Pakistani products. These officers are responsible for trade promotion, attracting investment into Pakistan, and to project the proper image of the country abroad. They ensure the participation of the Pakistani business community in different trade fairs and exhibitions organized by the host countries. They also organize Single Country Exhibitions abroad highlighting the potential export products of Pakistan. Moreover, potential businessmen and importers are also invited to the mega event EXPO Pakistan every year, which has greatly enhanced their interest in Pakistani products. The trade officers hold meetings in connection with Market Access, in addition to meetings with politicians, civil servants, Chambers, importers, distributors and individual businessmen. Usually, the Trade Officers inform the Head of Mission of these meetings and no record is kept. Broad details are covered in the periodic reports.

2. In addition to promotional activities, trade officers are also engaged in Pakistan’s trade diplomacy, which aims at securing preferential market access for Pakistan’s exports. Market access initiatives in the shape of FTAs/PTAs/RTAs have been concluded with China, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Iran, Mauritius, OIC, SAFTA and ECOTA.

3. Performance of the Trade Officers helps in increase of exports from Pakistan to their respective countries which provides one indicator of their performance. Three years data of exports to these countries is at attached 7 8

50. Ms. Shahnaz Saleem:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the year-wise number of luxury items imported during the last three years till date alongwith the foreign exchange incurred thereupon?

Reply not received.

51. Ms. Surriya Asghar:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of workshops of Pakistan Railways at present; and

(b) whether those workshops are functional at present; if so, the details thereof?

Minister for Railways (Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour): (a) There are four major Mechanical Workshops on Pakistan Railways system. 9 (b) All the Pakistan Railways Workshops are functional at present and giving production according to availability of spares. The detail of workshops over Pakistan Railways system is given below:—


This workshop is responsible for carrying out classified and nominated repair of all classes of locomotives except GMU-30, HGMU-30, ALU-95/12 and GRU-20. At present, average out turn of locomotives is 5 against the target of 8 locomotives.


Classified repair/nominated repair of GMU-30 and HGMU-30 locomotives and repair/maintenance of all Karachi based locomotives is carried out in Workshop.


There are various shops in Moghalpura workshops division for repair of rolling stock.


Classified/nominated repair of ALU-95/12 and GUR-20 class of locomotives is carried out in Loco Shop.

Overhauling and repair of major assemblies like traction motors, expressers, Turbo Super Charger and Cylinder blocks etc. besides manufacturing of various parts/components is also undertaken.


Periodical overhauling /nominated repair of passenger coaches and freight wagons is carried out in C&W Shop. Repair per month is 61 against a target of 100 due to shortage of spares. In addition to this, the manufacturing of spare parts for rolling stock is carried out. 10 (c) STEEL SHOP.

Manufacturing and steel melting/casting of various components of carriages and wagons and locomotives is carried out in Steel Shop.


Overhauling/repair of electrical equipment is carried out in Electric. Shop and electricity is supplied in case of load shedding from Power House.


Periodical overhauling and repair of freight tank wagons and suburban coaches is carried out in this Shop.

52. Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the names of female Ambassadors of Pakistan at present alongwith the postings thereof?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar): (a) The total number of Pakistan’s Missions abroad at the level of Ambassador/High Commissioner is 87, out of which, 10 Missions are currently headed by female Ambassadors. In addition, the Government has recently nominated Ms. Sherry Rehman as Pakistan’s Ambassador to Washington.

2. A list indicating names and place of posting of female Ambassadors is as under:—

Names of female Ambassadors of Pakistan with their Place of posting —————————————————————————————— Sr. No. Ambassador Place of posting —————————————————————————————— 1. Seema Ilahi Baloch Ambassador of Pakistan, Colombo 2. Humaira Hassan Ambassador of Pakistan, Lisbon 3. Raana Rahim Ambassador of Pakistan, Beirut 4. Atiya Mahmood Ambassador of Pakistan, Amman 11

5. Seema Naqvi Ambassador of Pakistan, Cairo 6. Naela Chohan Ambassador of Pakistan, 7. Naghmana Hashmi Ambassador of Pakistan, Dublin 8. Tehmina Janjua Ambassador of Pakistan, Rome 9. Tasnim Aslam Ambassador of Pakistan, Rabat 10. Fauzia Abbas Ambassador of Pakistan, Copenhagen 11. Sherry Rehman Ambassador-designate to Washington ——————————————————————————————

53. Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the percentage of increase made in the export of Kinos during the year 2010-11; and

(b) the amount of foreign exchange earned therefrom?

Minister for Commerce (Makhdoom Amin Fahim): (a) Export of Kinnos during the year 2010-11 amounted to US$ 100.5 million as against US$ 100.0 million during the preceding year, thereby showing an increase of 0.5 percent.

(b) As stated above, a total amount of US$ 100.5 million has been earned from the export of kinno during the year 2010-11.

54. Mr. Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration to withdraw the facility of free tickets and other incentives being provided to the employees of Pakistan Railways; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Railways (Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour): There is no any proposal under consideration to withdraw the facility of free tickets and other incentives being provided to the employees of Pakistan Railways. 12 55. Mr. Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Privatization be pleased to state:

(a) the total amount received from Etisalat on privatization of PTCL shares alongwith the balance amount thereof; and

(b) the utilization of the said amount?

Minister for Privatization (Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Maher): (a) Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (“PTCL”) was privatised through sale of 26 percent shares for US$ 2,598,960,000 along with transfer of management control. So far Privatisation Commission has received US$ 1,799,653,313.31 while the balance outstanding is US$ 799,307,000 as per detail below:—

Sale Price of 1,326 Million shares @ US$ 1.96 2,598.960 Million —————————————————————————————— Amount Received Date Amount Amount Received (US$) (Millions) —————————————————————————————— Earnest money 15/06/2005 40 Proceeds 10% 29/06/2005 219.896 Proceeds 29/03/2006 500 Proceeds 07/04/2006 623.604 Success fee paid by the Purchaser to the FA 16.5 Proceeds 13/09/2006 133.217 Proceeds 07/06/2007 133.217 Proceeds 07/11/2007 133.217 Total 1,799.653 —————————————————————————————————————

(b) In compliance of the clause 16 of PC Ordinance 2000, all the funds have been transferred to the Federal Government Account maintained with State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), Islamabad against the head of accounts for Debt Retirement and Poverty Alleviation. 13

56. Ms. Tasneem Siddiqui:

Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state:

(a) the procedure adopted for utilization of funds under FATA Rural Development Programme during the last three years; and

(b) the total amount available under the said head at present?

Minister for States and Frontier Regions (Engr. Shaukat Ullah): (a) The Project PC-I has specified different limits for implementation of development activities narrated below;

I. Development activities Approval costing upto Rs.4.500 million are approved by the Agency Scheme Approval Committee(ASAC) and are implemented by the community based orgainzation(CBO) formed by the Community Mobilization wing of the project in consultation with Political Administration. The funding of such activities is made through bank accounts and is called Scheme Account of the concerned CBO. The composition of ASAC is;

(i) Agency Project Agent Manager FRDP (Chairman) (ii) Additional Political Agent concerned (Member) (iii) Head of Line Departments (Member) (iv) Agency Planning and Finance Cell representative (Member) (v) Community Program Manager (Member) (vi) Planning and Monitoring Coordinator (Secretary)

II. Development activities costing between Rs.4.500(m) to Rs.20.00(M) are approved by the Project Approval Committee(PSAC) and are implemented through Governemnt Line Agencies(GLAs) of FATA Sectt. Funds for 14 implementation of such activities are released at the concerned GLA. The composition of PSAC is;

(i) Project Director FRDP (Chairman)

(ii) Agency Project Manager concerned (Secretary)

(iii) Additional Director General Projects FATA (Member)

(iv) Deputy Secretary P &D FATA (Member)

(v) Deputy Secretary Finance FATA (Member)

(vi) Additional Political Agent concerned (Member)

(vii) Heads of the concerned Directorates (Member)

(viii) Deputy Director (P&M) FRDP (Member)

III. All development activities costing over Rs.20 to 200(M) are approved by FDWP (FATA Development Working Party) and are implemented through the Govt. Line Agencies(GLA) of FATA Sectt. FDWP is chaired by the Additional Chief Secretary FATA.

(b) As of December 12, 2011 out of total revised cost of Rs.4847.803 million, a sum of Rs.4256.805 million has been utilized resulting in balance amount of Rs.591.00 million to be utilized till March 2012. 15 57. Mrs. Shakeela Khanam Rashid:

Will the. Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the total amount of expenditures incurred on the official visits/tours made by the Foreign Minister within the country and abroad during the last three months alongwith the purposes and names of the countries visited?

Minister for Foreign Affairs (Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar): Following is the detail of expenditures incurred on the visits undertaken by the Foreign Minister within the country and abroad during the last three months.

58. Mrs. Shakeela Khanam Rashid:

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the total expenditure incurred on advertisement made on print and electronic media during the last three years till date for creating awareness among general public against the abuse of narcotics in the trains alongwith the names of newspapers thereof; and 16

(b) the criteria adopted for selection of newspapers thereof?

Minister for Railways (Haji Ghulam Ahmad Bilour): (a) and (b) No advertisement was issued by Pakistan Railways on the subject referred to hence no expenditure has been incurred.

KARAMAT HUSSAIN NIAZI, Secretary. ISLAMABAD: The 20th December, 2011.

PCPPI—3255 (2011) NA—20-12-2011—700.