Students Take Leave to Go Abroad Honorary

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Students Take Leave to Go Abroad Honorary THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 40: ISSUE 122 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12,2006 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Students take leave to go abroad Honorary Joan Clark, departmental By KAITLYNN RIELY administrator for the Office of degrees News Writer International Studies, said from fall 2004 through summer 2005, With more than two dozen a total of 1,284 students studied announced study abroad programs in coun­ abroad. The majority- 1,063 tries throughout the world, Notre students - studied through Dame offers an off-campus Notre Dame or Saint Mary's pro­ learning experience for nearly grams, but 221 students used By AMANDA MICHAELS every major and academic pur­ outside programs. News Editor suit. But the process isn't always But for junior Brian Ching, his easy. Notre Dame encourages its Joining the more than 2,000 course of study led him away students to study through undergraduate and advanced from University-sponsored sites University-run programs rather degree candidates receiving diplo­ to a unique program for semi­ than those of other schools, said mas at Notre Dame's 161st narians in Belgium. Ching took a Dennis Jacobs, Vice President Commencement exercises May 21 !nave of absence from the and Associate Provost. will be 12 College of Arts and Letters dur­ Leave of absence for study prominent vis­ ing the spring semester to study purposes, he said, should be a itors- includ­ at Katholike Universiteit Leuven very rare occurrence. ing Pulitzer - the Catholic University of Prize-winning Leuven. see ABSENCES/page 4 novelist Harper Lee, the University announced in a statement Tuesday. Lee SMC printing clusters to charge fees Along with keynote speaker Irish President Mary Print quotas will put last schools to make the switch. McAleese, the recipient<; - three Many schools, including Notre women and 10 men, including limits on paper use Dame, have had similar pro­ McAleese- will be awarded hon­ grams for years." ------------- Once the system is imple- orary degrees from the University acknowledging their work in a By EMILY LAVELLE men ted in fall of 2006, wide spectrum of professional News Writer Hausman said, students will be fields. given a print quota. Once they Honorary degrees are conferred Saint Mary's students used to exceed this allotment of pages free printing in campus com­ in recognition of the accomplish­ they will be charged money to ments of various individuals. puter clusters will be confront­ print, she said. ed with a "pay-to-print" system Students, faculty and staff mem­ While the College has taken bers are all allowed to nominate a to be implemented by student perspectives into con­ Information Technology this person for an honorary degree. sideration, the decision to University officers, including fall. implement the "pay to print" University President Father John The transition from a free system is final, said Kathy printing system to a payment Jenkins, narrow down the pool. Hausman of Information Honorees do not necessarily need program has been underway Technology. Students may see for a long time, chief informa­ a connection to the University. test models appear as early as Landrum Bolling, a leader in tion officer Keith Fowlkes said. this spring. Fowlkes assisted in making the higher education whose many "We hope [students] have a former roles include president decision to adopt such a pro­ chance to see the software and and chairman of the board of Lilly gram. become familiar with it before "It's not abnormal that we Endowment Inc., chairman and the print quota and charges for chief executive officer of the KRISTY KING!The Observer are moving to 'pay to print' exceeding the quota are in Natalie Beck prints out documents in Trumper computer lab at Saint software," he said. "Saint Mary's. The College will begin assessing fees for printing next year. Mary's is actually one of the see PRINTING/page 6 see DEGREES/page 6 Service-seekers turn to Investigator e111braces nevv role Holy Cross Associates Villere proposes 'Common Sense' safety precautions H CA sends grads to the 30 to 35 associates come from Notre Dame, with the By KATIE KOHLER remaining third drawn from col­ non-profit agencies News Writer leges around the country. HCA sends its associates to six As the academic year comes to a By ADRIENNE RUFFNER sites across the United States, close for students, the end marks a News Writer including one in South Bend and new beginning for Kim Villere, Saint one international site in Chile. At Mary's new security investigator For 2005 Notre Dame gradu­ each site, four to seven associ­ and program coordinator. ates Matt Kuczora and Petula ates live together in communi­ Villere, who took over on March Fernandes, entering the real ties and work for non-profit 23, said she plans to continue some world meant confronting and agencies. of the programs implemented by working to solve real problems. "I believe [HCA] is important predecessor Patty Rolens as well as Both alums are working for to the Holy Cross Congregation initiate some of her own. Holy Cross Associates (HCA), a because it gets young people Rolens left her job at Saint Mary's post-graduate service program involved in work that previously to fulfill her previous position in the that gives graduates the oppor­ priests would only do," said Mishawaka Police Department as a tunity to both serve the commu­ Mark Druyos, assistant director dispatcher, she said Tuesday. nity and to grow in faith. of Holy Cross Associates. "The Villere has a strong background in "HCA allows you the freedom purpose is to get lay people security and law enforcement. As a and space to decide how you will involved in Holy Cross min­ South Bend police officer in the live your life as individual and as istries." early 1990s, she worked her way a community during your year of The Congregation of the Holy from road patrol officer to under- KRI service," Fernandes said. New Saint Mary's security Investigator Kim Villere, Each year, about two-thirds of see SERVICE/page 4 see SECURITY/page 6 right, talks to dispatcher Nimbilasha Cushing. page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Wednesday, April 12, 2006 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN THE PROPOSED COLLEGE TOWN? Maturity, personalized I'm 22 years old, and even though I don't ad like it 90 percent of the time I've always managed to see things for what they are. I tend to be laid baek, Jay Branham Ryan Crane Andy Ostrowski Andy Hellmuth Nick Weiland Laura Rings level headnd, and unafl'ccted by freshman freshman sophomore sophomore sophomore sophomore stress. This is not Sam Pandolfo Alumni Alumni Dillon Dillon Dillon Welsh Family magic, its maturi­ ty. or you know "/want an ''I'll take a "Two Denny's." ''As long as ''As long as I "/just want me, you're laugh­ advertising ing, but please executive Alumni 2." Notre Dame- there's a don't run into Chipotle." read on) themed Discovery Zone Andy Now what does maturity have to do amusement I'll be happy." Hellmuth." with anything? It's college right? park." Yeah, college, the place where we can pretty much do whatever we want (before 2 a.m.) while developing into responsible, young adults who will get jobs, raise families and contribute at least $50 a year to stay eligible for football tickets. I digress. My point is we're all sup­ posed to be mindful of our surround­ ings as wn tumble around in the lot­ IN BRIEF tnry barrel of life waiting for our time to be plucked out or our drunken stu­ por and placed into the real world. Today from 11-11:30 p.m. Today, I'm asking you all to think the Asian American about where you are as we approach Association will host a Night that moment. Grotto visit today. Mnet in I've read eountless Vinwpoints and front of Bond Ilall. entertained hundreds of conversa­ tions full of complaints about other Notre Dame baseball will people's actions and thoughts. I've take on Manchester at 5:05 evnn writtl~n some and done somn p.m. today at Frank Eck 1:omplaining myself. Stadium. What bothers me the most is the eontinual disregard for originality and Notre Dame political sci­ creativity. By today's standards of ence professor John Griffin political correctness, we can't even go will give a lecture titled into a bathroom without ofl'ending "Race and Political Influence someone. in America" today at 4 p.m. Think about it for a second. No one in the Law School 1:an really do anything without ofl'end­ Courtroom. ing someone. Polities. university lifn, sports, love, eating, dating, sleeping, AcoustiCafe will take place having sex, driving a ear, making a at 10 p.m. Thursday in the joke or drawing a comic- it doesn't LaFortune basement. matter what you do in life, someone, somewhere is going to be ofl'ended by A Tenebrae Service will it to the point that they demand that take place Thursday at 11 you stop. I p.m. in the Basilica of the II ere's the crazy part. All of these The cancer awareness and survivor tree, dedicated by black Notre Dame alumni, Sacred Heart. things that we do, that may ofl'end was decorated with ribbons Tuesday. Each colored ribbon represents a different someone, are what makes life real. type of cancer. Ribbons are available at the Eck Center. "Ben Hur", the 1959 film Theso are the things that we'ro pas­ starring Charlton Heston, will sionate about doing, and at the end of be shown at 7 p.m.
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