IE 6610 INTRODUCTION TO 6- Spring Summer Semester 2014 Tue-Th, Manoogian 5:30-7:20PM

FAYSAL KHALAF, Ph.D. Office Hr. Tue-Th: 4:45 – 5:30 PM – By Appointment (313) 815-0265 email: [email protected]

“Improve , you automatically improve productivity. You capture the market with lower price and better quality. You stay in business, and you provide jobs. (It's) so simple." { W. Edwards Deming }

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The attraction of Six Sigma methodology is obvious — designs that work, fewer defects and wastes in , faster processes, lowered production costs, and greater satisfaction. With these pluses, it’s no wonder the world’s leading companies are adopting the Six Sigma approach to product development in ever-growing numbers. Now here’s a comprehensive course that covers fundamental aspects of Six Sigma, the Six Sigma process improvement, that is, Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) principles and tools. This course will provide: • A Green Belt level training certificate for B grade and higher • Prepare for ASQ (American Society for Quality)’s Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Exam

LEARNING OUTCOMES This course intends to institutionalize importance of Quality and how it is and can be applicable in every field. Students will learn 6-Sigma concept, method and tools and would be able to: • Develop conceptual and practical understanding of what six sigma is, benefits/ requirements and tools used • Apply method into real world to deliver result; learn a systematic 1, 2, 3 method for achieving world-class quality in product development and manufacturing • Develop understanding of how statistical/graphical data analysis enables data driven decision making • Changes the way we think and approach problem solving • Changes the way we examine and look at data • Appreciate availability and use data analysis software • Builds on existing student basic understanding of and data representation • Students should feel that they are learning new skills after each class • Cover the body of knowledge for certified six sigma black belt • Master the basic skills and knowledge base for green belts

Textbook: Open Source Six Sigma Black Belt Material Select one option dependent on whether you prefer having a hardcopy or Powerpoint slides. 1. Electronic Slide version (Make sure to select Minitab option):

2. Hardcopy version (Select Minitab):

Grading policy:

Weekly short quizzes: 15% Homework: 7.5% Project 7.5% Midterm: 35% Final 35%

CLASS PROJECTS The major project counts for 100 points and is a group project.

SCHEDULE OF TOPICS Week 1 Define • Understanding Six Sigma • Six Sigma Fundamentals 2. Define • Selecting Projects • Elements of Waste • Define - Wrap Up • Intro to Measure 3. Measure • Post Homework # 1 • Process Discovery • Six Sigma Statistics 4. Measure • Measurement System Analysis • Post Homework # 2 5. Measure • • Measure – Wrap Up 6. Measure • Post Homework # 3 • Midterm Review • Intro to Analyze • "X" Sifting • Midterm 7. Analyze • Inferential Statistics 8. Analyze • Hypothesis Testing • Analyze Wrap Up 9. Improve • Process Modeling – Regression • Project Due 10. Improve • Post Homework # 4 • Experimental Methods • Full/Fractional Factorial • Improve Wrap Up 11. Control • Capability Analysis • Statistical Process Control • Six Sigma Control Plans • Project Presentation • Post Homework # 5 12. Control • Lean Controls • DMAIC Wrap Up • Final Exam Review 13. Final Exam