
An Overview of Challenges, Experiments, and Computational Solutions in Peer Review

Nihar B. Shah [email protected] Machine Learning and Computer Science Departments Carnegie Mellon University

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In this overview article, we survey a number of challenges in peer AAAI 7737

NeurIPS 7095 6743 to review, understand these issues and tradeoffs involved via insightful 6000 6000 to experiments, and discuss computational solutions proposed in the 4900 4000 4000 literature. The survey is divided into six parts: mismatched reviewer 3800 3240

2000 ubmissions 2000 2590

2425 S expertise, dishonest behavior, miscalibration, subjectivity, ubmissions 1991 2132 S 1678 1732 1406 pertaining to author identities, and norms and policies. 0 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

1 INTRODUCTION Figure 1: Number of submissions to two prominent confer- Peer review is a cornerstone of scientific research [1]. Although ences over the past few years. quite ubiquitous today, peer review in its current form became popular only in the middle of the twentieth century [2, 3]. In com- puter science, conferences were previously meant as a venue to quickly present a preliminary version of a research (which would inefficient. It is occasionally corrupt, sometimes a charade, anopen subsequently be submitted to a journal in an extended form), but temptation to plagiarists. Even with the best of intentions, how and gradually conferences have become a venue for the archival publi- whether peer review identifies high-quality science is unknown. Itis, cation [4]. in short, unscientific.” Peer review looks to assess research in terms of its competence, Problems in peer review have consequences much beyond the significance and originality [5]. It aims to ensure quality control outcome for a specific paper, particularly due to the widespread to reducing misinformation and confusion [6] thereby upholding prevalence of the Matthew effect (“rich get richer”) in academia [17– the integrity of science and the public trust in science [7]. It also 19]. As noted in [20] “an incompetent review may lead to the rejection helps in improving the quality of the published research [8]. In of the submitted paper, or of the grant application, and the ultimate the presence of an overwhelming number of papers written, peer failure of the career of the author.”. This raises the important ques- review also has another role [9]: “Readers seem to fear the firehose tion [21]: “In public, scientists and scientific institutions celebrate of the internet: they want somebody to select, filter, and purify truth and innovation. In private, they perpetuate peer review biases research material.” that thwart these goals... what can be done about it?” Additionally, Surveys [10–14] of researchers in a number of scientific fields the large number of submissions in fields such as machine learning find that peer review is highly regarded by the vast majority of and artificial intelligence (Figure 1) has put a considerable strainon researchers. A majority of researchers believe that peer review gives the peer-review process. The increase in the number of submissions confidence in the academic rigor of published articles and thatit is also large in many other fields: “Submissions are up, reviewers are improves the quality of the published papers. These surveys also overtaxed, and authors are lodging complaint after complaint” [22]. find that there is a considerable and increasing desire for improving In this overview article on peer review, we discuss several mani- the peer review process. festations of the aforementioned challenges, experiments that help Peer review is assumed to provide a “mechanism for rational, fair, understand these issues and the tradeoffs involved, and various and objective decision making” [8]. For this, one must ensure that (computational) solutions in the literature. For concreteness, our evaluations are “independent of the author’s and reviewer’s social exposition focuses on peer review in scientific conferences. Most identities and independent of the reviewer’s theoretical biases and points discussed also apply to other forms of peer review such as tolerance for risk” [15]. There are, however, key challenges towards review of grant proposals (used to award billions of dollars worth these goals. The following quote from Rennie [16], in a commentary of grants every year), journal review, and peer evaluation of em- titled “Let’s make peer review scientific” summarizes many of the ployees in organization. Moreover, any on this topic has challenges in peer review: “Peer review is touted as a demonstration of implications for a variety of applications such as crowdsourcing, the self-critical nature of science. But it is a human system. Everybody A/B testing, peer grading, recommender systems, hiring, and col- involved brings , misunderstandings and gaps in knowledge, lege admissions. The common thread across these applications is so no one should be surprised that peer review is often biased and that they involve distributed human evaluations: a of people need to evaluate a set of items, but every item is evaluated by a This article is an evolving draft. The first version appeared on July 8, 2021. The current small subset of people and every person evaluates only a small version is dated August 27, 2021. subset of items. 1 Authors submit papers While this description is representative of many conferences Bidding (particularly large conferences in the field of artificial intelligence), Reviewer assignment individual conferences may have some deviations in their peer- review process. For example, many smaller-sized conferences do not have meta reviewers, and the final decisions are made via an Reviews due in-person or online discussion between the entire pool of reviewers and program chairs. That said, most of the content to follow in this Authors’ rebuttal article is applicable broadly. Discussions With this background, we now discuss some challenges and so- lutions in peer review: mismatched reviewer expertise (Section 3), Decisions dishonest behavior (Section 4), miscalibration (Section 5), subjec- tivity (Section 6), biases pertaining to author identities (Section 7), Figure 2: Typical timeline of the review process in computer and norms and policies (Section 8). science conferences. 3 MISMATCHED REVIEWER EXPERTISE The target audience for this overview article is quite broad. It The assignment of the reviewers to papers determines whether serves to aid policy makers (such as program chairs of conferences) reviewers have the necessary expertise to review a paper. The design the peer review process. It helps reviewers to understand the importance of the reviewer-assignment stage of the peer-review inherent biases so that they can actively try to mitigate them; it also process well known: “one of the first and potentially most important makes reviewers aware the implications of various actions like bid- stage is the one that attempts to distribute submitted manuscripts to ding so that they can perform these actions appropriately. It helps competent referees” [23]. Time and again, a top reason for authors authors and also people outside academia understand what goes to be dissatisfied with reviews is the mismatch of the reviewers’ on behind the scenes in the peer review process and the challenges expertise with the paper [24]. that lie therein. For small conferences, the program chairs may assign review- ers themselves. However, this approach does not scale to confer- 2 AN OVERVIEW OF THE REVIEW PROCESS ences with hundreds or thousands of submissions. One may aim to have meta reviewers assign reviewers, but this approach has We begin with an overview of a representative conference review two problems. First, papers handled by meta reviewers who do the process. Please see Figure 2 for an illustration. The process is coor- assignment later in time fare worse since the best reviewers for dinated on an online platform known as a conference management these papers may already be taken for other papers. Second, the system. Each participant in the peer-review process has one or more question of assigning papers to meta reviewers still remains and of the following four roles: program chairs, who coordinate the is a daunting task if done manually. As a result, reviewer assign- entire peer-review process; authors, who submit papers to the con- ments in most moderate-to-large-sized conferences are performed ference; reviewers, who read the papers and provide feedback and in an automated manner (sometimes with a bit of manual tweaking). evaluations; and meta reviewers, who are intermediaries between Here we discuss automated assignments from the perspective of reviewers and program chairs. assigning reviewers, noting that it also applies to assigning meta Authors must submit their papers by a pre-decided deadline. The reviewers. submission deadline is immediately followed by “bidding”, where There are two stages in the automated assignment procedure: reviewers can indicate which papers they are willing or unwilling the first stage computes “similarity scores” and the second stage to review. The papers are then assigned to reviewers for review. computes an assignment using these similarity scores. Each paper is reviewed by a handful (typically 3 to 6) of reviewers. The number of papers per reviewer varies across conferences and can range from a handful (3 to 8 in the field of artificial intelligence) 3.1 Computing similarity scores to a few dozen papers. Each meta reviewer is asked to handle a few The first stage of the assignment process involves computing a dozen papers, and each paper is handled by one meta reviewer. “similarity score” for every reviewer-paper pair. The similarity score Each reviewer is required to provide reviews for their assigned 푠푝,푟 between any paper 푝 and any reviewer 푟 is a number between papers before a pre-specified deadline. The reviews comprise an 0 and 1 that captures the expertise match between reviewer 푟 and evaluation of the paper and suggestions to improve the paper. The paper 푝. A higher similarity score means a better-envisaged quality authors may then provide a rebuttal to the review, which could clar- of the review. The similarity is computed based on one or more of ify any inaccuracies or misunderstandings in the reviews. Reviewers the following sources of data. are asked to read the authors’ rebuttal (as well as other reviews) and update their reviews accordingly. A discussion for each paper Subject-area selection. When submitting a paper, authors are re- then takes place between its reviewers and meta reviewer. Based quired to indicate one or more subject areas to which the paper on all of this , the meta reviewer then recommends to belongs. Before the review process begins, each reviewer also indi- the program chairs a decision about whether or not to accept the cates one or more subject areas of their expertise. Then, for every paper to the conference. The program chairs eventually make the paper-reviewer pair, a score is computed as the amount of intersec- decisions on all papers. tion between the paper’s and reviewer’s chosen subject areas. 2 Papers: no positive bids [36]. The Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2016 conference in the field of machine learning aimed to assign 6 reviewers and 1 meta-reviewer to each of the 2425 submissions, but 278 papers received at most 2 positive bids and 816 papers received at most 5 positive bids from reviewers, and 1019 papers received no positive bids from meta reviewers [37]. One reason is a lack of reviewer engagement in the review process: 11 Figure 3: A sample interface for bidding. out of the 76 reviewers at JCDL 2005 and 148 out of 3242 reviewers at NeurIPS 2016 did not give any bid information. Cabanac and Preuss [35] also uncover a problem with the bidding Text matching. The text of the reviewer’s previous papers is matched process. The conference management systems there assigned each with the text of the submitted papers using natural language pro- submitted paper a number called a “paperID”. The bidding interface cessing techniques [25–34]. We overview a couple of approaches then ordered the papers according to the paperIDs, that is, each here [26, 27]. One approach is to use a language model. At a very reviewer saw the paper with the smallest paperID at the top of the high level, this approach assigns a higher text-score similarity if the list displayed to them, and so on. They found that the number of words that (frequently) appear in the submitted paper also appear bids placed on submissions generally decreased with an increase in frequently in the papers in the reviewer’s profile. A second com- the paperID value. This phenomenon is explained by well-studied mon approach uses “topic modeling”. Each paper or set of papers is serial-position effects [38] that humans are more likely to interact converted to a vector. Each coordinate of this vector represents a with an item if shown at the top of a list rather than down the list. topic that is extracted in an automated manner from the entire set Hence, this choice of interface results in a systematic against of papers. For any paper, the value of a specific coordinate indicates papers with greater values of assigned paper IDs. the extent to which the paper’s text pertains to the corresponding Cabanac and Preuss suggest exploiting serial-position effects to topic. The text-score similarity is the dot product of the submitted ensure a better distribution of bids across papers by ordering the paper’s vector and a vector corresponding to the aggregate of the papers shown to any reviewer in increasing order of bids already reviewer’s past papers. received. However, this approach can lead to a high reviewer dis- These approaches, however, face some shortcomings. For exam- satisfaction since papers of the reviewer’s interest and expertise ple, suppose all reviewers belong to one of two subfields of research, may end up significantly down the list, whereas papers unrelated whereas a submitted paper makes a connection between these two to the reviewer may show up at the top. An alternative ordering subfields. Then, since only about half of the paper matches any strategy used commonly in conference management systems today individual reviewer, the similarity of this paper with any reviewer is to first compute a similarity between all reviewer-paper pairs will only be a fraction of the similarity of another paper which lies using other data sources, and then order the papers in decreasing in exactly one subfield. This discrepancy can systematically disad- order of similarities with the reviewer. Although this approach vantage such a paper in the downstream bidding and assignment addresses reviewer satisfaction, it does not exploit serial-position processes as discussed later. effects like the idea of Cabanac and Preuss. Moreover, papers with Some systems such as the Toronto Paper Matching System (TPMS) [27] only moderate similarity with many reviewers (e.g., if the paper is additionally use reviewer-provided confidence scores for each re- interdisciplinary) will be shown down the list to everyone. view to improve the similarity computation via supervised learning. These issues motivate an algorithm [39] that dynamically or- The paper [34] builds language models using citations as a form of ders papers for every reviewer by trading off reviewer satisfaction supervision. (showing papers with higher similarity at the top, using metrics like Bidding. Many conferences employ a “bidding” procedure where the discounted cumulative gain or DCG) with balancing paper bids reviewers are shown the list of submitted papers and asked to (showing papers with fewer bids at the top). The paper [40] also indicate which papers they are willing or unwilling to review. A looks to address the problem of imbalanced bids across papers, but sample bidding interface is shown in Figure 3. via a different approach. Specifically, they propose a market-style Cabanac and Preuss [35] analyze the bids made by reviewers in bidding scheme where it is more “expensive” for reviewer to bid on several conferences. In these conferences, along with each review, a paper which has already received many bids. the reviewer is also asked to report their confidence in their eval- uation. They find that assigning papers for which reviewers have Combining data sources. The data sources discussed above are then made positive bids is associated with higher confidence reported merged into a single similarity score. One approach is to use a spe- bid-score푝,푟 by reviewers for their reviews. This observation suggests the im- cific formula for merging, such as푠푝,푟 = 2 (subject-score푝,푟 + portance of papers to receive positive bids from reviewers. Such text-score푝,푟 )/4 used in the NeurIPS 2016 conference [37]. A second suggestions are corroborated elsewhere [1], noting that the absence approach involves program chairs trying out various combinations, of bids from some reviewers can reduce the fairness of assignment eyeballing the resulting assignments, and picking the combination algorithms. that seems to work best. Finally and importantly, if any reviewer 푟 Many conferences suffer from the lack of adequate bids on alarge has a conflict with an author of any paper 푝 (that is, if the reviewer fraction of submissions. For instance, 146 out of the 264 submissions is an author of the paper or is a colleague or collaborator of any at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2005 author of the paper), then the similarity 푠푝,푟 is set as −1 to ensure had no positive bids [23]. In IMC 2010, 68% of the papers had that this reviewer is never assigned this paper. 3 Paper A PaperPaper B A PaperPaper C B Paper C Paper A PaperPaper B A PaperPaper C B Paper Cassigned reviewers: Reviewer 1Reviewer0.9 1 00.9 0.50 0.5 Reviewer 1Reviewer0.9 1 0.90 0.50 0.5 Õ maximize minimum 푠푝,푟 , Reviewer 2 0.6 0 0.5 assignment papers 푝 Reviewer 2Reviewer0.6 2 00.6 0.50 0.5 Reviewer 2 0.6 0 0.5 reviewers 푟 Reviewer 3Reviewer0 3 0.90 0.50.9 0.5 Reviewer 3Reviewer0 3 0.90 0.50.9 0.5 assigned to paper 푝 Reviewer 4Reviewer0 4 0.60 0.50.6 0.5 Reviewer 4Reviewer0 4 0.60 0.50.6 0.5 The approach then optimizes for the paper that is the next worst- Reviewer 5Reviewer0 5 00 00 0 Reviewer 5Reviewer0 5 00 00 0 off and so on. Evaluations [47, 48] of this approach on several Reviewer 6Reviewer0 6 00 00 0 Reviewer 6Reviewer0 6 00 00 0 conferences reveal that it significantly mitigates the problem of imbalanced assignments, with only a moderate reduction in the Figure 4: Assignment in a toy conference using the popular sum-similarity score value as compared to the approach of maxi- sum-similarity optimization method (left) and a more bal- mizing sum-similarity scores. anced approach (right). The design of algorithms for better assignments is an active area of research, including a more accurate computation of simi- larities through advances in natural language processing [51] and appropriate objectives for the assignment to accommodate various 3.2 Computing the assignment desiderata [52]. An emerging concern when doing the assignment The second stage assigns reviewers to papers in a manner that is that of dishonest behavior, as we discuss next. maximizes some function of the similarity scores of the assigned reviewer-paper pairs. The most popular approach is to maximize 4 DISHONEST BEHAVIOR the total sum of the similarity scores of all assigned reviewer-paper The outcomes of peer review can have a considerable influence on pairs [27, 41–46]: the career trajectories of authors. While we do believe that most participants in peer review are honest, the stakes can unfortunately Õ Õ maximize 푠푝,푟 , incentivize dishonest behavior. A number of such behaviors are assignment papers 푝 reviewers 푟 well documented in various fields of research, including selling assigned to paper 푝 authorship [53], faking reviewer identities [54, 55], plagiarism [56], subject to load constraints that each paper is assigned a certain data fabrication [57, 58], multiple submissions [59], and others [60– number of reviewers and no reviewer is assigned more than a 62]. In this article we focus on some issues that are more closely certain number of papers. tied to conference peer review. This approach of maximizing the sum of similarity scores can lead to unfairness to certain papers [47]. As a toy example illus- 4.1 Lone wolf trating this issue, consider a conference with three papers and six Conference peer review is competitive, that is, a roughly pre-determined reviewers, where each paper is assigned one reviewer and each re- number (or fraction) of submitted papers are accepted. Moreover, viewer is assigned two papers. Suppose the similarities are given by many authors are also reviewers. Thus a reviewer could increase the the table on the left-hand side of Figure 4. Here {paper A, reviewer chances of acceptance of their own submissions by manipulating 1, reviewer 2} belong to one research discipline, {paper B, reviewer the reviews (e.g., providing lower ratings) for other papers. 3, reviewer 4} belong to a second research discipline, and paper C’s A controlled study by Balietti et al. [63] examined the behavior content is split across these two disciplines. of participants in competitive peer review. Participants were ran- Maximizing the sum of similarity scores results in the assignment domly divided into two conditions: one where their own review shaded light/orange in the left-hand side of Figure 4. Observe that in did not influence the outcome of their own work, and theother this example, the assignment for paper C is very poor: all assigned where it did. Balietti et al. observed that the ratings given by the reviewers have a zero similarity with paper C. This is because this latter group were drastically lower than those given by the former method assigns better reviewers to papers A and B at the expense group. They concluded that “competition incentivizes reviewers to of paper C. Such a phenomenon is indeed found to occur in practice. behave strategically, which reduces the fairness of evaluations and the The paper [48] analyzes data from the Computer Vision and Pattern consensus among referees.” The study also found that the number of Recognition (CVPR) 2017 and 2018 conferences, which have several such strategic reviews increased over time, indicating a retribution thousand submissions. The analysis reveals that there is at least cycle in peer review. one paper each to which this method assigns all reviewers with a Similar concerns of strategic behavior have been raised in NSF similarity score of zero with the paper, whereas other assignments review process [64]. See [65–67] for more anecdotes and [68] for a (discussed below) can ensure that every paper has at least some dataset comprising such strategies. It is posited in [69] that even a reasonable reviewers. small number of selfish, strategic reviewers can drastically reduce The right-hand side of Figure 4 depicts the same similarity matrix. the quality of scientific standard. The cells shaded light/blue depict an alternative assignment. This This motivates the requirement of “strategyproofness”: no re- assignment is more balanced: it assigns papers A and B reviewers viewer must be able to influence the outcome of their own submitted of lower similarity as compared to earlier but paper C now has paper by manipulating the reviews they provide. A simple yet effec- reviewers with a total similarity of 1 rather than 0. This assignment tive idea to ensure strategyproofness is called the partition-based is an example of an alternative approach [47–50] that optimizes method [70–77]. The key idea of the partition-based method is for the paper which is worst-off in terms of the similarities ofits illustrated in Figure 5. Consider the “authorship” graph in Figure 5a 4 ✓ paper to a reviewer who has a conflict with its authors, may seem to address this problem. It turns out that even if colluders collaborate, ✘ they go to great lengths to enable this dishonest behavior [78]: ✘ “There is a chat group of a few dozen authors who in subsets work on common topics and carefully ensure not to co-author any papers with ✓ each other so as to keep out of each other’s conflict lists (to the extent that even if there is collaboration they voluntarily give up authorship ✘ on one paper to prevent conflicts on many future papers).” ✘ A second line of defense addresses attacks where two or more

(a) (b) (c) (d) reviewers (who have also submitted their own papers) aim to review each other’s papers. This has motivated the design of assignment Figure 5: Partition-based method for strategyproofness. algorithms [83] with an additional constraint of disallowing any loops in the assignment, that is, ensuring to not assign two people each others’ papers. Such a condition of forbidding loops of size two whose vertices comprise the submitted papers and reviewers, and was also used in the reviewer assignment for the Association for the an edge exists between a paper and reviewer if the reviewer is an Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2021 conference [52]. author of that paper. The partition-based method first partitions However, this defense can easily be circumvented by attackers who the reviewers and papers into two (or more) groups such that all make sure to avoid forming a loop, for example, where a reviewer authors of any paper are in the same group as the paper (Figure 5b). helps an author in a certain conference and the author reciprocates Each paper is then assigned for review to reviewers in the other elsewhere. Moreover, it has been uncovered that, in some cases, group(s) (Figure 5c). Finally, the decisions for the papers in any an author pressures a certain reviewer to get assigned and accept group are made independent of the other group(s) (Figure 5d). This a paper [81]. This line of defense does not guard against such method is strategyproof since any reviewer’s reviews influence situations where there is no quid pro quo. only the papers in the other group, whereas the reviewer’s own A third line of defense is based on the observation that the authored papers belong to the same group as the reviewer. bidding stage of peer review is perhaps the most easily manipulable: The partition-based method is largely studied in the context of reviewers can significantly increase the chances of being assigned a peer grading. In peer grading, one may assume each paper (home- paper they may be targeting by bidding strategically [84, 85]. This work) is authored by one reviewer (student) and each reviewer suggests curtailing or auditing bids, and this approach is followed authors one paper, as is the case in Figure 5. Conference peer re- in the paper [85]. This work uses the bids from all reviewers as view is more complex: papers have multiple authors and authors labels to train a machine learning model which predicts bids based submit multiple papers. Consequently, in conference peer review it on the other sources of data. This predictive model can then be used is not clear if there even exists a partition. Even if such a partition as the similarities for making the assignment. It thereby mitigates exists, the partition-based constraint on the assignment could lead dishonest behavior by de-emphasizing bids that are significantly to a considerable reduction in the assignment quality. Such ques- different from the other data sources. tions about realizing the partition-based method in conference peer Dishonest collusions may also be executed without bidding ma- review are still open, with promising initial results [76] showing nipulations. For example, the reviewer/paper subject areas and re- that such partitions do exist in practice and the reduction in quality viewer profiles may be strategically selected to increase the chances of assignment may not be too drastic. of getting assigned the target papers, or the use of rare keywords [86]. Security researchers have demonstrated the vulnerability of pa- 4.2 Coalitions per assignment systems to attacks where an author could manipu- Several recent investigations have uncovered dishonest coalitions late the PDF (portable document format) of their submitted paper so in peer review [78–80]. Here a reviewer and an author come to that a certain reviewer gets assigned [87, 88]. These attacks insert an understanding: the reviewer manipulates the system to try to certain text in the PDF of the submitted paper in a manner that be assigned the author’s paper, then accepts the paper if assigned, satisfies three properties: (1) the inserted text matches keywords and the author offers quid pro quo either in the same conference from a target reviewers’ paper; (2) this text is not visible to the or elsewhere. There may be coalitions between more than two human reader; and (3) this text is read by the (automated) parser people, where a group of reviewers (who are also authors) illegiti- which computes the text-similarity-score between the submitted mately push for each others’ papers. Problems of this nature are paper and the reviewer’s past papers. These three properties guar- also reported in grant peer review [81, 82].1 antee a high similarity for the colluding reviewer-paper pair, while The first line of defense against such behavior is conflicts of ensuring that no human reader detects it. These attacks are accom- interest: one may suspect that colluders may know each other well plished by targeting the font embedding in the PDF, as illustrated in enough to also have co-authored papers. Then treating previous co- Figure 6. Empirical evaluations on the reviewer-assignment system authorship as a conflict of interest, and ensuring to not assign any used at the International Conference on Computer Communica- tions (INFOCOM) demonstrate the high efficacy of these attacks, 1A related reported problem involves settings where reviewers of a paper know each including being able to match one paper to three target reviewers. others’ identities. Here a colluding reviewer reveals the identities of other (honest) reviewers to the colluding author. Then outside the review system, the author pressures one or more of the honest reviewers to accept the proposal or paper. 5 Visible to humans: Visible to humans: Each review in peer review will undergo review. Each review in peer review will undergo review.

Visible to an automated plain-text parser: Visible to an automated plain-text parser: Each minion in peer minion will undergo minion. Each minion in peer minion will undergo minion.

Attack: Font-embedding attack: similarity objective similarity Font 0: Default; Font 1: m → r, i → e, n → v; Font 2: o → e, n → w -

Font 0: Default deterministic) of (%

Font 1: m → r, i → e, n → v Sum Font 2: o → e, n → w Each minion in peer minion will undergo minion. Each minion in peer minion will undergo minion. Maximum probability of assigning any reviewer-paper pair Figure 6: An attack on the assignment system via font em- (value chosen by program chairs) bedding in the PDF of the submitted paper [87, 88]. Suppose the colluding reviewer has the word “minion” as most fre- Figure 7: Trading off the quality of the assignment (sum quently occurring in their previous papers, whereas the pa- similarity on y-axis) with the amount of randomness (value per to be submitted by the attacker has “review” as most specified by program chairs on x-axis) to mitigate dishon- commonly occurring. The attacker creates two new fonts est coalitions [84]. The similarity scores for the “ICLR” plot that map the plain text to rendered text as shown. The at- are reconstructed via text-matching from the International tacker then chooses fonts for each letter in the submitted Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR conference) paper in such a manner that the word “minion” in plain text 2018 [76] which had 911 submissions. The “Preflib” plots renders as “review” in the PDF. A human reader will now see are computed on bidding data from three small-sized con- “review” but an automated PDF parser will read “minion”. ferences (with 54, 52 and 176 submissions), obtained from The submitted paper will then be assigned to the target re- the Preflib database [91]. viewer by the assignment system, whereas no human reader will see “minion” in the submitted paper. Naturally, such a randomized assignment may also preclude good honest reviewers from getting assigned. Consequently, the program In practice, there may be other attacks used by malicious partici- chairs can choose the probability-values at run-time by inspecting pants beyond what program chairs and security researchers have the tradeoff between the amount of randomization and the quality detected to date. of the assignment (Figure 7). In some cases, the colluding reviewers may naturally be assigned Designing algorithms to detect or mitigate such dishonest behav- to the target papers without any manipulation of the assignment ior in peer review is an emerging area of research, with a number process [78]: “They exchange papers before submissions and then of technical problems yet to be solved. This direction of research is either bid or get assigned to review each other’s papers by virtue of however hampered by the lack of publicly available information or having expertise on the topic of the papers.” data about dishonest behavior. The recent discoveries of dishonest The next defence we discuss imposes geographical diversity behavior also pose important questions of law, policy, and ethics among reviewers of any paper, thereby mitigating collusions occur- for dealing with such behavior: Should algorithms be allowed to ring among geographically co-located individuals. The paper [84] flag “potentially malicious” behavior? Should any human beable considers reviewers partitioned into groups, and designs algorithms to see such flags, or should the assignment algorithm just disable which ensures that no paper be assigned multiple reviewers from suspicious bids? How should program chairs deal with suspicious the same group. The AAAI 2021 conference imposed a related (soft) reviews, and what constitutes appropriate penalties? A case in point constraint that each paper should have reviewers from at least two that has led to widespread debate is an ACM investigation [92] different continents [52]. which banned certain guilty parties from participating in ACM The final defense we discuss [84] makes no assumptions onthe venues for 15 years without publicly revealing the names of the nature of manipulation, and aims to mitigate the ability of colluders guilty parties. This has led to concerns of lack of transparency [93], to conduct fraud via randomized assignments. Here the program and that these parties may still participate in reviews of grants and chairs specify a value in 0 to 1, and the randomized assignment other conferences and could continue dishonest activity there. Fur- algorithm chooses the best possible assignment subject to the con- thermore, some conferences only impose the penalty of rejection straint that the probability of assigning any reviewer to any paper of a paper if an author is found to indulge in dishonest behavior. be at most that value. The algorithm allows customizing the value Challenges of reporting improper conduct and having action taken for each individual reviewer-paper pair. The upper bound on the are not unique to computer science [94, 95]. probability of assignment leads to a higher chance that an inde- pendent reviewer will be assigned to any paper, irrespective of the 2 nature or magnitude of manipulations by dishonest reviewers. competing paper or if it is from an area the reviewer does not like. Also interestingly, in the SIGCOMM 2006 conference, the assignments were done randomly among the 2This assignment procedure also mitigates potential “torpedo reviewing” [89] where a reviewers who were qualified in the paper topic area to “improve the confidence reviewer intentionally tries to get assigned a paper to reject it, possibly because it is a intervals” [90] of the evaluation of any paper. 6 4.3 Temporary plagiarism Issues of plagiarism [60]—where an author copies another paper without appropriate attribution—are well known and have existed overprediction since many years. Here we discuss an incident in computer science that involved an author taking plagiarism to a new level. underextremity The author in contention wrote a paper. Then the author took overextremity somebody else’s unpublished paper from the preprint server arXiv value reported underprediction (arxiv.org), and submitted it as their own paper to a conference (with true value possibly some changes to prevent discovery of the arxiv version via online search). This submitted paper got accepted. Subsequently Figure 8: A caricature of a few types of miscalibration [113]. when submitting the final version of the paper, the author switched The diagonal line represents perfect calibration. An affine the submitted version with the author’s own paper. And voila the (or linear) miscalibration would result in a straight line. author’s paper got accepted to the conference! How did this author get caught? The title of the (illegitmate) submission was quite different from what would be apt for their own (on a 1-to-5 scale) than the average NSF proposal. Another anec- paper. The author thus tried to change the title in the final version dote [105] pertains to the Special Interest Group on Management of the paper, but the program chairs had instated a rule that any of Data (SIGMOD) 2010 conference where, out of 350 submissions, changes in the title must individually be approved by the program there was only one paper with all reviews “accept” or higher, and chairs. The author thus contacted the program chairs to change the only four papers with average review of “accept” or higher. title, and then the program chairs noticed the inconsistency. There are other types of miscalibration as well. For instance, an analysis of several conferences [99] found that the distribution across the rating options varies highly with the scale used. For 5 MISCALIBRATION instance, in a conference that used options {1, 2, 3, ..., 10} for the Reviewers are often asked to provide assessments of papers in ratings, the amount of usage of each option was relatively smooth terms of ratings, and these ratings form an integral part of the across the options. On the other hand, in a conference that used final decisions. However, it is well known [96–102] that the same options {1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, ..., 5}, the “.5” options were rarely used by the rating may have different meanings for different individuals: “A reviewers. raw rating of 7 out of 10 in the absence of any other information There are two popular approaches towards addressing the prob- is potentially useless” [96]. In the context of peer review, some lem of miscalibration across individual reviewers. The first ap- reviewers are lenient and generally provide high ratings whereas proach [106–112] is to make simplifying assumptions on the nature some others are strict and rarely give high ratings; some reviewers of the miscalibration, for instance, assuming that these miscalibra- are more moderate and tend to give borderline ratings whereas tion is linear or affine. Past works taking this approach assume others provide ratings at the extremes; etc. that each paper 푝 has some “true” underlying rating 휃푝 , that each Miscalibration causes arbitrariness and unfairness in the peer- reviewer 푟 has two “miscalibration parameters” 푎푟 > 0 and 푏푟 , and review process [98]: “the existence of disparate categories of review- that the rating given by any reviewer 푟 to any paper 푝 is given by ers creates the potential for unfair treatment of authors. Those whose 푎 휃∗ + 푏 + noise. papers are sent by chance to assassins/demoters are at an unfair disad- 푟 푝 푟 vantage, while zealots/pushovers give authors an unfair advantage.” These algorithms then use the ratings to estimate the “true” paper Miscalibration may also occur if there is a mismatch between ratings 휃 (and possibly also reviewer parameters). the conference’s overall expectations and reviewers’ individual The simplistic assumptions described above are frequently vio- expectations. As a concrete example, the NeurIPS 2016 conference lated in the real world [101, 113]; see Figure 8 for an illustration. asked reviewers to rate papers according to four criteria on a scale of Algorithms based on such assumptions were tried in some con- 1 through 5 (where 5 is best), and specified an expectation regarding ferences, but based on manual inspection by the program chairs, each value on the scale. However, as shown in Table 1, there was were found to perform poorly. For instance: “We experimented with a significant difference between the expectations and the ratings reviewer normalization and generally found it significantly harm- given by reviewers [37]. For instance, the program chairs asked ful” in the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) reviewers to give a rating of 3 or better if the reviewer considered the 2012 [114]. paper to lie in the top 30% of all submissions, but the actual number A second popular approach [96, 97, 100, 102, 115, 116] towards of reviews with the rating 3 or better was nearly 60%. Eventually the handling miscalibrations is via rankings: either ask reviewers to conference accepted approximately 22% of the submitted papers. give a ranking of the papers they are reviewing (instead of providing A frequently-discussed problem that contrasts with the afore- ratings), or alternatively, use the rankings obtained by converting mentioned general leniency of reviewers is that of “hypercritical- any reviewer’s ratings into a ranking of their reviewed papers. ity” [103, 104]. Hypercriticality refers to tendency of reviewers Using rankings instead of ratings “becomes very important when to be extremely harsh. This problem is found particularly preva- we combine the rankings of many viewers who often use completely lent in computer science, for instance, with proposals submitted different ranges of scores to express identical preferences” [97]. to the computer science directorate of the U.S. National Science Ratings can provide some information even in isolation. It was Foundation (NSF) receiving reviews with ratings about 0.4 lower shown recently [117] that even if the miscalibration is arbitrary 7 1 2 3 4 5 (low or very low) (sub-standard) (poster level: top 30%) (oral level: top 3%) (award level: top 0.1%) Impact 6.5 % 36.1 % 45.7 % 10.5 % 1.1 % Quality 6.7 % 38.0 % 44.7 % 9.5 % 1.1 % Novelty 6.4 % 34.8 % 48.1 % 9.7 % 1.1 % Clarity 7.1 % 28.0 % 48.6 % 14.6 % 1.8 % Table 1: Distribution of review ratings in NeurIPS 2016 [37]. The column headings contain the guidelines provided to reviewers.

or adversarially chosen, unquantized ratings can yield better re- all (comparable) papers should be judged by the same yardstick. sults than rankings alone. While the algorithms designed in the This issue is known as “commensuration bias” [21]. paper [117] are primarily of theoretical interest, an interesting As a toy example, suppose three reviewers consider empirical aspect is that their guarantees are based on randomized decisions.3 performance of any proposed algorithm as most important, whereas Rankings also have their benefits. In NeurIPS 2016, out ofall most others highly regard novelty. Then a novel paper whose pro- pairs of papers reviewed by the same reviewer, the reviewer gave posed algorithm has a modest empirical performance is rejected if an identical rating to both papers for 40% of the pairs [37]. In reviewed by these three reviewers but would have been accepted such situations, rankings can help break ties among these papers, by any other set of reviewers. Concretely, as revealed in a survey and this approach was followed in the ICML 2021 conference. A of reviewers [125], more than 50% of reviewers say that even if the second benefit of rankings is to check for possible inconsistencies. community thinks a certain characteristic of a manuscript is good, For instance, the NeurIPS 2016 conference elicited rankings from if the reviewer’s own opinion is negative about that characteristic, reviewers on an experimental basis. They then compared these it will count against the paper; about 18% say this can also lead them rankings with the ratings given by the reviewers. They found that to reject the paper. The paper’s fate thus depends on the subjective 96 (out of 2425) reviewers had rated some paper as strictly better preference of the assigned reviewers. than another on all four criteria, but reversed the pair in the overall The program chairs of the AAAI 2013 conference recognized ranking [37]. this problem of commensuration bias. With an admirable goal of Addressing miscalibration in peer review is a wide-open problem. ensuring a uniform policy of how individual criteria are aggregated The small per-reviewer sample sizes due to availability of only a into an overall recommendation across all papers and reviewers, handful of reviews per reviewer is a key obstacle: for example, if a they announced specific rules on how reviewers should aggregate reviewer reviews just three papers and gives low ratings, it is hard their ratings on the 8 criteria into an overall rating. The goal was to infer from this data as to whether the reviewer is generally strict. commendable, however, the handcrafted rules did not always work This impediment calls for designing protocols or privacy-preserving well. For example [120], on a scale of 1 to 6 (where 6 is best), one algorithms that allow conferences to share some reviewer-specific rule required giving an overall rating of “strong accept” if a paper calibration data with one another in order to calibrate better. received a rating of 5 or 6 for some criterion, and did not get a 1 for any criteria. This may seem reasonable at first, but looking at 6 SUBJECTIVITY it more carefully, it implies a strong acceptance for any paper that A number of issues pertaining to reviewers’ personal subjective receives a 5 for the criterion of clarity, but receives a low rating of 2 preferences exist in peer review. We begin with a discussion on in every other criterion. More generally, specifying a set of rules for commensuration bias towards which several approaches have been aggregation of 8 criteria amounts to specifying an 8-dimensional proposed, including a computational mitigating technique. We then function, which can be challenging to craft by hand. discuss other issues pertaining to subjectivity which may bene- Due to concerns about commensuration bias, the NeurIPS 2016 fit from the design of computational mitigating methods and/or conference did not ask reviewers to provide any overall ratings. A human-centric approaches of better reviewer guidelines and train- similar recommendation has been made in the natural language ing. processing community [126]. NeurIPS 2016 instead asked reviewers to only rate papers on certain criteria and left the aggregation to 6.1 Commensuration bias meta reviewers. This approach can however lead to arbitrariness due to the differences in the aggregation approaches followed by Program chairs of conferences often provide criteria to reviewers different meta reviewers. for judging papers. However, different reviewers have different, sub- A recent work [120] proposes an algorithmic solution to this jective opinions about the relative importance of various criteria in problem. They consider peer-review settings where reviewers are judging papers [121–124]. The overall evaluation of a paper then asked to rate papers on a specified set of criteria as well as provide depends on the individual reviewer’s preference on how to aggre- an overall rating. Commensuration bias implies that each reviewer gate the evaluations for the individual criteria. This dependence on has their own subjective mapping of criteria to overall ratings. The factors exogenous to the paper’s content results in arbitrariness in key idea behind the proposed approach is to use machine learning the review process. On the other hand, in order to ensure fairness, and social choice theory to learn how the body of reviewers—at an 3Interestingly, randomized decisions are used in practice by certain funding agencies aggregate level—map criteria to overall ratings. The algorithm then to allocate grants [118, 119]. applies this learned mapping to the criteria ratings in each review 8 (c) (a) (b)

Figure 9: Mapping of individual criteria to overall ratings by reviewers in IJCAI 2017 [120]. The conference used five criteria, and hence the mapping is five-dimensional. The figure plots representative two-dimensional cross sections of the mapping of the following pairs of criteria to overall ratings: (a) writing and relevance, (b) significance and technical quality, and (c) originality and relevance. in order to obtain a second set of overall ratings. The conference According to [133], reviewers “simply do not fight so hard for sub- management system would then augment the reviewer-provided jects that are not close to their hearts”. In contrast, the paper [134] overall ratings with those computed using the learned mapping, ran a controlled study where they observed an opposite effect that with the primary benefit that the latter ratings are computed viathe reviewers gave lower scores to topics more closer to their own same mapping for all (comparable) papers. The mapping learned via research areas. this approach from the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI conference) 2017 is shown in Figure 9. Observe 6.3 Acceptance via obfuscation (“Dr. Fox that interestingly, the significance and technical quality have a effect”) high (and near-linear) influence on the overall recommendations A controlled study [135] asked reviewers to each rate one passage, whereas writing and relevance have a large plateau in the middle. where the readability of these passages was varied across review- A limitation of this approach is that it assumes that reviewers first ers but the content remained the same. The study found that the think about ratings for individual criteria and then merge them to passages which were harder to read were rated higher in research give an overall rating; in practice, however, some reviewers may competence. No wonder researchers often make tongue-in-cheek first arrive at an overall opinion and reverse engineer ratings for remarks about “acceptance via obfuscation”! individual criteria that can justify their overall opinion.

6.2 and 6.4 Surprisingness and A controlled study by Mahoney [121] asked reviewers to each assess One criteria that reviewers often use in their judgment of a paper a fictitious manuscript. The contents of the manuscripts sentto is the paper’s informativeness or surprisingness. Anecdotally, it is different reviewers were identical in their reported experimental not uncommon to see reviews criticizing a paper as “the results are procedures but differed in their reported results. The study found not surprising.” But are the results as unsurprising as the reviewers that reviewers were strongly biased against papers with results claim them to be? Slovic and Fischhoff [136] conducted a controlled that contradicted the reviewers’ own prior views. Interestingly, the study to investigate reviewers’ perceptions of surprisingness. They difference in the results section also manifested in other aspects: divided the participants in the study randomly into two groups: a a manuscript whose results agreed with the reviewer’s views was “foresight” group and a “hindsight” group. Each participant in the more likely to be rated as methodologically better, as having a better foresight group was shown a fictitious manuscript which contained data presentation, and the reviewer was less likely to catch mistakes the description of an experiment but not the results. There results in the paper, even though these components were identical across could take two possible values. Each participant in the hindsight the manuscripts.4 Confirmation biases have also been found in group were shown the manuscript containing the description as other studies [128, 129]. well as the result. The result of the manuscript shown to any partic- A related challenge is that of “homophily,” that is, reviewers of- ipant was chosen randomly as one of the two possible values. The ten favor topics which are familiar to them [130–132]. For instance, foresight participants were then asked to assess how surprising a study [130] found that “Where reviewer and [submission] were each of the two possible results would seem were they obtained, affiliated with the same general disciplinary category, peer ratings whereas the foresight subjects were asked to assess the surprising- were better (mean = 1.73 [lower is better]); where they differed, ness of the result obtained. peer ratings were significantly worse (mean = 2.08; p = 0.008)”. The study found that the participants in the hindsight group gen- erally found the results less surprising than the foresight group. The 4According to Mahoney [127], for this study, “the emotional intensity and resistance of hindsight subjects also found the study as more replicable. There is several participants were expressed in the form of charges of ethical misconduct and thus a downward bias in the perception of surprisingness when a attempts to have me fired. Several editors later informed me that correspondence from my office was given special scrutiny for some time thereafter to ascertain whetherI reviewer has read the results, as compared to what they would have was secretly studying certain parameters of their operation.” prior to doing so. The study also found that the difference between 9 hindsight and foresight reduces if the hindsight participants are Single blind Review: Double blind Review: additional asked a counterfactual question of what they would have A Principled Interpretation of Minion Speak A Principled Interpretation of Minion Speak thought had the reported result been different. Slovic and Fischhoff S. Overkill and F. Gru Anonymous Authors Cartoony Minion University Anonymous Affiliation thus suggest that when writing manuscripts, authors may stress the unpredictability of the results and make the reader think about In this paper we present a new understanding of… In this paper we present a new understanding of… the counterfactual. Figure 10: An illustration of a paper as seen by a reviewer under single blind versus double blind peer review. 6.5 Hindering novelty Peer review is said to hinder novel research [122]: “Reviewers love safe (boring) papers, ideally on a topic that has been discussed before In order to mitigate these issues in evaluating interdisciplinary (ad nauseam)...The process discourages growth”. Naughton makes a proposals, program chairs, meta-reviewers and reviewers can be noteworthy point regarding one reason for this problem: “Today made aware of these issues in evaluating interdisciplinary research. reviewing is like grading: When grading exams, zero credit goes for One should try, to the extent possible, to assign reviewers that indi- thinking of the question. When grading exams, zero credit goes for a vidually span the breadth of the submission [130]. In cases where novel approach to solution. (Good) reviewing: acknowledges that the that is not possible, one may use computational tools (Section 3) question can be the major contribution. (Good) reviewing: acknowl- to inform meta-reviewers and program chairs of submissions that edges that a novel approach can be more important than the existence are interdisciplinary and the relationship of reviewers to the sub- of the solution” [105]. The bias against papers that are novel but mission (e.g., that reviewers as a whole cover all disciplines of the imperfect can incentivize researchers to work on only mediocre paper, but no reviewer individually does so). The criteria of accep- ideas [90]. tance may also be reconsidered: program chairs and meta-reviewers The paper [134] presents an evaluation the effects of novelty of sometimes emphasize accepting a paper only when at least one submissions on the reviews. A key question in conducting such an reviewer champions it (and this may naturally occur in face-to-face evaluation is how to define novelty? This study defines novelty in panel discussions where a paper is favored only if some panelist terms of the combination of keywords given by a professional sci- speaks up for it) [141]. The aforementioned discussion suggests this ence librarian (not affiliated with the authors) to each submission, approach will disadvantage interdisciplinary papers [130]. Instead, relative to the literature. They find a negative relationship between the decisions should incorporate the bias that reviewers in any in- review scores and novelty. Delving deeper, they find that this nega- dividual discipline are less likely to champion an interdisciplinary tive relationship is largely driven by the most novel proposals. On paper than a paper of comparable quality that is fully in their own the other hand, at low levels of novelty they observe an increase in discipline. scores with an increase in novelty. 7 BIASES PERTAINING TO AUTHOR 6.6 Interdisciplinary research IDENTITIES Interdisciplinary research is considered a bigger evaluation chal- In 2015, two women researchers, Megan Head and Fiona Ingleby lenge, and at a disadvantage, as compared to disciplinary research [1, submitted a paper to the PLOS ONE journal. A review they re- 123, 130, 131, 133, 137–140]. There are various reasons for this (in ceived read: “It would probably be beneficial to find one or two male addition to algorithmic challenges discussed in Section 3). First, it researchers to work with (or at least obtain internal peer review from, is often hard to find reviewers who individually have expertise in but better yet as active co-authors)” [142]. This is an example – albeit each of the multiple disciplines of the submission [130, 140]. Second, quite explicit and egregious – of reviews being influenced by the if there are such reviewers, there may be only a few in that inter- identity of the authors. disciplinary area, thereby “leading to dangers of inbreeding” [130]. Such biases with respect to author identities are widely debated Third, reviewers often favor topics that are familiar to them (“ho- in computer science and elsewhere. These debates have led to two mophily” discussed in Section 6.2). For disciplinary reviewers, the types of peer-review processes: single-blind reviewing where re- other discipline of an interdisciplinary paper may be unfamiliar. viewers are shown authors’ identities, and double-blind reviewing Fourth, if a set of reviewers is chosen simply to ensure “coverage” where author identities are hidden from reviewers (see Figure 10 where there is one reviewer for each discipline in the submission, for an illustration). In both settings, the reviewer identities are not then each reviewer has a veto power because their scientific opin- revealed to authors. ions cannot be challenged by other reviewers [137]. Moreover, a A primary argument against single blind reviewing is that it may multidisciplinary review team can have difficulties reconciling dif- cause the review to be biased with respect to the authors’ identities. ferent perspectives [137]. A fifth challenge is that of expectations. On the other hand, arguments against double blind include: effort to To evaluate interdisciplinary research, the “most common approach make a manuscript double blind, efficacy of double blinding (since is to prioritize disciplinary standards, premised on the understand- many manuscripts are posted with author identities on preprint ing that interdisciplinary quality is ultimately dependent on the servers and social media), hindrance in checking (self-)plagiarism excellence of the contributing specialized component” [138]. Con- and conflicts of interest, and the use of author identities as aguar- sequently, “interdisciplinary work needs to simultaneously satisfy antee of trust for the details that reviewers have not been able to expert criteria in its disciplines as well as generalist criteria” [123]. check carefully. In addition, the debate over single-vs-double blind 10 paper [153] considers the splitting of the reviewer pool in two conditions in terms of the tradeoff between experimental design and the assignment quality. A uniform random split of reviewers is natural for experimental design, they find that such a random split is also nearly optimal in terms of the assignment quality as compared to any other way of splitting the reviewer pool. Making reviewing double blind can mitigate these biases, but may not fully eliminate them. Reviewers in three double-blind conferences were asked to guess the authors of the papers they were reviewing [154]. The reviewers were asked to provide this Single blind group Double blind group information separately with their reviews, and this information would be visible only to the program chairs. No author guesses were Figure 11: The WSDM 2017 experiment [143] comparing sin- provided alongside 70%-86% of the reviews (it is not clear whether gle and double blind reviewing. an absence of a guess indicates that the reviewer did not have a guess or if they did not wish to answer the question). However, reviewing rests on the frequently-asked question: “Where is the among those reviews which did contain an author guess, 72%-85% evidence of bias in single-blind reviewing in my field of research?” guessed at least one author correctly. In the conference-review setting, a remarkable experiment was In many research communities, it is common to upload papers conducted at the Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) 2017 con- on preprint servers such as arXiv before it is reviewed. For instance, ference [143] which had 500 submitted papers and 1987 reviewers. 54% of all submissions to the NeurIPS 2019 conference were posted The reviewers were split randomly into two groups: a single-blind on arXiv and 21% of these submissions were seen by at least one group and a double-blind group. Every paper was assigned two reviewer [155]. These preprints contain information about the reviewers each from both groups (see Figure 11). This experimental authors, thereby potentially revealing the identities of the authors design allowed for a direct comparison of single blind and dou- to reviewers. Based on these observations, one may be tempted to ble blind reviews for each paper without requiring any additional disallow authors from posting their manuscripts to preprint servers reviewing for the purpose of the experiment. The study found a or elsewhere before they are accepted. However, one must tread significant bias in favor of famous authors, top universities, and this line carefully. First, such an embargo can hinder the progress top companies. Moreover, it found a non-negligible effect size but of research. Second, the effectiveness of such prohibition is unclear. not statistically significant bias against papers with at least one Studies have shown that the content of the submitted paper can woman author (a meta-analysis combining other studies found such give clues about the identity of the authors. As one such exam- a bias to be statistically significant). The study did not find evidence ple, Matsubara et al. [156] designed a machine learning algorithm of bias with respect to papers from the , nor when that can identify author identity or affiliations to a moderate de- reviewers were from the same country as the authors, nor with gree based on the references in the paper. The aforementioned respect to academic (versus industrial) institutions. The WSDM survey [154] forms another example. Third, due to such factors, conference moved to double-blind reviewing the following year. papers by famous authors may still be accepted at higher rates, Another study [144] did not involve a controlled experiment, but while disadvantaged authors’ papers neither get accepted nor can leveraged the fact that the ICLR conference switched from single be put up on preprint servers like arXiv. In fast-moving fields, this blind to double blind reviewing in 2018. Analyzing both reviewer- could also result in their work being scooped while they await a provided ratings and the text of reviews, the study found evidence conference acceptance. of bias with respect to the affiliation of authors but not with respect The aforementioned results augment a vast body of literature to gender. 5 in various scientific fields investigating biases pertaining to author Such studies have also prompted a focus on careful design of identities. The study [157] finds gender bias, [158] finds biases with experimental methods and measurement algorithms to evaluate respect to gender and personal connections, [159] finds bias with biases in peer review, while mitigating confounding factors that respect to race, whereas the study [160] finds little evidence of may arise due to the complexity of the peer-review process. For gender or racial bias. Several studies [161–164] find bias in favor of instance, an investigation [150] of bias with respect to authors’ authors’ status. In particular, [164] observes a significant bias for fame in the SIGMOD conference did not reveal bias, but subse- brief reports but not for major papers. This observation suggests quently an analysis on the same dataset using the same methods that reviewers tend to use author characteristics more when less except for using medians instead of means revealed existence of information about the research is available. The study [165] finds fame biases [151]. The paper [152] discusses some challenges in weak evidence of country and institution bias when scientists eval- the methods employed in the aforementioned WSDM experiment uate abstracts. Bias with respect to author fame is also investigated and provides a framework for design of such experiments. The in [162], which finds that the top and bottom institutions’ papers unaffected, but those in the middle were affected. On a similar vein, 5Regarding analysis of review text, some recent works analyze arguments [145, 146] the study [166] suggests that “evaluation of absolutely outstanding and sentiments [147–149] in the textual reviews. With tremendous progress in natural articles will not be biased, but articles of ambiguous merit may be language processing in recent times, there is a wide scope for much more research on evaluating various aspects of the review process via deeper studies of the text of the judged based on the author’s gender.” The study [167] finds that reviews. 11 blinding reviewers to the author’s identity does not usefully im- prove the quality of reviews. Surveys of researchers [12, 13] reveal that double blind review is preferred and perceived as most effective. Finally, studies [168–170] have found a significant gender skew in terms of representation in computer science conferences. These studies provide valuable quantitative information towards policy Control condition Test condition choices and tradeoffs on blinded reviewing. That brings us toour next discussion on norms and policies. Figure 12: Experiment to evaluate resubmission bias [180]: paper shown to reviewers in the control and test conditions. 8 NORMS AND POLICIES The norms and policies in any community or conference can affect A controlled experiment [180] in conjunction with the ICML the efficiency of peer review and the ability to achieve its goals. We 2020 conference tested for such a “resubmission bias” on a popula- discuss a few of them here. tion of novice reviewers. Each reviewer was randomly shown one of two versions of a paper to review (Figure 12): one version indicated 8.1 Author incentives that the paper was previously rejected at another conference while The rapid increase in the number of submissions in various confer- the other version contained no such information. Reviewers gave ences has prompted policies that incentivize authors to “self censor” almost one point lower rating on a 10-point scale for the overall and submit papers only when they are of suitable quality [90]. evaluation of a paper when they were told that a paper was a resub- mission. In terms of specific review criteria, reviewers underrated Open Review. It is said that authors submitting a below-par paper “Paper Quality” the most. The existence of such a resubmission have little to lose but lots to gain: hardly anyone will see the below- bias has prompted a rethinking of the resubmission-related policies par version if it gets rejected, whereas the arbitrariness in the about who (reviewers or meta-reviewers or program chairs) has peer-review process gives it some chance of acceptance. information about the resbumission and when (from the beginning Some conferences are adopting an “open review” approach to or after they submit their initial review). peer review, where all submitted papers and their reviews (but not reviewer identities) are made public. A prominent example is Rolling deadlines. In conferences with a fixed deadline, a large frac- the OpenReview.net conference management system in computer tion of submissions are made on or very near the deadline [171]. science. Examples outside computer science include scipost.org and This observation suggests that removing deadlines (or in other f1000research.com, where the latter is one of the few venues that words, having a “rolling deadline”), wherein a paper is reviewed also publishes reviewer identities. A survey [171] of participants whenever it is submitted, may allow authors ample time to write at the ICLR 2013 conference, which was conducted on OpenRe- their paper as best as they can before submission, instead of cram- view.net and was one of the first to adopt the open review format, ming right before the fixed deadline. The flexibility offered by pointed to increased accountability of authors as well as reviewers rolling deadlines may have additional benefits such as helping in this open format. An open reviewing approach also increases the researchers better deal with personal constraints, and allowing a transparency of the review process, and provides more information more balanced sharing of resources such as compute (otherwise to the public about the perceived merits/demerits of a paper rather everyone attempts to use the compute clusters right before the than just a binary accept/reject decision [90]. Additionally, the pub- deadline). lic nature of the reviews has yielded useful datasets for research on The U.S. National Science Foundation experimented with this peer review [144, 172–177]. idea in certain programs [181]. The number of submitted proposals Alongside these benefits, the open-review format can also result reduced drastically from 804 in one year in which there were two in some drawbacks. We discuss one such issue next, related to public fixed deadlines, to just 327 in the subsequent 11 months when there visibility of rejected papers. was a rolling deadline.

Resubmission policies. It is estimated that every year, 15 million 8.2 Review quality hours of researchers’ time is spent in reviewing papers that are Reviewer training. While researchers are trained to do research, eventually rejected [178]. A large fraction of papers accepted at top there is little training for peer review. As a consequence, a sizeable conferences are previously rejected at least once [179]. To reuse fraction of reviews do not conform to basic standards, such as review effort, many conferences are adopting policies where au- reviewing the paper and not the authors, supporting criticisms thors of a paper must provide past rejection information along with with evidence, and being polite. the submission. For instance, the IJCAI 2020 conference required Several initiatives and experiments have looked to address this authors to prepend their submission with details of any previous re- challenge. Shadow program committee programs have been con- jections including prior reviews and the revisions made by authors. ducted alongside several conferences such as the Special Interest While these policies are well-intentioned towards ensuring that Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) 2005 conference [182] authors do actually revise their papers and do not simply ignore and IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) 2017 [183]. reviewer comments, the information of previous rejection could Recently, the ICML 2020 conference adopted a method to select bias the reviewers. and then mentor junior reviewers, who would not have been asked 12 to review otherwise, with a motivation of expanding the reviewer are far more likely to positively evaluate a review when the re- pool in order to address the large volume of submissions [184]. An view expresses a positive opinion of the paper. “Satisfaction [of analysis of their reviews revealed that the junior reviewers were the author with the review] had a strong, positive association with more engaged through various stages of the process as compared acceptance of the manuscript for publication... Quality of the review to conventional reviewers. Moreover, the conference asked meta of the manuscript was not associated with author satisfaction” [192]. reviewers to rate all reviews, and 30% of reviews written by ju- See also [193–195] for more evidence of this bias, [196] for a case nior reviewers received the highest ratings by meta reviewers, in where no such bias was found, and [197] for some initial work on contrast to 14% for the main pool. this bias. Training reviewers at the beginning of their careers is a good start, but may not be enough. There is some evidence [185, 186] 8.3 Author rebuttal that quality of an individual’s review falls over time (at a slow but Many conferences allow authors to provide a rebuttal to the re- steady rate) possibly because of increasing time constraints or in views. The reviewers are supposed to accommodate these rebuttals reaction to poor-quality reviews they themselves receive. and revise their reviews accordingly. There is considerable debate Evaluating correctness. An important objective of peer review is regarding the usefulness of this rebuttal process. The upside of to filter out bad or incorrect science. We discuss controlled studies rebuttals is that they allow authors to clarify misconceptions in the that evaluate how well peer review achieves this objective. review and answer any questions posed by reviewers. The down- Baxt et al. [187] created a fictitious manuscript and deliberately sides are the time and effort by authors, that reviewers may not read placed 10 major and 13 minor errors in it. This manuscript was the rebuttal, and that they will not change their mind (“anchoring”). reviewed by about 200 reviewers: 15 recommended acceptance, 117 We discuss a few studies that have investigated the rebuttal process. rejection, and 67 recommended the submission of a revised version An analysis of the NAACL 2015 conference found that the re- of the manuscript. The number of errors identified differed signifi- buttal did not alter reviewers’ opinions much [196]. Most (87%) cantly across recommended disposition. The reviewers identified review scores did not change after the rebuttals, and among those one-third of the major errors on average, but failed to identify two- which did, scores were nearly as likely to go down as up. Further- thirds of the major errors. Moreover, 68% of the reviewers did not more, the review text did not change for 80% of the reviews. The realize that the conclusions of the manuscript were not supported analysis further found that the probability of acceptance of a paper by the results. was nearly identical for the papers which submitted a rebuttal as Godlee et al [188] modified a manuscript to deliberately introduce compared to the papers for which did not. An analysis of NeurIPS 8 weaknesses. This modified manuscript was reviewed by over 200 2016 found that fewer than 10% of reviews changed scores after reviewers, who on average identified 2 weaknesses. There was no the rebuttal [37]. An analysis of ACL 2017 found that the scores difference in terms of single versus double blind reviewing andin changed after rebuttals in about 15-20% of cases and the change terms of whether reviewer names were revealed publicly. was positive in twice as many cases as negative [198]. These results suggest that while peer review does filter out bad The paper [199] designs a model to predict post-rebuttal scores science to some extent, perhaps more emphasis may need to be based on initial reviews and the authors’ rebuttals. They find that placed on evaluating correctness rather than interestingness. the rebuttal has a marginal (but statistically significant) influence Reviewer incentives and evaluation. Many researchers have sug- on the final scores, particularly for borderline papers. They also gested introducing policies in which reviewers earn points (or pos- find that the final score given by a reviewer is largely dependent sibly money) for reviewing, and these points count for promotional on their initial score and the scores given by other reviewers for evaluations or can be a required currency to get their own pa- that paper.6 pers reviewed. As with any other real-world deployment, the devil Two surveys find researchers to have favorable views of the would lie in the details. Some research communities (largely out- rebuttal process. In a survey [179] of authors of accepted papers at side computer science) use a commercial system called Publons 56 computer systems conferences, 89.7% of respondents found the where reviewers receive points to review a paper. However, there author rebuttal process helpful. Non-native English speakers found is mixed evidence of its usefulness, and moreover, there is evidence it helpful at a slightly higher rate. Interestingly, the authors who of reviewers trying to get points by providing superficial or poor found the rebuttal process as helpful are only half as experienced reviews [189]. If not done carefully, an introduction of any such (in terms of publication records, career stage, as well as program system can significantly skew the motivations for reviewing [190] committee participation) as compared to the set of authors who did and lead to other problems. not find it helpful. Another often-made suggestion is to ask meta-reviewers or other A survey [183] at the IEEE S&P 2017 conference asked authors reviewers to review the reviewers [191] in order to allocate points whether they feel they could have convinced the reviewers to accept for high-quality reviews. A key concern though is that if the points the paper with a rebuttal or a by submitting a revised version of will be applied in any high-stakes setting, then the biases and prob- the paper. About 75% chose revision whereas 25% chose rebuttal. lems in reviewing papers are likely to arise in reviewing of re- Interestingly, for a question asking authors whether they would viewers as well. An alternative option is to ask authors to evaluate prefer a new set of reviewers or the same set if they were to revise the reviews. Indeed, one may argue that authors have the best understanding of their papers and that authors have skin in the 6The paper [199] concludes “Peer pressure” to be “the most important factor of score change”. This claim should be interpreted with caution as there is no evidence presented game. Unfortunately, another bias comes into play here: authors for this causal claim. The reader may instead refer to the controlled experiment by Teplitsky et al. [200] on this topic discussed subsequently in Section 8.4. 13 and resubmit their manuscript, about 40% voted for a random mix 0.6 of new and same, little over 10% voted for same, and a little over 20% voted for new reviewers. 0.5

In order to improve the rebuttal process, a suggestion was made ) ⍺ 0.4 long ago by Porter and Rossini [130] in the context of evaluating interdisciplinary papers. They suggested that reviewers should not 0.3 be asked to provide a rating with their initial reviews, but only after reading the authors’ rebuttal. This suggestion may apply more 0.2 broadly to all papers, but the low reviewer-participation rates in Krippendorff’s discussions and rebuttals surfaces the concern that some reviewers ( 0.1 may not return to the system to provide the final rating. Some agreement of Amount conferences such as ICLR take a different approach to rebuttals 0 by allowing a continual discussion between reviewers and authors rather than a single-shot rebuttal. -0.1 Across panels, The rebuttal process is immediately followed by a discussion Independent Within panel, reviews after discussion among the reviewers. One may think that the submission of a after discussion rebuttal by authors of a paper would spur more discussion for the paper, as compared to when authors choose to not submit a rebuttal. Figure 13: Amount of agreement before and after discus- The NAACL 2015 analysis [196] suggests absence of such a relation. sions [204] in terms of the Krippendorff’s alpha coefficient = − amount of observed disagreement This brings us to the topic of discussions among reviewers. 훼 1 amount of disagreement expected by chance . (Left bar) inde- pendent reviews submitted by reviewers have a low agree- ment, (middle bar) the agreement among reviewers within any panel significantly increases after discussions among re- 8.4 Discussions and group dynamics viewers within the panel, and (right bar) after discussions After submitting the initial reviews, reviewers of a paper are often within each panel, the agreement across panels is negative allowed to see each others’ reviews. The reviewers and the meta indicating a slight disagreement. reviewer then engage in a discussion in order to arrive at a final decision. These discussions could occur over video conferencing, a typed forum, or in person, with various tradeoffs [201] between across panels does not decrease after discussions, and instead often 7 these modes. We discuss a few studies on this topic. increases. Please see Figure 13 for more details. Influence of other reviewers. Teplitskiy et al. [200] conducted a The paper [206] performed a similar study in the peer review controlled study that exposed reviewers to artificial ratings from of hospital quality, and reached similar conclusions: “discussion other reviews. They found that 47% of the time, reviewers updated between reviewers does not improve reliability of peer review.” their ratings. Moreover, women reviewers updated their ratings 13% The above observations indicate the need for a careful look at more frequently than men, and more so when they worked in male- the protocols for interactions between reviewers and the eventual dominated fields. Ratings that were initially high were updated decision-making process based on reviewer interactions. downward 64% of the time, whereas ratings that were initially low Herding effects. Past research on human decision-making finds were updated upward only 24% of the time. that the decision of a group can be biased towards the opinion of the Do panel discussions improve consistency? Several studies [202– group member who initiates the discussions. Such a “herding” effect 204] conduct controlled experiments in the peer review of grant in discussions can undesirably influence the final decisions in peer proposals to quantify the reliability of the process. The peer-review review. In ML/AI conferences, there is no specified policy on who process studied here involves discussions among reviewers in pan- initiates the discussions, and this decision can be at the discretion of els. In each panel, reviewers first submit independent reviews, fol- the meta reviewer or reviewers. A large-scale controlled experiment lowing which the panel engages in a discussion about the proposal, conducted at the ICML 2020 conference studied the existence of a and reviewers can update their opinions. These studies reveal the “herding” effect [207]. The study investigated the question: Doesthe following three findings. First, reviewers have quite a high level of final decision of the paper depend on the order in which reviewers disagreement with each other in their independent reviews. Second, join the discussion? They partitioned the papers at random into the inter-reviewer disagreement within a panel decreases consid- two groups. In one group, the most positive reviewer was asked erably after the discussions. This observation may to suggest that to start the discussion, then later the most negative reviewer was discussions actually improve the quality of peer review. After all, asked to contribute to the discussion. In the second group, the most it appears that the wisdom of all reviewers is being aggregated to negative reviewer was asked to start the discussion, then later the make a more “accurate” decision. To quantify this aspect, these most positive reviewer was asked to contribute. The study found studies form multiple panels to evaluate each proposal, where each 7In computer science, an experiment was carried out at the NeurIPS 2014 confer- panel independently conducts the entire review process including ence [205] to measure the arbitrariness in the peer-review process. In this experiment, the discussion. The studies then measure the amount of disagree- 10% of the submissions were assigned to two independent committees, each tasked with the goal of accepting 22% of the papers. It was found that 57% of papers accepted by ment in the outcomes of the different panels for the same proposal. one committee were rejected by the other. However, details of relative inter-committee Their third finding is that, surprisingly, the level of disagreement disagreements before and after the discussions are not known. 14 no difference in the outcomes of the papers in the two groups. should have been accepted to the conference under an “ideal” peer- The absence of a “herding” effect in peer review discussions thus review process. There are no agreed-upon standards of the objec- suggests that from this perspective, the current absence of any tives on how to measure the quality of peer review, thereby making policy for choosing the discussion initiator does not hurt. quantitative analyses challenging: “having precise objectives for the Survey of reviewers. There are various conferences and grant analysis is one of the key and hardest challenges as it is often un- proposal evaluations in which the entire pool of reviewers meets clear and debatable to define what it means for peer review tobe together (either in person or online) to discuss all papers. The effective” [99, 225]. One can evaluate individual modules of peer IEEE S&P 2017 conference was one such conference, and here review and specific biases, as discussed in this article, but there we discuss a survey of its reviewers [183]. The survey asked the is no well-defined measure of how a certain solution affected the reviewers how often they participated in the discussions of papers entire process. Proxies such as subsequent citations (of accepted that they themselves did not review. Out of the respondents, about versus rejected papers) are sometimes employed, but they face a 48% responded that they did not engage in the discussions of any slew of other biases and problems [90, 226–230]. other paper, and fewer than 15% reported engaging in discussions A second challenge is the unavailability of data: “The main reason of over two other papers. On the other hand, for the question of behind the lack of empirical studies on peer-review is the difficulty whether the meeting contributed to the quality of the final decisions, in accessing data” [63]. Research on improving peer review can a little over 70% of respondents thought that the discussions did significantly benefit from the availability of more data pertaining improve the quality. to peer review. However, a large part of the peer review data is sensitive since the reviewer identities for each paper, as well as other data such as the bids, are usually kept confidential. For instance, the 8.5 Other aspects paper [143] on the aforementioned WSDM 2017 experiment states: “We would prefer to make available the raw data used in our study, but Various other aspects pertaining to peer review are under focus, after some effort we have not been able to devise an anonymization that are not covered in detail here. This includes the (low) accep- scheme that will simultaneously protect the identities of the parties tance rates at conferences [90, 122], various problems surrounding involved and allow accurate aggregate statistical analysis. We are the reproducibility crisis [208, 209] (including reviewers being bi- familiar with the literature around privacy preserving dissemination ased towards accepting positive results [210, 211], HARKing [212], of data for statistical analysis and feel that releasing our data is not and data withholding [213]), desk rejection [155], socio-political possible using current state-of-the-art techniques.” Designing policies issues [214], post-publication review [215], reviewer forms [37, 216], and privacy-preserving computational tools to enable research on two-stage reviewing [52, 153, 217], alternative modes of review- such data is a useful open problem [84, 231]. ing [7, 218], and others [126], including calls to abolish peer review Nevertheless, there is increasing interest among research com- altogether [219]. munities and conferences in improving peer review in a scientific Finally, there are a few attempts [175, 220, 221] to create AI manner. Researchers are conducting a number of experiments to algorithms that can review the entire paper. Such a goal seems understand issues and implications in peer review, designing meth- quite far at this point, with current attempts not being successful. ods and policies to address the various challenges, and translating However, AI can still be used to evaluate specific aspects of the research on this topic into practice. This bodes well for peer review, paper such as ensuring it adheres to appropriate submission and the cornerstone of scientific research. reporting guidelines [222, 223]. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by an NSF CAREER Award. This article 9 CONCLUSIONS is based on tutorials on this topic given by the author at several There are many challenges of biases and unfairness in peer review. conferences. 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