Garden Lesson BES Aug. 31 - Sept. 11 – 3rd Grade Welcome Tour, Weather Observations

Today we will be welcoming students to the garden program for at least the first nine weeks of the semester. We will take a tour of the garden to see the progress of our Spring and Summer garden crops that were grown by last year’s Bobcat Gardeners as part of our Pizza Garden Project. We will also talk about the concept of ‘weather stations.’

Objective Vocabulary • Reconnect students or • Sow – to plant seed. (connect for the first time) with • Germination – the action of the garden via a virtual tour. seeds sending out shoots and • Remind returning gardeners of roots as it begins to grow into a their pizza garden crop. plant. • Introduce the concept of • Transplant – to replant a plant weather stations. in a new place. • Harvest – To gather crops. Materials Needed • – A set of • Video lesson and worksheets instruments for measuring • Map of the garden weather conditions.

- A rain gauge is a Concepts device that measures liquid Witness progression of growth. • (rain) over a set period of time. • Vegetables “in-season” in • Weather – the conditions of August our atmosphere • Measuring weather data • Observe – To notice the way • Climate vs. Weather things are.

Lesson Lessons will be sent to students as videos. We will have special garden assignments for you to do every couple of weeks. Parents should know that all materials are always accessible at We also have some new structures! Welcome Tour for 3rd Grade We will visit each bed and give you a quick update about what is growing. You can follow along on our garden map, which tells us where things are located in the garden.

Bed 1 – Herbs, strawberries Bed 2 – Watermelon and sunflowers Bed 3 – Okra Bed 4 – Peppers and basil Bed 5 – Three Sisters bed, corn, beans and squash Bed 6 – Tomatoes and flowers Bed 7 – Ready for fall plants Bed 8 – Collards

Observing the Weather Weather is important everyone, and especially to gardeners because it impacts what we can grow in the garden and when we can grow it. There is another term that is important to gardeners… CLIMATE!

• Weather is the conditions in the atmosphere that happen on a daily basis. (It describes what should you wear today.) • Climate is a general description of the weather in our region over long periods of time (It describes what types of clothes should you have in your closet for the next 6 months.)

This graph depicts collected temperature data over an entire year to display information about Oklahoma climate. It shows that the climate of Oklahoma is hot in the summer and cool in the winter. Gardeners like to know this information because certain plants like to grow in the warm season and certain ones like to grow in the cool season.

This fall we are going to track weather data!

Weather Stations - A set of instruments for measuring weather conditions. A few instruments you might find on a weather station are:

: measures air temperature • Rain Gauge: measures precipitation • Weathervane or weather sock: measures direction • : measures : measures air pressure • : measures humidity

Assignments: • Fill out the Garden Journal Entry using info from this week’s video about what is growing in the garden. • Use the Weather Data Record Sheet to collect your own weather data about temperature and rainfall. Each day over the next week record the temperature and rainfall outdoors. Do this using an outdoor thermometer and a homemade rain gauge Or, if you don’t have these, visit the Oklahoma • Answer the Oklahoma Temperature Graph Questions after you have collected your own data for a week or so.

Optional Activities: Make a homemade rain gauge and check out this video: SciShow Kids Be a Weather Watcher

Applicable 3rd Grade Academic Standards

Garden Tour and Assignment Science Standards 3.LS1.1 Develop and use models to describe that organisms have unique and diverse life cycles, but all have a common pattern of birth, growth, reproduction, and death. Plants and animals have unique and diverse life cycles

Weather Station and Assignment Science Standards 3.ESS2.1 Represent data in tables and graphical displays to describe typical weather conditions expected during a particular season. 3.ESS2.2 Obtain and combine information to describe climates in different regions of the world. Climate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions vary over years to centuries.

Assignment Math Standards 3.N.1 Compare and represent whole numbers up to 100,000 with an emphasis on place value and equality. 3.D.1 Summarize, construct, and analyze data. 3.D.1.1 Summarize and construct a data set with multiple categories using a frequency table, line plot, pictograph, and/or bar graph with scaled intervals

Assignment Language Standards 3.2.PC Students will correctly form letters in print and cursive and use appropriate spacing for letters, words, and sentences. 3.2.W.3 Students will correctly spell grade-appropriate words while editing. 3.2.W.4 Students will use resources to find correct spellings of words (e.g., word wall, vocabulary notebook, print and electronic dictionaries). 3.4.R.1 Students will increase knowledge of academic, domain-appropriate, grade-level vocabulary to infer meaning of grade-level text. 3.6.W.2 Students will organize information found during group or individual research, using graphic organizers or other aids 3.7.R.1 Students will locate, organize, and use information from a variety of written, oral, visual, digital, non-verbal, and interactive texts to generate and answer literal questions.

Weather Station Instruments

Thermometer: measures air temperature

Rain Gauge: measures precipitation

Weathervane or Windsock: measures

Anemometer: measures wind speed

Barometer: measures air pressure

Hygrometer: measures humidity

3rd Grade Garden Journal Entry

NAME: ______DATE: ______

Draw one stage in the life cycle of a tomato. For example, you could draw a seed being planted or a seedling growing. You could draw rain and sunlight helping a plant to grow or a fruit ready to harvest.

Use one or more complete sentences to describe your drawing.

3rd Grade Weather Data Record Sheet

Name: ______Date: ______DATE TEMPERATURE RAINFALL (INCHES) July 26, 2020 92° F 0

July 27, 2020 91° F 2.12

July 29, 2020 74° F 1.33

Remember you can visit for this info!


Name: ______Date: ______

Oklahoma Temperature Graph Questions

Circle your answers or fill in the blank.

1. According to this graph, which month is the temperature the highest?

January July October

2. Watermelon likes to grow when the temperature is around 80 degrees. Which month has temperatures in the 80s?

February October August

3. On YOUR weather data record sheet, which date was the hottest?


(Optional) Make A Rain Gauge

1. Find a wide-mouth jar. The mouth should be as wide as the jar itself. (or close to it.)

2. Place a piece of masking tape vertically from the base of the jar to the top. (Or write directly on the jar)

3. Use a ruler to measure and a Sharpie pen to mark measurement levels.

4. Set the jar outside away from buildings and trees. Check each day. You can keep track of amounts of moisture collected in a notebook. Be sure to empty the jar so you can get a fresh measurement the next day.

If you cannot make a rain gauge, you can check local rainfall amounts at

Other Optional Activity – Check out this Weather Song Video

Check out this video: SciShow Kids Be a Weather Watcher