Extending Baire Measures to Regular Borel Measures
IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) e-ISSN: 2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X. Volume 12, Issue 1 Ver. II (Jan. - Feb. 2016), PP 34-44 www.iosrjournals.org Extending Baire Measures To Regular Borel Measures Parvinder Singh PG Department of Mathematics, S.G.G.S. Khalsa College, Mahilpur. (Punjab). Abstract: It should be noted that a Borel measure may not be determined by its values on compact 퐺훿 sets. But if some of the conditions are imposed on a Borel measure so that it can be determined by its values on compact 퐺훿 sets. The answer to this question is Regularity. We can discus as in this paper by proving the result that a Borel measure is determined by its values on compact 퐺훿 sets and further that every Baire measure has a unique extension to a regular Borel measure. Definition: Let X be any set, be any 휎-ring on X, 풞 and 풰 be any subclasses of . (1) 휇 be any measure on i.e. (X, , 휇) is a measure space then we say (X, , 휇, 풞, 풰 ) satisfies axiom I. (2) 퐼푓 풞 is closed for finite unions, countable intersections, 휙 ∈ 풞 and 휇 푐 < ∞ ∀ c ∈ 풞, then we say that axiom II is satisfied. i.e. we say (X, , 휇, 풞, 풰 ) satisfies axiom II. (3) 퐼푓 풰 is clsed for countable unions, finite intersections and for every E ∈ there exist U ∈ 풰 s.t. E ⊂ U,then we say that (X, , 휇, 풞, 풰 ) satisfies axiom III. Definition: Suppose that (X, , 휇, 풞, 풰 ) satisfy axiom I, II and III.
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