Consultation Venue: Derg Valley Leisure Centre, Castlederg Date of Consultations: Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th December 2018 Prepared by: MWA Partnership Ltd in Association with DCSDC






4.1 Dergview Football Club 4.2 Derg Valley Community Angling Club 4.3 Churchtown Community Association 4.4 Ruairi McHugh - Elected Member 4.5 DCSDC Community Services 4.6 St. Eugene’s GAC 4.7 DCSDC Greenways Team 4.8 DCSDC Climate Programme Team 4.9 Dergfest


6. APPENDIX 1 - PAGE 12 List of invitees

Aerial Photograph of the Main Study Area in Castlederg

MWA Reference: 83764/JE (13 Pages in Total) Updated 15th February 2019



MWA Partnership Ltd, a Chartered firm of Landscape Architects, was commissioned by Derry City & Strabane District Council (DCSDC) to prepare a Greenspace Masterplan for Castlederg. This Masterplan will focus on the strategic development of existing and planned Open Space and Recreation Facilities within the Study area. The Castlederg study area is shown below in Table 1 below TABLE 1 - THE STUDY AREA

This aim of this Masterplanning Exercise is to establish a Green Infrastructure Plan to guide future development, investment and management of open spaces within the Castlederg Study area illustrated above. It focuses on a number of themes, namely:

. The current usage, functionality and demand for open space and recreation/leisure facilities, at a high level, within the study area; and . Aspirations for further open spaces and recreation/leisure facilities and opportunities and linkages within the study area, particularly at Castle Park, Mitchell Park, and the disused lands to East of Castle Park. This may include opportunities such as sporting facilities, amenities and non-sporting leisure uses and accessibility improvements.

As part of the Masterplanning process, MWA Partnership engaged in face-to-face interviews on 2 sets of dates (4th and 5th December 2018 in the Derg Valley Leisure Centre) with several Key Stakeholders to elicit their needs and initial aspirations, as to how the lands within the Castlederg Study Area could be developed and protected for future community use. Stakeholders included local Football Clubs, Sporting Clubs, Education Organisations, Residents Associations, Political Representatives, (a comprehensive list of stakeholders can be found in Appendix 1 at the end of this report).


The feedback received from those invited Groups and Organisations that attended the Consultation Event exercises on the 4th and 5th December 2018 is outlined within this report. MWA Partnership Ltd and DCSDC believe that engagement with Key Stakeholders at an early stage is essential to building consensus on shaping future plans for the area. Thereafter, the ‘Vision’ of the emerging Masterplan can be ‘Shaped’ more successfully, implemented and delivered with valuable local input and awareness attained by the Masterplanning Team from the Consultation process. Stakeholder engagement provides important information on local knowledge of how an area works and local Community needs and aspirations. Therefore, active participation is encouraged to share an understanding of key issues and local concerns. Early engagement can provide the stakeholders with:

. Information on the process being undertaken and the timeframes being involved; . An opportunity to communicate their aspirations and proposals, to build support, and identify concerns early in the Masterplanning process; . An opportunity to ensure the real impacts, rather than the perceived impacts, are understood; . A better understanding of the issues relevant to decision-makers and Stakeholders . An understanding each of those Stakeholders position is in terms of supporting or opposing the project or its various elements; . Providing a Forum for discussing all issues and providing feedback;


Introductions were made by MWA partnership Ltd to all Consultees, and the general background of MWA’s commission was explained to each Consultee Group/Organization/Representatives. This included the Primary Concept of delivering a Green Space Masterplan that would provide potential connections between the identified lands within the study area and alongside the River Derg.

Each meeting on the consultation days was attended by Director John Eggleston, and Neil Campbell (Senior Landscape Architect) from MWA Partnership Ltd. At the outset, MWA outlined the key themes of the project, and invited comments about the project, the Study Area, ideas, opportunities and aspirations. Attendees were also invited to submit any further follow-up comments to DCSDC and/or MWA should the need arise.


3 large maps were on display in the Consultation Room in the Derg Valley Leisure Centre at the venue. (See photo to the right)


Maps were also put on display as a reference and as a discussion point for consultees, as follows:






Outlined below are the comments and suggestions that were made by those stakeholders. These comments were issued by the Council back to each of the Consultees that attended the Consultation event, to ensure accuracy of same.

4.1 Consultation with: Dergview Football Club - Tuesday 4th December 2018 Present: Morris Brown and Ivan Gowdy - Dergview Football Club John Eggleston and Neil Campbell - MWA Partnership Ltd Background to Dergview Football Club The representatives explained that Dergview FC was a Championship Football Club. They have plans to provide new changing facilities and parking upgrading (MWA Partnership Ltd have previously received their plans for this proposal) and which will be included within any Masterplan developed as part of this Consultation process.

Comments Received  Dergview Football Club are currently negotiating to acquire lands at the entrance into their site to improve their Sight Lines as a Potential enhanced rearranged entrance into the club grounds  The Football Club have plans for a new changing facility and parking upgrade, and for the provision of a new stand on the Eastern boundary of their main pitch  DDA Compliance for any bridge structure was suggested  They also suggested the potential to bolt on a cantilevered bridge extension to the existing road bridge on Castlederg Bridge to improve access and connectivity along the Castlegore Road and advised that there may be possible objectors to new cantilevered bridge idea on the bridge - if it was not sympathetically designed  Access out of their site along the ‘Greenway route’ from the river onto Castlegore Road could potentially also be attained in lands at the adjacent Bus depot (Education Authority lands?), as this could leave the football club with a controlled gated access into their own lands, and a new Greenway line could be opened 24/7 onto the Castlegore Road  Investigation on land ownership and potential access into and out of the bus depot beside football club could be looked at by the Council  The High School opposite the Football Club currently has good existing sports facilities of which Dergview FC can hire out and train on (they have an artificial pitch and a MUGA)  Dergview FC have used Castlederg High School grounds before  Security of access to the football ground is a concern to Dergview FC  Parking is limited at the football club, and would be made more difficult if Dergview FC ever got promoted to the Premiership (more buses and cars and greater numbers of spectators)  Changing room has Planning Approval but will lapse in four years’ time  All of ground at Dergview FC is located within the floodplain  Morris thought that a town museum would benefit the community somewhere in Castlederg Town  On a wider context within Castlederg the Football Club representatives also mentioned that a history of the Derg Valley Hospital would be a good project  They also mentioned the ‘Black Man’ statue and a former tramway from Victoria Bridge, but did not provide any other details  The Football Club also mentioned (again on a wider context outside the study area) that the former Bank building has an application for apartments approved, but they felt it would be better suited to be used as a Community Building 4.2 Consultation with: Derg Valley Community Angling Club - Tuesday 4th December 2018 Present: Alex Boyd - Derg Valley Community Angling Club John Eggleston and Neil Campbell - MWA Partnership Ltd Background to Derg Valley Angling Club AB stated that the angling club had about 200 members. They have access and fishing right to both sides of the river over the stretch of the river within the study area.


The club fish for salmon, sea trout and brown trout, with the salmon season generally from April to October every season. Eels can also be caught. The river is a ‘Spate River’, and when in flood, is not good for fishing.

Comments Received  The Angling Club have access to and fishing rights alongside both river banks within the study area (this was a general comment, and no further details on any lease agreement was discussed)  They would welcome the provision of a space alongside the river to cater for teaching groups of younger children fishing techniques. (AB discussed this with MWA and he felt the most practical area for this might be on the stretch of river on the privately owned agricultural lands on the other side of the river opposite the Castle Ruins site and down alongside the river towards the Castlegore direction). This would give an accessible area for larger numbers of young anglers/children to be beside the river which was clear from trees and vegetation, and provide enough riverside space for larger groups to practice casting and fishing skills.  The Club would welcome the provision of improved riverside access for all users, including wheelchair accessibility  Some anglers currently park their cars down in an old DOE site off the Castlegore Road, just South of Castlederg Bridge  AB suggested a way of extending the access from the riverside path at Castle Ruins and linking to Mitchell Park might be way of a fixed type pontoon type arrangement under the first arch at Castlederg Bridge if a new ramp type arrangement up to road and bridge level was not achievable, and then with a ramped access up along river edge to the earth bunding, and leading onto Mitchell Park  The River Derg has an important spawning ground for salmon located just below Castlederg Bridge between the road bridge and Mitchell Park, and this area is made up of gravel, and due consideration should be given to any riverside construction works here to protect the spawning ground should any future works ever commence on site (this important area will be shown on MWA’s Developing Masterplan)  NW Angling Fair has a large event to be held in Castlederg between March – April 2019 (with between 1000 – 2000 visitors expected). The location of this Fair is envisaged to be held in the Castle Grounds  Fishing shelters may be vandalized if installed, and therefore not really practical or essential in the scheme of the overall Masterplan  DV Anglers have restricted budget and couldn’t afford to run/operate any building themselves), and currently use Dergvalley Leisure Centre, where they hire out a room for their meetings  Kayaking would not be a common use of the river within the study area, and this activity would occur more towards Lough Derg. Generally, the kayakers and anglers don’t have a problem with each other. The River Derg is a spate river, and as such is fished at times of spate (flooding), and the only time AB has really noticed any kayakers in the river here, was when the river was in a very high flood, and when the river was over its banks and into the surrounding lands.  Castle Hole & Pool near Mitchell Park are the best areas to fish within the River Derg within the study area boundary. 4.3 Consultation with: Churchtown Community Association - Tuesday 4th December 2018 Present: David Young - Chairperson of Churchtown C. Association. John Eggleston and Neil Campbell - MWA Partnership Ltd Background to Churchtown Community Association DY explained that Churchtown C.A was a Community based organisation that assisted in Child/Day Care facilities: community education and training programmes; and assistance in delivery of programmes that assisted people obtaining work.

Comments Received  The Community Association would be in favour of improved linkages along the river bank  They would also like to see improved pathways within the Castle Site, notably a new path in the hollowed out ground to the south of the Castle Ruins beside the river and back in towards the play


area, and an improved ramp up to the existing entrance into the Castle ruins on the Northern side for wheelchair accessibility onto the main castle Platform.  They suggested low level lights and a boardwalk extension to the existing pathway leading form the gates into St Eugene’s GAC back down into the Castle Ruins site.  They stated that a MUGA would not necessarily be ideally located on the lands currently owned by Dergview Health Care (the existing Bonfire Site), even though the space allows, as they were conscious of any potential noise impact that the MUGA may impose on the adjacent Residential Home. Other more passive uses that linked this site with the Castle Ruins Site may be better explored if this land was part of the overall Masterplan  He felt that the bonfire site had great potential as a visitor centre, museum, art display area. Within a potential building, indoor music venue / art work was also mentioned.  At Mitchel Park, DY suggested the provision of a ‘cinder’ type running/exercise track around the pitches, as the grassed pitches here often are waterlogged, and the track would also allow dog walkers to use the space when the pitch area was exceptionally wet.  He mentioned the possibility of the existing Council Building at the car park to be redeveloped as a small venue for local artists, and displays of local heritage and history  There was some existing Tourism potential based around Ardgort House on the Strabane Road beside Mitchell Park & Derg Arms on Main Street & apartment rentals for accommodation  Area at the soak away/wetlands to the North and North West of the Castle Ruin site was raised. He felt that this land was good location for an area of biodiversity / education & history. A boardwalk structure may be possible to permit access into the area.  He welcomed the concept of a ‘Park Run’ initiative, which could be promoted and used by the local people and running club if an overall link/circuit could be achieved within the Masterplan though the creation of new pathways, linkages and a circuit  A ‘cinder type track’ around the existing grassed pitches at Mitchell Park was suggested for walkers and dog walkers, as this area of grass is often wet and saturated, and a new path allowing walking around the park could extend the use of the area when the ground was wet (this pathway initiative will be shown on MWA’s Developing Masterplan)  He felt that Castlederg was in a good place in terms of community relationships  The outdoor gym at the Castle Ruins Site is located on top of a Neolithic / Iron Age site (he suspects it was created around this time period) he suggested might be better utilized for historical purposes  Mentioned the rumor that there was an escape tunnel underneath the River Derg, and it might have collapsed creating the ‘Castle Hole’. It is also rumored that this tunnel extended underground Southwards towards Derg View Football Club direction  Liked the idea of a well-lit space at night time (lighting to be considered by MWA on the development of the Masterplan)  He also mentioned that sometimes there is some anti-social activity within the ‘Dug Outs’ in Mitchell Park, where groups of young people sometimes congregate 4.4 Consultation with: Ruairi McHugh - Elected Member - Tuesday 4th December 2018 Present: Ruairi McHugh - Elected member of Derry City and Strabane District Council John Eggleston and Neil Campbell - MWA Partnership Ltd Background R. Mc H explained that he was the elected member for the Derg Area Constituency, and that he welcomed the opportunity to have an input into the development of a Masterplan for the Study Area.

Comments Received  RMcH Queried land folio no. 5 (The Lands shown directly to the East of the approach road along Derg View approaching St Eugene’s GAC) - MWA said they would check with the Council whether this was part of the Study Area - Council to advise.  He declared that he was a member of the GAC Club & also a member of the Angling Club  He mentioned that apparently at one stage there was a former zip line across the river past Mitchell Park


 R McH. remarked that in relation to the possible linkage of the Castle Site, GAC Grounds and Dergview FC with a new Bridge, that there may be issues around the purchase of land that could lead to difficulties in pursuing a Bridge as an Option, and there may be other methods of linking the sites without a need for a Bridge.  Felt that the GAC Club would benefit from a 3G or 4G all-weather pitch  The incorporation the additional lands, to his knowledge was in the ownership of Derg Valley Care could be a positive development, as it would not only enhance the Shared Space Project, and also provide a bigger scope for Development, and would be a more constructive use for the site as the land is currently used for the 11th Night bonfire.  Mentioned that Mitchell Park has a drainage issue as it lies lower that the River Derg behind the earth berm flood structure  Expressed a desire to include disabled access for fishing  Mentioned the possibility of an Old Fort Ring in the field just past Mitchell Park to the East, outside the Study Area  He was also keen on emphasizing his desire to see the current pedestrian footway along the River on the Castle Site of the Bridge enhanced and extended to the far side of the Bridge to incorporate a link along the river bank to lead to Mitchell Park, which the Council owns. 4.5 Consultation with: DCSDC Community Services- Wednesday 5th December 2018 Present: Amanda Biega - Good Relations Officer and Susan Doherty - Community Development Co-ordinator - Derry City and Strabane District Council John Eggleston and Neil Campbell - MWA Partnership Ltd Background AB explained that a Good Relations Officer was part of a Good Relations Programme set up by the Executive. This post is responsible for addressing issues with Race, religion and Politics from different backgrounds and address such issues. There were 4 areas/sectors of work: 1. Children and Young People 2. Shared Communities 3. Cultural Expression 4. Safe Communities SD explained her role as a Community Development Co-ordinator was dealing with the development of Local Community Growth Plans and new Local Community Growth Partnerships in the rural District Electoral Areas of DERG and SPERRIN. Her role also entails supporting communities in the community/voluntary sector with capacity building and funding applications e.g. Peace IV and Rural Development Programmes

Comments Received  When asked about the bonfire held in the vicinity of the castle site SD mentioned that she did not deal with bonfires but that she had been aware that one had taken place. AB stated that the bonfire site several years ago, was proposed to be moved to the private lands South of the River Derg and the bonfire to be replaced with a ‘Beacon’ (this had been successful in the year prior). However, this proposal had to be reconsidered very close to the 12th due to issues pertaining to the land owner and the bonfire went ahead in the usual place on the vacant land beside the car park near the Castle Ruin Site. SD and AB were aware that the Bonfire Site was not in the ownership of the Council  When asked about the Riverine Project SD and AB confirmed that they were familiar with the Riverine Project creating a cross border Shared Space that would include a new events space and mentioned that they were supporting the application process through engagement with local communities.  When asked about potential venues in Castlederg that could be used as shared space facilities for local communities both AB and SD mentioned the Castle Site and the former PSNI Station. The Castle Site redevelopment has been included in the Local Growth Plan for the DERG DEA and also in the Inclusive Strategic Growth Plan and Cluster Village Plans as an area that requires capital investment to deliver Health and Wellbeing, Community and Environmental benefits for Castlederg and surrounding areas. It was noted that the PSNI station was located outside the Greenspace


Masterplan Study Area. The PSNI station had been for sale but recently has been taken off the market until the outcome of Brexit is known. SD mentioned that there was potential upon securing of funding that the station would be a good location and facility for future Local Community use, as it was centrally located within the town and had space and car parking around it. SD and AB advised that Council had undertaken a consultation process in relation to the possible re-development of the station, however, one of the main barriers to this was the cost to remove existing security structures from the site.  When asked about what health or sports groups/clubs existed in the area. It was mentioned that there was a running club with Mark Connolly a DCSDC Sports Officer operating the club from the Leisure Centre – the group currently do road running, so a loop or circuit created by any new Masterplan could provide safer running routes within the Town. Football and Gaelic Games Clubs are also present in the area.  It was also mentioned that there were local Girls and Boys Brigades in the locality, and a number of Flute/Drum and Accordion bands in the area (e.g. The Pride of Derg)  When asked were they aware of model aircraft flying taking place in the area, SD confirmed that she had seen this in taking place in a location a few miles outside of the town.  AB and SD welcomed any potential development of the Castle Site as part of the Greenspace Masterplan and indeed any other areas that could benefit from this.  It was mentioned that additional directional signage to the castle site would be beneficial to tourist/local visitors as to its location.

4.6 Consultation with: St. Eugene’s GAC - Wednesday 5th December 2018 Present: Harry Brennan and Brian Coyle - St Eugene’s GAC John Eggleston and Neil Campbell - MWA Partnership Ltd Background and review of the initial concept HB and BC said that they represented St Eugene’s GAC, and were familiar with the Greenspace Masterplan initiative for Castlederg. Their observations, based on preliminary discussions with Jonathan Henderson (Derry City and Strabane District Council) were positive in the potential of the Concept of providing a ‘Greenway Type’ route through their grounds, around the back of their clubhouse and down to the River Derg and with a potential link up with the Castle Ruins Site, where their might be a connection over the river further southwards. MWA discussed this original Concept with the representatives, and it was then understood that the initial idea above may compromise security arrangements and impact on their main playing pitch. Another initiative/arrangement was discussed, utilising a potential ‘Greenway Type Corridor’ alongside their Eastern Boundary, which would maintain potential linkage arrangements without compromising the Club’s security or impacting on their main pitch. This was further discussed, and additional commentary is included in the comments below.

Comments Received  They were both aware that a Topographical Survey of their lands was undertaken recently. JE and NC stated that most of the lands within the Study Area were being surveyed, and that this information would be used to provide the basis of the design development of an emerging Masterplan  The idea of a revised concept of linking to a new Eastern Boundary link to the river (and further connectivity along the river) might provide a better linkage opportunity, that impacts less on the GAC grounds. This idea will be developed by MWA in their Masterplan development, and discussed with the Council.  This Eastern Boundary link could also connect well with the Castle Ruins Site, and the adjacent Wetlands site could also be accessed from this corridor, which could also be developed as a small Eco /Wetland Park  The lower lying lands between their training pitch and the earth berm at the river was ‘left over space’ and initially the club thought it an area where they could provide an Outdoor Pursuits/Adventure Play Area/High Ropes Area, but they might have difficulty in funding such a project. Some initial thoughts on this area were mentioned by JE of MWA about this activity zone, and any further potential at this part of the site would be discussed by MWA with Jonathan 9

Henderson from the Council, as there was potential to include these lands could within the Green Space Masterplan and provide some more space beside the River for a public space, access to the river for fishing and a picnic area.  Parking to this new space would be beneficial, but impractical as it would require a proper road and parking - and utilise most of the available lands, but the concept could work utilising the existing car park within the GAC grounds, and toilet provision provided in the GAC Club house for public users. This shared use of the GAC’s existing building and car parking provision may be worth exploring with the Council, as both the parking and building facilities were already in place, but would require upgrading and funding accordingly.  Their existing building was discussed. The building or car parking is not used during most week days, and there could be the potential of the Club providing other public facilities other than parking and toilets, like a Tea Room and Shop, with potential revenue back to the GAC  The above arrangement was an informal discussion only, and MWA stated that they would have to discuss this latest Concept with the Council.  The club would still relish the opportunity of creating a small 3G or 4G synthetic pitch for training purposes within their site somehow. No discussion took place on how this pitch initiative may potentially operate, and MWA would look at the spatial requirements for a small synthetic pitch in more detail when the Topographical Survey was completed (this might assist in the feasibility of a small synthetic pitch and available space required), and also discuss this potential with the Council.

4.7 Consultation with: DCSDC Greenways Team - Wednesday 5th December 2018 Present: Mike Savage - Derry City and Strabane District Council Greenways Development Officer John Eggleston - MWA Partnership Ltd Background MS is the Greenway Officer for DCSDC. He also covers other access operations, walking and Public Rights of Way and mapping for the Green Infrastructure Plan on behalf of the Council. MS stated that he was familiar with the project and had various flood and land ownership maps on his iPad. His comments/ input are outlined below: Comments Received  He identified an older pathway system on the Southern side of the River Derg, which went as far as the large field extent on the opposite side of St Eugene’s Grounds to the Western river bank of the River Derg, and all along the Eastern side of the river bank - which may have gone as far as Spamount Village. MS stated that this Right of Way was Undetermined. MS had walked part of this route, but it became overgrown and impassable. JE noted this on one of MWA’s Maps for future reference.  According to his records, there were no other Rights of Way identified or present within the Study Area  He suggested a Greenway connection alongside the road at Derg View approaching the entrance into St Eugene’s GAC, and said that if the adjacent lands (identified as folio Nr 5) were included (by agreement with the landowners) this might make a small park capable of holding some flood water (in Swales), if any flood plain area was sacrificed for bridge abutments in the greater scheme.  He also suggested that a Greenway Corridor along the GAC Club’s Eastern boundary leading towards the river (with an option to cross over the adjacent water course into the Castle Ruins Site) would be a good arrangement. JE Explained that the discussions with the GAC Club about ‘taking over’ their unused lands towards the river edge, may provide better accessibility and an option for a better use of this land, and incorporate this into the Masterplan. He agreed.  Connectivity form the Castle Ruin Site to Mitchell Park along the River presented 2 options: 1. Along the river under the bridge and a ramp system up to the embankment towards Mitchell Park 2. A ramp up and over the Castlederg Bridge and down from the bridge alongside the river onto the earth berm leading onto and into Mitchell Park  He also suggested the potential of upgrading the Strabane Road from Mitchell Park back into the Castle Ruins Site to ‘Greenway Standards’ if possible, would also be a good initiative.  A Bridge crossing over the river to the West of the Castle Site over the river to the onto lands leading to Dergview FC would also be a good initiative


4.8 Consultation with: DCSDC Climate Programme Team - Wednesday 5th December 2018 Present: Cathy Burns - Derry City and Strabane District Council Climate Programme Manager John Eggleston - MWA Partnership Ltd Background CB described her role within DCSDC as their Climate Programme Manager. This basically entails that she is responsible for the Council’s Climate Adaptation Plan, which ensures resilience of Council Services, Community and Local Environment to the effect of Climate change. She will be responsible for the first Council Climate Adaptation Plan in N. Ireland, and this ensure preparedness and resilience to areas most vulnerable to climate change (e.g. Flood Risk, Heat Waves. Coastal erosion etc.), investigate severe weather events, and provide Risk register and Action Plan as appropriate. Comments  CB suggested that that the best option would be to take over the large area of agricultural lands (privately owned) on the other side of the river (the area not shown on any land interest on MWA’s display maps), in order to potentially provide a new ‘Riverside Park’ and allow excavations of the wetland area/over spill flood attenuation area, and provide earth bunding for Dergview Football Club. This could provide additional flood water retention capacity and would also alleviate any flood plain lost with the provision of a new bridge.  She also suggested keeping any new bridge away from beside the Castle Site, and if a ‘Greenway’ corridor was to go inside the Eastern Boundary of St Eugene’s GAC ground, this would make a better bridge line approach over the river, and be further away from the Castle Ruins and she felt that the further away any potential bridge was away from the Castle, the less visual impact would occur, than having a structure close to the Castle Ruins).  A Climate Control warning indicator may be useful, perhaps attached to the Castlederg River could be considered. This could alert local Community groups (via an ‘App Device’ on a mobile phone) and the Town as to rising levels of the River, and provide potential ‘Flood Alert warnings’ to the Local community, Business users and residents.  Another aspect to consider, may be a large storage area/facility located well above the flood plain, where sand bags could be kept, regularly inspected, and distributed at times of flood warnings - would require an enclosed dry facility, with vehicular access and parking, and be monitored by the Dept. of Infrastructure  CB was very aware of the flooding issues, and also the Environmental Impact of any new bridge crossing. She also suggested that a Flood Risk assessment be undertaken (as well as all necessary Ecological/habitat surveys be undertaken at later stages of the Plan development. JE explained that all such surveys, ground Investigations, planning considerations etc. were not part of MWA’s current commission, but all such aspects would be undertaken by Council in the future as a requirement, as the project may develop, and MWA suggested too that this would be a Planning requirement anyway.  CB suggested that any proposed tree planting along any new ‘Greenway’ sections should be provided to provide shade for the users in the summer (to provide some shelter from the sun, as she stated that our summers were getting warmer), and that the trees might be also be drought resistant species (as far as practical) as warmer more prolonged drier summers are becoming more of the norm.  CB was in general content with the Concept, and was pleased to hear that DCSDC’s ‘Greenway Officer’ Mike Savage had also attended the Consultation event.

4.9 Consultation with: Dergfest - Due for 11.30am on Tuesday 4th December at Derg Leisure Centre Supposed to be Present: Seamus Logue - Dergfest. John Eggleston and Neil Campbell - MWA Partnership Ltd Comments Note: no one from Dergfest arrived at the Consultation venue, so a Consultation exercise with this group did not take place.



5.1 Conclusion Headlines.

Outlined below, are a brief summary of the Conclusion Headlines from the Consultation event:

 A new Bridge connection over the River generally was accepted a good concept by all parties, as it clearly opened up the linkage possibilities with Dergview FC, which is currently displaced from connections to other key sites within the Study area (St Eugene’s GAC, The Castle Site, Mitchell Park, and the River Derg itself).  Difficulties may arise over the availability of lands on the southern side of the river Derg to achieve the development of the Bridge and connections to Dergview FC.  These lands to the south of the River Derg which do not form part of the Study Area, were identified by a number of Stakeholders who expressed a desire for the Council to acquire this land to develop the Bridge over the River Derg, and form a potential Wetland Park, with attenuation ponds for the River Derg, and link to Dergview FC.  Linkage improvements from the Castle Site to Mitchell Park were welcomed by all Consultees  A cinder type track around the grassed pitches would be beneficial to allow users (and dog walkers) to access the area when the ground is wet.  The ‘Bonfire Site ‘(Derg Valley Care site) was suggested by consultees that it could be incorporated into the Masterplan as a public space complementing the Castle Site.  Generally, all Consultees were positive about the development of the Green Space Concept and how spaces could potentially be linked.

5.2 Acknowledgements After each Consultation, MWA thanked everyone for their attendance, participation, and valuable comments and input into the ‘potential shaping’ and the development of the Green Space Masterplan, and let each Consultee know that as the Green Space Concept is developed, the Council will facilitate a presentation of an emerging Masterplan to each of the Groups and individuals in due course.

MWA would also like to express their thanks to Jonathan Henderson of DCSDC, who organised and facilitated the Consultation event in Castlederg.

6. APPENDIX 1 Outlined below in Table 2 is the Contact List of those invited by DCSDC to attend the Consultation Event in Derg Valley Leisure Centre on the 4th and 5th of December 2018 with MWA Partnership Ltd. TABLE 2 Name Organisation Contact Email details

1. Alastair Patterson Drumclamph & Clare 07771 [email protected] CoI and local pipe band 808407 community

2. Seamus Logue Dergfest 07808 [email protected] 521190

3. Gary Irvine or Derg Valley Community 07739 [email protected] Angling Club 883715 Alex Boyd [email protected] 07740 872306

4. Morris Brown Derg Valley Choir & 07720 [email protected] Dergview FC 889814


5. Ivan Gowdy Dergview FC 07881 [email protected] 495751

6. Harry Brennan Castlederg GAA Club 07968 [email protected] 738504

7. Chris McLaughlin Castlederg GAA Club 07764 [email protected] 221967

8. Rev Robert Orr First Castlederg & 07989 [email protected] Presbyterian 390231 Church

9. Rev. Colm O’ Parish Office, 02881661475 Doherty PP Castlederg

10. Gordon Speer Border Arts 028 8167 [email protected] 0636

11. David Young Churchtown 07546 [email protected] Community Association 212453

12. Michael Connolly Derg Valley Care 07868 [email protected] 755735 Martin Duffy [email protected]

13. Niamh Irish Dance Castlederg 07894 [email protected] McGranaghan 070540

14. Rois Kelly Much Ado Stage School 07745 [email protected] & CAST Community 557303 Choir

15. Susan Mullan DCSDC (Community [email protected] (Community Services/Sport)

Services) [email protected] Barry O’ Hagan (Head of Community Services) Susan Doherty [email protected] (Derg Community Dev. Co-ordinator) [email protected] Amanda Biega (Good Relations Officer)

Aidan Lynch [email protected] (Sports Development Officer)