Rappahannock Record, Thursday, February 18, 2016, Section C

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Rappahannock Record, Thursday, February 18, 2016, Section C Section C February 18, 2016 Rappahannock Record www.rrecord.com Kilmarnock, VA AreaSports 2ECREATIONs&ISHINGs(IGH3CHOOL4EAMS Red Devils finish first in conference varsity basketball by Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi Lancaster High beat Washington 8SYVREQIRX & Lee, 58-46, last Tuesday to win its final regular season game of the GLEQTMSRWLMT season to finish in first place and earn a bye in this week’s Conference #43 TQ*IF tournament. EX0ERGEWXIV The Red Devils will host the winner of a Rappahannock County versus Rappahannock (Richmond County) in the fourth for the win. Coleman quarterfinal at 7 p.m. tonight, Febru- scored eight of his team’s 17 in the 0ERGEWXIV,MKLXSSO[VIWXPIVWXSXLI6IKMSR%XSYVREQIRXPEWX7EXYVHE][MXL½ZIUYEPMJ]MRKJSV ary 18, at LHS. Second-place Nor- XLIWXEXI+VSYT%XSYVREQIRXXLMW[IIOIRHERHX[S½RMWLMRKEWWXEXIEPXIVREXIW*VSQPIJXWXEXI fourth, when the Devils sank 12 of 19 thumberland will host the winner of free throws. Darrian Doggett added UYEPM½IVWERHEPXIVREXIWEVI(ERMIP4V]SV(IERHVI;EHI7EQ&SYMW2MGOPEYW*SVH/IRMUYI7XI[EVX an Essex versus Colonial Beach quar- 7LIVMHER*SVHERH.EQMI'SEXIW&SYMWERH7XI[EVXEVIVIKMSREPGLEQTMSRWPhoto by Traci Ford 11 points for the Devils and Rasul terfinal. The two semifinal winners Redmond finished with eight. will meet in the conference champi- Cullen Bell scored 14 points and onship game at 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb- DL Kelley 11 to lead the Eagles. Five Lancaster wrestlers ruary 20, at LHS. In JV action, the Devils capped Against the Eagles last Tuesday, a 17-1 season with a 70-57 win over James Coleman scored 18 points to Washington & Lee. lead eight LHS scorers and turn in the Christian Sutton scored a game- qualify for state tournament game high. high 24 points to lead three double- After trailing by a point at the end digit scorers for Lancaster, which took by Lisa Hinton-Valdrighi of one, Lancaster got eight points, a 33-20 lead at the half. Sutton scored including six on three-pointers, from 11 in the first half, but did most of his Lancaster High seniors Sam Bouis Coleman to go on a 15-9 run and take work in the fourth quarter, scoring 10 and Kenique Stewart will defend their a 31-26 lead into the half. of Lancaster’s 26 points. state titles Friday and Saturday, February Lancaster put up another three Arik Clayton finished with 14 19 and 20, in the Group 1A state tourna- unanswered in the third and four points and Terren Hardin added 11. ment at Salem Civic Center. Bouis and Stewart were among five Red Devils to qualify for the state at last SCOREBOARD weekend’s Region 1A East tournament at Northampton High School. Lancaster :EVWMX]FS]WFEWOIXFEPP February 18: took 10 wrestlers to the region tourna- Lancaster 58, Washington & Lee 46 Conference #43 tournament semifinals at ment, where Rappahannock County .:FS]WFEWOIXFEPP higher seeds scored 227.5 points to win the team Lancaster 70, Washington & Lee 57 February 20: championship in the 13-team tourna- :EVWMX]KMVPWFEWOIXFEPP Conference #43 tournament final at Lan- Lancaster 56, Essex 32 caster High School, 8 p.m. ment. Riverheads was second with 178.5 Lancaster 57, Rappahannock County 55 :EVWMX]KMVPWFEWOIXFEPP points, Mathews third with 138 points .:KMVPWFEWOIXFEPP and Lancaster fourth with 113.5 points. February 17: Lancaster 22, Essex 12 Conference #43 tournament semifinals at “As a team, I thought we had a good Rappahannock County 44, Lancaster 28 tournament,” said LHS coach Craig higher seeds ;VIWXPMRK February 20: Oren. “In practice last week, we worked Region 1A East tournament Conference #43 tournament final at Lan- on attacking offensively and wres- 1. Rappahannock County 227.5. 2. Riv- caster High School, 6 p.m. tling with more intensity and the guys erheads 178.5. 3. Mathews 138. 4. Lan- ;VIWXPMRK responded to that challenge. All of the caster 113.5. February 19-20: pivotal matches were fought hard. Some 9TGSQMRKKEQIW Group 1A tournament at Salem Civic we won, some we lost, but the effort in :EVWMX]FS]WFEWOIXFEPP Center, Salem the fight was solid. “We placed seven of our 10 wrestlers in the top six, which was pretty good. I Boys & Girls Club to was pleased with the way we finished fourth as a team, even though we were missing four of our 14 weight classes.” 0ERGEWXIV´W(ERMIP4V]SV[SVOWJSVXLITMRHYVMRKEVIKMSREPQEXGL Bouis claimed his third regional PEWX 7EXYVHE] 4V]SV E ½VWX]IEV [VIWXPIV UYEPM½IH JSV XLI WXEXI host Cub Scout Lock-in heavyweight title last Saturday, going XSYVREQIRXPhoto by Traci Ford 3-0 in the tourney with three pins. He’ll The Boys & Girls Club of the emergency services presentation, a defend his state championship this week- Northern Neck, 517 North Main Northern Neck Electric presentation, end along with Stewart, who went 3-0 Street, Kilmarnock, working in con- and several craft projects to include with two pins and a forfeit to win gold junction with The Rivers District of the building of a Pinewood derby in the 152 weight class. Stewart won his the Heart of Virginia Council, Boy race car. There also will be an indoor second regional title and was named the Scouts of America, will host a Cub campfire full of activities as well as region’s Most Outstanding Wrestler. Scout Lock-in February 19 and Feb- age-appropriate movies. “Sam continues to improve every ruary 20. Attendees are asked to bring sleep- match, especially his patience and ability This free activity is open to all cur- ing bags or blanket and a pillow for to capitalize on his opponent’s mistakes,” rent Cub Scouts. However, all boys sleeping. Parents of current non- said Oren. ages of 6-10 are invited, reported scouts are asked to attend a 15-minute Senior Daniel Pryor took fourth at 182 director Phillip A. Mumford. Dinner presentation Friday evening follow- with a 2-2 record to qualify for state. and breakfast are included. ing dinner or during breakfast at 8:30 “Daniel wrestled some really physical Activities will begin at 6 p.m. a.m. when they come to pick up their matches to finish fourth and qualify for Friday and end around 9 a.m. Satur- sons. state,” said Oren. “He has been a quick day morning. Boys & Girls Club staff and Scout study of the sport this year. Qualifying Planned activities include an out- volunteers will be there throughout for state as a first-year wrestler is pretty door cooking demonstration by the the night; parents are urged to partici- rare, but you could see it was possible as Old Dominion Dutch Oven group, an pate, yet not required. the season progressed.” Junior Deandre Wade went 3-2 in the 120 weight class and freshman Nicklaus Northumberland Little Ford was 2-2 in the 113 weight class to (IERHVI;EHITMRWLMWSTTSRIRXEXXLI6IKMSR%)EWXXSYVREQIRX both finish fourth and state qualify. ERH UYEP½IH XS VITVIWIRX 0ERGEWXIV EX XLMW [IIOIRH´W +VSYT % “Deandre started the tournament with QEXGLIWPhoto by Traci Ford two wins to put him in the semifinal, and League raffle under way after losing in the semifinal came back in the consolation semifinal and scored The Northumberland County Little Proceeds benefit the non-profit a come-from-behind victory,” said Oren. League (NCLL) is conducting a raffle. NCLL, said Bowis. Tickets are $5 “I was also really pleased with Nick- Prizes will be drawn during opening each, or five for $20. laus,” he added. “He has been wrestling ceremonies April 9 at the NCLL Com- To purchase tickets, visit northum- flat lately due to a knee injury, but he put plex, 529 Academic Lane, Heathsville. berlandlittleleague.com. the injury aside and wrestled with the Winners need not be present, said intensity he wrestled with earlier this NCLL board member Sarah Bowis. season and it paid off. Qualifying for Prizes will include a Truth Reels fish- SPORTS state as a freshman is a great accomplish- ing reel, courtesy of Truth Reels; iPad ment and should give him confidence for mini, courtesy of Northern Neck Com- SHORT next week’s tournament.” puter Solutions; $500 cash, courtesy of Sheridan Ford (132) and Jamie Coates Bevans Oysters; crab feast, courtesy of Little River Seafood; dinner for two (160) just missed a definite spot in the Q4EVOJVMIRHW state tournament, going 2-2 in the respec- at the Crazy Crab Restaurant; and a Northern Neck pewter bracelet, cour- The Friends of Belle Isle will meet tive weight classes to finish fifth as state at 5 p.m. Monday, March 7, at the Vis- alternates. If any of the top four wrestlers tesy of Burkes Fine Jewelers. Also, a half-day fishing trip, cour- itors Center at Belle Isle State Park, in their weight classes can’t compete this 1632 Belle Isle Road, Lancaster. New weekend, they will wrestle. tesy of the Midnight Sun; cruise for two, courtesy of Tangier and Rappah- members are welcome. “Sheridan and Jamie had solid perfor- The group supports the park through mances, but came up just short of state- annock Cruises; four 24-ounce Tervis tumblers with lids, courtesy of NCLL; advocacy, volunteerism, community qualifying,” said Oren. relations, event and program sponsor- Also wrestling for Lancaster were $50 gift card to Tri-Star Supermarket, courtesy of Chesapeake Accounting ship, fundraising and special projects. Matthew Brocklebank (195), Will Parker Activities include Music by the River, (138) and Matthew Pittman (145). 2SVXLYQFIVPERH´W'EPIF(EZMW[EWXLI6IKMSR%)EWXVYRRIVYTMR Group; and a Fall 2016 or Spring 2017 XLI[IMKLXGPEWW Photo by Traci Ford NCLL registration, courtesy of NCLL. a 5k trail run and Easter egg hunt. INSIDE:8MHI'LEVX+MVPW&EWOIXFEPP2I[+SPJ4VS7GLSSPW&YWMRIWW '*IFVYEV] RAPPAHANNOCK RECORD /MPQEVRSGO:MVKMRME SPORTS SHORTS Q;EXIVJS[P7LS[ The Rappahannock River Waterfowl Show will be held March 19 and 20 at the White Stone Firehouse.
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